the of 1wotx el l i mothers i e - university of...

THE BANNER L PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY L IOT8CBIPTION fl PER ANNUM INVABIDLV- IN ADVANCE INURED AVTOB POST OFFIOEA7 CHIP I j LEt FU AS SECOND CLASS llAll r MATTER T 0 JONKJ gD1TOj ADVERTISING RATES OS APPLICATION ChiplcyFin Juno 2Ctli 18i8 DEMOCRATIC TICKET For Congressman First Florida District L liON STEPHEN M SPARKMAN Spain annually sends us 2000000 worth of nuts oranges raisins and wines blio will not flit demand this jear and Texas California and Uorlda must como to the bat- Floridas Indian War Claim t Inz f715C07 was Included In an omnibus bill which recently ed tho fecnato This action was the result of the efforts of senator Pasco Rov Dixon the sensational dvino of New York been dubbed ho Yellow Preacher I Wilbur F Story originator of sensational Journalism In coi ntry when asked tho of Journalism promptly replied To ralso an sell newspapers Mr Dixon may raise hll but has ho got to sell r A Sure Thine for You A transaction which you atinot loselBa 4 enrothluc biliousness sick headache fur- red tHer tmd thousand other to tamed coustlpatlon uud sluppMi liver CacaCts Uithartle the wri- derful now liver stimulant aud lutes Ins touio aro by all druggists guaranteed to c nro or money refunded C 0 C aro osuir thing Tiv u box today lOc 23e Wj Bomulo bwltict free Be our big HAS HEARD FROM GOD London Juno aThe Hong Kong cor- respondent ¬ 3 of the Mull says Tho of Manila Monsignor Nozalo da announces that ho a commu- nication ¬ i from God who has promised him i that the Yankee will bo drlen out c of the Island and that Spain will bo trl 4 umphantln end- PLEASE L NOTE t Notice Is hereby given that an exami- nation of applicants for appointment to tho vacant cadetship at Annapolis from tho Congressional District of Flori- da ¬ will bo held In Tallahassee on Tues- day ¬ tho Sflth day of June 1393 by a com mltteo of three or more persons to bo or- ganized ¬ for that purpose- S M SPAIIKMAX M C First District of Fla An Uncertain Dltcaie There Ie no disease more uncertain in Its nature than dyspepsia Physicians say that ei the symptoms of no two cases It is therefore most difficult to make a correct diagnosis No matter how yhatuliuliedyipepslattttacksyoiinrowm cnre in nil dbeaics of the stomach hlool and nenes Erowas Iron Hitters is soldbyall dealers RAILROAD COMMISSION STANDARD PASSEXOEII TAIHFF FOR VA HIOU8 IIOAD8 ESTABLISHED Offico of tho Railroad CommlsslonState i of Florida Tallahassee June 14 1SS The following standard passenger tariff for railroads business In the State of Florida Is published for tho In ¬ formation of all concerned and shall go Into effect on the 18th day of July A D 1893 Full passenger faro shall bo three 3 I cents per mile and halffiro shall be ono c and oliohalf cents mile on tho t following twined railroads In said state r The Plant System of Florida Central Peninsular Railroad s Company East Coast Railway Ponsacola and of tho Tflsvlllfl Nashville Railroad < nsncola division of tho Louisville oshvllln Railroad l Georgia Southern t Florida Railway 1 I Jacksonville Tampa Key West Rail ¬ walt naeola Alabama Tennessee Rail ¬ i 1 road Jacksonville Atlantic Railroad And full passenec faro shall bo four 4 edits an half faro shall ho two < 2cents per milt on tho following named rullroads III said state tow Atlantic Suwauco River Gulf Rail road GalneslIIo Gulf I TallaliasseoGeorzlaRall- Forlda 7 Atlantic to Wstern Branch or the Flor Ida East Coast Railway Railroad 5 Atlantic Voldosta Western Yellow River Railroad of Florida a Adopted b the commission this 14th or Juno A D IS1- SHllM DAVIDSOJJ Chairman UEDAY J M BKYAH Commissioners I Ercrrboilr fnt So CwcarcUCandrCaUmillotlw- aeiful mt von tuidlcal dlsco err of tbu nc Lvfls I alt lIud refr ilnq to Ibo taste aL ItlItI unit on klilnc llveriniJlmxriU- ckniiting t tlio entire svulmi dliiKl roliin euro heailacho fovcV IntMttml i on M ntor otiaiil loiiw s 11wii liny iiil irvtx lir > V OIUU C tinlnj1 111 Ucpii < tnllnui- piBraiiflcln I I r A WEAK WAR OFFICE London Juno aThe Times hl anar this morning tho linns In Cuba says cause for opera the ffilJL0aS L182Sf r lDditiOn Is of the military admlllltltration 1t WllshlnltWn Unit ed Ntates War slmost as badly constituted ts our own Yo think It is duo to tho wisdom o t J that wUu strategy board So long as they do all the manipulating of troops Bghtlng Spaniards etc on paper at Washington nothing will lx done Lot I McKlnloy dissolve the thtng It they nut to fight give them a musket und a i 1r- 7p t 1 1 1 send them to Cuba Give Leo Stjafter Sampson and Bobby right to do as they please then out tile cabld to Wash- ington ¬ and In a few days you will set tho Stars and Stripes floating all over Cuba Vernon II 1808 1 The republicans Wotlifngton county met on opovo to to> lowing call- Ropubllcan Mass Stnotlngl JTotboBo- liubllcansof Washington county Tho members of the Wash- Ington Republican Executives Committee constituting a majority of said committee In response to tho almost unanimous of their constituency hereby call a of republicans at Vernon Fla on Saturday tho IHh day of Juno 1893 for the of reorgan- izing ¬ tho County Republican Executive Committee on guarantee harmonious and effcctlvo action In the approaching campaign and such other business as may ho necessary- It is the earnest wish of tho undersign- ed ¬ that tho Mass Meeting bo truly repre- sentative ¬ and