the pedometer challenge - national transport …...pedometer challenge, rising from 12% of...

The Pedometer Challenge Effectiveness Review 2008 — 2013

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Page 1: The Pedometer Challenge - National Transport …...Pedometer Challenge, rising from 12% of participants pre-challenge, to 26% (or 1,105 people) post-challenge, see Table 1 below

The Pedometer ChallengeEffectiveness Review 2008 — 2013

Page 2: The Pedometer Challenge - National Transport …...Pedometer Challenge, rising from 12% of participants pre-challenge, to 26% (or 1,105 people) post-challenge, see Table 1 below

National Transport Authority, Dún Scéine, Iveagh Court, Harcourt Lane, D2. T. 01 879 8300

A fun, free walking challenge12th September — 9th October 2012

Fantastic prizes on offer including one place on an Irish Heart Foundation Overseas European Walk, iPod shuffles, gift vouchers, slap wraps and challenge mugs. What’s involved?

Form a team (3 — 6 people)Sign up online www.pedometerchallenge.iePurchase a pedometer (step counter), pay online, collect at your workplace

Pedometers are €10 each with a portion going to the Irish Heart FoundationGet walking!

Search and like the ‘Pedometer Challenge 2012’ Facebook pageTips, updates and lots of spot prizes to be won!

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Page 3: The Pedometer Challenge - National Transport …...Pedometer Challenge, rising from 12% of participants pre-challenge, to 26% (or 1,105 people) post-challenge, see Table 1 below

Authors: Sharon Daly, Pedometer Challenge Coordinator Arlene Finn, Smarter Travel Workplaces/Campus Coordinator

January 2014


1. Introduction 5

2. Aims of the Pedometer Challenge within Smarter Travel 6

3. Specific Objectives of the Pedometer Challenge 6

4. Challenge Background 74.1 Smarter Travel — Government Policy 74.2 Evidence Base — Challenge Format 84.3 Behavioural Change Methodologies 94.4 Use of Pedometers 10

5. Results of the 2013 Challenge 115.1 Modal Shift 115.2 Impact Year on Year 125.2.2 Impact on Car Drivers 12

6. Comparison with other Behavioural Change Programmes 14

7. Challenge Benefits 147.1 Benefits to Participating Companies 147.2 Benefits to the Authority 15

8. Recommendations 16

9. Conclusions 16

Appendix 1 Participating Workplaces 2013 18Appendix 2 Impact on Activity Levels 2013 19Appendix 3 Application of Community Based Social Marketing principles and tools in the 20

Pedometer Challenge

References 22


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Page 5: The Pedometer Challenge - National Transport …...Pedometer Challenge, rising from 12% of participants pre-challenge, to 26% (or 1,105 people) post-challenge, see Table 1 below

1. Introduction

The Pedometer Challenge is a behavioural change initiative which acts as a stimulus to promote walking on thecommute.

The Pedometer Challenge is a workplace team walking event, with groups of three to six members recording theirstep counts on pedometers, and aiming to increase this amount over the course of the Challenge. The Challengeis open to Partners of the Smarter Travel Workplaces programme, which is a voluntary programme for largeemployers implementing workplace travel plans, see

As part of the Smarter Travel Workplaces travel plan programme, the National Transport Authority in partnershipwith the Irish Heart Foundation ran the sixth annual Pedometer Challenge, from Wednesday, September 11th toTuesday, October 8th 2013.

The 2013 Pedometer Challenge was the largest Challenge in the Smarter Travel Workplaces programme to date,with 4,250 people from 56 organisations participating.

See Appendix 1 for a list of participating workplaces.

This document is a review of the effectiveness of the Pedometer Challenge 2008 — 2013.


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2. Aims of the Pedometer Challenge within Smarter Travel

1. The primary aim of the Pedometer Challenge is to increase walking on the commute in workplacesparticipating in the Smarter Travel Workplaces programme.

2. The secondary aim is to engage large employers in the Smarter Travel Workplaces programme and workplace travel planning through an employee-focused walking event.

3. The tertiary aim is to allow Partners which have implemented the main elements of their travel action plan to continue to stimulate mobility management initiatives through the Smarter Travel Workplacesprogramme.

