the taney county republican. (forsyth, mo.) 1896-01...

X:- - "'if ''C C-- i, i : la cr:r ta-- c .3 r; . f:u:; I V Tha tccctilal tsow put in an ap- pearance again yesterday morning. DeA7itt'a LUtle Eariy CIsers for billionaaeaa, indiction, constipation A amall pUL' a prompt euro. B I Price. VV ; ; : . wa t v'V.' - Stirea pays xa ceatsa dozca it . - It you want a good ncigar go Ike's. , ; Taney county pure corn whiskey; n't ba beau For sale ohly by A; co::c?AlTTLy2 Luabor, Lath, Sliiiijlcdl In accordance with the promise made tdut readers on the a6th of last raoTirm H Rfubucak: ap-prat-d- ay as a seven-colum- n foIioiV Taney County has not had a . newspaper , larger than a six-colu- mn folio for many years, but the publishers of The Republican feel justified in giving its patrons more for their money than was possible in the f recent past, when two or three little sheets scrambled for a scanty support. This newspaper Lime, Cem Guard Your Own Interests bjfJetUrOr rirlxs tzlV. 1" Mter Cc: Pickering i ; , ''"'Vkas made such progress during the last two months in obtaining the confidence of the people of Taney - coury that its publishers have no ' fears for its future success and de- sire to show their appreciation of . the support it has been receiving - :';' by enlarging its -- columns. K i B. B. Prlee sella 8 pounds of the 1896 GREETING J- - V.c- - .best condition powder for 85 eta. 'i'. '' One Minute Couch Cure is a pnpu FfRIHNDS AND PAXRO iVST: - - . t ! - lar remedy for croup. Safe for child- - ;' ' ren and adults. BB Price, ; ' :Mr. S. C Johnston, of Springfield, was in town this week, looking after 1 make my debut amongst you once mere and V lies t CTJir. v... V; Uy Xsinesa Here la'Cn- - ."" ' " ' SELL GOODS. I htVe purchased the&ocx of Groceries cJ J. A. Tzlzt tzl ,: '. ': have added tierttdf, 5 '. : ..: some rval estate business. i.- - ' - v. J. Vanzandt has resumed the I business of repairing shoes. If yon ': want anything done in that line, call Dry Goods, Boots and - A on Tern at the barber ahop and your : - work will be attended to with neal- - ware, Tinirarc, y; oaaaicry anu licracca ness and dispatch. Mr. Vauzaudt V '; ;; ; baa had plenty of experience in re-- v pairing aboei and will do .you. a good ii v We nave made a dabbing arrange-- - ; , . men' with the Toledo Blade by which our sobsenbers can obtain the Blade , . Strap Qodo.;'.,r;:;: ;r;- - .r.-;- ' Ton will find my bouse Chuck Foil of First Class - Cocd, ci C:t Kinds above mentioned, at pncea that Dar fCjpcc Terms wUI be THE GOLDEN IUJLB.1 X wUI LYc tilcji Stock of Groceries is reduced to where I want to keep it, j aale. guarantee you Honest, Fair, deahej. ' I prepcia Tti tj.v the Cheapest Man in the county for CASlt. Get otitrs' prlLl and then I will duplicate or discount thea. .. : " ' - CCCash ' P-i- (T for prpduco I will make - V holesale Prices on all oy Gcxta sad D : t - nd The Taney County Republican one year for the small sum ol 91.00, Of course the dollar must be paid m advauceaa this proposition is on strictly cash basis. The Blade with J Uudet wear. Come Quick before Uy Ctock t Oizi. i I ccza ' Business. , ..r :. : , -- '.t Come and see my stock 1 guarantee bctton prices csd wiU tcl . let prices binder a trade for, CASH.-"-- ' ; ;; ; Vv :: ' ; Ilemmbe the Place the Doon keowa the FOOL XJAtXr ;: S. E. Corner Square. You need not bate any fear cf yotr and children coming-t- o this place now as it is a CUy llzz? : and First Class General Storey same as you will find erjwbrre. ; Hoping to share at least a part of your valuable patrei I am Respectf uUy ' . -- ' ' 'v"v .r.:J v v : . 1 - ttaC; ttlxr--,'- 1 Cl'-- r ta f lawlrtiJ ctrliyfr ct &xZzrd prixli SCj ytrj, at 6 da a' yardi a larra ttoci cf rtz rbams front o to' I arla half cssta yard. donblo L'sheillnjr at eta. a yard; shoes from 7Se. to ClO; boots from OliO to tZJXK boys, and mens' bate that run from 25c to t2.C0. of good quality and the latest styles. All my t other goods will be sold at a propor tionate reduction. Bemember the place, two miles south of Cedar Creek P. O. This offer holds good for 0 days. ) ::-- v:, "r:i 7 10-- 1 : L. T. CXBNETT. NOTICI rOBtOBUCATION. Utadoasa as8Drlacakl. H . - Jaaoarv4. 1SSS. KotiealsaarsbytlvaBtbsttha tollowtae aaaiedsstUar kas flisd eetlas of his fsta- - rloa to asaka laal. proof la support of his elatai, aadtkat said proof will bo atade bo roro v J. C. Johasoa, drentt Ctork, at Fnrsytk, If a., February is, 1883. tU; Jsiss B Im. koaMstoad spplleattoa No H8S0. for the s kalf, s. w. qr. sootloa S4, twp Ma, raaar If w. . flo asaios tao followlaa. . witatssss t provo bis ooatiauous rosMoaoo opoa saltfvstlM' of. said land. ls: Wtltlaat tJ. 8tursiaa, Joba Atklas, Frank aaasMco. uoasrai oaasoa, au oc Brown Braaok, Iu. - - J. G. HKWBfLL, fiaststar. NOTXCK FOB PUBLICATION. . XeadOfSos at SMlsaflsld. Mo.. - Jsanarv 4. 180ft. Hottos Is aorabT ctvea taat tha foilowlaa- - aamod settler hss clod aottoaof kUiaUaUoa to auka aaal proof la rapport of ks euiss, aad tbatsatd proof will b asado bafora J. W. Bucbes. CootT Ctorfc. at Forsytb, Mo., oa Saturday. Fabroarv 18, 1896, vis: SaBKMl H- - Fraaos. hoBMStead appUeaUoa No. 18007, for tha w. half, a 0 frl. or. As. half s. w. frl. ar. sa. o. qr. s. w. in. qr. boobob 10,-fw- si a. raago i w. Ho aames tka foliowtna wltBoaaos to prove bis ooatianoas resideaes upon aad eatUva- - noaor, mm iaaa, vis; Joba B. Wilsoa. Fraak Esiaianoa. WU- - Haat M. Braatley, 8tarUa Coulter, all of aiioey, Jto. - J. O. Ilewblll. Bottatar. ; HOriCC FOB PUBLICATION. ' Lad Ofioa at SDriaktsM. Mo.. DMcabtr It. 1865. Notlos Is berebf kItcb that tbs folioanai nmrnoa sottwr bss Biea bouos or Ms late tloa to atsfce flasl proof ia supsort of kte elaim, ana wat saio proor win 00 i Dn 'nro 4 c. basoa. Circuit Clerk, at F-rt- k Mt., oa 8stordsy, Febraarv 1, 1896. vis: Wastnatoa Taj lor. koaMstoad applieattoB n. leios. tor tao a w rr'i qr see is tp zi a ranee law.: BL aasMS tao followlaa wttaepses to provo Bit eoauannas rrsiaeooo opoa aao eoiuva-lio- n of. satt laad. vis: 8ohsa Lewis, Wtliani H. Park. Joba H. Klosv Leonard B Alley, all ot Cedar Creek. Mo. . v ; 3. O. NwMII. Roftleter. MOTICK FOB PCBLICATIOH. Lad Offloe at 8prlagfleld, Ma.. Deoenber ltb. 1898 Notlos Is herebv ewes tbat tbs followtsa aamsd settler kas Btea bouos of bsr lateo tloe to Bisko flaaf proof la support of ber claim, aad that said proof will 00 made be-.'- or J, W. Hnabts, Cou.t Ork, at For- - 4 to. Mo., oa Baturdav. Fenruarr 1. lsas. vlai Mrtb A. Warrea, tomesttad appll- - ettloa No 16X06 for turn s. bsif iwars a el qr s w qr As 0 qr a W qr see. 24, twp St a rasae 19 w. 8he aames tbo followlaa wlteesscs to provo br continuous ronldnaos upoa aad euMivsttoa nf. said lead, vis: Jo-- Batemta. C. Batrmaa. B. Haaa moads. Boa Hsmmosds, all ot Taaeyville, J. O. NewbUl. BeaisUr. Whereas,' WuiUm K MeBrataeV aad AUo MttBrataay kte wife, aad KdwardD. MiithtiBgalo. a slaclo maa, of the oouaty of Taeev aad suite 01 auaMNirt or tsou eer-- teta ded of trust, dated tbo 37b day of Juift less aaa a KBOwioacon oa tBe via asy of AQKUHt. 