the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1905-04-29 [p...

BATOTDIT APRIL w 1008 Showers today and tomorrow temperature 10L LXXILKO 241 NEW YORK SATURDAY APRIL 29 1905 IW fc IWM PRICE TWO CENTS J I t 1- 0l It it with dll t u I hl 7 R n V Aooncaloll nhrrmmflwLrn1rwrurrv 4 0 7j4 TJ I tEIt a A ++ = MAYORS CHARGEr Says the Pennsylvania H R Threatened Him VETOES FRANCHISE BILL Railroads Men He Declares Him Theyd Hold Legislature ffonlrtnt He Prntilttrd to Adjourn lie M Until 11111 I nrpaufd If lie Vetoed It Time In 8hnw the Corporation That It Can J not Control New York It Controls Pennsylvania and New Jrney Public Duty to nrtlit such Imoience DisclaIms Any to Mtlr tp- Feellnc AKatntt the Corporation Mayor McClollan vetoed yesterday the till depriving the Aldermen of all power over granting franchise In an accom- panying memorandum trie Mayor after re- viewing the legal reasons against the bill uses plain language about the Influence cf thn Pennsylvania Railroad over legisla- tion and Ray that it representatives told him that the Legislature would not ho permitted to adjourn until the bills were famed over hU veto ThIs part of the memorandum reads Having stated theee subntantial reason Inherent in the propositions presented now offer a more important one although- It arises from an incident in the history of this legislation The chief cause alleged for the action cf the Legislature Is the tardiness of the Board of Aldermen to act on the applica- tion of the New York Connecting Hallway Company for a franchise to operate a road through portions of the city The New York Connecting Hallway Company Is said be controlled by the Pennsylvania Rail road Company and this corporation Is the promoter of the agitation to deprive the Board of Aldermen of this power over the ranting of I hare nothing to do with the merits cf the dispute between them and my at titude would under the circumstances l e unchanged no matter on whose side the merlu were the Pennsylvania Railroad Company but a few years ago acquired a foothold- in this city but it seems determined to exercise jtai power over public official here M lth aol a W tn M iiln uly made plain to me Ita ability to crush all opposi- tion to its plans Ita representatives have come to me In the Mayors office to advIse me that if I did not accept these measures they would nevertheless be passed over my veto I wras urged should I decide to reject the bills to do so promptly no as not to need bncly the Legislature which would not be permitted to adjourn Until the bills were repaased This corporation which has BO long dominated tho States of Pennsylvania and New Jersey should be taught that it cannot grasp the government of New York or take away or transfer power from public bodies who whether for good or bad motives fall to do Its bidding Resistance to these mea ores on this ground public of the erf Told Desire I I to franchises prolong lICtISlon oCt be lea lies Comclie Think cc I r imnortnncs > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ I have no desire to Inflame any prejudice against corporations as such They have their rightful purposes But I believe f bat unless such manifestations of insolence are rebuked the evils they may engender will Imperil the peace and security of our government his mmuage the Mayor pays that the only argument advanced In favor of the bills was that the Aldermen had committed an abuse of power in tailing to act with sufficient promptness on certain railway franchise applications On this point the Mayor says The proposed amendments are designed either on the theory that such an could not be committed by the Hoard of Estimate and Apportionment or ns a punishment to the Board of Aldermen for Its alleged remlssnew The Board of Estimate an d Apportion- ment If granted this power is capable of nbming It and being composed of fewer men could do so probably with greater Me 80 that the argument based on the abuse or power Is clearly illogical and time IK no assurance that much will be Rained by the change If the amendments are proposed as a punishment of the Board of Aldermen same power may be held In reserve for the chastisement of the Board of Esti- mate If It to use its authority as and no the Influences which oars Induce and control legislation could continue to slilft those functions from one sot of officers or boards to an other until one could bo found complacent enough to stilt abu of the falL lower may- be ¬ ¬ ¬ Annuming that the Board of may tw at fault the remedy attempted I not the proper one In inconsistent with our governmental theory and Injurious- to public Interests The people have the power to replace unfaithful publlo servants with faithful To Imply that this method f re Is ineffectual is to doubt the efficiency- for purposes of government of a system built upon universal suffrage Furthermore the argument drawn from oil of power could be urged with against of government- and every public the President down I am no apologist for any Board of Alder men pus or present and what I say Is on the common sense of the situa The Board of Aldermen under variotui names bu been a continuous body In our city system from a time long before we had a Stale government While I am quit clear that IU fame has not always been creditable to Itself or to the city this fact on every revision- of our Charter the men of exceptional preserved the body with the Important function of which this legislation deprive IU U It become one abu for bud rYe away M- at not- withstanding ¬ ¬ the interest of the city to abolish thi boan or curtail Ita powers It should be don only after mature deliberation by measure framed by the most capable personally disinterested citizens with ai eye single U public advantage and In the spIrit of home rule Disappointed private Interests shoulc find It unavailing to carrylhelr resentmen to the point of Inflaming publlo prejudice and Inducing the State Legislature to favoi ill considered measures with no real publlt good In view These considerations however are no the only serlom ones which warrant mj refusal to accept the bills At the public hearing before objections wore ralsec involving the constitutionality of the moos urea I am not disposed to assume a Ju dlcial attitude on this question That if not neowwary It Is sufficient to say thai they raise a doubt which could not lw settlet perhaps for years and then only after long litigation Should It transpire In the end that their contention was right the condition would be Intolerable and it progress arrested in the Interim might 1 retarded for years It In unwise If there were no other reason for objection to ex- pose the city to thin uncertainty and danger fior iiinns i r ir ant Story In That lip to Know What to Ita the Mi ciri Chance Oov Higgins came down yesterday from Albany and remained in the city for a little than four hours Ills hurried visit led to innny rumors ns to Its purpose One of tho reports that he had come to talk over the mortgage tax measure while Another wa that he had heard of the the Mayor to charge that the Pennsylvania Railroad able to con- trol the legislature and wanted ndvlce on what to do about the franchise hill So far as could l o learned the only public oRldal the Oovemor saw wni Collector of the Port Strnnahnn and n the Governor never to see him when he H in there wag not much significance in At the Albomarle lintel where the Governor makes hi headquarter It won said that he hnd mini down from Albany nolcly for privatet- nmineM u off sEtinEd TIOX of VICE titladelplila flranit Jury So nrnarta Mln Inters Find Kliorklnc Cnmllllon- PiiiUAnEUPHU April 28 By an odd co incidence the committee of feven ap olnted at a meeting of clergymen to In oatlgate conditions in this city gave out t report for publication today at the pro lne hour chosen by the April Grand Jury- or the flllng of a final prn tttnent to the rimlnal Court In which tht egregation of and the licensing of houses of 111 repute re recommended The report of the ministers committee lays that conditions In the Tenderloin have icen Investigated and found to be ab olutely Intolerable The committee In Bishop MackaySmlth Father D I pastor of Ht Marys Catholic Church nd the Rev Floyd W Tomkins lie rector of fashionable Holy Trinity hey say that they personally investigated ondltiona One part of the report declares that there as been obtained positive evidence that white slave syndicate which barters oung girls for reasonable prices is thing In the city It Is declared heck system Is used and that the whole hlng goes on with the direct connivance f the police deportment Mayor Weaver is nuked to demand an xplanation from Director of Public Safety avid J Smyth The demand is made hat the law enforced and all the houses slotted up This in what the April Grand ury recommended when it ended its term o day We recommend that houses of ill repute o licensed within limits and nder the of the Board of lealth are opinion that these laces are a necessary that the way to teal them I to confine horn one district and to make them an- jlerablo as possible I I I and I I I me i tow rice cue a four he cIty Went About less was was fails supervision > > ¬ TIT inn nirn run nnoTiirn nun Over by Funeral Coach as site Imltrd Him Out or the Tiny Pnrxannnn 4 years old started out yesterday to find her brother Tony who had wandered away from their parents flat on the top floor of 209 East Thirtythird street She located him on the of Thirtyfourth street at Third avenue a toward the Long Island ferry carriages to in the wide to pass children darted through They were near- ing the curb one of the teams frightened rumble of an elevated train overhead broke from the line and started them plunging frantically the same moment away from his sisters to pick up a orange that from a corner fruit tried to pull