3. Specific Objectives of the Pedometer Challenge

The objectives of the Pedometer Challenge are to:

1. Use the principles and tools of community based social marketing and health promotion to change behaviour in favour of walking as a mode, both on the commute and for other journeys.

2. Promote walking as a mode by linking with health benefits for employees and employers.

3. To link with corporate objectives related to team-building and employee wellbeing.

4. Increase participation in the Challenge year on year.

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4. Challenge Background

4.1 Smarter Travel — Government Policy

4.1.1 Targets

National targets on Smarter Travel include reducing work-related commuting by car from 65% (in 2006) to 45%,meaning that significant numbers of commuters (500—600,000 people) will be encouraged to walk, cycle, usepublic transport and car share to work, as an alternative to driving alone by car.1 This target is complementary toGovernment targets to reduce obesity and promote physical activity.

4.1.2 Trends

In 2011, the national average for walking on the commute was 10%. Figures from the 2006 Census showed thataround 45,000 people drove less than 2km to work, with a further 160,000 people driving 2—4km to work. Theseindividuals could be encouraged to walk or cycle to work, at least on an occasional basis, making a significantcontribution to their health, and government targets relating to sustainable travel and the environment/ carbonreduction. Note: equivalent figures for 2011 do not exist.

However there is a significant gap between the potential for active travel and the current situation. The NationalGuidelines on Physical Activity recommend that adults take at least 30 minutes a day of moderate activity on 5days a week (or 150 minutes a week)2. However, the National Survey of Lifestyles Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÁN2007) showed that only 41% of Irish adults took part in moderate or strenuous physical activity for at least 20minutes three or more times a week. This level of activity has not changed much over the past ten years—40% in2002 compared with 38% in 19983. This cohort of inactive people are not likely to suddenly start commuting byactive means without a significant intervention to encourage them to do so.

4.1.3 Need for Interventions

Given these statistics, the role of interventions becomes even more significant in bridging the gap between those currently choosing active modes, and those who could potentially walk some or all of the way to work. In addition to the Pedometer Challenge, interventions include promotions to increase usage of facilities forwalking and cycling, such as in Galway City on the Seamus Quirke Road, and health promotion activities such asGet Ireland Active activities.

At a strategic level, such interventions also have a positive impact in terms of obesity and physical activity. Thosewho persistently participate in active commuting are more likely to engage in higher levels of physical activity incomparison to their passively commuting counterparts4.


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4.2 Evidence Base — Challenge Format

The format of the Pedometer Challenge draws from the fields and techniques of behavioural change in the area of sustainability and health promotion.

Many factors affect human behaviour, including situation, behavioural and environmental factors (see Figure 1below). The infrastructure around us, where we live, our social networks and our culture are some of thesituational factors that influence how we behave; these factors are outside of the remit of the Smarter TravelWorkplaces programme.

However, behavioural factors including awareness, habits, norms, beliefs and experience are areas that theSmarter Travel Workplaces programme and the Pedometer Challenge can influence.

Figure 1. Factors Affecting Human Behaviour 5



Social Networks



Social Learning Influencing Human




Access to Capital











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4.3 Behavioural Change Methodologies

The Pedometer Challenge is ultimately a behavioural change intervention, drawing on best available informationand research in this area, in particular, the principles and examples of Community-Based Social Marketing.Community-Based Social Marketing (CBSM)

“draws heavily on research in social psychology, which indicates that initiatives to promote behavior change are oftenmost effective when they are carried out at the community level and involve direct contact with people”.

The development of CBSM interventions can be linked to an increasing understanding that programmes that

“rely heavily or exclusively on media advertising can be effective in creating public awareness and understanding ofissues related to sustainability, but are limited in their ability to foster behavior change”6 (sic).

Many programmes aiming to promote sustainable behaviour use large-scale information campaigns, which areusually based on one of two perspectives regarding behavioural change — the Attitude-Behaviour approach,which assumes that changes in behaviour can be brought about by increasing public knowledge about an issue,and fostering attitudes that are supportive of the desired activity; and the Economic Self-Interest approach,which assumes that individual systematically evaluate choices and then act in accordance with their economicself-interest7.

