the walk to emmaus luke 24:13-35

16 The walk to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35

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The walk to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35. Two of them were going to a village called Emmaus... seven miles from Jerusalem, talking with each other about all that had happened. Jesus himself came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognising him. He said to them, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The walk to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35

The walk to EmmausLuke 24:13-35

Page 2: The walk to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35

Two of them were going to a village called

Emmaus... seven miles from Jerusalem, talking

with each other about all that had happened.


Page 3: The walk to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35

Jesus himself came near and went with them,

but their eyes were kept from recognising him.


Page 4: The walk to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35

He said to them,

“What are you discussing with each other

while you walk along?”


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Cleopas answered, “Are you the only stranger

in Jerusalem who does not know the things

that have taken place there in these days?”


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“...about Jesus of Nazareth...

Our chief priests and leaders handed him over

to be condemned to death and crucified him...


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Some women of our group astounded us...

and told us that they had seen

a vision of angels who said that he was alive.”


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“How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have declared!”

...Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures.

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“Stay with us, because it is almost evening

and the day is now nearly over.”

So he went in to stay with them.


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When he was at the table with them,

he took bread, blessed and broke it,

and gave it to them.


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Then their eyes were opened,

and they recognised him;

and he vanished from their sight.


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They returned to Jerusalem and found the eleven and their companions...

They were saying, “The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!”

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Then they told what had happened on the road,

and how he had been made known to them

in the breaking of the bread.

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Let us pray together: Risen Jesus,

there are many among us who go hungry.

Help us to recognise you in our global family.

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As we break bread together,

may we share together in your Kingdom

of welcome and plenty for all. Amen.

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1 person in 8 goes to bed hungry every night.

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Scripture text taken from the New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

Photographs: Simon Rawles, Annie Bungeroth, Richard Wainwright, Marcella Haddad, Ataklti Mulu, Adrian White.