the reformation

The Reformation Student V World History Honors Project

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Student project on the Reformation


Page 1: The Reformation

The Reformation

Student VWorld History Honors Project

Page 2: The Reformation

What is the Protestant Reformation?

 •  Name given to a religious and

political development in the early 16th century

• Created because Roman Catholic doctrine was faulty: teachings and sales of ingulgences, simony, and selling and buying of clerical offices

• people break away from Catholic Church, form own church groups

Page 3: The Reformation

Martin Luther•  He led the reformation, against

Catholic teachings• Monk and professor at

University of Wittenberg from Germany

• Thought the Roman Catholic Church was corrupt

• Did not believe having God's grace could be earned by performing good works

• upset with widespread of selling indulgences, thought people were harming their chances in doing so

• wrote 95 Thesis

Page 4: The Reformation

95 Thesis• Written by Martin Luther•  Used to display unhappiness with the Church's

sale of indulgences, giving birth to Protestantism•  It promoted reformation•  Brought many changes in religion, and way of

life•  New religions were formed•  3 main focus:

no more middle men to reach God, there is a direct link

 main focus was no longer God but was men, some of which shouldn't have been in the positions they were in

 Popes at church were not paying enough attention to those outside who were suffering and poor 

Page 5: The Reformation

King Henry VIII

• Famous King of England, reducing the level of taxation that his father had imposed

• Wanted to divorce his first wife because she could not produce a male heir, but Catholic Church would not allow

• In his request, Parliament broke away from the Catholic Church of England with the pope in Rome

• With new powers obtained he could dissolve the monasteries, sell their land, and possessions to wealthy landowners and merchants. 

• Remarried six times• Never recieved a son that could inherit the

throne, only a bastard

Page 6: The Reformation

John Calvin

• Published the Institutes of the Christian Religion, summary of Protestant thought

• Reputations as one of the new leaders of Protestantism

• Being close to Luther, also believed in the doctrine of justification by faith alone to expalin how humans achieved salvation

• Place much emphasis on the all-powerful nature of God calling it the "power, grace, and glory of God"

• Believed in predestination, which meant that God determined in advance who would be saved and who would be damned

Page 7: The Reformation

Main Religions: Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Anabaptist• 3 main religions: Lutheranism, Calvinism, and AnabaptistLutheranism:• Martin Luther developed doctrine• Lutheranism 1st Protestant faithCalvinism:• belief in predestination gave firm conviction they were doing God’s work on Earth• conviction made them determined to spread faith to other people• became dynamic and activist faith• replaced Lutheranism as most important, dynamic form of ProtestantismAnabaptist:• believe in adult baptism • believes in practices and spirit of early Christianity, all believers to be equal• chooses own spiritual leader• believe in complete separation of church and state• refused to bear arms “Thou shall not kill.”• wanted to be persecuted by Protestants and Catholics

Page 8: The Reformation

Teachers Comments Do Not Erase

• The audio turned out really good although I recommend not reading the slides verbatim. You can have less words on the slide but still speak the same amount.

• Good job going a little more in depth then what we covered in class. It turned out nice 100/100

• Can I use this as a sample?