the name “jesus christ” means, “jesus—the anointed one ... · god) should go the elders, so...


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Page 1: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly
Page 2: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly

The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One.” Christ is not the

surname of Jesus. Christ comes from the Greek word Christos, meaning “Anointed

One.” Jesus was the Lord’s human name given to Mary by the angel Gabriel (Luke

1:31). “Christ” was his identity, signifying that Jesus was Anointed to be a King

“Jesus Christ” means “Jesus the Anointed One.”

What does it mean to be Anointed? This is the Question I want to answer in this

document, because every King or Queen under Christ must also be identified as

the Anointed One. This Anointing is the Christ identity.

For a long time I thought this anointing was just a wishful idea that comes only

to those who seem superficially spiritual and prayerful. But as I did further study

into this, I realized that this Anointing is actually something real and with real

power. David was anointed when he just a simple bush boy tending sheep, and

then he grew up to be one of the greatest and wisest Kings. What is this Anointing

with such powerful effects. This is what I want to disclose in this writing. Please

do not mind the spelling and grammartical errors as I did not spend much time

editing and reviewing the file. But am sure you will get the points and concepts

presented herewin.

Page 3: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly


The Anointing always came by Oil. When God sent Samuel to anoint David

to be King, the only thing God asked Samuel to carry was the Anointing Oil:

Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem.

I have chosen one of his sons to be king 1 Samuel. 16:1 (also read 13)

All the way after David through twenty eight generations to the time of Jesus,

this was the only Kingship Initiation Procedure. Whenever someone was being

appointed to be king, Oil was involved. This is obvious, although not explicitly

explained. After David’s reign, Solomon was also anointed (with Oil) to be King

by Nathan and Zadok under David’s instructions; “There shall Zadok the priest

and Nathan the prophet anoint him king over Israel. Blow the trumpet and

shout, `long live King Solomon!’ - 1Kg. 1:34.

This Anointing Oil was very important for this Initiation Procedure, and it

continued on long after Solomon throughout many other Kingship Initiations.

Even if this Procedure was not openly explained in the story of Jesus, it is only

obvious that this procedure was kept to heart by those who kept the ancient

literature of God’s word. Eg. Three Wise Men.

Page 4: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly

I strongly believe that the three Wise Men (being wise) had obviously kept

this idea of Kingship Initiation from the literature of God’s word (the Book

of Law.) When they saw the baby Jesus with his mother, they knelt on their

knees and worshiped him. They knew He was a King. Amongst the Gifts

they brought to the King; was OBVIOUSLY the Holy Anointing Oil. I

presume that the Three Wise Men anointed Jesus with potent psychoactive

oil just when he was a little baby; thus his calling as the Christ or the Anointed

One. This Oil was possibly the reason why Jesus was so smart from the time

he was just a little boy. All who heard him were amazed at his intelligent answers

(Luke 2:47). Clearly this Anointing gave Jesus great insight and conceptual


When Jesus was older, we hear of this Oil being used for healing all kinds of

maladies and freeing Gods people from all darkness. “And they cast out many

devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them” - Mk. 6:13

And then later, after Christ returned to the Father Spirit; James also suggested

that anyone who was sick and believed in the truth of God (the Kingdom of

God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ.

( James. 5:14). This Oil clearly has real power, if you think about it. This is

not just a blind faith concept, where it works for some and not for others.

This was not just a placebo. This Oil has real effective power to heal all kinds

of disease and also free people from the powers of Darkness. Allow me to

explain this Oil in detail:

Page 5: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly


There are 2 or more kinds of Oils; but in this context I will differentiate

them as Regular Oil and Anointing Oil. We know and use much of

the Regular Oil, but far few know or understand the significance of the

Holy Anointing Oil.

In the past, Oil was generally considered a symbol of good living—or

of gladness and well-being. Oil was frequently linked to wine, as another

means of joy and life.

This Oil is/was, essentially, not about sickness or death, but about

blessings, LIFE, healing, recreation and above all else Kingship Initiation!

The use of oil is mentioned over 20 times in Scripture, and mostly

concerning its sacred usefulness. The sacred usefulness of Oil was an

indication that he/she/it was specially chosen by God for a particular

task. It indicated primarily that God was consecrating someone or

something for His own chosen purpose. The importance of this Oil

was such that it was a criminal offence to use it for any other worthless

purpose, but sacred Kingship Initiation.

Whoever loves pleasure will suffer want; whoever craveswine and oil will not be rich.

Pr. 21:17.