1883 aad recorded la tfco roeor der's Alas ot Taaov Cooaty. Mtsoonrt la deed of urust book Bo. 2. pace 91. ooavsyed to C C-- Blaaelt as trustoo tbo tollowlBK Described laad, towit: X. balf lot 1 of a. a. qr. aad tbo a. balf s. a. qr. aad IS aeres oft of w. slds of s. 0. qr of s. o. qr. scotioB V, being all tbat portloa of said s. 0. qr. of s. o. qr. sootloa 4, lyln weetot Bull Creek, all la seatloa 4. all ISs aeres more or leee waiea sua ooaveyaaea was made ta traet to eeeure tha payment of err-U- Ib vromlsson notes - la said deed do eeribod; aad whereas said Botes together wltb tko Interest tbereon bavo booomo duo uodcr tbo provisions of said deed aad bow a reaala luapaid, aad whereas ta said deed provides tbat la oaea ot abeoBOs, death, re- fusal to aet or disability la aay wise of said trustee, tko tksa aettoa saarux or Taney County, Missouri, at tko request of tha lecal bolder of said Botes, may proceed to eell said property : aad whereas said trus tee baa refused to set under said trust, bow. therefore. I Jm A. Weatherman sheriff of Tnev County , Mttsourl, la aoeordsros with tbo provisions of said deed of trust as the same now staaas eorreetea oy a juua-me- at of lbs circuit court ot Taney Couaty, MieeAuri. made aad eaisred oa tao atb day of November. 1885. said day belac the 8th dav of tko reaular October term of eonrt for said vsar. where! a It was decreed tbat tbo eraatees aforesaid bo dirtsUd" of Ho title of said una aao tao eaia truttso, C. C Blaaett bo vestod therewith for the uses aad purposes of said trust, sad at tbo request of the legal aoiaer or sua sous wui oroosad to srll the above described real estate at tka soutb door of tko eoort boom mm towa -- t Vorsvth. Cooaty of Taaov end Stats of Missouri, at pubila auetloa to tba biff best bidder for easB. oa .. Ratnrdav. Jaauarv 18ih. 1896. ' (mutmb t a hoars of 9 e'eloek la tbo fore- - nooa aad S o'eioek la tba afteraooB of tbat dav to satisfy said rotes together with tbo east aad exnennes of xeotins,tiis ttust. - J A. WBATBKBMAN. Sheriff of Taaov Oouaty BUssoun aerlac Trustee. - First pubUeauoa Doe. iz. ism. GEO. L. TATLOB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FORSYTH. MO. B. B. PRICE ' v ATTOBSBTT--A- T 1AW.; Will praeUee In the U. S. Courts and all the court or uus otaie. Seal estate law a specialty. FOKSYTII, MO. B. JOHNSON, jv PHrsiciaw ait sukgxok; ;;'.v rOESTTH, C - p - TO. ; ; I7catier for the pazt wt;2 fcxs ttra Le and- - oor enterptliTrj farr:;ri have" beea making good use of St by Catherine corn, plowing ftnd msJSclsj preparations in general for another crop, as they have lately; entered up- on the duties of a new. year. -- 1 ' .The sensation, in regard to the Venezuelan boundary question Is be- coming quite pronounced among the old aoldters and citizens of this vi ci-ni- iy. X'apt. J, R. Vanzandt says that he has alwara wanted to live lonsr enough to get to help whip ola Enz- - (land. . , V I Mr. Keith and bis family were in I town, Friday. He is one of our pro- - mlent cWzena. ; : ; " - Mr. William Middleton, son , of our accommodating merchant, Uncle Jack Middleton. la tfiMhinirmmtitOou. ful term of school on Bee creek, near the Dau France distillery. This la William's first term and we all - feel proud of him. He expects to attend achool somewhere-- ' next spring and r . summer. ; Mr. George . Vanzandt recently s,rted for Springfield where be Is . - . . P".ug arrangemenca (o enter in tbc niercantile business at Cedar Creek George has the advantage of lfanrvearstMHnn nrwl.rnn kBOwn formeP mereh.nt John" Kl trea. During that time he reaped the benefit of John's manner of doing business which is not Questioned bv those who know him. We aU hope he wUI meet wUh occc- - K W. Cane has removed hia stock of goods to Forsyth. R, W. while witb us has been read r at all times to .aji4ai.u .i . j. tu"u,u"B luai reason we regret uis aeparture. Success to you, Bob. . Mr. Pernell, a merchant on Bear creek, near. Boone, A. will , in the near future occupy the store building recently vacated by Uncle Jack Mid- - dletou. lie comes well rccommeuded aud expects to put in a general line of luerchaudise at rock bottom prices. At 2 p. m. on Saturday the 1st day of February tlio Sons of Veterr.ns are going to organize. All the tons ef veterans both far and near are cor dinlly invited to be present and as sist iu the organization.. They have made a good start, having secured 24 uaines on their ;. petition. : sous ot veterans are numerous In this neigh borhood aud a good camp is expected mu tjie near future. Efforts are being made to organize a Woman's Belief Corps. - Mr. Jaui Whortou, of "Kisseet Mills, was among us the past week. He Is a sou of Uucle Bandy Whortan who lives four miles . west of this place. Closing exercises of Prof. A. J. UrazeaPa s:hool at fjobblers Knob were held last Friday week There was a large crowd in attendance and general good lime was bad. A b&frket diuner in fraud old . picnic style was served ou the school ground by the generous Indies of the district. The fact that the women of the dis trict provided the diuner is sufficient evidence of its being good without further explanation. A box supper at night was held tor the purpose of obtaining lamps, etc for use in schoolhouse. - The programme gave eutiro satisfaction and all the patrons ana cniiuren seem anxious to secure his services again the coming year. He is also the son of our efficient deputy sheriff, G. W. Braacal. The bean dinner here on Saturday was well attended and the old soldiers J. N. Hilton Post and their friends had a splendid time. v ' PROBATE DOCKET. February Term, 1896. First Day Estate of Asa O. Shaw lev. Geo. W. Gimlin. G. and C. An. uual settlement. : ! Kstate of J. C. Yandell, J. W. Yau-del- l, Admr. Annual settlement. Heirs J. C. Yandell, J. W. YaudeU and C. Annual settlement. . ; ' Scnud Day Estate ot A. C Acres, W. W. Brown, Curator. ' Annual aet tlement. - . ' George O. Ed wards, Thomas B. Ed- wards, G. and C. Annual aottlement Estate of G. V. G. May, IV. C. May, Adinr. Final settlement. . Third Day Estate of Luther Doo- - and Jefferson A. Doolin, N.X. Doolin, G. aud C. Aunual settlement. instate of Carolme.Boler,. deceased. C Kissee, Admr. Annual settle- ment. - y'V i;V Estate of Frank Staton JS.IL South- - worth, G. and C- - Annual settlement. : W. J. 11UL.L . Judge of Probate. My shop is neat, 'razors sharp and towels clean. My scissors are keen and clippers in order to do you the best job you cver seen.' Give me a call when in need of anything in my line of business. I. VANZANDT, Barber and Tonsorial Artist, South side of square, Forsyth, Mo. - bur clubbing arrangement with the Toledo Blade will be 08 after the 1st of February. Subscribe now if you wish both papers; r , : ' out Thk Republican costs a dollar. County Assessor A. P. Morris has completed