the one-two punch: how to combine email & direct mail for knockout marketing results


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On April 1st, 2010 Tom Ruwitch of MarketVolt and Aaron Corson of MarketPath hosted a seminar for marketers called The One-Two Punch: How to Combine Email & Direct Mail for Knockout Marketing Results at Spazio's in St. Louis. The event and integrated campaign used to promote it, was a resounding success and ultimately led to over 170 leads for their respective businesses.


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The Tale of The Tape

Tom Ruwitch Founder MarketVolt

Aaron CorsonVice President


MarketVolt's email marketing software helps you put the right information in front of the right people at the right time. Our cost-efficient software automates many processes that would otherwise be time-consuming or impossible to execute. If you need help, we have email marketing experts who provide unparalleled customer care and who can help you devise campaigns that will maximize your return on investment. Powerful and flexible, yet affordable, MarketVolt's software and services are the smart choice for organizations that want to generate successful email campaigns without busting the budget.




5’ 813/16”210 lbs (all muscle)

64”Direct Mail



6’ Something225 lbs68”Email9BlueF43 GHK

MarketPath provides Integrated Marketing Services for companies interested in increasing the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. Using an innovative approach that combines personalized direct mail, targeted em ail, personalized websites, text messages, video, social media and more, MarketPath develops Integrated Marketing Campaigns that significantly boost response rates, generate highly qualified leads and drastically increase the ROI of marketing investments. Furthermore, by giving them secure access to an Online Campaign Dashboard, MarketPath's clients are able to track and measure every element of their marketing campaign in real-time.

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Sponsored By

Since 1970, NJC Printing has been providing quality printing services to businesses in St. Louis, Missouri and across the nation. As one of the early adopters of digital printing in the mid 1990's, we have always been innovators in the local printing community. But in today's tough economic conditions, printing is quickly becoming perceived as a commodity. Digital mediums like email and the internet have drastically transformed the role printing plays in the modern businesses communications landscape. What makes NJC Printing different is our ability to look beyond the "traditional" printed products we offer by providing valuable advice and smart solutions that not only improve the effectiveness of your printed materials , but actually help you achieve your business and marketing objectives faster and more efficiently. If you are looking for a printing company that will be a valuable partner on your road to success, NJC Printing is the partner for you!

The Foundry sells, customizes, designs and builds software and web sites. We combine custom application development, products we've built, code we wisely re-use, and integration with existing technology to devise software solutions that drive your business forward.We start by developing a deep understanding of your business goals. That’s why we focus on hiring people with great communication skills who work directly with you on your project. Technical skills are important: communication skills are essential. We develop our solutions cost effectively because we have a process that balances careful analysis with rapid deployment. Unlike many methodologies, our process does not get in the way – we can adapt it to your needs. Finally, we have technology to deploy solutions effectively. These include components that we’ve already developed, products that we have on-line and ready to use, techniques that we’ve used in the past, and third party tools that help us meet the needs of our customers.

As the fitness industry turns towards core strength training and functional training as a way to improve quality of life in addition to getting fit.  At SWEAT we believe that in order to achieve optimal fitness your workout should include strengthening the body’s core, resistance training, cardiovascular conditioning and stretching. Our repertoire of trainers allow us to provide you with services that include boxing and kickboxing classes and training, resistance training, core strength training and yoga.  We also offer massage therapy and  physical therapy.  We are sure that our wide range of experience and expertise can help you meet your fitness goals.

The St. Louis Small Business Monthly is St. Louis' locally owned business publication, bringing business tips, strategies and analysis to the presidents, CEOs, owners and top executives of 24,000 businesses in the St. Louis Metropolitan region.  SBM, founded in 1988, publishes every month and also provides information via the Internet at and through a variety of business-related forums. SBM was recently ranked No. 5 out of all business publications in the U.S. for having the most loyal readership, according to the Media Audit, a media rating company.

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The One-Two Punch

Direct Mail + Email Yields Better Results

• 90% or more of consumers prefer to receive either email or direct mail for marketing communications. Exact Target Channel Preference Study 2009

• 62% of digital campaigns are seeing an increase in return on investment when combined with direct mail. Omnicon Media Group 2009

• Marketers reported an average improvement of close to 50% for personalized multichannel campaigns over traditional campaigns. InfoTrends 2007


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It Starts with Your Goals

Think business goals first. Each campaign should have distinct goals.

