the ultimate internet income formula

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Making over $329 a Day By John Stevenson

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A simple step-by-step guide to duplicate the exact system ALL the internet gurus use to make over $10,000 a month online.


Page 1: The ultimate internet income formula

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Making over $329 a Day


John Stevenson

Page 2: The ultimate internet income formula

Copyright & Disclaimer

Copyright © 2014, John Stevenson.

Except as provided by the Copyright Act, no part of this publication may

be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form

or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.


Please note the information contained within this document is for educational purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable complete information no warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in rendering legal, financial or professional advice. By reading any document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances are we responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, which are incurred as a result of use of the information contained within this document, including –but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. If you click a link to buy a product or service in this report, I may be compensated for the sale.

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Starting and running your own business is an amazing adventure

whether it’s an online or offline business. Millions of people dream of

being their own boss, setting their own schedule and reaping the riches

that come along with having their own business.

I won’t lie to you and tell you that you can start a business online, do

nothing, spend nothing and make millions of dollars. That’s just not

possible. But, what I will tell you is that when you compare the costs to

start an online business vs. a more traditional business, the difference is


You can start your online business with as little as $100, maybe even

less. Is this ideal? Of course not. Like anything else, if you have more

resources available, you can grow faster and explore more

opportunities. But, when the cost to start a restaurant or a franchise

can be hundreds of thousands of dollars, just to get started, the lure of

the online business is very appealing.

While there are many different business models you can follow to start

an online business, I’m going to show you, step-by-step, what I (and

many others) think is the absolute most profitable and easiest business

model out there. If you want a business, a real business, that you can

start today, here it is. Follow the steps, put in the time to learn and you

can live the life of your dreams. But, if you want a real business, you

have to run it like a real business.

The concept is easy to follow, and it definitely isn’t new. It’s not

revolutionary, but it is proven (and simple). The top internet marketers

in the world ALL use this formula. ALL OF THEM. Yes, some use other

methods as well. And of course many use much more advanced

methods of this simple formula, but they all use some variation of this

exact same formula. If you follow the plan I’m about to lay out for you

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and take the time and put in the necessary work, then this simple plan

can help you build a business that can easily make you over $100,000 a

year or more, and you can start making money TODAY.

Are you ready for the method? Here it is…Email Marketing. Crazy right?

Now I’m not talking about spamming people or buying lists and sending

millions of random emails out. You’d be lucky to make $10 doing that

stuff. What I’m talking about is building a list of people that want the

information you’re providing. I’m talking about people that will look

forward to your emails and happily open them and read them. They will

buy things that you recommend that solve their problems…and that’s

how you make money. The earnings potential is huge. A number of

experienced email marketers are making millions of dollars as we

speak…following this exact system. Email is not going away, in fact, it

continues to grow. “The Money is in the List”. The saying has been

around forever. It used to be a mailing list and for a while it was a

telemarketing list, well these days it’s an email list.

There is an accepted metric in this business that says every name on

your email list is worth $1/month to you. If you have a list of 100

emails, you should be able to make $100/month. If you have a list of

1,000 emails you should be able to make $1,000. If you have a list of

10,000 emails, you should be able to make $10,000/month. $10,000 a

month...from emailing your list! Let that sink in. And what’s even better

is that the list is yours…forever. And it’s not any more work to send

emails to a 10,000 email list than it is to a 100 email list.

So let’s not make this harder than it needs to be. I’m about to lay out a

simple plan for you. Just copy the system, add your own creative flair,

work hard and the results will follow.

Ready to go?? Let’s get started…

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Researching Niches

First off, what’s a niche anyway? Simply put, it’s a need in the

marketplace. Examples of niches are making “money online”, “dating

advice”, “health”, “weight loss” and “self-help”. Some niches like

“health” are huge and they can further be broken down into “healthy

cooking”, “dieting”, “high blood pressure” etc. There’s two parts to

selecting a great niche:

1. Choose a niche you have a passion about and that you are very

knowledgeable. You don’t have to be an expert but you should

know more than an average person. Otherwise, it’s going to be

very hard for you to earn trust from the folks in your database.

