the we:!ield · iyedticbtl

THE UNION (;ou · Ny S�rANDARD Has the larg est circulatio n of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County. VOL. XXI. NO 45 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. ]., FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1905. $1.50 Per Year Single Copy 3c. .::::.:�:·:::. · :.: .. · ,. �W�u·a�tfl�ol d�- N�o·w ar �k�T ·r o. l lo y•c•0,•8•p 08 8•o· ·r D�or.·": �,,--,WESTFIELOCHUROH·-·NE.WS.':��:�,::;,�:·,;:;��·�:�·t-k�::::1�:;:-K,._1 1 11:··FIEiD_A_ HOMi --TOWN, T H E STANDARD CALE. ''BEE HIVE," New Jersey's Shopping Centre. NEWARK. Annual May Sale Underwear. llS IS T11E AT SAUl-'l'lw e veu l lh· tt �PIM 11 �t<nuhnl nf ex• c<•l lem'" 111>t yul•<Jlllleci-Hil l 'f l'inrlly nlluluc•t\ hy [mft ctl n u Itt tlutnll. Uultur uud t't l : ll, UlttH' ��w\u�, t l lu �UIIl<ron� �lz. Jllttt' t'JllMfnl ontlhlf!, orlgt· till lit)' tll<llgn, tulvnncu fllltlerll! Itt l:11w• u"'l <'lltl<mltluriu•. hlgf tut· nvut'llgu of 1Urth- 11 �llltJ t ltut IIIIIWIIIR lo tttttsiltJW<'III'CXIII•I'I< : t ilt! oc r "IVIflgR tltnt hHV H 111 1 l'lllltlh�J'llllft. l�ll'flllll\liiiWelll' lh HH Wit 11\'ttl' �hOWt!ll lu!ftJI'H. \Vu unr wlwlln yu11 with \'nrwl. 'l'ht� fullowlug font· U(I am I'PJH'l'�lttntl\'e vnln �. 'L'Iwl·� UI'O lo�v�t· nwl ldghet· gt'ntlto of :\h gfll'mettt,nll ec1unlly �tHLt hnrgaiUH. ,lUNg UI!IDS mny profit hy tlol• snh•, for we mulcu n •poclnlty of runtdwc l r11�l�: �otua llli\Y 1m Ht-tullle!l l ' m111 klutl� �oltl �J!Iil'ctt�ly; otherH hero CUIIl l <lelu lu three litH\ four r•leces uf l'llm worlcmttus�IJl. 44c FOR XIUIJ'I' GOWNS, COHS8'1' COI'FRS, DRA· tmS, I'Kl'TICOA'l'S. O! l c. NIGII'l ' OOWNS, 11niu;ook low runuci dtemlse : one •I yin wi th 11 whlu vnl. Jure lu"·•·ti11� e. tween hiu• cln�trtncld11�, tututher low neclc chemise stvlu wil l ! twu Ynl. lacu lnHertings ncross fro11t; uhort slteV<'" litcu lr itll iJIPt l i ued lal' lrfllllllll, ie, 1111\1 l, Qm · r co\ · I�I�S . full Frmwh Nuionk, HOllie with two l llduty \'nl. luce lnsctiUg ntHl t\\o rnwK wl!luluc1t bendin \mel{ and J nt: others two row of fiuo luce i11•ert!ng, Ulln)' <h·�il{ll, frout. ntul h1wk; Rome lt·ittunetllwo rows l'oi 1 1 t <iu Pari� 111111 urclt<HJ laeu lusel'li<l, all t'ho11 rtt11 rl<•. DHA WEllS; Cillllirie and MaH<llll'lih! llllt>lit•, tuulce<l n111\ lriuttlle<l \'. ilh pretty eutiJt·oHot·y ; �1HJH� )1\\\'11 1\f>tcn with Jucu iu�rrl i ll Rllll t'tlgt� i ot h1 witl1 ht'lllHiitdud t'11Jll·', lwun�titclwtlluek� IIIHll\'o row f,!IIL'Ytitchiu. We. n111le. Sl-lOHyl, UN Dlm�KlltTH. t'•llnhril•, •1"''1' 1' 111! tlonuco with trP e witlu humstitclte<l uwks: oth�1·wit 'l'urchou IHl!tl i usurti ng :llul ellgu. 68c FOR N!UH'I' 00\VNS, ORA W"JtS, co COVERS, PEl''l'teOA'l'S Hll". to 1.�.; Nil'l' GUN NAIXSOOK AND UAM URIC ; low rtJttml cheuti HIJ, Hplllre snrpli c e nml Jtigh ueclc Hl)le• : yolce of hemstiwlt e<l tnct:s with fonr em· \J roi cler)' insettittgH ; hem;titcltcc\ rnflle at uecl< nml sleu\'f; ro n zullow ueck with tordum ; ztlso witle untl unrrow Vul. Inc• l n. < ertin< . !l�c. to I. GO CO!tSEl' COV8R� wtlnsook ; dninty \'nl. Inc• frimruiu�. lHl\\'S�t fllltferU., SOllW tlp yoke Of four irJserliugs HJHl tu·o rOWR lacu lientlin in front, tliree inset'tlngH itt Lack ; tuwther, surplice )'ulce, low rout. huck of three \'ul, I nee iu•erthtAS mt<1 udgr. !ISc. to I 3D Pln'TJ. COA'l'S go()(\ Clllltbric, tlep ll·JH!ll!fJ, uicijly tucktl, t rim met l with em- lJmidery in vnrlot)' of opeu worlt aud bli n1l pattortlH i !L lso othet·s wi th flonnca of till•witlo hem•IIUte<l tuelc. I 2 DlL\ IVERS line c:unbtic cluster tu cket l triu11tte<l with t'lltlle of newest pattern entbt'Ol lery, t L�oortP design�. 97c FOR PETTICOATS, NIGHT GOWNS, COHSET COVERS, DRA'I,RS. t.rO Pin'I ' ICOA ' l' 8 cciiHhril•, t l eep flouncA with tltL·ee \'ill. lace irwerting; 111111 < tlg". I :m nml I.G NJG H'l' GONH, u�iu"ook tuul l3c· r l<dy camiJ ric ; t wenty styl<•s; H J tllll't�. low rouml snrplic.) :11ul l1i�h; llea n tifnl lnce nul] Plll- Uroitl�IY trimmlug : somu cheruit• �Jl''ll, \'ery witle ius�rti . JJg of allo\'l' �mhwif l t>r-y. UUou nw, ot!Jer·s )un·e two rmnow emtn·o . icler · 111- rtillg, t:ln�t�r t ucl t tl \J t wt n , llllotllfll' �rpHtn! front u ut l hac)<, \�ttle lll!U� titm ""r"'" !tout 1 11111 •houltler•. liO i.JHA \\' EJ{S, line lllllllbrtc, cluste r hH'H'd, tritU I \letl With 1 ich lit�\\' 1h��i11�1 t•mbmit�el''; Wiele fl\lUUCfi, ill ,\'H• riou< t>•<ttentH. I O tu �.7fi COHSK COYEH� lilw ttuittsool<, lwanllfnl nnow \"Ill. htcu trimudu� of fuur in:;�rting with fonr ro \\•hle lneu bIHl- iuJ on t rout, tlu�ru w M in Unck, I'ihbou l'llll ; 11ek no rl!lhol lnco ll'llH��Ll. Ko Branch Storc3 . L. S. Plaut & Co. jOi t? j!l Broad St . . Xcwark. Mail Ortlers. The Plainfield Trust Company Plainfield, New Jer!ey. Capital $1 oo,ooo. Surplus $125,000 Deposits $1 ,300,000. Ou chcckiug accou n ts of $200 or rno\'C 3 per cent. in- terest is paid from d a te of depodit. On accounts of *5.00 or more in our Special Depart · ment 3�- per cent. interest is paid, begiuning the first or every mouth. Accounts ma y be opcnec l nnd nll your bukiug may be carried on entirely ,by muil. IV rite for bꝏklet. Officers. 0. T. WAUING . . . . . . . . . . . President A. V. liccly . . . . . .. . . . . . Vice-l'resiclcnt Henry A. Me Gee ...... l'iee-Presidcnt J. Herber! Case . . . . . . . . Scc'y·'l'�asurer E. I•'. }'eickert . . . . . . . . . . Ass't-Secretnry. The Cranford Gas Light Co. t1111o n• "(iltlvlu'• l ' nt·l t " Fttttii'II<HI NH'I'I:� ,\11111''1' '1'111·: Nl:n:Jt . \ 1 , 'l'oi\'IIKlt i p, Will l110 11(11lll�<lutt ller!ot·ntic ll Hl::m.I.\'1'10N, !Jny,; �luy :�Jth lltulor t•nt!t·oly !IdlY llltttlltH•tullllt, llttrl wi l l It<! l clll l \1 1 lt�t·o · 'l'ltt• l'ul1<ll Nut•l•llo• •�<'.\1 N t tnt!nr .. Jtftet'IIK ",J�rl•lllwl I'Hrlr", 'J'Itu 111111Who ll'llll'l'l ' lll'h" l ll'< ' iltl N<•l'l'lt'l!•! UKet tmt lt IH In tltu h< tn < l K 11! 11n Atnn�•· Nttt1t l 11r N<•IJtll< l ntttl l't'llf'l'l' t•l ' lhtl 1 111!111 ottlltllll)' or N"w Yurlr City, of 'l'nt•i<•, which tho lvullltnr)Wtt llll!ntrlelllttJIIIIR· Nu'N:t- ' l ' hu lhll\1 lUll!'" ur Mr\'lr!UK In tho BIIVutlll dlUrelm. will hu rntallll Ill llio t:llllrb llll'4•CIUI ' )' UIIJitlU I. llnt•li't 4!httt'<•h, H�1 · , U. .1. Greemvooc\, J•n•tor, will occu(ly t l tf !lljilt 11t tho Dar•tl•t Church ott Stttultt)' ut both the lt lot · ul ng uml et'elllug services. f:UIIR1'11KUti411l11l (!IJua·ch, He\', Mt·, Wyclw!I, of Ciwlsen, Yt., will p r each ut tho Co nregutiunnl Chlll'ch ned Sutul n y morulng, Mt·. Wyckoif le<l l he prnyer-tneetlug here ou edtiCBtl<t)' U\'elliug, 'h• tueetlug WitH lnrgelj• lltlt•tJcl"'l. lw r e wlll il IJO e\·eulug MHrvJce llutr Ttiullr t'httrch. Mtts�es 1vlll be hdd on Sntu\ay nt 8 ao nu \0. tn 11. w. Snnl ny ncbool nt ll p. m., 11nd 13eumllctlou 111 ·1 (l. m. P. E. Hei ily, l'ttstor. Jlc•lhtltti't l:hllt' Ch, Rev. ,Johu D. �lttcFnr h ttt•l of New ode \li!l occupy tlte l tttl[l i t of tltu �!ethoclist Cltmch ou Sttutlny molug, Dr. Wrlgl>l, lite pu;tm· ll'ill J<renth lu the o\'eulng, 'ho KnlglllR of St Paul will meet to· mono1v e1·euh<g ut eight o 'clodt ill the clmrclt p nr!urR. Bshr••s of lmportnnce \Viii come ufore the meeting nlld nil members ure nr ged to be 1n·escut. Nr!w \"uk ,\ \'t!llll� IJUJ�ti t Chnrclt. 'he 11311111 servlceg will be helt1 !u the New Yot · k Aveu11e Bupti•t Ch urch ou Snndny. Uel', P. W. UoSl, pastor. J,rc�brtcriteu Chrfrclt. gor A. C. Jruer of tho ufclter�ockar 'l'h•nlt e Uulltllug le tlw geu�ml ltlllltltger uncl tl•• nllll of the new eg! t n u will u to c otu\uct 11 llrst clu.- IIIIJUBem<utt Jl'll'k. Sttedul feltlttrPR wi\IIIU lutrorlucec\ rrottt t!nto to ti ttle , tllnltltu " l ';ultt� wil l he 11 �rlllhmt oue. l'l'OI, Aiull t ttl•t thu grent Aummut will mnlre hl• uutrvullous hnlloon uwen•inno both nltet·noon nnd night, the night Hcun&lou being m<ule In co��t�ecl!ou with llreworks, wl:lclt tttlllces It .�tnrtlhtK Hpectnclll. '!'hero will also UC P('eCilll ip\ay of !Jruorks tbu ottcnlug uight. A muuber or other llllltt�emenle will lm fonwl atu! overy. thing will bo rellne�l 111111 tnlerlnftliu�. ASIIH[<echcl featnrs tits wontlHrlol Am• trailuu lnlklug mu1 •lnglnH uck hus btm ugl t gfc l ff)r orw week only rul 1vlll L• seen on the Mi<hi'IL)'. AI tlte Purk The11tro thH �!uuluttt•m Stodr Cum · J>Uil)' wl llj> t'OPent for the l i rt w•ek, the e.trt�mt-lJ' furJll)' cowt\dr 1lmuw "\Vuut. etl a \ lfu"-nwl will Le I U'eHeuted hy n strong cump�my of well �uotru nctor�. Delwten the net a J\'el hright pecinl- tleo will Le fntrmlnccd, nml dng one of the Urlhlest entertnimueutfJ U\'l!l' een Itt the Pnrk. After t.ho perfot·umnee 11 '�Sudul Duuce'' will beg i \ ·eu ovtryeyeu· lug, n comp�tent orchslrn Uclng engng�t l for thnt purpose. 'lmrsrln y eYenlcgs \\ill e•pecll\ll)' resen·et! for onr Col- ore!] Ptltl'ollt11 wbeu a speclnl prize will uu g!l·eu at 11 "CakH \Vall< ConteBL". All the IICW mnnageen t !ilcs is ror tlm puiJlic to come anti jn<lge for thetusHives -tlle!r elfort w!lt Le to pie"'" thew. ,,o .1111111: .\'1"1'11.\l:'l't n: 1'1 •. \n·: .\ lti·:SWI·IS'I'f.\1, 4'1·:S'I'I:II, C:nu\PIIh'llt IU lllllfll'i"••CHUtlht·tnhlt! 'l'tltl'l'lln� • l·: tltu•utlnnul l'tll•lllli"'' f:ltttrl'lu•' 11ud fUtth•, The 'l'uwn nf \\'twtllelcll� •ltnule•l on the Cent l l�u!lroll<l of Nul\' J�rsay, rthl8teeu mll�s h• dl,lnucu rwc\ forty.fiva ttthtutes frt time ft•out tho foot n! Lllmrt)' •treut, New Yk. It l t�a highe•t polrtt uf �ronnel ott the 11111111 line, hnR tl1" low•MI 1lenlh mle lr1 the St<tte of New Jt'Y, ntul I� genemll.\' l'ecom- tnHII<I••l hy [lhyolclnn• for healthfalr�eH<, 't'hre nrH :J.i trnln� tl1tlly eneh , 1'lJ tNJUfUIItutlrm rltte i.i $0 !10 Jll' uu.uth. Westtihl hns luuul�oHU! HhnU ell Hntltnt \ 't>Ll lt�et, lſtl'g nwl stunll cot blg�, fM.t� nULl ll l llltlllH�IIt. Ho11t.�R from to �:,ooo "' " for •ale, rents from �0 to $7.) tJH lll o ntll , '!'he ttnvu Is t<ru\'ld"\ with a coutplute sewnga wys- tellt, the best \litter, g+s nlltl electr!t• liht. There 11ra 11 high •chou! tiiiJI two grn'lt�1l schcml�. rat ed RIUor·g the beRt iu thl! Stilt�. Libt· nl provision iM moulH for eolt catlun. Chm·ches of all •lr· 1\0lllinutirJ!Ifl, tore or e\•err clescritl · t!on, pnhlic llbrnt')', pollee a\ fire tl�)mrtmeut, t\VO ne[llllJI'+1 fre pohtl <leltw•rr. cloh.•, g"lf club, bnse Lull n�socilttiou nnU nino, clunupions of the COillity, hrnuche o[ rtll th e ft't\t'unl orgnni1ttlou, bauk, Lmiltllug Hu loan u�socintiov, Hue rotvfs, he".ntifnl Urh·os, ull fcntnre; of be1tlthful, JH"O�t·ei\•e CO\llllltllllt. ·�··- · EPIDEMICS OF HISTORY. S01i1e Terrible Visitations That Caused the Death of llllions of s:��,�i!�j\!1;fr�•'\�:;: :r, ,: , ,:;:!/,� 1 1 �r ,��:..�ti::c, �l' t't'l uud curuJ , Ja•tn . p,,r"un lntttl' tlltl In ]tfl\'111� fht! 111111 uf IIINtl(llM, t IJII!I'I.Il!fltllt4fthl 1111 nflll' ftuwtfllll ktlllf IJt•lnrtt the (lllhllo 111/L rln �, hy t•wllllK uotlcuf IUJiij Lo tho �tJl/J1Ianl. .'Ill\' . Frl < lay : "IJ�vlcl IIurnttt" t' ecltnl at Pt·e�hyterl�u Uh11rch 1 1t ij p. m. Frlclay: Mueti11g uf Cent ! ' Ill Cuuncll, No, Jill, .Jr. 0. U. , M. lu Ar· ClltiiU IIIli lil t 8 P. M. 111 r �!o. -t.mlny : L"lleH' Cants nt Golf Ch1h ut �.:lf<. 111. .lJII)' �·!. M"m1.t)': Meeting of tho \Vo01\tueu of thu orl h1 Amnllllll Htlll at 8 ,1/1. .lin 'l.i. 'hnr,.Juy : Omference of Y. P. 8. U. E. Soci et ies of EliztiJeth Presby. tery 11t Pt'<shyterlnll Church lu (Kitlehl. ;uur �H. Flil111y: Mtlsicllle lu Con�regntloual Ctcnrcb Pnrl01" hy Mlulslerlug Cb!l. tlreu'• LeHgue tal frl ent ls nt 8 J• w, Jill 2;. tnr<luy: !Hforuml Dance nt Golf Ulnb niS.: tO p. 111. JJnr . £1ouduy: Enelu�r HUll !luiiC for hene� fit of Holy ' rlnity Chnrch In Wedt- elcl Club H111l nt P. M. .llnr an. Decorutlon Dny : ut 8.30 p.m. Chihlreu's Hottle 0 p �I. .11111e c.:. Dauce nt Golf Club Fusti11Vi ft·ow 2 I Moutlny: Court Provicleut Swol <er at Mnsoulc Bul111t S.lo ·P. I. INSULT TO WASHINGTON.' The pnstor, Dr. W. I. Stenn.�. will OC· cnpy the pulpit of tbe Pres\Jyturinn Church ou Snmlny moruhtg nu even- In. -- I lnt'ltitcd n•J,cllcr' nl the 1'<"1 01re. eop e. So It Wns Thought, But tbe Jnnito! Hauunh Phillips, !lss ,Jennie Wright, The cet e a se In t h e rleath rat e o r Exp lain ed the Situation Sat!s- Mrs. 'l'hos. Asher, Mlsn Florence ac· great eltles dm·tng t he last fell' y e ars fnctorily. Miss Jnli11 Fillk will l e the C. E meeting nt 7 p. 111. This will !Je u twiou meeting with the .Juuiot·s. cer, A. D. nlyer, E. L. Sbown er, Jen ni e :an only !Je lljiJII'ectated by t:lllll l iarlsou The ]H'Inclpal of a v e ry prominent 1 D C with si m ilar stuthstic In the paot. sars L11w, Mrs. W. B. Murtln, rs. . . :h e cw Yorl : H e · a l < l . I n th e t wc l l't h high school l tl ,Jersey sndrle nly ordered Crowell. -- · - :c n tmy no t less than 1,3 e pide m i es uf a l l cl as se s to a s semble in the auditor!· 1 ti :;Qo�s and mnur fam in e s tan i el\ o rf u, a nd w he n t e achers atHl pupils, i o Th o r.;;iu�:;,;�·; t t'� �r··� �·. c. 1'. a ?: t : l : t .� : �,:�,t· ':.��f �;�;�d,''!� ";;�.�c1h i�·:,�!�;�:z�.' �"�:�"�t:�, e ;.1� e ;��;u. will bs hehl ou 'rnestlny afteruoou, m ost JlCD} l iC im a gine. Parmts are fl'h/l e r l w fuut'lCPlllh lmd a h laeJi recw \Vu� hln glon, the ·athel· of Our Cou• MIIY 23nl at half p ns t tb r e e o ' c l ock. l iD0 \\ ' 1 1 to he J mcu li m l y snsc e flt l h l c Llnl of d iseasl ' . In ]::s t h e "hl a ek try," says the New Yol'k Pl·css . In fin ·' Sc ieuti l i c . ' l'e m p em uc e I ustr u u ti ou , " a d is e a s e s o pe c u li a r to t h ems el ve s th a t p l a g ue , " u r "!Jia; ! I ea t h ," w h il·l t wns l s h i n g hi s ccom i um s o n the I mm o rt al will be l'Jusit1eretl. Ir. AllngH r bs th e i t i s called from the tJree l \ word for par- J11·on�ht into thr- rou n u-r f rom t he G ? o l'g�, he tmld: "Th e bu st of G e o r g loa11l snperiutemlent of ti� depurtmeut rot, ·ps i Uncos / s. " A mrmlmr or f a t a l easl. emJseJ! 1he !!Pat h of !Oil,OilO ]J· , \\ aslungton w h lrh stnocl u pon lhc llCd� or work. cm; e s i n human lJ ein s of w hnt was at son I n l o t 11lo n alo n e. w h i l e I n EuJ'OJlC e s t a l in the l'ece!lUon room has heea +,_ f ir st sup pos e d to he a malignant in- a l t o ge t h eJ' 2,OOU.OOO p e o p le f ell \'l c · rem o ved nnd yla c ccl u pon t h e noot A ljc��tHI in llcnltlt. flnenaltmo n m o nla were in Paris traced tim� t o its r avag�s. l n J�S t h e with Its face I the c o rner . Until the Henl tl1y l<lduers filter the hnpnrities to tbe hnclllns at present tho11ght to be "sweating oielmess" appeuwl In Eng- cu lpri t , w ho e \ · er l w o r sh e m a y be, f r o m tbe b l ood, nmlnnless the)' do t�is cnusall\'e of the )rarrot disease. A cet· · l at 11 l . cansin g r o at d""trucl lon of h u · comes lo the ft'On t n�u! m al<es a JIUbliG gootl henlth i• imttosible. Fole y 's K i taln l >rDi l O r tio n o pnrl'Dis are !mown to I man J i lt' . It r e a JOI>£ a r e •l at a ri o us i c o nfessi o n of the m!"demeanot•, not a d i e from tuh erculosi<. C a t s are tm o wn t�t'\'als t'oa ce nt n r r the re al't e r. Th e s o u l will be !lC l 'tnltt.ed lo len\'e this "" Cme makes sonm1 khlneys Hll<1 will mm etlm cs l o han tuber culosis. ntul th t .t l e t t•lhl v i s i tat io n o f the p l a g ue I n lmlldlu g! Remehel', there will he na posit! veil' cure nil forms of Jddney llntl ti l e )' l t a e In umny cas e s been cal't·let·s E n ghll l <l was ln ! hy wh tch 100, · o t her pnn i s hme n t lmposetl limn tl•a blndcler i>ease. It strengthens I• of d l t>ht he t ·la and othct• of the o rdin a ry �00 IIYes we r e lost I n Londo n al on e . open an public confession!" whole Fystem. So l by Ft · nt c h e y & infections lti!'e(!l l r anc l i ndirectly i s T his e plllemic wa; fo l l owed b y the gre a t Sensation! Teachers g�ancecl aC Hntlulway. 1 more t hnn sttR[JN:tcrl. tlre of lUO, whic h destroyed lG,OOO te�chers, p u pil s fidgited mo u n d In af. houses i11cludlng all t h e most densely fright, the Jll'lnc i J>nl lool<erl solemn and populated portions of the city. 'l'lte re- funereal. If that old pin had dropped hulllng of London with some regard every one would have heard it. Then to s anl tarr luws a p pears to ha\'e put the j anitor arose anrl stepped forward the flt·st checl< on the epidemic diseases to bt·e a k tlte awftt l silence. ''l' m afraid that had pre\'lously de\'astnte!l Its pO[I· I t 's up to me, sit·," he sal . "The ro o t ulntlon. was lenl<tn' mighty llad. nn ' the lloost �, �;,s:s::S·:�;,:.s.s•:,,,::.s:;:, -'�,-�,. ,. ' ,.•� ) I I W. H. Trenchard, Prescription Dru��ist l ; ·� I Broad and Prospe: Streets, w .. tnetd, N.J. I ,. R::,·.:,··v·, .. . ,,,; , s :.,·.:_,.,:.,·. ,:x · ·,;S;,s:::.,:,·:x. :s;., '� Fulcy's Honey auu T11r i8 pecnliat•ly nd11pted for nsthwn, bronchit is nn hoarseness. Soh1 b y �'rntchey & Bntb awny. �sI 1 t BUY THE WE:!IELD MANUAL ' Be Post ed on Westfield Affairs. INFORMATION CONCERNING o' Mister Wnshln'ton were tn the dt·tp, an' I !bought t>r opet· to nro\·e It to keep tho rain from pllin' i t. an' I meant no ln soo !Jy turnin' his face to lltb wall, sh·." The prlncltml. a mnn of tal· cnt and some b t·ainR, tnpped the hell and d is missed the school without fur. ther QUestioning. isnce leasu1·ed by ipes Smoked. While walking through Wlltsbire a l�ek or two ago a pedestrian asked a nat!ve how far It was to the next vll- e, and recefl·ert the curious reply: · "About three pl tles o ' lmcca!' He subse quently found that watches and clocks were l'ery rare in thnL district, and that It was usual to i udlc a te distance y tho number of JJipes of tobacco o ne could smolte on tbc journey.-Sl. James' Ga· &e\le. ..J CASTOR IA For Infants ad Chilen The Kind You Have Always Bouga� Bearsthe d /,� ptweol · Have you purchased your gas range for this sum- mer's c ooking ? $ q, $14, $1 �. $17 connected. Call at offic e and see our line of Plates for light housekeeping. Church e s , Schools, Clubs, Lodges, Town Officials, Cor- Wstfild. porations, Literary Organizations, Vital Statistics, Alexander Hunt, Sl Elm Strt, (� Baseball, Local Government, Election Statistics, *************�************ * 1 I ! TUTTLE BRO S . i i Hi st ;�i�.�v�: : ;a :. o : : �c e s , j t: ?� ! fle l u Um ! !� : ' ' r i c e 50 C e n a tth e a n d a r d = : l . N e w s d e a l e r s . i * Spring and Broad Sts., Westfield. * _; * ****** * * * ***#********* ** * * " �MM$$$8�-�S�M Painter and Decorator. Latest edgn in Wall paper al· ways on luu,tl. Elm and Quimby Streets, Westfield, N.J. Tel, 97.W. ,JoltlJIU� a.nd Screen ,\�ork a �}1eclal�y. Edward N. Hussey & Co. Garpenters and Builders, 7 Prospect St., Wetfleld, , J,

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Page 1: THE WE:!IELD · IYedtiCBtl

THE UNION (;ou·N�ry S�rANDARD Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County.

VOL. XXI. NO 45 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. ]., FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1905. $1.50 Per Year Single Copy 3c. ;;;:::.::.:..:.:::.:::..:.:....:.:�:·:.::.·.::..: .. -··

,..�W�u·a�tfl�o�ld�-N�o·w•ar�k�T ·ro.llo•y•c•0,•8•p•08 •8•o•·�·r ��D�·"--:�,,--,WESTFIELOCHUROH·-·NE.WS.':��:�,::;,�:·,;:;��·��:�·t-k�::::1�:·:;.:-K,._1111:··WEiTFIEiD_A_ HOMi --TOWN, THE STANDARD CALENDAR.

''BEE HIVE," New Jersey's Shopping Centre. NEWARK.

Annual May Sale Underwear. TillS IS T11E UIWAT SAUl-'l'lw eveu l lh ·tt �PIM 11 �t<nuhnl nf ex•

c<•llem'" 111>t yul•<Jllllleci-Hill'fl'inrlly nlluluc•t\ hy [mft•ctlnu Itt tlutnll. Uultur uudt't l:lll-4, UrolttH' ��w\u�, tllOI'u �UIIl<ron� �lz�:��. Jllttt'tJ .L(t'JllMfnl ontlhlf!, orlgt· till lit)' tll <l••• lgn, tulvnncu fllltlerll! Itt l:11w• u"'l <'lltl<mltluriu•. hlgftut· nvut'llgu of 1\'Urth-11 �llltJ t ltut IIIIIWIIIR lo tttttsiltJW<'III'CXIII•I'I< :tilt! ofl'c•rri "IVIflgR tltnt hHVH 1111 l'lllltlh�J'llllft. 1\l�ll'flllll\"lliiiWelll' lh HH Wit 11\'ttl' �hOWt!ll lu!ftJI'H. \Vu unrwlwlln yu11 with \'nrwl.r. 'l'ht� fullowlug font· L;"l'nU(I"f am I'PJH'l'l'i�lttntl\'e vnln .. �. 'L'Iwl·� UI'O lo�v�t· nwl ldghet· gt'ntltol'l of t!:\l'h gfll'mettt,nll ec1unlly �l'tHLt hnrgaiUH.

,lUNg UI!ID!o:S mny profit hy tlol• snh•, for we mulcu n •poclnlty of runtdwcl r11�l�: �otua llli\Y 1m H'�f't-tullle!l l'm111 klutl� �oltl �f:IJ!Iil'ctt�ly; otherH hero CUIIll<lelu lu three litH\ four r•leces uf l'llm worlcmttus�IJl.

44c FOR XIUIJ'I' GOWNS, COHS8'1' COI'FRS, DRAIV· tmS, I'Kl'TICOA'l'S. O!lc. NIGII'l' OOWNS, 11niu;ook low runuci dtemlse : one •I yin w ith 11 whlu vnl. Jure lu"·•·ti11� \Je. tween hiu• cln�trt· tncld11�, tututher low neclc chemise stvlu will! twu Ynl. lacu lnHertings ncross fro11t; uhort slteV<'"• litcu lritll iJIPtl i uedu-1 lal't:l lrflllllll'll, (}lie, 1111\1 'i;';l.', (;Qltt;m·r co\·I�I�S. full Frmwh Nuiruo�onk, HOllie with two lllduty \'nl. luce lnsct'tiUgli

ntHl t\\o rnwK wl!luluc1t bending- \mel{ and J ront: others two rowtl of fiuo luce i11•ert!ng, Ulln)' <h·�il{ll, frout. n tul h1wk; Rome lt·ittunetllwo rows l'oi 11t <iu Pari� 111111 'l'urclt<HJ laeu lusel'li<ll!, all t'ibho11 rtt11 r.!l<•. DHA WEllS; Cillll· lirie and MaH<llll'lih! llllt>lit•, tuulce<l n111\ lriuttlle<l \'. ilh pretty eutiJt·oHot·y ; �1HJH� )1\\\'11 1\f>tUJcn with Jucu iu�rrli llg' Rllll t'tlgt� i ot h�1� witl1 ht'lllHiitdu.•d t'11Jll·', lwun�titclwtlluek� IIIHll\'\'o row:o� f,!IIL'Yjol.titchiu)!. We. n111l':'.je. Sl-lOH.yl, UN Dlm�KlltTH. t'•llnhril•, •1"''1' 1'111! tlonuco with t�rPe witlu humstitclte<l uwks: oth�1·� witll 'l'urchou IHl!tl iusurting :llul ellgu.

