the principles of personal excellence (personal leadership ... · framework for life-long personal...

The Principles of Personal Excellence (Personal Leadership) Course Description Recognizing that leadership is often taught at the interpersonal, team, organization, and the community levels, The Principles of Personal Excellence course seeks to begin the study of leadership at the personal level—or personal leadership. The PPE course covers core theories, tools, and practices designed to provide a framework for life-long personal leadership development. Using a variety of theoretical lenses (sport and positive psychology, applied leadership development) this course will provide a 12-dimension framework to orient the student as they seek to recognize the multiple systems, processes and practices of high performing individuals. Within the 12-dimension framework, students will explore 25 core topics and various applied tools that can be used in any Meaningful Life Arena—suggesting that personal leadership requires the placement of one’s attention on certain places, at certain times, for certain durations. This is the foundation for what the instructor calls: The Theory of Attentional Leadership. The objective of this course will be to provide a comprehensive toolkit that students can use within any Meaningful Life Arena (MLA) for life-long personal leadership development and self-coaching. Each student will complete more than 30 exercises and build an electronic portfolio of practices that they can continue to refine and use throughout their lives. The primary content will be delivered online with live webinars and coaching sessions that will support each student in reaching their personal goals. SAMPLE

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Page 1: The Principles of Personal Excellence (Personal Leadership ... · framework for life-long personal leadership development. Using a variety of theoretical lenses (sport and positive

The Principles of Personal Excellence (Personal Leadership) Course Description

Recognizing that leadership is often taught at the interpersonal, team, organization, and the community levels, The Principles of Personal Excellence course seeks to begin the study of leadership at the personal level—or personal leadership. The PPE course covers core theories, tools, and practices designed to provide a framework for life-long personal leadership development. Using a variety of theoretical lenses (sport and positive psychology, applied leadership development) this course will provide a 12-dimension framework to orient the student as they seek to recognize the multiple systems, processes and practices of high performing individuals. Within the 12-dimension framework, students will explore 25 core topics and various applied tools that can be used in any Meaningful Life Arena—suggesting that personal leadership requires the placement of one’s attention on certain places, at certain times, for certain durations. This is the foundation for what the instructor calls: The Theory of Attentional Leadership. The objective of this course will be to provide a comprehensive toolkit that students can use within any Meaningful Life Arena (MLA) for life-long personal leadership development and self-coaching. Each student will complete more than 30 exercises and build an electronic portfolio of practices that they can continue to refine and use throughout their lives. The primary content will be delivered online with live webinars and coaching sessions that will support each student in reaching their personal goals.


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The Principles of Personal Excellence

Instructor - Dr. Bruce H. Jackson

Contact Info - E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 801-358-8450

Office Hours (contact me for an appointment.)

Course Materials – Three books: (1) The Power of Full Engagement. Loehr & Schwartz

(2003). Free Press. (2) In Pursuit of Excellence. Orlick. 2008 (4th Edition). Human

Kinetics. Outsmart Your Brain! Reynolds 2004. Covisioning. Additional readings will be

posted via Canvas or external LMS.

Description of the Course:

The purpose of this course is to introduce you to a holistic framework for the development

of personal effectiveness and peak performance. Our purpose will be to review principles,

processes, and practices used by peak performers in many life disciplines. Within this

course you will have chance to apply many practices and techniques, which you can use

within any Meaningful Life Arenas throughout your academic, professional, and personal

life and career.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Understand the holistic framework for human performance and personal leadership. 2. Identify principles, models, systems, processes, methods and practices that can be

used and applied in any Meaningful Life Arena to enhance performance and to

develop personal potential.

3. Apply more than 30 key principles and processes to maximize personal performance

within the five levels of self.

4. Develop new skills and habit patterns that you will use throughout your life.


1. Full engagement and participation in every class/online postings and forums

2. Complete all reading assignments!

3. Full engagement in all exercises, posts, exams, and final project


Page 3: The Principles of Personal Excellence (Personal Leadership ... · framework for life-long personal leadership development. Using a variety of theoretical lenses (sport and positive


Special Instructions:

1. Grading your “class participation” is subjective on my behalf. One of the

implications, however, is that you need to be fully engaged in the postings and

exercises. You are responsible for information that is discussed, viewed, assigned,

or distributed via online platform.

2. Two exams will be given on the material covered in class discussions including book

and other reading assignments. The first two exams will be online/take home. The

final exam(Personal Excellence Collage) will be submitted via posted video demo.

3, Up to 60 points can be earned by extra credit. These can be earned as follows.