Write down a list of at least 5 things you really enjoy and that you

have knowledge about. At this stage, don’t leave anything off your

list. Brainstorm…if you have a list of 20 things, that’s ok too.

2. Choose a niche that you can make you money. This is very

important. If you choose the wrong niche, you could waste lots of

time and money. This is where your niche research becomes

crucial. So, you’ve got your list from the previous step, now we

need to take a look to see which are profitable. How can you be

sure you’ve got a profitable niche? You should be able to answer

yes to the 3 following questions:

- 1. Can You Market Online?

In a nut shell, you need to be able to advertise effectively

online. If you are competing in a huge and ultra-competitive

niche like “weight loss” you might not be able break into the

niche in a cost or time effective manner. So you might want

to pick something like “weight loss without exercise” for

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example. Now I don’t know if that would be a great niche or

not but chance are you’d have better luck since it’s smaller

and more focused.

- 2. Are There Offers to Promote?

Are there multiple products that you can promote to your

email database? The “diet” niche makes a great example.

Not only are there physical products to promote like weight

loss pills and cookbooks, there are lots of digital information

products to promote. How can you find the answers you

need? Well Google is always a great source. You can often

just Google [Your Niche] + products for sale to see what’s

available. You can also visit Amazon to research the physical

products. Chances are if it’s not on Amazon, it doesn’t exist

or not too many people want it.

For digital information products, is a

great tool for research. Clickbank is one of the largest and

most respected affiliate marketplace out there. You can also

check out Inside the Clickbank

marketplace, you can type your niche into the search bar

and see what products are available to promote. If there

aren’t multiple products to promote, you probably don’t

have a profitable niche on your hands.

- 3. Are There Customers That Buy?

A really good example would be a flat screen LCD TV. Yes,

you can buy it online, but most people (not all) are going to

do their research online and then purchase it locally. With a

large purchase like that, a lot of folks just want to touch it

and see it up close before they purchase. So now you’ve got

some good ideas for niches and probably some that you

crossed off you list that just won’t make any money. Which

one should you choose?

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Picking a Niche The most important thing to remember here is to “follow the money”.

Chances are good that if other marketers are making money in a given

niche, you will be able to make money as well. So what are some of the

more popular niches?

1. Weight Loss

2. Personal Development

3. Video Games

4. Bodybuilding

5. Dating

6. Cooking

7. Pets

These are just some of the hundreds of niches that can be profitable.

And for the most part, each of these niches can be broken down into

sub-niches. For instance, in the “Pets” niche, you could break that down

to “dogs” and further break that down into “dog training”. And that’s

just one example. As an exercise, take out your list of niches and try to

break them down into sub-niches. I think you’ll be surprised to find that

one of your sub-niches might actually be a better choice for you to

focus on.

At this point you should have:

- Researched niches and products.

- Chosen a niche or sub-niche that you enjoy, have knowledge of

and looks profitable

There’s one last step in this section now that you have chosen your

niche. You’ll need to get yourself a domain name or two. You can

search and register for domain names at or Sometimes one will have a special or reduced

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price, but the “normal” price is around $12/year. I won’t get into too

much detail on choosing a domain name because the name itself isn’t

crucial to your success. Here are my quick tips:

- Try to pick a .com. .net is ok too, but if you can get the .com

it’s better.

- Pick one that describes your niche. If your niche is “puppy

training”, a good domain would be That’s just an example and I

have no idea if it’s already taken or what’s on the site. It just

came of the top of my head as a good domain for puppy

training. Now you’re ready to move onto the next step.

Set Up Your Page & Autoresponder This is where your list begins. Someone will land on your page as a

result of your advertising efforts (we’ll talk about those in a bit), and

based on your message on the page, they’ll give you their email

address. Now you have what’s called an “opt-in”. Someone has opted-

in to your list to receive more information or to get the offer from your

page. An autoresponder allows you to automatically (and manually)

send messages to your list.

Capture Page

Don’t worry, you won’t need any programming skills or any technical

knowledge at all to set up a really great opt-in page. There are two

really get places where you can make a great opt-in page (or multiple

pages) very easily, very quickly and for not too much money.

