the old gas works site, ship street, folkestone - spd

The Old Gas Works Site, Ship Street, Folkestone - SPD Shepway District Council - LDF The Old Gas Works Site, Ship Street, Folkestone - SPD

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The Old Gas Works Site, Ship Street, Folkestone - SPD

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7Supplementary Planning Document Objectives

9The Site and Relevant Planning Policies

11Site Assessment

15Access and Transportation Considerations

17Layout and Design





29Appendix 1 Priorities for Developer Contributions

31Appendix 2 Remediation

33Appendix 3 Site Context

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1.1 This Development Brief/SPD sets out proposals for the detailed implementationof the allocation of land for residential purposes under Policy HO2 of the ShepwayDistrict Local Plan Review Adopted 2006.

1.2 This Brief establishes principles for the type of residential development consideredappropriate at the site. It was prepared for Shepway District Council by Lloyd BoreLandscape Architects.

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Supplementary Planning Document Objectives

2.1 The objectives of the Supplementary Planning Document are to:

a. achieve a high quality of layout and design, with particular reference to Kent Design;

b. ensure that the development of the site is carried out in a comprehensive andcoordinated manner;

c. ensure that the document is carried out in accordance with relevant policies ofCentral Government Planning Policy Guidance, and policies contained within theDevelopment Plan, comprising the Kent Structure Plan 1996, Kent & MedwayStructure Plan Adopted July 2006 and the Adopted Shepway District Local PlanReview;

d. ensure that the site makes an appropriate contribution to the overall requirementfor new residential development;

e. establish criteria for the height of new buildings;

f. ensure that the development does not have an adverse impact on the amenity oflocal residents;

g. set out principles of landscape treatment for the site, including screening plantingon the site boundaries and landscaping within the site layout;

h. minimise the potential adverse impact of traffic to and from the site;

i. ensure that the development is capable of being provided with the necessary utilityservices and contributes to upgrading these where necessary; and

j. establish a set of criteria and a framework for the consideration of planningapplications for the site.

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The Site and Relevant Planning Policies

Site Location & Description

3.1 The site is located on the west side of Foord Road North, to the south of ShipStreet, and north east of Bournemouth Road, close to Folkestone town centre.

3.2 The site was formerly used as a gas works, and although now largely disused,a part of the site remains operational. It is possible that a minor part of the site mayneed to be retained for operational purposes following redevelopment of the site.

3.3 The site is located in a mainly residential area, with residential developmentfronting the site on Ship Street and Bournemouth Road, with mixed residential andcommercial uses on Foord Road South. The southern site boundary is formed bythe embankment to the Railway viaduct.

3.4 The site has an area of approximately 1.56 ha.

3.5 The Old Gas Works site is allocated for residential development under PolicyHO2 in the second phasing period 2006-2011 (HO2, 2006-2011, site B) with anindicative capacity of 40 dwellings and a note that investigation into possiblecontamination is required and necessary treatment carried out.

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Site Assessment

Site Topography

4.1 Natural ground levels fall from south west to north east. Bournemouth Road atits junction with Ship Street is at a level of 27.6m AOD, and levels fall to less than18m AOD at Foord Road North. Overlying this is a heavily modified topography; thesite’s former use has resulted in a landscape of sudden levels changes betweenareas of relatively flat land, with substantial retaining walls between. Furtherman-modified topography is represented by the railway embankment and retainingwalls beyond the south eastern boundary of the site, culminating in the dramaticrailway viaduct.

Views of the site from surrounding development

4.2 Photographs of the site are included in Appendix 1. Photograph origins areshown on dwg no. 1122/01.

4.3 Photograph 1 indicates a typical view north eastwards along Ship Street, withthe appraisal site on the right. Apparent is the substantial brick and masonry wallconstructed around much of the perimeter of the site, which obstructs views into thesite from pavement level. First floor windows of properties along Ship Street wouldoffer views into parts of the site over the wall.

4.4 Photograph 2-4 (panorama) is a view across the site in a south westerly direction.Principal landscape features are:

· Modified flat topography in the upper section of the site, created by the constructionof a substantial retaining wall along the Bournemouth Road/Broadmead Roadboundary.

· First and second floor views into the site from properties along BournemouthRoad/Broadmead Road. Removal of the parapet to the retaining wall on this boundarywould open up views into the site from ground floor/pavement level.

· Dense self-seeded vegetation (principally sycamore) beyond the south easternsite boundary, on the railway embankment.

· Ruderal vegetation becoming established on the surface of the former gasworkssite.

