the tribÜne· ¡tt^av vÓhslsiì.€¦ · wereobliged to run a linlc gfl badar the »holier the...

THE TRIBÜNE· ¡Tt^AV VÓHSlSiì. JUICE ,- 1815. I«aealan>·"· Abaeed. «fh. Rock*'''* Dm*** Bn boon doing· a good work m exposing aome of the frauds and ;n m which the t.oor Immigrant· from ?'imp* BT· .¦posted from the moment they approach our shore» to that in which they rea« h their ultimate dcrfinatioi Generally ignorant well poor ·?? h!lif "f 1,H,: unable to »peak oar lanrnat-o they ar·· »·¦ pounced upon aa prey by « ÈMk barf borer about our port, and tfbaaan· ata api· to tak, the laat cruat of bread from lai ??.,?.?.· "t !.·, children if tbey can there!.· Bal haü their own diny pocket», h tarnnl rant«! IbbbbbW h ia proved that familic* have paid in our ( it through to Baffalo. Cleveland. CsMasjja, «\· yat has· been «topped half ara} 1,·,· « demand of more mow; the only condition '·.. adatan that ould l»e allow·· to proceed, or tumbled off on a dork. a¡id ¡eft ehi ft for themaelve« BBB) mifht In other aaaaa they hare bocn charged extra (<,r loggag· in ? tico of their agreement», and »·.,;; again th·;. h: been awindled by a aaaajsJoa term ed Haiifaxim.· thfireflect».that ? ti agtbe weight twin du realaitouiit. and compe.ì ne HBHBtOpBy lull char»·· on tbe unju«t computation. TI.'««· are gag I pad the oppreMion» heaped ujwin a !*»« whi «e pow r* and helpleaanea«, it would seem. Baal preserve tbeai from the rapacity of any hut the in«»«' abandon· n'lain«. It no'.orio'i« that tiie i»nnn."-ah·« ha no fa, chance in oir ;. HI Th' re OBghl to be ? ajp| dock at wh.'I BBB) abaadd bD kmtti at wlm all the forward in;* Nana or » reaasaBaablfl ¦ each, and ti'it'O'iv baaai· ihonld be admitted propo»*:« nana· cthrely fer carri in»? dan plae·*» ol destination, so thai the immigrant« ehooec the mo«t desirahi· mo,,e of on·. e_. ance G?. .tea/1 of ti Aa, u rarely that th· agant··! Inibì linea are ouariiod to BBJ ????? i,··fore iht.y are hook·-· by tbe one who favored with the first arce»« tltem. often at m··«: exorbitant ¡rices In many auno«· we learn that mx dollar» a head ha» ban Hal for rough and tumide passages hence to Buffai' though twenty abilling« th« usual price It wil enable a ijood many to (,-uc·« how thi· bu-ine«-. carried on. when we merely »tate the fact that Mr Jonathan U S'tvrntnn, under the authority ß Health Officer Van Horanbnrgh, the «' ncral osi aeer and manager of it. We believe the amou.i which Immigrant« will pay for transportation ????? ward from oar City thi« year, abara tin·.· abould pay, will exceed gio'i.'ioo I Baal I would give forty acre» of ???????? at Btad BBefc I two tbonaaud familio« But tbe Immigrant» are noi robhe.l aadj -tin \ are cruelly expoaed and abi«cd Thry agra· m. pay to be transported 'by steamboat and cana. hence to Buffalo, without hearing, or suspecting thu' they are to be thro»t aal on tho dock ol a BBBUBjbo r there to »pond a night exposed i" ibadBaraaad i"»- end frequent rain« of a »tran»·« and TariaUecUmBti after week« of confinement in ih·· stifling »u era«1 ·¦ a ship. Often, aa we ji«*« aptheHedan ara dai hundred« ol tiieiu piled m around tin steward aran. waya and bar.«ick women and tinier ehildrci breathing fume» ol rum and lohaero eaoagb t" »till· ? hog. Night after Baght throughout the season o Mvigation. there «re hundreds thus treated, mid v. have aeon pan ut« labor vainly lor hours heft) they could make « lud fite thab children wben Ü» water would not drench nor lu-edl··«» hat ti ample m them, Shall this go on Going tip on the Hi» hosier ? Tu.""las Bight, Wl found «oiiio two hundred Iiutch Webb and lin [Hal Immigrant« emhiirked mi hot Tbtdr MlsyUstl vs.i thrown into a grout heap M th«' forward deck, an, they were piled upon it« aVJn they best mid During the evening ? rial at «Lower «rose and tin ; were obliged to run a linlc gfl Badar the »holier the upper dock, to nvoid n diem huu.· Here tl children wen· huddled down on lit ? U- bada, dami I und leader foot.ihn atUDaVtl glad BBOBgh t<t radia auleti all thought ol »loop it their children could hu «ft ? little Capi. I'rutt· nden kindly allowed il» «v.· uiiine la.uiei an ta. an anean [ »¦ieaub to ah· law! j for deck pataenrer». nn.l doubtlo«« did all artici could be asked of him under bis contrae! M e thoan who had «hipped the«·· poor pauaaai ss, abamefully deficient. They should have had ai agent on board, ready and aretJag to pros id·- anil bla ahelter for their paeeeiiger» Indeed th·· boat which carry the««! poor people should sci aparl fa them the forward cabin- no lona-er needed for cab.? paaaenger«. «mee the construction of state room aboredock.have it well ventilated, and then· |,? ? least the women and children have a chance to ahelter and rest. If the forwarder« will not aa* } enongb to make this an object, decline their bad an No man ha« a right to make him«·!', » constituí. party to the thousand murder« which are aun lal.s committed by exposing these poor |H«ople by Imi.· dreda each night to the inclemency n< our ski.»«, as no aeuaible man would «urter the exposure of lu¬ core or potaioe» lint, alterali, private cupidity affords BO «ale re': mice in tin· i'remi«es. and the minister» of the lass ehoiild take hold ot the matter Tho whole on, mutiity must suffer if disease is cenerai· ,1 h\ tl eaposun·. ihe deh nin»t be pfajaidad l'or la the |«»,r bttuae if noi el«esshi!o. the orphan« inu»t haven chance to exist Let mi man «ay Tin» is not · bualue»«. it ?.« an f aaah/j aaaaiaan and ss Q] at an may come home to overs bodi Eaajaclajlrj ahn our City lioveniinent take thorough and atener, i- Orasralgbt in the promis«·». From each ol these 1::. migrants is Bahn a dollar ot his scsnty »lore «>;!¦ eight or teu dollar« from a »counts again·! their aajaajnVal pauperisin Nosv lei the Citi .upend at !ea»t a «mall share ol this money to fan arrw them Irom pauja driso awns aharka wb»t would des our them ami «t;irt them promptly on their |ounny on the he»t p«t».«ibleterni« A thoroughly Iwuest. capable and benevolent agi ut arme«! with the power of the 'aw. latarding eacl reaael at the Quarantine fMag ali désirai '.c m:,m mai ion and extending all the aid in hi» powei am aave the Immigrant« tbouaatnts ou thousands ot d«u lare, with health and.vmfort of »till greater value Why doc» the Cssrporation he»itate I Th·· tie,, «· s la urgent, and «liouKi promptls provided tor Cak or Dorr..Tbe majority ol the Sbvt Com m it tee of the Hhinle Island bekisiature to w ho:n t! nbject of liberatiug ? \V. l>orr ssaeretem I May eeeaion. made a laaaa] ? VVc Incsda» ia which they exprea« tin« opinion that hi* uncoinii Bo·*» liberation would leu.l io unsettle tin· »re»t ? mm ratlve principle r»taï'..shed by tho resent cent· in tin btotery of the Sut»· They alude to the fast th«! he » appssaled to the G S Supremo Court, and di ;¦:· ? acnoe in relans-n his case which w».u:,l !w-tr«y a disti ..-t fat lb« «ouadne*· ol tho Ptat« » cause » m tho root rude of tbe («upreror Court of the t'n;t I .-tsie« ? s .wan the decision ol the h!j<l!e.«t.'ut.· s ..·-,; ki: ,ist lo ike cousntuuon and law» a| the ,??... .. HM nam whtok tbe eoenmirtee recsimmend 1. sSle »*·· for ttot Osirernmrnt and pe,,;.;,· ,.f l;!.,sle ¡???? report is »i,;,,ed l.y wm aj --'tilt ??? K(l..... | Oraaetou. J. 8. Toum-i.ot. HW other mcaabei fthei rtimittee. preerated a minority report, re,-,.,u.m.. :ln, ,n,. unc,,. dJUODSsl r,>»»e ot M- l.,.r »., , niiasule ,.,, .. reeture pa-ace and harmony ·. hi «? ? S. Wo learn by a »-cnuetiirui l'ro.n N,.w..,r that the tVnate of Ub.-do Island h»» uuaniuKtu.¡» paaaed a bill for the unoiiditisuial hK-ration ot \\.-^ Tbe House would doiibtio*· aaajaaaf |tJr* Hon Kmsiii H Ait in .t Hatu, r b BaBaabaanla« th«· Whignaaaaanate the ertici,! Governor <4 Mamo Mr A ion one of BBtaMaai Bod moat popular men in that State. Ho is a native of Maastachuaetta. and Ür· son of the lato Samuel C Alien of Xurthfiold. who represented the Franklu Dustrtct in Congreaa for ig yeara Ho r«fna BBtd Paatobttoot Diatrict iu-.Ih· Wldg fjaaajiaaa, al ligi M with dtouivguaahed ability QB· Then is a tpirits-d come« gomg on in the Talladega Dtotrict between a Mr Rice and Gen McConnci!, both Loco-Foco candidate« for Cong'e«·. Oen McConneli «ay« be don not like the Rtct aaaaa, Wo praaama ba wc did praiar Barltf. j Tbe Irieb Cherucfer. In one of the eloquent paaaaee« Rioted in The Tr.bune of Wedneavday under tho ?..-id Spirit of tha Irish Press.' we tind 'hose words Daaaaaa· baa «imo»t aaarbhl fr<.m external «uff··» ?.· prevent» him ".he !p»?p??».·.. from aaaaBBBB] s -' »!. l » misanthrope and reconcile« him to i.l» Tin« rei Band to our mind tiie many touching in Haana kaoara to ? of «'ich tra.·« »¦.¦.. »· · .'· ? vo have «een here. We ha·.e eecn instance« of .-- thi« A /.ri »e.·.· han· ai .:r »In.· wm ·a· .·-··. .·.·-«.·· f,» -i ·. i-in»· .rothcr of whom «he am partit ahliy ".rid He .- ? -,··. rna ¦a, that aha ? pela ..· of aérions Bngbaadnya and aa fa ·.·. t to bal - ' - · - '-':- Mea has.- .?. ¦ ¦ · .·. ··. ¦ the loa· of a lo·.· erg '- aaj no ;??·, hi araald h tag h ·:.'.· ? ????·:1,?·'|«?';.,????' antutD. inthe f!ow.»r ot bat aaaded benaJC aol aal) arary plaaaaaa, but ·¦·'.'· ........ rj, »(.,. gbt oegbt to be ban battei tending to Ireland t -.ved in'tlo r JBBl M feha ssa»"n tfa ig so «he hoju-d that her BaaBJBBf .¦en p. ? -¦···. ;.'.,»-« u.. para -'¦ ·. .··· ·¦· iarj iaaniptlisB Waft ? ? :·.,,·¦ pot Irj ? '.i'· Wal .?. ?. ? " afa· ?«, as working and firn film' and dream:.'Ig -. ¦·. BBgjfanr, it was. ladead b ri > aad that eharfabad pain ",: ·. iba | -.·.·· ..·..·.·"·· .'·..· «,. dea ail tbn· tan* I ¦ M I I oh bar! am úndaaajjni .·. tao! her la ??,; Ih· ·. are uhi.·, however to make the -aerifico tbn ..líense fami;s nfl·« ti «M fa a nrortbj We kaew ? wean erbe poatakned «end ber "i.i\ eh Id ss-h-.m na had left in baanri '....a:«, while ah· aaaJatafafaBd fad h Mead who el non·· ani to help her Tu.· poatrj oi arhioh J has· -poke,: show« ita H raa fa re. ss here tt!· ;, arc aaatantod ¡mm old romai, aaaatdatana and beirin the new life in the BOW tarai hg Magai it« drudgery. Wa know aagbti 4 ¡octry repeated to by the«·· present at their sake«.passare« ol natural asOOjaaata· from the fa nentotion« for the dead, more beautiful than tin"-, ore d in ihe annals of Britauy or Houmelia. It ibe »ame genius. BO cxtpii«ittly »aoanoful adar, and ghra/bag m with the finest aatihaaaaaai bbbJbM their nationa! music, in the«·· respect» ...