him to the curb Her strength falling she ran behind him and him out of harm At the same in- stant one of the horses struck her down and the next moment tho wheels of the heavily laden coach rolled across her chest Rhlre and Detectives Winters and Kane who were at the corner when the team took fright ran to stop it Winters grabbed the nearest clung the while Shire picked- up unconscious girl and carried the corner drug store When arrived from Bellevue Tiny was breathing but He ran his over the thetf gig The for of her as an two role The ho flinty flap little the line pas She grabbed little brothers she saw The stand liis feet r ¬ shook take her home if know where- It Is he told Shire Sbe wont live to reach the hospital the address fromthe corner fruit seller and volunteered- to carry her in his arms it wont be so hard for the mother If I her home and explain how the brave little thing died he John Titus of M7 street driver of runaway was arrested held In 1000 court The oc of the coach climbed Into other and on CRUSHED TO VKATIT ir mo PIPE now Started It foIling and Then Fell In Front or It James Burns the fourteenyearold son of Policeman Michael Bums of the land avenue station In Jersey was to last a large iron water Bright street that He ran several lengths of in the gutter and one weighing over a ton throwing him on ground The over him causing lived at ta treet OLD COMFORT niCOMOND AXD- ut M tour M r fTl lUllroad a ow Oomlort oaly pcciil trip tam d cpu wet pip pip e pot a ot ti ut I Mails PtuniyIsl Last the season RaW reverts > ¬ REPORT OUTS GAS TO 75 CENTS CUMMITTKI llSO Ut- EHS IltlCE OF KLKCTMCITY- Kilahllitinirnl of a Slate MihtlnR Cam mlMloit or Three lUeommenrted Hill Pinter to time Ntamlard or u ll The IIIIU Wont io In Vntll Jlpnilay- AinxNT April 28The Stevens Sew York city lighting Investigating oomtnlttei tonight held a four hours session laatlnf until midnight and formally adopted Iti report which will be submitted to Legislature tomorrow The report recom- mends the reduction in the price of gai from 1 to rents per thousand feet i reduction In the price of electric tight f ron IS cents to 10 cents a kilowatt and the tal- llnhment of a State Lighting Commlxolon to have the sauna control and supervision of and electric lighting corporations ir ax State Railroad CommUslor has of railroad corporations The committees report will recommend permitting New York city tc tnbllHh a municipal electric lighting plant using only the power which can Iw gen ernttxl from the water which Is Impounded- in Ulster county and to an extent sufficient only for the purposes of increasing York citys water supply to an adequate upply This committee lllevprt will not be more than sufficient to afford electrical energy to supply the lighting facilities required by only This precludes Sew York city from taking water from CUter county to an extent that will enable ho city to supply electric light to private wnxutner Tie Public Service Commission it to com- prise three member to bo appointed by Ihe Governor and its powers and authority will Ixi flmllar to that exercised by MawnchunelU Lighting Commission Be lido the above recommendatloaf thn corn iiittcfn report mnkenothern giving the pro xs l new State Publlo Service CommisMo- nluthorityto fix a standard of light to I furnished and to make rules regulating the irosHUrn of air through gas The committee In lt report points out it Is Just en Important that the gnu companies should be supervised by a central authority regarding tho quality and of gas that is pushed through a ripe as It is to fix a low price The minority Members read the report- or the first time tonight which wee re ponHlble for the lengthy meeting of the xwimlttee They left the committee ng without signing the report and It ex- eeted that they will submit a minority eport Although It la said that the report rill be submitted to the Legislature to narrow It was said that the bills carry ng out the recommendations of the corn nlttce will not be Introduced until Monday nIght as they are still in the course of AAsemblyman Merrill Insisted upon one hlng In regard to the Publlo Service nrnmbwion and thatWSjitHaVTlfelexc- nsos of the Commission should be paid ut of the State Treasury and not rata upon the lighting s are the expenses of the railroad com lisslon and the banking and Insurance epartmentfi which are paid by the ocr orations which they supervise respec jvely Tho committee makes a strong recom lendatlon concerning the inspection of o and electrio meters and devolves the of performing this Inspection upon ommlwloner Oakley of the New York ity Deportment of Water Supply and Uectricity The delay In introducing the bills carrying ut the recommendations of the committee i tho result of an attempt to draft general leanure which will not necessitate them elng sent to Mayor McClellan for approval at would have to be done with mrely city measures It is that ime of the bills to carry out the recom lendatlonii of the committee cannot be except in a manner which will them being tent to Mayor IcClellan as bills the 7 laM the ew I the I the pipes that Stat mot ale pro duty I frame sri s Fit legIslation reparation Gas lila believed < < > ¬ > Senator Stevenn and hU colleagues were too zealous for their own welfare In sitting up all night at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York lout night In order to out the report Senator Stevens supposed that the report wa to bo handed in to the Legis- lature today For that reason he had himself his Republican collerfguen and counsel work until 4 oclock this morning the report Then they hustled for Empire State Express hoping to get here before the Legislature adjourned- But they were frustrated at every point The Odell triumvirate of legislative loaders wanted to that report before it was handed in Rna they did not propose to let the Legislature see tt until they had east their over tho secrete contained In the voluminous looking document that Senator Stevens with so much care embracing 35000 words Tho Odoll triumvirate Speaker Nixon and Senators llamas and had yes the members of the Legislature that today would be a regular of of the short tension that characteri7 Fridays and each house had a calendar of bills something changed that gram for today was a most unimportant- one legislative matters rushed calendar of the keeping one on Majority Leader lingers and other on the The Empire State Express i duo In at At 1044 the As- sembly until tomorrow morn on e I f I 0 get hIs the see ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ l soon as the Stevens oommitteo reached It went to the Hotel Ten Eyck and Senator Stevens called Senator Italnes on the telephone and told him them was to He had telegraphed Senator Ralnm to this New York Before the mittee oould the two blocks from the hotel to the Capitol the Senate had members of the committee Senator and Assemblyman Palmer had not report Senator Stevens announced that committee would meet in the Senate Finance rooms at 3 oclock this afternoon the Democratic committeemen to toad the At that Odell triumvirate entered the room and considered the report with the Republican members the cratlo excluded After the triumvirate hats read the report Senator Stevens celled a meeting at 8 oclock tonight It was B4ft oclock when the accompanied the to the Senator room Senator Grady and Assemblyman Palmer were In the they time bed an opportunity to see in the to ard conferred with Btevma concerning the report her elect OrT Co- mmie hurt e at his Atom frt W u n o- As ad- Journed room in Uugbea were in seedon Speaker Nixon arid Senator MaThy wet Besator ¬ ¬ t TKIlMt KHS MTO HKU 11 Too Spent Mali Ihr Cni Frlnuli Warn ln to lji rr Came True Hnmiiel tfntennyer the lawyer lft hi ortl n at M Broad street at 630 ooiocl yesterday afternoon and Htnrtcd for hli home In Yonkers In his automobile As hi Marled away a friend yelled after him Look out now and dont get arrester for No fear cried buck the lawyer alwayn go slow henry 8een on tIme lawyers driver rat the machine and lie went north on Broad- way At Seventieth street he let out t notch and two bloolot further on Hlaycli Policeman Kupfrian of the Went Sixty eighth street station avers that the Intcr myer automobile was fracturing speed law chased it and at Seventy eighth street overhauled the niHchlno When he Btopid it Mr Unterrnyerneomw surprised and then when he thought ol the warning of hi friend when he started oft he had to grin The driver ran the oai the Went Sixtyeighth street station escorted by time bike cop Mr Lntermyei said he wanted to give lull for nnd aHked the leak sergeant bow much was roqtilrod The sergeant said MOO wan sufficient Then 1 my house at 07 Fifth avenue will cover It wild Mr Untermyer- He gave the lions as surety without putting a on it Then he storied away to re uino interrupted trip to Yonkers HfKK IVO IHtlYKIt TOO SWIFT Tnliiren Mum llrltl tp on Trlnl Trip or- e IniiNirtril tutu rtomar iriinter of 30 West Sixtysixth street who drives an automobile for J I Duke president of tho Arnerimn Tobacco was in tho West Side court ypittcrdny charged with running his machine at twentytwo miles an hour The automobile was a brand new to horse- power cur that Mr Duke had iuld the on and he was taking it at the true of the arrest Bicycle Policeman Kupfrian of the West Sixty eighth street station who mado the arrest said that ho followed the machine from Hlvernide Drive and Soventycecond t to Broadway anil Sixtyeighth street The art was mado within a couple of blocks of Mr Pukes nwldunco at 11 Went Sixtyeighvh street He asked them policeman to allow him to ha taken home H he was lame Kupfrian went along and Mr Duke sent his valet with tlOO cash to the to bail Gratwcr out is French and hind difficulty In understanding MagIstrate Crone whoso usual lecture