· The dramatic engineering form of the railway viaduct

4.5 Photograph 5 is a view north westwards along Ship Street. The upper floors ofthe three storey properties on Bournemouth Road can gain views over the boundaryparapet wall into the site and beyond.

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4.6 Panoramic photograph 6-8 is taken from a lower position on Ship Street, wherethere is an extensive area of service infrastructure inside the boundary wall. Thevegetation and viaduct associated with the railway line are prominent in thebackground.

4.7 Panoramic photograph 9-10 is taken from Foord Road North, viewing in a southeasterly direction. The viaduct and wooded embankment dominate the view, andfrom pavement level views into the site are restricted by the boundary wall.

4.8 Panoramic photograph 11-12 is taken from Sussex Road. Behind the boundarywall an arched brickwork retaining wall restricts views into the north western part ofthe site. Properties on Broadmead Road form the horizon.

4.9 Further to the south east along Foord Road North the boundary wall gives wayto galvanised palisade railings, which afford views into the lower part of the site(panoramic photograph 13-16). The massive scale of the retaining structure becomesapparent in these views. This photograph also demonstrates that views can begained into the site from the rear of properties located at the eastern end of ShipStreet.

4.10 Viewing north westwards along Foord Road North(panoramic photograph 17-18)vegetation close to the base of the railway embankment, combined with vegetationwithin the site boundary, obscures oblique views into the site.

4.11 Photograph 19 was taken at the junction of Ship Street and Bournemouth Road,and shows the robust architecture and detailing of the boundary wall.

4.12 Panoramic photograph 20-21 shows the wall returning along BournemouthRoad, and along this elevation shrubs have been planted which soften the visualimpact of the brickwork.

4.13 Photograph 22 illustrates some of the attractive detailing that can be found onthe wall, whilst panoramic photograph 23-27 and photograph 28 illustrate the extentto which the wall restricts views across the site from pavement level, and how harshand industrial the wall appears when not softened with planting.

4.14 These photographs demonstrate that the wall, although an interesting featurein itself, tends to detract from the urban qualities of the surrounding streets, principallybecause it has a visually divisive effect, separating the site from its surroundings.The stanchions and security wire attached to the wall detract further from the qualityof the streetscape.

4.15 Panoramic photograph 29-32 was taken over the wall’s parapet on BroadmeadRoad. It reveals a broad and attractive panorama eastwards towards the Downs atCreteway Down and Dover Hill, with urban land uses in the middle distance givingway to a rural landscape on the horizon. The telecommunications mast at CretewayDown is a notable feature on the horizon. The wooded embankment of the railwayline frames views to the east.

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Views across the site from higher ground

4.16 No distant views can be gained into the site from the south west and south eastdue to the nature of the topography and intervening built development. The railwayembankment and viaduct prevent distant views from the north east, (although viewswill be gained into the site from passing trains). There are, however, clear and directviews fromShip Street, Bournemouth Road and Broadmead Road towards the Downsto the east (evidenced in photographs 1, 23-27, 28 & 29-32), and reciprocal viewstowards the site from these distant viewpoints.

4.17 From land in the vicinity of Crete Road East clear and uninterrupted views canbe gained southwards towards the Ship Street site (photographs 33, 34). The surfaceof the site is readily visible, and the light coloured elevations of buildings onBournemouth Road/Broadmead Road can clearly be seen. The site's landscapecontext is urban, surrounded by dense, principally residential development, contrastingwith the elevated rural character of the downland from where these views are gained.In these views the geographical relationship between the site and Folkestone towncentre is apparent, with Ship Street located in the middle distance, and a backdropformed by town centre buildings, with the sea beyond. The railway viaduct and thevegetation along the railway embankment are prominent linear features in thelandscape.

4.18 Levels in the northern section of the site are set well below those ofBournemouth Road and Broadmead Road. Views northwards from this part of thesite are dominated by the retaining wall and its parapet.

4.19 The site is believed to have a significant level of contamination arising from itsformer use, which will require remediation.

4.20 The location of the site adjoining the railway viaduct will require considerationof the impact of noise and vibration on new dwellings.

4.21 The site is disused and is relatively undisturbed. Although surrounded on threesides by dense urban development, it shares a fourth boundary with the railway line.The railway embankments represent a potentially good corridor habitat for wildlife.

4.22 Ruderal grasses and weeds are becoming established on the former industrialsite, and the structures and hard standings could offer habitat for protected species,reptiles in particular. The railway corridor may be suitable territory for foraging bybats, whilst the arches and trees could provide roosting sites.