entirely freo nation or any faction or clique Such conditions can bo Inured by a general at- tendance ¬ and participation In the delib- erations ¬ of The meeting will be called to order at 1 oclock p m L M Ware L Wlsoloaol T J Boul hoe J J Cotton H F Homo Augustus- Russ P J Godwin A D Potter Dated May 25 18h8 On motion Hon J II Brown of St An- drews ¬ Bay was elected chairman upon tho chair ho suggested among other recommendations that harmony- was essential to any undertaking JJ Cotton of Caryvllle was nomina- ted ¬ and elected Secretary Messrs 0 W Johnston L M Waro and P J Godwin were elected a commit- tee ¬ on resolutions B C Young of L Wlselogel of Chllo and P N Kolnltzo of Miller lorry were elected a committee to suggest names membership of tho I Executive Committee after which said committee retired tho absence of the committee nominations L M Ware P J Uodwln et a addressed tho convention The committee In submitting Its suggested tho following naind gontlomen- to compose the Washington County Ho mibllcan Executho Committee Precinct No 1 P J Godwin K U ot- ter No2 T J Roulhau Dock Horn No 3 J J Cotton B C Young No 4 Amos Young No 5 L M ure J H Brown No 0 It M Mlddloton No7 L Wlsnlo leI u W Johnston II F Horn No8- F S Kolnltze A Kiiss No 0 F II Ware No 10 F M Uoutelle No 11 Archie Simms No 14 Otto Thompkins The report was unanimously adopted On It was that tho ten uro of oflicn of tho county executive com iltteo bo limited to two years and tho chairman and secretary executive committee or a of tho commit- tee are authorized to call special and regular meeting of tho committee and conventions of republicans In tho county- to elect delegates to represent tho county In congressional and state conventions and to perform such other duties as usu- ally ¬ devolve upon a County Ex Corn On motion the siowly elected committee rotlnd for the purpose of organization- and returned and reported tIm election of- olllcers as follows L M Ware chair ¬ man JJ Cotton secretary L Wlselo ¬ gel treasurer Mr P J Godwin was recommended to bo continued a member of thin congressional committee for this district The report ot the commltteo was uanl monsly endorsed by the convention The committee on resolutions made tho following which was also unani- mously ¬ adopted That we reafllrm our allegl alice to the republican party and platform of principles enunciated at the convention thn convention that gave to our country a President who has courago to redeem the pledges of his to make Cuba free Resolved That wo note with extreme satl the wisdom of tho re- publican ¬ pohcyor protection to homo In ¬ dustries being vindicated by a condition of prosperity which oven war with a for- eign ¬ cannot seriously disturb Resolved That the republicans of Washington count protest against the Iniquitous election laws our state which place a tax on public spirit and ¬ triotism and the that give our chil ¬ dren a four months school and tho par- ents a life time nf dlsfranchlsmcnt TIs further Resolved That wo pro test against the convict loas calculated to still further degrade tho convict and deprave tho lessee We pledge ourselves to work for Its and tho enactment of a law whereby con- vict ¬ labor may Iw employed on the public highways to a vote of adjournment tim fol ¬ lowing resolution was read and Resolved That tun Secretary bo an ¬ thorized to enter upon minutes the statement that numerous resolutions nnd motions submitted to tho convention wuro unanimously adopted and tim Sec ¬ retary to furnish the county ljap Florida Sentinel and lion J Mlllmnn chairman Rep State Cent Com copies of the vOlitions proceedings J H BRowN Chairman J J COTTOX Secretary are the chil ¬ Imw this summer they doing P Do they get all the benefit they should from their food P- Are their cheeks and lips of good color And are they hearty and robust in every way Ifnot then give th- emSeIHElill of cod liver off talth hypo phosphites It never ails to build up delicate boys and It gives them more flesh and better blood- It is lustso with the baby also Scotts Emulsion three or four times a Jay will make the thin baby plump and A It furnishes the JPIWP young body with material necessary for growing bones 5 and nerves AU Druggists c md r SCOTT UOWl4IbmLI NY- r Ii r E Of CAROL I I Mothers I dtlcom I forts and > l of- chlldbfrUican S be almost on tlrel avoided WineofCard- uirelieres ex- pectant ¬ moth era It givet- onetathegen ijplorgansond condition to do their work perfectly That makes preg- nancy ¬ less painful shortens labor hastens recovery alter childbirth It helps a woman bear strong healthy children Wine of idli baa also brought to thousands of homes barren for years A few doses often brings fOY to loving hearts that long t for a No woman should neglect to it for this trouble It cures nine cases out of ten druggists sell Wine- of Jioo per botUe For advice In eases iwrutrlne gechal directions address the Advisory Depanmont1 The Chattanooe MedJclna Co Chalta- ocogi T an rjLOU1SLHAL jof Jefftrton GJU fijw II When I that took Wine or Urdu we had Men married three could not have any children foe months UWr 1 clad a line girl btly WINE Of CARDUI PRODULEEXUHANGE- A D Coinmission Co WHOLESALE Jobbers in all Kindsot- PRODUCE SPECIALTIES tIrlsh and Sweet Po tocs Cabbngf Onions Hutabngns Beets Carrots Apples Oranges Butter and dices antI Poultry of all kinds TillS IS TIlE PLACE PMNACOLA FLORIDA 120 East Government Street Ponce