the scientific publications of oliver perry...

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The scientific publications of Oliver Pe

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Issued May 92, 1911.


An examination of Prof. Leo Lesquereux's theory of

the origin and formation of prairies. Amer. Naturalist,

xii, pp. 299-305.

Description of a new species of Crangonyx. Issued by.

the author, June 2, 1878. 1 page, with plate. DescribedCrangonyx knoxensis, found at Abingdon, 111.

Description of a new species of Asellus. Bull. Illinois

Lab. Nat. Hist., i, No. 2, pp. 90-92.


As to snakes. Christian Standard (Cincinnati) , issues

of Jan. 1 and Jan. 8, 1881.

Hesperiphona vespertina in Central Illinois. Bull.

Nutt. Orn. Club, vi, p. 179.

Carphophiops helense in Indiana. Amer. Naturalist,

xv, p. 738.

Eutsenia radix in Indiana. Amer. Naturalist, xv, p.


On a collection of fishes from eastern Mississippi. Proc.

U. S. Nat. Mus., iii, pp. 488-515.


Notes on some fresh-water Crustacea, together withdescriptions of two new species. Amer. Naturalist, xvi,

pp. 143-146; 241-243.

A list of birds from the lower Mississippi Valley,

observed during the summer of 1881, with brief notes.

Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, vii, pp. 89-94.


Some anatomical and histological methods. I. A modi-fication of Semper 's method of making dry preparations.

II. A method of making double injections for dissecting

purposes. III. A method of producing double injections

for histological purposes. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp.526-529, with one figure.

Description of a new species of AmMystoma (Amblys-toma copeianum) from Indiana. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.,viii, pp. 209-213, pi. xiv.

Notes on a collection of fishes from Florida, with de-

scriptions of new or little known species. Proc. U. S.

Nat. Mus., viii, pp. 552-559.


The massasauga and its habits. Amer. Naturalist,

xxi, pp. 211-218.

The red-headed woodpecker a hoarder. The Auk, iv,

pp. 193-196.

On the manner of deposit of the glacial drift. Amer.Jour. Sci. (3), xxxiv, pp. 52-58.

A preliminary catalogue of the Amphibia and Reptiliaof the State of Indiana. Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist


1887-1888, x, pp. 59-69.

The amphibians and reptiles of Indiana. 36th Ann.Rep. Indiana State Board of Agriculture, xxviii (1886)pp. 201-223, with 2 plates.

A contribution to the knowledge of the fishes ofKansas. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, pp. 242-253.


Observations on Arnphiuma and its young. Amer.Naturalist, xxii, pp. 315-321, with 1 text-figure.

The northern limit of the Mesozoic rocks in Arkansas.Ann. Rep. Geol. Survey Ark. for 1888, John C. Branner,State Geologist, ii, pp. 261-290.



A contribution to the knowledge of the genus Branchi-

pus. (0. P. Hay and W. P. Hay.) Amer. Naturalist,

xxiii, pp. 91-95 (Feb.) . Abstract in Proc. Amer. Assoc.

Adv. Sci., xxxvii, p. 286.

On the structure of the skull of the larva oiAmphiuma.(Abstract.) Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., xxxvii, p.


Notes on the habits of some amblystomas. Amer. Nat-

uralist, xxiii, pp. 602-612.

Notes on the life-history of Chorophilus triseriatus.

Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 770-774, pi. xxxvi.


The skeletal anatomy of Amphiuma during its earlier

stages. Jour. Morphology, iv, pp. 11-34, pi. ii.


Note on


Gyrinophilus maculicaudus Cope. Amer. Nat-

uralist, xxv, pp. 1133-1135.

On certain species of the genus Chorophilus. (Abstract.)

Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., xxxix, p. 346.

Some herpetological notes. (Abstracts.) Proc. Amer.Assoc. Adv. Sci., xxxix, p. 346.


On the ejection of blood from the eyes of horned toads.

Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xv, pp. 375-378. Brief abstract,

Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., xl, p. 322.

Some observations on the turtles of the genus Mala-

clemys. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xv, pp. 379-383. Proc.

Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1891, pp. 120-126. Brief abstract,

Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., xl, p. 323.

On the breeding habits, eggs and young of certain

snakes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xv, pp. 385-397; Proc.

Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1891, pp. 106-120.

A consideration of some theories of evolution. (Presi-

dential address) . Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1891, pp.33-46.


Our present knowledge concerning the green triton, Die-

mydylus viridescens. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1891,

pp. U5-U7.

Description of a supposed new species of Storeria fromFlorida, Storeria victa. Science, o. s., xix, p. 199.


The batrachians and reptiles of the State of Indiana.

17th Ann. Rep. Dept. Geol. and Natural Resources of

Indiana, pp. 409-602, pis. i-iii. Reprint, pp. 1-204.


On the structure and development of the vertebral col-

umn of Amia. Pubs. Field Columbian Mus. : Zool. i,

pp. 1-54, pis. i-iii.

On certain portions of the skeleton of Protostega gigas.

Pubs. Field Columbian Mus.: Zool., i, pp. 57-62, pis.


Description of a new species of Petalodus (P. securiger)

from the Carboniferous of Illinois. Jour. Geology, iii,

pp. 561-564, with 2 text-figures.

The lampreys and fishes of Indiana. 19th Ann. Rep.Dept. Geol. and Natural Resources Indiana for 1894,

pp. 146-296.


On some collections of fishes made in the Kankakeeand Illinois rivers. Pubs. Field Columbian Mus. : Zool.,

i, pp. 85-97.

On the skeleton of Toxochelys latiremis. Pubs. FieldColumbian Mus.: Zool., i, pp. 101-106, pis. xiv-xv.

The structure and mode of development of the verte-

bral column. Science, n. s., iv. pp. 959-961.


Dr. Alex. Goette on the development of the vertebralcolumn. Amer. Naturalist, xxxi, pp. 397-406.

Dr. Gadow and Miss Abbott on the vertebral columnof fishes. Zool. Bull., i, pp. 131-141.

Amphibia vs. Batrachia. Science, n. s., vi, pp. 773-774.



Protospondyli and JEtheospondyli of A. S. Woodward.Science, n. s., vii, p. 358.

Observations on the genus of Cretaceous fishes called byProf. Cope Portheus. Science, n. s., vii, p. 646.

Classification of the Amioid and Lepisosteoid fishes.

Amer. Naturalist, xxxii, pp. 341-349, figs. 1-8.

George Baur. Science, n. s. viii, pp. 68-71. (Anobituary notice.)

Observations on the genus of fossil fishes called byProfessor Cope Portheus, by Dr. Leidv Xiphactinus.

. Zool. Bull., ii, pp. 25-54, figs. 1-16.

Notes on the species of Ichthyodedes, including the newspecies i". cruentus, and on the related and herein estab-

lished genus Gillicus. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4) , vi, pp. 225-

232, figs. 1-5.

On Protostega, the systematic position of Dermochelys,

and the morphogeny of the chelonian carapace and plas-

tron. Amer. Naturalist, xxxii, pp. 929-948, figs. 1-3.


On the names of certain North American fossil verte-

brates. Science, n. s., ix, pp. 593-594.

On one little known and one hitherto unknown species

of Saurocephalus. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), vii, pp. 299-

304, with 5 text-figures; Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (7),

iii, pp. 480-487, with 5 text-figures.

Notes on the nomenclature of some North Americanfossil vertebrates. Science, n. s., x, pp. 253-254.

Descriptions of two new species of tortoises from the

Tertiary of the United States. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.,xxii, pp. 21-24, pis. iv-vi.

On some changes in the names, generic and specific, of

certain fossil fishes. Amer. Naturalist, xxxiii, pp. 783-792.

A census of the fossil Vertebrdta of North America.Science, n. s., x, pp. 681-684.


On the nomenclature of certain fossil vertebrates.

Amer. Geologist, xxiv, pp. 345-349.


Descriptions of some vertebrates of the Carboniferous

age. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc, xxxix, pp. 96-123, with

pi. vii and 3 text-figures.


Description of a new species of Ba'ena (B. hatcheri)

from the Laramie beds of Wyoming. Ann. CarnegieMus., i, pp. 325-326, pi. xv.

[A review of] Be'itrag zur Systematik und Genealogieder Reptilien: Max Furbringer. Science, n. s., xiv, pp.180-181.

The chronological distribution of the Elasmobranchs.Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. (2) , xx, pp. 63-75, with 1 text-

figure. Reviewed in Amer. Geologist, xxix, pp. 255-256.

The composition of the shell of turtles. (Abstract.)

Science, n. s., xiii, p. 624; Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., xiv.,

pp. 111-112.

As collaborator on Keilhack's Geologisches Centralblatt,

Leipzig, vol. i, author of abstracts of papers on vertebratepaleontology: Nos. 1844-1846, 1848, 1850, 1851, 2056,2057, 2147-2149, 2152, 2249, 2250, 2253, 2254.


Bibliography and catalogue of the fossil Vertebrata ofNorth America. Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 179, 8vopp. 1-868.

Descriptions of two new species of extinct tortoises, onenew. Proc. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sci., liv., 1902, pp. 383-388, figs. 1-7.

On the finding of the bones of the Great Auk (Plautasimpennis) in Florida. The Auk, xix (old ser. xxvii)

pp. 255-258.

Description of a new species of Cladodus (C . formostis)from the Devonian of Colorado. Amer. Geologist, xxxpp. 373-374, with 1 figure.


The genus Protosphyrajna . (Abstract. ) Ann . New YorkAcad. Sci., xv, p. 15; Amer. Geologist, xxix, pp. 192-193.

Abstracts in Geologisches Centralblatt, vol. ii: Nos.

246-248, 251-256, 344, 347-351, 456, 2005, 2007, 2160,

2161, 2292-2294, 2296-2302, 2305-2307, 2447.


On certain genera and species of North American Cre-

taceous actinopterous fishes. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat.

Hist., xix, pp. 1-95, pis. i-v and 72 text-figures.

On a collection of Upper Cretaceous fishes from MountLebanon, Syria, with descriptions of four new generaand nineteen new species. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.,

xix, pp. 395-452, pis. xxiv-xxxvii.

Some remarks on the fossil fishes of Mount Lebanon,Syria. Amer. Naturalist, xxxvii, pp. 685-695.

Description of a new genus and species of tortoise fromthe Jurassic of Colorado. Ann. Carnegie Mus., ii, pp.201-203, pi. iii.

On the existing genera of the Trionychidse. Proc.

Amer. Philos. Soc, xlii, pp. 268-274.

On some recent literature bearing on the Laramie form-

ation. Amer. Geologist, xxxii, pp. 115-120.

Two new species of fossil turtles from Oregon. Bull.

Calif. Univ.: Dept. Geol., iii, pp. 237-241, with 6 text-


Abstracts in Geologisches Centralblatt, vol. iii: Nos.

90, 91, 182-185, 188, 379, 393, 395, 398, 399, 402-407,

409, 411, 414, 415, 419, 2343; vol. iv: Nos. 863, 876,

877, 886, 887, 890, 891, 893, 894, 1141, 1144-1149, 1151,1153,1154,1157,1158.


On some fossil turtles belonging to the Marsh collec-

tion in Yale University Museum. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4)


xviii, pp. 261-276, pis. xi-xvi and 7 text-figures.


On an important but not well-known locality furnish-

ing Cretaceous fishes. (Abstract.) Science, n. s., xvii, p.

219; Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., xiv, p. 542.

On the finding of skulls of Trionychidse in the Bridger

deposits of Wyoming. Science, n. a., xix, p. 254.

A new gigantic tortoise from the Miocene of Colorado.

(Abstract.) Science, n. s., xix, pp. 503-504.

Abstracts in Geologisches Centralblatt, vol. iv: Nos.

1404, 1405; vol. v: Nos. 81, 86-90, 93, 94, 97, 949,

950, 952, 1050, 1051, 1054-1059, 1319, 1320, 1327,



On the group of fossil turtles known as the Amphiche-lydia ; with remarks on the origin and relationships of the

suborders, super-families, and families of Testudines.

Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., xxi, pp. 137-175, with 5text-figures; Abstract in Science, n. s., xxi, p. 297.

On two species of turtles from the Judith River beds of

Montana. Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, iii, pp. 178-

182, pi. ix and 2 text-figures.

The progress of vertebrate palaeontology at the AmericanMuseum of Natural History, New York. Amer. Geolo-gist, xxxv, pp. 31-34.

Meeting of Section A of the American Palseontological

Society. Amer. Geologist, xxxv, pp. 124-126.

A revision of the species of the family of fossil turtles

called Toxychelyidse, with descriptions of two new species of

Toxochelys and a new species of Porthochelys. Bull. Amer.Mus. Nat. Hist., xxi, pp. 177-185, figs. 1-16.

On the skull of a new trionychid, Conchochelys admir-abilis, from the Puerco beds of New Mexico. Bull. Amer.Mus. Nat. Hist., xxi, pp. 335-338, with 3 text-figures.

The fossil turtles of the Bridger basin. Amer. Geolo-gist, xxxv, pp. 327-342 with 1 figure; Abstract inAnn. N. Y. Acad. Sci., xvii, p. 592.

The American Paleontological Society. Section A

Vertebrata. Science, n. s., xxi, pp. 294-300. (Reportof meeting at Baltimore, with abstracts of papers read.)


The temporal roof of the skull of the reptiles. Science,

n. s., xxi, pp. 295-296.

Abstracts in Geologisches Centralblatt, vol. vi: Nos.

125, 129, 134-137, 1299, 1304-1307, 2073-2075, 2084,



Descriptions of new species of turtles of the genus Tes-

tudo, collected from the Miocene by the Carnegie Mu-seum, together with a description of the skull of Stylemys

nebrascensis. Ann. Carnegie Mus., iv, pp. 15-20, pis.

iii-viii and 11 text-figures.

Descriptions of two new genera (Echmatemys andXenochelys) and two new species (Xenochelys formosa andTerrapene putnami) of fossil turtles. Bull. Amer. Mus.Nat. Hist., xxii, pp. 27-31, with 7 text-figures.

On two interesting genera of Eocene turtles, Chis-

temon Leidy and Anosteira Leidy. Bull. Amer. Mus.Nat. Hist., xxii, pp. 155-160, with 3 text-figures.

Systematic paleontology of the Pleistocene deposits of

Maryland: Reptilia. Maryland Geol. Survey, Pliocene

and Pleistocene, pp. 169-170, pi. xl, fig. 2.

Abstracts in Geologisches Centralblatt, vol. vii: Nos.

1151-1154, 1157-1166, 1859, 1861, 1863-1866, 1870,

1871,1876-1879; vol. viii: Nos. 855-868, 871-888.


A new genus and species of fossil shark related to

Edestus Leidy. Science, n. s., xxvi, pp. 22-24, 1 figure.

Descriptions of seven new species of turtles from the

Tertiary of the United States. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat.

Hist., xxiii, pp. 847-863, with pi. liv, and 20 text-figures.

A new fossil stickleback fish from Nevada. Proc.

U. S. Nat. Mus., xxxii, pp. 271-273, with 3 text- figures,


Dr. W. J. Holland on the skull of Diplodocus. Sci-

ence, n. s., xxviiij pp. 517-519.


On the habits and the pose of the sauropodous dino-

saurs, especially of Diplodocus. Amer. Naturalist, xlii,

pp. 672-681. Review of, in Science Progress iii, p. 463


Nature, lxxix, p. 104.

The fossil turtles of North America. /ashington,

D. C. Published by the Carnegie Institution of Wash-ington. 4to, pp. i-iv; 1-568, pis. i-cxiii and 704 text-

figures. Reviewed in Science, n. s., xxviii, 1908, pp.803-804; N. Y. Times Lit. Magazine, Sept. 19, 1908;Publisher's Weekly, Sept. 19, 1908, p. 597; Amer. Jour.

Sci., xxvi, p. 516; Science Progress, iii, pp. 465-467;Neues Jahrbuch Min., Geol., etc., 1909, i, pp. 451-452;Geol. Zentralblatt, xiii, pp. 241-244; Science, xxix, pp.341-342.

On three existing species of sea-turtles, one of them(Caretta remivaga) new. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xxxiv,

pp. 183-198, pis. vi-xi.

Descriptions of five species of North American fossil

turtles, four of which are new. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.,xxxv, pp. 161-169, pis. xxvi-xxvii and 3 text-figures.

On certain species of carnivorous dinosaurs, with special

reference to Ceratosaurus nasicornis Marsh. Proc. U. S.

Nat. Mus., xxxv, pp. 351-366, with 4 text-figures.

Note on, in Science Progress, iii, p. 469.


On the skull and brain of Triceratops, with notes onthe brain-cases of Iguanodon and Megalosaurus. Proc.

U. S. Nat. Mus., xxxvi, pp. 95-108, pis. i-iii. Abstractin Science, n. s., xxix, p. 713.

Descriptions of two species of fossil turtles, Tozochelysstenopora and Chistemonf interpositum, the latter hitherto

unknown. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xxxvi, pp. 191-196,pi. v and 3 text-figures.

On the nature of Edestus and related genera, withdescriptions of 3 new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.,xxxvii, pp. 43-61, with pis. xii-xv and 7 text-figures.

Abstract in Science Progress, iv, pp. 675-676.


Dr. Williston on " The Fossil Turtles of North Amer-ica." Science, n. s., xxix, pp. 341-342.

The poses of Diplodocus. Die Umschau, Frankfurta. M., Oct. 2, 1909, p. 829, fig. 5.

On the restorations of skeletons of fossil vertebrates.

Science, n. s., xxx, pp. 93-95.

The geological and geographical distribution of somePleistocene mammals. Science, n. s., xxx, pp. 890-893.


Descriptions of eight new species of fossil turtles fromwest of the one-hundredth meridian. Proc. U. S. Nat.

Mus., xxxviii, pp. 307-326, pis. x-xii, text-figures 1-23.

Where do the Lance Creek (" Ceratops ") beds belong,

in the Cretaceous or in the Tertiary? Proc. Indiana Acad.Sci., xxv, pp. 277-303. Reprint, pp. 1-27.

On the manner of locomotion of the dinosaurs, espe-

cially Diplodocus, with remarks on the origin of the birds.

Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., xii, pp. 1-25, with pi. i

and 7 text-figures.

On the changes of climate following the disappearance

of the Wisconsin ice sheet. Die Veranderungen des

Klimas seit dem letzten Eiszeit: 11th Internat. Geol.

Congress, Stockholm, 1910, pp. 371-374.



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