the water ,,rvevr tyl¢ fnoebh · 2003-09-03 · ,,rvevr tyl¢ fno"ebh ¢ ~tio qulckly rcltor:...

- , ..... ii, i ~IIII 11 i i "[c It m.=,mlo~ qmmllen to ml.~r Ipumlm- I ImP: ~e ~e:mmedx; aml ~ot ,me ~hba thil ve~beat qptlity ef eettou b~ tt~ji, t~tr ~ttthlu etk~ u’~olbld; dud plle~ th~ #~e~ tbh l~isu~ l~tdng ¯ umall ¯ ~tone etZ. p~ee ef dl~ en ear5eem~ to kee p the~ [ItO=~ l~owLog aWlS’ and yO0. rely emy.: I-iy~,the ~si.qu=Jayo! fus you o=n p~ll this o.t mu~h therdm-~, }t Is’°be=pera~d .l~UUd’h a~ut for our hundredhilts at : :I~.; ’ ::...:T.~’..+’-: :. The it is pat o.’alter phadiugthe I~, lo~ Otlimh s the hug begins his ~w- get.the ~r~tappeal~n00 ef 1hap]ant.s, T hl~ h~l a ~nu p~toh Of melons uotoaoh~ in .the +mbrming ; dariug the day au army of bugs has ]ightori uponthem, and befor~ night tli0y were. all destroyed. If yea ~ait ualLI,the enemy liss oommono~ oper- *tiqup, ~ ~ it filet youdrtv0 themall ~iway ft~m tbe’hlil bef0m yea corer the 2’be ~Rbn beingspread very over th e plants, admitethe ~u n and rain. a0d ahfih4 as mdhh, oauseEtbe planta to grow more vigom~aly than thaae uneovered, evunifunt0unhed by tho beg; As the ’plaut grows, the rotten ~.penus~ uutll at be,,l the p]¯nt, to stout and ~ough ~nd rues forth to I~ar its fruit. No loager ~dae to plant the deTiei~us meloa, for f~r that its greatoetonemy wil] them, a.ud rear iu pete+, being ~e d that they are dale.’ eerreepoedeat +=yS : "Tho sonsLb][i~ el m¯nyaolmals sod plant= Io the vmrylng ~oudalons of the almoephere in so. groat; t.~.t ¯ etmle] ktody of their moo°menlo will o~ton ind]m.t o witheertaiutyappt~tch¯ ¯ ing ehtug~ i~ the we~tber. When a _ ntgrm is pending,~hesplde~!hellene the throed of his web, and lengtbene them ¯ ear~lal ob~erver~ e~en ptetemd to lot°toll ’hdw leer.tim degree to whishthe Web is the slilder i~ qnlet, i~ ieasig O ~f raln i but when he go~ to work during ¯ °hewer, be " e=m it wl]l moo °leer of. ’~1~ °wallow ie a h~ an infallible bemmoter, ~ylng low, M. ~ao~t ,toothing the e~tb, and uttering¯ low thd wostS~; whm k +islent tomp~h i~ ah~tt +breakout, he so¯to eveu to the ¯ ’ cl0uds,’tad adepts s dow’m@esde motion, we~ differ°or fro= leaveher neet ]u ~alqd~ nf food ; but if°he feet.s storm Pppreaohisg, nothing wilt ’ . tompt her’+ff OIL her mate lakes h0r "to pmte~t tbo young¯ The peens@ fore. toll° miu I,y ito frequent eries; the weed-. peeker by Lt" c~lnge ; the ptroquet- by Its eh=ttoriug; ~nd the guinea-fowl by i~ go. ind m to~t. The goes° m¯nifes~ I~r~at u6e~i~, plnngln~ lute the waler , tud ~pidlp retomhg to the loud+ The =m. 41611= ~k the aho~ and ere only z~an rtr inloudinHttldd wettber. The petrel ou the ooutn~ d=she~ou~ ~ld]y Into tha ml&tof~orm aud t+mpeat+ The ehirp ol tl~per~hnt is ¯ =lgo el fair weather, but "’ the ery of the |n&~Ree tai~. Wheh ~ealr la ovemh~rged with moisture, theod~offlownmiulmng ¯nd penetrab ]ng, tad [u dry wettheris her ~nd a~teea- bh. - It 18 beldtot c~dtfvato~ Io gonerld to save for reed tSe[r etreeet bet tie° or vegotthles; yet ¯ ¥~tI~OI~Me of food may’be °brained by m~aK]ag Jadisloualy,cud nynt em¯ti~.lly om~zying o111 for It rime the plin0iplao[s¯v+ lok the earileat end be~5 Of eAeh Otop. ,~the,rot i~nlnn~, ¯ po~, plunt it i~l very risb Ilm~u~l ; ¯llowit to beartho 9rot year ~, halle domn peda on~, remove all oth- erll; la’#O the ]o~st s~nglo pelt o| the°e, now ]t the uezt yes°; ~/nd retain of the ~pmdueetbeee pedsonly; ~wthn largoat oa tbalbllawlngyear, ~nd retold a pod; Ilais01 the ]arge~t agohl,’and ilext year¯ Tha torl w by thh tlme hsvo trebhdit. alle’¯ndwnlgh~ hver a~orwanl sow the lar~st ~e~ I and by tlneee mo=n, ynu wilL got peas, or anpthhtgpl~, of a ~lzo ynn ceuld formelly havehad no monoeptlon oh " ~tll#~dla,,teu~. .... Tothe~.milor Tho dmndonThnoa rand ire offiee am Mw~n0 ehJe~l+ of Luto~e,t, =ndyour to°denrosy, perbeps,like to know =+utetblnll Of tbli groat new~li~l]mr, whluh .tend. tt the h0=l of the prose’of Enr~pe, la the heart ol thn eld eI~ ol I.m,dmh near St. P¯ul’a (Jhumh ¯ aud the TImme,+, ¯Pn "PriQUng Iloa~e Squtro*’ and " l’J¯y llou~ ~1~ ’~ the fnrmer ¯email ~0en el~, ube~t ~[~Y reel ~q~tre, the latter a m~w al¢o+h,t tew y~r~ to the north ; .n. Omal h4~ng gaiucd to beth through mine el" tbe ~mdl~h m¢~ o~oked ~d dl.~leat =tomt= of th* molropoll~ li~,lna do~eu ormom low, u~e[eutloekhlfi hound,revel t~l I~tbelm au~ ~d. hall, Is paSlish~l the ~ial~ ~ pgMith[q oM~ belml FISy It~umo Ym~l, th* o~o+ lot sdv+rdmment= oIL ou~ ’~d~ of Ptlndm ~o,mi~ Oq~u~, th. mtuMor’e e~5~clon ~, ether, ud tha 141tin1’ ~o~ms na ¯ third, The plt~ is ¯ quhtt one, a.eluded trom the h~tis ted 0ot~eof the I:t~0 of the l,~et Jl~, ,tok+ wd~r, m~mn OT hb new~P~P~ti ud ou ~’u~ey 1, 1788~ im~d the tint; u~be’t o~ "1~ T[me~,"¯ toiuiaz foul’ ~olammeaeaeb pNle; It wM Of ~utae;’prlotod on theeM.Ibthioued hand pzeu~ Ih bed ml~ flesh to ~toed w(th*sod g~dcecl but dowly in eir~uhdon, ’1000’ mplee, Whilstthe ,L~odon Momlng Postlssued~450& During this yesr If°. Wa tot gPv0 up bepaper to his son, ifi wh0ee be°de it ndranmd to s high phce in joum~tLsm, it. ~tart bEieg g.inod hr. enter- pr~o’[n qatherisg new. [°:’Napoleon’s ware. O~ NoVember 2, l~fl4, the ~mcs wad.first priuted b~serum peter, Ustmg ¸ the Engl[ebs~m printing eapahlo of working ¸ hour. By successive ira- prieted, The pewerta] ai~tielEecontrlbuted by P~]werd St~ril~g to tb0 Times .gel.ed It the.well knew.a uame of~’ The Thandcr- ’or.". Dari.g’thieperiod it, gradunlly in- Er~as~ its size I =ddit~ga fifth¸ and thena ;h eel°m° to eae]Lpage r and oa January I9, 18.~; ~ it~ued its £rst doub]enumb@ of eight peges. In 1841, a memorable evopt happenqdn the hietmT efthe paper. a aeheme orgaaizeda by I to de’mud, by ferger.¢~ nn the ia~uential btabe~ of Europe, This brought Upon ’.he proprietors a longnod vqz~tlous a¢~ioh tot ]ib~l, involving them in heavy expensu. ginail~ the ju~ loundth e eharg0 tree, b~t gave~ verdiet ot only ooe.£nrthing dame- gee. ~hls trim was oh° of the groat e~enla of the tim e, and suh~rlptlons were set ¸ on ¯otiu all pat~ 6f Eurel~o to reimburse the pr0"priptora for their immense, oud~ iu drtoudi~ the" aedou, but" this being louodJng "t/’im e~ etholtmhipe" at Oxlo~, ~ambridgo hndotberaehools! and marble toSlet~ ¢ommem~tiug the event were ~at Up in the I~ Ez¢lxnngo. iE prlntie~ House 8quam,’tud other phee~ These ever gi~eh to sn ~per ~v, we tt~ foundeP. the ’Emus esmbli~bed~tFoverhnd from India for the ~nvey~ee of news. Io 1~8, it firah used rotary pHntis~ ms- ohio., those el" Applegath and in 1852 it. tvemgo daily eireuhnon was 36,000, wh[ht of the number+ Nor. ]9 1~/8852, i~n~l al~r tbadeathof thaDuko of Well°been, and ~ntminlug hie b!o~mphy,.~,000 oopi~ ~ere Bold. lu I8541 Dr; Rem~llwM em- loy~ Im ~o~hd eer~bdent in the Cd- mrs. a~] wrote the leltem thlt mild° him hunous. During tbia pe~lod the Time° 10e- pu h~ing ~’ipTe tied qtttdHple ~eet~ papers nt twelve ~ ’~lztoou p~ge~ In 1858; Mr. H~’s Amerl~ pehtlog m=- ~hius’was er~ a~to print thn Times.-- In 1861, the &dip dr~ml~dou h~l imm’ese4 to ~4~000 oop!os, ever ]8,000.000 ~op|~ be- Ing i~ed durlag Ibe Irmlr, At thhl time The Tim4~ beZtn ~:~,louall7I~mlofi quld- ripheh~tao~ twen~pe~ to zooomme- dtto it. bw~m, ,;rod enjoin ~, Igpl, il i~ed a Nztnplo °heel of tweuty-foer page, eont~in[ng hedde~ the ~e~ding mitts° 40~6 ~Eerehtedvertisemeut", qune an in¯ emue eve |ti’m~eel number of 1~0, flRy year°before In 181i, In 18e7, the ~mea begon prindn{I with the Walter nell.feed- ink prue, pale°ted the year before, snd eIMmrd to be the ft~lest ted mint eeonsm. Lc=lprintisg ma~bl~e in Iba world, ’~he pte~ent nlreul’~tien of the Timed is from 63,0~0 to 68,000’ dally, the ordinary i~uo being a Eiztoen psgs mewep¯per, whilst sometimes a is inore~ed to a twonlypnso reeVE IG at. Th], ~ a bdefblatorS ol the paper, and [ will now pn~ on to an de°runt ~f it° pres. ent cord[tie°,and nf tlln office nt Priori° Ilouso Squat0. Th0 TLme~ is In at, nn’a great pio~p0rLty, End the nndEawr in tl e~l sbliriuncnt is to bad0 a n0xrEp, per whioh wlllaL oaee bea model ol correct lypo. graphy~ oxcMlent pr[nth)g~ and the Inlleat ]’]nKIIslh ]tle ~ott,Ldomd that tho e~rebe. ~towed iu the Timou Ofl’t0v nl,nn the diet°- time of it~ lording ¯ll]El’m ]I~I~ C~.lltrLl,nh’d °belt aPythinK nl+~ to preservethe I’~tlr]tp ofth’~ l~nK]islt iangunge. The ++taft’ el +’]eedcr" writers ]h isrge+ and upon It am the be~t;mwapal+or writorm ie F+n,~hmd wher~ pn ~dlt~r’a zmldLian.i+L .em- ployed hy the Tin,or. le,dik, the ou.t,,m in Ant,uric+ the obJ0nt ¯t lhe’i~me~ LIAlee is to preserve’the hnlnat.on,alhy of the Ira. per¯ Wh¯t It oont~ine is ~aid h v Ike paper ltaolf, and net by mn~iudivldo~l, ¯ml go befor~ the werld wltlt all tho wn]ght the ,row°paper eatt g~vo the°l., lmeditors IIOV~ ur writo. They Iom~a~t, d¯y by d¯y, th0 poller ef the pa~r~ ~aggostaahJeet" to the ]~tdor writ.rel ~lt in Judgement upe~ their arlldee wbeh Writgenl and doeLde wbet uhall er ahldl not q~ into I~o paper, It. ®rv~pnnden~ la I~fih re.lYe but one I0~o~ and thit is ~nd .a+~urtto dud Imp~rU~~tmto trtnepldq esnuto, tg wrhon lu m0 Tn re°duet this ~tshlishta*ut, ¯ hrg~ lormdmu~*eist~qolmd. ]l i~ta eT0. eyday Prom l~ to 3000 ~m=rtl~eaU, -j ¯o r:, :,¯:~+ .i! ~¯ 11~,~j +,.r:,+’ ., , ¯¯ ¯¯;;% ; ’’~g. mmm m=ulob~ to’lba n~d.log morn tbau it e=u ~ tt m~m~ bat. Iba l~ writ pl¯~, ~d ¯ few othm" i d~l~,’ NO oue whoeome= steer ~Ive’o*dmk im t~emeut, o nsxt day’m pel~t, wbitot kenerally the ad. re°ben do not see their edvez~i~emate d until twoor three They h¯ve ~ wni t tbelt lur~; ned eaeh is tb~ ¯nxlety to 8el them in The ~&~, llo eubmltpnt~oqtly America0 pnbllb wouldnever tolomle¯~ The iswe~t thnrpeis for "wantB," in which ease enehadee~eer is °1lowed three lines for baird cronn,about 60cents, go)d. all others, th0 regnln~ r ]ide "24 c~et", gold,but token’les+ then tear shil’~--~ist edvernEemouts Pro ohPrgnd m6m in pro- portionl tberatP otter the ~rat fiSy linch, The rntes are ulLowe~ t6 public cberirics edforfaeo f~pns ons ntbe, paper. In the liloraings, when thn ve~pl# fi~:k to The Tin,cs n~cd to hand in their ally°r; nsements, Printing House’~quere i~’a placeof rile grenlcsh bustle and activity, but in the nft"moone it is ¢omperatlvely de.reed. The 9deertiziog pages mn mode upina rEguhr 0ader,~gisnllog=with the blrths.on the ~Pst ~,lum. Of thE 6r.t page, ~+ ngolrie~," 0s "per’°oPaLs *= are ~al]ed, on Lbe re°endcolumn, nnd’elo~iag ti~u paper el isst Satnrday, J une 6th, thcre Wpre [Wel]ty-~vO columns.ThEreare nn headings to the edverLifireg ~]u,fins; each department coming unnnmoune~d pn tbe heolsot’its predecessor, and this eonrse by + taken in’! immedlath: hc oriole°ratio" tutor%" I am c~ascd great eomplalot nmot,g that da~s of thg Engli"h comomuity, dh tbeyregardtkeLr CbalnelerE n~ ~olied by the iuXmpeEidoP. The of~c~ fnr th e ¯re- ceipt of advertisoment~ is cohdUcted noss 6~¢luaivdy, the puhli~at[on’o~ie~ be logo sopemtobu diag Tke reading mPtt"r is thralled by the ed[torml~ rep0ttoml nnd cow~.pnndmg nt=ffsl there belag bhsldes, 22 hw report°n, 19 Parliumeera~. f~.perters, ]2 palter re- potters, andre, indefinne number of mls- ~l], knnwn ne ’! penny-a- +. at least 100 correspond- forelga correspondents in Ot herpart++ Of the world¯ Of the Par]ia~aeut aw rPporters, 16 are P59n0graphcr~, two muke summeriea thn IIousns, and nee di- To~t.up-tbe type+there ~ro 130 compositors emplo’yed, 60 lab°ring bydgy, and 70 at aight+ whilst It foremen ithoir lnoeemcnt& -- ure required to reed ~d three are employed merelY to the proof° Tbe. adverri,ement. im ~lt up d0rLng the day, ted the readLng maR°re, night, the edvertldngpageabe- ing medo up al fwm 5 to 7 o’cl~k in the evening. Erodingmntter is reeeiv~ uu: ~] ~y ght and after~¯rd~, =~dthe read. log ~gesaro raroly put to press before 4 A.M., Whlht Iondlng artislea ¯re frcquen!- ly Wri~n ou Peril°me°tory dcbeten"ded othe/events happening ¯fter mldnLght, nnd tppoar in print the lollowing morning. England le different in its bebha flnm the United States, tad re,3, early nowsptpor issued ar~ qotd~msnded, [p.all thip~ldrk the groat°or earn is taken to guard egsinst minttkes, and°very]loe prInled is read over by proof r~eder~, four or fize different lint°¯. Tonste~oLypers prep°re the plato° for tho printing maehisos, hy the papiur+lasehe in use ia Ihe I uhLie I.edger of isedlog now,paper oflleaa and these m¯ehlnus I}etn abonteight o’aloek [n th~ evmdnR u,,tll ~even Ihe nnxt morMng be~idc~ work th, riog the d.)’ upoil tn,~nd cdlllon*l." ~ixleen l~relnen nl~ql ¢l, gincnrs attend the euglrms and boiLer~, SiX nL<m ptl, imro thtl pnpEr~ la~Inre prLath,g, tdnoty aD3 elephlyed on rim prt’E~eHn nnd HOVeli do[lye° luu l)~per [4) the il’~WS-U.~,!nl~ i uffer it [a pLinted, N ,.rr[ers ~eeLnPd’- ed, us ht Lile Uelted SNtteE, hattheIthela cdltisn is iodd mlt Ln nEWS-litloIItS~ the num. ber aP~id0slldnled [~!~lig nll InareLben the~ntln Iotni nl thcLr erd1!rg, whh’h knee tn be haedEd Ill i+y~ I’, 31, m,theprevious day Thn wlnnh~=le prier eL’the thnc~ L, 2~.d, ul 41 ,.nt~ f’gd)i II!,! l+’.rlhe fthe mal~ltq’es + them nrn lhe olllru ¯ mrhlg fnnd, a +h’khind, eeda co,nperll~vo reMK11rlnll, In~lllL~+d lq’ ~]111 per+on+, it wh[uh tdl Ihe °mid°yon get their Ihed .rid ,h’isk at whnlo~ah, +not ]~rices.-- ’Phi, is klnnwn Ihadharly ¯n "TInl i’ae. linen," ~IsbL11ty und ~olntlhrt are Kre¯t cdl- J~m la PrL.ring IIoe,o 8<in,r,,. Tho apt°the©Ate, din£<y withe°t,ere chart ¯,,d apaclwa, wLthhn, ted luhhlul lai)~r~m m- maidth©ro¯ liferi~e beq~e+thing their pli+a tn thelr ran,. 51¯evnuw in thn plato hays worked themfive.¯ud.twaulY ymr=, md tmo ~ pmtK+ul~r, ,till halo and bearlp, havebeen In the oSm map~tLvely 4+ ¯rid 55 )’rum, Fetber rid+on work ride bp ride, end ¯II mmm to mgs~ the plm ~d It. dlmotor~ with °be gmatmt ¯~rmism To print Lhe Tit=el, Hvqnly tol~ W’il ht of p*tpet, and twn tel+* el’ prinlinl ink ¯rs al¢d irerp week, wkils thea~erlge.~atlht (~tmm~di ~l’Id~:fon~’t.Jl lO.eoo m&~t t~ IMber. ~ thue Pm~ vhieh k s,mlt.hmd+r, ud,=u- he~lmve~i"~’~e~ii~i~i~eeel thek ebamoltha~l~pIl~l*g~*eftheTimm, w~aad~’tba pmo~q~e~tobaohm’Ir~d pl~lm ae boer, ~ It pmd~em in that. The7 then ~1 to the I~ ia dmlble rot+ Thin m=hme Is mm~’bet minds° In.the Am°dunBallo@ ~ It Odut~ ft~m ¯ then d01ivcre them ~b~A att~eeas by ~o m pe t eo*, .{~goa here, and will probably revolulioniso~the pdnting b~i- nPsa in }]ngland, on¯~OUnt Of nE grelt re- parity,and the chenpn~swlth wh~nh it is operated. Tbls wond~ul n~eehLno was invented snd eonstrncg~ bY ~lr. Jobu C, of the leedin l’riedng tloue¢ ~" nnd ha." been Mm thn ’+ Woller Prlatlng prmm" in honor el Ibe proprief~z;~l the Tim~ Ita ;+pEnt °ix y~of cons°met, anxio~ laber in huildlng ~d ~ris~ring it. There is little morn tomy oP this great nns*spsper. ]t~ciroalah~ not ealy throngh- out Great Bdtoiu batldl over the wori& Its policy in the t"~tl~mt o f pabii~ affalrsls not a fixed one, 5ut isgs~ern~ by expedi~ e.ry¯ Tuwa~ Ameri~<, its former ~urse of severn Etitleismhas been °hanged to one great friendllne~, dudit judge~ us now °bemajority of ire rbehd0neon to mpora,’ie~ ’bEeld~s paying great’aReatlon lethe e~ll¢c- dna Of Amerisaniatdligsn~, iVho di- /~ets its eeur~e US ~tzois il+ oplnisn~, haw- ever, iss sealed book.Thnedltor i~ luvis- thee, nor are the milers bratty. It,.trle~tod~w imimpeaetrahis volleyer the indlviduM~y of ¯° conducted wltblt~ and wba~ thi~ or that writer m¯y may say is buried, in the 8re~trma~ of lord- eta. new°, aed other mattem which Tbe ’EmeB pPemento to the worl~ on fta ai~teeu momlug;--[’PAi~. ) Jr~ic I.ofg~r. Dinner t.~ the l~ewmboyl. Tbe~ ~as" m~ tuddm+in the erich°allenof the ’ * ~"oe~ "by the jure- ough[y enjoyed, than this dinner of the uewsbey~. Itwae giveu out e¯rl~ in the week Ibet tlekets.tor the c]innnr"would be ready on W~lused~" and ~ tbe tLcket~Gn¯glng tha pr obebh nuta- bet ~f tpplie~nts hy the number pr~nt at the dlnuer glveuIo themItst y~ar, wbe~ one hundred ~nd seven ant 4own to the labl~ll, provhion waa reed 0 oa thb oeca~isn for o~0 hundred aud twenty-fiveand °bet uumber of lintet, were &fiver=d. ¯ It w~ foand, however, that the tahle~ would a~omm~to our ba~lt’e~ andforty, an~ that there mm diu~er ennuoh foi" near- Ly twi~e that aumbert m all them who rimmed to be ae~beye were admired, and every pheo at the tob!e wM SHed,aud every apppe~nt wM ~ommodated. ~1"¯ King’dey & ~.~., ~tb~ ~onJenenta|, klndly endcrtoek to ptoptve tile dLnhar, and tha’ohly order to them hy Er. Childs wn~ to make it good and ubund¯nt, with ptenb;nf "_good.. thlop," [or drsaert, and no drink atmnger than lemoa- ado"ThiEwe~ ben&eme]y carried out, an will be seenbyinN~etisn of the bill of fare below, Mr. Klogeisy,himself glvlog Ida pEr~mlal aMeedan~ and auperri~lonou the 0~&fitno* Tbe lah[e, were spreadin a broad, open t sp¯cein the I re~ llenm of the I nblio Led get n~. ’Phe~ wore pr¢lmn~ by ,blr. Andrew ]+ind~ey, the earpeuler ut 1he ea- tnbli~hamh~, add wore~o e~i,trlved that ~’ ~ing t~bLn~ " ~uld be Ihrown oat¯t the thortos~ netica, to a~lnlmodato daynn- exlmot"d,ao~o~isn to rim nUlaber of beya at thd isst nlnnlent. Th[~oztomporlxed ¢linisg.reonl ]lid 0+ (:[oar upac~ of twenty I~et overhead, and wu. on~nf Ihe coolest pluto. Ln the eLty on¯ USy. thnt" waa exeos. eively her evorywhom oleo" It wM hsnd- ~moly, du~traled with the uatlo~sl oolor~ hy ilo~liaaue+ IIrnthern &I!o, Onthe )lutlorm Of one el Iho isrgo prlntlog m~. ehiltW ~ Idaho we, provided for t]10 luus[e, nlnl durLng the dLnm0r the Imy= wer~ enter- t¯isud by ¯ ae[ectinn of n¯tisnal and i,opu- is° Mrs¯ +" T0 £1vfiili~’~I/p6flnldty to t~oy thotn~¢lee~ either wie~ ill 1ha aitmliuon+ thu °into hlr the din°e° WM Ilied at bel(.plu~ twvh’n n+~o’ah, gntd protupLly al the boor, is tl l{I g~]cy &Co. undtbe new,bey° wor~ rnady. The I~pa~w¢l~ mar~belled inle the ~re~.s mem hy blour~ |~+ k’, Davis ued .|o~eph ~,dezaiti~or~ tho night otorka of tho I,odger n~e, with the ~lEtanee of ~lr. WIU, N. Funtoe, erie of Ibe day el*lha, ailot ~ham pmwoll t~u’lnll~d ~ith I~ h ol Jut~o~le mcrebenll. They WlI~ un=twddtble sb~uee ~m tl~ dtt, Wbee ~ey ~ ~ ummN, ed ~d" r=~a ,udl~b~u~d or+, be..poln a aw ~ ~n. ton~ o/~k~m~ to them:¯ }i¯ Iokl tbem that Pit, Chilus wbhed them tn undo=°god ihalha took l deep tnte~ltill thai° weir°re, . ore=m= s.o "tmmmr.m,v.q+: Y¯ther whoeden° Imkest n~t ~1~ O~U’aph roll VlololI~ ¯Mid toMl~y[MIO- pis. wo blesi Th~ hob, ~ ~d il [~atb l~]e.~ ’]’Des to appease th e ~dltlous tu- muhs Whlnb have ~en htelY ra;~e~ up tmcngst us; moet humbly beaee~bing to grant to°lint us grace that.we tony beueeforlb nhedently walk in Thy ~ly mm- mahdeu~s ; aed, leading a quiet and peaus- ful ILfe in all godllne~ and honesty,may eonrinaailyuffer unto ~’h~¢ our prMe~ dud t~akP ns thankfuf£or ibis hod-II other Then fallowed the difiuer, the fol[~wlng ~elng¯ ~opy of the ea~ peered ~ each ~b.tthofJ+d#. 1868. ’ ." ~ EWS~Oy6’ DINNLT.~ GEORO~ W, (~HILD8 t IN TIIE P.Eb’S Renal 0~* ~It1~ **PITBtJC L~I,~ " OFFICE. 3~iLt, OF FARE. - . ByJ, ~- K[ng.ley & ~., ~m~nen~] HoteL ) DINNEL Ro~a~ Chicken, I ..Ra~.lx~r’e & Cream, Green Pea~, VaaiRa Iv° Cream+ ~lashed l’~atoes. ~onle~ioum~’. BMled Tnngoe. ~ke~ Sliced tlm~. I I~e Leeu~,e. WO]gD8 YOIL TI~ BOYB TO Igl&ll~llglt. : to do ~to~’et yo : with the rlgk etChErs. Snceyo~t mm~ey, muly0~t will §nd[I we of the meet a~efld fr~end~ Never gi~0 ~ to gou~ "methe~ or fslhar. , " Teke~e 0f yeu~p ~ in tl~t world ; reachtl~ hl NEVer be erud to a dumb ¯mmal; re- member that i~ h~ ~ power- tb le.][ how much iL ~ffer~. ¯ is almms th~ ba~ pdk~’. so M to ieduce the be.y ptoilh by its pe~l. " Wheu [he little fdlowa be~u~ fairly enraged at tbe~r dinner the},e oj o.~.d them- intoremiug &the to behold them, au~ the ~umemus epect~to~= preheat ~11 it no°or the moatgn~f~ini ~c= tbey had ever w]toee~th There was admir=lde Seed order,and yet =H.tba timethere w=s n ©h¯ttefiuZ of Mtrie ton~ue~, m~l u u~mis- tnbeble =c~ of ple=~=m Dad ¸ ~dou tbet¸ no ode mum obMrte without being utbaba~ ~mmlv~ Tbem,mubem do=be it d~d Ibem ~ ~ morn w~ one. Them mm= be~_~..p~_ i~ Ofquite little fdiswa amoug them, itad ¯ uumber of~hmmla~ humom~m °hem°ton. Oar nl Ibex° litdp Ehal~named Robe~ W~lk% and who L~’P~t m~i’o lhm eight y~m old, heph the s~tsto~ peat’him ou h broad grln all tSn time, hy his ~mi~M vaya" ¯ud Et~¢h~.. Amnag the~ hundred and ~or- ~y youngstom themwere boy° of all age° aedde~¢rlpfions, some well dud p~atb, eisd aa if they hed careful ¯nd tidy moth°re and eemlort¯h[e home% and ~ome ¯11 in the reegh Juat ¯s they ire when plying their treds, ted who inokedASir they had no percnl, and Iio homo° a~lywhere. [t Wad uorieethlo howeveq througlmut the whole a~embhge ri~t there ~.a. Idain nvi~enee ol an unusaul ah¯r~ of nation iutolligon¢o and ehrewd ulotllor wit; and it w~ also ob~e[wbh that under the wholeeome isflu- en0ea of this effort to give them phasuro tbey ~Ere Imt,t on °hewing that themis good .luff in thmn ¯fter all, C~L~hle ul I~ g u Et o good uoeouut il properly w~rked. The more snbst¯,,tLM pint of their diauer Imillg over, Signor nLiq~ wms Intreduoml. This kln<L.hea~t~d genttomtavery hand. ttOluely ynluIiteer~d tn ~ei~t at tho enLor, tMnment, ued i~erlhrlned a number nf h[s moatdeztomu, ¯nd amusi.g Ihataln led- ge~ee]aia aed vnt*tril~uhnl, lie kept the beya lo rasrs o1"laeghtor, and w~ greel. ed with r¯ ~turou.Upl,isa~a.Lt is ~le Io ~;"thi~ huiei in al y hail~ [~reat uTght wbea the 8ignnr to~l~ leavenf Ihe puhlie at thu Ae¯d¢luy ofMusts, did tLe meelvn ¯ more genuine OUtlmUfiug el hearer°It applause than the new~boyu give hhu on the " Fo,t~lh" Ln the pr~ ~m or the pnMio J~leer O!~ee, The beyu kept up (hil ent*n~inmaat f~ twolull haul, ai,u~t u lee~ a tim* aa h apontat met+ st=rely lind mr~monlo~a din- ~. ~ they we~ haelog, eaoh ~ wM st~a ¯ boa el’ be~-ba~ to t=k* b=a~ nd ~da wM I.*tenl~l mtb ¯ Mw y~m hm../It thts Imlm, ammha~~ wl~ propmd M ~o med~tmO of 0~h=," ¯=d" tk~ morn for M~. Me~uq" they ¯~ourlmd ng ht]f.l~th’two o’dedl, hi goed old¯r, u wdl .tti,flud.u_4 5tluie~ t +eel Sl yo~lageto~ ka Wla lead ¯eywbeP~ en EI~ l~l IIf~e~.,dl~mld ~ lhe~ ~ t~-i~imdmal e~ee~ ~fim i " : "Ir~,,~w.,,.~l~!,,!r. : m:+ m=$ o+h~,, I. ~ba o,~,4 I~ ,,x...,,[ ~m~l ~ba. fimbel¯d,m,~.+, r.m~ P..,~.+ It _S+be,~,. Veto= .ore .%,. qo; ... rmb ~,~.,,,m~; f+ttm~,~-,,~,~ dew, w~’d~*lbe~tl~l~L lemse~mhyleldfr~aglof my toattt~, ~ a- Redleol [ belh~ei& ¯ ~ I~ ’oP :tile’ ,yfmmL~op!nL~ the I~l~e’ th~bd~ :~weck¯ ~ my eymlUttble. ~6 0uk thmmlf the]l~ m~+ k~_e~ the wbe =t+ e.y~fi, mlm~ fred -im~ito.~-- t~i ia O~eeee;q~, l~’nm~. Izehe~ ,-,~e~me, ~ ~r~ ~*~e~. ,buuMzcdymmmiOIIm=eis-’;¥oud~ful MHemi~anothe~¢urtl~mm~ :. :..:..~!. ¯hen it b~qm. The:l~ umEec~ed ~.. , "I am for loveHi~ggp,m.~et tl=ul~ .. Ihat ebee~ulmamv£~lr. Calhmkee~h!m inl~wn. ~;oddh eo; to me +avAmi~¢r ~yosgLafidbepefdU~ba¥ Hemh~t", raise, if[d’oanghtmoreto et~bany~ ,=okln¢ 1~,4gor, eu~p~ iathO m|&t I riowu lower." . : ~: L’_ .+.~’.:. : )f ¯ mmHe, f0r aR his thaughto nmgood : besharg tbbi~ ~lr; C01f~x, ~ &ff~ +omp~uiou~ . " : . [n the wor~ of his pa~or reed" A"teti~ dt Xtook ase~’~ore hlm,’snd whtlo ha ~uth ]~nd, hi~il~+e~" .i : ; answe~-~l~meqee~ti~Ibadbeeu~ht,,I -- @. A~TOW~ J ~1 ©be°rotor-- -- a ve+t~ ~J~tm]t tRP~ ~et~ beth oI. hbem , d’P~t ~a" go~i~ Je r~ ~a~aM~l : f~zeountryofwh;cb thn Speaker Is so OuwJeffi~meYHo~Z ~ :~ represeunative* mud 1~t of a tompermmeut nor hum° ti In tk~ Seamy ~umd;’ " ’ ; ~O0O~I~I~OP; : : - . Weutgdyo *~.nurmcsdowln@ : "Welmalebet’+mil~1~h~ w~thllne= "l~=~<Itolo+~,.~=~+=+~wt~tomr== ,.or.t+; i , " q, WM weP, ’m~l~, ~+lw j. m¯~ ~ Whlp the~ + sm]~,, ehmmh ~th the =m=e ¢o=me- u=mm- W e w, tm to m=ko mopeylast, ~OU ~~ ~ ~ r " m~m~. The=ir. tbamil, dmwomr=md +u,a~..m~.~ri+a¯wo~=’o; ...... W~’w fmmd ¯ ~ ¯m~i@ +.he ~ Wbel~ r~bblt* ~eedte ~ve~ : = A,=ris,m ~=o * hm~ n~mt, dm.arut~ ¯ ~’t’b~ bma3b$~ mad Lh~r~.l~;. aedt~l~lkvsdmmltoll’louto~i + itodk-gmg~t~=am~we~UImm+m~, , " + ~l tr~.~,1 p ..... hmm fo~ g en the o1~ fa be~ t~ ..... At m~4~q of ~is.m,mm~d ~ ~. It is a qulet mmWdl per~ptlolm, Hie meddle tl~ m~v~, Wo~; ".-,~’vw fie ~ mm ~., Of tho Ho~. "Neve+~ol~." r,=M. ~ ., "tomehttus h~ll~ it ksme la¯~+..yoll ~ OA, *l’~.d@,*~+r~. bemn before my~d~l mh,,,~ , +.. ..... . . , ,, . i~tha medal ~f’the’lt~ ~ ,M’~ : It ~’dldl~Ai~51ihallghtoh. ark" Iu thh I~dtlom ba I~maI~ p~hm~tI~ a, the ~=.lod~ ~I the II~ ~/l~Im~." i~ b~’., - ’ , lome~ln[vedat ~n qlital’tela~ httt t~ E~allrylhatfi~fil~e~,laere ba~t,¯,ile~ Spe=kerhlm~elfht~Mmed, inhisownlta- mtbeygte~eMer" ~’~hisiltml~l’tohe’ I ’, e~JmS’ beil~. . . guage, to mtkn¯ ] re.Ireful of thn ~per- him which abeu~ perish with Iha Ne~h--We very bamHt~e~e’Jt~ :~’-’ iol, thit evobea them."blr. (Joltox ia ~dnt~|~d. member Of thn l)uteh ]Reformed. Chureh You might ~ l~lg~ ]~’th~l~ll I~’ ¯ ed total abe°in°nee is one of hh y~ do,alld We deg’t W¯at =0~’~ ¯c~l’qmt~l to.’ no is a ,ranker, however, aud ¯ lovil~ be held t~@oom~oisf~’,i~mli~g-~’l~t+; traveler hy foot ted °logo+lli~ oratory i, her of phoo~ lervid nnd fioriri lOg°thor, ~ hM tarred The wnr]d bee al~t ~ pbao~ar his perly benfimme]y~ lu trying time~, tbea there i, eneyn~d*olU ,, ¯ d whtLohsJu gsmeto, 14geaeded. yetdeel~. Tbereaidtn~t*d~b~* ih mT aHmbb~t~ lye ¯. his need° of ape~ch:el hh =pet°h- that the II~od W~ u’p0hf~ct en~Ot it, d [, o~1 have roll°°ted eemoinnatrtlLnae from bev°tl~l~trth~f¯n°th’ei"J ~t aeeh’li~e~ varinesperle of the Glob~ weald pt~. ~lt ~ow th "m~ e¢cti6aPr’oPll~ Thn~he hid of the nmployment Of nc- ~untry. , gm Ir~ops: ~ h wa~ du~bv~ed~, " | do not ~LI~,¢re °oldie° be°on° tbau u , in the l~ 1~8~ whhe nr~a li I worn to ~pmN ~y bwn , m~mory~’ . ophfio~i~. ~muld be thnt tho~uof myown ----~’~::~’~-~" color at~e~’Yer and b~ttor, For I J~¯.l~ht~olbh’llulnl~toll~l~qlel~ alw.~stohl’yoq,in mpito el cbergo~ to the h ~f~ i~ tlol I mntraYp,,t~a~ [ bellov~d the Auglo gaze° two ~t au!~rlor to an}’ other that ~ked rim fOe~LoeL of ~ f Lalion I "W betl~ ft~tol~eg in the yeller Of ha. ndllk,t~# ot ~mtot. e~ keeping u~ ego 6xed ~’~he ~.I hdisve Oo4 ~lg~ 1 d~ut ~ile~ ~ I~l~zb~ ~ It.ll .~ t~ Codtedmey, ~am d=rk, bet m~P~ltOt ~ t1~ ~ the shlomgdl~l~rl ~’ . ,-- ¯ ; line dmtd~ls~eft ~M~ v~. thul: udt’~m’h’ f/’o ,~ ¯ &’Iv* holr n out+:yh.~’Mg, ,~: ,.~ I ~’ ~di~l~’ "l~ d~ ’,~h’ ~, ~." ~,, ~,,, .~: ~.~ ~ ~rdw" ,,i I with ~ .b d I~ph. q \

