the n e w ye a r n e w ye a r apkuopamh us local !e and m h year — 27fh week. covering townships...

The New Year APkuopamh US Local !e And m H YEAR — 27fh WEEK. COVERING TOWNSHIPS OF HOLMDEL. MADISON TARLBORO. MATAWAN MB WAI AWAN BOilUUQM Utmba? Sfiw /'■rss.r frets MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1965 Mtiinbo: Katlona* t’.uL ‘u>rl«i AaadcUUjjg Singl# Copy Ton Canf* VFW Post Distributes Baskets $3.63 Million Seen The Vaia*v.u* Uf,;i.»nai ■ 'hil; n i Kdi'c.iKm Monday n>;;h! inirod'.i'.wi 2 letoi\| vi.Wi*..I!U(m so'h^o ei-d I fV4i he' M M «nd scliedtM’u a pidniu on llu* 'u , .s(-b>v)u!>' .Jjj» p> ii* 1 ,mh. <il ’.lu*. Ii>>:h !». .t .-et j i/fJ.-Y'i *,< ni; (■•a.i** of f> ! ‘.'j nvei ih«* ourvei:: b'.u^oL ( ». ni rn... i.'X ihmi*- .;',; ar.* ev.un.ned ■ al fi.lK.J SM‘1 . up {I’ -.OIS. e.oJiiaL outlav, f^j.SUO. up um! virht **M MU. M 'V -mM;; - ?M‘> . p.',.2:i T V Ui.jrd estimated >h wiil i .<pnre .111 '.I .I b- cil i;t local lu.vo; whuh w:‘: b" h o ! a I h i . ’ bv»r<»'j”fi and tfHVR-.!w\ ?*1e U.o MU.tiv MM1 1 *,!i\ * ih;»t ;se (lie io ;:onal kiader- 'j'tivn ihrottHh twelfth d> u ir: .Stale Aid Suae aid *s ?M.inuUd al \ p a r l t ne oi B uitder P ia iii W rong May !9f>6 Be A Y*ar et Greater Accomplishment for Our Mation , . . And The Communities We Serv.! Tlte Publisher and Staff A d o p t O rdinance For Industrial Unit Members of i;«»oslrjn«l I'mt 4715, Vilena-, of Jixtrph Smith *cid tub Sroul (iary Kail. Julm ii. Foreign Wars, (litlwood, iml (Mr children. cutlwl'd j Kelly, fooii tuskcl chairmiut. r<-|iurtvil 21 Imi-i tntkt-l* tood to (III bakkcli for Ui« nm ly oa (hrlsfmai. 1 mrre diMriUii.-d In 1 uwnship utidi'r til/ Shuwn ulxivr, (it1 it lu ri^iu) are Kb'4 \ Keni, (tlrtUlun ol Mrt. IMnitviu.i' '.Vnt;iu, * oil.11 limcim. Sinior Vice (oniKiundcr Hairy Kero, ( 1 'iniu.iiidir Seven Seek Election To Four Seats On Malawan School Board iMadkAM li.UUi’M'i |:k .. U«. ►, ol a UlD-uin? e.aidon UkM»‘l !iu ‘:i! »>f‘* (*oun!v Rd. touitd mil Lisi ni^lii it \vo»K’py }fuj»: ;>!.»ms nwl !Ju* satiu* iis <nu*s lii.i{ vv'-v bv lhe M,n.iv\,n iov.nsht[> Pl.;a iu?Ui aKJ'i »'*•.!.; a \--i( :u<’ Ik's. t»u:KI''i;* 1:1 sjM.-^ior, wilh copies i»f '.In rf*” **i> ‘mJ y'' J VlOLllHIIS ;iu- ;U' *>r0 n.\!ur<^ j n d ord eu - J ■aoik h t ; i e j . I'it* iu w n - h p i im: nniu*«* ♦».>'» oiii.iinci vi >■» e'der su S.ijKi.or v’o'.u' i'v:rs(*a.‘ t»jrt ium f'iilh<-r hu:k \ >-\ liie 1iti.e.ii-. umHL li». Wt'lf rui. t;*«i. ( i ;u i-^ I' i.i-i' vi l'-'1^ , l i'\ alioi nrs h>r t!i-* i*t" '■!<»;h»i % ,it> ,N*tU'd befrn't* .’lie pLi'j:*;'** '««.ud K».%l n v l. l y'i*l w u ul.i h** vsouiU 11:* * e. u> .Hiitiliu .ii» i v *' l>!ans atIh ii i.i*a diM>l!CiU;t>a ’ fur a !>*>!\> na! ol j Iil* n«%w u» ho <K*\ i WJ? Wurlc PhhcoU The hvi.ud r\:!ivl il (-mid n >> kK*r r??j{ \\K ii’k on Mie r#*viv»d Ut fi»U>fiiie u:il:> th-*-, *'«>) Soert 1>* ieiv»*o. sludied. .N t- v’. »•> •» {:r* . : > m>* n>(< ,t(* P'HM-iI. Ill- ittlOin:*v i‘OiK*u‘ ii*d ih * board'-' v;ew when hv» u*i- h/.ed *;»e rov:seJ p! i.' *h«- deV';'«M.' .i|)-MU\ed by lhe oU.^U*^ ’IU.' |i:a:i:iuM' iVKUvl 1‘ in 1 U|>l>ni' >1 '«» U> MltlduivL ^ ' J IJ i "v ,i,j *V».. i<>. lS lV>'l « ; iii l ;uii uf \ l \y>IM'* !;u'vii I upjilii Ummi V.-U I i ed {is- I’lUK-.uij (<.t;dor»'. It' l(or.'i;r.ied «>'» l»’i«ie ’ j: -jf *\?M r:;t »hi ; iKKinl unlicipat^ :jppropnj.ti»j; .!n*d.!:vl ^|m:#.^7.5o irorj h-K-' oi ra.v 50 over w p’^e;;l figure. Vm t)r;.)’X ’\ed «tK>nrt»r*f* s i'h w .n a *\U j;;mp township aixes a;t ts;i- n».»'v*d t? vi’Uts. S>e: $t«H) iisv.-s^.'d vy.Uu'.tion. ’Hip ;vJ4 .ctl ta t‘xpf*r?«'r' fr<im counlv am ' l;-.a*^c*p;d h id ^ - ’ .. v. i!i >.;*{•j( the township’.? tax raf<* up ca".hui« e»aW>. . I'irv in School Fire brake out in th? incli»*‘raK or ruum uf MuUwun Ktfc'n’nal Uf>*h School this mc*rniau but wiis quickly «*xtlnj*ulsh<k(l. 1 U^ incin- erator apparently “ backed up '1 p r r o r d lp u <*» no(ir-<‘ re&l'rt. \U .'tlatattdit lOHdslhp i iro ii>m- oaaiis rchporukd to the Alarm ,hortl\ after 7 a.m. The scIhkiI imdevi \'ii a'V’I Mal.«wan Uorouyh Jaws an esti- mated I'i '.euts $100 assessed . J! * , . Citni iii CuLtiiv 'tin- iMi:rh rr;»i-*t 'n* ,t;v diah« j hv J;.an H ( o u iih S.jfic’titite.Kfi’^r of Sehuil. suhiivt m chaiiac hy {p.e 'm.ini iiu;*: Uiict. v-\ l •i“ j >!tV lea»hot» S.{h»!.es v uir $.1^.15' «i lutal iiHTVUSe o'i Sikl.Vil ! ratwj'ut.itioil tiV \> u;i o\ '*r ihjf *ej t\ SMiOOD (nmimuej on tu-i*' UmO 11»0 Matawan Souwfih Council nuM ado^i^ ai ment tfl the urdmuacc MUbllilunR «n Industrial !Vvelt>oment (*om* sni.^imi but, cq advfer o( I.omIs R. ^ Ai^uvs, l»nm^h 4ft(unev, Mdvm ^^E d'vaiU F. Ilyrne agreed t»i pojt- : .^one ippomtinuiU U> tho U'dv un JaH* ,4‘ J n.ifi«*d Jo ;he *-'Hii,alni3n, a P!i . ui s*i and thrw citiT .li. i metits must di* comH<*ted ^*1 Mai- |awan fn*fnre o’ occupaacy nuy Ive iasufd. Hie «■» I winder hail ^uhmitted »» lemithv li\t i t»t itemt th:il had nnr be'-:> I ‘*rn- pleted hu* <i»iinu| ajveea l i.ii ^.nie ’ caiuiol !>*• LwmplrietS mn* .riv ){ cold \v<*.v:tfr J DhpM« (MTruik 1 7l»e ttoyrrniiu 'aklv m;>h<>!i’ed * ^i«intilniin V**MH»n A hitKtm to ( t^Kll.luied \ n\ pace f'Hiii Sv.'.i cjjuJidj^s filet’ jiut’.n '..i' iny jw*iiiif»n«i Ihuisdjv (or uir '.•iejts ai ,;laK,» . nn tho Mniauan Ke , Hoard of ImI’icuhoi’,. fto u d heoi«*ia. v I'ld.uiul SoiiilnH’ ! *•»>-.a »• i wt The seats will h** divided *'0 hetkM.''*;! SiroM^ii tnd ^h.p cuiidid'.tlv'.'i in th- I’l’m m » A five w;tv ra-v tor two hill term seals i.i Stlir*hdid v\Ihe Manship In sddiMim t> inrffMhi-nt W IImu* r tno.,e V h«i lui.e he*d att* F’ J.nU (i'lbert > t ! I'arkrr. finrv.r m! the Si ! ii i (i> 1 1u i e (V ,,, il' ' ’n.! Sv*hv.■.iri/,»nc* ’ ‘fvt H Smiiin, nh'» ri’sidenis ol S'i.iih ' Ullc Il<n»>iii:h in'Miiiiln'iiii Allied K M.iiivilit‘ am* I1j:',<'.! ! !■' •1 lo rd f*w p* •h*'*! on Mi M.i * .* ' i\.‘av!.:,'*-' e?e'''t't* * f'i:i ferrn H'-* i 1 * -w < trK w!ii!e ,Mi. !h»vss will M*e\ eiev Muii; \n ,Vu;»rm*v !*jr tl UIH*.\ imivJ leiui. . . . tt .. • - •*’ > .Sl .li • HI J'i} (Juiuling ( uni'tuUee { huirr.ian . , , . Mr \larvi",* oh *!'■ '. ( S',rv'*> •*' 1 Lln d f ‘M*A OM i\w at J »l Kurd's nm'.iiru^, wa> i 1 ‘ “ , , ( .1 1 I * *•' H.i ‘ '«• ‘ii : i • I . I \> .I • I JU Ip Mi tl hen ■ ! w .u ti* •! »•• \ d>!i .it ,1 ' “ tin !"!•, !%! A ti **!►- i . er . . * U ' et*»\ he ^ v|<i* in e >ltle i' nl I 1t\1 ; n ^ " *' ,*• *" I ' »*. •• . ii'-tsuii ami CiuMxi.iV. Ne-v Y»»;k ,.Mi h" !V .A Vs I>U»M fl.e 1 * ' *’ ’ cuiniN-iu, s a i i-‘ Ui t;t -•! i*«- .• , s i ‘’ ,|MK ' ' ' ‘ ’ *'* •' '' W.V.:)^ senior, t. *">''•* 'O .!-1!.' V, M t w., prevuleni of fhi* Maic WwhI *.•■••' v‘aii • r on 11e A il \ I !i It • I i t «•' ' '.I ' i ' 1\*. .1 O 1 11 • •* M V 1'i‘ f ,\\\ Iim \«.H lO I.M rt . \ >i.»' > ' ! n. >!• 1 •:• N'-.» t: ••• : • hv III* Tv.^'Kl'l.-Ii ;<'<!•« I > ' ' \' ' ' ;i'* ^ejihw tn Newark '1 ’• • :< .. 'h,p iiUMs;iii> *'ii t Marlboro Zoning Adopted IS \' i I ’i ,» III i'i:-. I. I.: t ! • jM .\ t ,| i , *m»: «' itM M - ij' I* ! •■ ). \ l u l ' I ' '► . I'-’t'.'} \ ! ' 3 * ed Uu* IfNiHt’ki tii »lil5.‘ l . . »' ' U>! n- . I-*- ,«i oti.uM 'li- ' p it.,.,, ’ ''») }<'‘ i O1-; t ’ ■■ * jii j I »•«. r :- .'- S .4 .«.!.• u’V'O^'eu ! i ta1 . i' lin'd vilt,M t;e* m.i \ a ’i th if ?n*; t l \, >% '■ ,OV» UN \O l. M.i! i• :i »**.’ ai.iimvls .r. .*. ‘i; ,)!i i ;.!• ie-* h • m ; I A .l-l.* -I rtf !m;»i \tf*» i'i.e ih‘» I oii i iie«» thi! \U iv bunu r^mod*..; I‘.* lillc'^nl *nit<‘ ! ^ te i.t-* •»<■,k j;..i .\h »!* A'“ *• o a i* I’pnimiM■ ** I »it )•«**•,« .h'lvif- - .i .e ii ',!» I uK il “ vl -» ' ■ * - - 1 ’ ••’ ‘ ' !l t'MOll;*/* A ... . I'i' Oie.:l>! I'.MI l.»“ tl we<; I*..*I .'(l |Vi oe;0 ol :*' ,i lj .‘v- th< '«»!.• ,• J> 11 's if 1,1 Ill ill1if .llMMie, i till'd «0 '*ii'. > ;• t lit .; . ...I . I'*,if ,» . .1.: r f >*i» is V i\e|re|^^ >*i i • .** tv M 'd iti !**<»•! Mt- u einpio'. >'d t- i'i* .... w4f irrve chofficio ■ lit© ctm tcil and boa^d momhern* , . U*rms will be equal iO tLrir terrvi! tn ritlrrn^ will *»♦» ipn>intH for thtee’Veur termi with th** en-; cept tnn of th* fit sf vr.ii i i -i t (tp «t4iutered ifrm i, thu jrufitd- vnral puividn f«n nor. 1^0 wnd thf'f* at thi? i!Ji! ['nu* CiU'cii s^.it wdl be sMbjeoi io js» Pidntnteni rarh V^ar, th U p h o ld s M arlboro Twp. Eleeiion A Hint hv v'vi'M Miiil»o»o nhi,i re*idfnl» to die eVi I <u\ JmLe Sm.inr. •*!' l -i m-- •i(f\ hu rtdi! II.' <i,ii , ; ’• , .. ., t. h*K«r“ aad add**,! U'.il It > . w Uui»» Hep.,hl(0.^.i * Dein-t.r ii ,fll. , ......... ... ,, i. , K arl I". ff^ti<r»r a»-t«ni# ^iroio*'* ’ eojMimi rand'ditrv Nov * W4< mmit. tiie\ coin'd p»'ni. ■ enj*iiKV*r, t*J betn>i ren,nested tn' jiiinnn'il 'Hutulav o\ Sh^'ium iT«ie«i to * .*!?s» % determine nitpKue- fourt Judr* ii\vu\ M Son,mil filed l.i^t v-e t-M ; Court Allows Taking Of Sewer Bids Tonight .iiu Mi- ll.' Ah: t I I' ' |.iii fl..' tb>‘ Ic ' 111 tll*‘r I mil' .lliili?!' 11 i' I ‘ 11 .1. I !iI!IHTV It '.Il'Oll, IhllHltlV ■- I the r«Mrii.«>ia 4>(,l’ r «»ii»«t M iIjA M l<"« l.ii'ils n il'll »^i| hv C 1 . Pihiu,! n . Ciintm (.iii. on ii"1 iy) > i ui O'-ff -t , 1?.- ! [ne’- vife-J |*i*’ it itirrpit.^* •* -U a « 'Mi. on !,l ,,'i.* 1*’ .i f- ft nf p ;-’ i.akr it»«’ |oh ft fill!-!; d fie’ tiv 31 Valium i f r 11 it H AM-■ hnf‘d 4t*»iriM*\ fi. i* • VuIikh i , 'ftp^airt^d I’ i f mm r it !» ^l!MO‘l« it ^ h m i fill* (h ;r flfni |f,.,i In1 1.' >lMl«*d frv i*.< i<*» to tiii:|i ‘i- HV * oh'i^i! ’in i;t hr>n,' t*.i* pro|i'<i ;•»* '' ■ i »►“ i « fi;s iri hs a n ! u n *?**»| «■ •. * .'»< tl ftr- . ’ ,11 | II fv*' 11 <» ''ll IHN •!'■»«• . -r' -I;.,- , « ■ ... I I- ,1 r’ flit .‘if ! .O I,: I, ... ; on I' «Nd.ll ;4ltU ’ * ' (n»n!;ih'''d «»n i »» 1 •*,- - ! ia?kH-M \ , f l*l ut !• - !i t h ihe ht+dtip a^i; \ ! a ‘ •’■ I 1 fiaii.'al. ol \ , <i The ll.-n *. >i1' 1 M l K-n ,liit t O• 1:0 M'-’ i, ,:i, I -•-I,- r i-rf|df»-'r . 1 1 Sf.O- o{‘•rf' fl'i 1 tm othef i mdi.l.i’• *\ lU'IP V* fi It* 1 ti, the foiiht V 1 »Jt v Ji ! !tr •uO ;u an * \r« uh.- .... . ' :»*.o lid Pet*-' ll *',k. * A *! •’ 1 *r 1 nn tin* N'o.-'" ’> • hi 1 . ,* It O 5 W IMUti.iiv m «. i’ , u' .i W «> t Mtj< 0(1it 1 ,| I «• vt t ,on I i’i it* (hr tmot ol tin .r. on p » ! . ! ffi aix d I ”H -til.* in Him I,r' mar*, and V' dsd h i* ■ , t r' :n tu , «•/).</ }‘ t Itm t Mh'^Ofo* ftuh*,^ % ii.i: ! « i I ! ■f *•Ss(' • -♦. •I* *h » Present Cheek To llospif<tl ii >* (ilphl t1 ' ' v' r,l‘ (•ninlHF) n> |HM*« *U»t«| W I i ■ J - f -yi r -r . vH ^ at lf{» fit* C .ir'l Mi »l* V-' t'M i* {rr.ri- i ^i S-V#* t-lbSH<« tfrtU ...I I • U fi.-i- . -• ... 1J?.- ; Sj.l'i!*"*. ' ' I .k :•-) ' ! »• '(*>"» ...iu Ii.l1 * '*<•'’ i *i • ' *1"•. • " - *i:> *:* 4..* O'i'i‘ 1 ill.Jill i!l:iM11 ,U !i. * v*».in (ti * t\ »"• • I* I i * i ,,'■.%>■ 1 ,v »l : ' > I' J - V i • • or1 - M '* I i r viji t'11 f i %‘ vxio** III** 0 l ‘l* ii u ,.!!■ .1 : . \ i'i hiii .1. If» f.l .ie.] • ; *. » tr^i onlv oim (.fiai^ !ij( Mt it »i -tn< * » ; ■ *> I . IM h .- ■. : *•: f ill.’, iii* ijdru. jo» ]> i., >i ^ In.*' a s. ...‘jit • o. « •. .j i ! ’ 14K |>l,h e tt *4 -lint lh«* I.iuiie I s * ' • !." ’f t i t.f.d »* t i f *'••• - - i .1 p. in y jij!• M-i , ft . ..!> .'IM,*»> S.1-1.I' Mt . • ............. ^ d % nh f‘'e ri<*i 1=-*:. : ■ • .1 . lu l J'f.uv ip‘*-" *O.0 1 = of I.SH I’ *kiilhl:* 4:\\ .nd * tv*! o * f ,11 *i|i |»'(l tit*1 t .1</«‘II » t H!|i;l-ll om* in a .Ito? irtnoii •. >i;i iu • e.»; '» t ..Mill il I 1 ‘‘<1 hia {ee pin i* * i-» iiu, .1 •: • tha mJ Mi Y tn e a -id A h f ’it I Stnrri hei* ‘‘ i<vut tiOiiMmed oil pa,M f k= * , r l/t/im i .• I m iiim i • I ha \f,ifjMin limn*!ii{» /omn^ IliMhl f»f \dpntmenl lj%| <1 ^'»i rtOl'MUfd I mu ijijdh *li'i»^ *•'» i 11-H. . i n l ........ . i. . mit. * v III.- f«<n>-*«i |1'»> . A I i<- .-| nl Mm I p K »*/I 4 l(. it-! ^ d :.i«.j ui tti.iiU' M and Uli^'l hrvtil If; V>r *♦>>♦»»•} **>>i U? It Im , i urtfhhpr th* ff-o *-> > u r ; *!;•< aj«|Oo«.r<| ft}#* it*,? :* »t N*»!UV\, l.lrnr S| It) ftidot^td^ a h»t ih 4-t |«f tun {iiiiitrk lfi*- wpplh J I I j '•* id IN-ti ( f? -ri*. n'HH, Idlfalhl I**-. »*’.=! M*« ha ! !•* 11.a l|i . * I’ ? ^ i t y.i f .* t->- ; p l v iff h* f ■ ii-l : *l#i t . ,U\ IH *\ I h tatha I w ith f*» thahli All *! k1 th-V-s^'» i«* V f ij a-j-e* a t h » t- # ft %.’«o a-ij' ?‘ ‘j« i.t. » Iii r tin i f tn ' ii*-'' - if ff 4r*^M fifjM J-V-t fir# m Soo \<i '..‘ ’i i, ,'t i j o ii lii-, i- \ ’ I’d rt>'*‘ «•«* -n-.e'**' .it V ' K-* ^ s It..;', '* . ■».; •; • i. r .1 : n e th*:,i of e*l >•.*!■<« . t 1.1 iv‘S A I I •,{. ill If . • 'M O*• 1.1 « l<! N**a l»r, ^Vsl 'M-, I.. l>d h<* ttjs a a ail*' I lie- t :.i>i i I '‘.I- )’ l j 1.; '»«•*- aio ! I! .t ..; \I.’-. > ! 1 ' -'-I » ! t n I', d< ‘ *|* •:. ! ' • I • tl : H- > i : » '• ( O' >;|' M .(1 •*»{ Ml |I‘ »V { . jl I Pa?*A O n l i t t u o t 'e the Matjuait loMit^hiii i i«m mure (a«t tii^iit finaliv iu uiih.ijiiiv rfisulaling p4ikin^ nn itiapir » t t a n d in »<rhuni iwniH till' btdoUtM e tinhi p.ttkiii^ un tjiijbiidjje \n,t llnxf ltd, f bnrrh St , I O %l Ihitm*;h S^rnl'i M v and I ake ’Kd In addiiiuo p«rkl?ij‘ U h.mneil on ttii.rrt, M near the Mta on v tuml .tn.t nn Allanhe \\e h<." llu- M ill v-an Hr^ionat IH^h soh«i*<j tinr «« Hthtl hiMtn Ih. *ie m ie n*» ;*m« <thm* >m* * >l al tho ptihlie In irnti: .S IM-.'* (II M ' mII' I O . ' Pi •• h *'| ,'h' { i .i >>. il (*v a i* .t is x a • oi ‘ lit* ; * 1: r’ ;< th *d on Nev. i .. .U i: w 4 in.i.idvd Ih-y 1.•>•■ •■ tv M • \ s il *if ..’iW’nf .llu Us yO « t ii(. 41 dl* iiaiu- o\ -r '.I... \n Ni-.t-. , >{* i.,d 1 ■**.•! ..I'd I'.oo.^o r. . ,y Ukr AU.v.idJV 1 • * t. di-0: !C sni* .-.ll J.>'i,i,i i1 .in-i >* Anl 1I‘d .>! r. i i!‘ ’■ ! i'.‘ 'a* <» o' fc.'i'fi t id 111. 1 * 11..' a i •’ * i 111 ''t :l » 4^4tn>l obi1 ' l.«t.1 tilt .fo^eph \ (n .1 iv*', the or .I. v aitt «* iii* njn- v*jlu*i fof ttupi'nueil ot 1oar) Leritt Move Into Madison I'hwarted ii. 1 '>•»! *1 «»i (■•'-•I *■ » ha * « * n,!*n. ‘»n ^n<i . 1tieu *. • 0 ' i 1; • a •».. 11*• iii... »*'•■■! * 1t »' 1 ti,. 1 .1 I.M |.!,;||I ... • " ' ■ ■ ' I : '!•• t*:| ' v i*| ihi* Hi'*. 1■ ................. l*» i.\i*.i i.i S , | > . ' 1,1 .f,' " fl. 't. ' , In! .1' M l'. J 1 \ 1 1 .1 .1 :i li ■.1 1 .1 ‘ri I (' nh llll* i i » 1*0(11’’ i ;lk<’l ilivt** rn ..f n I , v .. 1 »»•- • r - ,1 1 , '■ ...... . 1 Mj.k.-tt.-/ ...... 4 " i':i'.| 1; ! I III | ( .il ,1 h.! 4 ...... 1 M.|.l.l.-li 'll I'I.’ ;..t M.I.' >•■ ;. |,im, I',- |. ; 4t t >i ^ f *'1 r*i tjl. Ir. 1 : ib! j,-«f i.< t f-'t.n ! ' *.M I M ' i'lA-1 il-' O '; i.t I. illA ,,-d ‘‘i !M i J 1 lin n i •», r • ‘.n 1 1. *.>v \!. I .'••• IM *• d ‘- ‘ Hd 4 tii‘ 1 ’ *d f l t , lr'r !" !l <n M lit'** l *^' h ** U iA h iU ji rll*;; ;iei*| illd . .(*1/1;' 'h .i! fin* i( • i **I oim»« m»d>* taffti noil ,\«tMi‘e “ no, h jiji** Ait', J,’ i^fuiu *«f onh ' }>. ,:f (,{ fMr* JJ- ,v , f» ' M:” o; Oi Iti^ ,V|.| j» ;.lf. ! {ii.J-1- . bv I o'- i \iii*^.nt S \ H' oiha; k .t'»»iin,r t;.il tii.liiU t », m Vl-»! . it i, .. ................... , . ... , I,'** niv'fiH hiit (*f5l M l 4 *•* !-M M i ,1 ' ' If'M 1' vU--..| 1 . m 1 ii- t ... . ) I.: -.1 ' ... . 1 fi’i tt i i } i das I ».'i 11 (1 1 u an a ioj ,'’” so e'i’i.'i.o* I'«»«» tv IU ni i i \ t.'f *) U .’ ii. ,n All objf'O* u, . ' |*‘l:1 .1. I- . * I,.,.; ft . 'i.i t ts |i » ? Mill !I < '• '■ I 'I! I ii\ .»!»<• 11 . . *» lhe |i..l*| l.i-ji 1 t M'0. an.I „h 1T»*,J n !')f b a r r 1 i o*‘ "i l-v*t In*- i^>»; .►<* o u d t’ 1 .* I JO 1 1 Ol . a;i* *. ' '• • .Oue a*> ,o*na' [i » . i * *!'.» k u h a id P.oif' . -i ‘di’iiu ;ii*n intsik’M p f m il! i H ie<| on Jto'*' f'hif! Nutlet S* . a.-ni ]h' *AlJ lV. if. Vm iid wti, l‘H»n hunt i pin.. Ii'tpii fi t \a \Uuphialr fur l'f* ttjfi t <» ii(h- i tm jmbin lnipi*<'ttt»ii ?h«* ‘ *!ii. n d (h* Jtii; ‘{'U nf \ t ♦ I m a i at I h e tt-” rnn;h Hail, \t,i-n > M 4! *a M«*n?v l-ibi \,vr»«k^r (!,. H) Work Progressing At Bell Telephone Lohonttories _ H ‘ ii i • i. . . . Hr I'gMj d it* i !\* U t 9 •* i t j- « ; :■ iri isf* A**i fi t '•)> t •» | I *•1 .>■ ! 5 t . Mf Iff »* RM Itjlr, j Jjl/ !1 #iM | v#;,:'. It t ..r -j ;«•»< lf-t»- U MIdl H-f *if i*<n} t^ i'.* 4 hi thf ti w- i * i 4 -=4-i. »i s.- 1 . ., ,» J j« ' •<■J. ‘ » •>. f ■nti|.ii |lin ^rUo' tit {h* <«*« tit*** I «f« »» . -!,ijf , f j , 1 .-4 'i.iill ;i •: »i*-t Inin a m:U' usit $!;U' *ft-" Pj*r Hi Mllil ll j 5ff*Mi ,M*f ^ftbdl hM lem thi ll*f Sf Hrit | »bw*#»«?!*■-% ib* f*»et 4m! 2*3 In t i! . . 1^*^* tl %tiU. tHiifai# l r f | »Ml Nf |a WMfit «# «f ii»« |Ha lid* -ibn i»lH wi^rtlrto^alf abiNt* } * »ot|4t4« fk t df*!j|a t l li«a . :;,FS« feur Mcisilr-if a tiafte U ' 'ptf *iU f*- ?»>* itr+ \tf*i #1 a*»4 M ftl lH # m*?i- it-ti4 th*

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T h e N e w Y e a rAPkuopamh

US Local

!e And

m H Y E A R — 2 7 fh W E EK .






Utmba? Sfiw /'■rss.r frets M A T A W A N , N . J . , T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 30, 1965 Mtiinbo:

Katlona* t’.uL‘u>rl«i AaadcUUjjg Singl# Copy Ton Canf*

V F W P o s t D is tr ib u te s B a sk e ts $ 3 .6 3 M i l l i o n S e e n

The Vaia*v.u* Uf,;i.»nai ■'hil;n i Kdi'c.iKm Monday n>;;h! inirod'.i'.wi 2 letoi\| vi.Wi*..I!U(m so'h^o ei-d

I fV4i he' M M «nd scliedtM’u a

pidniu on llu* ' u ,.s(-b>v)u!>' .Jjj» p> ii* 1 ,mh. <il ’.lu*. Ii>>:h !». .t .-et j i/fJ.-Y'i *,<

ni; (■•a.i** of f> ! ‘.'j nvei ih«* ourvei:: b'.u^oL (

». ni rn... i.'Xihmi*-.;',; ar.* ev.un.ned ■ al fi.lK.J SM‘1. up {I’ -.OIS. e.oJiiaL outlav, f^j.SUO. up um! virht

**M MU. M 'V-mM;; - ?M‘>. p.',.2:i

T V U i.jrd es tim ated >h

w iil i .<pnre .111 '.I .I b-

cil i;t loca l lu .vo; w h u h w :‘ : b" h o ! a I h i . ’ bv»r<»'j” fi and

tfHVR-.!w\ ?*1e U.o MU.tiv MM 11*,! i\*ih;»t ;se (lie io ;:onal kiader-

'j 't iv n ihrottHh twelfth d>u ir:

.Stale Aid

Suae aid *s ?M .in uU d al

\ p a r l t n e o i B u i t d e r

P i a i i iW r o n g

May !9f>6 Be A Y*ar et

Greater Accomplishment

for Our Mation , . . And The

Communities W e S e rv . !

Tlte Publisher

and Staff

A d o p t O r d i n a n c e F o r

I n d u s t r i a l U n i t

Members of i;«»os lr jn« l I'm t 4715, V ilena-, of Jixtrph Smith *cid tu b Sroul (iary K a il. Julm ii. Foreign Wars, (litlw ood , im l (M r children. cutlw l'd j Kelly, fooii tuskcl chairmiut. r<-|iurtvil 21 Imi-i tntkt-l* tood to (III bakkcli for Ui« nm ly oa (h r ls fm a i. 1 mrre diMriUii.-d In 1 uwnship utidi'r til/ Shuwn ulxivr, (it1 it lu ri^iu) are Kb'4 \ Keni, (tlrtUlun ol Mrt. IMnitviu.i' '.Vnt;iu, * oil.11 lim cim .S in io r Vice (oniKiundcr Hairy Kero, ( 1'in iu .iiid ir

S e v e n S e e k E l e c t i o n T o F o u r

S e a t s O n M a l a w a n S c h o o l B o a r d

iMadkAM li.U U i’M'i |:k . . U«. ►,

ol a UlD-uin? e.aidon UkM»‘l !iu ‘:i! »>f‘*

(*oun!v R d . touitd m il Lisi n i^ lii it \vo»K’py }fuj»: ;>!.»ms nwl !Ju*

satiu* iis <nu*s lii.i{ vv'-v

bv lhe M,n.iv\,n iov.nsht[> Pl.;a

iu?Ui aKJ'i »'*•.!.; a \--i( :u<’Ik's. t»u:KI''i;* 1:1

sjM.-^ior, w ilh copies i»f '.In

rf*” ** i> ‘mJ y '' JVlOLllHIIS ;iu-

;U' *>r0 n.\!ur< jn d ordeu-J

■aoik h t ; i e j . I'it* iu w n - h p i im:

nniu*«* ♦».>'» oiii.iinci vi >■»e 'd e r su S .ijK i.o r v’o'.u'

i'v:rs(*a.‘ t»jrt ium f'iilh<-r hu:k \>-\ l iie 1 iti.e.ii-. umHL li».

Wt'lf r u i. t;*«i.( i ;u i- I' i.i-i' v i l'-'1 , l i'\

a lio i nrs h>r t!i-* i*t" '■!<»;h»i % ,it>

,N*tU'd befrn't* .’ lie pLi'j:*;'** '««.ud

K».%l n v l . l y'i*l w u u l . i h**

vsouiU 11:* * e. u> .Hiitiliu .ii» i v *'

l>!ans ’atI h ii i.i*a diM>l!CiU;t>a ’

fur a !>*>!\>n a! ol j Iil* n«%w u» ho

<K*\i WJ?

Wurlc Phh’coUThe hvi.ud r\:!ivl il (-mid n >> kK*r

r??j{ \\Kii’k on Mie r#*viv»d Utfi»U>fiiie u:il:> th-*-, *'«>) Soert 1>*

ieiv»*o. s ludied . .Nt-v’. »•> •»{: r*. : > m>* n>(< ,t(*

P'HM-iI. Ill- ittlOin:*v i‘OiK*u‘ ii*d

ih * board'-' v;ew when hv» u*i- h/.ed *;»e rov:seJ p! i.' *h«- deV';'«M.'

.i|)-MU\ed by lhe oU.^U*^’IU .' |i:a:i:iuM' iVKUvl 1‘ i n 1

U|>l>ni' >1 '«» U> MltlduivL 'J I J i "v , i , j * V » .. i<>. l S lV>'l

« ; iii l ;uii uf \l \y> IM'*

! ;u'vii I upjilii Ummi V.-U I i ed {is- I ’lUK-.uij (<.t;dor»'. I t '

l(o r.'i;r .ied «>'» l»’i«ie

’ j: -jf *\?M r:;t »hi; iKKinl u n lic ip a t^ :jppropnj.ti»j;

.!n*d.!:vl ^|m:#.^7.5o ir o r j h-K-' oi

r a .v 50 over w p ’ ^ e ; ; l figure.

Vm t)r;.)’X ’\ed «tK>nrt»r*f* s i'h w .n a

*\U j;;mp township aixes a;t ts;i-n».»'v*d t? v i’Uts. S>e: $t«H) iisv.-s^.'d

vy.Uu'.tion. ’Hip ;v J4.ctlta t‘xpf*r?«'r' fr<im co un lv

am ' l;-.a*^c*p;d h id ^ - ’ .. v. i!i >.;*{• j(

the township’.? tax raf<* up ca".hui«e»aW>. .

I ' i r v in S c h o o l

Fire brake out in th? incli»*‘r a K or ruum uf M uUwun Ktfc'n’nal

Uf>*h School this mc*rniau but wiis

quickly «*xtlnj*ulsh<k(l. 1 U^ incin­

erator apparently “ backed up ' 1

p rro rd lp u <*» no(ir-<‘ re&l'rt. \U

.'tlatattdit lOHdslhp i iro ii>m-oaa iis rchporukd to the Alarm

,hortl\ after 7 a.m .