totally wasted on him He asked Grosser If he over stopped his machine to allow pedestrians to cross the road In front of him or If he hi dom and expected them to lives After some trouble Grower com- prehended the question and said he had stopped to let people cross In front of him If you ever did Magistrate Crane you the biggest medal in New Iptk- tinmtf wa boliVIa W boll for trial Benjamin N Duke brother of J U Duke appeared to ball out Graiwr He Mid that hU brothers lameness won oc- aaloned by a recent surgical operation- in his security for Grower he house at Kightysocond itreet and Fifth avenue STHIMrS 0TltCTSiu- aranlres to Increase the Itfllflrnry or the Husxlait lied LoNDON April 18 Tlie newspaper cot enpondents busy bending from St eternburg concerning the nego iatlons of Charles M Schwab with the ulan Government The correspondent if time Standard HVH Mr Schwab offered o build several warships of 10000 ton bur guaranteeing 20 jicr cent greater than vessel of tonnage be of the miiter type with the fighting value of According to the correspondent the offer- s made possible by the discovery of a secret tnictural process which It IM understood I I to non gUI I I n1 I JUt 1 rut trot polo wa tote done rot A gave to Ire del exiling the- me us speeding lie spin spci4 CabJ Dspatci rims sex malt leshilpe > < ¬ < consists of an composition which ionnit the weight of vessels to be lessened The vessels more- over would combine high speed with a wide steaming radiun and would mount the heaviest guns The St Petersburg correspondent of THE SlX i Informed that the contract linn not been concluded but time Standard corre- spondent spoOks of a preliminary contract under name of time vessels will be built In America lilt rif v s1 rETEiismiia Many Slarte In nllHp llon or- Illotlnc n t iimlR- Kfttltl CuMr nttpattli la rims srx PAnic April 2 Ono hundred thousand troop are nwwcxl in St Petersburg In anticipation of popular disturlioncos on May 1 Last night 1500 arrests were made GovernorGeneral Trepoff lies Issued an order enjoining the populace to pay no attention to rumors of what bo ex- pected next Sunday He that any create a disturbance will ruthlessly suppressed J FllKl II irMOVS ttKIIALfN- tronR Political Influence to Krrure III llrlnitatement In Indian Warehouse WAsntNoroN April 28 Strong political Influence U being brought to bear on the Interior Department to the rein- statement of Fred H WIn recently dlsml ed Inspector In of the Indian warehouse at New York Senator T C Platt and two or three Republican members of the House from written Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock urging reinstatement- and It 14 that Senator Nathan B Scott of West and Cornelius N fuss of New of the llcan have Interested themselves in the ease Wilson baa been employed at national In the last two national and ha rendered the services a character as to command strong ltwas said at the Interior Deportment today that Instead of meat will more bo prosecuted- for alleged IrregularItIes In It WM declared emphatically that Wilson wIll not be re employ and that the question the that can liei agalnrt hire The evidence gathered by tl In- spector who caw was to but a question It is character that legal I I a I ew s York bra I of such now to on or It abut ofa Ur u- t TIUA- c Arrests secure influence as is solely the character was sufficient there l ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ PADEREKI SERIOUSLY ILL UMELIll- UK and Arnii AtTrrtnl and He Mint Mop Pl lnelti lrl n Wont lieu lxin fle l Ultli Nnddrn Pains at Concert In CanailaHalli Slay 10 Burrux April 2 Ignace Paderewskl the pianist won utrloken with neuritis while at London Ont Thurs- day and all for them rut of hU tour have been canceled HU neck and arms are affected but his physician would not state how serious condition In or how long his playing would l Interrupted He is now on hU way to Bonton Tim pianist playing a difficult piece when he was seIzed with terrific pains In his neck and for a moment the Intense pain sickened him He finished the per- formance liowever and went to lute private car When h reached Hamilton Ont this morning on Ills way to Niagara Falls when hn won scheduled to play tonight Ills condition was PO serious that his friends teleRraptied for Dr Francis K Fronczak n Polish physician of Buffalo who had attended him before to meet tho train at ho Fall Irk plying TIt1KEV Purl VM IlITI 4V- IEViIlIIrs flay bbs was > > < ¬ ¬ Dr Fronczak after a brief announced positively that nil engage ments must bo There were ten on the schedule The car was hooked- on immediately to a through train for Boston It passed through Buffalo for tile Kant Dr went along Dr FroncMk said that Paderewskl was milTering from neuritis affecting hit head and neck When he reached Niagara Falls llilx morning bin arms were stiff The concert at Ixmdon was the sixth cif tho artists present Sunday night ho was to hays played with thrt Boston Symphony Orchestra In Boston- at its benefit and next Tuesday he was to have appeared at the benefit to Modjeska in New York at tho Metropolitan Opera House Padorewnkl himself had arranged the Mrxljotka benefit and was on the program for about a dozen numbers Ills Inability to play at the benefit of hln countrywoman- was a blow Ho lamented it bitterly when he heard the doctors dictum Padercweki will sail for home on May 10 hU managers decided today after a conference Dr Fronczak Ills plans that will depend on his condition but he may rest a year or so and devote hIs time to composition This won his sixth American tour Daniel Frobman received a telegram from Mrs PaderewHkl last night saying that her husband had broken down com- pletely and was in bad shape and would require a long rest before h could appear in again It would b absolutely impossible for her Jrasband to next Tuesday at benefit to his country- woman Mme Mr PaderowHki must be very nick If he has given up all hope of appearing at the benefit for he was ono of the prime movers in getting It up Daniel Frohman Is to manage it and Paderewski was to be the star of the occasion AH soon as he the telegram from Mrs Frobman went scurrying to try and fill the gap left vacant Late last night Do Pactimann the pianist agreed to play and Mr man hopes to get at least two other eminent pianist Pudrow8kl was to have ben l est man at the wedding of his pupil Ernest Schilling to Miss Lucy Draper of 804 Fifth avenue This marriage IH to take place- on May 3 Miss Draper said last night that she didnt think Paderewski was as ill a the early reports said She based her views on a telegram that had received at her home night Miss Draper said that Mr Schelllng was In town and that even If Paderownkl could not appear at her that wouldnt postpone it linOlTillT IIOItSK TO ITS KKEX bund lent the rived rohm last I severe with sppe4r bar Mod joska this been wed- ding ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Policeman Taylor Stop llnnawa In limy llrooklii Aleianler M Taylor of time mounted triflio sciuad on duty at time Borough Hall Brooklyn yesterday afternoon a runaway lull down Remsei anti street heading toward the cab the park He was on foot spnitig at the runaway getting huh on the bridle The horse which wai attached to a heavy delivery wagon by the Atlantic and Pacific Ten Company continued running dragging the office and finally dashing headlong into a hansom upsetting tIme cab and attached and badly damaging both Time frightened animal excited by thi shouts of men and the struggles of tin officer who still clung to the bridle did not stop but turned and attempted to con- tinue nm down Court street toward the crowded crowing at Montague street Taylor had recovered from the blow that liu received when he was against tIme cab and thrust his against time windpipe of the running horse with such to bring him to his knees action of time officer wee witnessed and cheered a large crowd several of whom hurried to awUtance when the fell and him to hold tho he struggled to his feet WM bruUed the body soil and uniform was almost torn Ho was to his home anti on the sick The Incident was Sergt McCarthy who is In charge of the traffic squad Brooklyn rntcK iris oirv orv Austrian lerchant Arre ie l for Carrjtn It After It Shot Him Bussanlcb 4 years od a leather Vienna Ati tria stopping the Hotel LnfayetteBrevoort Fifth venue and Eighth street was arrested y Poicman Brown of the Oak street last on a charge of carry a concealed was running through ort street when a roll from the gun truck a In one of the himt rt exploded The struck u nlch on wrist inflicting a wound Brown summoned a surgeon the Hudson Btrent hospital who ex meted the bullet was then aken to the Oak street station where be maid that Theodore a lather merchant of P7 street was his friend md would ball him out He said didnt was violating A law In a hone Cur Ilk he hOle fore for hi hOle leg lent place liT Mathew I Fran lode his the bullet painful he knoW calC 1 Si reel sac street his and owned his his Ill Inc from here MjntenI him > > > TIlE rnKHIDEXT TAKES A mST Will IH No More hunting Intll Monday but Drain That lie l- GIRNVTOOD SPBIKOB Col April PresIdent Kocevolt did not particIpate In the hunt today according to a message received from a rancher living close to Camp Roosevelt It l further stated that be Intends to rest until Monday The President communicated with Secre tary Loch this afternoon arid gave a quietus- to the reports that he Is In ill health HH came over the telephone the dictating It to Courier Chapman who rode from the camp to a nearby ranch The Presidents message In part won as follows Wo got four bears yesterday All ore wellThe teat of the Presidents message related to public mutters and was tonight communicated to Secretary of War Taft tWltTlMI 1 CHETE Three Iniurirnti time riularme Hilled The Praianti