the president’s perch - amazon s3 president’s perch on with more but i think you’ve got the...

January - March 2016 Volume XIII, Issue I Sally Spenny Editor THE PRESIDENT’S PERCH on with more but I think you’ve got the gist. For those who are wonder- ing, “Who is this Kathy per- son?”, here’s a little back- ground for you. Back in 2000, I had finished Gradu- ate school and was looking for a charitable organization to give my now free time to. However, I was paralyzed by so many choices. I went to my first Arizona Parrot Head Club meeting in Feb- ruary of that year and they rattled off a half dozen char- ities they were going to work with that year. They were doing the decision making for me! To paraphrase The Man, I knew I had found me a home. Happy New Year, Parrot Heads! It is my great honor to be serving you all as President of Parrot Heads in Paradise for the next two years. Thank you to Chris “Papa” Zuest for his work this past four years in that role. Papa is awesome! Also, thanks to David Cohen for accepting another term as Secretary and Andrew Talbert for con- tinuing in his role of Direc- tor of Conventions. Finally, welcome to Vince MacQueen who is joining me from the ranks of the Regional Communicators to assume the role of Director of Communications. I gotta tell you, I’m pretty excited about working with all of the above plus Andy Harrell, Char Schultheis and Charley Gingrow as the 2016 PHiP Board of Direc- tors. Good people, one and all! I’ll also be assuming Papa’s National Ticket Coordinator Duties. The local Ticket Co- ordinators and I won’t com- plain one bit about being kept busy so here’s hoping Jimmy decides to travel far and wide so everyone has an opportunity to see a show this year! For those who run big events, you know that the ink isn’t dry on closing the books before you’re working on the next event. It’s no different on the national level. Andrew and many others are already hard at work planning our 25th Meet- ing of the Minds which will be held November 2 - 6, 2016 in Key West, Florida. This year’s theme is “Here we are”. I’m interpreting that as a celebra- tion of the events that have brought us all together. And, seriously, where else would we want to be? Many people will give their efforts, large and small, to our convention as the year goes on. What you can do to help now is make sure your fellow Parrot Heads know everything about the event. That it’s a fantastic opportunity to experience Trop Rock artists from across the country. That you have the op- portunity to see friends from all over. That you can make even more friends from all over. That our convention ef- forts support several local Keys charities. That it’s just a darn good time. That I can go cont. next pg.

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Page 1: THE PRESIDENT’S PERCH - Amazon S3 PRESIDENT’S PERCH on with more but I think you’ve got the gist.and Andrew Talbert for con-tinuing in his role of Direc-For those who are wonder-ing,

January - March 2016 Volume XIII, Issue I

Sally Spenny Editor


on with more but I think you’ve got the gist. For those who are wonder-ing, “Who is this Kathy per-son?”, here’s a little back-ground for you. Back in 2000, I had finished Gradu-ate school and was looking for a charitable organization to give my now free time to. However, I was paralyzed by so many choices. I went to my first Arizona Parrot Head Club meeting in Feb-ruary of that year and they rattled off a half dozen char-ities they were going to work with that year. They were doing the decision making for me! To paraphrase The Man, I knew I had found me a home.

Happy New Year, Parrot Heads! It is my great honor to be serving you all as President of Parrot Heads in Paradise for the next two years. Thank you to Chris “Papa” Zuest for his work this past four years in that role. Papa is awesome! Also, thanks to David Cohen for accepting another term as Secretary and Andrew Talbert for con-tinuing in his role of Direc-tor of Conventions. Finally, welcome to Vince MacQueen who is joining me from the ranks of the Regional Communicators to assume the role of Director of Communications. I gotta tell you, I’m pretty excited about working with all of the above plus Andy Harrell, Char Schultheis and Charley Gingrow as the 2016 PHiP Board of Direc-tors. Good people, one and all! I’ll also be assuming Papa’s National Ticket Coordinator Duties. The local Ticket Co-ordinators and I won’t com-plain one bit about being kept busy so here’s hoping Jimmy decides to travel far

and wide so everyone has an opportunity to see a show this year! For those who run big events, you know that the ink isn’t dry on closing the books before you’re working on the next event. It’s no different on the national level. Andrew and many others are already hard at work planning our 25th Meet-ing of the Minds which will be held November 2 - 6, 2016 in Key West, Florida. This year’s theme is “Here we are”. I’m interpreting that as a celebra-tion of the events that have brought us all together. And, seriously, where else would we want to be? Many people will give their efforts, large and small, to our convention as the year goes on. What you can do to help now is make sure your fellow Parrot Heads know everything about the event. That it’s a fantastic opportunity to experience Trop Rock artists from across the country. That you have the op-portunity to see friends from all over. That you can make even more friends from all over. That our convention ef-forts support several local Keys charities. That it’s just a darn good time. That I can go

cont. next pg.

