the southern sentinel (winnfield, la.) 1884-10-17 [p ]...take pleasure in show ing goods to cu...

E WINNFIELD, LA., F AY, OCTOBER 17, 1884. iOLUIE 2. - WINNFIELD, LA., FID'AY, OCTOBER 17, 1884. NO. 4. TIEI SOUTHERN SENTINEL. g•Oil Journal of Winn Parish. t :-- .... .: lBLISHED) EVERY FRIDAY, IT THE gsmVL Dm I' BLISlING COPA! Y, aWs Pariash, LouisIana. . BRIAN, .................. Editor. I A. STRONG,......... Associate. ja-- ft the Wiasseld Post 010ee as second- clam matter. per year, in advance. 82 00 COMBINED) Wkweeky Taier-Demtm*rat.. A00 Wli Southekrn CUltivator....... 3 00 ILDeocrat and Cultivator.. 4 00 Advertisbg Rates. per sach or leess 1 5 per live. - 15 ., ACL I m. 3 J n. 6 n. It im. . . .... ...... l$3 .. 5 Q5 4. 7501 1050 1500 3160 DR. 14. I499 1E00 lLehae . - 111 166910 2300 30 A_ laM lies. !oapareil type. is a sqoure. et.lSsoaI character trIl Le rharged ROFEBSFIOXAL CARDS. DR. J. F. K'ELLY, S;gtau gPplial and Surgeon, a W-Iy WWi FIELD, LA. 1)1. F. N. BRIAN, Wrajldsgphy Lc aandSugeu aog bb 6Tu I. to a peoae of Wlu ev. ,, '0-l WFINNFIELD. LA W. T, Williams, ueona & Aeouckeur july 2-L4y. MILL A. STRONG, z wt nsUe, near SL Maurice. * WI. Parish, 14. mkser in lbe tJ.urts at Wina, Grant, a dseu July P. NARK ar4 he C.Incd atlte Courts auw.ell breal uine tillbe alt Whm- ' th , tr et Coa U 3 l ERIAN, ~c-i tamse' sad 1 ssr... _ aspit-ly I:'ariisw arilriererl oft" Ut -mm-w. a-.2 t eT4iA ~ c~rLA~ - W p ~ S~-T~-~ *'2 U4 MONTGOMEIEI Y AD ' ER1•ISEMENT' Now Is Your Time To Buy Chaeap C-oodscL -FROM- J, H. WILLIAMS, MONTGOMERY, LA. Pike's Peak Landing. He caiis special attention to the fact that he has just received the largest stuck of ready made Clothing, Boots. Slhoes. Dry. Good.s, Dru•Js. aIdl Notions, Ever brought to this market, all of twhich were bought on the mest favorable terms ansd will he olid at such Jow priees as to defy success.ul eompLtition. His stock of Hardware, Glassware and C ockery, Is complete in every particular. Also a full line of Saddler and Harness, Famlly Grocer!es, CIGARdS, AND CANNED GOODS. Also a complete line of Pure Wines, & Liquors, at small profits. Gie His A Trda, ad Be Coinced!! Recei ing and rwarding Bedniess Solofited s SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Pk-asant and accommodating clerks, who will take pleasure in show ing goods to cu stomers. We My the Highest IMarket Price FOR - l'J"I'PO•O. WTTOO Za AND All Kinds of Country Produce. When you come to Montgor.;ery, before buy- ing elacu here, be •uare to call on J. . WIllAMS. War on High Prices! -GO TO- J. L Wlls, at Mtiea ry, Lesdau, and purchase of him a Firt-Class Singer S- Machine, With all the Attachmeans. Every Machine Warranted WIoe wd weot b unsurpassed i- any aw lug Machne of s ,ay. and th ptrice ptIwo. It in the reach of alL DropLeaf, Fou Drawers, Neatly Finished, at SA.1 june 37-em A . M. Bueistein, Mowtgousery, Lortifaan.. .ef-- DRUGS And CU IEMJCALS, PAINTSl, OIS-, VARN ISESS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, HAIR AND TOOTH JRISIIES, SPONGES, SIIOLZI)ER BRACES, TOI RTaudTAFAY UTAWOL , And all iaieuUss of DrsgS' fundrtes. Cigwsl, Tobaoco, hitWhim & Upp fti Uiclaal WALL PAPKR'SOI*I 5 SAMPLE. IUJNTER' SIT5PPLS, and FISHIUN TACKLE. A' F U Line aof 8Eutoaw, Lrch as B u Bi eek., P pte, IinP -Ink bc. 4cwv .oece ftr eke r .eolay ned prmt. attends. give tburop. Jn 7t M. SIIUMATE, O DXAL R_1` nO DRY GOODS, iC lI, RATS, CAPS, UOwraS AU)1 fflEOB, .a-fitriq~ LMAB$ .: ~~1 U T ;YG~a ur~c~ PARISH EXHIBIT. There seems to be a want of in- terest, an apathy, ni:nife-t in our people in regard to the proper ex- hibit of the productions and re- sources of our parish at the great World's Exp.osition. Our Police Jury have made a reasonable alp- propriation, which, in addition to individual assistance, will be suffi- cient to defray the necessary ex- penses of a creditable exhibit. There has been collected a small quantity of vegetable productions, both indigenous and cultivt! 'I, a: well as some vahtable mineral proa ducts, and some fine specimens o, fruit, but not :near enough to make a creditable dis play,or to do any thing like justice to the capabilities nlid resources of our parish. If we would attract attention to our ad- vantages as an agricultural section, and to our mineral possibilities, and thus share in the benefits which n ould accrue to us from a faiurand full display of our productions, we must rouse ourselves, and by uni- ty of purpose and concert of ac- tion, gather together a display which will do us credit, and give our parish that position in the gal- axy of parishes to which she is justly entitled. Our fruits, cereals, cotton, timber, minerals, and par- ticularly our beautiful marble, give us the materials for a splen- did and valuable exhibit. We trust that there is public spirit enough, and garish pride enough, ini our people to prompt them to immediate action in this very important matter. and that they will come to the aid of our Commissioner and his assistants, and assure for our parish an exhib- it of which we may not be asha- med, but that we may be prcud of. A MACEDON ~ IA t'RY. The )cemocratic claim that L wa is a close and very douLtful State is beipg proved by the Repabli- cans themselves. Of old it was scarcely thought necessary to can- vass Iolwa, the