the primary update 07.03.13

The Primary Update Grade 2 — Grade 5 March 7th, 2013 WELCOME PAGE There was a buzz in the air on Wednesday as the students celebrated World Math’s Day. This day certainly got the grey matter working with a Math’s trail outside and the children competing online with other children around the world on timed challenges. It was great day with much fun had by all! Our much anticipated International Day is fast approaching us so make sure you have penciled in Saturday March 16 th into your calendar. Now that temperatures have recently begun to increase we have decided to hold the events in the secondary gym. The day will commence at 10:30am with a parade of the students marching in their home country. It is still not too late to get involved with the regional booths (Africa; Asia; Americas; Pakistan; India; GCC; Europe; Levante and Australia / New Zealand). If you wish to volunteer, please get in touch with your child’s class representative who will be able to point you in the right direction. On this morning, we ask that students are in school no later than 10:15am in order to march in the parade at 10:30am. Arabic week commences from Sunday 10 th March where the students will be participating in a plethora of focused activities, such as calligraphy writing, Spelling Bee competitions, exploring Arabic poetry and stories. We are also fortunate to host the author, Abeer Balan, as well as the Arabic book fair. The week will culminate in a Mother’s Day assembly at 8:30am in the Primary gym in which you are invited to attend. Primary Consultations also begin as of 10 th March. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to sit with your child’s class teacher to share the progress that they have made over the course of this academic year so far and you will also be provided with areas of development for your child to focus on. Consultations will take place in your child’s classroom and there will be an opportunity for you to look at their work. No Hat, No Play. Unfortunately, there are still many children attending school without a hat. Although this may seem unfair when a child has lost their hat through no fault of their own, we adhere to this rule to ensure your son or daughter is protected from the harsh sun rays. Please remember if you do not have the regulatory school hat then a dark, plain hat will be acceptable. Additionally, as the temperatures gradually increase, please be sure to send your child to school with a full water bottle. They are encouraged to drink water frequently throughout the day and have the opportunity to refill it too. We would really appreciate your co-operation with this. Kind Regards, Miss Williams

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Page 1: The Primary Update 07.03.13

The Primary Update Grade 2 — Grade 5

March 7th, 2013 WELCOME PAGE

There was a buzz in the air on Wednesday as the students celebrated World Math’s Day. This day certainly got the grey matter working with a Math’s trail outside and the children competing online with other children around the world on timed challenges. It was great day with much fun had by all!

Our much anticipated International Day is fast approaching us so make sure you have penciled in Saturday March 16th into your calendar. Now that temperatures have recently begun to increase we have decided to hold the events in the secondary gym. The day will commence at 10:30am with a parade of the students marching in their home country. It is still not too late to get involved with the regional booths (Africa; Asia; Americas; Pakistan; India; GCC; Europe; Levante and Australia / New Zealand). If you wish to volunteer, please get in touch with your child’s class representative who will be able to point you in the right direction. On this morning, we ask that students are in school no later than 10:15am in order to march in the parade at 10:30am.

Arabic week commences from Sunday 10th March where the students will be participating in a plethora of focused activities, such as calligraphy writing, Spelling Bee competitions, exploring Arabic poetry and stories. We are also fortunate to host the author, Abeer Balan, as well as the Arabic book fair. The week will culminate in a Mother’s Day assembly at 8:30am in the Primary gym in which you are invited to attend.

Primary Consultations also begin as of 10th March. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to sit with your child’s class teacher to share the progress that they have made over the course of this academic year so far and you will also be provided with areas of development for your child to focus on. Consultations will take place in your child’s classroom and there will be an opportunity for you to look at their work.

No Hat, No Play. Unfortunately, there are still many children attending school without a hat. Although this may seem unfair when a child has lost their hat through no fault of their own, we adhere to this rule to ensure your son or daughter is protected from the harsh sun rays. Please remember if you do not have the regulatory school hat then a dark, plain hat will be acceptable. Additionally, as the temperatures gradually increase, please be sure to send your child to school with a full water bottle. They are encouraged to drink water frequently throughout the day and have the opportunity to refill it too. We would really appreciate your co-operation with this.