Page 2: THE PRESIDENT’S PERCH - Amazon S3 PRESIDENT’S PERCH on with more but I think you’ve got the gist.and Andrew Talbert for con-tinuing in his role of Direc-For those who are wonder-ing,

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Sixteen years later, I’m still at home after serving in various offices on my local club’s BOD, as PHiP Elections Of-ficer and MOTM Registration Assistant and completing two stints as a Regional Communi-cator. There are so many people to thank for supporting me on this Parrot Head Journey. Other Club Leaders, PHiP BOD members past and present and my best buds, Regional Com-municators past and present are at the top of the list. The latter have become some of my great-est friends and I hope I still get invited to the MOTM RC Team Drink in 2016. ;) If I ever get to meet The Man, I will thank him for inspiring this great organization that has giv-en me so many wonderful friends, countless experiences and memories and provided so much to our communities. As I said at the beginning, it is an honor to serve. Here we are in 2016 - it’s going to be a great year! Kathy Pfister, President Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc.

The Latest Hummin’ Headlines

PHiP President’s Letter Pgs 1-2

San Diego PC Wins GC! Pg 3

MOTM Pgs 4- 5

PHIP Alzheimer's’ Team Pg 6

PHIP Alz Team Leader Pg 7

PHiP Financials Pgs 8-11

Lone Palm Foundation Pg 11

PHIP Scholarship Open Pg 12

Domino College Dean’s List Pg 13

Newsletter Contest Winners Pg 13

Parrot Head Club Birthdays Pg 14

Regional Events Pg 15

MOTM 2016 Ad Pg 16

President Kathy Pfister cheesehead_in_paradise@

Vice President Andy Harrell [email protected] Secretary David Cohen [email protected] Dir of Finance Charlene Schultheis [email protected] Dir. of Membership Charley Gingrow [email protected] Dir. of Conventions 2016- Andrew Talbert [email protected] Dir of Communications Vince MacQueen [email protected]

2016 PHiP Board Of Directors

Published Quarterly; Mid January, Mid April, Mid July and Mid October. PHiP and the TWT does not solicit advertis-ing for this particular publication. Articles for consideration must be submitted on the 5th of each month of publica-tion. Information contained in this publication is intended for PHiP membership. PHiP reserves the right of refusal to print any article.

Consideration for article submission, contact: Sally Spenny at [email protected]

Page 3: THE PRESIDENT’S PERCH - Amazon S3 PRESIDENT’S PERCH on with more but I think you’ve got the gist.and Andrew Talbert for con-tinuing in his role of Direc-For those who are wonder-ing,

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ship is that the BOD makes a concerted effort to get our mem-bership involved in Club deci-sions. Our membership votes on every decision, starting with a charity selection process. I be-lieve our process is pretty unique. In January our members nominate a local charity for con-sideration to be a beneficiary of our Fund Raising efforts. When all is said and done, our mem-bers vote for six charities, rank-ing them 1-6. The top two char-ities become the beneficiaries of our main fundraiser, our Anni-versary Party. The 3rd place charity becomes the beneficiary of our second highest fund rais-er, the Charity Pub Crawl. The other four charities receive funds from other events we run during the year. This process empowers our members and makes them feel part of our fam-ily. We also are a very active club, participating in a minimum of 12 community and charity events every year (16 in 2015). Our community events include beach cleanups, food drives, wa-

The San Diego Parrot Head is extremely excited and honored to have won the 2015 Golden Coco-nut Award. This award was 20+ years in the making. We were founded in 1995. In 1996 Bob and Sharon Clark were elected to the positions of President and Vice President, and we are still here. We have evolved into more than a “party with a purpose” 501 c (4) club. We are a family, help-ing our club members and the community at large with our time and our funds. We have been blessed with a consistent Boards of Directors (BOD). The current BOD members have held the same positions for well over 5 years, in some cases 10 years. This, with an active, dedicated, and cohesive membership, has allowed us to grow from less than 100 members to over 500 mem-bers, and made us one of the top 5 largest Clubs in the Parrot Head Nation. And we have over an 80% membership retention rate. One thing that has helped us grow and maintain our member-