de Leon House 110 East Intendentla bt- Pensncola Il Florida FIRST CLASS HOARDING AT REASONABLE RATES Centrally located wwww p IMncuto Voer llowfcl With Cuacaret Candy Clthnllcl cure constipation fore tor 1 druftnG8 roluu1 money J C COTTON APIONEY AT LAW WE8TVILLK FLORiDA Has 11 years experience Bee In Court house r A D CARMICHAEL Attorney nt Law Collections n Specialty Chlnley Fi- nD J JONES AIlORNEY ATLA W t CHIPLYF- LitJiLftTTERS MUSIC HOUSE Largest Line und Lowest Prices In the SOU- THfTheleidernLnwPriies n Standard High Grade Pianos anti OMuna Among our other Dianas TheSmith Barnes Pianos give boot fntUfHctlon rut tlii lcu t mon- ey ¬ Irliv lnw tnd tt t Ins easy EimballOrgansfrt- tp5dOtJ ur Terms 5 per month Ofc Write us before buying We can save you money JM CLUTTER t21148oPlniox- HtPEXtLA Ft OB The UN S Kit prlntsll kind 01 office ita- IIOnllyUhoisaI orde- rWANTKUTltUSTW BIIlV lInd active to travel lor re sionallile establlthed house In Klorlda- Jlonthlv GSOOnud expenses rosltlonRlca- dy Reference Kncloso self addressed utincjied envelope The Dominion Com 11a uy U Chicago Subscribe for he ElAN N KR- I C FAWCEH CO C i mtr Commission C MILLS Merchants V Hagaletiprers If SjtWeWiq Poet CjJtt I MealCl3IIU Uad 1 > tor Gn 3- l I firor vcke4 liter la IKli tr e I A ia npo liLdtu oC ftnj LU- T > W Car Chjict Icsii Bo tTriiI Oats tlU- A ffrft cr f ut rXb3ttttll plrta II UII lI4CAVA1U uez Olltlnd L of U1nU1U7 Ituun p >IIof ci cifr- dz iJ 210213 BV ST UT WIS- TSavamMh it > Ga- V Ic> rca 9 < ajo- o r 1 oJ 1 < 1WOTX El Notice lihercbY llvon that thfoliovintr described i ndl will be sold at Public Auction tho 1st liar of UUUST AID 13k3 VERNON In thoCouutrQr WUllh Stats of Florida Or so much tiierf as will to llay the amoun- tdueforTaxesoflSt7hereineotoppositetu thtl8I1mJ together wIth cat of such = T- c 1 I Q OWNER 1 DES RlP1IOtoJ LAND < 1 g 0 0 7- fI E4 z < J- N r Unknown nofse3 20 2 12 SO l I IH- UnknoVn jlwofnwJ 4 3 12 40 117 Unknown wforswJandsoorswJ 4 3 19 19o h I Unknown oU otseU and swor soU i 4 3 12 120 3M Unknown noUo no 11 3 12 40 154 TbosBryant nv34 6 3 12 100 48O Unknown soJorneJ 8 S 12 40 IM Unknownoo wf of 8WJ i B3 12 80 2 63 Unknown OOrnO 4 4 12 80 262- Iienr7LSmitlt nlv i t i 4 4 12 lPO a 81 nw orswU 4 4 32 40 1 54 Unknown neofso3 l 4 4 12 40 151 Unknown nojofne 6 4 12 40 154- WlTurner whofnw3 64 12 80 372 JOJorcian nw3ofnw 30 4 12 40 180 Unknown 1dlrne ndseorneK to 2 13 120 15t Unknown wofswofswK 10 213 20 100 Unknown flO5l 2 3 13 80 407 Unknown s3of 4 3 13 SO 221 Mrs 0 N Mercer swJor fiJ p 3 13 40 154 J A Jordan seJ4JtlivapdlloUo 13 3 33 SO 614 Unknown nlvJofnsv 13 3 13 40 135 Unknown no4 14 3 13 100 3 Unknown n orse 14 313 80 1 5i Z R iIlbeot o3 or swK and 8W or IIwJ and s- ofnwofssv 15 3 13 140 J M Harper swU or so4 and no3otse3 15 313 SO 262 Mrs C NMcrcor w4 or tie4 and oU or nwU nOJ o- fawandn4ofse 16 3 13 280 800 J nwofno3 22 3 13 40 IPM Unknown eoof nn 22 3 13 40 135 ZRblibert n and 3 13 200 951 John Brock ne3 24 3 13 160 400 M JO Shughnesoy se loss six acres on east side of no r oaoj r 13 154 18 84- 3EGOrr nofnw 7 4 13 40 335t Wm hess nwUorIIIVU 7 13 40 E W in acres on north end of nw or soU 8 4 13 10 1 5t- VLVhltaker ooseM 8 413 so 875 Mellan Sims 2 acres In nw corner of IW ofnwO 4 13 2 100 Unknown e ono 15 4 13 80 407 Unknown swor swg Is 4 13 40 2 27 Unknown seof sw U e 15 4 13 40 2 n Unknown wof so is 4 13 SO 4n Unknown oKofs 15 4 13 80 4 0- 7RSVoleh eoofneK 16 4 13 40 2rr Unknown swlofnw 10 4 13 40 227 Unknown no> ofno 20 4 13 40 100 Unknown niioTllw 20 4 13805811 Unknown less16l acres 20 413 l3J 407 Unknown so1so 22 4 13 80 407 Unknown nwuftiw i 23 4 13 40 190 Unknown nw n 4 13 100 4 SO Unknown nwor neU and saor neJ 29 4 13 SO 4fJT ne ot SVl IS 4 13 40 1 M Unknown nofso 28 4 13 SO 262 Unknown wMol 294 13 320 lZ01 Unknown nwj r 30 4 13 100407 Unknown l 4ofse4 30 4 13 80 28- 7JE Peel 32 4 13 40 15tt- Jnknowh ntlorso and swU of nWJ or so3 8 1 14240 262 Unknown 16 1 U 40 82 Unknown nofav3 18 1 14 80 117 Unknown sof sw4 4 214 so 100- V J Tiller sofsoofso 4 2 14 20 D7 Unknown eofnc 6 2 14 80 110 Unknown nn3 or nwW 7 2 1440 If4 Unknown soornw ontlo orsVJ oCsoJ30 2 14 100 190- TW King nvjofsw3e 1 3 14 40 22- 7rw siornoneofsoIoss2acres 2 a 14 78 227 Unknown nofnw 2 3 14 SO 335 Unknown sw3ofnv 2 3 H 40 1- MLNRR nwJornIVJ 3314 40 12t Unknown wJ or noU 4 3 14 80 227 Unknown seofne3 13 3 14 40 154- llflhirndley noU 1 oj 14 100 a79 E nwJi 4 4 14 1CO 9141 I Unknown sofne4ofnw 9 4 14 20 0- J E iloilman nw3of ssv 9 4 14 40 135 Mrs J W Pnttorson 12 4 14 40 1140 Unknown svj1ofso3j 24 4 14 40 13i Unknown nwotItv4 27 4 14 40 180 Unknown seof no 34 414 40 117- UILlnowJ w or nwU 34 4 14 80 227 Brock nv3tofse34 s 34 4 14 40 2 38 Unknown no otswU 36 4 14 40 13a Unknown WAll 33 I Iii 640 0214 Unknown o 2 U 40 15t- J A Simmons nwyornw 6 2 iS 40 317- V L Miller 7 2 15 to 262 Unknown 18 acresoDsouthsldQ orswU or noK 0 2 15 IS 100 Unknown nw3ofswJo II 215 41 1110 Unknown suM orslY less 2 ncrtIJ II 2 IIi 3IS 227 Unknown nwofno 10 2 Hi 40 1 M Unknown syWofnwM 10 2 III 40 154 Unknown se3 of no ii 2 15 40 227 Unknown no 13 2 114 40 1M Unknown lIoWor H 2 LI 40 1 144 Unknown 16 2 15 40 151 Unknown sw4ofnoK 18 2 114 40 114- 4JamtsA yates nwrno 3 3 15 40 427 11 H seofne 4 3 114 40 100- Unknown nMornIUnndsoJornoJ 10 3 15 120 317 Unknown no4ofnwand nwor sw lU 3 t5 SO 227 Unknown no orso 25 3 15 40 154- Marnh Yates nwof ne and ne3 or nw 36 3 1i 80 21- 2WKllotter