Numerous studies document that education alone or campaigns that concentrate on the financial advantages of a sustainable activity are often unsuccessful in changing behaviour. The principles and tools of Community-Based Social Marketing can be employed to greater effect, making use of information/awareness strategies, inconjunction with other tools to change behaviour. CBSM strategies employed in the Pedometer Challenge (andother Smarter Travel Workplaces/Campus initiatives) include:

• Selecting behaviours;

• Identifying barriers and benefits; and

• Developing strategies, including the key principles of:

— Getting public/group/written commitments;— Establishing social norms & building community support;— Social diffusion—speeding adoption of desirable behaviours;— Providing prompts to act;— Communicating effective messages (also drawing on the UK Institute for Government MINDSPACE

behavioural economics research8);— Using incentives to enhance the motivation to act; and— Convenience — making it easy to engage in the Challenge.

For further detail on how the Pedometer Challenge addresses each of these key components of a widely recognisedbehaviour change strategy,9 please see Appendix 3.

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4.4 Use of Pedometers

The use of pedometers in the field of health promotion and management of disease has long been established.Research suggests that multi-faceted interventions e.g. pedometers used in conjunction with goal-setting, andthose of longer duration appear to have a greater and more positive effect than pedometers alone10.

The Pedometer Challenge is complementary to both of these criteria, with participants working in teams, aiming to increase step counts and walking for a month, on an annual basis as part of a wider workplace event.

For a programme charged with promoting walking, tapping into people’s desire for enhanced wellbeing andfitness is a key method of engagement. In 2013, ‘fitness/exercise’ was ranked as the top reason for participating(77% of participants) (See Figure 2).

Figure 2. Reasons for Participation in the 2013 Challenge













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(Note on ‘To support the Irish Heart Foundation’— proceeds from sales of pedometers were donated to the Irish Heart Foundation.)

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5. Results of the 2013 Challenge

4,250 people from 56 organisations participated in the 2013 Challenge (see Appendix 1 for the full list ofparticipating organisations). This represents just over 50% of the Partners engaged with the Smarter TravelWorkplaces and Campus programmes at that time, or 3% of the Partner workforce.*

At the start of the Challenge, only 12% of participants (510 people) walked to work on a regular basis.

5.1 Modal Shift11

There was a 133 percentage increase in the number of people regularly walking to work as a result of the 2013Pedometer Challenge, rising from 12% of participants pre-challenge, to 26% (or 1,105 people) post-challenge, see Table 1 below.

Significantly 8% of car drivers (50 people) intended to walk to work on a regular basis, with a further 18% (115 people) intending to walk on an occasional basis, see Table 2 below.

Table 1. Increase in Walking on the Commute, Pedometer Challenge 2013 — All Participants

Before the During the Intend to walk Challenge Challenge post-Challenge

Walked to work on a regular basis 12% 28% 26%

Walked to work on an occasional basis Not asked 15% 19%

Table 2. Increase in Walking on the Commute, Pedometer Challenge 2013 — Car Drivers Only

Drove to work on a regular basis before the challenge 51%

Intend to walk post-challenge on a regular basis—car drivers only 8%

Intend to walk post-challenge on an occasional basis—car drivers only 18%

Research indicates that behavioural intention is the most proximate predictor of behaviour12 and has a high predictive validity in relation to behaviour13, meaning that individuals generally rate their intention to perform a particular behaviour accurately.

The impact of the Challenge on Activity Levels can be found in Appendix 2.

* This figure does not include students as this intervention was not open to them.

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5.2 Impact Year on Year

The Pedometer Challenge as a behavioural change intervention has recorded consistent changes in favour ofwalking since the Challenge began in 2008. Results from annual Pedometer Challenges show that the event has an impact in encouraging commuters to switch from other/inactive modes to walking. Year on year, theproportion of participants reporting walking on the commute is significantly above the national average, andincreases over the course of the event, with intention to walk post-event significantly higher than the startingpoint. Figure 3 below shows the number of participants who intend to walk to work on a regular/occasional basis post-challenge from 2008—2013, compared to those driving/walking on the commute pre-challenge.

Figure 3 — Respondents intending to walk to Work Post-Challenge 2008—2013

5.2.1 Impact from 2012—2013

31% of respondents to the 2013 Evaluation survey took part in a previous Pedometer Challenge. Of this cohort,26% continued to walk to work on a regular basis after the challenge ended. 19% continued to walk on anoccasional basis. This is in spite of no further engagement with participants from one year to the next.