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Page 1: The Water ,,rvevr tYl¢ fnoeBH · 2003-09-03 · ,,rvevr tYl¢ fno"eBH ¢ ~tiO qulckly rcltor: Gray Hair to its natural c(dar and beauty, and prodder luxuriant Erowth, Ic is pcrfccdy

,,rvevr tYl¢ fno"eBH ¢~tiO qulckly rcltor: Gray Hairto its natural c(dar and beauty,

and prodder luxuriant Erowth, Ic ispcrfccdy harmless= and i~ prcf¢ffed¢~ver c’/¢ry oriler preparadon byhe o wm my° a ~nehcad nf hair.

at wcl] is chosc who wi~h to rcstnr~it. The h~anrifel g]~s and pcrfemc

ismi]d and dellghtfid tho 1tinters ~;e~.ehor~nd o 9cn o~t-doo~ wnrk’cal) he ~tr-tied nn n0ar yai w nter. "~lLi s~ th0 sum-iner is nO warmer ti]nn ill the north¯loraons wanth)n n chaZl~e Ibr heo[Ih ndllbe roll,fled h0re--tho mihh]hs~ el Ihe eli+mate is eooa b0nedeiEIly Ih!¢ by ,Iclle~tupersons add those m~rlng trmn D ’~l.e I-ela~ PuLmonary aflbetimls nr Ge,mr~l I)e-bibLy as hundreda here wLII testn~.. ThiH~eotion has long b’~en hnown L~r it, hnaltha~d during the eolnLnof inn°thai Ion~ ot¯ herb, ands gc~k lee heairiL, ,~O ~na~m;Ohi[h ~nd Fever~ in this ~ction,

The WaterIs p~xre and ~oft, of the be~t qnMity. ]nbaunds In ett Eanl~n~d is lnnnd lq’ dl~h,from ton LO thirty fl~et. ~Velis are dneeplIlla~e hero t~ there ~:~ no Ynuk Inthrongh. We be~e the t~e¯~t ~tn:r~ h~ thlo~nnty wh0re ~eQds arn lln]d iiH p]lel ) i1~they are hl l;luaddphln or ~qew Yol’~,--(I~1 #¢lmel~ ~rith eo,npet"tnt tcaeher~.--t~]l~rgymon o£nlL dennmhlat lellE ~+C~iile hEr°snlne o1" them h3 eha~.rE id’ l.tln ~rE,~lll~otl~°thEre ~tl~rit’nri~,~ the I’rnL1~ eI~n a ru tn-her n[ ~’C( red dC*’td~km~, ’ ’he Pdelhud ~l~

tbeLr~CtVLCe~ru~uhrly. ,lfill~ euavon[mm

- , ..... ii, i ’ ~IIII 11 i i

"[c It m.=,mlo~ qmmllen to ml.~r Ipumlm-

I ImP: ~e ~e:mmedx; aml ~ot ,me

~hba thil ve~ beat qptlity ef eettou b~tt~ji, t~tr ~ttthlu etk~ u’~olbld; dudplle~ th~ #~e~ tbh l~isu~ l~tdng umall¯ ~tone etZ. p~ee ef dl~ en ear5 eem~ to keepthe~ [ItO=~ l~owLog aWlS’ and yO0. rely

emy.: I-iy~,the ~si.qu=Jayo!fus you o=n p~ll this o.t mu~htherdm-~, }t Is’°be=per a~d.l~UUd’h a~ut for our hundred hilts at

