the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1905-01-29 [p ]....second section i second section nev york sunday january...

SECOND SECTION I SECOND SECTION NEV YORK SUNDAY JANUARY 2J 1905 t TA AM PHHO an h < J 7 h I lublihfg AfIOcofo- m ti- n 1 r rv 1 fj I j z- I ccvrioM = = = = = = = = = us Tinvrr i i is siccixsfiil- nr tinnrin r f oiimMliilt Mini sialr JxpciiP fur a Vrnr r llMMtti Inrkrt l Smir lfiii- n in thr SiimU nt ViulilHKtmi Ian sMorKim OurtliMir- Bulkfi tlii ho tYowlinr lo- vrrr niitirut who ha JUt litm- uniwl cn JnM h It Hawloy- i Mm Soiuitor from tlio K upiiil n imlcim jilnis In i i for iwiiityflvo yon- nfr iLilltf IhlJUKh ll WTVHtl tWO r tht Stnli IIP wart flex illrpotly l v HIM j lirst Ilinu ho fiot w s ion f IT flu Ooniral Anw nibly- pnii I fitiitiPd it by ail iixvil- i IVirl n all UK 111 fonnrrtlnut- i win Snmlor Ihilkeley YaM l iin lllil1 ri41 won ho wnr bcnnl 0 4i MI snntp nnd tint nt his llmt iijnipliy lin pointed Ills child i rni r ir Vai liiitRon then mnlllnRly- Mifw Oitalnly for tho Inil- htrnv vriis IIP lc llflll Ills oyPfl fl cil in H i ii f tin iwllonH cnpltnlnml for tl Afive ho lino oitcnly doolnreil bit f i mriilHto for iliaUna vacant ni Hi- II iiii al preparation for tho ofllcf- Ujan i ililrty years ARO when tin won ml flRht for n Mat In tho fnini ii r iiwil FiDni there tin tlio AiVimiiiic rhninlor- TIiip Tiicht yonrn beginning with 1SSO- h n lit hra l of tin oily Roverntnont introduce financial itfnriis Ilnrtfowl liPenmo n model It wwnhil TtHtPpfromtheClty Hall hero on tho hill nnd Mnyor Ilutkc- Ity rmili it In ISO tlmnUs to tho IJOR- Uturr He lid not rceoivo ho majority ef votM ttvjiiirod In Connecticut to elect ft- Oovpniir l iit IIK the TeRlalnturo wns llop- uMio i It RIIVO him the office and ho tmk ii coat in Jnnuno of tint year Tlwii cuinc nt the next election the dead lOckH Assembly which carried Car Ilullse- Itj ver annther turin It irns during thin M siin that ho won his title of Crowbar Goveniir- Xoni if the candidates for Governor had i majority of the votes nnd the LcRlnlnturoc- ouM nut eloct localise tho Senate Demorriillo by n majority of t while the Republicans held tho Hou9 by 15 In tho deadlock that resulted Coy Ilnlkeley held ottr Tho Comptrollor Nicholas Staub of Kew Milfonl was ttie only Democratic State nflidal In power Ho had charge of the Capitol nnd took the position that DOT Dulkeloy was an Intruder after tho clow of his fiat term and had no official richts whatfloevor In tho Capitol The Governor was In the habit of walk- Ing from hi exi citlvo chnmbera Into tho- Rn t hall when ho felt like It One day Demorrntlo S natora wanted to hald af crct n mg and at their request Statib lockod tho flovernor out of tb Senate chamber Mr Dulkeley promptly Rot a crowbar and broko tils way In Tho next week All tho iegMitor wore mtnlattiro crowbars on their watch chains an nouvenlrn of tho vic- tory nnd tlm name that has stuck to Sena- tor Eulkeley ever blnce waa conferred on him Secular Hiilliploy heR the distinction of clnR th only Oofrnor so far as known n this country who paid out of lita own pocket all tho State expenwa during lila wo yenrs in ofllco The deadlock In tho IxKilature prevented tho poi sac of tiny ipjiropristinn hill to pay running expenses AVhin till rii stioti of borrowing the neeen- irv furls came up Gay Bulkeley camo forward with 400000 which ho put at tho disposal State relying on tho next Ofnral Ai Mmlily to relrnburuo him Tin frs act of tlm fjLslaturu of to wvopi nccounU of tho former Oovemor- wid pay him without question WliHti the qufwtion como up of an nppro printinn for Connecticuts representation at th worlurt fair nt Cliloaco Senator Bulkpley iw that tlio glnlftturo would Bukn iin appropriation fur tho purpose cnllpil a meeting of manufacturers others nnd collected by privalo rub eriition a larger fund than would have I nn Kc I from tho Slain Treasury- At the dedication of the worlds fair la Ortoher H 2 Oov Rulkcley refused to Pound until ho was allowed to lo ec cooed bv the Foot Guards of tho Stato born he took with him for ho purpo There was a wrnnRlo between Connecti- cut representatives and those In charge ff the imradedm miter urging that It wu civic affair and that the Nutmeg State WM thi only one dcmandlnK n military dUpav- Th Fofil CuitrdH are a much my escort MnvMafT replied Cloy Bulkeley NYhcro I KO they will Ko I broufiht them hero for that rurjw And they went Since napping down from tho Capitol Ssn tor lliUkeley ha been the ndvl cr- mchif f the nmnag ra of the Republican l rtr in Connectiniit ulwoyo with l r tardii that Washington wan Btlll on be map bnnovpr tho wheels of tho Mrty maohino needed lubricating the cnm i n hare always relied on tho Go vrrnor to fuiilh tho oil His reputation for generosity has mado wa a rain of friends that extends acrofw- wtcwticm His popularity among tho Army men has bern demonatroted nt national encampments Ilw pin K And perseverance in the pursuit JUT landel him In ho United States Sen it alwiwnn f or him ft wijp according to tnry told hire At a dinner party one of tho were c hu popularity with tho Hartford 5 YiV years niro MI Fanny Uni Son rancUco to ry for ii ftcroM the right qulokly replied the wiruiiv 11 got i D IH president of tho Colonial n f nnwetictit and both and her Hto o fire nlnwl with tho various D oolctie These iiwclatlon sic SENATE SEAT t I I tIT lnr1 11111 II 111 t I Ih I I n 1 I CI Iii > fur I 111 f tIii h I 1 11th It Ii II I 1 tho r I till II II I w I III arM hit to th l was the Compt- roller Republican I I I f IhA ISO Will and Mill a I the un wbatsnr hI sets to Bccompllllh not h t tlnt hun grIi wife before tier mar was It1I I jokingly I coma coun tII after IS 0- I hu t she for HUlke l tlo creai LflI lIt knoW hini nil rI hI always ono of the f f1I IlprN at nil the of famous In rountry UIII arlidII whn hlkr a to IIn IIJIIIV hs resultd In his r1r fr the that ho Insistel- iiiu nwy with him ILLS large e III Iy ill overflowing Itb t Jf In this part GOVIBULKELBYS I 1tt lie I U lit II 3 t rkrI Nut nieg nn 01 h It t f a nil k T i 1lt cIty nt red f fl i i tim managers Gad out s said 1e rtrnflle Mr Rlit ifl Dealorii from Suh East I uvr is auctions the r e5t q nntlqucs < ¬ ¬ < > ¬ > > ± > > > > < ° HllliniilVN TtTISKMTN w IInnUHIS 1EnTIfJl rs tw S fire Store ANd tht bu J ness in iwe risen hut on the or Pubtc tviih tht best I J 7 Budget of Big VluesThe Gist of Mondays Salesl- I Thc sae of China Cut Glass I3rcaI3rac and Lamps t3rooklyn ever saw F gcafeI rczesI BrocJyn fouridahon Sifsfdllori Sc c lir besi issorniers I I rrccj- WOKLYL4 1 grcatcst = i Tnfffti Silk Waists ftOS inc Must at met No mall or telephone orders filled and nnne sent C ioc Black MercetizeJ LinIng Satien He- n yard flf c Reveled Glass Mltrors gold 7c l Pleated Bosom Shirts 48c Boys and o Norfollc and Double lUeasteJ Suits fitW lj to 18 Sijlts at JllPd Colored All Wool