Kind Regards,

Miss Williams

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مسرحية للماء لغة فصيحة :

لغة فصيحة ، عمل هادف يجعل الماء يتراقص ماءلقد قام قسم اللغة العربّية والّتربية اإلسالمّية بتلبية دعوة من هيئة المعرفة والّتنمية البشرّية لحضور مسرحّية هادفة عنوانها لل

اة لكي نحيا بالماء ونبقى باللغة . لحيعلى أكف اللغة فوق خشبة المسرح ، وقد استمتع طالب الّصف الّرابع بهذا العرض المسرحي الّرائع الذي تخلله أناشيد وطنّية تعزف نبض ا

Page 3: The Primary Update 07.03.13

GRADE 2 Grade 2 enjoyed a fantastic trip to the Aquarium and The Rainforest Café. They learned about environmental sustainability in a fun, interactive way. The children were be able to get closer look at literally thousands of aquatic animals and learn some fascinating facts. They got to see some divers checking up on the sharks and feeding them. The children enjoyed lunch at The Rainforest Café afterwards. Thanks to all the parents who came along to help!

Grade 2 partnered up with Grade 3 to read to each other as part of ‘Book Day’. Some of the children swapped classrooms and read to each other. The children also dressed up as characters from one of their favourite stories and brought in the book to read and share. We all had a wonderful day as you can see from the photographs below!

Listening very well to the tour guide!

Some of the Tigers ready for the parade.

Dhiyab Daniyal and Maya

The ladies having lunch!

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We had a great time on book day. It was fun to dress up and the parade and the assembly were great.

Earlier on in the week we were lucky enough to have some of the Grade 9 students come into our classes to read to us and to listen to us read. The Grade 9 students were kind and patient and we all enjoyed ourselves.

We are lucky to have such great students in our school who are happy to help the younger children.

We hope that we will do it again.

Everyone here is really engrossed in the book.

It was great to work with our friends from the Eagles.

Yazan and Arshi are really concentrating on their reading.

This was a great way to make new friends in the school.

The grade 9 students were great and really helped us to feel confident about

our reading.

It is great to listen to a fabulous story.

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This week we designed our own Roman houses. We have been studying the Romans in our IPC lessons. As part of our topic we built model roman houses out of LEGO and we used our plans to help. We learned about typical Pompeian house design and the Latin names for the houses rooms. Did you know that Roman houses had lots of bedrooms? Roman houses had beautiful gardens that had pillars around them. They were very proud of their gardens. The houses had pools that caught rainwater and were used for drinking water and bathing water. They also had shrines. We are really enjoying this topic. It is very interesting.

By Ben Plumpton and Ned Tagtmeier

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GRADE 5 Grade 5 enjoyed the Book Day Parade and some of the students were hardly recognizable when in character. In addition, both Grade 5 classes are busy preparing their stands for their Exhibition next week.

Some of Grade 5 all dressed up and ready for the parade!

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The wonderful Mums who made this fantas-tic activity happen. Thank you!

Usman has the pleasure of being the first student to mark his home country with a hand print

Hannah reaching high to place her hand print on Canadian soil! Thankfully Hannah’s gymnastic training keeps her agile and supple so reaching so high was easy!

Grade 5 getting the world map on the International Day radar!

Gazelles ready to start making their mark!

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Mums hard at work for International day

Look out for our ‘International Day’ special update next week!

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BOOK DAY AT JBS 2013 All the children arrived at school in colourful costumes as they were dressed up as their favourite Book Character. Many teachers were in costume too – the childrten’s favorites were the Where”s Wallies from Grade 4, the Mr Men from Grade 2 and the Wizard of Oz characters from Grade 1.

The day started with a Parade around the Primary Gym compered by the Mad Hatter (Mr Godel). The Mad Hatter then asked the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz (Mrs Cullen) to help him out. The Scarecrow was worried because she didn’t have a brain, so all the children helped her to understand that Book Day was all about learning to love reading. The children listened to the popular story – “Hairy McClary”, learnt a new song about going to the Library and watched a power point by G5 children on reading in our school. Back in the classrooms, the children wrote about their Book Character, had special visitors to read them stories and the whole school took part in Drop Everything And Read just before lunch. Book Day was one of the highlights of the JBS year so far and was popular with parents, children and the teachers!

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