In addition to the other assignments in class, each student will have the opportunity

to earn and additional 20 points by helping to identify resources that can augment

the course. To earn the 60 points, up to 3 of the following projects can be

submitted for 20 points each:

Find a 2-5 minute digitized video clip (Mp4) of a movie or other production

that reinforces any of the topics discussed within the course.

Find and scan an academic or popular article that credibly ads to any of the

topics in class. (this can be emailed). Note: you must read the entire article

and write a one-paragraph summary of why this article should be used in a

future class.

Build an exercise (with supporting materials) that could be used in class to

support any of the topics being covered.

5. Keep track of your class progress.

Keep yourself up-to-date on your personal status and progress in this course. You

will receive a progress record form from me early in the semester. You are strongly

encouraged to use it to maintain a current record of your course performance. SAMPLE

Page 4: The Principles of Personal Excellence (Personal Leadership ... · framework for life-long personal leadership development. Using a variety of theoretical lenses (sport and positive



You will be encouraged to keep this personal progress record up-to-date. It is

suggested that you refer to it periodically during the semester. This personal progress

record will allow you to determine your progress and grade at any time during the

semester. Also, you are encouraged to verify and check your record with the

instructor's record several times during the semester.


Exam #1 (TBD???). Online /100 Pts.

Exam #2 (TBD???). Online /100 Pts.

Tests Total /200 Pts.


*. Finding Your Flow Workshop /100 Pts. _____

1.1 Student Bio /10 Pts. ______

1.2 Pre-class Assessment /10 Pts._________

3.1. Outside/Inside of Control /20 Pts._________

3.2 Commitment to Excellence /20 Pts._________

4.1 Motives, Values & Purpose /20 Pts._________

7.1-3 Missions, Vision, Legacy /50 Pts._________

8.1 Master Goals, 5 year, 3-month /50 Pts._________

9.1. Scorecards for 3 Goals /50 Pts._________

10.1 Time Maximization /20 Pts._________

10.2 Rituals & Routines /20 Pts._________

10.3 Weekly Planning /20 Pts._________

11-13 Relaxation/Visualization Log /50 Pts._________

12.1 Sleep Assessment /20 Pts._________

12.2 Rest, Recovery & Sleep /20 Pts._________

14.1 Reframing Exercise /50 Pts._________

15.1,2,3. Self-Talk, Affirmations & Q’s /50 Pts._________

16 Emotional Resiliency Strategies /20 Pts._________

17 Emotional Resiliency Practices /20 Pts._________

19.1 Focus Strategies /20 Pts._________

20.1 Pre and Post Performance Assess /20 Pts._________

21.1 Top 100 Memories of Success /50 Pts._________

21.2 Deconstructing – Beliefs (self) /20 Pts._________

21.3 Deconstructing – Beliefs (world) /20 Pts._________

21.4 Building Belief Assets /20 Pts._________

21.5 Reasons Why List /20 Pts._________

22.1 Paradigm & Perspective Case Exercises /50 Pts._________

23.1 Personal Ethos/Philosophy /50 Pts._________

24.1 25 Things That Make You Happy /20 Pts._________

24.2 25 Gratitude List /20 Pts._________


Page 5: The Principles of Personal Excellence (Personal Leadership ... · framework for life-long personal leadership development. Using a variety of theoretical lenses (sport and positive


25.1 10 Commitments /20 Pts._________

25.2 Post-class assessment /10 Pts._________

Personal Excellence Collage: /100 Pts._______

Assignments Total /1060 Pts


Based solely on professors discretion. These 200 points represent you passion,

commitment, and contribution to class posts and discussions.

Total /200 Pts.

D. EXTRA CREDIT (up to 60 points)

Total/Total /1460 Pts.

Your total points will be converted to a percentage that will determine your final course

grade based on the following School of Business grading scale:

94 - 100% A 90 - 93% A-

87 - 89% B+ 82 - 86% B

80 - 81% B- 77 - 79% C+

72 - 76% C 70 - 71% C-

67 - 69% D+ 62 - 66% D

60 - 61% D- < 60% E

Exams: All examinations will be taken online.

Assignments: To earn an “A” grade, all assignments are expected to be turned in on time.

(“On time” is at the beginning of class on the date the assignment is due.) Late

assignments will only be accepted for up to one week following the due date. However, they

will be docked 10% (approximately one full grade) if turned in late during the first 24 hour

period and 50% if turned in late on days two through seven.


Everything related to this course will reside on the course web site.