Crepe Albatross K2- shaJes iic a burn- Ished ell I ellS b < Wtmmsaw Underwear IS c- Montauk Teas J57c a regularly 47ir No mall or telephone orders taken Tea sold tomorrow durIng the week Mens H weight Underwear Royal Wilton and Brussels Rugsan ex- traordinary offering of large sizes oOliKh Black Cravenettc Cheviot a yard Brass and Iron Beds and BtddlnR to the trout Balloon and Cant Div In the Toy Store liD I inter Gc Like Cut Glass BricaBrac and Art WaresY- ou Buy From the Makers Half and Less Than Half Prices- This Sale is the greatest in every way in this city and there arc REASONS FOR ITS WONDERS- This year it surpasses even our own efforts of the past No other store at any time sells China Crockery and the like wares at such little prices No other store can very well Others do not possess the important advantages We have our factories at Limoges Rudolstadt Carlsbad and other famous China and high art BricaBrac places of the old world aa well as Glass and other factories here And in addition we sell the best products of all other makers With our regular every day prices so low you can readily imagine how wonderful the economies are in this Sale of all sales We are particularly proud of our improved China Store the ingenious method of displaying the wares making it possible to see at a glance the piece or pieces you seek Ten thousnnJ pieces decorated Japanese Cake Plates at 73o each Dinner Plates regular M now lf c each China t hill and In many cases less than half UUo each regular prices The assortment eonprisn Toothpick Holders c each W st Plates regular 33 now Tea Cups and Saucers at Sltavlns Mugs 2 c each inc and too each 100 luc inc 250 ancanJaoc pair lowlat tUb each j one hunJrcJ dozen Theodore HavilanJ Bouillon Cups anJ Saucers at Three hundred dozen TheoJore lUvllanl Curs anJ Saucers Inan assortment DInner Cups 100 KIP inc and 20t pair Duit r Plitet regular 23 now handles sold regularly at 30c al to go at Sugar and Cream Sets at 20c and BOc set 12o Joe pslr The Cut Glass Art Wares Lamps and Clocks in the Sale Prices 25 to 50 Less Than Regular Prices at About Pelt Cost Remember that our greatest bUzzard occurred in March and that these Furs will be worn way into Spring thfs year then marvel at these prices for Furs famous for their fine and dependable quality Scarfs Stoles Boas and Muffs l2nO flee Scarfu 9inOO Ilnccfion Stole St lin I4OO lonv Slrilr 90f Black Bits SHno To h worn over tho shoulder Sable raccoon Stoles dnulile lur 82 Inches sivi cross lynx Stoles 70 inches lone satin 72 inches long graduated ends satin lone sik ornament six tails aai cord at lined ornaments and tails and lining tachmtrit with cord attachment ui no Wolf llnne t 4n Sabl 5JOno Itaccoon Stole 7150 Sable 5000 Wolf Mull 307A ibe wolf Boas sIngle trimmed and chain coon shawl Stoles to waist satin lined Muffs ilit shape with cord ntlt hment l attachment rimnsJ this hund VIH 50 SO Opossum Stoles S0no Datk 1 f rO Fox MlifTK SOHO Isabella Fox 91250 Volt Stole I S iia shawl to waist satin lined Mutts pillow shape with cord attachment Stales 90 inches long satin lined cord j an attachment Hno Wolf Uois 55J5 Blus Boas trimmed with paws anj brushes squirrel ornaments tails and silk girdle SOOO Uaccoon nOn ailo Natural I atachmenr 12r 0 Squirrel MuflX SSSO Natural wiuitrel Muffs Imprriai shape cord at uchment for the hand Raccoon teas single brush trimmed ornament and COrJ Pur Coats at ilin f tho klo- cinnrt iinnrnnn S7 on Sable r n or Persian lamb Alaska sealskin mink more 3lr eBflet trimmsd with ai is brocade lined Caps and HooJj for 81100 Haoooon8toleHSH74 Sable iaOO Cro Iynx MufT 800O Moiorliuc and fur lined Coats at Stoles ornaments six tails Satin Buck Russian cross lynx lares flat shape j roJuced prices lined cord attachment MUlls with cord fur the hand Sfcnid njor front tvrtni iiuituinc Great Annual Sale of China arid the I Rose Jars It to Footed Nut china Ullc Md IDa pair china Plates oSfolteJ floral and Iold Alter and Saucers at I nil at the folIowtn low prle5 of share lnJ gold stIppled l3read and i cot i Furs for Blizzard Weather T ake Warning i I natural trlmme th brush and tall 000 tn trimmed for no lo urn Hcnrf SlifU 11Irill Fox BOO bdll Scads double lur tabs with Fox pillow shpe with attach men Raccoon iioac paw and brush trimmed I HIJO Opakiluun Sarf OZII Sable I 700 RaccOon IIOZIS 5OO Sable opus um fur with nl tails cOat inns Lynx Collar raccoon Bos neck brush I1I lynx Collars shawl I siuIrrcI alo fur Gloves and paW trimmed silk cord lour raccoon Te4 410 border I floral decorations deoraion 1 a w the Iw ISa liitis Isabella Solf line Muffs cord duble four large lox girde at crocs astrachan tony and attachment a attac meat < You can keep the little fellow looking as though he had just come out of a bandbox and for little cost too if you come to this Boys Clothing Store dium weights This lot a special purchase bought at treit price concessions and each one Is a bargain in the truest sense of that Veats of fine cheviots in gray and brown mixtures and pialds The Norfolk Suits are made In double breasted style with knickcr or hangy trousers 5R 00 and joOO ThroeWren Suit SUwn Light and medium weight cheviots In KMV tan and brown mixtures and overplaidJ- SOOO n SSOO ThreePiece SAon The balance of Suits In mxed cheviots ant black and WJK worsted cheviots cut In anJ double breasted style Sizes not complete In every style but all sires In the lot 70e Knro 1antn 4Oo Sizes i to 16 years Cheviots and Corduroys made from short ends of fins fabrics that would usually retail al 73 to navy blue at the SAme price Second fljor nulldlns A Special Sale by Request Mens 30 35 40 Suits 1950 Mado to Meatura An Unmatchiblt Offer Plain facts woolens are going up in cost every day as you must know and it is mighty hard to get pure woolens at anything like a I know that next year we will have to pay a big advance for our materials We arc paying it now in fact Several styles of fine woolens that we have been converting into clothes this season however at 3000 to 4000 are exhausted save single suit or two and three suit lengths- Our invariable policy of clMriiic out these pieces makes this opportunity You cannot an important sale this Is you have wen the materials Men who tool advantage ol a xlmiar a week BRO r iusstril a repetition for needs this week or do ihie sack suits uptu 42 bteast measure tailum and workmanship that have made this the foremost custom orcaniMtlon In Brooklyn Above K breast aeaiure an additional thargj s made for extra 3 Load Soot rur tail jiuUilot Boys ClothingBig srOO tJrflllk nllll Ilouhiho Itienited SuIts f0 Sires 6 to U In gray brown and tan mixtures checks and overphid tn light mi me OIJ and 00 orlOlk anti > nlllJln Breasfod SuliR Sizes 8 to ShuN Ian tear Cast I price even now Advance in cost is unprecedented We nM to re uiroJ Bargains fl 400 nut years Sit 53Oti 22 heavy weight