ter stops in race events, and sports tournaments. We hold a minimum of four major fundrais-ers every year. This includes a pub-crawl, which draws 120 plus members and friends in two dou-ble deck buses, and raises an av-erage of over $4000 for a local charity. Our main charity event is our An-niversary Party fundraiser. It started as a one-day event, but has grown into a three-day affair with bands Thursday and Friday nights, and 11 hours of non-stop Trop Rock and Rock and Roll music on Saturday. It is held at the end of September in a campground on by Mission Bay. We reserve over 140 campsites and have over 600 paid attendees and another 500 plus gests not associated with the Club. In addi-tion to the music on Saturday, we have a beer and wine garden, a silent auction, and an opportunity drawing. At this party in 2015, we raised $40,000 for two local charities selected by our mem-bers. This year we will raise over $52,000 for local charities, and will have had over 1200 volun-teers who spent more than 5000 hours on our community and charity events. We are very proud of our club, and I am thankful and blessed to lead one of the best Clubs in the Parrot Head Nation. Bob Clark, President SDPHC

And the winner of the 2015 Golden

Coconut Award is the San Diego PHC!

Page 4: THE PRESIDENT’S PERCH - Amazon S3 PRESIDENT’S PERCH on with more but I think you’ve got the gist.and Andrew Talbert for con-tinuing in his role of Direc-For those who are wonder-ing,

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Meeting of the Minds By Andrew Talbert, PHiP Director of Conventions

sound and lighting crews were awesome! Thank you all. Final-ly to wrap up the 2015 mes-sage…THANK YOU JIMMY BUFFETT and the Coral Reefer Band for making the 24th annual Meeting of the Minds a special one. That was honestly one of the best Jimmy Buffett set lists I have personally seen since the 1970’s. ON TO 2016!! This year marks the 25th annual Meeting of the Minds and that number is one to reflect on. A quarter of a centu-ry of Parrot Heads getting to-gether and having a blast! Nice job to all who have been a part of this event at any point in the past and in the present! The wheels are spinning and the telephones are burning up as MOTM 2016 planning is in full swing. I want to give you an update! Registration is under-way and the Casa Marina 2016 booking link is live online. Let

Hello Parrot Heads!! Registration for the 25th Annu-al Meeting of the Minds “Here We Are” is open!! The wheels are in motion for another great event in 2016 in sunny and warm Key West! 2016 promises to be a great year with all the music and fun you have come to expect at Meeting of the Minds! Before I go on to more 2016 news I want to mention a few things about MOTM 2015 to close the door on the last event. What was accomplished in Key West at Meeting of the Minds? We had PHun! The weather was beautiful! We were surrounded by our PHriends! We raised some PHunds for some great charities and organizations to donate in 2016! There was great music! Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band were there! There were toys and gift cards donated for kids in the lower keys! We raised scholar-ship money for our college Keets for 2016! We left 170 pints of precious blood in the lower keys! That was the fourth highest total blood drive ever and one to be proud of for sure. The Zonta walk many of our PHolks participated in raised $13,000 at last count. I should mention that the charities who saw contributions this year were the PHiP Scholarship Fund, Key West SPCA, the KOA Care Camps, and Key West Po-lice Athletic League. Our PHiP 501(c)3 charity arm, the Lone Palm Foundation, raised over

$10,000 at the live auction for Parrot Head charity use! I want to take a moment to thank every person who volun-teered any moment of time dur-ing MOTM. The more times I go back to this event the more I discover how so many people take time to do small things or literally work an entire day or even sometimes the entire week doing things to support the event. I wish I could person-ally thank everyone who donat-ed a single minute to MOTM. Without every volunteer this event would never even get started. It is ALL ABOUT YOU…every one of you volun-teers. Thank you. Rest up and come back in November! I want to also thank all the art-ists for the entertainment! Our


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me tell you about the contests and that the booking at the host hotel is doing VERY well. It is January and we are over two-thirds of the way to a sell-out! Please read on about the awesome contests you will want to participate in. All you need to do is register or book your room at the Casa Marina to partici-pate. We will take care of putting you in the drawings! WE HAVE TO SELL THIS HOTEL OUT AND YOU ARE MAKING IT HAPPEN! The Casa Marina WILL be the place to be again this year as it al-ways is for MOTM! Book your room at the Casa Marina Resort prior to April 1st and YOU will be put into a drawing for FOUR NIGHTS FREE in a Casa Marina OCEAN FRONT 2 BEDROOM SUITE! The special code for our Parrot Head Rate is: ZZPAR8. You must mention this code to the special Parrot Head rate. Here is the link for booking a room at the Casa Marina online! The Casa Marina phone numbers are: 888-303-5717 or 305-296-3535. The 2016 MOTM dates (November 2nd – 6th) are on the PHiP web site for use in booking your rooms right now! AND YOU WANT TO REGISTER FOR MOTM SOON!! WHY? If you register before April 1st, 2016 you will be put in a drawing to WIN 2 tickets to see JIMMY BUFFETT AND THE CORAL REEFER BAND in a city of your choice in the USA during 2016 courtesy of MARGARITAVILLE FOODS!! All you have to do is register and pick your choice of a