nu3f of swK and tf sej 36 315120 317 Usiknon noUofne orneU 1 4 15 10 117- J V King ntvofss 6 4 114 40 172 Jackson Yates it w of sw and 8e of ssvt 18 4 111120 427- Rayrord Martin sa4ufso3ando3ofso t pI 4 15 120 427 Unknown lJ ot no and sef of ne 4 1a 120 2 119 Unknown soI 21 4 15 lro 37J William Uroxllton nlf or n4 30 4 15 140 444- J lillroxston s3 30 4 15 160 4 44 AllenJrunson w or so 30 4 iS 80 2 45 J A rates eUorse 33 4 15 80 262 Unknown all I i 16 640 It 32 unlmown all hHllleOrsoJ 3 1 16 GOO to 63 Unknown oft 8ndlotal4and5 I 1162 570 Unknown I and naY of nV3 and sc of sw 7 70 Unknown nndsoofnwj and eM oC sw11 1 16 44 I r0 Unknown aU 13 1 14 Unknown e and nn of swWand w34 of nW is i io W67l LNR It 5 1 16 Umtown and 3 s 1 12 so cseJ 13 2 Ii 10 set- ore Unknown 15 2 16 SO 100 Unknown 81 15 is Unknown 17 2 11 4 17 Unknown U 17 2 3 625 Unknown Ssofsw3 lS 2 16 Unknown fle3f or llwL and no ofuej and s3 13 of ne3 and o4 or se3 and lot 0 19 2 16 B 610 Unknown lots I 4 14 and 15 116780111213 21 a isson 981 Unknown less uM or IIM s 2 16 5 105 Unknown all less nJ of 2 2 16 Unknown all 2 io Unknown all less svX orne 2 2 18 60 It3 lUnknown lo5 2 10 117 J I raislwr Iota 3 2 16 3 IM Mrs lots 4 and G 2 16 Mrs Rhode Uyington lotI23 4 567tDIOl13 2 10 1833 Unknown 2 16 5 D l Unknown of so r 3 2 16 117 Unknown 8wofne nndlwJornwands ornwan 3 q 10 48 619 Unknown 4 sot flEA 3 io 227 Unknown nwbrI andBXOrnWU 114 3 1620 317 Unknown 1 3 16 10 427 Unknown or8e 3 11 Johnson seKof5OL j5 3 22 4 Unknown nfof ne 213 16 227 Unknown 2 3 16 4 234 Unknown IcU f nI ands of nwJ and 2 3 io 1 320 Unknown w3ofsw4andsoofsw3 3 1613 317 Unknown sof selj 2 3 2 27 Unknown ton h 3 16 80 2 Unknown 2 3 16 G 13 Unknown eof nO 3 10 27 JTSmtth n 28 3 44r ADlcJ 11 10 Unknown nvtofsw 3 3 Unknown Ssjot aW 3 ia 40 13 Unknown wMofne3andsejof 33 3112 0 Unknown nfof nw4 33 2 Unknown BwUe sw 3 3 16 I 35 4 Unknown sorno3endi1v4of ne3 3 2 Unknown nw 3 3 16 16 2 1111 unknown soofswiess12 acres 4 II Len Wllaml n of lot commrncluj nt nn corner of TE running N 3 chains and 17 links E a chlul and 3t links S G chainsand8l topolntofbegInningeoflel2 410 1 274 < Continued On 3rd Page e- c f k t- t I- f L j Ji I j i > J r t i i 1 i PATENTS PROMPTLY SECURED I Write for our Interesting books Invent- ors ¬ Help and How roil are clii died fiood us a roRXb betcb or model of your C invention or thiprovcm nt and we Ton e e our opinion a to whthct It Is We make a specialty 4 of applications rejected In band Ulcnoel references furnIshe1i- XAEIOZ KAJUOK IAT 00tmf rolrtccfcnw School of SngHicerln BacheJonto Applied Bctimect lAta CnlrenHr Ximbere t Patent LWAItln Watw Work Water Assoc 1 PO Barrrron Anoclittlni Aaoa Work I OcietiofCtvjlEngners C S omc i WASflINOTOi1 D O 5 NOZIThsIO- ANwww u TliricoaWeek Edition K THE NFW YORK WOULD ADTUE Chipley Banner lU- H1J5PJR il YEAR ha lWbecOD9 the Tbrlceaweck World eIng err Wednesday Friday rho most offer over to the public Tbe Tbrlcenweek tbim HPT Weekly or seiul Worhlilatger ptr Iublshe furnlsllng psge wldo overy week HANNKR or One Dollar and flvecpnts year The World combines all the C blc88undc8pneeorl dully with tht of weekly 1 Address for further Information TboCIIIfLKY BANNtK- Oblpley Kla Skin DiseasesF- or the speedy and permanent cure of tetter ealt rheum and eczema Cham ¬ beralns Eye and Skin Ointment f wiHiont an equal It relieves the ing nnd smarting almost Instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cur It also cures itch Itch head Bor nipples itching piles chapped sore eyes and jrarjulatecl lids Dr Codys rendition Powder for hones are bet tonic nndvermifnge Price 85cents Sold- byBO BO YEARS XPIRUNOK L TRADI MARKS DESIGNS 4 COPYRIGHTS 0 Anyone sending a iketch and description quickly ascertain frBmrbetber an Intention II communications strictly confidential OldsI haeticy for securing patents In America We have a Waablngton Patanu taken tfcrough Mona Co rlr ipoctal notice la the- 8CIENTIFIO AMERICAN eautlfallr martellcUOotanI- cnufOiOnl v BOOK Ol lATE tent tree Adttrew 1 mwnri A CO 361 Broadway New + Ik A3A on Wanted wori ASBtLE ummSuaauy RIGHT PER- SON THE BEST PAY EVER OF- FERED ¬ FOR SIMILAR BEVlcn The Cot nopoiUkn Marntrfedit DalEN WALKCK wiihf to add a quarter to us clltnttlc tIe lar eel of thkldngeaderoiuocd- by any periodical IleoTh- aiTIS PREPARED TO PAY HAND- SOMELY FOR ASSISTANCE REN- DERED ¬ It vrlahea the services of ono reliable man or woman in every town village count district or manufacturing In ever Stato All that is required one J reliability earnestness and work No natter on what other work you are engaged It wl pay examlno Into this Vpply itatlne rwltlon capability and rtfer- encca loTHU COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZIN- ElrylntnncpthcHudon v Nc v Vor- JA BUSINESS EDUCATION Is the klid dsirf by the youncmcn women of lodt I can be oblaile Inl loss expense nt the DoFiniink Spgfl Bit8lncff8 College than alwher else in the otitb Full 11 llujlnesa Inclndliitr renmnntbln Bookkeeping thO- fthandrnwrltnl i t Board 10 per fontU Catalogue Free Address U i OOK ilA Prin DeKunlak Sprltags Via THIS 1 IU8TRlhBUtLETINTA- LLAH II THE ItES XliCICS ANII KNT EItTKlbES OF nJIPA tWAn 1AIKll IN THE ST EVERY TATF AKDTEnniTOttY IN THE l1 BKSD FOR 8 M Icorr IT WILL BK SENT FilE IF J O HELL Ed c 5- 1grkf3c Tow pJlacp Mtu theyre I frsb H beat For 11e erjTTliere Reftut IbUtut SUc loFeirr1 im ed Annual tree Write tr I- LLFURY0OBeIsIMlcb > c t 2