4.23 Development proposals for the site should include for species specific surveysat the appropriate time of year, and should protected species be found to be usingthe site, a mitigation strategy will need to be put forward for approval by the localplanning authority.

4.24 Development proposals should also have regard to the desirability ofincorporating features to conserve and enhance biodiversity.

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Access and Transportation Considerations

5.1 The site lies within the urban area, within walking or cycling distance of the towncentre and close to town centre facilities and employment. It is close to publictransport bus routes on Radnor Park Road/Pavilion Road/Black Bull Road, with moreextensive services available nearby in Folkestone town centre. The mainline railwaystation at Folkestone Central, providing services to London, is a short distance tothe west of the site.

5.2 The internal layout should provide pedestrian permeability, with links tosurrounding streets. Parking provision for bicycle storage should be made on sitein accordance with Kent Design principles.

5.2 Any redevelopment of the site will need to be supported by a TransportAssessment identifying the transport impacts of the proposals and how these are tobe satisfactorily mitigated. Redevelopment of the site for residential use will have atraffic impact at several junctions in the vicinity of and on approaches to the site.

5.3 The level of car parking to be provided on the site is a key issue. The locationof the site suggests that reduced levels of parking could be appropriate, howeverthis could result in unacceptable additional pressure on the surrounding streets whichare already heavily parked. It is likely that a survey of the existing on street parkingsituation will need to be carried out to provide the necessary information on theappropriate level of provision for on site car parking. Current advice in ‘Manual forStreets’ (Dept. of Transport March 2007), and Car parking: What Works Where(English Partnerships best practice guide: May 2006), should also be followed.

5.4 The District Council has recently adopted a parking strategy and the proposalsmay impact on this area. The development will require a contribution to theimplementation of the Council’s parking strategy in the locality of the site. This shouldbe discussed with the District Council at the time of the application.

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Layout and Design

6.1 The 2002 Urban Housing Capacity Study indicates a potential for 54 housesand 80 flats (134 total), and there is therefore scope for a greater number of dwellingsto be achieved, in excess of the indicative number of 40 set out in the Local Plan, ifthe full potential of the site is to be realised, subject to the final development concept.

6.2 Given the urban location of the site, and its particular characteristics, it is notconsidered appropriate to set a maximum density, but a minimum of 50 dwellingsper ha should be achieved. Policy HP4 of the Kent and Medway Structure Plansupports the achievement of higher densities within inner urban areas subject to thisnot being secured at the expense of design quality.

6.3 It is essential that redevelopment of site is viable, taking account of costs ofremediation, and this factor will influence both density, and level and type of affordablehousing provision.

6.4 This site offers challenging urban design opportunities:

· Dramatic changes in level provide scope for a varied roofscape and excitingsequences of spaces and connecting routeways.

· Attractive distant views to be exploited as panoramic views or framed vistas, fromprivate space and from public realm. Views of the viaduct are equally dramatic, andshould be exploited to enhance and develop unique spatial characteristics within thenew development.

· The relationship between the site, its boundary and the surrounding streetscapeto be explored to achieve a development that knits with the existing fabric, providespermeable linkages and enhances the quality of the urban landscape.

6.5 The nature of the boundary wall has meant that the site has effectively ‘turnedits back’ on the surrounding streetscape. Redevelopment of the site will allow forthis to be rectified; the new development should address the street frontages of ShipStreet, Bournemouth Road and Broadmead Road.

6.6 Although it is considered not practical or desirable to retain the entire existingboundary wall, it represents an architectural connection with the former use of thesite and contains some interesting detailing. Consideration should be given toretaining parts of the wall, repairing and refurbishing them, and integrating them intothe design of the redeveloped site. The arched brick retaining wall within the sitemay provide similar design opportunities.

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Internal layout considerations

6.7 Architecture should not be considered a design exercise separate from thelandscape, engineering and urban design for the site; an integrated approach isessential. High density development can give rise to a matrix of exciting buildingsand connected urban spaces. An innovative and progressive approach to the internallayout of the site is to be encouraged.

6.8 Opportunities for soft landscape treatment within a high density scheme arelimited. Quality of external treatment will therefore be critical to a successful scheme.Resources should be concentrated on securing quality in landscape detailing andspecification, investing in high quality plant material, and ensuring all landscapeelements are properly maintained.

