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The Top 10 Oldtime Strongman and Physical Culture Books By Logan Christopher

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The Top 10 Oldtime Strongman

and Physical Culture Books By Logan Christopher

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Why Did I Pick These 10 Books?

The following books where chosen for this top ten list based on a number of criteria. First of all they need to be easily available. One book that would make the top of this list is The Spiritual Journey of Joseph L. Greenstein but unfortunately that book is out of print. You can usually still find used copies but at quite a premium (like on Amazon here

8&linkCode=as2&tag=strongmanbooks-20) Secondly, I didn’t want to make the list overly redundant. What I mean is that I tried to select books with some different topic matters to give you a more well rounded look at physical culture. Thirdly, I only selected one book from each author, the best one in my opinion. While there are many others available I also wanted to give different viewpoints. Fourth, there had to be usable and actionable information within. Many books about the oldtime strongmen are biographical in nature. And while you can learn things from them that way, I wanted their to be at least some solid training information in each one. And this list covers books of the oldtime strongmen, no one new and modern. There are a few great new authors in the strength realm these days, but this list covers people over 60 years ago at a minimum and all of which are unfortunately gone today. Here is the list in no particular order: 1. The Development of Physical Power by Saxon 2. Secrets of Strength by Liederman 3. The Key to Might and Muscle by Jowett 4. The Mystery of the Iron Samson 5. The Way to Live by George Hackenschmidt 6. Goerner the Mighty by Edgar Mueller 7. Muscle Control by Maxick 8. Functional Isometric Contraction by Hoffman 9. Vitality Supreme by Bernarr MacFadden 10. How to Develop a Powerful Grip by Edward Aston With these ten books you’ll get plenty of ideas on how to train your whole body, using barbells, dumbbells, bodyweight, kettlebells, isometrics, odd objects and muscle control. You’ll find lots of tips on diet and health. And you’ll learn about many of the oldtime strongmen, how to perform feats of strength and really what it takes to become ridiculously strong. Long descriptions of each and links to buy them will be found below. If you’ve already got these books I’ve added links to them on Amazon where you can pick them up in both

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paperback and Kindle versions. I’ve also put together an incredible package deal for you on this set. Total retail price is $179.50, but you can grab all ten books for over $80 off. Just $99 plus shipping and handling. Even if you already have some of them this package deal is worth it. Go here to order:

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The Development of Physical Power by Arthur Saxon

Arthur Saxon's first book on weight lifting and strength. His original name was Arthur Hennig and over the years he traveled, trained with and performed as part of the Saxon Trio. The original members were Arno Saxon and Oscard Hilgenfeldt, later on to be replaced by Arthur's actual brothers Hermann and Kurt. The Development of Physical Power is a classic in learning what it takes to become truly strong from a man who lifted 371 lbs. overhead with a single arm. Inside you'll learn basic and advanced exercises with barbells and dumbbells. 1. Introduction 2. My Early Days 3. Incidents in My Professional Career 4. The Saxon Definition of Strength 5. My Views on Light Exercise 6. What Sports Help Weight Lifting? 7. Weight in Relation to Lifting 8. Routine of Training 9. The Bug Bear of Training 10. My Ideas on Diet 11. General Weight Lifting 12. What It Feels Like to Lift 350 lbs. with

One Hand 13. One Handed Lift to the Shoulders 14. The Bent Press 15. One Hand Snatch 16. Single Handed Dumbbell Swing 17. Two Dumbbells Simultaneous Lift Overhead 18. Two Hand Jerk 19. Two Hand Jerk Continental Style 20. Two Hands Military Press 21. One Hand Military Press 22. Holding at Arms Length 23. Double Handed Lift on Back 24. Ring and Ball Lifting 25. Baths and Massage 26. My Measurements and Record Lifts William Pullum said "The Saxon Trio were the first to demonstrate the real possibilities of weight lifting." Here is a short piece from the intro: "I would say that, above all, I look for strength and power in a man, especially an athlete,