68c FOR N!UH'I' 00\VNS, ORA W"JtS, cown,-r COVERS, PEl''l'teOA'l'S Hll". to 1.�.; N!Gil'l' GUI\'N:O NAIXSOOK AND UAM URIC ; low rtJttml cheutiHIJ, Hplllre snrpl i c e nml Jtigh ueclc Hl)le• : yolce of hemstiwlte<l tnct:s with fonr em· \Jroicler)' insettittgH ; hem;titcltcc\ rnflle at uecl< nml sleu\'frl; ronzullow ueck with tordum ; ztlso witle untl unrrow Vul.

Inc• ln.<ertin!(<. !l�c. to I. GO CO!tSEl' COV8R� wtlnsook ; dninty \'nl. Inc• frimruiu�. lHl\\'S�t fllltferU."i, SOllW tlut.•p yoke Of four irJserliugs HJHl tu·o rOWR lacu lientlin�,: in front, tliree inset'tlngH itt Lack ; tuwther, surplice )'ulce, low !'rout. huck of three \'ul, I nee iu•erthtAS mt<1 udgr. !ISc. to I 3D Pln'TJ. COA'l'S go()(\ Clllltbric, tlettp ll·JH!ll!fJ, uicijly tucktltl, trimmetl with em­lJmidery in vnrlot)' of opeu worlt aud blin 1l pattortlH i !Llso othet·s w ith flonnca of till••• witlo hem•IIUte<l tuelc•. I 2:i DlL\ IVERS line c:unbtic cluster tu cketl triu11tte<l with t'lltlle of newest pattern entbt'Ol lery, tL�oortPLl design�.

97c FOR PETTICOATS, NIGHT GOWNS, COHSET COVERS, DRA\\'I,RS. t.r.O Pin'I'ICOA'l'8 cciiHhril•, tleep flouncA with tltL·ee \'ill. lace irwerting; 111111 <•tlg". I :m nml I.G:i NJG H'l' GO\VNH, u�iu"ook tuul l3c·rl<dy camiJric ; twenty styl<•s; HJtllll't�. low rouml snrplic.) :11ul l1i�h; lleantifnl lnce nul] Plll­Uroitl�IY trimmlug : somu cherui:-t• ��Jl''ll!i, \'ery witle ius�rti


of allo\'t'l' ��mhwiflt>r-y. riUUou nw, ot!Jer·s )un·e two rmnow emtn·o.icler�· 111-� .. rtillg, t:ln�t�r t uclt .. tl \J�:�twt-Pn, llllotllfll' �rpHtn! front u utl hac)<, \�ttle lll!U�l' titm ""r"'" !tout 111111 •houltler•. l.iiO i.JHA \\' EJ{S, line lllllllbrtc, cluster hH'i-H'd, tritU I\letl With 1 ich lit�\\' 1h��ig:11�1 t•mbmit�el',\'; Wiele fl\lUUCfi, ill ,\'H• riou< t>•<ttentH. I iiO tu �.7fi COHSKl' COYEH� lilw ttuittsool<, lwanllfnl nnrrow \"Ill. htcu trimudu� of fuur in:;�rtingtt with fonr row·:� \\•hle lneu bB-IHl­iuJ.r on t rout, tlu�� ruwM lm:IJ in Unck, I'ihbou l'llll ; 11et:k noll !irl!lh olt! lnco ll'llHIU��Ll.

Ko Branch

Storc3. L. S. Plaut & Co.

jOi t? j!l Broad St . . Xcwark. Mail Ortlers.

The Plainfield Trust Company Plainfield, New Jer!ey.

Capital $1 oo,ooo. Surplus $125,000

Deposits $1 ,300,000.

Ou chcckiug accoun ts of $200 or rno\'C 3 per cent. in­

terest is paid from date of depodit.

On accounts of *5.00 or more in our Special Depart· ment 3�- per cent. interest is paid, begiuning the first or every mouth.

Accounts may be opcnecl nnd nll your bllukiug may be carried on entirely ,by muil. IV rite for booklet.

Officers. 0. T. WAUING . . . . . . • . . . . . President A. V. liccly . . . . . .. . . . . . Vice-l'resiclcnt Henry A. Me Gee ...... l'iee-Presidcnt J. Herber! Case . • . . . . . . . Scc'y·'l'�asurer E. I•'. }'eickert . . . . . . . ... Ass't-Secretnry.

The Cranford Gas Light Co.

t1111o n• "(iltlvlu'• l'nt·lt" Fttttii'II<HI NH'I'I:� ,\11111''1' '1'111·: Nl:n:Jt.\1, 'l'oi\'IIKltip, Will l110 11(11lll�<lutt ller!ot·nticll

Hl::m.III:'I.\'1'10:\N, !Jny,; �luy :�Jth lltulor t•nt!t·oly !IdlY llltttlltH•tullllt, llttrl wi ll It<! lclll l\1'1 1 lt�t·o · 'l'ltt• l'ul1<ll Nut•l•llo• •�<'.\1 Nttnt!nr .. Jtftet'IIK ",J�rlfl•)'lllwl I'Hrlr", 'J'Itu 1111111·

Who ll'llll'l'l'lll'h"l'lll'<'iltl N<•l'l'lt'l!••• ! UKettmtlt IH In tltu h<tn <lK 11! 11n Atnn�•· Nttt1tl11r N<•IJtll< l ntttl l't'llf'l'l' :lft•l'lhtl 1111!111 l:ottlltllll)' or N"w Yurlr City, of 'l'nt•i<••, which tho lvullltnr)Wtt llll!ntrlelllttJIIIIR·

Nu'N:t-'l'hu lhllll\.1 lUll!'" ur MtJr\'lr!UK In tho BIIVutlll dlUrelm.'t will hu rntallll Ill llio t:llllrl'b llll'4•CIUI')' UIIJitlllU III:C.

llnt•li't 4!httt'<•h, H�1·, U. .1. Greemvooc\, J•n•tor, will occu(ly tltf !lllljilt 11t tho Dar•tl•t Church ott Stttultt)' ut both the lt lot·ulng uml et'elllug services.

f:UIIR1'11KUti411l11l (!IJua·ch, He\', Mt·, Wyclw!I, of Ciwlsen, Yt.,

will preach ut tho Co nt;regutiunnl Chlll'ch ned Su tulny morulng, Mt·. Wyckoif le<l l he prnyer-tneetlug here ou IYedtiCBtl<t)' U\'elliug, 'l'h• tueetlug WitH lnrgelj• lltlt•tJcl"'l. l'lwre wlll i>ll IJO e\·eulug MHrvJce

llutr Ttiullr t'httrch. Mtts�es 1vlll be hdd on Sntu\ay nt 8 ao null \0. tn 11. w. Snn•lny ncbool nt ll

p. m., 11nd 13eumllctlou 111 ·1 (l. m. P. E. Hei ily, l'ttstor.

Jlc•lhtltti't l:hllt'Ch, Rev. ,Johu D. �lttcFnrhttt•l of New

'lode \li!l occupy tlte ltttl[lit of tltu �!ethoclist Cltmch ou Sttutlny mornlug, Dr. Wrlgl>l, lite pu;tm· ll'ill J<renth lu the o\'eulng,

'l'ho KnlglllR of St Paul will meet to· mono1v e1·euh<g ut eight o 'clodt ill the

clmrclt pnr!urR. Bttshr••s of lmportnnce \Viii come \Jufore the meeting nlld nil members ure nrged to be 1n·escut.

Nr!w \"ul'k ,\ \'t!llll� IJUJ�ti .. t Chnrclt.

'l'he 11311111 servlceg will be helt1 !u the New Yot·k Aveu11e Bupti•t Church ou Snndny. Uel', P. W. UoSl, pastor.

J,rc�brtcriteu Chrfrclt.

gor A. C. llJruer of tho 1\ufclter�ockar 'l'h•nlt e Uulltllug le tlw geu�ml ltlllltltger uncl tl•• nllll of the new t·eg!tnu will !Ju to cotu\uct 11 llrst clu.- IIIIJUBem<utt Jl'll'k. Sttedul feltlttrPR wi\IIIU lutrorlucec\ rrottt t!nto to ti ttle , tllnltltu "l';ultt� will he 11 �rlllhmt oue. l'l'OI, Aiulltttl•t thu grent Aummut will mnlre hl• uutrvullous hnlloon uwen•inno both nltet·noon nnd night, the night H�cun&lou being m<ule In co��t�ecl!ou with llreworks, wl:lclt tttlllces It .�tnrtlhtK Hpectnclll. '!'hero will also UC II P('eCilll <l i•p\ay of !Jru\Vorks tbu ottcnlug uight. A muuber or other llllltt�emenle will lm fonwl atu! overy. thing will bo rellne�l 111111 tnlerlnftliu�. ASIIH[<echcl featnrs tits wontlHrlol Am• trailuu lnlklug mu1 •lnglnH <luck hus bf-ltm �ugltgfcl ff)r orw week only rulll 1vlll L• seen on the Mi<hi'IL)'. AI tlte Purk The11tro thH �!uuluttt•m Stodr Cum· J>Uil)' wlllj>t'OPent for the lir•t w•ek, the e.'Ltrt�mt-lJ' furJll)' cowt\dr 1lmuw "\Vuut. etl a \\' lfu"-nwl will Le IU'eHeuted hy n strong cump�my of well �uotru nctor�. Delwten the net a :iJ\'ernl hright t:pecinl­tleo will Le fntrmlnccd, nmldng one of the Url�-;hlest entertnimueutfJ U\'l!l' t::;een Itt the Pnrk. After t.ho perfot·umnee 11 '�Sudul Duuce'' will beg i \·eu ovtryeyeu·

lug, n comp�tent orchE-slrn Uclng engng�tl

for thnt purpose. 'l'lmrsrlny eYenlcgs \\ill \J• e•pecll\ll)' resen·et! for onr Col­

ore!] Ptltl'ollt11 wbeu a speclnl prize will uu g!l·eu at 11 "CakH \Vall< ConteBL". All the IICW mnnagernen t 1\!ilcs is ror tlm puiJlic to come anti jn<lge for thetusHives -tlle!r elfort w!lt Le to pie"'" thew.

,,o .1111111: .\'1"1'11.\l:'l't n: 1'1 •. \n·: Ml .\ lti·:SWI·IS'I'f.\1,


C:nu\PIIh'llt IU llll'-lfll'lii"••CHUtlht·tnhlt! 'l'tltl'l'lln� •• l·:tltu•utlnnul l'tll•lllli"'' f:ltttrl'lu•' 11ud fUtth•, The 'l'uwn nf \\'twtllelcll� •ltnule•l on

the Centrnl l�u!lroll<l of Nul\' J�rsay, rthl8teeu mll�s h• dl,lnucu rwc\ forty.fiva ttthtutes frt time ft•out tho foot n! Lllmrt)' •treut, New York. It lri t�a highe•t polrtt uf �ronnel ott the 11111111 l ine, hnR tl1" low•MI 1lenlh mle lr1 the St<tte of New Jt-t'io!I:'Y, ntul I� genemll.\' l'ecom­tnHII<I••l hy [lhyolclnn• for healthfalr�eH<, 't'h�:�re nrH :J.i trnln� tl1tlly eneh \VII)', 1'l.JrJ tNJUfUIItutlrm rltte i.i $0 !10 Jlf:ll' uu.uth. Westti�:�hl hns luuul�oHU! HhnU ell Hntltnt\'t>Ll talt�et!l, lftl'gtl nwl stunll cot blgl'�, f.lM.t� nULl lllllltlllH�IIt!ol. Ho111'1t.�R from to �::;,ooo "'" for •ale, rents from ��0 to $7.) tJHI' lllontll, '!'he ttnvu Is t<ru\'ld"\ with a coutplute sewnga wys­tellt, the best \litter, g11s nlltl electr!t• lillht. There 11ra 11 high •chou! tiiiJI two grn'lt�1l schcml�. rat e d RIUor·g the beRt iu thl! Stilt�. Lib�t·nl provision iM moulH for eolt catlun. Chm·ches of all •lr· 1\0lllinutirJ!Ifl, l'ltore!l or e\•err clescritl· t!on, pnhlic llbrnt')', pollee aLU\ fire tl�)mrtmeut, t\VO nen'F�[llllJ!!I'111 frt:�e po!!htl <leltw•rr. cloh.•, g"lf club, bnse Lull n�socilttiou nnU nino, clunupions of the COillity, hrnuche-i o[ rtll the ft't\ttH'unl orgnni:'.1ttlou, bauk, Lmiltllug Hutl loan u�socintiov, Hue rotvfs, he".ntifnl Urh·os, ull fcntnre:;; of [\ be1tlthful, JH"O�t·esei\•e CO\llllltlllltj"'.


S01i1e Terrible Visitations That Caused the Death of 1\llllions of

s:���r:.:,�i!�j\!1;fr�•'\��:;: :r,,:, ,:;:!/,� r· 11�r ,��:.14�ti::c, ���� l't't'l uud curuJ,Ja•tn. p,,r"un��o lntttl'tl�tlt�tl In ]tfl\'111� fht! 111111•1'1 uf IIINtl(lljlM, t IJII!I'I.Il!fltllt4fthl 1\1111 nfllll ' ftuwtfllll'4 ktlllf IJt•lnrtt the (lllhllo 111/L)" rln .. �, hy tot•wllllK uo tlc� uf IIIUJiij Lo tho �tJl/J1Ianl.

.'Ill\' tu. Frl <lay : "IJ�vlcl IIurnttt" t'ecltnl at

Pt·e�hyterl�u Uh11rch 11t ij p. m. Frlclay: Mueti11g uf Cent !'Ill Cuuncll,

No, Jill, .Jr. 0. U. 1\, M. lu Ar· ClltilliU IIIli lilt 8 P. M.

.1111 r �!o. 1:!-t.mlny : L"lleH' Cants nt Golf

Ch1h ut �.:lllf<. 111. .lJII)' �·!.

M"m1.t)': Meeting of tho \Vo01\tueu of thu \Vorltl h1 Amnllllll Htlll at 8 \),1/1.

.lin)' 'l.i. 'l'hnr,.Juy : Omference of Y. P. 8.

U. E. Societ ies of EliztiJeth Presby. tery 11t Pt'<shyterlnll Church lu \Y(Kitlehl.

;uur �H. Flil111y: Mtlsicllle lu Con�regntloual

Ctcnrcb Pnrl01" hy Mlulslerlug Cb!l. tlreu'• LeHgue lltal frlentls nt 8 J• w,

Jill\" 2;. thtnr<luy: !Hforuml Dance nt Golf

Ulnb niS.:tO p. 111. JJnr �w.

£.1ouduy: Enelu�r HUll !luiiCt-! for hene� fit of Holy 'l'rlnity Chnrch In Wedt­llelcl Club H111l nt � P. M.

.llnr an. Decorutlon Dny :

ut 8.30 p.m. Chihlreu's Hottle

0 p �I. .11111e c.:.

Dauce nt Golf Club

Fusti11Vi ft·ow 2 Ill

Moutlny: Court Provicleut Swol<er at Mnsoulc Bul111t S.lo ·P. l<I.

INSULT TO WASHINGTON.' The pnstor, Dr. W. I. Stenn.�. will OC·

cnpy the pulpit of tbe Pres\Jyturinn Church ou Snmlny moruhtg nutl even­In((.

---·------ I l,'nt'ltitcd f<n•J,cllcr' nl the 1'<"1 01'11re. l'eop e. So It Wns Thought, But tbe Jnnito! Hauunh Phillips, 1\!lss ,Jennie Wright, The rlcet•ease In the rleath rate or Explained the Situation Sat!s-

Mrs. 'l'hos. Asher, Mlsn Florence \'ac· great eltles dm·tng t he last fell' years fnctorily. Miss Jnli11 Fillk will le�� the C. E

meeting nt 7 p. 111. This w ill !Je u twiou meeting with the .Juuiot·s.

cer, A. D. nlyer, E. L. Sbowner, Jennie :an only !Je lljiJII'ectated by t:lllllliarlsou The ]H'Inclpal of a v ery prominent

1 D C with similar stu.thstic:s In the paot. sars L11w, Mrs. W. B. Murtln, � rs. . . :he �cw Yorl: He•·al<l. In the twcll'th high school l tl ,Jersey sndrle nly ordered Crowell. --·- :cntmy not less than 1,3 e pidem ies uf all classes to assemble in the auditor!·

1ti:;Qo.�£ls and mnur famines taniel\ orf urn, and when teachers atHl pupils, io

Tho r.;;iu�:;,;�·;tt':,� �r··����·�. c. 1'. a ?:t� ���������:l:t���.�:�S�[ii�������,:� ������,t�·':.������f ��;�;����d,'.'!� ";;�.�c1�hi�·:,�����!� �;�:z�.'������"���:��"�������t:�, ���e;.1�e;��;� u. will bs hehl ou 'rnestlny afteruoou, most JlCD}liC imagine. Parmts are fl'h/le rlw fuut'lCPlllh lmd a hlaeJi recw \Vu�hlnglon, the t··athel· of Our Court• MIIY 23nl at half pnst tbree o'clock. liD0\\'11 to he Jmculimly snscefltlhlc to Llnl of diseasl'. In ]::.;s the "hlaek try," says the New Yol'k Pl·css. In fin ..

· 'Scieutilic .'l'empemuce Iustruutiou," a disease so peculiar to themselves that plague," ur "!Jiac:J.; !Ieat h," whil·lt wns lshing his ccomiums on the Immortal will be l'Jusit1eretl. l\Ir.3. AllngH.r bs the it is called from the tJreel\ word for par- J11·on�ht into thr- rounu-r from the G?ol'g�, he tmld: "The bust of Georg�t loa11l snperiutemlent of t!Ji� depurtmeut rot, •·psiUncos/s." A mrmlmr or fatal easl. emJseJ! 1he !!Path of !Oil,OilO ]JI:'I"· , \\ aslungton whlrh stnocl upon lhc llCd�

or work. cm;es in human lJein;;s of whnt was at sonti In l..ot11lon alone. w hile In EuJ'OJlC estal in the l'ece!lUon room has heea

--41>+,...__ first supposed to he a malignant in- altogetheJ' 2ii,OOU.OOO people fell \'lc· rem oved nnd ylacccl upon the noot A ljc��tHI in llcnltlt. flneni(altmonmonla were in Paris traced tim� to its ravag�s. ln J�S:> the with Its face Ill the c orner. Until the

Henltl1y l<lduers filter the hnpnrities to tbe hnclllns at present tho11ght to be "sweating oielmess" appeuwl In Eng- culprit, whoe\·er lw or she may be, fr om tbe blood, nmlnnless the)' do t�is cnusall\'e of the )rarrot disease. A cet ·· lat11l. cansin;; groat d""trucllon of hu· comes lo the ft'Ont n�u! mal<es a JIUbliG gootl henlth i• imttosible. Foley 's Kitl taln l>rDilOrtion ot' pnrl'Dis are !mown to I man Jilt'. It reaJOI>£are•l at \'arious in· confession of the m!"demeanot•, not a

die from tuherculosi<. Cats are tmown t�t'\'als t'ot· a centnrr thereal'ter. The soul will be !lCl'tnltt.ed lo len\'e this ""l' Cme makes sonm1 khlneys Hll<1 will mmetlmcs lo han tuberculosis. ntul thllt .ast let•t•lhl� visitation of the plague In lmlldlug! Remernhel', there will he na

posit! veil' cure nil forms of Jddney llntl tile)' lta\'e In umny cases been cal't·let·s Enghlll<l was ln ! hywhtch 100,· other pnnishment lmposetl limn tl•a blndcler <li>ease. It strengthens Ill• of dlt>hthet·la and othct• of the ordinary �00 IIYes were lost In London alone. open anll public confession!" whole Fystem. Soltl by Ft·ntchey & infections lti!'e(!llr ancl indirectly is This eplllemic wa:;; followed by the great Sensation! Teachers g�ancecl aC Hntlulway. 1 more thnn sttR[JN:tcrl. tlre of llJUO, which destroyed lG,OOO te�chers, pupils fidgited mound In af.

houses i11cludlng all the most densely fright, the Jll'lnciJ>nl lool<erl solemn and populated portions of the city. 'l'lte re- funereal. If that old pin had dropped

hulllilng of London with some regard every one would have heard it. Then to s an ltarr luws appears to ha\'e put the j anitor arose anrl stepped forward the flt·st checl< on the epidemic diseases to bt·eak tlte awfttl silence. ''l'm afraid that had pre\'lously de\'astnte!l Its pO[I· It's up to me, sit ·," he sal !I. "The root

ulntlon. was lenl<tn' mighty llad. nn' the lloost

��,.�, _\;:s:�;,s:s::S·:�;,:.s:;.s•:,,,.�_;...::.s:..�;:, -'�,-�,. ,. ' , .• � ) I I W. H. Trenchard, Prescription Dru��ist l.' ; � � ·�

I. Broad and Prospect: Streets, w .. tnetd, N.J. ;, I ,. R::,·.:,··v·, .. . ,,,;,, s :.,·.:_,.,:.,·.·.,:x··,;N'S;,,,s:::v:.,:·:,·:x.::s;., 'I:'�

Fulcy's Honey auu T11r i8 pecnliat•ly nd11pted for nsthwn, bronchitis nnrl hoarseness. Soh1 by �'rntchey & Bntb awny.

�������s�� I 1 t BUY THE WE:!IELD MANUAL ' t1 Be Posted on Westfield Affairs. �


o' Mister Wnshln'ton were tn the dt·tp, an' I !bought t>ropet· to nro\·e It to keep tho rain from !\pllin' i t. an' I meant no ln soolt !Jy turnin' his face to lltb wall, sh·." The prlncltml. a mnn of tal· cnt and some bt·ainR, tnpped the hell and d ism issed the school without fur. ther QUestioning.

2listnnce Ioleasu1·ed by :Pipes Smoked. While walking through Wlltsbire a

'l'l�ek or two ago a pedestrian asked a nat!ve how far It was to the next vll­lage, and recefl·ert the curious reply: · "About three pltles o' lmcca!' He subse .. quently found that watches and clocks were l'ery rare in thnL district, and that It was usual to iudlcate distance l!y tho number of JJipes of tobacco one could smolte on tbc journey.-Sl. James' Ga.· &e\le. ..J

CASTOR IA For Infants a.nd Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bouga� Bearsthe d /,�

Slp<�tweol· �� Have you purchased your gas range for this sum­

mer's cooking ? $ q, $14, $1 �. $17 connected. Call at office and see our line of Plates for light housekeeping. Churches,

Schools, Clubs, Lodges, Town Officials, Cor-We-stfie-ld. � porations, Literary Organizations, Vital Statistics, � Alexander Hunt, Sl Elm Stre-e-t,

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t:?�!flel::u�Um!!�:' ' �rice 50 Cen��atthe�andard���=:l. Newsdealers. i

* Spring and Broad Sts., Westfield. * � _; *************#*************" �MM$$$8�-��S��M

Painter and Decorator. Latest tledgn in Wall paper al·

ways on luu,tl.

Elm and Quimby Streets, Westfield, N.J. Tel, 97.W.

,JoltlJIU� a.nd Screen ,\�ork a �}1eclal�y.

Edward N. Hussey & Co. Garpenters and Builders,

·f27 Prospect St., We.otfleld, l'o', J,

Page 2: THE WE:!IELD · IYedtiCBtl

THE UNION COUNT Y STANDARD, FRIDAY, MAY ) 9, J 9C5, ==2=============�=:-="'=· =· -=·-�· -==-=·-=·-·::-: ... = .. � ... ":'.-=-- ... . ..... :��.::-�.-.. --·-. . . -. ...,.-:�.�-- -.. -. :-��---.. -. ' =-:-:,-:= . ..,.,..,-: . . ....... ;;;;;;;;�


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· -·- · - · MEETINQ p,ll1•t• ! �HIII I III 1 1 •••• M r. lot•tllt•y l u•t'HII I t M I ' t... ................ , I Conornl Oul lnnnoo No. go, TOWN COUNCIL , 111,11,1 ,1 1 1111 �1,,:,,.11u1 t•,,m111H 1 ,., h • ; ;,Jull UJ' 'l'ch:phunc Ch•th:a·H I11'UIIIIIl1)' I• ll lccl, i\ll lll tlillll lll'•• t· t•l•lllm.: tn l n N •·• fut' 1 1 11' . , . ,. · · · � )ll lll'lt nl Mt•, I I I'IIIIIIPI', Wltn \" lll lltlt• l L • 0"' C IJ A R G E � l MDLES ,l




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l i ll l ll lh t•tl lln•l, ll l" •'


· .H:\1 f 'f l ,ll.ll l 'l"l'l:I:N \ l' l'fii .�'I'IW f�IHt i l ll l l ll 111' tlt1• 1,H W Vt•ll l l l l l l l 1•t• ll'ulll J\ L L GOODS D E L I V E R F1D F R r. t: r 1 ' �" r

I l i t • 1 1 tl l ' tl l lhtl'tl l•l' l i lt• I t> ll l l l ' l l ul tl t t• . 1 1 ., , , " 1 1 1 1 1' \\' • •t ll1•l•l l n th•• l',n n l )" ul I I \ f ' l l . \ 1 11 .11 \ ., , whll'!1 M 1· . �'' ""'')' t l ' l ln·H l u h•''" 1 11' ON A P P L I C A T I O N . l ' tdHII , lr'l l't' l h• JHi t lfw,ll. t .-uru tuJI I•''" �Jr. - - ·--�

Sunday Schu<rl l.cmn lui �loyZI, 1905

. lm'ldll!DIIJ:inl\M----Lf :;i:O:t l ,\' Tt : .\ '1' . 1"/ t , 1 ' · � ·- i�'. ,\f • n. · J >"

0)' 1 ' '" .. ",j ::• \ :• , 1 ! . I l l . • • o • l , , q o l i ·l 1 ; 1 1 1 . 1 • 1 : :" 'l' t·:X'I' · · J : \ • I I Ill • · I I I I I j .. 1)1' .,,. . , f • l l 1: 1 . • ·. 1 1 10 1 ! :\b ., , j ... • • ,f. , j , JI )\ :·:.

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1 ' 1111 '1 11 Jl1111 :w lw PH'jUIIt'II••• JIHIIJIIJI' fh•• 1( 1uu1 '" (!lll llfrtft t,•rt ltrr•l l htt l'r•l'lt of l ' ! l l' l t• l lt \'1'111' 11\1•111 11 1 1 • 1'1'•11 11 1 1 1 Jl!•l'�"�l l ll il

I ro J t t'l'f\: o � l' IIII I l ri•IU II I I J11'If'lll1i" 1 ' 1 "'1 1 \ lu� nu .. i l l l'• .. I l l h•• '1' 1 1 1 11"/ll'lt 'll, I IH• l'l l l l l l l l l l l t•t•/4 l 't·lll 'l l ll l l lll''lltllgt••L ' ' ' · tt lld npn11 11 1 1 luud"' 11 11 1 1 1'�'!' � t •fiii J I I t • 'J' III' 'l't tWII ( 'ntl lll'll lnt•l Ill l't'J.! IIInr· ,..,.� .. � -"� • • - _.,. . � ._...