5.2.2 Impact on Car Drivers

For those commuting by car prior to the challenge, the results are even more revealing. Since 2008, on averagealmost one third of those regularly driving to work before the challenge began intended to switch modes infavour of walking post-event. See Figure 4 with results for Car Drivers Only from 2008—2013.










Walk to work pre-challenge — usual mode Drive to work pre-challenge — usual mode INTEND to walk post challenge on a REGULAR basis INTEND to walk post challenge on an OCCASIONAL basis

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013






















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Figure 4. Car Drivers only — walking on the commute 2008—2013, during and post-event







Regular walking during Intend to walk regularly post challenge Occasional walking during Intend to walk occasionally post challenge

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


0% 0%





11% 11%








8% 8%




5.2.3 Impact of Annual Interventions in the Workplace

Research indicates that Individuals are more likely to execute rather than neglect their intentions if they expressthese plans on more than one occasion,14 giving support for annual walking challenges and walking interventions.

The impact of the workplace as the site of intervention is also supported by key health promotion research,which has its cornerstone in the World Health Organisation’s Ottawa Charter. This Charter has ‘a settingsapproach’ as one of its five action areas. The Pedometer Challenge being run through the workplace is in keepingwith this proven strategy as:

“Health is created and lived by peoplewithin the settings of their everyday life;where they learn, work, play, and love.”15

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6. Comparison with other Behavioural Change Programmes

The effectiveness of campaigns in changing behaviour can vary significantly from campaign to campaign.Research demonstrates that interventions to change behaviour in favour of more sustainable practices must gobeyond awareness-raising in order to exert change. Interventions must draw on other tools and principles ofbehavioural change, such as community based social marketing, as employed in the Pedometer Challenge.

In particular work place travel plan interventions must operate at the community (workplace) level, combiningawareness-raising interventions with other hands-on, community-based activities, in conjunction withcomplementary infrastructure provision.

7. Challenge Benefits

The impact of the Pedometer Challenge is underlined by benefits to both participating employers and to theNational Transport Authority.

7.1 Benefits to Participating Companies16

Coordinators agreed or strongly agreed that the Pedometer Challenge had many benefits for staff, including:

— ‘good for team spirit/team building’ (95%)

— ‘raised awareness of activity levels’ (95%)

— ‘boosted staff morale’ (78%)

— ‘encouraged people to walk to work’ (78%); and

— ‘contributed to stress reduction’ (65%).

These indicators tie well with Partners’ corporate targets and indicators, including those relating to travelplanning, corporate social responsibility, and employee wellbeing.

98% of Workplace Coordinators stated that their colleagues enjoyed the Challenge.

89% of respondents stated that Management was supportive of the event.

100% would encourage their workplace to take part in future challenges.

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7.2 Benefits to the Authority

Benefits to the Authority include:

— Increased walking on the commute in participating Partner organisations, see section 5;

— An increased number of large employers are engaging in wider workplace travel planning as a result of thePedometer Challenge. The Pedometer Challenge is the mechanism by which many Partner organisationshear about Smarter Travel Workplaces, and became involved in wider travel planning initiatives; and

— Positive media coverage, including inter alia in 2013—the Sunday Business Post, the Evening Herald, WaterfordToday, the Nenagh Guardian,, Dublin’s Sunshine 106.8fm and there was increased trafficthrough the Smarter Travel Workplaces website and Facebook page. From the time the Challenge began tobe publicised to the time of the Challenge prize giving (18th August to 15th November 2013), 12,718 peoplevisited the Smarter Travel Workplaces website to register, view progress and log steps. There were 35,097visits during this period. Of these 12,718 were unique visits. Average time spent on the site was 4.25 minutes.Facebook: 3,800 people saw content associated with the Pedometer Challenge page between the 18th ofAugust and the 15th of November. 2,911 people shared stories about the Challenge page.

In addition, the National Transport Authority is participating in a leading behavioural change programme whichis drawing on recent evidence-based research and techniques to promote more sustainable and active travel onthe commute.

“This challenge was the first the Irish Navy took part in. It was wonderful to set it up and get thethree teams and the fifteen of us involved. Every day we hit the road at lunch and had great banteras we marched out the road encouraging each other to go further each day. This event is a greatway to get work colleagues together and encourage fitness.