· ftant fa the irorbl II fa iheanated the harp m an nap aad darOliag It fa the harp ao ?.-autifully deserilte'i in "The iiurj. ol Tan'· hnlio. angwhoa ajaBptopathnfaaantTpaaaad ?:···; Ig was never more adequately cuibodiod It is the geniBl which vsiü enable Klnmelt s ap draw tear» !rom |bj remotest i-eneration«. ? .m l'in, ?, ?.._. ui'is baatraagan totbeehvaai i.ees which called .t fortfa It is the goniu« which aaatad fa chivalrous fari linos« through each art oi Edward Pitagaral i,.the genius which, ripn ', Limtlitdi culture, his .»red bs ruitalne occasion«. abed Ban ii L'lors oa ti,·· fand which baa done al could to qajaa I. t on the parent hearth When we on-,dot· all UM lire which gloss» so tin uneabbj m lrhaiT»daa'tliB character of harp· m·· ihecire itntant - almost adran ·- ¡? ?,????- wecaaaol ( rbi iwitl ta temperar) Oto they aid hi hero to gire Ufa ' abona Thon Ufa ara and boi erati the] re knowa lo all. and ara rank uioiig th'iii sshat Other· WOald not. that" by llieir ..i.!;. Berrín to do ali Ibehard work they make :t - (terni of the popoJatkn to gnm elicmi ¦·¦ in.I help the oouiiln to grow too la«; But hai b lid dnthry, t.. grow n«i i««t it fa ajajaai nkiiig iigniiist it Their nMM ignorance, tin ir lind des..[ion to a pric-lhoo.l. their pliancy in the utdaof ,l aaagognaa threaasa ctntbrnaaee of than la; set. on the othei baud vs e must regard them i| a most valuable clean·Bl in the ness rat ·· Tfa ) ro looked upon with contempt ate their ss mil of pthade Bl hunting ness thing«, their ready and in .ilion« l.o,«. al.»., .j,.. »,m soco TIlOsi· aro the nil!» of mi oppressed rnce ss li'-li tant G??/??? the Id OÍ biter circum«tBii(-'s ibroagh two or three eanatton i" aananai Their sirtu··« are their .su tins are many genuino and deeply rooted. in «? impartial obsersur fail to admire their truth . domes!:, ti,.», their power of generous bounty nl more generous gra'ii nie. their iiidcfaiiga . d humor, fer Bgn of arroag, which base sen them to »o mil,» act· oi linparalloii ever »our their blood «? it» tntlOT their rei- s ssi·. ibafa elasticity ot BBtan Tbej nie at ,,:!"tii one of the host nations ,,( the ssorld.. Voald the;, ss.rc ssi'.coined bore noi to Woik reis. |,ut io intelligent sympathy p.nd effort« h 'lb and ardent lor ll.,!e t'.oii of their chll :i N> sympathy could I·.· hotter dosorsed, cllorts wisolior timed Futuri· Burke« and 'ur UN WOaU k-.ioss boss togise thanks for thorn, alni cgeralda rise uium the «oil which haaata lha lagnoUa with it« hingli «tatara and aaajei s lute IdaaaoflBB, to the «am·· left] «tul pure baBBtl .Viliyea not htdbrrah, aaanli hanaa thai is·«· I s oulh sou s,,¡need in the imiil liulc tell» s,,'i aa aad dnahatooban hin m tho«,· aatabn üg fai Yn aro «bor! sighted, ms Mead; sondo .ot look 10 the future, sou will not turn sour bead isee what may base ben the ¡iitbiomv·»of tha I hai I not examined your OWn breast to BBS the in 'ii'.tor there had not commanded yen fa your patt 10 counteract those iiithioiioes and it the liishman ati]>Oh'.s to \ ou eso ! ese He > is pannai biaaaalfi heezpaeta a '»crsonal into .-¦ faanyn (faajkhfaj an ban lantoaaMrai htobopa which is tiie fruit ot hi« nature W. sscie nidi loached bl O'CoanOsTl direct address to tl.,· lana a.»' hai »bed:,::..,; batoauaad aa o lew ladie· and gentlemen will till the prayer· 4 deatbii tnapaai laaai -m TO-DAY'S OUTSIDE !ia»T I'soB .I'nitod State» f \(s ». l.tbrnry.« G,»·?? ts Mi» S*«««..· th· ?.· ». ¦¦ ol ihr Kast. I>s G·: liasse. The l.»s!s of UÚ. « Vein | W,,, VVs. ». Tokoah or tho White | .». !\tr»ci tutu tho ,-ri:r ,ñs y.uu$ G'.?«. Letter from Vin II «csss:i ·.. 'he G?????,?: «,,.¦ ajj, ,,? ,-,,^. ndaa, lot «Tit ?'?,.? s|i ,·· .... ? \ ban ? Ban ? .: ? :, s; . liana j .. , Tt-siiiiioiiv iiaiiiinst "s|:i>,rs. The Weateni Picsby terian and Congraj nseiiiio!; .it IVtrott adopted m. u.iinousis | M si altera ìi.souasion m which Dr Bonian ÍTroy, ? s μ· Hi Bl laThanl ¦: ? . ¡;. dr Bcajobar, l'rs»· StosseH!:,! aajBBn 'os-s. praatahfa sud roBebain B ¦··.. ! ai r.· » baai -¦· s < .... ? ,,r«i their »oioinn and decided irsumon; Kthaat .ci, t MBMtrteaa Baarery aa agréai »·. abran ab | oV ¦.·.·· red j ·.·:.! derIanni fa t. ? :?· '.s ? inen :?: »1. iu:t»!-'c was s lo mat·' kftowu :.., fa- h. arti * ari ß a » ,, BBBTaat aal iti ¦re. ;¦··.· etili w ¦· bere ?, -?? ¦·. ».-»non .1 at iba tanti »Sii :il»! .;.t sers the ttdvaiK-c» .I hi» pros idonee au.i tho tri !..« tnith. b] the more cs ·· «, -''r ?·?*? ' ¦trans'o« -e»-it,»- s ter am anbaaaari anyan af the wi»e and g'Knf : a. echiuttbe rrll io question, ho il a.-*ordbai - D| -cJaini that hi it »h, ut to C-!av::«h the eoguiicdln ali beerte, and to ss,,rk a pr»ct: ,.' ' ;'u'.iiy th. reto m a,, benevolent a»s.<-ian,iis »nd ¿".ht'^'I u*l,"ut th<· CWranal Cbrittton Chain ,.???.'TvT1 'Vu<h » '-'.«ei c «summation this .'«.and tor :, ...1 ,n duti BBl m | ss;., uiireasnia-lv p-»y ^M':.«vPrs'. Hough nioso»! ,(.,: , aa haiiiil Ml who«,» èaty h anahl be to ?μt? a great,,!. Uaajabbft ths» churrhe. are iu«'.îiod :. withdrawing irom men holding .lavo. i. asm· lance wi!h ifaa direcüoi.« oi Paul t0 mmm and servant* contained in hi» epiatlt», BafaabjBg Uu epia- ie to Philemon Tbe motion had not been decide«! at the last %¿ «fan G?* Htviasr puhlialteil the ar.i .·· c'.r bflnw. BMJ dajJBj ;t bat .ast H ataj p'.ace M IBM '.:..· Pi old·-: MBB yesterday · C Bti I A En »pdrar /·., ·./..· ry e/ /···«»«.·* .? ? m '¦;..· f.. mance.s Dl i··« ? * fr BBeel G?*»»«, dei:, »a?eaMaraaaaa««weoeo/tbe μ ? ·."¦ rave »cd spedBe cüargcs put lonn m ine Tribune of Monday ·..-... . e . -. ..-.., ? · » . s \;- .. - e , ·,·· Mjstvwsawey ensiiiiiiidshias ?? , \< It ..,·,., -s · . , ..,, .·:· ?, ..- ¦.;-¦ « -' .? ?. f -. '.. ., : ...... ·". t.···.·¦ * "·-·'' U , ?ßß????*· ...,.,-... - ··· . · . a ,VrU/l , ifku'fiai"' « rt«-a r"--'*p- t"- , . -. .. ·· ..··.."· «m la Ma «m ... ..:-:. -4? s ? these ci gei .-.··.-.·« «herrón H fostadtSl a. I · sab '·' Matai B -. pi soi ora In« »1 . ·: :- · G euch unfortunate·. I ty to* -... arato ? and Iterai tnf ? not exist the sui v .... ·'¦ We rei . e that «? t boi Dg «id I .' ·¦ './r Weaen - Bsuiihí save ? ? ti¦ · eoe .: .... ret rid cd «.w but« ?«.«».ori a¡.,¡ an .-. reeled the iner Ea er; and tritt the k.nd ? ri » .- mi ,-,.... feat ihn'. WM Ht '.ea«t horn·· IVI ·· ¦¦·¦.· iMdbei the di lil · reti e Meet Enron, we .esvr H to the 1 ? writing ih·· Mys'er·. ,! Ir.;-i:.-y m ·.".· t. olirseli, he has simply scie,· ?., j atedSM wb ? rm.t'i 1 to go M largì ? ? ..¡'.t > »? un· gati A'vir, who ihrali! Stag BiBf, It is worthy of remark thst in r..« dtfi %tc he has not as -t. ¡.uní-i.· .i aay pt ¦·> ¦·· '' ¦'¦ · Myaeary, 7p" «Vetragf MM in'·· now i.'iily at th· .lilscoiilr.o '-.--y i:i whidl the ¡'liilics Mr Keepted, soem ton» :.. bari Led ...·· .rida aad eatwx eeairy range o. dJcneaioa abject Bttttef did MM iMfalre tay bv - ..- .iynr harm ter of IBB) writer ol ?* M lery hut the Coarier saw tit to bapegll tin ? ndalgiog m chare«·· .,f pei Baiar} depi od« ? e a:. ¦-N.iiitl which bave i.« en '!,,·¦ ¡«proved In turn en» have durées tn thef tide which appear ineepp ned bj f ... ".n'.or of Tito M Mei y ha» ailed out of town lçy ÚM UlDeM ni a near ? nal may have loaMthiaej i" lap whea h«· reta We do hop«·, however ih u the ??· Id f ??? till ?.ol be farther widen«·.!, ilia? ÜM «? r. alise the propriety ..i pie \i-tin.· chargée rather thaa Mehbkg atra ?,« Cevrier bae eeea dt la BMhi la th » g ¦:¦-¦-;- raoBal SB I h gi fact that eaoraoae fraada were etwtaaii ::;.··¦ Loco-Foooeof*thia i',:> Mat Fei w, to s'hii.I oal lit« linns. py The tttjieaiol - 1 kooaatyeraeboaxtlM '.'..¦t rat ..t L/BCBBTI w.· knew cf. Th· y >u :., MS :., ,1 to tear up '.lie Loaf latta RafllMad hut 'hey BN ilao lachead te take thin time BBtMt it, and to doit in the genteeiett pocihlc way Thcynevu interfan Mitt dai :?'·«·?:?? tram ·. bai ß?ß| ? ß?ßßßßa '··..· ¦·· ry quietly tske up a couple ol rails and bid· in tli·· hushes be· tore the accommodation train con:«» »Ioni;. »ml then .«?. uian two or three,· th·· road b . .··. I to the engineer of what h - '···« ? done.beside BBBBJ oh.1 In fr ut ol their work «.th -tump» and bushes. Ma¬ tt« Ma to ba overlooked la it I ··> »re Mie m:.d. «t iiialiriiTf't BH ,. 1 Hat e-. r tore ..) On 1 ¡? ..- " :...· ihM SMM « , «h'.ch the nei oinin-i'lstiou "s.n !nr th.- I '···. wa. it ?.ctt:> iltipe hou,«. We Mara that the traMaaew ury extra ran» and »pikes tn indi. Ipsxti ·? ol 'iie Ml ofttie.r frit n. m Suri...? QP* Oar PrjBm Primari Bcaoou an .i,d. ; ??)»· then s. BJ »incisi .Minimale « I " -chou!» mm Mara ftoaatke Coaaaagej *' 'lieio are n..»'tiny «:x .Or inl.ltt ? '¦· ··'.:. ti, and ihcy are scattered Bki r ?. 1 ity. cMendm; 1?;.·1? uptown »· Th.:· h. y are di«tlnct from th·· pr:m«:v ???????ß?? ? the baaaaaaM «tor:-· of ¡»r,;e pabiM »cIico;» ami iTiativ f them sic pruMded with neat und connu- agi erected lot Mm Barpoea, eevenl ef which hat I'Uilt this vom ??,,1 other« an- nun . |.,, -¦¦.t.eretabtthoaaaad ehfldraB,a ¦ .nullt exclus:·· tl\ b] ???ß??, ni aBBttttS IBBdhM « .iti uo «¡sto» and tb« elements ci arithmetic, geogi .ve. ibu» prepa ag thaaafori .nnu.Ki ... -:'·:., -.s much grarifteattta expeiicuced In viali Î~r7~ The Mayor ha» iesued a puh!:. rjOticM aa I ag trad a f ly, ai ? aad a :·, .-. « rad and e»pi.:».!y that there BUM Bah or alcoli. · ·:..: «Jaaj ht aaj. . u, .... ti« ? meant lo ' "?' La Fi riti dtwa ? s·. ... Park tart atghl it b tMBMd 1'· r. .·¦ . ·:.·¦ -·.: ttaa ¦! « WBM m be ßtß| ·:· ? · îp- Mr B>BtUtTI takes a rvn.-fit at MTCJ . , ¦fei BJ ?'.» ere .::.·· ??????ßß??? tke ??t- I irm«ii.-»ot the Acrotiit Fun: ? w ??????? l~&' The Pean« llagas. .¦:..· ., pattar tatto o>er. sUsbh · , ·:.·. :. lit« reprint. ??~ Lnrwaate· «v Wtxu bbbbjj :, carry 01:· ¦·»,': | ¦: the BBM 1' -:.,.·· . .1 -, f,r u an e an·«¦Hied m · ¦eel shai aajh ß»μßß Beva BMMMd » G..-cular to it. -h.-ir BBMMJ BBrgbMJ ....t t reaatte .>r forward «ny »ßß?ßß? «hspe. after the l,t July '] his * r-.«cm »: -?, th. xp:··»» «¦»·»'.'.ish-tni.·« w . ·¦ » ,!:. IT ? !«· corn. r·.«:,.;ir ,,t Mowan , .e\4 and ba to the .. si ',.. ,..·.,..,... ., .., lay mutuili.' amid s Ituce crown . . . . hope wal bai rail - iiroadw»}-. A. in«, writes us ? lettor ¡t readoth ihn» y. 1 Mes rite - | a pepai ·. :. '??