the subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. if the...

Subject-Verb Agreement The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is plural. So you should remember the irregular plural forms of nouns. People are ......... BUT there are some nouns that ending in S but singular in meaning take singular verbs. Moreover Non-countable nouns also take singular verb. Physics is his favorite The news was not expected. Two or more singular subjects connected by and require a plural verb. Gold and silver are precious metal. Reeana and Tonni are there. BUT if the singular nouns although joined by AND suggest one idea to the mind or refer to the same person or thing, the verb is singular. Time and tide waits for none. The horse and carriage is at the door. NOTICE the use of following article. The president and Headmaster is (refers to same person) The president and the Headmaster are (refer to two different person) If the singular subjects preceded by each or every the verb is usually, singular Every boy and girl has been given a prize. Either (not either .... or) Neither (not neither ... nor) each, everyone, Many a must be followed by a singular number. Many a little makes a mickle. Each of the things is found in India. Two or more singular subjects connected by or, nor , either....or, neither....nor take a verb in the singular No nook or corner was left unexplored. Neither he nor I was there. UCC BBA Admission Preparation Page 1 of 21 ENGLISH Lecture # 03 Founder & Director : Dr. M.A. Halim 83, Green Road (1st Floor) Farmgate Dhaka-1205 BBA ADMISSION PREPARATION

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The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is plural. So you should remember the irregular plural forms of nouns. People are ......... BUT there are some nouns that ending in S but singular in meaning take singular verbs. Moreover Non-countable nouns also take singular verb. Physics is his favorite The news was not expected. Two or more singular subjects connected by and require a plural verb. Gold and silver are precious metal. Reeana and Tonni are there. BUT if the singular nouns although joined by AND suggest one idea to the mind or refer to the same person or thing, the verb is singular. Time and tide waits for none. The horse and carriage is at the door. NOTICE the use of following article. The president and Headmaster is (refers to same person) The president and the Headmaster are (refer to two different person) If the singular subjects preceded by each or every the verb is usually, singular Every boy and girl has been given a prize. Either (not either .... or) Neither (not neither ... nor) each, everyone, Many a must be followed by a singular number. Many a little makes a mickle. Each of the things is found in India.  Two or more singular subjects connected by or, nor , either....or, neither....nor take a verb in the singular No nook or corner was left unexplored. Neither he nor I was there. When the subjects are of different numbers, the verb must be plural and the plural subject must be placed closest to the verb. He or his brothers have done this. Neither the boy nor his parents were present. When the subjects are of different persons, the verb must agree with one nearest to it. Either he or I am to go. BUT it is better to say , Either he is to go or I am to go. Two nouns qualified by each or even though connected by and require singular verb Each boy and each girl was ......... Subjects joined by the following expressions of accompaniments have no effect on the verb. The Verb must agree with its real subject. Shafiq. accompanied by his wife and children, is arriving tonight.  A collective noun is a word that is singular in form but refers to a group of people or things commonly used collective nouns include the following: Company firm audience corporation board council department mob faculty When the group to which these nouns refer is thought of or acts as a unit use a singular verb. The committee is scheduled to meet at one o'clock. When the members of the group are thought of or act separately, use plural verb. The committee are evidently debating the merits of the proposed system. The class are arguing with one another. The jury were divided in opinion but finally it has returned----------  The following chart also contains some other collective nounscongress family group Committee class organization teamarmy club crowd Government jury majority minority NOTE: Majority can be singular or plural. If it is alone it is usually singular; if it is followed by plural nouns it is usually plural. The majority believes that we are in no danger. The majority of the students believe him to be innocent. The following nouns are used to indicate groups of certain animals. They mean the same as group and thus are considered singular. flock of birds or sheep School of fish herd of cattlepride of lions pack of dogs The herd of cattle is ........... Some nouns, which are singular in form but plural in meaning, take a plural verb. Twelve dozen do not cost more. When a plural noun between a singular subject and its verb the verb is often wrongly made to agree with the nearest plural noun instead of with the real subject. This error should be guar


Page 1: The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is

Subject-Verb Agreement The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number.

If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is plural. So you should remember the irregular plural forms of nouns.

People are .........

BUT there are some nouns that ending in S but singular in meaning take singular verbs. Moreover Non-countable nouns also take singular verb.

Physics is his favorite The news was not expected.

Two or more singular subjects connected by and require a plural verb.Gold and silver are precious metal. Reeana and Tonni are there.

BUT if the singular nouns although joined by AND suggest one idea to the mind or refer to the same person or thing, the verb is singular.

Time and tide waits for none. The horse and carriage is at the door.

NOTICE the use of following article.The president and Headmaster is (refers to same person)The president and the Headmaster are (refer to two different person)

If the singular subjects preceded by each or every the verb is usually, singularEvery boy and girl has been given a prize.

Either (not either .... or) Neither (not neither ... nor) each, everyone, Many a must be followed by a singular number.

Many a little makes a mickle.Each of the things is found in India.

Two or more singular subjects connected by or, nor , either....or, neither....nor take a verb in the singular No nook or corner was left unexplored.Neither he nor I was there.

When the subjects are of different numbers, the verb must be plural and the plural subject must be placed closest to the verb.

He or his brothers have done this. Neither the boy nor his parents were present.

When the subjects are of different persons, the verb must agree with one nearest to it.Either he or I am to go.

BUT it is better to say ,Either he is to go or I am to go.

Two nouns qualified by each or even though connected by and require singular verb Each boy and each girl was .........