: :I~.; ’ ::...:T.~’..+’-: :.The it is pat o.’alter phadiugthe

I~, lo~ Otlimhs the hug begins his ~w-get.the ~r~tappeal~n00 ef 1hap]ant.s,T hl~ h~l a ~nu p~toh Of melons uotoaoh~in .the +mbrming ; dariug the day au army ofbugs has ]ightori upon them, and befor~night tli0y were. all destroyed. If yea~ait ualLI,the enemy liss oommono~ oper-*tiqup, ~ ~ it filet you drtv0 them all~iway ft~m tbe’hlil bef0m yea corer the

2’be ~Rbn being spread very overthe plants, admite the ~un and rain. a0dahfih4 as mdhh, oauseEtbe planta to growmore vigom~aly than thaae uneovered,evunifunt0unhed by tho beg; As the’plaut grows, the rotten ~.penus~ uutll atbe,,l the p]¯nt, to stout and ~ough

~nd rues forth to I~ar its fruit.No loager ~dae to plant the deTiei~us

meloa, for f~r that its greatoet onemy wil]

them, a.ud rear iu pete+, being ~ed thatthey are dale.’ ’

eerreepoedeat +=yS : "Tho sonsLb][i~ elm¯nyaolmals sod plant= Io the vmrylng~oudalons of the almoephere in so. groat;t.~.t ¯ etmle] ktody of their moo°menlowill o~ton ind]m.t o with eertaiuty appt~tch¯

¯ ing ehtug~ i~ the we~tber. When a_ ntgrm is pending, ~he splde~ !hellene the

throed of his web, and lengtbene them

¯ ear~lal ob~erver~ e~en ptetemd to lot°toll’hdw leer.timdegree to whish the Web isthe slilder i~ qnlet, i~ ieasigO ~f ralni butwhen he go~ to work during °hewer, be

’ " e=m it wl]l moo °leer of. ’~1~ °wallow iea h~ an infallible bemmoter, ~ylng low, M.~ao~t ,toothing the e~tb, and uttering low

thd wostS~ ; whm k +islent tomp~h i~ah~tt +breakout, he so¯to eveu to the

¯ ’ cl0uds,’tad adepts s dow’m@esde motion,we~ differ°or fro=

leave her neet ]u ~alqd~ nf food ; but if°hefeet.s storm Pppreaohisg, nothing wilt

’ . tompt her’+ff OIL her mate lakes h0r"to pmte~t tbo young¯ The peens@ fore.toll° miu I,y ito frequent eries; the weed-.peeker by Lt" c~lnge ; the ptroquet- by Itseh=ttoriug; ~nd the guinea-fowl by i~ go.ind m to~t. The goes° m¯nifes~ I~r~atu6e~i~, plnngln~ lute the waler, tud~pidlp retomhg to the loud+ The =m.41611= ~k the aho~ and ere only z~an rtrinloudinHttldd wettber. The petrel outhe ooutn~ d=she~ou~ ~ld]y Into thaml&tof~orm aud t+mpeat+ The ehirp oltl~per~hnt is ¯ =lgo el fair weather, but

"’ the ery of the |n&~Ree tai~.Wheh ~ealr la ovemh~rged with moisture,theod~offlownmiulmng nd penetrab]ng, tad [u dry wetther is her ~nd a~teea-bh. -

It 18 beld tot c~dt fvato~ Io gonerld to savefor reed tSe[r etreeet bet tie° or vegotthles;yet ¯ ¥~t I~OI~Me of food may’be °brainedby m~aK]ag Jadisloualy, cud nynt em¯ti~.llyom~zying o111 for It rime the plin0iplao[s¯v+lok the earileat end be~5 Of eAeh Otop.

,~the, rot i~nlnn~, po~, plunt it i~l veryrisb Ilm~u~l ; ¯llow it to bear tho 9rot year~, halle domn peda on~, remove all oth-erll; la’#O the ]o~st s~nglo pelt o| the°e,

now ]t the uezt yes°; ~/nd retain of the~pmdueetbeee pedsonly; ~w thn largoatoa tbalbllawlngyear, ~nd retold a pod;Ilais01 the ]arge~t agohl,’and ilext year¯

Tha torl w by thh tlme hsvo trebhd it.alle’¯ndwnlgh~ hver a~orwanl sow thelar~st ~e~ I and by tlneee mo=n, ynu wilLgot peas, or anpthhtg pl~, of a ~lzo ynnceuld formelly have had no monoeptlon oh

" ~tll#~dla,,teu~.

.... To the~.milor Tho dmndonThnoarand ire offiee am Mw~n0 ehJe~l+ of Luto~e,t,=ndyour to°den rosy, perbeps, like to know=+utetblnll Of tbli groat new~li~l]mr, whluh.tend. tt the h0=l of the prose’of Enr~pe,la the heart ol thn eld eI~ ol I.m,dmh nearSt. P¯ul’a (Jhumh aud the TImme,+, ¯Pn"PriQUng Iloa~e Squtro*’ and " l’J¯yllou~ ~1~’~ the fnrmer ¯email ~0enel~, ube~t ~[~Y reel ~q~tre, the latter am~w al¢o+h, t tew y~r~ to the north ; .n.Omal h4~ng gaiucd to beth through mine el"tbe ~mdl~h m¢~ o~oked ~d dl.~leat=tomt= of th* molropoll~ li~,lna do~euormom low, u~e[eutloekhlfi hound, revelt~l I~tbelm au ~ ~d. hall, Is paSlish~lthe ~ial~ ~ pgMith[q oM~ belmlFISy It~umo Ym~l, th* o~o+ lotsdv+rdmment= oIL ou~ ’~d~ of Ptlndm~o,mi~ Oq~u~, th. mtuMor’e e~5~clon ~,ether, ud tha 141tin1’ ~o~ms na third,The plt~ is ¯ quhtt one, a.eluded trom theh~tis ted 0ot~e of the I:t~0 of the l,~et

Jl~, ,tok+ wd~r,

m~mn OThb new~P~P~ti ud ou ~’u~ey 1, 1788~im~d the tint; u~be’t o~ "1~ T[me~,"

toiuiaz foul’ ~olammeaeaeb pNle; It wMOf ~utae;’prlotod on theeM.Ibthioued handpzeu~ Ih bed ml~ flesh to ~toedw(th* sod g~dcecl but dowly in eir~uhdon,

’1000’ mplee, Whilst the ,L~odon MomlngPost lssued~450& During this yesr If°.Wa tot gPv0 up be paper to his son, ifiwh0ee be°de it ndranmd to s high phce injoum~tLsm, it. ~tart bEieg g.inod hr. enter-pr~o’[n qatherisg new. [°:’Napoleon’s ware.O~ NoVember 2, l~fl4, the ~mcs wad.firstpriuted b~ serum peter, Ustmg¸ theEngl[eb s~m printing

eapahlo of working¸hour. By successive ira-

prieted, The pewerta] ai~tielEe contrlbutedby P~]werd St~ril~g to tb0 Times .gel.edIt the.well knew.a uame of~’ The Thandcr-’or.". Dari.g’thie period it, gradunlly in-Er~as~ its sizeI =ddit~ga fifth¸ and then a

;h eel°m° to eae]L pager and oa JanuaryI9, 18.~; ~ it~ued its £rst doub]e numb@of eight peges. In 1841, a memorableevopt happenqdn the hietmT efthe paper.

a aeheme orgaaized a by Ito de’mud, by ferger.¢~ nn the ia~uentialbtabe~ of Europe, This brought Upon’.he proprietors a long nod vqz~tlous a¢~iohtot ]ib~l, involving them in heavy expensu.ginail~ the ju~ lound the eharg0 tree, b~tgave ~ verdiet ot only ooe.£nrthing dame-gee. ~hls trim was oh° of the groat e~enlaof the time, and suh~rlptlons were set on¯otiu all pat~ 6f Eurel~o to reimbursethe pr0"priptora for their immense, oud~iu drtoudi~ the" aedou, but" this being

louodJng "t/’im e~ etholtmhipe" at Oxlo~,~ambridgo hndotberaehools! and marbletoSlet~ ¢ommem~tiug the event were ~atUp in the I~ Ez¢lxnngo. iE prlntie~House 8quam,’tud other phee~ These

ever gi~eh to sn

~per ~v, wett~ foundeP.

the ’Emus esmbli~bed~tFoverhndfrom India for the ~nvey~ee of news.Io 1~8, it firah used rotary pHntis~ ms-ohio., those el" Applegath and in 1852 it.tvemgo daily eireuhnon was 36,000, wh[htof the number+ Nor. ]9 1~/8852, i~n~l al~rtbadeathof thaDuko of Well°been, and~ntminlug hie b!o~mphy, .~,000 oopi~

~ere Bold. lu I8541 Dr; Rem~ll wM em-loy~ Im ~o~hd eer~bdent in the Cd-mrs. a~] wrote the leltem thlt mild° himhunous. During tbia pe~lod the Time° 10e-pu h~ing ~’ipTe tied qtttdHple ~eet~papers nt twelve ~ ’~lztoou p~ge~ In1858; Mr. H~’s Amerl~ pehtlog m=-~hius’was er~ a~ to print thn Times.--In 1861, the &dip dr~ml~dou h~l imm’ese4to ~4~000 oop!os, ever ]8,000.000 ~op|~ be-Ing i~ed durlag Ibe Irmlr, At thhl timeThe Tim4~ beZtn ~:~,louall7 I~mlofi quld-ripheh~tao~ twen~pe~ to zooomme-dtto it. bw~m, ,;rod enjoin ~, Igpl, ili~ed a Nztnplo °heel of tweuty-foerpage, eont~in[ng hedde~ the ~e~ding mitts°40~6 ~Eereht edvertisemeut", qune an in¯emue eve |ti’m~eel number of 1~0, flRyyear°before In 181i, In 18e7, the ~meabegon prindn{I with the Walter nell.feed-ink prue, pale°ted the year before, sndeIMmrd to be the ft~lest ted mint eeonsm.Lc=l printisg ma~bl~e in Iba world, ’~hepte~ent nlreul’~tien of the Timed is from63,0~0 to 68,000’ dally, the ordinary i~uobeing a Eiztoen psgs mewep¯per, whilstsometimes a is inore~ed to a twonly pnsoreeVE IG at.

Th], ~ a bdefblatorS ol the paper, and[ will now pn~ on to an de°runt ~f it° pres.ent cord[tie°, and nf tlln office nt Priori°Ilouso Squat0. Th0 TLme~ is In at, nn’agreat pio~p0rLty, End the nndEawr in tle~l sbliriuncnt is to bad0 a n0xrEp, per whiohwlllaL oaee be a model ol correct lypo.graphy~ oxcMlent pr[nth)g~ and the Inlleat]’]nKIIslh ]tle ~ott,Ldomd that tho e~re be.~towed iu the Timou Ofl’t0v nl,nn the diet°-time of it~ lording ll]El’m ]I~I~ C~.lltrLl,nh’d

°belt aPythinK nl+~ to preserve theI’~tlr]tp ofth’~ l~nK]islt iangunge. The ++taft’el +’]eedcr" writers ]h isrge+ and upon Itam the be~t ;mwapal+or writorm ie F+n,~hmdwher~ pn ~dlt~r’a zmldLian.i+L .em-ployed hy the Tin,or. le,dik, the ou.t,,min Ant,uric+ the obJ0nt t lhe’i~me~ LIAleeis to preserve’the hnlnat.on,alhy of the Ira.per¯ Wh¯t It oont~ine is ~aid h v Ike paperltaolf, and net by mn~iudivldo~l, ¯ml gobefor~ the werld wltlt all tho wn]ght the,row°paper eatt g~vo the°l., lmeditors IIOV~ur writo. They Iom~a~t, d¯y by d¯y, th0poller ef the pa~r~ ~aggost aahJeet" tothe ]~tdor writ.rel ~lt in Judgement upe~their arlldee wbeh Writgenl and doeLdewbet uhall er ahldl not q~ into I~o paper,It. ®rv~pnnden~ la I~fihre.lYe but one I0~o~ and thit is~nd .a+~urtto dud Imp~rU~ ~tmtotrtnepldq esnuto, tgwrhon lu m0

Tn re°duet this ~tshlishta*ut, ¯ hrg~lormdmu~*eist~qolmd. ]l i~ta eT0.eyday Prom l~ to 3000 ~m=rtl~eaU,

- j ¯or:, :,¯:~+ .i! ~¯ 11~,~j +,.r:,+’

., , ¯¯ ¯¯;;%

; ’’~g.

mmm m=ulob~ to’lba

n~d.log morn tbau it e=u ~ ttm~m~ bat. Iba l~

writ pl¯~, ~d few othm"i d~l~,’ NO oue who eome= steer

~Ive’o*dmk imt~emeut, onsxt day’m pel~t, wbitot kenerally the°ben do not see their edvez~i~emate

d until two or three

They h¯ve ~ wnittbelt lur~; ned eaeh is tb~ nxlety to 8elthem in The ~&~,llo eubmlt pnt~oqtlyAmerica0 pnbllb would never tolomle¯~The iswe~t thnrpeis for "wantB," in whichease eneh adee~eer is °1lowed three linesfor baird cronn, about 60cents, go)d.all others, th0 regnln~ r]ide "24 c~et", gold, buttoken’les+ then tear shil’~--~istedvernEemouts Pro ohPrgnd m6m in pro-portionl tberatP otter the ~rat fiSy linch,

Therntes are ulLowe~ t6 public cberirics

edforfaeo f~pns ons ntbe, paper.In the liloraings, when thn ve~pl# fi~:k

to The Tin,cs n~cd to hand in their ally°r;nsements, Printing House’~quere i~’aplace of rile grenlcsh bustle and activity,but in the nft"moone it is ¢omperatlvelyde.reed. The 9deertiziog pages mn modeupina rEguhr 0ader,~gisnllog=with theblrths.on the ~Pst ~,lum. Of thE 6r.t page,

~+ ngolrie~," 0s "per’°oPaLs*= are~al]ed, on Lbe re°end column, nnd’elo~iag

ti~u paper el isst Satnrday, J une 6th, thcreWpre [Wel]ty-~vO columns. ThEre are nnheadings to the edverLifireg ~]u,fins; eachdepartment coming unnnmoune~d pn tbeheols ot’its predecessor, and this eonrse by

+ taken in’! immedlath:hc oriole°ratio" tutor%" I am

c~ascd great eomplalot nmot,gthat da~s of thg Engli"h comomuity, dhtbeyregard tkeLr CbalnelerE n~ ~olied bythe iuXmpeEidoP. The of~c~ fnr the re-ceipt of advertisoment~ is cohdUcted

noss 6~¢luaivdy, the puhli~at[on’o~ie~ belogo sopemtobu diag

Tke reading mPtt"r is thralled by theed[torml~ rep0ttoml nnd cow~.pnndmgnt=ffsl there belag bhsldes, 22 hw report°n,19 Parliumeera~. f~.perters, ]2 palter re-potters, andre, indefinne number of mls-~l]aueeus, knnwn ne ’! penny-a-

+. at least 100 correspond-

forelga correspondents in Ot her part++ Of theworld¯ O f the Par]ia~aeut aw rPporters, 16are P59n0graphcr~, two muke summeriea

thn IIousns, and nee di-To ~t.up-tbe type+ there

~ro 130 compositors emplo’yed, 60 lab°ringby dgy, and 70 at aight+ whilst It foremen

ithoir lnoeemcnt& --ure required to reed

~d three are employed merelY tothe proof° Tbe. adverri,ement.

im ~lt up d0rLng the day, ted the readLngmaR°re, night, the edvertldngpageabe-ing medo up al fwm 5 to 7 o’cl~k in theevening. Eroding mntter is reeeiv~ uu:~] ~y ght and after~¯rd~, =~d the read.log ~ges aro raroly put to press before 4A. M., Whlht Iondlng artislea re frcquen!-ly Wri~n ou Peril°me°tory dcbeten"dedothe/events happening ¯fter mldnLght,nnd tppoar in print the lollowing morning.England le different in its bebha flnm theUnited States, tad re,3, early nowsptporissued ar~ qotd~msnded, [p.all thip~ldrkthe groat°or earn is taken to guard egsinstminttkes, and°very ]loe prInled is readover by proof r~eder~, four or fize differentlint°¯.

Ton ste~oLypers prep°re the plato° fortho printing maehisos, hy the papiur+lasehe

in use ia Ihe I uhLie I.edger ofisedlog now,paper oflleaa

and these m¯ehlnusI}etn abont eight

o’aloek [n th~ evmdnR u,,tll ~even Ihe nnxtmorMng be~idc~ work th, riog the d.)’ upoiltn,~nd cdlllon*l." ~ixleen l~relnen nl~ql

¢l, gincnrs attend the euglrms and boiLer~,SiX nL<m ptl, imro thtl pnpEr~ la~Inre prLath,g,tdnoty aD3 elephlyed on rim prt’E~eHn nndHOVeli do[lye° luu l)~per [4) the il’~WS-U.~,!nl~

iuffer it [a pLinted, N ,.rr[ers ~e eLnPd’-ed, us ht Lile Uelted SNtteE, hat the Ithelacdltisn is iodd mlt Ln nEWS-litloIItS~ the num.ber aP~id0slldnled [~!~lig nll Inare Lbenthe ~ntln Iotni nl thcLr erd1!rg, whh’h kneetn be haedEd Ill i+y ~ I’, 31, m, the previousday

Thn wlnnh~=le prier eL’the thnc~ L, 2~.d,ul 41 ,.nt~ f’gd)i II!,!

l+’.r lhefthe mal~ltq’es + them nrn

lhe olllru ¯ mrhlg fnnd, a +h’k hind, eedaco,nperll~vo reMK11rlnll, In~lllL~+d lq’ ~]111per+on+, it wh[uh tdl Ihe °mid°yon get theirIhed .rid ,h’isk at whnlo~ah, +not ]~rices.--’Phi, is klnnwn Ihadharly n "TInl i’ae.linen," ~IsbL11ty und ~olntlhrt are Kre¯t cdl-J~m la PrL.ring IIoe,o 8<in,r,,. Thoapt°the©Ate, din£<y withe°t, ere chart ,,dapaclwa, wLthhn, ted luhhlul lai)~r~m m-maid th©ro liferi~e beq~e+thing theirpli+a tn thelr ran,. 51¯ev nuw in thnplato hays worked them five.¯ud.twaulYymr=, md tmo ~ pmtK+ul~r, ,till halo andbearlp, have been In the oSm map~tLvely4+ rid 55 )’rum, Fetber rid+on work ridebp ride, end II mmm to mgs~ the plm~d It. dlmotor~ with °be gmatmt ¯~rmism

To print Lhe Tit=el, Hvqnly tol~ W’ilht

of p*tpet, and twn tel+* el’ prinlinl ink rsal¢d irerp week, wkils thea~erlge.~atlht

(~tmm ~di ~l’Id~:fon~’t.Jl lO.eoom&~t t~ IMber. ~ thue

Pm~ vhieh k s,mlt.hmd+r, ud,=u- he~lmve~i"~’~e~ii~i~i~eeelthek

ebamoltha~l~pIl~l*g~*eftheTimm, w~aad~’tba pmo~q~e~tobaohm’Ir~d

pl~lm ae boer, ~ It pmd~em in that. The7 then ~1 to the I~ ia dmlble rot+

Thin m=hme Is mm~’bet minds° In.theAm°dun Ballo@ ~ It Odut~ ft~m ¯

then d01ivcre them ~b~A

att~eeas by ~o m pe t eo*, .{~goa here, and willprobably revolulioniso~the pdnting b~i-nPsa in }]ngland, on ~OUnt Of nE grelt re-parity,and the chenpn~swlth wh~nh it isoperated. Tbls wond~ul n~eehLno wasinvented snd eonstrncg~ bY ~lr. Jobu C,

of the leedinl’riedng tloue¢ ~" nnd ha." been

Mm thn ’+ Woller Prlatlng prmm"in honor el Ibe proprief~z;~l the Tim~Ita ;+pEnt °ix y~of cons°met, anxio~laber in huildlng ~d ~ris~ring it.

There is little morn tomy oP this greatnns*spsper. ]t~ciroalah~ not ealy throngh-out Great Bdtoiu batldl over the wori&Its policy in the t"~tl~mt o f pabii~ affalrslsnot a fixed one, 5ut is gs~ern~ by expedi~e.ry¯ Tuwa~ Ameri~<, its former ~urseof severn Etitleism has been °hanged to oneo£ great friendllne~, dud it judge~ us now

°be majority of ire rbeh d0neon to mpora,’ie~’bEeld~s paying great’aReatlon lethe e~ll¢c-dna Of Amerisan iatdligsn~, iVho di-/~ets its eeur~e US ~tzois il+ oplnisn~, haw-ever, iss sealed book. Thnedltor i~ luvis-thee, nor are the milersbratty. It,.trle~tod~w imimpeaetrahisvolleyer the indlviduM~y of ¯° conductedwltblt~ and wba~ thi~ or that writer m¯ymay say is buried, in the 8re~trma~ of lord-eta. new°, aed other mattem which Tbe’EmeB pPemento to the worl~ on fta ai~teeu

momlug;--[’PAi~. ) Jr~ic I.ofg~r.

Dinner t.~ the l~ewmboyl.