-.e that a certam gentleman up .. NMBBBltBrWOfthapaBBMCIdM .N .. ,::»s*rc«a".e dtKJ ta-t.n¿ ». tiie \ .1.1 s-sj msnutacti.i. ¦eeMMMaCbyhafacayeawSj ba pesMMadto »asume tne '..r.-r.sfative of drclsr.n«· thsi \ sâf frlaad « V BBfl t..? h. :,« lile Oder V ;,,., (;ty »t*ord».' Wp pertmptor ly de« ...·.· »ctin, «s.uj.·.·;!, BbM laatter G G ¡he Bag ? im havtec· (jeejajsajd s. fellow in H.'' »··'' '.-¦«« '.»:··, 11; ,·.; ,.v ["?" ABtdechBd four mon'h» old. w. .s, :;-. messt · i.· ..· ..(..i m Th< . ttem .fsnt. .... .?? ·: ¦¦¦ Bmbbbm Hb rfcaraal uliioe «(...«? what h·' ( -. K!tials-t!·, OlMIB üed in a tit ef ??????* at -i-' V\ BBs : · .·¦:·· BMMMf BBM was BMMt M yc-tr» ,;' aee. an .J». ~3 IV-iv BeadMtMa, Kaa.ii rag ... ¦ ,. ? ¦n Sen J»ckson st, l'y :·. rumored thai Le«. D í,i.m Bad Mr. i'h..J. .»te ai É / ' «re ßß?? »tartina anew Loco- l-'.vo Daily ff>* The Cutunton Council, we learn, are BBMs] l hsv- tornr »eats L'Uilt around the Fountain 11 th« Park ? ,i I kg ::»e jy Dauiei Mcl.aushliu, ol Brooklyn. II nv« of MM B M II ¦' -»»? S^lJst while \\:t.:~.% » .... body recovered ycitprdsy The body of an unknown man w»s found m üie rtvpr opposite On«·· 1 Cemetery The hnxtklyn Adveniser toll« the fo.lowiiu» «tory ??. \'». ,'r:r*.¡.y piening sbout i) o siock »a Ir^Lman. with an tnfar.t x, his arms, petered the rabin o:' oee of the ratharinc «t \ prry· ¦.uata from the New.York and tutk hi· sesi near three 'tie of » w»s an Irish wotna*. Presently the intani began to cry piteous t when ?·*·: t.-o :a.f os took «nrf ende»»c,r««d · »¦-h at · ce·» The Inth woman reauested ¦reni berti aurw. «oil i»· one«, whier . lelBsatbeantaar k the araarftbenH am ¦.-en·!·1 . i -:-·::··: .' I ¦¦·»'¦' *-«-«' ... ...-,· -»«e .·»»·- fcn0i ·. ¦ ab·, who wa»- ursoni tatara aad i wa» taken to tho ^?" A ·' · -.·::? Massa Re .-. .·,.·, Bgadaal tho · ajatjaja/ aad rftl women .n pal · « - ¦ I '·. ·¦ ate adato· »light tagm. tore, »nd p«n parran an aedi pantefl part ·¦* ? .h ? »s wo »ned tbe Lect tombai · · groarme him legai g..The ? tei ? be pa ? age am eroi ; | ,-......· the! .- Blic It itreet, yn rye to met by a rat ... ·. »rill even! the ? stern extremil Boa to ? lixtj rbere » s'k e of tbe moat project· ol time·, rbetber tl ·. ·. »..-.- '··;'·. g tbeaa are upoa a conre·] The ta per : » { Idled ? · tto about I ey fill e half of ? »to : :..· »- .tbe pre« Is fair to to . Th· Company ibemtelret are gn eri Bee to, ai ? I · ! the rat nú« aare· the Commoo Cotu .. tbt y baring It to ........ Bt| y. ? ». »ad the Dock, ¦ entre ] ·.···· ? ? I «re wan moca r of I m ,-t . ..u.· rhe . ·; ria of an I .- ... ». '! .. t V '.«S ipeel .... sir now in μ «· t belong ? k, ? , '. " VI i taking ?? ager ¦·.·¦«,¦ ·-.·¦ mo-· ta UH-·.e ha] ·····:¦·· eri ·¦ ·. s. attera ¦ .'·;-".- -t ;».!· the Kew-YorV 1 ...· i anuíam aad '·' ;. -.s Secretary rtbeDorkCoaBpaaj Mam.!·,.? ?·· ? ? ¦ »? ':,·· ????ß monti ,,r,í r ,? ? s nary hi ¦ tab ori to Ban Torktoaowta .'· :: >ev» Publlonlioii«. Tin Hajawi S betöre us it» con ? it« aro muro suried. though not otherwise more ....resting, than ihOM of the previo'i» ,:i. "I Mislern ( ':s ilizalio:, -?minar;. .·! and oii.iii··!.' upon Bfackwood » Ss nop bendi std, ??.,? limpian ke lertowed sr,- Mn ···¦-· at Mi I · '.·'¦¦¦ agi thef ratteb bfe p ? ... ,...·. ? ? ? ·.« »¡in h 'mes ·.·. -.· ttbe writer of tbtoartkto l ? Boa sudi " !»·!.·>' »· he speaks .? ri: through a long U Barbaj m abata tonte », or· » hnataab ..... ; nid rap·· st iho ???? « :ii»»:e¡ ? Cha » r,: G Baith :?. ?«ink, idea :.«,.·- Gen. J trae, ? «h- ··.· land tota» .a#t an ¦'¦ ? thai ·- ·.·-.» rea y then when .... many to «peek tarda »a ·. ,:. W ::. li Ul" H ',: ? mi. I ·¦·:··-1 · ly \\- n»«w liicktN· \ laxan 4 ?. » «h addition» to i tur Nat:«·, il St.s-k "t 1' - ;·. aaj ss,·,·;, li,-· fa· lash, as yeu , · s part Y thai ··"·:¦· 1 -.Mr :. -.«'*>,· .·-.··..·. ? bob peak fai 1 t.Cie ft*" B! ·. k·.· .·..,.. .,.) ., Bon ? I o It ha« arti· fa· by 1 bj uuin· y the ' her himself, a ,-,??·..:. ? be. J rhe an ? araabr t ..··¦:,·¦-¦ r lata p*, ibani ani a :.. ·.·.< ..-.-? tek··« »world bit 17 !'i :«.,.· | , ·. '¦'·¦ .:¦;·-. V«·· · .. ,m . . prato ari rery ... ?? DsVttUi st Ltrr with a Pr>riL f ¦. 1 »\ u lis Pan ? bal ... issued by J - .-¦ ¦a ? .''.?·:· rerj p.easan: rat ... \Tf Lit t»i :. s Lis in., ? ? 1,fari bj bj inyi r ? ? ton il .»· 1 capito '."r' Abtu isAK CtMursaana,I If. kl . ? M ???? I .s ;' s;, s si _\ « .s -...·. ? : | ïl^r^t: \ ·.. -... . ty ? - ··! Harper» 1 ?'? Wi ina I '·'» -·· rasi im -*?t ino* ·:.· w aie·· ? s- . r·» s L - - .' , i., th» ¦aafX Cndb) w stenti - " . · ¦'·-:¦ I t BBl Those ire t.. j.«jpu.i.- 'r ¦'¦''·'. '¦¦*-< d » ¦¦' «; »:.i '.'cì! -::. .t?* W ? Cory« hn kafl faaaad pan I et the -Myeterie. 11 BBraai Beat attrai Oh bng ? aaaa that trenu·.· b ii«: «s | 1. Merry. ? ?) for saie t.» Firth i. Ba OB ! «viw.y aaf TI ? - annal t?.? rVanderuif laa baa tona pt the Harper*. ?3G Thi I.M,iri>DiM DiaocKsi «j. a:.;:. Aunexinor. toaonlnaabaBated at Manchester. N. II to promorv the election to Conereee of Hon JotU P Hah h to be removed to Concord, the Capital of the State. . F" A memcrandun on a IbbbbT to Liv.ngstoa A \\>..s Lal.o·« «tate» that a .arge p»aue tactory »f i*ohr neriady, wee ,;, ire ajj Wedne^i»» atternooo New.York aast Erie Rail Koad. Thi» work lu» »? yet received, from the diacerti na at, i mntiey making portmn of onr ttiien«. th« Maafeee h ht* !<··?:? talk.··! of m s»¦¦:' gTMM laaae a' t,»,.· ?":··. :...·¦!» Bad tu-ist haw ?: I M ... BheaiaaaaJ a:.d delayed It ha» be»'u liber illy ? MB *··»·-·' yeta sin»!! portion M ···¦ ? The publie at BWgB kli'ss itt'.le el .lie why« end ivherefi.reeot iuhteeOn and BOtwRh «tand ngthe prewalM rea igreel iaapor» .·.·.- . · -t«'·., ·|μ» pur! \ ;:?·?« . '¦'· -, ··«· pro s- BttBBM t ha ? tala ai a rodi I s . ;...-. ,. '.'. :. ¦«ere ay what lia ih by ? ibembiogto .,., ? « .,;¦¦. the tv ¡ral efraia I aree that the road is iaportaat ? ¦¦ '-"? ... ....·. . , there ·??.-reliant« ,·¦-.- ß; 1 ipa the u.- sten· leo ? ty- sIiouhí ,·,, the nee liai Indi ? ,·-.. areali feel do irti« [f they cani ejr hv h s- -. of ¡he t'otir to think ¦pensable bat 1 it the} can ¿et oo « ... ? ike i] "ii rauae for thi ·. irk, it ".oro um ¡ay or the air wo breath.·. W want Thee I not be ? eh "t it H ifti r tin· -'il·- '.\ pa] ' W. ? -. Olisi,lorritions r. to show that k will Tu··-. ·¦- f da ·:,.! other sorirc. » ?te roatc f the Raul « e ? ¦¦'· ont it colinoci«, til.« ? I with the Lisce and boeadloM Wag ipied lad wi o Matead the baaiaeM ?? aatrj hai!" laraM agaia aa the 9 \1 ·--.¦ :-· ·.·- li¦ od« laui d and C rhe popo iti n t.· N iamediateli lenn bj Hoa afona] ita ro im between ihr H idaoQaBd L.ii-.t Erie Bombera. ver balf t mill· n add diia "y an Brooklyn« and ih·· lotalexceedi Th« three Male« above mention« ,: aee by the leal eneai "'.¦¦ rveramJUioa idi Hallway- b « * h ¦' Ian ..- .- Bead wo ild ? iv ? -. .- IBM COM ,.ri»»· a ? - ·.·«. ] -,· ¡nod? .. cl wt'.iiiu ss inch there cai. acre·, [ta leeeaa maMBaable to rah dab that « 1?·< . u With a bOBMM in the pr·· .. State Bad the old 8toi kholder» ? for Roadway, e.pial »oeoaac ? peri eoi I an :-··... -,¦-:> pa) chañar ? ß gibbi nan It contain* n.· ci« I .,,··-, pros «inns It pros, lo<« tor ft cie.tni tea lini ula withia tin« -iato, ?.· unie· ii. itlaatii t.. th.· Like. When mm pit led from bobm coovenieal point m th.« city, an . ., eg the Eaet ddeof tac Badeón ma eeto ? ' ; ace of ereeehM it wdl be the glerj work thel it ii protected] bj oar charter, eah' iwi ondai ? d und·" uniform lion.« . ···.·.·¦·.; u : the Road ie gotti, Tin .·¦¦ ridtfa ? luci on »o ktreat a thot . uti-ai ? IraatBgi · lietaaca {e laid Uvera, the ? inn;... the Delaware - -iiehnruia. the Ajkaghaap and their tributa I ¦? The ,nst ut «he s»ntk rerj naoderaM Tl :.· toa4,?oo.ta> .. :. liresi Lad I : a ·.. ' agine·, ear·, Ac ?,???,??) .la.: " K'pialtn BM m pi r mile, which fora Hailway (>t - actor mist lo admitted to h»· vers mode Ith' r roads with he^vy rail« have eoot much mor«· mans .·! them twice BI niuoh llnihi« svork ih«t roail way instead ot contins ? or fi thousand dol :ais a mile appear« t ¦- the MOBt part to liase ..·»¦ :, .ile·! All the eXHliiliiallotis ut the pncea tor svork. lç, [.o-'islatiso Coaamhteea and olher» have resulted ni slio.viiit.' ihat tin· priCM paid were lower ihea os iwaerarorka That per ¡.on "t the work a Uchia ronetrncted w it h pik - eren the Batten on h ? in operation, appeara to hare com i-i'inile Under the preeeni Law the Koad will est rhe bolder· tbe8ta{e Loan ba ¡BgreUaqeiabad and :!.·· ..M s;.»'k redttced one-half about#19,'. Opcr ing the aboi e eetinuíb ol one to .'.··¦' Bel it. owing to the high pi e of Ir ·. bmI im · - or ed thooaand I be rcrraired ¦ti be a ith » per mile With ...d at s eu coat, there onld «<'.·?? to ttle room to dooht ol ita prodactrreaeaa Um Ubati to Badalo e.t on an tveraaje »» appeara by the Cuniplrultor'a lato U«· port, trrer S3.0 per mile Thej have tint Hail« aad earn little n il ? paean ¡er yet the] pai good dividendi rh aa 14 per eaat i·. liioeitilinrr Files, ..· Man N tu- I'm vu, » .' ." The, . City arai " .? the prea ¦¦ .·.·-¦- -. ·:·. ..? produce together a · stock of ..'... .... a eat thai ,,i v.. ..- » ¦: rae kaoa » lei aal roa· attack as· explos n .'lien ?,. ? .... , -, ·· '..· .- ·.»!.. ·, .aa aere ? l, and ·· if J. A I). I .'»»:.·' '¦> tted Iti.· .nost anxious ? l'ho powder was Cos.- .-r »:. the Basin by the »chitone: >V bai apt L'impiv·:.. ith-j deserve« ^rt'kt t ,r . TaMMi atta week,Ml .·' at; bet I ·:.-¦¦·. -.,.; | ? I ·.»... ,. bmmJ «t ; w ·, th· MrBbBbM mst may '.I · ·« · ,. 'r;, . ? » ?·*» about *l " My previene ta î "i :n the Sea ¦ ¦ < I fg ..-? bj CAUrottBU .We Lave recently had «orne t.ioir ' '- thi· rem tocoatorj oflMrlMviai --¦« »1 ····¦· '¦!· .·· »· m 1.·.· ?.,: Ac unti fri m tr.iVtty Mexico ,1 a late, mi asteo -' »:.· :. 4 «xaaquiluj .:. California h was Mppnei d there w mìa o. no oh··« the laadiag eftrooai leaetUriMí ·?· se« frota the s ta the r»o:r.e The IbbbiíwiIibi vi« ß I Baa ·< d m ItMbjBM 'Rich. Ut. i G? Th·· WaaWagtMi ¡Jwim aMipeiuoi ßμßμ in ' rdwdaatfaol «íenera. J.i'-kai.'ti. which cean pporn ry for the fcihra bag rather atrvere s Jenraal FxTïxstL i;»irr..BavMa ?ß?ßt »toctarad ·1.?? iba » m raasaaaep would be alai .osV'-y w·· -·-· ß????? ¦ n- :¦· :...» ¿· se»»··. II Ga???? .Viss HaMI-;H1RE .The Nos abllt tt . t». ..t; the .'ith ...