majority there was so large and so reliable. Not so this year. The necessity for a thorough and complete canvass is fully recognized, and it will be made. The Republican Stat a Central Committee of Iowa issued last week a circular in which they re- late the earnest endeavors they are putting forth "to save the State." This, they explain, involves a large expenditure of money, which can only be obtained .by the cont bn- tions-voluntarily, they exFlain--- of those interested in keeping the party in power-who are of coqree tne oice-holders-and they call upon these to contribute at once unless they wish to be swept from offeie. When it gets to assessing the clerks and other Federal offcials in order "to save" Iowa, itisquife evident that the Republicans re- gard t. situatk in that State as afsie n Blattering or promising,- A director in a Wall str et blsnk who has good opportunity for kaswing, and no interest in what he. tell, says that William IL Vaderbitd*t and his sons have lost about ,1o0,000 in the last year two by their iid speeula- qfrvarious kinds, especially Stsitroad, and building ales of ril through various *f Poptlvania, and them- buin hem the bodsiae opera- i~h- wladMt brokers, in the of tte Niekel Plate Rail- .ad heavy operalioni in sa'ri amha stocks, ias if his infors.- as anors ber w ev l'roceedhlgs of the l'olice Jury. The lion. the l'iLice .inry of the l'ari-h of Winn, met on Monday O(kt ,her 6th l2 1, with the followving imebitlewis ple+- ent: J. 1. IHiomes, watrd t\wo; J.M..lJones ward three; W. II. Morris, ward four; W. A. Streng. ward five. Ahsent.--J. W. Jones. ward sLx; S. M. Smith, ward tone; J. R. Bird, w;u'd seven; J. D). Williams, ward eight. There being no qmorum the Jury ad- journed until Tuesday Oct. 7th. Tuesday Oct. 7th, 1884. The Police .ury met plrstant to ad- journment. Called to order by S. M. Smith. President, with the following niembers present : Messrs. Smith. .Itlnes, Holnmes, Mrris, Strong and Willia:m:. Absent--J. W. Jones and .. It. Bird. The ininutes of the preceediig se.-sion of the Police Jury was read and adopted. On motion of M[r. Williams, the regular "rder of business was dispenlsed with. On motion of Mr. Strolng, the fulloht ing rerodlution was read d aud adopted. B1e it resolved, That having e:refully read and considered the adtdres and pe- tition of the Board of Trustees of the At- l:In:a Male and Female Institute, in which they ask for tie location of the Statle Norual School at that place, rirgintg in support thereof. many Illmuses and rea- sons. We do hereby amoullclle and de- clare that we eddor-se all said reasons, and eausus to be true, and as we believe good. That we believe it will be to the greater interest of the State at large to locate the State Normal School in the town of Atlanta. In the buildin' now oe- cupied by the Atlanta Male aud emale Institute. On motion of Mr. Jones. the regular order of business was resumed. Mr. Strong presented at petition of the citizens of wards five and eight. asking that T. A. liolnark be added to the p:tu- per list of the parish of Winn, and that Mr. J. M. Bird be appointed his agent, which on motion of Mr. Strong was granted, and T. A. liolmark was placed upon the pauper list, and J. 31. Bird was appointed his agent. On motion of Mr. Hlolmes, a recess was taken until two o'clock. Evening session: Members present as before. Miscellaneous business being in order, and on motion of 3Ir. Strong, the follow- ing standing eoomllittce on Finance was appointed by the President: Will A. Strtng, J.; . Jones and J. D. Williams. On umotion of the saute member, the Treasurer's report was received and re- ferred to the committee on finance, and that the finance committee be required to report at this meeting, the necessary books, blanks and recepts, necessary for the use of the P.Jice July. On motion of Mr. Strong. the follow- ing resolution was adopted. Be it resolved, That the ro:ul overseers on the Montgomery and Saline road be required to ntimmaom the hands on both sections of the said road, North and South of the Coulee de-cedre, being the 2 and 3 districts of said road, to build a bridge on the C'onUe de-cedre, where said road crosses said creek, and that the Clerk of the Police Jury be required to serve this resolution on each of the over- seers. On motion of 3Ir.'Joues, the following ordinance was adopted. Be it ordained by the Police Jury, in regular session, That the road leading to the parish line north and intersecting the Wi:ntleld and Cohmbhia road near the Bean-cous bridge. ordered reviewed in the January session of this lion. body be adopted as a public road. and that J. B. ients be appointed overacer for the year laS4, for said road. On motion of Mr. Morris, the follow- lug Clerks of election were appointed: Ward I,1. M. Brian; ward 2, C. F. Whitehead; ward 3, J. C. Fletchder; ward 4, John Stinson; ward 5, J. M. Jones; ward 6, J. M. Ferguson; ward 7, Win M. D. Gaar; ward 8. .pretlnct N, 1, A. J. Clifton; ward 8, preelnct No. 2, J. I). Williams. On motion of Mr. Strong, J. I. Holmes was appointed agent for J. R. Roberts as pauper. On motion of Mr. Strong, the follow- ing ordinance was unanimously adopted. Be it ordained by the Police Jury in regular session convened, That the sum of 915 be and is