- - Leadpages is one of the easiest sites to

make beautiful opt-in pages. You can literally have your page

up and live in 30 minutes or less. Also, they can host your page

which means you don’t have to have a hosting account (we’ll

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talk about that later). So it makes it really quick and easy to put

together a nice looking page from one of their templates. Now

if you already have hosting, you can choose to create the page

and host it on your own site. And the pages will easily integrate

with your autoresponder (we’ll cover that soon). Now it does

cost money to use the service each month, but I think the time

saved and the ease of page creation is well worth it. If you are

on a super tight budget, the next option might be a better

choice for you.

- - This is the service I use to manage

my lists. It’s low cost to get started, easy to use and integrates

well with Leadpages. You are also able to create opt-in pages

and have them hosted if you don’t have your own hosting

account. The pages are easy to set up and design and it will

make your life easier to have your opt-in page and your list all

in one place.


As I mentioned before, is the autoresponder I

use and there are many others you can use also. The basic process of

the autoresponder is as follows:

- Create a web form. Once you sign up for an email service

(Getresponse, Aweber or others), you will need to create a

form. The form is where someone will enter their email

address and any other information you’d like to require such as

their name, phone number, address etc. The contact

information is then added to your list and you are able to

communicate with them. Note - The more information you ask

for, the fewer people will opt-in to your list. I like to just ask for

the bare minimum which is the email address, but sometimes

I’ll ask for a first name too. Unless you’re in a niche where you

really need the address or phone number, don’t ask for it – it

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will really reduce your opt-in rate. What’s the opt-in rate? It’s

the number of opt-ins/the number of visitors to your page. You

want this rate to be as high as possible. What’s next?

- Integration. Don’t get scared. Integration is nothing more than

putting your web form (where you ask for information) on the

opt-in page you created. If you use Getresponse for your

autoresponder and to create your opt-in page, the integration

will be automatic. If you are using Leadpages to create your

opt-in page and Getresponse or Aweber for your

autoresponder, the integration is super easy. When you are

creating you page, there will be an integration tab and you just

click the autoresponder you are using and Leadpages will

integrate automatically.

Now is a good time to mention that all the services I’ve mentioned have

great customer support. If you have a question about setting up a page,

web form creation, integration or anything else, you can typically find

the answer in the knowledge base or ask customer support. If you get

stuck, don’t be afraid to contact support of the service you’re working

with to get yourself back on track.

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What’s Your Offer? The most important element of your opt-in page is your offer or

“freebie”. What are you going to offer your visitor in exchange for their

email address? Is it information? A video? A free PDF? Each niche is

different and you can have great results with any of the offers I

mentioned, but my favorite is to offer a free report. Everyone loves

getting something for free, especially if it has a high perceived value.

How should you create your free report?

- You can write it yourself – Your report doesn’t have to be a

book, but it does have to offer really good information if you

want to build trust with your list. It can be as short as 3-4 pages

and as long as 50 pages. If you have some material you’ve

already written, you could convert that to a free report.

- You can hire someone to write it. If you don’t have the time or

desire to write a report, you can hire someone to do it for you.

I’m a fan of outsourcing. We all have the same amount of time

in the day, the most successful folks just use their time more

effectively. You can find someone to write a report for you on a

number of sites:

o – You can find all sorts of projects on

here, but there are some very talented writers that can

write or re-write your report for not too much money. It’s

very similar to Fiverr, but not everything costs $5. I like this

site because sellers can choose to charge more than five

dollars for their work which leads to a higher quality result.

o – Fiverr is a great site to find low cost,

quality writing. Just make sure to check the reviews and look

for a seller that can get you what you need in a few days.

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o – You can post your project and your

budget and experienced freelancers will begin bidding on

your project.

- You can buy PLR – PLR means “Private Label Rights” and it’s

information that you can use and change as you see fit. There

is some PLR that you can sell, giveaway, change, repackage or

just about anything else you need to do with it. When you are

looking at the PLR, you should be able to see what you can do

with it after you buy it. Ideally, you’ll want the ability to

change, sell and give away your PLR. Once you find some

suitable PLR, you’ll want to re-write it to give it your own

personal touch and to match your niche. You can either do this

yourself or use or to find a low cost

writer to re-write it for you. You can access to some really good

low-cost PLR here.

