the point

The point is not simply to use Internet Technology. But to use it when it provides the best learning environment. The question is not, “How can I use the Internet?” but rather, “I want to teach (content standard), with this (outcome). What is the best tool to use? What is the best way to use it?” Why am I doing what I’m doing? Am I doing it because I’ve always done it?

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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Page 1: The point

The point is not simply to use Internet Technology. But to use it when it

provides the best learning environment.

The question is not, “How can I use the Internet?” but rather, “I want to teach

(content standard), with this (outcome). What is the best tool to use? What is

the best way to use it?”

Why am I doing what I’m doing?

Am I doing it because I’ve always done it?