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The Vine Breakthrough Technology for our Health & our Planet Dan Holladay May 2020

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The VineBreakthrough Technology for our Health & our PlanetDan Holladay

May 2020

Page 2: The Vine BreakthroughTechnology for our Health & our Planet Supply Chain_Roa… · Technology Roadmap Methodology Define Roadmap Objectives - Key Driver Categories Industry-Based

Objective 1:

Establish a Food Supply Chain Roadmap that provides immediate solutions, technical and logistical, for the US Food Supply Chain Ecosystem.

❖ Organize, facilitate, publish, and support execution on key Food & Ag. industry roadmaps

#1) Food Supply Chain Technical & Logistical Roadmap, Farm-to-Fork

❖ In parallel, work with the Food & Ag. industry, USDA & ARS, California and other key US Ag. states, research institutes, trade associations, and International Partners (where appropriate) to lay the groundwork for a more comprehensive Food and Ag. Innovations-Based Technology Roadmap - merging the chapter listed above.

➢ Expanded Categories / Key Drivers Examples:

• Smart Farming (Digitized Ag., AI, Sensor Technologies, Robotics, i.e.)

• Environmental

• Public Health

• Food Quality

• Distribution

• Conservation

2020 Post COVID-19 Food & Ag. Roadmapping Strategic Plans

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BRIDG Construction Status


BACKGROUND: The VINE PPP is based on the proven SEMATECH model that overcame national security, economic threats, loss of US technology leadership

SEMATECH effect - Austin• Played critical role in national security

initiative – US recaptured lead in semiconductors

• Attracted hundreds of companies, billions of dollars in investments, thousands of jobs

• Leader in government technology & economic development policy and investment

• Average member-reported → ROI > 5x

SEMATECH effect – New York• SEMATECH wrote the strategy and co-anchored the launch

and expansion of the Albany NanoTech Complex (w/CNSE, IBM, and the State of New York)

• Fully-integrated research, development, prototyping, and educational facility that provides strategic support through outreach, technology acceleration, business incubation, pilot prototyping, and test-based integration

• “next generation” nanotechnology research activities • Expanded strategy state-wide to Buffalo (medical

innovation & commercialization; IT; innovation hub), Rochester (photonics; PV; power electronics; smart systems), Syracuse (emerging nano industries)

Investment to date: more than $24 billionFacility space to date: 1,650,000 sq ftR&D jobs onsite: over 4,000

Over 300 corporate partners including IBM, Intel, GlobalFoundries, SUNY Poly SEMATECH, Samsung, TSMC, Applied Materials, Tokyo Electron, ASML and Lam Research, and many others

[SEMATECH] will advance the technologies that will help drive our state's economy for the next 50 years. Texas Governor Rick PerryAMRC Launch

“[SEMATECH North is] the most exciting development since the construction of the Erie Canal.”New York GovernorGeorge PatakiSEMATECH North ribbon cutting, 2003

Background – SEMATECH Model

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Institute Research


➢ Technology Roadmaps

➢ Creative Ideas

➢ Centers of Excellence

➢ Novel Techniques

➢ Fundamental Research

➢ Intelligence


➢ Complete industry-based Eco-System needs aligned through Technology Roadmaps

➢ Partners provide program direction through industry-based Roadmaps and resources

➢ High potential technologies become integrated into Commercialization Centers

➢ Capability for proof of concept, custom development, pilot production

➢ IP Protection for company specific products


➢ Market-pull and needs guided by Business & Technology Roadmaps

➢ Smart Ag., Food, & Health systems and products

➢ Integrate IoT, AI, 5G, Autonomous Systems, Robotics, and other leading-edge technologies

➢ Nanotechnology & Emerging Technology solutions

SEMATECH Model & The Vine Innovation Cycle Support and Enable Complex Path from Concept to Commercialization

- Guided by Industry Directed Technology Roadmaps

IndustryIndustry Based Technology

Development Infrastructure

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• Consensus-based

– Global span

• Living document

– Annual update

– “1000 people…1000 pages”

• Gives entire industry a view into the future

• Coordinates the R&D collaboration pipeline

Collaboration begins with the Industry Roadmap (ITRS)








Materials EquipmentManufacturing





of System

Example – complete value chain

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6 6

Food Supply Chain Technology & Logistical Roadmap Initiative “Example”

2020 2021 2022

Some facts

The world is changing …

opportunities …


▪ Traditional sector + trends towards artisanal, local

▪ SME-driven

▪ Economical important sector in EU…

Lets interconnect and integrate our chain!