UCC BBA Admission Preparation Page 1 of 15

ENGLISHLecture # 03

Founder & Director : Dr. M.A. Halim

83, Green Road (1st Floor)Farmgate Dhaka-1205

Phone : 8116481, 9127821,


Page 2: The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is

Subjects joined by the following expressions of accompaniments have no effect on the verb. The Verb must agree with its real subject.

Shafiq. accompanied by his wife and children, is arriving tonight. A collective noun is a word that is singular in form but refers to a group of people or things commonly used

collective nouns include the following:Company firm audience corporation boardcouncil department mob facultyWhen the group to which these nouns refer is thought of or acts as a unit use a singular verb.

The committee is scheduled to meet at one o'clock.When the members of the group are thought of or act separately, use plural verb.

The committee are evidently debating the merits of the proposed system.The class are arguing with one another.The jury were divided in opinion but finally it has returned----------

The following chart also contains some other collective nouns

congress family group Committee class organization teamarmy club crowd Governmen

tjury majority minority

NOTE: Majority can be singular or plural. If it is alone it is usually singular; if it is followed by plural nouns it is usually plural.

The majority believes that we are in no danger. The majority of the students believe him to be innocent.

The following nouns are used to indicate groups of certain animals. They mean the same as group and thus are considered singular.

flock of birds or sheep School of fish herd of cattlepride of lions pack of dogsThe herd of cattle is ...........

Some nouns, which are singular in form but plural in meaning, take a plural verb.Twelve dozen do not cost more.

When a plural noun between a singular subject and its verb the verb is often wrongly made to agree with the nearest plural noun instead of with the real subject. This error should be guarded against. If a subject and a verb are separated by a prepositional phrase, the prepositional phrase has no effect on the verb.

The danger of the forest fires is not to be taken lightly.The study of languages is very interesting.The fear of rape and robbery has caused many people to flee.The view of these disciplines varies from time to time.

When the plural noun is a proper name to some single object or some collective unit, it must be followed by a singular verb.

The United States has a big fleet.

When a sentence begins with gerund (verb+ing) or infinitive, the verb must be singular. Knowing the robbers has caused his death.To say lies is easy.

When the subjects of the verbs is a relative pronoun care should be taken to see that the verb agrees in number and person with the antecedent of the relative or its real subject.

The man who saw your friends, has come.Mr. Kamal is one of those people who are conscientious in following directions.

The collective nouns denoting some specific quantity of time, money or measurements used as a whole are singular.

Twenty five dollars is too much for it

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Page 3: The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is

Word ChoiceWord choice errors involve the incorrect use of one word in place of another. These two words may be relatedforms (other and another, for example) or they may be completely different (do and make, for example).Descriptions of some of the most common word choice errors are given below.

WRONG CHOICE OF MAKE OR DOThe verb to do is often used in place of to make, and to make in place of to do. In its basic sense, to make means to produce, to create, and to construct, whereas to do means to perform, to act, and to accomplish. These verbs are also used in a number of set expressions:

Anytime you see the verb make or do underlined in the Structure section, suspect a word choice error.


The words so, such, and too are used in the following patterns: so + adjective + that clause

These boxes are so heavy that we can’t lift them. (So is also used with many . . . that and much . . . that.)

There were so many people in the auditorium that we could barely get in the front door.

such + adjective + noun + that clauseIt was such a pretty view that he took a photograph.

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Page 4: The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is

too + adjective + infinitiveIt’s too cold to go swimming today.

Notice that so and such are both followed by that clauses, but too is followed by an infinitive.

The words as and so are also sometimes confused:* Jane did so well as I did on the economics exam. (INCORRECT)* The coffee was as hot that I couldn’t drink it. (INCORRECT)

In the first sentence, the word as should be used in place of so; in the second, so should be used in place of as.Also, look for so much or too much used in place of so or too.

Wrong choice of Like or Alike

Like A, B→ Like birds, mammals are worm blooded A, like B→ Birds are like mammals are warm blooded.A & B are alike → Birds and mammals are alike in that they are both warm blooded.

Wrong choice of Another or Other

Another OtherUsed as an adjective another +singular noun

e.g.: have another sandwich Other + plural e.g.: I wonder if there is life on other planets.Determiner + other + nounThere may be life on some other planets

Used as a pronoun another Thanks, 1 ‘II have another

determiner + other “I have one book. You have the other”

and/ or / but

i. "And" joins two or more words, phrases or clauses of similar value or equal importance.We went swimming and boating.

ii. "Or" joins two or more words, phrases, or clauses tht contain the idea of a choice.We could go swimming or boating.

iii. "But" shows a contrast between two or more words, phrases, or clauses.We went swimming but not boating.

alive/ live

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Page 5: The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is

Alive is used after a verb. But live is used before a noun.* Sue likes to have alive plants in her apartment.* Although she forgot to water it for a week, the plant was still live.

None/ No

None can take either a singular or plural verb, depending on the noun which follows it.

None + of the + non count noun + singular verb

None of the counterfeit money has been founds

None + of the + plural count noun + plural verb

no + Singular noun

non count noun

+ singular verb

no + plural noun + plural verb.

A number of / the number of

A number of + plural noun + plural verbThe number of + plural noun + singular

A number of students are going to the classThe number of days in a week is seven.

Here/ There


Here is + Singular Subject


Here is + plural Subject

The sentence starting with preparatory here or there takes a singular or plural verb that agrees with its real subject. The subject is actually after the verb.

Some Other Important Rules to Remember

The sentence starting with introductory it always takes a singular verb even though the subject is actually after the verb.

It is they who are guilty.