his assessment book for the Tear 1895. The total value of the real estate is $570,530, and of the personal property $347,277, making a grand , total of $917,807: This is an increase oyer the assessment of 1894 of nearly $120,000. LOOK HERE !! Don't you know you can buy your goods of better quality and at lower prices for CASH at JOHN T. DICKEN- SON'S TANEY CITY STORE. He has just got in his fall stock of Groceries," Hardware, Tinware, Cjueensware, Glass, ' Harness, Stationery and Patent Medicines. He can't be beat in price and quality. Call and see him. J. N. Hilton Post, No. 254, G. A. R., held its annual election here on Monday. The following officers were elected : Post Commander, S. W Llnzy ; Senior vice-command- er, J. H. Nagel; Junior vice-command- er, J. Biers, Quartermaster, G. P. Lingen-felt- er ; Surgeon, J. A. Pratber ; Chaplain, W. C. Kinyon ; Officer, of the Day, W. H. Jones ; Officer of the Guard. C. A. Allen. Elsewhere in this . issue wjll be found an advertisement of the W. R. Pickering Lumber Co., inserted by the Ozark agency. This com pany wants your patronage and takes the best means of proving it, viz., by advertising .in a Taney county newspaper. When you ine county conn win s meet a Monday to receive the land and. per sonal tax book for 1835 from As sessor- - Morris. a j Mrs.; J. .O. Carroll presented her husband with a young son on Sun day the 12th inst. Mother and child are getting along nicely. Piles of people have piles, bat . De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. When promptly applied It cures scald and burns without the slightest pain. . BB Price. Bring in some cord wood on sub scription. It willbe more acceptable UUW IUIU IU WUIJ. County Coroner Isaac Horn beck, of Mincy, was in town on Saturday and made a call at this office The captain is a stalwart Republican and rejoices in the success of this newspaper. TWENTY POUNDS of good sugar for ONE DOLLAR, if you call on Jim Barker at Stires store. ; I. H. Arnold dealer in pure Rye and Corn whiskeys. Don t forget the place S. E. corner JJJJ Ike's saloon, forsytb, Mo. Mr. R. E. Maxwell, of Macon, Mo., spent several days in Forsyth,' this week, visiting bis sister, Mrs. W. M. Wade, whom he had not seen for about twelve years. Mr. Maxwell has gone to Douglas county, and after paying his re- spects to relatives in Greene and Polk counties will go to Fort Worth, Texas. Wife Here's an account of a man who hot himself rather than suffer the psnirs of iudig slion. II the foolt Why didn't he take De Witt's Little Early Risers? I used to suffer as bad as he did befrre I com- menced taking these little pills. B B Price. Capt. J. R. Vanzandt, of Kirby- - ville, was in town on Tuesday. Messrs. Fullbright and Page, cf Sparta, stopped here on Tuesday night They were on their way to Harrison, Ark. No excuse for sleepless nijrbts when you can prcure Oue Minut e Coiitrh Cure. This will relieve all an noyftiices, cure the most severe cougli and irlve you rest and. heslth. Can von afford to do without it? a a Price. , The following marriage licenses have been issued by the reorder since last Tburxdsy : John B Rose, of Forsyth, and Frances F. Welch, of Kirhvvillc; Samuel H. France and Anna Booth, both of Mincy. . Many stubborn and aggravating casei of rheumatism that were be- lieved to be incurable and accepted as life legacies, have yielded to Cham berlain'a Pain Balm, much to the sur prise ami gratification of the sufferers. One application will relieve the pau and suffering and lis continued use insures an effect unl cure. For sale by all dealers. Sheriff Weatherman purchased five acres of land from Mr. Lee Bowerman on Monday. The con sideration was $ 200.00. , Stires proposes closing out his en tire line of clothing at cost. This means that you can set a suit of clothes ' or overcoat at about one half price. It will pay you to take advantage of this opportunity.- - . E. Stires. ' Messrs. L. T. Cornett and B. V. Westmoreland, two of the leading citizens of Cedar Creek township, were in town on Tuesday. One Minute Couh Cure is rightly named. It affords instant relief from suffering when afflicted with a severe cough or roM ll acta on the throat, bronchia; lubeft, and luugs aud never fnl a to ive immediate relief. B It Price. ; : Mr, L. C Walker returned on Monday from Boone county, ' Ark ansas, wnere tie naa Deen visiting his sister,. Mrs. T. A. Coulter, for- merly of Cedar Creek. Mrs. Coul- ter is suffering from the effects of a carbuncle on her face and is con- fined to bed. Mr. Walker also found another sister, Mrs. Alma Ruble, down with pneumonia, but she has about recovered. Sheriff Weatherman returned from the Indian Territory on Sun day evening. During his absence he ' succeeded in capturing the Beardens, who were indicted by the last grand jury for the murder of Ike Lewis, and lodged them in the Ozark jail. The Sheriff ar rested Marion Bearden in McDon ald county, Mo. ,and John Bearden in Newton county, Mo. : Sheriff Weatherman's first information as to the Bearden's hiding place led him into the Indian Territory but when he reached the place indi lu rarrtsa. : Try it.- - v Go to Ike's for the celebrated Lemp'a .beer. :l ' For pure wines, liquors and cigars can at A. L. Parriah a saloon S. E corner public aqaare. . ' Ah there ! have you tried any of jonn A. Oideon's pure corn whis Key r If not, call at Ike's." Mr. B. B. : Price has improved his property in this town by build - ing a commodious smoke-bous- e and excavating a cellar. The celebrated Anhenser-Bus- cb beer always on ice at A. L. I Parrish's saloon. It is the best, on I the market.' - ? ' I Coughing irritates the delicate or- - J gans and airgravatea the disease. In- - stead of waiting, trv One Minute Cough Cuie. It helps at once, mak ing expectoration easy, red aces the orenesa and inflammation. Every one uaea it. a a J'rice. Mr. J. A. Tolerton has built an ice house west of his store buildine ' 1 and is having lumber hauled to add anot W i Kn n. " ' - .r --- o "- - ..wvu, ,su w loierion s pool ana Dimara dusi ness. ine lower room is already occupied Dy re w. inline. Carlton Coruwell, foreman of the I a?l2Mf,dd,ft07,l? JC ?,levr Cough Remedy honld be :n every horneT He used it for a cold and it effected a speedy cure. He says: "It is indeed a grand remedy, I can recommend it to all. I have also seen it used for whooping cough, with the best results." 25 aud I 60 ceut bottles for sale by all dealers. Mr. J. P. Siler has been in. town for the past week. .Pete expects to locate again in Forsyth. Our offer of the Toledo weekly. Blade and The Taney County Repub lican for one year for one dollar has already found several takers. Call on us or write and inclose $1.00 and we will f urni8b you both papers on these terms. The cost of either one alone is the same as that of both un der our clubbing arrangement. The new roller mill- - at-- - Kissee Mills began running last Monday morning. John T. Dickenson, Notary Public, is now ready to do all Legal Business. Deeds, Trans- - fore anil IfnrtcroffM ATAriitAil Pan. I . " -6- .