Key D

rivers 1) Food & Ag. Producers

(Farms, Livestock, Dairy & Poultry)

2) Distribution

3) Processing

4) Access to Markets

• Broad & Flexible




ges • Access to processing

• Ability to transfer products to new markets / buyers

• Contagious disease management

• Ability to manage product availability & Transportation





• IT market and distribution platforms

• Smart / flexible packaging

• Contamination detection and control

• Farm-to-Fork tracking and redirecting -Blockchain System

• Processing automation


and integrated

food supply chain

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International Organizations Recognizing Challenges and Economic Opportunities

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8 8

Smart Agriculture Technology Roadmap Project “Example”

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Some facts

The world is changing …

opportunities …


▪ Traditional sector + trends towards artisanal, local

▪ SME-driven

▪ Economical important sector in EU…

Lets interconnect and integrate our chain!

Key D

rivers 1) Smart farming

2) Environmental

3) Public health

4) Food quality

5) Distribution

6) Conservation




ges • Ability to measure

• Resource Optimization

• Manage Contamination

• Manage Transportation




s • Sensor based solutions for yields/conservation

• Setting up pilot line adaptation bed

• Contamination detection and control

• Smart packaging

• Farm-to-fork Blockchain System


and integrated

food value chain

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Meeting Objective:

Involve the complete Food Supply Chain in helping frame the critical roadmap workshop focus areas:

❖ Key Drivers (topics / critical areas of focus)

❖ Identify initial top challenges under each Key Driver❑ List known solutions

❖ List of who should participate in the upcoming Roadmapping Workshop❑ potential subject matter experts for the “Working Group Leads”

❖ Collect feedback on date for workshop

❖ Others

Fast-Track Plan: Organize, facilitate, publish and support execution on a 3-year Food Supply Chain Technology and Logistical Industry-led Roadmap - heavily focused on immediate (2020) solutions

1) Food Supply Chain Technical & Logistical Roadmap, Farm-to-Fork

Food Supply Chain Roadmap Discussion

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Smart Restaurant Roadmap Workshop: 16-Jan19

2019 12 mths 24 mths >36 mths



vers 1) Food Quality

2) Food Waste

3) Food Safety

4) Food Efficiency




s • Food Contamination

• Shelf-life Optimization

• Operational Efficiency

• Monitoring/Control

• Traceability

• Efficiency & Simplification

• Speed of Service




• Sensor based integrated solutions

• Setting up pilot line adaptation bed

• Blockchain

• Contamination detection and control technologies

Interconnected and integrated food service chain

Waste Management

Resource Management


production / Cooking

StoragePre-processingDistributionTransportationAg Production

Some facts

The world is changing …

opportunities …


▪ Traditional sector + trends towards artisanal, local

▪ SME-driven

▪ Economical important sector in EU…

Lets interconnect and integrate our chain!

Some facts

The world is changing …

opportunities …


▪ Traditional sector + trends towards artisanal, local

▪ SME-driven

▪ Economical important sector in EU…

Lets interconnect and integrate our chain!

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Back-up Slides

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Industry Roadmapping - in General…

• Industry roadmaps are inclusive of the entire industry community –manufacturers, suppliers, research institutes, Public-Private Partnerships.

• The process requires equitable participation from the industry and needs members recognized for their expertise.

• The initiative and infrastructure support [website, meeting facilitation, reports] are coordinated by a neutral organization, usually a PPP or industry association team.

• Working groups are the heart of the roadmapping effort – formed around a specific industry products / topics / key drivers.

• A Leadership Team (Industry Statesman) help guide the process to seek consensus on drivers, needs, and business-ready solutions.

• Roadmapping information and solutions will initially be exclusive for team members, and release of the information will be managed as appropriate.

• Technology and standards requirements are captured and prioritized as they are identified by the WGs, with standards associations’ support.

➢ Industry roadmaps are a game-changing corporate technology business tool for internal business and strategic planning decisions.

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16 May 2020

Technology Roadmap Methodology

Define Roadmap

Objectives - Key Driver


Committee Identifies

Technical & Non-Technical

Gaps & Challenges

TWGs Identify technology

Solutions across RM needs



Consensus(peer review)

Review, Revise

Publish & Distribute




Industry Provides


1-2 year cycle

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Agriculture appropriations bill for FY2020• Agricultural Research Facilities.—The Committee directs ARS to explore ways in which its labs could

be better utilized, in cooperation with non-profits, consortiums, and land grant universities, to

achieve new scientific goals that benefit the nation’s food and agriculture system. In addition, the

Committee encourages ARS to work with the entities listed above to develop a smart

agriculture industry technology roadmap. This research strategy can help guide the future

development of technology in the agriculture industry and maintain U.S. leadership.