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ChiplcyFin Juno 2Ctli 18i8


For Congressman First Florida District


Spain annually sends us 2000000 worthof nuts oranges raisins and wines bliowill not flit demand this jear andTexas California and Uorlda must comoto the bat-

Floridas Indian War Claim tInz f715C07 was Included In an omnibusbill which recently ed tho fecnato

This action was the result of the effortsof senator Pasco

Rov Dixon the sensational dvino ofNew York been dubbed ho YellowPreacher I Wilbur F Story originatorof sensational Journalism In coi ntrywhen asked tho of Journalismpromptly replied To ralso ansell newspapers Mr Dixon may raise

hll but has ho got to sell


A Sure Thine for YouA transaction which you atinot loselBa

4 enrothluc biliousness sick headache fur-red tHer tmd thousand other

to tamed coustlpatlon uud sluppMiliver CacaCts Uithartle the wri-derful now liver stimulant aud lutes Instouio aro by all druggists guaranteed to c nroor money refunded C 0 C aro osuirthing Tiv u box today lOc 23e WjBomulo bwltict free Be our big


London Juno aThe Hong Kong cor-


3 of the Mull says Thoof Manila Monsignor Nozalo

da announces that ho a commu-nication

¬i from God who has promised himi that the Yankee will bo drlen outc of the Island and that Spain will bo trl4 umphantln end-



t Notice Is hereby given that an exami-

nation of applicants for appointment totho vacant cadetship at Annapolis fromtho Congressional District of Flori-


will bo held In Tallahassee on Tues-


tho Sflth day of June 1393 by a commltteo of three or more persons to bo or-


for that purpose-


First District of Fla

An Uncertain DltcaieThere Ie no disease more uncertain in Its

nature than dyspepsia Physicians say thatei the symptoms of no two cases It is

therefore most difficult to make a correctdiagnosis No matter howyhatuliuliedyipepslattttacksyoiinrowm

cnre in nildbeaics of the stomach hlool and nenesErowas Iron Hitters is soldbyall dealers



