the primary sources for this presentation are “the china study” by dr. t. colin campbell,...

primary sources for this presentation are China Study” by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, vent and Reverse Heart Disease” by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, gram for Reversing Diabetes” by Dr. Neal Barnard You are the Cure You are the Cure Slide 1

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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The primary sources for this presentation are “The China Study” by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, “Program for Reversing Diabetes” by Dr. Neal Barnard

You are the Cure

You are the Cure

Slide 1

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You are the Cure

You are the Cure

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When we eat too much fat, our level of cholesterol in the blood increases leading to the build up of plaque on the wall of the arteries providing a blood supply to the heart.

You are the Cure

What is Heart Disease?

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Actually most heart attacks are caused by a different process.Plaque ruptures, fatty deposits leach out, then clot.

You are the Cure

What is Heart Disease?

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Diuretics (Thiazide) – increase the excretion of water from the body to reduce hypertension

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Traditional Treatments for Heart Disease

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Beta Blockers - reduce hypertension ACE Inhibiters - reduce hypertension


Drugs (Statins) – Inhibit the production of LDL cholesterol

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Traditional Treatments for Heart Disease

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Traditional Treatments for Heart Disease

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You are the Cure

Traditional Treatments for Heart Disease

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You are the Cure

Traditional Treatments for Heart Disease

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These treatments (drugs, angioplasty, stent, bypass) treat the symptoms of Heart Disease but they do not address the cause of the build up of plaque.

The drugs must be taken forever.

The surgeries often have to be repeated.

And these treatments are very expensive.

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Traditional Treatments for Heart Disease

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A number of studies have shown that dietary cholesterol has no effect on plaque buildup. This is why in North America diet has not been emphasized as a prevention for heart disease.

Health Guidelines in North America suggest that fat should be limited to 30% of our dietary intake. But at that level our cholesterol levels are usually at 200 mg/dL or higher.

New studies have now shown that plaque buildups are not stopped unless we get our serum cholesterol levels below 150 mg/dL.

And we are unable to do this unless we consume a plant based diet.

How do we know this?

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Is there another answer?

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Epidemiological Evidence





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Epidemiological Evidence

Papua New Guinea



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Epidemiological Evidence


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You are the Cure

Epidemiological Evidence

Framingham, Massachusetts, USA

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The answer is as simple as eating whole plant foods: grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes.

You are the Cure

The Plant Based Diet

A whole foods plant based diet means no meat (no beef, pork, chicken or fish), no dairy, no eggs, no vegetable oil and no processed foods like cookies, cakes, potato chips. Choose natural foods from the produce section of your food store.Choose whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat) rather than refined grains. Also you must avoid fried foods.

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I am sure you are asking, how can I make a meal out of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes without meat, dairy, eggs or vegetable oil?

Well you can and you will love it.

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Where’s the Beef?

Breakfast- Porridge (steel cut oats)- fruit- soy milk (vanilla)

Lunch- Vegetable soup

Dinner- Beans and Rice

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Where’s the Beef?

Cut up veggies Salad


For more recipes go to Veggie Revolution at

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What about protein?

Health Canada recommends 0.8 gm per kgm of body weight per day.

You will get more than enough protein with a Plant Based Diet if you include beans or brown rice in at least one meal.

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Protein Required cups of navy beans or brown ricegms oz

100 lbs 36 1.3 0.7

150 lbs 54 1.9 1.0

200 lbs 72 2.6 1.4

You are the Cure

Heart DiseaseOne of the biggest contributors to heart disease is fat and cholesterol.

Typical Western Diet Plant Based Diet

Fat 40-50% (mostly saturated)

10% (mostly unsaturated)

Carbohydrates 25-35% 70-75%

Protein 25% 15-20%

Cholesterol 400-500 mg 5 mg

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You are the Cure

Heart Disease

According to Health Canada, adults are to keep their cholesterol below 5.20 mmol/L or 220 mg/dL.

The Plant Based Diet is intended to drop your cholesterol level to 150 mg/dL.

Studies have shown that the reversal or receding of plaque will not occur until cholesterol levels are down to 150 mg/dL.

In a famous study, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn of the Cleveland Clinic, took 18 people who were due for heart operations and put them on this diet.

All 18 patients were returned to full heart health as a result of this diet.

Average cholesterol level dropped from 246 mg/dL to 132 mg/dL.

According to Dr. Esselstyn, if you can get your cholesterol level below 150 mg/dL, you cannot deposit fat and cholesterol on the walls of the arteries. Period.

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You are the Cure

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

High Blood pressure can lead to strokes, heart attack, kidney failure, hardening of the arteries and dementia.

Reduced cholesterol and reduced plaque is the key to reducing blood pressure. This is the benefit of the Plant Based Diet.