The name of a company or organization usually takes singular verb.Merrill Lunch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith is one of the best - known brokerage houses.Proctor & Gamble is a multinational company.

When a fraction or percentage is used as the subject of a sentence, the verb may be singular or plural. If a singular noun or pronoun follows the fraction or percentage, the verb is singular. If a plural noun or pronoun follows the verb is plural.

Three fifths of the people have arrived. Sixty percent of our quota has been met.

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Page 6: The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is

A number of nouns like dues, earnings, winnings are always plural. Therefore, they take plural verbs.Cub Scout dues are collected every month.My earnings are inadequate to meet my expenses.

When an amount of money, a period of time, or a quantity is the subject of a sentence and is considered as a total amount, use a singular verb.

Four months is a long time between letters.Five hundred dollars is a reasonable amount.

The following pronouns are plural both few many others several.

When they are used as subjects or as adjectives modifying subjects, a plural verb is required.Many are called but few are chosen.Several people are unable to attend; the others are all coming.

The following indefinite pronouns can be either singular or plural, depending on the noun which they refer.all any more some mostSome of the firm's capital is being earmarked for expansionSome of the employees have returned to work.

The following words must be followed by singular verbs and pronouns:

any + singular noun anybody anyoneanything

no+ singular nounnobodyno onenothing

some+ singular nounsomebodysomeonesomething

every + singular nouneverybodyeveryoneeverything

each, either, neither either and neither are singular if they are not used with or and nor

Anyone is eligible to apply for the position.Someone is going to suffer for this.

The titles of books, magazines, articles, musical compositions and the like are often plural in form Nevertheless, because they name one thing, they are considered singular and take a singular verb.

Business Letters is a fine book.Better Homes and Gardens offers helpful redecorating ideas.


Some of the verb errors are errors in form. Most verb form problems involve main verb forms: An ing form may be used in place of a past participle a past participle in place of a past tense form, a simple form in place of an ing form, an infinitive in place of a simple form, and so on. Some involve irregular verbs that have different forms for the past tense and the past participle took and taken for example. The following information may help you chose the correct form of the main verb.

The simple form follows all modal auxiliaries.might be can remember should study(Certain similar auxiliary verbs require infinitives)ought to attend used to play have to hurry

The past participle is used after a form of have in all perfect forms of the verb.has done could have called should have said.

The ing form is used after a form of be in all progressive forms of the verb.

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Page 7: The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is

is sleeping has been writing should have been wearing

The past participle is used after a form of be in all passive forms of the worn will have been shown would have been lost.

Exercise :1. The first bridge to be built with electric lights (was/were) the Brooklyn Bridge.

2. Ethics (is/are) they study of moral duties, principles, and values.

3. There (is/are) two types of calculus, differential and integral.

4. George Gershwin, together with his brother Ira, (was/were) the creator of the first musical comedy to win a Pulitzer prize.

5. In a chess game, the player with the white pieces always (moves/move) first.

6. The Earth and Pluto (is/are) the only two planets believed to have a single moon.

7. A number of special conditions (is/are) necessary for the formation of a geyser.

8. Each of the lce Ages (was/were) more than a million years long.

9. The battery, along with the alternator and starter, (makes/make) up the electrical system of a car.

10. Teeth (is/are) covered with a hard substance called enamel.

11. The more-or-less rhythmic succession of economic booms and busts (is/are) referred to as the business cycle.

12. The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom (varies/very) from element to element.

13. All trees, except for the tree fern, (is/are) seed-bearing plants.

14. Fifteen hundred dollars a year (was/were) the per capital income in the United States in 1950.

15. Everyone who (goes/go) into the woods should recognize common poisonous plants such as poison ivy and poison oak.


1. Many people looked for good investments; most (was, were) disappointed.2. These theories were presented, but some (was, were) questioned.3. Several in this car (is, are) able to drive.4. Sand was hauled from the pit, and some (was, were) delivered to our contractor.5. The mail is being delivered by private carrier, and most (is, are) arriving on time.6. Oil comes from the Alaskan pipeline, and most (are, is) shipped to this port.7. Frost damaged the oranges and all (was, were) frozen.8. Neither my wallet nor my bank accounts (show, shows) I can afford that car. 9. The weather summary or the stock reports (is, are) usually in teresting.10. His play or his book (ranks, rank) high on our list.11. Neither the contractor nor his workers (is, are) at the site.12. The bank manager or the tellers (hope, hopes) to help.13. This report or that memorandum (is, are) unnecessary.14. Either the instructor or the students (was, were) responsible.15. The Elements or Style (are, is) a good reference book.16. Sears Roebuck and Company (was, were) the leader in retailing.17. Romeo and Juliet (is, are) an unforgettable play.UCC BBA Admission Preparation Page 7 of 15