Tbe~ ~as" m~ tuddm+ in theerich°allen of the ’ * ~"oe~ "by the jure-

ough[y enjoyed, than this dinner of theuewsbey~. Itwae giveu out e¯rl~ in theweek Ibet tlekets.tor the c]innnr "would beready on W~lused~" and

~ tbe tLcket~ Gn¯glng tha pr obebh nuta-bet ~f tpplie~nts hy the number pr~nt atthe dlnuer glveu Io them Itst y~ar, wbe~one hundred ~nd seven ant 4own to thelabl~ll, provhion waa reed0 oa thb oeca~isnfor o~0 hundred aud twenty-five and °betuumber of lintet, were &fiver=d.¯ It w~ foand, however, that the tahle~would a~omm~to our ba~lt’e~ and forty,an~ that there mm diu~er ennuoh foi" near-Ly twi~e that aumbert m all them whorimmed to be ae~beye were admired, andevery pheo at the tob!e wM SHed, audevery apppe~nt wM ~ommodated. ~1"¯

King’dey & ~.~., ~tb~ ~onJenenta|,klndly endcrtoek to ptoptve tile dLnhar,and tha’ohly order to them hy Er. Childswn~ to make it good and ubund¯nt, withptenb;nf "_good.. thlop," [ordrsaert, and no drink atmnger than lemoa-ado" ThiE we~ ben&eme]y carried out, anwill be seen by inN~etisn of the bill of farebelow, Mr. Klogeisy ,himself glvlog IdapEr~mlal aMeedan~ and auperri~lon ou the0~&fitno*

Tbe lah[e, were spread in a broad, opentsp¯ce in the I re~ llenm of the I nblio Led

get n~. ’Phe~ wore pr¢lmn~ by ,blr.Andrew ]+ind~ey, the earpeuler ut 1he ea-tnbli~hamh~, add wore ~o e~i,trlved that~’ ~ing t~bLn~ " ~uld be Ihrown oat¯t thethortos~ netica, to a~lnlmodato day nn-exlmot"d,ao~o~isn to rim nUlaber of beyaat thd isst nlnnlent. Th[~ oztomporlxed¢linisg.reonl ]lid 0+ (:[oar upac~ of twentyI~et overhead, and wu. on~nf Ihe coolestpluto. Ln the eLty on USy. thnt" waa exeos.eively her evorywhom oleo" It wM hsnd-~moly, du~traled with the uatlo~sl oolor~hy ilo~liaaue+ IIrnthern & I!o, On the)lutlorm Of one el Iho isrgo prlntlog m~.ehiltW ~ Idaho we, provided for t]10 luus[e,nlnl durLng the dLnm0r the Imy= wer~ enter-t¯isud by ae[ectinn of n¯tisnal and i,opu-is° Mrs¯+" T0 £1vfi ili~’~I/p6flnldty to t~oythotn~¢lee~ either wie~ ill 1ha aitmliuon+ thu°into hlr the din°e° WM Ilied at bel(.plu~twvh’n n+~o’ah, gntd protupLly al the boor,is tl l{I g~]cy & Co. und tbe new,bey° wor~rnady. The I~pa~w¢l~ mar~belled inle the~re~.s mem hy blour~ |~+ k’, Davis ued.|o~eph ~,dezaiti~or~ tho night otorka of thoI,odger n~e, with the ~lEtanee of ~lr.WIU, N. Funtoe, erie of Ibe day el*lha,ailot ~ham pm woll t~u’lnll~d ~ith I~h

ol Jut~o~le mcrebenll. They WlI~

un=twddtble sb~uee ~m tl~ dtt, Wbee~ey ~ ~ ummN, ed ~d" r=~a,udl~b~u~d or+, be..poln a aw ~ ~n.ton~ o/~k~m~ to them:¯ }i¯ Iokl tbemthat Pit, Chilus wbhed them tn undo=°godihal ha took l deep tnte~lt ill thai° weir°re,

. ore=m= s.o "tmmmr.m,v.q+:Y¯ther who eden° Imkest

n~t ~1~ O~U’aph roll VlololI~ ¯Mid toMl~y [MIO-

pis. wo blesi Th~ hob, ~ ~d il [~atbl~]e.~ ’]’Des to appease the ~dltlous tu-muhs Whlnb have ~en htelY ra;~e~ uptmcngst us; moet humbly beaee~bingto grant to°lint us grace that.we tonybeueeforlb nhedently walk in Thy ~ly mm-mahdeu~s ; aed, leading a quiet and peaus-ful ILfe in all godllne~ and honesty, mayeonrinaaily uffer unto ~’h~¢ our prMe~ dudt~akP ns thankfuf£or ibis hod-II other

Then fallowed the difiuer, the fol[~wlng~elng¯ ~opy of the ea~ peered ~ each

~b.tthofJ+d#. 1868. ’." ~ EWS~Oy6’ DINNLT.~


P.Eb’S Renal 0~* ~It1~ **PITBtJC L~I,~ "OFFICE.

3~iLt, OF FARE. - .

ByJ, ~- K[ng.ley & ~., ~m~nen~]HoteL )

DINNELRo~a~ Chicken, I ..Ra~.lx~r’e & Cream,Green Pea~, VaaiRa Iv° Cream+

~lashed l’~atoes. ~onle~ioum~’.BMled Tnngoe. ~ke~

Sliced tlm~. I I~e Leeu~,e.WO]gD8 YOIL TI~ BOYB TO Igl&ll~llglt.

: to do ~to~’et yo: with the rlgk

etChErs.Snceyo~t mm~ey, muly0~t will §nd[I

we of the meet a~efld fr~end~Never gi~0 ~ to gou~ "methe~ or

fslhar. , "Teke ~e 0f yeu~ p

~ in tl~t world ;

reach tl~ hl

NEVer be erud to a dumb mmal; re-member that i~ h~ ~ power- tb le.][ howmuch iL ~ffer~.

is almms th~ ba~ pdk~’.

so M to ieduce the be.yptoilh by its pe~l. "

Wheu [he little fdlowa be~u~ fairlyenraged at tbe~r dinner the}, e oj o.~.d them-

intoremiug &the to behold them, au~ the~umemus epect~to~= preheat ~11it no°or the moat gn~f~ini ~c= tbeyhad ever w]toee~th There was admir=ldeSeed order, and yet =H.tba time there w=sn ©h¯ttefiuZ of Mtrie ton~ue~, m~l u u~mis-tnbeble =c~ of ple=~=m Dad ~doutbet¸ no ode mum obMrte without being

utbaba~ ~mmlv~ Tbem,mubemdo=be it d~d Ibem ~ ~ morn w~one. Them mm= be~_~..p~_ i~ Ofquitelittle fdiswa amoug them, itad ¯ uumberof~hmmla~ humom~m °hem°ton. Oarnl Ibex° litdp Ehal~ named Robe~ W~lk%and who L~’P~t m~i’o lhm eight y~m old,heph the s~tsto~ peat’him ou h broadgrln all tSn time, hy his ~mi~M vaya" udEt~¢h~.. Amnag the~ hundred and ~or-~y youngstom them were boy° of all age°aed de~¢rlpfions, some well dud p~atb, eisdaa if they hed careful nd tidy moth°re andeemlort¯h[e home% and ~ome ¯11 in thereegh Juat s they ire when plying theirtreds, ted who inoked AS ir they had nopercnl, and Iio homo° a~lywhere. [t Waduorieethlo howeveq througlmut the wholea~embhge ri~t there ~.a. Idain nvi~eneeol an unusaul ah¯r~ of nation iutolligon¢oand ehrewd ulotllor wit; and it w~ alsoob~e[wbh that under the wholeeome isflu-en0ea of this effort to give them phasurotbey ~Ere Imt,t on °hewing that them isgood .luff in thmn fter all, C~L~hle ulI~ g u Et o good uoeouut il properlyw~rked.

The more snbst¯,,tLM pint of their diauerImillg over, Signor nLiq~ wms Intreduoml.This kln<L.hea~t~d genttomta very hand.ttOluely ynluIiteer~d tn ~ei~t at tho enLor,

tMnment, ued i~erlhrlned a number nf h[smoat deztomu, nd amusi.g Ihataln led-ge~ee]aia aed vnt*tril~uhnl, lie keptthe beya lo rasrs o1" laeghtor, and w~ greel.ed with r¯ ~turou. Upl,isa~a. Lt is ~le Io~;"thi~ huiei in al y hail~[~reat uTght wbea the 8ignnr to~l~ leave nfIhe puhlie at thu Ae¯d¢luy ofMusts, didtLe meelvn more genuine OUtlmUfiug elhearer°It applause than the new~boyu givehhu on the " Fo,t~lh" Ln the pr~ ~mor the pnMio J~leer O!~ee,

The beyu kept up (hil ent*n~inmaat f~two lull haul, ai,u~t u lee~ a tim* aa hapont at met+ st=rely lind mr~monlo~a din-~. ~ they we~ haelog, eaoh ~ wMst~a boa el’ be~- ba~ to t=k* b=a~ nd~da wM I.*tenl~l mtb Mw y~mhm../It thts Imlm, ammha~ ~ wl~

propmd M ~o med~tmO of

0~h=," =d" tk~ morn for M~. Me~uq"they ¯~ourlmd ng ht]f.l~th’two o’dedl, higoed old¯r, u wdl .tti,flud.u_4 5tluie~ t

+eel Sl yo~lageto~ ka Wla lead ¯eywbeP~ en

EI~ l~l IIf~e~.,dl~mld ~ lhe~~t~-i~imdmal e~ee~

~fimi "

: "Ir~,,~w.,,.~l~!,,!r. : m:+ m=$ o+h~,,

I. ~ba o,~,4 I~ ,,x...,,[ ~m~l ~ba. fimbel¯d,m,~.+, r.m~ P..,~.+ It_S+be,~,. Veto= .ore .%,. qo; ... rmb ~,~.,,,m~; f+ttm~,~-,,~,~

dew, w~’d~*lbe~tl~l~L lemse~mhy leldfr~aglof my toattt~, ~ a- Redleol

[ belh~ei& ¯ ~ I~ ’oP :tile’,yfmm L~op!nL~ the I~l~e’ th~bd~

:~weck¯ ~ my eymlUttble. ~6 0uk thmmlf the]l~m~+ k~_e~ the wbe =t+ e.y~fi, mlm~ fred -im~ito.~--

t~i ia O~eeee;q~, l~’nm~. Izehe~,-,~e~me, ~ ~r~ ~*~e~.

,buuMzcdymmmiOIIm=eis-’;¥oud~ful M Hemi~anothe~¢urtl~mm~:. :..:..~!.¯hen it b~qm. The:l~ umEec~ed ~.. , "I am for loveHi~ggp,m.~et tl=ul~ ..Ihat ebee~ulmamv£~lr. Calhmkee~h!m inl~wn. ~;oddh eo; to me +avAmi~¢r~yosgLafidbepefdU~ba¥ Hemh~t", raise, if[d’oanghtmoreto et~b any~,=okln¢ 1~,4gor, eu~p~ iathO m|&t I riowu lower." . : ~: L’_ .+.~’.:. :)f ¯ mmHe, f0r aR his thaughto nm good : besharg tbbi~ ~lr; C01f~x, ~ &ff~+omp~uiou~ . " : . [n the wor~ of his pa~or reed" A"teti~ dt

Xtook ase~’~ore hlm,’snd whtlo ha ~uth ]~nd, hi~il~+e~" .i : ;answe~-~l~meqee~ti~Ibadbeeu~ht,,I -- @. A~TOW~ J

~1 ©be°rotor-- --a ve+t~ ~J~tm]t tRP~ ~et~ beth oI. hbem , d’P~t ~a" go~i~ Je r~ ~a~aM~l :f~zeountryofwh;cb thn Speaker Is so OuwJeffi~meYHo~Z ~ :~represeunative* mud 1~t of a tompermmeut nor hum° ti In tk~ Seamy ~umd;’ " ’ ; ’

~O0O~I~I~OP; : : - . Weutgdyo *~.nurmcsdowln@ :

"Welmalebet’+mil~1~h~w~thllne= "l~=~<Itolo+~,.~=~+=+~wt~tomr== ,.or.t+; i , " q,WM weP, ’m~l~, ~+lw j.

m¯~ ~ Whlp the~ +

sm]~,, ehmmh ~th the =m=e ¢o=me-u=mm- We w, tm to m=ko mopey last,~OU ~~ ~ ~ r


m~m~. The=ir. tbamil, dmwomr=md +u,a~..m~.~ri+a¯wo~=’o; ...... ’W~’w fmmd ¯ ~ ¯m~i@ +.he ~

Wbel~ r~bblt* ~eed te ~ve~ : =A,=ris,m ~=o * hm~ n~mt, dm.arut~

~’t’b~ bma3b$~ mad Lh~ r~.l~;.aedt~l~lkvsdmmltoll’louto~i + itodk-gmg~t~=am~we~UImm+m~, , " +

~l tr~.~,1 p .....

hmm fo~ g

en the o1~ fabe~ t~ .....

At m~4~q

of ~is.m,mm~d ~ ~.

It is a qulet mmWdl

per~ptlolm,Hie meddle tl~ m~v~,

Wo~; ".-,~’vw fie ~ mm ~.,

Of tho Ho~. "Neve+~ol~." r,=M. ~ .,"tomehttus h~ll~ it ksme la¯~+..yoll ~ OA, *l’~.d@,*~+r~.bemn before my ~d~l mh,,,~ , +.. ..... . . , ,, .i~tha medal ~f’the’lt~ ~ ,M’~ : It ~’dldl~Ai~51ihallghtoh.ark" Iu thh I~dtlom ba I~ma I~

p~hm~t I~a, the ~=.lod~ ~I the II~ ~/l~Im~." i~ b~’., - ’ ,lome~ln[vedat ~n qlital’tela~ httt t~ E~allrylhatfi~fil~e~,laere ba~t,¯,ile~Spe=kerhlm~elfht~Mmed, inhisownlta- mtbeygte~eMer" ~’~hisiltml~l’tohe’

I ’, e~JmS’ beil~. . .guage, to mtkn¯ ] re.Ireful of thn ~per-him which abeu~ perish with Iha Ne~h--We very bamHt ~e~e’Jt~:~’-’

iol, thit evobea them." blr. (Joltox ia ~dnt~|~d.member Of thn l)uteh ]Reformed. Chureh You might ~ l~lg~ ]~’th~l~ll I~’

¯ ed total abe°in°nee is one of hh y~ do, alld We deg’t W¯at =0~’~ ¯c~l’qmt~l to.’

no is a ,ranker, however, aud lovil~be held t~@oom~oisf~’,i~mli~g-~’l~t+;

traveler hy foot ted °logo+ lli~ oratory i, her of phoo~lervid nnd fioriri lOg°thor, ~ hM tarred The wnr]d bee al~t ~ pbao~arhis perly benfimme]y~ lu trying time~, tbea there i, eneyn~d*olU ,,

¯ dwhtLohsJu gsmeto, 14geaeded. yetdeel~. Tbereaidtn~t*d~b~* ih mT aHmbb~t~lye . his need° of ape~ch: el hh =pet°h- that the II~od W~ u’p0hf~ct en~Ot it, d [,o~1 have roll°°ted eemoinnatrtlLnae from bev°tl~l~trth~f¯n°th’ei"J~t aeeh’li~e~

varines perle of the Glob~ weald pt~. ~lt ~ow th "m~ e¢cti6aPr’oPll~Thn~ he hid of the nmployment Of nc- ~untry. , ’

gm Ir~ops: ~ h wa~ du~bv~ed~," | do not ~LI ~,¢re °oldie° be°on° tbau u , in the l~ 1~8~

whhe nr~a li I worn to ~pmN ~y bwn , m~mory~’ .ophfio~i~. ~muld be thnt tho~uof my own ----~’~::~’~-~"color at~e~’Yer and b~ttor, For I J~¯.l~ht~olbh’llulnl~toll~l~qlel~alw.~s tohl’yoq, in mpito el cbergo~ to the h ~f~ i~ tlol ImntraYp,,t~a~ [ bellov~d the Auglo gaze°two ~t au!~rlor to an}’ other that ~kedrim fOe~LoeL of ~ f ’

Lalion I"W betl~ ft~tol~eg in the yeller Of ha.

ndllk,t~# ot ~mtot. e~ keeping u~ ego6xed ~’~he ~.I hdisve Oo4 ~lg~1 d~u t ~ile~ ~ I~l~zb~ ~ It.ll .~ t~Codtedmey, ~amd=rk, bet m~P~ltOt ~ t1~ ~ theshlomgdl~l~rl ~’ . ,-- ¯ ;

line dmtd~ls~eft ~M~ v~.

udt’~m’h’ f/’o,~ &’Iv*holr

n out+:yh.~’Mg,

,~: ,.~ I~’ ~di~l~’ "l~d~ ’,~h’ ~, ~."

~,, ~,,, .~: ~.~

~ ~rdw"


I with ~ .b d I~ph.



Page 2: The Water ,,rvevr tYl¢ fnoeBH · 2003-09-03 · ,,rvevr tYl¢ fno"eBH ¢ ~tiO qulckly rcltor: Gray Hair to its natural c(dar and beauty, and prodder luxuriant Erowth, Ic is pcrfccdy

been intensely llot inout the most damaging esaeRions the sea, ahh6ugh we

ture, like other

a most

there will be m*ny

.. .--..

i ~ i’ ~


." lloN¯,Jous L/h~ta. - , ~!’.!.,.,,,

,: . . ].]LAIRSTOWN, ~oly ll,r 18~. :with theweaternivolunteem, ;S : .Yo: ~r letter informlug me

,ub] can Convention Which met

~P thit e0mo of "the"~oodt~, ph el. ,&~k,tio

’ ~ . . ’ " " flnea dnly tholm ~]l~-~s~ ~/flfdfy or negloet:

" fi~ proper preeauiiofi hi ~/e~, h:o doe. eati’ beeh*8oe~u’,l~asnrBkeoattosuhssmorer~.m .]aid.-Ttd/d dhght’t0 b~ s rigid iGier~re-

I~*r.ln tk[s tact[aa .,.~’ ... ," ."

./~l~Items for thh e01amn are aollelted fromov*~y psrror me e0uu~ Su~ ?l~?w,h. ere. allowed (o

ie allowed it~

Will bsthe emre at ,. ;.. ,.. :~ ..

,s~s ~-~,~a’; --: ......PIsss* hand in your orders early.

..... r

Burlington,~tr,, " ," : , ’ --,.,~r..~-~n~ ’.’tl It~ma" "ed[tsr ’0~ tho ~ta(

G’~ neods a law lessons ,oHe ~this week )orates" both Newark andCg~p~’~:Polqt i~ Atlantio County. There hay,

~--~he =mosquitoes ure as thi0k" as {heyw~l’.~t~, ~ndldro vezlag posts. The/’e

some one~ mo~quito~ ¯

~Two oystereehoonere are nesr]y finish-e~at ]t~ngllsh (/reek." Oat 40 teol-.k0ei,I~fi/~l£’.:Ris[dy" btiilder, for Capt. Altrcdfleet& The 0thor: 30 feet. keel, ts being¯bu]!d by Messre Imael 8mhh and,8. Ingsrso]], for their own uas.

-.=bl~. John Butterton sends uS a boquetofflue dahlias, at which he has aomevarieties

~-]L~y’s soda fount runs,~s cool and si[~gts th6Ogh the thermometer was nothigh up in the nineties~ We have notdrank’ better soda water anywhere than

~o’llave in town.~A fine schooner, called" Weymouth "

!ff S¯T:: ¯ :RE C.EI, ED:.!/? L’:, .......... ,:/;~:i.:,: O;:M; T’:.nglehart & ~on’;,~_

......... ,7"Z¢~’, :’:, ,, .......... .:;, .~’,,,: ...... . ........ -" ’ ~" AT ,. ’ ’..:,-,,:.,

¯ , ¯¯ ¯ ¯ .

; ¯: A:Large and Fine St0ckof:t,¯

= ’ ’ ’ P j .... , "" r ~ ’ ’

’ C0~SisTmo oP ~ ¯


:’" ":= : ’ : ’ ~ttATS ~.D CAI~, BOO~8~D ~.~IIOg2,l~Ioore; has our thauk~" for

FLUUR,:--==-, CLRN,F~ U .... ;: :~ ..... :¯ . . &o.,&c.~ .... " ’ ~ : :,=co~._ .. ;: i". ~ Which we are selling at the Lowes~ poSsil~le ’Prlces;’ ~[~

--We em under obligations i:o. BonnierFrelitTghuysen Ibr valuable publio do~.u. , . , ." ’..meuts, speeehes,.&e ...... , , ~--

~ptdaI ~elitO.gemmis~i°a: ~ttr~haat~" ¯ ~ota! ~;eadt.