city on the 2016 tour!!! If you are the lucky winner YOU will win a pair of concert tickets and access to a pre-show VIP party for any 2016 regularly scheduled Jimmy Buffett tour date within the U.S. or Canada. Concert date must be selected at least 8 weeks prior to the show or as soon as possible if the concert is announced with less than 8 weeks notice. All you need to do to enter is register, our registra-tion team will manage adding YOU to the drawing for this very cool prize! These contest odds are MUCH better than the local lottery!! Here is the link to register for the 25th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MINDS 2016: More announcements will be coming soon and the excitement is starting to build. I can’t wait to share all the details of this year’s event! I will close this update with a few lines of the


song that inspired the 2016 event name “Here We Are!” Who would have thought this game, this flame would still be burning Who would have guessed that all these blenders would still be churning Not even we on our bended knees could have ever blessed it Not even I with my head in the sky would have ever guessed it Here we are Here we are Here we are…. Until next time, I’ll see you, down the road… Andrew Andrew Talbert Parrot Heads in Paradise PHiP Director of Conventions Meeting of the Minds 2016 “Here We Are”

Page 6: THE PRESIDENT’S PERCH - Amazon S3 PRESIDENT’S PERCH on with more but I think you’ve got the gist.and Andrew Talbert for con-tinuing in his role of Direc-For those who are wonder-ing,

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The PHIP National Team 2015 Final Totals & Teams!! YOU DID IT AGAIN!! … THANK YOU!!!

The 2016 Alzheimer’s totals are in and once again you all went above & beyond the call to raise the most money ever for the PHIP National Alzheimer’s Team. Reports from the National Alzhei-mer’s Association confirm the TOTAL DOLLARS RAISED by 66 Chapters … $154,205.99 … well over our $100,000.00 goal!! WELL DONE PHIP National Team Members … WELL DONE!! CONGRATULATIONS to ALL of our 2015 participating PHIP Alzheimer’s Teams!! Fact: Alzheimer's is not just a dis-ease of old age. Younger-onset (also known as early-onset) Alz-heimer's affects people younger than age 65. Up to 5 percent of the more than 5 million Ameri-cans with Alzheimer’s have younger-onset. Chicago Parrot Head Club led the way and for the 4th time in a row, the claimed First Place $14,376.97 Lakeshore Parrot Heads in 2nd Place, $11,045.00 Ozark Mountain Parrot Heads taking 3rd place, $10,243.00 $5,000.00 and above Teams were: 4h Place: Steel City Fins 5th Place: Beaches A1A 6th Place: Sarasota Bay PHC 7th Place: Lone Star PHC 8th Place: San Antonio PHC 9th Place: Space Coast PHC 10th Place: Los Angeles PHC 11th Place: Last Mango In Par-is PHC

23 Teams raised $1,000 - $4,999.00 Detroit PHC St Louis PHC Des Moines PHC Metro PHC Naples PHC Palmetto PHs Phun Coast PHs Towns Around Biloxi PHC Phlock of South Jersey PHC of Maine Coastal Jersey PHC Latitude 38 PHC Left Coast PHs Arizona PHC Central Oklahoma PHA Cincinnati PHC Barefoot Children of FLL Ocean State PHC PHC of Tidewater Nautical Whalers PHC St. MinneSomePlace PHC Pirates of the Red PHC Orange County PHC Third Tier Up to $1,000.00 Tulsa PHs Southern Illinois PHC Southern Idaho PHC Lakes Area PHs San Diego PHC PHs for the Palm Beaches Eastern IL PHC Buckeye PHC Midwest IN PHC Corn Republic PHC Naples PHC Central Texas PHC

PHs of the Prairie Southwest Florida PHC Youngstown PHC Treasure Coast PHC Central Illinois PHC West Georgia PHC Blue Hen Parrot Head Club Hillbilly PHC Kansas City PHC Wasatch Mountain PHs River City PHs Atlanta Parrot Head Club San Diego PHC Steel City Fins Virtual PHC ALL of our participating teams should be proud!! Even if your club raised less than $1,000, your club is just as important to our National Team totals!! It’s the amount of participation by our clubs that boost your totals each year. And every dollar adds up!! I would also like to thank Marga-ret Sells who actually did all the behind the scenes emails and work with our Teams for 2015. We could not have done it without YOU ALL!!!! We have already signed our 2016 National Team Participation Com-mitment form. SOON you will get an email about how to be involved for this year. We hope you join us as we all WALK TO END ALZ-HEIMERS in 2016!!