L, , .,tf•••l wl lhtu t lu• 'I ' 1 1Wll nf \\ t �ot lu • l t l . l •n l•t"'t :\tn111t11y t•\'t�llh1U ( 'nlltH'I IIIIIII I O '" t l11• < '"""'·" 1ut l " r1 •1'"'� , ""'1 Mtlll•• "


�,'11,,1, ,;11, ,.J,.,.11.,1 ,. ,,,j1 11 1 1111 ur 1 , .,. STr. IPEO ORUNTS K ISSIN ,

� ··\\' ,lt •I Jott•\' t 11• In I l l\ lllo(' P.\ 1 1 1 111 II • , ;11 , ,r1,.,. tut' 1 1,;, puJpP�•·r� h•·t·t•l lu i l h•l' t•X • 11 11'''"''"' I tt t l \11 nlt�t· tlt'll nl ��� ��·u1' l't•t·� pr•·""'�tl. t•l wit : . . )dtu• whu n l l"i\' t ll lnlt•l' In l i Jtl L'\'t•I I IPg,

:-:,.,•1 1• • 1 1 \ , i"t'l' l l !.! h t \ 1 11.: l lw tl ' l t•t • l� Ill 'J'h � · IH•nt lll.i.C fot' t •l•,lo•t•l lol\1'1 l o \' ltl"IIIIM r l u• t . lll l l llit• >lllll "f 1 1 . '1111 . . 1 1 1 ·I ·

ltl !tle I'i•l••• In Nuw YOI'I< A<ju.mum At\'m·Jl A mu�emen� t o

SJ>•ctn t lll'll,

�•'t•llun '.!. Fol' t lw �"11Pl'''''l '.� f tht • �o!tlt•\\'•tll( l l ll l'l"l l \'t'llit'lll" \\ t'lt ' ''' ' t•nl ) P· ·d···� • l t•JIIt l f lllf'td Uw l'ill\11 or �·�;j!IJ, ill Uw IIH't'l i llj!. '.l'IJII IIIIJ�· ul •,l t•l'L iull l t l JJJ 1 1 \}l' l l f 1 1 1 1 ' l ttllli:-i nt l ht • !H� Il :tt 'I \ Jil l l1'1

�' "lhm :1, Put· tlu• lllltllllt•IIIII IL't' "r t l11• t lH• t�lth•wnlh ,111 l'lnrlc i'il t'l't•t WM 4 tlutt t\ lot r•l' l" l l ' l twtl J.. l'ttllto�, hnud�•,lll!' I I I I I •.' 1 tlt··· d••piltfll)l llll�th� lolllll l lf � !;•Oil. ' I of ·'l rl'. ol lf flt'f tt' H. \\'ht•r•lt•J', Au ur.Ji I tiHh c,., fl'li!II I IPI'IIIIHin. " 1 � \ t-h !\n �H II1 1 1 1 1 11 � I

. �t•t•tlnn ·1 . l't•l' I'•'�-! Ill t i l II!-!, l'lt•·UI l lll

l HI' t I' , 1 1 1 11 l'{l\'l'l' . I lUl l lA Jlf't 'Ui i ttl' II !Ill r l l l 1 1'1 ' ' ' 1h i l'!llll l l ll) · 1 1 . , 1 \ ht•t>JihlK in l't'J' I l l' �u·t·t• lt1 null h l�ll· llllllt't' WUI4 Jll\�:ottu un "' t i t tc

1 hill�-\" 1t1111,: In· ot I ll' I' f\Hllf'H I n t ilt' uqHI\· I \\' • ! )'� l ilt' to\\111 nf �UUOU, l i lt( l ilt' huprn\'t• lllt4ll f . 1'111111 l't•lnt r r; . t l lt• 1\'t• W )"I l l'!' �111 1 . ,.;,l'llt>n t, , ���>I" the relh•f uf the J>Ulll' Alii : II y,.n 111,,1 ul•J••t !Inn lo Chnl"lrH I I' ; :, ,: 1 1 11 1 _, 1 ,,, nl t tu1 �lu>.• fn rn l ol' • ho l ht• >I II I I uf �1/JII!· f I } t " Hi l't•el •hh•ll'llll" lllllt•" I Jtlt\ l lfl l tulh Iaii i' b s l ru i· t • tl HoJ'IJI' anrl I'P'",'iH t •I I I V

Ncwnrk's Best Clouk and Suit Department. --·---.. -····-----

n.: ,..,.�. In J •· !·u:-:: 1 1• ·1 11 l 'u:-!>lhl� n . l l t• l l ld' !oo 1�-'-'u, ,. 1..1 tt lltJtfrt' Xl•JII, t�\·,·r·:u(o '\/r:.,.: !Ill' llUIIIilt! tUt.·a, a11J l"Lll:ll ' '\'1\'d with It lJ) a h.a ttl!.; I'.

i•; H I I''l' l " ltt·: HE I·'!•: H EX•'E�. - Tl.t• :t���rkr 1 1 :��-4�1; ;,j ��; �·,·.II�·� ��:�·.·.1�t1 :; ;,� 11 ���:it· l'i; Ho•t t a � .t l 0 1 1: 1 1 ,\1 1"\ " !'i \ . · ,\ [a l t . :..•, ;�j-;,o; ; :itru·l, l t : t::-�.::; \ , 1 1 \it · :.!:.! :�i -:.:: : ,JL,l 1 1 I � : 1 · 1 1 Tt i c l l : i • l l l f t • t l o· ,lt-1\ ::-1 . , \ l l f f.<.J l l i l .� ­

i.\tv.Tt. :.:•::·.;.:.:7:1 1 • : :\hu·h 1 1 ;;.:.:-i�: l .ul�t! :;:;;;M . '{!. ; J•1\ H J� :1:.:-:.:i

�t't' tion u 'U\' Wllhll' 1 1 t' tA f.oX II• I 1 • • ' � •• • �,;i�JJmt•ut ��f lin·� thl• :lUlU ot' S.l�OU. �l tlt1�t ot' tim l'lh't•tt l . 'l'ht-� t•l"t htnlll'� \\'11" iluwuwunl w l l h tht' lliiJ.!t' l' l l tl�, t h e :itl'l ilm 'i . l•\1r tlw JHtylllt"l l l u ( iut.,r· J'll!-i�t'tl }ll'uvltlitlg fur holh t!h1 .. �. JJJ'Cll,\' ll..;ht•:-t w i l l t'olllf� Hwfmmfw . .t lnwunl

t•)ot upon tlw llt'ht o( thu town tht1 �um Kn ohjecti•lll� wHe 1\ lt:tl tll tht4 pm U . OJl.'ll l\1).:. wi•l" l ln•lr JUIJHI hs. w l l lt h Hl'c Ill t i �IIU f b \lll,l'il •hloll'lllk• Oil llHrtlon• of Arntlell\)' Vi i i I I I I I Ill" I I l tl'itllllful l'l'tl ,

�rl'thm :-1, 1���� . the t\11}'}11'1'; ',J o t t� Phu .. ·t• HoH':I }liiH'�. Boult�V•II'tl, lltHllt•y \\'h•· ll l !f lll' l ht• �lal'i.-; t wfl of t lwm. ft·to•• (!tthlfc 1 1 llltUJ thtt ,..UUJ of . 1 ° ' · . 1 '

• . . r·adl wi1h it� 11 1 1 1 1 1 1h wldl1 0I/r!l , \\ . l l t!JI· .�•·t·ttuu U. l"ot thtt �.��� uC th� lJt>ll l l H\'elin� IUH1 l\hULilll !1\ t'UIW, f�olu lll'ntl!'h t•nc·h oth! I' alii! �PI\ f ly lui'!\ jaw!i

I rromodous Price Cutting On Tr:al n�·l'ol •· t: . . ll:all .\ll t i . o l l � i · ·� - - )lutt.

::: .�. J l .:�:; )!:u k l.". ; I .:.:•J, Lu lu· ::�:1-:::.; Jui:J: ).} :::l · l'J:)/, Gon'..meu t nnU Suggestive 'Ihottght.

"' J l enlth l lll' 't'!lll lllf t'OI

Ok. l f I II llonlltJtlll fii'OIIIIe to �llthlle•ex •t l l'et, I tt "" "11 1 11 1 1 <1<- of l<issi lt" � . . n,••f l flt<S �t'l' lillll HI ' lll' t It' � u II� lUll lt' 1 1 f t l I'� ll l�'oll-'tl llll • ' . ... . I • t'll�ll nf *l2:1� :1:1. Ut't Jl,tllCt'll Ol' W.!<l• \\•t� 1 ' - \\' he'll I ! ll• !.:I i i..,., Ita:; !Hif 'l l H t·uli •' •l u:;

!"t•l'tiou 1 t . l''•lr til� J.:'�nerHl 111111 fuel tlrst Jeatl lrq.: . 1ww.r n:-: f'J!II' jtalt":-1 of thr stl'J!It'tl �,·,wt l'. �S, "'Tht•u." A� Moun t\ti t'ot·rual

jV(:'I.ltt•iuc hut! I!Pfm I!I"I I1!0!Il!t't'll agulusL !iitn by tile Saulwdrim, " l iu l l of" jmlg· m"nt." Til• lt11nrau jntl�uwnt hull. '' !·:arty." Short ly uflt ' l' t lnyhrl'alc "\\'ent ·�·,L in. lu:; t ," l'tl'. rl'lll• J IU�)(U\"1�1' Ft•:tsl , ·6:hkh la:-:ttU Sl'\'1'11 day;.,, wa!-i jusl be· .:;iunilll-1. If u .Jew t•utt • l'l'd l h L• llliU::it' u:' � tietlt ih•, he would IH' deli!l'tl anll c•lul,l lal..:t! uu pal't in I he fl·a�tlng :tnli fe�­tivil iP�.

tlt-�l l tol t>Xp•·n�··:ot nf thtt town , iut•l utl iu� 'l'lm ol't1iunut•e ful' to�hlrtWitll( 011 K i m- hnn• go lit' t l:l'llnc,h lhl� Ju•t'l'ut llllllll'l' p rintiliL{, (111 lJi i(•jtt ioiJ pf WhJ Dtr'H ut half ll\'IWtW IWflt J-;lm untl CUI gjllJ JOt ret!'l nt <,l:t ·t•. l 'c1111H'il. �ll'tl

li l

lllllll,:'t'�.nttH\;:lll!:�!b:�!lb.':(t�tt; rrum 1\.hllb;tll n\'el ln� to nmlley il \'l•l l iJe, \\"h,\' ! hi.' �u· ipecl gTUII!:: IIU I hh 110· h-r . .; J'Hlllll"t•• 1r l l\\ U · · · I . , 1 1 hut!)' l : l lu\t"�. It n;ny l:r lint· lo� t-H!II llt $1UOO. . , ill fl·unt of Dr. Clll l' :o! Jll'U{It't .y, {If( VtHt'l

Thi� ortliuntll'o �hnll tuktt t•ll-:>d 1 111· H 1>1pir ltt�tl tl�lmh•. Cunurlltnau \Vittkt! �ot'L ttl" l l rJ l l l l ll l ! ' i u! I IIPIH'P PXt'l't'l�t�d IJY 1 lwllia.t�ly. .. .. ,,-uutt>•l the onlitumce to lny o\•l't nnhl !hi' UlnrJ n.L: Jin�t'l' tlp:;; hul lllt•n PXJJe·

p11,>tl nwl ntlnplt<•l :-.rll\' l o l. \ !Jd.J. 1 11 , 1 1 1'11'11! '"1\ i n 1 1 1" t :ll't• nl' lh,hf!� I n l':lJ)·

\'. :!U. "Pllttt••." Tht • mnn appllh!lf••l l1Y the l:umau l':!ll\1'-'l'UI' as gl)\"l'l'll'll' t11· J Ut lea at\11 Sam�u·ia. "\\'Pnt uut . " 1\'eut l o a pur! leo. Dl' nn open 8ll:tl't' .ne'lr t he f lai l .

\·. �10, "Tiley," ,) towL;h l'tlll'l'-i. -:\lalet'!wtm.· · i':r i ldot>r.

\'. :n. "Take YP h i 1n . . • yotu· l:1w." Jrw.;; had anthul'ilr 1 u tt·y t'l ' l 'latn .f:::J.:':\�.4. Tlwy hatl al l'l•:lliY l rll•(l ,]l'.illH. Lut t hr•y tonfil nut at:tompf!:;h t heir Tt'is�l. rm· they hull not unlhurlt�· to i,mt �ay tu tleatll.

\'. �:�. " " \\'llal 1leat lt lw "hullhl llll•." J��w'i execute1l L:l'fmt nul� hr �tmt fng lmt .le.;u::1 h�ul furetold 1 hut he wonlt1 "!if&[CI dealh lJy LTUeitlxioll, wll ldt W..l::l tUe Homan mo!le of exeeutiou.

V. �::. •·called Je�us." Ord�retl him brought \)('fore him. "Art thou King'!" Br tinJin� out wl!at clairns Jl:!sus laid "!\l hingshltJ, Pilate wuultl l ind whelht!r l!e was all enemy of Home.

\'. 3-l. "S;.1ye�t thou this of thy­s�lf?' ' Jesus nwst know what tlwu.�ht \\U.:i in Pilate'3 mint.! in ol't\er 1 0 an::;wN truly. If he a�lwl] whether JesJ.� �\aimed cll"il authority as a rival of ('ae:=;aJ'. he wonltl arunnr "No." But J( he asli.ed, In a Jew ish sense. whether 3:.!-e was the King, ).J ,:?!i:iluh. he must .tu::iwt:r "Yes." In the hi!:;her �cn:-;e,

Tdtich as yet !Jut few UIHlen;toOll, !Ht ""Was anll is 1\.illg O\'el' h ltman heat·.�.

V. !!5. " \\'hat hn�t thou doll�?" Jlilate wants lo lmuw wbut Jesus h•ts done to angel' His own people, for tlwy -.·ere alwars gla<l LU Sll[l[lurt Ulll'OIIe -.:ho, in the name of u king, woul� 1t'Y lu sot them fz·ee from Rome.

\'. 30. '"Not of this wort�." Not tle· �ived from earth, nor swaye� �)· the xecogn\,.e,l rat·ces o! tills worltl. <:hrlst'� l1lng�om Is In thls worltl. :mal<ing earth a vm·y Hea\'en to thn;e "li'bor:;e hearts acce1)t llis rule; Uut !t£ origin Is not earthly, but J l�avculy.

V. 37. "A1"l tholl a ki ng, then?" PI­late reneuts h is question, for he catl­not understand how one so {litiuble in .atlPCarnnce, so deserted nntl ul.msl2tl, can still claim to IJen 1\lng. "Thou sayesl." rou state<l truth In calling me a k lll!!. �To th is end , . . �orn." Jesus' object in coming lo earth was to win for Jtimselr a kfngllom [tl the hem·ts of onon. "Bear witness , . . truth." He ·bears witness to lhc true uature aad <har·actm· of Gotl, and to the dignity :lnd possillllltles of men. "E\·cry one • • , ltenrcth my voice." 'fhoy who really to he tr·ue, receh�e Jesus.

i{ . .-\ N" DI )LPII PE H l\. f S'S. �\lli)'OJ'. next llll:l�tiug so t tat Ill\ tl1,'1 lHIIl.C H l'tlO t t i\'Ly hurl' uh!o.t'l'Y1'11 1 hn l 1lll t lw sJu•c•lN: Alte,t, L!AJ'LO 'I'HO�ll'::lU:'\, b" lnt ro,lneeil for l llll l llytn� o! II :;Ide- of t h" �1-nlll l'tunilr •lo l lw "'""'' Lliln,; Town CleTk wnllt on t lw ll}lpo::.ite t�itlt..• of l�lm Rll't�t-�t ln l i l�ot' dn·u n�.-. t a nt t ':\. ----·--------::N:--7-:-:6:- Uonnelllflttll Alpe" '"ltl l hH Inlier wonltl Lil l i ,• 1 ' 1 1 1 1111 . • li lt•f of I l l •' l l l :tt·l<folll Special Ord ina nce 0 · ' he int ro11ncet1, !Jut tl�:�t the otl:er :;honld l�t l lallo , of "'"nt ana. In t·olliJ>:>n) w l l h A u cmlitlltllC" to J la\·e 1 \ l'el't:.t in �ec· be 1,,,� .. e!l to-ld"ht. Afll·r a �·f�lwml nnn:bPr l nt l ia u r ·hief and an intcrprt!l c·a·, ti t 1a nf tlw N ol'Unv�!!t�rly �idl' or Urond �"� � 1 · 1 1 fll 1't>t'l uq�IUUt'llt r h e \'Of� wus tnhen mal tlJL� \' l"i l lt't t tr� nquarluln one dnr n•J·t•ul l y

Bt> it rf:-ol\' h y t h 13 Connc\1 nf the lll'll i tullll'l� WIL"' tldrult:tl. nnd \'i·.•wi•tl all tlw otlJr.l' t •xh ih l t�

Tuwn of \\'eollield ill t! Je l'ormly ol . 11 with lnl t• l't.'SI . l lhlugh w l l lr a l l ur t h e l'uinu. O!tj�:ctinul'\ 10 tiJe l lt'oJI•Ii""t'tl l'lcltH\"tl c I ncl tnn ·H 1 radlt lonal immobility. But a t

1 . That. !11111 •ectlnu "f the •i•l••wall< 0 11 Duwn•r "1�"1 1'1 l\"<'1"1' !Heel, Charlt•< l hr rxhlbll l nll �1\"f·l\ h)" l ht• ldsslr•�: �loll'..! l l a � North\\•t�stt�rlr� or Broad D. Lost-�t• IIU tl L'lllll'fn• c. lJilt� UliiH'UI'l:'d H 1 1'1JII'!I gl'llllt:J l .ittlo Phllll!J lnuglwd M. •·(•t frotH thu �ou thwt-."itt:>t l .\' !-idt' of llei'�OIJH.l\y ill uppo:-;it i • ll l l o i t u111l Cllllrh•!o< oull'hdt1 . ( •tnrk 1'\tl"t>l•t to l iu• l i n � of t h � ( 't•tdrn! Cos ttm1 olh!:'r� in farur. A n nnllllllllL'e Il·tilt·on•l nf Nrt\\' Jlo!r�"'r· h�- \111\'t••l •m 11ud tdout: 11 J im� e�t11hli�lu·t1 by rhe 'l'nwn Wll!'t lntfl' }tll:<�� e(l to lay tlle w n l k .

Eng-itwt'l' with Llue sto . . � Jhgfing fum· .M11ry '\1• G nml��;�ll l i \ .. ll ol ·j�di,m� tn ft'l"'t whle. laying of n cnrb uu Hnrri!'tltl U \.t'llt1e,

�. 'l' lmt too mnl'll of the co:-t llll'\ ex ��� there wem no other ohjt>c\ iou� l�I:H."ie uf !'Hl'h improvem�11t nH L';Hl l:tW· 11 rnlly lie 115:;t'F-�eU 11�1on tiu� prntlt:"l'ty thtt ConudJ pusst-�tl t!.t1 or1liualu .. 't�. A ,pechltl)" he11efittttl there�y. >hall bo "" the uhjectiuus were ref'lw•l to the Sitlt­�e�H·(l ln· the Couuni"i!liuuers uf A�.�c.o;..;. w�oltC L'oturuittee U�fora tbe urdluuuct- s meu t . ..

were p�ts�etl . :J. 'l'llllt Fllill illlJll'O\"fUltllt SlliiJI bo llllttle 111111 e•Jiupleteli uuder the •uper· 'l'ue rep01·t uf !he Couun iosiouei'S of \"i .. iOIJ of the rrowu Eugi lwer. Asse�:."lllent relati\'e to the ahlewnlk on �- This onliunuced •h11 1 l l11l<e t·!Te�t the south •itle o[ !:ioulh Avenue WitS immt."tlhttt!h', \1\'0UL!ht 1111 for henrill� nwl llH t hertJ

Pas<e<l aritl :ttlopte•l )l•.r l:i, J !IO,;, -

[{ ANDOLPH PEH K!N:l. �layor. we1·a uo ohjections lile<l the repo:\ 1\'I B Attest, LLOYD 'l'HO�lPtiON. �onfirmed by resolu\lon. PHnl Q. 0 iver

'ruwu Clel'lc. ngJI€'111'€d iu oppot�itiuu to the lnyiug of Special Ordinance No. 77.

A u orlliunuce t o p:tn� cert 11in 8f'CtioHs of the uonbweslerly null suuthensterly •itle; of Dmlle)' A \"BUlle,

l.le it resoll·ed hy tile Canucll 111 tile Town of \Ve;tfidll iu the Connty of Union.

tile "illewnllt ou the westerly sltle o[ Elw sheet between Dmlley nveuue nUll New· ton Plnce, arul tiled letters from D. N Force lt"ttl \V, H . \VoOll a�ai11s\ the Alltue, l\It·. Gllre1· ur·ged !hut a 11ilfer· enc� in the width u[ Elm !;t reet in two pnrts t�f I he :;I rip whett! it WitS (11' [JOjHl to l11y wn'k mnkes it ilupr.tcticalole tu t tl'ect t he i m(•ro\•emE:nt until thti stl·eet is uuu1e uniform iu witltll. 'l'he ortli unuce hatl been passetl ou Jir;t t·en<ling nt n former UH:!l'titJg, but wns htitl ou the table �lontlny night 1111tll the lllll\ter coul� be iuvesligatetl. 'l'he application of the Westfi•ld Real E;t•te Comtmuy for permission to lnr :Jewet• h1 Leuox aveuue wns referre1l to the 'l'own At· toruey for au opiuion ns to the Cotwcil"s right to grnnt it.


Report of Consul Genernl Evans �bows Thnt It I• Iucr·enslng


lnlcresllnp; statistics I'OncCI"Illng ell· \"or•�e J1I'Ot('t•JIJn�s jn Engluml awl \\.a l c.·.i aer t•ontnined in un ofl\ciol ret:ot·t. from UnHerJ Sta iN.; Consul Geneml Eraus. at London. 'fhe nmnhu of JlCtitlnn� for llh;:-soht l lon oJ' tnarringe l!letl In 1 !W:.! was l .u�o. ns ngain�t �100 filed ill HIU1. Of l h e Jlet l t lons filed In lt102, �IJ!I wet·e !lied hy il lrHhantls and Hl lw wi res. 'l'lw prompt action of tho �Jlltrts Js shown hr the fncl that of the tota l nnm· her of ]leli l lons lllctl, oao were set for trial <lllrlttg the year. .l utlgmcnts wc•·c reude1·et1 as follows: Fo1• hnslmntl, hlntuurr� h1 :mi t�nses ; fol' wil'r, plainti ff, in 284 l'U!-Ws; for hUHbaud, J'(':;poitdent, fn 17 cu�es, and fm· his wife, rcsjlOtldeut, In Len cases. The anuunl n umber or pelltions filet! 1l nrlng the JlaSl llre years was 85:!.

Tho )lotmlal Inn of TI:nglnntl and WaleK Is about :t:.ono,ooo, showh1g, says Con .. suJ General l'Jvans, that f11ere wa� onu petition fOI' tl lssolutlon or marriage lo some form nictl itt the courts In 1 UIJ2 fm· nbuut each a:.!,ilOO uopulnllon. He addn U1at eXJWI'J nwnta! 01' lrinl Ular·r·lu.gcs, s;eomingly, nt·e not encouraged by the ease of securing d h·urce, und that LlH! seullmonl or the people, snslal no� by the con1·ts, Is eloarly against t l l rarccs or the llll"nrcell. The''"' ahllshed church, he .�ays, is against ]Jerfm·mJng Uw mar ... rlage cet·emony where tither parly to the Jli"OJlOocd marriage Is n divorced person.


Stnten Island Mnu Claims L�nd That Was Squotted On Some Twenty

Years Ag·o,

v. 3B. "What Is trulh ?" D)" �ltter <�oericnce !u the wor-ld Pilate thought t.ltcro �·as no possibility of lllltllng tho "!nUt, nor· of l i ving a true life. ","1/o fattlt." Nat gu i lty of an)" c1·lme run­isllable by low,

1. 'fhnt lhe section of lh" sidewHih aloug !be sonthe1"lerly ahle of D1111ley A \·eHUI\ from the u,ortbenstt'I"ly �hlt:! uf Clarl< Street to the sontlm·esle1 l)" side of

Pro�pect Sta·eet ; IL!oug tlte uorth \\'�eterJy side ot' Dudley Aveuu�, h·om the uorth. ettsterh· aide of Clttl'k tilreet three hun­tlrel\ uiJll\•e feet, mol'e or less, tu the laud� of Burritt L11.ue Keeler ; ulong the northwesterly aitle of Dudley Av.· nne, from the northeast ,t·ly si,le of Prospect Street to tit" soutiiiVe•tet"ly shle of Elm Street ; aloug the south· e:tsterly sitle of D1ulley Avenue, from the uorthensterly sltle of Prospect St reet to !he sonthwesterl)' sitle of Elm Street ; nlou� the northwesterly side of Dntlley Avenue, fwm tbe not'thenstel i )' side of Elm Stre"t to the southwesterly side of LflWrence Avermu : along the north· w.sterl}" sitleof Dntf!ey Avenn" from � point di•tnnt 2CO ft!tlt from the nortl • enslerly side of L11wrence Avenne to the southwesterly sitle o[ High lund Ave111te : ulong the sontileusterly side of Do1li•Y A\'enne from R [!Oint tJistHnt oue btu: .. dretl nnd fi1'11· five feet from the norl\;­easterly shla· of Lnwl'ence lH"Ptttta to the 801\tltwesterly Hide ur Highlllutl AvenUQ ; olou�: the northwesterly shle of D ntlley Avenue from the rmrtben�tet'l)' slde ot' H ighlnntl Avenue to the soutilwestet•ly side of Mouutaiu A•·euuc be pnved OJJ aml nlong n liue to be est11LIIsbetl by tile '!'own Eugineer with blne stona fl tgging fom· feet wide.

2. '1'h11t so mncl1 of the cost ami <•x· pet1se of such impro\·ement Its cau huv· fully l1e HSBeFSell upon the protlel't)' specially lienelitted tb�r·ehy, shall be nsse•setl bl' the CotUUitssloHers of As· se.,.went. ·

The onlinnnce llfOV!tHng for the np· prOJlfltltious for the comiug yenr was pnssed ou lhu1l relllliug. Ordlnauces for the J'RI"ing of tile northwesterly sicre of nrom1 street from Clat'k street to tbs C•utrtll R. R. of N . J. , autl cert•it• sec tim" of D ntlley llfflloe we1e passetl on final reading. Ths Conn�ll paesetl u re•olnliou tlh·•ctiug the Engineer to re· port lo the Comwil the lines nf High· lrmtl ftl'enne if they can be nscertnlne<l, 'l'here fiPIJeflr.; to be some U!lcertainty t•egnnliog the location o[ the lines of this street at ce1tuin [loiuts, nnd the In· formation front t he Eu�ineer is a J;re· l lmiuary Hlep to estnblishittg the Uue definitely if fonml uecessnry. 'l'be Chairman was authorized to ap11�int u

Committee of two to prepare specificn­timJs for 1\U llf!"SesSUletlt map for the town ami to report nt the t:ext meeting.

New Yurl;. · ·l! :llell· l llc Wygant bas been Jh·lng on �C\'en U(!f'C!S of Staten Island !anti for more than !!0 years lhe worl\ ot' u small m·my of mert \\'lJO twiJ c a fence a!Jont the Jli"Ojlel"l )', unlle1' I!OIIce !lf"Otecllon, will 1111\"e gone for na11giJt. rrhe rt:lnce shulg In a t!ot.on tenanted bo11se.1, all ol' ll:om :·cn letl from Wygant.

Jobn llOtllne, wl10 ol'lleretl tl.Je fence, claims the Jll"opel"l)" tloes nut belong to Wygant. bilL Is ltls, an1I !Jns belongctl lo the Bo�lnc fnmlly since l 81l2. The land in d!S!Hile lies between eolnmbia street, ll.ichmontl let·race, nn1l ,Jewell nrenue . When Wygant sellletl l ltcrc ll was prac· tlcally worthless, nnd no uhjectlon was maae to his slaying. Not long ago Ho· !line leased 11 (llll"lion or th� fli"O(ICI"l)" to n · wnl£�1· f!OillJlntl}' 111111 \Vyg:nn t entea·ed no pl'olest.

Y. 3�. "Custom • . . release one." Roare honored .Jewish festl l'als lJy re· lt!asing a prisoner.

. \!, iO. "llarabbas." One who had iieutfet.I a Jo\\'ish insut'l'ection In which murde1· had been commilletl. By set­era) olher tlevlces Pilate tl"ied to make 1.11e Jews relinquished their vlellm. But they IlCI'ol>lenlly llemanlletl : "C1·n<:ify Him ! " so, nt last. Pllntc yielded and o:u·dered .Jesus' Cl'Uciitxlon.

l'mctlcal Points.

\'. 28. Each of us Is led lnlo a jnd�; ment llall as we come before JeollS, l'lntl, hy om· verdict concet•nlng Him. acquit or condemn ou r:;eh·es.-John 3:18.

V. 20. \\'e can lJCst 1·efnle false ac· :uzutiuua II)' following the example or JeSUi:.-i\!uLt. 27 : 12.

V. 30. 011e who opposes Christ .Je111s �roves that he, himself, not Christ, Is �o'a m·lldoer.-.John :�:20.

V. :12. 'rhrongh His friends and foes llle fulfillment of all Jes11s' words Is rwL·Idng out.-Mal'li I � : :n .

Snlvl)tion. Salvation alone can I"Ottsc In us a

sense of" onr sinfulness. One must

a. '!'hut salt! improveruent Bh111l be mn1le untl completl ll n11der tire super· vision of the Town EnMhleer.

4. 'l'l:ls ordinunce a hall take effect im medintel)',


Passed nn1l atlopte<l Mny Jr.. IOOa . RANDOLPH PEH KINti. Muyor.

Atttst, LLOYD 'l'HOMPSON, '!'own Cler'r,

WomaJ• at Redlands, Cal .. , Tells of Dis· houot•ecl Grave of Naval Hero

lit Dumfries, St. Paul, Mlnn.-Joseph A. Wheelacl\

a wcl l-lmown editor, has found n womnt who ltnows whe_re Jobu l'aul Jones re-poses.

The houy Is nol hurled In Pa1•ls, as Am· bass[ulor Porter believes, lml ffes in a

cemetery at Dumfrlos. Scotland, hls bli"tltplace. Wheeloc!; found lite woman. M r·s. Preston . In Hedlunds, Cnl.

She Is a nutil'e of Dumfr·les also, and when she saw I he story of the nntbnssn. dar's quest she Immediately wtote h i m t o l e l l him whet·e Uw grare of this hero Is and all slw !mew al>ont tt.

She well remembers it. for II is marl:a� wllh a stone which �ears thc-�lngle ln­scl·l ption: "John Paul Jones, the blaclc plrnte."

'1'1 e Chairman of tle Pulice Commit­tee, Fraulc A. Sel tlerunyer, lilerl his resiguat1011 as cl111irmau of that commit­tee, stating that be WliS nuable to gil•e lh� uece<bary alteutlou to the snl•ject uf tl!e Pollee Department. TbR Ch11irmn11 of the Couudl urged him to withdraw the, resiguutiou, connnendiug the work of . the committee umlet· Mr. Settle­mayer'• a1lministrntlou, but the latter iuslite� lilllt it he "acceptetl, Uauucll­lllllll Alpers was Iuter uJlpoluted Chnlt­wan.

'!'he resolution of the Library Trns!eeB recowmeml Jug the l!cceptnuce of the U�trnegie offer wrts read uml resohtlious iutra<luce<l for tbnt purp0$e, Arter sowe discussion it w•s <lecitled \!tnt the title to tl 1e JI !Jrnry site shonl tl ile J:lnced in the town Lefore it agree1l with · Mt·, Cnmegie Lo f1imish one, null the Clerk was tllrectetl to- Jlotlfy the Trustees to that effect.

A certilicate of irHlebtetln<ss for *1,000 WHB nrderetl.tlru wu to (Jroville fnurls In nnliclpa.llon of the tnx levy .

Now, 20 rears 1uwiug explrcll since he took possession, uccut't l lng to Wygant's c laim, he a l l�ges lllle lo I he vrovcrly. The fence was built lo '"'"t him. Wy­g-ant says he will cut f he nece�o;snrr ex­Its ancl entrances for h is tenant�. n0 .. l ine su.ys the nrsl man wl1o touches the renee wi l l he arreslcd. He •lcclnres he Is l"�nrl>· to )II'01'e Wygant. has been on lhs ground hill 1 9 yeurs . eight months and l11ree wcclos.

Dnng·el'ous. "Don't you lore to �lnnrl on a bridge

nt midnight?" asl;eil lhe sunlfnl young tltlng from uoslon !own.

'1Not if it's at•onnd the Chicago rlrer/' renllerl the pr•n•,llcal youth from the windy city. "Yon n1·e too l!a�l• Ia b• held U(J,"--Chlcar;o Sun.

,�\ (:u nmntend t:um l·'ur l•ile'".

i Wom e n 's and Misses' Tailored Suits, Shirt Wa 1st llrcsse�. Coats, Capes, Skirts nnd Rnlnconts. I I

! I l I i i i I l I I l I •


'I'IH• garment Hl'n�on is nt nn r111l ouly u;; fr1r 11s prim·� nro con· ce\'IIIJti. The 1\"" ing tiny; ILl'� �till Ill lilY ; iu f11ct, if you fll'O 110� sn ppli�1i y on t• Slllllllllll' w:trdmbe tlclliiLilth ju1t such grn·nwnts 1\l ll'<l rtl'<' uorv •rwl'ilidng, 0( •:oi! J"ot•, Lltu l'urioty i• 1 1 •1 t lt3 larg•J 113 it was n I I IOIIth or two a;ro, �till tho n�!ul'tlllon t jg big-big cnongh f11r most nnyont· to 11111k•J :L li n e s; le :tion , nntl )'Ott will bo moro \hull colllJ'l'IIS.llutl fo1' 11ny extra trouule you 111 1)' hare in choo3ing · l:J

Savi ng One=thi rd to One=half On Fine Gannents.

Coat� , jacl{CtS, Ca1u�s nnd Rain Coats.

Clolh Coats, �ilk Eton: , Brotid• cloth Catl�S-\"nluos np 4•98 to �8. 75. l'rba cut. tlnwu to . . , . . . . . . . . , , . . .

