summary-response essay

SUMMARY-RESPONSE ESSAY Responding to Reading

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Summary-Response Essay. Responding to Reading. Reading Critically. Not about finding fault with author Rather engaging author in a discussion by asking questions as you read an article or essay Requiring author to meet certain demands that employ good writing techniques:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Responding to Reading

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Reading Critically Not about finding fault with author Rather engaging author in a discussion

by asking questions as you read an article or essay

Requiring author to meet certain demands that employ good writing techniques:

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How to read critically Good note taking Keep a Reader’s log

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Author’s Name and title of Article

Summary: List main ideas, key features, examples, and evidence the author may provide

Response: Log your reaction

to each main point, record your comments, and questions

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Purpose of this Essay To understand an author’s main idea and

purpose for work To recognize the main points that support

that main idea To be able to summarize(paraphrase)

author’s main ideas To be able to respond or react to what the

author has to say (to support or defend your point of view)

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Preparing the Summary Cite the author and the title of the text Indicate the main ideas of the text Paraphrase main ideas; quote sparingly,

use key words, phrases, and sentences Include attributive tags Avoid summarizing specific examples or

data Be objective

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Response Your opinion of the author’s ideas Do you agree or disagree How well is the essay or article written?

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Structuring Your response Requires your reaction to the text and

your interpretation of the text A response of this nature will react to the

ideas or the argument Simply, do you agree with the author? Why or why not? Provide evidence based on your

experiences to support your reaction

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3 ways to provide evidence to support your response

Your response requires that you provide evidence to support your opinion, whether you agree or disagree with the author

Consider what sort of evidence will best support your statements: personal experience, evidence from text, outside sources

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1. Personal Experience Use personal experience as examples to

demonstrate why you interpret the text the way you do, why you react the way you do, why you agree or disagree

I strongly disagree with so and so’s first point based on my own high school experience, especially in my History class.

Look at Abramowitz’s essay for examples of her personal experiences.

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2. Evidence from the text Cite specific phrases or sentences from

the text to support your: explanation of the text analysis of the effectiveness of the text response to the text (why you agree or

disagree) Look at Abromowitz’s essay for

examples of her using evidence from the text

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3. Evidence from other texts Acceptable to bring in ideas and

information from other texts Your prior knowledge No research required for this assignment Cite sources if you do use borrow

material from other sources Look at Abramowitz’s essay for

examples of her using outside texts or sources.

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Introduction Brief introduction that will state these

items: Title of the article or essay; Name of

author; Place of publication Any key information you might know about

author to help establish author’s credibility State author’s main idea Thesis: a well thought out statement

stating your main point about the article or essay.

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Body Organization: Block Pattern 1 I. Introduction with thesis II. Summary of main point III. Points You agree with IV. Points you disagree with Conclusion

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Body Organization: Point by Point I. Introduction with thesis Summarize point 1; agree or disagree Summarize point 2; agree or disagree Summarized point 3; agree or disagree Conclusion Note: you do not need to agree or

disagree with all points

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Conclusion End essay with a summary of your

response You can add a new perspective about the

article, author, or topic

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Important things to remember

Make sure to give reasons why you disagree Give examples, personal experience, facts,

any previous experience or knowledge you can draw upon to support your opinion

Based on my experience with boys in class in high school. . . .

Try to avoid over using “I agree” and “I disagree”

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The Summary: Discuss the Points that Feagin makes in groups Denying Individual Racism White Views on Government Action Against Racism

Symbolic and Laissez Faire Racism Views on Affirmative Action

Imaging the White Self Fostering and Learning Racist Attitudes

Role of Elites Everyday Racism: Subtle, Covert, and Blatant Who Does the Discriminating?

Facing Lifetimes of Racial Discrimination Racial Discrimination in Public Places

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Denying Individual Racism Slavery ended a long time ago Institutionalized racism ended after the

Civil Rights movement Racism is something that other people

are i.e.) grandparents, parents, KKK members

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Symbolic and Laissez Faire Racism Symbolic

Whites have replaced blatant racism with a more subtle form

Whites believe blacks are making “illegitimate demands for societal changes” (Feagin 342).

Criticized for not acknowledging that blatant racism still exists

Laissez Faire Whites have embraced the principle of desegregation but

are opposed to government intervention or actual changes that involve living and going to school with black people.

Allows whites to feel good about themselves

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Affirmative Action Whites believe affirmative action is not

needed b/c racism is dead. Whites believe that if blacks aren’t

successful, it’s b/c they don’t work hard enough.

White elites shape views on this issue: For example, media attention of this issue

goes up in the years preceding presidential elections

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Imaging the white self Whites see white culture as superior. Whites don’t see financial benefits from

slavery and segregation “My family didn’t own slaves.”

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Role of Elites in Fostering Racist Attitudes

Without realizing it, many white people harbor negative attitudes towards blacks

These ideas are fostered by an elite few through the media, schools, and even churches

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Everyday Racism White people may not be aware of their

racism May grab purse or lock door when a black

man walks by White employer might hire a white man

over an equally qualified black man b/c he feels more comfortable with his own kind

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Who Does the Discriminating? 3 types of racist whites

Blatant-KKK Less subtle forms Don’t directly participate but don’t stop it

White upper/middle class Americans affect housing and jobs

Lower classes are more violent

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Facing Lifetimes of Racial Discrimination

No way to tell impact of racism Little research Black people don’t want to appear weak Black people don’t count small examples of


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Racial Discrimination in Public Whites assume blacks are going to steal Whites charge more for cars White medical professionals less likely to

use expensive procedures on black patients

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Respond to major points: Points you agree with(Students will list)

1 2 3

Experiences or knowledge that support your agreement 1 2 3

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Respond to major points: Points you disagree with

1 2 3

Experiences or knowledge that support your agreement 1 2 3