The scIhkiI imdevi \'ii a'V ’ I Mal.«wan Uorouyh Jaws an esti­mated I'i '.euts $100 assessed. J! *, .

Citni iii CuLtiiv'tin- iMi:rh rr;»i-*t 'n* ,t;v

diah«j hv J;.an H( o u i i h S . j f i c ’ t i t i t e .K f i ’ ^ r o f

Sehuil. suhiivt m chaiiac hy {p.e 'm.ini iiu;*: Uiict. v-\l•i“ j >!tV

lea»hot» S.{h»!.es vuir $.1^.15' «i lutal

iiHTVUSe o'i Sikl.Vil ! ratwj'ut.itioil tiV \> u;i o\'*r ihjf

*ej t\ SMiOOD(nm imuej on tu-i*' UmO

11»0 Matawan Souwfih Council n u M a d o ^ i^ a i

ment tfl the urdmuacc MUbllilunR «n Industrial !Vvelt>oment (*om* sni.^imi but, cq advfer o ( I.omIs R.

^ Ai^uvs, l»nm ^h 4ft(unev, Mdvm^ ^ E d 'v a iU F. Ilyrne agreed t»i pojt-

: .^one ippomtinuiU U> tho U'dv un

JaH* ,4‘J n.ifi«*d Jo ;he

*-'Hii,alni3n, a P ! i . ui s*i and thrw citiT .li.

i metits must di* comH<*ted *1 Mai- | awan fn*fnre o’occupaacy n u y Ive iasufd. Hie «■»

I winder hail ^uhmitted »» lemithv li\t i t»t itemt th:il had nnr be'-:> I ‘*rn- pleted hu* <i»iinu| ajveea l i.ii ^.nie

’ caiuiol !>*• LwmplrietS mn* ■ .r iv ){ cold \v<*.v:tfr

J DhpM« (M Truik1 7l»e ttoyrrniiu 'aklv m;>h<>!i’ed

* ^ i«intiln iin V**MH»n A hitKtm to ( t^Kll.luied \n\ pace f'Hiii

S v .'.i c jju J id j^ s filet’ jiut’.n '..i' iny jw*iiiif»n«i Ih u isd jv (or u i r

'.•iejts ai ,;laK,». nn tho M niauan Ke , Hoard of ImI’icuhoi’,. fto u d

heoi«*ia. v I'ld.uiul SoiiilnH’ ! *•»>-.a »•

i wt The seats will h** divided *'0

hetkM.''*;! SiroM^ii tnd ^h.p cuiidid'.tlv'.'i in th- I’ l’m m »

A five w;tv ra-v tor two hill term

seals i.i Stlir*hdid v\ Ihe M anship

In sddiMim t> inrffMhi-nt W IImu* r tno.,e V h«i lu i.e he*d

att* F ’ J.nU (i'lbert > t ! I'arkrr. finrv.r m! the

S i ! ii i (i > 11 u i e (V ,,, ‘ i l ' '

’n.! Sv*hv.■.iri/,»nc* ’ ‘fvt HSmiiin, nh'» ri’sidenis ol S 'i.iih

' UllcIl<n»>iii:h in'Miiiiln'iiii A llied K

M.iiivilit‘ am* I1j:',<'.! ! !■' • 1 ’ lord f*w p* •h*'*! on Mi M.i * .*

' i\ .‘av!.:,'*-' e?e'''t't* * f'i:i ferrn H'-* i 1 *-w < trKw!ii!e ,Mi. !h»vss will M*e\ eiev Muii; \n ,Vu;»rm*v!*jr tl UIH*.\imivJ leiui. . . .

tt .. • - •*’ > .Sl .li • • HI J 'i}(Juiuling ( uni'tuUee { hu irr .ian . , , .Mr \larvi",* oh *!'■'. ( S',rv'*> •*' 1 Lln d f‘M*A OM i\w at J »l

Kurd's nm '.iiru ^ , wa> i 1 ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ,, ( .1 • 1 I * *•' H.i ‘ '«• ‘ii ■: i • I . I \>.I • I JU

Ip Mi tl hen ■! w .u ti* •! »•• \ d>!i .it ,1 ' “ tin !"!•, !%! A ti **!►- i . e r . . * U ' *»et*»\ he ^ v |< i* in e >ltle i' nl I 1 t\ ■ 1 ; n " *' ,*• *" I ' »*. •• .

ii'-tsuii ami CiuMxi.iV. Ne-v Y»»;k ,.Mi h" !V .A Vs I>U»M fl.e 1 * ' *’

’ cuiniN-iu, s a i i-‘ Ui t;t -•! i*«- .• ,s i ‘’ ,|MK ' ' ' ‘ ’ *'* •' ''W.V.:)^ sen ior, t. s» *">''•* 'O .!-1!.' .is. .ie V, M t w.,

prevuleni of fhi* M aic Ww h I *.•■••' v‘ a i i• r o n 1 1 e A il \ I ! i It • I i t «•' ' ' . I ' i ' 1 \*. .1 O 1 11 • •* M V 1 'i‘ f ,\\\

Iim \«.H lO I.M rt . \> i.»' >' ! n. >!• 1 •:• N'-.» t: ••• : •hv III* Tv .^'Kl'l.-Ii ;<'<!•« I >' ■' \ ’

' ' ' ;i'* ^ e j i h w tn New ark'1 ’• • :< .. 'h,p iiUMs;iii> *'ii t

M a r l b o r o Z o n i n g A d o p t e d

■ ■IS\ ' i I ’i ,» I I I i ' i : - . I . I . : t ! • jM - . i l

.\t ,| i , *m»: «' itM M - ij' I* ! •■). \ lu l ' I ' '►. I'-’t'.'} \! ' 3 *

ed Uu* IfNiHt’ki tii »lil5.‘ l . . »' ' U>! n- . I-*- ,«i oti.uM ' l i -'

p it.,.,, ’ ''») }<'‘ i O1-; t ’ ■■* j i i j I »•«. r :-.'- S .4 .«.!.•

u’V'O^'eu ! i ta1. i' lin 'd vilt,M t;e* m.i \ a ’i th if ?n*; t l\ , >%'■ ,O V » UN \ O l .

M.i! i • :i»**.’ ai.iimvls.r. .*. ‘i; ,)!i

i ;.!• ie-*

h • m ; I A .l-l.* -I rtf !m;»i \tf*» i'i.e ih‘» I oii i iie«» thi! \U iv bunu r^mod*..; I‘.* lillc'^nl*nit<‘ ! te i.t-* •»<■ ,k j; ..i .\h »!* A'“ *• oai* I ’p n im iM ■ ** I »it )•«**•,« .h 'lvif-

-.i .e ii ',!» I uK il “ vl -» ■' ■* -• - 1 ’ ••’ ‘ ' !lt'MOll;*/* A ... .I'i' Oie.:l>! I'.MI l.»“ tl we<; I*..*I .'(l |Vi oe;0 ol :*'

,i lj .‘v-< '«»!.• ,• J> 11 's i f 1,1 Ill i l l 1 if .llM M ie , i till'd «0 '*ii'. > ;• t lit .;

. ...I .I'*,if ,» .1.:

r f > *i» is V i\ e|re|^^ >*i i • .** tvM 'd

iti !**<»•! Mt- u einpio'. >'d t- i'i*

. . . . w4f irrve chofficio ■lit© ctm tcil and boa^d momhern* ■,

. U*rms will be equal iO tLrir terrvi! tn ritlrrn^ will *»♦» ipn>intHfor thtee’Veur termi with th** en-; cept tnn of th* fit sf vr.ii i i -i t (tp «t4iutered ifrm i, thu jrufitd- vnral puividn f«n nor. 1^0 wnd th f 'f* at thi? i ! J i ! ['nu* ‘CiU'cii s^.it wdl be sMbjeoi io js» Pidntnteni rarh V^ar, th

U p h o l d s M a r l b o r o T w p . E l e e i i o n

A Hint hv v'vi'M M iiil»o»o

nhi,i re * id fn l» to die eV i I <u\

JmLe Sm.inr. •*!' l - i m--•i(f\ hu rtdi! II.' <i,ii , ; ’•

, .. „ ., t. h*K«r“ aad add**,! U'.il It >. w Uui»» Hep.,hl(0.^.i * Dein-t.r i i , fll. , ......... ... , , i . ,

K arl I". ff^ti<r»r a»-t«ni# ^iroio*'* ’■ e o jM im i r a n d 'd it r v Nov * W4< m m it. tiie\ coin'd p»'n i. ■

enj*iiKV*r, t*J betn>i ren,nested t n ' j i i i n n n ' i l 'H u t u la v o\ S h ^ 'iu m iT « ie « i to * .*!?s» %

de te rm ine nitpKue- fo u r t J u d r * ii\vu\ M S o n ,m il filed l.i^t v-e t-M ;

Court Allows Taking

Of Sewer Bids Tonight


M i­

l l . '


t II ' ' |.iii

f l . . '


Ic ' 111

tll*‘r I m il' .lliili?!' 11 i' I ‘ 11

.1. I !iI!IHTV It '.Il'Oll, Ih llH lt lV

■-I the r«M rii.«> ia 4>( ,l ’ r « » i i» « t

M i I jA M l<"«

l.ii 'ils n i l ' l l »^i| hv C 1 . Pihiu,! n . M iJ lu v .il. C i in tm (.iii. on i i " 1iy) >i ui O'-ff -t , 1?.- !

[ne’- vife-J |*i*’

it itirrp it .^* •* -U a « 'Mi. on

!,l ,,'i.* 1*’ .i f- ft nf p ;-’

i.akr it»«’ |oh ft f i l l!-!; d fie ’ tiv


Valium i f r 11 it H AM-■;»h n f ‘d 4t*»iriM*\ fi. i* • VuIikh i ,

'ftp^airt^d I ’ i f m m r it !»^l!MO‘l« i t ^ h m i f il l* ( h ;r flfni |f,.,i

I n 11.' >lMl«*d frv i*.< i<*» to tiii:|i

■‘i- HV * o h ' i ^ i ! ’ in

i;t hr>n,' t*.i* p ro|i'<i ;•»*

' ' ■ i »►“ i « fi;s iri hs an! u n *?**»|

«■•. * .'»< tl ftr- . ’ ,11 | II fv*'11 <» ''ll IHN •!'■»«• . -r' -I;.,- , « ■ ...

I I- ,1 r’ f l i t . ‘ i f ! .O I , : I , . . . ;

on I' «N d .ll ;4ltU ’ * ' ■

(n»n!;ih'''d «»n i»» 1 •*,- -

! ia?kH-M \, f l*l ut !• - !i t h ihe

ht+ dtip a^i; \! a ‘ •’■I ’

1 fiaii.'al. ol \ , < i

The ll.-n *. > i1' 1 Ml K-n ,liit

t O • 1:0 M'-’ i, ,:i, I -•-I,-

r i-rf|df»-'r. 1 1 Sf.O- o{‘•rf' fl'i 1 tmothef i mdi.l.i’ • *\ lU'IP V* fi It* 1 ti,the foiiht V 1 » Jt v Ji ! !tr •uO;u an * \r« uh . - .... . ':»*.o lid Pet*-' ll *',k. * A *! •’ 1 *r 1nn tin* N'o.-'" ’> • h i 1. ,* It O 5 WIMUti.iiv m «. i’ , u ' .i W «> tMtj< 0(1 it 1 ,| I «• vt t ,on I i’i it*(hr tmot ol tin .r. on p » ! .

! ffi aix d I ”H -til.* in Him I,r'mar*, and V' dsd h i* ■, t r' :n tu

, «•/).</ }‘

t Itm t Mh'^Ofo*

ftuh*, % ii.i: ! «i I ! ■f *• Ss (' • -♦ .

• I* *h »

Present Cheek To llospif<tl

i i>*(ilphl t1' ' v' r,l‘

(•ninlHF) n> |HM*« *U»t«|

W I i ■ J - f -yi r -r .v H ^ at lf{»

fit* C

. i r ' l Mi » l* V-' t 'M

i* { rr.ri- i i S-V#*

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l / t / i m i .• I m i i im i •

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nn itiapir » t t a n d in »<rhuni


till' btdoUtM e tinhi p.ttkiii^ unt j i i j b i i d j j e \n,t l l n x f l t d ,

f b n rrh St , I O %l Ih itm *;h S ^ r n l ' i

M v and I ake ’ K d In add iiiuo

p«rkl?ij‘ U h.m ne il on tt i i .r r t , M

near the M ta o n v tuml .tn.t

nn A llanhe \\e h< ." llu- M i l l

v-an H r^ io na t IH ^h soh«i*<j tinr

«« Hthtl hiM tn

Ih . *ie m ie n*» ;*m« < thm* >m* * >l

a l tho ptih lie In irnti:


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iiaiu- o\ -r '.I... \n Ni-.t-. , >{*

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o b i1' l.«t.1 t i l t .fo^eph \ ( n .1 iv*', the or .I. v aitt «* ii i* njn- v * j lu * i fof

ttupi'nueil ot 1oar)

Leritt Move Into Madison I'hwartedii. 1 '>•»! *1 «»i (■•'-•I *■» h a * « * n , ! *n. ‘»n n<i

. 1 tieu *. • 0 ' i 1 ■; • a •».. ■ 11 *• i i i . . . »*'•■■! * ■ 1 t »' 1

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J 1 \ 11.1 .1 :i li ■ .1 1 .1 ‘ri I (' nh■ llll* i i » 1*0(11’’ i ;lk<’l ilivt**

rn ..f n I , v ..

1 »»•- • r - , 1 1 , '■ ...... . 1 Mj.k.-tt.-/ ...... 4" i':i'.| 1; ! I III | ( .il ,1 h . ! 4 ...... 1

M.|.l.l.-li 'll I'I.’ ;..t M.I.' >•■;. |,im, I',- |.

; 4t t > i f*'1 r*i t jl . Ir. 1: ib !

j,-«f i.< t f-'t.n

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lin n

i•», r • ‘.n 1 1. *.>v \ !.

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fin* i( • i **Ioim»« m»d>* taffti noil,\«tMi‘e “ no ,h jiji** Ait', J,’ i^fuiu *«f onh

' }>. ,:f (,{ f Mr* JJ- ,v , f» ' M:” o; Oi Iti ,V|.| j»;.lf. ! {ii.J-1-. bv I o'- i \iii* .nt S \ H 'oiha; k

.t '» » iin ,r t ; . i l t i i . l i i U t » , m V l - » ! . i t i , ..................... , . . . . ,I , '* * n i v ' f i H h i i t (* f5l Ml 4 *•* !-M Mi

,1 ' • ■' I f 'M 1' vU--..| 1. m 1 ii- t . . . .) I.: -.1 '... .

1 fi’ i tt i i } i das I ».'i 11 (1 1 u

an a ioj ,'’” so e 'i ’ i.'i.o* I'«»«» tv IU ni i i \ t.'f *) U .’ ii. ,n All objf'O*

u, . ' |*‘l:1 .1. I-. * I,.,.; ft . ' t s |i » ? Mill ! I < '• '■ I 'I! I ii\.»!»<• 11 . . *» lhe |i..l*| l.i-ji 1 t M'0.

an.I „h 1 T»*,J n !')f b a r r

1 i o*‘ " i l-v*t In*- i^>»; .►<* o u d t’ 1 .* IJO 1 ‘ 1 Ol . a;i* *. ' '• • .Oue a*>,o*na' [i » .i * *!'.» kuhaidP.oif' . -i ‘di’iiu ;ii*n intsik’M p

f m il! i H ie<| on Jto'*' f 'h if !


S* . a.-ni ]h' *AlJ lV.

if . Vm i id wti, l‘H»n hunt i pin.. I i ' t p i i fi t \a\ U uph ia lr fur l ' f *

ttjfi t <» ii(h- i tm jmbin lnipi*<'ttt»ii ?h«* ‘ * !ii.n d (h* Jtii; ‘{'U nf

\ t ♦ I m a i at I h e tt-” rnn;h Hail,

\t,i-n > M 4! *a

M«*n?v l-ibi \,vr»«k r

( ! , . a . lv H)

Work Progressing At Bell Telephone Lohonttories

_ H ‘ i i i • i . . .

. Hr I'gMj d

it* i !\* U t9 •* i t j- « ; :■

ir iisf* A**i fi

t '•)> t •» | I *• 1 . >■ ! 5 t .• Mf Iff »* RM Itjlr, jJjl/ !1 ■ #iM | v#;,:'.

It t ..r -j ;«•»< lf-t»- U M Idl H-f *if i*<n} t i'.*

4 h i t h f t i w - i * i 4 - = 4 - i . » i

s.- 1 . ., ,» J j« ' •<■ J. ‘ » •>.

f ■nti|.ii |lin

^rUo' tit {h* <«*« tit***I «f« »» . - !,ijf , f j , 1 .-4 ' i . i i l l ;i •:

»i*-t Inin

a m:U' usit $!;U' *ft-"Pj*r H i M llil l l j 5 ff*Mi ,M*f ^ftbdl hM le m thi ll*f Sf Hrit | »bw*#»«?!*■-% ib* f*»et 4m! 2*3 In t i!

. . 1^*^* t l % tiU . tHiifai# lr f | »Ml Nf |aWMfit «# «f ii»« |Ha lid* - ib n i»lH wi^rtlrto^alf abiNt*

} * »ot|4t4« fk t df*!j|a t l li«a . :;,FS« feur Mcisilr-if

a tiafte U' 'p t f * iU f * - ?»>* i t r+

\tf*i #1 a * » 4 M f t l l H

# m*?i- it-ti4 th*

Two THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thur' v, December 30, 1963

W o rk O n N e w S w itc h in g System S m ith Y o u th

O n L e av eM.l.'tiii rriiiiCib .Stfith i ’ i -.jOft A

Mr. 2 nd M i1*. .*'■3:?r*'n tf ,open* the <

holidays wilh his parem*. ih. ■»:■ ri^fd xti\ Dcc. i 1*, e d it 'd ;ho My’r s

C. Fox, the ship on which ne stationed, from a four-mou'h cn i^e

ii.-tiv, ij, uJ’-'.I !'; ' y • v» «,».♦* there .h<' v is i ts m uiv in?*’,r<?stiru4

places, .tiijunK them the Vat.ii* m. (>;i M'-nd:*1/ ev/*nin;> !’e /Tlurncd tn hi.1? home bast*. Nc*v*ix>n. K.l. 1 Iv

'A remain U<Ci*; u«*l ' ‘u: ' !

Junuaiy. J

P re s e n t M u s ic a l C o m e d y

\bV.\at Mte *>' Mr. and Mr.- A:'. [

U;?»*o *vb>'r were Vr. mai ,M:, ;

Dinner ;jticsi> on fJI'>at

iw, Steven Barron ami daughter, .loan

■ Mis*. M'srv Kudi'ic*. acd | Kudrick. Forth Amboy; Sirs. Kv>-

I berl Darlev, Woodbridge: M i. and • Mrs. Donald Kadrick rcvl children.I Donald a id l>chi.i. Mr. '“rd ' ,r - ! George Kudnck and onildiT.i, Kv)| bcrt. Sandra, Andrew, Peter :md i hd'A'ard, aod P iiliiiiii aod NVcraly

j StbiM. Mul ^a in il!'.1.

I U-liday vi?»toiT. at t1'" ’o w «•'; Mr and Mr.* M k In'-! C'--.:'-;ra

! were tht*!1.' s'ms, Uff'.-iy,: -\s.v.i:r; o ' .;M ass.; ard M:Ot.ks O v .o n , • .u n

j Victor Al!. who is ’■sof:'v fo m i vjhi-a’ . was *hi,:r dm *T

•' Sunday cuihvs Uk- o«| Mr. and M is. Marti.? Soi>t.:i jv.

sv.t»« Mi. and Mr:.. P.t»U*ri u-.v

ami ',oi. Ruhrrt, V?. .iik^ ; ; r?Jt‘-Sday al p.m. al Use Oak *d);.d"s J

*‘‘ 1 I Lower Main Si., Matau.m ‘ ‘

P la n s F o r

Teen P a r ty

Flans have been cnmoleted for thf* V'.'on ♦ Aj:t ■ Before •

Nf\v * W ar s - V-.'-t- wni.tfnt in ihe .nidtiraiam Iii. S«hcclf .

KVvprri .

en.ia r-vr iiv- a .a ;'tuUire

pn'forniances bv i(» (ccn-a^t.1 biirutsi’MiiT! ’ D.'!:. ’d 'iSi'haiMt, UJUV1!' ?h©

auspice1; uf St. v ? l ‘ioliC Voyth £'rcaiii(iit:on.

TW '!! K> !ud;;C'J

bv ouf.itandmj’ /ju.’ii NewV.-rk V>v ar'.ia?'nnd fhev-i;r.;'V ;><• ' f isrs tVp T:tn-Asc R.i’u! .'•! t’^ .. ‘

io Award Prizes

A 1 . vipf^'r' engraved* .rid V-’^O <’?s'n v\iti uc to .via1 Im.uI. jocund yri^c W!?i

b»t SjO and thud pv /.*j S23.

Lariv r> \vi!l n<? to*» Master

c-,f s ".nd he will bu ac-

cominiiucd '<Jt F'aii'.O'is V;fuou/ui, who !1 !v reJoashv’ theif new :ecurdiiiji ia Januaiv.

Thi*; I. 0 divifi-ap affair and a

•f!*»•» i>*\ r 'd .x iij SiiniKv /ni'.Jeia-

• of S’ fi'-'ph's C'VO will bfc

.l:,-*.s!t:d *‘\ M- I'-.-vph I'VAUua.C'Nij r.'jj.ilu i Jf*i! other

* '>.Mh .**•

' vli'lfr -in:i yjih.

Members of (fcf SislertrM-i1 re. Tcei?*).. \lu*i

of MsUiv;ao fne ;>< sv iva'^u' d cuhha!>.

“Wine, Women «*«d Wi.sdt-ri." at {ht* pdiii s» n;«. ;*vbei^hip vl the S^wiltvod ot l:*in{d«- 3etn Ahm »;a

Piviur*1*! }vlt w

Ai BcH Teltrphcne laborjlw iw , ifchudel, re-; nysleuu Call signals through l»tr conlrol unit are SC*rC-£ or. tht N«. | ir Elcuuowc Switching Syskm I proc«ss*it by thre« major blocks 01 ei|uipnivm (irem itir«iucc4 s lw i4 p r ^ jta t c^eratioff to Uie BfU j ic/t right), the cail pioccssor, the inputwuilpui

This Is aa eniirfly new depaiinre In (he | bulfer. and the iii&it datu hay.

! 4 M,!Tnrt'MiX K,-,-n. .h Xi.ilv, ! ^ hi' tW.tdinj.K-, ..u-.,1 .. vi. v i 1 Wain-tt r>»Kr, t e t o t ; Mi-». .vt«(>i»-n Ham. mifics)

M fi.'Jm i-ph K iicheM m J (Jau.-hifV: <U»s?i-!,.r; Mrs. Wal!i-r T ipp*.,

• f)(ab Anne, .Mr. ??•<]

. Mrs. Kc'i!]'*U) Milh.T n n d

! Kt’l^ r i, M f. a n d Mr?. Wjlham 1I K app im a and •A'iiUatn, Miir-j ( i f 3 / I ( j / i'.Ban«llr;_ Mr. 2nd Mrs. L o u i s ! T

; f in a r ttn e n fs

Big Pre-Holiday

Court SessionMaoistrhtf Lloyd D. Eljj^rt, Mat*

the facl of *ae left turn but were ‘ tor vehicle on Arbordi*!^ H-t , Nov. i-ut in court. In addition to the po- j 12lictJ car, a iraific <»gt* wa'j snm^h* j Coin* 4.Vmiles per lw>ui in tht 25- ed over in the accident. . mile on Church St. cost Dan-

Bui .MisjiisUiitfc Elgart found the j iel Vandri>), Bdtord J20 anu S5 case wantinx ro pivpcr prosecu* »costs on summons from Patroi- t’on arid affirmed Mrs. Gerrj;e4‘ j nz* Medolla. Richard T. ( roker.

Towa»njp. had a Uojc calen- [ jusuficatioii iu Uyia^ to rc*. out o f ; Kast Oianxe. ^aid $10 and S5 C05.‘s r D«u 21 two aceMent cas- | the way hv damfsiinj^ the com* I ior Kom« AH-milevper-hoU!- in a 50­

1 • • .......................... . -• • 'mile on Route 34 on a ticketfrom Patrolman Zon .\Ucon iUi.-

ninK the red liKht at Route 34 and Uovd Kd. cost .lames V. Oertcl, l.e».n»ardo, $15 »*nd S5 «m«-mons fmm Patrolman Medolla.

(Nhcf Case*

E urm c Schwarz, Newai I., oaid

)15 and SS costs on a u k u (rom Patiolman Parrish c h a i^n ^ aim

W'th driving in a v,«ay to hazard in­

jury to persons. Patrolman D . G.

Dickey, township police, tumrr.oiv

W i mrn M Ayrmont U m , ! Onion'&c^ri. w fimU » ■ «<* A-fhur n. Wiilw, Ba.vonne,dffvn<Wnt rialmed ihe did ico>»U and his license v\u» suspend* ! faulty defeiulant had

this to clear the way for polic* !ed tW days 0.1 a charge by Patrol- ! j0 .P av ^ nc* “ ios(> also for

;» r » and ambulanrei tts bhe heard : man F r m is Fletcher, township f tw cna»>,L the address on

jtrtna, but admitted to the officer 5 police, thi»t this drivtr fi .h-lail-’ J' 18 rS*1*[fa jVn' «? *..Ar did not sec hi* p ir mak* < ed ‘ tli<ou>*h ^rnfjic on Howte A • e-v» * rordhaM Dr., Matawnn. B8 the left turn. There «vere four-Oct. 16. Edward I.. Drake. W j * ? s 5lvori 1 w by Iatudman


) Madison To'Mi.;hio nmnvttei* .; banned further erntion «;f apart-

iw eaiied hy eipht nuurs of » ihei

work. Mr. M iiitr hKo found such

One involved « icwmhlp w lic* P!» inl. h fr- ,B“i lhe r(1‘,rlcar. )»o» E. G uorgc , 14 Weston ''id **»c her J5 and { j coms fm P i . VUlowuti. Mjin:wwiO I o r ! Mrt htv in* a rej(i«(ralion in m r

accident i»ct. 11 u ^viiicU s'*'C ! c ^vce**^.

Had ch^r^ed bv U . Fraucls Cher-j Accident

.M y. township, police, wilh d lir t-1 j„ , sideiwinmK acridtnt on

sn emernencv vehicle By | Route 5? Mov, f. Samuel P. Gold •w port ot Pnlrolwan Stna'ey P*r- j h»m1 p>„ Ha/lct, wa* lin-

lish , to-vn«hip polio?, he wai head- j ed j u am i $5 n « (s while Frank

*»• Jvr the «cene ot another acci- Kemprvowoslij, Eu>t Kean^burp,

tent and whs seeking to pass the I ,vas ciea, ec|. Patrolman Ralph Me-,

peprxes (a r on Church St. when j dolia, township police, investigated. ' M il (IforRM iWcided to make a Rulwrt W l:iulot, 9(H Third St., ;

I lever, Ki vport.■ \>. \i*s Josf-ph ii I'.l'iV

’ border, Keyjwr?, visited Mr, *uid

! Mrs Clifford Relchtnberjier and

| family on Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Miller and i , .! Mr and Wt% Kenm-ih Miiler a n d i|i5W, » ^acct the cn^ibdity .or iSo ik {ikeiv to pve a-r« officer out* 1 sou. Robert, were ChrWroas 15-V: residence i« a w !k f d ^a itm - n t |s;o , h> 0, >vh, h 0, , , id jn.

i dinner quests at the home of Mr. to om- yrer f h; >(„1 and Mrs Joseph Kirchtr anti [snii- of lhe former Iwo years; aut.tmrue ! ■' *v j jkew 4'od [the Sewerage AutK>ritv to l^il n;e<’ i.ri.w u.l <m;ih wm cc.M'-l .> »*.\ r«*i' cent of rr'vis .

i Ytcnton Stale Colley. a,.d F ti«k !o « * rv « »W .njiHllaLonj to c,jv t r , ^ r' " ^ p> Smith who ptfendi, Vewark -State ‘ msp^rtwm,, ar.d «Pi»roved £ Male as <iwiit>itJ to w.nst u.v _ t ..p

1 ColleRf. spent Cnm tm as Day with 1 Alcoholic Ueve.a^e ' * ..............- w^

i v**d »» tn accident with ihe w*K!cab , %)\ N’rw ^hr^Wihury U' l. -*». iVSi.

i *t iif iiuv i»t*d 3 \ erdici in

: !a\.a ut Mr. lurrriu:! Ul h.s im -«0

V,’>iit« ?>cjf Tftx: Co. n»;d

i Mi, Naujrh’on and a r,u cause !op , .jf'iioa in another MJit ia hivur ot

! V r .\V»dy in %)r. Moraiy s firi;on

| a ^> rs l Vrlntt Star !a.\i Co aod

•M r. Nau^Mon, the i«irv return'd

S'uiv i i tisf lime so ac\ertiite j 14 verdict m fa\or cf Mr, Moody.

Artbitr BuViipas. son V1 Mr. and |n«or .icwse oidmanc, to alSmv -or | ^ A 1 T h o L s U r s h H w ' R td B I TMrs. Arthur Uun.|ms, '*' «■* to .1.. *« -o- . s.nal! ad in tlaisified cef«...n v„H)Jv w i, iep , , iKli*a by Tto:#-Christmas holidavs " ith his par- on a “htrostwu" has,s. num se tu « .o. the . .. - - •'*," JV “ u 1

• dutv.

Thr sc.vrr auHMidiociU

11 a v h o r *• Co.nrr.tim:v lies

pltai i sdav at -•• IS 0 ^ in th*

Stio'hino.'f Scmjol. Mrs. T-n'i^oor^

t'arn iio , oicvd 'O t, a aniioonct*?'

cruise fashions ‘'.ill b*‘ mudvlcd bv

Ihe members uf iae Ao\iiiar\ \it s

■'dv.i rd Ht?a'v ^ vht.ii*


their parents. .'f'co.nmendalion to amt-nd

Commission I taspetIsons between lhe domain oi j lend the I*- i C municipal plumbing ;n*,p»*» !ci s i

Mtafsspj inlerroffated hU*f the | Prospert Ave,, rd(fwuod, paid 125 •ceHent. Pattolman Pauisii. who Und 15 costs on a sunmams from

iw r infpred fn the crash, { FleKhe: for leltinn aa tnree <»’il tho Aiinesu-s ccnfirmtd *ur»!i«,en’*ed cinver ofteraU; nl« mo-


T h e K x p e n n e . l a

A Mallei* of

Vour Desire



59l-13i3 24 Hour Ssrvico

f r e d t ir ic l i R , W o i i t , lvl,riu*ic,«r

T h^dore 1 efKovsith fo* fuc ty

prrktnK on W;irier» Dr.

Putr<*tn;*n MedcHc summoned F.l;nor Piu:!ks, TUI KtH'rlh Si. I'n* »cri lirach, ior n*'' re ’i^ti utum ii. txissession. Patrolman D i i k i v bronchi in Alex A. fjiviii foi hh un-

ie;**ed which. Ma'y l.oa Kttse, sZ r i.'lAood Dr, Ma’Vt, H',*> 'imi/No/ml I.n h<» l tr iii»*. P«

» D. W(*ldon is*u**d a ful.vt fo l^>htr( W at^‘1*.

lo r ih a m D r , M .itasan fur ao lic tiiv ;r juvvf ini

............................... lo cv .o; iuv .: ... . . ' ” . . . jh tncfit of ’-rank Ki*:pcl. who lost ; ftli ;!Mn !hem ’*ll° cash *01

.Mr. *nd Mrs. Martin Smith m\ ; i^J unanimously. Hichard D. P itch- , \\ls bcense a! the _|Ja^ ‘Vr !

I ciitCiJainea on Lhrj^ttnas Day. Din- ' ner. Metuchcn. die low.iship .it 1 ( as ,n 0 xvllH1 / 1 *!1 'V 1'’I re r wests weie \)f ■ind M rv • t»>rwv. J' h-d that it Mould apply **11 and denuilivMHj or the <! Frank Sm .ih and * ;v\ li**'.. .;-d'„nK- lo apph t^um s from h-Mre- ; lur; 11;ra^ '* l>( ' llt‘ ' hou’rT' *u Pn-| i Frank, NV.\««rk: Mi and Mis. ko-jiwrth, could not tie mad* retr<-ur- ■ H*»*tJcw* p i'^ ia iii . >

; heit Owens aad i^ddu-n. V i\ ieu!iice to nffpct Hp|»li«.ati'ms »»n "00 j Drrdging I'op^ 1

' ’ TV.e tilliaj; > f l ‘heeTi*qu:ikp rnf*V ; ams :’vu taiisc 'or i injUfNl feu ;

.‘;>nd> to M., di i vl.tin ;, but lV»S ‘

• had U> . **;*j>a<aird f<i ul !

: ii** i.n Whale i! .M’'icaret I{'u-oj.s *' vnjfdniun Kicf .H T j i >*•;; I % ji . J't.h.i.'t "Ut *h«.l I liv'^C- ,t^ual.e is a ru'.i^at 'A j iu 'u v ai.0 ; lr'lhd n a i.uii'H i .♦M?#--**nt j

f »xji’n it non mr. itv'blc l i .f |

l-o* i 1 'I1 ' ' I r ;t'u- ‘,<f thr pM'ic* t. !

A.ii'lht-f • « j*:<“ti -led the I MV s.. . v !•*. 1 , ! |

Ka-n.c* V.’f. .;"u t ‘j i i f . i t U |irr :

wai N**\vdi,H

; 3 iiU KoiR-rt, '-li a na M-s .t^ in ' units .ioa i n o ^ ^ d »'•;-• W il^ 'n Matawan; Mr, and Mra. , caost* ol this ndv 'v^ ,. •>], irv^ni

I'lhoinus Smith and children, P'is j as \iiuer, a foiiiK i ,'; and Wdhe, K noo tt. and M t. a n d ic a il id the ordinance a move ihio

Mrs. Lniiaid M»i»ei <»ao jo ’.s, Don- : was “ 31^0 uniis too .at*-." RolM*it a)d aa«J M n.japv jlie j K»*t*d. ht'.it: of » uroi.'j' tha! 'mvtit

i Christmas i-iicrs .bv l.uh j Mr. and ! ihe 7f»0 units ’i>trs M ar’in jr h>v\ < hildr#*»» ' h«<i ni'M'nini** tiu ; >i hecn

Withes A


To All Our

Ffi.:nd\ ond Pitlrcr"


bled* 0 S i i i j " W in g i

Snow Cooileri

lee TjI iIIBJ• h N u W ilRt')


— 566-3152



« W Hf.H (H A IR S

« i ic s r iT a i tu rn

• COMMOPts 9 r.(Uit'iirr.


FREE o m v m v



M o t a w a n D r u g s

145 M A W n , . . MATAWANt ■.

g-r _...w mi 'ii■"■mmiiwiwiw

Reports On Youth Work

in* ;',t ;nr,:i fnrUiyik jnd r;f!•> .u a 1 imvco 1I..1 ,ih* i liuclffl’ u/ ’.'it' *(< '( \\11v t’Vl A^M-tut1**.! lira! trj Uu4 «*» »-»it* >k«•<!i u! i I* lnu--in !i i. .. • . *k lfl. Mi *,p. IK r liV.-kA t.

fo iidar’-Al -u*- iv -k" r*>'

Hu* Uiilt .i'.d) pi1>' I Jlh * ili:ias iw * f* * 'mum I* d 1

clMMUlVd VcHui.ih i .i t J . f i i l . f «i i n.ia ttu 'in

< .• t m f r > ; ; u

k. ..-Ii in ' .i I:. i ’ ! . -»'»:»• U-l.vt'-n ihe mosh-’i i rii-.l »!.i.^:h: r. s •’ .th I m iin-t'h ; • t,»K:-ic * a<»

• . * •?-( . i . ..

