the primary update 14.03.13

The Primary Update Pre-K - Grade 1 March 14th , 2013 WELCOME PAGE Dear Parents, At the close of an extremely busy week, I hope that you can find a few moments to relax and enjoy reading this latest update. All good wishes, enjoy your weekend and I hope to see you at International Day. Sue Carpenter Head of Primary

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Page 1: The Primary Update 14.03.13

The Primary Update

Pre-K - Grade 1 March 14th , 2013


Dear Parents,

At the close of an extremely busy week, I hope that you can find a few moments to relax and enjoy reading this latest update.

All good wishes, enjoy your weekend and I hope to see you at International Day.

Sue Carpenter

Head of Primary

Page 2: The Primary Update 14.03.13


Our Trip to the Fire Station

As news of our fantastic performance in our production of goldilocks and the three bears broke we never got to report on our trip to Al Manara fire station!

We had a very exciting trip to the Fire station. The children saw a fireman dressed up in his outfit. They got to sit on a fireman’s motorbike and take a ride in a fire truck. The siren was very loud! The fire fighters turned on the hose and we all cheered! It was a great trip. The children have not stopped talking about it and learned so much about how these brave people help us. A big thank-you to all of our volunteers and to the firemen at the Al Manara Fire Station for their patience and kindness on the day. Well done Pre-K!

Pre-K having fun on their trip!

Page 3: The Primary Update 14.03.13


Last Tuesday children in KG1 enjoyed showing their portfolio to their parents. As you can see from the photographs they had fun talking about their work and looking at their photographs which provided a snap shot of their time in KG1 since September. Afterwards everyone met over in the canteen for morning tea.

It was a lovely morning and many parents remarked on how enthusiastic the children when describing their work.

Ismail and his mum Yoshito and his mum

Indraj with his Mum, Dad and Grandma

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KG2 have had a hectic few weeks between our exciting trip to Kidzania, World Book Day, World Numeracy Day and now our preparation for upcoming events!!! We are looking forward to Mother’s Day on Thursday, International Day on Saturday and our Wild Thing production next week. We hope you are all as excited as we are about these fantastic events J The children have all worked very hard in balancing rehearsals and learning and look forward to showing off their hard work over the next week!!

Raghed having fun reading... Alex enjoying his book.

All the Squirrels dressed up for Book Character Day

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The children had a very exciting book character day to end Book Week! To celebrate reading the children dressed up as their favorite book characters. The effort the children put into their costumes was fantastic. From Dracula to Cat in the Hat the whole school transformed into lots of different characters from many different books. A fun day was had by all the students, teachers and teaching assistants.

G1 having fun on Book Day!

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: قسم اللغة العربّية والّتربية اإلسالمّية

11لك يوم االثنين الموافق وذ لقد قام قسم اللغة العربّية باستضافة السيدتين ) هيا المري ، و حنان المعلمي ( اللتين قامتا بقراءة القصص بطريقة مشوقة وجذابة

طفال ، األمارس وذلك ضمن فعاليات اللغة العربّية ، فقد قامتا بتقديم عرض من خالل مسرح الّدمى ، وها هي الّصور تظهر مدى الفر ح الذي يشعر به

Page 7: The Primary Update 14.03.13

Its That Time of Year Again…Time to get the lice combs out…

Head lice are a common occurrence in school-aged children and are the most adaptable of creatures. Therefore they will be a problem from time to time. It is important to work together as a school com-munity to minimise the frustration caused by the problem.

Head lice are not fussy about the heads they live on—they make no consideration for income, ethnici-ty or hair colour. They live their entire lives on human heads where their entire food and water source is supplied.

Head lice don’t fly or jump, they crawl from head to head. This often happens when people play or work closely together.

It is important to follow these steps, once a week, in order to control head lice in the school popula-tion.

Place hair conditioner on to dry, brushed (detangled) hair. This makes it difficult for lice to grip the hair or run around;

Wipe the conditioner from the comb onto a paper towel or tissue;

Look on the tissue and on the comb for lice and eggs;

If lice or eggs are found, your child should be treated;

If your child has been treated recently and only hatched eggs are found, you may not have to treat since the eggs could be from the old infection.

If your child has head lice – please feel free to contact us for advice.

Kind Regards

The School Nurses