- - . sion voucners, ACKDOwieagmenis and affidavits sworn to. Mr. R. W. CIine has purchased J- - C- - Longan's residence in this town and will move his family here as soon as the weather will permit. Mr. iongan has returned to Pro- - tern. There is good reason for the popu- larity of Chamberlain's Cough Re- medy. Davis & Buzard, of Wet Monterey, ( larion Co, Pa say: It has cured people that our physicians a ciild do nothing' for. We persuaded them to trv a buttle of Chamberlain's Cough lleined y and they now recom- mend it with the rest of us " 25 and 60 cent bottles for sale by all dealers. TANEYVILLE. CorrepondfBce of Tna BsprBLiCf K Eiebt newly, converted members joined the cbiircb on one night and the meeting has been a great suc cess. : J. W. Boren, of Kansas City, has been stopping, at the Simons Hotel. He says he is much pleased with this country. , The regular Baptists met at the school house on Saturday and Sun- day of for the purpose of perfecting their organization. There will .he a Baptist church house erected here in the near fu ture. There is a committee appoint- ed whose dutv it is to locate the site and have the building put up and that committee reports to the writer that everything is favorable. Messrs Henderson & Wilkey made G. business trip to Springfield ' this week. : Elder Kerns was up from Cedar Creek last week, associating with his friends and brethren. Dr. Stacey has built a new fence around his residence. liu Hiram Simkins was on the sick list for a few days. . U Playing jacks is the order of the A, day with the J kids of this neighbor hoods . "; Aubrey Simons will remain at home this year and help to runlhepostr ofiSce and store. Mrs. Emily "Wilson, formerly Emily Kilby, and her husband are visiUng Richard Kilby, Mrs. Wilson's father.' :; r S10. For dry goods, clothing, bats and T. caps, boots and sooes, queensware and hardware, harness, groceries, etc., etc., remember that L. T. Co- rner's store two miles south of Cedar Creek P. O. is the place to get then. He sells for cash and takes market able produce in exchange for goods. Sfioca, Hct3,(iuccnc- - 1" r .' St. Loui s Saa rranclxeoITy. V ; '. en ad vicr: b3auc:j. Coins Sonth; Odaj iTrrl! j SPIIINOP1ELD. , leave. arrive 8wt3 j", r:. 966 a. m. Pnelps Ave), v M3-iA?- v UUS : " " Caasldy. 8.41 ' : ' - 110 ; Oxark. 8.14 115 ; C?arta. . . 237. ' . Chadwick. 7 '. 13.26 p. m. arrive. leave l.Ci. p txi . VUOO ST. LO0I3 A SAH FCATCCO Z.' laooaaseetloB with tbo createacsa. Pa; ' tern Is tbo popular throaah cr re ' Chad wick, to all rsttfa: 1 : Arkaa. Esasss, Okoa. V l ntory, Ttva. Ootorado, Vy- e- ' v T Bew sad Old liexfoo. Arlao .k s . raaa, Nevada, Calarala, Watl-- . Orro. .. m rrissa-Lia- a Ttt sis ttar 'ti rout to et. Louis aad aU remits 1 t. 1 aaal rauasaa paiara 'nrmnt rr ehalr aars (seats froe), aad crrci") ( . ..l . tSrocri trtn. - . Staaat-UaBtcr.rc- Ua r ttosdara, a.rt's Borev t . s- i rrlsooLtao or Caau ta Xni v. . m;t irr-srx- x. - t.t. - st.locaa.uo. , ar.i, .t!c CHAftlTOK V Leavea ' Forsyth ." evtrr ry c V'ff . commence building this spring, re i- - Vi;, ; member them and their, enterpris s jibing manner of doing business. v- - V A correspondent of the Spring ? - held . Leader-Democra- t, writing ' from Swan on the 12th inst., says: 1 tie exciiemeni aooui ine ; sup posed discovery of gold and silver received a new impetusyesterday. On the Stout farm, two miles from Taneyville, what is thought to be R.C ORD ) ATTOBIWT-AT-IA- W. .FORSTtH. MO. C. B. FORSYTH. V - UO. OrriCB IN THK COURT HOUSE. Notlos for PabllestlOB. : v iABd Uaos at spriacaeid, at. DMamberlstb. 18SS. Kotlas Is hereby aivca tbat tbs followlar csmed settlor bss filed Botles of his tatea-tto- a to ssako Baal proof la rapport of bis m, aad that said proof, win bo maaa oa- - tore .. 1 . J. C johasoa, vireuu dork, at fonyth. Mo., oa Saturday. February 1st, 1888, via: -- Joha T. Samote. homestead aBDlloattoa So. 16377. for the kalf, s w qr w aas, s a qr aeo. is, twp. 28 a. raaae 18w. ' Ha aamoa tko fallowtaa wltaoasesta provo Ms ooattauoua reeMeaos upoa aad eolUvattoa of. said laad, vta: Jeff Johasoa, Joab Hobbf, Tbomes Ifree ley, raat joaasou, aiiOTBwwaao saiosaMK The Advertisers ktandaa, Soaday and t a) - dii BewabUoaa Stowi . of tbo Hlaet Concerdal Adycrticir. I Established 1797. Published every evening. New, York's oldest aad best evening newspaper. 12 pases. Subscription price, 16.00 a year. UontfBg Advertiser. Published every morning. 8 page. The foremost la newspaper ia the United States. Clean aad feariesa. Subscription price, 3.00 per year. Sunday Advertiser New York's most popular aad ori- ginal Sunday newspaper. The only lc.8uuday newspaper in the United States;' All the new and special features of surpassing Interest aad that will appeal to every phase of hnsaan nature. It ia the equal of the high-pric- ed Sunday papers In every respect Subscription price, fiOc per year; 25c for tit Deaths. Tha subscription price of The Morulas nd.; Sunday Advertiaer together is a: year, ci.cj ur six moatha, and .; tOe. for thrsa month. w :vv ' . Tha Advrti:cr taveco criers. Camcles free Artsta vrttzi erary-- where. ;. Liberal - Address iy'-!tI2- Cr J..,!! : -- V ' ; Tmx XXow, STow Tostk. . a rich lead of gold bearing quartz was struck. Merrick & Lee, mer-- " chants of Swan, have struck some ; thing that appears: to be silver in V their shaft, the assay running as ,V high as $25 to the ton, they claim. Sunday atff o'clock a. o. Yt r.:: - at Cadwlck 11.13 av- - o. L- - Cbadwlc - at 1. p.. xL f.z. : : ". brTt!i;'' cCCar'p:',- - o.-r:- ' EVri.'x X'l?5c A good many people are coming in and there is some excitement." Messrs. Perry and Bouslog, of Springfield, who represent.' the syndicate that has been securing options on lands adjoining the Dougherty railroad survey, passed through Ozark last Sunday morn- ing and came down to Swan by the Bull and Bilyieu creek route. It is reported that next day they went on,down to.Lead Hill and are in- vestigating the feasibility of run-ningt- he Dougherty survey through the center of this1 county, instead of the west side. Mr. Dougherty is probably working for the Gulf way; CIJ; rc4 Cn?, I quarters at Forcytl ct.t!i::i:'ir--i- 3 ; tcxdoartiT ttCt;-- ! :it; Dowbiks betels All t;r.:M t! ; aes, etc., carrud ."tjzl v collected oci CzllTcxjrt i A to be ccrrsjed tocrj c:. . r its eos:j, Arrrr-rr:;:- '.; ; c y caa si u W L..J v tcty Uxst"asa Czirrr. i Uct c tier lzfcrr:-!rh-- c: ; : 3 "a . ' m "f fi?; . . - road. 'In regard : to this latest H scheme the people of Taney county ? ' - r will v feel like saying, with the Ozarlc Hsrald, that not much con-- . fidence can be placed in railroad : i.K:: ta when the work is com-r- r o100 we can be certain, and sot before, 'h ' l:r' V:; cated ; he found that his men had returned to Missouri.' : - it .? "1: mm:

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Post on 27-May-2018




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X:- -

"'if ''C

C-- i,i : la cr:r ta-- c .3 r; . f:u:; I

V Tha tccctilal tsow put in an ap-pearance again yesterday morning.

DeA7itt'a LUtle Eariy CIsers forbillionaaeaa, indiction, constipationA amall pUL' a prompt euro. B IPrice. VV ; ; : .

wa t v'V.' -

Stirea pays xa ceatsa dozca it .

- It you want a good ncigar goIke's. , ;

Taney county pure corn whiskey;n't ba beau For sale ohly by A;


Luabor, Lath, Sliiiijlcdl

In accordance with the promisemade tdut readers on the a6th of

last raoTirm H Rfubucak: ap-prat-d-ay

as a seven-colum- n

foIioiV Taney County has not hada . newspaper , larger than a six-colu- mn

folio for many years, but thepublishers of The Republican feel

justified in giving its patrons morefor their money than was possiblein the f recent past, when two orthree little sheets scrambled for ascanty support. This newspaper

Lime, Cem

Guard Your Own Interests bjfJetUrOr rirlxs tzlV. 1"

Mter Cc:Pickering i; , ''"'Vkas made such progress during the

last two months in obtaining theconfidence of the people of Taney

- coury that its publishers have no' fears for its future success and de-

sire to show their appreciation of. the support it has been receiving

- :';' by enlarging its -- columns. K

i B. B. Prlee sella 8 pounds of the 1896 GREETING J- -V.c-- .best condition powder for 85 eta.'i'. '' One Minute Couch Cure is a pnpu

FfRIHNDS AND PAXRO iVST: -- . t ! - lar remedy for croup. Safe for child- -

;' ' ren and adults. B B Price,; ' :Mr. S. C Johnston, of Springfield,

was in town this week, looking after

1 make my debut amongst you once mere and V lies t CTJir. v...V; Uy Xsinesa Here la'Cn- - ."" ' " '

SELL GOODS.I htVe purchased the&ocx of Groceries cJ J. A. Tzlzt tzl

,: '. ': have added tierttdf, 5 '. :

..: some rval estate business.i.- -


- v. J. Vanzandt has resumed theI business of repairing shoes. If yon

': want anything done in that line, call Dry Goods, Boots and- A on Tern at the barber ahop and your: - work will be attended to with neal- - ware, Tinirarc, y; oaaaicry anu licraccaness and dispatch. Mr. VauzaudtV '; ;; ; baa had plenty of experience in re--

v pairing aboei and will do .you. a good

ii v We nave made a dabbing arrange--- ;

, . men' with the Toledo Blade by whichour sobsenbers can obtain the Blade

, . Strap Qodo.;'.,r;:;: ;r;- - .r.-;- '

Ton will find my bouse Chuck Foil of First Class - Cocd, ci C:tKinds above mentioned, at pncea that Dar fCjpccTerms wUI be THE GOLDEN IUJLB.1 X wUI LYc tilcjiStock of Groceries is reduced to where I want to keep it, jaale. guarantee you Honest, Fair, deahej.


I prepcia Tti tj.vthe Cheapest Man in the county for CASlt. Get otitrs' prlLland then I will duplicate or discount thea. .. :

" '-

CCCash 'P-i- (T for prpduco

I will make - V holesale Prices on all oy Gcxta sad D : t -

nd The Taney County Republicanone year for the small sum ol 91.00,Of course the dollar must be paid madvauceaa this proposition is onstrictly cash basis. The Blade with

JUudet wear. Come Quick before Uy Ctock t Oizi. i I ccza'

Business. , ..r :. : , --'.tCome and see my stock 1 guarantee bctton prices csd wiU tcl .

let prices binder a trade for, CASH.-"-- ' ; ;; ; Vv ::' ; Ilemmbe the Place the Doon keowa the FOOL XJAtXr ;:

S. E. Corner Square. You need not bate any fear cf yotrand children coming-t- o this place now as it is a CUy llzz? :and First Class General Storey same as you will find erjwbrre. ;Hoping to share at least a part of your valuable patrei

I am Respectf uUy '.


' ''v"v .r.:J v v :


1 -

ttaC; ttlxr--,'-1 Cl'-- r ta f

lawlrtiJ ctrliyfr ct&xZzrd prixli SCj ytrj, at 6 daa' yardi a larra ttoci cf rtzrbamsfront o to' I arla half cssta yard.donblo L'sheillnjr at eta. a yard;shoes from 7Se. to ClO; boots fromOliO to tZJXK boys, and mens' batethat run from 25c to t2.C0. of goodquality and the latest styles. All my

t other goods will be sold at a proportionate reduction. Bemember theplace, two miles south of Cedar CreekP. O. This offer holds good for 0days. ) ::-- v:, "r:i 7

10--1 : L. T. CXBNETT.

NOTICI rOBtOBUCATION.Utadoasa as8Drlacakl. H .- Jaaoarv4. 1SSS.

KotiealsaarsbytlvaBtbsttha tollowtaeaaaiedsstUar kas flisd eetlas of his fsta- -rloa to asaka laal. proof la support of hiselatai, aadtkat said proof will bo atade bororo v

J. C. Johasoa, drentt Ctork,at Fnrsytk, Ifa.,

February is, 1883. tU;Jsiss B Im.

koaMstoad spplleattoa No H8S0. for thes kalf, s. w. qr. sootloa S4, twp Ma, raaarIf w. .

flo asaios tao followlaa. . witatssss tprovo bis ooatiauous rosMoaoo opoasaltfvstlM' of. said land. ls:

Wtltlaat tJ. 8tursiaa, Joba Atklas, FrankaaasMco. uoasrai oaasoa, au oc BrownBraaok, Iu. -- J. G. HKWBfLL, fiaststar.

NOTXCK FOB PUBLICATION.. XeadOfSos at SMlsaflsld. Mo..

- Jsanarv 4. 180ft.Hottos Is aorabT ctvea taat tha foilowlaa- -

aamod settler hss clod aottoaof kUiaUaUoato auka aaal proof la rapport of ks euiss,aad tbatsatd proof will b asado baforaJ. W. Bucbes. CootT Ctorfc. at Forsytb,Mo., oa Saturday. Fabroarv 18, 1896, vis:

SaBKMl H- - Fraaos.hoBMStead appUeaUoa No. 18007, for thaw. half, a 0 frl. or. As. half s. w. frl. o. qr. s. w. in. qr. boobob 10,-fw-

si a. raago i w.Ho aames tka foliowtna wltBoaaos to prove

bis ooatianoas resideaes upon aad eatUva- -noaor, mm iaaa, vis;

Joba B. Wilsoa. Fraak Esiaianoa. WU- -Haat M. Braatley, 8tarUa Coulter, all ofaiioey, Jto. -

J. O. Ilewblll. Bottatar.

; HOriCC FOB PUBLICATION.' Lad Ofioa at SDriaktsM. Mo..

DMcabtr It. 1865.Notlos Is berebf kItcb that tbs folioanai

nmrnoa sottwr bss Biea bouos or Ms latetloa to atsfce flasl proof ia supsort of kteelaim, ana wat saio proor win 00 i Dn'nro 4 c. basoa. Circuit Clerk, at F-rt- k

Mt., oa 8stordsy, Febraarv 1, 1896. vis:Wastnatoa Taj lor. koaMstoad applieattoBn. leios. tor tao a w rr'i qr see is tp zi aranee law.:

BL aasMS tao followlaa wttaepses to provoBit eoauannas rrsiaeooo opoa aao eoiuva-lio- n

of. satt laad. vis:8ohsa Lewis, Wtliani H. Park. Joba

H. Klosv Leonard B Alley, all ot CedarCreek. Mo.

.v ; 3. O. NwMII. Roftleter.


Lad Offloe at 8prlagfleld, Ma..Deoenber ltb. 1898

Notlos Is herebv ewes tbat tbs followtsaaamsd settler kas Btea bouos of bsr lateotloe to Bisko flaaf proof la support of berclaim, aad that said proof will 00 made be-.'- or

J, W. Hnabts, Cou.t Ork, at For--4 to. Mo., oa Baturdav. Fenruarr 1. lsas.vlai Mrtb A. Warrea, tomesttad appll- -ettloa No 16X06 for turn s. bsif iwars a elqr s w qr A s 0 qr a W qr see. 24, twp St arasae 19 w.