Jackets of Cheviot, Tan Covert nn� Broadclut h -Sclliug all senson at �10.00 lo $ 1 2 . 50 . 6 7 5 l'nces cnt tlo w n to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

Fin�st Silk Coats, Peau de Soie Blouse 1\tous, he•t quality Hu i n Co:1ts, tlmt w_em co.1sirlcrerl righ lly pricetl ut 9 50 :t t : : . r.o 11nd � l b. OO, pncea cnt •lown to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

THE DAV I D STRAUS co. . ;. NEW� RJ<, N . J .


If You \Vant clean

COHL Buy of J. E. Goodman & Son,

Ash Brook, N. J, Tel. 4 6 W , Cranford.

I The Big Bar·gai n Sale.

The One Most Talked Of. Glasse.s,.=THAT FIT.


V AI L. Old Sta nd, 1 03 Park Avenue, Plal nReld, N. �.


Coal, Lumber, �ulding Mate nals, Mouldings and Kindllng ,Wood. Farltllzasr

For Lawn, Carden and Field.

Office and Yard···Central Ave., near R. R. Crossing, Westfield' Orders by Mail Will Recoive Prompt A�tentton.

CBLt:PHONB 19 A. ---------·------� ------

North Avenue, 1\ave got n gooil way before he ean be .sort·y f0 1· his sins. 'I'hcre Is no comH­tlon of sorrow laid down m; nm.'eBsat·y to forgi veness. Rerentance docs not mean sonow; It means turning away from I he sins. Every man can do that, more or lesa. Anr1 that every man must Uo. '!'he sorrow wiJI <:ome arter­rearrls, all in good llrne. ,Jesus offer� to talre us out of our own i'lanfl'":J Into Ills. If we will only obey Hl m.-George l!twtlonaltl.

His mothe1· caused his body to he trans· porled from Paris anti �urled among the graves of his l< lndred . !Jttl she coul d not protect him from the evil fame he hall acquired among his Scotch coun(ryrnen, and they vented their pentup wrath upon his memory In the epithet over Ills r.rave.

SeveTul comtnlmicn t10U8 were recei \'B!l nml refenecl tu the nppro}.rriule commit .. tees, bills were onleretl pnltl nu� re­ports of tb• town officers henrd. '!'he Clmirwan auuonuced the nppoiunment of the flew committees of the Cmmcil, Only a few ch•nges were made from lust year, lllr. Alpers siiCceeds Mr. SEttletn•yer as Chainnao of the

Itch in�. 1311nr1, BleP<ling or Pmtrmlir1g Pilefl. Dr uggists rermtd mm1ey 1f Pszo (Jiutmeut fniht ra r.mre IUJY cnse, no utKtter of how loug slamlmg-, lu G tn 14 ,]fl\'�. First Hppllcntlon gl vese11se rm:l re•t. fiDe, If your tlrngglst hasn't it, sellll fiOu. in at•mp• •n� It will be fut•wartled po•t· ! pl\ltl by P•rls M��lciue Co , St. Louis, 1\lo, .

Westfield, N. J.

Telephone 56,

Special Accommoda] tions for Board·

ing Horses,

First Class :Rigs.


Page 3: THE WE:!IELD · IYedtiCBtl

THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD, FRIDAY, MAY 1 9. ' 1 905. 3 r:..:;.;.;;;.��;�;;;:;������;����;��.���i- ::

0���:�0·,��:���·����;�·�:: . ·-.... .... ·.···-.-.

. . ·•· ----··-----·-·.--.-.�: .• -:=�-·:;; •. :�-

Iii:..· llli;-.-::-..... :.--.--.-.-•• •

-, ......... :=.·.--�� ... --.-.--.-. --. _,_.,.. .-�.-.:::---'!· " lC�Ijl to l'i:lljjOild<l' n 1-'i•fl!ildly Fuol· Tile fln•ill The Twe l ve Acre .Store.

� f. h.z t.monn Nnllon" In Com• !Jtui lllr r"'"�'

o r 1 ' 1 kc i, llln'l'

thun I n .��w \'urk ll' ilh Chulcc II'

l il'\'111.

1 1 5-1 1 7 W, F"ront Stre e t PL. I NFIELD, N , J, '


Saturday Always Special Sales Day. . I

t· !, �r. .oo nnrl $11,00 Ull\'r•l't C:lnth Uonla fur Jnrl lna wmu an till l lu01l , utlloi'H nu lh1u<l. Jo'ot· �1\Lrll'llny. , , , , . , , : $3. 79 �

, .!1 .7� White Skirts for $ 1 , 11)-.'f'h�ao 111'0 mnrlu ol ll n o Ct.uniJriC• 18 ln. l n w u rt� llh•1 1•·ith nltcl'llntu ro ii'H ol !nco ·urul hulll· ! t i l C h l l l !;.

1 � rlilllnery.-A\wnys �OIIIClhinl( now horo

11Lont 100 'l'rlmmerl l ints, nt *• ·98 nml *J 98, • gunornlly pricu1l at f:l Lo :[<5,

' ' For Sntnnlny, ' equn( to lho


---------... --- -----· . . - ---.... ··-···--- ----Gooll Clll111a )llllthiJ: 11t Ioc a yard. a,;-cent Grade JapiUICHe :tlltltlnJrss, for 18e ,.d.

_____ .. ____ _ __ _ , _ _ _

J 1 2 ) o new Jligu rcol Luwns, 11 1 u lty •lesign� . . . . . , , , , . , . , , . , . . . , 7 1, 0 ��·

J Oe Jlignrc•l L:rwn s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s j0 til Ge Ln wns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , , , , . , . , . . , , , . , . . , , , , , , , . . f lo i J � Ruffled Shirt Corset Co1·ers --:;mnothing ent irely uow t!

I� n nswers for Corsot IJoi'OI' IIU<I llnst l'or feotol', lllll'lc of fino 59C' �.l

Nr1insook, with J rullles of fine ill " ll cdgctl with \'.1 ! . lnce. . . ,, � � •. A�cordeon Plaited Dress Skirts �3.98-Biues, hlack, � , broll'l l' ruul rcls, 7 t•ow� of shirri lt!! 11� the lo11, �cry ful l $3 98 � 1 widths unrl perfect hanging, vnluc M.50, special pl'ice . . . • rt : � 1�:�': BOYS' COL LEG I� OAPS ; t·nluo �;jc, fol' . • . . . . . . . . . . . • , . . 15C ���

U l l l L D I U�:>;'S 'I'HDDI ED LEG I IOilN HA'l'S ; 1·alnc * Uii fur 69c tii'BG I A L VA LUES I N LAD LES H A :\D B AGS, ���

:�sc, ·f9C and 98c lJ A � ll BAGS, wiih C:unl C:.tsc aml !' ruse . • , , . , , , , • . • , , , , • • •9c �w-_..,.,....,.,_�.,.,.,.,.��·-·-'94f ... ,. ..... ,& .... , ..... , __ ,&ti'&""' ... . .,.�

tlH.!Ut'P Ill, I'IJ.,:ht 1\tlde� tn f.iilll 1\\'t>ll\1� IIOrlh !>olxty-�c\'L'II Il�'�cs l•no,t twn lilltHirt!tl h!t·l lt1 tt. �take : tlumce t:outh twcllt!' llt!'I:�N'Joi nnd lt!U milllltt!li t!a�t two hun!lrt•tl 1mt1 nincrr·tlmm f�t-1 tu ll !>!lUke Jlllll.ltetl [or ll t.:OI'II�l' : th�lll'l' �UIIth fot·ty .. Jiilll! tlt�l.trt•es W!��t nuu h IIHl i'Ui iUIII ���\·euty l'et•l liJ ll �lrtkc lthlltll!d In lUI lllllth� of �ail\ lat](l ; thtJIICf:' Hnrth eh:hl \'·t·h:ht llt�.{l't't'� !Uitl furl)·· ll\'e minutes W�!lt urn! liumlre11 null ll\'oh•et to lht• ]tlnce of Ul•�-:lnnlHg.

�"hl lll!:il tmdtlt' huui �JXU•Jtletl lls ltl'nl'l'l"lli•l . helu�o; tht! !'IUiltJ !tunis mul lll'l'lll l:'t�!l tlc•t:l ilit!d In 11 Cl'rlnln 1lcctl hy Fmuk Bt't'J.:CII. �(tt't•l • l ���t�lt�r lu l lttn·iul B. L'ttl')', 1latt•1l tht- Whlh tla.y of �In)', lt-.Uj, illltl rt'l'Ortletl I n 1 /m ttfl!t:t! Ul l i m Ch•rk of l'nltm rournr, Xt•w .Jcr:-t·r. In lht!Jk :\�;) ur l lt•t•ds on Jl.\�tJ :wi, ,"\:., tlw �lx­!l•t•JHh tl:ty uf :'lflty, i l'!ti,

'l'n�t�l ltt-1' with nll lllltl �lngultl:· l ht! l ll'n:tllln· lllt!ftl!"o n.lttl ttPI111flt�IUUtt't!:; tu 1 ln! :-1�hl Jtrcmbc:o l><�htlldll� nr 1n tlltl' wbt· IUJp·rlufraitlf.;"

I·:I J\\'J\ �}U-��;� �r;::;�·��\���;�l�:;'1 ;,.:��;;,:�t����:'!.:�·.,. • 1.\�II:S () ur.MUi, t:'tJJidtor, Wc:;ttlt•ltl, �. ·' ·

•r1w Htltl in thu n.htl�·c �ttth��� cn11�., I� lul­jnurut·tl ful' [•l11 1' wt•t•ks tu :O:nlurtlt\�'· Lht! ltmllJ ( 1111/tl till)' II( .lunt•, W 1!i, ttL 2 IJ'dud:: il1 the nf-1t•t•ftUfllt, Ht llllJ 'l'tiWn ({0!111\"'0 Cllfllt'l' of (i rtoiU\ 1\ll!l Elm SL(t!et�. \\'estl\d1l, C'ulun t'llllltt) , :>: • .1. ] h\tt••l Wc!!lll�l�l. !' . . 1,, :\hr 1:1, l!lti. 1;: '1'�,�;.1J :o-;1 J ':\!:�i -���·;:�;,�1m·;.�� t�:i����r ·.1. J.,�lt:!'i O. Ct.AIII�, l'icJ!icitor, \\'��11\t�M, �. ,1,


Determined Thnt N o Rabbit W.>s Going to Give Him Bnd Luck

If Ke Knew It.

.Almost. ulf:l ho n flnlsltml mt1sicfa.n ?" "1\ot qulte; he has !Jail a

Uci1Ct lett."-Judr;e. Jlleal·


Cfll11mrrtofn I f'�rii 'HI'tllnllte (1'11111 oun rcmuu·�· tu unot lwr lmvn hPI'I I Il l ' t JIII I JII·

hu· lu l•:u t'ofi''· l.nt�r �·t•ut· u lri i'Wt filii'!�· Of i�ll�llnh IJII'I'I'il l l l l iH lllld llllllll lfil<'• 111 1'"1'11 11111<1" 11 1u11r 111 i''t'llll<'lf t11 In· H! IC"l i ll r i i iHI I'ill! ' '" lnhiiHh iiii' I I I H, l i'II<IO �t·htmJH, flt1•, 'fllfi \'lt�IIH/'H \\'1'1'11 t'W'cllul .. ly ro.•t•ll'�>�l 111 1 11 l • l l l < • l'l n hl••d lty t h •• l•'ron1'11 Ullllllll'll "'" 1111<1 lll•.<lllr•"·� 1111'11 , Jnnn)' nf th1• tn t t••r ol' whom H11 1 ttw-�ucntly "''"'� 11 "'"'""'' l'lHII Ill 1>111-:· !null. Alumt �1111 l h·l i l•h ""'I''''"""" C'IJillClJI )J Jn!n II t!IJJJilUJ' t•XI'If l'i'!hJJJ I n (JPJ'• tunny nr•x l ,\Ill)' nnd .I null, nnd l l rn vl•l i IB \' II!WIJ<I w l i h l l vHI,Y Hnllxl'nl' l lnll IJY tho !IOI'mnn mordi i i ii iH. who 1 1 r" plnn­nlug t o Hh'n t lt(•tw "tnuln nmhnH:�rulorli11 n r·m·d lnl rr.r'"ll l l"u.

""f�Jel(ngH nf !h iH fllll' l .' ' lill)'H �IIHHlll lloncru l !luculhlll', nt. J·'l'llnl> i'<ll't, In .II tetltlrt on tlu.! f.l.�lhjtH• I , 11(\o ln\\l'h gom1. 'l'hey help to riiJ;eUtlcr frlr.JIII IY feel· Jngs Bmong l'rlnlJJBflng nnl lon1-1, remm·u fnlRO f'Ont'f�Jlt iOI\H ()I' t;et!f iii11U) Jll'!1,j 11• 1\lrcs, l ttel'em;o hiiHlnr�o�!-1 l'olnt lonK ntul nfforrt tnm:h IHHI I'tltl ion tn t lw exc�m·· HioniHtK, IL WOIII<I he well II our Amrr· lllllntlftu�turt•rK nnd t•xpurter� wouhl nmlw C!Xclli'Hhms t o 1�11 1'npenn rnunl rft.l!-1. 'fl'ltHI nf the l�lnrl wnulrl nf· ford t hem I'IIHl O!l!llll'lllnllles for I :e forming l hrmHC!h'eH nhunt foreign mn l'· lwts, nnd how to hu�rcaHe I.."UOllllllJ'elal rclntfons therewll h."

BALE THEIR COTTON WELL. Jlombny Shippers Bundle It So Com·

l>nctly They A1·c Not Afrnld of Fire.

In tile OfJirilun of CoiiSill Geneml Slcln· Uel'� Amerlenns IHH'l! somet h ing to learn from lil'illsiJ lll!llu u iJ!Hit lmllnr; cutLOn. / "'1'110 Ilrnnbny lmle," he wri tes, "Is so connmJC>nt Jn s!1.e l hat unc :;t rrmH wan I cnn easily pi<' I< It 1111 unrl slow it. one I huuclJ'eU JndJ:u1 buff>;; l'llJl lm manJJ.U· luted In as l i tt le l i me lis r.u A nlct·tean l.mles nnd wi t h the !-itUnc ln iJor. The c:ol­lon is SO CUJII(IR!!Lly J l l'CH�ed tllUl U !iltnl'}l h)OW from H hUIU ill(�r \\' ilJ ('llU!ie the ii'Oil hoop to hurst U!-itlnder, whereas the Amel'lcau IJ\ntler ll \ust be pried oJJCU with n spednl tool. The <lesl lny or the bale the <iange1·ur ll•·e.

'1A foreman 1\ IHII\ t h e ducks w i th I wbom I rllseusserl lhls quest ion . told me th11t a llghle<l mnteh might be thrown ' upon nn l n!llan lmle wltiJout mucb fear lhat the hnlr� llst1lf wo!tltl lw 1lnmnged, and that the wurldnHmeu, who nre in I tbc ha lll l or smol;lng u gr·eul <len!, were unde1· no l:ilJN·inl hl�tna:tlous us regard.; spnrl\M mul matcflr!s whc1n hanl!ling Indian cottun. On tiJP. uthH hand, whcu Ame r!tan cotton Ul'l'f\·etl the must care� ful }II'(}CfillliHilf; WCI'C JlCCCSHnl'Y to pre, ,·ent ucclc!cuts,"

N EW MOUNTAIN SHEEP. A liltherto Unknown Creature ot

Amoricn Recently Added to

Museum Collection.

Thnl. tllcrc nrc st range nnU u n lwowo auh nul!i still untll:;eu\'f.!l'Ctl on our own COll lfZJCU!. WU111d S(·Cnt lliJ C:XI fltOI'llfnlll'.}' stntemenl, hti l the �.::qJ1oraltnn ot' All· dl'ew .1. Stono lws t·er�tmt !y ndded many n ew and h ithert o llllli llOWil CI'CULIII'C� lU the (•oJ )N!tlon of the .... \ H}lll'feaJJ museu111 of natu ral hislurr. In Het'reatlou Mr. B. 1-J. JJrown J.!ivcH a mnst grnphic and conHdenl lous IH�l:Oillll of a �lltC('s�fut hunt for ihe 01•is Slu11el. I he so·cnllc<l IJlaclt sheet! ur Ameriea. One t:an feel tile breath or \he �ln<'ier, ns tile accoun t is r(lll tl, nnd thu lump t�u nwfi i n lhc t hroat of the rcnde1· as ho sr1111s the bl'iet hut touclling Jlltl';lgt•nphH ahont the orphntt l nmb. The story has 1 he tr11c r·Ing or a mnn who mmlesll)• tells whnt he hns done and seen among tmnamell mmm· talns in a connl i'Y lln l roolden by whitt men, ·w11nl ollwr nnluwls uew lo sci· encc nrestlll lil<l lng In t hese lonely Innd� will only bo lmnwn when they nrc ruil)' extJiored.

'fhe 1£1genclnl'�· American l lwx mny yet prove to he a living reality.


The Model Hosbnnd as Complacently VIewed by Hls Prospective


The young ladr carefully sclecterl another chocolate.

"011,," she snld, 010( r.nuJ•sc I hnvf: my Ideals as to my future husband. llt must !Jo strong an !I handsome, !Jut not n1 all conccilctlj he must. be sh 1·ewd nntl tJractlcal, IJnl. ltoel icul an!l nrllstlc; he must be able to malw lots o[ money� and be generalis and unselfish, ami sing tenor and he a tlecp thin l\:1:!1'. and )Jel'· feclly stn<lgbtrorwanl nn<l tnJtli fn l ; he must be a lways tiJOughUul or the righ t� of others, nnd own a racing motol' cn1·, and be must ne\'Cr touch l iquor. and be n thol'ough spm·ltmmn. I wnnt him to IJc. long to elniJs 111111 socleUcs, lo be n man nmongRl Jm�n, lmt always he at tmme in the cnmlngs; nntl he must love me for mysolf nlone, nntl ne\'el' tnll\ f'oulishly; In fact, be m11st ue my ntenta l anti spir­Itual aftl nlt.y, nml no rlrcnmer."

An<l on11e ngnln she cnrefully sclecle!l another cbocolale.

Would Get It. "Wbat yo11 need,'' snhl the pbyslclan, . uls rnore exm·eh;c."

"That will he. all rlr;hl," llnswcrerl the patient. "I'll Jll'nllniJI)' begin walking the noor when ymu· bill comes ln."­Washlngton Si al'.

------Not to lie Told.

Jack-Can you kee11 n Eecrot·. o.bont Beatrice ? ·


Agncs-Y-yes-lf It's something nice. -Jil.lgc.

· -'----

Weight of Dnn<lelion Down. A rece.n t welghl ng of dn.tH1e1fon clown

bas shown Lhnt 1.000,000 of th e unlnty parncbules arc neeued to make n I!OIInd.

l.nctllctf l n the llcun uf :11'1\'lll'li,

x. , .

Hahne & Co. Broad, New and Hals ey Streets, Newark, r� , J ,

MORE SUMMER HOME SUPPLIES. ============·=-=-=================== French I Free Pot·traits. Uti l i ty

Creton nes. French Cretonnco:; o f our

own im portation ; t hey nrc cclehratctl for the ir soft tone colorings and designs, they make lovely portieres a n d wi ndow curtains, wal l cover­i ngs a::d upholsteri ng and wil l stand washing. Let us give you estim ate for work ( n uph olstered f u rn i· l ure.

Pri ce per yard for tliese goods is7 5 C IO 2 5 0 from. ... . . 1

NOTE-By al l means make a thorough inspect ion of our i m m ense J ines of sttmmcr goods.

B uy $ t o wort h of� of us al o n e l ime or 1 11 \'a­r ions smal l at rwu n l s to m a k e up t l l al sum, loan u s a cl.:ar photogra ph and we wi l l rc­prod u c c it free of cost to you, F rnrncs arc e x t ra, hut at the option o f the buyer,

Portrait Receh·ing Deput·t· lllCilt�-')tHI

.lel' of stol'll, I'Cill' of

antl11 fon nt11111 Portrail lhllvcry Depart men �

--Hem• uf StiJI'(!1 !ICIIJ' J [,ti$1'J' S trr.,t. 'l'hl l'll F luot•, Curtain Cleani ng.

\\' hen yon tlccirld to tul<o rlown yom eul'tui m l e t llil <lo that

work. We wil l cleumc them thoronghly ut soc. 11 puir nn<l npwurol , Will s toro tlic111 u n t i l )'Oil ll i'C I'C11tly for tiiCIII i l l the u u i i \ IIHI Fot' •loring the CU I'· tuil 1s, no eharge.

Boxes. w c orfcr a !be lot of

Utilily Boxes in creton ne,

plain burlap or figured hur. Ia p, im itat ion leather, in 4 sizes n n d new colorings. No home sh ould he wi tho ut several of t hese boxes, for they arc so awfully con I'C il·

icnt and take up so little room. T hey can be usedas w i n dow scats or in a bo udot r.

I•' dec 1 75 tO 5 50 fi'OIII I •

\V o uho show 11 l iu·ge nESQrt· IIICilt of )l ilt· ting l'omerl 3 ,75 fO 18 .00 Boxes, . . . . . . .

Ba1nboo Porch Sca·eens . The best Awn ings. Best 'lnnlity ontsitlo unrk ; th i � serceu will n o t

m i l<lfw 1 1 8 tho bnrk is on thll rccol, urul so pro.

lcets it f 1um ll1o weather. 'l' hoy muke 1111 cxclll­

lun t sn bslituto for nn nwni ng, and nro Cl!sy to p u t

u p They cx�lutlo t h o •li.1 ect _mys o( tl!c su n.

\\' c hrwc them m the foilowmg s1zca am! prwes :

'l'ho snn is no rusfiCCtel' of \ICI'oons, ami wrul r ! as l ief l'Dnst u king 11s q u i ckly u s l 10 woulol it pcus:utt. The <lnys when tho sun will mnke

ucarly orory boll v feel u ucomlortaltlu arc w i thiu touching • l i s talleo, why 1 1 n l get re:uly to ll ll'Ut 11111! wart! otr the glare !11111 lwut in ho lll c llllll ollice ? 'l'his can Le ucaompli�hc<l w i th one of

-lxS 64c.

<ixS soc.

GxS 96c.

7x8 t . t2

Screen Doors and Windows­It i• JJBI'Cl' wise to wnlt motil yon

1wetl nu nctuul com·etJieuce to thiul[

11ilnnt lmying it. A uticipllte ym;r ll€ellli aUll be r�utly ror them.

Window Screens-We cnl'l'y six

8ir.e�. will tit neot1y nny 39 wim1aw ; pl'ice, each, C 25Co \<J.. , . . " " " • " " . , ,

SxS lO.�s Olll' thoi'Ougldy mtJdc awning.� i n tlumblu :u1•! 1 . 28 1 .60 sigh tly m ulcrittl with gnlrltnizc1l i ron frame,

llose R••I - Cmntllete w ith r.o feet. 1 Uewcy Lawn mower-illll<le h)' l!ose, llrasR uozzlo 11"'1 eunp- 5 9 8 1 the Plli larlclphlu Lawn �lower Co., l111g, complete . . . . , . . . . . . . , • I ·! tJlarle!'l on it� revolving cu tter. It

Orass She�rs -!'<JI' trim- 29 i . . mlng Uurtl�rs null close tu tret:!s C , doER fine wotli: an1l SlllJeltnr to the

Light Colored Natural Ooor.s -l�'nncy designs, l 1 · 8 i l t . stuck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1 .39 � muny � o c;;,\lell fir:;t cla�:-; Jurl\Ver�. ! Your choke of ·I size:-; --1'! , 3 98 i I I, Hi. I S . i l l . . . . . . . . . '



IIold-Up Mnn Finds Thn t ll:is In·

te11ded Victim Cnn D1·ive Seveml Nails.

'l'hough she llatl to walk two or three blodu; alone aflt:Jr getting off the C'!l.I' the youug woman was 110t al'raid,

Dnt as site !Iasser! a rlnrk alley n man stC>tlJ1etl out oi' it, rel ntes the Chicng:o 'l'rlhmtc.

' 1SOI'J'Y to t t·ouhlo you, miss." he snhl, "but I'm need ing just the amomrt of caslt nnd other l'alnables )'Oii'vc gol about you. I land 'em over ptumplly, Rllli l heo·e·ll he nu fuss. If you don't, I ' l l ha\'C t o ha n little mug h."

"! hal'en't anrthlng or ,·ntue nhout me," she sn.il1. ",\ ntl if I had I wouldu't. giro It to you. You'd better let m•J ulono."

When you purchase a Piano, whether you pay Cash or take ad. vantage of !he l n�.1alment Plan, gd lhc Best. A dollar or two saved Is a poor relurn for an unsatisfactory instrument. Remember you don't buy a Piano every day. You want one that possesses the Finest, Sweetest Tone-Quality, lhe most refined case­

architecture and unquestioned durability. These vital sentlals have made the

FISCHER PIANOS what they are today. "Ha l " 'langhcd the fr,otr"id. "You'll

do something desperate, will ;\'ou '! Ba rensormhJe. young woman, "'h:.H clJancc bave you �ol. against a man? Why, ynu can't e�·e11 <ll'l\'c a nnll, let alo11e ftgbt. a desperate villain lll<e me. I'll glyeyou jusl t h1•ee sec-11

First in Reputation Amnne High-Grade Instruments.

Uprighls and Gran<ls. All Styles and Woods, Moderate Prices.

Rented and t::xchanged. Sold on Easy Payments.

11Can•t t1rlye a nail , can't I'!" she Fiai(l, shrilly. " I' l l show you!"

Wn'U joY CafalogJjt and Ttrms. 164 FIFTH AVE., Bet, 21st and 22cl 5ts.,

and 68 WE5T l25th 5TREET, Wllh a sudden movement she drovn

ten shao·p nnlls Into his face, goorl an<l lwrd, nn<l Uet'ore he hnd reco\•el'etl from the surpr·lse nnd conruslon or the nttnck she wus 100 ya1•ds away,


Educn.les fnr lmi'ilne::-H. �l'Yt�rl\l 1 hl)ll?ltml�

f�t ��i;\�;·��8�•1·���


1 � �!::;�.,V''n�l!'i����!�11i•:ti �: ctttlon, Wt'Ht'l fnr l''�t�'"'· tfl' !Ollll ln�tlt•r, t:I\!J FRO.O LEOS NOT TURKEY. :�:,\.�.rW,.\:�ii:"'entor '"" s"""'"''' wnr.·xpllllt

Tho tn l l lon 11'4 ''tJry rmt!'nmthl� A.nd lllH.)' hto Allpraisers, However, Decide Th em 1:�\��. ',!W�.��::,I�·i.�rif'\IJ:!·\�?lf��·i.J���.�'�V;;�,\�"� :--::\����l� Dutinble nt Five Per Cent.�MO:t- t!nu�nlt anr or HM �.:t·mluntt•!i nnd htJ l:on\·ln1·rd.

trn• Considered a YEml'. . ���W�;'i �:lr�:l,�h���l\ltl!!�r!l't�r�N:J�fl fl�,�,�:���i���L c��� � othUI'S, 'Vnshlngton.-Aflet• consldm•ing the If �·au wf�h to l!lllJ1Ioy ,·nur 1!\.t!nlng:; tu ru!-

mnttm· for nca1•ly a year the board of ���\!\�.�,"fs 11�N!.l'$w'��1•

:·:�!�\,.�.cboo!, tuition ot apprafser�:� ·of ! he customs brnncJJ of ,\ddrt:!fl"", The {'l.'ewJer"''J' Buslnes� Colle&'e. tho lrensury detlnrtmont has Uecldetl 683 8rn•d St�ce1, Newark; thnt frogs' legs are not turkey. A year c.El A���!�· ln�e•ld�nt. ago n New Yorli firm lmportQd a Jot . co er, ... ec.-Trens. CJ( frogs' legs. As Ute commorllly ol frogs' legs does not aiiPear· In the Dingley tarlft', tlw ll·casm•y dcpnt't· ment ordererl that they be elnssml as turkey nn<l a duty of flvo cent.• a pound was lull! upon them. The hupo t·t.erH I rlemuri·ed ""'' n ppealed to the uonrd ol ntlpralsei'S, This board at Its recmn meeting In Washington decided that frogs' legs are not turJ.ccy, but a 11non ­essenllal unmanufactured aJ·tlcle," and aR such will pay a. duty or tll'c per cent. ad valorem.

A Queen's Woman nppenrs to be very much the

same, the world over, the Scri plnrcs to the contrar•y notwithstanding, says the Boston •rranscrlvt. Wl l.h her tho raiment IR more than tho hody. No wonder, ( herelor�. that the capt! I'C queen of J\fadagasear utters the cry that she hasn't had a ne\V dress for t�'O years.,

Since 1822 we have been len<ling money on Diamonds, Watches, Tcwclry aml Silverware. 'J'Iwse fiving out oE town can with perfect safety send articles to us by ex pre<" and recei vc money by draft m· money order.

WILLIAM SIMPSON, 91 Park Row, One Oloek from Umoklyn Urill�to. WILLIAM SIMPSON & CO., t 6 1 Booery,

Oorcor Droomo lih1l8t:•

We Lend M O N E Y

Er nest Wilcox. Theo. A. Pope.

Wilcox & Pope, G •. RPENTERS & BUILOERSr

42 &. 44 Cumberland St. Tel . 1 39•J. Westfield, N . J .

Estimates Cheerfully Furnished,

Jobbinlt Promptly Alten�e4 I<»

Ashes and G�t�3,ge Collected: ·

j ·

. ' .1 J I: ' .l •pl,

REASONABLE PRICE. N. Nei lsen, ·wes*i(eld

• • , , l ! t , ·

Page 4: THE WE:!IELD · IYedtiCBtl


--_.;;.� Ulil<r··�TA�iiA�Ji j,;;ji� \\'uttlrltl, N, J ,

llr•,ch Olfh·tl Nl!WAkK, f l , N, Somnwtr, •P• HroaLI Sot, Allvt,rUt�hl.: llnh1P. flll'lll�IH•'t on ll)ll•llentl•'ll·

I.J.U\'U 'l'l l tUI I'SOS, l·:d l tur.

't llt•rt··� frt'l'diiiU I U hi Ill t h n l Wllll l'l'IUI, llt•n·•.., f'l·t•c·dnm tu him thu1 w1ul l'ilt•,

Tllt.�n•"" 1111111� t'\t'l' th1rc• ll thnt tlu• t r u t h l'llwuld } w llf>unl.

dnt thrm whnlll tilt� t rul h wntl i lllti tt• ." •• ltnht•l·t Ull\'11'•··

...::.:.::.:.:.·��···-:::�;r:-. . ��� 1l'he Union Cu•.< 1 1 ty Boad o f

Jo'rcchohll rs h:tl'e so c o l td nctcd pn b·

l ie nlfairs n s t o i n spire tho follow· ing commcut iu tho Xow York Press :

"FrcchoJ,JcJ•a in Jiuu !oi'<lou , Pas· mic, �!i<lol lcscx, \\'arren m11l Bur· gcn h are beett ]li'OI'C<l tl'crclict to public trust, 11

1111 t lwi'C is ed•leuce

of gt'otfting by tiJC oiliciul fl'lt tcruity in some other Counties, bnt thL• blue ribbon for n gmwr:tl rc•wtl of h onr:sly seems by common con se11t

to go t.o the Boar•l of Precholdel'a of Union, where Dcmocmts :11111 He pnulicaus nppenr to be luboring to. gethcr for tho public welfare."

