starting strongman 12-week program

pg. 1 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool/South West Powerlifting Warrnambool 12-week Strongman Program Starting Strongman 12-week Program This Program is designed for someone that is new or looking to get into strongman and isn’t sure how to go about it. Ther e is very little information on Strongman specific programs and the few that are out there Are more for the intermediate to advanced athlete. There is a big void for those looking to do their first strongman specific program or are new to stron gman training in general. Don’t stress the small things. Need to change the days? Do it! Need to train 3 days instead of 4? Go ahead, don’t have thi s specific implement? Buy it! errrr I mean improvise… ;) this is not a “method” its just something to follow and like any pr ogram should be it is a guideline. Before You Start: Please consult the Strongman Exercise index for how to do certain lifts. Starting Strongman How to Series Moving events: (yoke, farmers, etc) will be regulated by speed not weight. This makes sure you don’t go too damn heavy on them! A common problem I see. Front Carry: This can be keg, sandbag, stone, a bunch of plates, be creative! Loading event: Same deal. Anything loaded onto a platform or over a bar. Stone, keg, sandbag, plates, etc. Pull ups: If you can’t do pull ups use a band to assist you or do Lat pull downs at twice the prescribed reps. Pressing Events: (Log/Axle, etc) pick one per cycle and stick to it. If you only have access to pressing implements 1 day a week (event day) Move the main lift on the pressing day to event day and make the main movement on day 1 Barbell Push presses from the rack Terminology: AMRAP= As Many reps as possible. Any number followed by a letter (example 2a, 2b. those are to be super set. Bump up your maxes on squat and deadlift 5-10lbs every 4th week during the cycle. Week 1 Monday 1. Clean & Press (Can be Log Bar) 6x3 2. Pull ups or Assisted Pull up or Lat Pull Down 5x5 2b. Face pulls 5x20 3. Z Press 2x8 4. 3-way shoulder raises 3x10 5a. Bicep curl 3x20 5b. Cable Triceps ext. 3x30 Tuesday 1. Paused Front Squat 55/65/75% x5 2. Back Squat 65% 2x8 3. Tyre Flips 2x25m 4. Barbell walking lunge 3x8 5. Backwards tyre drag 2x25m 6. Weighted Planks 3x60seconds Thursday 1. Strict Standing Shoulder Press 5x10 2. Yoke 5x25m 3. Incline DB Bench 2x15 4. DB Row 2x15 5a. Hammer curls 3x12 5b. DB Shrugs 3x10 5c. Cable Triceps ext. 3x15

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Page 1: Starting Strongman 12-week Program

pg. 1 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool/South West Powerlifting Warrnambool 12-week Strongman Program

Starting Strongman 12-week Program

This Program is designed for someone that is new or looking to get into strongman and isn’t sure how to go about it. Ther

e is very little information on Strongman specific programs and the few that are out there Are more for the intermediate

to advanced athlete. There is a big void for those looking to do their first strongman specific program or are new to stron

gman training in general.

Don’t stress the small things. Need to change the days? Do it! Need to train 3 days instead of 4? Go ahead, don’t have thi

s specific implement? Buy it! errrr I mean improvise… ;) this is not a “method” its just something to follow and like any pr

ogram should be it is a guideline.

Before You Start: Please consult the Strongman Exercise index for how to do certain lifts.

Starting Strongman How to Series

Moving events: (yoke, farmers, etc) will be regulated by speed not weight. This makes sure you don’t go too damn heavy

on them! A common problem I see.

Front Carry: This can be keg, sandbag, stone, a bunch of plates, be creative!

Loading event: Same deal. Anything loaded onto a platform or over a bar. Stone, keg, sandbag, plates, etc.

Pull ups: If you can’t do pull ups use a band to assist you or do Lat pull downs at twice the prescribed reps.

Pressing Events: (Log/Axle, etc) pick one per cycle and stick to it. If you only have access to pressing implements 1 day a

week (event day) Move the main lift on the pressing day to event day and make the main movement on day 1 Barbell

Push presses from the rack

Terminology: AMRAP= As Many reps as possible. Any number followed by a letter (example 2a, 2b. those are to be super


Bump up your maxes on squat and deadlift 5­10lbs every 4th week during the cycle.