hereby appropriated out of funds now In the treasury, to be used ln defraying the expenses of G. W. 114l mark to the Charity lHospital at New Or- leans, to be drawn upon the warrant of Drs. Brian and Kelly. On motion of Mr. Morris, the following ordinaue was adopted. Be It ordained by the Police Jury, That lth President of the Police Jury be au- thorised to advertise for bids for the re- vlhe at township and range sutreact of lard entries, up to January Lit 1883, in aeuordate to Act No. 38, approved ith o July 188, the bids to be sealed sand ddressed to the President of the Poliee Jury, aId marked '-Bids for abstraet of land entries." Bd to Ibe made on nr befeos the irst day of November 1884. The Police Jry reserve the right to re- ct any and al bids. On motion ofX-r. Ilolmes, the follow- iag committee on alisa was appolated by the Plsseldent;. Y. Smith, J. L holates sd W. i. MX601. O:e ate o et W. ..Jim r, thme body eq**<** *. . a . eit :tS on previous day. O(n mi:tion of Mr. Jone-. the followitl, ordinance was adoptad : liB it ordained by the Police Jury ,,f the i :lri-h of Win' in reIl tllr ' s-i tnl c in- l\ nit'd. That r Io \it'.C": claim- '\ ill b aIl- lwr!l by this body. the itu!rth tier ordained, That all ordii- 1:n!1nes or parts of ordin:niie. colntrary, \; itlih Ithi ordinance are hereby reitalthd. .Ir. Stronrg introduced the ft.llowig, report of the committee on filuance hich w:as read and adopted. We your undersigned comn|•ittee on llinance, beg leave to report that we have exatmined the accompanlying accouunt .u:d vow)chel'rs of the Parish 'Treasurer, and ftil thtem correct as reported, and that; we tind that it is neeessary that a s..-tecu of blank licenses and tax receipts should be furnished the Tax Collector ml ith stubs attached, showing by whom the tax or license were paid, the date, amount and ;i,r what year; and we recommend that the Pre-ident have printed the tax re- ceipt books with stubs numnbered from one to one thousand five hundred, for the ye:lr 1$84. and that a similar book for 1885, and that a book of licenses and stubs to correspond with those of the State li- Cease tot 1•88. WILL A. STRIONE. J. I) WIILLIAMS. J. 31. JONE,, (orm. REPORT OF PARISH TREARt RER. W. A. Little Parish Treasurer in account with the parish of Winn. July 8th 184II Dr. To amount on hand at last re- port fund of 1883......... $133.26 Cu. July 19 1881 ily amount of Jury and witness destroyed y fire......... 1.SO0 By anl't paid IR L Tannehill Sheriff claim No. 5....... 1.15 By ain't paid R L Tannehill Sheriff claim No. 6........ 4.83 By amount paid It I Tannehill Sheriff claim No. 7....... 28.60 By arount paid RIt Tannehill Sheriff claim No. 8........ 3.96 By amn't paid John Stinson pan per claim No. 3 ........... 1.60 July 3'#th 1884. By ain't paid B C Jones contin gent claim Nao. 14......... 3.10 By ain't paid Emile Girod con tiugent claim No. 11 ...... .24 By am't paid J M Abel Justice Peace claim No. 9........ 1.90 By ain't paid Jas M Jou-s jp o No. 2................... .17 By •ai't paid Jas M1 Jones j p c No. 3.................... .S1 Aug. 2d 1884 By ain't paid Will A. Strong con'gt claim No. 7....... 5.75 By ain't paid B F Erskins p c No.11.................... .65 By am't paid B F Ersklas p c No. 4 .................... 2.85 By amn't paid B F Erskins p c N.I. 10 ................... 4.00 Aug. 7th 1884 By tlu't paid W I Drewitt p c No. 9 ................... 3.85 By san't paid Neah Dixon p c No. 7.................... 2.65 Aug. Oth 1884 By auo't paid W IV Edwards con'tgt claim No. 2....... 1.50 By aw't paid Dr. " J Little eon'tgt claim No. 10...... 2.20 Oct. 6Oth 188 Cash to bal carried down...... 21.18 $155.20 Ain't on hand to aedit of 188I fund ....... ........ .. 21.18 Fauds of 1881 Dr. July 8th 1884 To am' t on hand at last report $14.95 Cr. Aug. 14 1884 By ain't paid Wilson Franks Parish Pauper........... 3.00 By ain't paid W 11 Morris for Mrs Mullen, pariah pauper 3.00 Sept. 9th 1884 By ain't paid D Oliver agent of parish paiuwper Sanford.... 3.00 Oct. 6th 1884 By am't paid W B Lucas ag't for pesl prauper King.... 3.00 flash tOiB carried down...... 30.95 % $813.95 Debt3r at datedo this report : Oct. 6th 1884 Cash to tral brot down ........ $30.00 To ain't of W J Sowers taxes of 1884 In Jury claims........ 48.10 To ara't ree d of W J Sowers of taxes of 1884 in currency.. 49.80 To ain't ret:'d of W J Sowers parish license 1884........ 5A.0 Total fnd on hand to date.... 133.85 I know several claims outstanding lor 1883, that have not been presented for the payment of the pro rata per centage, on July settlement. This explains why the small balance of 1883 funds, is still on hand. But four paupers have applied for their pro ratas of the 1884 license funds, stated in Julyreport, as provided by or- dinance of Poice Jury at July session. Fund of 1881 and 1882, sane as stated in April report. Respecttuly submitted, IF. A. LTLE,Parish Tres2. On motion of W A Strong, the Clerk .f the Police Jury was Antborlse to - chase two books, ia one of wbleh, e- cord of the claims approved are to be reg- istered by date, nuamber and object of the claim; also the number, date and object of each claim burned or destroyedby this body, the otba to aster thepaupers, date of adunsle , and agenJ appointed, and the date of death or the dropping from beoll of papers; ao B d distriste o0a Nio"&r M. Strong, the follownlag ordlaUmee waes d _ Be it oasled by the Poee Jury, That the Ps t be aahoie bt contraet foe she to two blank bA i h s e•n h, to_ is• s•. a blank lle 6.skr sSte tesate to It b' the -::;:ne' as that tof lile t' 1t . except the hwoidi I':arish ofl \Vin. shall be uedl inatlad of the IState' of L.a.. and that he he anttll-ized to hlavie p'inted 5t)O Road oinilllli-io',l.