It is said tlutt the Jlnnwoot1 Town. ship Comm ittee will pnss un or11i· JHitJco to-n ight whit·h will enable

them to hnnclle the Gall'i11's !'ark nmtter with complete powct' ll o is )'CIII'1 Hilt! that tho ohjoctionablc !cntures which hnYc hitlwrto prc­,·:liletl will be dono nway with . 'l' tn: ST,IXJJA nn i.; informml thnt the plcnsuro g i'Dur 1 1l io to como i n to control of new pnrties who will make the place un entirely respect· able resort for picnin pnrties of Smal11y Schools nntl other organiza· tions, nntl ti.Jut noth ing in the natnrc of 11 nuidunco will be per­mittm1 to go 011 . With the locnl authorities giving uttcnti.m to the

case, und the promise of \Jetter con ·

ilitious by tho new lessees tho E m ·

brco Crescent rcsi<lents will lll'catloc 11 sigh of rel ief 111111 their only ob­jection to tl1c upproach of Slimmer 1rill be remored .

A special report of tho Stute Bonn! of Health a\'crs lhut malul'in is eon­wyed to human beil•gs only th i'Ouglo the agcrocy of the nnapl1oles mos­l]ttitoe, and that t.he mosr1uitoes be· con1e infecto<1 by biting persons nl· rently affected wHh the d iseaae, �'he board counsels the utmost care ngninst peunitting to exist contli· tious wl:ich tend to propngntc the thinga that mntle New Jersey fumons:

"lllo<qui toes cnn be destroyell by removing 111! stngna11t wtllcr · by deepening ponds uud pools ��h ich cannot be drained Ol' fil led np nntl introd ucing fish : by cleal'ing awny obatrnct.ions nn!l weeds f1·om gutters nlll1 di tches to permit or free eseupe for storm wnter; by destroJ•ing the lnr1·m with oil in sitnations where more radicnl trc11tmeut canno t be up plied ; by dcsti'Dying ad u l t mo�. (JUitocs which h ibemntc in ccl lm·s d rni ns, cesspools and other places h1: the use of smolto of .Im ming i nsect powtler aut1 by brt1alnng them out und consuming them by lire . "

J!cmorltll lluy l•'mtil. The following aubscriptioua have been received to date for the l\lemoriul D11y Fnod : Union County Stundar<l . . . , , , . . , , .$1.00 Jawea 0. Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Abrams & Welch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 E. S. l!nlmar .. . . . . . . . . . . ,; , . . . . . . . 1,00 George 'r. Cruttemlen, , , . , . . . . . . . ·1.00 L . .M. Whittaker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 1 00 Freol C .. Decker . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . , . ,fj() C. F. W. Wittke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .00 A. L. Alpera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . 1.0� John J. Coger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,00 Tuttle Bros . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fiO Atlol ieon H. Clark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .no P. Traynor . . . . . . , . . . :, . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00 Lawrence Powera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2fi A. E. Decker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 A. C. Fitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .25 Dr: WiJUam Gale, , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,no


1 1 11 1 '1 ' 1 ' \ II \' . ,lultll I I , 1: 11 1 1 ) ,

'I' ll• •lr•uth nl'.lohn I I , l'oll'l)' 0\'t�lil't't•<l 11t hi� llllllll•, i l l .'llumJtuln A Willi" 011 We<hll• .. l.ty llllll'tllug. 'l'yJrhnl<l lllV<•I' 1\' llij t l ttH'IIUMetrf M 1·, fo;11rl)"H <J.,u tJo. 'l'ln• J'etlltoltJH IIt'n ln lill In ken t.o Ulul'ulmo o l , 0 hiM fm·uwr lw111n fllt' tutt•t•nwut . A \\'if',, n 1ul ehlhht.'U H111'\'I\'H Um tiPtiPIItit:'ll , 'l'llll !11111 il)' t:IIIIIO to \V eMI IJulol lllli)' In•( f11ll, the Unltuol Stnt•• Steol Coltljlllll)' with which Mr. Enl'ly 1\'IIH c�nnecteol holl'lng tmusfel'l'eol h\111 from the wrs\,

l l t •u o· r X•d•un. lleury NeiHott, solid t11 hnvu l.Jem1 lhu

ohlest colorml 1111111 In Uulun \.Juu11ty, who was nbnut ulnel)' )'1!111'8 of ago, dleol nt hi• homo ou Sl ll'in� i:ltreet l11st Sntnt·· olny morultJg, lle !mol been n ll't•ll known re.,hlent of Westtlehl fut• moru tbnn •lxty yenr,, Fuuct'lll •cn·l.,eA were

hel<l on Tuesol11y nt tho �lethnolt.l Chmclt. 'l'he olecens1'1l ld't three grnml­chllolren, bnt nn chlhln!n.

- --- · - ---

l ' u l u n ( 'ouul'' < ' lll'l .. t l u n 1-:u clt'U\'OI', 'l'he Coureutluu of tile Union Cumoly

.. � .... _ .. , .. �.-. . .. -�- ""-' ""' .. . .. - ,_,.._ ..

11' 1 1 1 1 t!'r.l�\1 .11:11 \1n• ln•o•n Jolll' l l l l i to•ol 11 1 puhll�h ! 1111 f111lnwln� l't•t')' l n illl'eHtln� ill.'l!illllil. of tlno 1-'t'IOIII'il "Chuu\ ")'�I!• ill IIH It l ll i)ll't'""''" 11 Wo•�tll o.•lol lony, CiirllliiK '1'. Clotrlc, """ nl' l't't•H\Il"llt 01! thn llunnl of J;•i tWIII\0111 t!Jtlto•T " · !JJHrk, 111111 II 1! 1'111111 111t1 of Lhtt Wo••tlluhl lkhunl� whu lA 1111\V •lnolyluu ulll'tl/lll :

,\I)' li TH!. liii (II'V>"lill/ of thu /,\'11111 II'IIH tii'UIIIi l•o•. \Vu lnlll lll'ooll l l ll o l lhnt H IVIIK o11u uf tlllt h�·��l ;�l.!huolot tn l 'nrl", uml l'tHJ. 141'1J ilt' t•Xt�N.!liHl to tll'll litllll1111 1hlj.t Ill h•uHt lUI h llpuMIII!o( ��� th" \\'n"'hiiiJHt!ll Hchoul. l l lwlu�o�: ht •t•n �-:h·••n t i lt• ll<llll't' .. H II'•.' •tnth•ol out to l\uol ll. Al'l > l' 11 """''' wullc W•' l'uuwl •tlll ',..,1h'' � I n n l l t t lt1 UIU'· J'O\\' Htl'f'l111 \VhJciJ fUI' Ih t!l' Ulotlg' "'icluum} lulu 11 llttlu "tnlll'o•, U11 tho• l'iHhl h11 1 1 1l l'ft)U or tli(H �fJI\IIl'U HlOtlt) II (OW, tll(!.!lc, Hllh•lnutllll l o ool<htH lmt ldil l� 1 n 1ool" of 11 �rny!Hh tllll't, nf Httllll!, J>il'll(!tl�• IU t ht• mi<lollo nf tlw lmllollll!( II' II• 11 l!lg olonhl11 tlOOI' ; OH t!lt)ll'l' t�hl� uf thu tloot· W�I'H twu loHJ'I't<l wlllflui\'H, 'l'ho lonllollng It Helf g lvi nl! IUUI'ol t\Hl illl)ll'."HIOU nf oo \'l'i• t;OII t lmu of ll t!cllllol.

Wo pnllo l n llttlo lcuoh fn,!ene•l in i hc wnll h<•Hiole 1 ho 1lnon 11 locil clangt•1l rWtutHVht'l'tt wlthlu. l'fw 1lam• opt•Uel), ll)IJIUelltl)' of it<olf 111111 11'0 ClltCI'CI]0 till! door clo.,lng l.Johhul t1s with 1111 •Jmlnous cl ick , ·

Ouco lnsltlo tho l.Jutlollug, It I• i UIJIIlS• �ihl� to gt�t unt Ldore :-iclll)nl dot'l�ii, witliont n notH fl'om I h� Httpel'\'iRtHU', 'l'ha LrciH t'WJSistH of two court�"�, u1w mm�h 11\l'gel' t luUJ tlu� ollltl',!snrronrul�cl uy the >clmul hnildlugs. 'l'lie big conrl is fm· the little L"Y" nml tittJ little court is for tho lJI� lm)'•. Aron111l tl1o inside of tho court l.i 1111 1\l'CIIIIt! fmru which t he cluss I'OOillH til'� eutere1l. Uuce i u�hlto, tile •cii!JOI llllliC/11'< IH IIC\i bigger lh1111 fro111 t ill' >lleet. I t I�< t hrcn stories high IIJJI] HL'COHliJlOt}l\te� alJunt UUl! tllommwl )111)111�.

J 11 tJuJ hu·ger con rt nz•o t\l'O vr tii J't't' �cmg�ly treel'l. A II win1lows ou till� !(I'Utlllli flout· ure covere1l w ith heal')' ll'it'H screeuH, unt el'eu tlien the Wilt· tlo\'t R �Ht l lt'olum. Tile ft!liO\''fl �pewl their •·ece>Hes ltieklngo �� rnlJIJer ball alJont. They pl•y u.<socint!on u gl'ellt 1leul , hut IUOst of tlwlll thinlc "rugby" i> too rough, W hell they <lo pluy "rugby" th� plny�t·� weu r l'll iiiJiug trunk:i aud n light jersey, 'l'he J'.Jlows wreotle wHit oue ll llothet· n � l·ent tlenl tluriuK reCi t'H· tlo11, but it Is \'ery sehlom that they use thelt· lbts.

'!'lie I'IIOIIJA HI'C tlil'i<lel] hito l\1'0 c:n�f:UH, tlJtJ �;tn1ly rooms autl thu rer.:itn· tiom rooms. 1\'e hut! hee11 � iveu tickets cnlle<l "billets cl' entree, " which silo wet! the clus'eS we h•ol IJeeu assigueol tu. A ftPr 11 luu�: •enrch I ut Jeugth louuol mhw. It WHH Ill• three tli�hts of Htair:;.

C. E. Sode\Jea II' liB hel<l nt Cl'llttfunl on 'l'neellay tH•tming, \dwu the CuJlowiug offil!ers w� elt cted for the �usnhl� yuH I' : Pre>hleut, .Juel D. De.G roll', Dmoellen ; ti1·st l'ice•Jlre•ioleut, F. B. WootlrnJY, of Cm11fmtl i �:�eeoml \'ic�­l>re8iolent, �lr.•. C. F. Pierson, of Ilr1tneb )!ills ; tliit·il vice JlreRioleut. Rev. Il. H. U;ouldn, o! ElizalJetiJ ; fourth vlce­

lll't'�illeut, �lis� B. C. Smith, of Plain · tielil ; seeretury, E, J. Price, of l':liza­lJetll ; tt·e:o>nrer, G. IJm·t Cl 1n·k, of \Y,·;Uieltl. '1'11u IJiniiiH for J . ir�e•t nt· teuolauce was nwa1 1le1l to the society from Aldene who IJICtl twelve lll'CRellt ()llt ot fourteen mamlJet·�. RB\'. C. E. Herring, of Plniufiel\1, mnlle nn fnter­

e�t iug utldrei'H, - fllttel'(11l a l'OOitl which \\"Us til led c.\•ilh I at tha end of n lung crooke1l eonitlor. I

l.l� t l l ' l' tc, W. B. l·: l l intt� L�reuch f�llows, t:�acb one trying to tnlk Westfieltl. loudet· than the next. The IIIOIIICIIt I

• • •• • • 1 • tlUtel'e'l n hush l':lllll:! O\'t!l' the tJhtce.

Dear Sn , Wonltl ) Olt lllce to hem of ! !'I'""' sonwbo•lr iu u,. lmck of rhe n 20-y�ar pniut 't crowd rattl�c.1 o1l �om�thing iu F'reuch, Mr JR.IU!:'S A O'Neil'�; ho·.lst-�, Heutler· J \\'haling up with "Oh! Yt:-s ! ' ntHl then l':lnii1 :S C, wn-. painletl 20 p�m:; u�o with , thuy �all }nught(l, l tlpoltt! �o OUt! of

. . th . m m l�ll!;h�Sh, hut hH 1lillu t t11Hl�t-D8\:oe l.t.'Hd�ural·ZIIW,

, mal IH:!\'er paiUiflll �;tmHI. 'l'lttm 1 Lri�d Fr�uch, Out th1at

ngnm tlll 1u�t year ; il theu loo1a�tl bellel' ma(le them h11gh nil th� moa·e, so I than l.!ouuuou tmirJt iu h11 Jf that t ime. stoppetl. 1 f01111d out at't.Pl' \\'Hl'll� tJmt

-=:: o o 'J'Jit• 1\' 1 \ tl ,1f n n ;;;��;;;:-;,---� ·········· .. ···················���

'l'o ln \Vtlll ,\l nn nl l lul'tl t•ll luo,. l l l ot uutllll Jn 11111'111 llltl. l hoo Mni'I')'•UII· IIIJUtlll �11111 lin•, I I •• 1•ltd11M hi• !t•llt tu oluy 1111 '!' ! I t : Rr.1�11 .1111r lui , 111111 l'ol' ll ll't'l'it wlll mlllfll lht! In \I' l l 111'111)• 1111<1 ull'n )'1111!111 111111 ul1l Jhn lull u! t•Jtllug lion gil)' Hl o•<Hls 1111 i lw 1'1 1•1 · 111'1\' i llg plul l'unu. 'l' l11•ro will l <t< Jll'llllllt H l l llll lilll iWl'll, 1'111111)' 1 111 11 JlllHHihly "jolt. it lt•llltlllllitollf, " lllltl with ull llif t:II­Jn>'lllt•lll 1111'1'11 11' 1 1 1 !Ju tilfJ IJoUIIHht o\'

Hutllll l!ll ul nt'tl•lllijiiiHltml. l!'m· thu t/l' ! lw ,)!o•l i')'•l/11•llolllul llllH u!l'oJJ'I•tl Jo �I tt lo(llt:tl l,\' ]ltii'CI•l l lugtJ of tho gt'llt-�H t't1CIII I! IH i 11 t lu• t'hlloln u H Vllluotr·y l lmuo, 1111tl l iw lllllliii�I' I'H nf I hu ltntllll 11111'11 t'lllll:l tHII!I] th� 1\ t't'lll l�<'llll'llt. wlih hllll loy wloltdt 1 lwy hnp\1 1t1 rurtl lzo n 1111'gtl Hllllt ol' n" "'"Y fron1 lilll llli'llh',

'l'liu �to ow will I.Ju "i'"" ft•om a ·:10 l o 11:11>) u'dowlt, 111111 frulll j ·:JO to 1 0:00 o'llioocl< I'· 1 1 1.

�� Con von ience, ;A lways ]A Necessity, 1otten iTiw !Telep hone I I I

u�t New Dn-,iue::tl,

Ilol<l l ll<l llltsineES.

l'reule Oeruau1l.

Fnrnish Snpply,

'l'he 'l'eletohone Helps In all thi�;

The New York and New Jersey Telephone Company

333 Park Ave., Plainfield,

Tdtphone 5 1 9�.

I nterest beari ng cert if i­

cates of deposit, pay­able on den1 and, or at a

stated tin1e, i ssued by the Westfie l d Trust Co.

Satisfaction--That's The Po int. If you hnvc your work done hy us you wil l he sat isfied with the results. The repairin g of high grade and com pl icated watches and clocks a specialty.

A l l W o rk D o n e a t

J. H. WELLS' , 46 Elm St. , Westfield, N. J.

Hand Em broidered Lin�n Sh irt Waists

A 'I'


An Ed ucat ion a l I nvestm ent.

ELI ZABETH C O M M E R C I A L COLLEC E, 'l'h� nn:mu i�: Derou is ull lllliut mul th�re w:��; not 11 pr:l':iiJll ther� whu uoultl j l!.;�:::::::::::=�� . . • �11�1\h: l�ngli:;h, t:'XCt•Illill� three ot' l'um·

�� �nl ; w� � �� oomu � J�mG pm�Hm� w� w� thcro w ��b it ��;�����===;�����;

































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o N















� lll'f' part t rne nwl lJllt't. fl!b.B. Don't llllY Thu rc·cit:ttiun r tOllld ha\'t' high l�eil· to rwmlcey with puiut. ings ttw1 nro rery pourly li�llt.t:d. '1'/w ---------- -- -------------- ·-------

i\tH1 De\'oe t.nsts les� than any of 'elu ; s�ats ttl'ij twll! ing !Jut a :;iuglc lmt�nl, \ • '· , I I r • . . . , e1g!Jt iudws wule, loug euongll to nc-not J) tue gil ou, o. com�e, lJ) lhe eu1mumltlle tivu or �ix fellO\rs. 'l'ht! hon�e nud )'e!U'. 'l'hnt .� lww lo reclwu Lle:skri cousi::1t of a :;imi lttr bonnl �et nb,1nt it. Go by the wuue. l�:rtl witU yonr t-ILow. 'nte sea�s rise

Yonrs truly nne above thtj ?ther liltc the ��at� ut' a F W Dt>ror !(: C

;;mm\ stnn<l. 'illey lt•ve l!o !Jack� nncl • �.: 0 the ouly rest yon c m po�JOlhly get 1� br P. S. Gnle's Phnrmncy .o.ells our IHtiut. Itmuiug 11J.pliu�t tblj f�Jlo nr'1'1 1Wte.-+ bt�hiu.,l

U4 yon. 'l'hc lH'Ol'C�Ssur'::s c.leslt cuu:sbts d a plain woatleu tnbh• , without enm a tlnnv-.!r, 'l'lti5 is ah the furuilnre tlmn:l

Coulribntions from �lily 1 1 to �loll' i•, exceptlu� that one or lwu of the

\0 , 1005, rooms hnvo n little cupbunJOl where thPy lteep oJid !Jouils.

Mrs. IVI\Iilllll J. Alpers, . . . , . . , , �2G [JO Amoml t.he sltlcs u!' I be roows IIJ'e 11 l\1 :\.1 S Cl 1 il 0 umuber ut' houltli fur the hats llUtl l!outs, 1 1'· • ex • Ill' ' • • • • • · • • · • • • • _,; 0 As mJst of the illlults ure mis•it •:; lin if of Mrs. A lex S. Clmlt · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 15 00 the cln's has to linn;; it'• cl11llws 011 moe �lr. Sitluoy L. KuiiYen , . . . . . . . . . 10 UO hook. Wilen the •I nun hents lit th� e111l �irs. ,Jobu P\ntt, . , . . . . . . . , . . , . . 10 00 uf tloo hunt· tliet·e ts 11 goeuer11i "enunblu �Ir. Jmnes 0. Clnrlt . . , . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 for this hoolt mod then for the <loot'.

There is uo regonhu· Jlllll'chinl( out with Ml·s. E. Uotledll, South Omuge, 10 UO the teacher Htllll<liu:; nt the olcot· hentiug Mr. ,\lurllu Welles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 time with bel' htnl!\s s11yiug "left," Mrs Martin W �lies . . . , . , . . . , . . , 10 00 "left.," every other step. Mrs. J. F. \.Jowperthll'llitt• . 10 Otl 'l'lie blllck!Jonnl is 11 little nif11ir, pel'· M w I' 1 1 1 haps fom· feeL SIJUIIre, �et directly ue· l "· il l llll1 • '"" .,. . . . . . . . . . . 1i uo hind the rr�fessor's tlesk. F)[' Hll €L'IIbtl' l\lr.,, Currie E. IV heeler. . . . . . . . . 5 00 they use 11 piece of cloth. 1\It·s. llenjnmiu Ul'uer, ll'nnwooll Lienteunut RJga.· W•lles . . . . . . . Mr. J . Herbert Permnll . . . . , . . .

ii 00 Tile system o[ venti111tiou i� exll·emely ,; 00 simple. In W iuter, wheu the ruom be·

comes too stnlfy, they oJieu 11 window 1i 00 nut! i11 :>mnmer t11e windows 11re opel; Mr. F. A. 'l'uggnrt . . . . . . , . . . . . 1i 00 n i l the time. �liss A, �l. Cl11rlt . , , , . . , , . . . . . . . 1i 00 'l'he .heati nf( no less c01Ujllex. M D H o Il ·

• 00 Over m tile corner Js H llttle register ' rs. · · · " evms. " . . " " " Hllll ou the colclest dnys t!1is gi res forti; Mr. L. A.. Welles, · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ;j IJO a lllellgre, luke·\VIIl'lll cnrrent of n it·. Miss A. C. L11throp. , . . . . . . . . . , . 'l 00 '!'here is also 11 sto1·e, but thnt is only

�lrs. G. H. Bircls111l, . . . , . . . . . . . , 2 00 t:setl for waste \ll\)lers. Unriu!! the Mrs. Gem·ge 'l'. Noo . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 UO Wi nter It is so colo! ill the ch1ss 1'001118

that 1111111)' of the )Jnpils bring pieces or 'l'he mnuagers or I he home wish to carpet to sit on. 'l'he cult! won hi nut be

tlu111k the t11nny friends, \�ho have re- RO objectionnllle if it were not for the 141JOJHlt!l) �0 protutJtJy, to their appenl, tlutlllJUeS:i. Uu miuy tlHJS lhe mi�:�t in

"'l'he 'l'rensm·v 1, EmJoty." I lie corrillurs coneeutmtes 011 the' wnlls ' nut! ceiling mul tricltle• tlowu tu tlw

SnlJseriptlons' mny he hnculetl to lillY Hoor lu l i l lie sh'e/IIIIS of \\'Hie•·. 011e of the man11gerH, ot sent ollrect to 'l'ho etncly rooms are furui•hetl in the the 'l't·�nsm·�1-. i IHn::;. J. B. l�'l·:ltlll:-3. HJLUla WILY ns thti r�citntfuu rouuu�. ex

Vegebtbies Undet• Cheese Cloth, A n umi.Jer of expot·i mcnls c:ontlnclcd

llY t.ho Cn.IH\I.linn cxperimculnl rurm ;bowed that Jeltuco; g1·.ew qntcker out· !l�e the Inclosure. 'l'hlll grown ont�i lle tvas from two to fo1 1 17 clays ear·Jier !han lbat g1·own lns\dc. HrHIIshes ll'eo·e lh1·ee days eal'iler• lns\de 111111 were }lerfcctly rree from maggots. Henns were ea1•Iicr when grown inside and were very near­ly as prorlucth•e. 'l'he eoacJuslon from the en !.Ire ex l)ea·lmeut seems to llc lhut :beese cloth Inclosures may lJc or \'li llie In clUes and lownR, where IL Is <JIHt­cult to have a ganlen, owing to lnjw·y . from calA, do gR. and even chlldo·en. 'Phcy ! may al.Ho be useful to mal'l<et gnJ'clen- · ars for gr•owh1g \'egel ahles, wlalch nre' a.f[ecled b.v !'oi>L mn&amt.s.

\VtJ otTer· Onu Ilnrulrtlil Dullnr3 H;!WIHcl fnr 1\11}' r�ll'�i! nr CniiLrl'h th1tt. cnnuot. llf.l CIUlul b)' Jfnll's C'lltarrh Ouro. 1!" . • J . PH I•;Ng\" & GO . ., 'l'oll'llo, tl.

\\•u, the unrter�lllned, hnvu lwown P. ,J. ChP.nevfor llm Ja.'lt. lf1 )'f)JtJ'!f, fl.IJll lJc!liH\''' him Jlt!rfm:tlr hnnnrahln In �til hm�lne:-H un.n�Rn· tlon!-1, nncl 1\nanctalhr tLhln f11 carr�· out Jlll�' tJblh:a.Unn� mn1le hr hiR firm. W,\I.UIN"U, IONNAlf & �IATI\'1!0',

\\'ho1�1llllfj Ot·u�..:lfllM, 'l'nletln, 0 . lfllll'!i C1thtrrb Cure I !!. tnkon lntermtlly. u.el­

ln� tllrectly upon the hlond ltllli umcnua sur­fttCo.iof tln' �\·�tcm. 'l'l'l�tlmoltlal"� sent. Cree. Prlcc, jfi<.:. Pt!r hl>l.t.l.,, !:'nhl hr 11ll th•u;�llltFJ, 'Ioke !loll' • Family !�!11! lor constftlatlon,

cept thu t the tleslts nre 11 little h11·ge1', 'I hey are big �nough for 011e to he 11iole Ia writ� upon, still they will not lwlol all your boolts.

All books, paper�, Jlelleils, etc.. hare to he canieol buck ami fot'th to the J,scle evrry tlay, as it is not IJrntlent to leave t11em there OI'Bt' night . �'or this J>Ul'IIUse the 110 pits nntl ]orol essm·• n sort of lenthet• bng called a • which is cdniet! nutlet· th� arm. Ve:·y few fountain pens 11re nsNl so most of the fellowg carry au ink holt)� In one pocket llllc\ 11 loose 11en in the utloet', When six a! t\wse little italt but ties are Jl lllce<l on tiULt. lli;tle rwrt·nw honrol which seo·ves us n ileHko i t don't tRke lot;g fur RUIIlething to hiiJOJien. 'l'ile a1·e1•11ge .•pilling of l nlc is moe bottle every three miuntes.

'l'he hook•, l111\1el', I'"""• pencils, el'ery. thing, except the "I'IJIIL'IItnH in the l11ltor ntorie� •. bas to be bomgbt U}" the pnJrll . For tins lllli'JlOse t11a dJJorkt�eJJer CJ1' ••,!oucierge'• ltHf:lliH 1\ Bort of �.tent=I'HI Htol'� where nnythtng 111111 et·ery\hi llg c11n \Jonght.

'l'lle Jltlpils are tllville1l into emf CillBHeB, IICCOI'iliug to the I hours they R]leml l n school " "exterues silllJJ)es. '' fh'e hours; ternes stu-vellleR." eight at11l 11 honrs, 1\Ull thl:l "ilemi-(nmsiouuil'eB,'' honre. Tlae ' 'lletui-ptmsiollail't:H'' in tl:e mornin� 11t 8:�0 111111 till 6 .BO nt night. Out of

C.imlimm! ou /'agt 8,

It Is Easy to Produce Good Music with The PIANOLA PIANO

f] I t is easier to play a Lisz.t Rhapsody on the Pianola Piano than a five-finger exercise on the ordinary piano. A little perfor· ilted roll does all the mechanical, drudgery as well as supplies all necessary technical knowledge, nnd leaves the performer free to give undivided attention to the expression and enjoyment of the IDUSJC,

The ordi:ury piano, while t real1 mu sical

. i �strumen� when prop�rlYj

played, ts lll the average home ltttl�j more t han an expensive article or, fu rni tut·e. I ts musical limitationl

/ have been o vercome in the Pianoll Piano by combination with the M et•: resty le Pianola-the standard pian�1 player. That the musical and ar� tis tic superiority o( t�'i new insmi:� ment is recognized by cll(iured musio1 lovers is shown in the large numbell of gran d and upright pianos of all1 representative makes which havo

- ..;•1<.:�:: .. ���.� exc���!::.�or it. 1 THE � IANO.LA PIANO_ is an uprighi-Pianc:'of the highest �ype; co�plete in everf1 dctatl. It ;s always. avatlablc for h1nd playing without being Jimjted to it. I r has, J keyboar? hke any ptano. �ut wnen man�;&( deKterity can go no farther, or when tlit, • , lir�gars ttre-or .more cspecnll y when there is no one in the home who can play at all :-tt IS .only �ecessary to shde back a panel for the insertion of the perforated music roll•, and 1tep 1mmtd1ately Into the field of all tht music tlurt iJ, . .

Slnre the lnnnlion a( rht Metro!tyle-wh'th il in<orporoted ;,1 all Pia 1 p· h .

d 11 r. • L :Z' , ft • J h · b 1 · . . no a 11no1-t tJe p�rfortte ro J JUJIUin not o I au.t ... I<C "'JUC, Ut • •o •• IUihoruacJve autde to COIIt<t iaterpretarioa which b ., � II b h kill I The Pianola Piano with the Metroatyle il lhus 111 ioatrument whidt i I

con : ••s: y o owed y t e molt u�t ( lhau anythin& lt hu ever before been ponible to take into the home. I ••• more n tloe w•y ol muaical inllruction and co)oy•s The Pbnola Piana •ot• r�ot differ frem the "'in1ry ufri&ht u,,. i

f�IIJ II tffrcti'� 11 the aeparate lnttrumrnu, wh\le �elhJ m!. ,:n�=�r 1 •:ward at�:.;t. B:nb Pian� and Pianola are Pll

no I soc te fJ1COo, De.criptive lilnanire '"' mnuic cttalt ues

: 1 • . economrcal ,..( tpac:c, P1 teet ef the f{ano!a I I GWlnJ repertory, lent tD any addrt!l em reque1t. We�•• PI•••Ja Pia••• J .&eeUaa PlaaeJa PI ' �· •••• f Vlu�eloclf. PI••••• PI•••• Tilt: AEOLIAN COMPANY, AeoUan HaD ,., �.,Til " . ·

· t NEAR MTRST .. r liEW YORK, 1

Page 5: THE WE:!IELD · IYedtiCBtl


},0\'u111!/l�t��·-A)1������n��1�1\\!!:J�h�11 �tru;tlflnl

},u�,!��;��!'-l:t:r:�:�'!:'�.,·:'r�:nJ::l, ·�t::ml.���:l Ulllce.

-----­rro J.t�'l::�i��Wo-;;.1-11-;���i . ill tlrclllll'tl hl rl'l!t.

} 1:��J �!��:!,�r','.�:�w!lrrl :L'C ���.��·�::.!'''��:;� ,l�iS: "(i\INl<i Klltrll)', Siji; ttnJI, $1 '; Ctuuulii\U In· _ � &18.1l Jtn11)'1 tl'llhlt'l) rut• Cfltl'ilt..Cd r\1111 ti!d• « h•, f�.l. \\', ,;, l'ev�llllln.

'f\'�\��PI��:�.�"�J�:::,�:�·, \\�:�r.r ��.!�:�����·,;�·.' s•; ii.

JJ''L!:,{i/:' h���.N 11} til.� I·�� 1�J\�I;{.);'1:�1r��c.t\�l::;�; }ltices. llonahl Ptmrll�tll, :!I t:tu ltun l'lr\f�e.

�.,o ',!lc�:���.l': A tt�)�··a�;um���\�l�����·,,:�t!�1111 1t !!

