the nigerian war

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  • 8/12/2019 The Nigerian War


    The Nigerian War

    9/11 was a turning point in the history of the world. Rather, it was a point from

    where the destiny of some nations was defined. 9/11 led America to launch a war

    against terror. Afghanistan was the prime victim of it. And then USA invaded Iraq

    as well. From these invasions, anti-USA sentiments got stronger across the

    Muslim world. And militant groups were formed within the Islamic world. These

    militant groups ironically targeted their own Muslim brothers and sisters in their

    country as well. They had forged an excuse that they were fighting disbelief, and

    whosoever helped them was liable to be killed as well, though he may be a

    Muslim by religion.

    Nigeria has a population of 170 million and is the most populous country of the

    African sub-continent. Nigeria is the second largest growing economy among the

    sub-Saharan countries. Nigeria is facing the same problem which has been

    mentioned above. In 1980s ,90s and early 2000s Nigeria faced ethnic and

    religious riots but then a group named Boko Haram surfaced in Nigeria which

    started killing masses. The name Boko Haram is a hybrid of Hausa and Arabic

    languages. Boko means Western in Hausa language and Haram means

    impermissible in Arabic.Piecing the two words together 'BokoHaram' meansto

    forbid everything Western and Western education. The group sees the learning of

    all that knowledge impermissible which comes from the West. Those who are up

    for learning Western Knowledge are deemed traitors and liable to be killed by the

    group. Nigerian government has listed the group as a terrorist group. According to

    official sources, the group began its activities as a liberation movement. The

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    founder of the movement was killed in 2009 by Nigerian Police, his followers

    vowed to take the revenge and have been killing the people in Nigeria since then.

    According to James Verini of the article, Boko Haram is a consequence of war

    against terror. He argues that even after 12 years, the Islamic militancy still exists.

    James Verini sees the group as a bigger threat than Al Qaeda and other dominant

    terrorist groups in Africa. The group has succeeded on a collective conscious

    level. The group is now taken more than a group, a movement or an ideology. The

    citizens are afraid to take its name. They cant take its name aloud. Nigerians fear

    to say Boko Haram aloud as they fear that theyll be heard by some member of

    Boko Haram and will be killed then. They dont trust their neighbors. They cant

    trust anyone as anyone may turn out to be a Boko Haram member. They fear to

    endanger their lives by calling the name of the organization aloud. Instead, they

    refer to the organization as Boko Boys or something like tha t. They cant even

    condemn Boko Harams acts openly. Instead they use vague words like the

    crisis and insecurity etc. to refer to the prevalent situation.Nigerian President

    Jonathan Goodman thinks that the end of the times is approaching nearer, that s

    why all the violence is being carried out in the country. The interesting thing is

    that like some other countries which are facing militancy and rebellions, Nigeria

    too has been divided ideologically on the issue of Boko Haram. Some Nigerians

    think that Boko Haram doesnt exist at all. It is a hoax. They think that it is an

    imaginary organization. Others say that Boko Haram isnt an organization. There

    doesntexist any organization with such name. It is mere a political expression.

    James Verini asked one native who had witnessed an attack by Boko Haram that

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    whether or not the armed forces had come to rescue them, the natives reply

    surprised James Verini to a great extent. According to the native, neither did the

    forces show up for help and nor he was expecting them. According to that local

    fellow, forces were with the Boko Haramsmen and all the opposition was mere a

    drama. The hardest blow afflicted by Boko Haram isnt a physical one. It has

    rather hit the countrys ideological unity. The citizens are skeptic about its

    existence. The nation has been divided on their existence. Some blame them for

    each major incidence of terrorism; others deny its existence in the first place.

    The stats and figures on the casualties done by Boko Haram are quite diverse.

    Some sources quote that more or less 16,000 policemen have been killed by Boko

    Haram as an expression of retaliation. However James Verini produced this article

    in November 2013, and he mentions that by then almost 4700 killings were

    associated with Boko Haram. Boko Haram had targeted police stations, bus

    stations and all the places where people could gather. Most of the people killed

    were innocent. Their only fault was to be present at the wrong place and wrong

    time. Boko Haram had been killing mainly on the basis of religion and targeting

    the security forces primarily.

    Having said so much about Boko Haram, the group isnt solely responsible for the

    anarchy in Nigeria. James Verini himself claims that although 4700 killings were

    attributed to Boko Haram, almost half of them were done by the security forces.

    He has mentioned that he interviewed people in Kano, who claimed that they

    were harassed, beaten or shot by the security forces. James Verini mentions that

    in April 2013, the security forces raided a village named Baga, claiming that it

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    was a hideout of Boko Haram and killed 200 villagers. Such activities by the

    forces also mount to violence. Some Fulani Muslims in Nigeria told James Verini

    upon asking that they had been attacked by Christians because they were Muslims

    by religions. However James Verini doesnt seem to give much importance to this

    claim. The international experts claim that the very powerful global oil mafia is

    also backing these riots and is a stake holder of the violence in Nigeria.

    Almost all experts of political science agree that the reason behind Kano being

    more prone to such violence is the class difference and poverty. Kano is in the

    Northern part of the country which was once oil rich. But now oil sources are

    depleting rapidly, thereby reducing the business of oil companies. The result is

    obvious. Increase in unemployment and poverty. The incompetent government

    has been equally responsible for the overall situation of Nigeria. Since when

    President Jonathan has entered his office, 31 billion $ have vanished and no one

    knows where. The result is quite obvious, again. All these things are having a

    combined effect on the situation of Nigeria, and Kano in particular.

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    Ogbonnaya, U. M., & Ehigiamusoe, U. K. (2013). Niger Delta Militancy and

    Boko Haram Insurgency: National Security in Nigeria. Global Security


    Danjibo, N. D. (2009). Islamic Fundamentalism and Sectarian Violence:

    The Maitatsineand Boko HaramCrises in Northern Nigeria. Peace and

    Conflict Studies Paper Series, 1-21.

    Omeje, K. C. (2006). High stakes and stakeholders: Oil conflict and

    security in Nigeria. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..

    James Verini. (2013). The War for Nigeria. Para no. 16