- :) lllcot.lii-ionrlls of elec- tii:,n c'Liui-sisl:. :nllld three hundred c';,tlllls1 sinil for RIliad l teviewe's; also, th'ree hindlred lcotntiis.sioIns for Road Ap- On mItti.ln of 3ir. VWilliall.-. the follow- orinaI w"as ad•• opted. W\\ltlreas. at the election held at Winn- ieldt on Monday August 25th nilt., the .naid ehlction having been previously or- dered by, this body, a majority of the votes of the first ward of the parish of Winn decided against the isinauce of li- cense for the sale of spirituous liquors. Therefore. Be it ordained, That the resolution adoipted on the 10th day of July 1N34, be declared enacted, and in effect in this ward of said parish, and that the l'ax Collector be instructed to issue no license to any one for the sale of alco- holic or spirituous liquors to he sold with- in the limits of said ward, except in the case provided for by said resolution and the Statutes of the State and United States. The said resolution in regard to giving away, applies to dealers only. REPORT OF TiHE CO3tMITTEE ON CLAIMS. We your committee on cl aims, beg leave 'o report that we have examined the fol- lowing claims and find them correct. and recommend that they be approved. S. 31. SMITH, C(mmittee. J. I. IIOLMES. W. II. Mo•1RI. J 31 Ferguson, Clerk of election.....3.00 i M Brian ..... .... 3.00 S M1 Barr, Commissioner of election.. 1.50 itD Wall "" '" .. 4.50 C Ll hunt " .. 4.50 Thos Drewett a " " .. 4.50 J C Fletcher " " " .. 4.50 C F Whitehead, Clerk of election....3.00 South'u Sentinel Registration notice 33.00 " Parish Printing 1881 200.00 S of Smith witness in suit of Bernstein vs. Parish....... 4.50 S M Smith irile::ge and per diem pj 7.50 J I ioltue ..... "' 10.00 J M Janes " " " " 7.80 \t 1I .Vorri '. " " " 9.00 t%' A Strong " " " " 11.00 J ) Williams " " " a " 7.40 Total claims approved.... $20.8t) On motion of MrMorris, the report was received, and the recommendations at the eomnmlttee were adopted. On motiotn of J D William-, the follow- ing ordinance was adopttd. Be it ordained by the Police Jary of the parish of "'ainn, in regular session. That the sum of Thirty-Nine Dollars and Seventy-five cents, now in funds of Par- ish Treasury unappropriated be and the same is hereby appropriated as part pay- ment of I L Tnvizhill's clain No. 6, for holding April election amounting to Forty-threa dollars and twenty-five cents. On motion of Mr Jones, the following ordinance was adopted. Be it ordained by the Police Jury of Winr,, That the Sheriff and ex-oflico Tax Collector, be and he is hereby au- thorized and directed to make monthly settlements with the Parish Treasurer on the frst day of each month of all tha mone .ts on hand, having been collected during that month, belonging to the pariah for taxes ant! licenses, and that the Parish Treasurer be authorized and directed to make a pro rata distribution of each set- tlement upon th2 approved claims of that year. On motion of *i M rris, the following or-linance was adopted. Be it ordained by the Police Jury of Winn, That the folnlowig ire the names of the paupers on the pauper list of this parish, from and after this date. Mrs Murlan. W II Morris, Agent; Mrs. Garrett, W Ii Drewett, Agent; MimsGOr- rett, W LI Dlewett, Agent; Mrs DisaoM, Noah Dix•n, Agent; Mrs King, Durges Lucas, A. ent: Alexandro Bradford, JR Bird, Aent ; J I Robberis, J I JIolmem, Agent: Mrs Crocker. W W Burnan , Ag& Juames Deve, W II Drewett, Agent; flea- ry Caves. James Caves, Agent* .o4e lolmes, IR L Jackson, Agent;'r Hot. mark, J M blee, Agent. On motion of M Strong, The President of this body, with Messars. J Janes and J D Williams be authorized to open the bids for abstract of land entries, and to make a contract with the lowest compe. tent bidder for the work. Minutes of this meeting was read and adopted as read. The Poliee Jury adjauraed. 8. Mr S3arzn,Pa4, S. P SM•Tr, Clerk. A Natural Pheneeea.•. At I o'clock yesterday afternoon, while some worklagmem were eagaged in dri- ving a well at James Reagan's stables op Baroune, near Poydras street, the pipt, at the depth of Mi feet beneath the ur- face of the ground, encountered a vein of water which was feased upward through the tube with great power. Oa opesnin the upper end otthe pipe a jet of water heavily charged with sead of a bluish tint was forced up into the air to the roof of the stable, a diatamee in about 2D feet. The sediment from the water was so great that before L baIst twelve cart leads had been l way. A nmgber of peopgie, atated by carl- osty, athered to- aes tbhi natural fooatt, and the• e led that the fIoe wfjle _me rtar -rtas gas fbrmaeg regtkabl The water I sweetiae is believed to eoaaIn siphr. The chemist bugatoMr.r secured a botliIfa M tles vo h eded the ptpe, dl saea-, It. The'water s orsed . la lt a ,pp about two .i 1 fit ah r . wPe .