Page 8: The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is

18. (Was, Were) People a successful magazine?19. “Ten Rules for Successful Teaching” (is, are) a helpful booklet.20. The concept of industrial democracy in all the states (become, becomes) extremely important.21. Worker participation programs, a from of industrial democracy, (are, is) a key factor.22. Workers at the Bolivar plant (is, are) selecting their chief goal.23. Production quotas in each department (was, were) determined by a worker- management team.24. Everything under construction during bargaining sessions (was, were) not publicized.25. Employees in the marketing department (agree, agrees) on the resulting benefits.26. The runners, tired and exhausted, but still eager to finish, (struggles, struggle) toward the finish line.27. Imports of liquefied natural gas (has, have) decreased for short periods.28. Television news profits during the early season (are, is) embarrassingly high.29. Few among them (are, is) willing to wait.30. The Soviet team, in the red uniforms, (outweighs, outweigh) the local team.31. Invocies for May (was, were) thoroughly checked.32. Our trip to London, Paris, and Rome (were, was) totally enjoyable.33. Either the manager or his assistant (was, were) in charge.34. Ms. Bronson or her assistants (count, counts) the money.35. Basic Oral Communications (is, are) worth studying.36. The materials you requested (is, are) stored in our warehouse.37. Many of the crew (are, is) putting in overtime.38. Parents of the school children who were on the bus (was, were) alarmed.39. The man and his wife (is, are) arriving together.40. (Where’s, Where are) the book reports?41. The apples were hit by the frost, but none (was, were) damaged42. We had heard the tales before, and most (was, were) untrue.43. None of these items (was, were) shipped last month.44. Some of us (is , are) willing to investigate.45. We offered them the same merchandise that Raphael and Joel (was, were) ordering.46. We placed other materials where the warehouseman and his crew (was, were) working.47. Here (is, are) the merchandise that arrived late.48. There (is, are) the plants that most people request.49. If the grounds and building (is, are) inspected regularly, losses of merchandise and equipment (are, is)

frequently prevented.50. Those new businesses in this shopping area (was, were) eager to open their doors; they (was, were) ready for

the holiday sales.

COMPREHENSION-IThe American architect and engineer Buckminster Fuller was born in 1895 in Massachusetts. He devoted his life to the invention of revolutionary technological designs to solve problems of modern living. He is best known for his development of the geodesic dome, an extremely light yet enormously strong spherical structure composed of triangular pieces. The geodesic dome is an application of his principle of deriving maximum output from a minimum input of material and energy. In the 1950s many of these domes were built for military and industrial uses. A considerable number of homes also have been built using geodesic dome structures.1. What does this passage mainly discuss?

(A) geodesic domes(B) an American architect(C)American architecture (D) revolutionary designs2. The word "devoted" in line I is similar in meaning to which of the following?

(A) dedicated (B) bounded (C) charmed (D) aspired3. As used in line 2, "revolutionary" refers to

(A) warring (B) revolving (C) innovative (D) pragmatic4. "Enormously" in line 3 could best be replaced by

(A) hardly (B) somewhat (C) very (D) quite 5. A geodesic dome is closest in shape to

(A) a tube (B) the end of a box (C) one half of a ball (D) the tip of a triangle 6. Which statement best describes the dome?

(A) It uses a lot of material, but takes less energy to construct than traditional structures.(B) It puts out maximum energy for its size.

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Page 9: The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is

(C) It uses very little material even though it is spacious.(D) It takes less material and energy than traditional structures of the same size.

7. "Composed of" in line 4 is most similar to(A) covered by (B) struck by (C) filled with (D) made of

8. The phrase "a considerable number of" in line 6 could best be replaced by which of the following?(A) many (B) an unusual number of (C) a few (D) an increasing number of

9. As used in line 6, the phrase "a controversial writer" indicates that Fuller's writings were(A) unknown by the general public (B) discussed but not agreed upon (C) disliked by most people (D) very popular among his readers

10. Fuller wrote about his life in his book.(A) Ideas and Integrities (B) Utopia or Oblivion(C) Nine Chains to the Moon (D) Earth, Inc.

COMPREHENSION-IIA new hearing device is now available for some hearing- impaired people. This device uses a magnet to hold the detachable sound-processing portion in place. Like other aids, it converts sound into vibrations, but it is unique in that it can transmit the vibrations directly to the magnet & then to the inner ear, producing clearer sound. The new device will not help all hearing-impaired people, only those with a hearing loss caused by infection or other problem in the middle ear. It will probably help no more that 20% of all people with hearing problems. Those people, however, who often have persistent ear infections should find relief & restored hearing with this device.

1. What is the author's main purpose? (A) to describe a new cure for ear infections (B) to inform medical personnel of a new device(C) to urge doctors to use the new device (D) to explain the use of the magnet

2. The word "device" most likely means(A) something built & used for a specific purpose (B) type of operation(C) first aid equipment (D) something used for investigating problems

3. It can be inferred from the passage that (A) this use of magnets is new (B) infections are in the inner car (C) magnets is dangerous for 80% of the people (D) the new device is smaller than old ones

4. What does the device NOT do?(A) transmit sound to the inner car (B) help all deaf people (C) produce clear sound (D) change sound into vibrations

5. The sound-processing unit(A) is a magnet (B) helps cure infections(C) is placed in the middle ear (D) is part of the device


The 50-million-year old fossils of an ancient whale found in the Himalayas foothills of Pakistan give string evidence that modern whales are descended from a four-legged, land swelling animal. the fossils consist of part of the skull, some teeth, and the well preserved middle ear of an animal that was 6 to 8 feet long, weighed 350 pounds, had a wolf-like snout, and had foot-long jaws with sharp, triangular teeth. It is the middle ear which suggests that ancient whale lived on land Analysis indicated that the animal had eardrums, which do not work in water and which modern whales have only in vestigial form. Furthermore, the right and ear bones were not isolated from each other. The separation of these bones in marine whales enables them to detect the direction of underwater sounds.1. The 50-million-year old fossils found in Pakistan

(A) are 6 to 8 feet long and 350 pounds in weight.(B) are descended from a four legged, land-dwelling animal(C) proves the Himalayan foothills were once under water.(D) includes the middle ear of an ancient whale

2. Whales with eardrums(A) would not be able to hear well in water.(B) were marine creatures(C) could distinguish where underwater sounds originated.(D) could not live on land.