Offico of tho Railroad CommlsslonState

i of Florida Tallahassee June 14 1SSThe following standard passenger tarifffor railroads business In theState of Florida Is published for tho In ¬

formation of all concerned and shall goInto effect on the 18th day of July A D1893

Full passenger faro shall bo three 3I cents per mile and halffiro shall be onoc and oliohalf cents mile on thot following twined railroads In said state

r The Plant System ofFlorida Central Peninsular Railroad

s CompanyEast Coast Railway

Ponsacola and of thoTflsvlllfl Nashville Railroad

< nsncola division of tho Louisvilleoshvllln Railroad

lGeorgia Southern t Florida Railway

1 I Jacksonville Tampa Key West Rail ¬

waltnaeola Alabama Tennessee Rail ¬

i1 roadJacksonville Atlantic RailroadAnd full passenec faro shall bo four 4

edits an half faro shall ho two<2cents per milt on tho following namedrullroads III said state tow

Atlantic Suwauco River Gulf RailroadGalneslIIo Gulf

I TallaliasseoGeorzlaRall-


7 Atlantic to Wstern Branch or the FlorIda East Coast RailwayRailroad

5 Atlantic Voldosta WesternYellow River Railroad of Florida

a Adopted b the commission this 14thor Juno A D IS1-SHllM DAVIDSOJJ



I Ercrrboilr fnt SoCwcarcUCandrCaUmillotlw-

aeiful mt vontuidlcal dlsco err of tbu nc Lvfls

I alt lIud refr ilnq to Ibo taste aL ItlItIunit on klilnc llveriniJlmxriU-ckniitingt tlio entire svulmi dliiKl roliineuro heailacho fovcV IntMttml i on M ntorotiaiil loiiw s 11wii liny iiil irvtx lir>

V OIUU C tinlnj1 111 Ucpii < tnllnui-piBraiiflcln I I r

A WEAK WAR OFFICELondon Juno aThe Times hl anarthis morning tholinns In Cuba says cause for


ffilJL0aS L182Sf r lDditiOn Isof the militaryadmlllltltration 1t WllshlnltWn United Ntates War slmost as badlyconstituted ts our own

Yo think It is duo to tho wisdom o t

Jthat wUu strategy board So long asthey do all the manipulating of troopsBghtlng Spaniards etc on paper atWashington nothing will lx done Lot I

McKlnloy dissolve the thtng It theynut to fight give them a musket und





send them to Cuba Give Leo StjafterSampson and Bobby right to do asthey please then out tile cabld to Wash-ington


and In a few days you will set thoStars and Stripes floating all over Cuba

Vernon II 1808 1

The republicans Wotlifngton countymet on opovo to to>lowing call-

Ropubllcan Mass Stnotlngl JTotboBo-liubllcansof Washington county

Tho members of the Wash-Ington Republican ExecutivesCommittee constituting a majority ofsaid committee In response to tho almostunanimous of their constituencyhereby call a of republicans atVernon Fla on Saturday tho IHh dayof Juno 1893 for the of reorgan-izing


tho County Republican ExecutiveCommittee on guaranteeharmonious and effcctlvo action In theapproaching campaign and such otherbusiness as may ho necessary-

It is the earnest wish of tho undersign-ed


that tho Mass Meeting bo truly repre-sentative


and entirely freonation or any faction or clique Suchconditions can bo Inured by a general at-tendance


and participation In the delib-erations


of The meetingwill be called to order at 1 oclock p m

L M Ware L Wlsoloaol T J Boulhoe J J Cotton H F Homo Augustus-Russ P J Godwin A D Potter

Dated May 25 18h8

On motion Hon J II Brown of St An-


Bay was elected chairman upontho chair ho suggested among

other recommendations that harmony-was essential to any undertakingJJ Cotton of Caryvllle was nomina-


and elected SecretaryMessrs 0 W Johnston L M Waro

and P J Godwin were elected a commit-tee


on resolutionsB C Young of L Wlselogel

of Chllo and P N Kolnltzo ofMiller lorry were elected a committeeto suggest names membership of tho I

Executive Committee after whichsaid committee retired

tho absence of the committeenominations L M Ware P JUodwln et a addressed tho convention

The committee In submitting Itssuggested tho following naind gontlomen-to compose the Washington County Homibllcan Executho Committee

Precinct No 1 P J Godwin K U ot-

ter No2 T J Roulhau Dock Horn No3 J J Cotton B C Young No 4 AmosYoung No 5 L M ure J H BrownNo 0 It M Mlddloton No7 L WlsnloleI u W Johnston II F Horn No8-F S Kolnltze A Kiiss No 0 F II WareNo 10 F M Uoutelle No 11 ArchieSimms No 14 Otto Thompkins

The report was unanimously adoptedOn It was that tho ten

uro of oflicn of tho county executive comiltteo bo limited to two years and thochairman and secretary executivecommittee or a of tho commit-tee are authorized to call special andregular meeting of tho committee andconventions of republicans In tho county-to elect delegates to represent tho countyIn congressional and state conventionsand to perform such other duties as usu-ally


devolve upon a County Ex CornOn motion the siowly elected committee

rotlnd for the purpose of organization-and returned and reported tIm election of-olllcers as follows L M Ware chair ¬

man J J Cotton secretary L Wlselo ¬

gel treasurer Mr P J Godwin wasrecommended to bo continued a memberof thin congressional committee for thisdistrict

The report ot the commltteo was uanlmonsly endorsed by the convention

The committee on resolutions made thofollowing which was also unani-mously


adoptedThat we reafllrm our allegl

alice to the republican party andplatform of principles enunciated at the

convention thn conventionthat gave to our country a President whohas courago to redeem the pledges ofhis to make Cuba free

Resolved That wo note with extremesatl the wisdom of tho re-publican


pohcyor protection to homo In ¬

dustries being vindicated by a conditionof prosperity which oven war with a for-eign