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Page 1: The southern sentinel (Winnfield, La.) 1884-10-17 [p ]...take pleasure in show ing goods to cu stomers. We My the Highest IMarket Price FOR - l'J"I'PO•O. WTTOO Za AND All Kinds of


iOLUIE 2. - WINNFIELD, LA., FID'AY, OCTOBER 17, 1884. NO. 4.

TIEI SOUTHERN SENTINEL.g•Oil Journal of Winn Parish.t :-- ....•



aWs Pariash, LouisIana.

. BRIAN, .................. Editor.I A. STRONG,......... Associate.

ja-- ft the Wiasseld Post 010ee as second-clam matter.

per year, in advance. 82 00COMBINED)

Wkweeky Taier-Demtm*rat.. A00Wli Southekrn CUltivator....... 3 00• ILDeocrat and Cultivator.. 4 00

Advertisbg Rates.per sach or leess 1 5

per live. - 15

., ACL I m. 3 J n. 6 n. It im.

. ..... ...... l$3 .. 5 Q5 4.

7501 1050 1500 3160

DR. 14. I499 1E00lLehae .- 111 166910 2300 30

A_ laM lies. !oapareil type. is a sqoure.

et.lSsoaI character trIl Le rharged



S;gtau gPplial and Surgeon,


1)1. F. N. BRIAN,

Wrajldsgphy Lc aandSugeuaog bb 6Tu I. to a peoae of Wlu

ev. ,, '0-l WFINNFIELD. LA

W. T, Williams,ueona & Aeouckeur

july 2-L4y.


z wt nsUe, near SL Maurice.* WI. Parish, 14.

mkser in lbe tJ.urts at Wina, Grant,

a dseu July P.

NARKar4 he C.Incd atlte Courts

auw.ell breal uine

tillbe alt Whm-' th , tr et Coa

U3l ERIAN,~c-i

tamse' sad1 ssr... _ aspit-lyI:'ariisw

arilriererloft" Ut-mm-w.

a-.2 t eT4iA

~ c~rLA~

- W p

~ S~-T~-~ *'2 U4


Now Is Your Time To BuyChaeap C-oodscL



Pike's Peak Landing.He caiis special attention to the fact that he

has just received the largest stuck of ready made

Clothing, Boots. Slhoes. Dry. Good.s,Dru•Js. aIdl Notions,

Ever brought to this market, all of twhich werebought on the mest favorable terms ansd will heolid at such Jow priees as to defy success.ul

eompLtition.His stock of

Hardware, Glassware and C ockery,Is complete in every particular.

Also a full line of

Saddler and Harness, Famlly Grocer!es,CIGARdS, AND CANNED GOODS.

Also a complete line of

Pure Wines, & Liquors,at small profits.

Gie His A Trda, ad Be Coinced!!Recei ing and rwarding Bedniess

Solofited s

SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.Pk-asant and accommodating clerks, who will

take pleasure in show ing goods to cu stomers.

We My the Highest IMarket PriceFOR -


All Kinds of Country Produce.When you come to Montgor.;ery, before buy-

ing elacu here, be •uare to call on

J. . WIllAMS.

War on High Prices!-GO TO-

J. L Wlls, at Mtiea ry, Lesdau,and purchase of him a Firt-Class

Singer S- Machine,With all the Attachmeans.

Every Machine WarrantedWIoe wd weot b unsurpassed i- any aw lug

Machne of s ,ay. and th ptrice ptIwo. It in thereach of alL DropLeaf, Fou Drawers, NeatlyFinished, at SA.1 june 37-em

A. M. Bueistein,Mowtgousery, Lortifaan..





TOI RTaudTAFAY UTAWOL ,And all iaieuUss of DrsgS' fundrtes.

Cigwsl, Tobaoco,hitWhim & Upp fti Uiclaal



FISHIUN TACKLE.A' F U Line aof 8Eutoaw,

Lrch asB u Bi eek., P pte, IinP -Ink bc.

4cwv .oece ftr eke r .eolay ned prmt.attends. give tburop. Jn 7t




LMAB$ .:

~~1U T ;YG~aur~c~


There seems to be a want of in-terest, an apathy, ni:nife-t in ourpeople in regard to the proper ex-hibit of the productions and re-sources of our parish at the greatWorld's Exp.osition. Our PoliceJury have made a reasonable alp-propriation, which, in addition toindividual assistance, will be suffi-cient to defray the necessary ex-penses of a creditable exhibit.

There has been collected a smallquantity of vegetable productions,both indigenous and cultivt! 'I, a:well as some vahtable mineral proaducts, and some fine specimens o,fruit, but not :near enough to make acreditable dis play,or to do any thinglike justice to the capabilities nlidresources of our parish. If wewould attract attention to our ad-vantages as an agricultural section,and to our mineral possibilities,and thus share in the benefits whichn ould accrue to us from a faiurandfull display of our productions, wemust rouse ourselves, and by uni-ty of purpose and concert of ac-tion, gather together a displaywhich will do us credit, and giveour parish that position in the gal-axy of parishes to which she isjustly entitled. Our fruits, cereals,cotton, timber, minerals, and par-ticularly our beautiful marble,give us the materials for a splen-did and valuable exhibit.

We trust that there is publicspirit enough, and garish prideenough, ini our people to promptthem to immediate action in thisvery important matter. and thatthey will come to the aid of ourCommissioner and his assistants,and assure for our parish an exhib-it of which we may not be asha-med, but that we may be prcud of.