-' edopMd · then BJ »;:n it. y a P8M ? . : B w-.eG re; .d.a:c« a '.ana i : pr^te-ctivji. G**"'??--· Tor mu. Pilot BBBMBJ that Mr BBtMBal Peter Jars.» ^t mat plave. ???ß??ß????? of Indian Af >.- ii been suspended, or dismissed tr.,m HBMha. ü¿ a diis'.ltcr toihe kinouu: tfaboag AASSR T$- ?' ? ? OkkLA.NLt haa beeit »wies'teii tty the nit : * t I'eteribur,; Va. to de.¡ver the eu.ory ou the .-¦ ::. « .i, j, :, .' f 'jen Jack»oU, which wid tax·· place on the U-th ot July. ry I'kl«i: ? «r BlTCtKOOB Bf Arr.heret Colleçe na» »ccepted th. r.·· MxMB I th< liampshiie. Hsmtsien and Frank.03 .-ociety. t. '.. .;v.r the »,:,ir·-- ,.·-.·. s' ¿s io occur "he lMh and l'/th «r Ih·· FbbT M .'p.-.n¿«eld w;". be BBM t: tile week prevtou». f3T Two hundred an«! fifty thooaand dollara' wor.h ,t dime» and h»'f i.rr.e^ have been ordered, by .he .Secretan sfato. Treuurr M te cotned at !i.e |?ß> delphia m.t.· !, niée» t^e pxi«renc;es of the new postage law 3P* William D Drt.A«T E aq ha· been elected M«yor of Nortea, oy ?? major.ty over .Simen ¿1 t.e f3T AsoBgw àTgvi>-«-jjj hju been cboaen to dsnver · euiog; upon 'tlMut Jacbion, at Richmond. BY THIS MORNING'S MAIL. IPPOWTMETTS B, THE PR£iUDr.XT.J ¡*a » H\ ? --u« r « Reverie «· Muury tantoeati. j;tNJaM!> K Ils» i». íjut.'i Carol . » : au. · axptra ,·· ·¦ toswata r Bavai, w tue .. . *r.v. ? r-asvr- 1. - ¦· W m II v. I .,».,.:·;¦' ·.« ·· ·. aü¡ m " ?' :- s ? ,s.s . \ .. ."Maant in l'hiiu-iciphi.·!. ·. v > !*"·, I -' - cas quii a rerylilï Sew ] ·». \ ;. trder an be ?«·! s. sen r- ... On Mm dai :?· xt .·.·¦· rai t| Tb» i- ·· s ..-».. », « are nanee« the sai r did laet week, u b Con Stock« ? .proved each é. a ·. s mat ? », : i-: - tl ... » « . iti ·. Mond s , G and Trader« Kank. « fai -, BiT| _ l'ourt ( niellila r -Ini» DAY. -: mg CoCBT..1 ad wl .·.. »·. ? oa, aia! ... s trieb - ? ????? PtXAs.Mcmdsy. ? here w. be «dou'jieCourt Mbetogtatke roaeaoftha Papartor fttart. | _.\o» -. 28, ;i | I ; e Superi« ' ? .? .'· .:. .fi.Mi S ? OUI UVV OH UTS TlatTllfiT. ron run Cobi · ? ! aaoaa . S «. ,·.·¦· a lem aal Bortón, Bartle ?M \ f Vienna, Onu Co. I \·. Btof I · r \ VVeetfì rea aa a « oa alb ? sabed I I ·¦ ». ¦ ti meet - sequent j Hi s . rton and Bartto wen dtocbarged under the Bai » s Um -s;·· .·¦ rVcawi b the . i id arel bj fives ta their ait ree I pound thai \(- -¦· * .urety, waenoi nable to plaintiff» Oa iheaeeoad trial gi Kent rbarajad tbe tort b anordaare a lb tetrao! tbe 9u] bm ag, *t tba »en at ·:·..·»· «rent different from bla own,aad ? deteasdawt It w·« I ipreane l'oui m bo nBrmedi a far Blade to tl Court tl 'in· dtaware, \? I. s ¦... rhe I ?. .«· · ,'iteii rtttoa (Oi »r ? . ,./ attore, ? · · .', s ile-el tei od I · ·?· ¦! I i brenon. ti ·; II ... ? ?!·· ?.« Porgi ?. Broad« Ri :. ! four day* ? .hrossn ont of the eye, a through - Mi Mi chanta1 window li· rarerer »Bö, »ring the priai of ibi pai. ··· .·· barged til. ...»,., ·.·.;, v. ? riot h»»iu» th. usa Ding properl) lad the Jury »r.· lo dei-Iti il I rotto DttTBi .us·!:, \ or e»|.? ,.: tri the ? · 4 ,.. »araci ·.<¦·¦ rVest I ? s s, .,.., | y,Inahit oj Banie· I while ·.. io tract with ? ? A ... at? »ay tho ? relima and -. .- to "·"' h. n. »... , VV ·¦·' ? i.»i. -,·... .., , . ? over to ? a say* fen or twelvi men ss»-r· intcuseiy engag. f .,-.·!. I Uppl '·'. ·:. I :ii a ss ?,. ·- li bo atirrounditaf ¦ a «idea to that they sare. ? ? them »nd ·, ¡BgBnaaeri to ·;.· ·,..·?.· Mare tun tonnt) « -... ! iheBUriahl read) to »ink fr an :«· . ir .-r w·¦'- B&y »aved Dunne the r. ··. of the In paaai Bfa « a:, t M aaam ,»a, led ¡., m what wa» railed !·¦¦»¦:.· L. ever M .1 IO crue« thi other mil.» belonging Ju . 1'·· ) aaf ¦ inotbi dint ot . ¡as,,rod by » :.*n«· Ol ¦» tweal ·¦ Bear tbe Ire thi ringoi ·» .·>· where th. uned nd ?.· Bata rfaaaga ? s»,r.,i ··, ari manyóte.··, valut ft ? ttntTwrtiee. :n r ¦·» ?? !«¦¦« -Tl.·- w ¦¦ protjeaatogeucceaarufly and rapidi; gioca ·..· trr·.» pria era from Sing »tag 10 inore haw ·· ladead ¦ un · r -, : ·· ?. ! !.'· rr. differeut Ci ·.·.' »« Mr Cook, ohi «.···.· .s. a ahtoarayhaaau » peton. t friand im :m« u* Tiat tue utili·,»' ..,.·: prevali* ai Basra, tiie anai attua '" fate now tgaaga wuere the pntoi, .- tocatad new beildiaga »ie batog erected »tul eraryu eg ear« Mttaand »?·1· w. regu.attu ¦ ·'¦¦ Burnt] ,'¦, naatoaaad to ban that ? bade! rire ««nd b»« .,'..-,.· ·.· ? ··¦ u «·¦ ·· · :»:·: f »..nie : .lare. r. ·.· fa work waa to te bari «.·??,? tareeaaitoa ? I -on. i'.«·-· TmbTïMr»HA>. r PttariTA] .Tbfanbata, Httabaai .. ····.·. H .·. ... .: ..·':. ·¦ pr.i.ts ..rose-.trd »Si·.. ¦ tion a* »» aaba Than ana « me hundred »nd r:-s- peaana arito pealad : ...y : the BMI · · · the <o»s:<,r. The tat..··« vn r·· sdod drwn irteli tt· - to/· .. :: .. ara· dna by lb· gaanto -·,,·. «a· tarred at aaoai o«. and after the body t,ad been well .-areo! tor taje· feed s»v tte iutafiect, .n the »nap· -.eecbe». tnd j A n:».n.:fieent ?»?? ul LO»«t rgw.tic ii::nens'.ons prepare.} »nd presi-m. ed ny Mr toama al Breton, «raced jne ol in..· tobtet and wa« aJiii..'·: 1 to ? At t n»».,naL.e hour, the citr.· .·"'··· - -.« nrnei.· and with the gentlemaniy atteut cm of the wor.h pr.· ·>>t arni iu» ·??··.·-?? a»».»t»nti. I···:...·.| ; and ..·..!,·.-:·;.· Si.«Tt>ciL.The Court of Over und Tor·:. ..· ,,!. ir-rr*r-c- Cur.·.)· were occupied "on the ">ih ¡n»t ·· U'atertown. in the inai of George Brown, chtrg'd abb BM murder ut M.s« Jane OU». Tte prtooner a man about s-ear» afagi nd th· tb ·. a bit :. fat ed tbe Pn*l 'ady waa tired tmm n.» r.tle. according to hi* own account, for the purpose of merely fria-htenj,» ;.o¡ Tl.· ,ury returned a verdict of aiau*lau|t:er in 'r.e th.· : : jree and tbe pr.toner wa« teuteioed to the .stale Hnsou in Clinton County lor four soars.that leitig the longeât pariai with which the orfence ia pumshabie (A.·. At»ae. t ir>r st M m. BkefttU ?', ? id The » tt : Bj .-.··.· s,) «^ « « eaYe N s · » ato er trucs vr... · ¡4« ¡V· ..k; s»t - » »¦ i.-abJe Listai: ··:.·. lftj B was·» ., ¦, a of whom imi» ? ' ¦··¦ .. t?·? 'ron· ·.·«···» «... , . ...·-· - .. ... , ... ... .ess thai * FI .inns ... Km ..... ., -M· ?·- di band, or t..-. li Ij a«s«il him si idi I at irk the prceauaing lover, a -- « is ? ee the a ??a??« stiuaw ss ho «cream« sve he m·.-? reauntnn m a ol Gi\ li »· ·· Menu M h .s» ..... äff ts te, textend, evi the ara ·. «.rem.»n«·» ·.,· Inni m I h«· not poi ?... .s«· || ls al ??«'"«' ·»..*.- ika I Bto- iv ii grcsateei in rej ? m opon, ss cr«> .?»· ? h. ? , Beta ? .: ·..·· «,» . ree ,,a>s lad ssi..! that « ara Irre ai .? «¿J «od. H Ti,· isqoawi bave aaedterprivilegewidth 'hey veri',"· \\ lief one CÌM> ··- er BW ? t n ?., ¦" .. ?·· ,i«eiy » » ti and il ilit> h. si fgvoi . ? ? m ..ti r sserdi - .'-ep er ,-. with tto arUitv of a fawn d the ? fed .j i á \r dea ril'i'.l and il bri .s ara under l -aw a eerta b aeo n aha hai m·. ss oh ?,, ceti. rig nan t,, . pported ?·· oae of them for ? ?·»,· ?t wo. At th·' expiration ol to,· ;.t .·! :', are ss ili ;y To take the ? ? he ? o Pea al Mr l'.tiiii. or uns other bornea ?»· th" omt ol .[trini .nid liriiia- him to :. eri « ? ??< n ? and p.misi, tin·· with Ik bV o take him from tl. un< Gß«.. til .! -. the s. ,-\ « ·. Is ufo ,r ? ill · ' liapraya it« Polk and Dallai MM the «amo .·. con lem to iato IBI· I il t. ·. oh. ?,. boi u s -, lau I iole M ,'· .- inn« proti h ?" .n of the pu meni · ? ? Liren e fri ? the ti l lu» poll 111 III. oiisistoiios L«M I si «I nip ni o, mi) '··¦;' *u ban li |tl Iona Koceist ti lullte Will« 11 I riliua«. ."I|.,.< V ",; :m 'if ? i t West ? \ s. I Heal l'orni, W. ? .1 .?·.·«.n· e, Pi 1 -«iioat 1 ¡plions Keceise.l lo the ll'ills TilhuBC. . -. ? HI ,.,·»-, imi ?···» U'nti . , :,. tei .'? ·.·as·mi · pillili.· ut invanii«, aid ol tl»·* .\ im un· of ¦ enk t rexreal I.I la tl ? eH .. nt oi Mr parka, ef the hotel ? ·? it piare | la trip ie advt n,- ? .? .. ItuacBM ?. . I"! th.· »Il .illCo.l M lavinole... .. w. pTOCeild fol «»a. ta » Il ut s. ris·· in· ? t.. ."H mv . of irei pon me at pi ? aeran fi er having Ml aad Met ? ? I WIM HI- SI ? .? ?????« l'I Kl »III KS «?? Phis ? ?·' I he advertí». , »l.rar.· a ? ? » » . . MM , ....... . m III .is -s'a, > -i.-ertsare .-'Ott . aad Ma aa m, I ^ea* I e '.m., arid to any parile» dtijioa-d '.. «Ba»' ant » ne»-oti»·. ·?, reference« .firm'UKheat ri,«?« M ··¦ .'y .Sew York,and in MaMactw "ß* T!*·»..· r·.·.·- e ,v ,!?..,..,.. ? a», .'e .!a [".»« I' «· .SI» .'...".' · ¦·.',¦ (,·,· ... ,.. atrgaot - vaaklyora mM weekly tiew.nars--"«'sbmV lient. H.l 't;· . 4. I ·· ??» , e · « Mrwi;*$* ,, », . « ,.·|.»| ' e.t ··. .,,...« BMatbBJ HKirna.s ·,? AM M . -try. ?··· - as -».«G'"*'' ·· ,rvn '''«""'s» for ti«e ¡.er, ¦: '. ·· , ·,. teaVMM(pe«BBto>A.Sa,em .fr. f TENNKY J*\ ^ ?, ^^^^ -_ ·.«.»»' ? OAaeea.steeaBT» ?.eßp?t .Ttu» o-r'.·.·^ » ' S ... jk »"racled, .' i/ein«· t..» »«ll'.etr.» · ¦*· ¡,··,. la M ,ei,eât una ? ? Aoa.i»»T ?am ? n·** intasi '"e«. W. eh sroald l>e ·?* ? tke Qardea aiana. bal Mr Rn'er»· claiaaa s oeiine uf Obi H a«, Tstsir. n » · D*cearea,aad ^t»» «ito RaKK, svitn -h- «5iri¿-.n¿ lad Daacta - Il to ··"*» « ¦·¦'¦¦ patronage. Mr Rebert» a '-»· r aad ai ear» ti be a Lgb y accumpl «-as a«v .·¦'. VW E'-l an .r.· ..,.- .. · rs,·-. Tne · keabenefl ^ ws« . s - » . .¦;.» «···.·¦ oa Isa By· ?», ? milled 11 if 1 » , » R. ·-¦ . ;.. ?.» Tra- ? .o'.'s G? -? ;.r.i.-. ? e,· » ^·*[ :.·» ? ?a.·.'li. -. : ? S.-VC.» Jt·«· a G7*" '"iiss^i r'.ii 'Ml sj'eri ..,· an··! even r M Paab· ·., tee "e ·¦ ¦·. · vi' ? »nd »lui ? r.,l..,,,l .Viail'.m" R,,»s»· -' ¦^ r f ·.·. .. ' Mat,praaBataad BMMevaMUaaatiatyeito · t"W- No stTTr.a Rt ,4ni« m:, exl»i * iy/tosti .<*«> Ooisli. Kita»! r or .«««»ArAaiLi.x prtrterr. · "'*·.' .. . ... « :. ¦- ·¦ p.^asait et:·! ^onsenas.· .«e. ii*i .Unce a omb.u«-' STI · . ·¦''¦" 'tl.-lpa: Ile; ,t tu R-oad'vsv._ i.i ,«¦** r»"To Motel, «»hip enti -tisatlioal OwB***- KiivJiMLS. al il> Mlu.s. N- > ·· ·- » {?G. ¦ osita Pust-Ot». e, :as added, very eeet.»ive»y, »«aw .o^, .: Dry o^ai» for funuettleg »imusjn»· aB-aPPe«» ¦i ¡eavsacaai. t' ·.'.; i"«··. Q lilt» H aiike;-. >-tio 12 i ¿mer. and c«ion «tieeCdig l.ntei. I f.'·» ,T« pI eka .s ». '. -a··. r iru.ture D.mitv, Beuiici SV .-.. r tud G ./..-f red ? .''a.n M .»lins Damask and watered Morera». , By oavingt.u.e Boocewecaa rarattt Coar.terpanes ssy s.»·, Wim uaute twuve lui uf vtMeei or iwttsi. ?? ."

