the skills of health services managers

CHAPTER 5 THE SKILLS REQUIRED OF HEALTH SERVICE MANAGERS Hasan Rahim From Clinician to Manager: An Introduction to Hospital and Health Services Management

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Page 1: The skills of health services managers


Hasan Rahim

From Clinician to Manager: An Introduction to Hospital and Health Services Management

Page 2: The skills of health services managers


To be successful, a manager needs to master a range of skills and then learn to apply these skills in an effective manner.

Management is an art from that requires judgement and maturity, plus particular skills.

Both theoretical and experiential learning are required to master the art of management.

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Personality and Management

Some people have what might be termed ‘managerial’ personalities that may lead them to become organisers and managers

May also determine whether or not they will be successful in managerial role.

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Characteristic of Managerial Personality

A desire to be successful at a senior level; The capability of developing objectives for

the organisation; Knowledge about the relevant activities of

the organisations; Confidence; Interpersonal skills; Capability of delegating authority; Capability of changing management styles

according to changing circumtances and needs of the organisation;

Commitment to the organisation; Stamina; Charisma.

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The Skill of Health Service Managers

Being A Leader Managing People Managing Resources Thinking Strategically Anticipating and

Responding to Problems and opportunities

Making Decisions Allocating Resources Teamwork Negotiating

Communicating Conducting meetings Dealing With Problems

And Conflict Delegating Supervising Motivation Managing Change Becoming A Politician Industrial Relations Objectives, Aims And


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Being A Leader

Holle and Blatchley have defined five leadership styles: autocratic, which is authority-

centred; bureaucratic, which is rule centred; democratic, which is group centred; parental, which is individual

centred; and laissez faire, where the manager

deliberately abstains from direction or interference.

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Sikap umum di kalangan pemimpin, meliputi (Miner):

Hubungan baik dengan staf yang lebih senior;

Keinginan untuk berkompetisi baik pemimpin dan staf;

Kepribadian yang tegas digabungkan dengan kapasitas untuk membuat keputusan dalam perusahaan;

Tindakan disipliner untuk melindungi anggota lain dari kelompok;

Keinginan untuk menjalankan kekuasaan dan kemampuan untuk mempertahankan kata-kata dan tindakan;

Keinginan untuk sukses dan pengakuan; Memiliki rasa tanggung jawab.

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Power and authority

Kemampuan untuk mencapai, mempertahankan dan menggunakan kekuatan, merupakan sebuah atribut penting dari manajer

Jeffrey Pfeffer telah mengidentifikasi karakteristik keberhasilan memperoleh dan memegang kekuasaan meliputi: energi, stamina dan daya tahan fisik; Kemampuan untuk memfokuskan energi seseorang

dan untuk menghindari usaha sia-sia; Sensitivitas, yang memungkinkan untuk membaca

dan memahami orang lain; Fleksibilitas, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan

memilih berbagai cara untuk mencapai suatu tujuan; Kesediaan untuk terlibat dalam konflik bila

diperlukan atau dalam konfrontasi (tingkat ketangguhan pribadi).

Kemampuan untuk menenggelamkan ego seseorang, setidaknya untuk sementara, dan bermain bawahan baik atau pemain tim untuk meminta bantuan dan dukungan orang lain.

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Managing People

Peran paling penting dari manajer terms such as “human resource management”

and the “human resource function” All managers have to manage people-all

managers have to learn to be “a boss” Managers have an imperative to become

involved with people as superiors, peers and subordinates.

Mengelola orang dapat dilakukan melalui: Selecting staff members, Encouragement (dorongan), Education.

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Managing Resource

Responsible for multimillion dollars worth of building, equipment, vehicles and land, as well as the immense staff resources and the drugs and equipment they need to do their work.

Asset assessment is simple: prepare a list of all assets of the organisation, the date of requisition or construction, and an assessment of the current quality

Imformation can be analysed and plans developed and implemented to sell or remove surplus or obsolete assets; to update or replace assets; to set in place a system of renovation; and to develop a planned process of maintenance.

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Thinking Strategically

Menyiratkan kebutuhan untuk berpikir dan merencanakan untuk jangka panjang, lima sampai sepuluh tahun masa depan.

Henry Mintzberg, analis manajerial yang terkenal, berpendapat bahwa perencanaan strategis memiliki keutamaan karena masa depan yang tidak bisa diprediksi (unpredictable).

Para manajemen dan dewan berpikir strategis memprediksi tren masa depan dan kebutuhan, mengubah peran rumah sakit dan sukses.

More difficult to predict are political changes.

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Anticipating And Responding To Problems And Opportunities

Good managers also need to become opportunists.

Iklim ekonomi yang sulit telah memungkinkan manajer oportunistik untuk menutup pelayanan rumah sakit lebih awal dan mengarahkan sumber daya untuk bidang baru yang dibutuhkan.

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Making Decision

An essential part of modern decision making in Westren countries is the process of involvement and participation by relevant staff and communities.

In the health services field there are three essential sources of information: published biomedical and managerial literature,

which can readily be obtained by computer searches;

demographic and health status data published by government statistical organisations

data generated by individual hospitals and health services, which can be analysed and compared with data from similar services.

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Allocating Resources

The allocating of resources is major and important managerial responsibility.

Memiliki lebih banyak kesulitan dibanding bidang lain seperti pendidikan dan bidang lainnya.

Bagaimana mengalokasikan sumber daya yang ada secara adil berdasarkan skala prioritas.

Misalnya pengadaan alat diagnostik test: Radiologi atau alat laboratorium

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Survival Tips For Health Service Managers

Collect and analyse as much informtion as you can

Always be polite, courteous and kind

Never go over your boss’s head

Always arrive for work early and leave late

Set goals and objective Take time Be committed Treat committees seriously Always be honest

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Survival Tips (Cont’ed...........) Remember the “F” management

guidelines:1. flexible (responsive to change)2. focused (with clear objectives)3. friendly (with good staff relations)4. fun (with staff who like going to

work)5. flat (with no management

hierarchy)6. forward-thinking.

Employ the loose and tight management approach

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