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quite regardless of muscular development. The fact that a man may have full physical development, but disproportionate power and energy has been proven to me so many times, that, in my book, I propose to aim at and instill the value of genuine power, without any attempt to obtain large increase in the dimensions of the different muscles. This means that I look upon as almost worthless the taking of different measurements for purposes of comparison from time to time, as is generally done by young men who train on the different systems which are now before the public. I shall teach you to judge a man by his capabilities as an athlete, whether a weight-lifter, wrestler or not, and not by the measurement of his biceps or chest. In the course of my travels I have met quite a number of physical culturists who have come to me to show their development, and whilst it must be admitted it has been splendid to look upon, yet it has also been evident to me that a number of such men have injured their health in an endeavour to squeeze the last fraction of an inch from out of their muscular development. My idea will be, and always has been, to leave the muscles to look after themselves, but I place a premium upon the possession of untiring energy, great staminal and vital power, and a sound constitution." This book was followed up by a sequel giving more details on heavy lifting, titled Text Book of Weight Lifting.

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Secrets of Strength by Earle Liederman

Earle E. Liederman was one of the leading strength authorities of his time. He was originally inspired by Eugen Sandow, whom he later partnered in business with. He became the editor of Muscle Power magazine later in life. Some of his famous pupils include George Jowett and Charles Atlas. The great Eugene Sandow endorsed Liederman's course. "I have tested your system of physical culture, and I do not hesitate to express the opinion that it is a perfect health and muscle building system, both from a medical and a practical point of view, and one which if honestly practiced, cannot fail to produce the best possible result. I certainly recommend anyone desirous of obtaining health and strength to follow your system. That you may continue successfully in your good work is the wish of your fellow-enthusiast, Eugene Sandow." Secrets of Strength is all about building incredible strength. includes the following chapters: 1 - Inherited and Acquired Strength 2 - Power and Strength 3 - Strength Through Muscular Development 4 - Are Small Bones a Bar to Strength? 5 - Strength Through Natural Advantages 6 - Quality of Muscle the Basis of Strength 7 - Strength Through Symmetry 8 - Strength from Perfect Digestion 9 - The Importance of Big Lungs and a Strong Heart 10 - The Secret of Nervous Energy 11 - Building Vital Force and Reserve Energy 12 - Building Strength Here's a small excerpt from inside: “There are three principal reasons why the average work-man is not very strong. The first being that he has too much work, being forced to continue after he is tired, with the consequence that he destroys tissue faster than he can rebuild it. Second – That only few employments require the use of all the muscles, and all-round development is the prime requisite of great bodily strength. Third – It is but rarely that work or labor requires the extreme contractions and the vigorous effort which produce muscles of great size and high quality…A short period of daily exercise, of the right sort, will give a man greater strength, a better shape and better health than he could possibly get by labor.” Earle Liederman wrote a number of other great books including Muscle Building, Endurance and The Art of Wrestling.

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Functional Isometric Contraction by Bob Hoffman

Bob Hoffman was probably the man most responsible for bringing weightlifting to the masses with his York Barbell Company. In this book, Functional Isometric Contraction, you’ll learn all about using isometrics, York style, to become super strong. This is probably the most in-depth book on isometric training you’ll ever read. There are exercises with and without a power rack, for weight lifters, women and athletes of all types. There are several complete programs to work from. If you want to become super strong you need to be doing isometrics. If you want to do isometrics you need this book. Chapters include: - A New Method of Building Super Strength - The Development of the Theory and the Proper Application Of Functional Isometric Contraction - Proving the Value of Functional Isometric Contraction - A Superior Method of Strength and Muscle Building - One Minute a Day, The Functional Isometric Contraction Way - What Is Functional Isometric Contraction? - A Unique and Result-Producing System of Training Without A Super Power Rack - Simple Training Devices You Can Use - The Training Course Louis Riecke Practiced - The Measurement of Progress - Strength Is Most Important - Much Research and Experimentation Required To Develop Functional Isometric Contraction - Important Facts About Functional Isometric Contraction Training - Don’t Overwork - The Russians and Functional Isometric Contraction - Functional Isometric Contraction Success - More Facts About Functional Isometric Contraction - Functional Isometric Contraction Is Good For The Ladies Too - Strong, Attractive, Healthy Women - Functional Isometric Contraction, Advance Course - Muscle Contraction With Movement - The Accessories of the Super Power Rack