Page 7: THE PRESIDENT’S PERCH - Amazon S3 PRESIDENT’S PERCH on with more but I think you’ve got the gist.and Andrew Talbert for con-tinuing in his role of Direc-For those who are wonder-ing,

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PHIP Introduces the 2016 National Alzheimer’s Walk Team

Captain Bob Noonan

PHIP would like to introduce the New Alzheimer’s Team Captain for 2016 … Mr. Bob Noonan of the Chicago PHC!

Bob joined the Chicago Parrot Head Club in 2003 and he has been an active participant with the Club and its activities for over 13 years. Bob served as President of the Chi-cago Parrot Head Club and is cur-rently the Club’s Charity Director. Serving as Charity Director for 6 years, he focused his efforts to im-prove the Club’s involvement with the charities the Club has chosen to share its time, talent and treasure. One of the charities Bob reviewed was the Alzheimer’s Association. The Chicago Club annually walked in the Alzheimer’s Association’s Memory Walk as did many other clubs, but Bob felt the Club was not putting enough effort into actu-al fundraising initiatives associated with the Memory Walk. He reached out to the local Chapter of Alzheimer’s to see how the Club could improve its involvement with the Alzheimer’s Association. One thing led to another and through his involvement with the local organization he was able to interact with many of the officers

of the Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Illinois. As a result of his involvement, he applied for a Board of Director position and was appointed to the Alzheimer's Association of Greater Illinois Board of Directors for a three-year term. This chapter focuses its efforts to raise awareness and fundraise throughout Illinois. As a result of Bob’s Board posi-tion, the Chicago Parrot Head Club has become much more ac-tive in fundraising and participa-tion in the Memory Walk fighting to cure Alzheimer’s. In fact, the Chicago Parrott Head Club has been the #1 Alz. Walk fundraising club for the last 4 years. Bob also was awarded the PHIP trophy for holding the honor as the top fundraiser for 2014!! It only made sense to approach him to lead the way and serve as the PHIP National Alzheimer’s Team Captain for 2016. Soon he will be sending out indi-vidual emails to each of our Club contacts on how to sign up with our National Team or how to sign back in to your Team page. Watch your email in early Febru-ary for Team information from Bob. We hope you will consider join-ing us in 2016 if you haven’t in the past. For you returning Teams, Bob will serve as the liai-son between our participating Chapters and the Alzheimer’s Association. The PHIP Board would like to Welcome & Thank Bob in ad-vance for stepping into this very important position!!


This past Christmas time the members of the Southside Vir-ginia Landsharks gave them-selves what may have been the most rewarding gift they re-ceived in the year. They hit the streets with hundreds of crisp, $20 bills in plain Christmas money holders, to distribute to those they encountered that they sensed could really use the mon-ey. No fanfare, no advance no-tice, not even a mention of their name on the envelopes. Mike said “We don't do a lot, as a small club, but we do. We don't make a big difference, but we make a difference. We are Blessed. Now the Challenge: This year, I'd like to challenge the Parrot-head Nation. It doesn't have to be big, just from the Heart. And you'll know when the time is right to do it, trust me. Keep writing those checks and drop-ping change in the red buckets, but also put a face with your generosity this year. Don't do it for the Tax deduction - do it be-cause you are Human. And you, too, will give yourself what will probably be the best gift you’ll receive this year. “ From Mike and the Landsharks, in Southside Virginia

Page 8: THE PRESIDENT’S PERCH - Amazon S3 PRESIDENT’S PERCH on with more but I think you’ve got the gist.and Andrew Talbert for con-tinuing in his role of Direc-For those who are wonder-ing,

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Financials Contributed By: Charlene Schultheis, PHiP Dir of Finance

Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. Financial Statement - General Fund - YTD as of December 31, 2015