¬cannot seriously disturb

Resolved That the republicans ofWashington count protest against theIniquitous election laws our statewhich place a tax on public spirit and ¬

triotism and the that give our chil ¬

dren a four months school and tho par-ents a life time nf dlsfranchlsmcnt

TIs further Resolved That wo protest against the convict loascalculated to still further degrade thoconvict and deprave tho lessee Wepledge ourselves to work for Itsand tho enactment of a law whereby con-vict


labor may Iw employed on the publichighways

to a vote of adjournment tim fol ¬

lowing resolution was read andResolved That tun Secretary bo an ¬

thorized to enter upon minutes thestatement that numerous resolutionsnnd motions submitted to tho conventionwuro unanimously adopted and tim Sec ¬

retary to furnish thecounty ljap Florida Sentinel andlion J Mlllmnn chairman Rep StateCent Com copies of the vOlitionsproceedings

J H BRowN ChairmanJ J COTTOX Secretary

are the chil ¬

Imw this summerthey doing

P Do theyget all the benefit theyshould from their food P-

Are their cheeks and lipsof good color And arethey hearty and robust inevery way

Ifnot then give th-emSeIHElillof cod liver off talth hypophosphites

It never ails to buildup delicate boys andIt gives them more fleshand better blood-

It is lustso with thebaby also ScottsEmulsion three or fourtimes a Jay will makethe thin baby plump and

A Itfurnishes the

JPIWP young body withmaterial

necessary forgrowing bones

5 and nervesAU Druggists c md r


rIi r


I Mothers Idtlcom

I forts and > lof-

chlldbfrUican Sbe almost ontlrel avoidedWineofCard-uirelieres ex-pectant


mothera It givet-onetathegenijplorgansond

condition to do their workperfectly That makes preg-nancy


less painful shortenslabor hastens recovery alterchildbirth It helps a womanbear strong healthy children

Wine of idlibaa also brought tothousands of homes barren foryears A few doses often bringsfOY to loving hearts that long

tfor a No womanshould neglect to it for thistrouble It cures nine cases outof ten druggists sell Wine-of Jioo per botUe

For advice In eases iwrutrlne gechaldirections addressthe Advisory Depanmont1The Chattanooe MedJclna Co Chalta-ocogi T an

rjLOU1SLHALjof Jefftrton GJU fijw

II When I that took Wine or Urduwe had Men married threecould not have any children foemonths UWr 1 clad a line girl btly



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1WOTX ElNotice lihercbY llvon that thfoliovintr described i ndl will be sold at Public

Auction tho 1st liar of UUUST AID 13k3 VERNON In thoCouutrQr WUllhStats of Florida Or so much tiierf as will to llay the amoun-

tdueforTaxesoflSt7hereineotoppositetu thtl8I1mJ together wIth cat of such=T-


1 I Q


1g 0 0 7-

fI E4 z < J-

N rUnknown nofse3 20 2 12 SO l I IH-

UnknoVn jlwofnwJ 4 3 12 40 117Unknown wforswJandsoorswJ 4 3 19 19o h I

Unknown oU otseU and swor soU i 4 3 12 120 3 MUnknown noUo no 11 3 12 40 154TbosBryant nv34 6 3 12 100 48OUnknown soJorneJ 8 S 12 40 IMUnknownoo wf of 8WJ i B3 12 80 2 63Unknown OOrnO 4 4 12 80 262-Iienr7LSmitlt nlv i t i 4 4 12 lPO a 81

nw orswU 4 4 32 40 1 54Unknown neofso3 l 4 4 12 40 151Unknown nojofne 6 4 12 40 154-WlTurner whofnw3 64 12 80 372JOJorcian nw3ofnw 30 4 12 40 180Unknown 1dlrne ndseorneK to 2 13 120 15tUnknown wofswofswK 10 213 20 100Unknown flO5l 2 3 13 80 407Unknown s3of 4 3 13 SO 221Mrs 0 N Mercer swJor fiJ p 3 13 40 154J A Jordan seJ4JtlivapdlloUo 13 3 33 SO 614Unknown nlvJofnsv 13 3 13 40 135Unknown no4 14 3 13 100 3Unknown n orse 14 313 80 1 5iZ R iIlbeot o3 or swK and 8W or IIwJ and s-

ofnwofssv 15 3 13 140J M Harper swU or so4 and no3otse3 15 313 SO 262Mrs C NMcrcor w4 or tie4 and oU or nwU nOJ o-

fawandn4ofse 16 3 13 280 800J nwofno3 22 3 13 40 IPMUnknown eoof nn 22 3 13 40 135ZRblibert n and 3 13 200 951John Brock ne3 24 3 13 160 400M JO Shughnesoy se loss six acres on east side of no r

oaoj r 13 154 18 84-

3EGOrr nofnw 7 4 13 40 335tWm hess nwUorIIIVU 7 13 40E W in acres on north end of nw or soU 8 4 13 10 1 5t-VLVhltaker ooseM 8 413 so 875

Mellan Sims 2 acres In nw corner of IW ofnwO 4 13 2 100Unknown e ono 15 4 13 80 407Unknown swor swg Is 4 13 40 2 27Unknown seof sw U e 15 4 13 40 2 nUnknown wof so is 4 13 SO 4nUnknown oKofs 15 4 13 80 4 0-7RSVoleh eoofneK 16 4 13 40 2rrUnknown swlofnw 10 4 13 40 227Unknown no> ofno 20 4 13 40 100Unknown niioTllw 20 4 13805811Unknown less16l acres 20 413 l3J 407Unknown so1so 22 4 13 80 407Unknown nwuftiw i 23 4 13 40 190Unknown nw n 4 13 100 4 SO