Week 1


1. Clean & Press (Can be Log Bar) 6x3

2. Pull ups or Assisted Pull up or Lat Pull Down 5x5

2b. Face pulls 5x20

3. Z Press 2x8

4. 3-way shoulder raises 3x10

5a. Bicep curl 3x20

5b. Cable Triceps ext. 3x30


1. Paused Front Squat 55/65/75% x5

2. Back Squat 65% 2x8

3. Tyre Flips 2x25m

4. Barbell walking lunge 3x8

5. Backwards tyre drag 2x25m

6. Weighted Planks 3x60seconds


1. Strict Standing Shoulder Press 5x10

2. Yoke 5x25m

3. Incline DB Bench 2x15

4. DB Row 2x15

5a. Hammer curls 3x12

5b. DB Shrugs 3x10

5c. Cable Triceps ext. 3x15

Page 2: Starting Strongman 12-week Program

pg. 2 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool/South West Powerlifting Warrnambool 12-week Strongman Program


1. Deadlift 80% 5x5

2. Moving event 2x50m (50m under 20 second runs)

3. Loading event to a 5x2 to 50”

4a. Glute Ham Raises or 2” deficit stiff leg deadlifts 3x8

4b. Ab Roll outs 3x8

Week 2


1. Clean & Press (can be a Log Bar) 80­85% 5x5

2a. Pull ups 5x8

2b. Face pulls 5x20

3. Z Press 2x8

4. 3-way shoulder raises 3x10

5a. Bicep curl 3x20

5b. Cable Triceps ext. 3x30


1. Paused Front Squat 60/70/80% x3

2. Back Squat 70% 2x8

3. Tyre Flips 2x25m

4. Barbell walking lunge 3x10

5. Front carry 2x50m

6. Weighted Planks 3x60seconds


1. Strict Standing Shoulder Press 4x10

2. Yoke 5x25m

3. Incline DB Bench 4x10

4. Incline DB Row 4x10

5a. Hammer curls 3x12

5b. DB Shrugs 3x12

5c. Cable Triceps ext. 3x15


1. 2” Deficit Deadlift 85% 6x2

2. Moving event 2x50m (50m under 15 second runs)

3. Loading event 2xAMRAP in 45 seconds to 50”

4a. Glute Ham Raises or 2” deficit stiff leg deadlifts 3x8

4b. Ab Roll outs 3x8

Page 3: Starting Strongman 12-week Program

pg. 3 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool/South West Powerlifting Warrnambool 12-week Strongman Program

Week 3


1.Standing Shoulder Press (from the rack) x5

2a. Pull ups 5x10

2b. Face pulls 5x20

3. Z Press 2x8

4. 3-way shoulder raises 3x10

5a. Bicep curl 3x20

5b. Cable Triceps ext. 3x30


1.Paused Front Squat 65/75/85x5/3/1

2. Back Squat 75% 2x8

3. Farmers Walk

4. Barbell walking lunge 3x10

5. Prowler Push Or sled drag 5x50m 2-minute rest between rounds

6. Weighted Planks 3x60seconds


1. Strict Standing Shoulder Press 5x8

2. Yoke 5x25m

3. Incline DB Bench 3x12

4. Incline DB Row 3x12

5a. Hammer curls 3x12

5b. DB Shrugs 3x12

5c. Cable Triceps ext. 3x15


1. 4” Block Deadlift 75%xamrap

2. Moving event 3x25m (25m runs keep under 10 seconds)

3. Dead Ball singles for max height (light implement) x 5

4a. Glute Ham Raises or 2” deficit stiff leg deadlifts 3x8

4b. Ab Roll outs 3x8

Page 4: Starting Strongman 12-week Program

pg. 4 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool/South West Powerlifting Warrnambool 12-week Strongman Program

Week 4


1.Standing Shoulder Press from the rack 60% 3x5

2. Rope Climb x 5

2a. Pull ups 3x5

2b. Face pulls 3x20

3. Seated DB shoulder Press 3x10


1. Back Squat 60% 5x5

2. Bodyweight walking lunge 2x50m

3. Prowler Push Or tyre drag 5x25m 2minute rest between rounds

4. Planks 3x60seconds


1.Incline DB Bench 2x20

2. Incline DB Row 2x20

3a. Hammer curls 3x12

3b. DB Shrugs 3x12

3c. Cable Triceps ext. 3x15

4. Farmers Walk 5 x 25m


1. Deadlift 60% 3x5

2a. Glute Ham Raises or 2” deficit stiff leg deadlifts 3x8

2b. Ab Roll outs 3x8

3. Dead Ball carry 25m 3x8

Page 5: Starting Strongman 12-week Program

pg. 5 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool/South West Powerlifting Warrnambool 12-week Strongman Program