r 0 IIUIIOKIVN AIVrUTIiiMlTS I Furs for Bllzard Prices at about pelt cost Mens 10 to Measure tinf0 Great Reductions In Womens Tailored Wear Mens 350 Winter Shoes 5109 At lIe a 1000 yards of 27 Inch all Silk Meteor Pongee value II Womens Bags 07c each Womens JiV Roots and Oxfords flOo- fl0i Black Chiffon Hats tl4 None sent C O D fi to 18 Dresses for Children T376 WIt l fj and f40 Suits I I Ian Balloon and Cane DayI- n the Toy Store To every purchaser in the Toy Store of 24c worth and over to morrow will be given a big fine French Balloon fastened to an Old Glory cane As the Toys are from 1 to M less than regular prices you can make a saving on yourpurchase and at the same time delight the youngster with one of these finc Balloons and Canes Games- All the newest Card lames are here Tile regular are iron We to SO Our prtc aip Sherlock Holmes Stage Bunco Flinch Bird Center etc also Hi latest Games Trusts aaj Busts and Frenzied flnane Board Games playlni H games 53 30 kind at a im Crokinole Boards all hardwooJ S200 kind at SI41 Kindergarten Supplies slightly soiled sets hall price Doll We kind at Slo- Oa Hals slightly soiled V to i7o- nominoei of hone flo Jo 2 ilK CTtbl ace th regular clot Iviards si SO lend it 0 o and 2 33 1 IH Daisy S110 Und at lIMO Columbia Automobiles the prettiest Auto ever shon for thepric sizes 9 complete with brass horn regularly SO at MH Dolls Carnaxes and GoCalls and strong and equal to most at OHO others up to 511OH Dolls toidins GoCarts vlll lold up Hit the 200 kind at ttlJO Sleds greatly reduced the largest assort- ment in town boys and girls stvles No 1 SI10 No 2 SI OH No 3 aOH No t i7n- anJWaS 44O fourth Floor W t DUiilnc r i I IM Put i COIl lnlttnll I knJ lit J 03 I good I liO make Flex o Filer t j Si ¬ < niKinuiri 101 NKII jt cn In every detail the Leading Retail Establishment of Brooklya China The Great February SaleI- n Quality Magnitude and Value Giving Unrivaled TUB HOUSKKKBPEU THK HOTEL MAM the lover of benuliful to do wl tim manage of a homo will find keen Intcrtst In bvent onnouncod today It coinert annually nt thin noosan o tniiki It tho cniwnltiK effort of the vhol And thin yenr it fnr Hurttu cfl in volume clinrnctor all in low pricing that Brooklyn has over known chlmi BrkaBnif Clookn and kindred It oTirn an Immense nnd muBnin cent stock oa lino mid practically new nil could iw bought anywhere today It offers this whole stock nt a THird to Half Under Our Customary Prices- In a few cases the reduction Is only a fourth It Is n Sale that wilt appeal to the lover of cases It is morn thnn half Tho average saving wlilch tho bonutlftll thlnin iw well rw to practical Sale hrincs i about forty cent Thn strength of tho Sate In alonn those most llm CIIAKACl the wares in this Sale cannot bo productions Its valuun nro atiiunK tho Art Pieces realized unless you HCO thorn are not soconda are seldom to ho lied nndor They arc not oven patterns nnd desIgns which been Many details fellow Thoy are worth careful rendIng In selling rom ono end of to tim oUter they for they stato the fnnts But only by a visIt are new In details of tomorrow will you nallzo how fully this suite finish could got nothing Hnor There Li iiothinj finer a parallel In Brooklyn how mircly much an offering IH mta made to no store but J o At 250 Regularly 5500 None Sent C 0 D 100 rich cut Fruit Bowls 100 rich cut Water Bottles Limoges China Saucers 15c a fino china Cups and Saiiccru all prettily doooralcd some tine AiiHtriun Chocolato Cups and Saucers nnd Tea Cupfl nod Saucers lOc pnlr Limoges Fish and Game Sets H98 Regularly 10- LllnoKefl Fish and lame Sets wltb center decorations of liMb or game 12 plates and plat t ci i I I jJ j ourOfl has the great Ial M wart I e t It roaUJtt t Tho Ji We r j Cups j t 720 I IRO I 11 large r WMth j onowlie lii some artistic bl L Rich Cut Glass inn viltlF AlnO S Inch hindlod- Ollvn DUIiRs und 11 Inch FruIt Hauc ri inil hobnail pattern richly cut end rtncly llnlilie 8125 V NitnO Fine a Inch piles linridlcsl lion lion and Ollrn Dishes rtu rlclitr cut iU lirii- afillJ S rficnUrly U Fancy ships UlBhM line lUtilglu nil richly cut S2l ro ul rlv 400 One hundred pretty AVIilnnni Cri tiin Howt witii sunburst star dmlrti fruit und Salad Donti- AM no inilurlr i- Vlno M Sift 10 rciriijarly lit H IOno rcculnrly Slt riciilurly Fruit Nappies or Low Boils 7 Inch ON regularly S4l 7 tnili NJON istw mph SJIIN r ilarly isoi s KM no regularly seeP 3 N4no rrgulnrlr Moi- a Inch wnn ssno 9 Inch gnno roirulnriy iow- PltchersAH Rich CuttliiQ- Snnno Nn Sugar nnd Cream Sets A3 OH stan rirulirly J on Oil Bottles 8l71re til J300 1 08 reirnUrlr M Celery Tro Wine Decanters MiOH regularly 10 Ii 5- 0StJtlHretruUrly JlOfO- Coloone Bottles OH regularly 150- 0S4no t oil I hit appl T rurIU Mruo nllI U oil ion sa I inch sLtI rlllulllrly eo rl1l1larl 1000 rlIlIl rrllIarlr rfl Il1 1110- 0Snn rgitlarli J1 I S lS Un liS I l frI iJi1 LS S 120- 0scao 21300 kaO resnlirls I E > ItllOnKIjYN AUVRRTIHRMRNTFI I J Rich Cut Glass- Ice Cream Troys NnON recuhrlr ItJtw- K0no susan reiriilarly 2so Flower Vnses NUro recuUrir SON iio- nNtrd regularly SVo- oNnno S3- Wnlis regularly lfw fii IlltW- ANjtN regulirly llloo All 08 reciilartr i M- nirli out Tiiliillrr MTlnl KV1IN- S10H N70N nml S80N dozen Punch Oouls Into 82100 ritrulnrir moo SMik- iN4itoo ssr SldliOO rvvulnrly lioiwi- KOKOO ftaso- oitIO regularly 120000 Fine Austrian China Very tnMPfulty decorated at halt prIce no etch Orcr two thousand rcr chins Urojulundlliittir 1Intii tl corntp l and trlinmeJ with nl o tune hundred pretty cliliia AfterDlnner Coffee Saucer 1 Oe no nd article tins real chins nail prettily docor te l aro Tw Siuicem D CorTee nntl Chocolate and Saucer 1en Milad and llriAu Butter Ilitci Fruit Oatmeal Bowls Fruit HJUMM like 2rto riCh roe nOel ntl ffaticrri A Mrcfl with Cups Rod Snticerc lurco ColTB Pup and Hniioer anti Mustarho- Cupn anti Chocolate ruiw nnd- SaucrrR antI After Dinner Corri n Cup ami Siiiirern of them nre 11 fhlun Then nre a ereat variety of decoration to choove from and mauy trimmed with lace Mold borders rtatr Rt Srtp regularly anti 7fto Several thousand line Fruit Tea KHlail If Ursula mm llread and decorated In the nest of the latent nnd nil are the that you would choose first ut the regular I 0 H11i1l IINlfI the 11 I ral or The JI Cram hrl all tie T CIR I In tOo d 2 Lao reauuiarir S1400 Ih rguuiiurJ less rich talus tilled sprir itati eStOOfl antI ill uriecs > > < > and 3 Royal Wilton CarpetsSi98T- hp eCarpptii are tin proiliot of the mil innho li lest uml Moft In Ampkn HIP liclwt- pnttxrnn of jt line HIWOU vn out P Ui riw 11 li A city mul l intf lln WlltonM M h that IIOIIMO tun show Sow Ino clMl n for StirlnirnriiiiMltr way dl tht mill arid so w ect the whole ri- iiminlnr si iLk on of tlifio private imHrn They iniiU In round IlK fi A 27000 Stock to Sell for 18000 Thor ip n thn nii t rcmRrhfthln rhnncr la