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Post on 27-Apr-2020




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Page 1: THE TRIBÜNE· ¡Tt^AV VÓHSlSiì.€¦ · wereobliged to run a linlc gfl Badar the »holier the upper dock, to nvoid n diemhuu.· Here tl I children wen· huddled down on lit?U-bada,


I«aealan>·"· Abaeed.

«fh. Rock*'''* Dm*** Bn boon doing· a good

work m exposing aome of the frauds and ;n

m which the t.oor Immigrant· from ?'imp* BT·

.¦posted from the moment they approach our shore»

to that in which they rea« h their ultimate dcrfinatioi

Generally ignorant a« well a« poor ·?? h!lif "f 1,H,:

unable to »peak oar lanrnat-o they ar·· »·¦

pounced upon aa prey by « ÈMk oí barfborer about our port, and tfbaaan· ataapi· to tak,

the laat cruat of bread from lai ??.,?.?.· "t !.·,

children if tbey can there!.· Bal haü

their own diny pocket», h tarnnl rant«! IbbbbbWh ia proved that familic* have paid in our ( it

through to Baffalo. Cleveland. CsMasjja, «\· yat has·

been «topped half ara} 1,·,· « demand of more mow;a· the only condition '·.. adatan that ould l»e allow··to proceed, or tumbled off on a dork. a¡id ¡eftehi ft for themaelve« a« BBB) mifht In other aaaaa

they hare bocn charged extra (<,r loggag· in ?

tico of their agreement», and »·.,;; again th·;. h:

been awindled by a aaaajsJoa term ed Haiifaxim.·thfireflect».that ?« ? ti agtbe weight twin durealaitouiit. and compe.ì ne HBHBtOpBy lull char»··on tbe unju«t computation. TI.'««· are gag I padthe oppreMion» heaped ujwin a !*»« whi «e pow r*

and helpleaanea«, it would seem. Baal preserve tbeaifrom the rapacity of any hut the in«»«' abandon·n'lain«.

It l« no'.orio'i« that tiie i»nnn."-ah·« ha no fa,chance in oir ;. HI Th' re OBghl to be ? ajp|dock at wh.'I BBB) abaadd bD I« kmtti at wlm

all the forward in;* Nana or » reaasaBaablfl ¦each, and ti'it'O'iv baaai· ihonld be admittedpropo»*:« nana· cthrely fer carri in»? danplae·*» ol destination, so thai the immigrant« m»

ehooec the mo«t desirahi· mo,,e of on·. e_. ance G?.

.tea/1 of ti Aa, u ?» rarely that th· agant··! Inibìlinea are ouariiod to BBJ ????? i,··fore iht.y are hook·-·

by tbe one who ?« favored with the first arce»«

tltem. often at m··«: exorbitant ¡rices In manyauno«· we learn that mx dollar» a head ha» ban Halfor rough and tumide passages hence to Buffai'

though twenty abilling« i· th« usual price It wil

enable a ijood many to (,-uc·« how thi· bu-ine«-.

carried on. when we merely »tate the fact that Mr

Jonathan U S'tvrntnn, under the authority ß

Health Officer Van Horanbnrgh, i« the «' ncral osi

aeer and manager of it. We believe the amou.i

which Immigrant« will pay for transportation ?????

ward from oar City thi« year, abara tin·.·abould pay, will exceed gio'i.'ioo I Baal I

would give forty acre» of ???????? at Btad BBefc I

two tbonaaud familio«But tbe Immigrant» are noi robhe.l aadj -tin \

are cruelly expoaed and abi«cd Thry agra· m.

pay to be transported 'by steamboat and cana.

hence to Buffalo, without hearing, or suspecting thu'

they are to be thro»t aal on tho dock ol a BBBUBjbo r

there to »pond a night exposed i" ibadBaraaad i"»-

end frequent rain« of a »tran»·« and TariaUecUmBtiafter week« of confinement in ih·· stifling »u era«1 ·¦

a ship. Often, aa we ji«*« aptheHedan ara daihundred« ol tiieiu piled m around tin steward aran.

waya and bar.«ick women and tinier ehildrcibreathing fume» ol rum and lohaero eaoagb t" »till·

? hog. Night after Baght throughout the season o

Mvigation. there «re hundreds thus treated, mid v.

have aeon pan ut« labor vainly lor hours heft)they could make « lud fite thab children wben Ü»water would not drench nor lu-edl··«» hat ti ample mthem, Shall this go on

Going tip on the Hi» hosier ? Tu.""las Bight, Wl

found «oiiio two hundred Iiutch Webb and lin [HalImmigrant« emhiirked mi hot Tbtdr MlsyUstl vs.i

thrown into a grout heap M th«' forward deck, an,

they were piled upon it« aVJn a» they best mid

During the evening ? rial at «Lower «rose and tin ;were obliged to run a linlc gfl Badar the »holier

the upper dock, to nvoid n diem huu.· Here tl

children wen· huddled down on lit ? U- bada, dami

I und leader foot.ihn atUDaVtl glad BBOBgh t<t radiaauleti all thought ol »loop it their children could hu

«ft ? little Capi. I'rutt· nden kindly allowed il»-» «v.· uiiine la.uiei an ta. an anean [ »¦ieaub to ah· law!

j for deck pataenrer». nn.l doubtlo«« did all articicould be asked of him under bis contrae! M e

thoan who had «hipped the«·· poor pauaaai ss,

abamefully deficient. They should have had ai

agent on board, ready and aretJag to pros id·- anilbla ahelter for their paeeeiiger» Indeed th·· boatwhich carry the««! poor people should sci aparl fathem the forward cabin- no lona-er needed for cab.?paaaenger«. «mee the construction of state room

aboredock.have it well ventilated, and then· |,? ?least the women and children have a chance toahelter and rest. If the forwarder« will not aa*

} enongb to make this an object, decline their bad anNo man ha« a right to make him«·!', » constituí.

party to the thousand murder« which are aun lal.scommitted by exposing these poor |H«ople by Imi.·dreda each night to the inclemency n< our ski.»«, as

no aeuaible man would «urter the exposure of lu¬core or potaioe»

lint, alterali, private cupidity affords BO «ale re':mice in tin· i'remi«es. and the minister» of the lassehoiild take hold ot the matter Tho whole on,

mutiity must suffer if disease is cenerai· ,1 h\ tl

eaposun·. ihe deh nin»t be pfajaidad l'or la the |«»,rbttuae if noi el«esshi!o. the orphan« inu»t havenchance to exist Let mi man «ay Tin» is not ·

bualue»«. it ?.« an f aaah/j aaaaiaan and ss Q] at anmay come home to overs bodi Eaajaclajlrj ahnour City lioveniinent take thorough and atener, i-

Orasralgbt in the promis«·». From each ol these 1::.

migrants is Bahn a dollar ot his scsnty »lore «>;!¦

eight or teu dollar« from a »counts

again·! their aajaajnVal pauperisin Nosv lei the Citi.upend at !ea»t a «mall share ol this money to fanarrw them Irom pauja driso awns

aharka wb»t would des our them ami «t;irt thempromptly on their |ounny on the he»t p«t».«ibleterni«A thoroughly Iwuest. capable and benevolent agi ut

arme«! with the power of the 'aw. latarding eaclreaael at the Quarantine fMag ali désirai '.c m:,m

mai ion and extending all the aid in hi» powei amaave the Immigrant« tbouaatnts ou thousands ot d«ulare, with health and.vmfort of »till greater value

Why doc» the Cssrporation he»itate I Th·· tie,, «· s

la urgent, and «liouKi U· promptls provided tor

Cak or Dorr..Tbe majority ol the Sbvt Comm it tee of the Hhinle Island bekisiature to w ho:n t!

nbject of liberatiug ? \V. l>orr ssaeretem I

May eeeaion. made a laaaa] ? VVc Incsda» iawhich they exprea« tin« opinion that hi* uncoiniiBo·*» liberation would leu.l io unsettle tin· »re»t ? mm

ratlve principle r»taï'..shed by tho resent cent· in tinbtotery of the Sut»· They alude to the fast th«! he »

appssaled to the G S Supremo Court, and di ;¦:· ?

acnoe in relans-n his case which w».u:,l !w-tr«y a disti ..-t

fat lb« «ouadne*· ol tho Ptat« » cause » m tho root rudeof tbe («upreror Court of the t'n;t I .-tsie« ? s

.wan the decision ol the h!j<l!e.«t.'ut.· s ..·-,; ki: ,ist

lo ike cousntuuon and law» a| the ,??... .. HM namwhtok tbe eoenmirtee recsimmend s» 1. sSle »*··

for ttot Osirernmrnt and pe,,;.;,· ,.f l;!.,sle ¡????report is »i,;,,ed l.y wm aj --'tilt ??? K(l..... |Oraaetou.

J. 8. Toum-i.ot. HW other mcaabei fthei rtimittee.preerated a minority report, re,-,.,u.m.. :ln, ,n,. unc,,.dJUODSsl r,>»»e ot M- l.,.r »., , niiasule ,.,, ..

reeture pa-ace and harmony ·. hi «?

? S. Wo learn by a »-cnuetiirui l'ro.n N,.w..,rthat the tVnate of Ub.-do Island h»» uuaniuKtu.¡»paaaed a bill for the unoiiditisuial hK-ration ot \\.-^Tbe House would doiibtio*· aaajaaaf

|tJr* Hon Kmsiii H Ait in .t Hatu, r bBaBaabaanla« th«· Whignaaaaanate the ertici,!Governor <4 Mamo Mr A ion :» one of BBtaMaaiBod moat popular men in that State. Ho is a native

of Maastachuaetta. and Ür· son of the lato Samuel CAlien of Xurthfiold. who represented the FrankluDustrtct in Congreaa for ig yeara Ho r«fna BBtdPaatobttoot Diatrict iu-.Ih· Wldg fjaaajiaaa, al ligi Mwith dtouivguaahed abilityQB· Then is a tpirits-d come« gomg on in the

Talladega Dtotrict between a Mr Rice and GenMcConnci!, both Loco-Foco candidate« for Cong'e«·.Oen McConneli «ay« be don not like the Rtct aaaaa,Wo praaama ba wc did praiar Barltf. j

Tbe Irieb Cherucfer.

In one of the eloquent paaaaee« Rioted in TheTr.bune of Wedneavday under tho ?..-id Spirit oftha Irish Press.' we tind 'hose words

Daaaaaa· baa «imo»t aaarbhl fr<.m external «uff··»?.· prevent» him ".he !p»?p??».·.. from aaaaBBBB] s -'

»!. l » misanthrope and reconcile« him to i.l»Tin« rei Band to our mind tiie many touching in

Haana kaoara to? of «'ich tra.·« »¦.¦.. »· · .'· ?vo have «een here. We ha·.e eecn instance« of

.-- thi« A /.ri »e.·.· han· ai.:r »In.· wm ·a· .·-··. .·.·-«.·· f,» -i ·. i-in»·

.rothcr of whom «he am partitahliy ".rid He.- ? -,··. rna¦a, that aha ? pela

..· of aérions Bngbaadnya and aa fa·.·. t to bal - ' - ·

- '-':-

Mea has.- .?. ¦¦ ·

.·. .· ··.

¦ the loa· of a lo·.· erg '-

aaj no ;??·, hi araald htag h ·:.'.· ?

????·:1,?·'|«?';.,????' antutD. inthe f!ow.»r ot bataaaded benaJC aol aal) arary plaaaaaa, but

·¦·'.'·........ rj, »(.,.

gbt oegbt to be ban battei tending to Irelandt -.ved in'tlo r JBBl M feha ssa»"n tfa

ig so «he hoju-d that her BaaBJBBf.¦en p. ? -¦···. ;.'.,»-« u.. para -'¦

·. .··· ·¦· iarj iaaniptlisB Waft ?

?:·.,,·¦ pot Irj ? '.i'· Wal.?. ?. -¦ ?


afa· ?«, as working and firn film' and dream:.'Ig-. ¦·. BBgjfanr, it was. ladead b ri >

aad that eharfabad pain ",:

·. iba | -.·.·· ..·..·.·"··

.'·..· «,. dea ail tbn· tan* I ¦ M I

I oh bar! am úndaaajjni .·. tao! her la


Ih· ·. are uhi.·, however to make the -aerifico

tbn ..líense fami;s nfl·« ti «M fa a nrortbjWe kaew ? wean erbe poatakned «end

ber "i.i\ eh Id ss-h-.m na had left in baanri'....a:«, while ah· aaaJatafafaBd fad h Mead who

el non·· ani to help herTu.· poatrj oi arhioh J has· -poke,: show« ita Hraa fa re. ss here tt!· ;, arc aaatantod ¡mm old romai,

aaaatdatana and beirin the new life in the BOW

tarai hg Magai it« drudgery. Wa know aagbti4 ¡octry repeated to u« by the«·· present at their

sake«.passare« ol natural asOOjaaata· from the fanentotion« for the dead, more beautiful than tin"-,

ore d in ihe annals of Britauy or Houmelia.It i« ibe »ame genius. BO cxtpii«ittly »aoanofuladar, and ghra/bag m with the finest aatihaaaaaai

bbbJbM their nationa! music, in the«·· respect»...· ftant fa the irorbl II fa iheanated the harpm an nap aad darOliag It fa the harp ao

?.-autifully deserilte'i in "The iiurj. ol Tan'· hnlio.

angwhoa ajaBptopathnfaaantTpaaaad ?:···;

Ig was never more adequately cuibodiodIt is the geniBl which vsiü enable Klnmelt s ap

draw tear» !rom |bj remotest i-eneration«.

? .m l'in, ?, ?.._. ui'is baatraagan totbeehvaaii.ees which called .t fortfa It is the goniu« whichaaatad fa chivalrous fari linos« through each art Edward Pitagaral i,.the genius which, ripn

', Limtlitdi culture, his .»red bs ruitalne occasion«.