Week 5


1. Clean & Press (Can use Log Bar) 75­85% 3x3

2a. Pull ups 5x5

2b. Face pulls 5x20

3. Z Press 2x8

4. 3-way shoulder raises 3x10

5a. Bicep curl 3x20

5b. Cable Triceps ext. 3x30


1. Paused Front Squat 55/65/75%x5

2. Back Squat 65% 2x8

3. Tyre Flip 2 x 25m

4. Barbell walking lunge 3x8

5. Backwards tyre drags 3x25m 1 min rest

6. Weighted Planks 3x60seconds


1. Strict Shoulder Press 5x10

2. Yoke 5x 25m

3. Incline DB Bench 2x15

4. Incline DB Row 2x15

5a. Hammer curls 3x12

5b. DB Shrugs 3x12

5c. Cable Triceps ext. 3x15


1.Deadlift 80% 5x5

2. Moving event 2x50m (50m under 18 second runs)

3. Loading event to a 5x2 to 50”

4a. Glute Ham Raises or 2” deficit stiff leg deadlifts 3x8

4b. Ab Roll outs 3x8

Page 6: Starting Strongman 12-week Program

pg. 6 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool/South West Powerlifting Warrnambool 12-week Strongman Program

Week 6


1. Clean & Press (Can use Log Bar) 85­90% 5x5

2a. Pull ups 5x8

2b. Face pulls 5x20

3. Z Press 2x8

4. 3-way shoulder raises 3x10

5a. Bicep curl 3x20

5b. Cable Triceps ext. 3x30


1. Paused Front Squat 60/70/80%x3

2. Back Squat 70% 2x8

3. Barbell walking lunge 3x10

4. Front Carry 2x50m

5. Weighted Planks 3x60seconds


1. Strict Shoulder Press 4x10

2. Tyre Flips 2 x25m

3. Incline DB Bench 4x10

4. Incline DB Row 4x10

5a. Hammer curls 3x12

5b. DB Shrugs 3x12

5c. Cable Triceps ext. 3x15


1. 2” deficit deadlift 85% 6x2

2. Moving event 3x25m (25m runs keep under 10 seconds)

3. Loading event singles for max height (light implement)

4a. Glute Ham Raises or 2” deficit stiff leg deadlifts 3x8

4b. Ab Roll outs 3x8

Page 7: Starting Strongman 12-week Program

pg. 7 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool/South West Powerlifting Warrnambool 12-week Strongman Program

Week 7


1. Standing Shoulder Press (from the rack) 3x3rm

2. Log Press 5 x 5

3a. Pull ups 5x10

3b. Face pulls 5x20

4. Z Press 2x8

5. 3-way shoulder raises 3x10

5a. Bicep curl 3x20

5b. Cables Triceps ext. 3x30


1. Paused Front Squat 65/75/85x5/3/1

2. Back Squat 75% 2x8

3. Yoke 5 x 25m

4. Barbell walking lunge 3x10

5. Prowler Push Or sled drag 5x25m 2-minute rest between rounds

6. Weighted Planks 3x60seconds


1. Strict Press 5x8

2. Incline DB Bench 3x12

3. Incline DB Row 3x12

4a. Hammer curls 3x12

4b. DB Shrugs 3x12

4c. Cable Triceps ext. 3x15

5. Dead Ball lift/ Carry 8 x 3


1.4” block Deadlift 80%xamrap

2. Moving event 3x25m (25m runs keep under 10 seconds)

3. Loading event singles for max height (light implement)

4a. Glute Ham Raises or 2” deficit stiff leg deadlifts 3x8

4b. Ab Roll outs 3x8

Page 8: Starting Strongman 12-week Program

pg. 8 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool/South West Powerlifting Warrnambool 12-week Strongman Program

Week 8


1. Standing Shoulder Press from the rack 60% 3x5

2. Log Press 5 x 5

2a. Pull ups 3x5

2b. Face pulls 3x20

3. Seated DB shoulder Press 3x10


1. Back Squat 60% 3x5

2. Yoke 5 x 25m

2. Bodyweight walking lunge 2x50m

3. Prowler Push Or tyre drag 5x25m 2-minute rest between rounds

4. Planks 3x60seconds


1. Incline DB Bench 2x20

2. Incline DB Row 2x20

3a. Hammer curls 3x12

3b. DB Shrugs 3x12

3c. Cable Triceps ext. 3x15

4. 100 Sledge Hammer hits on tyre both sides of body


1. Deadlift 60% 3x5

2a. Glute Ham Raises or 2” deficit stiff leg deadlifts 3x8

2b. Ab Roll outs 3x8

3. Stone trainer 3x8

Page 9: Starting Strongman 12-week Program

pg. 9 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool/South West Powerlifting Warrnambool 12-week Strongman Program