I '<*’ f-‘r . **# j ^ - - . t ftU' j-, i i ' ’ ;i.Miiit u ,i ,i't ‘«»t 41{'Kliii, ii«. * !-- •' *' iii:- 1 t '>'lll"*r sl-f.H ,(4 iN'tl -, 4 m ’*- U'-. « > , ,< • t-. . ild U:.- i *.f Ha- !.>;h -h ' If'** lh-ta ! h.aM itM ii'im 1,

• d fitih: ii.» If i.ii, I »:V ‘ipith f ,-,1 Sl „• i».n f.

t lit i i l f -ii)'/* Pri^tatt)

!l '•* - •)r !ird !!-•>, <i:5 V h« « '< ’?, <> ha* heffi </>jt!{d<f

^tt amt li % **h1j» ivi ii* }<rd,, * . I fii ' H»* n

j-.u.auv »i, vl ’••»! |:?u| dctvviv idd>*d 'i|oai| to *?f\r* 1111 * f tl.i'Vj ]r.4t'- - ?» !ri | i|

lh ■» '.>» itilftlrd *e 'A ilP i I #»i*

H;ld ‘ ’A ,:rvIht i i, i»:>d p«<v? «ffl h#d

ai»iO‘*s J l I'HH •ttr itt i. tv

i .> ■ i.f If-, i.;* it u «"t< * rfi U -r :\;c.. 4 ,• ■ • ’ ,1 • • ; r

ill .! •• tU«' feii ‘‘S. A • -ii y «.f it ‘ ' I* «

i f . - ■ I r r- ■■ >1. - ■ ■i.i j' At ’ i Hit* »->d I * *’f> >• <-•* .lift

f * , 6. l.;>i fj'iii ! -1« •. •!.:'! .i;ld <#‘*1 :- jf,r.h ' <• -:-* »• f rt» tf ?' • ?'=' *** M'*- i . i t k f ih^tt lhe»‘ I B3 t’ -'

rr !i•• • *i iAOM'flS.

; Paib.iM l-vnn aud t lontcu- Ai;nc., and Mf* Chailes Piu5k\‘ *r.I Mr :mi Mrs. Cht-Mf- '*• Ta>.:th \nit)*>v; N’urn.A '. in - l' ■*

pal !o aec a vie t hriv1 t h* D«»\ dinner «( the hoiv.c <d Mi

•and M jv 1 ‘iilo id H--:t hv;ibn >vi

aaii !ai*.’ \iiss *.V* *

W-oci, l ‘num licncii i'!u!'-!mas I .‘a* 0i!im*r ratNis *’

; the lumie <‘f their aunt and am le.=' Mi a*".l M is. ai.uv... Sr-.n8; ir ,«nd

| fjuce,j Mrs VmPm Ail Iia» u .o i.itu to i in i i.i!!nr on I lout I-.*’ { ' '•>'iii»'.;h M u is ’l ( «*n:*-! .ui»-»*e l ‘u

j -,.r . .*! p..» * ” I j Mr and Yt< s '.I* I — N• i . l i e . ,t •' '• v- • •!, '• *

, : , V. * . ’•. j-r { •. " i -1 t a

• • • ... j , | , s•' i■ i

fa ,i \ . :r i >'• t a W*. v

f J.!,-iM;a«. Hav

Muit E«p<inri ri ,;hoo!»

\ ,j- . al ?♦!»•« I nj* lt »* Pm

...jt , . . * «M -<1 «frk • 'I ’ >»W.iHi , \\ <\ hi*-a S«h '"l M a d ‘i

. l » i i • % * ’ !\i- i -i'” Mi)- ;s\v.V Ho„ld I -I (liai.iivl i\r «.* i d a < ‘* and I..t» lof ^rvfi.t:.ind netldh },M"h-i*

i S c fv tc o A n n iv r ^ d f y

’ lu... .a» Y H.nh V, V F D »■/,*' « ' j--i at' 1 ».1-1 «

V( -If .iii'su-iMit m i i iu n a I • ’ d r i:,.- mm. it i 1 1 laju.a* », hv IC I. d>*P»> ’ «S». Niu tuia and Oj P ul n

Net he7hr I thr |triA«n IMh

Ihtitrti; >i«« d p h n t iu ^ 1,1 • W fl»

f Mt'>! ''•1 K» . | < f ’ iil I * i ai*fd

ah Oatf I I id;»v, l i f t tl

worded r. 4

Mr, MiMer

oidr.aiue ■fAa|i>.;;» foi

ay io b* Hnfo. c*‘ai/.e

also skeptu*nl i-f th*?diu ’ ^e ijuii! i - p«d;-t iipjM :-of*n1

• mi-'f »r in ’re.T i / U r t J V ' n a l d . . ..

:!a .e Aii> ‘ :,A\%" uf ; j !4 \e (*>iu"vnKn in IN.d, mi if uu\

t «*-1, <hiU* lln «|u.difii at.*'*;- id »•

^e iuc U* ?rdt:'t«! : '" ic

j'hcanls a iih rthrr • * *.»-s :

> . u!d hr .11 I.M 'rd *

Citfs 'i ! , 1 ' i, M ’il-r >•<; A nu »* • 'I. •„

(0 .v|l < .!'• t in. ** iij’fifu aM* •. . !

»‘i 1! *• Ol I .

WASH . . . DYK . . . DRY


New & Old Pairom from

HAPPY HOUR LAUNDROMATl ? i Main Si. — Matawan --- 56£> 9777

Fari nj

l<\ Sur

Thun.. Fri., Sat. Open U n lit t A . ; , l

Othar Oriy% — 5 A.f.C fo 11 K IA

.,„ . ,i tii .„ ii , t, j .:. i. p .. j

*;? i m : <1.1 ■ i ht’tt*v.tSi*. ,'n- dr 111/ ! ’ :s i ic '*.*<»> * i *i! •.lit v. .itrr irilMritm tn thi' f 'itih .., 5

l> p •' •■(.• v >,!

t- . (u • ;

1 Tap9’ Co-ordinator

M-', l».

; f •' \ ix d >

; ta ,

Hit 4 f i

i t ; ' !1 '.'’ .

i| sr■: •» ,i> t \ < ! ' -iato: «if l l.tT

I* A * " i > - . .i.i.l l ! 'V,<|-h ’,d 1).jiics n. M.mJ'h :l M.WU

vh„i !:• ! i. Ih* *f>* V. at '•• ■' .ill *,» i* “ I Ap" » '*<•' !' I.!!*-'

'U-. . J h .t '. , )»rotts^V ;» v dt K*»* i d.oii«* fcKa; ‘H pai l.» S. {•»»; Ohvs . i ' ! i le ' i . ’ > i

• o a li t j r*-sH a • a^d ; k •; ul the at«'4 " I Ai*

.(K«-i<:ivH a4d nwtr adidt aa*.>»» ♦ ! a ’11 tw aiMa^iiu td shortly,

j it V W,]|Wtrt !ht “ riithl'! t*{ iUjl'

|da ir-,. '■■■ a. a *« pn ^‘ ' I j l h v l M:i.h s-l>*

*• * Ptl h r ! ‘ **1 Mad'-*- 'i

fn « ..>mi |M*a»d 'J f ii.irif-: .. ' u* .* Jit. i r 5 •/ O? *:>r Mmifyjn j; r,

*hip f Coidrieflte. ton im d

itri', i h ea l** * •*! thr JKi.1 d id tie ; t* * t« r% of the M di‘lr%PK lc>vmt\

j l »»»»}?«■# *»» Mil'' I, * r f i'Vid- ’M » navi wr*l-

Mrrtf ij »hi* f f<’$ h 'h c 1 d.earV <»!* ' I * . t. :!!|l '»w it I I* { i.'l

m t r ll.. ? * r A o'*': 1J * • ? v">) i r • P. i, V I -. 1 i .

I a ;ff.i . M =

imi 1 x n ‘ mii>\ , • f'Oi,. .Mil I ,} i .liM lit i!;

»u*unt*-.. t


IM l! if*

( . fit !i>*P 11,li Mil

i 'Mt; - Vi u ' > ;t, ’ • ■ ‘U'd ' . I- j/frv jh 'U i.7 '*)♦* I o«« n.i j; U «.

nnd «. ht.ii.i-.v S*i'-.., :.r . ... hf I- ■ ;. # *..... u\d •:! . *; jr«'*l

Mi \ 'Attain ■».*!!• tl I Ur ..niiij

-o a:t: aa< i<**v to i.*kp »n ,»e-

!i'C imM ;n la isih )1 fnndu t». om hr jn»s<isl»lr tn** |up\r finon of eiitH - i.i1

lurth «U*tef>i‘ a^ ihi’V li' i-ilil-akf* ,1 sl fO* *>iit f-'.n

..' ;i*,i ;o tn ’ii chiidi'-.i tu i \ r«r-..:rtr» the e ff«vt* t f t>froot f:.(.h

fleit'tl'. aod JKuHi pan«.<i4 !*• :i

v« .e ih 1 f r I* th-y i i f « l to o u r

rtjniC lie’ r|tI>plinM in f it* . »'f lara- jmiio, l i . i . l ! M iltivii- l ’

ttt, f ... W, ’ * 'V<nrii^ ti> *»»t' )a |> Im \h-v» jl/* «h > i ?i *-r),«•

I ,hi» Mai? *t i f i 1 i‘M * ’;»{ i.n h.iiij.iy a.uf '* ii

. r !,H, 11

STRATHMORE PHARMA'Sfralhinoro «t M^tawon Stappinn Center

Roule 34 — Maiawflr.

phomi 5 6 6 * 3 8 0 0


# Prescription Specialist*

• Cosmetic! 0 Barltni CaaJy

Our Piicej Ar# Alw«y» Ri^ht I

•fi* i

JoyvooH Help Prepare Shi 'trail

l* f »•-i f

sis? !‘*r

.♦♦dM»r-3 If,,--.tft

fe If: Cl 1 i m>4< * V ;dr? ft ••• •dft M1 r i*#m At»i| 0 • r l?t-i

if ->T. 1 . •1 Oi ‘ • m > i *M {t- :• -»!*{ tl! rt 0 Ij t'tl dHt-at A C?«- It 4i

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f. |i-,f ji-li M .y.t’) ' ' r

C»IC*M i ■M.i, r u * \+ ir»P }t-.|f

Isp-ll d ciH-d fiF't* in fit*fl if \\ Ittur.i ti r-1 t! .tl »\. {v* - ;: r 1 • / I

fit ,}' ? « r( H id #=s*t

tisrr- :lfit u» th* H i .s

7 e; f f r»

t hr f « }•■*•»'».?. :*>.•!* hi ’ - H ia^'ih i 1 •* I i '**•* ‘ t ‘fll • I | l ff

\t -:t s<!‘ O U if4 .r -t *« im«

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th}'X ttr-:- ' ■••••; . ■ • ■


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H4»srn *1 ? ucp .Aiitid;- ««| **•>»!*#! * 5 , - 4 ! t, U >*:.?£•* »J id < #v.”jt- if- lftl’T, * laj* t If;| J . *. t ii I-fp.4iit#9l|r?» ji»|

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Ttni), lailhtT, Ha\ ;md lliehit*

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W ish mi Ml a

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ih n ytm i t n*.-', ' .u l c c t t .tth i'

1 1 , 0 v.nne; llint w# mny rpnllnu*

lu t e n s yon o i *•« h u * * it! I^iu

I I . . . 10 lit# nl cur

•I . . i , ' M tjyo » ht/ipY, lti>*l!li^

.j. i Mr w Year!


HARRIS HARDWARE1 u« m a in St.

W<5 I


Ub iO lJ

*.Vk *//-.*! P f C b t - j i i > f i » A Y 5

|l.|»ir>»J J m tM f « I, J ' f

\ ■ ■»?

Portland. omS Thalvi, >i;it>m'an. j

i cat’aictf in the c.isi arc M.--;, Davisj j u r y I t i 't u m s I tl'd !'((':Mrs, fit} Ik'nin, M i1., Paul iitos.sinan, Mi j . .Staidc-y \.rr i, Mrs. C.ary l.cti'cr, Mrs. Aitht«r M is. \}(tof leiiard '.'‘.‘lu ioan , I ^ n iu id Vie.sser, a ir s . ’

Nanturj .Mhaeh r, N!r-. liciinat* Sotcunv an’i Mrs. ; Tha ft. ' ‘V .iurn'an. ju ,'iV?I:?u

‘ihermun v«::/!bc( The ict-a«'ry w is de s ired bv ’ A ve. d nr i.. ‘ n, .f'ccr- c'd TK-.-VO M is. Melvin ReivhfrU. * . t\**i VV. Moody. 24 Minton O .,

Hfireihm tnt', v .n , v o t v e d hv Mrs. rtilliatu .Mfdd!,‘'.',wn Jown.snrp, iJCQ^ itt

ihe show was wrillvo by Mrs. .loshva >k2tnpic»,. .Schwa*-*/ stnd her cemmiiire. j a'WinN decided by » i»uy Wedie.-s-__ ;........ .......... .......... ... : - — - ................ ............. - - ------------------------------ I :hy jn the C cm rt of Monmouth

i , . . f i i i . i u j County Um**e Alton V.;. thr-r * a , 0.0 t«- 1..,,on . SKt|>bOd(c/ Hdldoy \ -A ^-e . ^ t

! _ . . . I Vl'iiiit Star Taxi Red Bank,lac . i!>- ,t:i: .wr 2 i < ' .‘iliit-lwii.l . ' '■> - : : ur.,j , lllL. w‘ |ts 1 Wil’ian'

m rn < o.itii i!i> it jj. i ;,,h lu: iii'. : -ho.-:. ;ti ;fL- ir.i'-jMK 0 ; t h . ' ; N£.'p,lnpn. D’l K i'n St., R « t K:o:k.

i lio , t-.iii,^litr, Auxiliary .*. lit- , '.I*'- J'.rrr,i*n ’.vj'. a>;er in‘ Mr. T,t._^„!y's r j r vrhicli was ins Dl­

l’ -


ifkur*<Iay, Dscgrobnr 30, 1965 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N, J. age TVs*

................................................................... ........................................ ...... ................................. JliUIHIIf ••

R e l i g i o u s S e r v i c e s I n T h e B a y s h o r e A r e ay;imnmiitw»«nwuiiiii)iiiniiiHiimiiiuMnMni,iuniiiMiiunniiiniiiii i)»inm-i JIIJ* *|l I* MI tIMI I IM 11II (Ml 111M 111111 111 I IHI I H I »H II • • 111 > • 111111 *' -

■ o .’ ,■ Sudi


C iuiob Of Ckrlut, S<l#ttl!*< W S tv id St., K«)rj»n

taduy S'jd SundtjSchc*?!, U, *.re. Vednaxdav, tms- saony raesMng t p.ill. Retding nxm* spea Saturday froir J to t !>.».

A consideration of the nature ot

Deity wiil be the therm- of tills Sunday's, set vies. on. "God1’ in ail

Christian Science churches through­out the world. The sermon will con- slit of. correlated readings from the B it'll and from "Science and Health

>v_wlth Key to ihi; Scriptures" by , .* Raker Kddy, the Dlscuvarcr

Founder of Christian Science folded will be Moses’ well known

■]'.Junction f t o m Deuteronomy: _ in o -.v therefore this day. and Fonsider It in thine heart, that thc

. . ^ u rd he is God !n heaven above, upon the earth beneath: There

^ none else.”

' , MuajiAtlia Baptist Church Hfilroii’cl Keypirt R i. and : IJMU’tv L»ue


■Friday cv?nin„ W.;tch N'icht Ser­

vices wiil be from :< p.m. lo l iniidnigiit. \ fltir,, '■D.'1:.; t hr;s;Live Ls Your Home." will be shown. Communion will be served.

5- There will be r»-;VrS i.n.-nts,

'The Rev. Lawivnce lined will be tiie ^ iiF,s' Str.iiay

is at S :ij a.n:., i.i fm- nil »RCs: worninx warship. II a.m.. nursery available. Evening service is at 7 p.m

tt. Hary't Epitcapti Church E iw Frart !'U, K*yjxrt

Rev tienry K M iie. Rector

Satu'd;iy. .Ian. 1. Feasi of theCirciiin;is|in !W v Coiiiiuimnn. 10:30 a.m.

Simdwv ,l:in " \T(. ,ni|J 1*1-iv-

er, 7:45 a.m.: Holy Communion, 8 (i.iii.; Family Service and Church School. S.ilO u.m.; Htiiy Om.mjii- Ion and Scrmoi, 11 a.m.

Weekdays, Holy Wednesday. 8 a.m.

P . 8:3u u.m.

I will iiiu iv slides of his work In I

Ifo lon iD ia. South Am«:r:ra |

Thi? Rev. Mr. Bi.ik1.;.-' am! M r:.!

WakaStfe ire tnissisnarics und<:r J the As',ocb'!on or Raptis 'i fn r 1

iiyiiie .Mission^. Tlicv ere hi»m< u.i :

C a J«* t; MeUiodKl Churcia

raird Si., KeypertEtev David Ptopsrt


T in : 1 re t\vi. mnr.iln.' worship

iorvices Suiiduv :*! ’i :3'i J';fi 10 .45

j n;’':s riiut :m i .»•*!■'> j

it.j-j a.m.: t\um ^ u d e , »-I m I M ) . '• j’ n d •. !ai* '

i at. i.m . All classes in^iN at I:1'


"inortuaMe Ijurninj* c.?r?monv. which ’.vi!t s ’;.;n;ry bc^i.ntirji' ihe

w a r I'liit) “ debt f;ve ’Ih*.* n*nv ed tiralionui buildim* was added {he

rh.irch p:o{>‘-r!v i>* l!M).

Sunday School meets nt II:‘‘0 a.m.’H v •J'di'iJ'H." oi Thr I oi ii'-. Sup-

Dr-*' will 'j j • ( » ) : » . ' At the ID- ia > ‘-,;1 >, Worship seme.*. A s^i\!ce i i.uuy

'.lu;'I .V' : |iK.,[ Vnrsin^ i>' l‘ i~> !' Hi ;t:id Iht* • .

•‘V'^nini; 'ivr.'u.i* will 1><* at /: Jy ' " u ‘

S t ilo n o', 40 F r f w u i s

( .'hr in hr, <i s 5 /w li in g.s

Reformed t.'hu/'cb ot Kevport furlough from their tjelO in colom-1 a.m . The junior choir will ain^ | Warren St.. Keyporl

l»ia. Soul!) Ar-i.-.rica, iIh.m !a f iht. «*ariv slmvicc f*nd (he senior- Hcv 5 i|;r,u< r Sc-lioltt*o Pastesfirst tcrir. of servico. Mrs [ choir wij! Jt In: 1?> a m Ih .»; ' *' .* /

lee is a re^;st*?red nurse and works ; pastor's message will be concern-; , , j , in s*!r v im Wll‘v;ith the sicli and iniu^ed nn tin- in;» ^'hr Lsfia.i SU*v\.\ird.shi»»." There ' !./•-In a.m. on Sun*

field I Is .1 nursery in operation a l 10:15 i day. >umMv m,< « oi-t U>,< Cliurcl. Sdioy' is in session; f r « d- S.indav .w h«il will meet

at ».*» a m . TK-re are cUs*-s | ,:3 ° will* » M »?» » . , Matawan | (rol)l lh ,. nutserv lm ,iir ,h Se»i». : 1:1 U'- d ! l" d l l!ul1'l- »'• ' P-m

Sclwoi. Spanish :,|hm I-/rK ser-j |!ni .„ r l>„ (:|lljrci,vice will be nel<) at 1’ p.m. in (lie I o r M„ntnol„ h County

^m pe l, under tne o:reenun M we ; Wu»t Fro,.i St., Llaeroit Kev. baniicl. .V .i.or Youth ■, Rev i i v n l d K IK m I'aslnr»hip 'Aili !»o tu the SubD istrirf

Youth Rallv . Karontown. havin'* the church ut S .30 u.m Junior

Youfh rtliu> su it) will tneet a; *


Paul I- Jackson. E>?*s?nr

Church School for all a**es ijfftins 1

«H S:45 a .n i. on Svn'‘iy ; ;nor;;in • ;

worship services arc held at 9:45 S

ttiid I I with a sup-jr.Ned nur ’

sery provided during botli ^ervic^s!

a.Tu children’.? "hurch al 11 a m .; The pastor';; sermon topic is “The:

Best Is Yet To lit*.” B .Y.K. Cirouos !

for urade5 1 l<» I- v/iJI ;neof ;it 7 ‘

p.*r. i

‘ Weslev Covenant Service” will be

! used foi thc firv. Sunday of the j year There will b-' special m i^ic

at Loth service?. .V the U a.m.

[service, thaie is a suporvs.-d nurs

jc: v avyMabh* and i :n:or church is

Communion. ; conducted for t il chikKen under 10.

iir.J rn iiav . Sundav SciKiOl ;0 '.vN «*.=. 9: -tf A.m.j diiJ V a.m . At 9 45 a rn.. tV re nre

, r h iw s for all i.-V's and w jd :sBih!« iar>'jst 1 horch | from nur*ierw t«* 3did[ depa»'tOii*nt.

{& KcituUt (»aptisi j ^ a.iii. cia^ses are t!<»;iikiddie cid.. HaiI*i } er%* throu/’h third }*rade, luecUnu tr*

The Kev. Edward Blakslee uf the-j the church house. The Scumii -H; Ass<,K’iatii»n of Manijsts for Home! M Y F . meets in the olKtvch lect'are will Ikj the guest s ^ k e r 1 at 7 tun. at tlv' worship sc;“/ c ° SmKtns

fna .‘t> Ctiurcb (L'pisevpal)

Mabs St..

r n ro il R Ha''Kecioi

On Sa!utdr*v. tin* Foasi <>\ th"

Ciretiinclsion of there will

he a Cor(X)raK* ComMunioo al :».m , under the sp'insorship '»f th"

Women of Trinity (*imr«*h aii culio-e and yniver?>itv sfudt;nts

honif* nn vT*’auui> a n j ;(►!'

bers of ihe Art'j<.,fj K»rce.^ home

un leave.Sunday, and Mo!v ( ’orri-

munion will U* at T:4.r» a.m.; Fainilv Kucharist and church sch<«*l. 9:15

a.m .: Sunt* bluchanst and seunois,

l l a.rn.; ev^nin^ prayer and Jun-

lut I'oiscopal Cltu» ihrneo.


['’vino worship Sunday is at S: 15 ! rlolv Communion w:!! iv- cclchrat

a.m. and 11 * m when *‘T^» -lohn ? ed Wednesday at <) liiu isdav,‘ ' * ‘‘ " a.:n ,

Socurul lU'ptU? *.‘hurch

Orcn*rd St., ‘ UtawanRev. Howe B. Iv u y , Past:)."

Wok’h N i : ;< * r v i t .-*1 *.vjii Ih1 !j<?Id

Friday at i l p.m.

Sumlav ScIkkj! :ne*?ls at 0 a m ;

preai*bin*» service. I a .m .. when “ H^ainnitij* With C od" ^ ih he the topic. The Lord’s Sm>p>::r will

observed al 7*^0 p m .

Rev*v±i ayj'»icv.> wi’i!! be Uuli! from Mondav thioutfh Fridav, -'an.


f ir s t &i'}th<Kilj*l Cliurch

U7 M * ‘q St., M ataw uRev. Donald T. Phiiiips sr.

Minis’ f

11 -\ m Robert pimvman ri.u . pastor will he iu charge ol llw , r-*PHm;n*iMi Hi!)lv Sc:mo! \ivnvciies at a.m. wilh c)ns3 **ji

for ;«il ‘lhe Mr P./i^s;-*** |

and Mr*; lll'tkslee will spra1, to tho !

boV’ and siris. Kvc.ttn^ worship is , ui 7 p.m w it‘t the Rev. Mr Blakv 1

Wt' tfi<‘ mosfao**. Me a^o

Rc/h Ahc; tonsvrvativf

First Aid m g.Church St.. Alntawan

Rabbi Morris L Kubmilein

Ft*dav !<*••> will Iv; h**M a; ;

/:;»U p.m iK.itioa.jv ■>* (■ -1« »• *• l).*:’i;i at iu \

a.m. Th.* pubiie is coiil.all\ mvstcd j Rev

^ r ru iu T u :u - j- ;: ! : : :


1966 WITH GODD r in * 1V66 O iw God His Rightful Place in Vour

Life .” . ii? Will Bfi’ij Peace, Jay and Co;,If Vou Put Him ri.'il.



Clitiicl* Sorvicoi

9:30 and 11:00 A .M .





• Sup«r^ii«J H jav ft {or Chi<Jt«n Undw

® — V.lj i ti A.M.

TK(«» V»ai(

Feast of the faKphan1

; Fridav. t>:30 a.m.

An area o v - iiv ' •»* lotum ] copal Charchin-M* .% ;!1 ar.jet Fridtv

at 7. I? p m at thc church

fempl* S-halom ! rb« Reform Cnngregati««' Rabhi S!»eldon Gordon

• Sabhath l*.ve seivi^»**i ’a1;!* he li.’ld fridav at t*;-.* Hi!IU>5> St ,r.n j I an.f| Nol«n Rds . Mata‘,van. !

' a t 7:30 p.m. S^rv’c .s will be kw- ' tlucied hy Rahb; G'.niho, whu w'1;

• ^peak na “ 'lhe Meaning «*? ^rav- |er.‘' The co.vreii-uon's ann :al jt.i-

iKi-danct* wili be h«!d Idi-r at th^ R ?Vi?r f k>u Ro »t; y-r. h ‘tru rt’n ::

at ».;w p nt

H rtt Preabytvtriaa thurck

R«uU 24 and t'raakiia SC.

M atawaa

Rev Chrate^ \ GaUoway.

Pa\tc t

Dennis G Ja- ob/., Ais- .tafit l ’a>vi

Morning wor-dwp scrvues ‘inn-

d a , a u at •* a:i.-t M a.i.i M.u Rev. Dennis G Jaco‘»s. asdsU m

p :i'ior, wil. iMiM.a -n ’ (h*:>t In 1 hM N»‘W Yeai ‘ Ni*'.vK t"t*!;l-‘d

du«KO?.i vv-!t i;c ;iuhi:;i:d a::dy,»: ;n-

stall*wJ at liie 1 'ii! J.m. jt-i•••!»« as*]

during the It a m service n.-.- Iv e la te d elders wd! be outlined

i»mt /«>r in'*’ d^-d (.■ *<•'!i <>!

mcefJ H.’ .Vi at'.d U a m Maby

caro IS t*r\». d'*d.

Old ttrick Rvlunnod Bradevelt Hd.. Marll>o(0 R«v. John M i r: i>j tor

Iti W-vik.s: l.nik” v' 11 »*-111? pa.tsi:’ , SCMU'IP t <Si l l ; - i »y

i t th* 11 a tr. *<:■ . i -o,wh*M\ «»hl«*r< a n ! d*M?»ns v,i'l hy

invaded Sundav M’kio. at#•10 a m «nd Youth Fellowship at

6:.10 p m , Ih»i-• m t*;i cha;K*i

rh« Holmdei LhurrhR«v. Th'imm If NUN itiv


S nday St I. >•». n* v ? h .1 Ih At ! ni'» J*.-..! .•.!•: -;i i» ’•--i -

VJ-V at 1) jM j-.u, N-il. V -* Mv '-" V\ di he I1'” v : i* ''j; . \

n u r ii iv H held f.*»' ;»:>.* h>. ?<•«» v*..i-

d i*n i'i FeMiiw-ih n H r

Cr*«i Ol (dary l.u:Scrao ( hurch

Maiawan-Marlboro ItralUnu'ft' SehrHil,

P«y R ich irJ A Wrr*i»«M..'v r ....... i'-1'

Ik * S !■-«.> n V ‘ i * ■ i ■ '

l he Sundav scrvnrc al 10. 3(j;

.t in hi* conducted bv the col- ; ii.'tV* '•! udcus iiiiilK' In: In** f * 11; : 1 • mas holidnvs. TfM?rf* will h;» no'

church school The Liiwral Reh*i

Kious Youtli Ljioup wiil rocel at the* church at 7.-10 p.m.

'J^htvdh 4 WUn«t(«64

Keyport itioa

K ljifdon i Mall, 5.1 f)i«l<iuD St


A public liihie leclure "W'hv Is! O ur.» art A^r .,ii Vivd'.'n'j*.■.*” wii1 he i

by C Thomas, ut II p.m. Sunday.]

At 4 ift p.m Th«» Waichtower :ii-;

bie study wili be hold The j.uoicr! j theme undfr di' ji v»i!i he a . con*:i»'jat;-)ii tjf lasr. wiv-r:*i k*csoi».;

“ Slaves ot Von or Slave ; *»f Yourj


FU«( C ap« it Churcfi

MaAe tn i W. Htlrd SU.


Rrt. bugena F Git*n°<7 . PmIOi

A tck'-stdic, leliKious co !ir film ,,

'Hidden T :.*.>is-ir?s,” win h<* shown;

N«*w Yea* 's Mw at fr 10 p.m , ft*'- })V a fm.* «,f fnl'.uvshiii a n d (

refrishmcnis During t ‘i>.* Watch j

Niftpt S‘.v‘vice frort II: P jm*v i o 1

iTiidti'^ht, tn,* church wd! hnM a

: c :ocs' i

j Bayview Presbyterian Ih u r c l |

| Clliltrood Bead) I

| Rev David l Bitcci, Parlor !

‘ Is God Dead'.*" wi!! I.v (he namo ol the (Mstcr > s'Trm.ui topic at Sun 1

iJ.14 > i! ;w}>. w-»iship <”iy-ir** T!iv ’

1 Sarr:»t)M‘ti! (»t O>mmkmiioc. W:\' lv»I .♦•jMiin!:*t’-n,d. .4. ritii s :; held iduiiiw.* th-' ii'i ■■•••< !o» vnj-'i; :'n;

j J ivji. C,,(i<.»r children aiv .•n'ciafajv |ed a*!.*nd ■•h'i|ti> v,i:h !hc';r ;>.ir- jcc.i.s. r|i:|i,.h M'htto! mecu a: :i. ill)

:i rn , ni:<s tmve thrr'Mfh ••.■**vor ■

hit'ii .lunn>r Srmoi Ihuh Feh

[■ i’Aship-, '■u!! :»t , p m

At> ,-\(|ii!‘ C a * .; io

iii;' f<»l!nv.iiv. Sundav y c‘ a m

m tit" :.a:ti fuar:. 'I he 0 ‘>>-e! of

Maik 'V:'' in* ’•ludi'.'d

Rv lt*d'*r l iaw, dotttii.; aiu! r.urs

es of thf l r S Public 11 - * j i l ;i Si i -

vic“ h'*c.!n'e tho Coasr ( Jo^r<il<;

The Chrisimas diiiiicf-met.un^

Mr»nmnuth Saion % and 40 was h

o;i Iv’ec. Jl ■"

Inn t K‘*ii l>aak. M iu-.

Hk .':!, L-’u.'.'n l>*‘a>Ji, .r.i r"<U;

‘■'.'•.'ict.'jocd v.iiO e;c

Lii'orm* Ue!!n'‘f:, Bej.'h.

iVlis. Lena Mavi*:, l.',«);ia;iJo; M;

I. Kc,

i Boll, both ot Went Lont;

Tim next ineetmR will !k

Tueiilav. Jan. IS, t!l-iMl'. IJ [ t.. , ! ,rj; i .

3: iuich.. j A:i!yns. SJ'U'ienU ia rtinwilcati tiiil- held on | ve.' itiuj and Colleges." The setsc-

f !a rr\i In‘T 'id •


I ;

■il Sttiflt'H tS

“ i vho'it (i -f ’


"»M*di«'<l f\r:r»*' jn i ;i!l

j !ion the siudentu hasftd oa

; scJvilasiic achievement, p&rPcipei*

| tion in w-carriculur ynd cxira-cur-

! rictilar activities, aaid character

t :uia!i*i :at!on5.

j Thoss named fruni tJiis area arii:

. ; joo iar. Clifford C. Carr jr., son of

f d ^ CWford Carr, 151

Hr:tr/;h have hirer, honored ! Buraaway. heyjwrt. and junior,

'rw‘ J ‘ i fur their (jLilsunijin* achievements j Robert L. Jackson, 3 Ati^i.tic Ave., . . j-':i .!t i)v l>*.m» bdected t\n ii.uinjj in t?^ | M:ati'“an. Mr. Jacksoa a!nJ waj

l>»adi;'. H-i-h Mi- national publication, “ Who's ’A no named lv ‘ Who s Who” last yt?*^ Harry Kvatis, Neptune, and Mrs. ;

LeRi'iv R ii^s , Hrimai

Mr» George Rinear, Pori M«n*: i r > u i f i 1-i'd ' •I’ ar- cli.h re

IKiJt'.-d I'M'. %!;c aad p i : o-.:n slnrnnii> fiiict: Itu-t i.k! ca i-

dv to iiu: ciusdien vshu> a?\:Mdvd »he

! 'Pvrculesis Clinic ?«• APci'ivood Hospital. M is John Maru>, Kcv-

port. Chri.stmas lv*ai Chain ii.iji, re

iKirted that ?>’H) had been spent by

in/* memneis tor Cunsunas seais,

Afii.u diaot-r. uifU weri; ex- .

changed and a social iioui r*c;n',.*d ; l

Others altcndin^ were M?s. bother

P. F dsa;'. Nt’j»t;r-r C it* . M.:i.? rn» Simmer. V ^ w 1' I : * k Mi>.V ,»!'-* WofKls, l**onaidn; Mr-, Rc

»>'lpa riv'n.;*\ l'rvon ]U*ach: Mr-;N’ojt.mis M in . V/:!-

!i nt’ .U>li:it‘ 'i, R fd Ban!;. M: *.

J. St hnvid*’*' and Mrs Rub-

ei! Farrv. l>«»ih of f iud ivv K'“ach- Mt ». Hast! SiiM'tui and Mt • FU^’d


U ^ N O X



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O P E N SU N ., JA N . 2nri, to 4 P.M.