Course Policies

Code of Academic Integrity:


Page 6: The Principles of Personal Excellence (Personal Leadership ... · framework for life-long personal leadership development. Using a variety of theoretical lenses (sport and positive


The University of Maryland, College Park has a nationally recognized Code of Academic

Integrity, administered by the Student Honor Council. This Code sets standards for

academic integrity at Maryland for all students. As a student you are responsible for

upholding these standards for this course. It is very important for you to be aware of the

consequences of cheating, fabrication, facilitation, and plagiarism. For more information on

the Code of Academic Integrity or the Student Honor Council, please visit

Religious or Cultural Observances

Because we are a diverse community and enroll students with many spiritual beliefs, we will

be sensitive to students’ requests for excused absences and make-up requests due to

reasons of religious observances. Be mindful that it is the student’s responsibility to

inform instructors of any intended absences for religious observances in advance. Notice

should be provided by the end of the drop/add period.

Course Cancellations/Delays

Please check with 301-405-SNOW or the university website ( for any

cancellations or delays due to inclement weather or emergencies. You may also sign up for

the free university text messaging system, UMD Alerts, and receive text messages with

alerts such as cancellations or delays. ( This course will comply with any

university cancellations or delays accordingly.

Students with Disabilities

Both in compliance with and in the spirit of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), the

instructors would like to work with students who have a disability that impacts learning in

this class. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the instructors so

reasonable accommodations can be made to assist learning and evaluation in the class. In

addition, students should contact the Office of Disability Support Services (DSS) to

document their disability and identify appropriate accommodations. DSS (301-314-7682)

provides a variety of services to students with disabilities; staff are available to consult

with students at any time. ( It is the student’s responsibility

to notify the instructor at the beginning of the semester of any documented disabilities.

Students in Need of Assistance

The University of Maryland offers a variety of services for students in need of either

educational or psychological assistance. Learning Assistance Services (LAS) - offers

services and programs on writing skills, English as a second language, study and time

management skills, math skill, and issues for students over 25 years of age. They also offer

a range of handouts, available on-line. If you need other educational services or support,

please contact your instructor for additional resources.


Page 7: The Principles of Personal Excellence (Personal Leadership ... · framework for life-long personal leadership development. Using a variety of theoretical lenses (sport and positive


If you are experiencing personal stress that is interfering with your ability to succeed,

please consider contacting the Counseling Center or the Mental Health Service at the

University Health Center for an appointment. The Counseling Center also offers on-line

resources on a series of topics.

Learning Assistance Services (LAS) –

Counseling Center –

University Health Center, Mental Health Service -

Course Evaluations

While we hope to create a learning environment in this course that allows students to

provide timely feedback to instructors, there are a couple more formal ways I will engage

in evaluation as a class. The university has a campus-wide online course evaluation system,

CourseEvalUM. Your participation in this system will make a real contribution to our

academic program. We value this student feedback, and other students will benefit from

having evaluation data for all courses readily available. CourseEvalUM will be open for

students to complete their evaluations at the end of the semester and can go directly to

the website ( to do so.

Note: This Course Outline/Syllabus is provided as a convenience to you however the

instructor may change parts during the semester. Any changes will be announced in

advance in class. If you have any questions on any of this material, please don’t hesitate to

ask for clarification.


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Principles of Personal Excellence

Section 001:

Session/Date Chapter/Discussion Topic

7/14: Sessions 1-3 Review and Q&A + Flow Workshop (6:00pm – 8:00pm)

7/16: Sessions 4-6 Review and Q&A (6:00pm – 7:00pm)

7/27: Sessions 7-9 Review and Q&A (6:00pm – 7:00pm)

7/31: Sessions 10-12 Review and Q&A (6:00pm – 7:00pm)

8/6: Sessions 13-15 Review and Q&A (10:00am – 11:00am)*TBD

8/13: Sessions 16-18 Review and Q&A (6:00pm – 7:00pm)

8/18: Sessions 19-21 Review and Q&A (6:00pm – 7:00pm)

8/22: Sessions 22-25 Review and Q&A (6:00pm – 7:00pm)

Pre-Course Foundational Workshop: Finding Your Flow

Online Workshop:

1. Finding Your Flow Online Workshop (online)

CLICK HERE to Purchase w Code Code: FYFUMD


1. None


1. Finding Your Flow Assessment & Forcefield Analysis (online)


1. Email your Personal Forcefield Analysis Flow Formula to me. ASAP

Session 1: Introduction, Course Review, and Expectations

Online Course:

1. Principles of Personal Excellence Online Course Start (online)

CLICK HERE to Purchase w Code Code: PPEUMD


1. Session 1 article

2. In Pursuit of Excellence. Chapters 1 & 2


1. Complete Student Information Survey. (Assignment 1.1) 7/15

2. Take the pre-class online assessment. (Assignment 1.2) 7/15


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Session/Date Chapter/Discussion Topic Due


Session 2: Systems and the Context for Studying Human Excellence

Readings (Read 1,2,3. Scan 4, and 5):

1. Session 2 article

2. The Power of Full Engagement. Chapter 1.

3. Summary of Systems. Wikipedia (posted online)

4. Systems Theories and Systems Thinking by Will McWhinney. (posted


5. Systems. Origins and Evolution. Terms and Concepts. (posted online).


1. Post answers to questions below.

Post on these Questions:

1. What is the connection between the principles and concepts in General

Systems Theory in relationship to the Principles of Personal Excellence

course? Why might this be relevant?

