the socialite pp

The sociaLIt E

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Post on 21-Aug-2015




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What is the sociaLItE?

The socialite is a “dramady”based on Sydney Croy who attends Cold Creek High School in Chicago. She has always been socially awkward and is fed up. She starts an anonymous blog, “The socialite”, where she fictitiously depicts herself as a popular girl.

The blog is discovered by Rome McCall, editor and chief of “Status“ magazine. Upon meeting Sydney, he is shocked by her appearance and demands she has a make-over before he features her in “Status” magazine.

She returns to Cold Creek High, as Syd and experiences the life she always longed to live… but is being popular really worth it?

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Major Characters

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Emma Roberts -Main character of the show-Anonymous blogger of the socialite-Throughout the show we see her journey from being un-noticed and rejected to being popular and on demand-

Sydney Croy

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Chelsea Handler -Mother to Sydney Croy-throughout the show we see Sondra’s struggle to have a better relationship with her daughter and accept pain from her past.

Sondra Croy

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Melinda Shankar-best friend to Sydney Croy - Throughout the show we see Beatrice’s rebellion against anything dealing with popularity. She is original and holds strong to her beliefs.

Beatrice Adani

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Vincent Martella-best friend to Sydney Croy -is a secret admirer of Sydney and is afraid to be left in the background of her new found popularity -sticks around while syd dates popular guys

Danny Moore

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Zander Eckhouse -crush of Sydney Croy -misunderstood athlete who is stuck in the mold of popularity-wants to be his own person

Cam Davis

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Craig Robinson -editor and chief of “status” mag-a funny and outgoing character yet he is feared and respected-discovers Sydney and has her made over by Andy J, (status magazine stylist)

Rome McCall

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Target Audiencewomen ages 17-36

• According to the VALS survey by Strategic Business Insight, most of our group members were categorized as a Striver and Experiencer. We chose to take this survey because it would be beneficial to understanding the logic behind our potential audience.

• A striver is considered “fun loving, trendy and motivated by achievement”; they “seek approval and opinions from others.” Which is why we chose the age group of high school students and up . We feel that those characteristics can best be targeted for young adults.

• An experiancer, according to the VALS survey, is “motivated by self-expression”, “ young and enthusiastic.” Experiancers also, “spend a high proportion of their income on fashion, entertainment, and socializing.” These statements represent our TV series completely. Self expression is shown in the form of the blog. Fashion is represented by the magazine “Status”. Socialization is the central theme of their behavior.

• There were a few group members that were considered innovators. According to, “innovators are successful, sophisticated and have high self-esteem” “They are the most receptive to new ideas and technologies” “To an innovator, “image is important” much like the experiencer. Image is one of the major factors of the show, hence Sydney’s drastic make-over.

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• Where: The sociaLItE will air on MTV • When: Tuesday’s @ 10:00 pm • Why:

-Our demographic that we are targeting views this show more than most others.

- They air shows that our target audience relates to.

-We chose to air the show on Tuesday’s to create the “hammock effect”, it will be in between 2 established shows (in hopes to gain more viewers)

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