buy thn flnwl f rpt wholomasnn- AnionK t w will he found iiiic if thi HrM t color pffwti Y ri vfii HIP rich III the I cffiTts fio ir1 Ifrnlnti dwlifiis cnlorlnir lull iniall intxinl- piUtTnx lmbtc for halls stairs and otUFri vliirli rpipilar price for these Carpets arc 1275 end 3 n y rU- In no otnir toro that rr nn or urn over nolil for Tbmonow priie HI OH H Hiiixt Kluor Win Place 75 wl h earl U4 i t Id tat ILln C Ill lan ali 1 Our tie 7- Its iio lie < fl ii fle1 P1 alI 2 under once tH MOP KPIdSM we lid I will < > > < > I vlUFlmU I 2DESEtO Porcelain Dinner Sets Great Price Savings 84 rrctiUrlr MM PorrPlnln JMnncr roiiiH 4f KIO ilr or In a neat pf con volitional rnrimtiiiii In plnln colors S7 rciciilarly N1U lorci Kftc of IIKI iiiPrcn Including lurcpii Mul tnriM i philters Decorated inth n prrtty sprny In pink unl Krotii- MilOH H11 1ntfMn Dinner Set compossij or Jin Ititnw nonii turn n 1 iluttPr1 Tho HIM HIM ill the ItllPt heavy nnd tlm covered pieces liniullcn ixtra Tliere nre tour Ijeniitlful fttylm tiiuisuiilly ntH In tin lnlJi nf the covers in ilecornted HO lint when tutu covrrPd thin decoration l uliuwn julte- nh evidence of tlie inukorn piiln care lo pro iiion nuperlor Fine China Dinner Sets At Great Reductions Sill SJN Finn Ail triin china Dinner of lr i In iiii tureen and extra lure ten plates Two PrettY IK In and tie other la heliotrope find urpf- nSiaO S2O urn ex- trnordllmry Austrian ehlna ninncr HelM Threw one RH prftty All are Jull border dfuluii fully Inld not nklnippii SIS blill RIO Kino ehlna- Hetn In flvcitllffircnt of Inner r lo ant thn wimo Mtylo In maroon another In clioorntisl In style and nthers sn nniimiHl flor l denlxn All of them tire full Sets lurlntf- noup tilrpenn nnd three platters KJUnO Hni rhlnii Sets from the best maker In Llmoirra- TUp chlnn In Al nml dworn- lloiu urn very click MId laid on liuautl- fnlly set IIIIH tureen Plntterf the larxi t plotter belnc or tfcnerouM ioi irtloiH and liquid at either end no that dish jrrnvy ran be nrrvid with wmTenieriee Limoges China Tea Sets Six different lo lg- nRlOn U I iII I rn a flt ItI t t I Ien tlllhl I lit I jtt II I JJ I 110 H t1 i I I IIIo 111 IIl cI I These I Ihl outer t II I Is one a limo Lortlrr drllim uroid rrrltt around run I ho III I p I h i j si tnt hr O still 2 I lar II I tutu lou sn ci rut ton tu pc tins tuP H cncI clunr4etenlstie szr styles Rtl0 grCttI with Inn the I I rcuharI asp ii t lie son ii tint wells 1i regularly 3l- rainmnut < < < < Mens 15 to 20 Suits 10 Men Elevators ot Elm JMnte A hundred non iiiny iliuro tin otTer of th whole MMLPOM tomorrow lint tim Is all nnd when the Suits arc unnt1 WP Kliall probably hnvo nothing olsn an remarkable tliin ncunnn- Jlicy on Iota the olios twos threes that remain In oufpplendkl stock after the hlttuPHt reasons 1iit liipR3 in our iiitory lint in the wholo group tlitire are all HZCS ninny Union over and proportions to fit regular stout und nun ares mostly inKk IrcaHtcd though there are n Tew double btPswad CoatM ftbri uro ROIM fancy mix- tures III ehovloM tivppclH antI unllniAhmi A jiluin black thibolH und rlnviow too have IKJCII 15 18 and 20 Choose tomorrow at a Suit Seooml Floor Elm Ii I und t boat I t oats l t lev FI 10 J nun ¬ < A Furniture Event of Unrivaled Interest- The Sale in Full and Beating All Records Prize Furniture the St Louis Exposition- Made for Us and Now Here At Very Modest Prices Through cooperation with Knrj en Bros of Chicago we are able to nrowmt now Iho mo t beautiful ex- hibit of Upholstered FurnlHiro which over won This Furni- ture while mado for UB Comprised the entiro exhibit of this famous con- cern at the St Louis Exposition sail wafl there awarded the highest prlvo uwardisl to hay American for tiphol- Btcreil Furniture The collection iiirludo both Library and Parlor Suites and individual Not only In it by the heAt of but the diiin are nuperb and in everj do tail it represent tho very finest product artisiinn- XotwithstandinB charac- ter of tho hun fact tInt it has Ion honored the Grand Irlzo Furniture of in our regular stock Parlor Suites 3 Pieces SiannrtKuUrlyKttli Mnhoeany nn h fi e OR terr covered with tapestry dma k or snouT 107n rrtnUrly 21 nil hh frnm pan l bark covered with 8l fJOrreul rly 25 Iw- Ixh frames U U lorfd with Grand I cliBtill lIillhell m hiJl th Frirnitun anti the prices are no than IA olrllnT Maloney laplsl unusual higher they SCItIR Verona I a pest r7 pin a > ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > Xo such funiiture business ever caino to any other Brooklyn sioro as we have in thin past week Hut then no store not oVen this store over Inforo- offervil cudi a mncniflcxnt and allinclusivu tock of hiph grade Furniture for audi small priws ArRUmerilfl for the aro trite You know Ihoin as well as wo do Today we merely want to say that tho took IK the moBt nrtlstlc wo over had that the workmanship on the Funiituro is the limit thorough and excellent j osiblo and that Iho Bavlngs brought about by tho sale Cut Usual Prices a Fifth to Full Half Parlor Suites 3 Pieces Parlor Suites 5 Pieces N24 HIO finish SSI SHin Mnhotrniiy nnlnh- fiamM punel bold covrred with tap fruini cnrvsl und nuwlyf e v ru l estry with Verona Jour 820 4a flnlth SIlO rrrularly 8125 Mohoennr frame back covered with Irnmei fHrv and rna pstrr with dnm uk- 4B S57 nr frames r hocany tIn hick eovrrd with tapestrr l h frames carved and mulre covered Bll HOH HnHi j h damank- frameu utilioMvrHl anti illiCit 111 S14n fin vir l ilh t petry frame and matlve covered S7 Mnhocunr Mlih Vttona vtlour- fraiw neatly carved overml with S11O 17 Mnhoranyi- lmnaKk frames neatly carrpd oov th- SlUirreiilarlySsn Mihoennr frames Verona vMoiir- rmnei Lack f vT with tapestry Overstuffed Parlor Suites S140 frain tilihoUiiTHl mat and hull covereii with diiinank S7S rr ularly Covered tilt- hfJMOrctnUrlSlOr Same ahove lnpe uy- S120 HISS SOM rKI rl slso Covered whit fran Icily carTed roTerrd with darnnik j Leather Covered Furniture Parlor Suites 5 Pieces srt reeuuriy Ooiiim oak aof Sits regularly Kir flnl hL frame detlgn covrreti ultlt rcmiUrly 8 O Muhomnr Hof- dumack S4rrculrlySIOl Mohnnnnrflo- fnSltlrn S4O Mihoaanr fin K4 Mahocany flnl h- h frames plain dejden covered wIth 3 pier Hulte damask i i n nml Arm I tiuir frames carved covered m rricularlr B120 Mahoeanr S uixetrr piN Null rrcuUrlr S82 Mahogany flnliih Verona vMour tHr0rrKiil rly S4S Turkish Rocker 870 SOrt Mohotanr flnl h t2 resnUrly 840 Hooker frame neatly rarved with SRO rfCUlarl R7O Tirksnh Iofkrr- UMtrr TJ i floor l 11I1oII j I pane 1 r lIlarl IIi lIt I I lib carved Sal sn J son 3 filII rill tk II r iIinsk iJJ HIS arid I I I I r r I 510 rrltularlr 81 Sofa f Sri In 7Iahocsnr t 844 RIr Turldh Vneksr f rramn carved wit h t I r I to o I I luau ala finIsh tap covers flfl panel relhiftrI isri Pieces sa hair 4 I sun Ialtoenny t a nest wftlu sIlo reuIarIy Turk Th 1 i I > < > > < > >