2. Describe one or more systems or interconnections within the human

body that influence each other?

3. Give one or more examples of how inputs (physical, emotional, mental,

philosophical, spiritual) can influence your personal performance?

Session 3: Locus of Control & Commitment to Excellence


1. Session 3 article

2. In Pursuit of Excellence. Chapters 3 & 4

3. Zen in the Martial Arts. Recognize a True Threat. (posted online)


1. What do you worry about & the price of influence. Identify 5 things

outside of your control you are willing to let go of, and then identify 5

things inside of your control that you can immediately demonstrate.

2. ½-1-page summary. “Your Commitment to Excellence”

Note: As for all exercises, complete them within the downloadable MS

Word doc, save often, and email entire document to me for quick review

of progress.

3. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions:

1. What are some of the things that you believe are clearly outside of

your control and that you are willing to let go of?


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Session/Date Chapter/Discussion Topic Due


2. List at least 5 things that lie within your control and that you can work

on to improve?

3. Please post your “Commitment to Excellence”

Session 4: Motives, Values & Purpose (The Fuel of Performance)


1. Session 4 article.

2. The Power of Full Engagement. Chapters 7-8.

3. The 10 Natural Laws of Time and Life Management. Pp. 46-64.

(posted online)


1. Complete Motives Values and Purpose (Sources & Uses)

2. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions:

1. Identify what you believe are your core motivational drivers?

2. How can identifying your “core values” influence your daily actions?

3. Describe one or more core purposes that tap your deepest energies?

Session 5: Nutrition Strategies for Peak Performance


1. Session 5 article.

2. The Power of Full Engagement. Chapter 4.


1. Nutrition Strategies for Peak Performance. Course goal.

2. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions:

1. How does nutrition influence our other body systems?

2. What is one principle or concept that was new to you?

3. What nutritional thought or idea is something you might consider

taking action on? Why?


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Session/Date Chapter/Discussion Topic Due


Session 6: Strength Training & Cardio Fitness


1. Session 6 article.


1. Fitness Strategies for Peak Performance. Course goal.

2. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions:

1. How might fitness training influence your thoughts and moods?

2. What is one principle or concept that was new to you?

3. What nutritional thought or idea is something you might consider

taking action on? Why?

Session 7: Missions, Vision & Legacy Building


1. Session 7 article.

2. Begin with the End in Mind. Covey (posted online)

3. Interpersonal Skills… Pages: 123-131 (posted online)


1. 10 Most Important Missions

2. Vision Statement.

3. Legacy Statement.

4. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions:

1. What is the core difference between a personal missions, vision, and


2. How do you think having a current set of missions, vision, and legacy

statements will influence your daily behavior?

3. Answer this question: If at the end of my life I have achieved my full

potential people will use these words to describe me (include at least 5



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Session/Date Chapter/Discussion Topic Due


Session 8: Goals and Goal Setting


1. Session 8 article

2. In Pursuit of Excellence. Chapter 5.

3. Why Have Goal Statements. Interpersonal Skills… Pages: 126-131.


1. Brainstorm life goals.

2. Goal categories


1. Finalize Master Goal List, and then fill in 25, 10, 5, and 1-year lists.

Then create a 3-Month SMART goals list

a. One goal personal; One goal academic or professional; One

goal physical or nutritional

b. Note: We will use these and build scorecards in Session 9

2. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions:

1. What do you think is the value in having written goals?

2. From the readings and video, why does goal setting work?

3. What does SMART stand for and why is this criteria important?

Session 9: Feedback and Score-carding for Success


1. Session 9 article

2. The Game of Work. Chapter 3. Scorekeeping. (skip 32-34)

3. The Game of Work. Chapter 4. Feedback.


1. Building your personal scorecard

2. Identifying sources of process and outcome feedback


1. Scorecard Set-Up for 3 Goals:

a. One scorecard personal

b. One scorecard academic or professional

c. One scorecard physical or nutritional

2. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions:

1. How do scorecards serve your personal goals?


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Session/Date Chapter/Discussion Topic Due


2. What is the difference between input measures and output measures?

3. In a well-crafted scorecard how do you know if you are achieving

results? Talk about how you know (or not) if you are measuring the

right things.