Unknown nwor neU and saor neJ 29 4 13 SO 4fJTne ot SVl IS 4 13 40 1 M

Unknown nofso 28 4 13 SO 262Unknown wMol 294 13 320 lZ01Unknown nwj r 30 4 13 100407Unknown l 4ofse4 30 4 13 80 28-7JE Peel 32 4 13 40 15tt-Jnknowh ntlorso and swU of nWJ or so3 8 1 14240 262Unknown 16 1 U 40 82Unknown nofav3 18 1 14 80 117Unknown sof sw4 4 214 so 100-

V J Tiller sofsoofso 4 2 14 20 D7

Unknown eofnc 6 2 14 80 110Unknown nn3 or nwW 7 2 1440 If4Unknown soornw ontlo orsVJ oCsoJ30 2 14 100 190-TW King nvjofsw3e 1 3 14 40 22-7rw siornoneofsoIoss2acres 2 a 14 78 227Unknown nofnw 2 3 14 SO 335Unknown sw3ofnv 2 3 H 40 1-MLNRR nwJornIVJ 3314 40 12tUnknown wJ or noU 4 3 14 80 227Unknown seofne3 13 3 14 40 154-llflhirndley noU 1 oj 14 100 a79

E nwJi 4 4 14 1CO 9141 I

Unknown sofne4ofnw 9 4 14 20 0-

J E iloilman nw3of ssv 9 4 14 40 135Mrs J W Pnttorson 12 4 14 40 1140Unknown svj1ofso3j 24 4 14 40 13iUnknown nwotItv4 27 4 14 40 180Unknown seof no 34 414 40 117-UILlnowJ w or nwU 34 4 14 80 227

Brock nv3tofse34 s 34 4 14 40 2 38Unknown no otswU 36 4 14 40 13aUnknown WAll 33 I Iii 640 0214Unknown o 2 U 40 15t-J A Simmons nwyornw 6 2 iS 40 317-

V L Miller 7 2 15 to 262Unknown 18 acresoDsouthsldQ orswU or noK 0 2 15 IS 100Unknown nw3ofswJo II 215 41 1110Unknown suM orslY less 2 ncrtIJ II 2 IIi 3IS 227Unknown nwofno 10 2 Hi 40 1 MUnknown syWofnwM 10 2 III 40 154Unknown se3 of no ii 2 15 40 227Unknown no 13 2 114 40 1MUnknown lIoWor H 2 LI 40 1 144

Unknown 16 2 15 40 151Unknown sw4ofnoK 18 2 114 40 114-4JamtsA yates nwrno 3 3 15 40 42711 H seofne 4 3 114 40 100-Unknown nMornIUnndsoJornoJ 10 3 15 120 317Unknown no4ofnwand nwor sw lU 3 t5 SO 227Unknown no orso 25 3 15 40 154-Marnh Yates nwof ne and ne3 or nw 36 3 1i 80 21-2WKllotter nu3f of swK and tf sej 36 315120 317Usiknon noUofne orneU 1 4 15 10 117-J V King ntvofss 6 4 114 40 172Jackson Yates it w of sw and 8e of ssvt 18 4 111120 427-Rayrord Martin sa4ufso3ando3ofso t pI 4 15 120 427Unknown lJ ot no and sef of ne 4 1a 120 2 119

Unknown soI 21 4 15 lro 37JWilliam Uroxllton nlf or n4 30 4 15 140 444-J lillroxston s3 30 4 15 160 4 44AllenJrunson w or so 30 4 iS 80 2 45J A rates eUorse 33 4 15 80 262Unknown all I i 16 640 It 32unlmown all hHllleOrsoJ 3 1 16 GOO to 63Unknown oft 8ndlotal4and5 I 1162 570Unknown I and naY of nV3 and sc of sw 7 70Unknown nndsoofnwj and eM oC sw11 1 16 44 I r0Unknown aU 13 1 14Unknown e and nn of swWand w34 of nW is i io W67lLNR It 5 1 16

Umtown and 3s 1 12so cseJ 13 2 Ii 10set-ore

Unknown 15 2 16 SO 100Unknown 81 15 isUnknown 17 2 11 4 17Unknown U 17 2 3 625Unknown Ssofsw3 lS 2 16Unknown fle3f or llwL and no ofuej and s3 13

of ne3 and o4 or se3 and lot 0 19 2 16 B 610Unknown lots I 4

14 and 15 116780111213 21 a isson 981Unknown less uM or IIM s 2 16 5 105Unknown all less nJ of 2 2 16Unknown all 2 ioUnknown all less svX orne 2 2 18 60 It3

lUnknown lo5 2 10 117J I raislwr Iota 3 2 16 3 IMMrs lots 4 and G 2 16Mrs Rhode Uyington lotI23 4 567tDIOl13 2 10 1833Unknown 2 16 5 D lUnknown of so r 3 2 16 117Unknown 8wofne nndlwJornwandsornwan 3 q 10 48 619Unknown 4 sot flEA 3 io 227Unknown nwbrI andBXOrnWU 114 3 1620 317Unknown 1 3 16 10 427Unknown or8e 3 11Johnson seKof5OL j5 3 224Unknown nfof ne 213 16 227Unknown 2 3 16 4 234Unknown IcU fnI ands of nwJ and

2 3 io 1 320Unknown w3ofsw4andsoofsw3 3 1613 317Unknown sof selj 2 3 2 27Unknown ton h 3 16 80 2Unknown 2 3 16 G 13Unknown eof nO 3 10 27JTSmtth n 28 3 44rADlcJ 11 10Unknown nvtofsw 33Unknown Ssjot aW 3 ia 40 13Unknown wMofne3andsejof 33 3112 0Unknown nfof nw4 33 2Unknown BwUe sw 3 3 16 I 354Unknown sorno3endi1v4of ne3 3 2Unknown nw 3 3 16 16 2 1111unknown soofswiess12 acres 4 IILen Wllaml n of lot commrncluj nt nn corner of

TE running N 3chains and 17 links E a chluland 3tlinks S G chainsand8ltopolntofbegInningeoflel2 410 1 274

< Continued On 3rd Page e-



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