Upload: others

Post on 06-Jul-2020




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I ccvrioM= = = = = = = = =

us Tinvrri i is siccixsfiil-

nr tinnrin r f oiimMliilt Mini

sialr JxpciiP fur a Vrnrr llMMtti Inrkrt l Smir lfiii-n in thr SiimU nt ViulilHKtmi

Ian sMorKim OurtliMir-

Bulkfi tlii ho tYowlinr lo-vrrr niitirut who ha JUt litm-

uniwl cn JnM h It Hawloy-

i Mm Soiuitor from tlio

K upiiil n imlcim jilnis In

i i for iwiiityflvo yon-nfr iLilltf IhlJUKh ll WTVHtl tWO

r tht Stnli IIP wartflex illrpotly l v HIM

j lirst Ilinu ho fiot w s ionf IT flu Ooniral Anw nibly-

pnii I fitiitiPd it by ail iixvil-i IVirl

n all UK 111 fonnrrtlnut-i win Snmlor Ihilkeley YaM

l iin lllil1 ri41 won ho wnr bcnnl

0 4i MI snntp nnd tint nt his llmtiijnipliy lin pointed Ills child

i rni r ir Vai liiitRon then mnlllnRly-

Mifw Oitalnly for tho Inil-

htrnv vriis IIP lc llflll Ills oyPfl fl cil inH i ii f tin iwllonH cnpltnlnml fortl Afive ho lino oitcnly doolnreil

bit f i mriilHto for iliaUna vacant

ni Hi-II iiii al preparation for tho ofllcf-

Ujan i ililrty years ARO when tin wonml flRht for n Mat In tho

fnini ii r iiwil FiDni there tin

tlio AiVimiiiic rhninlor-TIiip Tiicht yonrn beginning with 1SSO-

h n lit hra l of tin oily Roverntnontintroduce financial

itfnriis Ilnrtfowl liPenmo n model It

wwnhil TtHtPpfromtheClty Hall heroon tho hill nnd Mnyor Ilutkc-

Ity rmili it In ISO tlmnUs to tho IJOR-

Uturr He lid not rceoivo ho majorityef votM ttvjiiirod In Connecticut to elect ft-

Oovpniir l iit IIK the TeRlalnturo wns llop-

uMio i It RIIVO him the office and hotmk ii coat in Jnnuno of tint year

Tlwii cuinc nt the next election the deadlOckH Assembly which carried Car Ilullse-

Itj ver annther turin It irns during thinM siin that ho won his title of CrowbarGoveniir-

Xoni if the candidates for Governor had

i majority of the votes nnd the LcRlnlnturoc-

ouM nut eloct localise tho SenateDemorriillo by n majority of t while theRepublicans held tho Hou9 by 15 In thodeadlock that resulted Coy Ilnlkeley heldottr

Tho Comptrollor Nicholas Staub ofKew Milfonl was ttie only DemocraticState nflidal In power Ho had charge ofthe Capitol nnd took the position thatDOT Dulkeloy was an Intruder after thoclow of his fiat term and had no officialrichts whatfloevor In tho Capitol

The Governor was In the habit of walk-

Ing from hi exi citlvo chnmbera Into tho-

Rn t hall when ho felt like It One dayDemorrntlo S natora wanted to hald

a f crct n mg and at their requestStatib lockod tho flovernor out of

tb Senate chamber Mr Dulkeleypromptly Rot a crowbar and broko tils wayIn Tho next week All thoiegMitor wore mtnlattiro crowbars ontheir watch chains an nouvenlrn of tho vic-

tory nnd tlm name that has stuck to Sena-tor Eulkeley ever blnce waa conferredon him

Secular Hiilliploy heR the distinction ofclnR th only Oofrnor so far as knownn this country who paid out of lita own

pocket all tho State expenwa during lilawo yenrs in ofllco The deadlock In tho

IxKilature prevented tho poi sac of tinyipjiropristinn hill to pay running expenses

AVhin till rii stioti of borrowing the neeen-

irv furls came up Gay Bulkeley camoforward with 400000 which ho put at thodisposal State relying on tho nextOfnral Ai Mmlily to relrnburuo him Tinfrs act of tlm fjLslaturu of towvopi nccounU of tho former Oovemor-wid pay him without question

WliHti the qufwtion como up of an npproprintinn for Connecticuts representationat th worlurt fair nt Cliloaco SenatorBulkpley iw that tlio glnlftturo wouldBukn iin appropriation fur tho purpose

cnllpil a meeting of manufacturersothers nnd collected by privalo rub

eriition a larger fund than would haveI n n Kc I from tho Slain Treasury-

At the dedication of the worlds fairla Ortoher H 2 Oov Rulkcley refusedto Pound until ho was allowed to lo eccooed bv the Foot Guards of tho Statoborn he took with him for ho purpoThere was a wrnnRlo between Connecti-cut representatives and those In chargeff the imradedm miter urging that It wu

civic affair and that the Nutmeg StateWM thi only one dcmandlnK n militarydUpav-

Th Fofil CuitrdH are a much my escortMnvMafT replied Cloy Bulkeley NYhcro

I KO they will Ko I broufiht them hero forthat rurjw And they went

Since napping down from tho CapitolSsn tor lliUkeley ha been the ndvl cr-mchif f the nmnag ra of the Republicanl rtr in Connectiniit ulwoyo withl r tardii that Washington wan Btlll onbe map bnnovpr tho wheels of tho

Mrty maohino needed lubricating the cnmi n hare always relied on tho

Go vrrnor to fuiilh tho oilHis reputation for generosity has mado

wa a rain of friends that extends acrofw-wtcwticm His popularity among tho

Army men has bern demonatrotednt national encampments

Ilw pin K And perseverance in the pursuit

JUT landel him In ho United States Senit alwiwnn for him ft wijp according to

tnry told hire At a dinner party oneof tho were

c hu popularity with tho Hartford

5 YiV years niro MI FannyUni Son rancUco to

ry for ii ftcroM theright qulokly replied the

wiruiiv 11 got i

DIH president of tho Colonialn f nnwetictit and both and her

Hto o fire nlnwl with tho variousD

oolctie These iiwclatlon sic


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HllliniilVN TtTISKMTNw

IInnUHIS 1EnTIfJl rstwS

fire Store ANd tht bu J ness in iwe risen hut on the or Pubtc tviih tht best




Budget of Big VluesThe Gist of Mondays Salesl-I Thc sae of China Cut Glass I3rcaI3rac and Lamps t3rooklyn ever saw

FgcafeI rczesI BrocJyn fouridahon Sifsfdllori

Sc c lir besi issorniersI







i Tnfffti Silk Waists ftOSinc Must at met No mall or telephoneorders filled and nnne sent C

ioc Black MercetizeJ LinIng Satien He-n yard

flfc Reveled Glass Mltrors gold7c

l Pleated Bosom Shirts 48c

Boys and o Norfollc and DoublelUeasteJ Suits fitW

lj to 18 Sijlts at JllPdColored All Wool Crepe Albatross K2-

shaJes iic a






Wtmmsaw Underwear IS c-

Montauk Teas J57c a regularly47ir No mall or telephone orderstaken Tea sold tomorrowdurIng the week