Turn in all assignments up to this point (using the large Aug. 2

MS file you downloaded). This includes the additional

Excel spreadsheets for your goals and your scorecards.

Session 10: Time Maximization


1. Section 10 article

2. The 10 Natural Laws… Law 1. (posted online)


1. Complete the “Assessing Your Time” exercise

2. Complete “Building Rituals and Routines” exercise

3. Find a Time Management Planning System (electronic or paper) and

create a 1 week plan, including rituals, daily scheduled events, and

tasks. Take screen shot of your planning tool and paste in your

exercises file.

4. Spend 15 minutes each morning planning your day inside of your pre-

scheduled rituals and routines for the next week (on your own)

5. Post on questions below:

Post on these Questions:

1. What have you learned by assessing your workday?

2. What type of work gets in the way of your Right Work?

3. What daily, weekly, monthly, bi-annual, or annual rituals stood out for

you as most important?


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Session/Date Chapter/Discussion Topic Due


Session 11: Deep & Brief Relaxation Training


1. Session 11 article

2. In Pursuit of Excellence. Chapter 6.

3. Foundations in Exercise and Sport Science. Chapter 12


1. Start 20 days of Deep Relaxation/Visualization training

a. Use 17 Minute OPS Training session for 10 days (Note: in

Session 13, you will then start using Dr. Jackson’s 30-Minute

Deep Relaxation and Visualization session for 10+ days—as

you see fit.)

2. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions: 1. Provide 3 or more reasons why deep and brief relaxation is an

important skill?

2. Identify 3 or more personal by-products of this practice?

3. Complete the 17 minute OPS training session and describe your initial

experience with this exercise.

Exam #1 Online

Session 12: Rest, Recovery and Sleep Management


1. Session 12 article

2. The Power of Full Engagement. Chapter 3.


1. Sleep Assessment. CLICK HERE to take.

2. Track sleep hours and 3 strategic (5-minute) breaks for 5 days. Note

your observations.

3. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions: 1. Discuss 3 or more reasons for getting 8+ hours of sleep?

2. What are some of the negative effects of sleep or rest deprivation?

3. Discuss 3 or more observations you had about taking “Strategic

Disengagement” breaks?


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Session/Date Chapter/Discussion Topic Due


Session 13: The Power of Visualization


1. Session 13 article

2. Foundations in Exercise and Sport Science. Chapter 13. (posted


3. In Pursuit of Excellence. Chapter 8 & 9


1. 30 Minutes of Deep Relaxation with Visual Imaging (Dr. Jackson file)

for 10+ days. Then continue as you see fit.

2. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions: 1. Using the theories within the articles and video, describe why

visualization works?

2. Describe at least 3 different strategies that can be used within the

realm of visualization training?

3. From your own perspective, what do you think are the long-term

benefits of visualization training? Discuss this through the lens of

personal leadership and leadership in general?

Session 14: Reframing and Re-thinking Strategies


1. Session 14 article

2. A New Guide to Rational Living. Chapters 2, 3, & 4 (posted online)


1. Reframing Exercise.


1. Reframing & Re-Thinking exercise. Spend a few minutes each day

and see if you can fill out both sheets. Use as needed.

2. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions: 1. What are the three most common distortions that stand out for you?

2. Describe the connection between thoughts and emotions?

3. What is the value in learning how to identify, label, and generate

rational responses?


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Session/Date Chapter/Discussion Topic Due


Session 15: Self-Talk, Affirmations & Personal Questioning


1. Session 15 article

2. In Pursuit of Excellence. Chapter 10

3. Zinsser, Bunker, & Williams Chapter.


1. Re-Scripting Self-Talk exercise

2. Building Personal Affirmations exercise

3. The Power of Personal Questions exercise

4. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions: 1. Why is paying attention to inner dialogue important?

2. What happens when you take the time to slow down, identify inner-

dialogue, and re-craft it?

3. What is the unique role that crafting personal-questions play?

Session 16 Mastering Emotional Intelligence (1)


1. Session 16 article

2. Outsmart Your Brain. First half.

3. The Power of Full Engagement. Chapter 5.


1. Identifying 10 resiliency strategies and where you might use them.

2. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions: 1. Discuss briefly the emotional resiliency strategies that you think would

be helpful to you?

2. Where or when might you use each of these strategies?

3. What do you think would be the effect of developing these strategies?


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Session/Date Chapter/Discussion Topic Due


Session 17 Mastering Emotional Intelligence (2)


1. Session 17 article

2. Outsmart Your Brain. Second half.


1. Between the readings and video, identify 2 Emotional Resiliency

strategies and try them. Discuss their impact.