The )cemocratic claim that L wais a close and very douLtful Stateis beipg proved by the Repabli-cans themselves. Of old it wasscarcely thought necessary to can-vass Iolwa, the majority there wasso large and so reliable. Not sothis year. The necessity for athorough and complete canvass isfully recognized, and it will bemade.

The Republican Stat a CentralCommittee of Iowa issued lastweek a circular in which they re-late the earnest endeavors they areputting forth "to save the State."This, they explain, involves a largeexpenditure of money, which canonly be obtained .by the cont bn-tions-voluntarily, they exFlain---of those interested in keeping theparty in power-who are of coqreetne oice-holders-and they callupon these to contribute at onceunless they wish to be swept fromoffeie.

When it gets to assessing theclerks and other Federal offcialsin order "to save" Iowa, itisquifeevident that the Republicans re-gard t. situatk in that State asafsie n Blattering or promising,-

A director in a Wall str et blsnkwho has good opportunity forkaswing, and no interest in whathe. tell, says that William ILVaderbitd*t and his sons have lostabout ,1o0,000 in the last year

two by their iid speeula-qfrvarious kinds, especially

Stsitroad, and buildingales of ril through various*f Poptlvania, and them-buin hem the bodsiae opera-i~h- wladMt brokers, in the

of tte Niekel Plate heavy operalioni in

sa'ri amha stocks,ias if his infors.-

as anors berw ev

l'roceedhlgs of the l'olice Jury.

The lion. the l'iLice .inry of the l'ari-hof Winn, met on Monday O(kt ,her 6thl2 1, with the followving imebitlewis ple+-ent: J. 1. IHiomes, watrd t\wo; J.M..lJonesward three; W. II. Morris, ward four;W. A. Streng. ward five. Ahsent.--J. W.Jones. ward sLx; S. M. Smith, ward tone;J. R. Bird, w;u'd seven; J. D). Williams,ward eight.

There being no qmorum the Jury ad-journed until Tuesday Oct. 7th.

Tuesday Oct. 7th, 1884.The Police .ury met plrstant to ad-

journment. Called to order by S. M.Smith. President, with the followingniembers present : Messrs. Smith. .Itlnes,Holnmes, Mrris, Strong and Willia:m:.

Absent--J. W. Jones and .. It. Bird.The ininutes of the preceediig se.-sion

of the Police Jury was read and adopted.On motion of M[r. Williams, the regular

"rder of business was dispenlsed with.On motion of Mr. Strolng, the fulloht ing

rerodlution was read d aud adopted.B1e it resolved, That having e:refully

read and considered the adtdres and pe-tition of the Board of Trustees of the At-l:In:a Male and Female Institute, in whichthey ask for tie location of the StatleNorual School at that place, rirgintg insupport thereof. many Illmuses and rea-sons. We do hereby amoullclle and de-clare that we eddor-se all said reasons,and eausus to be true, and as we believegood. That we believe it will be to thegreater interest of the State at large tolocate the State Normal School in thetown of Atlanta. In the buildin' now oe-cupied by the Atlanta Male aud • emaleInstitute.

On motion of Mr. Jones. the regularorder of business was resumed.

Mr. Strong presented at petition of thecitizens of wards five and eight. askingthat T. A. liolnark be added to the p:tu-per list of the parish of Winn, and thatMr. J. M. Bird be appointed his agent,which on motion of Mr. Strong wasgranted, and T. A. liolmark was placedupon the pauper list, and J. 31. Bird wasappointed his agent.

On motion of Mr. Hlolmes, a recess wastaken until two o'clock.

Evening session: Members present asbefore.

Miscellaneous business being in order,and on motion of 3Ir. Strong, the follow-ing standing eoomllittce on Finance wasappointed by the President: Will A.Strtng, J.; . Jones and J. D. Williams.

On umotion of the saute member, theTreasurer's report was received and re-ferred to the committee on finance, andthat the finance committee be required toreport at this meeting, the necessarybooks, blanks and recepts, necessary forthe use of the P.Jice July.

On motion of Mr. Strong. the follow-ing resolution was adopted.

Be it resolved, That the ro:ul overseerson the Montgomery and Saline road berequired to ntimmaom the hands on bothsections of the said road, North andSouth of the Coulee de-cedre, being the2 and 3 districts of said road, to build abridge on the C'onUe de-cedre, wheresaid road crosses said creek, and that theClerk of the Police Jury be required toserve this resolution on each of the over-seers.

On motion of 3Ir.'Joues, the followingordinance was adopted.Be it ordained by the Police Jury, in

regular session, That the road leading tothe parish line north and intersecting theWi:ntleld and Cohmbhia road near theBean-cous bridge. ordered reviewed inthe January session of this lion. body beadopted as a public road. and that J. B.ients be appointed overacer for the year

laS4, for said road.On motion of Mr. Morris, the follow-

lug Clerks of election were appointed:Ward I,1. M. Brian; ward 2, C. F.

Whitehead; ward 3, J. C. Fletchder; ward4, John Stinson; ward 5, J. M. Jones;ward 6, J. M. Ferguson; ward 7, Win M.D. Gaar; ward 8. .pretlnct N, 1, A. J.Clifton; ward 8, preelnct No. 2, J. I).Williams.

On motion of Mr. Strong, J. I. Holmeswas appointed agent for J. R. Roberts as

pauper.On motion of Mr. Strong, the follow-

ing ordinance was unanimously adopted.Be it ordained by the Police Jury in

regular session convened, That the sumof 915 be and is hereby appropriated outof funds now In the treasury, to be usedln defraying the expenses of G. W. 114lmark to the Charity lHospital at New Or-leans, to be drawn upon the warrant ofDrs. Brian and Kelly.

On motion of Mr. Morris, the followingordinaue was adopted.