3. A marine whale can recognize the source of a sound because

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Page 10: The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is

(A) the right and left ear boned are isolated from each other(B) the middle ear is in a vestigial form(C) it lives under water instead of on land(D) it has a well preserved middle ear.

Writing ability

1. Developments in transportation such as the invention of the automobile have had an enormous impact on modern society. Choice another development in transportation that you think is of great importance. Give reasons for your selection.

2. Some people say that university students should concentrate on their own field of study, and that all the classes they take should be closely related to that subject. Others believe that university students should get a general education, taking classes in many fields before concentrating on a single field. Discuss both points of view, using concrete examples. Which view do you support? Give reasons for your choice.


Find out the wrong part:

1. the US Space program in 1958, many inventions for use in the program have proved

equally useful on earth.

2. Dirigibles and some balloons because they with that is air.

3. When fatigue is caused by exertion, the symptoms are processes and


4. The owl the sharp, grasping talons bird .

5. As cities and horses became for streetcar lines.

Analogy:6. BRIDGE : CARDS ::

A. dam : river B. gamble : moneyC. image : mirror D. fencing : sword

7. NUMISMATIST : COINS ::A. philatelist : stamps B. jeweler : jewelsC. cartographer : maps D. geneticist : chromosomes

8. EMBROIDER : CLOTH ::A. patch : quilt B. stain : glassC. carve : knife D. chase : metalVocabulary Test : Choose the lettered ward or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letter.

9. BLITHE:A. conceited B. dimC. sturdy D. laconicE. grave

10. POLEMICAL:A. imitative B. lavish

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Page 11: The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with its subject in both person and number. If the subject is singular the verb is singular and if the subject is plural, the verb is

C. conciliatory D. attractive E. modest

Correct Answer:1.D 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.E 10.C


* CABAL (‡jv‡Ki `j) Clique, coalition, combination, confederacy, coterie, faction, Jane, junta, set, league.

* CACOPHONOUS (kÖ“wZKUz ev †emy‡iv) Cacophonic, cacophonous, discordant, grating, harsh, jarring.

* CADAVEROUS (g„‡Zi g‡Zv) Ashy, chalky, deathlike, ghastly, pale, pallid, wan.* CAITIFF (`ye„©Ë) Churl, coward, knave, miscreant, rascal, rogue, ruffian, scoundrel, sneak, traitor, * CAJOLE (wgwó K_vq fzjv‡bv) Beguile, blandish, coax, deceive, delude, dupe, entrap, fawn, flatter,

impose, * CALAMITY (`y`©kv ev wech©q) Adversity, affliction, blight, blow, catastrophe, disaster,

dispensation, evil, * CALCULATE (we‡ePbv Kiv, wn‡me Kiv) Appraise, assess, cast, compute, consider, count,

estimate, figure, * CALENDAR (w`bcwÄ) Almanac, catalogue, diary, list, register, schedule.* CALIBER (¶gZv) Bore, diameter, gauge, Ability, capacity, endowment, faculty, force, gifts, parts, * CALLOUS (D`vmxb, wbôzi) Apathetic, dull, hard, hardened, indifferent, insensible, obdurate,

obtuse, * CALLOW (Acwic°) Naked, unfledged, Green, inexperienced, juvenile, naive, silly, simple, soft.

* CALM (kvš) Collected, composed, cool, mild, peaceful, placid, quiet, sedate, self-possessed, serene, * CALUMNY (wg_¨v Acev`) Abuse, aspersion, backbiting, defamation, detraction, insult, libel,

obloquy, * CANDID (AKcU) above-board, fair, frank, guileless, honest, naive, open, plain, sincere,

straightforward, * CANDOR (AKcUZv) Artlessness, fairness, frankness, guilelessness, honesty, openness, plainness, * CANKER (bxwZåó, ¶q) Bale, bane, blight, corrosion, corruption, erosion, infection, rot. * CANOROUS (kÖ“wZgayi) Melodious, musical, tuneful.* CANTANKEROUS (GK¸u‡q) Crabbed, headstrong, intractable, obdurate, obstinate, perverse, self-willed,

stiff, * CAPABILITY (¶gZv) Ability, brains, caliber, capableness, capacity, competency, faculty, force,

power.* CAPACIOUS (RvqMveûj) Accommodative, ample, broad, comprehensive, extensive, large, roomy,

spacious.* CAPRICIOUS (Lvg‡Lqvjx) Changeable, crotchety, fanciful, fantastical, fickle, freakish, inconstant,

odd, * CAPTIVATE (‡gvwnZ Kiv) Bewitch, catch, charm, enamor, enchant, fascinate, gain, take, win.* CARAVANSARY (mivBLvbv) Body, corpse, inn, khan, public-house, tavern.* CARDINAL (cÖavb) Capital, central, chief, essential, first, important, main, principal, vital.* CAREER (Rxebe„Ëvš) Conduct, course, history, life, procedure, progress, race, walk Course, rush,

sweep.* CARICATURE (Dcnv‡mi Rb¨ DcKiY) Burlesque, lampoon, mimicry, parody, travesty.* CARIOUS (bxwZåó) Corrupt, decayed, mortified, putrid, rotten, ulcerate.