Now that you have your “freebie”, you want to offer it in exchange for

the visitors email address. So if your niche is “puppy training”, the

headline on your opt-in page could be “FREE Report – Learn How to

Easily Train Your Puppy in 5 Days or Less”. And your entire page could

simply be your headline, a background picture or in this example a

picture of a really cute puppy and your opt-in box. I’ve found that

simple pages convert better than complex pages in many cases.

Remember you aren’t trying to sell anything, you just want someone to

give you their email address in exchange for the free report.

One more thing before we leave this section. You always want to be

testing and tracking your results. What’s that mean? It means that once

you put together your page and start to get visitors, you want to test

how it performs after you make a change. The goal is to increase the

performance of your page which in reality is increasing the number of

opt-ins you get. If you make a change and your page performs better?

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Great! Make another change and see if you can do better still! Did it

perform worse? Oops! Go back and try another change.

Ok. You’ve got your “freebie”, you’ve got a great looking opt-in page

and you have your autoresponder set up and ready to go. You’re ready

to start building your list. Where is everybody??

Traffic and More Traffic!

It’s FREE!! While there are many effective paid advertising methods that can get

results and traffic for you fast, I’m going to focus on some extremely

effective FREE TRAFFIC methods. At this point it’s worth mentioning

that you are building a real business. Your database can generate a

solid income for you for years to come. And when you want to retire,

you can sell it….for a LOT of money. While you can start to make money

in as little as a day or two, this is definitely not a get rich quick scheme.

You’ll need to put in the time and the work needed to succeed. But you

can do it…I know you can. How do I know? Because many others have

done it before you….by following these exact steps. If you can follow

these steps and are willing to put the work in, you can change your life.

1. Youtube – Youtube is an amazing way to drive targeted traffic

(the best kind) to your opt-in page. You can create a video with

information on your niche, useful tips or product reviews. You

don’t need any money and you can make a simple video with your

webcam or even your phone. It doesn’t have to look like a

professional made it, but it does have to be informative and offer

some value. In the information box below your video, Youtube

allows you to put the link to your website and a description of

your video. Use that space to target keywords that relate to your

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niche. Note – Don’t just make one or two videos…make one or

two videos a DAY. EVERY DAY. The key to FREE traffic is

consistency. Make your videos, get them on Youtube and watch

the traffic flow.

2. Twitter – Don’t have many followers? No problem. Here’s how

you get them and use your account to drive targeted traffic to

your site.

a. Do a search of users that are in your related niche. If your

niche is “puppy training”, do a search of #puppies, #puppy

training, #puppy obedience, #puppy potty training etc.

b. Start following all of those users and try to engage as many

of them as you can. Re-tweet some of their posts and

message them back if they thank you for following. Some of

them will start to follow you.

c. Provide USEFUL information. Don’t just blast a link to your

page in every post.

d. Build your following and the traffic will flow.

3. Forums – Forums are a great source of targeted traffic.

a. Do a Google search of [Your niche] = Forums to find forums

related to your niche.

b. Answer questions IN DETAIL. Go above and beyond to give

really helpful and in-depth answers. This is another reason

that it’s really helpful to be an expert in your niche. If you

can give great answers, people will start to notice you and

recognize you as an expert.

c. In most forums, you will be able to post a link back to your

opt-in page. When people begin to notice all the great

answers you give, they will go to your bio (or wherever your

link is in the forum) and click it. That’s some of the best

targeted traffic you’ll find anywhere.

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4. Yahoo Answers – Very similar to forums. Search for questions

related to your niche and give GREAT answers. Don’t give average

answers or good answers. Make sure they’re all great. You can get

traffic for YEARS from just one really great answer. Make each

one count.

5. Craigslist – Although Craigslist doesn’t allow live links in most

categories, you can still get some free traffic with a few good ads.

Make sure you have a great headline and post a simple ad with

the link back to your opt-in page. You can just make a small note

that someone should copy and paste the link into their browser.