.« abed Ban ii L'lors oa ti,·· fand which baa done alcould to qajaa I. t on the parent hearthWhen we on-,dot· all UM lire which gloss» so tin

uneabbj m lrhaiT»daa'tliB character of harp·m·· ihecire itntant - almost adran ·-

¡? ?,????- wecaaaol ( rbi iwitl ta

temperar) Oto they aid hi hero to gire Ufa' abona Thon Ufa ara and boi

erati the] re knowa lo all. and ara rankuioiig th'iii sshat Other· WOald not. that" by llieir

..i.!;. Berrín to do ali Ibehard work they make :t

- (terni of the popoJatkn to gnm elicmi¦·¦ in.I help the oouiiln to grow too la«; But

hai b lid dnthry, t.. grow n«i i««t it fa ajajaainkiiig iigniiist it Their nMM ignorance, tin irlind des..[ion to a pric-lhoo.l. their pliancy in the

utdaof ,l aaagognaa threaasa ctntbrnaaee of thanla; set. on the othei baud vs e must regard them

i| a most valuable clean·Bl in the ness rat ·· Tfa )ro looked upon with contempt ate their ss mil of

pthade Bl hunting ness thing«, their ready and in.ilion« l.o,«. al.»., .j,.. »,m soco TIlOsi· aro thenil!» of mi oppressed rnce ss li'-li tant G??/??? theId OÍ biter circum«tBii(-'s ibroagh two or threeeanatton i" aananai Their sirtu··« are tins are many genuino and deeply «? impartial obsersur fail to admire their truth

. domes!:, ti,.», their power of generous bountynl more generous gra'ii nie. their iiidcfaiiga

. d humor, fer Bgn of arroag, which basesen them to »o mil,» act· oi linparalloii

ever »our their blood «? it» tntlOT their rei-

s ssi·. ibafa elasticity ot BBtan Tbej nie at

,,:!"tii one of the host nations ,,( the ssorld..Voald the;, ss.rc ssi'.coined bore noi to Woik

reis. |,ut io intelligent sympathy p.nd effort« h 'lband ardent lor ll.,!e t'.oii of their chll

:i N> sympathy could I·.· hotter dosorsed,cllorts wisolior timed Futuri· Burke« and 'ur

UN WOaU k-.ioss boss togise thanks for thorn, alni

cgeralda rise uium the «oil which haaata lhalagnoUa with it« hingli «tatara and aaajei

s lute IdaaaoflBB, to the «am·· left] «tul pure baBBtl.Viliyea not htdbrrah, aaanli hanaa thai is·«·

I s oulh sou s,,¡need in the imiil liulc tell» s,,'i

aa aad dnahatooban hin m tho«,· aatabn ügfai Yn aro «bor! sighted, ms Mead; sondo

.ot look 10 the future, sou will not turn sour beadisee what may base ben the ¡iitbiomv·»of tha

I hai I not examined your OWn breast to BBSthe in 'ii'.tor there had not commanded yen

fa your patt 10 counteract those iiithioiioes andit the liishman ati]>Oh'.s to \ ou eso ! ese He >

is pannai biaaaalfi heezpaeta a '»crsonal into.-¦ faanyn (faajkhfaj an ban lantoaaMraihtobopa which is tiie fruit ot hi« nature W. sscie

nidi loached bl O'CoanOsTl direct address to tl.,·lana a.»' hai »bed:,::..,; batoauaad aao lew ladie· and gentlemen will till the prayer·

4 deatbii tnapaai laaai -m

TO-DAY'S OUTSIDE!ia»T I'soB .I'nitod State» f \(s

». l.tbrnry.« G,»·?? ts Mi» S*«««..· th· ?.·». ¦¦ ol ihr Kast. I>s G·: liasse. The l.»s!s of UÚ. «

Vein | W,,, VVs. ». ,¦ Tokoah or tho White | .».

!\tr»ci tutu tho ,-ri:r ,ñs y.uu$ G'.?«. Letter fromVin II «csss:i ·.. 'he G?????,?: «,,.¦ ajj, ,,? ,-,,^.ndaa,lot «Tit ?'?,.? s|i ,·· .... ? \ ban ?

Ban ? .: ? :, s; . liana j .. ,

Tt-siiiiioiiv iiaiiiinst "s|:i>,rs.The Weateni Picsby terian and Congrajnseiiiio!; .it IVtrott adopted m. u.iinousis | M

si altera ìi.souasion m which Dr BonianÍTroy, ? s µ· Hi Bl laThanl ¦: ? . ¡;.dr Bcajobar, l'rs»· StosseH!:,! aajBBn 'os-s.

praatahfa sud roBebainB ¦··.. ! ai r.· » baai

-¦· s .· ,· <.... ?

,,r«i their »oioinn and decided irsumon;, t MBMtrteaa Baarery aa agréai »·.

abran ab | oV ¦.·.··

red j ·.·:.! derIanni fa t. ? :?· '.s? inen :?: »1. iu:t»!-'c was s lo mat·' kftowu :.., fa- h. arti


ari ß a» ,, BBBTaat aal iti


etili w ¦· bere?, -??

¦·. ».-»non.1 at iba tanti

»Sii :il»! .;.t sers

the ttdvaiK-c» .I hi» pros idonee au.i tho tri!..« tnith. b] the more cs ·· «, -''r

?·?*? '¦trans'o« -e»-it,»- s teram anbaaaari anyan af the wi»e and g'Knf : a.

echiuttbe rrll io question, ho il a.-*ordbai -·- D| -cJaini that hi it »h, ut to C-!av::«h the

eoguiicdln ali beerte, and to ss,,rk a pr»ct:,.' ' ;'u'.iiy th. reto m a,, benevolent a»s.<-ian,iis »nd¿".ht'^'I u*l,"ut th<· CWranal Cbrittton Chain,.???.'TvT1 'Vu<h » '-'.«ei c «summation this

.'«.and tor :, ...1 a» ,n dutiBBl m | ss;., uiireasnia-lv p-»y

^M':.«vPrs'. Hough nioso»! ,(.,: ,aa haiiiil Ml who«,» èaty h anahl be to ?µt?a great,,!. Uaajabbft ths» churrhe. are iu«'.îiod

:. withdrawing irom men holding .lavo. i. asm·lance wi!h ifaa direcüoi.« oi Paul t0 mmm andservant* contained in hi» epiatlt», BafaabjBg Uu epia-ie to PhilemonTbe motion had not been decide«! at the last %¿


G?* Htviasr puhlialteil the ar.i .·· c'.r

bflnw. BMJ dajJBj ;t bat .ast H ataj p'.ace M '¦

IBM '.:..· Pi old·-: MBB yesterday · C Bti I A En

»pdrar/·., ·./..· ry e/ /···«»«.·* .? ? m '¦;..· f..

mance.s Dl i··« ? * fr BBeelG?*»»«, dei:,

»a?eaMaraaaaa««weoeo/tbe µ ? ·."¦

rave »cd spedBecüargcs put lonn m ine Tribune of Monday


. e . -. ..-.., ? · »

. s .·\;- .. - e

, ·,··

Mjstvwsawey ensiiiiiiidshias ??

, \< It ..,·,., -s ·

. , ..,, .·:· ?, ..- .· ¦.;-¦ « -'

.? ?. f-. '..


: ...... ·". t.···.·¦ * "·-·''

U , ?ßß????*·...,.,-...

- ···

. ·.

a ,VrU/l ,

ifku'fiai"' « rt«-a r"--'*p- t"- , . -.

.. ··


«m la Ma «m... ..:-:.

-4? s ? these ci gei.-.··.-.·«

«herrón H fostadtSl a. I ·

sab '·'Matai B

-. pi soi ora r« In« »1 . ·: :- ·

G euch unfortunate·. I ty to*

-... arato ?

and Iterai tnf

? not exist the suiv

.... ·'¦

We rei .

e that «? t boiDg «id U» I .'

·¦ './r Weaen -

Bsuiihí save ? ? ti¦ ·

eoe .:.... ret rid cd

«.w but« ?«.«».ori a¡.,¡ an.-.

reeled the iner Ea er; andtritt the k.nd ? ri »

.- mi ,-,.... featihn'. WM Ht '.ea«t horn··

IVI ·· ¦¦·¦.· iMdbei the di lil · reti e MeetEnron, we .esvr H to the 1? writing ih·· Mys'er·. ,! Ir.;-i:.-y m ·.".·

t. olirseli, he has simply scie,· ?., j atedSM wb ?

,· rm.t'i 1 to go M largì ? ? ..¡'.t h· > »? un·

gati A'vir, who ihrali!Stag BiBf,

It is worthy of remark thst in r..« dtfi %tc he has not as

-t. ¡.uní-i.· .i aay pt ¦·> ¦·· '' ¦'¦ ·

Myaeary,7p" «Vetragf MM in'·· now i.'iily at th·

.lilscoiilr.o '-.--y i:i whidl the ¡'liilics Mr

Keepted, soem ton» :.. bari Led ...··

.rida aad eatwx eeairy range o. dJcneaioaabject Bttttef did MM iMfalre tay bv -

..- .iynr harm ter of IBB) writer ol ?* Mlery hut the Coarier saw tit to bapegll tin ?

ndalgiog m chare«·· .,f pei Baiar} depi od« ? e a:.

¦-N.iiitl which bave i.« en '!,,·¦

¡«proved In turn en» have durées tn

thef tide which appear ineepp ned bj f

... ".n'.or of Tito M Mei y ha» b·ailed out of town lçy ÚM UlDeM ni a near ?

nal may have loaMthiaej i" lap whea h«· reta

We do hop«·, however ih u the ??· Id f ???till ?.ol be farther widen«·.!, ilia? ÜM«? r. alise the propriety ..i pie\i-tin.· chargée rather thaa Mehbkg atra

?,« Cevrier bae eeea dt la BMhi la th »

g ¦:¦-¦-;- raoBal SB I h,· gi fact that eaoraoae fraada were etwtaaii

::;.··¦ Loco-Foooeof*thia i',:> Mat Fei w, to s'hii.I oal

lit« linns.

py The tttjieaiol - 1 kooaatyeraeboaxtlM'.'..¦t rat ..t L/BCBBTI w.· knew cf. Th· y >u :., MS:., ,1 to tear up '.lie Loaf latta RafllMad hut 'hey BN

ilao lachead te take thin time BBtMt it, and to doit in

the genteeiett pocihlc way Thcynevu interfan Mittdai :?'·«·?:?? tram ·. bai ß?ß| ? ß?ßßßßa '··..· ¦·· ry quietlytske up a couple ol rails and bid· in tli·· hushes be·tore the accommodation train con:«» »Ioni;. »ml then .«?.

uian two or three,· th·· road b . .··. I

to the engineer of what h - '···« ? done.beside BBBBJ '¦

oh.1 In fr ut ol their work «.th -tump» and bushes. Ma¬tt« Ma to ba overlooked la it I ··> »re

Mie m:.d. «t iiialiriiTf't BH ,.

1 Hat e-. r tore ..)On 1 ¡? ..- " :...· ihM SMM « ,

«h'.ch the nei oinin-i'lstiou "s.n !nr th.- I '···. wa.

it ?.ctt:> iltipe hou,«. We Mara that the traMaaewury extra ran» and »pikes tn indi. Ipsxti ·? ol 'iie

Ml ofttie.r frit n. I» m Suri...?

QP* Oar PrjBm Primari Bcaoou an.i,d. ; ??)»· then s. BJ »incisi .Minimale « I "

-chou!» mm Mara ftoaatke Coaaaagej *'

'lieio are n..»'tiny «:x .Or inl.ltt ? '¦·

··'.:. ti, and ihcy are scattered Bki r ?.

1 ity. cMendm; a« 1?;.·1? uptown »· Th.:·h. y are di«tlnct from th·· pr:m«:v ???????ß??? the baaaaaaM «tor:-· of ¡»r,;e pabiM »cIico;» ami iTiativ

f them sic pruMded with neat und connu-

agi erected lot Mm Barpoea, eevenl efwhich hatI'Uilt this vom ??,,1 other« an- nun . |.,,

-¦¦.t.eretabtthoaaaad ehfldraB,a ¦.nullt exclus:·· tl\ b] ???ß??, ni aBBttttS IBBdhM «

.iti uo «¡sto» and tb« elements ci arithmetic, ibu» prepa ag thaaafori .nnu.Ki

... -:'·:.,

-.s much grarifteattta expeiicuced In viali

Î~r7~ The Mayor ha» iesued a puh!:. rjOticMaa I ag trad a f ly, ai? aad a :·, .-. «

rad and e»pi.:».!y that there BUMBah or alcoli. · ·:..: «Jaaj ht aaj. . u,


ti« ? meant lo '

"?' La Fi riti dtwa ? s·. ...

Park tart atghl it b tMBMd 1'· r. .·¦ .

·:.·¦ -·.: ttaa ¦! « WBM m be ßtß| ·:· ? ·

îp- Mr B>BtUtTI takes a rvn.-fit at MTCJ . ,¦fei BJ ?'.» ere .::.·· ??????ßß??? tke ??t-I irm«ii.-»ot the Acrotiit Fun: ? w ???????

l~&' The Pean« llagas. .¦:..· .,

pattar tatto o>er. sUsbh I« ·,

·:.·. :. lit« reprint.??~ Lnrwaate· «v Wtxu bbbbjj :,

carry 01:· ¦·»,': | ¦: the BBM 1' -:.,.·· . .1 -, f,r u.· an e an·«¦Hied m · ¦eel shai aajh ß»µßß

Beva BMMMd » G..-cular to it. -h.-ir BBMMJ BBrgbMJ....t t reaatte .>r forward «ny »ßß?ßß?«hspe. after the l,t July '] his * r-.«cm »: -?,

th. xp:··»» «¦»·»'.'.ish-tni.·« w . ·¦ » ,!:.

IT ? !«· corn. r·.«:,.;ir ,,t Mowan , .e\4 and bato the .. si ',.. ,..·.,..,... ., ..,

lay mutuili.' amid s Ituce crown . .


hope wal bairail - iiroadw»}-.

A. in«, writes us ? lettor ¡t readoth ihn»y. 1 Mes rite - | a pepai ·.

:. '??-.e that a certam gentleman up ..

NMBBBltBrWOfthapaBBMCIdM .N ..

,::»s*rc«a".e dtKJta-t.n¿ ». tiie \ .1.1 s-sj msnutacti.i.¦eeMMMaCbyhafacayeawSj ba pesMMadto »asumetne '..r.-r.sfative of drclsr.n«· thsi \ sâf frlaad « V BBfl

t..? h. :,« lile Oder V ;,,.,(;ty »t*ord».'Wp pertmptor ly de« ...·.· »ctin, «s.uj.·.·;!, BbM laatter

G G ¡he Bag ? im havtec· (jeejajsajd s. fellow inH.'' »··'' '.-¦«« '.»:··, 11; ,·.; ,.v

["?" ABtdechBd four mon'h» old. w. .s, :;-.

messt · i.· ..· ..(..i m Th< . ttem.fsnt. ....

.?? ·: ¦¦¦ Bmbbbm Hb rfcaraaluliioe «(...«? what h·'(


K!tials-t!·, OlMIB üed in a tit ef ??????* at -i-'V\ BBs : · .·¦:·· BMMMf BBM was BMMt M yc-tr» ,;'aee. an .J».~3 IV-iv BeadMtMa, Kaa.ii rag ... ¦ ,. ?

¦n Sen J»ckson st,l'y :·. 1» rumored thai Le«. D í,i.m Bad Mr.

i'h..J. .»te ai É / ' «re ßß?? »tartina anew Loco-l-'.vo Daily

ff>* The Cutunton Council, we learn, are BBMs]l hsv- tornr »eats L'Uilt around the Fountain 11 th« Park? ,i I kg ::»e

jy Dauiei Mcl.aushliu, ol Brooklyn. II nv«

of MM B M II ¦' -»»? S^lJst while \\:t.:~.% » ....

body recovered ycitprdsy The body of an unknownman w»s found m üie rtvpr opposite On«·· 1

CemeteryThe hnxtklyn Adveniser toll« the fo.lowiiu» «tory

??. \'». ,'r:r*.¡.y piening sbout i) o siock »a Ir^Lman.with an tnfar.t x, his arms, petered the rabin o:' oee ofthe ratharinc «t \ prry· ¦.uata from the New.York tutk hi· sesi near three 'tie of » w»s an

Irish wotna*. Presently the intani began to cry piteous

t when ?·*·: t.-o :a.f os took «nrf ende»»c,r««d ·

.· »¦-h at · ce·» The Inth woman reauested !·

¦reni berti aurw. t« «oil i»· one«, whier

. lelBsatbeantaar k the araarftbenH am¦.-en·!·1. i -:-·::··: .' I ¦¦·»'¦' *-«-«'


-»«e .·»»·-fcn0i

·. ¦ ab·, who wa»-ursoni

tatara aad i wa» taken to tho

^?" A ·' · -.·::? Massa Re

.-. .·,.·, Bgadaal tho ·

ajatjaja/ aad rftlwomen .n pal · « - ¦ I


ate adato·»light tagm.

tore, »nd p«n

-· parran

an aedipantefl part ·¦* ?