Balance 12.31.14 $5,929

Membership/Handbooks-CD $32,634

Scholarship Account $10,000

Total Income $48,563


Background check $96

Bank Charges $13

Board Meeting/Meetings $10,561

BubbleUp LLC $6,063


Nellie Carlen - Alzheimer's $1,000

Central Oklahoma Human Society $250

Mercymount City Day School $250

D & O Insurance $2,746

Filing Fee (Arizona) $10

Office Supplies $623

Printing/Postage $153

Return Items $75

Scholarship $10,417

Web Site $1,485

Total Expenses $33,741

Ending Balance: $14,822

Page 9: THE PRESIDENT’S PERCH - Amazon S3 PRESIDENT’S PERCH on with more but I think you’ve got the gist.and Andrew Talbert for con-tinuing in his role of Direc-For those who are wonder-ing,

Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. Financial Statement-Scholarship YTD as of December 31, 2015

Parrot Heads in Paradise Financial Statement Relationship Savings YTD as of December 31, 2015

Page 9


Balance 12.31.14 $15,123

Credit Card Partner $938

Interest $5

Total Income $16,066


Transfer to General Checking $10,000

Total Expense $10,000

Ending Balance: $6,066


Balance 12.31.14 $26,029

Interest $37

Total Income $26,066


Total Expenses $0

Ending Balance: $26,066

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Parrot Heads

In Paradise, Inc.

Financial Statement


YTD as of Dec 31, 2015

Page 10

Income: Balance 12.31.14 $ 3,912

Advertising $ 3,869

Mini Mart $ 4,500

On site reg, raffle, merch $ 69,268

2016 Registration $ 21,445

Registration $ 206,466

Sponsorship $ 41,500

Discover Rebate $ 22

Total Income $ 350,982

Expenses: (transaction fees) $ 320

Bank Charges $ 9,865

Bee's Honey Pots $ 1,350

Casa Marina $ 51,367

The Reach Resort $ 896

Central Plasticworks (Fin Awards) $ 508

Charity KOA Care Camps $ 5,000

Florida Keys SPCA $ 5,000

Key West Police Athletic League $ 5,000

City of Key West $ 776

Conch Republic Seafood Co (Leader's Brunch) $ 4,973

CUBE Services, Inc. (Credentials, etc.) $ 6,292

Emma $ 797

Entertainment $ 93,563

Florida Keys Group Transportation $ 14,544

Four Star Rental $ 1,711

Harmony Press (Convention Guide) $ 5,506

Historic Tours of America $ 700

The Johnsons Insurance Agency (Event Ins) $ 2,335

Keyboard Advertising Specialists $ 24,547

Keys Activities (Gumbo) $ 430

Key West Police (Security) $ 14,528

Manuel's Supply LLC $ 385

MOTM $ 21,677

Mini iPad $ 212

Namify $ 3,848

Office Supplies $ 172

Old Town Self Storage $ 2,152

Postage/Printing $ 2

Rey Flores - misc. art work $ 600

Rob O'Neal Photography $ 750

Tax software (1099) $ 66

TBA Communications (Radios) $ 690

Tech Tronics Productions Inc. $ 36,005

Total Expense $ 316,566

Ending Balance: $ 34,417

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Parrot Heads in


Financial Statement




Year to Date

December 31, 2015


Balance 12.31.14 $28,200

Interest $39

Total Income $28,239


Total Expenses $0

Ending Balance: $28,239

Thanks to all that purchased items from Lone Palm Foundation at the auction at Meeting of the Minds last November! We raised $9325.00 for the Parrot Head Emergency PHUND. I would like to also acknowledge the following clubs/regions for 2015 donations to the Lone Palm Foundation Parrot Head Emergen-cy PHUND: - PHIP South Region $500 - San Antonio PHC $500 - The Villages PHC $1000 - San Diego PHC $500 Jim Brogren, Director, Lone Palm Foundation


Dave Levin with signed guitar!

Villages PHC check presentation to Lone Palm Foundation

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Hello Club Leaders:

It's that time of year again for the PHiP Scholarship Essay Contest. Please pass this in-formation along to your club members. You can cut and paste this article and include it in your email you send out to your members. This is the only way that your members will know of this great oppor-tunity and we need you as lead-ers to make sure that this infor-mation gets out to each and every one of them. This is a wonderful opportunity for your members and their fami-lies. Please forward this email to your club at least once a month for the next three months in your clubs communications. This is a great opportunity that we want all eligible students to take advantage of. Thanks in advance for helping to get the word out and good luck to all the applicants. We are proud to announce that the PHiP Scholarship Essay Contest for 2016 is NOW OPEN!!!!!! Summary of the PHiP Scholar-ship: The PHiP Scholarship is for current Parrot Head Club Members of an officially Char-tered Chapter or their children or wards of Parrot Head Club Members, for post- secondary education. This program was established in 2008. Three scholarships will be awarded in 2016. The funds may be used for tuition, books or living expenses, at an