‘This is to be my sacred anointing oil for the generations to come.Do not pour it on men’s bodies and do not make any oil with the

same formula. It is sacred, and you are to consider it sacred.Whosoever compoundeth any like it, or whosoever putteth any of

it upon a stranger, shall even be cut off from his people.Ex. 30:32-33

Page 6: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly


God gave Moses instructions to create the Holy Anointing Oil with 5

different ingredients (Exodus 30:22-23.) The Holy Anointing Oil, as

described in this recipe, contained over 250 shekels of kaneh-bosem,

a substance identified by respected etymologists, linguists,

anthropologists, botanists and other researchers as Cannabis, extracted

into about six quarts of olive oil, along with a few other fragrant herbs.

According to conventional Biblical scholarship, the “250 shekels of

kaneh-bosm” listed in ancient Hebrew versions of the Old Testament

supposedly refers to calamus. But Sula Benet, a well-renowned Polish

anthropologist demonstrated that the word for cannabis is kaneh-bosm,

also rendered in traditional Hebrew as kaneh or kannabus. The root

kan in this construction means “reed” or “hemp”, while bosm means

“aromatic”. This word appears five times in the Old Testament; in the

books of Exodus, the Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel…

and has been mistranslated as calamus; a common marsh plant with

very little monetary or medicinal value.

Calamus does not have the qualities or value ascribed to Kaneh-Bosm.

It is supposed that the error in translation occurred in the oldest Greek

translation of the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint in the third century

BC, and was repeated in many other translations that followed.

Page 7: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly


The Holy Anointing Oil as described in Exodus 30:22-25 was comprised

of: Myrrh, Cinnamon, Kaneh Bosem, Cassia and Olive Oil.

This Oil when mixed according to Gods instructions has very powerful

Antiviral and Antibiotic properties. The use of which would give protection

and treatment to those to whom it is administered.

Page 8: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly

Myrrh is an effective antiseptic and cicatrisan (wound healer). It has

tremendous healing effects on sores, ulcers and boils.

Cinnamon is a powerful antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial agent.

Cannabis has been used for medicine and recreation since time in memorial

and has been shown to be highly effective in treating many aliments, from

skin diseases and glaucoma to neurodegenerative conditions and multiple


Olive Oil, also known as "liquid gold." has been known as a medicinal,

magical, and an endless source of fascination and wonder. Besides food, olive

oil has been used for religious rituals, as a fuel in oil lamps, soap-making, and

skin care application.

Now imagine a mixture of such potent ingredients in One Oil. This would

certainly explain many of the healing miracles attributed to Jesus.

All the Great Men in the Bible used this Oil. From Moses all the way to

Samuel; this Anointing Oil was used by the Levite priesthood to receive

"Revelations” and healing, then at the beginning of the age of Kings, Samuel

used this oil to anoint Saul and then later David, into Kingship. These Kings

lead their people with great insights and revelations, presumably achieved

from this Anointing Oil.

Page 9: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly

When I (Wesley) rediscovered this Gospel of the Kingdom of God, I spent a

lot of time reading my bible for more kingdom knowledge. I came across the

anointing oil one - too many times but I did not give it much attention or

significance. I did not notice that it played a huge role in the anointing of all the

great kings of old, like David, Solomon, Zerrubabel and even Jesus Christ —

“The Anointed One.’

Anointing is the sign and symbol of Royalty. It is well understood that Anointing

Oil is symbolic of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit; it is a symbol of God’s

presence and recognition. None of the Kings who sat on David’s throne were

deemed “Messiah” unless anointed.

Page 10: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly


Most denominations say a prayer over pure olive oil and say it is anointed. My

mother actually owns a bottle of olive oil and when she is praying, she sprays

it round the room to sanctify the space. One day I asked her about her Oil and

she told me it was just pure olive oil but prayed over by her pastor.

But the Oil God asked Moses to create was not just Olive Oil. The Olive oil

was just one of the 5 ingredients. Olive Oil has very limited power compared

to the Oil mixed with all five ingredients. Creating this Oil is obviously not so

easy or cheap. This is my reason I am sharing this information in this PDF.

I would like to make know my desire to recreate this Oil in large quantity and

then send it over to you, who help me create it. But for very strict and specific

reasons only, which I will explain on the bottle label design. Also not forgetting

to explain on the package that God forbid using this Oil for lay uses.

I have saficient space and the capability to create this Oil in large quantities that

I would package in tiny bottles and would either send over to you or would

literally bring to you as I go about the Kingdom Global Tour. Which has been

in preparation for a few years now.

Page 11: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly


The obvious reason why this Original Anointing Oil has long been lost is

because; one of the main ingredients is illegal in almost all countries around

the world. And I believe the reason why this ingredient is deemed with such

stigma is because “some system of people” have long not wanted people to

learn about this majestic Oil.

Cannabis is not an evil plant as the world systems make it look. This is a

natural plant created by God. And it was deemed Good, together with many

other herbs and plants. But like everything else under the sun, if abused,

cannabis can cause very negative effects such as paranoia, foolishness and

carelessness. Anything misused or abused will have very negative effects.