Tools and tactics follow.

Direct mail and email are merely tools and a tactics employed to pursue your business goals.


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One-Two Punch Goals

Ultimate Goal: Acquire “x” clients for integrated (direct mail + email) program that we offer. Immediate (Campaign) Goal: Identify and begin to nurture leads.

Broad (Softer) Goal: Strengthen our brand by providing massive value and building our reputation as channel experts.


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Knockout Principle #1

Sales / Marketing is a process, not an event.Outline the process and then…

Set a series of goals for moving you forward

in the process


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The Marketing Triad

Target Market – To achieve your business goals, whom should you target?

Message – What is the unique selling proposition (the benefit you offer)? How do you prove it (features – including facilities, instructors, and amenities – and testimonials, for example)?

Media – Which is best to deliver this message to that target? Email, print, broadcast, etc…?


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One-Two Punch Triad

Target Market: Existing MarketVolt and MarketPath clients and prospects and small business owner/operators not already on our house list.

Message: We can help you gain and retain clients with maximum efficiency and minimum hassle by combining direct mail and email.

Media: Direct mail + email (of course), plus networking event and social media.


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Define Ideal Client

• Give her a name.

• Write a narrative about her that tells you: o What industry or segment she’s in. o Where she works and lives. o What size business she has. o What she reads and watches.o Which of your products / services interest her most? o Other common characteristics.

• What is the average size and frequency of her order?

• How many years will they be a customer?(50/5 Customer Retention Rule)


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Start with House List

Focus on existing clients and prospects first!Find your ideal clients and prospects within your existing list (80/20 rule)

It’s at least 5x less expensive to extract a dollar from an existing (or former) client than to find and convert a new lead.

To maximize the value of your house list, you should:

• Track clients’ and prospects’ preferences (products and services that interest them).

• Track types of media they prefer.

• Clean data regularly.

T + A

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Purchased Lists

• Consider your ideal prospect.

• Work with knowledgeable, reputable list broker who can offer multiple options.

• Understand how lists are built (Compiled Lists vs. Subscriber Lists)o Penton Mediao InfoUSAo Other Sources


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Knockout Principle #2

Choose Your Lists Carefully

The cheapest is rarely the best.Consider quality, not just quantity.Invest in the list selection process.


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Knockout Principle #3Include Direct Calls to Action

• Be clear and direct; don’t imply.

• Understand Offer Types:o Soft Offers (More responses, but leads will be unqualified)o Semi-Soft Offers (Fewer responses, but highly qualified)o Hard / Direct Offer (Fewest responses, but they’ve purchased).

• Market to the Maybes – Use soft and semi-soft offers to give maybes a reason to raise their hands.

• Content is King and Content is a Magnet – Create content with massive value and offer it as an incentive to act; repurpose to deliver content via multiple channels (articles, e-books / white papers, webinars, video, blogs, etc..)


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Knockout Principle #4 Personalize Your Content

“The personalization of marketing materials can increase response rates by 36%, response time 34% and repeat orders by 46% leading to an overall increase in profit and revenue of over 30%” – Cal Poly Study


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One-Two Punch Campaign

Email Print


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Advanced Personalization

Beyond the personal salutation: Variable content


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Print Design Tips

• Determine the format. Large or small postcard, envelope, self mailer, etc.

• Use compelling graphics to capture attention.

• Keep it simple, don’t try to be too fancy. You don’t need to win any awards for design.

• Focus on short, powerful calls to action. No long paragraphs. People don’t read, they skim.


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Email Tips

• Choose proven third-party vendor with strong reputation.

• Key Features: Tracking (who opens, clicks, forwards) Automated segmentation Automated follow-up Variable content

• Be concise and include calls to action (links).

• Include graphics but don’t over-design.

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Copy Considerations

• Focus on Benefits. Features Prove the Case.

• Tell Stories. Get Personal.