Are Armlnst- fprefal DttfMh la THE NUN CAMIU April 28 In the fight at Vonkolles between a of insurgents anti fifty Rendarmes three of the insurgents were klllnd anti six wounded Ono gen won killed and three wounded The burned tho police station gendarmes are mIssIng Tim peasants ore arming 2L tae Cab number dane III anti Four- teen ¬ ¬ srvpir nu rsr CISK Catcher Hitler and Iltrlier FaMtu of II liroolilvn nub to lie Trtetl By the arrest of Louis Hitter cntche anti Wallace W Kason the Brool lyn Cluh for allego violation the law by participating in game at Washington Park lattt Sunda tho whole question involved will bo pubmitted to Judicial review Hitter and Kanon were arraigned yentc day before Magistrate OHcllly In th Adams street court at time requei of former Police Bernard York counsel for the the examlm went over to The tewtimon the prosecution hRS heoti obtained I the Kings County Sabbath Observani Association iSTiinionornu HAISKS iru All Oktemrn and Guards to an Inrrrai- In Pay on May I The Interborough Rapid Transit Con party notified tim gatemcn and guards n the elevated raIlroads and the Rubwn yesterday of an increase of wages beginnln May 1 It had been tho intention of company before the strike to raise tli Wages but tho men did not know that would be carried out All year gatemen are to be increase from to per nil first guards on the on 1 1605 will b advanced toiwcond year rate lliO pe tiny Men employed aa or promoted t guard after May 1 1005 win llt day the regular first year reV General Manager honey who notlfie the men ofthe Increase in wages said to BuK reporter last evening Then the men were being taken on a attempt was made apparently to creel the impression that we were going to ci wages We intend to have our men th highest In the country for the wor they The years seniority wl among oil who have employed and would be entitled to it b May I strikers or not FonaKnv xo CHIME i vwtvIm- lMlnn of a neflnlllon In Semi Crlmln Code le vri o Law In Force IKDIANAPOIIS April 2 The cllscove was made today that forgery has cease o crime In Indiana owing to limo omt Ion of definition in the new crimliu ode which was adopted by the recen legislature and went into effect a fev lays ago The mot careful fenrchln- if the printed act falls to ll clo e any litlon of the crime of forgery or any titles fixed for its comniKion and it U tin opinion of many lawyers that inasmucl- ifl the Criminal Coda act contains a sectloi- leclaring that all laws within the purvlo f this are hereby repealed there i no in by which such a crime can b The omission was discovered by In tho law college The omission wll persons now tinder indictment for th rime an there i no law under which time be tried tho old law having been te lOlMY FOILS rMIV WttECKEIti- l rom Plan to Plaee II namltc on Trick smut li Iladly Ural en- UWONTOWN Pa April delllxrat- ttorapt to dynamite at Ie Mont on Wednes night the Pennsylvania llailronc messenger train P M wa- inmtrnted by a woman and in being in estigated by ofllorrs of the company Irs Sadie Lewis of Le Mont has reporUn- o the officers that she heard two men saj hat a grievance against the Penn and that they planntx- o place dynamite on the Tin nen started toward the railroad tlrs Lewis hoping to thwart their plans allowed them Seeing that they wen Uncovered the men beat her unmerd ully threw her across the track and ran MrsLewis wan unconscious for a ants but recovered as she heard pproaohlng By the light of the engine he saw the sticks on time rail brushed them aside and escaped with only a few Roondji to Vniontown officers wore otlfled They found Mn Lewis eaten severely out and both swollen LAS ron ALL iaiir JMYK- n Eleven HullitliiB Proposed Curt Kixnooo The plans for the proposed new all night ink to be erected at the southeast corner Fifth avenue and Fortyfourth street ive been flied with oppor for The First Day and Night State ink as owner W II Chcsobrough is resident of this company The building U to be an eleven story and fireproof edifice the upper stories It IDS on the avenue and 63 feet on the street will have a facade of ornamental brick immed with Dover white marble he entrance will be with two Corinthian a eoorated cornice The cost is estimated at MJOOOO by Henry rea Cobb the architect It i to r the V J Uedden Sons Company of ewark kU CSUKmi UK 8eoU ma4 Un- ktxll tamtua It I tk Dbl or the again hit cub ton Ma I the It frt SIr lay riTe a pal I del law for the cal can pelt 28A I the and few mOr- the train I eye to of brent fet dome pit elmer of Get dee bee boa its lay Star Building Superintendent Lilac Its < = EVIDENCE ALL IN No Witnesses to Be Called in Nan Pattersons Defense SISTER STANDS BY HER Mrs Smith Rejects Hands Offer to Dismiss Indictment condition Ua That She Should Freely Answer Ills iiirniloiti Proiecutlon Gets fn lvtilenrei Tlrkett Nhnnlnf the Kmlih Pawnrri Bracelet and ItlnK at lljitian Stern Wirre the Il r Mas of time Ardiird n the Stand Sloit or Hay lire Only Other Hltnrii Nan Patterson through tier counsel has decided to leave her talc with tho jury nil gin nnulht Mister julio < without making any defense to the charge that on time zooming of June 4 last she mur- dered Bookmaker dinar Young in a cab This decision was arrived at yesterday afternoon alter time prosecution had put in its case and after a lot of now evidence to bo very damaging to the had l een Introduced From the prosecutions standpoint the principal witness the prisoner was her sIster Mrs Julia Smith the wife of J Morgan Smith Three plo of jewelry two of which had been given to her by her mothor Mn Smith Identified as to her Pawntlokcts were ad- mitted In evidence showing that the jewelry hud been pawned In Hymtm Sterns pawn- shop whore the revolver was bought on June 3 tho day before Young was killed Mrs Smith swore that she hud given the Jewelry to hor husband to pawn but that she didnt know where ho had pledged it Time pawntickets wore S IDOl and by a number of Assistant District Attorney lland tried to show that they worn renewal tickets It was not contended by Mr Rand that tho Jowelfy- liad been pawned time day before the shoot log although in a series of questions In an attempt to confuse Mrs Smith ho asked her it she dldut know that tho jewelry had been pawned on that flay When Mr Levy demanded ot Mr Rand to produce any dated June 3 Mr lland ad- mitted that he had none TO rnrE HIM HMTT- RAiVthlste timony was brought out otter Mr Rand had promised Mm Smith to free her from time indictment for conspiracy- if would answer his about what happened after she nnd her husband left this city soon after Young was killed and a day or two before Nun Patterson Indicted Mr Hand had asked Smith It she left this city on Juno 8 four days after Young killed She answered that she would be pleased to tell If It were not that she was under indictment for conspiracy and that any answer i ho made might tend to degrade or convict her of a crime Uh lute arm outstretched and In a pleading tone Mr Hand walked until lie was directly In front of tlio witness And in that your only reason he asked She paused shitting her eyes from her sister to Mr Yes sir it Is she answered hesitatingly Mr lland stopped luck and in a solemn tone told her that he was the toting District Attorney and that he would guarantee that If she answered Ills questions ha Immediately hare time indictment dismissed Slit Mnllod ct him it seemed Thou ftho asked if sin might consult with tier counsel Herbert B hAmburger and Re order lofT gracted tlio request Mr Umburger at that moment was In lot timer part of General Sowlons arguing cfore Judge Foster for tho dismissal of the ndictmort Howasnenl forandat line the indictment was snt for Mrs Smith ItIt stand and for Home five minutes liad a consultation with her lawyer in the Judges pvivato room With set face returned to the stand The question wan peeted and started to explain what ler counsels advice had been but the locorder stopped tier STICKH uv HER ciioncs out azalEa Then came the struggle Mr Rand re- peated the question several tunes toaxlng then threatening Finally ming the arms of the chair and straightening lenolf until she became rigid she answered leflantly- Xo sir I will not I will tick by my LiterAll right shouted Mr Rand hU voice ounding high above the buzz In the court oom After that Mn Smith declined to answer ome twoACoro qutvllonfi taking refuge n her privilege Mr Rand his offer gain later Iti the day threw It side Alter being on the stand all morn ng she left it but still defiant I feel good sold but at the finish think me a little hit With the exception of Mrs oung who was a witness for only few moments Mn Smith was on the land all day She said that she knew that Hymen Stern was in Toronto In but denied that sue knew he i an effort to identity either her or her lusband A letter which wee marked for jentlflcation but not admitted in evidenc- er read to tho jury she sold was In her andwriting That letter was supposed to ave some icfercnoe to Stern Another letter which she said was In her andwriting was Introduced by Mr and but not admitted In evidence nor ras It read to the jury This letter or a ration of It 1s supposed to show that she rote to her husband telling him to stay way as I am not trusting to my own idgment but am simply under A Uit orders ad you are THE PROSKCrTJOXS CASK ClOSED When Mr Hand got through with Mrs mlth he announced that the prosecutions use was in It was then a few ncr 4 oclock Mr Vnger snide the usual motions for- te dIsmissal of the Indictment on the ground tat no crime had to have been wnmltted that Mr Rand had failed to cn lord I date UND ho 0 I the I fat j i I mae wok I rattle a Mach last I I I I I I acing I mules I be- longing Jet was Mrs was Levy sime Iii she she also heart shown 5 ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ >

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Post on 03-Mar-2019




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Showers today and tomorrowtemperature



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It it with dll


I hl 7 R n V Aooncaloll



7j4 TJI tEIt





Says the Pennsylvania H R

Threatened Him


Railroads Men He DeclaresHim Theyd Hold Legislature

ffonlrtnt He Prntilttrd to Adjourn lieM Until 11111 I nrpaufd If lieVetoed It Time

In 8hnw the Corporation That It Can

J not Control New York It ControlsPennsylvania and New Jrney Public

Duty to nrtlit such ImoienceDisclaIms Any to Mtlr tp-

Feellnc AKatntt the Corporation

Mayor McClollan vetoed yesterday thetill depriving the Aldermen of all powerover granting franchise In an accom-

panying memorandum trie Mayor after re-

viewing the legal reasons against the billuses plain language about the Influence

cf thn Pennsylvania Railroad over legisla-

tion and Ray that it representatives toldhim that the Legislature would not ho

permitted to adjourn until the bills were

famed over hU vetoThIs part of the memorandum reads

Having stated theee subntantial reasonInherent in the propositions presented

now offer a more important one although-It arises from an incident in the history ofthis legislation

The chief cause alleged for the actioncf the Legislature Is the tardiness of theBoard of Aldermen to act on the applica-tion of the New York Connecting HallwayCompany for a franchise to operate a roadthrough portions of the city The NewYork Connecting Hallway Company Is said

be controlled by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and this corporation Is thepromoter of the agitation to deprive theBoard of Aldermen of this power over theranting of

I hare nothing to do with the meritscf the dispute between them and my attitude would under the circumstancesl e unchanged no matter on whose side themerlu were

the Pennsylvania Railroad Companybut a few years ago acquired a foothold-in this city but it seems determined toexercise jtai power over public official hereM lth aol a W tn M iiln uly madeplain to me Ita ability to crush all opposi-tion to its plans

Ita representatives have come to meIn the Mayors office to advIse me that ifI did not accept these measures they wouldnevertheless be passed over my veto Iwras urged should I decide to reject thebills to do so promptly no as not to needbncly the Legislaturewhich would not be permitted to adjournUntil the bills were repaased

This corporation which has BO longdominated tho States of Pennsylvaniaand New Jersey should be taught that itcannot grasp the government of New Yorkor take away or transfer power from publicbodies who whether for good or badmotives fall to do Its bidding Resistanceto these mea ores on this ground public

of the erf







prolong lICtISlon oCt be


lies Comclie Think














I have no desire to Inflame any prejudiceagainst corporations as such They havetheir rightful purposes But I believefbat unless such manifestations of insolenceare rebuked the evils they may engenderwill Imperil the peace and security of ourgovernment

his mmuage the Mayorpays that the only argument advanced Infavor of the bills was that the Aldermenhad committed an abuse of power in tailingto act with sufficient promptness on certainrailway franchise applications On thispoint the Mayor says

The proposed amendments are designedeither on the theory that such an

could not be committed by theHoard of Estimate and Apportionment orns a punishment to the Board of Aldermenfor Its alleged remlssnew

The Board of Estimate an d Apportion-ment If granted this power is capable ofnbming It and being composed of fewermen could do so probably with greaterMe 80 that the argument based on theabuse or power Is clearly illogical andtime IK no assurance that much will beRained by the change

If the amendments are proposed as apunishment of the Board of Aldermen

same power may be held In reservefor the chastisement of the Board of Esti-mate If It to use its authority as

and no the Influenceswhich oars Induce and control legislationcould continue to slilft those functionsfrom one sot of officers or boards to another until one could bo found complacentenough to stilt









Annuming that the Board ofmay tw at fault the remedy attemptedI not the proper one In inconsistent withour governmental theory and Injurious-to public Interests

The people have the power to replaceunfaithful publlo servants with faithful

To Imply that this method f reIs ineffectual is to doubt the efficiency-

for purposes of government of a systembuilt upon universal suffrage

Furthermore the argument drawn fromoil of power could be urged with

against of government-and every public the Presidentdown

I am no apologist for any Board of Aldermen pus or present and what I say Is

on the common sense of the situa

The Board of Aldermen under variotuinames bu been a continuous body In ourcity system from a time long before wehad a Stale government While I amquit clear that IU fame has not alwaysbeen creditable to Itself or to the city

this fact on every revision-of our Charter the menof exceptionalpreserved the body with the Importantfunction of which this legislation

deprive IU U It become


abu for


rYe away





the interest of the city to abolish thi boanor curtail Ita powers It should be dononly after mature deliberation by measureframed by the most capablepersonally disinterested citizens with aieye single U public advantage and In thespIrit of home rule

Disappointed private Interests shoulcfind It unavailing to carrylhelr resentmento the point of Inflaming publlo prejudiceand Inducing the State Legislature to favoiill considered measures with no real publltgood In view

These considerations however are nothe only serlom ones which warrant mjrefusal to accept the bills At the publichearing before objections wore ralsecinvolving the constitutionality of the moosurea I am not disposed to assume a Judlcial attitude on this question That ifnot neowwary It Is sufficient to say thaithey raise a doubt which could not lw settletperhaps for years and then only after longlitigation Should It transpire In the endthat their contention was right thecondition would be Intolerable and itprogress arrested in the Interim might 1

retarded for years It In unwise If therewere no other reason for objection to ex-

pose the city to thin uncertainty anddanger

fior iiinns i r irant Story In That lip to Know What

to Ita the Mi ciri ChanceOov Higgins came down yesterday from

Albany and remained in the city for alittle than four hours Ills hurriedvisit led to innny rumors ns to Its purposeOne of tho reports that he had cometo talk over the mortgage tax measurewhile Another wa that he had heard of

the the Mayor to charge thatthe Pennsylvania Railroad able to con-

trol the legislature and wanted ndvlceon what to do about the franchise hill

So far as could l o learned the only publicoRldal the Oovemor saw wni Collectorof the Port Strnnahnn and n the Governornever to see him when he H inthere wag not much significance inAt the Albomarle lintel where the Governormakes hi headquarter It won said that hehnd mini down from Albany nolcly for privatet-


u off sEtinEd TIOX of VICE

titladelplila flranit Jury So nrnarta MlnInters Find Kliorklnc Cnmllllon-

PiiiUAnEUPHU April 28 By an odd coincidence the committee of feven apolnted at a meeting of clergymen to In

oatlgate conditions in this city gave outt report for publication today at the prolne hour chosen by the April Grand Jury-or the flllng of a final prn tttnent to therimlnal Court In which tht egregation of

and the licensing of houses of 111 reputere recommended

The report of the ministers committeelays that conditions In the Tenderloin haveicen Investigated and found to be abolutely Intolerable The committee In

Bishop MackaySmlth Father D Ipastor of Ht Marys Catholic

Church nd the Rev Floyd W Tomkinslie rector of fashionable Holy Trinityhey say that they personally investigatedondltiona

One part of the report declares that thereas been obtained positive evidence that

white slave syndicate which bartersoung girls for reasonable prices isthing In the city It Is declared

heck system Is used and that the wholehlng goes on with the direct connivance

f the police deportmentMayor Weaver is nuked to demand an

xplanation from Director of Public Safetyavid J Smyth The demand is madehat the law enforced and all the housesslotted up This in what the April Grandury recommended when it ended its termo day

We recommend that houses of ill reputeo licensed within limits and

nder the of the Board oflealth are opinion that theselaces are a necessary that the

way to teal them I to confinehorn one district and to make them an-

jlerablo as possible

























TIT inn nirn run nnoTiirnnun Over by Funeral Coach as site Imltrd

Him Out or theTiny Pnrxannnn 4 years old started out

yesterday to find her brotherTony who had wandered away from theirparents flat on the top floor of 209 EastThirtythird street She located him onthe of Thirtyfourth street atThird avenue atoward the Long Island ferry

carriages to

in the wide to passchildren darted through They were near-

ing the curb one of theteams frightened rumble of anelevated train overhead brokefrom the line and started themplunging frantically

the same moment awayfrom his sisters to pick up aorange that from a corner fruit

tried to pull him to the curb Her strengthfalling she ran behind him andhim out of harm At the same in-

stant one of the horses struck her downand the next moment tho wheels of theheavily laden coach rolled across her chest

Rhlre and Detectives Winters andKane who were at the cornerwhen the team took fright ran to stop itWinters grabbed the nearestclung the while Shire picked-

up unconscious girl and carriedthe corner drug store

When arrived from BellevueTiny was breathing but He ranhis over the thetf

gigThe for

of heras an


role The




little theline pas She grabbedlittle brothers she saw


stand liis feet



shooktake her home if know where-

It Is he told Shire Sbe wont liveto reach the hospital

the addressfromthe corner fruit seller and volunteered-to carry her in his arms

it wont be so hard for themother If I her home and explainhow the brave little thing died he