BUII,DISO tmml ror· ��tlu tLI Jtlt m· tldl\'ct�d, A . �� Parkhurst, 11rnn':_l!_�-}-,0�o�� !,·,�:j;:-r1.�''�(-;l.t���tl��.r�l'.0�lr��������� H� "'t'bt llL'Id 1\\'t.•.

llltl l·:t-' l'l'll.ll� C l l-' l �'l' lllt Wi'l' 'I'll .11 .\ n' ,

. �"'''' .\ hun I l'••ni<lt• \' 1111 1\ IIUII'•• I I ll l>• lll' lllll�• Ill l h n '1'1111'11 'l'lll'Uil�h l hn "' I �I' I' I

-Cumu tulco 11rhlu on tho �lurl')'•l!llo 1'<1111111

-'l'hu We�l llel•l ,\lotrlll<ll� lll'u on Hlllu lit nil UeWHtlt•IIIOl'll,

-llel·twrt Wllihtllll �pout WmhtuH<lny lu tnwu vl•ltlu� f!'lurul•.

-L'o>rr·t l'I'JI'I<IIIIIt will ul vu II Smolrur 111 �ln•unlu llull June l �th uext.

-A uuw I lrnu luiJie WI!Ut Into �!Teet nu thu U•utt·nl i t•llh·oa<l lust Hnudny,

-l:hill'les R. �'oKb!r, ar Mt. Vet'IIOII, N. Y., �liUIIt Snmllll' hero with t•ulntlveH,

-The rnrnltnru l nvol rm1 In the 'l' lcu Jlr lg11tlon ltnK ull beeu returued to Mrs. '!'lea,

-�Irs, Slettler of Scr11utou, Pu., IK n gn••t of Dr. Ull<l �lru. Stenus ut tlte �luuse,

-The ilody of W. A, Drown, futber· lu-111w of D1·, Wm, A. Hlcu wus Intoned nt �'alr·vlew au 'I'nesduy. '

-0. W. llnl'llen I • now the olny I'C• celvet· fol' the lrolle)' corntlllllY ut Jtnh WilY Jnuclilln, ·

-Dt•. J. H. Wdgltt nltem1ed the com· meucumeut e.�ercisss ut Dre1v 'l'heologi · cui Semiruuy at )Iatll•ou tills weelc,

-�la1·tlu DHwey .11'., w ill leove ou Suutl11y for• Ilnrtfortl, where he will St<em1 the Smume1·.

--"D11vld ilttrmu," r·odtHI hy Prof. L!vlngslou Uarl>om·, at the Po·esbytel'luu Church tn-ulght.

-Rev . ant1 �Ir•. ChnrltH Fretledclc of llochestP!', N. Y , are vl.,l li ng �h·•· J, [?, Couuut uf Dntlley Aveune.

-i:ltceple-chnse meet of the Watclmng II nut Clnb 11t Plniufielt! Drlvlug Pnrlt ta-mon·ow tLfteruoon nt I ::JO.

-Match gnrue between the Westliehl <md the Westehestet• Golf Ulul>s to·mm·­row aftemoon ou the home Uuks,

WA:>'t'l; l l-A hoy's �� lneh hie)cle. A<l· -Ml', 11!111 Ml'�. P1111l Scbln•leusky awl tln�HK ll l'ttrk :5trecl . Mr. t\utl :\Irs. EtlwnrU Balcer· atul clnilgh N Jc:;;!��\s�;',�'1\��:zd,��H��' :�)1 1C.�·u:���'t::�:�: ter S[leut Snuduy ut Westchestel'. nue,

r j�O 11:��; ��:��t-1;�:\l��!_'•ll{)�,.��:�� ��ft�:X .n��� -.ormllh�·

J.Jt>�;�;�;���:��l��"l����:.�;r·, N{;��. r1r�rtcr plcrt�r!

�-,u�'r!�,��::�tl.�!,':t':!'�� 112,r�(�n1u��.�::���\t��,,��� ,'\: \Vl·kh.

rro \\�t���·':,r I·�?,�.\ �i·ul�:��r�l�c(t�!����:',��·ll lncnt e<l. .\11 hnr,z·nveziJellll:i, Juqult·o nt �tnJHirml Olllt!t:l.

ACENTS You Can Oo It ACENTS M�clnlliomt " P�llro ur Penl'l " N�w .MH· !lulllous, l�11iclc Rellere. Big' m�uey, Writ� nt u11e�. Specht I t.errit.nry J.!l\'811. Lllt'"tAt �l e<lullion Co. i n tho Wnl'i<l.��ltli' lillJJpl it'H. Norel tit:s 1111 to·ll,�te. Writ" nnw. Unh•ersal lllanufactunng Company, l'ittsbu g, Pa.

For Re nt. Lnrge J l ou�e. Blm Street . . . . *75.00 J,·u'"C Honse nrl!l hn1'111 Bro!ld

Streer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.00 J,arge J l onse, Kimlmll Arc . . ·!5. 00 J.nrgo Honse, Kirubnll A1·c . . 42 .50 .Largo House, �Lountain

Aronue . . , . • , . , , , . , , . . . 40.00 House, tiue gronnlls, . Duulcy

Avenue. , . . , , , . . . • . • • • , . 37. 50 Lnrgc Ilouso nntl lllli'II,· Onm·

berlnml Street . . , . ;r(, • • • • ·10.00 House, 0 rooms, Onrnll'6'1'111ml

Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,00 Honse, S rooms, Dtullcy Ave. 35.00 Hons�, 8 rooms, Pr·ospect St. :lii 00

Honse, 0 room�, Hnrrison Avo :J5.00

Honse, 12 toorm, Pttrlc St . . . · 10.00 J l onsc, I' rooms, First St . . . • 30.00

)[ omo, 8 t•oorn•, H111'1'ison Avo 35 00

J.'lat, + rooms. . . . . . . . . . . . . • 1.0. 00


STANDARD BUILDING 'l'elephooe 135 L.

Special. Lot o n Prospect

properly of Westfield Street,

Libl·ary for sale. Apply to


REAL ESTATE AND NSURANCE Cor. Elm and Quimby Sts, ·

Orand Opening Umtm· Ent ire X�w Mana�o:cacul .

Jerseyland Park, Formerly " 0RlvlnW, Park.

DF.l!ORATION DAY, MAY JO. SPECIAL FEATURES : p,,r. AI•Juht, tht! rtti/JOU� ;\el'U!IItllt ill Ualloon ,\IU!eiiiiOI"t

11lth nftt:I'IIOOl arul nh.:bt ; i'irework1. At the l'nrk Thtuttr•, the lfanha.ttnn Stock Cn., '-''Ill Jlrf'llent tf�tJ Furui)' Comcdr·DrRml', " 1\'anlmJ " Wlfe,1' VJJ to.IJate 811ecfu.lth•�. �ocln..l J)Rfll'U nrtut· 6VcrY performance. OcJJUO to tlze OtJeulng.

- Wlllinru S. Welch returned on S11lur· <lAy last from 11 !om· weeks stny tu Virginin.

-Mr. 111111 �h·s. Ft·e<lericlc Steeb will learo June 1 for Clevclatul 0., wltet·e they will visit the ir son fur <lll exteutled period.

-'l'he comlitiun of ,J. Alliin Worl11 who IIIIi ueeu ill with tn•ltoi •l fei'CI' is repol'tml this UlOI'Ili llg' to bo utnch im· pro\'t:tl.

-About $100 W11B g<tine•1 by !110 St. Poml's P11rish Honse Fuutl uy "Silotless 'l'own" aut! tho Poster Purty l11st S�ttm·· tiny.

-'l'he resi<1enco of l1t'e<1erlck Steeb 011 Snmmit nYEmne, will be uccnpit:td llnr. ing the snmm�r by Chnl'le� Ul'llue tmll fami ly,

-W. E. Tuttle, Jr., is meutionetl tu tho p11pers of the County as 11 l•assible Cllllll it1ate. for Sunntor on tho Dtmocrntic ticket this f11II.

-lm 13, 13nll is nttendhtg the Preslty­terirlll General Asomnbly nt Winonll, lutl , ' s delegate from the Eh>nbeth Presh)'tery,

-Prof. f,iviugston Bnl'bonr, of Rut· g"r:i, n.utl. 1\lrs. Om·bom· will lm euttn·· tHiue<1 11t the home of �Jr. 111111 �Ir •. St. Geo, Rnthborue tO·IJight,

-A.l>ert Snylle•· tn·osentet1 one of the Colored Giauts lnst Sllhll'llny with tba box of cigars he hn<l olreret1 for the fi1st th t·ee· bugger· of the season,

-11reehoh1ers Couuoly nm1 'Scmhler 111111 Fire Chief Deelcer !pent 'l'uestluv at G locester whet·e they

'attem1et1 the An·

unnl l?ish Dinuer.

-MI'"· �1. C. 'l'omplnus, of 13nrt, N, Y. nntl �li•• Niuu Frullck, of Dutr<tlo, b>tve beau visitlug at Ilia h�rue of �lr·s. �',·col, K Win let' thl! week.

-'l'he Hnctiou sale of 'the Cory tH'Olltlrty helt1 ttt the 'fown rooms last Satm·t1ay at'lemoou was tul,ionrneo1 four weeks. The h ighest l>itl matle wus *6u00.60

-E<lwan1 Dana Dou•nntl isthe compilct· of the Govel'llroent's Special Hettot·ts ot1 Electric Railw11ys, 11 COJIY of which lms beau o·eceiveJ Ly the 8'1'.\NDAltn,

-l1 11•i talious hnve been i8suetl to the uiuetieth IJirtlul 11y celebration of Jolm Smith A llleclc, temlerotl by his chilt1reu, grarul-chilt1reu uml grent.groull1 chthiren, art Al�ty �7th at 1 72 Prospect street,

-'l'he Elks nn<1 the Kui,lils ol' Colnmhus will !Je ont in fot'c" tLgnin to-night ab the Orautl 0Krnival iu Plnlu · lielll. If you hnve not yet ntteude<i this big •ucceos ]!O to·ulght, It ie the talk of Ute connty> .: · ·

-Ciral'les 0. Di lis hAA im al·tlule on "Couuu·y Life" iu tlie · ll111y umubel' of the Snl>nrbtmite, A fl'ont 1111!!6 illns­tt·attou or WRshiugloll School llJl['URl'S in tl>ls uumLer, 11ml iusitle J>ictnree of Lin· coin School 11ncl the ·Det>ot.

-Au ulllt'Dl was sent in lHot FrW11y evani11g from tho home of George B . Wehb on D11clley- Avenue " ""''" some winllow cnrtains CtLnght fire, but the

oerl'iceo or. the tlepnrhuent were not

uee�e•l "" the blaze was extinguished ,,utokly.

----·---Yon nevel' lleht'tl of IUIY one nsh1g

Ji'g]ay'• Houoy und 'l'ut• and not being satlafiell. Suld by Frutchey & Hatbn­IVII)',

-'l'hu 'l'nwn Ununull lllUu l l rrl( I� r•1• I'CII'(o•<l llli JIIII(II �.

-u . A. V. I l outklu�uu •1wut Hu111lny lr1 Ut·uuldyu.

- �l l u. llullh!JI, or llli)'Uilll", Vl<lturl l'llltliiWH OU llnr!'JHOII ,\ VHII�II yesll•J'tlny,

- M rs. Alll!ll<lll w�l/110 IIIII I MOll Wn l · Inert, nf llr·uulrlyh, 111'11 vlslllrtK �li'H, �1111')' !(, Cox,

I I I 'HI:'I'I-lNH I'U I � 'I'IlW;,

l11llhi'Uhllll'j' 111111 lHHHI �ull'llllf "'iJIUJtl>�l, �r,l) NuJ•th Avuuu11.

If )'Ill I WIIIIL )'•llll' l llllf�ll�<l lll' louul o•X• Jll'UHH hllll<l!Hil lu II Clll'UI'lll 11111 1111111' 111111 l•rouiplly •l•li Vul'U<l u•ll un J. Hull, ,Jr • llu uiNu tlullvt•I'H un<l u•tiiN for luunl 1'1·eluht. l lh ollluo IH 111 I� g1111 HlromL 111111 lrlH tu)OI>IJOIW lilllllh .. l' �;),\V, IJIVIJ ltlrl l ll llllll WhAU )'Oil II <J<lll 1111)' li'Ordc�, UXpl'IIHH Ill' fl'ulght UIU'tuol,

lloforu n;htll ll• ,\ln·ln lm. AILHI' IIHIIII! ILH uw.JIIco n.

If yon 111'11 gulug lo lmvu 1111)' cludr·a Ol'

Munste1· Cloth , Linen's linest sul15ll tute i n Whi te, Navy, Cad� Chnmp3�nc and Tan. i\11 colors, w i l l wash.

15c yard. Broud Street, W�slflcld, N. JZ..

-UnnllulluuuJ 'l'rnyum· IH t'ttlll<Jllul lu!l thu llr<�rlll Stt·eoL hunsu r•ec�utly t<nr­uhnsetl lty ltlru, 111111 will l'tiiU0\'6 t.hur·•r with his fnmlly w:IUII tho nltemtlouH huvu lret!ll UUtll llletml,

-'l'ho A<lvnucu Club tucclhtll which ll'ns 'climlulo•l fut• ln·nlgltt will ho hulol ucx t �'ri•l11y ulglt l nt the hurno ul' M t•. nn<1

Mr·�. ,J, U. Kutch111u, "llrynut" will hu thu •ubkut,

UlhUI' fnru llll l'H lll>hUIHitl'dl], UIII'!IU[H ������------------------'!"'"-----... � ... �� 1111111" lulu I'IIHP, IJIIIttl'llHHeH II>H<In uVIJJ' -A If Enjoy-- If __

___ _

-Court \Vcstflolol, No, t a;;, f,•l<lY Foreste1·s, will holt1 thelt· uwetlugs bel'C• ttflur· ou the 1st uutl :Jrtl 'l'tleMtlll,l' even· lugs lu each ruouth tusteall of the �u<l uml ·llh llrhlavn.

· -E. 1'. Wt�le�·l>m·y, nt l ll'esGut with Tntlle Dror.. , hn• nccPjtted 11 tJOa!tlon us KBS!Hlnul UUihH¥er with 11 J,u·go lumber concern ut Greunt<olut. He still Inteu�s to run lee b!a home l teru In W'"tllel�,

-Mn, ,J, Winter· DuviH, of SJUth nve nne, uuol her slster-ln·IIIW, �ll·s. 0, P. Hopklus, of Norfolk, Va., salle<! Wm1· nest1ay fmlll Bostou fot· 11 tbree week's hip to J11!11Aic11, \V, I.

-lnvllatloua huve been lssuetl lo the wetlllhJg of Miss Jo'lorenca Darby, dungh· tel' of loll·, t\1111 �Irs. DoltHius Durhy to G<o. 11re•1ulclc, of Newmk, ut FnUivom1 ou 'l'hnrs<1ny Jnue lbt.

-'l'he we<lt1 1ug of �lis• Emum M. Stan to Mt·, Bassett Jones, ,h·. will Illite pluce to-morrow ufteruoon Itt the Pres· hytel'luu • i, " . h. Dt•, W. 1. Ste/1!13 wlll perfonu the cel'etuouy.

-U11pt. Horace G. Dnnlc•t•, IGft th is nrtet·noon, for Dotroit, �llchlgan, to l>ring uncle by way ol' G1·ent L•kes uuc1 St. Luwrence rivet', 11 steumer for the Penusylvnulu ltallro:ul Co,, to l>e nse<1 lrJ couuection with LotJg Islnllll Rnllr'OIItl


-'l'ho bowliu�; ]Jill offorell lly the Westfiolt1 Clul> l'ol' the member •·olliug Ute highe�t ECOL'O for the most unmher of weeks tlm·ing the se1tson wns "'Oll by E. P. Wnterllury . �h·. Waterhnry uleo bolo1• tho reconl for the nlleys since they were l>nilt, the >core l>eiug 208.

tulce lhl'lll to U oot'I'O H. Clt•IJtHI;uh, I M lllm Hlr·out. H o will 1lo yomr worlt llrtJUI[ltly 1111<1 lit l'Ull>UUIIIJ]tl IU·Ictt, lio nl•o llucH �'l·euch puiM!Iug, 'l'ul�tillurro !.m.,r.

Nothing l>etter In \VeHtllol<l thnn Chuee & S,mbul'U'� <!Oifee nuu t�n. 'l'ry It, Cull 1 1 1-l�.

Fo1· go01l tlltlul! Ln�lee Wl'lli>PHB f!O lo !,, lluruunrgeL''�, Uronu Str•et, Wtst. Held,

\'u11 will thul n f111I lluu or Snuuuur Horae E<tUitnneuts fot· roqu null stallle 11se Bl1Ch ILB Coulet·s, L!tl' Itolle•, Fly Nuts null Stuhle Sheel<, nl;o tb� fnmona Meyers •1rlvlug nm1 wnllclnH gloves nt It. F, Ilobeuotelu'a .

Malukn ohenpet· null better thau VHl'· ulsh , Welch 13l'Os.

If yon ure gnlug to move call on H . Willonghl>y & Salts, '!'bey do lir•t clotes ll'ut·k. 'felephoue couueutlon.

Clinse & Sanbom nre t>leasell to nn· uotmce tltnt Cl11rk & Hnll nre right iu llue with the lttrger •lores-wlth tlte <nnonnt of colfeo nud to 1 they nre loaml·

llu g .

S>l)' I Huve ron l>ef!l In to see Cbn.,, Urlckeuberger'• uew tvnll jmpfr 111111 pnint atore ou 13t'OII<l i:ltreet 1 It is nicely filte<l up aml h11s a completo sloclc of puluts nml 'the newest tlesigns of w11ll JllllJCl'. Ul'lclcenlierget• will <lu your vupering' nml tt•tintlnl( ns reumntlule ns

ao:y one in the l>osiness, Oivo him 11 trial.

A nice nssortmeut of r,�tlleH fignretl Lll\\'tl Kimonos at Hnmbnrgel"s,

If yon wnnt first c111ss Jersey cow's m i lle call ou H. \VIIlonghl>y. Telephone connection.

A. E. Declcer'• Livery StnlJie, ou North Avenue, is the phce to hire cllr­ringes, nuc.l to l>Oilnl yonr horses. Prompt attention tuul excellent cttre are always given. 'l'el. iiG.

We are gla1 to see that W esl fieh1 coffee tlriu kers npprecinte tl.Je high gmde ()Iinse & Snuuom coffee uud ten. Sold by Clarlc & Hall, 'l'el. 1 1 1-lt.

l:lE 'VI�E.

UJtlllldu it'd < lc\ lciou�, 11111! thure'1 ICof! IIIWUJ'LlliliLj' ILUUII L LiJU 'fllllli Ly, l)u:·

Cream and Water I ces nru rnnrlo fr·om rich cou11trv cre�ra: urul puru In l it •J ru ps. You •:Ire­not fnil to IJO plouml . 'l'l'y it.

THE NEW YORK CANDY KITCH[� 48 lllm Street, Westfield, N. J.

Ride TH E RAC YCLL Prices $40 to $75.

Albert E. Snyder, Sole Agent.

56 Elm Street, near Post Office.

622 Ivers & Pond Pianos arc used i n colleges, conservatories and p ublic scnoori:i;

throughout lhc United States, 2 99 bei ng used i n r!tc New England Conservatory of M usic, Boston, al.:Jne. Is this not a sufficient guarantee of its supcrill.,. m erits. We also sell the popular H E L D PIANOS, Eas\' terms.

Chandler & Held Piano Co.� 1169 EAST JERSEY ST· , ELIZABFTH, N. J,

Open Satur�ny Evenings, F. S· TA VLOR, Manager.

-The Social ntul Lito:nry Circle or the ill. E. Church wil l hold itH ""'Y meeting nt. the home of "Irs. Hurry Ru�se:l, ' 1 (17 Dncllf·y nverntf:", ut thrttB o'clttck ou Weoluesllny ufleruoon �lny �Hit. 'l'IJi• promises to Lo one of the

most iuterestiu� meetiug-l of tile seuson, All fl'ientls ui11l members of tho Chmch untl �specinlly straugers wil1 Lo given u lieurl.y welcome.

In the way or tipeclnle ut Al't hhohl & Scnuder's this weok, they call attoutiou l •-_•_-__ •_a ___ •_•_•_ •_ --� .............. -...... -.., __ • __ ..,_..,_:-_..,_,._•_ •. _,_ __ ,. __ ..,..._�����"'·-"'������-

-Mis.� �lh;nie R< ger, lellt1er of t110 Pt·esbylerian Cltnt·ch choir, owing \o ill lteulth es}Jects lo give up her position in the fnll. At thnt time she will Imvo completed ten ye11rs ol' 'service. Het• uumy friem1s regret her tempm·tu·y lucie of streu�th t'esnltiug froru het• UIIUIY exeo'tious, arul hope fol' 11 coutttlete l'eS· tol'lltiou to health which this 1·etirement uwy llL'iug about. lllenmvhil e the um­:5ic Cllllllllittee \\'ill ttl'l'UIIg6 fm· l:itlCh help nH muy he ueede(] to coutiune the worlc of the chorus.

-------- · --------

.\ llC \'da liuu.

I f yon will n111l<e iu�n it-y it wil l l>• 1 1 rerelution to yon bow muny snctmmlJ to lcitl <iey or blollltlet• tronble• In 'oue rorm or unotlier. If the plltient iK not IJeyourl metliclll nitl, Foley's Kitluey Cure will j cnre. It twvet' thsappoi ms. Sottl by by Frutchey & Bath•w•y.

to .Tersry nevnrngus! juicy uud tenller nwl sweet, gt•eeu pe11s UIHl stl'illf.\'·he!tue,·

11ml fine stmwbet·ries. Venl mul ponl· try are hoth l'et·y line. In the II'IIY of regulnrs they }Ill\ .. � au ussortment of prime Ueef for roasts nml for broiling, lnmU chOllS 01' legs of lumb, aut] e\'Eti'Y thing I hilt shoultl ue fonll ll in n "\\•ell· t•egnlntml ment nud vegetltble stot·e.


The Telephone


I t will do more work for you than two h ired men.

It will save wear and tear on your

horses and wagons.

It will save yo u r own time by making unnecessary many of yo ur trips to town.

New York and New

Telephone Company

J ersey

333 Park Avenue, Plainfield

Telephone 5 1 92

ctim� -�� Pla i nfie ld . Hats Cost Less Now

rrhnl'!oi l!PC1111�H w e imy du.•f!J fel' ! H i �t'W'OU illh'fUIC..!S. You gljl tOO beat-�fit of om· lre<jlll!!lt f1Ul'dltt."'U.'"'. I What��.�.�-�.�� •. ��:.� """" "'""' , , '"'"'"'" "" , '"" "

I i ts ht:st-e\'et'}' lle�irt�Uie Jo";hnpe, of \'lll'lOtt� strM.W�. hht_cl:• Wlllt�1 lL�• m• nuxed colors. Come 111111 see tht� very lltlw-=st. tu unlllut'ry. · :;I dish Dress HHts, >,QS .1 •9 3 .j . gS a n d 5·91>

SJimrtest Sty los or Suit H ats r . 9!i 2.98 nn<l 3 . 91$

Misses and Chi ldren's Hats. Pol.:es of Shi rrtul �hi tfou, Sal i n n1 1d Tn�cnn �tt·Hw ln·HitlH. e:\t�: how. 3 98. Colouialri, nutri.n1uetl 9Sc, with bruul aml pomptJH� t-'O!..o..


� . ' ' B����o�l�r. t.�� •e��.�lb? ����,����������: 1aL tbi< ·�: :: season ut the s�•u. Yom ri"� 1:; he1·�, JUSt wh�t yo11 wunt, IJHckut J

� np hy f1tll' t'ttll gn!lr,mtee \\'t• lm\'e a l u·�o r.n•1ety o f j " . H ' � Wedding Rings and .: I " � ! g Engagement Rings ,a ' I �� � H "

1� lmrat aurl tS hHrl\t. Suil:nbl� w�:�rltlin� uud grmlnution Jll'e ... ent:!"­pretty tolnms of weiJ·wh .. be� Hlul frierHhhiil-tdl nt uur ll!'lnal low: price>. Yon SHI'e money nu•l Lime hy <iellliug w i th ns.


I R. BRUNNER, � " J � Eye-Glass l'resc!'iptions Carefully Filled. �H PZ.ZI=z·ZZUU·Uit·I%ZUZ.ZHU%Z:.Z.IU-Z.IZ:·t.:ZI'Z·Z .'

A l1 Y qJJ.�a uomms To IU�Nl' SHOULD S I£ND PAHTICULAHS '1'0 AIK


, John F. Dorval! , 123:Liberty St., N, Y. Westfleld,N,J. Telepbone, 5�3·1 Cortlautlt, N. Y.

108-R Wooll!eltl,


a r Sussex Street,

P. 0. Box UU6, Westfield, �. ;t;;,


Mount Ararat E;���-:�· Creamery Milk.llll

Crea. IRA O. I.AMB£RT, P-=

Page 6: THE WE:!IELD · IYedtiCBtl

6 THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD, FRIDAY, M.A Y 1 9, 1 905. ===:� ... . ' ---···===�

�-·-·----· · ·· · N EWARK · �-----·--·- -·-· - ----- ____ .

. ... . J




-· - ·"'· ·----·- -I A thorouglJiy cxpcri.:ncc<l RlnfC or lmy�I'S in thi.� <lcp:ll'tmcnt will

:rnnko scle<Jtiousfor you, allll satisfaetion is guaJ'an lc<;<l or· mono�' willlJo rcfumle<l , '\\-c p•·epay mail ot· ex1n'e�s t•l t :l l·ges to any p:u·t of the slalo (Ill all paicl purchases, and on C. 0. D.'s for amounts aggregating f,5,00 I)( JllOI'C,

'fry .nu• s�·stcm, ltlltl �·ou will n ot only sa1·e money, but ltaYG i.l10 fldtlilionnl mh·antago of assortm<' l lls not crrual1•tl in Newark, or sur· passed anywh ere in tlto lan<l. �maples �cnt posL paicl to nny nclclress npon tho rccciilL of posl a l cm·d.



Correctl!tl tu St' JI I . 1 1 , I �Hl l ,

C. �1. Hll l!'l', lhm '1 Pass. A IlL.


?38-Co .. uer Clad< autl Charles Sis. »117-Snmmlt avenue und Park street. •!HI-Elm street and Kiwball avenue fi79-Droad and Middlesex Btreets. 139-Cuwherland St. and South Ave. 898-Fire Dop1utment house,

99-Coruer of Norlh ant! Fourth Avenues.

After sending in au •l•rru ataud neat lile call box until arrival or apparatus

W1!:8TI!'JJI:LD POST OFFICE, L. M. WIIITAK!R, PoatmMtHr. � .. �&�'¥;���\:."G�n!��?'ff"fl���� <e,1

t���·. fR&D W'INTrou, Clt�rk, Oftlce open from 7 A�to 7 p, m. e.tc6pt en. e.turdays. Ofllce optm Sum1ftyti tor bolderll o1 Lock BoxM from 9 to ol o'clock.

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTUR�; OF )!AILS hom New York, EB'5t, South 11.nt1 South

=�f%�4�� �:�h.·err at 7:00 1\Dd 8:25 ft.. m •.


Jor New York, Pbtlt�.delphlto, TrentoD tht :=!�lb '!':.�tt�0:����:��2:��cta�fn�a��m lor Pl&lnneld and E&!!ton n.nJ way et;.,tlont al 1:JO •· m. Md 1:30 p. m.

MOUNTAINMfDE. Arrfve "t 7:00 a. m. ru1d 4:30 p, m. Olooo r.t 8.00 "· rn, and 6:00 p, m,


JDircctor�-JProfcsstonal. OR· E. T. WHEA'l ON,

:'5Ultt iEOX l llo:�TI�'l\

ArrR.num llull<lilll-:',

'i.oi:loes nnt� jfrntemnl ®rt�ers. oo��!i�:1.P�fo�:����f���· �o ��;�::,�,\�����?�!��,��� tlnn. Ulft�l' ln� ;:,uo to S�!.III..U hi!Sill'nnrtJ. :\l1·�1 s t--t•contl n111\ ronrth :\lflutln\' of mu�h mnnl\1. Bnnk Bnlltlln).!. �:1m aud HI'Oatl \trwfj;, K 1'. \\ ''''�rhun'. Vhl�r Hurtym· • • !. \\', \\'1tl1. Ht.-('11rtlhl1! �t·r•J·�flll'\',

E, l l�t��t��!t:���Y ��·�\ 1 'f ����·t11�0�!!:u������l;.�ut�l( cu1c!:. month, ILt tl Jl. m., In Arcanum Unll. U�orgt! ll . . \Jo :\lorto11 :"o'! WI\\Uut �trct:l lit•J.Cent; ��. U. l11l11t'ortl, :!i.U \ Juc\ lt�)" ltl'lllllle,Col: lecHlr i Gco. W. Peck, :!S b"\r::;t �;trcct, ::5ct.:rc· tar}'.

'v 1:�������{r��:�,����t1:;����;� i����t 1�:::;���i�.:1 'l'uc�dnyl'l uf etn·h moulh Ill :\llt..,onl� l lnll . Pru\'itlt:s FrH1('1'JIIl1 \,· f'c Jusni'IIUf·t�on t\ :-:ouL!l UrumclrLI Im�ld. r:clwlu Hhclhl1 Hecrulfl.ry,

'lettotous 'Rottces.