• Understand the Psychology of Persuasion

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Landing Pages

• Significantly increase conversion rates vs. directing respondent to your website home page.

• Opportunity to give them a more personalized experience.

• Allows you to measure and analyze results more easily.

• Can be adjusted on-the-fly to increase effectiveness.

Drive people to a web page where they can learn more and respond to a soft offer.


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Different Landing Pages for Tracking


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Knockout Principle #5 PURLS for Ultimate Personalization and Tracking


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Media for the Integrated Campaign: Scrap the Silos

You must coordinate communications across the entire enterprise and not treat each program or department as an independent silo.


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Media Choices

Direct Mail + Email, plus…

• Web Site• Social Media• Online Video• Text Messages• Word-of-mouth and networking• Telephone• SEO• PPC


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Knockout Principle #6Measure and Analyze

Make sure your service providers give you access to a dashboard for measuring results.


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Calculating ROI


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Pulling It All Together

• Set Business Goals

• Choose Target Audience

• Source List

• Determine Offer

• Design Components

• Launch Campaign

• Follow Up Quickly

• Measure & Analyze

• Make Improvements

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One-Two Punch Campaign

• Promoted at St. Louis Business Expo• Posted Event on FB, LinkedIn & Twitter• Sent Postcards• Sent Email Blasts• Online Video• Phone Calls and Networking• Partners


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Knockout Results

• Segmented Listo Address Only - .39% visit rateo Email Only – 6.53% visit rateo Both Email & Address – 9.65% visit rate

• 604 Unique Visits• 21% Conversion from PURLs• 49 Seminar Registration• 121 Report Downloads• 170 Qualified Leads


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Knockout Principle #7

Rinse and RepeatIf it works once, it will work again...

and again…and again…

Fine tune to improve results…


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The One-Two Punch Seminar

Thank you for attending the One-Two Punch Seminar!


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Since 1970, NJC Printing has been providing quality printing services to businesses in St. Louis, Missouri and across the nation. As one of the early adopters of digital printing in the mid 1990's, we have always been innovators in the local printing community. But in today's tough economic conditions, printing is quickly becoming perceived as a commodity. Digital mediums like email and the internet have drastically transformed the role printing plays in the modern businesses communications landscape. What makes NJC Printing different is our ability to look beyond the "traditional" printed products we offer by providing valuable advice and smart solutions that not only improve the effectiveness of your printed materials , but actually help you achieve your business and marketing objectives faster and more efficiently. If you are looking for a printing company that will be a valuable partner on your road to success, NJC Printing is the partner for you!

The Foundry sells, customizes, designs and builds software and web sites. We combine custom application development, products we've built, code we wisely re-use, and integration with existing technology to devise software solutions that drive your business forward.We start by developing a deep understanding of your business goals. That’s why we focus on hiring people with great communication skills who work directly with you on your project. Technical skills are important: communication skills are essential. We develop our solutions cost effectively because we have a process that balances careful analysis with rapid deployment. Unlike many methodologies, our process does not get in the way – we can adapt it to your needs. Finally, we have technology to deploy solutions effectively. These include components that we’ve already developed, products that we have on-line and ready to use, techniques that we’ve used in the past, and third party tools that help us meet the needs of our customers.

As the fitness industry turns towards core strength training and functional training as a way to improve quality of life in addition to getting fit.  At SWEAT we believe that in order to achieve optimal fitness your workout should include strengthening the body’s core, resistance training, cardiovascular conditioning and stretching. Our repertoire of trainers allow us to provide you with services that include boxing and kickboxing classes and training, resistance training, core strength training and yoga.  We also offer massage therapy and  physical therapy.  We are sure that our wide range of experience and expertise can help you meet your fitness goals.

The St. Louis Small Business Monthly is St. Louis' locally owned business publication, bringing business tips, strategies and analysis to the presidents, CEOs, owners and top executives of 24,000 businesses in the St. Louis Metropolitan region.  SBM, founded in 1988, publishes every month and also provides information via the Internet at and through a variety of business-related forums. SBM was recently ranked No. 5 out of all business publications in the U.S. for having the most loyal readership, according to the Media Audit, a media rating company.