SMITH,S ¯LANDING~’IIFTYf~HOUNAN D llEADN. ./qow clothed with masses.of rich

blank al~d brown hair would, if they were uufort-


from tt s/~pply of Christador~’s Dye, begin to


BERRIFS.. PEACHESF ruite~ nntl Uountry Produee in


Watchmakex~ and gewelers.lltmot’aetare~ of

. .... . ¯wdXMPORq’.BR~"

W* hsvi eonsttndy on band an mmortmemt af

mud KaTe,R£ASTPIhW, gAR RI"NO&

I’/~y¢l:~ ".~]~o#, ~.B/tAagLET,~," "- " ’. JfEDA£Lro~V~NECLACgS PBNCILS. THIMBLES,


M&8ONIC ~IARKS and Emblems of ~11 khadamade to order.The be~’pYaled ware that ts sold in thsUnRed

Stat~s ~an be found at our store,Watehe/tad SsWelfy:=epdrod b7 skilffai and

Mail or Exp~es. Jul30

8~. B00TS &Ak .Fall Ntoek of Mp~nlg Nt~le~..

" 7 . -7---- ..J4k..’ ll . fL’tl l~ l~ ,at. NONN.

3|4 NTI~ 8EC0YD" ST,~ P]IIL^DELPHIA,Offer special |odueoments to wholesale boyers.~They have a good ueertment of all the styles ofgood. Inlthd[r l[n% ef welt knows makesh whichthey offer on decidedly faynrab|e term~ in largeor small qdanl]tiet, to suit purchasers. ¯ - ¯

i)eal~rs at~e requested to ca]t and e.~eef-rein iur themaelres the iudneements offered.


A. ft.’SMITH & SONS,314 .~ortb 2d st. [a few doors

Philad*Iphia, March 25. 18~8, 34-

¯ ’was launched at blays Landing, on Mon-day.last. She was built by Mr. SamuelGaskil,for the owners, Itoo. Wm. Moore,S. IL .Colwcll E~q., aud Capt. T. D. Endi-c~t~ :She wiIJ be commsnded by Capt.Geo’=~Crem mer,= and wilt -¢arry.-eharenalfrom, Slays Landing to New YJrk. She isll5.tons capacity.

±-~L-----W.e.had tho-phasure-of cnjnylng the. -~-- h~api~lity ofthe "’ Chester f2ounty House"

thing ~ Of yore¯ For a bountifal table andpolite and assiduous attention Lot]to cam-fbtt of guests we commend this house.}Ion: J. Koim, our representative in tLcA~bly last winter, is the: proprietor’.Them is’no~iquor ou the premises.

~Tl/e dt~xeus of this towu. aud suchother phoesas occasionally come to this

t yet mched Packer’s ice cream, buthat he has a constant supply of th~ very

eoafoet/oah, &e., &~, Ile is taki,~tp~in’slokeep agood restaurant~ Hisiea d~ided convenience t0 our people, and,11. nPeessil~* lO persons coming hero on bus-. : , " ¯ : t’ . . - .loess, and ought to be tberaliy patronized.

"~-Th0 Atlantic (2o. Bible S~e;cty, heldits.tmnaal mi~etiqg~ia the Prdsbytctiim

aed eveuillg of this week, A salall’d~loA’at;on wan present front otbci, port’s el;the

¯ county. Hiht. D. S. Blaeknlan proHd,,d.Mr: Perry, )he colportnur nf th.o soeiet.~,,gave a grallfying report of ]li~ tw. ,n,m,l,-’ia56~a_n~’itwa - : ~ --i., t~_Work in tl/u cxpeetatln, that the fih~,!~,,ttlm’,eaetse wi|[ mtpply the :m,ai~s II ~.twelve~ years sitic~ tile doqlt,! t,~ in ihi.County were enpplied" with Bibles nod ishigh dmo fot~ U re-.~opply.

Ths~b-uslness minutes of rite afternooewdp i,tdrestlUg and we wcr0 phased to see¯ ~t~ge’J~ttsedanee of the people of thi~plsen, The venerable Dr. lI~lsey addedmuoh by his’remarks.’ A good and enccWt~ OU]~ [U ,the ovenh~ 5 I n eervmee wer0¢onduoled by the Re v..8., W. Pratt, pastor

ofth~&l)dfelh: Rev A I0. It. )lrown, otl~l~o I, anding nketehed the Itlstory of titseottnty.Sno[hty, " Wm. Perry ’gave his ex-pddelzbe ia "colpohage. Re~/. J. L. Scot[,eftk{a pleee~ (ormerl~, misslonory in |ndiaap’o’k¢~ Of th0 Bible work in India. Dr.lIt’lsey’msde tim dosing eddr’~sa. IIis rc-met~I/s co~lng £renl on0o| nLoro thnn halfa 0en~¢try’e experienoo in the mhtistry andthe granter part oi tlla~/ spent’an nn in-_,sttagto¢ In different thcelog~l setti’~nsrlcs,were e~ peoelitr interest and power. A]to-K~h~z~ tire antllvorsary this year was a de-cided suoeoss. "

--We are h~,vlng one of the hottest sum-

John ~. 8taz’z,Jr:& Co.,aNP. WC00PZR 8TR~BT WIIAKI~.

0AMD~, N,

The undentgnt~l bavo opm~l w Yal~i for thotale of the valious kinds of]el~rv’Je~[n bltif~l.

ing, including ha ps~t . ,. ,.,O.k, Pi.., Sp,~e¢ tmdH, m/oe/t ~rnms 8’/aft,

. ~insti~,’n d P/.aem.X~sdgP/~.~+ .

~=rt, l"irglttla dad J~l~. " : ~-’

,Yp~,., a~d Hm*. :" " . -" :..

BxL~ TI~fJB~+R:

m mmr. " :--

IlS, lng totaly o~t=tn~¢l ~. of tbe l~*t myl**IMPROVKD POWER JOB PR~SSE~;

~d sddkl to our~eqrtmont’ot J0]~ T]~p~..m~e, ..,prepa~’~d’to deidl Ida a’-

"Zu-the BE~ 0IS ST’~LB’ae~,.,t BnOR’~- "NOTIOE..We am prepu~l to l~tt, u. the be~t.meiner.¯ ]~00R@,.I~AMPHLI[’~, 1~0S’i’g~Si OIRCU-

lblblJ .H EADS, llll~I~l UI~

~ARDS. &e., k’e.

Of all .q~sfA J~.~ ".T~i.’.~ik~ OJl~.¯ Prle*s and Terms will b~

Or’tiers for Lumbe~ to be shl HAIm’oTroz. N. J]other t*anspor~tiun, Will he promptly glI~d.’ahd. Jhly 15,. 1SS7: " : : "

particular attendee will he given to see that it h 1 ;000, FEETproperly loaded ~nd forwarded whh’dbpate-h.. ’ . . " ""JOHN F. 8TARR. Jr.. ~k CO.. S’prUCO" ~’a3uD.e ~’[3U~t’,

4s21-1y Cooper St+ Wharf, Camden, I*.’. J. Ol’valqoel~ ~m&leulpths-- ...a..., . ... , : ,:


....... =---’w L~rs, txo, N. J."

Co ecttn¢ and Dasineus ln. Jultlcb Courtpromptly attended to.

"[~Ig. D. C~,NTOCI~iNGa "-’ .

littmmoaIon. N..if0¥¥IC~--COR. I?~R.VIJ~ A F’. & ad 81.¯

September, I8~7. " . ¯ S-tt


AtknowIedgemente of Deeds t~aken.At tha County Clork!a O~eo~ by *

D. SOMER8 R[SLEY,4~-ly.’ Cozmly Cerk.

¯ " TUBN WillTE, " 158CasTrtE Row. WeeTWAsa[.~OTO:~MAa[~To TI,,seriherwonld anneunee to the elti~ene r.I.~HO.’~:[AS ~I. SEEDS"red, saudy~nd gi’/.y:-Manhobdandbeauty, with IqR.W YORK. " " - of 8mlth’t Landing sad vieiulty th*the ha,* oo OLD ESTABioISH’ED "tho one defect iu their personal appearance rem- z~oxn .it. OLIVER¯ CIIAa. n. wn.i.rrra, hand -a full and eomplete auortment or Dryodicd hy

Goods, Groceries, &e.. &o.~. eoatiettu K iu part of t][][At]~ ./I~.?’~D" ([.~..~kP STO]~E,

CHRISTADORO’S HAIR DYE, " " Xo’41 North SECOND S[reet~ between M~’rkeland Areh tI~,..... ....... I Dry Goods. " Trimlnings

rejoico in their good tertians aud recommend itto ~[J~ ]~l/’l’O~l "l’. JUt~LI~Ys [ . . - :el -~.~e i~le6~p~, r~ ~~ Co~~~i~-.~;). in ~otl~ns; .... li~al~ and t - " = ---PIIiLADI"~LI~II[A’J. CBISTADORo. 68 Maiden Lane¯ INow’3.’.rk.

F]NI[, PRO D ID’~E ~ PRO’Vi~IONN, "-. - All the latest and most fashionable erytos on hnnd.

Sold by all Druggists¯ Applied hyall Uair Dres- ’~ Quick sales tad small proets," is ,ny motto.~0. f~’l~ ~OZtT~t, DgLAWAng Av~SOr;, Frien,ls’ |late on band and made t,, order.-- Of Every Description. Apply to" ° "

WhJ[to Plne

ISlank,For eul#at tho ]’,umber Ynrd of

JOHN F. STAItlt, 3r. & C0.i.Cooper St. W.b ar f,

5u2t=ly =Camden¯ .~ 2.

C?nstant]y On hand, at lowest marl{eL rates~


.~ Consignments tollclted and return~ prolnpt-

I NFOB]I.t_TION. ly se,t. 35 47

Iuformation guaranteed to predate o laxllrlant JOll~ ~. BWIRKEIt. Ct[.tS. D. WALTON*growth of hldr upon n hold in,el or beur, lh,ss JOIIN ’W:N%VINKER d~ CO.

o6 "tl~o skln.-leavln~lXlnO eofl dear ~.n¢ ztiful~ eaa be

’~2;S Bruudwa$. New York,

[ "~B.¯TOBIAS’ CELI)BI~TI~Iff T". L~ Venetlnn Liniment.whose wonderful cures, euro and instantaneousaction, in.eases of Chronio Ithcumatism, need.a h.. Toothache, Cuts,Burns, Cholic, Cramps,|)ysonterr.v, ete., bnve ’astocislted the ci~jlizk’d

-w,,rht, It isno tlow .catch:peter, y, bat an article

~rux,,us ~llo and raT, idly increasing demand, is atonce I/tomtrest evidencd of its usefulnosa aud pop-ularity. Try it and h~ e,mvineed¯ INo ramilysllt)nld he w;t~,otlt a I,onlo itl th’~ I, .p e_luznd.

PI1ODUCE eOM31MTSSI~N 3tERC[IA~TS,For tho sale of

AND.A~.I. Kl~a$ L~f

COU.NTILY i-)1tO I"~ UC E,.NO. ’~’41*~ NORTII WLIAItVI’,’S, (below Vine):a.d 30. 18. FARM IHtS’. Ci’NTItAL MAiLKE’r,


*ast fav,,r, from trln pcoplr of thisTeethdl~ ~liett ~ eoutiauanre

of tho~enmo, ¯ ":".’ ~;ll~- pr~mptly mad~ nnd returns

w]th~rt l. :, v t~;*{*kl~ges Mlou[d bo marked plain

SI[[PI’[YG "AILDS en.n he I1~.d at th.e R~:Pcn-t.leAS Ovt’,, t~, .,rid .,t’ Dlack ,.t. DoPuy’s s ore,

.u l: i- ;. t:’,¯~, ~ :a ,’.’.q a:t,l c~n Lo

?;,,t:;~:t,r it’, . :.~veno f.tlth ’" l,-t..~txa, E-e]n*,---,,.~ t;~ ;~nd yon wli[ auro h~ l,, I,.y againund re~,unm~nd to your friend~, llundreds u~phyticians recommemi [t hi the[rpractice. Neon

gunlt[no hillers eigned " 8. I. Tobias." l’r[eo 50emits par boide. 8old by all this Drugglsts.~D~ol, Na. 5(~ Curtlnndtat,, New Yarh.

TO ~UONNU~I leT! V q’~N.

The ItEV. EDWAItJ) A. Wit, SON w|ll vend(fruo of uhargo) In air,tLro.itrgha prest:rlp¯Son with the direeth~*i~ fl)r nl~,king a Id rising thenlnl ,It rcntedy hy Ivhh!h ire wan enred of n hmgUffocl[Oll and that (h’ottd dl.easo (!unPnttlp[~tllhHis o"iy ohJouL t~ ’tO bunefi~ tile afllieted and buh,1 ~usevor.t’ ~ufforur will try this prc~cripth~n, ast W[I 00St Illonl nolh rigs and may inane a blot.-

lag. Please a,ldre,slilly, l’~DWAIll, A, WIf.Sns.

43-ty WIl[Inmshnrg, I~hlg~ Co,, N~w V.rk, ,

t’~:0DUCK ~. .’,:~ ~ t~ ; MI’:ltCIIANTS~

])C)~l~l!L~;’l’i( : l,’l’, L~I’.I~.~O, "~’~,’~ ~¢O[tTff ~t UAItVigS, PI[IhADELI IIIA

EI,:;"ERENUF.S.--T, Conrow & Co., Phllud*a ;C, P, Knight & Bro., PhlPa. Wm. l*urry, Cilx-nainlnson¯ N. J.; T, F~. At~drews, M.,erestawn,N¯ J.; I". II¯ llaneroft, Camdt, n, De[ , A. l[. Car%v,Cure,lee¯ DoL

Consignments aolioited. Shipptng orderspromptly filled.

BII[PIqNU CAR]iS cau hy had at P. 8, TIL-TON’S St,*re. 4t-0al

Cook. i:uiane. 4~iiiclt-,~ (b.~COM.M[Sn[ON DI:AI,Ens IN

l~’l~£ISI’L~r4 .~,T, I>I~..OI)IYCIC.~’o¯ OD IIARC[,AY 8’1’.. ~sn its-I. 16~ tVE3TWXSIIINtlTON ~IARKh;I’, NEW "t’GILK.

[,tAm J[el’Arrl~*n, ]~ Jr, T,I..¢, J¢,~n (7,. QHfcb,A..% f’,,./:.

.’~. ll.--Ageats rur lli:E0tlElt’.~ I’ATI~NTBASI{I~’f8 .~st) CItATI~S.

,~.’~r" All nr,lur= flllud’aud erudlt glean unlllrb,t f,u[t ~,ebl, "19.51

N]IITIi, .~OOl[’& (’O.,Cf~31311SSlON DFAI,EIt8 tN

]P]~I.T)[’I’~4 .,’4,~ ]L)I~OI)I¯]’{2]B~,~ NO. WATIHt ST,, ~o FOOT OF VINI{ ST,

(t,v TIll; rollnY)

P.![I LA ItELlql I ~, PA.iiII’,’lh’.., 5’,,,/d,, .,A..~. ¢ ,,,,k, C. M, Br,,lu,

Shi pars ’,.11 p oaeo , *lmb*e .ll I~¢~; crates t’,*t)rdcr ,,a I,.,th , t,,[s. "

I:.0" (’erda h,r dittrlhuthm at ~otA /M,t (!/]h’t./,* II A M.’tilt NTqN. :lP.SI

....... .~: ::"’:.. =.:. _2:

i?DWaltlP ~O,tTl:... I)..It.4

A Kr,tdusto ef thn ,1oll’ersun Medi..I C.IIoK;) .fl’i~tlad¢l di{a, oilers his ,urv[uoa to tit,) mu~do 0fI , u,m,h, , ~ vefntv ns I’ IYSII’IAN ast,$[111tll~ttN. ~" ]lo,idenec f.r a few weekt,on ’rw,dllh t~heel and ( iww it re,I,

Spruoo gtllitlglos .,

M. D. DePUY.

llanzmongOno N. J.._

For the eale of Improved Lit’ntis, Villa~;o’Lot~, &¢.November 2.3. 1St:._._3. .~alr-tf"

,~ -~v E XnOuTn


WHITE :PINE BOARDS,At $22 5 t per thousaud.

.... For aalo at theLumher Yard of

JORN F" STARII, Jr. & Co.,Cooper Street-Wharf.

5a21oly Camden, N;’J.

’,qTA~T~ATt~_P’nT~q’.q, W:~-----~.- -~-....~ ... c- ~ma~o. opoei,l,y of the,° h=,,. i. =y lioo of t~,f¯ . basiuess=-All 6rdera promptly flll©d and satit faction








and T,imo.

A general a-~ortment of

Rope for lgigging!


T keep a goners| and fall a~tortment cf goodscen,tantly os bard, which I wilt sell for

Cash or Ready ¯ ]Pay.


13~ R. COLWEL]*.


0or, Ballade An. and EggHarbor Road.

New Goods.BLACK and DePUY

navoJuqt opened a sew s:oe~ of

X~’resh Grooez’ibs.Consis’tlug o(

....... ;_ ~[,oun,........ COR~: 0:,~,MI’~A1, ,,n4 FIW.D,.

O1,’ Ai,l. l(Ist,~, l’OItK"BE]~lP,’I1AMS, l, ISI]: ]1171’. " .


Cofflue of every description, from the plalnestto the highest tint.h, wilt be furnished at e.all bythe subscriber ut at low prioe~ tot tan he foundeltewhere.

Jh wiliMso give careful attention to all fuon~als’iatru~ted to his caxe.

ft. VALENTINE.lIammonton. Oct., 2fi, lS6r... 5x12-Lf]-


TAIL’OR,Wishes to

himself atSis husiueasin all its branches, and will be

vor him with. ]Io san he foundat hb reeldun Jet st., b.tween .’dr. Baker’s andMr. Lehman’a.

~a-.’25. ly.

Deafness. lllandneau and* ~tarl’lTREATED with the utmost auecese hy[SAACS, Oedtirt and Auri~t (formerly of Ley-den, llol end) h*o: 80,~ Arch 8L, Philadelphia.Testimonlal~ from the most reliableC tv aud Country can :be aeen at hts o~eo. The

facohy are iuvited to sceomptmy theLtao-lmeretla Sil praetine.

Nu charge made for ezaminaflot/. 5°9.]

Photographic NegativesTaken in the-yottrs prevlons to 1867. ~t" ’

CRAI~-E’~ G.A.I.,L’]~-’I~’~.’.N0. 53.* A/tCII ST.,

cure them can do to, or m~oarranthetr preservat[op, or order dupiiealre az $1.~eper halt-do|on for .Cards. befuro dustluution¯--Prl¢.s fur larKersises’u form*rly. . ’ " ’

CIIAB. ~. CIIA.~E, ~.’2 Arch SC, Pbils.3fsy25th - .- . . 5x~-ly

Extra Quality "%rix’~iniaPine l~’loorln~,

Fur sale atUle LumPier ~;ard of "’

JOliN I.’. KTAR[S, Jr.& Co.,

5a21..1y Camdun, ~. J.

Hammontou La~d Office;IN e,,nee’qeonee of thegreat int

TF’-s 8. COl,’F!,lh;. PURE SI’LCE~, proved Farlne by persons who s a tCltl’3:k31 ’I AIVrAtt, SOD?., d.o~s with me from ~11 p,~rts of th~ fount

" ¯ " &e, &~. I,nve I~ )Ullett a Itcal Estuto Itegi=tor.vslrhlg to suit their pheea c~t end purchaser!

"rYe have bought our gemls at d~e b3 leavinK ,leserIptiou of property at thi# niece.

will g~laranteo satisfaction.LOIVJ~.~T CASH PRICI’:S, .~ty foellhi ...... d exp©rl .... in this h’usinee,

1i. J. n~ENES.told will soil tllenl at the same, We hope to v.- 27atf. Damtaonton.eoh, o such enenltrtlgel~tlent a~ W[I] warrant tls It5m*p dylug the e[ilstas of ltemmontou aml vie[n-I,~,l,h g,,od, a, ] WM~. & T. HAGARTY

T ) *~ ,,-,eRE:.tSO2%.IBLE 12~iCl.~. [Tailors,

]I:]r~k.CJ,K t/n(| IJol,)U~,. [II.tmmoutoa Jan, IOth. IttSl.

,.50.0,000 ~r:r.T2 inch Npruee l"r¯lne Iqtnlr,

Of varlqu~ whllhl and troglhs,For asia CAe.p at tI ¯ l,unlher ~t’ard or

JOHN F. STA[tlt, Jr..t (.’,*..Cool,~r Rtreet Wharf,

ha21 -ly Camden. N. J,

Butter, Eg~s, T0ultry, &c,,~kon in exehauge for goods, but


1 wlsh to tilank I|1o ~eople for past favols andhopn by a strict a*,tenthmAo hullne~av aud a re,gard to the wants of bustomerm to merit a cut’,.l £1nalleo of tbu same.

T. ~. I~ll+tlllP.Flnlth’n [,undlng, April $. 180B. :17.52

No. 208 Nottth Ninth Street,

agLOW wALnerp

~,,~ I saao K Stauffer.- = ~Y4T¢ItMAKUa & JewsLaa,*No, I ti~ N. Hoeond ,t., eor, Quarry~ °

Pil ll.A l*l~l.Plll A.

An s~s,~rtment of Welshes, Jew¯lry, ~ll~’erg’rt,I P]alvd War~ eoualantly uu hart’el. ]tupa[rlnKof Wolehoa uud Jewelry promptly attended tu

~ r3 r~ b r] I,N IISII Y

~tar ri;10c,q.GARW00]S--Wi~NNEtl,--,hdy llth, l~/Iq, lit

Ah~.oon, hy lb. It,,v Char[o’~ T, MuMulli,I. SAlt.rl;L Y, (t Anwoon of ]blruuh,tol~n, and ,’~l,tor A,It,’INNKII, el ~l)lnuts l’,dnt.