Dill Pickles _

Sugar.C u m , . ' , . ; ' I

Tomato Soup

Pantry PrideMonmouth's Discount Food Center

Sa le S ta rts T o d a y - A n d Ends Dec. 31st

C O U P O N S P e C T A C U I r A R !


s u c s a i s

*'\\‘*At a In I* I i'sch»»al Hh1'-;* 41 !* ♦

( onfo h'.itni'i * 11. %


rrrrrrrr r rr:: rr r ‘Trn:r n;- pixzr.rara^nrp^Eak

' U-sa mnm. '- f -^7-sa a c : ^ a w B 3

fm w s M E w y m Rout (he

Our (IfllldU l

Out Mow V-iar bc 'i at*

( 'u m .J i jn o ( bokt w i.lto t lo i\

and lfletiJ< . . , ind » gr.itcfi>l "lhflnk Yo»'*

tot Ihi |if’vllr>g* of you I

Vo h r» uuY'S * t t U im n f f M ic t$ (MAIN JT K C fcrtll WAt UU.iU HAfAnf'AN « « ' . l i l f ' l '!!> w i l I J m i liV/,!U||lM Ml. riuwK liO k li- j I ^ # 1#

Psig* Four THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. J. Thursday, December 30. I960

. nia i.w *

A, MAUIilh tfftUIVN, PUtiMSftUSK fiKTASUSUKD IM*.Ttli&vr-z’'.'-ly:*?. -

A u r ie m m a W il l

O ff ic e O f F ire

ftlfeUsbcci 6V9TJ Thwrtw kt 'Kayport, Konmouio Couaty, V. BY BROW* PUBUSHJNQ 4N1> PftLYTLNG COMPANY

& N «M ftravn, Idltor — Gartidlae V. Brown. AuocJau Editor ; (lAsrSO T. fcifiCMlhy. NKaoaahif, S to r

• ..: •*5UV-SS ',JC3ST-£i is. 5 Mv* WM)fkJ»v 5fi* p*vplfa,»p3 tot uw. naoplf»“ it* «lm £ to «trv# Ui« b*at inforeaU oi un'▼iccJfeys ttt »U ct tti& dUdtt oi (hQ w«ek frtthoul via* or prejudiceSftbunMftyftU ix, wsaarvaUtt <n£un«r, TtBt&cVra lh» toaMtajbl* rtflfcU tfl war oifcba&y fcC-4 ItMirtfey Ba»jtlrss U*sl» xortty ot t fx r ro»fia

yaategf pti« " a f kqUwrm, ^ii'Ttriur? ~

{ OTOfifaphicad arsow la llmiUm) to tba cos! oJ His »p:ic*

lur MX vt?ytr, of J fUT’ilC SerV;v-- i».i *1.1 n..' «•: 1.f.r.'.nn Town^h:;) rk-sr* *tntl Ca.'^cu;{Ca ?. Chief Louis AnnrnwM h^ i derii/a.-d .!Oi)iMUiU0J) h*r a fourth j t'.,<o-Vt«-r term. !h.* h;s rea­

- • '

j p r a 4 i* :

l . i l ie f?.V’ ‘f'v::3 incll

v 1'. ''S j) 1 a<H-t .■!';■ ;:'■;!;'ra Crulf

Bann.l o ‘‘ P>r<> Dn-

M ATI 0 N A I * DIT0 «1AIon* *««f drtkhln iUto) --- ,- M.w --------- —g ur^K unU ss ............... ....... .....|i .m

• w t m foiVG*id*' «£«r*rtm m Z ubo(%9 !'»«■ (puulda # . ) ____I7.WJ


The Friendly Calendar

n>r (Vcljjlinv

; A ca lendar u * k in d ly th ing. H beings to an end the

tm lt intervals of life ancl im partiftlJy doses the book of the ]

.yew on grie f a nd jo y , setting us free 'to begirt a ll over again »

T hus a, caleud&r ia a n in s tr u m e n t nf hope to men . I i the lso iw os

■ p a s t h a s been d is a p p o in t in g , w e c an hope fo r b e t te r in tl:

■future; i f i t h'ds b e en h a n p v , w e c a n hope fo r os g o o d in the i CWefAuricmn<a jo in ed the M.-i" ; awaa lownship Hr*} lA'paru-ieni Orn; »m Jne ha/jnJ:.. atimduu: vr.r-:

w w y ia r . • t . ' i n Junv, *mri s*!iv».*u ok h ;ir.-- . -oun 0>ntnv\. 'V iew ed in th is ligh t, a caum aar is «r* ir*:;trunK*nt o f : rm w.«v«mi v, a^ . j ; )%*. iv. Jwoi Or* uk^-cs :«m ;}•,

fx iU id ly f.V'v.ipy, aesunsing Riui I fv n iir ^ t in c t h f impressions i was J\utcnam. mpo oi >.<> >vij.s i/;.-

‘perw^u)” nomination.

•tati-Tf.r ’<)>'■ire■n h;r,;ri,; .)v: ; of iny Natinnn jIitwc >j

»>f th»; Tnv.r.fcJiip. -le • -.1 .,.,-fish thi* Hoard of Fire Pi'rwn'ion .•ti!■ 1 Roiird nf F'fn* 0 .»j:-<n in PI’ C* I>!Si. •''{

Prr !he fire i,,’r»u?«»r»»' n.rst -uiiK «nd re^ulritirnii now fohow^<j wrr<» ;; Cbfrf A.tJ v

I *,h jp. {'/ 1 hv DUV' ».!*•

: jv.' ‘niiuvaUon^ wj-*: Mx- i!;r. «*ri tj-.iirjirfj* the I'aiif! 1'.,: v; M'iCi ii;;!v (in1! ii'ii.i irv n - o iv / , i i twsj o* i!n- Fivt f-'ohcc in ' OjV- \i'<-’ r n'r^vj ITIHII J)'nciui.>ul for ;!u.* JJ V

j av;'.* done* st) on ilic ::--aini;U' ndn- i lion of Ci)i(:f ,'\uiicnwn i .’.if!; fJu' _ .i|.<pMn’.7j <>/ »}ic! <!.' J i<(; Corun lssi<

Perhaps fhe- hyrrteM pat? of h,-i»*.► c:v>-l i.v |)i^ four ib iiv*: «

iv.’t'k !i:Q;i;r*Jd Joi Mix- lodijhhv » '! 'i.'. ■ ’U-riLi'i,'

I'iH* Tli‘ , \SU* l!’ ' 1p«‘r:n,!s r*-j*i. f.i.i;' -il' COmMiC'iMai h:jiit!ii\^S i;l Dis'.m;(

o c ta l the o l- , >« ^ H.v limt-n-m.1 He s*?rvuJ irt (ho S. Army Sif.f:u>

' i! M(1 ’

> :! I'C

o l the past and in v it n g us lo a>vukc io and

f o n u « l i t i « . th a t l i t b e f o n w .. v JCprps from Ifiw '(.roiifh !!M«. ::

C onsider it as such. Focc the new year w ith buoyan t j j„ nuarv „f issa, )K v,.as „]eci>-! p..

h o p * , v e d ed ic a ted s p ir it , a n d re n e w e d d c ie r m in a t io n w o r th ily <fc- .......... ... •...........

/ ‘lu strive, to kcsk, to find, and not to y ie ld .” B y im prov ing

yourself you can enrich the w orld .

, T iie R u le O f L im

/• / er D r in k * O n (JSP

Jh*-: t»r.n!vvi :j't-*?•*■ T’-'.r w,-v uivf an i-J'-a A?>ur (ok. ’ it rFc ^ W i i i *!> <f!’r iv.*}

on thi' r»>.n( t’ljnu’ Jiisi. x. I fit'

Parkway is cifftndrfig i*4- in?:)r1 r*-*’ tunvx.w cn

Jon. 1 tC filKt i.‘» !?M-‘as ’b*. ri'ftujur

;• jr ‘ > •• »'• ,l i)i«\

inorniRi*.{he ‘linth t fitt-

iillair, {..rH)T?»»rv(» bv ‘ho Nvh .1*$.

cy Highway Aulhority, which oi^ralc^ Ihy 5c*! m ad, u^ain will

jffcr lea *jr onllf atf»*

toast or tiou^itniU at its PaJknuji restauniiUh to

(hcrv dMri??^ ihe exutH'r-

,<nt l u u )

Hit* ."jHlflv »*r»i>K-plws i.‘- jiivth ,*i Parkway t‘.vrK*o*;« bv 5Dvifs*-

lion or,!y. The invitation cards

will bt ra ised "ut '"'I Pfirkuuv tnl) both*; by Ihv Iw-

tween 11 or. \t‘iv Eve and II a.m. liu* following

im»riiintfv but are rcdeertraWt? i*t the restHur;«nts now .Satur­

day.J.-nch k-anl I'iuilles the motor-

i\t lo "a enp tolti1*? or {ea. ‘>r l» la^ uf milk . . . and totnt or «i<tuxhi"at. '1 and uryes Hm '*.»

vU»j> !<»r <b<* occasion »t t?»v» ncvt

Parkwav r«‘'-l;nir:in\ jefnad in tn«

inU' uf The traflic safety record on

the Parkway during ils annual

[r*c dr'nks program Inis es­pecially ^ec-J 'r. - 51 «.*x:hs no :»♦.

cuh’nls dI uhv !yp«* b**inj; rc-

po^ltiJ n» t'Ati oi tho cccjfMonv

! l*oh officiaiH ’.viJl' Ci.-jnc'-’r'Tm f rank r*n ra*K; K- . ■ ihii» bf“*k.etbai{ rrvii-l‘ nt ’ lit j i

• «'U;/t.:ifnaf! ttC!;Joaviftj/ f'lfn’*’,

fh ;t J»r*m•vas pit.v


! S \

u:iI ENTCUTAir.-sNO NKvV YV.AKS? . . *U- ;>;\i\ro€

1 h»» unntuil R<i:-i'n:5M.r.:0T ^reet-1 Hero-Bey Restaurant in New Vot k o /ftiS a partyuwi \\M he Ivld S.H-woav ist 3 p.m. , s^nriw ich inr*t rv <in*t h frv im 3? N oth ing

j J’ kt1 iv ?n v ,,,h»>rp — six 111-; vi vi.»j1icivU.s tu Mvru .lO'.vioh

io n n , A ii ihe j* di.v^n c{iiu’K 'n i oi

Jcijcc-so, aJ2c)i»v;c>5, red pi?en peppers, vegetable.';. IT t*

| f r«,ur«e.- frt;.h u:iC 'v ^rlv tr; serve «*nt


ftg ^rul ♦.n-epar<v!ii>n.

i Court Ailowsort)

c?.<:h 1 M ;m ^ tn a ro s w iil m ake and cieiiver tiie > i ! i..*ot lle ru w i 24-

n>i:> '-H'tiee. A Vr«’«d m.'1.:!’?' fc keep is i»K’i u ' '

w ith es»'h

■ ui'.’i

j fr.»m »>-ip p

■ 'Jrl Ci’n;r:n;! . ,

, 25!)0 fl. •'•? ).!pJ rojxvf^OW 1 L,vi 01,0 *;i; vwii lun tiV.oi^h elevated uiui whxI- \ V i.'lirstil

•. •'.•<• .T? t ; v s ( ! ,:tl'-'^■?.:

; -i . ii!<!: Wi'li.Mp Kauhnnn. h.t:/aU“’.h, ,s;K-j*- i .i«A iMi ! iiiu*?. no •.t ’!1 ’ :■.[> , .f <;ia.*nt ih.; conot.ii ;o f”'<r | ure «t'.'••".n;-.%il: n *'* • *is?*•;• V. !

• ».» ’ i»</ .'«<!?;i:mk*r nn order U) phm-hi'cj as jx-i.’sj ,.It (*^)tr 1)})H 4)1 lO’J lt . M i. ]

1 y*.!<4-d th«’ court lo rtinsiUer im* ;| \vil!'iu»n»-ss c, 1 i'.i,s ctii’iit to pcn'etiii !

! the work il » ,‘r»,*;” p!:.-*.■. |y> i/'d Tijr p<'rfnirri!U’. '

■ ^ 'rrt-nchinn C«tc<l i

I n.- .'..if* i* ‘'in- >- .5 . .!>• ;

’ (•.:a ,'vi ht.* ihi.1 a ' : ' ' . <■/ !0 *' '•

i;r \‘our jMi'i.i,

.ii;..! Fof.iivr U£ cw*.

•'rder. Hy ?ht- \ss:y* if'ree. *r-\n five

,-rv';IlLSr: !o Je h n

f**»ii’v i**»v o * m ost Ieve!ii

'i ‘j ;h»» o J >\ li

♦•p ,:f» ayaiiisi v .■ J.m-


li/'hrin^ 'UUMis --nd1 r;j;iliP>; m" .V'-j s ;* h‘i u* ;n ,hI-: ii-n*]ed r.f nuiMiol

aid eonipnnie& and his!company ;jt social a fn ;r> ..j ‘fia* ':^r,;panies. Chi'-? Anriemmu [ ha.s befin calh.Mj oat on nianv nuhLs '

ot those yejits, he was thu*’ i>! th*' 'in*st5uate "f !ifi :inJ . Jiuv has v (Department as well as the Hus«» < *iad lo d«?terin«m; .vh«-fhcr or not f>‘IKosso, AmUjv

the p< st of uipiain HJid jjj jauuuiy

IWO. he was elected chiel ar.d has heir1 that pi-st eve; si.-.c*.* In three

R e fu s e f n d ic tm e n f

Tfi»* MiOiik m-x

and Chemical Cu. 'men I -ffv Me<-<»s-Township, on a charge he unner- ,4 Jn his lolai cattrut »*f IT years sarv. As chief n/f.ur of :'n- (.••ni- j signaled a p\;H‘«: <.f'»c**r Mr Dtsi-j

“ C an a d isorderly society surv ive?” T ha t question is ! as a fireman. Chief Aurietnma has!P*»v. ^ ’,a5 heen invulved in nu-1 Rosso vas cleared ol tlu- Ju r^e , ' * . - _ ._ . . a;»i'.veryji ''OfTie V/M) u\ :|(V»o Serous committei'S ««» .^cla! Ui.ic- he represented him.^if us a pljmb- ;

• W r ‘"J- J- ; t«> ift‘ JO it drI arv cuts of tj it. iu s 1c, :n s!»tct-

J n n ’.vork. 'ihe p:u< t<f V-'W >t l'X>’ t .vas ouoi-.'d L*\ Fi'rdMn !o th" *\u-

. tii:j| .i *,. ' . i, . : ’ .'a,» .■: , .:.

; was a \sUim f*i>‘ imd Jhnj'..ii:*>n wile:* ihv !.v. p'f*--* <\ ♦Ihe K»r**i'(s av.*:at:tci d»».sn /r.\ 1 as J-0 j.vr fcjt hut M<. Ktiidsr.j.i in.MNif.-d ii .va.s :hsv ;<l

Ci-uaty Orand ; equipni«*nl a as needed and lhat li.e ( ■relief rd v ..;f .i f Air'.Jjortlv's *>n” 5i\eer. C J K u p p e r .!

M}id»vu» < j\cwn:»: '\c.. ii«d :im ie pio»v»

•'.MAN l >V TH K Y K A ir

i«iAp;iyer. In the view /t

ijowt'-i hn.u'i.t, pi-'Jvt'x the Nt".v Je isey Taxpayers Association,

h»* 'v ill he more popu lar than <• co inhinatJcn of Sant.i Chius-

«••'!'» '.vil'N'-t r<K'k n*i<{ '•'** '‘e‘»nil-/0 ,n t 'o i he w iil “ reek

nnd ro ll” under Ihe onslaught of requests io r b is te r Incnl

rn:uoi!t bu»:^ctc, d»-‘io;.-nds vov r'u?itder ‘ iate :<es ^nd

n*'w ''? n\ V id. -

t,k in \\ ill

« V e d in a n a rtie l® b y fo rm e r U . S . S u p r e m e C o u r t ju s t ic e t , . . .- — . . . . j . . . , f , . c'itef, be has d. reeled hi.s v<»). < uons, fnmj ra-Mi^ aiul omei prot* 4 m>; ».ispi.iiv: tu ia o .jnp.ovt.

M-ni.-h orsjiiKa’ iy an- .‘8r»d m _ ‘ h e ; J_..., - , . , u,.„ , cls. 1 the Ran«»n Pluml 'Pluinbiiiu and Heatingv’.'iit ? *.. V'f • 51* '’ ":*« ’ nt! * 0 . tM'iiii ist'i Im. ul t'-lfltv.VW

raised in Matavs-an Township and ; harden Apanmtnu. in La-.iie.^r now he anU hi.s wife, tiarlM>r, on Sept. !6.

ht ?0 Orchid ^t . Kevpott, rtf’ rrir.r-! ------------------lied the former Miss (.ar\>i >Vihon : d . cin M.»v. I l}54 tses t * a m

S ___

: K ansas C iiy S ta r and bas been reprin ted by T he Kea «-'i s i eo lornwi u ajiun^ us vi u.j n/ 1;

D igest in com lensed form . ■ *iivcn to a pai<*, and ha-

_ H is answer: “ In a ll recorded history none w a r has

O n the contrary , h is to ry shows lh a t the lirs t evidences ol j PiirinR Ttnure

cach society’s decay appeared in the to leration o i disobedi- Durinn bit ienure as c-iicf. ' hu*f

: ence of its iaws.”

Justice W h itta k e r relates thia h is io rica l fact to ihe at-

.titude o f certain groups w ith in th is country w h ich ho ld that j

they have the r ig h t to v io late law s they consider had. O f j was 512 a .„j J5 co<ts

this, lie pays: “T he great p ity h««« is th a t these m ino rity j Other Cases Heard ( ......................... « ...............— » : te t fcr ,hr r j(li)

g ro u p s a re a c tu a l ly e ro d in g a n d d e s tro y in g th e le g a l p r o - 1 Ja n u s f-erguson, j m Mai risen • !>• th ii c ta ic ,'s :

ettsses. w h ic h a lo n e 'c a n - e v e r a ssu re lo th e m , w p e rm a n e n t ly l j^ vep. '•,nion P fach , was cliarctd contact Joseph MrMe< r at .W8.7MV Maiatt-ac .'I'oundiip.

n a in tn in for Jhem , due process and e q u a l protection of the | J[ th on ,j." s* “v*m « l! ; aiuJ h ' Vk*'1 nwnts t c : ------------------

laws, and that can, thus, protect them from discrim inatior's j.v iom jc S(. The iinver p.nil JIO h^v,! ,,i''*ed kH’-

i " . i> t !o l I.m iis Inf. . .111.. i ; i .-11. a u J j . . ’.

I 1'.- .I u * ’. tv i ;>*' ir. >-.'f’ ii;f\ ta.-.i's. l\t hciv: >r

increased re: itv inen t benefits and in i.d icaw vc/.ed st last

x 'v^i('j-i. iMi.soil i I'.l’ p c iW "! iC ' 'V i'uv(inns and ex-

tt t v - i :liv K.i'i' fnrij Iji.'ih enifil v rr ;ui ofyj—

1'i.A' i ;>r\ ,:i!>! i l ' f •< .tn j i i l v ' u ik '.

1 iio lax « ; i ; c jllo c iod in i!Ki5 " ii t)n j fii>! >4800 cl om m al

oart!a!t;«. The Iw e ;<i iWiOO In VMifi. 'I'he n jax im vrn

ui.^ l> t-rn|jU V; r cmti • >n t. j'o w ill be raised

from S174. eiie!., in 1!M>5 io S2T7.20 sta rting in ISfiti. F u tu re

incr'.'a 'e* asv scheduled. Xni-se will ru lM ihe mh-w ! .-i.’c u n ty

niaM iM i'in tax tn S^dU.-U*. each, upon Jo h n Q . (v. urk ing)

Taxfiaycr and upon John Q . (t-iPiiloying! Taxpayer in IK'.?.

I l .‘.:!1 ^i) 1') w h . by 1987. If Jo h n Q . Taxpayer

x'lf-em^lii) ed. he w ill pay a m ax im u m tax

il/lii and S.'il4 Sfl hy 1:»S7. The uncial

man Insley. Thl.- officer iiso sum-. S&H Green Sumps, and Plaid ! tests**!!;**''** U

moned Rober' Hrrkrlman. ^8 , S i t o trade for tv.o buses to ■ Service I'enmtisMon. M,ni,i«! I.

je iieve tian spo rta tio n prohlpiii.s. ! T e ixe ira , 6 L>i»»*r» W ay, M an tuan ,

A ayane ‘.'.I 'b inx to doihite t ia d in x • '*>c ,>n!> o n t a I i° P ® "1''*

is tn

:*• i*i> t’)l' tif.!..IUj»ii -ieciand mat lit '.vai

not une' vi «.l;i»i; ,he .^ ,us «,{ the

co!i‘ Ki'» :■> d<*vide '■■•h.u should be () ..Ki. j , fh*, v.onk “ rcavjuahlr ; hai'jxnKv U» b p r f i » « H this was n Metier Jo;

Z- " hlrh " “S : s e v u r i :y " ta > ' u (..»n Uie ielf-ei«ip)y>e<l v.-r,rk.T \%..s

M i. n Hasaa ;'*MBlfd_<mt ibe i«- i T H K K N D O F IT . . . A m i.n k e v a n d a iion iu a /u o werenunat.on date tf»r the v*n was t>nr* . . . , . r • n ct * * «U*»veai due a l r ^ v , lhat the ori- s ln eken ov a type of in f‘o em a . In hii effort to presen t the

INJU! viipnUoiun was [\va\ m-»k spie;*d ’f the 'hsr die /on .';jjperir.ienuent ileculeil^ on a

K-old he romplf *’ii Jamia»v. nt.;v iippro;:e!i- H»* pifiet'd ii»ed:ra!ion in m»* vemhal.U iJ

rhi.s, he explained,

A seienlific

1 Brook A ve ., Un»on Beach, ihe (ine '

>f n t . iv i i c iv il s m ic e J ihen n was P’H i.aek lo M av. Sy S^c i i i J )iu j \v{ i\ |.v w a l le d lo th e a n im a ls . T h i*

an ikw ncvd bv the C ivil S then lo June . <md did d:: ? rhe : . ' ' • , ■ i. i *iir f u r ifu * e'-tfi*«l'm m i5S!on .Maimo1 I ! A u th o r iw io \\nui la«f sum ;ner lo K ^ n , i l l>1 k * . . w n , . J i t * * •

^artiur. to luUiti ih? tvnliriil. pivin.a! rejujrteH tti-U n i»v>»up of ore:uio^riiph*'rs ha<l c<tku-

Kat.frnan ^r^iied th;i{ perU»r- h i !* il i l ia ! i l the e a rth v .e ie etitin*K i la t t e n td . the sea w o u ld

rth. Re :id in^ this. tf\e editor

w d abuses by m ajorU ies.M

p.ntjJ and J5 eo^ts. TJjjs officer j vaixn-;_ _ ’lhe t!*ive * i l l end .lan. 13, so

T h e re c an be n o tru e fre e d o m w ith o u t the r u le o f law . I , iwo .‘VJ,10;**5 lor ‘'lL’r)Ll^ nts ; vou veur aiiioinobiie jtas

. A n y o n e has th e r ig h t t o .W o test a n y la W a n d u rg e i t , re p e a l

Q W * C W* h ll* Vi t. rmM II..I l. MM *. . . fl M .1 » . . . n t.. ■ tl .l Ior rhange. B u t n o one has the righ t to disobey laws w h ich

he s im p !/ doesn’t like.

Conuminientinns Uvnn Jourirat for (heir spec^j pro*

i motion •>* Nov. 11 and generous

■ md)!kit>.

! The Kevport Board nf KdueitHi s Vr the use of the Central School.! Umio Samos

lijion with an autn driven by Vil ____Ha*n Smith, \!ain St., K^vpftrt. i "

Paul Felice 205 Main S*.. Kiypor:, \ rn lt» 'iit iiu > t lwas charged vith cauriinp an acti-1 I Tttltli tl

u jh t. ^ ruwin,< " ,r0UKl' a n \ lty A ,-yporl H tk* 2030

Troopvr Geurj*e Wallach, K*y- KtyptH hlks Zm w;r port St;i;e Police, bvoi-phl tn An ’

cai^p;*: ‘*i» are;ho t to crippled eM’d»rn In

i a;ca ar.-i a!«o to n e nwmU'i

To the Kditor.First th j schw>ls Jost God. Now

they have lost the (Unary for Mata*T»t»n and Mjt&uan Townshio. ^ ... . « , , t. . v« m n *What pots next? Bath, are awdrd. i Tb? > * l‘w 0als Compuoy for drnt un Rmrte V. Nw. 30. Patrol-

(Signed) ; providing .'.Kina^ciiKnl .■'nd cook* * man Wiiham Pea a?, horoniih po* /^ a o . t n al tneir an.’jwai i lir^tmhs

Mrs. Ch?rk i WV)dman I in* ladlitiw f ! lice, sunur.oncd A.idr^w Knpo*hv ' ;>.*»rty ;p ?’i»* 1^** Jw». »»%' ' ‘ • • • for fco:ug the u ro^' way on s one ”

To the Editor,

Alfcw nie at :h ii time to Ih-mkyou for your exrell 'nt cooperation i

this paAt year in printinq our Coun* C<1 mw.i an<| e^enis n.»d !p

yeu and your sinff a Merrv ChrisU Dias and a Prosperous and Huppv N»*w V irr.

tSlKntii), Anthony M. Brisdsc

rjh !*t Ri'Iatu.t^Ktypuit Council 3403,Kni|*hti ef Columbus

j The many wonderful ladies who k .i rolled »ip their .sleeves to help u> ^ane on Root>* - 6,

serve 1500 friends ol the hospital.

Tp D. I.ouis ’Ionti, pusident of ihe hospital d«»\e, for his optiinism

and «itou i^K* >«Pnt.

AM who helped, m w c poi recog- nliwl, we .<ay ihankv

(SiKiied)Milmn (W.v, Chairman,Keyport Bayshore

Krnani* Ciub.

gMui tu rn t>ut. Sles t* /eck«w^k*.

Ins a e .tu tia , aj^d tNr t ipv»l**d

ih:!d> t-.i's conii'iiiN-t* * hi* af-

iaii a U eiiU'r.-.k u>. '•ut < »*ss

l h f . ' j l ' i ’ ttl » • » • - ! . y K.'s-i, „

ol eaiUKms, !«>li«m(d hv lot* *«.. ,, . .. , *tr«n<p <'f S ir . i.M H u l Jc »k in s )

The I adies An\ih?rv < i K e 'iv .i ; tiU n f n k,ih ,u . rrt>a(r

HI ft* I n x i l i i i r y

U m l Y n h ' IH n n r i

Police ChaseTe th? Editor,I'or tlit sultadlil wav vtni have

I jM iihi d t’\« S'-tivilifs of Raritan1 * rle u Mu. 2.1, American Legion ri i / M i i § t i g •lhc past a t ,tr* mo<t Kntrful. To, M i l X t i l t ?

Wii and your .Ja ffa i in m * " ih tn k i A llflu.r p;, ,s„( j |llt Kevport

" r ,lh" rw ide ra tio i t bv , r<i,vn, h(p ;r m v fourlrMM von hsve extend (i„ .a .,„ .....K..

Klks Lod^e 2U.U) held Us annua

('hrisiioa> dt.iiUT nt Buck Smith's

hast K**ai»l'ui*i, l> * . H were e.wh^nxeri

I ht; nrxl nitilifij* ‘.u!| U* r !'i- kxlte on Wedne«i'av, Jan. 26. Hh*»r

| an hasler pjoji'ii "»ll 1hi discus j fd.| 1 ho*v o 11* n ** j i t ^1 i:h' .linnvi

I were: Presnlciit. Mi». Hntl.a !« a j i*.; litM \\H‘ i-H- .u-n* M r1 P ’ hr!

] Svt henskr, y io . d pi' -iivnt, I Mis. Harriett ( nUi 'uul; fecre- tar.*, Mri .fiJirt sk», ::ea-Ma«*r. Mf*. Kt?<-‘n

i J ti«.

^ishint: .our Mnp pap^r cc»ntir\> Pid Hiocf's, wt au* >uUt* in s«r- V’ff , Kititan Post N»* *7, A:n»u rna 1 t i ’hm.

(Sienid)Homer Maili-son Public Relatioflf rb.ijrrnai)

l i te r u.c? fined on tu o ci u n S hv Jain, M rs. Korn»*).>dv; m ein

.Mntfhlffl!^ Seymour P. Kh*rnhe»>:.: Keyi*'jt, Ore. S P**:if-lm;.n: lev 1’i r r n h , M a U v ^ n T<m.v.h;p

Police, t«Mk \V. II. c;jM \ h* S.: p,;.s M . Civnoa. into aiMnlv f o ar‘

To the Editor, Thank u,u \rrv much ! ’>e

accident matter in that iu*n&hip, Nov 10 Tht* defendant a«.v fmul (IS And CO Ml for Jiitl^; .iViKHf •arjjja-’'* to the N'at.«A«» Y>*n s t p h ih» c off,i vi HRu jlU uui 5r’

Art* t m n t r d w ln * th r p M vear. I ' 0 ' 1’ k,' a " 3 'w '.

all J M h iv ChMit i imict * “ai in hv S#-c fJonsUi

j ueieujch ^ r j ;\(?i.#’>nnn

• Pairuh,

I fhif*( *peed^«i «in Aflanttr. T ,Vf1f j f W P P ff' i ,f

■ A *" , 1 1 '*• '» fVM1. :»-!*I P.'O J'» i *’-.K n’\ A ■flt'-'l f 'V,t > .•/ t \i ,

tyf«, Mm . rteltv A'ii..5mv M:*M aU 'l K o 't’vk.'s, W> I ! .vm

Ik-i!%*f»i. Mr< M .nv h ;i v l, \|is

I ^Ul s I ■ \ . Ml4* i . ai> .v . M( ii Mi% M l* , M: h*-;-

m ine Juiu.M-n. *1rs M a ■■>*»»

Mi s. H arr»*Pr K.»!.*k»*u sks, \ti*

!■ i,*«. M m | o*»

v n . \t:^ f h / r i

V . M •» t‘ »- ;• - •' ’•!

i ?.ikJii, ia i ‘d>. rtc. were enjo\Hl h\

J l .v'-.ut* hc.nx eote.‘ tairud by »H (’*1 .‘it I 11**!1 :( iun.

. later iluit bailie m^hf. thv mein he:s ,u>d w.\is s<Kia-:ueif Kttiie tl ihe.'ff‘»a> iMJtj. An »;i .thir ewninK’ V‘#»v hy !/>»■ t-\i t♦ >? I’.flS.

( . I l l t'.X rinv I t I.V

O n I r lc / i l io in H ills


j» * i and u Happy Ne v \>u

Bn lhef A, Stephen, F S.C. P iiiv ip ilVh»»Ml«:i Mi. ih t'ts Academ y

I a net 11» * I - j ’ itd>!P, \jm lir" I r a n


V>rd Mr1

v • . V

t(. I *1 1 ii* K.

To lhe Po.jiit,Woidi i.ntpi4 rwpf<M (he

fj fnfc• of the K*vpri{ Uay«; twe KittanH riuli to «tl jhn.e tth»< up ported <*<« Pamakt Jaodn'it? m K'ov, JH l»i t i i ’-srla nr t'>Iheir help h> ^ muny v».#y> |i t9 I I I | r>lht4Mtt ... I-C S ’ ■'.* '• *•’th^ Cimfne.hi^’ H ’m m iI«.%itt Ite H.M*'UUI liUtiUidr ¥ •*'* Ih :

I h i l-adie AiuIHm't* -*f 1V.lm ' r ^ .th . H io litt I tirtiuhii', MbIp. vtoit

JMflwtel, At' I Mlit.:!rfu.-i h Ih p K*-y * {.;»•* «.f hr.-.ta-t s ;.f

Hii'h *>i 1hr U>fkty o^d V»m

S lu n i/ i C o H v c ti„n

I 'o r y v n tm n ii

.ftrsiv H* i1 I !»i hfMe t’«>!'; ,i\ i i'.'intiet 1 "s.O

«•»'» A.ll *...»■ 'flii.) 111 Ir-if -■ ftlj ,.v

• ’ « " v j n

’ * * »* l-! * It ii. Uu' /»mV ? V!>.11 It* tejjf- i>d n h,;h rece-vrd

*•<** t a t«l i1r:r.,‘!r.f

1;»¥ i'* \4\ WjJi hp fu.'ihll• ; • ‘ * « JH ' - . f ( .1

t \ ri- n .. i*rd ir, Jar \t n-t« -*nn(v.-V ,,.IS

py aflrt th< •,*. .= n.i.'.»d.

N m e P o n A f i i t d

h«d tr j **.* an HtUV*d Ifl and $.'•t'.‘>;,i 11 In-.t < \ "h-• tie-'l ’ - i '■.'•.!> ;i <•* nn p llvVf'!

from P * l«n l!n *n In^lev. St«phnV (»em h . M aM rn \)r ,< Hr;,( p* ' • !s«- ”hi tli*» ‘ noir ;«»r.e mi slI'V « .n .•• •< ',v ' -:i I',-,•.»<!» m f> '

<cn. |h , . f V. . i.-f'-

•i:*'1’!‘-I>r ‘■*'1 Vrr-OMil \1 «,!,( Kl tinf'h ~'i .’■•*'• <w rr ; t K»^I'- f r». Jj3 ftrd v>\

• t- ■ , t I ,, M

f* f , 'H i’ -tr,} Sf K‘ • SM'’ IhK, I „-:it 'til n , r-- »|'r* -’

} I >:>} !•;

(vf.ldll A-trj?i! (in n f r ’ ii ■frf d.r-^J S V w ii'in r»Mi.i» il Si*4, .fH ii i i i i

Ka '..'hli *-f i ‘t,' i;l>t \ \]jlau>n M*l*’

! d*. •.In

**♦ V * \

mlifwi- ’i'»d « ; I


i».»tlin^ *»»h»p* to AUl ’ he SvrtnrumI ' ■;11 n i it it I * .(• tt i tu -1 | t-npil^ |« O f> t f t‘«h.(

pt »j:i4in h>< ^ .h i< i« ii%«i^ .i . '.1 - ''■•! *• t'ht \ r**t fvn',-1 M i.'i.t a, 1 <-t..f . a-> * .*»u f.^t att

i.ulmiion »* .e *I t.-tft Ul ■ - . ‘ : . .' •> *<-r t *tif ? '•(»'?

|». • r„n !.e< ft i frtih:<*

..t-t le j

m---. ,* in }Kr r !.

IO,,*. ( ^.p

Federal 1 id Program Studied Hy Board

l- <n!levt *»*»■. i fthv a ie th a i> *P. m j', OiU H*lvaIm « h - « » ( Otd l l f t i l i f ,S.* k . i (.eiMi^fii .M ic tf# .,

K ta , .1 f?fa fX>Ur4 K rV f^'C

P- lia fieh John#i K»*i *r, Jla fh irji l t «

ii, 'Af-i #•}»! }>#!«}vMifmirfi, n*t ii


e !**>;( »4;f r * » * * f Hoitndfl linafd nf I * I. i i mm, wjj? W a t«/i.h<t«t# fat A ♦**! iHi lha H«ly at |>MM

M » *i M f HihMd#t = pi rtjli

jSeven Seek; ivoiH?'uivd f,’wn pa*.**| rou/.\t», " 'lhe Nt-i'.'O t. \r»)» r-- I can Si cn'ly ." He also <■'*ipvd leuiiM'ula in West Side Hivii hi«»f | for sludivs ni ln !e j:)(ato:iu! Kc!a ! lions and Ptc»l*i*‘jn . n Sm- ' i.- t I Dernuci ;icv,

: lie >s a '.u:o S.nuk i.-. odna:*1 i>' Mi'itKiviir S',;U* Tv;!i'1:*ms (

he* M,.!f-;ed r-\ m'i'ks! <• *r«i- •es. U- r \|„siti\

in i«ohl:(at !<•»■ *t<>ni < * n nih;a L'ii;\er.s:iy, N< a i t rk. am! ‘um contp’t'tv i - graduate n>oi-es in ^indaare and jdnilnn.trii’.nm A res.denl of Jr.e Uvansii.p n**rffl\ tlu re v-‘ais. ’if h<rtne;!v of I s heth .Maii!f‘d. ho is :ht' n!

Oa‘ij*hirr lit* :v ,.!so a me:n l»‘T »»f Str;dhin<>r^ ( »*. u ,,t

On Kitiicatiun Comuiiltee

M ;. (» H<‘tt has a l^ i '>■•« ,\ a t.\t

tn fhe t iv u a^.iv a;i«m. »m : i u-ai ly in fhe unit's ed;;<atmn U'*\ He M*»h Mr »>{the ?,M>i N>.iid5 h jiid i’j.' sul- rormmlltv and .\,<s a r .»ftli** uMPni'ttre Uk unestiL'roe f»*:»>■ j- 11* ty tit i • !'*v. .»5uiy * iu- '.:<t • f h .