6.9 The general approach to housing mix arising from the Housing Needs Survey2002 indicates a requirement for:

· -20% 1 bed

· -45% 2 bed

· -35% 3 and 4 bed

6.10 It is likely that the particular characteristics of the site may lead to a schemewith a higher proportion of 1 and 2 bed dwellings. Consideration should be given toincluding a proportion of lifetime homes within the development to allow for changingcircumstances of residents.

6.11 Affordable housing should be provided at the rate of 30%, in accordance withthe Local Plan policy, and advice will be given by the Council's Housing Policy Officerat the time of a planning application on an appropriate mix of sizes. Affordable housingshould be provided in more than one location in the site, and a mix of 60% affordablerented/40% shared equity should be sought. The developer will need to demonstratethat the site restoration and remediation costs would render redevelopmentuneconomic to secure any reduction in the affordable housing requirement or anychange in the proposed tenure split.

6.12 The height of development on the site boundaries should respect the characterand scale of adjoining dwellings, with either two or three storeys in most instances.Within the site the existing levels offer the opportunity for development of up to sixstoreys, when built against or close to the retaining wall, subject to the scale beingcompatible with the surrounding development at street level.

6.13 The layout for the site should allow for the creation of communal space (internaland external) to function as an area for community focus. A toddlers' play area toserve the development should be provided, perhaps as part of the communal openspace, given that the routes to nearby facilities require crossing busy roads. A

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contribution towards the enhancement of the open space/play facilities in RadnorPark, will be sought. The contribution to be determined once the final developmentmix adopted on the site is known.

6.14 Development proposals should respect the setting provided by the listed railwayviaduct.

6.15 It is anticipated that a single principal vehicular access point will be provided;if more than one vehicular access is provided, no internal vehicular linkage shouldbe permitted. Kent Highways will be able to advise if a secondary emergency accessis required.

6.16 A drainage impact assessment will be required, which provides for sustainabledrainage solutions, to take account of any potential flood risk from the Pent Streamor other water courses.

6.17 Surface water drainage can be achieved by sustainable drainage systems orthrough a separately piped system draining to its own outfall.

6.18 Development should be designed to deal with vibration and noise impact ofthe adjoining railway.

6.19 Studies of existing contamination should identify any resulting constraints ondesign and layout.

6.20 The site is lacking in any significant landscape features although it benefitsfrom the green background provided by the vegetation along the railway embankment,which also has biodiversity value. The development should seek to incorporate thevisual benefit of this existing landscape feature as well as provide landscaping withinthe site.

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7.1 Details of surface water drainage will be required to be submitted as part ofapplications for planning permission.

7.2 Details of foul drainage will be required to be submitted with applications forplanning permission.

7.3 Proposals should take account of the principles of sustainable development (seeSection 8) with regard to energy utilisation.

7.4 The Council will expect development to make contributions to community facilitiesin accordance with the advice in the KCC adopted Development contributions SPD,for example primary and secondary schools, youth, community and library facilities.Appendix 1 identifies how the Council’s preferred priorities for developer contributionswill be applied.

7.5 The site is within an area where the environs, particularly the street scene, shouldbe enhanced by some improvements. The development of this site is an opportunityto gain a wider benefit to the local community as well as create a more attractive andmarketable housing scheme. A contribution towards ‘street’ environmentalimprovements in the vicinity of the site will therefore be sought. The contributionwould seek to enhance existing street furniture, pave and repair existing footwaysand renovate the external elevations of retained parts the boundary wall. Thedeveloper will also be expected to investigate with Network Rail, improvements tothe amenity of the tunnel under the railway at Broadmead Road/Guildhall Street.These contributions are pursuant to the Council’s Local Environmental QualityStrategy.

7.6 The Council's priorities for developer contributions are set out in Appendix 1.

7.7 In view of the likelihood of significant remediation works, to deal with previouscontamination of the site, it is accepted that there may be exceptional costs whichwill need to be taken into account in defining the level of contributions to social andcommunity infrastructure which can be achieved through the redevelopment of thissite.

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8.1 The development is to be designed so as to be in accordance with the broadprinciples of sustainable development. A specific sustainability statement should besubmitted detailing the measures undertaken to address sustainability. Thesustainability statement must specifically identify the energy needs of the developmentand detail the impact of any mechanisms to reduce energy demand or generateenergy on-site.

8.2 The development should take account of the guidance in PPS22 on renewableenergy, and will utilise sustainable technology such as pumps and solar panels, andwater saving technology where applicable. The proposed Planning Policy Statement:Planning and Climate Change identifies that substantial new development is expectedto gain a signification proportion (at least 10%) of its energy supply on-site andrenewably, where possible the development should connect to a decentralised,renewable or low-carbon, energy supply or, where no network is yet available but isproposed through the core strategy with an identified and secured means ofimplementation, be designed so as to allow connection to that network at a futuredate.