.h? »s wo

»ned tbe Lect tombai ·


groarme him legai g..The ?tei

? be pa ? age am eroi

; |,-......·



Blic Ititreet, yn

rye to met by a rat...

·. »rill even! the ?

stern extremilBoa to ? lixtj


.· » s'k i«

e of tbe moat project· ol time·,rbetber tl ·.

·. »..-.-


g tbeaa are upoa a conre·] Theta per

: » { Idled ?


tto about Iey fill

e half of ? »to: :..· »- .tbe pre«

Is fair to to.

Th· Company ibemtelret are gneri Bee to, ai

? I · .· ! the rat

nú« aare· the Commoo Cotu.. tbt y baring

It to ........ Bt| y. ? ».

»ad the Dock, ¦entre ]

·.···· ? ? I «re wan mocar of I

.· m ,-t.

..u.· rhe. ·; ria of an

I .-


». '!


t V '.«Sipeel


sir now in µ -· «·

t belong ? k, ?, '. "VI


taking ?? ager ¦·.·¦«,¦·-.·¦ mo-· ta UH-·.e ha] ·····:¦·· eri

·¦ .· ·. s. attera ?µ ¦.'·;-".- -t ;».!·

the Kew-YorV 1 ...· i anuíam aad '·'

;. -.s Secretary rtbeDorkCoaBpaajMam.!·,.? ?·· ? ? ¦ »? ':,·· ????ß monti ,,r,ír ,? ? s nary hi ¦tab ori to Ban Torktoaowta.'· ::

>ev» Publlonlioii«.Tin Hajawi S ?» betöre us it» con

? it« aro muro suried. though not otherwise more

....resting, than ihOM of the previo'i» ,:i. "I Mislern ( ':s ilizalio:, I·

-?minar;. .·! and oii.iii··!.' upon Bfackwood » Ss nop.· bendi std, ??.,?

limpian ke lertowed sr,- Mn···¦-· at Mi I · '.·'¦¦¦ agi thef ratteb

bfe i« p ?...


? ? ? ·.«

»¡in h 'mes ·.·. .«

-.· ttbe writer of tbtoartkto l? Boa sudi " !»·!.·>' »· he speaks

.? s« ri: through a long UBarbaj m abata tonte », or· » hnataab


; nid rap·· st iho ???? « :ii»»:e¡ ?

Cha » r,: G Baith :?. ?«ink, idea:.«,.·-

Gen. J trae, ? «h- ··.· land tota» .a#t an

¦'¦ ? thai·- ·.·-.» rea y then

when .... .· many

to «peek tarda »a


,:. W ::. li '¦

Ul"H ',:

? mi. I ·¦·:··-1 · ly \\-n»«w liicktN· \ laxan 4 ?. »

«h addition» to i tur Nat:«·, il St.s-k "t

1' - ;·. aaj ss,·,·;, li,-· fa·lash, as yeu ,


s part Ythai ··"·:¦·

1 -.Mr

:. -.«'*>,·.·-.··..·.

? bob peak fai1 t.Cie

ft*" B! ·. k·.· .·..,.. .,.) .,

Bon ? I o It ha« arti· fa· by 1 bj uuin· y the' her himself, a ,-,??·..:. ?

be. J rhean ? araabr t

..··¦:,·¦-¦ r latap*, ibani ani a :.. ·.·.< ..-.-? tek··«

»world oí bit

17 !'i :«.,.· | , ·.

'¦'·¦ ?» .:¦;·-. V«·· · .. ,m . .

prato ari rery ...

?? DsVttUi st Ltrr with a Pr>riLf ¦. 1 »\ u lis Pan ? bal

... issued by J - .-¦

¦a ? .''.?·:·r· rerj p.easan:rat ...

\Tf Lit t»i :. s Lis in., ? ,· ? 1,faribj bj inyi r ? ? ton il .»· 1 capito

'."r' Abtu isAK CtMursaana,I If. kl .

? M???? I .s .» ;' s;, s si _\

« .s -...·. ? : | ïl^r^t: \ ·.. -... .

ty ? - ··! Harper» 1

?'? Wi ina I '·'» -··

rasi im

-*?t ino* ·:.· w aie··? s- . r·» s L .· - - .' , i., th»

¦aafX Cndb)w stenti-

" . · ¦'·-:¦ I t BBl Those ire t.. j.«jpu.i.-'r ¦'¦''·'. '¦¦*-< d » ¦¦' «; »:.i '.'cì!


.t?* W ? Cory« hn kafl faaaad pan I et the-Myeterie. 11 BBraaiBeat attrai Oh bng ? aaaa that trenu·.·

b ii«: «s | 1. Merry. ? ?) ?» for saie t.» Firth i. BaOB ! «viw.y

aaf TI ? - annal t?.?rVanderuif laa baatona pt the Harper*.?3G Thi I.M,iri>DiM DiaocKsi «j. a:.;:.

Aunexinor. toaonlnaabaBated at Manchester. N. IIto promorv the election to Conereee of Hon JotUP Hah h to be removed to Concord, the Capitalof the State.

. F" A memcrandun on a IbbbbT to Liv.ngstoa A\\>..s Lal.o·« «tate» that a .arge p»aue tactory »f i*ohrneriady, wee ,;, ire ajj Wedne^i»» atternooo

New.York aast Erie Rail Koad.Thi» work lu» »? yet received, from the diacerti

na at, i mntiey making portmn of onr ttiien«. th«

Maafeee h ht* !<··?:? talk.··! ofm s»¦¦:' gTMM laaae

a' t,»,.· ?":··. :...·¦!» Bad tu-ist haw ?: I M... BheaiaaaaJ a:.d delayed It ha» be»'u liber

illy ? MB *··»·-·' yeta sin»!! portion M···¦ ? The publie at BWgB kli'ss itt'.le el

.lie why« end ivherefi.reeot iuhteeOn and BOtwRh«tand ngthe prewalM rea igreel iaapor»


. · -t«'·., ·|µ» pur!\ ;:?·?«

. -·'¦'· -, ··«· pros- BttBBM t ha ? tala ai a

rodi I s .



'.'."· :.

¦«ereay what lia ih by ? ibembiogto

.,., ? « .,;¦¦. the tv ¡ralefraia I

aree that the road is iaportaat ? ¦¦ '-"?

... ,· ....·.

. , there·??.-reliant« ,·¦-.- ß; 1

ipa theu.- sten·leo ? ty- sIiouhí ,·,, the nee liai Indi? ,·-.. areali feel do ?· irti«

[f they cani ejr hv hs-

-. of ¡het'otir to think

¦pensable bat 1 it the} can ¿et oo «


? ike i] "ii rauae for thi·. irk, it .· ".oro um

¡ay or the air wo breath.·. Wwant

Thee I not be ? eh "t it Hifti r tin· -'il·-'.\ pa] '

W. ? -.Olisi,lorritionsr. to show that k will Tu··-. -· ·¦-

f da ·:,.! other sorirc. »

?te roatc f the Raul « e ?¦¦'· ont it colinoci«, til.« ? I

with the Lisce and boeadloM Wagipied lad wi o Matead the baaiaeM

?? aatrj hai!" a« laraM agaia aa the 9\1 ·--.¦ :-· ·.·- li¦ od« laui d and C

rhe popo iti n t.· N iamediateli lenn bjHoa afona] ita ro im between ihr H idaoQaBd L.ii-.tErie Bombera. ver balf t mill· n add diia "y an

Brooklyn« and ih·· lotalexceedi Th«three Male« above mention« ,:

aee by the leal eneai "'.¦¦ rveramJUioaidi Hallway-

b « * h ¦' Ian..- .- Bead wo ild ? iv

? -. .- IBM COM

,.ri»»· a ? - ·.·«. ] -,· ¡nod?.. cl wt'.iiiu ss inch there cai.


[ta leeeaa maMBaable to rah dab that « 1?·<. u -·

With a bOBMM in the pr··.. State Bad the old 8toi kholder»

? for Roadway, e.pial »oeoaac ? peri eoiI an :-··... -,¦-:> pa)

?µ chañar ? ß gibbi nan It contain* n.· ci«

I .,,··-, ?« pros «inns It pros, lo<« tor ft cie.tni

tea lini ula withia tin« -iato, ?.· unie· ii.itlaatii t.. th.· Like. When mm

pit led from bobm coovenieal point m th.« city, an

. ., eg the Eaet ddeof tac Badeón maeeto ? ' ; aceof ereeehM it wdl be the glerjwork thel it ii protected] bj oar charter, eah'

iwi ondai ? d und·" uniformlion.«

. ···.·.·¦·.; u : the Road ie gotti, Tin.·¦¦ ridtfa ? luci on »o ktreat a thot

. uti-ai ? IraatBgi· lietaaca {e laid

Uvera, the ? inn;... the Delaware- -iiehnruia. the Ajkaghaap and their tributa

I¦? The ,nst ut «he s»ntk i« rerj naoderaM Tl

:.· toa4,?oo.ta>.. :. liresi

Lad I : a ·.. ' agine·, ear·, Ac ?,???,??).la.: "

K'pialtn BM m pi r mile, which fora Hailway (>t- actor mist lo admitted to h»· vers mode

Ith' r roads with he^vy rail« have eoot muchmor«· mans .·! them twice BI niuoh llnihi« svorkih«t roail way instead ot contins ? or fi thousand dol:ais a mile appear« t ¦- the MOBt part to liase ..·»¦ :,

.ile·! All the eXHliiliiallotis ut thepncea tor svork. lç, [.o-'islatiso Coaamhteea

and olher» have resulted ni slio.viiit.' ihat tin· priCMpaid were lower ihea os iwaerarorka That per¡.on "t the work a Uchia ronetrncted w it h pik -

.· eren the Battenon h· h ? in operation, appeara to hare com

i-i'inileUnder the preeeni Law the Koad will est rhe

bolder· tbe8ta{e Loan ba ¡BgreUaqeiabad and:!.·· ..M s;.»'k redttced one-half about#19,'. Opcr

ing the aboi e eetinuíb ol one to.'.··¦' Bel it. owing to the

high pi e of Ir ·. bmI im · - ored thooaand I be rcrraired

¦ti be a ith » per mile With...d at s eu coat, there s« onld «<'.·?? to

ttle room to dooht ol ita prodactrreaeaa UmUbati to Badalo e.t on an

tveraaje »» appeara by the Cuniplrultor'a lato U«·port, trrer S3.0 per mile Thej have tint Hail«aad earn little n il ? paean ¡er yet the] paigood dividendi rh aa 14 per eaat


liioeitilinrr Files,..· ManN tu- I'm vu, » .' ."

The, . City arai" .? the prea ¦¦

.·.·-¦- .·

-. ·:·. ..? produce together a· stock of

..'... ....

a eat thai ,,i v..


» ¦: rae kaoa»

lei aal roa· attack as·

explosn .'lien ?,. ?

.... , -,

·· '..· .- ·.»!.. ·,

.aa aere ? l, and··

if J. A I). I.'»»:.·''¦> '· tted Iti.·

.nost anxious ? l'ho powder was Cos.- .-r

»:. the Basin by the »chitone: >V baiapt L'impiv·:.. ith-j deserve« ^rt'kt t ,r

. TaMMi atta week,Ml

.·' at; bet I ·:.-¦¦·. -.,.; | ?

I ·.»... ,. bmmJ «t ; w ·, th· MrBbBbM mst may'.I · ·« · ,. 'r;, . ?

» ?·*» about *l "

My previene ta î "i :n theSea ¦ ¦ < I fg ..-? bj

CAUrottBU .We Lave recently had «orne t.ioir' '- thi· rem tocoatorj oflMrlMviai

--¦« »1 ····¦· '¦!· .·· »· m 1.·.· ?.,:Ac unti fri m tr.iVtty ^¡ Mexico ,1 a

late, mi asteo -' »:.· :. 4 «xaaquiluj.:. California h was Mppnei d there w mìa o. no oh··«

the laadiag eftrooai leaetUriMí ·?· se« frota thes ta the r»o:r.e The IbbbiíwiIibi vi«

ß I Baa ·< d ;¦ m ItMbjBM'Rich. Ut. i

G? Th·· WaaWagtMi ¡Jwim aMipeiuoi ߵߵ in' rdwdaatfaol «íenera. J.i'-kai.'ti. which

cean pporn ry for the fcihra bag rather atrveres Jenraal

FxTïxstL i;»irr..BavMa ?ß?ßt »toctarad ·1.?? iba» m raasaaaep would be alai

.« .osV'-y w··

-·-· ß????? ¦ n-

:¦· :...» ¿· se»»··.

II Ga???? I« .Viss HaMI-;H1RE .The Nosabllt tt . t». ..t; the .'ith ...-'

edopMd · then BJ »;:n it. y a P8M? .· . : B w-.eG re; .d.a:c« a '.ana i : pr^te-ctivji.

G**"'??--· Tor mu. Pilot BBBMBJ that Mr BBtMBalPeter Jars.» ^t mat plave. ???ß??ß????? of Indian Af>.- ii been suspended, or dismissed tr.,m HBMha.ü¿ a diis'.ltcr toihe kinouu: tfaboagAASSRT$- ?' ? ? OkkLA.NLt haa beeit »wies'teii tty thenit : * t I'eteribur,; Va. to de.¡ver the eu.ory ou the

.-¦ ::. « .i, j, :, .' f 'jen Jack»oU,which wid tax·· place on the U-th ot July.ry I'kl«i: ? «r BlTCtKOOB Bf Arr.heret Colleçe

na» »ccepted th. r.·· MxMB I th< liampshiie. Hsmtsienand Frank.03 .-ociety. t. '.. .;v.r the »,:,ir·--

,.·-.·. s' ¿s io occur "he lMh and l'/th«r Ih·· FbbT M .'p.-.n¿«eld w;". be

BBM t: tile week prevtou».f3T Two hundred an«! fifty thooaand dollara'

wor.h ,t dime» and h»'f i.rr.e^ have been ordered, by.he .Secretan sfato. Treuurr M te cotned at !i.e |?ß>delphia m.t.· !, niée» t^e pxi«renc;es of the new postagelaw

3P* William D Drt.A«T E aq ha· been electedM«yor of Nortea, oy ?? major.ty over .Simen ¿1 t.e

f3T AsoBgw àTgvi>-«-jjj hju been cboaen todsnver · euiog; upon 'tlMut Jacbion, at Richmond.