Be It ordained by the Police Jury, Thatlth President of the Police Jury be au-thorised to advertise for bids for the re-vlhe at township and range sutreact oflard entries, up to January Lit 1883, inaeuordate to Act No. 38, approved itho July 188, the bids to be sealed sandddressed to the President of the Poliee

Jury, aId marked '-Bids for abstraet ofland entries." Bd to Ibe made on nrbefeos the irst day of November 1884.The Police Jry reserve the right to re-ct any and al bids.On motion ofX-r. Ilolmes, the follow-

iag committee on alisa was appolatedby the Plsseldent;. Y. Smith, J. Lholates sd W. i. MX601.O:e ate o et W. ..Jim r, thme body

eq**<** *. . a .

eit :tS on previous day.O(n mi:tion of Mr. Jone-. the followitl,

ordinance was adoptad :liB it ordained by the Police Jury ,,f

the i :lri-h of Win' in reIl tllr ' s-i tnl c in -l\ nit'd. That r Io \it'.C": claim- '\ ill b aIl-lwr!l by this body.the it u!rth tier ordained, That all ordii-

1:n!1nes or parts of ordin:niie. colntrary,\; itlih Ithi ordinance are hereby reitalthd.

.Ir. Stronrg introduced the ft.llowig,report of the committee on filuance hichw:as read and adopted.We your undersigned comn|•ittee on

llinance, beg leave to report that we haveexatmined the accompanlying accouunt .u:dvow)chel'rs of the Parish 'Treasurer, andftil thtem correct as reported, and that;we tind that it is neeessary that a s..-tecuof blank licenses and tax receipts shouldbe furnished the Tax Collector ml ith stubsattached, showing by whom the tax orlicense were paid, the date, amount and;i,r what year; and we recommend thatthe Pre-ident have printed the tax re-ceipt books with stubs numnbered fromone to one thousand five hundred, for theye:lr 1$84. and that a similar book for1885, and that a book of licenses and stubsto correspond with those of the State li-Cease tot 1•88. WILL A. STRIONE.



W. A. Little Parish Treasurer in accountwith the parish of Winn.

July 8th 184II Dr.To amount on hand at last re-

port fund of 1883......... $133.26

Cu.July 19 1881ily amount of Jury and witness

destroyed y fire......... 1.SO0By anl't paid IR L Tannehill

Sheriff claim No. 5....... 1.15By ain't paid R L Tannehill

Sheriff claim No. 6........ 4.83By amount paid It I Tannehill

Sheriff claim No. 7....... 28.60By arount paid RIt Tannehill

Sheriff claim No. 8........ 3.96By amn't paid John Stinson pan

per claim No. 3 ........... 1.60July 3'#th 1884.By ain't paid B C Jones contin

gent claim Nao. 14......... 3.10By ain't paid Emile Girod con

tiugent claim No. 11 ...... .24By am't paid J M Abel Justice

Peace claim No. 9........ 1.90By ain't paid Jas M Jou-s jp o

No. 2................... .17By •ai't paid Jas M1 Jones j p c

No. 3.................... .S1Aug. 2d 1884By ain't paid Will A. Strong

con'gt claim No. 7....... 5.75By ain't paid B F Erskins p c

No.11.................... .65By am't paid B F Ersklas p c

No. 4 .................... 2.85By amn't paid B F Erskins p c

N.I. 10 ................... 4.00Aug. 7th 1884By tlu't paid W I Drewitt p c

No. 9 ................... 3.85By san't paid Neah Dixon p c

No. 7.................... 2.65Aug. Oth 1884By auo't paid W IV Edwards

con'tgt claim No. 2....... 1.50By aw't paid Dr. " J Little

eon'tgt claim No. 10...... 2.20Oct. 6Oth 188Cash to bal carried down...... 21.18

$155.20Ain't on hand to aedit of 188I

fund ....... ........ .. 21.18Fauds of 1881 Dr.

July 8th 1884To am' t on hand at last report $14.95

Cr.Aug. 14 1884By ain't paid Wilson Franks

Parish Pauper........... 3.00By ain't paid W 11 Morris for

Mrs Mullen, pariah pauper 3.00Sept. 9th 1884By ain't paid D Oliver agent of

parish paiuwper Sanford.... 3.00Oct. 6th 1884By am't paid W B Lucas ag't

for pesl prauper King.... 3.00flash tOiB carried down...... 30.95

% $813.95Debt3r at datedo this report :

Oct. 6th 1884Cash to tral brot down ........ $30.00To ain't of W J Sowers taxes of

1884 In Jury claims........ 48.10To ara't ree d of W J Sowers of

taxes of 1884 in currency.. 49.80To ain't ret:'d of W J Sowers

parish license 1884........ 5A.0

Total fnd on hand to date.... 133.85

I know several claims outstanding lor1883, that have not been presented for thepayment of the pro rata per centage, onJuly settlement. This explains why thesmall balance of 1883 funds, is still onhand. But four paupers have applied fortheir pro ratas of the 1884 license funds,stated in Julyreport, as provided by or-dinance of Poice Jury at July session.Fund of 1881 and 1882, sane as stated inApril report.

Respecttuly submitted,IF. A. LTLE,Parish Tres2.