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* CARK (nqivb Kiv, wei³ Kiv) Annoy, fret, grieve, harass, perplex, vex, worry.* CARNAGE (nZ¨v) Bloodshed, butchery, havoc, massacre, slaughter.* CARNIVAL (Drme) Carousal, festivity, masquerade, revel.* CARVE (‡Lv`vB Kiv, fv¯‹h© Kiv) Chisel, cut, divide, engrave, fashion, form, hack, grave, hew,

mold, * CASTE (‡kÖYx) Blood, class, dignity, lineage, order, race, rank, respect, station.* CASTIGATE (wb›`v Kiv) Admonish, beat, cane, chastise, censure, chasten, correct, discipline,

flagellate, * CATACLYSM (eo ai‡Yi eb¨v) Calamity, catastrophe, deluge, disaster, inundation, overflow,

upheaval.* CATALOGUE (ZvwjKv) Inventory, invoice, list, record, register, roll, schedule.* CATASTROPHE (`y`©kv) Adversity, affliction, blow, calamity, casualty, disaster, distress, evil, ill, * CATECHISM (LywU‡q cÖkœ Kiv) compendium, creed, examination, interrogation, Socratic.* CAUSTIC (wZ³) Acrid, biting, bitter, burning, corroding, corrosive, cutting, mordant, pungent,

sarcastic, * CAVIL (‡`vl †`Iqv, AvcwË †Zvjv) Carp, censure, complain, deride, object. Carping, censure, * CEASE (‡kl Kiv, wei³ nIqv) Desist, discontinue, end, finish, stay, stop, terminate, Be extinct, fail.* CEASELESS (Aweivg) Continual, continuous, endless, eternal, incessant, interminable, perpetual, * CEDE (wbwl× Kiv) Abandon, forego, grant, relinquish, resign, surrender, yield.* CELEBRATE (D`hvcb Kiv cÖwm× Kiv) Applaud, commemorate, commend, extol, glorify, honor,

keep, * CELERITY (`ª“wZ) Dispatch, fleetness, haste, quickness, rapidity, speed, swiftness, velocity.* CELESTIAL (¯^Mx©q) Angelic, divine, empyreal, empyrean, ethereal, heavenly, immortal, radiant, * CEMETERY (Kei¯’vb) Burial-ground, catacomb, churchyard, graveyard, necropolis.* CENSOR (mgv‡jvPK) Carper, caviler, censurer, critic, inspector.* CENSURE (wb›`v Kiv) Admonish, blame, chide, condemn, criticize, rebuke, remonstrate, reprehend, * CEREMONY (Abyôvb) Ceremonial, form, formality, observance, parade, pomp, rite, show,

solemnity, * CERTIFY (wbðqZvmnKv‡i wKQy ejv) Acknowledge, attest, aver, avouch, avow, declare,

demonstrate, inform,.* CESSATION (weiZ _vKv) Abeyance, ceasing, discontinuance, halt, intermission, pause, quiescence, * CHAGRIN (wei³ Kiv) Anger, annoyance, displeasure, disquiet, exasperation, irritation, mortification, * CHANGELESS (w¯’i) Abiding, consistent, constant, fixed, immutable, permanent, regular, reliable, * CHAOS (wek„Ljv) Anarchy, confusion, disorder, furor, pandemonium, turmoil.* CHAPFALLEN (gbgiv ev nZvk) Crestfallen, dejected, depressed, despondent, discouraged,

disheartened, * CHARITABLE (`vbkxj, c‡ivcKvix) Beneficent, benevolent, benign, benignant, bountiful,


* CHARLATAN (nvZz‡o Wv³vi) Cheat, empiric, impostor, mountebank, pretender, quack.* CHARY (mZK©) Careful, cautious, circumspect, heedful, prudent, reluctant, shy, slow, sparing, wary.* CHASE (AbymiY Kiv) Follow, hunt, prosecute, pursue, track. * CHASTE (cweÎ) Continent, incorrupt, modest, pure, simple, uncontaminated, undefiled, virtuous.* CHASTEN (kvw¯ †`Iqv) Castigate, chastise, correct, discipline, humble, improve, punish.* CHASTISE (kvw¯ †`Iqv) Beat, castigate, chasten, correct, discipline, flog, humble, lash, punish,

repress,.* CHAT (‡MvjMí) Babble, chatter, confabulate, gossip, prate, prattle.* CHEAP (m¯v) Common, economical, inexpensive, reasonable, Indifferent, inferior, mean, paltry, poor, * CHERISH (jvjb Kiv, †cvlY Kiv) Encourage, entertain, foster, harbor, nourish, nurse, promote,


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* CHICANERY (K…wÎgZv, cÖZviYv) Artifice, chicane, deception, duplicity, intrigue, prevarication, quibble,

* CHIDE (wb›`v Kiv) Admonish, blame, censure, check, objurgate, rate, rebuke, reprimand, reprove, scold,

* CHIEF (cÖavb) Captain, chieftain, commander, head, leader, principal, ruler. Capital cardinal, especial,

* CHILDISH (wkï‡Zvl, bMY¨, Zz”Q) Foolish, imbecile, infantile, juvenile, paltry, puerile, silly, tender, trifling.