John Titus of M 7 street driverof runaway was arrested heldIn 1000 court The oc

of the coach climbed Into otherand on

CRUSHED TO VKATIT ir mo PIPEnow Started It foIling and Then Fell In

Front or It

James Burns the fourteenyearold son

of Policeman Michael Bums of theland avenue station In Jersey was

to last a large ironwater Bright street that Heran several lengths of

in the gutter and oneweighing over a ton throwing him

on ground The overhim causing lived atta treetOLD COMFORT niCOMOND AXD-

ut M

tour M r fTl lUllroad

a ow Oomlort oaly pcciil trip

tam d

cpu wet


pip e



ti ut IMails PtuniyIslLast the season RaW reverts






Kilahllitinirnl of a Slate MihtlnR CammlMloit or Three lUeommenrted Hill

Pinter to time Ntamlard or u ll

The IIIIU Wont io In Vntll Jlpnilay-

AinxNT April 28The Stevens SewYork city lighting Investigating oomtnltteitonight held a four hours session laatlnfuntil midnight and formally adopted Itireport which will be submitted toLegislature tomorrow The report recom-

mends the reduction in the price of gaifrom 1 to rents per thousand feet ireduction In the price of electric tight f ronIS cents to 10 cents a kilowatt and the tal-

llnhment of a State Lighting Commlxolonto have the sauna control and supervisionof and electric lighting corporations ir

ax State Railroad CommUslorhas of railroad corporations

The committees report will recommendpermitting New York city tc

tnbllHh a municipal electric lighting plantusing only the power which can Iw genernttxl from the water which Is Impounded-

in Ulster county and to an extent sufficientonly for the purposes of increasingYork citys water supply to an adequateupply

This committee lllevprt will not be

more than sufficient to afford electricalenergy to supply the lighting facilitiesrequired by only This precludesSew York city from taking water fromCUter county to an extent that will enableho city to supply electric light to privatewnxutner

Tie Public Service Commission it to com-

prise three member to bo appointed byIhe Governor and its powers and authoritywill Ixi flmllar to that exercised byMawnchunelU Lighting Commission Be

lido the above recommendatloaf thn corn

iiittcfn report mnkenothern giving the prox s l new State Publlo Service CommisMo-nluthorityto fix a standard of light to I

furnished and to make rules regulating theirosHUrn of air through gasThe committee In lt report points out

it Is Just en Important that the gnu

companies should be supervised by a centralauthority regarding tho quality and

of gas that is pushed through aripe as It is to fix a low price

The minority Members read the report-or the first time tonight which wee reponHlble for the lengthy meeting of thexwimlttee They left the committeeng without signing the report and It ex-

eeted that they will submit a minorityeport Although It la said that the reportrill be submitted to the Legislature tonarrow It was said that the bills carryng out the recommendations of the cornnlttce will not be Introduced until Monday

nIght as they are still in the course of

AAsemblyman Merrill Insisted upon onehlng In regard to the Publlo Servicenrnmbwion and thatWSjitHaVTlfelexc-nsos of the Commission should be paidut of the State Treasury and not

rata upon the lightings are the expenses of the railroad comlisslon and the banking and Insuranceepartmentfi which are paid by the ocrorations which they supervise respecjvely

Tho committee makes a strong recomlendatlon concerning the inspection ofo and electrio meters and devolves the

of performing this Inspection uponommlwloner Oakley of the New Yorkity Deportment of Water Supply andUectricity

The delay In introducing the bills carryingut the recommendations of the committeei tho result of an attempt to draft generalleanure which will not necessitate themelng sent to Mayor McClellan for

approval at would have to be done withmrely city measures It is thatime of the bills to carry out the recomlendatlonii of the committee cannot be

except in a manner which willthem being tent to Mayor

IcClellan as bills



laM the














sri s








< >



Senator Stevenn and hU colleagues weretoo zealous for their own welfare In sittingup all night at the Fifth Avenue Hotel inNew York lout night In order to out thereport Senator Stevens supposed that thereport wa to bo handed in to the Legis-lature today For that reason he hadhimself his Republican collerfguen andcounsel work until 4 oclock this morning

the report Then they hustled forEmpire State Express hoping to get herebefore the Legislature adjourned-

But they were frustrated at every pointThe Odell triumvirate of legislative loaderswanted to that report before it washanded in Rna they did not propose to letthe Legislature see tt until they had easttheir over tho secrete containedIn the voluminous looking document thatSenator Stevens with so muchcare embracing 35000 words

Tho Odoll triumvirate Speaker Nixonand Senators llamas and had yes

the members of theLegislature that today would be a regular

of of theshort tension that characteri7

Fridays and each house had a calendar ofbills something changed thatgram for today was a most unimportant-one legislative mattersrushed calendar of thekeeping one on Majority Leader lingersand other on the

The Empire State Express i duo Inat At 1044 the As-sembly until tomorrow morn















lsoon as the Stevens oommitteo reachedIt went to the Hotel Ten Eyck andSenator Stevens called Senator

Italnes on the telephone and told him them

was to He hadtelegraphed Senator Ralnm to this

New York Before themittee oould the two blocks from thehotel to the Capitol the Senate had

members of the committeeSenator and Assemblyman Palmerhad not report SenatorStevens announced that committeewould meet in the Senate Finance

rooms at 3 oclock this afternoonthe Democratic committeemen

to toad the At that Odelltriumvirate entered the

room and considered the reportwith the Republican members thecratlo excluded

After the triumvirate hats read the reportSenator Stevens celled a meeting

at 8 oclock tonight It was B4ft oclockwhen the accompanied

the to the Senator room SenatorGrady and Assemblyman Palmer were Inthe they time bedan opportunity to see in the

to ard conferred withBtevma concerning the report





eat his



u n





room in

Uugbea were

in seedonSpeaker Nixon arid Senator MaThy wet





Too Spent Mali Ihr Cni Frlnuli Warn

ln to lji rr Came TrueHnmiiel tfntennyer the lawyer lft hi

ortl n at M Broad street at 630 ooioclyesterday afternoon and Htnrtcd for hli

home In Yonkers In his automobile As hi

Marled away a friend yelled after him

Look out now and dont get arresterfor

No fear cried buck the lawyeralwayn go slow

henry 8een on tIme lawyers driver ratthe machine and lie went north on Broad-

way At Seventieth street he let out tnotch and two bloolot further on Hlaycli

Policeman Kupfrian of the Went Sixty

eighth street station avers that the Intcrmyer automobile was fracturing speed

law chased it and at Seventyeighth street overhauled the niHchlno

When he Btopid it Mr Unterrnyerneomw

surprised and then when he thought ol

the warning of hi friend when he startedoft he had to grin The driver ran the oai

the Went Sixtyeighth street station

escorted by time bike cop Mr Lntermyeisaid he wanted to give lull fornnd aHked the leak sergeant bow much

was roqtilrod The sergeant said MOO wan

sufficientThen 1 my house at 07 Fifth

avenue will cover It wild Mr Untermyer-

He gave the lions as surety without

putting a on it Then he storied away

to re uino interrupted trip to Yonkers


Tnliiren Mum llrltl tp on Trlnl Trip or-

e IniiNirtril tuturtomar iriinter of 30 West Sixtysixth

street who drives an automobile for J I

Duke president of tho Arnerimn Tobaccowas in tho West Side

court ypittcrdny charged with running

his machine at twentytwo miles an hour

The automobile was a brand new to horse-

power cur that Mr Duke had iuld theon and he was taking

it at the true of the arrest Bicycle

Policeman Kupfrian of the West Sixtyeighth street station who mado the arrestsaid that ho followed the machine fromHlvernide Drive and Soventycecond t

to Broadway anil Sixtyeighth streetThe art was mado within a couple

of blocks of Mr Pukes nwldunco at 11

Went Sixtyeighvh street He asked them

policeman to allow him to ha taken homeH he was lame Kupfrian went along and

Mr Duke sent his valet with tlOO cash tothe to bail Gratwcr out

is French and hind difficultyIn understanding MagIstrate Crone whosousual lecture totally wasted on himHe asked Grosser If he over stopped hismachine to allow pedestrians to cross theroad In front of him or If he hidom and expected them tolives After some trouble Grower com-

prehended the question and said he hadstopped to let people cross In front of him