On motion of W A Strong, the Clerk .fthe Police Jury was Antborlse to -

chase two books, ia one of wbleh, e-cord of the claims approved are to be reg-istered by date, nuamber and object of theclaim; also the number, date and objectof each claim burned or destroyedby thisbody, the otba to aster thepaupers, dateof adunsle , and agenJ appointed, and

the date of death or the dropping frombeoll of papers; ao B d distriste

o0a Nio"&r M. Strong, the follownlagordlaUmee waes d _

Be it oasled by the Poee Jury, Thatthe Ps t be aahoie bt contraet

foe she to two blankbA i h s e•n h, to_

is• s•. a blank lle6.skr sSte tesate to It

b' the -::;:ne' as that tof lile t' 1t . exceptthe hwoidi I':arish ofl \Vin. shall be uedlinatlad of the IState' of L.a.. and that hehe anttll-ized to hlavie p'inted 5t)O Road

oinilllli-io',l.- :) lllcot.lii-ionrlls of elec-tii:,n c'Liui-sisl:. :nllld three hundredc';,tlllls1 sinil for RIliad l teviewe's; also,th'ree hindlred lcotntiis.sioIns for Road Ap-

On mItti.ln of 3ir. VWilliall.-. the follow-orinaI w"as ad•• opted.

W\\ltlreas. at the election held at Winn-ieldt on Monday August 25th nilt., the

.naid ehlction having been previously or-dered by, this body, a majority of thevotes of the first ward of the parish ofWinn decided against the isinauce of li-cense for the sale of spirituous liquors.

Therefore. Be it ordained, That theresolution adoipted on the 10th day ofJuly 1N34, be declared enacted, and ineffect in this ward of said parish, and thatthe l'ax Collector be instructed to issueno license to any one for the sale of alco-holic or spirituous liquors to he sold with-in the limits of said ward, except in thecase provided for by said resolution andthe Statutes of the State and UnitedStates. The said resolution in regard togiving away, applies to dealers only.REPORT OF TiHE CO3tMITTEE ON CLAIMS.

We your committee on cl aims, beg leave'o report that we have examined the fol-lowing claims and find them correct. andrecommend that they be approved.

S. 31. SMITH,C(mmittee. J. I. IIOLMES.

W. II. Mo•1RI.J 31 Ferguson, Clerk of election.....3.00i M Brian ..... .... 3.00S M1 Barr, Commissioner of election.. 1.50itD Wall "" '" .. 4.50C Ll hunt " .. 4.50Thos Drewett a " " .. 4.50J C Fletcher " " " .. 4.50C F Whitehead, Clerk of election....3.00South'u Sentinel Registration notice 33.00

" Parish Printing 1881 200.00S of Smith witness in suit of

Bernstein vs. Parish....... 4.50S M Smith irile::ge and per diem pj 7.50J I ioltue ..... "' 10.00J M Janes " " " " 7.80\t 1I .Vorri '. " " " 9.00t%' A Strong " " " " 11.00J ) Williams " " " a " 7.40

Total claims approved.... $20.8t)On motion of MrMorris, the report was

received, and the recommendations atthe eomnmlttee were adopted.

On motiotn of J D William-, the follow-ing ordinance was adopttd.

Be it ordained by the Police Jary ofthe parish of "'ainn, in regular session.That the sum of Thirty-Nine Dollars andSeventy-five cents, now in funds of Par-ish Treasury unappropriated be and thesame is hereby appropriated as part pay-ment of I L Tnvizhill's clain No. 6, forholding April election amounting toForty-threa dollars and twenty-fivecents.

On motion of Mr Jones, the followingordinance was adopted.

Be it ordained by the Police Jury ofWinr,, That the Sheriff and ex-oflicoTax Collector, be and he is hereby au-thorized and directed to make monthlysettlements with the Parish Treasurer onthe frst day of each month of all tha mone.ts on hand, having been collected duringthat month, belonging to the pariah fortaxes ant! licenses, and that the ParishTreasurer be authorized and directed tomake a pro rata distribution of each set-tlement upon th2 approved claims ofthat year.

On motion of *i M rris, the followingor-linance was adopted.

Be it ordained by the Police Jury ofWinn, That the folnlowig ire the namesof the paupers on the pauper list of thisparish, from and after this date.

Mrs Murlan. W II Morris, Agent; Mrs.Garrett, W Ii Drewett, Agent; MimsGOr-rett, W LI Dlewett, Agent; Mrs DisaoM,Noah Dix•n, Agent; Mrs King, DurgesLucas, A. ent: Alexandro Bradford, JRBird, Aent ; J I Robberis, J I JIolmem,Agent: Mrs Crocker. W W Burnan , Ag&Juames Deve, W II Drewett, Agent; flea-ry Caves. James Caves, Agent* .o4elolmes, IR L Jackson, Agent;'r Hot.

mark, J M blee, Agent.On motion of M Strong, The President

of this body, with Messars. J Janes andJ D Williams be authorized to open thebids for abstract of land entries, and tomake a contract with the lowest compe.tent bidder for the work.

Minutes of this meeting was read andadopted as read.

The Poliee Jury adjauraed.8. Mr S3arzn,Pa4,

S. P SM•Tr, Clerk.

A Natural Pheneeea.•.

At I o'clock yesterday afternoon, whilesome worklagmem were eagaged in dri-ving a well at James Reagan's stables opBaroune, near Poydras street, the pipt,at the depth of Mi feet beneath the ur-face of the ground, encountered a vein ofwater which was feased upward throughthe tube with great power. Oa opesninthe upper end otthe pipe a jet of waterheavily charged with sead of a bluishtint was forced up into the air to the roofof the stable, a diatamee in about 2D feet.The sediment from the water was sogreat that before L baIst twelvecart leads had been l way.

A nmgber of peopgie, atated by carl-osty, athered to- aes tbhi naturalfooatt, and the• e ledthat the fIoe wfjle _me rtar

-rtas gas fbrmaeg regtkabl

The water I sweetiae isbelieved to eoaaIn siphr.

The chemist bugatoMr.rsecured a botliIfa M tles vo h

eded the ptpe, dl saea-,It. The'water s orsed . la lt

a ,pp about two .i 1 •fit ah r . wPe .