the people of the portuguese and spanish colonies


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Page 1: The people of the portuguese and spanish colonies



Professor Arguello

History 140

Page 2: The people of the portuguese and spanish colonies

Portuguese America: Antonio de Gouveia Lived during the 16th

century. From the Azores Social group was

constantly changing. He was an Azorean

priest, among many other things.

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Portuguese America: Antonio de Gouveia

Born in 1528, to a Christian family in Terceira. He then went to Libson at 21 years of age. Within two years, he was ordained into the holy priesthood. He was shipwrecked and had to practice medicine to support himself

back home. Practicing medicine was against priesthood beliefs. The reason for his first encounter with the Inquisition was uncertain,

for there were no records. He was released on bail and escaped to Portugal. 1557, He was arrested by the Inquisition, on charges of superstition,

divination, witchcraft, and commerce with the devil. After being banished from Portugal, he returned a decade later from

Brazil, to the mercy of the Inquisition. He was shown none and in 1571, he was never granted a trial and

spent the rest of his life imprisoned.

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Portuguese America: Catarina de Monte Sinay Lived from the late

1600s to the mid-1700s.

From Brazil Social group was a

convent She was a nun.

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Portuguese America: Catarina de Monte Sinay In 1696, in Bahia, Brazil, she became the bride of Christ. Her original name was Catarina de Telles Barretto. The town she was from was really big on sugar sales and slave

trade. She was very much devoted to the religious culture and the

spectacle of the culture is what drew her to her faith. She took comfort in the elaborate daily rituals. She made lots of money with loans, slave sale, house rentals,

preparing, and selling suites. She died, leaving a will full of gifts of money to her fellow sisters,

and one slave, paying of loans, and giving away houses. She waited on her death bed for permission from the Arch

Bishop to give these things away; which she was never granted and died August 1758.

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Spanish America: Diego Vasicuio Lived during the 1600s. From Salamanca. Social group: chief priest

among the Indian community and custodian of the god, Sorimana.

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Spanish America: Diego Vasicuio He was an influential member of the Indian

community to hand down gods and gospels from one generation to the next.

In May 1671, when he was over 90 years old, he was taken by “visiting inspectors” who were commissioned by the hierarchy to detect and punish violators.

He was charged with heresy and he appeared before Father de Prado.

As a protector of the old gods Sorimana, Diego’s punishment was to denounce his god, ask for the true god’s help, and hand over the fake god.

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Spanish America: Juan de Morga and Gertrudis de Escobar

From the middle of the 17th century.

From Central Mexico/New Spain.

They were mulatto slaves.

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Spanish America: Juan de Morga and Gertrudis de Escobar Juan was a born slave and served an accountant in Mexico city. He was sold to a Mestizo named Diego de Arratia. He insulted the new master and was beaten and poorly treated until he finally

escaped to Jilotepec. Upon reaching Jilotepec, he attempted to convince the holy office to allow him to

be enslaved to someone else because of the poor treatment he received. After witnesses testified to Arratia’s tortures, the Inquisition sold Juan to Mateo

Dias de La Madrid. Gertrudis de Escobar was born a free woman and was sold as a slave by her aunt

and cousins years after her parents passed. She was sold to Don Mateo who beat her and chained her for not filling quotas of

experienced men laborers. She ran away and returned to the same beatings numerous times until she

escaped to a holy office of Santa Ana de Amanalco. A priest named Andres Gamero took her in, paid her wages, and sent her case to

Mexico City. When word came back from the holy office, they said to “moderate” her by putting

her in chains once more, then setting her free.

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Spanish America: Isabelle Moctezuma Lived in the

1500s. She was from

Tenochtitlan, Central Mexico

She was an Aztec princess.

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Spanish America: Isabelle Moctezuma

Born to the Aztec emperor Moctezuma II in 1509 or 1510. During the Spanish invasion, and an Aztec uprising, her father died. At age 11, the princess married her uncle, who became emperor after her

father’s death and died of smallpox within 60 days of their marriage. She then married her cousin, shortly after, who was captured in 1521 by Cortez

and then killed in 1526. Cortez saw the importance of Isabelle to Christianization and wrote home of

her importance. He recommended that land be granted back to her and her family. He did this to arrange her marriage to Alanso de Grado, in hopes that she

would convert to the Faith, and by her example, hasten evangelization of the country.

She wed her 5th husband, Juan Cano, and had five of her seven children with him.

She was the only Indian woman to testify as the witness against the governors of Mexico.

In her will she freed the slaves that served her and her husband.

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Spanish America: Francisco Baquero

Lived in the 18th-19th century.

From Buenos Aires, Argentina

Social group: Mestizo He was a shoe maker

and organizer.

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Spanish America: Francisco Baquero He was a master shoemaker, but was

not successful at this. He worked to create a union that would

have regulations to control quality and a customer base.

He formed a union of negro and mulatto shoemakers, but was rejected.

He traveled to Madrid to fight for a segregated union.