To Apply: Complete the Parrot Head Scholarship Application found on the PHiP website at Please email your completed application and essay to: David Cohen PHiP Secretary [email protected] DEADLINE FOR APPLI-CANTS is MARCH 31st, 2016, for enrollment for fall term (summer terms not applicable). Students may apply yearly; the awards will be given annually, based on a new application pro-cess. Good Luck to all applicants! David Cohen, Secretary - Parrot Heads in Par-adise, Inc. 2016 Scholarship Chair

accredited four-year university or college of the student’s choice. The award will be paid to the winners’ school account, when a student account is es-tablished. PHiP awards 3 awards in the amounts of: First Place: $5,000 Second Place: $3,000 Third Place: $2,000 Eligibility: Parrot Head Club Members, members children, or Wards of Parrot Head Club Members (Sorry nieces, neph-ews or other extended family members beyond those men-tioned are not considered eligi-ble) The Scholarship instructions and application can be found on the PHiP Website at: It is VERY important the appli-cant follow ALL of the rules and instructions. Only typed, electronic submissions will be accepted. Incomplete applica-tions will not be considered eli-gible. Make no references to your identity, your local parrot head club or your location in your essay entry OR your question and statement responses. All applications must be signed at the appropriate place. We accept electronic signatures.

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The following clubs were an-nounced as winners at the Gen-eral Membership Meeting at Meeting of the Minds last year on November x, 2015st:

1st Place (Tied) - Central Okla-homa Parrothead Association

($250) 1st Place (Tied) - Nautical Whalers PHC ($250) 3rd Place - Sarasota Bay PHC ($100)

Each club will donate their winnings to the charity of their choice. We congratulate all of the 2015 PHiP Newsletter Contest winning clubs! We also wish to thank every club who submitted their newsletter for consideration, as well as our esteemed newslet-ter judges.

FINS WAY UP to all of you that “Partied with a Purpose” this past quarter! To be included in this list you need to post on the PHiP Club Leader’s Yahoo groups lists when you have a charitable or community service activity. Some clubs write a short “quarterly report” or recap of their activities and send that.

Arizona PHC Atlanta PHC Barefoot Children of FLL Baton Rouge PHC Beaches A1A PHC Berks County PHC Blossomland PHC Blue Hen PHC Calgary PHC Canyon Lake PHC Central Illinois PHC Central Oklahoma PHA Central Texas PHC Chesapeake PHC Chicago PHC Clinton County PHC Coast of Carolina PHC Coastal Jersey PHC Delaware Seashore PHC Eastern Illinois PHC Eastern New York PHC Fins of the Valley Galveston Bay PHC Hattiesburgers in Paradise High Desert PHC Hillbilly PHC Houston PHC Inland Empire Kansas City PHC

Key West PHC Lone Star PHC Los Angeles PHC LowCountry PHC Metro PHC Miami PHC Milwaukee Area PHA Nautical Whalers New Hampshire PHC North Coast PHC OBX Pirates PHC Ocean State PHC Ozark Mountain PHs Palmetto PHC PHC of Charlotte PHC of Connecticut PHC of Eastern Massachusetts PHC of Tidewater Philly Phinz PHINdy PHC Phlock of South Jersey PHs for the Palm Beaches PHs in Amish Paradise PHs of Central Florida PHs of New Mexico PHs of North Carolina PHs of Pensacola PHs of Port Aransas PHs of Puget Sound

PHs of the Phininsula PHs on the St. Clair Phun Coast PHC Pirates in Paradise Pirates in the Harbour Pirates of the Susquehanna Pirates on the Water Pittsburgh PHC Pleasure Island PHs San Antonio PHC San Diego PHC Sarasota Bay PHC Savannah PHC Seguin PHC Southern Idaho PHC Southside Virginia Landsharks St. Louis PHC St. MinneSomePlace PHC Strange Birds of Little Rock Tampa Bay PHC The Villages PHs Toes in the Water PHC Towns Around Biloxi PHC Treasure Coast PHC Tulsa PHC West Georgia PHC Western Massachusetts PHC Western North Carolina PHC


Page 14: THE PRESIDENT’S PERCH - Amazon S3 PRESIDENT’S PERCH on with more but I think you’ve got the gist.and Andrew Talbert for con-tinuing in his role of Direc-For those who are wonder-ing,

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Congratulations To All Of Our Parrot Head Clubs Celebrating Birthdays This Quarter!