TIIOMI’8ON--O,qI,I",P.~At the I.a’lg~ nf IhoPrusb3 lurion Clmt *d,, tlltltllltlllltt,ll, ,Jt,[y 12, I,qth’iby the liar, 8, W, i’rrtlt Me, qIHittl(i i Tnoe*,S*)N, of Wl~ylli*nHh and btlss. AMKLIA A. U~tI,KI

merino renard, It iapos[tlve]ybOyond due. of 1~,~ Seat,.er]ptlon. For’tltree weeks the titermoe,eler ......hss ranged above 90*, most of the thtt,~ ~tl~¢rtl~flllrllt~,above 9s°. For a oons[dorab]o p’~rt of th[e ...................................week it has ruu" shorn 100a lu tho shslln. ~T O’I’I(IE, Aft pars,ms hz.l.dHed t. the ~nb.On Tuesday tho thorluolnetor ill our o~]ioe

1~( aerlhur f.r Ilurlingtnn t][fl l~ltdt ]h)xua, arulntltlt*dlud [O IIo(tht f,,r Iho ttattle W[I[Iout dulny,

stood ai 108e. Itwas tried ie difformtt i,.rl.

U. N. INTEItNAIJ ItR¥iI’~NUE. ’t)I"FICE t}l" DFI~L~I’Y t;OLI, PeTo[t 1

FOil ATI,ANTit~ COI/NTY.Notice is hereby give,I, that the anl, n/tl List of

’rax,~s ulseslud on lneemt~ for the 3"oar I ~5~..and,,a Pnrrlsge~ thdd I¥11ttheeo Silverware, DilliardTables, nnd a ,ou[al, [axet¢ for tho prolnat year,hr a I eV rot.err ed and Ihat tlu[d taxol ere 13owdue .nd myahln. I wlll~, tend for tbeedle~t on,if aa t lanes I t later ’]iilon a, In il¯nlmolnmhI1’1 ~loildny. Jtlly (~ IrOl*l S e’etoek A, M., o’eh*uk, l*. M,; at 1,0Ult Ertel’s, Egg ]larhor CIIv,.n ’l’ua~day, ,hdy )4th, from S o’elerk A, M , ioII o’,~hmk. A, M,; and ut my 1,ei,:o every ;4utnr.aV f~n 1,1 I. , " , y , Oil ul~d Inlliuding Selnrdsv

Aneust let, frem 9 o’,,Io,,k. A..M., Uufll 4 o’clockP. 31., ut whleh tOne-toOt laxes mast ba paid.

AI[ )orsen’s whtt sh;tll IlUg[nct SO )fly thu snnlsIIuo hy ItlOtll re~putL[t’ch’, .u~nrdlog tu tile I*tuf.rosuhl, witldn the dln~ hero qm¢lflml w[li hs-~om. li:d,Je to Ihe Ilensltlus i~roserJhad i)y law.

DAYID l,A P:]’.’, ISel,,ly Collector,Dated, Smith’s l,,tnding, Juna ~0, ISflS,

F.r sal9 UA¢,,/, at tha Hunlh.r YaI,l of

¯ ~¯ d(StiS"l~’: Sl’AiIIL~Jr: A P,,.,~,~. Cooper Htrett’Wharf, . reentry Dtug.t~teru.

bl21.1y , , .(’an,don. N, J,...................................... r llrandroth’a Pllls,][.I’ tl’tlM For .alo~ ftn~ l;,,ar. In*l,rm ell I~uf- Thos,lh,t~rlhor I| th*only anlhnrlsed a~*~l InJ.| wulKhh~R’*J50 .,;Ind.. A su ~orh*rswie,~ tlda town for the snm of lltaadreth’s U, ~. i llh,h* uv.ry ro,put!t aim a v.lntGds ~rt~arly, ~tlS Alle.~k’, I*or.ns I’lallorl. sld John|,,n’. Aao.

Itah, very ,,l,oa ,, Thorl, I¢ n*i hetl.r. ~I’ dy it dy.e Lhd*uout. N. il. eat’. ISallevlt* aild it. It.ihu tie mhlloan 011h,*% *,r I,, H. t?., Avet**la*, ~. J~ ][*’&]It’.llsn, nlonlt*li, N, .I,, ,latin V, lASh-- 45.If, bn-=dtf,

SAI,T llAY FOlt HAt, ;]nantllles to ,**It purobesor,,

Apply to W.E. FAltltEhl,.i’ieasant Mille, If. J.

pItI~Nli’VTEIII AN ~UII II II(’ll.¯ , |i~uao~ros, N, J,t ItlLLiVeU Avl,,

RSr, S. W. JPaarv¯ P.41,*r, 14abbath solo*s,*t 10| A, N..aud It i’, M, Sabbath seheol, hemI= M., tu I Y, hi, l’zayer meellng on Tbar,dsy!’2_"P.~*’ to.

(2. J. lt’.z~’Y’,,>~^,.a:lt ,~

Drugs an ~oit NA,.~:.d Mcdt0in0s, li f,,,i,,,,-~,:, .,:,,,i,,,

N, i..e Cufunr thd[uvuo end ilallroad Ave** , IR seres in h~arinK order, ~’e a,’r¢, In trael,--SLtl, ate n~ar liraddeck’a Mill, [ttirihlgtoa t’onnt¥,

’ IiAMMONTON, N, J, N, J, I,,,e.tud i. tl,~ h,,,t ernnherrr regi,,n ~ut’nlnla of ¯H eotnr~t grolliid [n ,,11, ZIon and ,.~ ,h;lu. (l,md h ,tl.e t*l~*l I,nrlt, Apply i**

While I,aad ~’arllllhsl, llruthea, Wlndow.tlh.¯ t’I[AS, t4, ~IIAItlHH’I{, Iladd.nfluhl, N, d.,Rt;w and li,d ed ,lu.otd tilt, Cool 01, /qtal(.ot 47.50 t,t ~l’M. il. liltAIliltICK, .~h, df*qd, N. J.trd, FowlnK ~lseldile OII, Lard t)i[, Para~;,*u Oil, .............................Sl’h]ts Turpeall .... tlsnst .... A ..... re, Al,,, ~’;0,000 FI’~ET....Ayers’ a.d Joynes’ Medletne.,-lh,mellle Dyes, ."andalis.*,h articles aa ale u*usl[y koi,t Inn

’~V]i[Io l~i]to ],7¢¢ctr’itt~,


Fur Salaat the LumbSr Vard *,f

JOtIN F, HTAR It, Jr, A (’..

Cooper I~lreal Wi*srf,

5a~1. v (?an.lea, .~, J.

XJI:~£E! . :I:,F:~ fE !J~et a~rivu,I end I-r ,el* i,y

BM[TII, T[f, TON& CO.,S.v*n liuad~d llssrals of Fresh Rockhad l.i,~.a.QH:1.]I0, p¯r barret. ~IP.IIII tn hrse lot*. 4e,

.~0,000 FF~TVirginia Pine, Floo~-in;g,,

|’tur s,de at the Lumber Yt~’d ofJOIIN ]L BTAglt, Js, 6 Co.,

Cuei~r Strmt Wb*r~. Camdalu,~/ J

Land For $1ale.,~e ,c~,,s .i ~=tr.,,~ i.d .., th, ~ ~.ou emtim nL IF, l wood.f~r *al* *e i*~s t, S~t putehssers.

In AIL Its BrRnohoaAnt styl~ of Plato far Artlflelol, ln uee.

MtNl:lt,il,, tlOI, D, .ttI, VER, ~’tlLUAN[T~,&u,, li, a,h’ when dvslr~d, and st ’


or Ihuir iluuoutl[| will bo tltrnod ovor t~, a ,Jn~lb, er~r ~lltl,.tlt*l), tide,t|’¯. ,Mtl.l,nn.

Jury 17111, leftS. 50.

"~]’t)’l’l(’lE.--Ail pursune ,,wing Ihn tnha,,rbber for sh,r0 goods .bta I,ud b~iol’O lhu

l~I day of Oet0bur, IStiT, are lu.,t to,peelfal]yI]ntiflod Io enll ttl,*[ ~*’itlo th,I mtlnu IlUlited[ttl~:ly,and snvu atiy co’sis of b*Rnl I~r,~’,~v,ilntt*,

]B’.A.I’V(2"~" X’~Bt I Iwr’x’XlVGNIAThY DONII. aty

Suow & ~Olrder~-S S r IPaI.IS&W OvveI#

’, ~*n.nt*~, Ft


Now 3emoy Purnlturo St~ro.A f~tl ausortmsnt of leulnltert or hb ewn naks

.a**l,*all$ om AlsO.Also. ¯ |rest vatlst r of ~,~P~*~,~’ a,~ Ol/~

PhilsdetFhtaA..u~s ’ ]too IlA~llOl~ clTr,~ ?.

, A|r,l ::, I’~*t .~0 Sttl .

of the office, ntandlng the snnre iu etch,Wodueeday it wee’f02°, Such hon~has el©o~rae, lrreatly interfered with o,r work,We hey0 been obliged to take Ion~ noon-lags, aud [t [s with difl]euhy that wn haverun the urctees, na tl/o heat affeet~ tbeink.relhn. If our friends lind less readi,gthan usual [n th0 IIEPCUIJCAN tbny |Ottstattlibnlo it to tim heat. But whih theheat lies bean’lnt~ae, It [8 novcrtho]ot~s Is.verehla to the eropa, or io most O| thoui.~

Ibis Just the weather fat ~weet Potatoesand tiny are leok[,~g finely, ntnl will be nlazodlent quality i| lavoreblo weather coo.

tinues. , Corn is also iloi.g woll. I. to,heloo~l]tiee more rein would be an advaefngn~but there it nolhhtg like a drouth ns y0t‘On Thursday ~tornGots the wind chnnged tothe rearward and the air boa shtqn bonnsomewhat ooohrl whh prospoate of moistweather, Cooler wsatller will bn seeepta.bit t~ the people, But although the heat

hen be~p intrust during the day, the brceaehu Ix~n freeh and eool during t~ night,tm thti’¢5o"61[;bste is muoh" more IArenabln~l)~t.~t"F f~rthtr In[a,d place, where thetit,men,mr la not aa 51gh durlnil the day,~t wlmm the niihts or* at~uh moresuhrygad opp~Ive, Our n*sreeu to the Nagiveg us a deltlhtiul air. We are Jnst thelight dtatsam. The maa[r looms[re hereh-p~ bel0m resohieil u’, end we are elmfree’from thst terrible iautt at mats sodl~i~t, the greenheed ny. ’]~ls [s a ~ntid,cfadon of no’sm.sll importence

¯ tlEtt, EhVINS, .’ Ilsnlnmutnnt J uly It 18¢18.

Ntte/o Noe, llaia I Nehoakl,7’R ~:,¥ T0 A’, A’, ,I.

;Pho Sph~*ol la for Irali*in~ tout, hura,"t~’un[lhlst0s nntst he nl,’~[uqu )’l’at;d ",;tit ]- " I tiS

hnow Al’~iillile[[n~ (]rnll,n}llr, ui,d t],)oarald ;nHIsl &~[uu lU Iqaldi lu the HI*rio Iwu ) u0tr~.

’rullien freu, Two a ’t’~,rm (l~.lf:,t, ur)for n,e uf ho,*ks,

VSCatI,H,¯ Jnly and Atignnt, llt, e~n~ onu Waa~at I?hrlslnlas. lind ,iilst ~vueh In’ April,

NexL ’l’*lru* hegh;* Ang.nt 31,il.,*rd for Imdlus, at N,Irmal Jl Ill $.3.511 a w,,*k

~lltdn,[Ing wa|hblK, foul and ling,t¯ ttontielnenbt ~tsd at pr[Vale bl,tl~*a from 11[ i. Oti to ~*~ ll0 a weak

~lodel Nolzool.This sohool IS h|[*ndud |O /[iV° ¯ need edaca¯

tion Iotho.. whe do iitll wLsh Io to,oh,Yeuu~4 l.*,llel allaudlilg tim Model School and

hoardllls at tbe its]l, bevst ia a* saii[aael ef Itfirst ola*a ]loardb.r ttehool, at a eo*t ef $2:5 y*,ar, i.uludlnK iustruutlon tuth* idehur l~ngtl*hbreathes. In Drswinl~, ltru*ioh end Latin,

The You.K I,a,llas lt~partmont of th¯ ModalSch,tol fttrlllS ¯ ioparata o;igakisaih~n hy Itsu[f,

Instruu;.ulhl hlu.le ~i’laliO) $1b, for a qqarlorVf IWallly t.sial,e, ~uuldd[l*l uia or lustrulnrot,

Tarns aud Vaeatlaus s¯me as in the Normale.h..I.

l%t OIruutar eoatalallil~ ft*li particulars applyto JOliN g. MAItT,

tP.61 IqinrLpal,

STONII~ I*U~IIaN. Pu,o .st.r n.t~*s.lug, And aUat dar~ tbe hint wbats ev*r Is*

Uuduc*d,Fer s.l* by,

wM A ELVINtL3a~7 Uaimouleo,’~ ~.

¯ - ¯. , - . .Saew al~ (’dt’~let~p~.

Cooper Bt~m~t W~f, o

Sa21-1y " Camdeuv N. J: " " " .,-Tb~tub#eriher,wlR r*~eiTe 0rddrl fer.aJi-mRed


Iron ~’V~me’~’olih~ng 00t~¯ Tueker’a Patent. Adolpind by the Uo g.,G~vsm.-.mentin 1862. for the use of bmqdt~dl.", "DThey wore lert over ia the qoartarmatt.rtd.

epartment and not.~eed wl/en.thF.wxY elo~ ".$2 50 each, o~ t¢5@ pex~ l}ai~; tban hal£ the, i~ice" p~d l~.gevaeamaat.),..¯ In pairs fqr’Datebeinrs-tmdt~, fov~.fl~ IBM*.Io be dra~ed~mto the’~ef~Mrimony dmrlaj[.the present leapyear.¯ Would be safe investmeer’aad’~knr~, eo~falK-. ".

Hammonton. May 9,1858. ,.. 4~.

20,000 rr.~. .,¯ . : ..,- -

Yel:low" ~Ine $ ~.¯ Of Hxtra:Qualtty~ a

Far sale Ckeal~ at the L’umher Yard of: " .JOHN ~’. STARIt. Jr. &’ ~b:,. .

ha21-ly Cam&ms¯,I~,% .~.

ENN’ISON’S PATENT TAG8 AgD,fffllPi¢’:,-&t., tha t .~.

REPUnL[0A"Rv OqF~ICE. - .

Ordert eoltcit~’. . . ,_

~;tgal ~0tia~..

.ToFrancil Fox and’ Marphtb’hb/ wilL lly. ,~vlrtue at an~,rder o f thn Cour~o£Clum~= masla." .on the day of thu date there0f¢:iu~ oeuaein Joseph Lippineott is e~immt~imd.~bman~:~:others a/re defel~dento, you,~m required to apimltr~¢. ,pt;~l, nndwer, ordemar~.t~he~bill of aid. earn. "plalnant oa or before the-TtllI]G]), DAY,OF 8tzP-TEMBER NBXT. or the aa~ bill will be’ takes_ ..

The said bill is filed t~ fo’recl/~’wa, m’ert~,.you. to’the eomptMmm tod la~h i~ t~a ’.

yuu hold or elaim to.hold.aa eq¢it~ .qf,r~lemotion in said la.nd~ ¯ ~ . ¯

T.-P. CARPENTER, S61;ofO6mpt"" Dated J,].~ 2d, 18as. Camd en, N~ J-,

cig~xc~itY or s~w a~.Between Howard Rtehs.rde trod others ComplMat.,ant~. and ’Richard M. Hoe tad otherLDsftnd~mt~.

.1..will ~-

¯ l~’lrida~’ ,~,11 .~l_r 81; ,,~, 11)~ 18il8,- . i "st 0NR O’CLOO.’in the ~oen.i,~ thd Hsm-~utna Heath in the tow’n at Htmmoatsu~, la ti/e ’-county of Atlant[h Itod Stats or ~eW J61~ 4lilt .~.that eerialn frock or u|l~tw bt’the-town of nammontenandta folrowKvh,

survey of whiehfromdhonoe (]) north fi/~-two degreesmlnut, t~ nut ~ixty.throe ehaiaa’~ a itak~b goner.0f Qeorgn Petaraon’a lahd la tbe edlpl’ofn, la~4.eripph; from thoneethroogh tbesama by" Pqih,~.soU’a |an~ (2) "~orth for.ty degr~nt trod: twemtymlnu~u west a~uut, thirty-axe d/atnt/te:a pin..

~ov¯r’a pood eeresr of Gnotp l~tenma’e hmd;:front tkmte~bj

Tnlt PUR~L

,tyls for s*n of T~.ttb--& ep~bdty~pre**nfa manX adreOta~Sr~[I MIll;Star thsu tl~.ld or Bl|ve~’aed mu,d* slre.~garlh will stan~l better |a etrvlee n¯~er eel rut otrepalt aad ¢*n let d’ordad aS wedarltl pricelIt is impervlone to i~ltut~ sad bM eot lhssllahlmt ~rsv~ |or ~ the s*~maau~d~oa M f~4[¯~lt’oS (eliot lafortaatioe .

Neu’d For A (~lreW;~l’.¥1r.1.1.¥~; a,,g xxr~acr/.%’@

|ath¯bNt mao.*r. (~t/~ rm "J ’g’l e~. £ w~b-

i~ ti*% a.d .i.*~*t&mt*t by sprey, ~hse dult*~l,At

DB. M. Kgl~’l~ OFFICe’.

I~,s~37 h" ~t~l! ’,T. rlllLA.

mionl~a East

A. Brews msdun 8. YL by ltmds of John A..nrown and .It

"J. Byraoa, an the- southw*st byhmdtf~of-W¯th~_erbte, i[opptn agd 0:~e~ttmd on th~ Nortk~t;tstby lands ul’fiimou QIg~i~o:l~ Kih~ ~ll. Vtueenl,,and others and oohialn’In~ t’wo had~’~l and there,seres of land and swsmp b~ the stons’mpt~ or Jeelg. :

-ASd als~ alt that¯ traet nf land e[Uutta hs, th6, "~’.thwn.of Jitmmonson~ lutha ootmty of AUaath,....

Jermy trod boaad~L,aad, dee..erlbed ae foBaWs :

, BTgl.alngnt the ~artheast ebme~r ~1~ thsddmt l :that Dunlel~Veesett bought of hlS fa~es Thomas.Weaeott fat one hundred aflro ae~tby41~t d~M.ore(,nveyaneo thefl~t bearlngdals thSee~tad"=lay of April A~ D., one thomumd alghe,hwadf~k..and twulre, for aevealy.lttasutms, ~te~/~ htd~stork’s a~e~ in tiber IL fol~ ~ ef~t~adet :tmh, . ’tbe ether dated lhu se~ad dlay of Aperient th]tuR.~ ,dud uight" buudred end ’tWtnty-~.te. fW, thlttfcares, reegrdad in the el~mq o~od |n L/hbr,lk:’~.:’loire 217 ur D~da ’utl/odllig ia tke. h~ad’, I~t ,’"of tlla soeloties geena ~trvep laWeeeetl’d,~l~ldt i

Ib tbe uatd Dsmld ,Was-8uut.h t~lvo des~ee I~d a,,h~r~.r~ ¯ ehalu¯ ~nd, fkrl~rl|t~’tw l~de, (2) North tw¯nty-mwn dq~lr "

a.d a half, East tw~lv’o ehaia| aud~igh4~i~v~arlinks in St.pb.u II.rn’s li.e to his e~rmr,add la’aim* the third Comer uftbs land that l’houma ~1’~kl- ’mot senior tl~llgl:t ofth0 W*ymoath ,COI~WF ee’.hui~dmd’aad thlrty.fl vo aires nml thlrt~ ’

tooth’s b~ deed mads,tke .lff1~mtS. day.1, tA’. ]~., o,d, thotimnd vl~ht hundrpl* and""

reeordud In thu aforesaid e~ te LIber L..b03 of Deeds ; thence, (3) North’ Iwelwr dqffma’and a half, Weut twenty.three shares.ned ~’e~4]F~ *liuks to his fourth eom*r tu tbe’s~Jety. Uon/",thenen (4) South twent,y-envan dql~lu’Ud wlMd[," ’ .tWeeL lwuirs chains und,Q~t$.~m tha~t-sahl llno to th* p|teo of beil|u,qug. Bbaadll on .the Nurth hy the Johu W|ts*y irset. ~m tim l~tby lands el Joi~u A, Brown, oe the llswtli~i~IkU~orwiteey Horn, and oatha Weet~P’llmd’st’ ’¯ rhomssWeeoott, uontatalul~ thlltyWlMq~ ~ ’i*ss, * ,., , N ,

And |sn nit that tract or p|~a ~’.lan~ ~t|;l’,premls.e lylulg ait*l bole| la tba ~l~Flow~ *#f" rI[ammonteu~ uouuty af Atlnetlo~ In4’ .~tiW’ef . *N*= Jarm~]l. pgtt~alarldLdaml~hs&M falhmaLt ..