* CHISEL (‡Lv`vB Kiv) Carve, cut, engrave, sculpture.* CHIVALROUS (mrmvnmx) Adventurous, bold, brave, courageous, gallant, generous, heroic, high- * CHOICE (evQvB, cQ›`) Cherished, dainty, excellent, exquisite, precious, rare, select, superior,

uncommon, * CHOLERIC (ivMx, e`‡gRvRx) Angry, fiery, hasty, hot, impetuous, irascible, irritable, passionate,

petulant, * CHOUSE (cÖZvwiZ Kiv) Bamboozle, befool, beguile, cajole, cheat, circumvent, cozen, deceive,

defraud, delude, dupe, ensnare, * CHRONIC (`xN©‡gqv`x) Abiding, confirmed, continual, habitual, inveterate, persistent* CHURLISH (Awkó) Brusque, brutish, crabbed, harsh, impolite, morose, rough, rude, snappish,

snarling, sullen, surly, uncivil, * CIRCUITOUS (‡MvjvKvi) Devious, indirect, roundabout, tortuous, turning, winding.* CIRCULATION (e¨vcb, Qov‡bv) Diffusion, dissemination, promulgation, propagation, publication,

spread, spreading.* CIRCUMFERENCE (cwiwa) Boundary, circuit, enclosure, girth, outline, periphery.* CIRCUMLOCUTION (ب_©K) Ambiguity, ambiguousness, periphrasis, verbosity.* CIRCUMSCRIBE (wN‡i _vKv) Bound, confine, define, delineate, designate, encircle, enclose, fence,

limit, restrict, surround.* CIRCUMSPECT (weP¶Y) Attentive, careful, cautious, considerate, discreet, heedful, judicious,

observant, prudent, scrupulous, * CIRCUMSTANCE (NUbv) Condition, detail, element, event, fact, feature, happening, incident,

occurrence, particular, * CIRCUMVENT (cÖZvwiZ Kiv) Bamboozle, beguile, cheat, check, checkmate, cozen, deceive,

defraud, delude, dupe, * CIVIL (wkó, f`ª, bvMwiK) Accommodating, affable, civic, civilized, complaisant, courteous,

domestic, easy, gracious, municipal, * CLANDESTINE (¸ß, jy°vwqZ) concealed, furtive, hidden, private, secret, sly, stealthy, surreptitious,

under hand.* CLARIFY (‡evaMg¨Kiv, cwi®‹vi Kiv) Clear, defecate, infiltrate, precipitate, purify, strain.* CLASSIFY (‡kÖYx web¨vm Kiv) Arrange, assort, class, collocate, dispose, distribute, divide, group,

range, rank, tabulate.* CLEMENCY (‡mŠnv`¨©, m`qZv) Compassion, forgiveness, gentleness, kindness, lenience, lenity,

mercy, mildness, tenderness.* CLIENT (g‡°j, c„ô‡cvlK) Buyer, dependent, henchman, patron, retainer.* CLIMAX (P‚ov) Acme, consummation, culmination, head, height, peak, summit, top, zenith.

* CLOISTER (wbR©b¯’vb, AvkÖg) Arcade, colonnade, piazza.* CLUMSY (hey_ey, Avbvox) Awkward, blundering, bungling, heavy, inexpert, lumbering, maladroit,

ponderous, unapt, unhandy, * COALESCE (R‡ovKiv) Amalgamate, blend, combine, fraternize, harmonize, mix, unite.* COALITION (`j, †RvU) Alliance, amalgamation, combination, compact, confederacy, confederation,

federation, fraternity, * COAST (mgy`ª ˆmKZ) Beach, seaside, shore, strand.* CODDLE (Avwj½b Kiv, cÖkÖq †`qv) Caress, fondle, humor, indulge, nurse, pamper, pander, pet.UCC BBA Admission Preparation Page 13 of 15

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* COERCE (‡Rvi Kiv) Check , compel, constrain, curb, drive, force, impel, inhibit, repress, restrain.* COETANEOUS (mgmvgwqK) Coeval, coexistent, contemporary, simultaneous, synchronous.* COGENT (`„p cÖZ¨q DÏxcK) Conclusive, potent, powerful.* COHERENCE (msjMœZv, †j‡K _vKv) Adherence, adhesion, agreement, coalition, cohesion,

congruity, connection, consistency, * COHORT (‰mwbK `j) Band, battalion, companion, company, comrade, legion, line, squadron. * COINCIDE (GK gZ Kiv, mgvcwZZ nIqv) agree, concur, correspond, harmonize, square, tally.* COLLAPSE (‡f‡½ hvIqv) Break down, faint, fall, subside.* COLLATERAL (mgvšivj, Abyiƒc) Indirect, parallel, pledge, related, security, subordinate, warranty.* COLLEAGUE (mnKvix) Abettor, aider, ally, assistant, associate, auxiliary, cooperator, co-partner,

coadjutor, collaborator, * COLLIDE (PzY© Kiv, we‡ivwaZv Kiv) Clash, crash, encounter, hit, interfere, oppose, smash.* COLLISION (msNl©) Clash, concussion, conflict, crash, encounter, interference, opposition. * COLLOCATE (web¨v¯ Kiv) Allocate, arrange, classify, dispose, locate, order, place, tabulate.* COLLOQUY (K‡_vcK_b) Conversation, dialogue, discourse, talk.* COLLUSION (lohš), confederacy, connivance, conspiracy.* COLOSSAL (cÖKvÛ ev wekvj) Enormous, gigantic, Herculean, huge, immense, mammoth,

monstrous, overwhelming, prodigious, * COMBUSTIBLE (`vn¨) consumable, flammable, ignitable inflammable.* COMFORTABLE (myweavRbK) Acceptable, agreeable, grateful, gratifying, pleasant, pleasing,

pleasurable, welcome. * COMMANDMENT (Av‡`k, wb‡`©kbv) Behest, bidding, charge, command, direction, instruction,