The stone is rolling forward and after the cycle challenge and now the pedometer challenge manymore are becoming aware of the smarter challenge workplace scheme and more questions arebeing asked. I have been so proud to lead this in the Navy and hope to continue to grow momentumin the coming years. I thank all involved in the running of these events and look forward tocontinued development.”

Ultan Finegan, Naval Service

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8. Recommendations

The key recommendation of this report is that the National Transport Authority should continue to facilitate andexpand the annual Pedometer Challenge as part of the wider Smarter Travel Workplaces/Campus workplacetravel planning programmes.

It is recommended that participation in the Challenge is increased with additional resources secured for thispurpose. Partnership with a sponsor could be explored to allow the Challenge to expand or to secure furtherpersonnel to deliver this labour-intensive event. It could also be rolled out beyond Partner organisations, if resources were secured.

Note that increased participation would require IT support and appropriate tools.

In addition, as outlined in the Department of Transport Tourism and Sport/National Transport Authority ServiceLevel Agreement, walking challenges aimed specifically at engaging the student population will be piloted androlled out in third level campuses, as part of the Smarter Travel Campus programme.

9. Conclusions

The Pedometer Challenge is a cost-effective intervention to promote walking on the commute as part of theSmarter Travel Workplaces/Campus programmes. It is a goal-achieving programme, and year on year,demonstrates it is best in class in terms of behavioural change interventions.

The Challenge could be expanded, subject to resource availability, to reach more participants in the currentPartner organisations, with even further potential for expansion as new Partners/campuses join the SmarterTravel Workplaces and Campus programmes.


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AccentureAirtricityAn Bord PleanálaAppleAramarkArupAtkinsBord Gáis NetworksCentral Bank of IrelandChildren’s University Hospital Temple StreetCitiConnolly HospitalCook Medical Cork City CouncilCork County CouncilCork University HospitalCroke ParkDepartment of Communications, Energy and Natural ResourcesDublin City CouncilDun Laoghaire Rathdown County CouncilEircomEirgridESBGalway City CouncilHewlett-PackardIBMIKEAInstitute of Art Design & Technology Dun Laoghaire

Institute of Technology BlanchardstownIrish Dairy BoardKBCLeo PharmaMount Carmel HospitalNational Rehabilitation HospitalNational Transport AuthorityNational University of Ireland, GalwayThe Naval ServiceOracleOur Lady’s Children’s Hospital, CrumlinPfizerRailway Procurement AgencyRoughan & O’DonovanSiemensSt. James’ HospitalSt. John’s HospitalSt. Vincent's University HospitalSymantecTakedaTelefónica IrelandTransdevTrinity College DublinUniversity College CorkUniversity College DublinUniversity Hospitals GalwayUniversity of LimerickWaterford County Council

Appendix 1. Participating Workplaces 2013


Page 19: The Pedometer Challenge - National Transport …...Pedometer Challenge, rising from 12% of participants pre-challenge, to 26% (or 1,105 people) post-challenge, see Table 1 below

Appendix 2. Impact on Activity Levels 2013

Before the 34% of participants were inactive prior to the Challenge (i.e. they did not meet the NationalChallenge Guidelines for Physical Activity). Of those who were inactive, 66% drove to/from work before

the challenge.

During the 29% of those who were inactive before the Challenge walked to work on a regular orChallenge occasional basis.

Following the 34% of those stating they were inactive prior to the Challenge intend to walk to work on aChallenge regular or occasional basis.

70% of this cohort reported benefitting from increased levels of activity.

56% of this cohort reported increased fitness.


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Appendix 3. Application of Community Based Social Marketing Principles and tools in the Pedometer Challenge

Commitment Participants commit to participate in a four week Challenge. They agree to wear a pedometerand record their steps daily. Teams are also asked to sign a pledge to walk all or part of thejourney to work at least 2 days each week during the challenge.

Workplaces sign up to coordinate the event and promote it internally.

Prompts The pedometer (step counter) and step logs are the main prompts used in this Challenge.

These tools remind participants on an on-going basis of their participation in the event andact as a motivational tool to encourage walking.

Other prompts include Challenge posters, website, Facebook, emails, ezines and top/spotprizes awarded throughout the event.

The majority of Company Coordinators organised a promotion or launch event in theirworkplace, held events during the event to maintain motivation and held an internal prizegiving event.