Mens H weight UnderwearRoyal Wilton and Brussels Rugsan ex-

traordinary offering of large sizesoOliKh Black Cravenettc Cheviot a

yardBrass and Iron Beds and BtddlnR to the

troutBalloon and Cant Div In the Toy Store



inter Gc

Like Cut Glass BricaBracand Art WaresY-

ou Buy From the Makers Half and Less Than Half Prices-

This Sale is the greatest in every way in this city and there arc REASONS FOR ITS WONDERS-This year it surpasses even our own efforts of the past

No other store at any time sells China Crockery and the like wares at such little prices No otherstore can very well Others do not possess the important advantages We have our factories at LimogesRudolstadt Carlsbad and other famous China and high art BricaBrac places of the old world aa wellas Glass and other factories here And in addition we sell the best products of all other makers

With our regular every day prices so low you can readily imagine how wonderful the economiesare in this Sale of all sales

We are particularly proud of our improved China Store the ingenious method of displaying thewares making it possible to see at a glance the piece or pieces you seek

Ten thousnnJ pieces decorated Japanese Cake Plates at 73o each Dinner Plates regular M now lf c eachChina t hill and In many cases less than half UUo eachregular prices The assortment eonprisn Toothpick Holders c each W st Plates regular 33 now

Tea Cups and Saucers at Sltavlns Mugs 2 c each inc and too each

100 luc inc 250 ancanJaoc pair lowlat tUb each j one hunJrcJ dozen Theodore HavilanJBouillon Cups anJ Saucers at Three hundred dozen TheoJore lUvllanl Curs anJ Saucers Inan assortment

DInner Cups100 KIP inc and 20t pair Duit r Plitet regular 23 now handles sold regularly at 30c al to go at

Sugar and Cream Sets at 20c and BOc set 12o Joe pslr

The Cut Glass Art Wares Lamps and Clocks in the SalePrices 25 to 50 Less Than Regular

Prices at About Pelt CostRemember that our greatest bUzzard occurred in March and that these Furs will be worn way into

Spring thfs year then marvel at these prices for Furs famous for their fine and dependable quality

Scarfs Stoles Boas and Muffsl2nO flee Scarfu 9inOO Ilnccfion Stole St lin I4OO lonv Slrilr 90f Black Bits

SHno To h worn over tho shoulder Sable raccoon Stoles dnulile lur 82 Inches sivi cross lynx Stoles 70 inches lone satin72 inches long graduated ends satin lone sik ornament six tails aai cord at lined ornaments and tails and

lining tachmtrit with cord attachment

ui no Wolf llnne t 4n Sabl 5JOno Itaccoon Stole 7150 Sable 5000 Wolf Mull 307A ibe wolf

Boas sIngle trimmed and chain coon shawl Stoles to waist satin lined Muffs ilit shape with cord ntlt hment l

attachment rimnsJ this hund

VIH 50 SO Opossum Stoles S0no Datk 1 f rO Fox MlifTK SOHO Isabella Fox91250 Volt Stole I

S iia shawl to waist satin lined Mutts pillow shape with cord attachmentStales 90 inches long satin lined cord j anattachment

Hno Wolf Uois 55J5 BlusBoas trimmed with paws anj brushes squirrel ornaments tails and silk girdle

SOOO Uaccoon nOn ailo Natural I atachmenr 12r 0 Squirrel MuflX SSSO Naturalwiuitrel Muffs Imprriai shape cord atuchment for the hand

Raccoon teas single brush trimmed ornament and COrJ Pur Coats at ilin f tho klo-

cinnrt iinnrnnn S7 on Sable r n or Persian lamb Alaska sealskin mink more3lr eBflet

trimmsd with ai is brocade lined Caps and HooJj for

81100 Haoooon8toleHSH74 Sable iaOO Cro Iynx MufT 800O Moiorliuc and fur lined Coats at

Stoles ornaments six tails Satin Buck Russian cross lynx lares flat shape j roJuced priceslined cord attachment MUlls with cord fur the hand Sfcnid njor front tvrtni iiuituinc

Great Annual Sale of China arid the

IRose Jars It

toFooted Nut

chinaUllc Md IDa pair china Plates oSfolteJ floral and Iold

Alter and Saucers atI

nil at the folIowtn low prle5of share lnJ gold stIppled

l3read and i

cot i

Furs for Blizzard Weather Take Warningi


naturaltrlmme th

brushand tall

000tn trimmed for

no lo urn Hcnrf SlifU 11Irill Fox BOObdll Scads double lur tabs with Fox pillow shpe with attach


Raccoon iioac paw and brush trimmed


HIJO Opakiluun Sarf OZII Sable I

700 RaccOon IIOZIS 5OO Sable opus um fur with

nltails cOat

inns Lynx Collarraccoon Bos neck brush I1I lynx Collars shawl


siuIrrcI alo fur Gloves

and paW trimmed silk cord lour


Te4410 border

I floral decorationsdeoraion



theIw ISa liitis Isabella

Solf line Muffs cord

dublefour large loxgirde

at crocs astrachan tonyand attachment a

attac meat


You can keep the little fellow looking as though he had just come

out of a bandbox and for little cost too if you come to this BoysClothing Store

dium weights This lot a special purchase bought at treit price concessions

and each one Is a bargain in the truest sense of that

Veats of fine cheviots in gray and brown mixtures and pialds The Norfolk Suits aremade In double breasted style with knickcr or hangy trousers

5R 00 and joOO ThroeWren Suit SUwn Light and medium weight cheviotsIn KMV tan and brown mixtures and overplaidJ-

SOOO n SSOO ThreePiece SAon The balance of Suits Inmxed cheviots ant black and WJK worsted cheviots cut In anJ

double breasted style Sizes not complete In every style but all sires In the lot

70e Knro 1antn 4Oo Sizes i to 16 years Cheviots and Corduroys made from

short ends of fins fabrics that would usually retail al 73 to navy blueat the SAme price

Second fljor nulldlns

A Special Sale by Request

Mens 30 35 40 Suits 1950Mado to Meatura An Unmatchiblt Offer

Plain facts woolens are going up in cost every day as you mustknow and it is mighty hard to get pure woolens at anything like a


know that next year we will have to pay a big advance for our materials

We arc paying it now in fact Several styles of fine woolens that wehave been converting into clothes this season however at 3000 to

4000 are exhausted save single suit or two and three suit lengths-

Our invariable policy of clMriiic out these pieces makes this opportunity You

cannot an important sale this Is you have wen the materials Menwho tool advantage ol a xlmiar a week BRO r iusstril a repetition for needs this week

or do ihie sack suits uptu 42 bteast measure tailum andworkmanship that have made this the foremost custom orcaniMtlon In Brooklyn

Above K breast aeaiure an additional thargj s made for extra3 Load Soot rur tail jiuUilot

Boys ClothingBig

srOO tJrflllk nllll Ilouhiho Itienited SuIts f0 Sires 6 to UIn gray brown and tan mixtures checks and overphid tn light mi me


and 00 orlOlk anti >nlllJln Breasfod SuliR Sizes 8 to


tear Cast

Iprice even now Advance in cost is unprecedented We


re uiroJ

Bargains fl400 nutyears

Sit 53Oti 22

heavy weight




Furs for Bllzard Prices atabout pelt cost

Mens 10 to Measuretinf0

Great Reductions In Womens TailoredWear

Mens 350 Winter Shoes 5109At lIe a 1000 yards of 27 Inch all

Silk Meteor Pongee value IIWomens Bags 07c eachWomens JiV Roots and Oxfords flOo-fl0i Black Chiffon Hats tl4 None

sent C O Dfi to 18 Dresses for Children T376

WIt l

fj and f40 Suits


I Ian

Balloon and Cane DayI-

n the Toy StoreTo every purchaser in the Toy

Store of 24c worth and over tomorrow will be given a big fineFrench Balloon fastened to anOld Glory cane As the Toys arefrom 1 to M less than regularprices you can make a saving onyourpurchase and at the same timedelight the youngster with one ofthese finc Balloons and Canes