2. Post answers to questions below

Post on these Questions: 1. Discuss Strategy 1. What did you use and what was the effect?

2. Discuss Strategy 2. What did you use and what was the effect?

3. Describe the value in developing personal emotional resiliency?

Turn in all assignments up to this point (using the large Aug. 16

MS file you downloaded). This includes the additional

Excel spreadsheets for your goals and your scorecards.

Session 18 The Dimensions of Focus


1. Session 18 article

2. In Pursuit of Excellence. Chapters 7


1. None. Get caught up on other exercises

2. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions: 1. Why is the concept of “attention” useful in the study of personal

leadership development?

2. Given the 12-dimension model offered, which of the dimensions do

you find yourself currently paying attention to the most?

3. Why is the 12-dimension model useful for ongoing personal leadership



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Session/Date Chapter/Discussion Topic Due


Session 19 The Power of Now


1. Session 18 article

2. In Pursuit of Excellence. Chapter 11

3. The Power of Full Engagement. Chapter 6


1. Complete “Personal Case Study” exercise

2. Practice mindfulness and being in the moment today. See how long

you can do it without interruption.

3. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions: 1. Why do you think present moment focus is central to achieving long-

term success?

2. What are some of the major distracters that keep you from more

present moment focus?

3. What are the one or two strategies that you have found helps you stay

in the moment—either to be more mindful—or to concentrate your


Session 20 Pre and Post Performance Assessment


1. Embracing Your Potential. Chapter 10. Plan for Excellence (posted


2. Embracing Your Potential. Chapter 12. Learning from Doing (posted


3. The Power of Full Engagement. Chapter 10. The Power of Positive



1. Pre Performance Planning & Post Performance Evaluation

2. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions: 1. What is the value in Pre Performance Planning?

2. What is the value in Post Performance Evaluation?

3. How do rituals influence your performance?


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Session/Date Chapter/Discussion Topic Due


Session 21 Beliefs, Self-Confidence & Self-Image


1. Session 21 article

2. Confidence. Weinberg. Chapter 14


1. Top 100 memories of success. (Stick with it until complete!)

2. Deconstructing Negative and Constructing Positive Beliefs: Self and


3. Building Your Belief Assets

4. Reason’s Why list

5. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions: 1. Briefly discuss your experience while identifying and writing down

your best memories of success?

2. What did you learn from taking either a negative self-belief or a world

belief and looking for evidence to refute old beliefs?

3. What have all of these exercises taught you about positively

influencing past experiences?

Session 22 Paradigms & Perspectives


1. Session 22 article

2. In Pursuit of Excellence. Chapter 6.


1. Perspective Cases Scenarios and refutations

Bus to Jeri; Compared to What; Jason; Good? Bad? Maybe?

Change your own perspective (personal case)

2. Post answers to questions below:

Post on these Questions: 1. What does it mean to you to see problems or issues from different

paradigms, perspectives, or angles?

2. What paradigms and/or perspectives were most important to you?


3. Briefly describe a personal case where you could have used one or

more of these perspectives. Or, using the same personal case, what

new perspective might you create?


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Exam #2 Online

Session 23 Building your Philosophy of Engagement


1. Session 23 article


1. Formulate personal creed/philosophy. Fill out top 5 in each category:

Beliefs & Principles

Attitudes & Perspectives

Qualities & Virtues

Rules & Standards


1. Complete rough draft: Your Philosophy of Engagement

2. Post answers to questions below:

Post on this Question: 1. Simply post a copy of your current (rough) Philosophy of Engagement

Session 24 Happiness


1. Session 24 article

2. Happiness is a Stochastic Phenomenon by Lykken & Tellegen

3. Most People are Happy by Deiner & Deiner


1. Identify the top 25 things that make you happy.

2. What are you most grateful for?

3. Post answers to questions below:

If you are interested:

1. Here are various happiness tests you can take to explore .

Post on these Questions: 1. Identify 3 things about happiness that you didn’t know before?

2. What is a set-point and why is this important?

3. From the session exercise, identify 3 or more strategies that you

believe will help you better manage and increase your happiness.


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Session 25 Pedagogy to Andragogy. Review of Course


1. Session 25 article

2. The Power of Full Engagement. Chapter 9

3. In Pursuit of Excellence. Chapter 24


1. 10 Personal Commitments

2. Post Class Assessment.

3. Post answers to questions below:

Future Readings:

Lifelong list for reading and quotes

Post on these Questions: 1. What does it meant to be an adult learner?

2. What 5 principles or practices stood out for you in this course and


3. What other Meaningful Life Arenas do you see these principles and

practices applying to?