If you ever did Magistrate Craneyou the biggest medal in New

Iptk-tinmtf wa boliVIa W boll for trialBenjamin N Duke brother of J U

Duke appeared to ball out Graiwr HeMid that hU brothers lameness won oc-

aaloned by a recent surgical operation-

in his security for Grower hehouse at Kightysocond

itreet and Fifth avenue


aranlres to Increase the Itfllflrnry or

the Husxlait lied

LoNDON April 18 Tlie newspaper cotenpondents busy bending from St

eternburg concerning the negoiatlons of Charles M Schwab with theulan Government The correspondentif time Standard HVH Mr Schwab offeredo build several warships of 10000 ton bur

guaranteeing 20 jicr cent greaterthan vessel of

tonnage be of themiiter type with the fighting value of

According to the correspondent the offer-

s made possible by the discovery of a secrettnictural process which It IM understood










JUt 1







rot A




del exiling the-






spci4 CabJ Dspatci rims sex

malt leshilpe





consists of ancomposition which ionnit the weight ofvessels to be lessened The vessels more-

over would combine high speed with awide steaming radiun and would mountthe heaviest guns

The St Petersburg correspondent of THE

SlX i Informed that the contract linn notbeen concluded but time Standard corre-

spondent spoOks of a preliminary contractunder name of time vessels will bebuilt In America

lilt rif v s1 rETEiismiiaMany Slarte In nllHp llon or-

Illotlnc n t iimlR-

Kfttltl CuMr nttpattli la rims srxPAnic April 2 Ono hundred thousand

troop are nwwcxl in St Petersburg In

anticipation of popular disturlioncos onMay 1 Last night 1500 arrests were made

GovernorGeneral Trepoff lies Issued anorder enjoining the populace to pay noattention to rumors of what bo ex-

pected next Sunday He that anycreate a disturbance will

ruthlessly suppressed


tronR Political Influence to Krrure III

llrlnitatement In Indian WarehouseWAsntNoroN April 28 Strong political

Influence U being brought to bear on theInterior Department to the rein-

statement of Fred H WIn recentlydlsml ed Inspector In of theIndian warehouse at New York SenatorT C Platt and two or three Republicanmembers of the House from

written Secretary of the InteriorHitchcock urging reinstatement-and It 14 that Senator NathanB Scott of West and Cornelius Nfuss of New of thellcan have Interestedthemselves in the ease Wilson baa beenemployed at national

In the last two nationaland ha rendered the servicesa character as to command strong

ltwas said at the Interior Deportmenttoday that Instead ofmeat will more bo prosecuted-for alleged IrregularItIes In

It WM declaredemphatically that Wilson wIll not be re

employ and thatthe question

the that can liei agalnrthire The evidence gathered by tl In-

spector who cawwas to

but a questionIt is character that legal









of suchnow

toon or


ofa Ur

u-t TIUA-





as issolely the character
















UK and Arnii AtTrrtnl and He MintMop Pl lnelti lrl n Wontlieu lxin fle l Ultli Nnddrn Pains

at Concert In CanailaHalli Slay 10

Burrux April 2 Ignace Paderewsklthe pianist won utrloken with neuritiswhile at London Ont Thurs-

day and all forthem rut of hU tour have been canceledHU neck and arms are affected but hisphysician would not state how serious

condition In or how long his playingwould l Interrupted He is now on hUway to Bonton

Tim pianist playing a difficult piecewhen he was seIzed with terrific pains Inhis neck and for a moment the Intensepain sickened him He finished the per-

formance liowever and went to lute privatecar When h reached Hamilton Ontthis morning on Ills way to Niagara Fallswhen hn won scheduled to play tonightIlls condition was PO serious that his friendsteleRraptied for Dr Francis K Fronczakn Polish physician of Buffalo who hadattended him before to meet tho train atho Fall












Dr Fronczak after a briefannounced positively that nil engagements must bo There were

ten on the schedule The car was hooked-

on immediately to a through train forBoston It passed through Buffalofor tile Kant Drwent along

Dr FroncMk said that Paderewskl wasmilTering from neuritis affecting hit headand neck When he reached NiagaraFalls llilx morning bin arms were stiff

The concert at Ixmdon was thesixth cif tho artists presentSunday night ho was to hays played with

thrt Boston Symphony Orchestra In Boston-

at its benefit and next Tuesday he was tohave appeared at the benefit to Modjeska

in New York at tho Metropolitan OperaHouse

Padorewnkl himself had arranged theMrxljotka benefit and was on the programfor about a dozen numbers Ills Inabilityto play at the benefit of hln countrywoman-was a blow Ho lamented it bitterlywhen he heard the doctorsdictum

Padercweki will sail for home on May10 hU managers decided today after aconference Dr Fronczak Ills plans

that will depend on his condition

but he may rest a year or so and devote hIs

time to composition This won his sixthAmerican tour

Daniel Frobman received a telegramfrom Mrs PaderewHkl last night sayingthat her husband had broken down com-

pletely and was in bad shape and wouldrequire a long rest before h could appearin again It would b absolutelyimpossible for her Jrasband tonext Tuesday at benefit to his country-woman Mme

Mr PaderowHki must be very nick If he

has given up all hope of appearing at thebenefit for he was ono of the

prime movers in getting It up Daniel

Frohman Is to manage it and Paderewskiwas to be the star of the occasion

AH soon as he the telegramfrom Mrs Frobmanwent scurrying to try and fill the gap leftvacant Late last night Do Pactimannthe pianist agreed to play and Mrman hopes to get at least two other eminentpianist

Pudrow8kl was to have ben l estman at the wedding of his pupil ErnestSchilling to Miss Lucy Draper of 804 Fifthavenue This marriage IH to take place-

on May 3 Miss Draper said last night thatshe didnt think Paderewski was as ill a

the early reports said She based herviews on a telegram that had received

at her home night Miss Draper saidthat Mr Schelllng was In town and that evenIf Paderownkl could not appear at her

that wouldnt postpone it











sppe4r bar










Policeman Taylor Stop llnnawa In

limy llrookliiAleianler M Taylor of time mounted

triflio sciuad on duty at time Borough

Hall Brooklyn yesterday afternoona runaway lull down Remsei

anti street heading

toward the cab the parkHe was on footspnitig at the runaway getting huhon the bridle The horse which wai

attached to a heavy delivery wagon

by the Atlantic and Pacific Ten Companycontinued running dragging the office

and finally dashing headlong into a hansomupsetting tIme cab and attached

and badly damaging bothTime frightened animal excited by thi

shouts of men and the struggles of tinofficer who still clung to the bridle did notstop but turned and attempted to con-

tinue nm down Court street towardthe crowded crowing at Montague streetTaylor had recovered from the blow thatliu received when he was againsttIme cab and thrust his againsttime windpipe of the running horse withsuch to bring him to his knees

action of time officer weewitnessed and cheered a large crowdseveral of whom hurried to awUtancewhen the fell and him to holdtho he struggled to his feet

WM bruUed the bodysoil and uniform was almost torn

Ho was to his home antion the sick The Incident was

Sergt McCarthy who is Incharge of the traffic squad Brooklyn

rntcK iris oirv orvAustrian lerchant Arre ie l for Carrjtn

It After It Shot HimBussanlcb 4 years od a leather

Vienna Ati tria stopping

the Hotel LnfayetteBrevoort Fifthvenue and Eighth street was arrestedy Poicman Brown of the Oak street

last on a charge of carrya concealed

was running throughort street when aroll from the gun truck

a In one of thehimt rt exploded The strucku nlch on wrist inflicting a

woundBrown summoned a surgeon

the Hudson Btrent hospital who ex

meted the bullet was thenaken to the Oak street station where bemaid that Theodore a lathermerchant of P7 street was his friendmd would ball him out He said didnt

was violating A law In



Ilk he





leg lentplace





the bullet



knoW calC1

Si reel



his and







hereMjntenI him





Will IH No More hunting Intll Monday

but Drain That lie l-


PresIdent Kocevolt did not particIpateIn the hunt today according to amessage received from a rancher living

close to Camp Roosevelt It l furtherstated that be Intends to rest until Monday

The President communicated with Secretary Loch this afternoon arid gave a quietus-to the reports that he Is In ill health HH

came over the telephone thedictating It to Courier Chapman

who rode from the camp to a nearby ranchThe Presidents message In part won asfollows

Wo got four bears yesterday All ore

wellThe teat of the Presidents message

related to public mutters and was tonightcommunicated to Secretary of War Taft


Three Iniurirnti time riularmeHilled The Praianti Are Armlnst-

fprefal DttfMh la THE NUN

CAMIU April 28 In the fight atVonkolles between a of insurgentsanti fifty Rendarmes three of the insurgentswere klllnd anti six wounded Ono gen

won killed and three wounded Theburned tho police station

gendarmes are mIssIng Tim peasantsore arming












srvpir nu rsr CISK

Catcher Hitler and Iltrlier FaMtu of II

liroolilvn nub to lie TrtetlBy the arrest of Louis Hitter cntche

anti Wallace W Kason the Broollyn Cluh for allego violationthe law by participating ingame at Washington Park lattt Sundatho whole question involved will bopubmitted to Judicial review