8he aames tbo followlaa wlteesscs toprovo br continuous ronldnaos upoa aadeuMivsttoa nf. said lead, vis:

Jo-- Batemta. C. Batrmaa. B. Haaamoads. Boa Hsmmosds, all ot Taaeyville,

J. O. NewbUl. BeaisUr.

Whereas,' WuiUm K MeBrataeV aadAUo MttBrataay kte wife, aad KdwardD.MiithtiBgalo. a slaclo maa, of the oouaty ofTaeev aad suite 01 auaMNirt or tsou eer--teta ded of trust, dated tbo 37b day ofJuift less aaa a KBOwioacon oa tBe via asyof AQKUHt. 1883 aad recorded la tfco roeorder's Alas ot Taaov Cooaty. Mtsoonrt ladeed of urust book Bo. 2. pace 91. ooavsyedto C C-- Blaaelt as trustoo tbotollowlBK Described laad, towit: X. balflot 1 of a. a. qr. aad tbo a. balf s. a. qr.aad IS aeres oft of w. slds of s. 0. qr of s.o. qr. scotioB V, being all tbat portloa ofsaid s. 0. qr. of s. o. qr. sootloa 4, lylnweetot Bull Creek, all la seatloa 4.

all ISs aeresmore or leee waiea sua ooaveyaaea wasmade ta traet to eeeure tha payment of err-U- Ib

vromlsson notes - la said deed doeeribod; aad whereas said Botes togetherwltb tko Interest tbereon bavo booomo duouodcr tbo provisions of said deed aad bow areaala luapaid, aad whereas ta said deedprovides tbat la oaea ot abeoBOs, death, re-fusal to aet ordisability la aay wise of saidtrustee, tko tksa aettoa saarux or TaneyCounty, Missouri, at tko request of thalecal bolder of said Botes, may proceed toeell said property : aad whereas said trustee baa refused to set under said trust, bow.therefore. I Jm A. Weatherman sheriffof Tnev County , Mttsourl, la aoeordsroswith tbo provisions of said deed of trust asthe same now staaas eorreetea oy a juua-me- at

of lbs circuit court ot Taney Couaty,MieeAuri. made aad eaisred oa tao atb dayof November. 1885. said day belac the 8thdav of tko reaular October term ofeonrt for said vsar. where! a It was decreedtbat tbo eraatees aforesaid bo dirtsUd" of

Ho title of said una aao tao eaia truttso,C. C Blaaett bo vestod therewith for theuses aad purposes of said trust, sad at tborequest of the legal aoiaer or sua sous wuioroosad to srll the above described realestate at tka soutb door of tko eoort boom

mm towa --t Vorsvth. Cooaty of Taaovend Stats of Missouri, at pubila auetloa totba biff best bidder for easB. oa

.. Ratnrdav. Jaauarv 18ih. 1896. '

(mutmb t a hoars of 9 e'eloek la tbo fore--nooa aad S o'eioek la tba afteraooB of tbatdav to satisfy said rotes together with tboeast aad exnennes of xeotins,tiis ttust.

- J A. WBATBKBMAN.Sheriff of Taaov Oouaty BUssoun

aerlac Trustee. -

First pubUeauoa Doe. iz. ism.






Will praeUee In the U. S. Courts andall the court or uus otaie.

Seal estate law a specialty.FOKSYTII, MO.


PHrsiciaw ait sukgxok; ;;'.v

rOESTTH, C - p - TO.

; ; I7catier for the pazt wt;2 fcxs ttraLe and- - oor enterptliTrj farr:;rihave" beea making good use of St byCatherine corn, plowing ftnd msJSclsjpreparations in general for anothercrop, as they have lately; entered up-on the duties of a new. year. -- 1' .The sensation, in regard to theVenezuelan boundary question Is be-

coming quite pronounced among theold aoldters and citizens of this vi ci-ni- iy.

X'apt. J, R. Vanzandt says thathe has alwara wanted to live lonsrenough to get to help whip ola Enz--

(land. . , V

I Mr. Keith and bis family were inI town, Friday. He is one of our pro--mlent cWzena. ; : ;

" - Mr. William Middleton, son , of ouraccommodating merchant, Uncle JackMiddleton. la tfiMhinirmmtitOou.ful term of school on Bee creek, nearthe Dau France distillery. This laWilliam's first term and we all - feelproud of him. He expects to attendachool somewhere-- ' next spring and

r .summer. ;

Mr. George . Vanzandt recentlys,rted for Springfield where be Is

. - . .P".ug arrangemenca (o enter intbc niercantile business at CedarCreek George has the advantage of

lfanrvearstMHnn nrwl.rnnkBOwn formeP mereh.nt John" Kltrea. During that time he reaped thebenefit of John's manner of doingbusiness which is not Questioned bvthose who know him. We aU hopehe wUI meet wUh occc- -

K W. Cane has removed hia stockof goods to Forsyth. R, W. whilewitb us has been read r at all times to.aji4ai.u .i . j.tu"u,u"Bluai reason we regret uis aeparture.Success to you, Bob. .

Mr. Pernell, a merchant on Bearcreek, near. Boone, A. will , in thenear future occupy the store buildingrecently vacated by Uncle Jack Mid- -dletou. lie comes well rccommeudedaud expects to put in a general lineof luerchaudise at rock bottom prices.

At 2 p. m. on Saturday the 1st dayof February tlio Sons of Veterr.ns aregoing to organize. All the tons efveterans both far and near are cordinlly invited to be present and assist iu the organization.. They havemade a good start, having secured 24uaines on their ;. petition. : sous otveterans are numerous In this neighborhood aud a good camp is expected

mu tjie near future.Efforts are being made to organize

a Woman's Belief Corps. -

Mr. Jaui Whortou, of "KisseetMills, was among us the past week.He Is a sou of Uucle Bandy Whortanwho lives four miles . west of thisplace.

Closing exercises of Prof. A. J.UrazeaPa s:hool at fjobblers Knobwere held last Friday week Therewas a large crowd in attendance and

general good lime was bad. Ab&frket diuner in fraud old . picnicstyle was served ou the school groundby the generous Indies of the district.The fact that the women of the district provided the diuner is sufficientevidence of its being good withoutfurther explanation. A box supperat night was held tor the purpose ofobtaining lamps, etc for use inschoolhouse. - The programme gaveeutiro satisfaction and all the patronsana cniiuren seem anxious to securehis services again the coming year.He is also the son of our efficientdeputy sheriff, G. W. Braacal.

The bean dinner here on Saturdaywas well attended and the old soldiers

J. N. Hilton Post and their friendshad a splendid time. v '


February Term, 1896.First Day Estate of Asa O. Shaw

lev. Geo. W. Gimlin. G. and C. An.uual settlement. :

!Kstate of J. C. Yandell, J. W. Yau-del- l,

Admr. Annual settlement.Heirs J. C. Yandell, J. W. YaudeUand C. Annual settlement. . ; 'Scnud Day Estate ot A. C Acres,

W. W. Brown, Curator. ' Annual aettlement. - .


George O. Ed wards, Thomas B. Ed-

wards, G. and C. Annual aottlementEstate of G. V. G. May, IV. C. May,

Adinr. Final settlement. .

Third Day Estate of Luther Doo- -and Jefferson A. Doolin, N.X.

Doolin, G. aud C. Aunual settlement.instate of Carolme.Boler,. deceased.C Kissee, Admr. Annual settle-

ment. -y'V i;V

Estate of Frank StatonJS.IL South- -worth, G. and C-- Annual settlement.

: W. J. 11UL.L .

Judge of Probate.