Turn in all assignments up to this point (using the large Aug. 20

MS file you downloaded). This includes the additional

Excel spreadsheets for your goals and your scorecards.

Closing Session Collage Posting and Reviews

Final collage due on Aug. 22

Extra credit due on Aug. 22


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Summary of Assignments

Pre-Course Workshop: Finding Your Flow (100 Points)

This workshop seeks to put every concept in class on the table to ask: what are the most

important factors that relate to “My Performance”? While reviewing the many factors that

contribute to achieving one’s personal excellence, you will have the chance to review not only

your greatest strengths, but also your greatest challenges. In this exercise you will be asked to

identify your Flow Assets and Flow Liabilities and build a solid plan to sustain and/or build new

strategies for success.

2 Requirements to complete this exercise:

1. Email 720º Sweep assessment results to me.

2. Identify 3 SMART Goals and write them out. You will use these a bit later in the


Assignment: 1.1: Student Bio (10 Points)

Students will each turn in a bio survey with name, address, phone, email, major interests,

etc…Take online.

Assignment: 1.2: Pre-class Assessment (10 Points)

To identify your current skill-sets in a variety of areas, this brief assessment will be used to chart

your progress and learning throughout the course. Take online.

Assignment 3.1: Outside of Control: Inside of Control (20 Points)

Identify those things issues or concerns that clearly lie outside of your control, those that lie

within your control, and those you are unsure of. Identify those 5 things you can address using

reasonable levels of influence.

Assignment 3.2: Commitment to Excellence (1/2 to one page) (20 Points)

Write a brief statement about why you are committed to personal excellence. Your reasons need

to reflect your convictions and your commitment to achieving success in life. This statement

must be typed and of the kind of quality that will entice you to read this statement in the future.

This document will also serve as a contract with your instructor and yourself to commit to

putting forth full effort and focus within each session.


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Assignment 4.1: Motives Values and Purpose Clarification (Sources & Uses) (20 Points)

These exercises will help you identify your key motives and core values—statements that you

can use for identifying your core purpose and building your missions, vision & legacy


Assignments 7.1, 7.2, 7.3: Missions, Vision & Legacy Statements (50 Points)

This exercise will help you identify your core life objectives at the 50,000 level. First you will

draft your 10 missions in life followed by a more detailed vision statement that will help clarify

in greater detail the canvas of your life. Both of these exercises will be used to help you identify

your long-term, medium-term, and short-term goals. The obituary/legacy exercise will help you

tap into your long-term perspective and to identify the kind of person you would like to become

throughout your life. This is a reverse look at an accomplished life.

Assignment 8.1: Master Goal List, 25,10 5-year Plan/ 3-month Plan (50 Points)

These exercises will help you boil down your motives, values, missions and vision to more

clearly defined goals and objectives. This will lead into our next exercise; which will be to count

and measure your personal progress.

Assignment 9.1: Scorecard Summary (50 Points)

This exercise will help you begin to measure the progress on your 3 most important goals while

gathering feedback necessary to keep yourself accountable.

Assignment 10.1: Time Maximization (20 Points)

Review your last workday and identify the type of work you were engaged in.

Assignment 10.2: Building Your Rituals and Routines (20 Points)

Identify the routines that will help you focus your day, week, month, and year (half and full).

Identify and schedule these rituals and routines within your time management system.

Assignment 10.3: Weekly Planning (20 Points)

Plan out one week, including rituals and routines and all daily scheduled activities and tasks and

send a screen shot or file to me.


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Assignment 11.1: Relaxation/Visualization Log (25 Points)

These exercises will be designed to training your body and mind through the steps of progressive

relaxation and visualization. Through these exercises you will be able to access more self-control

as well as use the power of your mind to simulate and re-create any scenario you desire. This

will be one of the more powerful exercises within the class.

Assignment 12.1: Sleep Assessment (20 Points)

CLICK HERE for a brief (2 minute) assessment to get you thinking about your sleep quality.

Take this and post your observations.

Assignment 12.2: Rest, Recovery and Sleep Management (50 Points)

Review your sleep, rest and recovery patterns for 5 days.

Assignment 13.1: Visualization Training (25 Points)

This is a continuation from Deep and Brief relaxation training in Session 11. Simply begin using

Dr. Jackson’s recording, which includes a deeper cut at visualization training.

Assignment 14.1: Reframing Exercise (50 Points)

This exercise will help you identify key strategies for healthy and more positive thinking—a key

strategy for emotional health and well-being. This exercise will help you in understanding and

refuting several key distortions that lie at the root of depression, anxiety, and other affective

states. The simple strategies in class will help you see more realistically and help you gain a

more positive outlook on your life and performances. Spend 10 minutes each day refuting and

redefining one distortion each day for 7 days.