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- Making the Most From Your Training with the Hoffman Isometric-Isotonic Super Power Rack - Rules For Your Success - Additional Exercise Which Can Be Practiced On Hoffman Isometric-Isotonic Super Power Rack - Exercises Which Can Be Practiced With The Bench - Additional Exercises - Variety Is the Spice of Life - Exercises for the Injured or the Handicapped - Many People Have Been Almost Doing It - Improving Your Performance In Your Favorite Sport - Functional Isometric Contraction Training for Teams - Better Athletic Training the Functional Isometric Contraction Way - Training of Individual Athletes The Functional Isometric Contraction Way - Improving Track and Field Performance The Functional Isometric Contraction Way - Muscle Contraction with Measured Movement - A Successful Coach Here is the first paragraph of the first chapter discussing why this system is a must for anyone looking to become strong. "Functional Isometric Contraction is a method of developing functional strength where strength is needed and desired. The Functional Isometric Contraction system brings together all the known scientific facts of strength development and body mechanics. Functional Isometric Contraction is a scientifically proven, very rapid way to develop strength and muscle. Functional Isometric Contraction will develop strength more quickly and more completely than any other method known to man." Bob Hoffman wrote many other great books, including but not limited to, Broad Shoulders, Big Arms, Weight Lifting, Secrets of Strength & Development, The Big Chest Book, Daily Dozen and more.

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The Key to Might and Muscle by George F. Jowett

The story of George F. Jowett is most inspiring to all who are seeking great strength and a powerfully developed body. As a boy he was badly injured and physicians declared he would never live to see the age of fifteen. What the physicians overlooked was the consuming flame of desire which burned within the weak, undersized body. He overcame his physical problems and rose to be one of the world’s strongest and best built athletes. The Key to Might and Muscle is his greatest work in the strength field. Tons of information on exercises from head to toe, with many stories of his fellow strongmen and their feats. If you buy one book for strength and fitness this would be a great choice. Here are the chapters inside: 1 - A Few Chapters From the Story of My Life 2 - The Truth About Exercise 3 - Defining the Mystery of Strength 4 - Curative Exercises 5 - Building a Mighty Chest 6 - Is There Such a Thing As Bone Strength? 7 - What is the Bogey in Forearm and Calf Development? 8 - Thickening the Wrist by Strengthening the Grip 9 - The Value of Finger Strength and How It Is Acquired 10 - Famous Men of Might and Muscle 11 - How a Columnar Neck Creates Nerve Force 12 - Strengthening the Weakest Link in the Spinal Chain 13 - Creating Intense Vitality By Abdominal Development 14 - Banishing Round Shoulders & Protruding Shoulder Blades 15 - Some Fascinating Facts and Figures 16 - How to Develop Superb Hips and Thighs 17 - Where is the Science of Lifting Weights? 18 - Building a Shapely Arm 19 - How Specialization Destroys the Jinx Of Stubborn Muscles 20 - What is Man's Limit in Weight-Lifting? 21 - Why Home Exercise is the Best 22 - Do You Know the Sources of Your Vitality? 23 - The Standard That Determines the Ideal Shape 24 - Some Actual Results of Practical Exercise From inside the book "Just sit down a few moments and question yourself honestly. Search your heart thoroughly, and I am sure you will agree with me that there is much to

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be improved in yourself. Even if you are athletic, you can never keep up the standard of fitness unless you stick to a few minutes of practice. It amply repays you for the time spent. I never regret the many hours devoted to this practice. It meant a new lease of life to me, and as I draw this chapter to a close let me say that such splendid specimens of humanity as Sandow, Maxick, and Pullum all traversed the same road to secure what they got. They were not miracles, although it may appear so. Just remember them, and let their lives inspire you, as I was inspired. Everybody has the same chance, and the man who is normally healthy, really, has no obstacles to face. Perseverance, patience and determination will be repaid in untold wealth, health, strength, self-reliance and fortitude."" George Jowett has his name attached to a number of other books including the ever-popular Molding Mighty Men Series.