Social Norms/ New behaviours are frequently adopted because friends, colleagues or family membersSocial Diffusion have adopted the behaviour—a process known as social diffusion17.

The Pedometer Challenge is a team based event and by the nature of this social diffusionoccurs. Norms of walking are also established within the workplace, as the challenge ispublicised, walks are promoted and leaderboards are posted.

41% of respondents to the post-event evaluation stated that they signed up to ‘support mycolleagues’. 70% of respondents stated that a benefit to them of taking part was that they

‘enjoyed being part of a team’ and 13% reported a benefit as ‘making new friends at work’.

Social diffusion was also apparent at the end of the challenge when 183 participantsnominated their captain/team member to be rewarded for their efforts during the challenge.

Communication A variety of modes of communication are used for this Challenge including; workplacemailing lists, intranet, training seminar, the Smarter Travel Workplaces website, thePedometer Challenge Facebook page, Challenge posters, ezines, a training manual as well as on-going emails throughout the event.

Teammates and Coordinators also communicate with each other throughout the event.


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Incentives Incentives are provided by way of spot prizes e.g. for meeting targets set, for being aninspirational team leader and team member, and for walking on the commute. Otherincentives include publication of team photos and participant stories as well as publication of participants nominated by their colleagues for their exceptional efforts as team membersor team captains.

Intrinsic benefits to participants could also include weight loss, getting fit, bonding withworkmates, achieving walking targets etc.

Convenience As the challenge is run in and through the workplace and supported by the workplace,participation in the challenge is highly convenient for participants.

The goals set for participants are also attainable e.g. aiming for 10,000 steps a day to reachthe targets set in the ‘virtual’ challenges. 43% of respondents reported signing up to thechallenge because it was ‘organised by my workplace’.


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1. Department of Transport Ireland (2009), Smarter Travel: A Sustainable Transport Future. (Accessed Dec 2013).

2. Department of Health and Children, Health Service Executive (2009),The National Guidelines on PhysicalActivity for Ireland (Accessed Jan 2014).

3. National Survey of Lifestyles Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÁN 2007), cited by Department of Health andChildren (2009) (Accessed Jan 2014).

4. Xiaolin Yang et al, Active commuting from youth to adulthood and as a predictor of physical activity in earlymidlife: The Young Finns Study, Preventive Medicine, 2013, In Press.

5. Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (UK) (2011), The Sustainable Lifestyles Framework (Accessed 7th January 2014).

6. McKenzie Mohr, D. (2010), Fostering Sustainable Behaviour: Community-Based Social Marketing (Accessed 6th January 2014).

7. McKenzie Mohr, D. (2010), Fostering Sustainable Behaviour: Community Based Social Marketing (Accessed 6th January 2014).

8. Institute for Government (2010) MINDSPACE: Influencing behaviour through public policy (Accessed 6th January 2014).

9. Doug McKenzie-Mohr (2103), Fostering Sustainable Behavior: An Introduction to Community-Based SocialMarketing, Third Edition, Canada, New Society Publishers.

10. Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (2010), What Evidence Exists to Describe the Effect of Interventions thatUse Pedometers to Reduce Risk for and Manage Chronic Disease? (Accessed 3rd January 2014).

11. From Post-Event Survey — 1,288 participants responded giving a response rate of 30%. Of these 32% wereTeam Captains and 68% were team members. 70% of respondents completed their first Pedometer Challengein 2013 while 30% had participated in 2 or more Challenges.

12. Ajzen (1991) cited by National Library of Medicine, Consumer Health Informatics Resource (Accessed 7th January 2014).

13. Committee on Communication for Behavior Change in the 21st Century: Improving the Health of DiversePopulations (2002) cited by National Library of Medicine, Consumer Health Informatics Resource (Accessed 7th January 2014).


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14. Cook & Sheeran (2004) cited by Moss, S. (2008) Theory of Planned Behaviour, (Accessed 7th January 2014).

15. World Health Organization (1986) The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. (Accessed December 2013).

16. 37 out of 56 Coordinators responded, giving a response rate of 66%.

17. Rogers, E.M., (1993). Diffusion of innovations (6th ed.). New York: Free Press.


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National Transport AuthorityDún ScéineHarcourt LaneDublin 2, Ireland

t. +353 1 879 8300f. +353 1 879 8333e. [email protected]