My shop is neat,'razors sharpand towels clean. My scissors arekeen and clippers in order to doyou the best job you cver seen.'Give me a call when in need ofanything in my line of business.

I. VANZANDT, Barber andTonsorial Artist, South side ofsquare, Forsyth, Mo. -

bur clubbing arrangement withthe Toledo Blade will be 08 afterthe 1st of February. Subscribenow if you wish both papers; r , :

' out Thk Republican costs a dollar.County Assessor A. P. Morris has

completed his assessment book for theTear 1895. The total value of thereal estate is $570,530, and of thepersonal property $347,277, makinga grand , total of $917,807: This isan increase oyer the assessment of1894 of nearly $120,000.

LOOK HERE !! Don't youknow you can buy your goods ofbetter quality and at lower pricesfor CASH at JOHN T. DICKEN-SON'S TANEY CITY STORE.He has just got in his fall stock ofGroceries," Hardware, Tinware,Cjueensware, Glass, ' Harness,Stationery and Patent Medicines.He can't be beat in price andquality. Call and see him.

J. N. Hilton Post, No. 254, G. A.R., held its annual election here onMonday. The following officers wereelected : Post Commander, S. WLlnzy ; Senior vice-command- er, J. H.Nagel; Junior vice-command- er, J.Biers, Quartermaster, G. P. Lingen-felt- er

; Surgeon, J. A. Pratber ;Chaplain, W. C. Kinyon ; Officer, ofthe Day, W. H. Jones ; Officer of theGuard. C. A. Allen.

Elsewhere in this . issue wjll befound an advertisement of the W.R. Pickering Lumber Co., insertedby the Ozark agency. This company wants your patronage andtakes the best means of proving it,viz., by advertising .in a Taneycounty newspaper. When you

ine county conn win s meet aMonday to receive the land and. personal tax book for 1835 from Assessor- - Morris. a j

Mrs.; J. .O. Carroll presented herhusband with a young son on Sunday the 12th inst. Mother andchild are getting along nicely.

Piles of people have piles, bat . DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will curethem. When promptly applied Itcures scald and burns without theslightest pain. . B B Price.

Bring in some cord wood on subscription. It willbe more acceptableUUW IUIU IU WUIJ.

County Coroner Isaac Horn beck,of Mincy, was in town on Saturdayand made a call at this office Thecaptain is a stalwart Republicanand rejoices in the success of thisnewspaper.

TWENTY POUNDS of goodsugar for ONE DOLLAR, if youcall on Jim Barker at Stiresstore. ;

I. H. Arnold dealer in pure Ryeand Corn whiskeys. Don t forgetthe place S. E. corner JJJJ Ike'ssaloon, forsytb, Mo.

Mr. R. E. Maxwell, of Macon,Mo., spent several days in Forsyth,'this week, visiting bis sister, Mrs.W. M. Wade, whom he had notseen for about twelve years. Mr.Maxwell has gone to Douglascounty, and after paying his re-

spects to relatives in Greene andPolk counties will go to FortWorth, Texas.

Wife Here's an account of a manwho hot himself rather than sufferthe psnirs of iudig slion. IIthe foolt Why didn't he take DeWitt's Little Early Risers? I used tosuffer as bad as he did befrre I com-menced taking these little pills. B BPrice.

Capt. J. R. Vanzandt, of Kirby- -

ville, was in town on Tuesday.Messrs. Fullbright and Page, cf

Sparta, stopped here on Tuesdaynight They were on their way toHarrison, Ark.

No excuse for sleepless nijrbtswhen you can prcure Oue Minut eCoiitrh Cure. This will relieve all annoyftiices, cure the most severe cougliand irlve you rest and. heslth. Canvon afford to do without it? a aPrice. ,

The following marriage licenseshave been issued by the reordersince last Tburxdsy : John B Rose,of Forsyth, and Frances F. Welch, ofKirhvvillc; Samuel H. France andAnna Booth, both of Mincy.

. Many stubborn and aggravatingcasei of rheumatism that were be-lieved to be incurable and accepted aslife legacies, have yielded to Chamberlain'a Pain Balm, much to the surprise ami gratification of the sufferers.One application will relieve the pauand suffering and lis continued useinsures an effect unl cure. For sale byall dealers.

Sheriff Weatherman purchasedfive acres of land from Mr. LeeBowerman on Monday. The consideration was $ 200.00. ,

Stires proposes closing out his entire line of clothing at cost. Thismeans that you can set a suit ofclothes ' or overcoat at about onehalf price. It will pay you to takeadvantage of this opportunity.- - .E. Stires. '

Messrs. L. T. Cornett and B. V.Westmoreland, two of the leadingcitizens of Cedar Creek township,were in town on Tuesday.

One Minute Couh Cure is rightlynamed. It affords instant relief fromsuffering when afflicted with a severecough or roM ll acta on the throat,bronchia; lubeft, and luugs aud neverfnl a to ive immediate relief. B ItPrice. ; :

Mr, L. C Walker returned onMonday from Boone county, ' Arkansas, wnere tie naa Deen visitinghis sister,. Mrs. T. A. Coulter, for-

merly of Cedar Creek. Mrs. Coul-

ter is suffering from the effects of acarbuncle on her face and is con-

fined to bed. Mr. Walker alsofound another sister, Mrs. AlmaRuble, down with pneumonia, butshe has about recovered.

Sheriff Weatherman returnedfrom the Indian Territory on Sunday evening. During his absencehe ' succeeded in capturing theBeardens, who were indicted bythe last grand jury for the murderof Ike Lewis, and lodged them inthe Ozark jail. The Sheriff arrested Marion Bearden in McDonald county, Mo. ,and John Beardenin Newton county, Mo. : SheriffWeatherman's first information asto the Bearden's hiding place ledhim into the Indian Territory butwhen he reached the place indi

lu rarrtsa. : Try it.- -v

Go to Ike's for the celebratedLemp'a .beer. :l '

For pure wines, liquors and cigarscan at A. L. Parriah a saloon S. Ecorner public aqaare. . '

Ah there ! have you tried any ofjonn A. Oideon's pure corn whisKey r If not, call at Ike's."

Mr. B. B. : Price has improvedhis property in this town by build-ing a commodious smoke-bous- e

and excavating a cellar.The celebrated Anhenser-Bus- cb

beer always on ice at A. L. I

Parrish's saloon. It is the best, on I

the market.' - ? ' I

Coughing irritates the delicate or-- J

gans and airgravatea the disease. In--stead of waiting, trv One MinuteCough Cuie. It helps at once, making expectoration easy, redaces theorenesa and inflammation. Every

one uaea it. a a J'rice.Mr. J. A. Tolerton has built an

ice house west of his store buildine' 1

and is having lumber hauled to addanot W i Kn n." ' - .r --- o "--

..wvu, ,su w

loierion s pool ana Dimara dusiness. ine lower room is alreadyoccupied Dy re w. inline.

Carlton Coruwell, foreman of the I

a?l2Mf,dd,ft07,l? JC ?,levrCough Remedy

honld be :n every horneT He usedit for a cold and it effected a speedycure. He says: "It is indeed a grandremedy, I can recommend it to all. Ihave also seen it used for whoopingcough, with the best results." 25 aud I60 ceut bottles for sale by all dealers.

Mr. J. P. Siler has been in. townfor the past week. .Pete expectsto locate again in Forsyth.

Our offer of the Toledo weekly.Blade and The Taney County Republican for one year for one dollar has

already found several takers. Callon us or write and inclose $1.00 andwe will furni8b you both papers onthese terms. The cost of either onealone is the same as that of both under our clubbing arrangement.

The new roller mill- - at-- - KisseeMills began running last Mondaymorning.

John T. Dickenson, NotaryPublic, is now ready to do allLegal Business. Deeds, Trans- -fore anil IfnrtcroffM ATAriitAil Pan. I ." -6- .- -.sion voucners, ACKDOwieagmenisand affidavits sworn to.