■ sr’».».|.‘•lar i ,rJ. he ; th»* fa’ ln : i : ( .>u

clv'die.V lit, io . -> a tt!i t Iv Coll'T.e. hi»!uo'V! !hn ?!••«>' v

Maori's !) v f f s .n j»; s ■->t a-i'li. ;. ; II*' •’. ’ ■ ' »«• !*•1 S"« . <*fai •, vf Mr.' iha-'d - * *.n.:;* t

( nr(»» ^’e-.v V< jk Avsi' ,! a :h '.hv '• mi in . .• % ,•

j»i» . M- d i*' »l : «lf ,, ■ ' •

Mil i s - !h<* :s 4 m*Miti>«*i of 'hr '*> » 't >.<

' ’ • »<f t mil } i .lt<

Itf til \«.v « ui! \. K> it'*1 ' v •<>

ftal«»n of i rv*t*c V«n. t M‘d11 Advw r. C\idi» il a i l j»i»:

of Men < ) ,*• ■ > n,r lioeM i it-Jji .'H'.vni ,i! <u,I ermer P;e\ulei>|

\!’ -i f«M t1i»‘ t‘««I •*' i*>

a id \er\rd :m ii '.r „ '■ “f ‘ i.**’ n»iip< ^-niftr rad pla^rm^ ■’•'‘ tv

Hr •*#». i.^i • U>(i‘ i *a ‘1 il* 1 thr

vhim l dUll.ct l |»lc%etd indidtiJS pMH.!ja»t» «n«t t!»e U.iafii •»

:Ai iljf lif!f Msfrird jjtJ f ir fj|}ir-r t*

j ’-:j h»»*> h« tif+'rj B i • % f*i-;*t isf

I .-mi lo»»»)»p tMrr >»•*»!*. ’ !«• * .» tminf* <*f Srw Y<»rk »tte»drd ry.a* v\ =-s U* thoie And hn:»U *, <'>shtiii^ne^ihm Ue»ii»-# fmtp tli# CHv(*} e (if Tfi.h: ih»t»v

I* A pMifrniitnafr,.:; f't i , W ’ t^rrrv t ■ t«tive Ift t ! if i ri«>;s;aitt tf«* ht« ihtrlhrd !i| sf>rt il (iftrt p'*.)f, I# ‘.4 : > h )M!■>“ « p/#ii*et nit *rj,^f‘

11P A !« «■ - •• i - «* * «»f Ht t P ^ d H '** ' ‘1. Ilftilrf,

vet Mrmawt* uf a r*<n!:*(*t to net a l»* al*

mr.>t plant 5n ''p^rauon did .k>1

nt»ike thv Miputawon nU ..t *’■?

iir*;’iiui! eoinj)iLt;on da1**

Sir P-.; d.i:l..iud;*e rh*ii» th<.-n ’ !.*;

i\*,u jr tt'd ,n Mr. tt'Ha;'r.n',»

tha' i »itit'iui'i ii’ 't»n c. ;rc '.':i.K ' a net'di’d M’/vii?' *>u tnv ptd>i: ;i

M^ t>a!>> " ‘ d u 1 ;»!'

o lii'1?' isM*fs ,'n-i ‘ha1 nv a >uid „•> fi ):'!\ d.'so*-. <• tlu '.•■Mra *-'r

ih f Aimiuiits <«./;! !l *•A• *i W :>v !,tM if: ti.ib A L' <i' t i '--t

llo tn f" ‘.rad ih.ii .! >«v!i a i ! ‘t-r,

;;,j*ed t*v :!•>■ .V.:tla*r:’v,

d»-«.*d, ”. h u a c h t-f in ./ r ^ 't aitit

Pa-d'jM ' ;’ .M i he arl: <! r a

>;•. ? [-.I d.»o!a;\ • . V'C >' h' •* i;r*h

fr j'.iidun .if'! K ("' >!*•.'•' 1 <i :,;,h> ’o n.n?ph»fr ! L.»-:r a'j ; fa-(id’jV«!e * p t . fr»r 'hi*, arid-

fd wniK .vhu'!\ irAtvl-.u! tH-r>.d »'n

'ii* : ’ •> :i ...'.ll ••'hr: pf t ’ Tv.rl\ivlll .C.Sal ,!('!"! 1 v*" <V.

Hai'.tn ‘hat Pauu<n .sas im: p .r 'u

da'ut m Iheir jhjsii <iii of Uin^i

rt'ii‘ ,.‘!iu>t ‘>f iv 'utl i.v the a i( ’«''i rf ifu* ,Vi;ho..t\ i '' the .(a 'eu ij.'

order "ios appm l to -pec ;;< d <ha>,!(!({ «{W< A.lh f ’ l

fj (J ;l,t, 1.1» ul!>'!< iii>i int‘iiiiiiii»*d m th< <»?der a^

O.til of It.

he {»*. *> r o le s (3c jj • til 'A e r in o _

iif un Dkhth'^TV* !J*'w-'pti*it*i’ iL*pr;ntod the* aiticU .' w ith thifi

a d d . iu n i : "II a n y u .. . . . f la« !en i> i« the e a r th , re pw it

h im n , the S i ie r i i l 's t-l'lic* a t -ii>‘P. A w lm lc lot o l us h e re

in O l . i a v m il . . m l . w i , ' . . . "N 'o'V . 1 Iv-IX' y o u t h w jm W y

i- in !.vst;un l the iu > ,i'r t.iiH f ot pu tK 'ti: ':t!< "i." t!u ' lir'.v

|o J 7. , L t V! M i i )' J .'tellU. " d l l . N C\ .Sir. 1 a U '.lJ 'S

1'1't i„ W ..rk <.11 Unit'. . . . K i'vp .- rl D e te r t iv e I'V.itik Cn .v 'i)k>

f 'w m ! A .iy '... !,:.:t t:,e h . c ' t ,t « ry - « llin i i tre n d . ■

;r \S'hill'- hh.'.-k .itu! L iu . ’ i im l r-ais i n 'h e jM out.d.'

,l U. ... "T i..- ia " . i n ny t iu it te lls m e ai> l ia i.a t i j o k e . '


T he

i hi I*v.n ui M < r U t.j ' ’'1

Marl lio io

the .>;:{k>m! on urf twhn.Lu’ ih '*■ vvotdd tt«i iit’.lt ir»’.d a5 Mavor

V. „!.(*r < Cruhh -,!| t-,o’.v .1

w.o i^).v.i ;.• :*•f! .id tl AO

nd** tf1.1 sM



Ml ‘.'lt* ■■!>), : ?<>! *



{ • ; : : it'd fiom !'.i>e < h. !i rfr»l m rvif-id ,j?

r *-ntMl Am- >-»•.ffi.iitnu jf 'i.c I 'n : n ‘ 1 ■ P i ‘t H 4 jbatlt* pri.tri f>.» ‘.fd t).' 'jiN» .mm* »-.i ' 1 i !,i .xiwiii,,' !«•

.uns’ i : t ..n t .|i.. .ii jha.'t,Prniveti Apnrmi'tt

! ;i,.n aPn'•■{«*•> K ' ’.I fl• r |! • . '.'

V • ‘-I muiif-s I.f n It h'llii'- ** t. * th *. n \ \ v'.r .• ?:,i’ r .,r! , * r-'^t.IN.'li' p:<■ <* v't S 'k-'.itrd

i i.f N '.rd a; -o *.>.>-»W.1 f... \ i-H !;• '»»

ru ie iiu i tivt- lmii\i‘.« an Love Rd., ;«oHhrtnv i w* >ti*phniore i>v*M‘;v «nr’t

PiHipimuiv Awruvj! wa* sranrs'd p iia^ vf I i.iin/i*) S/:k liilHit.d- P’ ■Mllnhv I»k' hi* pn»i5»*ftv *'T I {<»•.<{pit .1- niton Ihe in

f irc^ i'jrv to ohi^o.i vep jji’r t» ihe iinahif

tak-- a 4 1 '« p! V.:< !!!.• bt-v ■,.«.', e o­

f aart.v -aa« m I t*t‘ wa *

i>«'caiid I’i (it.o \

A *nond tv.t.tina i »»v $ .a’i* (,.ia.'ii':''0 , *•(*•* i.r ro" ,1 '.. ' i lo •.•.-iii’1K .t*. :*n uu: dum '.<> pc. a :i"'s ;i-, , •,••. .1 *

,i; . .>j- * ■ • • 1 a.i.- •..* Iiaii ' a' •.:» it 1 pn -1 "te ti-

• s. tti.Mt'hifl f> . • >’.t ’ I*' } 1 VI h.-\} J’ , . f i d 1* 1, *.»,i.P-rjfc ol ilo* ik’ 1h\* ^'oard ' ii.<* ■ ri •.» \Jh a; va? ■ ru -• ■\\V\

:* ire I at' l.e ‘»ot 'u.n 'a vdd

31 r * t t i - ; ' he .'as lo Sh.? Br»>*'!>■

0-Ar? ’V :er C.j l2-in~h ma a ah-n^

r.*4p»:* ’ ifl tr, I .-ihv,,'i^”(’ ami 'aodld_ j s,. (,i I r ;dcT-^•fado’ (ht MulJh >• \ 1

j a;-« MU.V*! •• i v.

Tr,:> suyt:e.s;:»*.i oae^.

|t»ori ;n lhal il 1 vp-.'se»jp.d .1 iMir*' ):ai> s<* >‘r t,c in line tn MaJ hmi

i .iit ..'kl -Avi.i'd pa>> dnac^v '-‘.rf ihe M ‘dti»wn lands id Jus*vli Hr>

nt-hi. HeiyienMeh*. s rival d«">'dop»

1-r Kr.ia'in’\\ i'.-ad --f !>♦K ’ N, *h« 1 -IV !',I\ «• .! -V.r...,v «ih.d inidv ’a.-.v r'-.idv f«> ‘ '.aK

•*\(; .1 'A .• \ <0 nil- \ aP-r !nr'hr I i i I! x<> ■ X '<t;<;rn nt Pc’l d<eu pu iP ‘1* ‘ -ifjn nraih, .•>>•»»kv.h, =j /mIt a iV- ,|>■. i' m v.oi r Af... aiMMf’v --

up ••at p'.-lt ;? ’ lias -v. :*

h!i!l \ «enf ,\t • >*•

n'-'?c re.jiiM</i

i 1 v 'A'uham K t; r. -

p.tdUr-.i lh.*t tfvitlatt* v:t;K> p. ■ k* • iiC. L.p.Oli '.' j>*a n f

i • s - ‘..‘.at:ii|1 hud IK I a trp^

• • •‘ia

* ‘r a ••’ •» ' > «r, >. aul I .v

n »K


r**U)inno mt*itK»a >d ibtPt-ii Nn'.pi A 5-'* ( i.ile*, ‘A**'! I f ' tn<tKr^

af U o Mauler PUia :ti d.e ’»*Ats %hn». *ho hrtd i ‘ COtnitf r»id"d h.tif a n r ,ol >-*/*i :•) ih** ir.« t». it-' ..>i\ n l ir* i*n.r> t { 'h* , . t;i ..

re sh l- n r^ ’ «-n .( p ^ n ; ,r d

r^rr.fintnilv that *he toanvapv\0ldd ;’«-t .itihtrt'i, ifhniiis rrrreilnMiril ttien,

t h*4 .''.not’ t* nu> *i‘T a a Sfjail

ilu-s.U ,ep nf W»»?tinri . J i pMnulf J h\ T* i r:

rfrld the *oSwi'Vi<**»a

■I«,it d ’m ,» 5)}('0»‘C ft. )d

Hornri t'diojiai ihle lo l alterxlg*

'»lr *Mt**d U■• :< • ' nfihi ,.yt ao.,[if h i in thr * *v !.r\O0O 1 i i*■ >, r i npj. at'k' • lk 1 ik<’f.d^v 'rtiHies \*krd 4h »/ rj'- * 'J t i jr . i ‘ j)'t Mr. *-t\\*.».d !*•••*« utnwp* .!

art** iid-»\i »u»o'j m i.,..' ! ,m itr

l.ex.a «.»»!’■ .ti.t. is u nl .H.ta muihiipiil ?an!i!v

M ii Ceir'.i4 Wiho'i And Johfl

" (M ea led la ''» 't if lt i« <«»■*"• " * •«*»***• fa m . , I ) . " , . , r.l n m H feam m w d* l)cU y

th<.<n#, * , \ I , f,i) s.. HIM ' Mr’ t iiloti.rV, iw nry !

J i ii.inh i 1.1 1 iii/i-n • 1 ("Miinll'ee ' S»*vtr, imclwitinaA O ia M A- »««»#, i n •>/ »»’!■ W<«"

I i f :|, , , , f s,*n rtiu« in.vit»litv tui.i* titijri

(it.tli. is s i . . . i ,! us. »i«ike .irfim tMw j ! «»>i Uu* tu iK i c f v l.>aW

t)fr\ I f f , H'KJ’ f *{. v*|io a r r u v d iv »;;|£ n a n w .id rd and \>.t"r

tlw euufoal nf lo l ^ a u p %ho«! t»p.'. hn H rnaH ii

i .v l f ' t i i a l to x :'! o?^ 4 e ^ td tf tn Vrvin * w ater o v e r f^ .U f lJ ,

ilf i» i»> i«n rn t p in ic U for it and P* fn un « tf /C i.n I r ' ^ l P

a i ik c p(t»vi(h* a SO ft byffr? on lu h i* laio l. as t^hj lie ieh*

Mrte arofiad {hr ^ of h.% land |iut M r, M?»kt»vv*lis j?jv#

' h *•*!. nr< »*(cr ’ j i jn r e tha t I .M i « :-.^a% - t ^ U e d -Nl

a i an r ip ru p u iH u itt of Im U o d lo cUaii oat aad h ^k k ? ‘f

thiioipli llitsf t.Mr*

Wh»^ ih? !< ^ a i rti-AviUit a m u d the I i tK jinn «>f M r Al

ie fta ii, Im p n ic d dte itfsonitjpr IftV-

w t iPipHitiM t m th ^ m ap



Thf yislfl^afl Pr^llKij)! Jw*j, -g J-O'K -!•*!)ha* d*vr5olM’d a o)j-t»rf-n- 4‘

for t**« vtf , t J*7 >#a* 10 M iia l -f I iit* \j)fe plf-.'nrHtary nnd I ‘ * al a k } Kit;.Ifl P = t-iifj i^Pil :rd In <. . 11 . ■.{.,«»

. i trpmgifcin ti.f iiouu»n

I.m rh lldrru \ v\iii . ,• tf •*'?«B’I nl irajlinn • is *• li i : |. r

fi»*-:|tv ft!, ^- 11

{•» '-«i| 'fiuth m.! t ■ ' \ 1 rv • ' 't t '»i f' h?n^*»l •> » f«» «i

K«ve a pm o v f}i*d, lUrrv K l.ttb- fur-d for tale n


• r lfu« lr «hUH »«* of

nvi.ti )r IliH*n I,. P>fliflitt Vr .t\ |td .

\ p..*.'i« W • 'l,r 4 «d *A‘ # f. •• I '-?:i U '•:<»'

'j p! .} > 5 '*>■' : * - V* -?tr‘M-A }s .. « H.»iM.'i«i I'd

M illionj 1 ,ii.l ! '.i*d ft »‘d} \<4t+ L

K ) i'-IX* jSM# *»-'d i pr .y. - l,3! 8 5 :»•<.

im» *p i t U j a -il

luttf Um wtjfH'W il,, . . o\ IrvilC fn foftpa? vafer

f*.n Ui dir tiftf tun r iH Uit 1 (>«an< pt tu lhi‘ ifi-kf».J» Hli! Mrt, WiHinn J» * v m . . -I tilf in 4*ti. J P v ltt

•,(r. r*>e...rc Mr sntvw a^t a.filip., M »iinfnili'it .1* .IV »»i! fiimititmilsf !« .,!• ,i n,,, ,j, ir.i.H»f'l

5«;W;a«!iip VAtt CtiCU fpt*Prlfri a i t • a

l i ’ ' V a iw d i id f i t d tl i» ih

\u ' ! : r k AHiV Mf, >i|4vef U.-lt * P pn * t 5 4*mmo-.o-, !v **| Hnainct* en

1 - rf. fnvidv^t fnaki H: * ''4 a aft j i 11 e di'.tV'pr' to ♦‘ ■ h i-f^aa*. ,(csd taoffUi Ut'm H sU« "aeallrd tbl* had

MtH l*«|i»it- i-i a-.hfq- si-?» m

r . . . . . ___ .. -. . . . . - . » |M>i • * ti-rM B '.d John K a in i i i jr . P ?4 '-V '- i^ *«»»li* lU liH '^d *»f p * ’ t* : t ^ h n •<< • V M-kf.

ariv a» A -!^*»f P <1 a k? ^-ed ih l9 «». !;j» V' { ’ u i* rpl?-1' t.j- jh'J'.U » i* i irf'.-» * t.r . 1 r (; 1 ■ > r d ,i« | j tsrsW^ ftfe IH? f# th»#» V*#f IO i --i • I I * ; i« f l * Jin} :!■>*< ■ •'**!’ . « - . # • * • • • ; ‘

ii.iih-’B ►*>di,*h<« nvin*rj a fP Hf*r1 : l^rtfa(><'r. *’ d j " * " • H I '15

n t* . t * r i «*>< »i n i t l l f t l A iVir j I ! s pi pd *0 1 I id ' |M. • O 111 <. ■ .

h r . • i ^ t i i i ih -d a p**.» | | , | 0 , * {*.,•} a * il-*,^ j / j #h|| h u u p 'a h i ntM****-1 I n If^ t .

'Po ttf't t«<p -ff, thprp vV*ff #t*e ? y i l l h N I I K i i n O i i 11 , t) t 1 . h»f 1

N « ffMWH tiffU H M t. - . . . . . , h i i, f a | » I * dM* t d #»r *|#t (M i u , iV> hn*?» P * « r-a*

WI»roie twhoe jiuv laiipd'.,>ev.'f1st

t)rt r«*ll caii os , j s •• (..■ Ap,-:‘IA ai P»sr«a. * I: -■> a St.Ro*.*«“ t - Jo-eid- P*lf«MWdfJ if.p. »vr M3\«ii M o f fSfrtiMttiKFt. i'-,m •*; lat llt l^ ly unit Mi K»ai s<*:rd

laent*, bv im MidloAn df *|i||’*Mt ol H*P t*?Mff>«ljB*lp«.l U-

* «aiM iMdpa J ‘W #t 11*!| f * tn n«h*r a>ailtaA: ^ Wv-P

♦h« al«r »n-111. .’It r-»| H l .m "'ir Id r

ayil’lA|.ra #«.-»! unei;seh-W .rt a:t(i Athk J f;i>i nr-iw

i i ?- V h'-'d' i n d !»•*

» w '> 14^ '

rt1 hy witmtft'H Maiawaa * iituad f a-.rp pjui«v{

lo t IlKliU the id*'*' 4tf-r,i(l jf h‘e d:Tf>ie«s. m p'tijfMtf'l hi

i r iC U ^ a i a ifl . #m*J! JTM*«P« ! Oft •»> * la

w v./i*. h Mt i hfptfffi #od liid r j t«hldi l ^ lM a f in h?lf> ih fil tlnl tt,H itf i t ' * ’ * • • . . . . <

{hf pti.’-h 71 fa t» '

w m '

fSfM, i* n a 1*11 tP<lIH# (mu'jiI* oval

1i JrtNW'ii* ft*afiai t ? ;’a ' IPfrtjU. # i ifl' H id

aihne ‘t’M*.Mini*, pfitji. ■

cnMHPm aie Pdtadfd I*’ o r * ; * o » ,n of a t lito d # ! |«if»ral»!e *o

thf iliitfl'l h*al‘h '-•'hi*f*« d pi f. IU ien< ! thaHn. |i* M *‘ *>i!


i e I r r " i-'4 m i**n ’* At--' r■ 1 a/*p-'- I 'f vaii*‘ '-Mr rd-rftlHiii Hfjmi }Oi??»t anr;• ptpl Ha«# *f|v hdj(^lv fdd Ut. AiUiu t>id t<'..-idsjR‘ « ‘r*

I f . '^ t ;i»* 1 .-, «„ „U: A, »,?. , ? f. i‘l 1 *1 h, M:»de! i !<0

frw d : • O |t|d A •it i id fe ! p» *J il * r..l .|<*d tti-■ ‘ h*hrl Irt :amdlfl In :|i« p i| '(<.»•' • f r pr

l h ’ % :'(»4 A t r i jpa i *ont o?J of fr«^ j fi? 4i>- ^ . t irftirfciBft

t<, <»f Int IWWiWfi »-tdU frt iPfuNafl, O lfu j Ma

u 9‘- tW,v#M tor tlit t h t i . l l .- rV ’ i* • f ' ' f ‘t •! ♦ I-r» (f ii foa • *i**n Iff <flp%e i it i PI

r«am I* a \-tif of fwn ah*fld tf j - —

•(■I iv thii h»* *wfl. . j N*tke ' h- >* »

>tf Ihe I? ‘ ifl pj|i ^ ^ 7 .*

iM pisntinlf P iij k| •;=>

|« i k*fd ; lHa? ii

Kddpfs? akn

lr>i,,t i

Vtash Hurtf t‘ i y- -■$.

j ;>e f-itP'! ^Pivh'nl af m •* »Pa p.aM- H* A I Ia44a lhal im

V W j* I W«Tuu(?e tflf ««r*r'a *-f \>+ p n& t


iMf.t 4fw*iM it d w w i m u tt* III* St!(<%•! 0»«»i J in iitfjtf-, I’wni fl., Kfffi-n, " t il(■.trtjiims W tMAti. filataliiMi fci (WaW.JtHHlM ii*a» ’* m ivmMt IW M..'...,. j* t r b !*»» p i.w uat ct tl# * itw » , i ^

> ht f in »iInr ;' : i .* •« r-P *i H H U l ' H t

r*’t? IWI! Or |

.......d r i «.;■«$* a •*- a ■ !*■ '• •1*1.1 tM tnv<J Ji'l) l*>^ i f i 'I , ,„ j J,. t • .. 3. '« <•!>.* I *. 11 H ’rfl • - I . I! I)s«r r ’ » • *«rd frf i -1 «*> I* *4<t« (?14I fT»^% n t’ i wi/ iii* C 1 l i ^ " t It '.ov-a a! •* ? > t I* •) • » n


•- *1 a:h a- !


'.f . MI« A. r. ’I 1 :• .... i td ?‘*?e p hxi* T >U ft < I {

l ^ \ i l l M o v e

A. »*1 1 ' a

f,p f t a d -4 I lb- >• ' ?*»- fit ! ’-« f-*s» . «r..i 'f‘*

itt tfi ' a i *iU'V' *:*t

Imm-■■-'fl‘»l a v,«.»a

nft f't*i a*ifd I £ iv<_____ _ ________ ?il»a »i»v

' • • • - . <lfi| rt| j t i J, ffi »t• e •. it;.*-!.;* : r i»r*!i« • |h;** taid^* Hr#- 5 f I « t-a-i) 1* rt7 ¥ •4t1 PHl fat i I *rtA »*#• A T f-*- • ** I * * .*

. \ht frfh\ i f 4 t-»nr* ft.A b|, ■, |fcl|| |J.«» M> «HnI^ J Ma4«

'♦«<# »* M # t -t\lY |M>I M a |m t» »

(rt 4 u » s. k ... I . f. .1f fit ffT* 4 s* • *! <* # :

J* lilt 4i ff It t l«T#' I ?

J***# .tkftUaV ti**

.• ! a • t» 'i-r i «# r d }*-*«»| i al \' 1 A Hm-ai tt** <a* a it

* i = .ff a ' (t* . * i d *n » s * auW tl -l inly rnatlf itV


ti* Iw» >n t '

vl h-lb

. U P


S o d io n *, G ie o t ' f u n


A c a d e m y

d Ih

I.f I***«•* i- ’v

i I ih f i l lW t a Mt* M*t f t *11 <H if t l

t4 , ftl-

Thursday, December 30, (965 TH£ MATAWAN JOUPMAI. N J. P<iC|e Rvtfc

VI^M^^i^V^VV>^VV^V^VVV^V^'VVtVt^fc%^V^'V^V%VV^V»%^^rV%^•^^V-^'v^VV7^^^^.>VWAV^^VV^.V^V6^VV^>VV*VVM»'^‘VV>\■\V‘♦VVM-^^VV^VVVVVVV 'VVV•

C u a S i £ • ? f i■&*.s9 i- Ji U

p , „ . * 9 r '■a «

^Mr, a ii j M i. . Jack iiar.iL antii Mr. anu hiru. Kobvrt tJuti**; „n ; M: .■*-;;J Mr*;. 'Pv»M\a? MrMui-'

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sen/nan a m i; lenuitteu at dinner uu Sunuay. \ rav. Marc W aoJi. ef*'?tU!ned -it ,i i»oi.:; ;v e i e 'Jio Chj ::»;.::ih'-, Day ! Ciucsis wen* M i. and a * r>». R-ahert ; bM'tei <.(j a:: -j*i -ju .' e', e.!:..;*, '

pn'vts of Mr. ,'*n0 Mr4: TVs ' ** Rrition and r ^ ,I(!r‘*n. Sievtvi I were Mr. a ml M rj. Cj'Vie

nwtpfl McMahan. Str^hrrtorr. j end IVrolhy, Kirkwood. M o ; Mr. | McMurray. Tht,* B ronv Mr. a n t i1

Mr, 3«U Mrs. SianliJV Seaman, : a,)<J M i* f,hiyd )>• &!imv> «md i IWr*i. P>h;: M-.Miin.r, and :M i and J :*<-!< Brii1,*.. Mr. are) i ch:!a?'M, and J'lnive !,’ i'i ' ter. C t r ,-i. 'd!\ • *}-'i:j M rM 'ir '

M rs. N orm an Rosenblatt,* Mr. and ! Woods: Mr. and Mrs. Kicii* ; i»* . M is, ciniii l; iu :v t. M..-.* Kath- .

M is , Morton Levine, were the ' arrf Appleyal**. Miss Patricia ,V- ' le«*n McMurray, Vvnkepi, N.V., C’Jir'vfou*; g ve of Mr. and ! <>Ky.a?e, FC';;*.?r! Apfdegale :-md 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ceor/jo Uhrit*. Mr, ;

d-iiu^.iUir, juiiL*. F rieho id . M'..'»s ' im i Mrs. Uni McGr.ith snd ch*!-M rs. W ilt or 'dvrne, Strathmore.

Mr, gild Mrs. Jerry Smith and

Children, H inninRham , A l.i; M is. M*n»{ir*t Smith and M bs P e ^ y

Sm ith. New York, w ’ iv tine Snn- Oay.j»ut.str: ot Mr. and Mrs. M ar­


Susan Hoilnnd, Mi:»:> Mary ‘jyph, 1 then. M :. m\J Mr:>. V demine

New York, M i. am.! Mri. ite tv, • m u dao^lviwi, l.a im e, Mr. and

Wetla, M r and Mrs. Lw Holland. j Mrs. iiun lev fchois. and Mrs. Wil-Ml"s l*.*;inne [ liam l.anih, Myrr WoodiDavid Holland and

H o lland . . I t a ad M rv G r r j ld Weisi;

l,t. j n J M r^. Paul U a rrr ti, Fort ; JatiKhU 'r. A lex a .y lr ii. \\*, , , , j Oev»*r»s. M ass., ar-„ v • »iii?i|» Me;r | ih .M indav lv jo Is at S\>. .nui

is . M a iv K ea ly . Je rso y C ity , j I?ttri;njSj \ f uu ,{ :vj rs V,",;\sion - ;/* T w vm an. 5>li<tMifM.nv.

Jtz-i the ChrisLuia:; D a v Kucst ut 'S c h a i l f ; anO Mr. aad Mr>. G ^ ir j 'e M r anil Mrs. N .n iiun

*"<1 **'lrs- ‘la,nes H«a ’V* s ,-;Uh* Barrett th-b week. and vWs. ............. y l ,

nv>fe- - Alan SiYiitli, son of Mr. and ! and Mrs. Fldv/ard Uavis, Mr


Mr-; v'-i'horino Ornssbv, \: -v.

Y<», k, \\ \ , «i:i• Su.'IM:-;', £•'' SI Oi :'■ 1

so;i m; !r,v .im i JrH .jiiVT , M i. >

M rs. M e- G id u rn ’j i , Sfratiuno--1

M r. and M rs. John K iick . Nk ’ i

vV^O.U vS'.Tt* tlu' Cf) rI.-:! !tld > • >

*\i M r i . >. :*• h.^riiv* Ki:. K

JLfSev Cii*. . < and h, jn d Mi':;, \. !

;i{ j


Mi-c. H.u ’>.1? i : s*.n!--;

at Don^Ia N<*’.. H' t.i'i'

Wick, js si)end':i{4 tlv* v;kmMon a* h->nc of h^*r

;i.» ■ .-y .«n<i { •.

c h u tc ii l i i: l . 1 nt* Iu y iiii/ ju

Ui U'» t.i -'.tr li.i'L-.j )>i!l .Ui

j iy- <i ;O r 1 rl ' ' )V

thf.* ( til'.M’ (Ji'srd. hrisJni l -j

v.-*Vf 3;.n- fvp ln tvr Sfo.;t R-. !»• IMill o/nk'M |'i.*vod <:■*.• ,t‘ \ ' i t ;

•pH'1* I- ,/l 1

•a;Jh o'-

!e*d (f oil* i\W Vv-i

•\\•• and M;

Mrs. Edward Gormley, Mr. and | Mrs. Baynard Smith, is spemiin.

- t»1rs. Charles Aiding, Sraten Island; j this week visiting M j*. and Mrs,

?^r and Mri?. E’d*»vard Joyee sr.. V', W. Speir, Kichmond Hill. Ch.

Bs»7 flid<j, L .I.. and Mrs. M ichaci ] Richard Teatut? and son. Forest O ’Neil, The Bronx, were the hoU* i R aoiv jur, N.C., snen' li»** C’iiri*»r

day oi Mr. and Mrs. Ed- mas holld.iv v/vekmd with his sonwar-i Ju y iv jr., Sirathmore. . jn-l>nv jjk i d;< i M- . am i Mr

Mondav quests of Mr. and Mtb. |Hov.ard Ra'.;n<j DrJam es tlealv. Slrathmvte, were i Mr. and Mrs Ralph W W-iwrl Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fove, Miss j attended a farmlv Christmas dm , of -Mr and Mrs Matrncu Wurt/..

Marion Pays, Jam e» Foye. and ; ncr. ^Iveu by Mir% J . MabeM'n-.vii, ‘ M jri. Wmuls M i;s Nancv R izzan. Jersey C«t.v. j Keyport. at the Clinton rn*i T‘*nj- M*\ An"><* Spilie, D<*na!d Spill.*

Tuesdav luucbrun ^ue:»t» of Mr. ; f,v- jM'-v -v l,s ' * Mnho;,, Brook-

v . n d M ri. EdwrfM Loud, Strath- , ^ ll T ’ ?k i lyn- " T „ ! "- UJV- w o re w r e Mr. and M rv John 1 Mrs- c - «tad turd Urovrn. (enatl), j Kucsw of Mr m Mrs. WalL-v

Mudilevi, MordsvilL ', Pa. M m Miidre.! eu2 u« ( rtVso :**. Mir.- Woodsj Park. Ga.. spent the holiday week- j Mr. and Mrs. Hem v Ki»-ch!:

, and Mrs Al Caruso and Mr. and Mrs.

G cor i'i* Suciro, Str:*th.rno>v \wiv

the Ciu'ijtr^.is lrv?» of M*-

a n ! Mrs. George Tvvynian at open;llUllSL*

Mr. :*nd Mrs O lio Hnitflman

Hu;)}in;;roi> I. J.. and Mr. j .id Mr-;

Tho.f'.:i.> Sf>icj, I>v.side. L.l. v/crt1

fhe I'»av dirmor -

Mr. and Mrs. George Gorreli,

W heeling Vest Va., were the holi­day weekend guests oi Mr, and

Mrs. W illiam Gorrell.

Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Crowley,

Mi<s PejijiV iMahonoy. and Mr, and

end with her brother-m-la.v and ‘ Mart Woods, wen* th«* hoiidav di.i-

sister, Mr. aud Mrs. Howard Jones, jner ^:iesrs oi M u Vim.-ent VV'.uti'Guild ul ‘ . u ii/ L u r ; Uruoklyn.

, copa! Church will meet for sewinj* and Mt-. Arthur’n,1 Wednesday at 9: 15 h rr ; New York : Mr and Mrs. Walter

Mr. and Mr< lac A, Cushman : M snd daunhior, K jthv

were the Tuesday guests of Mr and Mrs. M arlin Tos^tto.

M l and Mrs. W illiam L\ Ludi und Miss Mary Barbaia Ludi.

Summit: Mr. and Mrs. Richard j iViV“ r. Avenel, aad Mr. a iui Mts,

Mrs. Patrick lluxiws, hlizabeth. | were the Sunday dmmtr guests of ■ and Mi»s f«Ktv Dnnplr,. O 'a.i^*.*

' ** ' ” * ' ! Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Walker jr., > wt*re th»r Christmas L):tv ol1 a a ton'j h, N.Y. ; M r :ii"i Mrs Char!,»s MarPhet*.

; Mr. and M ri. Camillo D. G e rt,i'e 1 Sfra*hmor»\

| en lo rtihvd at (li.iner on Chris?- ( Mi i< Po-.<» L»tiu» and Mi-*-* LH* j mas. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. jlian Lotim Brooklyn, ar«* spend­

. j Dame! f »**nt(le sr., M i. ami Mrs ' Ini* tlu? ;v<vk as (he guests of W illiam C. Ludi jr , Edison, were Damc» tiemue (t. ami son. D ja .iv , ; N1r. and M;s. Richard l.a^emann,

th*» Christinas Day quests of Mrs. (Red Bank; Mr. and Mrs. Paul j Strathmore.L vd ii Wallin*. i Oschvsald, Rumson. ; Mr. Mrs. R .cnard Lrnlev

Mr. nnd Mrs, Worstlell Pear^nn Mr. and Mrs W iliam E. Sn»ilh 'and children were the Suntliv

entertained a t dinner on Christmas ! i t . and children, Billv and Kim, I guests ol Mr and Mrs. Hail Bain Day. Their «ueUs were Mr. and ; v-ere the Monday evening d in n e r ! es, Phillip-sbur*.

M rs. Donald Pearson and child!en, ' quests of Mrs. W illiam K. Steiner, i Mr. and Mrs. LdAard L iu e ! and

Don jr.. Scott and Jean , Living- \ Bergenfield — ........ ..

ston ' ‘ “ ................................... ' *


a Ir.. Scott and Jean , Living, j Bcrgenfield. .children, Strathmore, att™W'1 ■ ! i i n d i n i ! lh^'iH.7iUn-< with lie’r'u ir-n; Mr. and M r.. Jam ie C la rk : Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tosctio ana I birthdav celphraiion m honor of i ' , ? ,1 daughter, Dawn, Livingston; {ton. Mark, were the holidav dinner I the 60th birthday of Mr. En(; f ! '< ! jr’ , ^ ..................................... '

K. Pearson sr., Fast Ot«:tKr. IKueats o'. Mrs. M antaret Smith, ifa th«r. Or. K'alter E nw l. O ranne ,' n , . , r i„„ t1 « « . t ‘ M..... k .. Ul* ok il.trun af rU.i Iwiniu A lr- ,,n 5 ;' IrS V.nan*, » t

. M i, ami M r . V

' S

. c.>. ' .tl :' vjk<»r, I; hei pur

Sm ith,

: M r, aau M ix . [ Ju in ld l.if.vis inm

.M r . and M rs h, (h a r !* : .

ar.d son. f ’ta r liiv vvt-re iho S .in Jay

| quests oi M r. anil M rs. .1. C l.ew ii,

. ll, P ia iiii’ieid.