Situat* oa ~ieepy Cmk llrueeh, bu i*d asdUonodod Lt,t ~;u. :14. li¯l~hula~nt a poet sisa4. " ’tag ssssnt¯en chalma and forty-re/to llwl~ below’l,ovpma** * |owor ilno, hornet IS’ lJet~. ~ ~fS, ~*Iattd |3 snd r~at (I) by t, el ~o, |M~ tlo~th thi~y-"two degtseu sod Sfl¢~q luinutsl~ gait t~f~lwhdtlns ,and fn~’ly-alne ok* to a I,O~t, eeri~p e~lJo~ No. *2I th*aee (2) i4.,u th e fl~.*ow, n degrq~ kn*d’fert~ - ’ flew mlauls., W*.t ai.o eh¯iue nd i[a }ti~kl Is a’- ¯ ¯post eetn.r than0o (S) Nolth Ibift~.twu dagml ..opd fifo e~ mluut~, Watt eevsa~hulSs and fort.Y;

oorth Mty., ,’ett se4~" ,’or all IMInt....~..~

~0,=~,,2p,u, ;


¯ walt


hasgeU ,,~.¯d M~’s~tass~ b~’ *be "L"Ul ,t

Ihe CeUuty af AI~ISI¯c’tlAt~ P. exl~ Ctuvk/spr~Csmt.

t .ytws. p!

Page 3: The Water ,,rvevr tYl¢ fnoeBH · 2003-09-03 · ,,rvevr tYl¢ fno"eBH ¢ ~tiO qulckly rcltor: Gray Hair to its natural c(dar and beauty, and prodder luxuriant Erowth, Ic is pcrfccdy

J~UTHORITY."",- ~"+" ~ - - ’ .- NI~WBNGLA~D¯ Pawnbroker’sJoint St0’ck

of enlodum~l good~: eoud+tlng of

". Albula~ Bthle~, SUrer Pistil’Wore._ ~ " - Wuteimb Outlory, 8sw-

¯ " - _" -~ - - tqMmhbet.A .to., As.

To be Bold at ~ d.Use ~e~. without ~gar,I,-. " . ralw. mid met to I~ paid for.-ut£1 you know

¯ All ~gedts’who propon to sell, and all pirtleswho proposeto hay k IIfu.or Gea. Oren~ahodld

, uederetaad that thopers~nld’hlet6i’y of~ . ""

:GENEBAL:GBA.NT. -by Albert D auth~,rof Field, Duw.geon "BeJ the" MIuls-

trious General, and iS tim only axtthooUo and uu-tborhod Biography of’him, uud wilt ooutuin it+mau of I/npmr t~tt and Interesting matter no otherhook hoe uriah obtain, fae ¯tallies 6fthe Uneou-dldonul Surrender and other lettere and docu-ments from Ptelldeut

¯ ,. ....... ... :: . " mm~ VataNtatlz00,ooo.

’J~e molt pope]ar, reliable, prompt and busi- and an ,~legLnt 8t~l Bngtafi~g’end ~oideamednus-lthe oom~im of the kind. The b+it of lies- life of

SCHUYLER COLFAX.The Author is widely known us oua oftl/e meet

A H0’M ~ truthful ..... Ilesbrllliuutwritere. i[owmwithOenertl t|r~ut during" most of his weeteru eam-psigue.tuudms.a.fouteuIDt writing from "Head.quurterl in the field,V was one ofhl¯~eortinlt Imp-porters, lie writes ~rom personal observationsand’Prom materi¯l gatbeLx~l from ehauuels open-.. ¯ .

-. To All Wanting Farms.


t.~ie~ of tA;~: OurAg*nts are not r~lelred to pay one duSter for.their preseut~, aa lu oil other eonoeroo¯ "

be sold at the following rotes ; Tom/or $1 ; TMr.r9 ~wtth preaent)j’or $3’ ~’;~¢y (with present)for$6 non llvsdr~d pqereu~) 10. And the

Look at this chance to get

- of equal value, with but very littleno expense to the agent¯

" - For ~ club of fairly, we will giv~ the person¯ " ~euding It the choice of abe fo]lo’~iog articles:. =. ¯ _.-..-__ ~ - - - ¯ print dress psttelm~woremd breakfast shawl,

In the treat Ham’-oaten Fruit ~ttle--white liuen.tableclotht embossed table s ,fen,l. ~et

ment,¯the=best inducements am. o, ffe.~d ~oof atie bladed knives and fork .... t ef .il .....

all wantlng|arms in the most neugnttut¯ and-healthy.’elimate, with a good predue- quanty cloth t, ootr,

live soil. being among the-b<mt m the I, onohandPod-pioture

. gt~en Stat~ ot ~ew~JersoY ; only thirty photegralmiles from Philxdelphlu ou the Camdenlied rilk fan, one dozen largo ¯ized linen

ladies’ .InUrot.’eo shopp~g bag’, sdbambra quilland At|Jmt|e ~ilm~l. and but few miles fancy balmoral skirt, ledie~/s,, Callfornlto the. New York Ral]mad¯ These la.ed~ diatoqad ring feet’s plain ,,rengrnvedgeld rii, gam’sold to the actual settlers at low prtees ( 16 earc~ finc,] adieu solid black walnat writ-and easy terms, in five, ten, twenty acres lug de~k, ladies’ fanc~ black ~aluut workbo:cattd upwards to suit. Th~ attic perfect; clock.. . : . _

warrantee deeds.clear of all incumbrance, of followi~

nSa!~ when all the purohase m0ucy IS pard.

rh-e-Soilall grains athe 6nrot (rs’~|ng. It L+marly Bubstsnee mixec~ all. tvery commuted the

¯ ealletl leeel stones.or............... It i the Union.- +


ofsil k~nds, and all other fruits are raisedhem in immense qt~anfities, end titey aresought after_by the dealers and commandthe best pnee~ in tl~e markets.

Hammeuton is wlready eelebrsted for itsfine frulte cud wine .......

From two hundred + to five hundred.dol-lars iseleared, free from expense, ~er acre

- ¯ in thofine fruit culture. Sweet .Potatoo.~,. Melonsr and all’the finer Vegetables delight

..... touch-’better than gram rammg, sun. ts

ladies’ double wool shawl, silver, plated enid hasket~ splendedengraved silver-plated ice p tcbe~’,

+engraredasilrer-ldnted tea pot, one hnndrod-pic-tare Turkey morocco photagreph alhatn, haneas-ter quilt; fancy pl..d wool ~had’l¯’twenty.fiw.yards sheet/or, AII,a~CTL dress patters, engravcr~silver plated six bottle rer,,lving castor¯ pairgent’s calf beets, barri~ cloth ?ants and vest 1,,I~tern, splendid bMmorel skirt ~ct of ivory-bundleknives.with oliver, plated forks, pai’r of all v~..l

splendid be~ded and hoed ~ilk par¯sol Imdle~¯

sldendid morocco traveling b.g, thirty yardsprint, or a Marseilles quilt¯~Z’or a cl.b r~ o~,e ~.~llre~l, splendcd engraved ,~]~er-plated ten.¯nt, these I~teees-(eng~.A~-,

carpeting, s dendld violin a:~d bow, English bcr-age :¯haw ,’o yards ~he~ting. splendidAlpa~ca drets path rn, silver I:u~.tiag ease watch,splended family b:blewith ele..~nnt steel engra-vil~gs and fast v record and p ~ ~t.graxl, h pnge~.plin dre~s pattern, engraved silver-plated, ice,itehe~" splendid beaver cloak pattern, sharl,e’ee~olyer fancy c+aSt~ mere ’ pan s.__ , ~e..~atlern extra qualtty, s]Slendld a,c,,rdian mtwirox, one pair+fine d¯ma~k table counts with ont’

dozen dinner ~ apktns to match.


FROPORTION;"This is on humb~ lottery gift enie~rprise’ or

mu~h easier work. ’;ale of cheap jewelry, but ~t f~r, sqzmr~ sale el-untied e¢m ed -gee d T.-+4) ur -good rg~.e .....

The. arKe not ,,,,,,,.fill 1 |

- - -- . . . I An I we guarantee more for the tunney invested"s un~r ~ direct comlnumcatlon twice than ean be bought at nay wholesale ¯tore in "thr’.’ day ~PP~hm,~telph~, ~nw YOlk, .d At-I ....try.t.n,:- ~:o.. q’h+,-P..,.lt;,m~l Comvanyleave. I Agents will please take notice of this. Do nol.... ,u u.*~... T~.,-C3---..t..---=_=:t e~e.= de" in I lend names but nutober yo~r clubs fr.m tree upearaners m~ mt~.xm~n~.+u,yL, ~rn~on ] ward.. Make your letters mhert, and plebs n+.the ~eason ; they are Ii||~n tn cue art. .’ / possibleand the esme night or next mornmg ny .¯ " - ¯ " "

. - I ,us sure nn+l sen,i money amounting to~;.ee o,In the market where the m~relv It, cdaylight ave ’ ¯ , 1 ~¯ g ~t .re4 l,elisr (which e.n I,o ~t, nl

highest cash¯ pdess am, obtemed,.witho’~t- I from any office), P. O. Money Order. or Express,~n--ny~th~ble-to~ the-producor-t h~-de--J -re r-whewsdnLAn~his-w*y~..gun.a.a_~i~k.~r . ¯., tha nw.+dn+++d’to the CaP None of Iooeiug it whntcv+r +mall anlt~iltlts +tony btnwrmes --~ t--~---- ¯

e b ’ " "- ’ " ++- " is over One and a ¯ nt y snail but be sure and put them in.the oftoe Jan~ now Onereo " " " cove ’half miler from theRnilmed,

fi . ,r~rir¯ll~e c.nnor be r.¢pom.;~le, for .lfm*¢y h,+r. .,,.

lesJ *ante ],reeaut;~, ars take. to insure it# *,*.fel.v.

Climate ...dy,,ur.dd.... h, rul,.T ..... C,,.nty a,.,¯ qtute;- AI| Certificates are goad until redeemed.

¯ . . ¯ ¯ ~¯ C. TII0~IPSON,..t Co..

short and ups_ n, out-door work can ~ car- Send for Clnulure.tied on nem’ly all wlnter, whilst the ennt-me’r is no warmer" than in the north. ~q[l~t¢llantou~.Persons ¯wanting a chan~e for h~l~!t wi!lbe nstiafied hem--the muune~! el Inn Clt" ~-’~ILLV~LLEmate is soon beneficially fe~.t by delicate_persona and those suffering from Dyspep- Hu¢ltot Martoe at" Fire Imsuraner~a..~ Pulmonary sff~tions, or. Gener~ De- eempoul.hihl~, ms hundreds here will testify. Thissoettun has longbean known for its hoaltb. Millville, N..T.and during the summer months tens of FsrthoporpoNof leeering

.housands fleak for health. No ~Jiuma, 1"ends, Cargoes, ~e.. Mart’.eChills gad Fevers in this ~t|oo. Lo~ra, ’


........ The Water _Ilomuekold W ormJttlre.

Horehomdl~e. 8twd uther propertT,

~s~pUro and soft, of thn best quality, it A~lust loss or demage hy fir*ebeunds in slam,ms end is round 1~. dlgglng it being eond’ur t+d ou the eeme pl.n ,nd prhsfrom ten to thirty fcet. Weilsaro’ehesplyelpin us the Cumhesland ~.tual, wldch hapm~cde hers, Is them is no ~ to go peovedthemnstecoaomica, eumpunytoexisisutr

through.. We harp the/mr store in the I~r the insund.eoanty, whe~ I~e~, sold’as ohenp as DIIt£CTOIt~.’theyam in k’h~., elpula or ~0W x org.-- lion. Wm. Moore, May’l J.sntllng; 3.ha 51.(~ I~OO~ W~th europe.lent te~..ho~.-- Moore, Vi,lerrillel Leaman lll.w. Ilrhlget.nlClergymen of~l denontinat~one reuldoOere, Seth Itoweo, M.urlceb,wn | Nath~nlel Htnttto,L,some of them .m ennr~ o t oon[jregStlous~ Mill~llle ; Furman I, Mulford. do,; lssau U.othe]~ eu]t|vatmgth.efrut~; also,shunt- Mulf.rd, do.! J,dm L. Shsrp, do,i F .... I.

belt’ ol.g0tllq~ pliystetene. -J.ue nsotnoal,~t+, B*ev... do,Presbyterians, B~’Pti"as, UnlversaJi,t~, havn NATIIANIKL t~TItATT(IS, l’ree,

theirsorvioes,regu]arly, ,UtT/~ convenient. 8AMUE|, F, VIIIBS. 8ce’y.FIIIt.~fAN L. blUhFOltlt. Treas.

Ap ,]leat~olt fur Ili.oreneo eqn be metlo t" LJiy el"" the f. ~ wlug mgenls awl ~l,r, ’

]~d;ablspraet;calnnrserytue~t tphofot~t. Wm. Moore, Jr.+ Nlny’m i,¢tndlng;6hfdlk[ndtofer*~t, pl~ntt, atttt ontrsfftfne Lows & NtrklFr , lie IF’ederili ~t.,Iqwelt prlce~. ~ d’mmsden.

A~lred W. (~lentent, |lmddonfleld.

,The population of the ~etdcment is largo M,’ml|4~r I[. Tlsomn#a.,W iiltnmnN|o Wll

lad rapidly inore~miogLit is respond of Ilemr~ W. Douglst~0 NIIo.or~.~iowls.

/he he~t elK~ses fro t Now Englund, tho4.4e ly

Middlet and Western Statss,--i.telligonl,S.

’t ,~i.d ,,o.aaod,..o*si. ’rbo j OI IN IA,;It; & CO.,seal I~n~d itandmme, nnd ~li|e el thulu rico,All mntertals for imildiug~ improving &,,., wa~,’,.~,’Te ,,:s. ~s,, ,,va,....~ ,w

at hmid ;~’al.o reliable mcebenie~ who will¯ give ntbsloetion, Every cmtveaicutm lU l"; I:~O 171 ~ a~ T’\V I ~r I t],’-4

h~ thatmn be fonnd nl any other" dol’n. O1" AI,I," K[Nll~. "Persons owning property hero obtnht Lh:k- Llincki and ’l’.t,kl.,

¯ Ieta el the Ballrond hmnpaliy IO ,all I Irnnl t)+tra, di,llttuln, Pih’ll, It,,~in,tits elty at adiecountol twenty+five ]tur cvnt

~t¯ I’ahH. and ¢)ll,

It thn rei[ular fare, I’ino Tar hl .s~.rie,l I.teh,t|v~, ~,Irb ,,~ tin u,,nnr ,, I*il,| k,pg,.f ,llllcr,,.t ~i~, b t,

t,,Id w h,)le bnrl,.l~.Salads ~ttt’e l, res rwooth~c,l l,!/ enrtt~

- oW,~,,u~’~nf’,’,;" ......f/r,,~,~, .......e, TAEREDR00FIN~-PAPE/’~ +/~ eou.~ry, wan p r.o,.to.,,, thr,u I I, e h,’rt ..I ArD ( : E.II E A’7’,

’ (~t t~l ~. ~..furfrutt{Ir°tete[I. Mr. ,%’,I,,ol~ob{nson,’ tha tlUr;tnt[Ittr, d e,I/t,,r of f/t,t q’,,.lll,,I,,,T.r.l,,r i~ilh,gll’"in t/ll~hay,lhlght %’at.ld,,’4 c,

,l~W_~o.K.TEtI,U...;}?r. (;’~’. 7~/,,,~,!,:, ,t,,,,.fo~,.i,,g.i .......,.,k..the. ~tate EtltontotrfltStl ~rr..lone tV, l’l.w,

.,~ra~4r m~mb~r of t/(n .4st,’r/,’tt~t Is.t;tn/~ ’t’+a,:v.,¯ . o~, .~mb York ; a~td othfrs, rejr.rh’d tl,~.,I t’b,the. I,I.e,,|lt4~ ~ sam It riser fPrOwl/t r~ frutf, It~,t C,,r,h, A,’,, A,,,

’Lmsffi, amd ~’a~, rants tlw!/ enm ]trrr, erndS,.in. T.Ineal~d tilILh,f’rwhl,,

., t dr/ 14tlu~llg’l’~h’¢’l, Wrml,ph,g Yarn, I’.ndh, ~i,’k,) Jt.pesa,ld Ill,,ek. f.r h-hllug llny l,l~ M.rl,

’ -3’A"l~e ~snds ,.to being rapidly eohl)nnd ,,/,v~@+~’.,p..~r.’ 7;.,~ ...... f~0Qt~¢gpk~[ apdeat~n¯Lvoimprovsntocts

A L,,~s .Y,,O,..I~ ,lh,t¢+i.t.

~T~e~’ty wl]leorts!nly Inerea~e. i!t vul~tt,.-~ I"I.%GS ON IIANI) AND HAitl’: ’l’(l|M~allre\h.’ It. J,,’tSv,tN~, ~o t’oottuer ot UBl)l’~it,¯ ;t~’mttlamm~’who will show the lsn,ls,.~,~i~.~,~:. I%r further infermstlon X~,e I"-./. F.r.,’.lir,, u,;tA 6"~,,. a/~l~.°~gl~;.. " + , ]~"+gfl’qll u+ld .pery orllc/ .... Io;rrd.

i j~ "5-’~+:+’e~" ..... "YACHT & SKIFF FIXINGS

’,".~" ’ ,,~ Oe.. d.l, ,,., ’~. It.~o.,, .....,~.;, ’ ~ ~..~r. o.,,t.,-Is,~.~,bb,., ,b.,t,,, ......... t¯ . ’ , ~ , .,:,’ ~ s’. both the West Jelre 7 lad Utlmdaa uad Atlat~

’ ~AIt~ O~IMI~, , ItaUitv~h, JOIlN B. I,EE & Ct)~f~

’ ~ ywTIimlntMt’lmp~Ved" fr~ 4e xo~rn ,r4~tT,%’l~OId¢. . . =0~tl ;| Ir It¢lun Alch ~i, I’hilad~ll.hls.




Waemu~/m~’rem Jd,twva~...

shms~14 to

l~dm~Am’U a~m.

:.~t T~tt’~ llmablldt~l." attdU IW ]Pdlm

all~ pMllvsr I be1 llw ka tltty~w~l ~a~[ {i~t ~ a~ lelmq~ tamv tam Is r mow, sheik ~tmmt~

I~OO~I lel~ i WUlII OIl~’,~nr ~-"~. -~~"P.."AP. ’A=SS Slm ~ S~ ~ tl a M¢~Seti~ s~4 ~ bs Sessal~.

< " tt lie* I~ettt~.

ed to him by " . ~ ¯GE~EIKAL GIKA~PI~

~.ndhis friends. Its eoetents will

Complete tq first of Juno. sad will contain end"gravings of the Chli~ago Convention. Cireubsri~ent nnd’highnst eominlssions’ paid. Addr*ss,.AMEIt[CAN I’UBLtSIIING CO.. llartf~r<l._Ct.Or BI.ISS _J~_ CO.. Newark ~T..J.

DIXON, 811ARPLNgg & CO.,

(Solo Al~nts)

3e 8outh’Wst~’nd+4HD 8oath Wharvee, .’

For .de b.T WM. REYNOL"O8.

20 8oath Sash"

And by 4osiers geuersdly thro0ghooi tboeeuo.

+ TO FABMERS!Paeifle Guamo.~ommpan¥’s


The an~ntion of Fannrrl.f Fertilizer¯ li invited to thl¯ t|aano, as worthy

" uf Ihclr e~peeial .oliee. [tl use for several yearsih blaeyl.od, Virgihbs .rid other 8outhern States.for all crops, has given its stend,rd eharaetor telexcellence uneq.aled by any thor. It p~ies~e~al[.Ihe qulckness.of P.:ruvien Gnsno with perm-anent qualities not futm,l in Ihet article. 25e lhsof this guano are f~und morelb.q of the beet ~u

p~lo,I)~tOle’, which fact alone giadvantages.. For sale by

JOIIN M. llEE~E .~" CO.~ -~(lea’l Art. f.r t’auieo Guano Co..

38 8o. Delaware Ave., Phil’sBLACK & DE PUY. Ageu|e;

l].~to,~ IV. J.

- m~ voau

.s_%.,,.~,. ,.,~.,.:,,.,.,~,.. w.,,. , ....,HK=n.Tgwz ram©= ~gsT.

0dlqph ~¢oI, ~ lhreuUlk ~ ghtt~i,(WlTI~ ~ cLerK ~malu~J.) .

@lTl~t v. ~OOK nr.~?~W, ’Yw cemmm ~I ~ Wtlb oea~e~eIwudk ......... do+ e~l~ 4O

". i.=~ot..mercmt ee sn4 l~Nml p~ wltk

p~ncll. . .... * ..... do. ,t IIe’£oN~ ~OOX at.ATw, . ¯ Oi,?5 ~t/nte~l+sved,lstx, I Sl.~e*u, f~r~hoet* i..d~mt.ldel~++lth.~r+lm,.l~.¢a . on. eases m

~n ~lOOK SLAT~. ’ac.d..,I,~l m~d n~’~rr~t mm t t~ame, wllh ~p.irene p~uen. - .... do. rK O 14~

~ttt.,ielvcd,(otx Slsle ..rr.~t tnr heduller. ,torll or iZllP~hml|¢, wUb ~.~Ivtuns "peu¢ll, - ¯ .. . - ¯ . - ¯ do. sxt* i t~ f~t

"l wnl be t.~t¯ (rtl~hl bY ..