DIVI*Ion ol' lho Dny rK Nol lho Sntu! lat t ho Nol'lh RH In thu


11 1 w ish," tll\ltl I I III \\U il l tt \1 rrnJn 1 111• l"ll lll ! i, /l t't'OI' r f i i iJ.I; Lo l fiP !\t · W \'ol'lt J l�hil1 "I I IIII I I J P Jli'Ojll'l' 1 \ l ll l' ft � l' t-IIY\11� 'ioiWIII I I IOI'Ill l l,; ' Ulltl '�nc.1 r l \J\'l1II I I IU Wt'l't' t �H i ulrl l ,..hl'tl l r� · lo r tC!I'III lnw, I ll J\lahn nw, wlr..rt• I t 'r ll rlf' fl'oll l , un tl ull t l t r·o l lj.:h I l iP blll l'l, lrt oll . t' \'PI')' IHl t l�· IH' l;IU�i u l n r ll l li n� IJ i illl l l t '/'1 Jlii Ht J :! lll HI\' 'glrntl t•\'t •l l hlg' 1 1 1 1 1 1 J,t•l'Jl ll 1111 I Ill lllltl· 111.\.;lil, l u t i ro uonlr t l h.' tll\ 'lHlon ul t i lll t • \'lll'it>M,

''Tilt• dln•rt�; J i v ur l ' l l t 'IOill IH ,.,. ,., ('UUJ'UMIII�. J t (nr t tlU1 to IIU l!lltl o'l Jzu.:uu n•nh:tu�e t lw o l lwr t lnr. A rn:u1 luul nsl\Pt( Jlt'l'l i ii!-IH\on tu l':tll ' ill liH C\'t'II \ Uj.;:. ' J I II'J.;h •r l l•t\ to Ill ]·;(.) UCCOUil l ut· t lw t'IH.;tum Pl'l.'\'n! l lu:' hl•re HIHI gnl n.•ntly fur h i m h•!(•Jre :.: Ll'dod\, J J ( tlitlll 'l l'IJIHU t J il S. ll lH!Ill'\y ldllt•,J me lu toll urountl wuitlng fur olx hou l':; 'flw drt•j-;K I hat l on wu� nwl'ully un · cumfortn h h', llllt I WitH nfrald tr chu nge, fol' I tl l lln 't l•null' what mlnut!

lie wun ld llllllenr. "Hinn� tJJ,.n 1 hn.vr l1,..rn l nldng l ln!f'�

1 find thnl I"'"L•le fl'lllll the ml�dl!, wlu•n I IH'y mnuu��� to gt�t awn� fmm ' l im\' tl'ilu;• !'!H)' 'guotl UIUI'IIillh

dc:u· up tu ij u'dul'li ut n igh t. :-;c\1 ·En�la11•h•rs. <•sprdnlly l f they l l l'e lr t/J.l' Uf'l�/i iJurlwod of Ho:ilou. kil\'c o rj 'guotl morning' al;nlll \ o 'doc:k R!l'J g!'£'1.'1 )'Oil W i l li 'J.:.OOt\ ur ll'I'IWtlH ' Up !C about i. :\lnH of r lw z·•:allr nt·t·ltrnnt·'tl :\l'\\' \'orlH'I'K :-;t h·li w ·�uwl IJlrJl'l\hl:,;­tlll ui.Jorll :: t)t·lot•l\, A f l f'l' t lmt It h en! l l l llg- w i t h t h»lll. \' isl i tH'� from tllf fa I' WP:il ure 1 h1� only ),twJ•lP 1 I..: no'\

'll'llll ulil'lltle ! It<! tl i OI!'II I t y t•nllrely Th•c)' • iml'lY ""Y 'hello' at ull tltnN

of lhP day :tllil n i�hl . lf the mu�t1J( gets nny dPeJH'!" I HhnJJ beeville a 'hello' J,! i l') lll)"Hetr anti HO llHli\C Slll't: uf U\·uJd l ut; llli.'5lllH1l'l':i lrl11<ilngs!'


BRANCH M ILLS. �1 •·•. l'u l 1.l111', ul 1\'n•hlu!ll"''• X. ,1.,

'1"'11 1 rluwlll)' wllh liu1· ti1111Vhlt•l', �II•• '!'I Illo• l' n t•r,

�I•·•· 1 1 . I I , l'htl: l• luqtl'oll'hl!( nrtt'l' 111 1

Jl l tii'HH, A lnll>l ur yn111111 1"'"1'1" from l l w

t'hr l•l lun \•:rlll o•lll'til' l:luclt•ly n l l t•ntl1•1l l l i11

liulnu Co11111y t'hl'lwtluu J.:r � rl t•l\ \ \!1' L; r,tnu nl lJI'I I I Ifo>l'll '1'111·"11 1)' toVt!ll \ r ll(,

�It ·•. ,\ , �1. l'111'1di i 1 1H l lt•ti i i11J Cil l \'

l lol ll l·:wlt•lll'tH' lnr,lh>g Snrnl11)' t·l'rnln�.

Tllll flllll'l'lll or ���-- ),oiiiH Ht\11'"•

IJII IIg i> l l't' ol' �It·. ntH I �I t·•· Ahltt•l' 1>11 !1••, II' <H lw\tl Mou lu)' ll[tt•t'IIOUII lit 11"1'

fulilt•l' '� hnnw, Ht•l' , Wllllum llo11· pnnKII J!I'dH:htHl tlw fll llt-'1'111 lH!flliUil. A

\l' l'l'ttl h of fltl\l'l'rH \I'll" HuiiL fi'OIII l\11! Umncl1 )lllla Hmul iiy l:lcluml 111111 1 ! 1"

dd\tlnu of l he Hntultty School utteutlttl

l ilo flliJOI'II l . ·-- - · - ---

WilLOW GROVE. Lust weeh'• Chrl•tl.tu gtale;IVJr meet ·

Jug wm letl uy M t·s, !•nne Ltll!lhert.

Snhject •lutl leol, "Spll'll·lllled <Jiu·ls· tinm," Tllet'R wnR allont the 11Stlll l ltt•

teutlnuca. Unr letUJlfl'IIIICB Comwlttee ltuvo tl 1e p1·oml•u of :lit·, Walter In· l u g

for uext ::;uu�ny el'<•ulug servlt•e.

�It·. Oeorgo (J uno!, of Sedclt Plnlus,

1'1'1" present nt Su1111uy School on 8nn· tiny tu tlte Interest of the Uulou Comoly Snntlny Sclnol A.<.<ocln!lon of wldch he Is Township i:le<•rellll'J'.

�[r, Grllhlllll, or Btt�<oune, RJleUt Snu­

dny n t IV. 11. 'l'el'l')' 's. :011·. 1111tl ]lr•. Donglnss ]J, Dttrby lull'"

issuetl lnvl latlous to t he murriuge of their dnughlet•, Florence 13essle, to �h·, George \Vtlllnm Fretlericl< on 'l'hm·sol uy 11fternoou, Jnue I , nt � o'cloclr, at thch

�om e.

Traffic Between Phlladelphln nnd Bal· �!Iss Emma L•uuucrt retnmed home on �!outlRy, IICl'Olll(lliUi�tl by bel' 13•·ook­lyu ftieml, �I is; Je»n Cover�. timore Cnlls for Improvement

of Old Cnnnl. Heeent rnnnl tnlk bri ngs nu Inter·

esllng t•el lc of Jll'hncml dn)'S ttl the at· tonllon or t he two mu�t lm JIOl'tunt t·om men�Ial cunm1unlt lt•fl un the A tlanti( coast. Uetwc�n PhlludeltJhla atl!l Bal­

t i more, says the Phllnclelphtn HecoJ'd there has i-;:I'£J\\'11 1111 a wal et· cununel'C:( amounting to someth ln� lilie 50,000,00(

tons per unnrrm. The preserll raJJaJ wns IJultt wlwn t his slnte of th i ng� cm1hl hat'tlly hnn� hef'n ant ldvatetl and l i t t le has bel�ll done from time t< time to lwPJl ils c·ntJaL·i t r u p lo tla requh·cments or trade. No t·raft o1 OVCI' n! JH� fN!l tli'Hft ('fill g(�t t h l'01Jgh Tbe lo<'li.s are unlY �ti reel w ith�. Th( wntcl' for l h ifi l'l"l

.\tle S)ledmen nf om

forefatllel's' Plll ri'Jll'!He Is JHllllJlecl lute

I' the f'Htnmll lc\'et! Of cmlrSI\ so fll i�ht nn n l ra it' c•a!Tie� 1 onlj• a Hnmll part of t hr com merf'e he­

tween the lwo llOI'ls. The greate1· par! goes lJy sea nt lnrr;cl�· inrJ·eas('d J'lsl\ nnrl rost in t i me null mrm(lr. It Is now stated that f01· a very mm.eralc ex)len­rl ltnre ol' Pllllltal all lhe trafllc lo ntH! from the:-;c great (•ent ers of ci J :-;tri lmUon could he ltr1111ly nN•om morlntPII with a Udc-le\·el cnnal. ;\s the eannl would he built upon JH'h'BlfJ Jl l'OJleJ·tr 11.ntl tolls. wou1d be cha rged, l t would not reqnire any alms of the g:m·er·nmPnt OJ' !Ill} permissi on fmm l he war department nor any nsslf,;laJH'P. from t he gm·ern· ment hoar1l of engineers. l l crc, at lea�L i� nne of t h n "mtrlgtLlJle watm·s' of the l"nll etl Slates wl rerc prlrate en· terpJ•ise may )JQ nf lmmem;e heneflt tc the country anti to l tself-ll' lt will.


Iron RRII Tlll'own Twenty-FivP. Feet and W••apped Around a Tree

Like n Rib bon.

That an ortllnary nteel mil can bt lttll'ietl hlglt In the afnlllli l wlsted twlc� nrun ml the t l't! n l\. ol' a big tree 8eemij I n· credible, yel l het·e was l•lwtogTI\(Jhlc evl · lienee lhe olhe1· duy uf sueh an occur· renee nl Nana l mo , 8. C .. l'epol'ts tllC N'e\\ York Tribune, Of euttr•et thc explbslml from which su<!ll n Ctl l'in\rs 1 hlng r·osull· ed was lllsnstz·tms 111 I t s genel'al en·ects 'l'welve men lost lheil• li\'es as n re�ull o1 it. Oreal haroc WiUi wroughl antl lilt big rail, which II'"' lying on tho ground fully 25 fee\ from the spot at whleh t111 explosion uccuJ•rell, \\'RS l l rted in the a i l a n d wt·ap)Jed lli'Oilllll t he trnul..: of a t re� 12 feet away. ll!o; If I t hurl hC!eu mel'e wire

'J'hc cxplo:;lre thnt did till� iK known as "gelignite." I t Is one of t he ruost powerrnl or 't h e \'nrious ] II'C)1RnLtiOU� from gun��ot lon. compnsed of blas1 1n g gelaline, collodion cotton, ah�orhent nitrate, sod ium (•nrbunutE> aud woo•J pulp.

So tlgblly wn< lhe rnll ll' t'RPIIO<i aJJr,ut lhe tree that il (!Ut deeply lutu the l:;Tf!Ctl wood or the t t·tmk fllld r.nm;cd hlg �t,lin ters to sla1·t oul. ott nll Hllles.

Possess Mn.ny Gems. E,•er)' yea1· nwr·� LWCcluus !o:ilones ar13

lJoughL by l'i<�h I ndian )Jrlntel-i. Tile ma. jorlty of theHe gems nre ru·esented by

the mjahs lo th e ladles ol' l helniiUI'tS who take 1<eon llleus,nre in JJossossl ug pearls, rllamoulls, rn lrie�� emcrnh!M nnrl sapphire�. Indtnu women ha\'f� a lway:� been rond or )rrecious slones, hnl t he pre�ent generallun l n.this r�spect. uutclo their elders. .

. · \ Prize Hen EgB';,_�.t. Bllnq uet.

J.IcKeesuor·t't; lll'f:t.e hen f hal meas. ured elgh l Inches an1l v:eighetl l4 on nee• ser1·et1 n.• the prlnclriRI deltcncy on tile menu at n Jrunrptd giveu ln McJ\:ecfi)JOI'l, Tbe prize egg conlnlnetl rour l'"ll'"· and itB conlenlB ulmotil. filled a rJ\11\I'l mea$ .. ure.-Pltl,hu•·g Dlspatclt.

As She Figured, Mnnager-Whnt n r•e you1• dlumonds

that were stolen worth? Actress-'\•e tloll\li'S more

&>er week,-Drool;ly u Ll[e,

Measles have tlisnppetu•etl nutl the chlltlred llnl'e returned to school.

_ ... _

.... \ llur uf Uutl ug..:. 'l'be one l'lensnre which the American

public thoront;hly eujny• is its outing,. Low priced null nt JiOpnhn· )olnces nut!

where tlreto may IJa unrestmi netl eu·

joymeut iu ont uf·tloor ;pol'tR, Armmtl New York t!Jel'B ru·e mnu y

pu)lnlar rrsorls IJnt perhn)>s the mo"t pnpnl ar for holitlny excursions is �lanc�1

Chunk in the wonutuin� o[ Pt:nnsyh•n uin. 1'hH jonmey is llelightfn l 111111 lHS�l'5 lhrun�h llll i nt�re:;tin & conutry,

through the fanu lruuh; of Ne\\' J t.H';o:ey :uHl lheu iulo thnt lmsy i'i�ctiou of the Kti)'Hione Slate which hrl•lle• with iu­Un�lries wl1h.:h nre t·ent>Wnerl tho wol'lrl

O\'l!l'. �[anch Clmnlc is · high iu tllfl

tuonutnitr:3 nml the llxhilarnling n tmos· plmn! iii a ttlllic for lhe hivctl·np city tunn. rrhe chief ftmtnre of the tl'ip tu Mnneb Chnuk is to m�ke the jour11ey

o'er the Switch hack milroatl which is 11

gz'n\·ity l'OIIIl �ome eightt�ell ruil�;�.a iu

leuglh. 'l'hH tomist is cnrrietl nt n raJlitl rule to the lucllues uf Mt PI ;gnh null ,Jefferson over which the cars IU'O lifted hy lll ltU.nnoth meclrauicul tlevices 011ly

to coutiune lhe romm1tie jOLU'uey to the

eml, erer fuscinaling aud tl11·,1ling. On Decorat iou Day the New Jersey

Ceul ral will m:� ouo of i ls t>OJllllnr pncell excmsiuns to Munch Clnmlr, the rute for tbu ramal tl'i p to he �1.50, n1.1l spec­i�>l trulu will lunve WrAtfieltl 11t 11.12 a. m., relurnin!; train will lenve Mnncb Chunk nt G ·lO p. 111. 'l'his is 11 trip worth t11kiug llJttl to miss it IV ill be •Iaing yvtll'• self Hll i11j ustice.

_ __.., , .,__. ___ _


Spectntol's llecome Dizzy, Wl>ile Dancer Eats Orange, Breakhlg·

Record Thnt Made Man Insane. New York.-·'l'he •plulnng l'ecortl ron 1

human tuJI has �een broken. Mat·le Bny­rooly, a Dei'Yl�h !lancer ft·om Belrnt, S)'rla, kept het·self llWhlrl fot• 32 min­utes anti made 2,4UO re �·oluUons, l'alsJng the record f1·om :.!0, '!'hal was made lJy 'a. man who ls ln El.Il nsylum for the Insane, fosteri ng tho hnllnelna­tlou that he ls spinnln�; the earth, He has to l.Je conflnetl ln a ch·c:ular cell nnd hls food ls dlstrlhutu<l to h lm l n a circle \\'Iillo ln lte1' record brenlt ln � whlri the Den·Jsh tlnuseuse pecletl an� ate an Ol'nnge and did a few o thot• things just to shQII' tiJat !Jet' whole attention was not nhsorbed by the mere �l'ocess or splm!t�lg, The ocrmstou was an "al home'' or the freal\s of a. circus.

'!'he ymrng woman set l ied Into a s11eecl al al.)(lllt SO lurns u minute. ln pm·fect t.l m e . to music Hhe spun on heels and tues, wi th eyes clo�ed1 openlt1g lhcm occnslunully fur a swirl glunce abontto keep her location. Heller fi'Om monot­OII)' s1Je obtnJ nerJ il)' S(llll'lS Of SjlCe<i, fol­ioWetl by a slowing down. When almost ereryholly wns looln ng nw11y to get l'ld or the sensat ion that tbey were tm·n­lng, too, t�he usl\'ecl for un orange. This .she peeled ancl ale, afler· se1iding the sldn here '!Uid lbe1·e an cl e\'e1',

Who;n neat• the ao m lnule mat'l< she ate a banana without ceasing to whirl. At 31 m lnnles and 31 seconds she gave a ll tllc ct·y an.•l the l•and played " fan. i<ee Doodle" at lel'l'lfic speed. 'fhe girl l'CI'oh·e,l lll<e an eleclrlc fan until sbc Jintl reached the ::12·tninllte mark, and lhen she slowed down quickly to a stop.

\\' i l l Cnn: Cnu.�o�nm1Jtlm1. �A. ·A� He"rreu, of Fiucb, Ark., writes, "Foley's Hone� au!] •rur Is

' the best preparation for conglts, colds nnll ltlllg trouble. I know that it i• cured co11· sumptlon ln the first stages." Sold by Frnlchey & Hathaway.

1\I :II 'II 'H , Ftll' t l u� WPI•Ic of �lny 2'J l\ t •l ! h'r4 1 1 1 1 ·

IIDII IH't'l'l u UPIIlll l lo l�UI'VJII'IIII uorulty I n

l'i(liH��IIfti )''M Bt•ttl'rl, I I l't'l l llll'llllltll• 1 1'1 1"1"'

nr 1 1'1\hl t•t) /llt ! I JHI1!ol, nott�tl ftll' tlwil' 1 1 1 1· c.m�dun� t�nuu·tly Hi J l l tWit ��� thnlr <'luVt'l' l rlci<H, Wl1llu fn>lll lhu lJI'It•nl

cutllt>H U'l l 11111ttl H1111 urul hm• 1.!1•111 -

l'lllly, 1•r• ;o•nl hlg 1111 nrtl•llt! nuol h>'llllll­

flol olt•cl r l<!nl 1111\'ully net 11nill lo•ol,

10f:il:tJIIl'li fi OIU ,l lt J fl\11 , 11 IJU\\'111'11 & Nurlh IIJIJ>•llll' lu l l 1uh• laugh >liohJ ;llull'io,

"lllll'l'l' Dn)'H ," whllll �'tl)' ,<;; Uln rll olfuo·

lhelr ljtmlllL VUI'rillll of " 'i'ltu Oltl <J.II'I o>lly BhoJ>,"

l'ltUC'I'Oit':-1, N<•xt wcen'M llltriiCUtlll uL Proctol"s

12iJth l:llreet 'l'heulcr will bij lite bl!l

•l'ccL�cnlnr sceulc Jli'OI!ncllou uf Churle• '1\ Dnzlt-ty'!i th'l\11111, "Tin� 8ttLnrLPIII, ''

which rnu ful' over II fly nl�hls hl<l Melt­sou at llui Aclltl€111)' ur �ln�lo.

'l'he wecldy ch•utgo iu tho vnn lev\1/e hill 11t Proct•>l'\i Nt.H'\'Hrk 'l'heutl!r iu

tt·ctlnceH tht-�re III!Xt \\"f:lP1c Ht!\'ernl notrtl .-ntertn\nllrfl, C..:otll'l(llclnn" nntoug t l11•tn

itJ ,Jou \\'Hleh, 1\11 lm p�rtinllllloa· uf I ll brtH\' t:hnrnetE�r', who h:u.:. won �uch t'ec1g11Hion hy 1'£�11sn11 ol' lti.'\ nhility I ll d•n,.tlug l hu I ralls of 11 ccrluln lYI'" of the ,Jew to Uo ftltl lltl ou tlitJ Ea:-;t Hit\H iu Now Yorlr, llu ltns 1111 IJ""" seeu i u Vlllltievllle for tlaec ye:u·", IUIII Lillo wll l be h is only np)ICIII'tlllce, uwl wllh entirely IWW mo.nologn.:..

'l'he wouuer of New Yurk I• the ug. gregat lou uf tulent tlmt �lr. Proctor l• eoutlnniug tv (ll'eeeut u t Ills �:hl Stt·eet 1.,heutre. li'ut· tiUJ week of Mny :.!�tul , :IJr·. Pmctor lms sncccellel] In gelllllg Jncub Adler, the cd JhrRietl ,[uwlsh actot• lnto vnntluville. �[r. Aollet' will Jll'esent the trial Fceue fl'otu lhe " )[�t­clmnt ur Venic�, , . IHH.l will Uo t!UlJJlOl'teU by ll l!oJill(leteu t COIIIJI:IUy,

'l'bere will ba nurom�on interest nl­tuchetl to t lttJ IH'O•lnctlou uext week at Pt·octor'" Fifth Avenue 'l'hen lre of I.�rnnkliu F'3-f�s· rom untie clr1unn, " Go\· .. ernor of Keutncl<y. " 'l'hl� powerflll pluy, which I real• uf lo l'e, l ifo nud lnw­lo�sncs� iu tire Ulno J.;l'll:iS, �loou:;hinlug r�goions, l't>Ct�h·lltl i ts Htst l'et'fonuane�nn •

nny 8tllge nt this theatre some year� n�o, wheu it·Herved ns 1m exeelleut \'chicle Cllr \Vm. H. Cr1me, wlw snstniuetl th� titl� tole ut. tl1nt titllt'.

__... .. _....,._ __

'1'1'11 \'t� l in� is Unii�I!I'UI I!'",


'Might as well give up and go to bed.

Half sick with the con­stant, throbbing pain, diz· zincss and nausea ; nerves all unstrung.

Never mind the cause : here is the cure ; take one or the

·�jMat& HEADACHE WAFERS and lie down for a quarter of an hour.

You will get up feeling fine, mind clear as a bell, ner·vcs steady, all pain gone, restetl and invigorutcd. This Rexall prescription is nlso put up in tablet, pill and powder form, We guanmtec it to give satisfaction. If it fails we wj)J refund your money at once and without question.

Sold only nt our store or by mail.

Frutchey & Hath a way, Pharmacists,

Couotnnt motiou jt trs lhu kitlu�ys whir.:.l1 nm lwpt iu place in lhe l1ody hy tlelil!l\tH attneh mente. 'I1hnt. is the rea­sou tlmt tt·uvelm·s, traiumen, street ear men, teamHterl", nJHl all who Uri\'u verr mnch, �lltfer fl'om 1-dduey 1 d iscnso i u i<OIIIO form, Foley'� Ki•lu�y Cnr� strengtheuH the kidneys nml cnres nll forms of lri<lney nutl hlatloler tlbense. Geo. E. Hflnsan, locometi\'a eugiuet:t·, Limn, 0.. l'l't'ileP, "C:ouslant villl'lltiou of tile engine cnnfiell me n great tltml of trouble with my kiolneys, nml · I got no rel ief m1til I used �'oley1s K idney Cure." tiold by Frutchey & Halhawuy.

13rontl and Elm Streets, wc�tficld.


French Scientists Move to Place Ag­riculture Among the Exact


To pl ace ngl·lcultnre among the exact sclenl!es is the hope of cerlnln l'rench cnthuslHsts, nntl as a fir·st step It Is Jli'O· posed to eslnlJllsh n system or exact mensnrements or the fer·tllltrof the soil snys a recent renort. A pioneer In Uti� nrl of ''etqJhorlmeli'Y," as I t Is called, has been �1. Vnrembey. He has mHde many exverl mcnts, nntl has recommende{l a ennhol' i metric scale ranging from one to t en degrees, en ell degree to represent the fcrtlllty llt'mhtccd by 1 ,000 l<llogrnms of fnr·m-ya1'1l mrumre 011 one hectare ot luntl. He has shown t hat C\'en· degree or fct·li l lly In the soil yleltls ;!5 l iters of wheat uer hectn1·e. or !!5 l iters or rye or 42 1ll crs of barley, or 58 l lle1'S or oats


The cffecls or othc1· mnlllll'es r!an l>� tletet·m l ned according to this stantlard. the lll'esent fertility of any soil can IJc csllmntetl from the lnst CI'OII and l he ex­hnusl.lon expm•lence hns flhown to IJC CaliSCII hy SIICil Ct'OjJ, anli lhe llrDIJablc ylelll of nny one of the ce1·euls cnn he <nlclllnled from l he presen t fertlllh· While h•t•egnlal·llles o! lemllet•ntnre ���,j mol�lill'e must uffr.ct crops, It ls l>el iel·e<J t.hnt thr.oJ•ctlcnl results for llo t·mul con. tllllons can he 1\'0I'ked 0\ll with m



Cistercl��e Long While nen•srmpers IH'e gh•f n� rn�ts nhotll the long-llred null tH·esc;•lpllons !or a long l i fe, u sclent l fir. Jonrnnl re. paris tltnt lhe nges or four of the Cl • tcrclnn r�,t·applt;t rnon !u; lll tho Al.Jh��­or Sent·l1 ons (AIH�r), li'rance, amoun t t� 3a2·s, or an n\'et'age l i fe or s·r le� I'S. The lengths of theh· t•cllglou� 1 �\ cs Rl'� resner:tlvely iii, 68, ·18 aml fi1 l ears. rhe letlg\hs or their rel igious nhstlnencc and fastfng tend, as tloclot·s say, lo shm'len I l fe. 'J'he ll't•i lcJ' l n fct·s from the nllore anti othel' facts thnt Cinlm·ctan 'rrapJlists live, on tho whole til nn Rll\'ancetl age. An lnternatlonai Cllrnmlsslon or doctors wa.• recen t l y snrprleeol ut the serene joy anti h en l lh or the Trauplsts, llotwlthstnndlng theh· cnrly rlslng, long stud ies, Cllants ond agrlcnltural work. A great number ot maladies nro u nk nown at Sept-Ii'on• The monks, It apprmrs, at·e Yegetar·fnns

. nnol practice abstinence on Frltlnr� .:_: Lonq_on Globe.


IT H ave You Seen l L ?


Crocker! Fountain Pen IS

8oe . . . ... . . . . . . IT 'J1r)' . . , , , . . . • . . . HU)' . . . . . . , • • • • • You will hkc . , PRICES:

$2.50, $3.50, $4. 50, $5.50.

Fully Guaranteed. M,\XUt'.ACTIIIIF.J) HY s. c. Crocker Pen Co.




J O H N COLTRA, Carpenter & Builder.

JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Plans Furnished If Desired.

Re�ltlencc 1� .Pnrk l!'fta•eot. WEl!Tb"lKI.U, NKW Jl!.R�J:Y. �'el. i61'

Page 7: THE WE:!IELD · IYedtiCBtl


This Courmn May Help

lnsurnme, Send Coupon to·day tor

. lnformntlon. -·- - · � - -

11'/llmlll rt�mlll l l l < ilfl lll l/'1'1[ Ill fiJI// ''''lftlll, I '''''" J,,. 1/llld t.• • l'l'l'l'll't' }l 'n' Jllldkrlltlrlf HUrl

1'1l/r11 r�/' 1·:1/lllllflllflll/ )1111 11'/l':f,

. . .. - -.. -A J!e ----

lfome Olflce, I Newark, THE PRUDENTIAL

�· J.


INSUIUNC£ COnPANV OF Ai\IF.RICA, t l ut·urtmr,'d Bi " �lock L'omtt.'\ny llr tho �tl\to r1C !{tm· ,Jt•r!!c)'.)

,IUIIN fl', IJUl'll�:s, J'W!o!MIIIIt, lot':'l.m n. ''"All II, \"h•t• Pn•H1t1t•r•t, i':I IUI\U It '"AU II, �·I \'h'l' Prl'�idr•ut. Ftt1LIIt.l''1' t\ l»lll'lt .. tl, :kl \'kt! l'r••�t'lil•nt, WJ I,IIIill H ,JUII:'\SU:-1, Hh \'leu l'rl•!!lllel\t ert�\H, ,.�. HA t,rJ, f-tiiJlt •• ,f;,�;�·�� �-��4: W.���k· rtti:i�:� l\f!�=·i··nmt :>it. &"t��r�·�;e�\��rulliJr.

Ph•lulh·H , :-; , ,1. Tt�l . a:u .J,, :!OfHI


' 1 his tlwrou�hly remodeled 1 3 room house ; el'erylhing se:tsoned and settled and iu>it olJ enou�h to be � 1 ,ooo better than a new house built these days of equal cost ; tn�in•ly renovated ; brgc stone pordt ; new plumbing ; new Jecorations ; !!;aS and co:jl ranv;es ; parquet Ooors ; up-to date bath room ; electrk li�ht ; lot 75 ft. x 150 ft . tm\•re if Jesired; overlool« Stoneld�h P:�rk; restrkteJ neighbor/woJ in all directions; ::1r l:e bam ll'ith :llltonwbile an nex; lall'llS, fruit and shade trees ; con\'enient to >laliun (; min.) churches, schools, stores, trol ley, &,.; immediate occu p:•llq'.


WAT/I'EH ,J, hl•:l�, WestfieTJ A\·enue, near Park Street.

Now is the time for young chiclteus nu•l wh,tt to feed them i• the all iui jlnt'lll nt qnesl i lll. Hav" you hiecl the

celalll'lltecl Star Chick Food ? Yon c1m get it HS wel l 118 11 full llue of geu•ral ponil l')" •npplies ut

R. F. HOHENSTEIN'S. Prospect Street, Westfield.

Telephone connection.


Model 2



HOSE for the Law ns,


A fil'st class l ine nt close pl'iccs. FOUNTAIN PEN is constrncteu strictly on G&JII Hardware Ca., merit, nml is rc1nul, if not superior to uuy $3 o� Park avenue and Front Street, pE'JJ on the market toda)'· lt Is richly cha•et1, writeo finenlly und is gnHrao· teecl not to leak.

$1.00 is a small RUm to Invest in n blgh grade Fountain Pen wlrich withor<liuar) c11re will last a lifetime

OUR GUARANlH : The l'en Is Sollcl <Jol4, I �llllrtlllt•ed llnest grHd•

14k, Holdet· Is mnde ol tl1e lle•t qnulity rnhber iu four (!llrtr�,


••• JAMES MDFFEn ••.


BUILDER. ProspeR Street,

Westfield, New Jersey, Estimates Cheerfully Fur­






N'l',\ 11'1' IW'I' 'I'l l W I ,", 111: '1' IH\'1' 1.111'1'1' "·" 'I' l l I·: \\' ,\ \'.

'l'b1! (�nlun•tl llnr� ,\ I I 'l'lll!l'e••Cnm• Joa·rt l ien� 'J'u•UIUI'tUW··Solt•s uf' tile (lnull'. Wny llnck, flrteell ycnt·s ngo, when

l.ll'llic� l 'nrk wns In fnll nwh111 111111 Juck Wnruet• 11'118 WeHiflelli'R unll hero there CIIIne nlollll ll Cnbnu Ola11t tenm with 11 plicllor by the sonbl'irJitet of "Nell ie"

nrul a secoutl lJ1un�uum, Frl,Uk Grant, hernltletl ns the Olll)' geHtlelllllll of color who hllll plnyetl lu the b!g Jengne! alllollg white folke, "N ellle'' 1111li the SillllB Graul were n purl IUHI pill'c•l of the Ne1v York Colorecl Gl1mtn last Suhn·1lny

nml both were ncce•sol'l•s to the crime ot' hn·gely couli·iuutlng to \Vestlleld'• tlowufnll, excusing or ont\tt\ug the pnln­ful fuct Umt "Heel" Wnl ler wns eore he his sulnry jLJillts nml h 11rt elsewhere limn In '

tcls feelln[B. Colored jllnyers nre n>nnlly henVJ' h ltlet·s unll In �nlnr­lllly's cn8e W kller"s o!Yet·luys looke1l ns hit: ns ple-plntes null It 1ms to the feJJce lor thelro whet·e hntl W uller hncl a RU>pidon o1 his l'i�ht·SOif the BIOI')" would have 110 •neil tinge of IJittel'lle<R It tua)' hnve IJeeu frum the fnd ! hnt the news of Pllliulleltl'e jli'Oceclnro In tho Westfield sel'ies luul n llepre>siug etl�ct 011 the locnl te1uu us when they h11cl won uu onlhtlll')' 1111111e by scm·lng four rm1s In lho ll rst two luulngs U:er tnrueu the lleuutl'nl picture towards the wnll tunl swltchotl oil' to bllull uum's butt , lveu relinble Tol!lUJ)' Burry n111ldng n julcr mlscoe thnt tuacle him feel liS though be hull B<ll<l til!kots for 11 church festival nml haLl been necnsed of not turning in the money. Fnrmer triet! to CCI\Ch II llliUJ •currying for secoucl uutl the b11ll hmcled pnst l\lcGoey to the fhg pole. When stock-tnltiug \VIIS m11de lhe results were : Runs shy, 4 ; hits shy, •1 ; errors over. 0. Still Weslfieltl stock recovered on 11 rally uncl there ia hope for better things ns Wallet· ltas beeu lreeplut: his 111'111 home nights null tho rest of the te1111J lllll'd their eyes on Plaittfielcl.