S’liuiay r’,u'*st'> o: .Mr and Mrs.

Charles IV iri.te v.en* O i. and Mrs. l(K*v.h C. Be»es and t'hildrfn,

l l ’.m!:r»Kd«>n V-jlie*'. P;<. and Mr. and Mrs. U .iny i,. I ’en ine . W ind­sor, Conn

Mr, ^nd Mrs. Charles T. r o rey.

Jael'.scn Heinh’S, L.L, were lhe weekend muesli* ol N-r. and Mr-;, V.'iihnm ^innn.

M i. and Mrs. W. Rulon Sinilii

entt’ i t.lined Ji j lam ilv reunitm dune* o;, Sunday. Guests were

Mr. and Mrs. Kati C 'ans and fam i­

ly, Hatti-'id, Pa.; Mrs, M ir iam ! N’ wton ai’-.i farui-.'. Wris’un^iun;

Mr. and Mrs. W iiiard i -uiev and fam ilv. Washujc!>>n: .Nir. and Mrs.

ILmI*..*if M in im us and ta im u ,

Kea-un... Ha Mr and Mrs. O r­ville Warnian. and fam ily. M iddle (<nvr». Wdliam <‘o'.s»nfino1 V».*w

York; H:ii Whitman W nthin^lon. D C . ;i rt fl C!*»rk W h^i'iij-


M i. a;iu M r i W il li j: : ; '| jin r . arr.l

c h ild .en and M r. and M rs. Charles

T. Corey, Jackson H eigh ts . L .I.,

•..ere the C hr is im as D av «i:esi.s of

M i tsnd Mr*. NVdlian' O m nn st..

H neluow n

M k s D jr e n h'nes, a s iud^n i at

C u n i» rd (y ile ^ e . West Va.

uiiiti'. i:: ir-L-


vith themMii t:( I'’; ■ i 'l 1.11 f . I .e.!. f.U!' V 1.(1 ji Bov Scout f.aiendar Im 1%'J pre-

senled bv the K irmers ami M--: chants N ilional Bank,

j At 7 imm. O i i s im is l;.v«:. :he ; Cub* :r:»*t :ii the ehui'Lli for

• ri i i:t! lour v'. I'hrisfrna^ e jrc ;;;’.'.' H'V'M 'lit'- t<» i'n»* iet>ot o;' .­

( i : - iv. (t 'rr '.s v. »ii* D.iv •..; j;i-l ; im.-i-s 'i'1. j i •l*.,<.!.• 1 i»r Juuu.viii.: urJivyJ'Ki! j.v.»."U : v\ere i>r<,.^enleii Under tne Woiti);id;v. I' 1 ' •

'.u\v'. ,i:iu.v,. Juhn 't-ho il: :n i . Titom;i-> , «me ;ima am! kh-

; sdv«'r vino’,% eath Ch'orfie M'.'iule, om y.»:d J :To\\. ^'hdrle-. M.‘rr:-.on. *)m* Lj*»!-! •hr‘,M i;-’ver ;nni-,u

• Und*M' tm* n-’ar had/,'*, I’an! i *t:*»j p j >")li <>;•.,• fold and one silver tr -

! ov\, Robert Imh:*', one .u-

ro'.v a:id M;vhae: VVn^iu, one .v;­; ver arr<NV ind »"i^*veai ;>m

•'-i (Jiu i, ' l :i • • «n::

• tfr.itnlaU-it .Joseph Km in hi: i<.n.-

! ple'imt nis VV«*btdo> iM ;m n^. I,>

, seph will be j member o! H»k Seoul I UK);) !n m:k ! i < < «* • * *

the Ano'.v ol LmtU al tt»e U“ \l fl.i

meeting m 7amnir.

Kt*»ie**hnienl> >sei^ j c i n ’.*.

and M f .. CcorjtB 'V jn « , Livins- New York. {Riven by hi* children, at tlw home , , an<i rhilurt-n Am itvv ill* I tSion 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold G, Deitz. ! ot Dr. and Mrs. M arvin Sttnn. Kdi-1 '.r;, n" fn im iu1 ' ' ' in u w rn . . L.l..

Mr. and Mrs. C lifford Pettersen Hagerstown. Md., were the holiday (son.*nd children, Susan and Ciiff, Sea-1 we»'kend quests nf relatives in tht*; Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Lagemunn fcrd, L .I., were the Monday dinner , aa*a. | aud daughter, Karen, Dover. Del.;

Hi’C.'its ot Mr. and Mrs. E dw ard ! Ricky Bartett. son ot Mr. and ; Mr. anil M ri. Joseph Repetti. Mr.

Loud. Strathmore. > Mrs, John Barrett, freehold, i* * and Mrs. Louis Loti to. Miss Ro -»l*Mrs. Lydia Walling entetlamed 1 spending severj' days as Che Liusr Lotiio and Mtss Id fia n f.ot»ro,

St a Christmsis party and canasta | jjuest of Mr. ;ncl Mrs. Gcorne ! Brooklyn, we* o the Sunday ituesn

on Wednesday afternonn. Her Deitz j o f Mr. m d Mr>. Rt^n.vrd Lane-

guests were Mrs. Harry Wells. Mr, and Mrs. Johns^’i ^ ir ta .i ' m in a , S lra ’hmore.Mrs, W illiam C Noddin^s, Mrs. [ were the Sunday Rue>ti i>t Mr and* Mr. ami Mrs R r d w 'i

W illiam Lamberl. Mrs. W. Rulon M 1?. Thomas Thompson. H ieh* 'and thildrt*n wer? the hv>lidav din-

Sm th, Mrs. W illiam Burmester. ; lands, ' ner j*uest> or Mr and Mrs Jam-firs . Rudolpli Fraebel, Mrs. Albert . Mr. and Mrs. Max Ashley and : es Kemmerer. Eastoa. Pa.

Abell and Mrs. Robert Butler. ■ s».»n, Elliott, The Bronx, were lhe ; Mr and Mrs. Jack Batst. Strath*

Sundav quests of M r. and Mrs. • Christinas t)av dinner jjue^n o f ! more, outertained at dinner on Sun-

WorvdHj P«*ar<on vs\«re Mrs. C ith- • Mr. and Mrs. Ihom as McMurrav, ; day. Ciuesis were Mr. and Mrs. n in e Kirkland. Mrs. B Welch a n d ' Marc Woods Stanie1/ Seamaa ard, RossMrs, Carol Emery, Bethcsda. Md , Mr. .md Mrs. Thomas Ciflne, jand Lon, Mrs. Leah Seaman. I hr

Monday even inn quests of Mrs. | Strathmore, entertained at open j Bronx; Mr. and Mrs. L ou i^ i tyd ia Wallin'; were Miss Pain- • house on Christinas Kvi». Their !B .ir tt and son. San\nel Max. New

cia who has fust returned ; wests were M r and M n . Latv-jVork; M r and Mrs Mnrvia Wain•fter sludvins voice for twv years , rence Conlin. Mr. and M rs. John 'an d sims. Allan and Jeffr»»v, Hru*k-

in Munich, Germa.iv; Jo?«*ph Ba^- ' Budi'lnvm. Mr. and Mrs. Iheo- I lov;n, J ia M k Well* i'otashner,

di, Pords and Dr. Phylhs Ba^tdi. I dore Carrillo, Mr. and Mrs Stan- ‘lhe Brims. tSeat'fe. Wash h“»’ B.'Jif Mr. and -Mrs. Herbert- Mt% !\**.ief.»k No!*!--*:.?rrl.*;n-

Mr and M is I.. E. Krebs and Goldstein. Mr. nnd Mrs W ilU iM je d a ! uiivf'lii,<>n le-id-^e o.i l lu i . '

M i, and Mi.;, W. A. Kreb*, Strath- j l.evenson. Nlr and Mrs u i^ r i ' iu e dav i ;.ii>*f % .seie \lns > at!'

piore. i 'turned ho.m* on MoiuUy U ’ai rus, Mr. and Mrs, La\vre;n :■* ‘ cr ;n •• M<*l>»ina!d M i l * ie: aul

alt.M spendln;*. the holidav weekend Weisherj;. Mr and Mrs Sei I.n and Mrs. Evart .•» '«> the j:ucsts ot M i and Mrs. War* j Frederick. Mr and Mrs. Courtivv , nuesti aitfielm** w e t

re:i [hm t!d“>on. Avon. r«mn • lladikH’k, Mr. .ind M is C L u ; •. ! Mm n v Tojil. N’ t ^ 1 v S cm*

M r and Mrs. Ri*:vild C ilc! 'i j 'h f (\»n»y and Mr. nnd Mr* .lo lm jM rs 1‘ m. »'Jan. Mi'* !(ed«':i' rad children, Crau: am! Rhonda. . Qnitjlev ) D t * d e ! ^1-' C h r h- S*>hj

lladikm Heights, were the Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Everett V.'titismi , innn . Mrs T iiom i. VSVlst-Md '

tn d Mnndav ot h**r iMiont.t. ! and < hi!\!re.\ Sirali.morv1 n ’ \V>!l< n:. I* Ci.iu: I ' 1 '

M r and Mrs Howard l*‘rdmann. , F riJav at the Metro^'l-i;* n M t- L • rt* ^Mrs J <»hti lansev, was tlo* S'm- seuin of .-\tI a n d d i. ie d .il me M s> h a u 1 K*».i : '> \ ' " ,h

da> , .u ^ i o l h f mothei. Mr- |! : biro R *'^1 ■»,ar»mr. New V^rk M is S im H.m,;o» \ \A ii-. «heuN-,lw YM k Mr <*nd M is Slani*.*v l-.ib.-Ji.ik. Hhv/ ! ! . NfV.v anu M..u m N

\tr a.-id M f ' Danhd P Mdt- r Slralhmore, had «■* ixe<'ke;i.i S tM ^ io ’""*. .nl-'ad-d«i*<i chil I: .mi. M .i'lU iro . M »S' , ’ .'tifsts Mrs M jty K a ■»» i, iim • l w .h-: n» i > ■

Mr. and Mt> Geranl I’.'-n*;t« .md u ■»»>••• •* i ' ‘‘ ,f * l!

son. Gerard. Mr. and Mrs \1.- -mi-; N> a V-».k Mtdmkoff sr. aud efvM't*u, S i uK Mr ,ntd Mr-* 'M )'f and Ka;,. Scranton, J\» M? ,iiuL dauc.iitei, M-**- 1 nu

M iv N hch jd Mi’lmkud |r Ho n - • h*' h '"> L . v.t*

ton. Te<.. and Mi .hm1 M i , ’ n-.-.f Mr nnd M n Rol.

cent Fabjshak, M i1.ia in S ia i 't i 'V f- V

M iss iM otm vy ( 'om j>h‘h ‘s

V.oursv t / ( .o Ih 'j f i1

Miss Catiieiine Mixmev. R !:D 1, B >x 207. M jta v an . is am nn ; I.i

craduate nurses h«ve been

^ < (t awarded ceriitr*•.*:•*> foi tO inD fl* i ia>* a I J-we»;k course on uu* * * L. - ■ ii

, j u l.i

Wd-Ri*r»* tiu* iutlid.iv weekeinl

Of hei parents. D i un J Mi

liam H Pen,:* !M i'.’. Stephanie K rdnuim a sla-

<Jem .it L indem ood CiilU?V.-’ . -s ‘

{ '!.» 'I v->, 'd'4. i ' «P'*ndtnj? t?i • n *> dav s j« ;iuon al th- home or h«*r

p ..,;! ■ i Mi , U.» haul l-ad-n im-<

M i. ,ir».| M t , I { W-*,.* •!

V ...,. tr - * , M. a-»d di '

♦ IkitlM.i (..« Hre\ W d iien h *'.!>a'-p. t lv.*f**•' tiinn-T on ( h u ^ 'm .n

|'\> ,»i;* !humi*v>n, ^e^f-

■ «;iiJ ;i • !hi* to!, Us s -1*1

ju.! M: s \ . ank'.n


M ii

;!*•* i hi n'the V it

y«.l*t l •*n*e| ,

» , f / » >!' )')d s' t .it ’ »n *;i*.

•\e: d -N *-t O-Ick I-m

• >?,» ^'i.trl4\ iiiir*<u Mr *nd

Mrs. W illiam Qmrn i.Mr. diui Mrs. W:Mia*v. C N'«h1- I

dinj*s and Miv> Saia ii ^iuddin^s,

wvre the Christinas Day quests ol :

Mr. aa J M i.i. .lames N’oddin^^. i

W a v u e Edwards, C hif.vod- Beach, sophomoK at M ataw an. Renioi-il Hi£h Sidvnd, ?nd a .sea­man in the U.S. Navai Sea ( ‘adets, :

is on a four-day iru ise ;Vi»ard lhe

reserve desfov-'r l.! S S. Bristol.

Miss Sarah Ni>ddin»;v, dauunter ol Mr. and Mrs. W illiam (\ Nod* dm^'j, .»rnv*«d home on rb indaY .

to s,>'*.»d th- lK>ndays with her

pirenis She works und»*r VIST A

(or the Ktn^s CoMuty C\»m.Ti';nftv Action Or^amcaoon in Uanlord.

CalifRonald Gcr’ufsen, so:*, nf Mt. and

Mrs. hnjii'M Cm tl.Msi'h. and - j Iu ih*nt at East Strom^burn C<il!', -*i S tio jd ‘»!*.i' l ’a . is s(K'iul">w !:■»• Iu>iid.«\ v.uat;->n a; the hm.if ot his p .u rn t'

Mr% VN id :jin (K .iv-a” •*’ , B.»\

Rid****. I. I . vpeiu t’ • V-ivk-\'i i .i. the ituts: of her *>*n i id d.i i>,i,\-'

m Uv-, M j;i I M,- » \K r i . 1 ’’ "i

wavMr* W»Hm. .ve-lM-i » ' i

I. 1 . i> vpend.n*! ! ii s a e -k

em s! of 'd r » \; . a a.i;i i

M r, Ed-.vm H lk»m!’ ! i.* M' and sl. S ’•s.!

H i ■ tt IJo->t'|>,i K.ii.1 ;f'k . i *:i

MlS j ' IS'vh K I' : (•>'.d-M.t l? Il:.v.,n ’M- .1f l . d . l , i s ..............- I - ; » :h .

I f f* n* .1 . 1Mr I (I Ml s S.I 1 {'■

Mi*is 1>*1 S»'iic»‘!n, i ' i . 4d 1 i'a rk

i Aspccts o f Nursinii” at Un><m

Mrs. Richard I razicr, c e n t e r , instructor *>f student, icalch Mrs. Fdward Keye-.. another student

Ue^initinj* DiesMunkiiig at the Matawan Coinmun»iy s«*w on her holiday dress at tne machine.

Adull Seh«H»l, Inc., aivi Mrs. lohn Hrvne. leti. m

Holutjv dresses h.T. e tnei. 1 'n CUvi Lutiucti>r | inaknii:. other htomcm’ kma anJ

pleted bv the students of The Mat- Mrs Era/ or. a resident of Mat- j lam ilv courses to be offered m th* f npsniuniiv Aduit School. Lie. awan, ha» 4* Baihe.'or v*f Sctenie spring semcstei are i'aitonnfi, dui.iiLl. lh-4 fir>' setii*'Stei, v.di'Ch Divvee .0 Home ! ; - h - n .t .n t •.»:i. Kashion Design Interior Dicora-

has ins. ternima:cd. Si*wir»» class- Diexei lnstitme. She has l i veaiV turn. Slip t overs and Draperies,

is v. :i! re .li ne m t ' ** spm i’j. se n expeiience in Ada!'. P.duvaiion : Partv (*tK>kin;*. ProbhmM in Early

ost'T which starts Jan 31 and which orupnaied in an emergency. Childnood. and Landscapinj’ aud

fashions tot spun;; aad summei When her mother faded lo return ; hardening.

from Kui'jpe in lim e lo conduct, AlUva-thi r. .16 comses wdl be of- her class m Adult Sc a m **. Mrs. fered in the Spring Session includ* Fra/ier t^H»k over at Tne Up|X*r jnj* ArU ^nd Crafts, Avocational,

JunivM C«ilit;<t*, Ctaitl'iiui '.j,.-*

M«WiieN a ^raJiiat*? of St. Mar> >

High Scho..! fxHith Amlx>v aii i

Perth AinKiy Genera! Hos,"»t^

School of N u :s : i^ r is em i’losvd bv Rahway Metmu.a! Hovpiiai.

The co jis^, ,\h, . i.

U> inform graduate .ruses of their

resp\)nsi!>il.tuv» a.»d r*wiu< in vie v of the im -M itnn iu.':it»er of m i '

practic** ‘■int, aivunsi ail m*'t ' i i

Hraeiniou-Ts wa- tau;d>! •>> ! K*p

utv Attoniev Genera. Nonna.) [>

Weisburd. \Vf.*tfield Mr. Weisb;ird wtK» is i\»j i is **i to thr Stale Con’

m :s‘ ioi:er of H.m KIi , !i j > at

R o lle rs I iu .>rst'v and U \ *' 11

Jun ior Coin-.;*

H r* smfv**v course* i'«»v'ifd tie* N urse> Pra. \et, « :n

to nurses, .vills, d v m / d-s 1 n itions,

{',if!>. V;** t • ’ tl it .a! -

tween nu >•* .rid "Ut'1;' med.v ii


will he m u l

W hile the studen t* were proud ly

d u iila v m i; thei: ho iiuav U re ss ii,

they were weaim ;* d ay tim e dress

es, biou»e.s and sI-jvis * ’had m ade ca tlio i


Mis, R irhau ! Era/ior, instniClor.

explauu*d tliat the Be^tnnm^; Dress

akin*; (.'ouist* im iude^ tiie funda- mentaU o- ba-.i-v J : . >Mivikinj: ami

the o r je c t use of ;»!! de* latest

models of sewine, ii'aihiM.** a:i !

other m the se.sin^ depastment v. the Matawan Regiona

H mIi S r

Darb*' Adult School. Upper Darbv.

u l , *l,c * Pa. She conttnu-jd in iritv

lhe f iJ ! unM moving lo Malawan Pre>ent-

Vocational ana Technical. Com*mt»rri'»t :»nd Hus»0 <*ss Porei^n*

R!»a««. General Education, Health Iv. she aNv) substitute.-; at th? ’ and Music. Tv.entv houis of u-Strathmore Eiorneniatv School

M i, I'ta/oM- is oiiice m atunei for Crane S;ip;>U Co. and the cou pie hav** im

jr.. lf>. Ja i'k , H and Anne. #ii»ht.

M m F la tte r makes all th-* clo.he* lor her daue.luer and herself.

In addition to Benmnin< i>iess

struction ar*.» Riven at 111 iwo hour

classes on Monday or T hursd i/........... ...... .........evenings, schedules to be arran^edl

children. R ichard ' A m inim um of ten DupiU is aecei* ’ sary for a class.

Brochures can be picked un m advance of the Jan , 21. 2a and *!6

ro^isiration dates al the Matawaa

A wards For Cub Pack 93I'ub Saun l*a» k H’l. .vjtr^aiis uie

l e i ’ntlv held .in a '.sard n ^h i and

f a m i '!i|"»:h m , p u t > ir. t!ie *.Viita .v;'- \!*-i-i 1: *t t h.M «■;; t ah . . . . , 4 . .,

par ( reu M < 1 ; is: ma , C '* ’ ru; ■

makiau nnd Imermediatc Dress- [ Regional H i^h School. Atlantic

Ave.. Matawan Fuither infor­

mation may be obtained by writing to James G. U»nii, Dtr<*Ct*>i, cA>

The Matawan Rational Hi?h Scho^

or to -%frs Budd Slieeslev'. orefi-

dent, Main St,, Matawan

Earlv inai; reuistraiioni. mciud-

le^ isuation and tuition fee*,

aie ur^ed.

l i r a i n i i i ’x T a k e P a r !

I n Y u l e ( ' . u r o H n g

Kaimt Beam la rn j Gaiisinan Kathy H am s, Siean li e'is Natti\

I.evoi. Kathc vta^hei, Wefid> Me liowiin, Imjrid Maikus, Debra Mil- ak, ind t i i h out Kur. \'ra'ike>;.

U ’n u i f l ' r i l h 1 im lh

1*1111) H in d i tig i ’u r ty

. m*«' von ui'Mn1’.♦ i an-J M i * t->

j A n- ' 1^‘n .1 al h - j i , . . * . ‘ i

1> i . t I I ,

I i

With the


A' 01

mas ki ' s •■*. ete tlC J lTMM! > S’*! , •

* if !!»'>>«> l\vA nship S:o:it


.ir-,1 i

j Newcomer?]

11!' !

. ' . I ' - A 1tr Mr* ’ -ii ( ■ i

Ii...,. ('‘..H.t■m II* 'he B H- b t V-. M ‘

1, w ■ i/ at•« iu >i i. li* 1-1 1 i'i’i'i ’

M -e--' ,*!.t i, a -ie Mi i !«• !,>

p .*". t*--. M- •i ***' • s

,'■ l i ! 1l . - \ r. *. J * • in i ‘ t1-, , Stj it?i■’i<m * 1 at’'’-- M ii i '• i n

I ' ' ' Mi v.*Me ti:vi' is »e>l MM 1 t Ik

l.l . i* '''Jh* »> a ?;>’»<* ra ISM/ f ,ti! Jmjm *b. ». ■:d r 1 M 1 ie! |.•v. H../h ’

, . . . , JUd'lf iim:-, ; ir•. le S'«r.-s.

Wdii m« ham I im* Su

ami \P M;*,


fxatiy To Itr lit /if On ! Mftttnran l*hty*r* /ttt

Citm/mritioii Sht»p/t!tt^ ! T«» livg in Kfflt tirtitl

M ^

|h‘M \h • ■

s II- «psiia \a I • ||:|<i \U* J ,

|»m . v.ei<- mv‘ wcrkend ol Mr and .'.is J , C 1 . ^

p. 1 A rallyI t Weliiel mid sen,

ji •?,* *‘ c Sui.dav *?oe«t% of

M m i*i >vils< >Ne»^vl, lhe Bionv

M, nnd M t» W.ittoi ivn- t ... .

| vl f 11 f »*r - aw e Ihe ( hiuln- •' f .»? M t inst Mt> vv

liehli AlulieaMili, iS 'im Pe‘.isai< s«<mI Jlupk.m 'Mtu of Sir &u.\

M u Stutkfnn 4 jtudenl

• < | f.M -*li r»*sl P i* i(a raU‘»» ,

^>11 i*-». • - “ '»•*' il- 5,“<fv,* tl lh^ rtf Im p j i r H *

W illiam 1 ‘. Cm ile, of .Mi

« t.1 Mrs I dw »Ml W < un-<* C;i’U* -• ..ui*.? ih-i herk. ht Mf *od

M s. Uinr-« -Avvinitr*. *f‘»|u Mifl«»

Mi *ind Mf* |«.ihnM>n f a tt.i .1 , , -i Mi 4 1 n d iiJ iiK fih .nh . Wo.-. t

|H *• (■ Ih- ‘ I"*-.t ,( ^ir a ni Mrs i d * 4 l d . ^ ^

^ p*-or A Npid

|oui*f rm t'tta^nfd al J t«r-* ifut iihdu# E ie n i iv U W *h |ti c->

*»n! M?« Haiph

A Senate m,nnntt**e h.n fm -i.

: *d th* 1 h ii!» i' l ’a kaii; i,; Ui1:

• lh.- ! .v* .? V-.‘i 1 l>

I t‘ < V li..

n.M- 's..m> i rn o d

it 1. ! ,

I. .-I.i

1 j


t’i't iv hi

fm M.

I ,

open to ill iv->iji- 1 “* this iire.i, w,|| h,» f id d o . i M. nd,»'.

Ian „M at •* p n- .» «hf srtith

more I liMiientarv S ‘ Irml M ila « a 1 l>!' • .le-i** \5 '■! ?. 11 *f ( 'i i>-.ijae- |{i>[hir'v V um .’ ?• • >■, • |

di*«'o^s im.s 01 vi>»* iM'itn u«tl

ho.. \o help C!,HKt«-»» vi t > 1 k j f {*•»•'slatpj* m

Mr» Arten** Hoihm m , tif Nati»*n-If 1 IA . I . , 1 U . . ,

Im I'.itPa- t.'J j ! V,!. v*l I ;ui fe -thr| i ' i i ! ip if >< id | ;> . ■ l*r r-i

inlnl^O.Mi rb ir .i* .»>i.! i r f ; p .-ini - ’ .

and d •= ».* ad. I - ; > 1 !? * i 1 1 .

; \ntft 1 \\ iii.* d i l i . v i ; I'

l Olf • * jtf-i ’ .

' 11-mu*

*■ T 1 W;e H<*', S;h* -

{« -.* 1: -, t ’: l! !i ' . . t Iti , t*) ll

< eh... r >m*.; t*«* t»^ Ih u id Si Si !»•**<

{h.ima* Asb * a ui M u l*Jtrjc i M»tf Mt pr*»dMeit«»n jii.m ie«*i 1

let sjt jt.a-v*

St.! 1 1 M-

Hill v i 0 / \h

o.s V

■ Ai\ d, W II: Sru- |<

! «M>'■nd ii,*

ire! Mrs

:. B»*i enjieid. .mei tm.vts o!yV I S r f l , j.


:. Oi.-,n t »\ • I-I.* .!.•

1 da* s .is ttrM ‘ • t . ‘ -

. Mine

anit \|s» \ J M o rfi­

fe th*- UdidiV di'inrr yueitv in I Ml v* < f

>{) I 'iJ 'M i ^ l 'd r. Ce*»?;_>• i

'•r , (*e^*f.?** Sn‘ :ih I? a 1 1

vjiii'st, \fi\s .■» te !'■<’, h i.s i_

D i^au t ' i . . were the Chr^tn* is

D j> d.a '-’ r I’iie iH ei Ml d , f '

I aifsNliss l.uitla W j 11. Hh'k«vd r I. f .

M i *m i M u V’u i.n I-’ *-Mi,

on lU\ .M

A i. |et»n o*« *1

,1 Ikmi. a^t ai.U *-!•s v, e’come *»* 1

wdi Ik* hvl I f .eiW«*.lMi*sd.l\ st ithin-'tl Itrtu -vs '

St , Ke\ |»*. > I 1 f I'tf. pie.lve

Crt.i.* I": S - .'1, ' a in

C ro d if C o n fe ran co

Nnn-ni ( om>

•e !►,; ..*

e He »e ' I a '' ■ ’I ’-.- !>'•- ! ••

!,fsl an t »h-r-.

;) in r

•a.* ». 1. V IM I»' •

.-r.ii n a

Mins l l n u n i i ' i l

1/ " . ' ' i c c < l l h " I ' t i r l x

' < 1 fv'T.M'.t t 1 l.l,- ., 1 !-. 1« : 1 * . ( • ' , I hr I'i me. !i I > h e Snss Co'!.».-»

Kii.f, \ II/:C 1, ‘ le . 1 f I i' l« k k.; 1 111 *: 1! r i;1 a I r 5 .'» s f /; » |» i > 1iy -.j (>•-, I A--,a...s •, .li monm v»* I «rdas him ,es

' ■ \•»f . .. M |. ...» weie distnU’.iled lo ne<vlv faind.oi*1,1 I» .r ; .• ,. Ut ?V M»m r . . ‘ e .tn I 1-M-nir. !*■ •• ,v Vll: *a*ph !«•>• st-‘ i a ad Mr * I, > * ran­

i hiiM .nu m i « vi..-. i.v k,,'‘ K'-'1»H-‘ ' - * '* : : * ' i - . " * ’i .iM j ' ............... ‘ .....i|a;v«. I .te */*1 I i .r, aift'.-.-J to p?«•»:? ,'.i :•» ail tr t 'm! l-.-i,I libs e\ !i.t!i,:i'v! •:!!*. j:;,; p;.*se*i! J ! '{

ed pai.'nS vMtb ?•' tl- -nd ( i.slu , : »«.*;-1 • - «.* u,,» !e-

sey Utakei-. «s «p r ip UMrs T't»ma . i »>*il **d l*«*ld WeUnesila^ and liia i.d i',

Her if-.t^r.aiM i j . i j .sa*. j^iven a l i b J .ih i I *•*►•»' a» l lu 'u .unisui^ i her- m n '^li.'ejM is! si\ ||aii ( uv ! 1

vro 's s-t • ** a, i } -e fnoiiKi .im.muv *1 ’>x ^^h>r» ! r ‘,.-I |1..,.|i',* '* »r jtiitMU, .>.:!» *1 i'll It*1 ’' i m V ' ' l " . " , I * l . J ■

lh‘1.1 V- *M:-*'s.: i , ! .1 ■ Si . Ass-I fl'.'H Co: i *u *u e 1 Is-’ds',W' ,-x.4i, i ’ ,ti . f ■ j s rr ’■'* ii •*• :*•*••* i • ' N«' •mu'.'. .« !••• a.-. m-.‘ J at Ne..a;k and i: “ f* ».>>.. «»:n

Rrh .non * S. ei*.* nosed aril li'ddj*4in»‘* vtere |t '•I» ♦ } i Ci’k ...... — — .... „

Ifen iv .1-1.1. ft | I M * J.» ,;1* i l l I* D, * i W o r k in g r a p o r i

of ihe slv»w which ha% 1 ♦♦•tm m fe-«^ haiic% I red:M; M is C. i Ia 'iu ’ I JiM<*t! tu - S ;i? -mb**’ ur sf ’ Anl l utnv h ^n tili ^ei«* U'*- •*»-

Mi jll h n-e-1 i ’ • . n u . d •of Mr ard -1* S At I t p .11 IH tt o rt d Ol * » ♦♦ Di » l.vir f l

ii<*4Ch, Wa* I* m;>-! u s,oji-'t*""saeet IV b ir lh i ii , i . 11\ ;j« In "t

the Chflivaod I »te m \ D^v

make ,n f J,l,*eit;i»i.H tu tllOS *• , ! i

*i'f»f|ii |i |ll, iii* t ‘*\ fhi» orr,ainr,i;,oo‘i ph-s.d-td. Iv t»j.»u,.»< 1tl f V-e h Ivfh

Gdav we.'keml .mh'1'*. Ol

i 'd i- V np ii I ied«M tr

iho . Md I Mr and M i* Ar«h Nue V. d

1 * 5 < * ' t , ia e is i lit’* Cl»(>iUnai l»/v i^er ^’^s l* of Mr Snd M l* Pd

i,,,M .l.ui.«rf «.U. tt»- 1 V ‘. "llM.(-»‘ il W A l t - u„ hhm ■<, ; w4j (,t* h i!lw R,t„ , t ilttl Ae, k ,w l v

'I In* pUVi iM #,f |

lt» \u* pre*rnt‘.'J thr I ‘I1'’1" ” | dui'>i

«i( c<d |e}‘r*

\l!i*l 1S;:«

I ta l ia n 'A rm n c r tn t

3 b-, ! :.n p.*- li, \(rV'hClub nl M i l iu m v th*MUU'hH iie I 4*ir». NUlaawn Ji. I Df.MnMi jorMdnnt, pfr-ttd*.) #1

jho mMjfrt;? whevft ft»nd raUlitH pru>

|erf| fni dlSi*,i«^d A


I 4

; p .j 4 iUrlv.);*, :.5l

! Aim* M m «t •; t -»«l 'A 5" A!.*

e i e Mt*S'-d •* Mr M teJ mi|-

I »vifc *d‘‘mJI >» Ih'ltV m

IVcnrat.Hit Is -’h»W vi I • « Mf i‘ ■ 1»* * jK 'h'||u»|Hr! 4 m n * .m * ls*>,i one as Ihe tahl# c-'Pterpiec*

t)ancio4 a *» wiloyert w ill ttiih *<c bv '“I V Kid%, la c 4 pt*M ind M - ly , ,■•-> * • >-'J "

h\\u I f>. e;t .*J man*

( jniSuduoi, 3 W-*»•'<

ot Mi m d M u ( ih in B**U M i and M u I. i . I la rk d , < *•

vpvik.*, N s , Iv-* l u !j . . , . . werkevi ?if Mi a / I

n r , l ' * ! m * ! V l " ' l ' " ' l » .1" 1<‘I

) -.i - .in

K.‘;'W»tl'!l, t-m" t> I.• r, AUicJ, v. n i ; . l wlJV hit !ho (n ’5 liii* I SS S i - I

!r iii i a ir». r , i) fi' •

VW. ' I V t>iniii.-n iiM 'K ittr ,,„- ,«!««« tlH- w i< s ■■■-“ •

I 'm' |>tiv. Mf» (**h'.ib-> C fva f.trd .M tJ iH lf lfr*ir*p* .*;'■» /iV’i i l t h l a 5h(t

mHV i -m taif^d at iV»i HiU, j

. ,1 -

Holy \tiini- Stit'it'/y

i o llm 'l' SfH'Ulit'V

M n M t iU H , of 101 m i r - f . " I« ! ,( fl-, all <rf »ftii A hliffr* »>»« *Mrr Iho ; 1 M n(*lr


U I.I fi-,||-, all <*t V »u> »»« . anil n m u ir ’ » » • w n w «.»•• is.« n;r»: . -|w ft! IH

f l . , VMtf. A ir ,« r .. ; ■** ; ll*l1ii,< .« • ! M ii.a i.i,M u IV^il S<td hip.h ih hp M i .n i It l->Mv, )

I rir'<l«l»» t? » . f iw M , ill |l,vii vW rr i J <U ,» f J ! . h 1 a*, i l.v T ttil.v , t in

M i »’>'t M m w » iir ‘ t l . " ' ;-**f'*



(IfMivn Pm*:

i n , "1 VV r-i M! hp f I

Jlic| »h4 i U%%-f J ! a-l?

MiP M f Pflw M u " 4' ’ ; 4 _

R*™ Or Tn,: W•j ’.p ifhun ®n-! Pm-- • J

M r jn d M m Af ,bnt n ••«*,

dh'tfjan. * il 1‘uffrl d':i »<“ ■ . ,Mr, a d * t u W ii-um I .*in*-i Korrn^r fi*ri«v Jiutr- A**

Mi., ,Mi and Mr*. <’ !4 '»•■. w n in lym .m pon .- ii J . M*«

i«mf PMtti AkKei'n the cm up * | r t will h# th* +m%i stiM.4i Dav M!i« u ot Mr, *n t M *i j ih« n»*s[ da? ii p^lni «.f Wiuum Li Smith |i |€ lw ie t‘f • i i iiv N«»om >w».

M,-i .hdi.-i \\\ 1* •.. *: \ ;wati--‘ ac. Mtn* 1 .mi w ill Wiihant ftud I?! ? r :\, [ fij* afMft'lf a Hm SMPlur/, M.4H, w*tr. I : : l-i.‘..‘n nv^Kend o!1 \1 ?. and M u .

