the summary response assignment

The Summary Response Assignment Summarizing and Responding to a Text

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The Summary Response Assignment

Summarizing and Responding to a Text

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Types of Writing In college you will encounter many different

types of writing. Sometimes you may be asked to write from a

personal standpoint whereas other times you may be required to write more analytically.

Many college instructors require you to read a text and then summarize it and respond to it.

Today we will cover the summary response assignment, which is made up of two parts: summary and response.

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Important NoteFor my course, I call this assignment a

“Summary Response” paper. You might have learned it with different names

like Reaction Piece, Summary and Reflection Piece, Reading Response, etc.

Instead of being attached to the specific name of the assignment, understand the gist of it: It is a summary of what you have read Followed by a response (your opinion) to what

you have read

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The Summary Paragraph What is a summary paragraph?A summary (whether it is a sentence or an

entire paragraph) is a rewritten, shortened version of a piece of text in which you use your own words.

It’s important to summarize effectively, for 2 reasons:1. It shows strong reading comprehension skills.2. It helps you to incorporate outside sources when

doing any kind of research paper. For this assignment, it will be ONE paragraph.

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Rules for the Summary Paragraph

1. Begin with a FATt statement as your topic sentence,2. Follow with the main ideas to support,3. Reduce the length of the original text, (avoid specific details)4. Change the original wording into your own words without

changing the idea,5. Be objective:

a. Do not evaluate the content or give an opinion in any way,b. Do not add ideas, (even if you have an abundance of related

info!)c. Do not include personal information, (that is, don’t use I )

6. Use quotations only infrequently,7. Use some author tags (“states York” or “according to York”).

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Example of a Summary Paragraph

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Example of a Summary Paragraph

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Wrap Up Part I: Summary Paragraph

As you can see in the examples, the summary has the following: It begins with a FATt statement Has about 5-7 sentences of supporting points Does not use quotes but is written in the writer’s

own words Does NOT have any personal opinion (it is

objective!) Uses author tags Concludes the summary by getting back to the


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Writing a Response Paragraph

What is a response paragraph? A response, in general, is your reaction to the summary; it requires

Taking a stance, Using “I” or first person, and Critically thinking about the text.

The reaction is up to the writer, and will vary from student to student, but it should clearly show where you stand in relation to the reading.

Finally, the best responses zero in on one specific aspect of the text: agree or disagree with a specific quote, extend on an argument, provide personal example to relate to an argument, etc.

Remember: it is only one paragraph, so you shouldn’t be trying to make multiple points. Just like in an essay, you should keep it to one point per paragraph.

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Using the TSIS Templates

Where to start? A good place is to first go back to your annotations. It is there where you might find a note to yourself, something where you were dubious, perturbed, in accordance, disgusted, in awe, confused, etc.

Then review the templates in Chapter 4, or for quick reference, pages 297-299.

For example:“I disagree with X’s view that _____________

because…“I agree that _______because my experience

________Although I agree with X up to a point, I cannot

accept his overall conclusion that _____________.

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Rules for the Response Paragraph

1. Use “I” to express ideas and make your standpoint clear.

2. Identify one specific aspect you want to discuss: compare/contrast to your own life, agree/disagree with some point by the author, give an extended example based on personal

experience or observation, critique the logic of the piece, etc.

3. Use quotations from the reading to blend with your own words in order to support your reaction.

4. Tie it back to the reading in some way.

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Example of a Response Paragraph(follows the summary paragraph example #2)

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Wrap Up Part II: Response Paragraph

As you can see in the example, the writer does the following: Provides her stance (uses I and is subjective) Focuses on one aspect of the text (doesn’t rant or

talk about all kinds of things!) Uses a quote to strengthen her response Concludes the paragraph by getting back to the

topic sentence

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The Works Cited PageBecause you will be referring to another

author’s ideas that are not your own and possibly quoting these ideas, you will need to include a “Works Cited” at the bottom of your page or on the next page of your Summary Response.

A Works Cited is a compilation of citations—a citation provides the information about the secondary source to which you are referring to in your own writing. The citation includes the text’s full title, the author, publisher, date of publication, etc.

A full list of directions and examples is available in your Little Seagull Handbook.

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Summary Response Assignment

1. 1 page, typed, double-spaced.2. Do not label each part—just make it 2 clear


3. First is the summary paragraph Adhere to “rules”

4. Second is the reaction paragraph Adhere to “rules”

5. It must be in MLA format and include a Works Cited at the bottom of the page or next page