Drinking too much water will drown choke you from inside. Eat too much

sugar cane and you go diabetic. We must learn how God originally intended

for us to use this planets natural resources. Saying Cannabis is evil, is like

saying God created Evil.

Cannabis was one of the main ingredients in the Holy Anointing Oil, as

Exodus 30 indicates, and receiving this oil was what made every real King

the Anointed One. So then we—who seek the Kingdom of God first must

seek to understand the method of creating and using this Anointing Oil with

all its exact ingredients. This is in fact the main reason I write this piece; we

need this oil NOW more than ever. We need certain reputable individuals

to obey the Lord as Moses, Samuel, David and obviously the Three Wise

Men—to answer to this call, for the real Anointing Oil, so to anoint each

King under of Kingdom of God on Earth.

Page 12: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly

End note: The Name “Christ” is not the last name (surname) Jesus’. “Christ”

comes from the Greek word Christos, meaning “Anointed One” and to be

anointed means to be consecrated, or set apart for a majestic task or a position.

The word Anointed was used (in the past) for Kings, Priests and Judges. These

offices all point to the nature of Christ—The Anointed One, who is now the

Spirit of God. He is now our only High Priest and He is the one true Judge

and King of Kings not subjects. To be true Kings under Christ we must be

anointed just as Jesus was anointed.

Page 13: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly


Please do feel free to comment your questions to this PDF attachment. And if

you would love to assist me in creating this Oil so I can make it available to you,

do inbox me your interest and I can send you my requirements in detail.

And also if you just love the work am doing as The Branch and would like to

contribute a gift toward this work, so that I can advance and take my delivery

much simpler and more appealing. Your gift will be highly appreciated and used

accordingly for the advancement of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

These are the gifting options I use for my graphics design business and which

you can use for this particular cause:

Details Required:

Name: Wesley Iwiji Chilemu, Address: Plot 9733 Twikatane Lusaka Zambia

Contact Number: +260 973 400 003

You may Fb inbox or Call me: +260 973 400 003 For more details.

Page 14: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly


Kingdom Giftings are not meant for personal satisifaction. You only give

when you are led to help a disclosed common Kingdom requirement that

will benefit the whole Kingdom Ccommunity. Your gift must be directed

towards this particular purpose. “The Common Well-being of all Kingdom

Citizens.” I do not request that you send me a gift for my own personal

benefit only. I have a Graphic Design skill which I use to enable my own

personal survival, so every gift from the Kingdom Community is for the

Kingdom Common Well-being not just for Wesleys personal well-being.

You can actually instruct me on what to do with the Gifts you send to benefit

the whole community.

If (for example) you just want to help me (personally) with means for meal

while I do this work. This too will be highly appreciated. And you can gift

me with anything you choose. Monetary or none monetary… Anything or

any amount is good enough, even 2 fish and 5 rolls of bread. The Lord will

multipliy it and it will help feed alot more other people. Very little can go a

long way. Every gift is valuable and useful, but of course the bigger the gift,

the more useful it will be to the Whole Community.

Page 15: The name “Jesus Christ” means, “Jesus—The Anointed One ... · God) should go the elders, so to be anointed with “Oil” in the name of Christ. (James. 5:14). This Oil clearly

Here is a list of a few pending projects I have lined up for the Branch. This is to

make it easy for you to direct your gift for a specific cause.

1. Website: I have been creating a website which I have not yet launched due to lack of sufficient

funds to buy annual hosting.

2. The Holy Anointing Oil: As explained earlier I want to reproduce this Oil and there after

having it ready, either bring it to you, or send it to you, (depending on the agreed procedure.)

3. Machinery: For the Past 4 years, I have been using my computer from 2014 which runs on

only 2 gigabits Ram and a 500 gigabits Hard disk space. The 2 gigabits speed on my computer

is not able to run certain software’s that would enable me create more interesting and exciting

content for social media and for the website. With a faster machine I will be able to create

animated Facebook covers for all the Kingdom Pages with most of Dr. Myles teachings and

other Kingdom Material

4. Kingdom Global Tour. This is the Big One. I have not yet finished creating a detailed plan

for this project, but it has been one of my main perceived projects for the Branch, as it will

bring me closer to everyone.

(Everything else will just fall in place once the afore said are sorted out.)

Thank You for your attention and time to read this document. Do send me your

questions and comments. And please take this concept of the Anointing Oil into

very serious consideration. This is too important to dismiss or relegate. Give it

some thought and do your own personal research into it. You will be blessed by

this revelation. I can guarantee this. Love You All and Thank You. Blessings.

Wesley Lwiji

Artist @ The Branch