Games-All the newest Card lames are here

Tile regular are iron We to SO

Our prtc aip Sherlock HolmesStage Bunco Flinch Bird Center etcalso Hi latest Games Trusts aajBusts and Frenzied flnane

Board Games playlni Hgames 53 30 kind at a im

Crokinole Boards all hardwooJ S200kind at SI41Kindergarten Supplies slightly soiled

sets hall priceDoll We kind at Slo-

Oa Hals slightly soiled V to i7o-nominoei of hone flo Jo 2 ilKCTtbl ace th regular clot Iviards si SO

lend it 0 o and 2 33 1 IHDaisy S110 Und at lIMO

Columbia Automobiles the prettiest Autoever shon for thepricsizes 9 complete with brasshorn regularly SO at MH

Dolls Carnaxes and GoCalls andstrong and equal to mostat OHO others up to 511OH

Dolls toidins GoCarts vlll lold up Hitthe 200 kind at ttlJO

Sleds greatly reduced the largest assort-ment in town boys and girls stvles

No 1 SI10 No 2SI OH No 3 aOH No t i7n-anJWaS 44O

fourth Floor W t DUiilnc





COIl lnlttnllI

knJ lit



good I

liO make

Flex o Filert





niKinuiri 101 NKII jt cn

In every detail the Leading Retail Establishment of Brooklya

China The Great February SaleI-n Quality Magnitude and Value Giving Unrivaled

TUB HOUSKKKBPEU THK HOTEL MAM the lover of benuliful to do wl tim manageof a homo will find keen Intcrtst In bvent onnouncod today It coinert annually nt thin noosan

o tniiki It tho cniwnltiK effort of the vhol And thin yenr it fnr Hurttu cfl in volume clinrnctor allin low pricing that Brooklyn has over known

chlmi BrkaBnif Clookn and kindred It oTirn an Immense nnd muBnincent stock oa lino mid practically new nil could iw bought anywhere today It offers this whole stock nt a

THird to Half Under Our Customary Prices-In a few cases the reduction Is only a fourth It Is n Sale that wilt appeal to the lover of

cases It is morn thnn half Tho average saving wlilch tho bonutlftll thlnin iw well rw to practicalSale hrincs i about forty cent Thn strength of tho Sate In alonn those most

llm CIIAKACl the wares in this Sale cannot bo productions Its valuun nro atiiunK tho Art Piecesrealized unless you HCO thorn are not soconda are seldom to ho lied nndorThey arc not oven patterns nnd desIgns which been Many details fellow Thoy are worth careful rendIng

In selling rom ono end of to tim oUter they for they stato the fnnts But only by a visItare new In details of tomorrow will you nallzo how fully this suitefinish could got nothing Hnor There Li iiothinj finer a parallel In Brooklyn how mircly much an offering IH mtamade to no store but J o

At 250 Regularly 5500

None Sent C 0 D

100 rich cut Fruit Bowls

100 rich cut Water Bottles

Limoges China Saucers 15ca

fino china Cups and Saiiccru allprettily doooralcd some tine AiiHtriun

Chocolato Cups and Saucers nnd TeaCupfl nod Saucers lOc pnlr

Limoges Fish and GameSets H98 Regularly 10-

LllnoKefl Fish and lameSets wltb center decorationsof liMb or game 12 plates and

plat t ci



I jJ


ourOfl hasthe great

IalM wart



ItroaUJtt tTho


We r

jCups j




I 11large r

WMth jonowlie

lii some




Rich Cut Glassinn viltlF AlnO S Inch hindlod-

Ollvn DUIiRs und 11 Inch FruIt Hauc riinil hobnail pattern

richly cut end rtncly llnlilie8125 V NitnO Fine a Inch

piles linridlcsl lion lion and Ollrn Dishesrtu rlclitr cut iU lirii-

afillJ S rficnUrly U Fancy shipsUlBhM linelUtilglu nil richly cut

S2l ro ul rlv 400 One hundredpretty AVIilnnni Cri tiin Howt

witii sunburst star dmlrti

fruit und Salad Donti-

AM no inilurlr i-

Vlno MSift 10 rciriijarly lit

H IOno rcculnrly Sltriciilurly

Fruit Nappies or Low Boils7 Inch ON regularly S4l7 tnili NJON istw

mph SJIIN r ilarly isois KM no regularly seeP3 N4no rrgulnrlr Moi-a Inch wnn ssno9 Inch gnno roirulnriy iow-

PltchersAH Rich CuttliiQ-

SnnnoNnSugar nnd Cream Sets

A3 OH stanrirulirly J on

Oil Bottles8l71re til J300

1 08 reirnUrlr M

Celery Tro

Wine Decanters

MiOH regularly 10

Ii 5-0StJtlHretruUrly JlOfO-

Coloone BottlesOH regularly 150-

0S4no t oil

I hit

appl T


Mruo nllI U

oil ion sa



sLtI rlllulllrly eorl1l1larl 1000rlIlIlrrllIarlr


Il1 1110-0Snn rgitlarli J1

I S lS UnliS

Il frI

iJi1 LS


120-0scao 21300







Rich Cut Glass-Ice Cream Troys

NnON recuhrlr ItJtw-K0no susan

reiriilarly 2soFlower Vnses

NUro recuUrirSON iio-nNtrd regularly SVo-oNnno S3-

Wnlis regularly lfwfii IlltW-

ANjtN regulirly lllooAll 08 reciilartr i M-

nirli out Tiiliillrr MTlnl KV1IN-S10H N70N nml S80N dozen

Punch OoulsInto82100 ritrulnrir mooSMik-

iN4itoo ssrSldliOO rvvulnrly lioiwi-KOKOO ftaso-oitIO regularly 120000

Fine Austrian ChinaVery tnMPfulty decorated at halt prIce

no etch Orcr two thousand rcr chinsUrojulundlliittir 1Intii tl corntp l andtrlinmeJ with nl o tune hundredpretty cliliia AfterDlnner Coffee

Saucer1 Oe no nd

article tins real chins nail prettilydocor te l aro TwSiuicem D CorTee nntl Chocolateand Saucer 1en Miladand llriAu Butter Ilitci FruitOatmeal Bowls Fruit HJUMMlike

2rto riCh roe nOel ntl ffaticrriA Mrcfl with Cups RodSnticerc lurco ColTB Pup and Hniioer

anti Mustarho-Cupn anti Chocolate ruiw nnd-SaucrrR antI After Dinner Corri n Cupami Siiiirern of them nre 11

fhlun Then nre a ereat varietyof decoration to choove from

and mauy trimmed with laceMold borders

rtatr Rt Srtp regularly anti 7ftoSeveral thousand line Fruit TeaKHlail If Ursula mm llread and

decorated In the nest ofthe latent nnd nil are thethat you would choose first ut the regular

I 0



11 I



J I Cramhrl

all tie



I In


d 2


reauuiarir S1400





talus tilled

sprir itati eStOOfl antI ill






and 3 Royal Wilton CarpetsSi98T-hp eCarpptii are tin proiliot of the mil innho li

lest uml Moft In Ampkn HIP liclwt-pnttxrnn of jt line HIWOU vn out P Ui riw

11 li A city mul l intf llnWlltonM M h that IIOIIMO tun show Sow Ino clMl n

for StirlnirnriiiiMltr way dl tht mill arid so w ect the whole ri-

iiminlnr si iLk on of tlifio private imHrn They iniiU

In round IlK fiA 27000 Stock to Sell for 18000

Thor ip n thn nii t rcmRrhfthln rhnncr la buy thn flnwlf rpt wholomasnn-

AnionK t w will he found iiiic if thi HrM t colorpffwti Y ri vfii HIP rich III the I

cffiTts fio ir1 Ifrnlnti dwlifiis cnlorlnir lull iniall intxinl-piUtTnx lmbtc for halls stairs and otUFri vliirli

rpipilar price for these Carpets arc 1275 end 3 n y rU-

In no otnir toro that rr nn or urn over nolil forTbmonow priie HI OH H

Hiiixt Kluor Win Place

75wl h

earl U4i t




Ill lan ali1 Our




lie < fl ii fle1 P1 alI 2

under once tHMOP KPIdSM we

lid I




< >


Porcelain Dinner SetsGreat Price Savings

84 rrctiUrlr MM PorrPlnln JMnncrroiiiH 4f KIO ilr or In aneat pf convolitional rnrimtiiiii In plnln colors