West lie ill. u b, r. l b. Jl O, R. e. Kellogg, 2b . , . , G 0 0 3 Barry, no . . . . . . ·I 0 1 2 () 1 Roclgers, If . . . . 3 0 3 0 0 �lcGoey, cf . . . . -l 1 1 u 0 li'1tnner, c . , . . . . 4 l 4 l Ponle, lb . . . . . . I 0 0 12 0 2 ltochford, ss . . . 1 2 2 1 M1<llen, rf . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 W 11ller, p . . . . . . 0 0 2

Totnls . • • . , . . . 33 4 ·-- · !4

N. Y.C.G. a b. r. 1 u. p o, R, e. Robinson, rf . . . -1 0 0 2 0 0 Smith, cf . . . • . . 5 o! 3 3 0 0 Gmnt, 1h, , . . , , 1 4 11 0 l Nel�on, p, , . . . . l 2 0 2 0 Cal'lo, B"i, • • , , • , 4 0 0 3 0 llutler, 2b . . . . . . 5 2 1 2 0 Booker, 3b: . . . . 0 0 1 3 Devoe, c . . . . . • . . 0 0 2 2

Pe�lO, IC . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 0

'fotnls , , , . . . , .42 8 1 1 o• _ , ! 0 4 scom: n\' Jl'NJl(GS.

N.Y.O G , 1 l 0 l 3 0 1 1 0-8 WestlieM. 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4

sumr.utY, Two Buse Hits-McGoey, Butler,

Gt'llll� 2, Nelson. Three.BssA Bit­Smith, Struck Out by \VIll ler 4, Net. Bon 4. Buses on Balls olf Wnller I, Nelson 1. Hit by Pltcber-Roclgers, Hobiusml. Stolen B1"es--Westfield 6, Gi11nts 4 S11crifice Hlts--W111iar 2. Fi1·st Buse on El'l·or•--Westfield 2, Gi11nls o. Left oo B 11ses-WesttMd 5, G lunls 0. Double Plays-Rotch!urtl uud Poole. UmpirJ-Henuiug, 'l'itue 1 h. ·Hi lll, -r:· * -f.· * *

U•m•e ·renn• I�ose� to Y, iU. c, .A. '\Vetluesdny 11t •rrenton the ho111" te11m

lost. il• first in the five-gruue series •l to 3, \Vestlleld let! until the seventh fnulug � to 0, lnnl lost through slnck work ou the bases : u tullll baing CHnght twice o!Y �m..:ond wheu meu bei.JilHl him scored,

hi l hnt l'lfl•hh•nt If, c. l 'nl l l •lln, of th" Nnt in111tl Lu11�1lll uncl 11 J l l l'lllil�> l' nf l h11 Nullnnnl Ccuuml>�lun, 111 111 1 l t i i i'I'Vii'W with l 'ruHi clcnt ll11111111111, nl' tlw l ,o,ul A�•orl n t l on, •tnl• cl t'.<i•llcl tly 11!111 1'111 · phullcnlly l i1 11t l 1 111 111111 llfllul( frrtu lloholu!ll ll ll(lliHI !llll' l i�nlnl'l)' tu \lin T l u­IIolc�n SnntiiiY gtomv cual thut \hi! C:nln mle•lon hell! no ltttc•c'c'•L In wlmt. l.lunu tllcl wllb hi.• lwnn eiHilwlwre Ill' lillY ullwr Llny su luug 11, he krt•t 1111r�emeut plnye1·s ol l<ngll• lehtnH from hlo leum ; further, thnt tho Hn1tolrun Jllnyoi'S luul tho rl�ht to t•l.1y wherever they chou•e otlt?r lhnli 011 Suuc111Y'· 'l'ltiH hrlnuH ll•lllb to lh• point whore lio stnleH Mr. l'nlllum le only one memher of I be C't>rumi>Oinu ntul thut tbu IJI!esllon h of >nc!I vltnl lm­port�nce to him th•tt Jm will tJOI be SlltiHfi€cl Oil tiT he receives 11 rnllng from the entire Couuul•"lrm, Whutever 1 111· ln!l ls received wlll uot p11lllnte the po�l­tlou to tic" Plnlnllei<l puLllo portlculnrly niHl to Jo\"f.ll'� of the gume thl'olll{hont

tire conuty. l'IHlntleld'M onl,1· <le•lr'IJ Is 1 1 1 1d hns """" to dtfout \Ve•t fi•l•l In lillY WilY nnt! 111 IIU)' co�t. 'l'h•• llolmlt"n

ont tlt, tentu Hlnl mnuug�l', iR nuder con· true\ to mnke this ll •ntlofoiCtot•y ,i oll, Inti It mu•t heur the Plulullelt! lnllel or not (lllSll,

f'rnnforil has org�mlz�(l llll nsscl!intion with Ex·Assemulyuum Unll us 11resl· llt.>ut ancl n. llna of energetic officers nml trustees with the uhHliiJB llltlnlsluAt, tlohu l.Inl'ieu, us huslue�s wnnnger. 'l'lle tonm Is JlHrtly the Aeollnn ottllit ruul will Hir�uglheu as lirmuciul uull loCill sllJ'lJOI't \\ nrrnute.

In v iew of lito Phllullelcl FCJnnulJio Crnu forcl wil l pl11y h're to-UJOI'l'OIV, 'l'hete Is rll'nh·y uud locnl Interest In the cot1te•t unu it shou ld push away some of tlte gloom of contiunetl brul 1\'e:tther nncl cousequ�nt tletll'essiccg inflneuca on tile tenm. T�u per ceut. o[ the gutc receipts of the gnuw will he given to the �Iem'orie�l Day flower fnncl.

i· * -!(· * '!'he Colored G hurts nre "" gooil "" uuy

truvelling tenm of their kind. A clnrkey nntnrnlly hi ts we\1 111111 the outliehl wus strong in l'eldiug, pnrliculnrly in throw· iug. '!'here wns more hall Jlluying to them than monl<ey •hines, 1'he same loam will piny here Decortttion after-110011. * *

EUdle Duley i� nursing n sore fore· arm, CllllSecl uy udug hit by Pentler in the JIJ!.tnwnn gnme. 'fhe Injury hn• preventecl his plnyiu�;, bot he expects to be buck in the guute by Decoration Duy.

* * * * • •

The PlnitJfield •qunbble nppeurs to IJe 11 t'l!peti lion of lust year's protcs�ecl game, 'rllere is e\'el'y reason to believe [I om developments that the stnDll of the loc"l w uagerueu t io cot'rect us to t ve11

the w�y np llil( lengne r•qniren1ents It

is certain that the tlemuucl to drop Wal­ler from the Westfi•IJ tenm will never be listened to-u clecioiou which meets with nnivusnl nppt·ovnl here luld 1tJ1lOUg Plninfield people who nu<lerstaUII utllt· tars beyond n bmzeu parlisnnsbip and thou�ht sub•idizetl sentiment.

Jlnuch Chuuk flxmmlou, 'l'heNew Jersey Centi"HI rt: us un excur.

sioo to Manch Chnuk on Decomtiou D11y, Mny dO. Rount! tl'ip S l.fiO; ;vecial I min nt 0:12 a. m. from We5tfielcl,

'l'o Cure ll Cold in Ono Un�·· Take LHxatlve Bromo Qniniue Tub

lelo. All druggists refnucl the money if It fails to cnre. Ell W. Grove's sigu11tnre is oo ellcb box. '>1'\c,

111101� recolpl. of St.flO l.o 1\D)' mltlrel"'s lu tlltl Uni lctl Stl\tt!So uncl 01\IIIUln . I [ upnn ox· runlrmcfon .rau IU'u tint eu· til't!IV Ml.lsllcd ur )"Oll do uot :.!il:: �111 w� 1�11ct1\�-; ��:��·t 1,�.�3\��� John L. Miller' Wnl ler \\'liS in form unci the hits 011 both

tenm• were about equnlly divit!etl . cllecrfull)' re(UIIIl lllu mime)'.


nud n�tnufth(lo llllllOr ron sa" thl� ltth't!l"t s�numt In


PEN MFO. CO , 140 Na!)sau Street,


S�eam Mar�le and Granite Work� ! FENCING FOit CEm;TEU'I" PLOTS,

Larce Variety of Oranlte Monumenta �aeumatlc Tools for Letterlna and Canlna.

L, L. MANNING & SON, I l'l'oat It,, Cor, Cleatral Awe ..


SANITAltY r:r�u "1UINO, Fut·uter d'cl u grnml stautl cheering slnnt Steam. Hot ��:t��n��:�l..\'.

1:��. Air lleatlna by umking tbe cl.Jnuce to catch a rnnuu·

SPECIA l, A�'1'h:N1'lfJN G l i'E1N TO LOll 11t secootl iVith 11 Ulllll nt third llllll two

Her i\lothcr-1 saw h i m ldss you! 1 am lert·thly shoclwil. I tltrl not t'oc· :1 moment imaglne he would tnl<e such a 11\Jei·ty. I'RBSSUTIEJ S7'h!.t.11 1/E..t.TII\"G, ont, Mullen lifted his CIIJ! lo II shoe- Hcl'sclf-Nor cli<l I, m a ; In fact, I bet h im he dnren't.-Jester. 'UI Prospec!1.�!���nt� AA.R. Westfield string c11trh hi the sixth thnt cnt olt

-------------- clamnge. From the 'l'reuton eml it wns

.. :Hnir-o£ ·"tii� 'l:triir." "The Idea! Miss nlowilin is going tl>

mai'I'Y ,Jaclc: Stlendcr to reform him." "She ought to he able to do It al l right.

Jacl' will never speutl an)' money shJ> gets holil of."-Houstou Post.

Milk ns a Fire l1xtlngufshor. Mill< Is suggested as a good cxlln·

gulshlng agent for bm·nlng, petroleum. It forms an emulsion with the o il and by d lstl'lbutlng Its cohesion attenuate• the combustible element as wate1· cnn• not.

u S\Vilt nod .t.mtlsfuctory guiUe. Merely !t Subterfuge. * * * � * He-;<.llss Seal'S tells me •he has made

up hel' mlntl Jle\·el· lo malTY. 'J'hc Jllniuficld A Jihh't Sbo-Oh, Lhnt.'s an oh� trick of hers. '!'he Pli&inlieltl imulic is plucecl in n She wants veople to thin I< she's sti l l a

p�cnl!nr tJOsition regnnl111g their nmbi- · � • .., .... l U' thlng.-c.!hlcago 'News .. lions to cnptnre prestige 11ncl n solicl - · - -

t�tnwliug in the bnse btlll Jine by t1efellt ·what is J·"olcr'� Jliducr Cu1·L' � iug \Veg(field in B series this aenson. Answer : It is 1U!Hle rrom n. pre-Developmeuts nil th" more 11rove thnt •cription of 11 le!td ing Chicnyo physi­Plaiufield's interests nre subservieut to cinn, ntHl one or t.lle most eminent in the the peraorml J!Tofit.of illauoger Dtutb nnd country. The iugreilients urs the pur­the Bobolwn Exbibitio_u Compuuy. 'l'he I ••I Ulllt money cnu hny, RtHI nre eoien­atti l nde of 1\lr, Da11b ts nil the more u ti6c•lly eomhiuB<l to get their atmos flogrnncy agal"st the desirec. o1 Plaiufiel� vain.. Sold by Fmtchey & Huthti\VR)".

. ... .. , . CASTORIA 1 1 Fot• Infnnts nnd Ohildron,

1" ·• ' :.;·,-, . :,, , ,•;·; ,:·r, , ,.,-, , , , , , , , , , A'\�yct7t'lde Jircpllr;li���i;.A;·.

slmllll !Ina lhc i"ootl mlll llcl/ulu ­uug lh� Slollllttlis tuul UoWI!IS of

I The Kind You Have Always Boughr

I N t \N I '> .'"( It i t \! H I N

Promote:-� Oi�cs!lo!l.CIK'Ciful­ne5slt111lllesi.Cunl<tln� ndlltcr Opbtm,Mnrtthinc nor Nincwl. NOT'N.\ItcO'l' IV,

Bears the Signature

of I' ,. , �- . I

l.trf.,..rrJii JJr.fAHI!ELI'Itt:IIER ; i

'Ji:!:t:,..d':tl· l ,. II..A.rl, ,litl., -"""'"·r""' ' �'i'r.:.�. '""" .r..u. tr.U.Hf.�,..,. ���

Aperfccl llcmedy forfonslipa­llon , Sour Slomaclt, IJiarriiocn Worms,l:onvulsions,t"cverish­IICSs mui Lml!i OF StEF.t•.

I n Usa

Fo r Over Th i rty Years

CASTO RIA -=- ����--- - �����'!:'! _._ .. _ .... _ .. _ '!-!""!!!,... : 'Amos H. Van Horn , ltd. I l -- , 11: if :��.� !et !�u�n�e� !th ��::. I i omy. Five big liuildi ng& ful l of good � fu rniture and carpets, and the low· ' est prices in the trade, are here to

I pic I< from -and you can pay cash or open an account l We're dEvery body's Store ! "

I 5 ACR.E.S OF 'Ell\ l

i $8.69 For the Golden Oak Extension

Tables that were .12. $4.49 For the 5 urawer Golden Chiffoniers-were �6.

) � ) I � For the Golden Oak Rockers--; \\'ere $3.50

$4.65 F o r all the�<! lloi. Brass trimmed

Enameteo.l Beds, )


Prettiest, Newest RUGS All Sizes All Prices

All Weayes I I Not another Rug stock in all the State can touch this : one of ours.

; SMYRNAS, from 69 cents. up i AXMI NSTERS, from 98 cents up Large Rugs o f e1•ery weave a t bed rock price marks-Ingrains, l

. Brussels, t.loquets, Velvets, Wiltons, Grass l'v!attings, etc. � l AMOS H VAN HORN, Ltd. ) j ��;,����Y·" ... "So. 73" •• d r.;AR·K���o�i.:'·'NEw�RK: ·�;t J. ;I { llASV 7 3 Nenr Pinoe Sl., \l"esl of Broad St. 1 ) PAYMBNTS Allfr�ltJs lr•nsfl·r t.J ..ur tfow. ( L--,. ... ��-A!;!L=!E,; 580 .- - -.. v- -·-- - - - - - - - - - M - - �

,...-�--------------------·--------1 : J . W. Manhattan DEALER IN

All Kinds of BLU E STONE. Residence s o Elm Plnce, Plainfield, N . J.

Altl work done nuder my personal supervision and gaaran­tc�d.


Page 8: THE WE:!IELD · IYedtiCBtl

,,.,. �11 1 1\l't•t) llll hill\ I' lllitl II Ji tt J I rnl' ) 1 \ JI I 'h r)n ! Ill• lt)'t•lt•.\ IIIII] II )I n i l' ltolll''" l't't't'>• fllt t r lll \ Itt• lltlt•fltOIIJI, 1\ JI tl 11 • 1'1"1 111 ''"' lhnt• tilv)' tll'll •l tlll)'h'll ot' m•ltlit�. '".�P "� lft•l'll"' "nl'l't•lllrH" httYt• I ill• Millllr ' '�'"'· hnt lllttl' un lw11111 rur t lit'h' nm•lt. �r._� � ���fN'III'� ... Jn, ph•H' ' uuh• lt'l'llt• lu :l\• >t'hlllll 'l'l�th' t•lnlhtt• II I'll tll ll't•l't•l l l rn•tll "'" " ''1ln• f•l'til'••••• •�' nil ll'ttnt• hl�l t •tile hut • v II l'IU I'Y 1'1111�11. 'J'htl \'aii\IIUI'I' hny�o "01' lltl/u Mill' l'l t'l'lll• tctttl hi� "1111•1••1 f.W\\'IIfl" l'lll lll l'"'· HIIHI III!II' 1111•1 \\' J II IttJ •t)l••)' U" wit h l l 1 1•h• lt•g• hnl't• I rout t ilt t\leot• tu tlltt f t • I H of l i l t h• �thtw�o�, (h't'l ··tJ l·t ,It h!}{ l'IIJH.I 1\ ldt•h J'tllll1ht·l'l l lhllm4 ( t • .,.,. .. bw••·�

!II1111Y Jtii Jtli< l i l•htl! lll t lt r ""'"'' l1t•l�l1 ')��rl�tl)tl lmud I••Mt�llal'lllll1 "'''' ''••lllhll'lt•tl )I� tothuu, nuclt•J' r hi' t'hlll'l·tt' of 11 pntl't•!O�o�nt. !�o'U \'lUI �It f't>ll,lWK t•\ghh·PB H\ltl Utili.' ":IU21 t .. lll,l( tWIIt ttl ll('htJ.II Ill I lit .. WI!)', ol•11� w i t h t•lt lltl rt•ll lt•ll nllll o•lel't•ll. lil t

• r•l•l \\'Iuter t l 1 1p I It t!,\' J ill II t i lo lu>ml• nl ::b•ir big l'HJl"H IIVI'l' tht!lt· h11tdM, IIIII] It Jttt 11 Jlflf'ty uf t }wru gnh g t11 �dwol h1 ':�• •at ly ttllll'llhtg lt ttti<H liiw "" IIIII II)' ·�flr�l"', ht'nt nu �OIIIH nuhnly tlt't1tl,

1'ltt• •ptellt nt' lllllrkittl( ltere I• ttnl the '""'" '" till�", 1·;-.·h (Ill Jill lttt< II l i t t l e )>�• lmnk II' lilt· I t lll l"t t .- •i!(lletl It)' itf• ,1111t'nt� t'Hl'S 11 •lY. Ill I hi� 11ott� boo I\ )'M• J•Wft':o:ol •r� w r l tt· tlu1 lllttl'lc� yu11 ba\'t· :tt .:t"\Y�'l t\m·in� th'"' t\;\�, mtt\ nny ntlt�� J1J.l� •Jit>�rl'nlittiiM tht•y l11tl'" to 1 11 111e n• 1n runr c�•wlul't, Ptt•,

i'l,pl'H R\'t' t wu �Pt!'l nf nolL'-"• t lw 11t1!ts Tt'Ct'h't'tl i l l t he l'ln�� l ll l tl t ht� nniP" l'f"';t•\n·tl hr !'!ttl th', All lt�I'I�OUH hn,·e ! 1 1 'ito rl'dtfl'l1 fu thP '"tn(Jr rom11� Ut-fllrtt tht'.r trf• bflllt'l1 iu l lw 1·la"� 'l'htl\' hnw• 11 ·l!rolt of lhwor, luu, wh ll'h ie • tundt� 1111 !''\'N)' thl't't4 IIIOUth�.

'l'JH'Y tin nut tP.m•h in the f:HllW wu�· It!" lh!-'}' tlo IJtllll�-', IIHt• t hl:'y go nn th1-1 y.h���·i}lle thnt ull ir1fonurtlhm mu�t !Jt1

·.t}r1•rrn in lf tlJt> )t':-��oiiK urt1 11ot h lhl\VIl, lib� ]llnfe�o�.<:OI'.i hl't'OIIW \'t'I'Y P:\cite1l, 'JI',' H'f" fht>ir HI'IJJ� nutl �hrmt nt tilt' top of tla·ir lnugl", lmt thry Yl:'l')" rnrt•ly tcnwh a )ll{lil. It !OE't'lll!'l pn·ttr tt•nil1lt' nt tir.-t, '>'Jt )'Hil gratl n ; l l ly gt"l lltt'll�lunlt'cl to it �l'P.ll' tll' lht-t prt�ft'!-.-.nrt� ltrolw a rh1Jil' cuP 'ih!.l' Jtt }Ji:" f'Xt'itf�T/I(�IJt, l\lt• JIInoot cll�a�l'et'alJlH t iJill�.t or nll il" >11� wny tllt'�· pnHhdl you. Yo11 nr� rwt .11-'{Jt U l"tt>t' !-"l'lloo! tiJP wnr you tll't' nt iL:tnr>, lmt lll'E 1111111� In t'tillll' hlf'k !hnr�dar nr Sntuln)', tlu·�t� 1n·itlf! t h·· :wn holitlll\"i'l tlm·in)!' the Wt'l"'l<. 'l' ! t t t t• ;,,ur!' 'l'ilni·Hllly m· :-!nruluy uwruitl� 1� 1ht! lniJJ!t':-<t pllu i ... Jmwnt tlwy e\'t'l' :! i \"t� ron. Jmt h is \bn� Jwnt· . .; nt haJ'Il lntJnr · 'l'Ja:re is 11 t.neat tlt'ltl chnw iu tlw way

.l f lltt'tJJllrizin�-t lt-!l:mu�. In Fl'ent·h. f111' :m .iti\IIL'�. w� un• �h,. ... n twieti n week ll h11g }'lli'HJ!rHllh to gt't by hf�Hl't.

A.� fnl' tlw rH;t, thH chn•�t!s go nu ir1 jl>t, m �litiHl'Y war : Phyf'lcs, ('ht!tni�lt·y, Gf'JIW\ll, T...-ltin. ntlly in-tl�na or !:ltudyin� f11:�tn·h as one uf tlw t.•x 1 ra hm�nagt � lhr--y ftn,ly Eng\bh. 'l'h� 1-�u�\h.h m11\ �nunu cl1ts�e� nre mo:-tly cuu ,·erri:t titon�l. E'w•u the geometry i.; lli'OYt'J i u "lhe snme f•hl way. ] u tht> tm\ yon l't>RI· :ot- lhut yon (.'ltll lran1 jnst u:o mueh . ."filliug OlJ H llttlt! WlfJ'OW pJ11tJJi Wif IJnuf J �uy hack ll!' von cnu in n t:umfortttLle J.e'nno1 cha ir. •

TUe ��odin:; �o on in thf' "iHIUP way 1H!il } Otl leftt tl t h t' �!Hilt-' thill�i<, \Jilt

,_!o.';.U.ellll\\' vou feel th . t t hen� 1:-� �l'lll 1i'Jilt.l! yon"gf"t at t:chou\ iu A mPricH. t )J;lt Jtt"U c1un 't �et h..,rP,

llf!r ... yl)\1 �\nih' bf'l'll1Ee ynu \\ 011\t\ 'ut' nlruell ont if yon aitl Jwt. Every tlliWtl­:nf'ut yon IllltHe 1!1 Wfttelletl ttllll nott'�l . f,\'arn hom· t h o IJUI!l iJet' o[ llll(tils 1, ;()mltt"tl 11 11 11 written clc.wu in u hook. 1\'hen yon lea•·e th" school at night the :t-11Jy fr-�ling )'on lml'P is. • ·J'm ghul I'm :n:t o[ thttt pheE'," fliHl when yon j.!O it1 !1ll� mm·ning yon onl y f.{O UecnnBe .ron iH.VP. to, Therf' t::fiFtu� to be 80tuething tlt':\lleu­bg nbcnt goit1g to rd1ool lwreo. 'l'bt­JiW stone bttilding, the \m.I'B ou tht 1dotlowo, the big door that !otk• itself .. )t.•hiiHl yon, the clrnm thut cniiEJ tlH! �1u:�ses, the l1ig cloch in tl.Ie conrt tllltt :JUtmrnfnlly tolls ont the- qn:nt�r bnnr::, .311 tlt••e thing•, however •mail they ::nay be in l'eality, mn.1te yon feel that J Dn Rre in 11 pris011 instt!Utl of 11 Rchool. Nothin:{ coult1 be more tlHTenn�t iu ri�e worltl thuu going to school iu Fruuce :s.utl goiug to Fchool in America..

c,, t<or.os 'l'. Cr,.lt:K. ---- · ----

Cil'eat ll•rlgnHou 'ilnm, An enormous dam Is to l;e Uuilt for

iiirrigaliou pnrposes-the Roose1·elt dam -la Salt HlYer Valley, Ariz. It will he ewe of the largest In the world, will cost :;uoo,ooo. will o•·erHow ahout �5o,ooo trues of Jamt nnd SltPilly '"'nler power t'ot· ll!tadr<JdH of Jllaces throughout the ter­nitlltry. The !JI'RCtfce or it·r!gatlon fs l'ery ancient, watet' hnl'fng been stot·ed and distributed In this wuy in Egypt ns early <Ill 2,000 B. C. Persia, l ntlta, Ceylon, 1:lilna, as 1rell as Peru and Mexico also lind lrrlgallon wot•ks ages ago, Even tlkre !n Arizona, not so fat· fmm where tile �rg dam Is to �c �ulll, t·�malns of an­roieat lz·rigatfon works can be found, ... bich suggest that that section or th� !1enert mny h nve been compelled by men � �·lliossom as the l'D�e" many hunUrecls !� y<ars ago.-N. Y. Herald.

Filley's Honey ntul Tnr coutuins no opi>tes and can be eulely �lveu to chil­''"'"· Sold by Frntcbey & Hnlll•wa)'.

''MALAKA'' j.(lf refinishing- furniture, lumlwood lluC!rS, school desks OJ' any \'nrnishcd �.,<.·c� 1\falakn hns no cqtwl. Ill rer-tuln .. � no brush or e:xpcricncc ill r:. ... �pplicat!on. 1> 1> appltcd to Ute surfncc ll'ith n sort v.dN71, a thin coating is left which dries H<!ti't<:Ji)' han! in fOUl' Ol' fii'C hour.< lii.!t•inl! a hcatttiful finish which will not G:S:bd: or show scratcheR.

_ 3itufuces trcntcd in this llH\llllct·, when tcR.c:m tJf wenr :trc ohscn·ed, will bt: Jwpt iin r·u·rcct condition intlclinitclr. Ali �·HtJ:'. htl1 the desks or \\'OOd\\'m'k of =r.tlwolli, col1cgcs, hospitals, cars and TIJ11hlic ' huilrlin�s. can be dcslrcH·ecl lH· \r.:lping them over with n :-;ofi elolh f.iol'J.ftlmtcd with i\£alaka, \\'hich aecom. nfli..JJCS :L two-fold work, the 1lesLruetion �.vr germs and a renewal of the finish.

WELCH BROS., l'tintcrs' · and Artists' Supplies,

fidure· Frames, Wall Papers, Etc, .� l!luod St., Westfield, ·•· New Jer�.

r .imc, Sand and Cement . PICTON, N . J.

A banch of Beaaties. 1'\�11' St1·k�. Nl!w l;.\�t . N::11' Colors nnd the most' compkk l l t ll' of 0'\fords (.'V�I' shown I n Westfield,

'l ' l t i K id l i lt• l i llll' uf ,1'1'111' wlll'n ,\'Ott j d i�t·ort•t· l hPl-it• enwl itinJ ts,

W. H. Quackenbush. Embleton 's O ld Stund.

\\'on ' t you stop In Hthl lool\ them over ? \W \\' i l l b� gl:td to �ho\1' t h�?m to you.

'J'n 1>\'l'WOIIW (hl'llt j llll tm\1 Ill 1 1 .1 1\ 1-: H'S I L\ H i l iVAm: WL'OH J·: ' 1 1 1 1 t;"t BIIIJIO hoot' llll'III]�I'S 01' !Jet.

1t•l' ,1'<•1 lmy n J tl! IV lto;u t lmt will

! • lt•ttst• you until fot' lfltllli ty 111111 llJl·

W i l l sel l Fisk Tires for t he next ten days at $6.00 a pair, and w i l l gi\·e one rotary lbg hell or o n e cuckoo hel l 1\' i th each pair ti res, Call nnd >cc them.


l '•':t rnllee,

,I 1181 n•11w111uet· HAl\ E lt'::l thnt'd 2 __ 6_P_ro_s_l_'e_c_t_s_t_r_e


_________ ...,.'.",.e_s.,tf'"'l"'e�ld.�::=:=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;;;;;�

�1. ----��� ��� . ' 1 •·······�··��·····�-���--�···�··········� George W. Baker,

1 2 4 Broad Street. liard ware, Etc,


'!'he number uf hnderia In m i ll< does ,j T c c ld • 0 D not prrn·e I tS \':t)lle. 'l'hr• hlli'lt•rln tll'O• 0 ure a 0 1ft ne ay CureS Cri'

lliCC 1 he 1111ur\1.g of mil l< a uri >Ut·h milk ' , • ........,.. . Ill Two Da)'l. ls hr!ll l hfnl. 'l'h•• n why ,lwl�(' milk \Jy L • 8 t'\• • • � •• -It!!, hn••lel'llll l'llll t PIII � \\'!tal \\I' \\'lUl l Take axatave romo »uanane TaWels. 6. 1/1-. Oft ev� lo llt't'll oul ol' mill\ Is not n i l 1 l 1 1 • IHIJ'- I 1'bi • t · ,........._ .. .- N1 2 .. ..;

•. I Seven Milli'on looJeS sol� In ..... t .. months. s SJ•IIa ure, • • r, .., ... --- • """'• ler\n hut t hr "JI<'I'i:ti l<intl• of ull�let' U � r- o> G"" thlll prmlltt·c ;ll�t!ases.

Tel. No. 1 1 0.

TO \VATCH Mendel's Market ASK FOR The On ly Cash Grocery and Meat Market FreePostals


• , E X T R A. / •


scDOZE,. �Finest Elgin Creame!y � BUTTER

24)'� lb. Bag BEST PATENT FLOUR, 83�!.\C:,


None better at any Price.


20 Stamps 20 Stamps 10 Stamps 10 Stamps 10 Stamps 10 Stamps Large Bottle

Wor;:estershire Sauce

20c IJOTTf,E.

Large Bottle

Best Vanilla

20c I Can Fine Bartlett


1 2c I Can Fine Su"otash

lOc I Can Best


1 2c I Can Rob Roy


1 2c 50 .Stamps Stamps 20 Stamps 100 Stamps 50 Stamps 20 Stamps

With Hb Best


35c I pound of



MEATS Legs Veal, pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4c

Shoulder Veal, pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2c

Breast Veal, pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9c

Veal Chops, pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6c

Calves Liver, pouud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c

C lwck Steaks, pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . I Oc

Lmp b Stew, pound . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c

Fresh Plate, pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4c

3 pounds Chopped Beef. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c

lib Mendel's Java Coffee

27c I lb Mendel's


60c All Kinds of Fresh

NO'".l'IC E.

Be sure you get one of our Ci rcu lars every week. If not leave your address at the store and we will mail you one.

I lb Mendel's


50c I pound Tea.

35c JlOUillf

Fruit and Vegetables Potatoes, basket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23c

Spinach, 1-2 peck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I De New Potatoes, -k peck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Asparagus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bananas, per dozen . . . . . . . . . : . . . .. . . . . . . -. . . l 5c New Beans, quart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . , . . 8c Nc\v Peas, t peck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 20c Pineapples, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f Oe and 1 5c Oranges, per dozen . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c

Fresh Rhubarb and Strawberries . . ·,j !