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The Mystery of the Iron Samson by Yuri Shapsnikoff and A. Drapkin

Lost Russian Book Translated Into English for the First Time, Reveals the Secrets of Alexander Zass' Strength This legendary book chronicles the life of Zass also known as the Iron Samson, or the Amazing Samson. It was written by two Russians and now for the first time has been translated into English. Zass was well known for being one of the first to widely use isometrics in his training. Here you'll discover exactly what he did and more. How Would You Like to Develop the Strength that Literally Allowed Zass to Break Chains and Bend Bars To Escape from Prison? The fact is Alexander of Zass was a prisoner of war during the first World War not once but a total of four times. And he escaped every time! Several of his escapes required the use of his

strength he had developed over his career as a strongman. And he went on to discover that the exercises he developed while in prison, helped him become even stronger. These were further developed into his system of strength. Alexander Zass literally ran away to join the circus in his youth. You’ll get to read all about his exploits as a Legendary Strongman, Professional Wrestler and Trainer of Animals. Reading stories about his feats and exploits you get the feeling that the iron bending he did far outsurpassed many of his contemporaries. Add to the fact that he literally used to skills to break free from prison and you can understand why he became the stuff of legends. Like when in a challenge his opponent almost killed him by wrapping iron around his neck! This book is not just biographical, you’ll see how he trained as a child and adult. Included are two chapters detailing specific exercises used by the Iron Samson. The first is all about Isometric Exercises done with chains. But Zass didn’t believe this was all you needed to become strong. You need both static and dynamic strength. That’s why the second section is all about Dynamic Exercises done with a special tool you can easily make yourself. There’s plenty of photos (never-before-seen), as well as images to show you the exercises. It's got 109 jam-packed pages. If you’re a fan of oldtime strongmen this book is a must for

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your collection. Another book The Amazing Samson was written by Zass himself covers much of his story with a few different details but does not cover his training methods.

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The Way to Live by George Hackenschmidt

The Way to Live by George Hackenschmidt is one of the classic, and often quoted, books in any physical culturists library. The Russian Lion as he came to be known, or Hack, was a phenomenal strongman and wrestler. This book really comes in two parts, first the instructional, then the biographical and we’ll deal with each in turn. Hack was a all around strongmen as exemplified by his weightlifting feats and wrestling prowess. All of this required not only strength but agility and speed. One of the feats mentioned early in the book was turning a forward somersault with a pair of 50 lb. dumbbells in his hands. That sounds like something fun to try! I. Introduction II. Why Should we be Strong? III. Adaptability and Characteristics IV. Physical Perfection and Strength V. Nutrition VI. Rest and Wholesome Sleep VII. Training VIII. Exercise without Weights IX. Muscle Exercises with Weights X. Weights for Exercises XI. Exercises for Athletes XII. Time Tables for Training XIII. Dr. von Krajewski, the Father of Athletics and his System of Life XIV. The Story of My Life Here are a few select quotes you'll find inside. “Health can never be divorced from strength.” “I have come to the distinct conclusion, that the physical constitution of the human frame never was intended merely for study, but rather for manual and bodily exercise. I have found that those who have lived an active outdoor life have retained and enjoyed brightness born of health far longer than others.” “Never on any account continue the exercises until exhaustion sets in and always relax your muscles afterwards.” “Man is a creature of light and air, and I should therefore recommend little or no clothing when training.” “As a principal rule I should stipulate for regularity of training.” This is the only book ever written by Hackenschmidt. I guess with a title like The Way to Live he felt he have taught within a single volume all he needed to teach.