Assignment 15: Self-Talk (15.1), Affirmations (15.2) and Questions (15.3) (50 Points)

In concert with healthy thinking strategies, crafting positive self-talk, affirmations and personal

questioning assist you in feeding your mind with positive and empowering information. This

exercise will have you identify key dialogues, phrases and questions that can be used to enhance

your daily performance and well-being. First, identify scenarios where you think and

communicate positively with yourself, then identify new language given challenging situations,

then, organize several positive affirmations (Review often). After these exercises, develop 5

compelling questions that you can review daily.


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Assignment 16.1: Identifying Emotional Resiliency Strategies (20 Points)

For this session (which reviews many of the techniques already discussed) please identify 10

strategies that you might use and where you might use them.

Assignment 17.1: Practicing 2 Emotional Resiliency Strategies (20 Points)

Between the readings and video, identify 2 Emotional Resiliency strategies and try them. Discuss

their impact.

Assignment 19.1: Focus Strategies (20 Points)

Complete Personal Case Study exercise and identify what helps and hinders your focus? Then

identify valuable focus strategies. After this, practice small acts of mindfulness and explore what

it means to be in the present moment.

Assignment 20.1: Pre and Post Performance Assessment (20 Points)

As we will discuss in class, we perform within every context of our lives. We perform every day,

Session, month, and year. To set the stage for effective performances, this exercise will help you

frame and prepare yourself before any performance or challenge that you may face in life.

Finalize and commit to 1 daily performance ritual. 2. Organize pre-performance planning

document for one life arena.

Assignment 21.1: Top 100 Memories of Success (50 Points)

Building confidence is critical for your success. As such, it is important to have access to critical

“data” that you can you to maximize your “self-efficacy.” This exercise will inspire you to look

at the best parts of yourself while giving you an archive of memories that you can refer to at

anytime to enhance your confidence.

Assignment 21.2: Deconstructing Negative Beliefs (Self) (20 Points)

For this exercise you will identify 2 negative self beliefs and look for 5 pieces of evidence that

this belief may not be true.

Assignment 21.3: Deconstructing Negative Beliefs (World) (20 Points)

For this exercise you will identify 2 negative world beliefs and look for 5 pieces of evidence that

this belief may not be true.


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Assignment 21.4: Building Belief Assets (20 Points)

For this assignment identify a number a beliefs that support you in your many MLA’s.

Categorize these by: world, others, and self.

Assignment 21.5 Reason’s Why List (20 Points)

The next time you are not sure if you are up to the task, create your own “Reasons Why” list.

Identify as many reasons as possible why you will succeed.

Assignment 22.1. Paradigm & Perspectives (4 Cases Scenarios) (50 Points)

This is a unique series of exercise that will push you to think “differently” about life and

situations. Learning to seek different perspectives is an important skill when it comes to

“coping” and “making sense” of one’s experience. This exercise will have you generate unique

perspectives so that you can teach yourself to do the same under difficult or challenging


Assignment 23.1: Philosophy of Engagement (50 Points)

At this point you will have experience many exercises designed to tap into the systems of the

body, heart, mind, and spirit. This exercise will help you think through the “how” of your daily

behaviors. Your Philosophy of Engagement will be created with several key factors in mind.

These include: beliefs, principles, attitudes, perspectives, qualities, virtues, rules and standards

that you would like to commit yourself to as you engage every life performance.

Assignment 24.1: (25) Things That Make You Happy (20 Points)

Personal excellence includes an understanding of what makes you happy and content. While we

will review several studies regarding this personal state, this exercise will have you chart several

things that you can identify that you can use to improve your “set point.” This self-knowledge

will be critical for your personal awareness and personal strategy development for living a more

productive and happy life.

Assignment 24.2: What I am Most Grateful for (20 Points)

Take a few minutes and identify what you are most grateful for. This is a significant happiness


Assignment 25.1: 10 Commitments (20 Points)

Identify your 10 commitments as you seek to take the principles and practices of this class into



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Assignment 25.2: Post-Class Assessment (10 Points)

Similar to the pre-class assessment, this final exercise will help identify your class learning

outcomes. Click Here to take it.

Personal Excellence Collage (100 Points)

Summarizing a minimum of 15 lectures (but as many as you can implement), you are required to

take what you have learned in class and develop a Personal Excellence Collage. This collage is

completely up to your discretion with regards to size, shape, method, etc… Use pictures, quotes,

shapes, concepts, ideas, colors, or whatever you wish to develop a complete summary of your

course experience. Note: this is something that you will want to keep for years to come, so make

sure and make something that represents all that you have learned and all that you are committed

to in your life.

Note: Course Summary may be altered throughout the term.