Week 9


1. Clean & Press (Can Log Bar) 80­90% 3x3

2. Log C&P 5x5

a. Pull ups 5x5

3b. Face pulls 5x20

4. Z Press 2x8

5. 3-way shoulder raises 3x10

6a. Bicep curl 3x20

6b. Cable Triceps ext. 3x30


1. Paused Front Squat 55/65/75%x5

2. Back Squat 65% 2x8

3. Yoke 5 x 25m

4. Barbell walking lunge 3x8

5. Backwards sled drags 3x25m

6. Weighted Planks 3x60seconds


1. Standing Strict Shoulder Press 5x10

2. Incline DB Bench 2x1

3. Incline DB Row 2x15

4a. Hammer curls 3x12

4b. DB Shrugs 3x12

4c. Cable Triceps ext. 3x15

5. Farmers Walk 4 x 10m


1. Deadlift 80% 5x5

2. Moving event 2x50m (50m under 18 second runs)

3. Loading event to a 5x2 to 50”

4a. Glute Ham Raises or 2” deficit stiff leg deadlifts 3x8

4b. Ab Roll outs 3x8

Page 10: Starting Strongman 12-week Program

pg. 10 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool/South West Powerlifting Warrnambool 12-week Strongman Program

Week 10


1. Clean & Press (Can use Log Press) 85­90% 5x5

2a. Pull ups 5x8

2b. Face pulls 5x20

3. Z Press 2x8

4. 3-way shoulder raises 3x10

5a. Bicep curl 3x20

5b. Cable Triceps ext. 3x30


1. Paused Front Squat 60/70/80%x3

2. Back Squat 70% 2x8

3. Yoke 5 x 25m

4. Barbell walking lunge 3x10

5. front carry 2x50m

6. Weighted Planks 3x60seconds


1. Strict Standing Shoulder Press 4x10

2. Incline DB Bench 4x10

3. Incline DB Row 4x10

4a. Hammer curls 3x12

4b. DB Shrugs 3x12

4c. Cable Triceps ext. 3x15

5. DB Carry 4 x 25m


1. 2” deficit Deadlifts 85% 6x3

2. Moving event; 3x25m (25m runs keep under 10 seconds)

3. Loading event: singles for max height (light implement)

4a. Glute Ham Raises or 2” deficit stiff leg deadlifts 3x8

4b. Ab Roll outs 3x8

Page 11: Starting Strongman 12-week Program

pg. 11 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool/South West Powerlifting Warrnambool 12-week Strongman Program

Week 11


1. Standing Shoulder Press (from the rack) x1rm x 5

2a. Pull ups 5x10

2b. Face pulls 5x20

3. Z Press 2x8

4. 3-way shoulder raises 3x10

5a. Bicep curl 3x20

5b. Cable Triceps ext. 3x30


1. Paused Front Squat 65/75/85x5/3/1

2. Back Squat 75% 2x8

3. Yoke 5 x 25m

4. Barbell walking lunge 3x10

5. Prowler Push Or tyre drag 5x25m 2-minute rest between rounds

6. Weighted Planks 3x60seconds


1. Strict Standing Shoulder Press 5x8

2. Incline DB Bench 3x12

3. Incline DB Row 3x12

4a. Hammer curls 3x12

4b. DB Shrugs 3x12

4c. Cable Triceps ext. 3x15

5. Dead Ball Carry 8x3


1.4” block Deadlift 80%xamrap

2. Moving event 3x25m (25m runs keep under 10 seconds)

3. Loading event singles for max height (light implement)

4a. Glute Ham Raises or 2” deficit stiff leg deadlifts 3x8

4b. Ab Roll outs 3x8

Week 12

Page 12: Starting Strongman 12-week Program

pg. 12 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool/South West Powerlifting Warrnambool 12-week Strongman Program


1. Standing Shoulder Press from the rack 60% 3x5

2. Log C&P 5x5

3a. Pull ups 3x5

3b. Face pulls 3x20

4. Seated DB shoulder Press 3x10


1. Back Squat 60% 3x5

2. Yoke 3x25m

2. Bodyweight walking lunge 2x50m

3. Prowler Push Or tyre drag 5x25m 2-minute rest between rounds

4. Planks 3x60seconds


1. Incline DB Bench 2x20

2. Incline DB Row 2x20

2a. Glute Ham Raises or 2” deficit stiff leg deadlifts 3x8

2b. Ab Roll outs 3x8

3. Stone trainer 3x8

3a. Hammer curls 3x12

3b. DB Shrugs 3x12

3c. Cable Triceps ext. 3x15

4. Dead Ball Carry 3x8


1. Deadlift 60% 3x5