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Goerner the Mighty by Edgar Mueller

Hermann Goerner is certainly a candidate for one of the world’s strongest men to ever live. A champion weightlifter and the fact that he literally wrestled an elephant as part of his circus strongman act pays testament to that. Here are just a few of his amazing lifts you’ll read much more about in this book. Pressing a 137 ¾ lb weight with his right hand. And a 793 lb. deadlift that was hundreds of pounds over everyone else of his time, with it only being beaten in recent years, by people often much heavier. Not to mention a 734 lb one hand deadlift. Or wrestling with an elephant! Here is one feat as described in the book... At Dresden on 25th July, 1920, Görner lifted the enormous weight of 430 lb. (a little more than 195 kilos) overhead in the Two Hands ‘Anyhow’ style, performing the feats with four kettleweights in the following manner. He first of all swung with the right hand two kettleweights, one weighing 110¼ lb. and the other 99¼ lb. Still holding the bells overhead, he then bent down and picked up with the left hand a third kettleweight weighing 110¼ lb. (50 kilos), which he then swung to arms length and transferred to the thumb of the right hand. Then, still holding the three kettleweights overhead in his right hand, he lowered his body carefully and with the left hand picked up the fourth kettleweight, which he slowly swung to arms length. The combined weight then held overhead for the referee’s court was, as has been stated, no less than 430 English lb. or more than 195 kilos. This was a truly stupendous feat of strength…No man in the world has ever lifted more weight in the shape of Kettle-weights in the ‘Anyhow’ style than Hermann Görner This book details his life, his feats, how he trained for them and more. Here is the list of chapters: Introduction His Early Life His Later Life and Travels His Measurements His Lifting Performances and Feats of Strength His Training Methods His Attitude to Strength Feats Appreciation by World Famous Authorities Although this book covers some biographical information it goes into tons of detail regarding Goerner's methods of training. This is the only book on Goerner but luckily it is so complete we don't need anything else. We can only with that Edgar Mueller has done this much research and documentation in regards to some of the other strongmen as well.

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Muscle Control by Maxick

The classic book on Muscle Control from one of the best ever at the art, Maxick, the oldtime strongman. If you're looking to develop tremendous will power, control over your muscles, the ability to tense and relax at will then this book is a must. Born as a small child and attacked with rickets, he shortly became a robust young lad through his practice of muscle control. He went on to become one of the strongest people of his time, while maintaining a very small bodyweight. Here are Maxick’s Amazing Feats Of Strength at a Weight of less than 147lbs: Right Hand Military Press, 112 pounds Right Hand Snatch, 165 pounds Right Hand Swing with Dumbbell, 150 pounds. Right Hand Jerk, 240 pounds Two Hands Military Press, 230 pounds Two Hands Clean and Jerk with Barbell, 272 pounds. Two Hands Continental Jerk with Barbell, 340 pounds In a contest at finger-pulling, in which Maxick was "unbeatable," Maxick could pull a 200-pound opponent clear across the table that separated the two men. He pressed van Diggelen (185 pounds) overhead 16 times with his right arm, while holding in his left hand a glass of beer full to the brim, without spilling a drop. Earlier that same day, he had pressed Fred Storbeek (205 pounds), who was then the heavyweight British Empire Boxing Champion, 11 times with his right arm. Holding van Diggelen aloft on one arm, Maxick ran up two flights of stairs with him and then ran down the two flights. Then standing on his hands, he in that position ran up the two flights and down again. Pretty amazing stuff right? And Maxick attributes his strength to muscle control. Plus here is what Maxick has to say regarding the Mind-Muscle connection: "THE SERIOUS student of muscle-control will soon become aware of the fact that his willpower had become greater, and his mental faculties clearer and capable of increased concentration. Thus it will be observed that the controlling of the muscles reacts upon the mind and strengthens the mental powers in exactly the same proportion that the control of the muscles strengthens the body and limbs." Here are the subject headings found within this book: Myself My Early Years

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Attacked by Rickets A Weakling Among the Robust A Momentous Happening Muscle-Control My Health Improves Work, but nourishment Contraction How Muscle Control was Revealed to Me How Mechanical Exercise May Hinder Muscle Development The Case of the Stonemason Muscle-Relaxation What is Meant by Muscle Control Muscle-Binding I Become a Champion Passive Condition of Relaxation I Take Up Weight-Lifting I Win an Open Championship All Three Championships My First Pupil I Come to England Maxick’s Lifting Will-Power and Muscle-Control A Few Hints You'll also find 21 exercises that cover the body form the head to the toes. Although this is the best and most famous Maxick wrote a number of other books like Great Strength with Muscle Control, How to Become a Great Athlete and Health, Strength & Will Power.