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You are the Cure

Diabetes (Type 2)

According to Dr. Neal Barnard, animal fat and protein can interfere with insulin response (called “Insulin Resistance”) in the muscles which are supposed to take up and store glucose from the blood.

Plant protein does not interfere with the insulin response and people with Type 2 Diabetes have seen this disease completely disappear with a Plant Based Diet.

Type 2 Diabetes can lead to heart disease, nerve damage, limb amputations, retinopathy, cataracts and kidney damage

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You are the Cure

Diabetes (Type 2)

Dr. James Anderson, University of Kentucky conducted a famous study with people who had Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. He put them all on a Plant Based Diet. After just 3 weeks their insulin requirements dropped significantly.

Eventually 24 of the 25 Type 2 patients were able to completely discontinue their insulin medication.

Exercise also helps to overcome Type 2 Diabetes.

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You are the Cure

Diabetes (Type 1)

This autoimmune disease is caused by the body’s immune system turning against the pancreas and destroying the insulin producing cells.

According to Dr. T. Colin Campbell, the protein in milk (casein) can contribute to this if the baby is weaned from mother’s milk to cow’s milk too early.

Children should not be given formula based on cow’s milk until they are at least 2 years old. And mother’s should not consume cow’s milk while breast feeding.

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You are the Cure

Breast Cancer

One of the big factors in breast cancer is estrogen. Estrogen levels can be reduced with conversion from our Western meat-fat diet to a Plant Based Diet. Dairy food in particular results in increased production of IGF-1 (“Insulin Growth Factor”) which increases estrogen.

Further most environmental toxins that contribute to breast cancer find their way into our bodies through eating meat and so this is another advantage of a Plant Based Diet.

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You are the Cure

Colon and Rectal Cancer

Studies around the world show that a low meat diet reduces the risk of colon and rectal cancer.

Secondly, a Plant Based diet is much higher in fibre (meat contains no fibre) which also reduces the risk.

Exercise is also important in reducing colon and rectal cancer.

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Prostate Cancer

High prostate cancer rates primarily exist in societies with “Western” diets and lifestyles.

An enormous amount of evidence shows that animal based foods are associated with prostate cancer.

The intake of calcium and phosphorus from dairy is partially responsible for this disease as well.

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You are the Cure


Surprisingly, countries that consume the highest quantities of milk have the highest rates of osteoporosis.

Milk contains calcium but this is cancelled by the “acidic” effect of the milk on the blood.

To return the pH to normal, calcium is taken from the bones and transferred to the blood.

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This is particularly important for women.

Also stay physically active and keep your salt intake to a minimum.

You are the Cure

Kidney Stones

W.G. Robertson from the Medical Research Council in Leeds, England has studied kidney stones extensively.

One of the biggest contributors to kidney stores was found to be a high meat, low fibre diet.

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Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness among people over 65.

Macular degeneration can be reduced by as much as 88% by eating lutein which comes from spinach and other green leafy vegetables and maintaining proper blood pressure and glucose levels .

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Hypertension and high blood cholesterol are two factors contributing to dementia; both are reduced with a Plant Based Diet.

A recent study compared Alzheimer’s rates to diet across eleven different countries and found that populations with a high fat intake and low cereal and grain intake had higher rates of Alzheimer’s.

Vitamins (especially folate, vitamin C, Vitamin E and beta-carotene) and minerals (iron and zinc) are also helpful i.e. green leafy vegetables and whole grains.

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You are the Cure


Over 17% of the Ontario population is obese and obesity is a precursor to heart disease and other ailments.

A Plant Based Diet along with 3 hours of exercise per week will lead to weight loss for most people.

Also adding water is a good idea e.g. a vegetable soup will make you feel fuller then the same amount of cooked vegetables on a plate.

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Multiple Sclerosis

Consuming cow’s milk is strongly linked to MS when comparing 26 populations in 24 different countries.

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And its cheaper

A Plant Based Diet is much cheaper than a typical “Western” diet.

You can get your grains, beans and rice at the Bulk Barn or Food Basics and only buy fruits and vegetables that are in season or on sale.

Choose brown rice over white rice. Choose whole grain bread over white bread. Choose steel cut oats over quick oats.

Less refined foods are healthier and better for your pocket book.

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Its better for the Environment

According to the United Nations, cattle release 18% of all green house gas emissions and it takes 7 times as much water and 25 times as much energy to make a pound of beef protein as a pound of soy protein.

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You are the Cure

• American Dietetic Association• American Institute of Cancer Research• World Cancer Research Fund• Journal of the American Medical Association• Canadian Cancer Society• Canadian Diabetes Association• Berkeley Wellness Letter • Mayo Clinic• British Medical Journal • British Journal of Cancer• European Heart Journal• Nutrition Action Letter• Environmental Nutrition Letter • Dr. Oz

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Many organizations support the Whole Foods, Plant Based Diet

You are the Cure

Thank you for your time …

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