H\ ? --u« r ?» «

Reverie «·

Muury tantoeati.j;tNJaM!> K Ils»

i». íjut.'i Carol . »

: au. ·



toswata r Bavai, w tue ..


*r.v. ? r-asvr- 1. - ¦·

W m II


I .,».,.:·;¦'·.«


:¦ ·. aü¡


" ?' :- s

? ,s.s .

\ ,· ..

."Maant in l'hiiu-iciphi.·!.·. v >




cas quiia

rerylilïSew ]


\ ;. trder an m« '·

be ?«·!s.

sen r- ...

On Mm dai :?· xt .·.·¦· rai t|

Tb» i- ·· s

..-».. », « arenanee«

the sai

r did laet week, ub Con

Stock« ?

.proved each é. a·. s mat ?


: i-: - tl...

» aï« .

iti ·. Mond s , G andTrader« Kank.« fai ,·

-, .· .«

BiT| _

l'ourt ( niellila r -Ini» DAY.-: mg CoCBT..1 ad wl

.·.. »·. ? oa, aia! ... s .» trieb-

? ????? PtXAs.Mcmdsy. ? here w. be «dou'jieCourtMbetogtatke roaeaoftha Papartor fttart.

| _.\o» -. 28, ;i '· | I ;

e Superi« '¦ ' ?.? .'· .:.

.fi.Mi S ? OUI UVV OH UTS TlatTllfiT.ron run Cobi · ? ! aaoaa .S

«.,·.·¦· a lem

aal Bortón, Bartle ? M\ f Vienna, Onu Co. I\·. Btof I ·


\ VVeetfì rea aa a « oa alb ?

sabed I I·¦

». ¦ ti meet .· - sequent j Hi s

. rton and Bartto wen dtocbarged under the Bai »

s Um -s;·· .·¦ rVcawi b the. i id arel

bj fives ta their aitree I pound thai \(- -¦· *

.urety, waenoi nable to plaintiff» Oa iheaeeoad trialgi Kent rbarajad tbe tort b anordaare a lb

tetrao! tbe 9u] bm ag, *t tba »en

at ·:·..·»· «rent different from bla own,aad ?deteasdawt It w·« I

ipreane l'oui m bo nBrmedi a farBlade to tl ?» Court tl

'in· dtaware,

\? I. s

¦... rhe I


.«· · ,'iteii-· rtttoa (Oi »r ? .

,./ attore, ? · ·

.', s ile-el tei od I · ·?· ¦! I i

brenon.ti ·;

II ...

? ?!·· ?.« Porgi ?. Broad«Ri:. )¦

! four day* ?

.hrossn ont of the eye, a

through - Mi Michanta1 window li· rarerer »Bö,»ring the priai of ibi pai. ··· .·· barged

til. ...»,.,·.·.;, v.? riot h»»iu» th. usa Ding properl)lad the Jury »r.· lo dei-Iti

ilI rotto

DttTBi .us·!:, \ or e»|.? ,.: tri the ? ·

4 ,.. »araci·.<¦·¦ rVest I

? s s, .,.., | y,Inahit ojBanie· I while

·.. io tract with ? ?

A ...

at? »ay tho ?relima and

-. .- to "·"' h. n.

»... ,

VV ·¦·' ? i.»i.-,·...

.., , .

? over to ?a say*

fen or twelvi men ss»-r· intcuseiy engag.f .,-.·!. I Uppl '·'. ·:. I :ii a I· ss ?,.

·- li bo atirrounditaf ¦ a «ideato that they sare. ? ? them »nd


¡BgBnaaeri to ·;.· ·,..·?.· <· Mare tun tonnt)« -... ! iheBUriahl read) to »ink fr an :«· .

ir .-r w·¦'- -¦ B&y »aved Dunne the r. ··. -¦

of the In paaai Bfa « a:, t M aaam ,»a, led ¡., mwhat wa» railed !·¦¦»¦:.· L. ever M .1 IO crue« thi

other mil.» belonging Ju .· . 1'·· )aaf¦ inotbi dint ot


¡as,,rod by » :.*n«· Ol ¦»

tweal ·¦ Bear tbe Ire thiringoi

·» .·>· where th.uned nd ?.· Bata rfaaaga ? s»,r.,i ··, ari

manyóte.··, valut ft ? ttntTwrtiee.:n r ¦·» ?? !«¦¦« -Tl.·- w ¦¦

protjeaatogeucceaarufly and rapidi; gioca ·..· trr·.»

pria era from Sing »tag 10 inore haw ·· ladead¦ un · r -, : ·· ?. ! !.'· rr. differeut Ci ·.·.' »« Mr

Cook, ohi «.···.· .s. a ahtoarayhaaau» peton.

t friand im :m« u* Tiat tue utili·,»' ..,.·: prevali* ai

Basra, tiie anai attua '" fate now tgaaga wuere

the pntoi, .- tocatad new beildiaga »ie batog erected»tul eraryu eg ear« f· Mttaand »?·1·w. regu.attu ¦ ·'¦¦ Burnt]

,'¦, naatoaaad to ban that ? bade! rire ««nd b»«.,'..-,.· s» ·.· ? ··¦ u «·¦ ·· ·

,· :»:·: f »..nie

: .lare. a» r. ·.·

fa work waa to te bari «.·??,? tareeaaitoa ? I-on. i'.«·-·

TmbTïMr»HA>. r PttariTA] .Tbfanbata,Httabaai ..


H .·. ....:

..·':. ·¦

pr.i.ts ..rose-.trd »Si·.. ¦

tion a* »» aaba Than ana «

me hundred »nd r:-s- peaana arito pealad : ...y :

the BMI · · · the <o»s:<,r. The tat..··« vn r··

sdod drwn irteli tt· - to/· .. :: .. ,·

ara· dna by lb· gaanto -·,,·. «a· tarred at aaoaio«. and after the body t,ad been well .-areo! tor

taje· feed s»v tte iutafiect, .n the »nap·-.eecbe». tnd j A n:».n.:fieent ?»??ul LO»«t rgw.tic ii::nens'.ons prepare.} »nd presi-m.

ed ny Mr toama al Breton, «raced jne ol in..· tobtetand wa« aJiii..'·: 1 to ? At t n»».,naL.e hour, the citr.·

.·"'··· - '· -.« nrnei.·and with the gentlemaniy atteut cm of the wor.hpr.· ·>>t arni iu» ·??··.·-?? a»».»t»nti.

I···:...·.| ; and ..·..!,·.-:·;.·Si.«Tt>ciL.The Court of Over und Tor·:. ..·

,,!. ir-rr*r-c- Cur.·.)· were occupied "on the ">ih ¡n»t ··U'atertown. in the inai of George Brown, chtrg'd abbBM murder ut M.s« Jane OU». Tte prtooner I» aman about 1» s-ear» afagi nd th· tb ·. a bit :. fat ed tbePn*l 'ady waa tired tmm n.» r.tle. according to hi* ownaccount, for the purpose of merely fria-htenj,» ;.o¡ Tl.·,ury returned a verdict of aiau*lau|t:er in 'r.e th.· : :

jree and tbe pr.toner wa« teuteioed to the .stale Hnsouin Clinton County lor four soars.that leitig the longeâtpariai with which the orfence ia pumshabie (A.·. At»ae.

A« t ir>r st M m. BkefttU ?', ? id The» .· tt: Bj

.-.··.· s,) «^« « eaYe

N s · » ato er trucs vr... · ¡4«¡V·

..k; s»t - » »¦ i.-abJeListai: ··:.·. lftj

B was·» ., ¦, a ofwhom imi» ? ' ¦··¦ ..

t?·? 'ron· ·.·«···» «... ,


...·-· - .. ... ,




thai *


.inns... Km

r»..... .,



diband, or t..-.

li Ij a«s«il him si idi I atirk

the prceauaing lover, a --

« is? ee the a??a??« stiuaw ss ho «cream« sve

he m·.-? reauntnn ma ol

Gi\ li »· ·· MenuMh.s» ..... äff

ts te,

textend, evi the ara·.

«.rem.»n«·» ·.,· ?· Inni m I h«· ?« not poi ?... r»

.s«· || ls al ??«'"«' ·»..*.-

ikaI Bto-

iv ii grcsateei in rej ? r» m

opon, ss cr«> .?»· ? h.? , Beta ? .: ·..·· «,» . ree

,,a>s lad ssi..! that « ara Irre ai .? «¿J«od. H

Ti,· isqoawi bave aaedterprivilegewidth 'heyveri',"· \\ lief one CÌM> ··- er BW ?

t n ?., ?« ¦" .. ?·· ,i«eiy» » ti and il ilit> h. si fgvoi . ?

? m ..ti r sserdi - .'-eper ,-. with tto arUitv of a fawn d the

? fed

.j i á \r

dea ril'i'.l and il bri.s ara under l -aw

a eerta b aeo n aha hai m·.

ss oh ?,, ceti.rig

nan t,, . pported ?·· oae of them for ? ?·»,· ?two. At th·' expiration ol to,· ;.t .·! :', are

ss ili

;y To take the ? ? he ? o Pea alMr l'.tiiii. or uns other bornea ?»· th"omt ol .[trini .nid liriiia- him to :. eri

« ? ??< n ? and p.misi, tin·· with Ik bVo take him from tl. un<Gß«..

til .! -. the s. ,-\ « ·. Is ufo ,r ? ill · '

liapraya it« Polk and Dallai MMthe «amo .·. con lem to iato IBI·

I il t. ·. oh. ?,. boi u s -, lau I iole M,'·

.- inn« n« proti h?" .n of the pu meni · ? ? Liren e fri ? the ti

l lu» poll 111 III. oiisistoiios L«MI si ?· «I nip ni o, mi)


*u ban li |tl Iona Koceist ti lullte Will« 11 I riliua«.."I|.,.< V ",; :m '¦ 'if ?

itWest ?

\ s. I Heal l'orni, W. ? .1.?·.·«.n· e, Pi1

-«iioat 1 ¡plions Keceise.l lo the ll'ills TilhuBC.

. -. ?HI


imi ?···» U'nti . , :,. tei

.'? ·.·as·mi · pillili.· ut invanii«, aid ol tl»·*.\ im un· of ¦ enk t rexreal I.I la tl ? eH

.. nt oi Mr parka, ef the hotel ? ·? it piare

| la trip ie advt n,- ? .? .. ItuacBM?. . I"! th.· »Il .illCo.l M

lavinole... .. w. pTOCeild fol «»a. ta "· » Il ut




? t.. ."H mv . of irei

pon me at pi? aeran fi er having Ml aad Met ? '· ?

I WIM HI- SI ? .? ?????«

l'I Kl »III KS «?? Phis ? ?» ?« ?·'

I he advertí». , »l.rar.· a

? ? » » . .MM, ....... . m

III ,» .is -s'a, .· > -i.-ertsare.-'Ott

. aad Ma aa m, I ^ea*

I e '.m., arid to any parile» dtijioa-d '.. «Ba»'

ant » ne»-oti»·. ·?, reference« .firm'UKheat ri,«?« M··¦ .'y .Sew York,and in MaMactw "ß*

T!*·»..· r·.·.·- e ,v ,!?..,..,.. ? a»,

.'e .!a [".»« I' «·


.'...".' · ¦·.',¦ (,·,· ... ,..

atrgaot - vaaklyora mM weekly tiew.nars--"«'sbmVlient. H.l 't;· . 4. I ·· ??»

, e· « Mrwi;*$*

,, », . « ,.·|.»| ' e.t ··.

.,,...« BMatbBJ HKirna.s ·,? AM M . -try. ?··· - as

-».«G'"*'' ·· ,rvn '''«""'s» for ti«e ¡.er, ¦: '. ··

, .· ·,.

teaVMM(pe«BBto>A.Sa,em .fr. f TENNKY J*\.· ^ ?, ^^^^

-_ ·.«.»»'

? OAaeea.steeaBT» ?.eßp?t .Ttu» o-r'.·.·^ »

' S ... jk »"racled, .' i/ein«· t..» »«ll'.etr.» · ¦*·

¡,··,. la M ,ei,eât una ? ? Aoa.i»»T ?am ? n·**intasi '"e«. W. eh sroald l>e ·?*

? tke Qardea aiana. balMr Rn'er»· claiaaa s e·

oeiine uf Obi H a«, Tstsir. n » · D*cearea,aad ^t»»«ito RaKK, svitn -h- «5iri¿-.n¿ lad Daacta - Il to ··"*»

« ¦·¦'¦¦ patronage. Mr Rebert» a '-»·r aad ai ear» ti be a Lgb y accumpl «-as a«v


VW E'-l an .r.· ..,.- .. · rs,·-. Tne ·

keabenefl ^ ws«.s- » . .¦;.»

«···.·¦ oa Isa By· ?», ? milled 11 if 1 »

, ,· » R.·-¦ .

.« ;.. ?.» Tra- ? .o'.'s G? -? ;.r.i.-.? e,· » ^·*[

:.·» ? ?a.·.'li. -. : ? S.-VC.» Jt·«·a

G7*" '"iiss^i r'.ii 'Ml sj'eri ..,· an··! even r M Paab··., tee "e ·¦ ¦·. · vi' ?

»nd »lui ? r.,l..,,,l .Viail'.m" R,,»s»· -'

¦^r f ·.·. ..'

Mat,praaBataad BMMevaMUaaatiatyeito ·

t"W- No stTTr.a Rt ,4ni« m:, exl»i * iy/tosti .<*«>Ooisli. Kita»! r or .«««»ArAaiLi.x .» prtrterr. · "'*·.'

.. . ... « :. ¦- ·¦ e·

p.^asait et:·! ^onsenas.· .«e. ;· :· ii*i.Unce a omb.u«-' STI ·


'tl.-lpa: Ile; ,t tu R-oad'vsv._ i.i ,«¦**

r»"To Motel, «»hip enti -tisatlioal OwB***-KiivJiMLS. al il> Mlu.s. N- > ·· ·- » {?G.¦ osita Pust-Ot». e, :as added, very eeet.»ive»y, »«aw

.o^, .: Dry o^ai» for funuettleg »imusjn»· aB-aPPe«»¦i ¡eavsacaai.

t' ·.'.; i"«··. Q lilt»H aiike;-. >-tio 12 i ¿mer. and c«ion «tieeCdigl.ntei. I f.'·» .· ,T« pI

eka .s ». '. -a··.

r iru.ture D.mitv, BeuiiciSV .-.. r tud G ./..-f red ? .''a.n M .»linsDamask and watered Morera». ,

By oavingt.u.e Boocewecaa rarattt Coar.terpanesssy s.»·, Wim uaute twuve lui uf vtMeei or iwttsi. ?? ."