the rotary foundation– a the rotary foundation’s mission: fulfill the object of rotary and...

The Rotary Foundation– A The Rotary Foundation’s mission: Fulfill the Object of Rotary and Rotary’s Mission Achieve World Understanding and Peace

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Page 1: The Rotary Foundation– A The Rotary Foundation’s mission: Fulfill the Object of Rotary and Rotary’s Mission Achieve World Understanding and Peace

The Rotary Foundation–


The Rotary Foundation’s mission:

Fulfill the Object of Rotary and Rotary’s Mission

Achieve World Understanding

and Peace

Page 2: The Rotary Foundation– A The Rotary Foundation’s mission: Fulfill the Object of Rotary and Rotary’s Mission Achieve World Understanding and Peace

The Rotary Foundation–


Tools for reaching this goal–

Local, National and International

Cultural Programs

Educational Programs

Humanitarian Programs

Page 3: The Rotary Foundation– A The Rotary Foundation’s mission: Fulfill the Object of Rotary and Rotary’s Mission Achieve World Understanding and Peace

The Rotary Foundation–


What the Rotary Foundation does. . .

Works for a polio-free world

Care for the children of the world

feeds the hungry of the world

Provides educational opportunities

Preserves planet earth

Promotes world understanding and Peace

Page 4: The Rotary Foundation– A The Rotary Foundation’s mission: Fulfill the Object of Rotary and Rotary’s Mission Achieve World Understanding and Peace

The Rotary Foundation–


Program Areas of The Rotary Foundation

Educational Programs

Humanitarian Programs

Page 5: The Rotary Foundation– A The Rotary Foundation’s mission: Fulfill the Object of Rotary and Rotary’s Mission Achieve World Understanding and Peace

The Rotary Foundation–


Educational Programs

Ambassadorial Scholarships

Rotary Grants for University Teachers

Group Study Exchanges

Rotary Centers for International Studies

Page 6: The Rotary Foundation– A The Rotary Foundation’s mission: Fulfill the Object of Rotary and Rotary’s Mission Achieve World Understanding and Peace

The Rotary Foundation–


Humanitarian Programs

PolioPlus Program Discovery Grants Grants for Rotary Volunteers Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants Helping Grants Matching Grants New Opportunities Grants Rotary Peace Programs Grants

Page 7: The Rotary Foundation– A The Rotary Foundation’s mission: Fulfill the Object of Rotary and Rotary’s Mission Achieve World Understanding and Peace

The Rotary Foundation–

Basic HumanitarianPrograms Criteria

Internationality/ Partnership

Significant Rotarian Involvement

Financial Stewardship


Page 8: The Rotary Foundation– A The Rotary Foundation’s mission: Fulfill the Object of Rotary and Rotary’s Mission Achieve World Understanding and Peace

The Rotary Foundation–



PolioPlus - initiated by Rotary - is the largest private-public health initiative in history.

Rotary led collaboration with partner organizations such as the World Health Organization and UNICEF.

US$247 million contributed by over 1 million Rotarians.

90% decline in cases since 1985.

Page 9: The Rotary Foundation– A The Rotary Foundation’s mission: Fulfill the Object of Rotary and Rotary’s Mission Achieve World Understanding and Peace

The Rotary Foundation–





The Source of Rotary Foundation Funding

Page 10: The Rotary Foundation– A The Rotary Foundation’s mission: Fulfill the Object of Rotary and Rotary’s Mission Achieve World Understanding and Peace

The Rotary Foundation–


Two Needs . . . Two Ways of Giving

For support today To secure tomorrow