Central Alabama PHC 01/08/11

Desert Sharks PHC 01/09/03

High Desert PHC 01/10/02

Southern Illinois PHC 01/25/07

Midwest Indiana PHC 01/12/00

Bluegrass PHC 01/27/95

Acadiana PHC 01/30/11

Shoreline PHC 01/19/94

CNY PHC 01/29/15

Kansas City PHC 01/22/95

Ozark Mountain PHs 01/17/98

1000 Islands PHC 01/24/06

Pirates in Paradise 01/01/99

Palmetto PHC 01/05/97

Phlip Phlop Phlockers 01/25/12

Memphis PHC 01/15/00

Wasatch Mountain PHC 01/07/95

PHC of Tidewater 01/11/96

Magic City PHC 02/13/01

Colorado PHC 02/15/94

PHs for the Palm Beaches 02/18/96

The Villages PHs 02/02/04

Savannah PHC 02/04/02

Pau Hana PHC 02/21/05

Treasure Valley PHC 02/01/02

Western Massachusetts PHC 02/23/98

Lakeshore PHC 02/01/02

Route 66 PHC 02/04/12

Wagoner PHC 02/20/03

Coast of Carolina PHC 02/14/95

Rose City PHC 02/07/10

PHC of Green Bay 02/09/93

PH Pirates of the CA Delta 03/06/03

Nature Coast PHC 03/12/08

PHs in Perry-dise 03/17/09

Pirates on the Water 03/01/06

PHs of the Savannah River 03/07/96

PHs in Lincolnland 03/21/98

Summit City PHC 03/05/00

Annapolis PHC 03/14/95

Chesapeake PHC 03/27/97

OBX Pirates 03/28/04

Sandlapper PHC 03/29/98

PHs of the Prairie 03/08/05

Black Hills PHC 03/16/15

Music City Phins 03/03/03

San Antonio PHC 03/11/99

Fins of the Valley 03/08/05

PHs of the Phininsula 03/20/11

Hamilton PHC 03/19/01

PHs in Niagara South 03/03/10

PHs on the St. Clair 03/15/07

Page 15: THE PRESIDENT’S PERCH - Amazon S3 PRESIDENT’S PERCH on with more but I think you’ve got the gist.and Andrew Talbert for con-tinuing in his role of Direc-For those who are wonder-ing,

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Are you missing out on advertising your party or event? Advertise your club’s activities on your Regional Calendar by contacting your RC today!! Be sure to list WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHO BENEFITS, and where to get MORE INFO! You never know when people might want to travel to your area!

WHO: Multiple MidAtlantic PHCs

WHAT: One Particular Phlocking

WHEN: April 29 – May 1st, 2016

WHERE: Holiday Inn, Breinigsville, PA

BENEFITS: Multiple charities


WHO: Multiple New England PHCs

WHAT: 21st Annual New England Parrot Head Con-vention

WHEN: Feb 25 – 28, 2016

WHERE: Mansfield, MA

BENEFITS: Multiple charities


WHO: Panama City PHC

WHAT: Panama City Rendezvous

WHEN: April 22 - 24, 2016

WHERE: Panama City Beach, FL

BENEFITS: Children’s Home Society of FL


WHO: Pittsburg PHC

WHAT: Cabin Fever

WHEN: Feb 19 -21, 2016

WHERE: Beaver Falls, PA

BENEFITS: Operation Troop Appreciation

MORE INFO: [email protected]

WHO: Clinton County PHC

WHAT: Spring Fling

WHEN: Feb 18 - 20, 2016

WHERE: Bretz Wildlife Lodge, Carlisle, IL

BENEFITS: Community Link


WHO: Multiple Florida PHCs

WHAT: Music on the Bay

WHEN: Mar 3 - 6, 2016

WHERE: Tampa Bay, FL

BENEFITS: Shriners’ Hospitals for Children


WHO: Parrot Heads in Natural Settings

WHAT: Gumbo Fest

WHEN: Mar 11 - 12, 2016

WHERE: Jacksonville Landing, FL

BENEFITS: Jacksonville Food Bank - Gleaners


WHO: Quad City PHC

WHAT: Annual Havana Daydreaming

WHEN: Feb 27, 2016

WHERE: Bettendorf, IA

BENEFITS: Big Brothers/Big Sisters


Don’t Let Time Get Away From You … Finish &

Mail Your PHIP Annual Renewal TODAY !!!

Page 16: THE PRESIDENT’S PERCH - Amazon S3 PRESIDENT’S PERCH on with more but I think you’ve got the gist.and Andrew Talbert for con-tinuing in his role of Direc-For those who are wonder-ing,

Tradewind Times P.O. Box 1011 Johnson City, TN 37605