the power of ocr in ap

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  • 8/10/2019 The Power of OCR in AP



    Process Consultants all over the world are emphasising on the importance of transforming the AP

    department into a strategic business unit via superior technology enablement for Vendor Invoice

    Management. While many business processes have become automated, accounts payable (AP)

    processes remain largely paper-based and cumbersome. A recent study conducted by Gartner and

    Aberdeen Group reveals that 75% to 80% of invoices received today are still paper-based and needs

    to be processed manually. Clearly, paper is here to stay- at least for a while! The question then that

    needs to be addressed is-what is the best way to streamline these manual process to increase

    efficiency and enable resource optimizations?

    The world of AP is riddled with the latest terminologies such as automation, workflows, process

    improvements, Content management, Character Recognition and such. Optical Character

    Recognition is often considered by many process experts as the crux of a successful Invoice

    Management automation strategy.

    What is OCR?

    OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition which helps an AP department to convert different

    types of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDF files or images into editable and

    searchable digital data. For. E.g. A vendor may send an invoice in a paper format. This invoice can be

    scanned upfront, captured by an OCR engine which can extract out relevant invoice data such as

    invoice number, PO reference number, Date, amount, quantity etc.; data from both header and line

    item level. The data captured can then be validated for correctness and discrepancies and

    subsequently converted into Electronic Invoices which can then be posted into existing ERP system

    such as SAP. While not technically e-invoicing, OCR does eliminate the need for an employee to key

    in most of the invoice information manually. Studies shows that using a scan and capture center canhelp an AP department rely less on paper-based cumbersome processes and therefore become less

    prone to pitfalls associated with handling mass quantities of paperwork.

    Key Benefits of OCR and Invoice Management:

    Read and extract characters automatically from the scanned forms and documents,

    unlocking the content for subsequent electronic processing

    Tangible benefits reduces manual data entry errors, increases processing time, reduces

    invoice processing cost over time.

    Validation and Discrepancy check such as recognition of duplicate invoices by OCR.

    Traceability of historic invoices and payments through electronic archiving.

    Intangible benefits - better supplier relationships and supplier credit terms.

    Do more with less resources thereby utilizing resources for more strategic tasks.

    OCR vendor selection - Few key considerations:

    Some key features to consider while selecting an OCR software includes

    Full-Text recognition

    Learning capabilities- Adaptive + Rule based learning is always optimal

    Line item recognition

    Allows multiple clients

    Legal details recognition

    Handwriting recognition

    Vendor Bank accounts recognition

  • 8/10/2019 The Power of OCR in AP


    Integration into various ERP applications such as SAP for:

    o Data validation

    o Duplicate Checks

    o Exception identification and routing


    Invoice Approval workflows

    o Handling One Time Vendors

    o Auto-posting of invoices

    Pricing per invoice instead of per page

    Setting the right Expectation:

    First time OCR customers often show unbridled enthusiasm and have high expectations from the

    technology. However, it is important to remember that while OCR and the associated technology is

    indeed a magical solution, expecting a 100% success rate for all incoming invoices is not realistic.

    Initially, OCR can only recognize standard invoices without specific adaption to customer

    environment. However, overtime, the adaptive and rule based learning capability of OCR can enable

    it to recognize and capture customer specific key data accurately with less manual validation thus

    standardising non-standard invoices over time.

    An organization must remember that technology enablement is never a be -all solution. For

    achieving high automation rate the OCR customers and their vendors must collaborate to put in

    place a set of OCR best practices.

    Vendors are recommended to use the same invoice template every time

    As a good practice, set all logos and images to between 240 and 300 ppi

    Label Critical information such as Invoice Number, Date, vendor name etc.

    Identify the document by having a document header Avoid full or partial handwritten invoices

    Use white paper and avoid using transparent paper with rear side information

    Avoid ticks and stamps on printed areas

    Avaali helps organizations significantly improve productivity and meet regulatory requirements by

    ensuring full visibility into both data and content related elements of a business process. Our

    consultants are experts in streamlining various processes such as AP. While many of them are ready

    to embrace OCR and its integration with solutions such as OpenText VIM, we have helped them

    understand that while OCR and Invoice Management cannot provide 100% automation for

    everyone, they can significantly reduce the time, labour cost and inefficiencies associated with

    manual paper-driven processes.