mandate, order, * COMMENCE (Avi¤¢ nIqv) Begin, open, originate, start.* COMMEND (cÖksmv Kiv) Applaud, approve, encourage, eulogize, extol, laud, praise, recommend. * COMMENSURATE (h_vcwigvY) Coextensive, commensurable, conterminous, equal.* COMMENT (gše¨ Kiv, mgv‡jvPbv Kiv) Annotate, criticize, dilate, explain, illustrate, interpret,

note, observe, propound, remark.* COMMINATION (fxwZ cÖ`k©b) Denunciation, menace, threat, threatening.* COMMITMENT (`y®‹g©, M„nxZ `vwqZ¡) Consignment, delivery, depositing, intrusting.* COMMODIOUS (myweavRbK) Advantageous, ample, comfortable, convenient, easy, fit, proper,

roomy, spacious, suitable, * COMMONPLACE (MZvbyMwZK) Common, hackneyed, obvious, ordinary, stale, threadbare, trite.* COMMOTION (D‡ËRbv) Agitation, bustle, disorder, disturbance, excitement, furor, perturbation,

tumult, turbulence, turmoil, * COMMUNE (‡hvMv‡hvM Kiv) Communicate, converse, correspond, speak, talk.* COMPACT (msw¶ß, Nbweb¨v¯) Close, compressed, dense, firm, snug, solid.* COMPARISON (Zzjbv, D`vniY) Collation, compare, illustration, similitude.

* COMPASSION (‡mŠnv`©¨) Clemency, commiseration, kindliness, kindness, mercy, pardon, pity, sympathy,

* COMPATIBLE (msMZ, mvgÄm¨cY©) Accordant, congruous, consistent, consonant, reconcilable.* COMPEND (ms‡¶c) Abbreviation, abridgment, abstract, compendium, compression, condensation,

curtailment, digest, * COMPENSATE (¶wZciY Kiv) Amend, atone. * COMPETENCE (m¶gZv) Ability, capableness, capacity, fitness, power, qualification, suitableness.* COMPILATION (¸”Q, GKÎZv) Combination, combining, compiling, composition, selection.* COMPLACENCE (mš‘wó) Content, contentment, gratification, pleasure, satisfaction.* COMPLAINANT (Awf‡hvMKvix) Grumbling, lamentation, repining, tirade, disease, disorder,

distemper, illness, indisposition, * COMPLAISANCE (‡mŠRb¨) Affability, civility, complacence, compliance, courtesy, graciousness,

manners, obligingness,

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* COMPLEMENT (mgvwß, cwiciK) Completeness, crew, fulfillment, quota, tale, total, totality. * COMPLETE (mgvß Kiv) Completed, concluded, consummate, consummated, ended, entire, finished,

fulfilled, perfect, total, * COMPLEX (RwUj) Complicated, composite, compounded, confused, intricate, involved, manifold,

mingled, mixed.* COMPLEXION (eY©) Appearance, aspect, color, hue, look, skin.* COMPLIANCE (‡g‡b†bIqv) Acquiescence, agreement, assent, concession, concurrence, consent,

docility, obedience, submission, yielding.* COMPLICATED (RwUj)Complex, composite, compounded, confused, entangled, intricate, involved,

manifold, mingled, mixed. * COMPLIMENT (cÖksmv Kiv) Commend, congratulate, extol, flatter, laud, praise. * COMPONENT (Dcv`vb) Composing, constituent, constituting.* COMPOSURE (w¯’iZv, ˆah©) Calmness, coolness, equanimity, placidity, quiet, sedateness,

tranquility.* COMPOTATION (gvZjvgx) Bacchanal, carousal, carouse, carousing, conviviality, debauch,

jollification, revel, reveling, revelry.* COMPREHEND (‡evaMg¨ Kiv) Appertained, conceive, discern, grasp, perceive, see, understand,

comprise, contain, embrace, * COMPRESS (ms‡¶c Kiv) Abridge, close, compact, condense, contract, epitomize, pinch, press,

shorten, shut, squeeze, * COMPRISE (Ašf©³ Kiv) Comprehend, contain, embody, embrace, enclose, include.* COMPULSORY (eva¨ZvgjK) Binding, enforced, imperative, necessary, obligatory, unavoidable.* COMRADE (mnKg©x) Ally, associate, chum, companion, compeer, confederate, fellow, mate, pal.* CONCATENATION (mg‡kÖYx) Chain, connection, continuity, linking, sequence, series, stringing, * CONCAVE (AeZj) Depressed, excavated, hollow, hollowed, scooped.* CONCEAL (jyKv‡bv) Cloak, cover, disguise, dissemble, hide, screen, secrete, suppress.* CONCEIT (AvÍ AnsKvi, D™¢Z aviYv) Conceitedness, egotism, vanity.* CONCEIVE (‡evaMg¨ Kiv) Apprehend, comprehend, fancy, fathom, imagine, picture, suppose, think, * CONCENTRATE (‡K›`ªxf‚Z Kiv) Assemble, centralize, condense, conglomerate, congregate,

convene, coven, converge, draw, * CONCEPT (aviYv) Conceit, conception, fancy, idea, impression, notion, thought, view.* CONCERN (D‡ØM, msmªe) Affect, interest, regard, touch.* CONCESSION (myweav Ac©Y, ekxf‚Z Kiv Kwgkb) Admission, allowance, boon, grant,

resignation, * CONCILIATE (kvšKiv)� Appease, enlist, gain, pacify, propitiate, reconcile, win.* CONCILIATORY (ekxKviK) pacifier, Pacificator, pacifying, persuasive, reconciling, winning.* CONCISE (msw¶ß) Brief, compact, compendious, compressed, condensed, laconic, neat, pithy, pithy,

pointed, sententious, short,

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