Some niches will work better than others, but it doesn’t take

much time to post an ad and you can renew it every 48 hours

fairly easily.

6. Blogging – Blogging is a great way to get traffic to your opt-in

page. If you take the time to set up your blog and just post a few

great posts every week, you can get tons of free traffic from

Google. You can also get targeted traffic from Reddit, Pinterest,

Twitter and more when you share your amazing post through

social networking. How do you start blogging? There are entire

books dedicated to blogging if you really want to be great, but I’m

just going to go over the basics.

a. Get a domain name from or

b. If you don’t have a hosting account, you can get one from for a very reasonable price. In fact,

when I wrote this, you could get started for just a penny.

That’s pretty reasonable! That may not be available

anymore, but they typically run discounts so you should get

a pretty good deal. During the signup, you’ll need to choose

a hosting plan, I recommend the “Baby” plan which will do

everything you need.

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c. Once you’ve got the plan, you simply install the Wordpress

blog from your control panel in your Hostgator account and

you have a blog! There are more detailed instructions

available from Hostgator, but it’s pretty easy to do.

Hostgator offers great technical support if you need


d. Keywords Matter – Take a little time to choose the keywords

that relate to your niche. Once you’ve found some good

ones, write a great blog post. Make sure your keywords are

in the title and in the post. DON’T keyword stuff. Write for

the reader, not to get ranked. Google loves blogs right now

and they get ranked very high. If you write great posts,

Google (and targeted visitors) will find them.

e. After you’ve written your great blog post, share it on

Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter etc.

f. Watch the traffic flood in as you write and share more great


Don’t try to tackle all these traffic methods at once. Pick one that

sounds good and become a MASTER. Learn everything you can. And do

it. Don’t expect immediate results…you won’t get 1000 visitors a day

right away. Once you’ve become a MASTER of one method, move on to

the next. Don’t stop doing your first method, just add the new method

and repeat. Before long you’ll start to see some major traffic and the


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What Do I Do With This List?

Your list is your business. It’s an asset. If you want your asset to grow

you have to nurture it and provide value on an ongoing way. There are

two factors of email marketing to take into consideration:

1. Emailing Frequency – How often should you mail your list? The

answer is every day. You’re probably thinking that your list will

get sick of you or won’t want to hear from you that much, and

you’d be right if you just sent offers and promoted products they

should buy. But you’re a smart marketer now and smart

marketers don’t treat their lists like an ATM. You need to mix up

the TYPES of emails you send.

2. Email Type - There are 3 types of emails you can send and you

should definitely mix them up. What you should always do in

every email is provide value. Always promote a useful product.

Always send helpful information. Always send answers to

common questions. If you keep these things in mind, your list will

look forward to hearing from you. Here are the 3 types of emails:

a. Content Emails – This email should contain useful, helpful or

productivity information. Did you find a great new free tool

or product? Let your list know about it. Did you read a great

blog post that relates to your niche? Forward the link to

your list.

b. Relationship Emails – Your list might not want to hear about

your dog or family every day. A little personal information is

ok, but I like to use these emails to pass along motivation

information. Maybe a pep talk here or there. Some words of

wisdom. A couple of Zig Zigler quotes (or a quote from a big

name in your niche).

c. Offer Emails - If you’re sending the other types of emails on

a regular basis, then the offers you promote should have a

much higher conversation rate and that’s where you will

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make money. And continue to make money on a regular and

ongoing basis. What should you promote? Well it should be

related to your niche of course. And it should be a quality

product or information. Don’t just promote something to

promote it. If you use it and it’s great, promote that.

Thinking about promoting something? Try it out yourself to

see if it’s any good before you recommend it to your list.

Depending on your niche, you can promote physical

products or you can promote digital information products.

You can join the affiliate program with Amazon to promote

their physical products and Clickbank is a great if you want

to promote digital information products.

Well that’s it. That’s the step-by-step system that you can start today

and use to change your life. I know you can do it…I believe in you.

Believe in yourself, take massive action and you WILL succeed.

To your success,

John Stevenson