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How to Develop a Powerful Grip by Edward Aston

Edward Aston was one of the lesser known oldtime strongmen. But he was a pupil of Maxick and very strong in his own right. He gained the title of “Britain’s Strongest Man” by beating out Thomas Inch, a title which he held for over twenty years. He is also the created of the Anti-Barbell which is a marvelous training tool that few people are aware of. This book, How to Develop a Powerful Grip, gives you 20 exercises for increasing your hand strength. Some of these use specialized tools but the majority are available to all even without standard gym equipment. You'll also read stories of the oldtime strongmen and how important grip strength is to their trade with lots of details and inside tricks. 1. SQUEEZING A RUBBER BALL 2. BREAKING MATCH STICKS WITH THE FINGERS 3. TWISTING AND TEARING A NEWSPAPER 4. TURNING JAR TOPS 5. HOLDING PENNY IN CLOTHES PEG 6. PICKING UP A CHAIR BY THE LEG 7. GRIPPING AN OPEN DOOR 8. BENDING A BEER CAP 9. HANGING FROM A ROPE 10. TEARING A PACK OF CARDS 11. PRESSING UP FROM THE FLOOR ON FINGER-TIPS 12. FINGER LIFTING 13. MAKING A FINGER HOOK 14. HOLDING OUT A BROOM WITH FLATIRON 15. TEARING A TELEPHONE BOOK 16. CIRCLING A DUMB-BELL 17. HOLDING OUT A DISC ON A ROD 18. PICKING UP DISCS 19. HOLDING OUT DISCS 20. CIRCLING A BAR-BELL "Everyone of us today should be interested in the possession of a powerful grip. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone: man, woman, boy or girl...Now the greatest factor for the creation of a powerful grip is SHEER WILL POWER, for one cannot develop more-than-average strength concentrated in the hands and forearms without one possesses the necessary mental force capable of creating and exerting that power. The man with good gripping powers in invariably a man with a mind of his own, knowing what he requires from life and determined to get it. Hundreds of books have been written on the subject of Will Power, extolling the benefits to be derived from the improvement of this mental trait, while the methods to be used in its creation have been variously prescribed from gazing fixedly at a glass crystal to the act of bending down to touch one's toes fifty

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times every morning, but so far as I can remember not one book has advocated the cultivation of the gripping powers of the hand as a means of strengthening one's character and determination. Yet we see and hear the connection every day of our lives." Edward Aston also wrote the great book Modern Weight Lifting.

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Vitality Supreme by Bernarr MacFadden

Vitality Supreme by Bernarr MacFadden may have been his best book (and he wrote many). It is one of his most well-known. Many of his other books go into one specific area of health, for instance the eyes, or nerves, but this is an all around health book. So anyone looking to see what Bernarr MacFadden is all about would be wise to start here. Let me tell you a little bit about Bernarr MacFadden. He was called the Father of Physical Culture, for the huge influence he had on it. At the same time he was quite extreme. While in certain cases he may have gone overboard (like pushing his family to follow all his ideals, to the point where they all hated him for it) he also was a pioneer and had many great ideas. The best part is you can pick and choose, and experiment to find what you can take from him and incorporate into your own life. Here is a list of the chapters: 1. VITALITY–WHAT IS IT? 2. FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY-THE SECRET






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improve your health. Bernarr Macfadden wrote countless other books, though this is the one to get started with.

Once again I’ve put together an incredible package deal for you on this set. Total retail price is $179.50, but you can grab all ten books for over $80 off. Just $99 plus shipping and handling. Even if you already have some of them this package deal is worth it. Go here to order: