the reversal of the college gender

The Homecoming of American College Women: 06/20/22 1

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Page 1: The Reversal Of The College Gender

The Homecoming of American College Women:

04/13/23 1

Page 2: The Reversal Of The College Gender

Unraveling the Knot of Privilege, Power, and Difference

Allan G. Johnson, PhD

Unraveling the Knot of Privilege, Power, and Difference

Allan G. Johnson, PhD

Page 3: The Reversal Of The College Gender

Proportion of 18-to-24-Year-Old Men and

Women Enrolled in College, 1967-2005

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau.

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U.S. College Enrollment Rates by

Race and Ethnicity, 2005

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Note: Data reflect persons ages 18-24 enrolled in college, graduate, or professional school.Source: U.S. Census Bureau.

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The Transylvanian Gender Gap

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Transylvania University
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The Three Sections of this article…. Discussion regarding the historical and

comparative evidence. Explanation of how we got to where we

are. Attempt to understand the trends.

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Historical and Comparative Evidence

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Parity in the 1900 - 1930

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Widening the Gap 1930– 1950

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We know where we stand, but do we know why?

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Unequal College PreparationGirls achieve higher grades in high schoolGirls have widen their lead in Reading and

lessened the gap in MathGirls are now taking as many science and

math courses.

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Expansion of proximate variable analysis Gender High school rank Aptitude measured from standardized

tests High school courses Family background

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“Whereas almost none of the gender gap

favoring males could be explained for the

1957 and 1972 graduating classes, about

40 percent of the female advantage can be

explained through the combined impacts

of test scores, grades, and courses in

1992.” – page 144

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Understanding the Trends: Cost Benefit Analysis of attending college

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Outlay for College

Financial Constraints

Efforts Costs


Labor market return

Health and Parenting Skills

Marriage Market return

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Three Factors that differ by sex and can help explain the gap… Expectations of future labor force

participation Age at first marriage Behavior issues at young ages

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Why did expectations change? Increase in labor participation Increase into previously male-dominated

fields. Ability to “plan” future due to birth control Feminism movement Increased payoff for college degree Higher divorce rates and greater

financial responsibility for children

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Why have boys not responded?Lower nonpecuniary (effort) costs for girls: Higher instance of behavioral problems. 2 to 3 times the rate of ADHD Spend fewer hours doing homework Higher arrests and school suspension Later maturity and higher rate of


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Now lets return to Allan Johnson….

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Examining Pay Equity….

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The Crossover in Female-Male College Enrollment RatesBy Mark Mather and Dia AdamsPopulation Reference Bureau

“In 2005, the median weekly earnings for womenworking full-time were $585, compared with $722for men.6 Part of this difference reflects thehigher concentration of men in higher-payingfields, including the natural and physicalsciences, mathematics, and engineering. At thecollege level, fewer women than men takecourses in science-related fields.

The U.S. economy can benefit greatly from women’seducational gains, but only if women are working inoccupations that can use their specialized knowledge andskills.”

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I’m Jonathan Rauch… and I think Allan Johnson is an idiot!


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The Coming American Matriarchy “Projections by the National Center for

Education Statistics show a 22 percent increase in female college enrollment between 2005 and 2016, compared with only a 10 percent increase for men.”

“As the grandparents die off, every year the country’s college-educated population will become more feminized.”

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“A globalized labor market will cause a continuing rise in the relative premium commanded by a college diploma.”

“A third of today’s college-bound 12 year-old girls to ‘settle’ for a mate without a university diploma.”

Psychological and emotional adjustments

Cultural concerns

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“No, men are not about to disappear into underclass status. They will not become

mothers anytime soon, and they will not stop secreting testosterone. Men's ambition will

ensure ample male representation at the very top of the social order, where CEOs, senators,

Nobelists, and software wunderkinds dwell. Women will not rule men.

But they will lead. Think about this: Not only do girls study harder and get better grades than

boys; high school girls now take more math and science than do high school boys. If there is a

"weaker sex," it isn't female.”

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What do you think????What do you think????