Hitter and Kanon were arraigned yentcday before Magistrate OHcllly In thAdams street court at time requeiof former Police BernardYork counsel for the the examlm

went over to The tewtimonthe prosecution hRS heoti obtained I

the Kings County Sabbath ObservaniAssociation

iSTiinionornu HAISKS iruAll Oktemrn and Guards to an Inrrrai-

In Pay on May I

The Interborough Rapid Transit Con

party notified tim gatemcn and guards n

the elevated raIlroads and the Rubwn

yesterday of an increase of wages beginnlnMay 1 It had been tho intention ofcompany before the strike to raise tli

Wages but tho men did not know thatwould be carried out

All year gatemen are to be increasefrom to per nil firstguards on the on 1 1605 will badvanced toiwcond year rate lliO petiny Men employed aa or promoted tguard after May 1 1005 win llt

day the regular first year reV

General Manager honey who notlfie

the men ofthe Increase in wages said toBuK reporter last evening

Then the men were being taken on aattempt was made apparently to creelthe impression that we were going to ciwages We intend to have our men thhighest In the country for the worthey The years seniority wl

among oil who haveemployed and would be entitled to it bMay I strikers or not

FonaKnv xo CHIME i vwtvIm-

lMlnn of a neflnlllon In Semi CrlmlnCode le vri o Law In Force

IKDIANAPOIIS April 2 The cllscovewas made today that forgery has ceaseo crime In Indiana owing to limo omt

Ion of definition in the new crimliuode which was adopted by the recenlegislature and went into effect a fev

lays ago The mot careful fenrchln-if the printed act falls to ll clo e anylitlon of the crime of forgery or anytitles fixed for its comniKion and it U tin

opinion of many lawyers that inasmucl-

ifl the Criminal Coda act contains a sectloi-

leclaring that all laws within the purvlof this are hereby repealed there i no

in by which such a crime can b

The omission was discovered byIn tho law college The omission wll

persons now tinder indictment for thrime an there i no law under which time

be tried tho old law having been te


l rom Plan to Plaee II namltc on Tricksmut li Iladly Ural en-

UWONTOWN Pa April delllxrat-ttorapt to dynamite at I e Mont on Wednes

night the Pennsylvania llailroncmessenger train P M wa-

inmtrnted by a woman and in being inestigated by ofllorrs of the companyIrs Sadie Lewis of Le Mont has reporUn-

o the officers that she heard two men sajhat a grievance against the Penn

and that they planntx-o place dynamite on the Tinnen started toward the railroadtlrs Lewis hoping to thwart their plansallowed them Seeing that they wenUncovered the men beat her unmerdully threw her across the track and ran

MrsLewis wan unconscious for aants but recovered as she heardpproaohlng By the light of the enginehe saw the sticks on time rail brushed

them aside and escaped with only a fewRoondji to Vniontown officers woreotlfled They found Mn Lewiseaten severely out and both


LAS ron ALL iaiir JMYK-

n Eleven HullitliiB ProposedCurt Kixnooo

The plans for the proposed new all nightink to be erected at the southeast corner

Fifth avenue and Fortyfourth streetive been flied withoppor for The First Day and Night Stateink as owner W II Chcsobrough is

resident of this companyThe building U to be an eleven story and

fireproof edifice the upper storiesIt IDS

on the avenue and 63 feet on the streetwill have a facade of ornamental brick

immed with Dover white marblehe entrance will be with two

Corinthian aeoorated corniceThe cost is estimated at MJOOOO by Henryrea Cobb the architect It i tor the V J Uedden Sons Company ofewark

kU CSUKmi UK 8eoU ma4 Un-ktxll tamtua It I tk

Dbl orthe



cubton Ma




frt SIr lay



I del








few mOr-

the train







pit elmer of







Building Superintendent

Lilac Its




No Witnesses to Be Called in

Nan Pattersons Defense


Mrs Smith Rejects Hands Offer

to Dismiss Indictment

condition Ua That She Should Freely

Answer Ills iiirniloiti Proiecutlon

Gets fn lvtilenrei Tlrkett Nhnnlnf

the Kmlih Pawnrri Braceletand ItlnK at lljitian Stern Wirre

the Il r Mas oftime Ardiird n the Stand Sloit or Hay

lire Only Other Hltnrii

Nan Patterson through tier counsel

has decided to leave her talc with tho jury

nilgin nnulht Mister



without making any defense to the chargethat on time zooming of June 4 last she mur-

dered Bookmaker dinar Young in a cabThis decision was arrived at yesterdayafternoon alter time prosecution had putin its case and after a lot of now evidence

to bo very damaging to thehad l een Introduced

From the prosecutions standpoint theprincipal witness the prisoner was

her sIster Mrs Julia Smith the wife of JMorgan Smith Three plo of jewelrytwo of which had been given to her byher mothor Mn Smith Identified as

to her Pawntlokcts were ad-

mitted In evidence showing that the jewelryhud been pawned In Hymtm Sterns pawn-

shop whore the revolver was bought onJune 3 tho day before Young was killedMrs Smith swore that she hud given theJewelry to hor husband to pawn but thatshe didnt know where ho had pledged it

Time pawntickets wore S IDOl

and by a number of AssistantDistrict Attorney lland tried to show thatthey worn renewal tickets It was notcontended by Mr Rand that tho Jowelfy-

liad been pawned time day before the shootlog although in a series of questions In anattempt to confuse Mrs Smith ho askedher it she dldut know that tho jewelry hadbeen pawned on that flay When Mr Levydemanded ot Mr Rand to produce any

dated June 3 Mr lland ad-

mitted that he had noneTO rnrE HIM HMTT-

RAiVthlste timony was brought out otterMr Rand had promised Mm Smith to freeher from time indictment for conspiracy-

if would answer his aboutwhat happened after she nnd her husbandleft this city soon after Young was killed

and a day or two before Nun PattersonIndicted

Mr Hand had asked Smith It she

left this city on Juno 8 four days afterYoung killed She answered that she

would be pleased to tell If It were not thatshe was under indictment for conspiracy

and that any answer i ho made might tend

to degrade or convict her of a crime Uhlute arm outstretched and In a pleading

tone Mr Hand walked until lie was directlyIn front of tlio witness

And in that your only reason he asked

She paused shitting her eyes from hersister to Mr

Yes sir it Is she answered hesitatingly

Mr lland stopped luck and in a solemntone told her that he was the toting DistrictAttorney and that he would guarantee thatIf she answered Ills questions haImmediately hare time indictment dismissedSlit Mnllod ct him it seemed

Thou ftho asked if sin might consult with

tier counsel Herbert B hAmburger and Re

order lofT gracted tlio requestMr Umburger at that moment was In

lot timer part of General Sowlons arguingcfore Judge Foster for tho dismissal of thendictmort Howasnenl forandatline the indictment was snt for Mrs SmithItIt stand and for Home five minutesliad a consultation with her lawyer in theJudges pvivato room With set facereturned to the stand The question wan

peeted and started to explain whatler counsels advice had been but thelocorder stopped tier

STICKH uv HER ciioncs out azalEaThen came the struggle Mr Rand re-

peated the question several tunestoaxlng then threatening Finallyming the arms of the chair and straighteninglenolf until she became rigid she answeredleflantly-

Xo sir I will not I will tick by my

LiterAll right shouted Mr Rand hU voiceounding high above the buzz In the courtoom

After that Mn Smith declined to answerome twoACoro qutvllonfi taking refugen her privilege Mr Rand his offer

gain later Iti the day threw Itside Alter being on the stand all mornng she left it but still defiant

I feel good sold but at the finishthink me a little hitWith the exception of Mrs

oung who was a witness for onlyfew moments Mn Smith was on the

land all day She said that she knewthat Hymen Stern was in Toronto In

but denied that sue knew he

i an effort to identity either her or herlusband A letter which wee marked forjentlflcation but not admitted in evidenc-

er read to tho jury she sold was In herandwriting That letter was supposed toave some icfercnoe to SternAnother letter which she said was In her

andwriting was Introduced by Mrand but not admitted In evidence norras It read to the jury This letter or aration of It 1s supposed to show that sherote to her husband telling him to stay

way as I am not trusting to my ownidgment but am simply under

A Uit orders ad you areTHE PROSKCrTJOXS CASK ClOSED

When Mr Hand got through with Mrsmlth he announced that the prosecutionsuse was in It was then a fewncr 4 oclockMr Vnger snide the usual motions for-

te dIsmissal of the Indictment on the groundtat no crime had to have beenwnmltted that Mr Rand had failed to

cn lord








I fatj





I rattle

























heart shown






