the normans in england (1066-1204) - teleskola · 2020. 9. 21. · fl-1204, in-normandija ntrebħet...

In-Normanni fl-Ingilterra (1066-1204) The Normans in England (1066-1204) 1

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  • In-Normanni fl-Ingilterra (1066-1204)The Normans in England (1066-1204)


  • Meta r-rè tal-Ingilterra miet fl-1066, in-nobbli Ingliżi għażlu lil Harold II bħala rè. Id-Duka William tan-Normandija saħaq li hu kellu d-dritt ikun ir-rè li jmiss; għalhekk hu ppjana li jinvadi l-Ingilterra.

    When the King of England died in 1066, the English nobles chose Harold II as their King. Duke William of Normandy held that he ought to be the next King; so he planned the invasion of England. 2

  • Id-Duka William ġabar

    armata ta’ suldati, arċeri

    u kavallieri u bena ħafna

    xwieni sabiex bihom

    jaqsam il-Kannal Ingliż u

    jinvadi l-Ingilterra.

    Duke William gathered

    an army of foot soldiers,

    archers and mounted

    knights and build many

    ships to Cross the

    English Channel and

    invade England.


  • Malli wasal l-Ingilterra, l-armata ta’ William imxiet lejn it-tramuntana filwaqt li ppreparat ruħha għall-battalja kontra r-rè Harold.

    On arriving in England, William’s army marched north and waited to give battle to King Harold’s army.


  • Fil-Battalja ta’ Hastings (1066), ir-rè Harold iqatel meta ntlaqat f’għajnu minn

    vleġġa. William imbagħad baqa’ sejjer Londra fejn kien inkurunat rè.

    At the Battle of Hastings (1066), King Harold was killed by an arrow in his

    eye. William then went to London where he was crowned king. 5

  • 6

  • Id-Duka William sar l-ewwel rèNormann tal-Ingilterra bħala William I ‘il-Konkwistatur’.

    Fl-1067, William ordna li ssir it-Tapizzerija ta’ Bayeaux biex tfakkar ir-rebħa tiegħu fuq l-Ingilterra. Illum, din it-tapizzeriji, twila 70 metru, tinżamm fil-Mużew ta’ Bayeaux fin-Normandija.

    Duke William became the first Norman King of England as William I ‘the Conqueror.’

    In 1067, William ordered the Bayeaux Tapestry to commemorate his victory in England. Today the 70 metres long tapestry is kept in the Bayeaux Museum in Normandy.


  • Ir-re William ordna li jinbena t-Torri tal-Londra, minn fejn kien jaħkem l-Ingilterra.

    King William ordered the building of the Tower of London, from where he ruled England. 8

  • Fl-Ingilterra, William bena ħafna kastelli u tahom lin-nobbli Normanni sabiex jgħassu kontra irvellijiet mill-Ingliżi. Hu daħħal ukoll is-sistema fewdali fl-Ingilterra.

    In England, William built many castles and gave them to Norman Knights to guard against revolts by the English. He also introduced the feudal system in England.


  • Il-keeps (kastelli tal-ġebel b’saħħithom) Normmani inbnew fl-Ingilterra matul il-ħakma Normanna bejn l-1066 u l-1204.

    Norman keeps (strong stone castles) were built in England during Norman rule between 1066 and 1204.


  • Fl-1086, William ordna li jsir id-

    Doomsday Book, biex jassigura li

    kullħadd fl-Ingilterra jħallas it-taxxi u

    l-qbiela lir-rè.

    In 1086, William ordered the

    Doomsday Book to ensure that all the

    people in England paid the taxes and

    the feudal dues to the King.


  • L-arblu tar-razza u l-arma tar-rejiet Normanni fl-Ingilterra. Ir-rejiet għandhom isihom bl-aħmar.

    Family tree and coat of arms of the Norman Kings of England. The Kings are shown in red.


  • Ir-rejiet Normanni komplew jaħkmu n-Normandija sal-1204 u l-Ingilterra sal-1216. Wieħed mir-rejiet l-aktar magħrufa kien Richard I Qalb ta’ Ljun, li mexxa t-Tielet Kruċjata (1189-1191).

    The Norman Kings continued to rule Normandy until 1ċ204 and England until 1216. One famous King was Richard I the Lionheart, who led the Third Crusade (1189-1191). 13

  • Fl-1204, in-Normandija ntrebħet minn Filippu II, rè ta’ Franza (lemin fuq). Minn dik is-sena ‘il quddiem, in-Normanni saru sudditi tar-rè ta’ Franza. Ir-rèJohn(lemin) kien l-aħħar Re tal-Ingilterra li kien jaħkem fuq in-Normandija.

    In 1204, Normandy was conquered by Philip II, King of France (above right). From then onwards the Normans became subjects of the French King. King John (right) was the last English King to rule over Normandy. 14

  • 15

    1. Spjega għaliex id-Duka William tan-Normandija ddeċieda li jinvadil-Ingilterra fl-166. (4)

    2. Uża slide 2 sa 4 biex tiddeskrivi kif William ippjana u wettaq l-invażjoni tal-Ingilterra. (4)

    3. X’kien ir-riżultat tal-Battalja ta’ Hastings? (2)4. Għaliex t-Tapizzerija ta’ Bayeaux hi sors importanti fl-istorja

    tan-Normanni? (2)5. Semmi tliet affarijiet li għamel William meta sar rè tal-Ingilterra. (3)6. Għaliex wara l-1204 in-Normanni ma baqgħux jissemmew iżjed

    fl-istorja? (2)7. Kompli din it-tabella tar-rejiet

    Normanni fl-Ingilterra (3):

    (Total: 20 marka)

    X’tgħallimt dwar in-Normanni fl-Ingilterra

    1. William I

    2. __________

    3. Henry I

    4. __________

    5. Henry II

    6. __________

    7. John

    History Department, Curriculum Centre Annexe, DLAP (MEDE) 2020.

  • 16

    Review and assessment on the Normans in England

    1. Explain why Duke William decided to invade England in 1066. (4)2. Use slide 2 to 4 to describe how William planned and carried out the

    invasion of England. (4)3. What was the result of the Battle of Hastings? (2)4. Why the Bayeaux Tapestry an important sources for the history of

    the Normans? (2)5. Mention three things which William did in England when he was

    king. (3)6. Why after 1204 the Normans ceased to be mentioned in history? (2)7. Use slide 12 to answer.

    Fill in the names of the missing Norman kings of England (3):

    (Total: 20 marks)

    1. William I

    2. __________

    3. Henry I

    4. __________

    5. Henry II

    6. __________

    7. John

    History Department, Curriculum Centre Annexe, DLAP (MEDE) 2020.