¯ ~ ~’t,w York.

gOD IBIrecker ~treeS. N, 2t r . %,

. ~’ oseoelq" IlUtD ANI’ ~.~IUAI CAnt.8;¯ Mmnufsetu~rd~lrtyhvlhllCOl,tF~V at Crld~port Con~m,trr t~tt¢:.,,f I..1, u, 5r t hc i’i111~I slst.l.

- t~mar~, ~arVok Moe.kteff n/rd. equl.-rel¯ Tt, axt~l,~l In s.I’e,t,,r n+n,~.~rl .* ..i.v ...~1..v.,~,o~-wIIIrh t.~ f.,mlt, bt~l¯ .d *,wt.s .sos.,t,rtr c...,r.rtl... T..v ... V...,~ P.o*.. el~,/e¯n.I,, be fu.nd I~

DANIEl’. PIT31AN. Atlantie Couuty.DAVID t1OFF. East Creek,~. F. W£STCOTT. To~vnsends lnt+t~

The La~k i S~JccesL

DREtSSI"II ~+ W~ [ y] ’ (n O"CaO I~ ~ " I

will qulckl/"restore Gray Hslrto itt natural color and beauty,’

and produce luxuriant growth¯ It isperfeedy harml¢,, and is preferredover every other preparation bythose who have n fine head of well as those who wish to restoreit. The beautiful gloss and perfumeimparted to the [[sir makeJt desirable

for old end young.P’ Iror’Bldo by all ]Drulggllll.DEPOT~ 198 GREHNWICII ~T.s N. Y.

P. S. TILTON, Agent,¯ bal;I, ly IIAM,%It)N’f0N, ~’. ,l.

(t~S IIOOP NI( I IgT,% 62NWM. T. jj,II’klN’PI *, lJws H.tKh ~

- k’r,, nt,l~l: ~I¢VI11~.’*



BAUGII & sONs, Ph-iladelphi~

: .... .,~._ : ..... AA’.D



Sole rroprietors.


- I $ zX. 17 (.~. II" L’~

RAW" BONE PHOSpIr~T~.,1’rice. ~G per 2:000 [bs,

Chic~o Bone Fe+rtilizer.i’riro, 1~50 per ~OO@ Ibi,

]~1A. U (~I+t ’l.J

0HIOA~0 BLOOD M’~NUREPrice, ~0 per2OOO ibs.


(ellAI!Tg.llsr; MAecql. I~¢+’1.)

MannfsctnPen of6RAND -AND SQUARE

Agraffe Piano-Fortes,No. 340 mad 342 ~ecemd Avelu~e. "

Send for de~rfpttve CIItlxtugue ~nd ][~m Lilt.

(~SrAnLlSlIRD tN 1833.)


20 5. ltelaw,tro Avenue, PIllLAItl~l,PillA.~J


Cur. I,nko A Io~alteHis., Cntt’^~o.

~.4tl~ Itt.llgb*++ (’,,nlmer¢I~ Pdnnllres ntsy h.


&Wazd~. b! the Amsdorn Iu~.itete, ~ew ~’erk4"1857," to


PIANO: FORTES.Monitor Prate Piano ~o~,ee


00LD OR HOT D~t[~TE.(ra’~el,red February Mrth, IL~q. )

~’mr~r~em...13*a Breom~ St., Ne~v Y*rk.the P~tr*lt bl.tdh,¢ |’Isle Pla1,~ b nlHr IP~cul ir ~ ’~,Irlt*lh*,l~l~l. w i.+rlnm][ olhrl..11,~|I~, r I.IPI~L LOp

I. ,h¢ pl~ls i. elf i.p~,r,v,t Sy fire tints (ms, alInd m lurers st~re l,,r ll,e ~+l,ll,lill~ bo.ld I hln Ii i.~~ vb]Plllill n hrr k 114 or ’llw~ oy tbw .i¢I.I the ql 8wtS| iiM ~tw q~lt,x ollt,¢ t,.,,, n I.rg~lv t.rml+~0¯

TII~ l’lalU~ Imv© b~u pruut~tucgd br lhe belt JaSd isl ) beu.dvl,ed t.TPower and Bwe~tael¯ ef Tone, ]~lsy eO/I, Agm~bts

Touch nnd Beaut7 0r ]Pinllh.MMt fl.tlerk+e ¢¢rlittcslra ef ex¢~lleeee Item TSslbera

O~ schllk. Slrnkm.+ll Vleultenl ll,d slati~ number oltSell~ml dl.Urls,ll*hed l’fo/etmmSl1~Alltalgurs, flea3 feltI la-,bl.d to o.r/’,..~, at M low peccJ M sr¢ uklS br.lwft. T m .ker~

8tltd to, Cil~lhtr and P,t¢e t,llt¯

I)AINT~ r.r "l~’.Alt.%ll¯’,Itrl H.d olhers.--Th~Ornft,,u Mlnornl P~lnt Cb. are now maunfue~

turJng the bb,l, *,heal,eat nod moat durable p dot. ’, i. use; two c,,ats well put’on, ndxod with I ere

I I,le~,~qd Oll,,~lll last In ,,r Sneeli yeerel It1, ,dThe above manures are furnhhed m botlJ bagl & light brow~ or choc.late sol.r,, aed ran b,

and barrels, whichever qeatomarl prefer, e[Isnged tn grcun, lead~ t tone, drab, ,dive or cream,to luit the laste ef the eonsuuwr, It Is vqinabh

The bags are uniform in mdght leo Ihs, for Itousei, tlarnt, Fencer, Carriage end Car.mekerl, I’a|ls iTid IVocden-waro, Agrleulturel(mplement,, Cnulel finals. Veslel. end shlpi’ bobt+me, IJaovJe, Mqtnl nod Bhingle stooD. (It berg6man4 watsr prool.) Fo.r O11 Cloth,, (one man.

The atlenli,,n of Farmerl Ii especially dlreeled ufaetnrar havluA usnd ~)e0Q bbli,, thn put year.)In Ih,+ fact tkat the source¯ o.~ the Itaw Melerial n( e is anvnr msi¢~d forwbi,’h the i, hova Ma~ ~rel are corn ,used, are sn an, el ~ellv uesl.wul ’nnder oorllrole that we can rural.I, them of will ,ul)ply.e~trletly uniform (uallly end oonditi.e, and that yoir to enme. Werranlod In alleaaesth+y e.ntaln st error peroeots~n of atom,sit Send (or. cireul.r whlob gives fullIhen soy nlhor-elltal ef nl~mufa0Lored mallurel JH pnrllenlar#. NOlle gellldlle ,inlesl brnlldmd In athe Inarkel, Ir.,le mark (]rotten Mineral Paint. PerlbtlS eau

or,l¯r isle and remit the lOt,hey oe rreeIpt ofIhe goo~lw. Athlreld.I)A N I I+; I. It I it IV I~I.I¯. 25+I Pears Slroet*.~, Y.

35lea I’+

At Grand Street 0hap Etoro,m:w Y(,lU< url’Y.

The largest ,furl ,.he.l.m, sh.ek nf H’PItAW(tl, t(tDS ,,i lhi~ oily, w[thnut ,l.tlbl.

I r.,’n+ud It.n, d~* rl a,,y ,,r lh. I,lh*.~ilml ~ I *wry li.,Id~. Itlbh,m~. Hilh~, l’arn.els,INitr"tilalh’Ima ,It ,+l.hl’~l 1111,I, TrltIl(’In’It Je~l~klrl~,i,,w ~,~I~l’h’e’Ipi,rh,gs,il’’’ ,U l,tll1~hlrt~;I Wl lho t’ n Jtu~.~tales ur l)nmkiI,,ll ut’ Call- l’im k,n+ N nlhlnw. ~Itirls, Itrv.s all~l (~h,l,h Trhli.;~tl .p.h,g,, ~l,’.’n I ,,,,I 141 ~l~;m;~., ~I,I.,. l’hdn .II~,. ’ ¯ " miess, ,.~,,I l,’rlng~n, .If ,la,h,r r.s,,l.r’ ,rleo.,

~kh t**, O hll,,,. , 2o .i,i~i~.., i~tl ~’,~.Is I 2"~ ¢ ~rlng~ 4nt, S. ¥ Ladle,,’ tVIlil,lbq~llO t!nr,~ots at 51) CulllS, 7;, eellt.,II,~ ,,,~t,t s, :I~I s ,rln~ ~,I ,I,) I ,,rid ;l~ ~l+rli,g~, ~I, .............................. $1.1111 n.,l tlpw~trds, nhu~,p,

.,,,, ........,,, ......+,,,.,.,,,,. FARMERS! ........,,p,,,,d.

,, H.r ,,wn .’d,,I,,~ " ,,f " l+.i,,. Skhl+," ,’luvm, F, DWAItlt Itl])I,l,’,X’.T.l,O ’fr+,11~, fr, .~ ’Js I. hn p +l’iug~, fl.lll e,, eenloh, ~;.Se, Th,+.,, SkI, l. ,,re hflter lhltll th,,~..,d,l l.sur.~ ,t large .rid e*,rly crop l,y al,i,lylng lho 3SD, :Ill ,t. ,~115 tlr,,elh ed, It8 ,~. 70 AII,I,L Hlreel~,hy ,,,I ...... h,hlL.l,.,,’et, a, ~+.’ ,d.. ~.o, ....., AII~ VoI~ I~hoBphmt01 _+_ ____ __’II lhLl Fil’ib t,l., k~ -+- +- +’+ ,,,L.t I ......

the It ....... ....ftl llllh’h l.w.r l+ll~’t~., , ’

" lhlr ........... ,,e .f t’l,rtl.l,l,,n Hhlrl. " are hl tl ,’,mlalne 11 ............ I. ,,f AM,MONIA ...... --’V ~k+P~ll~[’~’,~ ([~J[.’D’r||+:NUV ,r~ Wl, y +el *v,l-rl,, ~dl .lh,~r lh,,,, Hklrl. h,l. .mplu ,iti*t,llily h, gJvu aelivily wIlh,mt Injury ¯ WI’IIIOIJT llnLl,INtl tilt WAPIIIIIt+,AIID,f,,r,, lh,~ ,nhli,,, ilt**l ,+llly hl, vr to I,. e~lltnlll,hd ,,r all,l nearly fllty I,"’ Pont, .f l,uro IIttNE I’IIOPI sr t’Nt*<,l ’Wet. l,, t,,,llV IH,,, ,,+,,l’y l,llt+ ,,I th. fLl,.t, btllell. I’IIATE nF hl]~IE (a large p*tTt of whlcb I. N. It, E. T~I A Y I: It’.,4, if,LL’t.H’,I .I th,, I,.~I lhn,. l+el.b,,d l’h:gIlmh Ht,ml a.lald.), h,getber wllh l,,Itsh, ~,,In, nod .Ibur~41,,ii~g., +¢,ly .,,l.’ri,+r t.I,,’+, a,l,i tha .l)le .l’the ve.lllnh:o ii,gre+IIrnt, in,tkinga CJ)MI’I,I~;TI’; ~IA¯ PATENT IMI’It|IVI,’I) NEAP.ll)ulll]ll+ l+iMl,l}Lll~n itlltl lletAner ,,f tteellrhll~ N III(I,:, The rslddly intlreltlhlgslllq, Is Pltrl111+r¢ The an,Hlt[lln lit thn ,itblh~ Iw ,.rtla.lnrly I:..mllrplts,~ J,,r dl,rltJ,+IIly +tlld ul,¯ulh+nus illy vlhur wll. tire sling IL wJLb hlghly eit[hl[ite&ory r~ttltm, qnu,led Lq lha inl ,Ol|le,ln llf lhle illyOlllhmI for,hlrl hl lhln l,qlnul lyp ++liLt ~In ]i~hler+ Inllrn eli;is. II it inre KllarmuLee of Ila value. [hs (.ll.wlng ret~S.lle t T lOle are II,, ~il’llS *used.ti,,, w III ,Vl,ltr [Oll~,~l’, give lllnrl+ .rttlsl’,L, ti,m~ nd pllllll,l~P IBKdL dltdb allP|l .ICdW~I |t dll ionl0ei whh h(,IIllll~nd tb. wa.lli,el, rd, an It

--.-=-’-.°’st ++,-.v - -. - ---,-1 I I ,.r+, l,’slly rh*1. ,*,r II ,,i, .It ,oh*ir~ ~t;,¢ry h +Ir , . ,, ........ re, nlre. ,at lil0~t r,,b )b,i~. ,anne third thup/ ire.g, lr im p(,11011elelJ UelvetSl dlnny o i I ,.6,,,,I,1 h+/ tA.,,. T ’y ,tr. hv n;..l,lexh,l’i, v,l~ ’ ~ .. ’ = _ , ’ ’~ ’ i aI . ’~’ller le is, | . i ly f i.j +y I, llm"l~t tl £Xow Y,,ra t fly ( sohy I.Ul’ull*ttltl Ihr,+llgh.*llt thi. SL.,i thu adJ,dlllllg ~, ¯ " (~lothes,, rs’ tllh~ U,ntoh Irttlt , or dirt

~tnl~.,,I ~,’ry i,imh,rltlU ,rh,,,p. |fy.I, ~mlll Ih~ / )tO" Slnd fort Plm ~hlet. -~ aedKria,e of eny kind, lien ha relllU¥O,[ wlthoatl,u+l, t,+h l,,r +, lh, ,kh,+s t’hanlplOll Hhjll." It Ad~re.l tbelLighteltillJtl-y l. prhtle.r tesluresl a.d the,o*lq ,,ll+dtlndl l*’l,,,l~rt I lO¯lllClt+ lltllt W[lll wh.ln " *PIIIP,AI ~*I q,l,l A *llyt~A ~i+ mr,lldelIcalo ,orsr+lleen a¢culnpIilhadl~ylswalh.

y,,,l ,i~.,,l h, ,,r,h’r lhulll re*v y¢Itl, t,, eOil|,l or mHld iii,, .¯.. ,+ ¯ ~,.,~ .. ¯ ,~,.. ~,~., ¯ hlg In Mlt bsoretlibly short llplt~a ,)r thlle, eluillerdire,’l I,+ ii,. Mvrch*tlH..Ill fin,l ollr dlfler.nt 39 fin22 , , O7 llroldWSy, ~+ ~ ¯ llmll b+y boIIin~. Whoo lhe olathea ors hleaehedgr~td,,. ,,f lhlrl+ ,,++~it,l]y kh.t lhey nvsd, en,l .e .................... by drylog In’the luu, thus,, IIllO lleOSllIly for¯ ,.pe.h, lly h,v St,. lhvm t,) ,,all itlld uSam[lle our el. aS Th.~ (,Ir,~a i PLu We¢Io Iteuqd+ "--Those bhtsl.g, l’rtsl,. Mu.lin.. Laows. As, aru wishedte,,.ivo a.s+rtt+,.ttt, or ,+ud ft+r tYh.lustdu i’Hc. Ir, uhlm~ s4t~ d.. ~Taas .,eets’---’tmwerml eF bseutlfully by this l,roeese I uls b olsa ~,sl SIIvar,, i ..g i , ¥ i" iId.l. I’intsd l~itre Jswa[r , to, A.k y ,or rooer forany olher worl~S, IIDI safe y sad thoroulhl F on- ’ .... Y .......... [~ dl

tells i fre Ih ¯ ¯ b thO 141 ) I, nr WS tS 0 tl II hal .%Vt~, IJ llluors 131T,, be h.*l .I r~,t.U st lhu,Mnnrt, lry. nudelths F ’ m ,+ ¯y t m y ’ll of ! r.l.ul4’s ¯ . ’ . ..Itentn ’rr.,Io ~rnerally, isd at uf Iha Pin Warm tqy~p,’wl+o~s ICury te Ihe health of N. Y, ’ 2~-rmMa.,m,,,(urer o,tly, It, whvul Ill uldsll sbeal~ Im Ihe me,t dslioato chiller adull. Purely vept~..,I,hu..e,l. . hie. We ranted ~ ~llMm Use. U Oooowla f130 IP~itMl~itx Affil) MKCIIANICt4hla,,,,f,t,.l,,ry sn,l i~sl.srp,,n,. O~el Arch Hlroet, Co., ll~teo, ud ult 1111111t’, ef-0at I JL I~ Tll le CQUMTnyI

(It~tweea eth d,,i 1tb, ~le.. l’hil~l¯tl,htst) ---- ~-- I TI 9 Ohlldreu’l Aid bootety have now lu their. "Id’bl, "~¯ lit)l’KINPJ, ** Bnw/BIm ~ 1’11 do yew ne~l "--Urn Dr. L dill+rent |odlinl houses m~my slrong~d eapsbin

:t0 Ca13~ . i.aqliy’e Knot oa4 lletb ]Jltlers, foe Jmudtse, [ lays, item ld.6+ II ~e6ts..h. would ba Igmd

"’ ........ --~ l~¢,lltivelele, Lires OmaFinlu~ llumere, ludlpa- [ help ou a farm us in ¯ ihup. They are poor ~d1XENNI~.N’tt I’ATt~NT TA(It~ ANIS~IItlP- I au, DYsl,.paia. Pltes. nmtdaoho, md sll dlaeu-I hom¯l.s sad usqd employment. ThOle knrln/tIJ i’~p(tl t’Allln’t, p,tet~d to ardsr, at ths .s mrl,lUl¢,Om dieetdmd ntomuh gorpId liver1 wesk fqr soot me7 wlJ~n go (~, O’Ceneer, Uup’t

ItF, I’UllLIeAN OFFLt’l’;, aa4bsdbi.*4, l+.,14hyllso, O t]+,+uwre#.t’e,|Pleus neYs’Lo4itelllea~ 40PeskPIMm.~.’l;+a Jlsu+ver s ~ Uv,teu a~l by ell dssl..stn ms4- | O. L, It RA(+r,, ~’y¯

¯ ~’~" Ut,ht, .~ll~tlr4, |ismmeoteo, N, J. ¯ .3s Isl ~L’blldllae’ At’l E~i.i.]’, | sS|t eilt st~

~+ T.


" " ~-~+IIEL~IDER--+ ’Is readily Lengthened or 8botched. Self-support-Ing. £asily Trnnsportod~ Convertible into a Step’.f, ttddcr or ~ca~t’old. ~ . , .




20 feet. 3 teetlons, leach 6~ feeL) L~ght

tght, 10.OO30 fqpt, 3 seetlmrs, (each 10 feet long.)

I".xteuded length ab,mt 28 feet¯ 10.OOI0 feet, 4 aeetlon~. [one 12, rwo I0; ond~ .

one 8 feet" long). Ex~endedab,,ut 3T feet, ~ iength~l.OO

Utker ,~’;z¢¯ ;,, prnpnrt;.m.

LtBEttAl, ])ISt:OL’~T TO TIIF Tr¯~DE.~;n#le ladder# fi;r,,~rrr’dcd, ft’e;ght pro.

pn~jl, fo acare~ ,b+frtt(ott+ott.recei~t of retail

AGENT8 WANTED io everyesunly toand toll. Also, wullted, energetic, re.

IIrhlo, crl,~blo men, to Ira"el and oLlablieb eouu-ty Agents¯ F,,r Circular and Terms address~’UItNEIt’SA’ATENT EXTENSIO~ LADDE£,

J’. 0. Box 2018, or No¯ 148So. Front it.-- ~HILADELr-IlIA.



4~AI3TN]~T OJ~<~A~N’S.A|so. Oen. Stock & Co’s, Ilain¯ tirol.. Ravel

& ItLeua’a~ and other~A2~OS. ,

MELODEONEI of all deserlpt|ons.Prices greatly reduced ot the new W¯resooms of

J. E. Gt)WfLD.923 Cbo~tnut~l~.

35.1£ Phltsdolphin.

BANKRUPT NTOCI{,’381)0 yards l’bshl 5[ehulr, nt 2b cents--wet th 44,

Ileavy |hdmural Skirts, ouly ~1 00.

"~,.~.CAI,h HO(1N AND 81’~CUJtI’~ TIIRM;’I~JII h’,V It )" A I, If t.’ lf T,~’O N ,f, D gO,

No, 2e South ~eomnl street.Maroh 30, ’6H. 35.Aul l’hihtdelphln.

_ ~j~ilr01t(I ..............

Camden & Atlantic Rcdl Road.o~ J, se ~,rr..t

Naturllmy Julys 4tins 18111+.

DOWN TItAIN~.,I/+l ~/. A +’++..,. *S’r ¢/~J ~ t.A, a, i,, x. A.n. "

Vlne Pit. Wharf, 7 ;nl .3 15 n J;,C,,,, ie~’, l’,dnl. 7 .I~ .I 311 ~ ;10hlddeeA.l, , ¯S n,~ I ,17 le {Ill

Ashhtti,l+ S lh h tl0 le IOWhile ll.r,u 8 It) 6 ell le 2nl~erli.~ M t17 + Itl Ill ,IRAt,h, t; 4it b 2T I I I1~IVnl~rf,*r,I n I,S h ’,Ill I i 21Hpri.g tlar,l,,u, p ttl h I/, II :11

’+’ ..... iS!°:!i+if+

l[ It lltlll+’lll eli I~ I)3lint h,.hL 12 I,’,l’;lw,,,.d,, 9