I.*' ' t* I liM' * *Mr, nnd M u Nmlohth

n»’ » i lh# < hri«fm4r M»v t f

: ’ .rvj | an<*» fV.nfrr--

j*>r»U *» m r •' i l> ^ 11 p : -

O u it lA l O dM !*», |?te

;Ort. -In w.|i. a.\ !,i ,! Ml

McflPhft, wh‘3 I# ih f t»#w |»fMlfli«t nf lh * I'mMy

a ik ipo.vdiv i:\nt

V ( , | $ M l*? ,

41 Afdnmfi I«4m*^H th ..U .M

Mavor s^d V|u }l-*htv l>rtp(’ tr »fli Iflofl nf Haiti# dfi . j i , Ti. | M u 1 * 1 t !<*11 ‘i! «*!'■ lfl "a th* i-.rii * d ’ ' t t . l

war# ih* r .h iiM nu i n a , **t» M in d »b.H,tn i/‘!»5h*L''d Hi* - »h-l Mt irt'f M u in * r n f u :t |f« Hot# fa fM I h 'f? If rtf fn# '

M iu Mary l* n <»'idiu d. 4 t ' i 1 All m»n ' I l l |i*ruhd'-.t C i (' . .?• '• - V , i># tn\H-si *0 aO*-?:4. ai>( ra#ri6i

l l #p*mlin4 ' 1 MOihU% n ^ n i i U l HUid* ^ !U !*• 3,’rvf»J *f]*r tne (h i (hoiH of li.?» piiHf.i*, Mi, *rtdjMie«timl MM WliPau San-lf.od i , - i —

nnt )»iv* IM t«|» *-i=*l=*il| aHd I rnp i t * * *UIhI , *ll44 IMfiota hid?<*- 1 ihii"'!M* a M m *dMh I le«| W l#fp|P Hf»»t »fil* l l # t l ^ w «» r . hr* l f*e * m lm iir i* i f/e.-.jidiib I »da*p of I d :?! Uni

; , 11 . .! ,. i .r «c'Vfi.Kt rf i.fs|« us U t } nnftuifu AiW I »flrtllia [ vet ail e* N**«% I a iat |{ 'i|# #ri a ,Uj»*'Midri4 tha MldaVI W h N#f

H lw d Ml I \% Itfp i llant * h h # luM trf ^palnla * tiU llut# *1M |m,i*r t =9 M n and rd ii, iiHifi- U<?4){ *||ahlp. it p)\t ♦hitps ^h f. .# i*l»»r|* t*f v iii ith lll U lfl fill!

j *fV, A lid 4/1 * ♦»*»<« fd fa tl# l #hd htol i«|^ U llh ; M l -t« I *tr*; >»W r^ h*»n IrtfiH UW hftMf fti ■ |hsMl'l-<»JntJi 1 '1*4 :*4i4 |t>d

iM li i tfrdi? tirttt fnfrlN » fi » ? *»? af X :f Ibi -< { » k|/« pan . rj..j f i .iS 4 1 '*j 1^ I*3* !. Ihatl t * oh n ) t j't} f J? . i.

i » . . -f «%ff ill# dittn6*f *^« i< %ti c.f

ami Mra Vu-tor I ; *». - ■ * j Mi and

«ft(| U id d r^ , And '■.<*** j

jl^ t.jlitl fw * V <*«|l> I V l».i-

.... . ,! '>*• Hi -*1- M»Hum p 1 -j!| - -•-


H o o k f i r o i i f i ,s I i / i j r r l

l ‘ h i h r W y l i r J u n .

t ti- ..' || W-.t’.. V -'I* 1 t\" \-. ’ 1’ *iif Mt->\t f

of Mn-m** Sh-»f.ri»'i It w»k f?*v sn

fir-mi* t** fa*": !)•- #I»l*t ». a I %■.: , i •, 4 .;. i.f-l f . s i?

f*io:ip rh,i Mf* v<t», |.*»

C\'W i\ wil; >> beitl 41 P V) p m

; o,-* lh*M av- f in 1*. a? the Hum a nl Mr, 4«d M m Im An**, It? M f|*«a *r |

W vllea w o*k% ,ven* »|^n*

lor Ih# Jan tiari d i “. < -d r ■*<d *fm M Ceu^u for

| ftifua i> ai lh*» ti*4 w 1 * itiM

ityi ol |ht» 4 n>Mi»

; I i4 ? :! t 'i:'|.'!m * ll»ti*. ll MM

) JtitM)) *l o»v» ht ah, m d tiuyta cm

Ilh * 1 a % * I i e k t4 V of .’i • i ’ ’f-- : • ‘j

M i m l l i ' i l h '

' To P nnnvi' f ItiMsnmh *Nlj-.s D;|*i'*M* Mr,-.pei ds J;'M*o >d

5»* 4? | f»»au-Aa.a- rr riM!^** I ;*! \*riS ; :3

h tP .M i t‘ v iMijltrtf rU t ; t i '.» f i*s

•• i i — d« Vi* Vi'--- ?■*-• Inn lf«h-a* ; 1

OrPetl-. *ilii.ii? 7 •-*.■ A !^ ‘, p.d*-‘t| M rV - ii: .- «

M.nhatdf, lie ilv D^iiaPietn* ! tnU ; I j i o j I ^ u <)i, Aridv iXtiiM'-ii. ,fow|>K

doJm Ch’.iaa-ij j .♦.;***»• I? #»MV 1 ' i :

br.a^:. M i? , l ii-eur - -***(, Hifo Md!L*€rf 0 " •*i jaihp Kmif*4h»ua, P h ;ll a)|* '»*5i An?5. Vfoi]' I* ^

M f, M lU ^ 'tn aud >l»»a Und a i 4 t

frtlf. M H I

I U* * .. I| ; I. „ ,11,-!»*♦ -%s n^l i « ■ tai ' *•

[ ii i1 r* ••• •»* M i l »ti>- I n ' rr ll'i'ti s „r.:, .1 . 1?: t».e fn:'

111.'*, * » t\ Id w j i * ;o I ;• pal \. ].|imi1»v And HiwimMV'

) itRi n*H H v o ..AflKHMBHI. Wo* *01)* pJlh’ l «ilp

I -ttm an t woum*’ ;u .

a-dl be *sV!H-t -if:!, dv* -I K tt a’«> 1 H‘**« !•-«. ’5 « *•lK?t un?i! f-^ib. i n»i..n

H A V E Y O U ,


Y O U K N O W ,


N F .W H O M E ?



G in s AND F f U £ N D t r

G R tlllU G . fP O M IMS

CO M V "M !7



5 4 8 - 5 4 3 4

R » f t n n i To j i i l p

VM|. I >l!«

Ui 4^<l *bV Alfttfl'V S'ilnrtf and f ld la s fl.

V ’ ■• ' • r‘ " ■‘ •4 ‘¥.aai| M>«

« AttfA i 1 ; P m i* m m > U J , H i*. 1>« iKHl bf ‘ U (*i:-d Mm A jf^d |NiOri,t1t*. ItH Of ^ t ilj

vii»id U*?j»h? ?*m is; , ;#d in h’t» Ihf^ |;SH *!-?* ii i-'-‘

l : i i i r i i f c Ja| I i li' id^ '< jfjj r» I ia . |||«. t ■*!a«V* I! bn :t

C l t u ia l t G t o t j p t To M e a l

fit# k U 1. . ” ■;i|.« fl!.) Hi M k H«r, . I I .

MaHHoni, Wdl P p »M a1f l« hriii>r* rt? M f*. A lln a rji f" ■ «»;* ii .- %% ;ltH A " * ‘ ••'

**;**■ • fl * ^ ■- ■■- I 14V |t ^ ft *« :»

P a g s S is

THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J.Thursday, December 30, f 965'

E n g a g e m e n t s

Hac^Nmu»«jicr j *-vuf_

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ntumcycr,'

Velaidti-Cnvaill j

M r ar.d Mrs. Basil F. CV-a’ l;,- 2 i ,

*Wh •U5;iL" - : - !' .mn* Victoria 10 CpS \« ‘i i .

— LJr— - — » ■=

: ifcppM M teea |to Villistow « year ago. He wa*

r. au. 1 M rs. V.'iiiir-r;; UaJt.-v:.-,?•■ ;;0.1...d .'‘Om ‘.hi- ./ei-ey ■. -01 . a.!...! • )lffu.<aaxl .ailfUWlIl »! . 1> . . I . s . -3 • !VI. •iiMlOsWKv ti

i,' "i' CT*.v11? of ’he^r dtjU.y jC!':

■'V* taorjw ThJ.’p.’s*. ?•»>*> *»* • ... i:„ Kver^.'r;:. -'. d-i ■>.'

j A r l^ e M w lv H li, Co..;


Churl** li. !.b«:!w

r-unorH* service? 4.v» re hr!d Mem-

ddV .*1 JU: 'to « l ’uv r 'l~iJi.'Ml’1 ilOiUu-, i l l J ill ' i ^ *i! ■' ■:l';sv r.pisfop.'i! C hor».h,ft-r i h H ‘.iV.vt^n. ‘‘ Ihr«m:j , V i - . - v . ; i o

. ?'*«?»• I'rtw »» N‘-J • mouth Medical Center, rc!ltr*:.'i.q

I ■ I * i r • h ' n[

■»ii Cciiwti-tv

j ;i -Jo.'J ''’ :If’-.: Vl!

i •!, . X'1’.* r’. T;V.t

O b itu a r ie s

Sirs. Uassas T. Ste.hw

--r W i r o* tier tinni:!''*'' M U . C rm e n 'Je r r ^ . 2ffi M ^ S r .K e y .

*ut,*s> C h fo v;ac Vert* in n«w .

•a r . 2 !)^ t^rmciiv iivcd in Miduatf*

>uisb.3.M V* V'% _ Hvvut*-i* a menTost

— ,.

| shu vv-► •= tvir* Mi hvt-i "ir 1 ' ‘ “ • , ;-.& v'l.'iin it ii ii iO* "1 v 4-’> »'


Thomas V. Vt-. A 1

! m a id M sV r. !'rt-«’ !ir’!0 . :

(litusi.S.v-., Mrs Kr»«*

I Irvington;

'•.rtv»->rts bjnv.r.u'ti

( s.'"n a*><5


Hart. sop. of Mr. imd

,:tV . I'SNH .

j M rs. M id ia c ! Vi-iau'n., hver...- .. n

. R d . M cn l!

| \tiis Cava lii is a c r> Ju .U f o!

I Iv -w k ii L iio-h jtln .- ji .t;.c !"■■*.

.C oH i‘S f i'( U’.is .iikss -iilJ >:; er.

;o<i as ;> i- t iw s r v i>> '»hc H’H

1 N*»- Yurk Auihunty. N>->v

i :'n'. ’.'.-'ar.iM il ;.'. :i'i.'H l" '‘,r

i*!esex Scl'i('i>l, is sor\i.iL.* v ’t.i


Mlet Du Itois,d a u g h t e r ot Kr and Mrs.

H « n r y F. Du B u is , 1S3 t o r s St., Keypert, became the b.i;’- ol PcU-r B. Zuzzall. son ol Mr, nnd Mrs. Altliio J . Zazzali sr., Newark, on Sundiy afternoon, Dec. 2fc, J«65, in St. Joseph’s Church,


The nuptial m r a a - "> P-m . was C'!phra;ed by IHc Rev, Vi illifim

Eausch. Guest priests aitenamg

v^ere the Rev*. Rcnct Catfrty,

O.S.B., t*ie Rev. Marius Meehan,

o !s .B.| the Rev. Mark Conlroy,

0 S P. ?nd the Rev. Angelo Caso,

S.A.C. , ,The bridf was niven In martlast

ky her She wore »n empire- aiyled gown of candlelight peau Mtin, trinuned with Alencon lace,

11m ilioulder veil w«» by » cluster ot orange blossom* and »he carried a prayer book trimmed witli.wltiu polnscttias and Englhli

keliy.Wear Huby V»hia« ^

Mri. Michael O’Donnell, Ctifl- w«od Beach, was matron of honor •nd th* bridesmaid* wero M ia Wiry Bamako, Cherry Hill; Mii» Joy Gerou, Belmar; MiwRoseenn


Throenle, Toms River, and .Miss 'Margaret ReeJ, Philadelphia, Pa.

Thty wore ruby vrlvtl l>wi- ®im pinlt empire - styled gowns with ruhy velvet bow hfadpii-ce!. and carried colcnial bouquets nf pink carnations and red sweelhcart

roses.Attilio ZatzaH jr.. Keansburg, .

was man lor his brother. 1 Mf j ■ ushers were Jerome Vacarezra,

Noitii Ai Iiiifcton; Richard lo Pri'V'.o-'nce, R.I.I 'Villiam M is- i catielln. Hast Orang' and Henry |I-', DuBois jr., Keyp<jr. brolhi-r of |

lhe bride, . - , 1A rec*:pt:un v.-.-.i lu*u al i .m- t ,

bleatunes, Middletown, alter which j

the couple left foi a wedding 'rip lo the Virgin Islands.■ The bride was graduated from Cabrini College, Radnor, Pa., and is a teacher in the Middl*"own Township school system.

T|i» bridegroom, a graduate til SI John's UnlvenilM, Collegevilie,Minn., and Catholic University, Washington, D.C.. is a member ol the faculty of Asbury Park Hmh |

School. . . . . 1The couple plan to reside In Al- ■

lantlc Highlands. _____

j Gcoijjc Marl, V>ll) South Cnncwrse,

iCIillVVlHHl BiMCh.

Miss Neunwytr Is a jsriU»ate oi

M&t’dWAH Reaio.iil High Sr^x)!,

Clasa of 19W, and is employed bv

the Industrial Washinx Machine , .Cofporalkio. Mata.van. 1 ,*!escx Hi-h Schrttl. is soru.i-; »•!.> • |;j

Mr. Hart Is Riaduate of Mat- : u.S. Murine Lorps iind

aw’an Reg iona l Mijsh School. Class I j?1v y .S . Subm arine B a*t, j

o f and is emplvyed bv th f ■ rAtlantic Tile ManulactariiiR Com- l "tew U im .m . Co, n. pally ] A l.i 11 wedding is planned.

’Hie wedding d«il« has been Stf. I for Septeintver IfH>»

hidw-Mwi dvi-

:ti;ii M ii: W 'inam .1

,i.. rs u j!. y.., Kt-ypi\iv>v,rt' !.hr l-*fJitujiMt-r. llansv i Ltiiiair.c to A

fflftw-'-v -



Mr. and Mrs. Elwood H. Smith, 74 Edgar Rd.. Cheesequake, an

nMinced the engagement ni their

‘ Marvlouise, to Roberf C.

2 uro-Gra«o

Mr. and Mrs Alfred A. G.asvo.

li ; : ! Middlesex He!., Matawan. ju

: nounce the »>( iheir j

' daughter, Aleaa u» ;

ri^- '' .•S i w i '

| <if rhe Mu^.va *«i , Mul i

■ iirft * r. <■ u-V.'l.' '. .b l A .d

I k .,--dv ^quad .

r* 4 Su m'c h-s 'viU1. s. lie !

Men -iiwion. two -i. vi-I.'U'

ir ! Wi-.i4tv . * ti .. kh*v C edar 0 ovi*.

ir ' v .Hid r-!> M; i S. ill 1) '.'Ii! tirui.

' ■ ( d;ii »w*.v 11, t»i ill i X.vw'n and

• ; l- i vs. . K ‘*h r ! «.:-;r t'v( *.>*•

r-s M i . 1jnf'V S H i:. son,

1 iti'd Mrs. T'oroihv aiUson, ' cna





; brici s

Joseoh Cr.tio, Little S;!v.vr. R W

i ,*-nii’ht- i-s Mrs. Jan * ttU tM K iV-

Sr.,iis ,!/e . A.i;--:Ir

^ , u » d ' a ; : Reid- « n i » . and .

”,d fciv

I ti>,de!.



f.f 'V:‘*

V v f l - ' ”-•. fV ij.rK Krv.'v irt. ,l'-

. i . v :•»*

. ; O jv Fur^rai Hume, K». vpovi.) .n v.• rr.t'lOT',.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Kell­

ner, 107 Matawan Rd., Old bridge,



Mr. und Mrs. Richard Stenfiel, 41

Crest Circle, Matawan. are the par­

ents of a daughter, bora Monday,Dec. 20, 1!KS, in Riverview ilw-



A son was born Tuesday, Dec.51 lSU. in Rivervlew-lkispital to

Mr. and Mrs. .Morgan Rehrig, 3J

Miller Av,-.. Hailet.


M r and Mrs. Donald Stepheas, ,

r % ? v ‘K ^ S U * « w ,i » ^ W !day, I W . 21. m . m K iv a v ltw • • KotiuUI G. Aiier. 215 Madisnn Hospital-


» datiRhler was tarn T u tvbv .

Dec. 21, 1!W, In Riverview Hos­pital to Mr. and Mrs. George Hoey,

t Commodore Ave.. KeaaiburR.


\1r, and Mrs. Allen Marple, M Harry)ronp,ate l.ane, Malawan, are the Ju|in UirrVi t. 0

R,ven*®'vC!1|lps- ^itauBhlerl1


M ISS M A R Y LO U ISE SM ITH [ Gerald 7uro. sn» <>f Mrs Bernard r i l l l t ia i. . . , ’ Monahan, 3S2 Park Ave., l Ju t h • at 8:30

K ^ S ^ 0 aB n ^ . A n , , , v . and the iate Martin C. ! n e r j IK-me

Ave., Red Bank, at Christmas din- :Zuro

ner m tin* I»*me of tl.e Gi.ivso is a craduafe o!

fly, nnJ live ;v»ii«lcV.Mr«t.

.’j | > ,.f . Andrew Kelly

--i I Fui'eral services wore hrUi NU'.r:-

i day niL.rniii*: and a high requiem '! mass ’.v«s offered in the Sacred

^3 i iieait Church. Jersiy City, tor Mrs.

<3 j Mary tv'efcert Kelly. 73. o! 20 Hal

^S lle t Ave., r 7'*I who died sucidfn-

\ ty ui ne*. home on IK ii Sdav,

i 21, IMS. Interment was in Holy '3 i Name Cemeterv, Jersey C’tV. vn- ^ I der the il.-i i tion oi liie Ricln.irr.ri

‘ I Routli Funeral Home, Jeisev v.its-

! Mr; K>l5y .vas the widow of_-\n

drew Keiiv. She was born ii. j;< . and had K-'idn! !n lersev C'*v

tiefi-K- 1,1 ’ ■ ■'* - I '-11 ’’, il,..|. "fl. a M'l ::>!“-r M !'•' II-

| ,,,, ,,l i l , ' in . •■■!. ..' '.Ii o ’. . IS 1 Iv.-.ri-ll. H.l'it-1

‘ unil M is. .'.nb-.M- I-.. Hahn sr.. Dtl I Sn'-viv iik nre I ve sons. J'-i'’" ,

! WwHiiiK'..; l)r.. CU iia.Hil !t> n ' i . . ?}«r*.h A •lisgli.n, V w , ' , =:.d Ri>-

'. j j )ss Monlecai is a gradual* o! I h«*rt. leisev Citv; Andiew, Avenel.i »•*.. ... • -nui atii , {,(1 \Vi!l:;»ni, 's-^r

daui'iiters. Mm. Virsinia Prer.der- «-ast. with vvlvirn she piiide iier

home; Mrs. Beatrice Kendila, IilKhlr.nds; Mrs leam ette C^eck-

(*1 l.iv i’ii;s!oii, and .Mrs Charles

Hnszar, Jersey City: 32 grm drhil

dren, sad seven Rreat • grandchil­


Vincent Agrifolia

Funeral services were held Fri­

day a' the SpMola Funeral Home

Newark, and a mas* was offmed at 3:45 n.m. at St. Lucy's I'ht'tcli. Newnik. for Vincent Agiifolio, 37.

of W Highland Blvd , Keansrni^rK,

! Mrs. Michac! Coriiifrley j Raymond O. Kruser

j Mr?. Margaret Gnrmedey, 61, of | Raymond 0. Ktuser. 66 , of HS

n,;,-:,-u M e u.-.’!^ , d-rf S a t 'i 'd a v .. Ma-n St., Kevwrt d * d U«M-.: [H-c. 25. in Riverv^fw Hos-;dav. D « ?S. f • er **' !i \i! !op^ H^pJtal-

t > !.. .• ..-’ •v ‘i.n ‘ ivvr. ■!' *(■•! ■,v K tM ^r v.i'.H ly'rn in

i J IM j ::-' d in>-lt M t , ! ; tsiand. 'he M># of the late Mr- »nd i t s years ago wlwa she moved to ;M rs . Charles V. Kruser. and had

! ilazU l. Siie was •>- dje.nhu-i of : n « , U\C.A tn Keyport fd* W ' M rs- I iivt** I^'iican Kl»zehf!h (Hur* i :i !iicmb(‘ i Calvnry .

• t tn ) Mi.) at Line. I >,v-ihodis( C-hurch, Kevi«rt: H. O ... . .. ..<e,..iKo rJ F;-.r>-'. V c' mHV r h*-».pf?r th^

•Meinodlsi ChmcH oi Keansburg. | Fioneer* of Xnieri«-»: £ * " * * ! •

I She wa4 employed fo. many yeais j n . American Legion,

1 with Komar, I im*.. iti Keansb.irt! a s . *«!• a Aorld Viar 1 \tt.

! ; inaehino operator. , U.S. Navy. An

; 5 are her husband. Mt ; Je rsey .IW I I*?hOT ie • i thaeI J Gormerlev. Keansburg; i years » the Essf* W • ,’ two sons Holme. J, Gonneriev. | h i retired last year .from hi.i pes-

Uv-it KeoiUMiig. wid Web- i Ucn as sta. i supervisor

; er. Nw til Arlington; iwo OaughteM, , Mr, Kms.-r was well known t tlll.'^wll, »lis»vwvp. » * .'II I ^.liirn* Wfi't'i atul Mr.s. Ha- as an arodtea. a*n-\>-i both of Vlazlor. ; h^viri; n‘avpd baseball a'\a

and 11 i™ mlch:idw.'. ^ U" ' ' 1,1 ^

•suss I t ' . l 'K i r e I . M 'HIIH .I At

; KVvi“..i ihi'li Si'liw l ami wai glad- juate m June liom lM igla-» Cul- U w . New Brunswick. Her lianct ,n

. a ’I'adu.'le uf Malawan Regiunal

jtli.Hh School and K.C A. Institute,

\J,. Yu.k lie ... " ‘ 'V is attend­

ing Newark College vt Engiiieei-

ing and is emploved bv K.C A. i Laboratories. Princeton.

! n J ka t 19CS weddisg is planned.

F u u e ra l S c rv ice a

IiuI* !0

J r IKMl'I. ■■ ** ..............Basketball in .he I9-!C s. In recent

• , i-, *. , i ' i • ’■ ui ti^'e In Cf*

t. 'm al ’.-K-a! ant! MonmO’iih CoiiatV

t 1 r,f I • •*'- i'-'s\i,*<i (iia-

Frank Sullivan Funeral services were held Fri-rrat services » « n iw u * 99 Highland Blvd.. ivean.i

t 8:30 a.m . «t tha D ay . ru - . ^ j ;e(j TUtsdav. Dec. 2i,. 1 ner^i !K.iiie, Kevport. and 3 n ’s h | )n R i ) j iv ;tw liospitai. a« »

mass of requiem was offered at S j )( ( a ailment.

............. a guduat, ?. " K r n S ; ? Uroom-. parents. # J Matawan Re,tonal High School, i ^ ^ v i y . Kr v(^ , . w W d W W e d - j ^ S , t rr ^ r

1 \%b in St. Peter's Hospital. j M'.vs Smith is sfadii.iu ' M ,a',S0, . . . . . nesdav, IVc. 22, 1WS. a\ h u hom e ., h i?n w ai a b a r ir n ^ r*' jNUdiMm Township HikIi School and . M r , / Ul.> w,i

Gilroy a Junior Pa«t Woithv Advisor , pcttM \-uIh'v H

i r\.* 7 IM-; I he Kainb*»\> For G.t!s. Kev- im ; rt d o t«y i.v iu-*' i »rA wn was'born D u . 7 ,1 Xj ,, . ■ she i* employed by ihe ln l- ,j v M.,i me Cwt>» » ne: e he taiiKed

St. Peter's lospila to M r and , I Trus| (-0 _ Nv Vark a, >li:p„r,l. l> m lev:-,; th, s,.-

Mi-s. Ldvv-ard J. Ollroj, .a Aflen , is „ ^a-iuale ol Mid vu-e. he all.,,Jed thf N-* HmW

Rd.. Old Bridge. l,HHown Township Hiuh ami wick Smelarsat »:wl( A.’<oun!»nrit attending Oraftsman .s School. , School, lie i ' ihpsi'p.i.v tnip'nvei- Lour llt.tnch. He n emnluveil as , m 1- l.i(- -.l.iii 11< ils t.orni, I -'..i

' ' ' ‘ Mn'w.v

A Sail 1 * v « v . i . *• i ' 1''' "

■ .■ t --»*• i*. ii-i - nic y\*i»M in \ \ ita

tV Keansll'u-i; 'Methodist' Church ! dys'tfdm son l; » s-jP. Hsy

Robert Hail ‘ t^ r . C'^i\ur. N V.. and

I Rokp,-. n.ct.0 II,dl. T&. u( W 0\*- iVshrow. Wrst Hartford, i vtnu; a

' Kon A\e., IU»7.let, died SiuulaV. IA*c. : brother. K e v l^ in d 10• 26 in Monmouth M edka' man, Fr^dern'V L. Ktjm ...

' fVntf*r * «rynilchildren

| Mr. 1 UII wus F-n.jUnd runcral s f v ie s

jand lormeriv lived in _Brtio».va. d-iv *•* vixirt' ’«>,•> *ne H « . D iv ., He had lived in liar.lrt eigut vrm>- ; ilonie, ivt->l'ort. a . ...... iv#r>

L n ^ X a ' n S t h . « "! tha senior citi/ens group o! St. Un Old tennent cemetery.

! John's Xltthodisi Chutcli. Ha/let I --------

Surviving ar« hu wife. Mrs Am-j O 'X v i l I■elia (M vnn) Hail: iwo daughters. . . » / / » » in m n u i Mrs. Madeline Moea. i.ittle ferry . ‘ . .; and Mrs. Mildred Oman wit.i whom i W iUlU It . t • ! « » « « «

1 ht lived! nine graadchtldren and, , V r, w.litam O'N'fil.luu. gicat-giandctiiHlren. i v f •• V i ’ i-.wn-'e ll"' »’ •<

Seivice^ w. t e held \\ediii->day at " l ir i

* -d f.i'ill . Class ol in'i' *'ie

Wexler |

Mr. and Mrs Da iiel We\ler.

York St., Old Bridge, ntv ihe par-!

cn.s of a son. tw n Dec. S. 1 'M>J.

in St. Peter's llospilal.


a tlialtMiKiii by l-.UMronics As­sociate*. Inc.. Uni:'i. ai’ .t ir

a in-.-mini ol '.‘-e ( " i0- H,‘'s.-rve at I-uric

No d.llr Leeli .111 h'l ’in’

.1 .'

.ii, re in » : Savoie--l’llillippMrs. Ronald G. Ailer, 245 Madisnn ,

riartieiis Oil! Bride*. ' Mf- a,,<* l'U-olH'Gart.eM , um nrtt 1. . jf (^ |h)rd Bnil0untp lhe

Auriemma inrnt of tne r datiKhter,

Mr. and M is. Ralph Auriemma. . Marie, lo M uhael Sa-.oie. sun o'

103 Middlesex Hd., Mstaw-an, arc . -— — —— — _

I the tw iHils ol a daughter, H im .

Tuesday Dec. ? l, IW5. in Perth;

Ainbuy Hospital. ;


Mr .md M. 1 I.:'- >'el, 140 Mii.ito A 'r ,, W eil iveanv

b ine , h.ive t-.d Me vi.ngr- ment ol tneir iH imhi' r. I h .u I i .

.MVH4 r-

f , , r ! ^ s W^ h ii home movii.K 10 four" ~ r ; r n .h ,c. » i « ^ waa a barlender

'V"Ie"'.v’ i " ^ » Cni.t *M ltawa... rie Surviving are .h i. motile,; M r. vm of the late Patrick and Elk-n . Beatnco Kenasbng. a

(i-u-,i vi'hv.-.n. .md w .» the wid 'son. Carmine, at home: two »;s

r r o l M is . h . , ,n o t ( U lM Sul- -erv Mr,.

’" i i " ' WM a lift long rc.iidi-nt o; New at k. » l .w iv r , .i-.seph.

area mill vas tne t » » ' . of S..1-, MtdtHe-ovvii.

Iivan's Tavern, Kev-; A. Halllie was a lomtmtn-car.t <«. S. ; r i n ( , r(1 eM S

j f,| ' • o '.Io i/. Ci.'mct: dav at tha Bedle Hoine.

iw ' i i ..t 't .,'hi,!,t.-ts- » mom- Matawan, with Iho Kev. k-jbert ■I V" < At -. t I. .Vr o ' 111 . Wriglit Pastor ol ih t Bell, u l

04 J ii‘.N a n - e Stv ety 0 ' ' Melnodnt Church, officiating, for U‘;u th« iUmn rsiiu* u. > .. u jJ v ^ . 'rs M.i.u-h. K ^ i ^ l l;IV.* A- Hall. t*V of 3-2 (■«!

h" " #•--- - V, rf i'V Vt .»Ul:' Vi"'1 't* •*” I*' *Set vices were held Wedii.-Mlav at ; j . „ u.i1it r , rvmna. to

! l a til in the D iv 1 -nn-r.1. Home . • 1Kl.,Sin , un \i- n j

Keviwrt. ''ith th** kt*v J-r«*iU*ncK * J. ixmhn. ^ CiuehBu.s. pastor o! the tvthsemane • • - - on Wedn-.-diV.

i Atthf run l inn civ o t if ia t it s But 'j ,C i j t 'J S. S«val

,al w.i. 'n ( vine's il'.iis Cemeterv. . Nor.'o'.k, ,


John Rogers

fil*'!'. Hte'er^ I-11 of 111 W I. si,.l;K................ sh’.ir.'. ill..! ! 11.1.1.




Mr and Mrs, Artluir Mar^and, 19 Franklin Ave.. West K<,insharp,are ti'e p.irenls of a davi ’ ht.m

born K tid .v . Uec M 1!*>5. In Riv

crview Hos|et»l


Mr. and Mrs h ilw jrd HoiAins,

View llosp iltl. j SlW(1.|V PtV jc. in;',, m Rire^v.rvv

I)eCte»ceniu I ||o .ti.tal.

A ilauglner was liom T lntisJav .; I m n liHu ' i v i f " V

• [)rOld

l,»! l») Mr, -;r.d Mrs, l .uvrrnr ( ’ i n ro , Madison Garder--■

Hi .I.a

Valin/m io

J ‘,r. and V'-nlue* Vuli-n/arn,

27 I tanciicsn Way. *u •'.tre ihe pa i• !!<' " I ■< " 'i- |. ■i.d.-v, Dec. 2.1, i'« " . In

Hivt. I . ms 11' ii'al-

R im

uhi vvas l>itn ia I'i v ,...| .in t-ViiI.v lice, *4, l'A*.

....... . i.iitl M u Jo .rh 't K'.it;t, I

Clark St . Kev|«irl.


Mr and Ab*- Jo,in>!i ,*>i,-j!-. - 1

W.ivht-.H'tml Sl . K ev i.itt. i*i parenti. oi 4 dau/lttet

Out iv, U n .'V l,,s>'. 'M.-ilital C i-tilci


A ilongliU'r l« r t M ii.»d»v

I),,'. 35, W-i, In l-'ilknt . l - n i*. ;■ Mr and Mts Wi'1'.nn i't..i> », .m 1.

M e i SHU tk '.- ''''- M f l '" '* 1'

. -n ■' .h U ’i o ■» ;• '1’hV.S, in K K rrv fA l r< ''

laf\J*Vn H 'H un i I tu nn.

j f . j i l r , Mills a . j

| st m li

.11. •! a I I I . . . ' »Lodge 20.IU n:.d sn e\i“ «p' Inc man of the M 1:. ll# :ev ilose [ tnn

|i,(t'V M i'tw an He is vtrvr-eil l*s me- daugl.M

Mt« James Triggs. v.ith whom .ii'i h:s lioine: l.vo brtniier

llrllnrd. who d e l J hur^.tas l-w

J i, p it ' , a! h « home. Intel meat

w it In Oleen Grove Cemeterv.

kt!'.‘lOl i

Mr. Had ai>« a fomtn ie>.tlni>of tht* M .ta.srtn n^e.i lie W4» i^irn

Ave., lu lUts'i’.ir.4. iiu -I 1

1 H PitiS. m «t‘i M'.-d

Ite r, a ft. i ii I'.m: illness.

I y.r Hovers >'.*!» N*«n i.i "ii! l.i,n.a. II i'V. jn d Celii.' to the I'lllH'd St.i'i-s l‘.U s a io II'-

tived in I'a- .I.I il**. and I'1 i ul ! Lli'-'il t-ef-ne ni. ' . 1 t'K >'•

|io was 4 fiHMtilH-r of Mt t <it-

m«l i iu i tK • IU*

H hi Not iotK,! in ah J ‘ »’ f i’.t ivi.itrs «>f K3»d.4it

iTownsiiiP Huh Mhoj.1 lhe nride-

!irvT f

t f u / n d X ' ’ I ' l / K iH ' i c c t /

Mis Hi . , DeVJito. RaV-

a , ; , . . .... .... ^

« Vii**H icha'r>1 I‘ l*eian* son id Mr, and»onu>i*i‘V *»r i <m * «. ■ 1 ' . . > i

•i. u*f his hom*; i*o w o m r i' «n in** a im . - ... ...............Stephen Irvington, Di. Idw m in Massachiisetis. mid wss a n-tii

p i . , t h Aiiitaiv n'.ti-rs. Mi* ad eVctrtetn:' lo tn rt.V *«ved Mabel I ambc:ts ■!. and Mra Mad .11 the l-S Nava, Oepot. Ua.h- He

rhne Mruug. iu-v|>.'- M ’ S ' 'n o »’as a vet...... . of \korW War I.

h**am HoUndt!. nod M;» lirne Su\ i'tn^ uie .•'* ^ -fe. ^^r, IHl'aiieS I oil* N a il. 3 list f.ntr ,,bfth tMatl'u-w i» H I', and a - s­

tm. M li. Mabel Acke-', Win. hen-

d«»n, ^ a•»<Kt tndt ht M* ffi

John Pai>nU>«n

P.r- :,|



I t - iT ”to

Mf. thr'VA

, t In;(ll ti 11 i

. I t . 1 ' - '1t „ m * * V»;5,vnt* of fl dir.i:M|,r. I"*, i (V i}., y. v*' l,‘ l,:

| |n * li! l '1

A »«m .'MS lann v •|,51<v,.( ;. t. * • , »» ' ■ I H*1' •►•Mt *0

Mr, ami M f !<■"" IJ f ‘1 rs l.tmii. .

South Beef* S l , llohiolei. 1


; * ff m»i! Ml . I.HfUfi'd' t'-'tr-'i li'-.irh. ■)*' V',?'

■ f , . , . r.f a ds'iglfet t- n . at I'crM'

, .vinlK y t . ■ f » i 'I-i* , ’ 1 o


Mr Inct Ahdpl«itt,

t MlfA-wwl HM th lt « |»ftlcf't* of a

1 (i-i-mnl H -'i (

I iMh#

nnd M i l Aft 1fJ


Vt „f..l ■ I '!-'•< d *

J*i . lU/l'-t

I'lah.H1 *■ m M*:l- -It 1 04.' 'V- d

.................... jiJ.u'.-.utv' K.-M-'i’ l Ho-’i and M"’ HHHilh ( inuitv '*i»r#tH:{ui ui• PjsittK-al l« « f •‘ •avs

t,k,r. fd |»V

l-'ulM’tai s c i '. i tn A»«fC W id Fl '

dav M tii*' l'i*dif I ii;i«'Mi Mvil-i-'•*!'. I*'i -I"1'1* 1,1t,f '»S I'd j’.itr Hii , M Mli ’ '..AL-

-t/ a it. -'i'-.! \Vt iliu v'. U *' k . , | ,n U.

ikumi; »»f Uir ‘ ^1 4

\ •: ,*i h. Cl* f* A *-1

-liiti !li{*Tm»’!U

VI t».» '

, S,dv<it»i

I’"t,>'t*i iti %ri \ ivdav rft s.'Jd

lit’I ii'i ll'Mlif, }v». tp! 'ji ;!. .1 ss \ ,i >»


M ilftid

i - ! I* S s J -I*>ii ,u iim l)d> l u !»• • ••• ! T> M- tf !«•*»• i n\ id ft m

1 ^ 1’•#. >.' I .IIU..V « '»,... b> t?it* Sii.»