• Sensor Technologies.—The Committee encourages NIFA to work cooperatively with non-profit

institutions, consortia, and land-grant universities to conduct research on advanced sensor

manufacturing techniques to improve the agricultural industry.

• Blockchain Food Traceability.—The Committee notes the potential of blockchain technology to

revolutionize the practice of food traceability, tracking food products from origin through every point

of contact on the journey to the consumer. The Committee is interested in how blockchain

technology can be utilized to accurately trace food and mitigate the risks associated with food

contaminated outbreaks and to develop effective strategies for controls. The Committee

encourages NIFA to coordinate research to reduce the risk of foodborne illness through the

application of blockchain technology.

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Smart Sensors @ IMAPS |

US Smart Ag. Initial Roadmapping Partners


* Imec / Belgium

* Netherlands

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➢Food basedProducts

Overlapping Market Challenges - Farm-to-Fork

• Nitrates

• Chlorophyll/Solanine/Aflatoxin

• Temperature / Moisture

• Insects / Microbial / Bacteria

• Defect (fruits/eggs/meat)

• Air / Water quality

• Pesticides / Herbicides

• Food doneness

• Fat in meat / Preservatives

• Nutrient content (Zn, Mg, Co)

• Gluten

• Ethylene

Markets Technology Based Sensors

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Smart Sensors @ IMAPS | 17

Sensor / Imager Solutions, from Farm to Fork

Produce inspection Perfect red apple shows

bruising by IR imaging.

• Innovative technologies can provide answers for specific quality and safety needs

– Hyperspectral

– Raman spectroscopy

– mm- wave


– Thz & X-ray

– Broadband IR

• Applications in the food industry: in-line or at-line– Foreign object detection (e.g. plastics, glass, small stones)

– Screening hidden and latent quality defects at (or immediately below) the product surface

– Quick determination of composition and distribution (e.g. fat, sugar, protein)

– Pattern recognition, color and color stability

– Bacteria and Hygiene screening (e.g. urine, feces)

Hygiene, quality, and

safety screening

Sensor / Imager Solutions from Farm to Fork

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Manufacturing USA InstitutesRegional Hubs with National Impact

Flexible Hybrid Electronics

San Jose, CA

New in FY


Smart Sensors and Digital

Process Control

Los Angeles, CA

Regenerative Manufacturing

Manchester, NH

Advanced Fibers and


Cambridge MA

Digital Manufacturin

g & Design

Chicago, IL

Sustainable Manufacturing

Rochester, NY

Integrated Photonics

Albany, NY

Modular Chemical Process


New York, NY

Bio-pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Newark, DE

Wide Bandgap Semiconductors

Raleigh, NC

Advanced Robotics

Pittsburgh, PA

Advanced Composites

Knoxville, TN

Additive Manufacturing

Youngstown, OH

Lightweight Metals

Detroit, MI

Establish a US Ag. Innovation Institute - similar to other “industry specific” US Regional Hubs

Food 3.0 Institute Advancing Smart Ag.

Production Technologies

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Roadmap Executive Steering Committee (RESC)

Leadership Team

Industry Models

Business Analysis

Roadmap Working Groups RESC “Champions”

Roadmap Organizational Infrastructure

Roadmap Working Groups – general topic

areas set by industry challenges/gaps


• Materials

• Packaging

• Test / Metrology

• ______________?

• ______________?

• ______________?


May 25, 2012 Pre-read for RESC teleconference

Standards associations

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Tech & Finance

GovernmentNational Labs

Research Agencies

State & Local Governments

UniversityBasic/Applied Research

Cooperative Extension

Intellectual Capital

Talent Pipeline

• Neutral, trusted• Industry-led, pre-competitive• Non-profit consortium• IP protection & flexibility

• Idea-sharing culture• Risk-taking entrepreneurship• Incubators & accelerators• Angel & venture capitalFood 3.0

Agricu lture + Food + Health Innovat ion

Food 3.0 Will Combine The Best of Proven PPP Models

• Ag, food, health focus• Digital tech integration• Industry-university• Economic development

• Apply high-tech to Agri-Food

• Industry-focused• Regional collaboration• Testbeds & manufacturing