S7 rciciilarly N1U lorciKftc of IIKI iiiPrcn Including

lurcpii Mul tnriM i philtersDecorated inth n prrtty sprny Inpink unl Krotii-

MilOH H11 1ntfMn DinnerSet compossij or Jin Ititnwnonii turn n 1 iluttPr1 ThoHIM HIM ill the ItllPtheavy nnd tlm covered pieces

liniullcn ixtraTliere nre tour Ijeniitlful fttylm tiiuisuiillyntH In tin lnlJi nfthe covers in ilecornted HO lint when tutucovrrPd thin decoration l uliuwn julte-nh evidence of tlie inukorn piilncare lo pro iiion nuperlor

Fine China Dinner SetsAt Great Reductions

Sill SJN Finn Ail triin chinaDinner of lr i In

iiii tureen and extra lure tenplates Two PrettY IK In

and tie other la heliotrope findurpf-

nSiaO S2O urn ex-trnordllmry Austrian ehlna ninncr HelMThrew one RH prftty

All are Jullborder dfuluii fully Inld not nklnippii

SIS blill RIO Kino ehlna-Hetn In flvcitllffircnt of

Inner r lo ant thn wimo Mtylo In maroonanother In clioorntisl Instyle and nthers sn nniimiHl flor l

denlxn All of them tire full Sets lurlntf-noup tilrpenn nnd three platters

KJUnO Hni rhlniiSets from the best maker In Llmoirra-TUp chlnn In Al nml dworn-lloiu urn very click MId laid on liuautl-fnlly set IIIIH tureen

Plntterf the larxi t plotter belncor tfcnerouM ioi irtloiH andliquid at either end no that dishjrrnvy ran be nrrvid with wmTenieriee

Limoges China Tea SetsSix different lo lg-

nRlOn U


iII I rn a flt ItIt

tI Ien







JJI 110 H




IIIo 111 IIlcI



Ihl outer t II


Is one a limo Lortlrrdrllim uroid rrrltt around

runI ho



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i j

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still 2


larII I

tutu lou sn

ci rut ton tu



tuPH cncI



Rtl0 grCttIwith Inn the I


rcuharI asp

ii t lie

son ii tint


1i regularly 3l-




< <

Mens 15 to 20 Suits 10Men Elevators ot Elm JMnte

A hundred non iiiny iliurotin otTer of th whole MMLPOM tomorrow lint timIs all nnd when the Suits arc unnt1 WP Kliall probablyhnvo nothing olsn an remarkable tliin ncunnn-

Jlicy on Iota the olios twos threesthat remain In oufpplendkl stock after the hlttuPHt reasons1iit liipR3 in our iiitory lint in the wholo group tlitireare all HZCS ninny Union over and proportions to fitregular stout und nun

ares mostly inKk IrcaHtcd though there are nTew double btPswad CoatM ftbri uro ROIM fancy mix-tures III ehovloM tivppclH antI unllniAhmi A

jiluin black thibolH und rlnviow toohave IKJCII 15 18 and 20 Choose tomorrow

at a SuitSeooml Floor Elm Ii


und t




l t







A Furniture Event of Unrivaled Interest-The Sale in Full and Beating All Records

Prize Furniturethe St Louis


Made for Us and Now Here

At Very Modest Prices

Through cooperation with Knrj enBros of Chicago we are able to nrowmtnow Iho mo t beautiful ex-

hibit of Upholstered FurnlHiro whichover won This Furni-

ture while mado for UB Comprised

the entiro exhibit of this famous con-

cern at the St Louis Exposition sailwafl there awarded

the highest prlvo uwardisl to hayAmerican for tiphol-

Btcreil FurnitureThe collection iiirludo both Library

and Parlor Suites and individualNot only In it

by the heAt of but thediiin are nuperb and in everj dotail it represent tho very finestproduct artisiinn-

XotwithstandinB charac-

ter of tho hun fact tIntit has Ion honored the Grand Irlzo

Furniture ofin our regular stock

Parlor Suites 3 PiecesSiannrtKuUrlyKttli Mnhoeany nn

h fi e OR terrcovered with tapestry dma k orsnouT107n rrtnUrly 21 nilhh frnm pan l bark covered with

8l fJOrreul rly 25 Iw-

Ixh frames U U lorfd with


I cliBtill lIillhellm hiJl

thFrirnitun anti

the prices are no than

IA olrllnT




higher they


I a pest r7









Xo such funiiture business ever caino to any other Brooklyn sioro as we

have in thin past week Hut then no store not oVen this store over Inforo-

offervil cudi a mncniflcxnt and allinclusivu tock of hiph grade Furniture foraudi small priws ArRUmerilfl for the aro trite You know Ihoin as well

as wo do Today we merely want to say that tho took IK the moBt nrtlstlcwo over had that the workmanship on the Funiituro is the limit thorough andexcellent j osiblo and that Iho Bavlngs brought about by tho sale

Cut Usual Prices a Fifth to Full HalfParlor Suites 3 Pieces Parlor Suites 5 Pieces

N24 HIO finish SSI SHin Mnhotrniiy nnlnh-

fiamM punel bold covrred with tap fruini cnrvsl und nuwlyf e v ru l

estry with Verona Jour820 4a flnlth SIlO rrrularly 8125 Mohoennr

frame back covered with Irnmei fHrv and rnapstrr with dnm uk-4B S57 nr frames r hocany tIn

hick eovrrd with tapestrr l h frames carved and mulre coveredBll HOH HnHi j h damank-

frameu utilioMvrHl anti illiCit 111 S14n fin

vir l ilh t petry frame and matlve coveredS7 Mnhocunr Mlih Vttona vtlour-

fraiw neatly carved overml with S11O 17 Mnhoranyi-lmnaKk frames neatly carrpd oov th-

SlUirreiilarlySsn Mihoennr frames Verona vMoiir-

rmnei Lack f vT with tapestry Overstuffed Parlor SuitesS140 frain

tilihoUiiTHl mat and hull covereii withdiiinank S7S rr ularly Covered tilt-

hfJMOrctnUrlSlOr Same ahove lnpe uy-

S120 HISS SOM rKI rl slso Covered whitfran Icily carTed roTerrd withdarnnik j Leather Covered Furniture

Parlor Suites 5 Pieces srt reeuuriy Ooiiim oak aofSits regularly Kir flnl hL

frame detlgn covrreti ultlt rcmiUrly 8 O Muhomnr Hof-

dumack S4rrculrlySIOl Mohnnnnrflo-fnSltlrn S4O Mihoaanr fin K4 Mahocany flnl h-

h frames plain dejden covered wIth 3 pier Hultedamask i

i n nml Arm I tiuirframes carved covered m rricularlr B120 Mahoeanr Suixetrr piN Null

rrcuUrlr S82 Mahogany flnliih

Verona vMour tHr0rrKiil rly S4S Turkish Rocker

870 SOrt Mohotanr flnl h t2 resnUrly 840 Hookerframe neatly rarved with SRO rfCUlarl R7O Tirksnh Iofkrr-UMtrr TJ i floor




pane 1

r lIlarl IIilIt


I lib carvedSal sn J

son 3filII rill tk II



HISarid I



r r I

510 rrltularlr 81 Sofa fSri In 7Iahocsnr

t844 RIr Turldh Vneksr f

rramn carved wit ht I r


too I




finIshtap covers



isri Pieces


hair 4

I sunIaltoenny


anest wftlu

sIlo reuIarIy