Mr. R. W. CIine has purchasedJ- - C-- Longan's residence in thistown and will move his family hereas soon as the weather will permit.Mr. iongan has returned to Pro- -

tern.There is good reason for the popu-

larity of Chamberlain's Cough Re-medy. Davis & Buzard, of WetMonterey, ( larion Co, Pa say: Ithas cured people that our physicians aciild do nothing' for. We persuadedthem to trv a buttle of Chamberlain'sCough lleined y and they now recom-mend it with the rest of us " 25 and60 cent bottles for sale by all dealers.


CorrepondfBce of Tna BsprBLiCf K

Eiebt newly, converted membersjoined the cbiircb on one night andthe meeting has been a great success. :

J. W. Boren, of Kansas City, hasbeen stopping, at the Simons Hotel.He says he is much pleased with thiscountry. ,

The regular Baptists met at theschool house on Saturday and Sun-


for the purpose of perfectingtheir organization.

There will .he a Baptist churchhouse erected here in the near future. There is a committee appoint-ed whose dutv it is to locate the siteand have the building put up and thatcommittee reports to the writer thateverything is favorable.

Messrs Henderson & Wilkey trip to Springfield ' this

week. :

Elder Kerns was up from CedarCreek last week, associating with hisfriends and brethren.

Dr. Stacey has built a new fencearound his residence. liu

Hiram Simkins was on the sick listfor a few days. . U

Playing jacks is the order of the A,

day with the J kids of this neighborhoods . ";

Aubrey Simons will remain at homethis year and help to runlhepostrofiSce and store.

Mrs. Emily "Wilson, formerlyEmily Kilby, and her husband arevisiUng Richard Kilby, Mrs. Wilson'sfather.' :; r S10.

For dry goods, clothing, bats and T.caps, boots and sooes, queenswareand hardware, harness, groceries,etc., etc., remember that L. T. Co-rner's store two miles south of CedarCreek P. O. is the place to get then.He sells for cash and takes marketable produce in exchange for goods.

Sfioca, Hct3,(iuccnc- -



.' St. Loui s Saa rranclxeoITy. V

; '. enadvicr: b3auc:j.Coins Sonth; Odaj iTrrl!j SPIIINOP1ELD. ,

leave. arrive 8wt3 j", r:.966 a. m. Pnelps Ave), v M3-iA?- v

UUS : ""

Caasldy. 8.41 ' :' -

110 ; Oxark. 8.14115 ; C?arta. . . 237.

'. Chadwick. 7 '.

13.26 p. m. arrive. leave l.Ci. p txi


laooaaseetloB with tbo createacsa. Pa; 'tern Is tbo popular throaah cr re '

Chad wick, to all rsttfa: 1 :

Arkaa. Esasss, Okoa. V lntory, Ttva. Ootorado, Vy- e- ' v TBew sad Old liexfoo. Arlao .k s .

raaa, Nevada, Calarala, Watl-- .Orro. ..

m rrissa-Lia- a Ttt sis ttar 'tirout to et. Louis aad aU remits 1 t. 1

aaal rauasaa paiara 'nrmnt rrehalr aars (seats froe), aad crrci") ( . ..l .

tSrocri trtn. - .Staaat-UaBtcr.rc- Ua r

ttosdara, a.rt's Borev t . s- irrlsooLtao or Caau ta Xni v. .

m;t irr-srx-x. - t.t. -

st.locaa.uo. , ar.i, .t!c


Leavea ' Forsyth ." evtrr ry c V'ff .

commence building this spring, rei-- Vi;, ; member them and their, enterpriss jibing manner of doing business.v- - V A correspondent of the Spring

?- held . Leader-Democra- t, writing

' from Swan on the 12th inst., says:1 tie exciiemeni aooui ine ; sup

posed discovery of gold and silverreceived a new impetusyesterday.On the Stout farm, two miles fromTaneyville, what is thought to be



C. B.


Notlos for PabllestlOB. : viABd Uaos at spriacaeid, at.

DMamberlstb. 18SS.Kotlas Is hereby aivca tbat tbs followlar

csmed settlor bss filed Botles of his tatea-tto- ato ssako Baal proof la rapport of bis

m, aad that said proof, win bo maaa oa- -

tore .. 1 .J. C johasoa, vireuu dork,

at fonyth. Mo., oaSaturday. February 1st, 1888, via: --

Joha T. Samote.homestead aBDlloattoa So. 16377. for the

kalf, s w qr w aas, s a qr aeo. is, twp.28 a. raaae 18w. '

Ha aamoa tko fallowtaa wltaoasestaprovo Ms ooattauoua reeMeaos upoa aadeolUvattoa of. said laad, vta:

Jeff Johasoa, Joab Hobbf, Tbomes Ifreeley, raat joaasou, aiiOTBwwaao saiosaMK

The Advertisers

ktandaa, Soaday andt a) - dii

BewabUoaa Stowi. of tbo Hlaet

Concerdal Adycrticir. IEstablished 1797. Published everyevening. New, York's oldest aadbest evening newspaper. 12 pases.Subscription price, 16.00 a year.

UontfBg Advertiser.Published every morning. 8 page.The foremost la newspaper ia theUnited States. Clean aad feariesa.Subscription price, 3.00 per year.

Sunday AdvertiserNew York's most popular aad ori-ginal Sunday newspaper. The onlylc.8uuday newspaper in the UnitedStates;' All the new and specialfeatures of surpassing Interest aadthat will appeal to every phase ofhnsaan nature. It ia the equal ofthe high-pric- ed Sunday papers Inevery respect Subscription price,fiOc per year; 25c for tit Deaths.

Tha subscription price of TheMorulas nd.; Sunday Advertiaertogether is a: year, ci.cj ursix moatha, and .; tOe. for thrsamonth. w :vv


Tha Advrti:cr taveco criers.

Camcles free Artsta vrttzi erary--where. ;. Liberal -Address iy'-!tI2- Cr J..,!!

: -- V '; Tmx XXow, STow Tostk.

. a rich lead of gold bearing quartzwas struck. Merrick & Lee, mer-- "

chants of Swan, have struck some; thing that appears: to be silver in

V their shaft, the assay running as,V high as $25 to the ton, they claim.

Sunday atff o'clock a. o. Yt r.:: -

at Cadwlck 11.13 av-- o. L- -Cbadwlc - at 1. p.. xL f.z. : : ".

brTt!i;'' cCCar'p:',- - o.-r:- ' EVri.'x X'l?5c

A good many people are comingin and there is some excitement."

Messrs. Perry and Bouslog, ofSpringfield, who represent.' thesyndicate that has been securingoptions on lands adjoining theDougherty railroad survey, passedthrough Ozark last Sunday morn-ing and came down to Swan by theBull and Bilyieu creek route. Itis reported that next day they wenton,down to.Lead Hill and are in-

vestigating the feasibility of run-ningt- he

Dougherty survey throughthe center of this1 county, insteadof the west side. Mr. Doughertyis probably working for the Gulf

way; CIJ; rc4 Cn?, Iquarters at Forcytl ct.t!i::i:'ir--i- 3

; tcxdoartiT ttCt;-- ! :it;Dowbiks betels All t;r.:M t! ;aes, etc., carrud ."tjzl vcollected oci CzllTcxjrt i Ato be ccrrsjed tocrj c:. . r

its eos:j, Arrrr-rr:;:- '.; ; c ycaa si u W L..J vtcty Uxst"asa Czirrr. i Uct c

tier lzfcrr:-!rh-- c: ; : 3 "a . 'm "f

fi?;. . - road. 'In regard : to this latestH scheme the people of Taney county? ' - r will v feel like saying, with the

Ozarlc Hsrald, that not much con--. fidence can be placed in railroad

: i.K:: ta when the work is com-r- r

o100 we can be certain, and sotbefore, 'h ' l:r' V:;

cated ; he found that his men hadreturned to Missouri.' : -