8.3 The development should set out proposals for energy efficiency, and shouldseek to achieve at least a 3 star rating under the Code for Sustainable Homes criteria(Department for Communities and Local Government, December 2006). The Councilhas approved a guidance note on ‘Sustainable Homes’, as a material considerationin development control. Developers are recommended to read the guidance, andensure its recommendations are taken into account of in any proposals.

8.4 The development should take account of the Planning Policy Statement: Planningand Climate Change, Supplement to Planning Policy Statement 1 which states thatnew developments are expected “to use landform, layout, building orientation andlandscaping to minimise energy consumption, including maximising cooling andavoiding solar gain in the summer, and maximise natural ventilation taking intoaccount the likely local noise environment and ambient air quality”.

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9.1 The former use of the site for gas production and supply purposes will have leftresidual problems of contaminated material; applications for planning permissionshould include full details of studies carried out to identify the nature and location ofcontamination and the measures proposed to deal with such contamination.

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10.1 Given the nature of previous use and development of the site, it is not anticipatedthat significant archaeological interest exists at the site.

10.2 Consideration should be given to whether any remaining features, associatedwith the previous use, such as the boundary wall and internal retaining wall, havemerit and whether consideration should be given to either recording the details ofinterest, or preservation in whole or part, within the redevelopment.

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Appendix 1 Priorities for Developer Contributions

The requirements for developer contributions are identified in the appropriate sectionsof this brief. In the event of the developer demonstrating through a financial appraisalthat full provision of these contributions is not viable taking account of the extraordinarycosts of development such as decontamination, the Council will give priority tocontributions which take account of the Councils approved strategic objectives andthe Councils stated list of priority needs at the time the development takes place.At the current time these objectives are:-

· Improving the appearance of the District

· Improve the service to customers and be a well managed Council

· Improve benefits performance

· Improve opportunities for sport leisure and culture

· Regenerate our communities

· Strengthen the Council’s financial position.

The priority needs for developer contributions will be kept under review, but at thecurrent time is in the order of the following list:-

· Offsite improvements to the street scene

· Contributions to the implementation of the Parking Strategy

· Offsite play/leisure enhancements

· Affordable Housing

· Youth and Community facilities

· Primary and Secondary School contributions

· Library facilities

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Appendix 2 Remediation

The following advice has been provided by the Environment Agency to assistdevelopers:-

· Redevelopment of the site will need to take into account potential contaminationassociated with the former use as a major gas works. Proposals will need to takeaccount of clean-up criteria suitable for the proposed use, and to ensure protectionof the wider environment, including controlled waters. These issues should becomprehensively addressed under redevelopment proposals to avoid any likelihoodof the site requiring assessment under the 1990 Part IIa, Contaminated Land Regimeat a later date. PPS23 requires this approach to redevelopment of sites affected bycontamination.

· Any remediation must be carried out in a strictly controlled manner to ensure thatcontaminants are not exposed and releases allowed to air, land or controlled waters,which could cause pollution, harm or nuisance. Clearing areas, particularly removinghardcover, must be done in a manner not likely to expose contaminants to flushingby incipient rainfall or surface water run-off on the site. Temporary surface watercontrols and management of any materials movement on the site is critical to ensureprotection of controlled waters near the site.

· Materials arising from the site redevelopment will require disposals in accordancewith the Waste Management legislation and the Duty of Care Regulations.

· Future development of the site will need to take into account any preliminaryassessment and remediation and revise the assessments and undertake additionalfurther works in relation to detailed future development plans.

· Any development proposed should not be commenced unless the method for pilingfoundations has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local PlanningAuthority. The piling shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with the approveddetails. Piling should be undertaken in accordance with guidelines on piling throughmade ground, if residual contamination is left in underlying materials after removalof surface materials. You are referred to the appropriate EA guidance available onthe EA website (under publications). This is required to protect against impacts oncontrolled waters.

· No soakaway should be sited in or allowed to discharge into land impacted bycontamination or land previously identified as being contaminated.

Further advice available from the Environment Agency 0870 506 506

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Appendix 3 Site Context

Site Location PlanSite Constraints and OpportunitiesPlan showing points where photographs and panoramics takenPlan showing photographic viewpoints from Creteway Down/Dover HillPhotographs 1 - 34 inclusive

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