.r of

■. t>fi

4v k!

M iiiii'"1” ••• • ..........lour v*»f* P';or h* '.hat hj ,v;^ im t n.v-ner of clothing m s in ila ifu -

„w It Paterson fm JO vea>«

; Surviving are his wife. Mary; •

, u n. H itt Hoiteiv Momriouih |-„...'h; five grande1' Idten aad two

^..Irrs M is Con. etta Natou. t b

ton. and Mi-s 4‘!',r ' K i^u iem . It

alv.I ifrv irrs were Sieni I '” ',

• d.iv fmm tha M auocfv Menu ' •

- ItDI.l** Pt 11 ^ » ’■! *0 ^

i C»im'-I 1 n-'l' -t "her** * ",.m a s s w a .o lM e d at » a '« »

*N,|| i.i * »‘V-‘' * f *’ ’ ' '* ' '


Mts. I !•“ •* *»* 0 I

Mrs M a i n - • M

M is A l...... 1 '■>' , ; ‘ r won Saluri.-i', W ( t .

p*iri, til K11 s ii.i'i.Jsv 'tte. in - ______

f o r m a l


(T O niIN O

Mia lad nop* rtralihlafs


i u i tiie1-1 j-*-d ; arid Uf, .NUnelt, IVd** Av#«, tU*1.‘ k lit Hli lift i• ‘ ruin <v-\!wn* I»!>-h »'ii' •• ...'.J '' '* i MM\rd th tni* 1‘ S Ait l or«i‘ M |U-r l i ^ f -wi iw d u ^ d

.t in m e e > iw /> "• i S i ' i n i ' i i il'tH Sf: 1! " : 1\\ rm ii’ ^ r d lv* l ‘!iJ ' - j jt it 1 H titHM 'n • !u\|-r$i;V AfU.

' n .»n j| if( fm the l.era-'t Sh .o. Hu! m . . veil there year* « *;*f *.'> M k i Armv H« ' - ip ->' d i.» the lluf.

, . . , .,««•. ’ •' l iM ia ln «<•!». M * Uat^l'ttiWMH**. ; Slid t,*.:,,'," ,r in -v-o 101 a.

l.’. l l . ilt.-llH :t i lVl.|-l»'til tie t'.l l | . | | , I l l W.l« in

..(ltd III 1.... ■ Ill e-. (, 4..IM 111 | Cffn.e’e'v. K t'.l» llt

.1,1. im !«• ..s 'ill 'O? tha Jiasl 11! Mi' l.tvign! W il -1 lorirter r-si 4>u\ !o-hi«>H* ilvwl in lllll : ,|pni nf (inlun Hearh lie '

.tde iit« was a ir t ir .d laund i, . n» Mts .lf»;tn:i* it-'ign

W. freal **• K tT P * f

S t u d i o s


S|i i t d M f * W ill lo<t,

I fi ir ju A.' ^iJ *,l •''n l I 'n g .ifu o 'n l ' ' I . | . !-: ,i-. 1 . II. -ed

.-I, VI iitailt»-li*lh#Vi *»

■i *. I \ ;'f f*’i| ? it’.lr-

lV. I A Vi*ei !»•»»

| i ^ iM ! ,

. J i fo

- ) l i c o i ' a l o r

2(» M lJC A.M. 1 e ^

" t u t «NMiW9*ri,.f ,


MrJ n i-

I'p'fin llrm r*. I" 1

« iM< ih lK « ’,r !■y l i i i " io liirtptt^ 1

llaW 'fr

g,.,| M ,». Marvin |U in » F.s - , 4 i t i f ,

1 <• <-f fl *?'***■ t #1 rPtth

y IjfffU S i l i l * t i ^ ! :

V anilnlpti

M f a id M l* ‘ in"!-.-’ V iliP a .f . M s d lf .t C v le n * , C;H. » ,, nH tit * ilailgldfc1, I t tH *•

I '.H h Anilart t u n t ia l ll(i»pll*li

l l* » ‘ »• I, • M-s 1 I*r.l It'-t t M«

...... m,. i.a11 (if » «ifi IWfl alt i i ih A'llfi—- (ft.t lr il’ l Il'iSpMd.

i U lnkm an- o l M u AittiWt l)lH-kni*

»r I linn M in i , I | ifl*m « P i i t h j *, . . . s :!» , : »*'•« at P» **t

,p..V I

frir Irtlliert.-i'

i i 'i ..I. ." . V S.- ’ nk .li,. o , : . s-,t i>S ,1 • **"•.

.<• 1 . . 1 |^n(;la>i’ 1 >‘ o nr

in s , M is 1 nsma lov le atul M-ss

I itiir I'ati,;!*'!!!, We*tni»

■ Mr* I nol. WKlhvseln

1 J . j u . : s n v i .T S v. * ' 1 -1. '1 ^ 1‘, • Rtidolplt I 'Vhiii'd i‘, .it 2 t! "1 1 thf!»l 1 biteial ,n . . .b _ . .< l|o:-;i* West Keat.lrtl. - v ll ll - I., ... j , M I'.llttl, I n »f V

M .. f-i 'n«.',.n>l C'M..h. Kr?i'«1 . . , tif't- :! ■ - ■ ‘ ' ■

\K l-l

1,.^ n*bpr

» .iii M-.- i**i 1 ' ' 'k '1 »in Si ore I, l. 'll ol 1 ' I ’

ilH tae iia..kb!< '-if-' ' ‘-‘u p.iil, Mts Aitms lie - 'su «'•" • : l*

'.MaiV Shank, .ii " I •"! <'■’ ' ’ M iner lit>il*.ei*. Jtm*(>h 1. > i ..»5 |V f **-'^^’'1 ' * *'•*< i; ? "1'i

’ hr»*h i>! *•«»* '

Svfc. i h ’rr* • * 1 ff-p.i Ih '- 1i iv pt. ■■ *:!N ■ * "

ll' 1? *' “ V 1 ' i; '• t io-.*;. -iiiJ f-'

I 'lK lifH iH A l’HY


Pot trnitur*

I I M M N '"I U 'U K I

h*h W ilU l ih d

It tm W tv. it,

HslffV * '• d-l»-

l\W IW . 1. i-*' ■*'


\ 1 itiS Jdutihj A u 1

J»5‘n d:^{j luc*Jj T. iii M.-iilMoulh

• (!. t. • s , fo;l. a •- 4 -i-.jij ftae l.sjl^HiVFMl tti 1 111 I'S if

. \\ l.f.HO'iH

\*?1 \K‘. !t| tt l» UMfl ill *«»'■'-

S i f'-» d«1‘ 11 ’ ' '■ ' ' '1 , Ihi' , Mil 1 ;|| ilia I h i n m M r r i l ' f t , Kinney, *\»t a l« . » -.

: S - p j y ....... « « . 't ' J Y - * s S M*fk‘< Hill m j^rt-3 i. h-M^1-:I1 . •! . . AHtiHSFV r»* »

I ifr ^ s V lir f »:l .« "to ilM nV i U' * , ! ' - 1 -•'*** '' llii.,. a.-Sii'jl' Ilf '-■>'«! sf* o'.tll* '-ill, 'i ski V, a n ; (W dan c i- .inaf H# '■** '

1 #1 1'h» (Mitahleft nl At l i r i i ' | lni.n ngliattb ,. - , 1<S li .• :>»“ ' H'-f* I f i

iKo. iMs-afd and RfHwrt,

!v 1;. ,...»>.ir*i a d»Mii?-'e-.„ , W«| |.r,ai:-' .'t

; > ii- .Jr<» l.\i) *'-!?P _ f - pt h"'!

,.f i ai. I'rf « nr^i ■<»«, i<t ■» ( « h V I rt| * f ll Uf.

lj„ rtMi.i f»al Ii. e-f- , Sn-.l ! i " iflfr , laf iW* ! * ’’r* " !l

i i. I„ ,a . . i . . • ! . dav ifo i 'i lM « !* i « " d ia d It f i I 1*. W«HIS. <ten>- I . , rnlM «f l-m. tm ! "»*'»!•. »•«*»’** J *«?/ Wrsh.od.

n f.,l |M„|, ||-..:j. fi.1 • -I #hii Is ti1> ;.| H II Hm hli'- mi-« **a !, t nnmM l - ^ ( , , t

(e-it/H.bV M * t « i'» in |t**». 1 »<- »* '*

a t af at ,11*. V.!lO< I ^ H a t ^ ^ ^ ^ e .

Si'Sn# m* nk* w b“ iuarM !fit i f jmV* U *• t>^n» Ml **F‘

1 I !

„ P.* cvf itr »*-l ' I*' »if '*■' '

f tnd,. If . life M' r"»’J *' li,If-.-..ftitl, *5 » diiwei:

'j U 4 " 'ad ' ■' llt’i

«f vm •'i II r ( i l e y M . ia U '!» l

ir Ain h. **(»Ifii.K 4 - I ' .•• I . il .t-. iSr-!

I'i^i*’ 0, fe: -i d'ad I'--v 4. *:i; |. , f t ja 'n


I, -ao* tr l RtnH#

SALE2 0 " ,

O t F

SALEj !,v i l.i..sti »


) i.lOKr'4. ‘.I., IPU H l'lt! . i'liCilii': 46?-I'M

A lii. lt iH H ia lii Infanin

MM, l;»fmi'o »:>

J-.OI i i a

s i . . ’* '*• 4» 1 *»

. .. f ... '•'•* I ' " ' ‘ ,k


. . . I , , .t-.-h H»"-t

<.riM| tn *f ***

- 1I#f li&tla -

M . I I - 1 I»i-M»'» >•* , l ' 1 •"

l .r i . t I f JO'; >•-* -•* *

Ui **l *al«a a»i Hfle-ii ............... *•. . . j . Iaa^*.« <*>»*•? ’I'***

liO Cita*6 l KJ* ^UttAliO'ii t*rt i**‘iifi&4

(IflljS*. " l* i H: ,:4f , ilfcri t*l ’ it<-

tf a M: ft ' * 11

. I * M ii t ' <4

Wad ‘ i *•* J ' f ’

thurttJav; DscemW 33, 1965 the matawan JOURNAL, R j. Page Sevan

f f e l i f t S f H ’- •. [ 4 i,u Mrs. ;>iittia«l Fa/.r.ari, Metucli-

John 1. Sutnliy . !,en; two brothers; Hiree s i « « * nnd

John J . Ri\!ak\':' __• Old . Bridge.

^ a j- W nramJcftiJdren.Fridav,i;. r»cr\ia.*:. -ac. i; itcU T:i;;5-.j J ' ,n Ko/.nu,

u ‘ i'Mi '■-'•Jrp.’-'v ' .'310-;' ^';vn- ,

t e n .Mrs. Po.uM Hsrt. Old Bridry*. I - SH* wwi *. pariuhionor oJ O arjark, and Frank Pauionki. South • ntval I-toron. rit*) AkiIkjv Ava. InUr- ’ ’** - ’ • ‘ • « ' 1 Laay n l Peace ChuKo, Fer.U. : AmK^’v . und on* ^randchitJt ! " i' : ‘K-* {i1 Nation lit-

Surviving art; her luwbaiid, Alax; » , ervi,...^ v».Te held Tues- j iLtn Rr “''va" " " “ l t.vo b.utlicra, Frank Xoam . Old.j t £ » G m J ”’™- 1BrMM, ewi 'Win Ko/.nu, Hope-1 d t f j .. . . _

v i w . w k i - . * ' --- -- . - i Iqtvn : «il liifl ►reS'vlC'* Im>o*C >0.

H ,-m . H i ; , o < »,*• a i M he’d ! s- i!: 3 ^ : 'V, . ! w-r-m ■« -=r R-y>- ^;ii I. a.m. ;u . - v i ; , . ; M i ; > ( k i y i>e<..

’• * l';ir V,,U soil -Sm Hiwrttl Knn*. | SL thu«n ; ? , , ,;i.r v , , r, <. -••' for *.w. • ’ I Kords, followed bv a ie<j«‘r..'ni muvs ; m 01 s f'1uk"' •• . f*.ran-:n • !'.* > »<v.-n f.av:

\ ^r:;.b?f*Jr.;* StfrtfcKi S r1*?: ;\. . Airs S ^ s .) i- ‘ « ?.i*> ^ * w l^rlv of P.mcb :

W r«tcd W ,, Rose (ko^as W » . HT i !’'! l ' ^ ’ 'Novcity f l« tn K Shoe. In Bu t - Or-• Av;-. ^ . i . dieJ. N ........-«r^{*. ' , . [Doc. 27. jfW , dt ,W horn/?. Sjje ? Mr?f< jvtyr0 r, VsnPolt j Ave.. rtk*<ud«<>ii, <iicci Tu.::.c,' y. r " ‘c

^l5.* jr? <npv?v*'fi by wihi, Mrv, ; b<i:>V ui A su^^ru^r1., Oh»o. imk'-- (Kai’r . < *f ‘l :,t ^(Unt? w'ls a retirediiouhie (Monaski'r Saiaky; a i'csiUcd :i! h 'ijv .n f ir Us.. w . u ;M j fowar() s t ‘ d-ftl <m i cmpJoyt £ltt iM i-m i'gb

Survivia* in » iKOthiC. Harry U urWui, RR !. ISo k54, OM Hritee. j ftnbtn?«». Murttww. Unit Wurr-n Vn»n(>. 24 W~«» Pi/-#t'

anu resided K E'is!. l)t« .'as for S t, “ •<’?"< ; : j F- ^ , M io w d W a w w m ;t« ! * s ;.to.'.’M' "'• ' " ' ' ’

Noticelh c offices of ths JJrywn Piib-

7’i.e HiKSiKJ f/.ntw riat Honw. j S * . K 3 ,^»rt , 2J V««rs. Frank A- \wai in ot tit- j Rh;i!\a<J*-.r. Z'iZ Austin Av?., a «J .ttv i a|j ^ C..c >\

rxi;;o:;;;::V; I A V«iil»s.XK.rt. *0 Oid S t a g e ! ________1-------- ---

........ . . K d . Iwih (tl Oh: B ri'iic . ( ■ V'.m's, ' Npw Is t;n- ‘J.m-1 advsrttM

l-ir^t »-i!tia.n McNioW. i »«rt.n * i «Hom unaw d anictra ior Mifl.- A

K ir j» i : . fiv- n.VL‘-« ! s« .V ! a i Is t-V. c ls s iifWCl+3c! For Service

M.jrtin .J

%Ui M:: J . -il v-.ri Hm*'-*

A h * . ;• . *r*.?f h

'. \.‘I: i i* •’• •; !,l ’ >.(<» I ! ‘ ‘ I : ' J I i I - ' S I* r • . • t- ') • * ,T •*'»•"

!!i- ’.‘.’ i i, •* '*>: il’f‘ vio-j tlio J' ,

litj»T:;'ii.*dai. ‘♦:;>:»un«:’* **) Wi-jviv-.i : 1‘a . i l >i.’.,*f. :if-; >V.\ ’. i -

Jv»>m Jv., Kas*t Or&nge;-. t m daufih. 13 vc-ars.

■ MOI.MDa - KfVfORT Aftf>

f i R g i H 6 8 0 V ! m m m s

*f«« dc-ji W*ta- Coyijn-y Ojv ^ fflaa^iS xi.-rt Club to; Tn*i*«t* ind K j C?n- | |Je | |

TV unff Ph^nff 9U»!rtv ia cu. tr fwrklns J"fJic !!i U!tj{ rflftm? fa rc* *«wyymz

Pia/.a, a*J3tf3. SelUjU Swjm. CMub (‘ ; OiVe.» .UtNKCl'lUSV’

:•'. - s bindu m ■ P1»M SfcSPSlSJ .CW*.*? »'. . f \om H t11 Ava t i M ldil’. P '» !> U>»“

, - -toot* ■ 264-1846

Co.. .Wv. i ’ k, nnO '.'."is s member o!

the r im Baptist U jyrd i Meluri.en, }wr;:orJv oi N .vark, Mr. PiMor*

Meluch'.-n vi.'.IJc.jr, J'*1’ fo u r1



' . . . for Th« "BEST" of Peopta ;

_ { Kridnv, L>ec. 24, WS. Sn« was th*“ widwv or Myron-. Van Pell, and for-

nicrly rusidei r»v Kfcvi.wi t.Sh? is survived bv a >/>u, M yro inW j^ t

Van Hell j i . . a . .'.'ri. , V‘v*r^

Star.IftV Ha^’und; ft sister. M rs.! S*ifviv-in& are l»i> wife. Mrs. Ma-

Harry iiait.? V^vrwri. and , bet I 'v w r. «, M ’ :.1 ?V»v/j!n' Avi'm;:. Mr.'.

iMi.iorai -UTViur.s v,ero held Tues- j Thelma J’alni.:r «>l M ri.^ d;jv at !i) ;j >m. il i!u- ( a iH ' . '• >'3- • .> ••)! IJiii;,1l‘,«!»r!i:n. N V.,

I Tasvd Con*ri\iimty J 'un.?nl ] ;m ,k. ,vuv;oi ie OpiU uf Old Unogo, 1 h»«?t ni*ri»». vs .is i.» r,cH • .\jrs-. Ru*.!» Ann Vi.mJv o( Ui.*!!*,*

R ld ^ law n Cemeterv. J V}JV und Vus. Joan Do*

.. U».|-. U o r,un*. Ke.-;;, and Rnhrn »>rM m , Jw ,» « . ( . . -S...,a ! Ml, u,| , , , IS ,; ranJ-h;:.jr..., ami

Mrs. Jtili-t A. Smith. ! b S-»Jtb,'lu i; grlMf’.,raitHohiWrr».Pine Ave, S<utth AmWv, Jiod fri- ! , " . . ... ,

Jay, Dcc. 21, 1W5. in Perth Ambov , ! l»s Iun*T ! ^ ' Y X J™ v ‘ GenWa! Hospital. She was born ih i* <>•»»• / ^ ‘•ay at ih- Ki.v.m r»-

Prwhold. the naught ir of iho Isl^

Mr, and Mrs. Casim!*- Pa'jtaski.Slie wns a parSs!iion«.ir v..



W I'M4 S*., ft«<| lank — f42-3211

1774 %rohi*AV - CLi*<2M


Maiv's thuich, South Amlxiy.She is survived by tier husband,

Jam e* G.: 1 daaphtM-. M is i Ann

Marie Sm ith, snd a son. Rsvmopit, both <t home; a.a>lh.';r jo u , G?oi,;e,

S*T.:th Amlw'v; a iiV .*i, M is. '■’«r-

otik'a .Marlin, M u 'iw an : four

brothels, t'.'narlfs and John Plo.jky,

Muru»iSvi!le; f'eisr P'onUy, N<-vv-

mu mcuim is hohi.ONLY M O M .f MA<P A GOOO BANK

You're Prepared with a First Merchants

PERSONAL LOAN«r^ l»vrr un wry ra«il; ht B«i\r

tnbiurru% . , , ut*, }■»•» h« i|ui«Lt« n« «uM a tintWer rlimilt IVi^uiut loan,

Kt«rs «!.(> t ir*l Mi'iihjiiu m.ikM )i u ti »| r «* *11 »f lutu* (<»rIiii** j i U i jM i . r t , <*tn I ' I <11*1 I m r lo t i o f t

lu (tiititit Ut >'». if jtHrflu*n

l u t r | h m h i* r t h i • im iu itu ><«tir l i i h U H , ] i h I r< n » if l i t lo o u r

l^HMUinml' Otlir#* J.t.l . . . * !in r lit*! M-nlnnU

IM.Ori i: W»M H|I«IIR4 n lt>.t',i Vtlli ft»M'vuirul

nicni |erui«.

« f*i> 4,.<

M t»>t*4*4 Hwt Ai Att l t-tW


huiirtM* - R««l Ettat«Ail & b l i ftl


l l ; » i r ia r it ia i«r»4 v i a « i j*wt l«tir«(M «IU it* prtfMpMy t*r#^ tor.


IT4KD A RD 1TOC& ffm «c o u r * * iM

a u l r « » l I L K«7>«r(T « l CO 4-1*99 • / CO 4 JN1

Atkerson, VanSuikirk & EiliaU, int


1 f. Fran* S* -

L^i.l A(j<rttl for HARTfORO HRS




for th* vtjeaHon o! Youi D raam s

Yw njvrt lii* hjn . .w« diJ liv.* n iin ;v ;;4

arti'i ir j in u ! yV iu f’9

aiurt, th iei uc*cofi f'Jf our ^«rvir^f

Brow n T rave l B u re au*>»r HM J — »M Hiw'JJi 9'., re r^ A n tV? Mrojiiway Ker?9*« - Nl<fclt C»U C()W*i 4 5011




We Must Be Doing Something Right

H a p p y

N e w Y e a r

T,;;\* n- r': 0 , S?fi

rr-i» Hrna comi? io

5 M V s a r DritTv-

>•;?!> »<p«clatioit»

o! haDpin^s* snd pros-

p<jr:ty. M jy a ! 1 your

v.'iihsi bu richly f'jIfilieJ.


FARW & G A R D EN SUPPLIES?aint k Harcwsr*

645 HO LM DEL SO. H AZLET(noor Railroad) 264-2211

« W H > » » » «


and Hii





110 Main St. Matawan


New Year Oreetlwj*




t 2 . r>






i f l d

. . . Now you can bo aisurod thatyour W u O i. Ki ll IW L A I ’ Dru-.i'ti, Suits and Sweaters will Innp their lit ,imi ■, rn <i t t .ip p i'. irn w ’ wht<nDRY C LEA N ED by Oiir Hi-.*'

b l o c K n it

: -1 '

Aii n i

r-ur • l.l !gar*pr>

im *■-

' I ' I ' " ' Me *! '<

Pi!" .t-nkiiin procadato. t, am M FASUKEn

i.A n-,t ij.'D j ' l J a i l c r I ..■ .j c / i 'e L ' l y

i if , I i i ? ’ * '.3

*' * t**i ? IC if'- vy rt(!i r -f>iv4 nSfW'ifll flMrjM

, , . W o Irnow you will b» «i p!sai»dn we 4i* in (rmiiina avaiUWn Isyou IU O LO CKN ir fnr KNIT* W EAR. Tty ii' now , , .

M l <~W <;!>"'■ M', ii!'AUHnJlAY BO Vm I;<T' MHIVIUY'

KEYPORT CIFANERS VOGUE 4-HOUH CtEANERS( J l M A IN SI . M A T A W A NI Ml 1|!|) f.M f I. tl-^irlll j

n D IV ISIO N ST.. K i i l ’O K i

•ji'. •.♦■ 9--1

MICK-HP <*nd U LLIV LKY bfc«VlC£

I a .J .

PHONfe ?6'< 1000

" R I N G U P A C M E ' S

HOLIDAY DISCOUNTS"Dm , I / thru )t, tf4). r^Kn |







or.JBonelesaCROSS CUT

ROUST - * i .

UNrAvn hand BONjifsi


TOP SIRLOIN ROAST ...... »• 99«i a n .a s m f it*t,i< ’'Ui- •>


iA ^rA ^ ifi *iu»«o • c g n b






P U H BEEf! .......

O .l. SOV ’T ORAOf A

,»tf. t .^ n l

1 Mo ? I Ibt. IS M I IA t ,

T U R K E Y S - 3 5 . 0 9 *




..... 1 i9«

5 1 ‘4,99

S l ‘5.79


O R A N C I S . . . 1 0 - 4 9LARGE SEtDLffbS flO RID A


G R A P E F R U IT 6 3 9sonu niPi


3 5 «




3 2 9 .

\ ' .. s * ■ ■ t *. . ' . _. •

r( Moyoiinb|»fr' - y496.



' X&frJtiA't*--- 'V'. U

'29c fit




Apple Pie

Murblo P«Ulifl Culii

. . . i 49c

. . . . 59«

n»H ( I fA< w m * 1 A in i MAIUMA1

S W I i i

C H E E S Ii ih

6 9

Amoricfln Cltne fi

Cream Chceso

silr-i Mills

2 ::: / 9 «

2 :,;; 49t

2 35*


Chunk Tuna 4 "..L"'!

Mnrgarino ‘ “ 3 I*. 69cmt ( t x r iM i

Mar^rine*' — 5 r,t 93f•». I 4 .

T n h L N n p L 'in : <1"!3’ ' *!

f» r tt

Scolt TnWfli? 6 . I**-,(/> *P , •

Iriefll fn»‘-up 7 \ h

T o w ’ to e* 1 • 'I ,, 4 ‘>‘

i. *• • • t * * M t ' i i l

Idtoi lou Buyt V. 5(>'U i l * -i I*

Tl«iio 10 ;\69«


■*<•0 1 *4 i»iv» ff«j 1 • rt


2 !.;, 8 9 *




1 2 $ 1

OKHN f l AS• ■ t • 1 f *

ir*r■; trfAOfifnr

1 * * ’ *1

10 * " , * H

R O U It H AND (./.MHfJif »•' »i (nc M AI/*V/AN

the matawan journal, m 51.Thursday. Po vitibBr 30. i96B

*# fiBSL^ X , i i *''

- m :


m m -rn

:m m

' : ' ; ' ___________

T o O u r

C u s t o m e r s



M a y t h e b r ig h t e s t s t a r h ii in e o v e r y o u r

hoiTiG t h r c t ’.^ h O ’ i t Y\,lpHd«* s e a s o n .

C o n t i n u e d g o o d h e a l t h , h a p p in e s s n n d

s u c c e s s in y o u r d a i l y tu s k s d u r i n c th ':

N e w Y e a r .

™ „ » W W « W W « » W

“ ; " i l f t j a c c O n S ? a r i h *

r V-.v O W - '


I m m n ^I A r * ^I C H R IS T M A S a

ANUA ,lM 'I'\ J £


J . F . H O S T E T T E R ||

K c R e n i i |

5 o n d 10c S to r e || ^ ^ ^ M a ta w a n |

I M ataw an, N. J . $* a

i i»

C O L O T 'S



W A T E R C O .R 0 L 1 .0 T R U C K IN G C O R P .F a lio la u a >sd C U m ic tJ T ie m p o ilil ie n

May vour .'icari be filled with

lb* icy uf CV.MII..-.S. i-our sp-irt

MUM v,Uh i:» s !r::cm pro.-else ol

FeiK« on E i ith . Good Wiil !o w in !



1 7 0 8 U n i o n A v e n u eH a z l e t 2 i B roadw ay — ■*•— ■------ a s j

. . . ____________-------------------------------------- ---------------------1

i i r r i T - - - T 4 v {

< n \ ' / /

Keyport, N. J .Morgftnville


T o o w n u m e r o u s p a t r o n a a n d f r ie n d s

t h r o u g h o u t t h e B a y s h o r e a r e a , wei e x te n d o u r

m o s t h e a r ty h o l i d a y s e a s o n g r e e t in g s . G o o d

h e a l t h , h r .fp in e .K s a n i l p r o s p e r i t y d u n n p ; th e

n e w y e a r .


Slsvani r tm llt

L r« « n w ----------- S htsl tWnRi ol lift- M»y

---------------- — a (lnj( w||h the

hippy tuvnd* 01 Uur.htrr,

malic end'ir*

{ P a lm e r A v e . 7 8 7 - 0 6 7 4

QwtiAQi Mflv ihe YJ&,:rJe seascn 4b r in g you " n d yo^rs -.''I e

joys your hearts des ire .

H n p p in e i i f ind Pro->pi*f.ty tc

all th ro u o l'o u t *t'o M ew Y en r.

k a h l e A M c F a r l a n d , i n c .

H« At<«y WlU. Th. t. I.


wl'tiim* VW1 ?

j I day lo time with »N the _ Keaniburg « | ................. 2



tci 111 • H-r 3*

744 IU I

S e a s o n ’s

G r e e t i n g sl_ y

T o A H o s t O f

W o n d e r f u l F r ie n d s

t g t « t e w e t « t € q


H W nvny 35

rrurn Ail oi Us

lo All ol You.



C A M P A !b M C O M M U T F E



to A l i

V9 -





5 v r . 4

V 1

H oliday Greetings

Our v n y i im t i * H i'tH 'U ..

lU-n foi vtu i v» r*t t'Jil-ii i ,^ « \lii ul the I Jit

U Myou tuli i»nd

t Ui t* ' 1 * g p Vrfcf


MATAWAN; M U N <r. ............... - ji i 2

5 * 1Airport PUia H *llet _ ____________ _ n tlt,nr^r n, r r nnmir ri------------------------------ --------------

------------------ — ; -------------- ---------- J ;■------------

................. y o F i i j ! l ih 9 .

B U IH .E R * B IT T E Rm con i'O H A i m



, : r ■ • ■ |

i in n l Ai-.iml. ii i A < ° [V |

\ I . , i f . ■''■!■•• r r-.'(‘-n. \

1 W . S. W A I I A C E |jr ,■ 4 I 'ic t j i ' .n m | j

• v lK ’l t * !

V»I)»RI plymxuih KmU* » r i l ‘ r i \ Ii *>

I I W . 1 - o n lS l . , K «y ,...........

\ .

¥j | f g * Happij 11

A ; j W Holiday \ \* '■ T o m ' i t

J ’ A 'I H O .N HV<*5 « •’

• fc * * -J

»! ■**

»* \ * * 3l'

C U T & C U R !^ | M Ai I V S M « N

p ^ y ' t i \ iom o i J J* M ^ i* v M.

n t Mt.!- n * 11 \ '■'* 3 |

> ,-/•* w> i

1 J

X * 4 V

2 Sa v * *n *

$ 8

m a t a w a n L U M B E R CO .l t * t lu m t . r r \ I

Sutphin Av#. 1l l p f f l l r l l i l l l i lB i l M i l la n jj

E f

1 1 '

5| ! C ll i ' j l r f B. VVltllrH A Y n i U K i 0 ? !•! I 'u n iH ii » i i i m i h i i ^

, ’ f u 1 > f »«• • 9U ' * * 4 ■ - .1 2

, , .......... . v * J U n i'e H S

I l»S- t- . . .

fK. 5 i . 1 1

q a s f f i s i £ * d

\Vf ( » r r r l N Oil

\y ,i) , a 1! »......«! i ^

(n| H

jylfn*ii u**

5 L .S Dr. mui Mm .I I mm |i W . i i ih im n ! I t» H t(.„u M h r>....•

■o-- •■«•»» .»■*■«■• *i*,J

11... , , , . 1 ■ . i in „il

»n,) ilmV ' i fIf * : i'» .in.l | J l l . Ill (" I Mil il

;■•».. -y C-II >’■ • ..t !'■* H *f.

11 i i h d l l V l i l i i t IM lfS


M A H O N 'S

(iHKhri.NOHVuHMIfr ht iHtf | %M n lflifc^* i e i# ♦?« t |*R*(onl " fc ' . . . .

ftfttlM family

KEAN.SUUIUib o w l in g

C F .N T E R

uf fii»iiru» t prnfi i1! Hl1tl |

i.unlaiii iiiit

R a n la tt T o * ! 23

A in r r i i sn ! .« | io n K r V p n r t

Sfimlf l c*,o<h M f-»«r

1,11 1 1! Vrrf*( )< | ' I r . ” ’' I

I •!!'•*»•„ /• J


nelO ttG L 'S BAKfiRY

G r r r l i u t i *

f ll l i i *!ni'pf« »;»H tfmi ) * • i tnd Hfiil will *nj;-v *>*ty | nilhtfl*1 lil Uia Ii Hi r.v Iffc1I n n . n<«»i ti'f iiK h»pri****v pr«iMi*(iljf **•’»‘fil *h*

8 U'«W *’»h 1

IW y i . «««Mn«iMi

| Wa«Mll||tnn Ailto

., S n v Ii p

5 • f . n t i i H M trnf | IH IM V

Y Iff Stand »l. Hfjpatl. . . . . . f E l i r v p n r i j S • I d «ra in »i.

MI-“>T.. .*J l wl L»T-ir

n . n v i r s



■ u i in-m wt iii.a

» I H A

f ti*,pi v ii'i) < in v si / * ''i

l»! < I «

J rp if i* * ’ ..'* an? 1 ' H *'•'•

i B e a u ty S fc lv li

* t i t JH IU 4



f H O U D A Y

% * ! a m

A a •,*. ;» Vi : V‘ ,j!|



8 AY SI IQMfe M A N D W A R i

i t i »->-.• •■•


IT t ih l i t i f >.1^*.^.*.^^.**^ ♦ • W f P * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

rti(| i;i |t‘ ( i i 11 i i l i ( ( r

T l i i i i d t you foi 3y i f i r |i!'.'i'fiiHpi* !

C O K K ’ N n o i T I . E I

(.In k i #t«** l-liu*'* |ffa« i

t i l M il* l l . " ' I ' * " *r , l m i t i n )

I m m n t *ab iU rtm M


W* express appreciation for the cnr<Ual relations >Kt%v««a ■» m il extern).-tat wishes for a Hsppy Holiday Season,

A. 3. iJOLliSrSih Plt.Q,

Fa*. PzuMueliuBAR - RICH

Tfc« Camo.T Diuj Sic:*I W . F f M l i t

fell. 2*+iji:-EIS3 Kcypori

Secauw y o u are so

nice tc us we wish for

you 6 big package lull

ol ch«er.

The Bujalwt’g Klnfcs*Keyport Jeweler*

2$ Went Frcct SL, Ktyycrt



In the spirit of the Holiday Season, we wish' you all the happiness anti good fortune you could, possibly wish for yourself.

Specialized Plumbing and Heating 1

JOHN P. G O ETZ, 235 Main Street Keyport







A N D E M P L O Y E E S ,


W« wish tc say it has been our good fortune to do business with the finest, folks on earth and the Spirit of the Season brings renewed appreciation of old associations and the value of newliieliuth litico UK»l tlteC 0 '»Year will brine you and yours the fullest measure of happiness and prosperity.

" i

P ET E ’S, Inc.• - <5 w

« I 44 \V. Front St. 283 Main St.A TLA N TIC T IL E MFG. CO. 1 I ». v l I| j Keyport Keansburg j

Matawan | S j

I _- ..


and best wishes for

the Yuletide

*5 STRAUB MOTORS, Inc.nV* Yi»ur llu lck Dealer

*5 Highway 35-Bedle Rd.S

.'.■(K'mqtc iww'v 'cwtfwtftft'C’C'wwc’wrTCHwraTOcwmww*59



May we extend our sincere wishes for a Ilappy New Year and voice our appre­ciation for your pnb-onnge the past yeer.




id Broad St. Keyport jj


Yulclido Greeting*

Seaton’* Greeting*Tu f>»t tr»fn«1< i»n<l pat run*- l l u n k \roi for u n . r | » it


Matawan Wine and Liquor Store

g The ‘Horseshoe’ Iho t,ig» of ‘Good Luck' . . g Tho Bell or Chimed to ring out good cheer to | all. May the Yuletide season bring you tho best g of luck and cheerfulness.

We'ro wishing you a holiday season crowded with jollity, merriment and nil good thirty plus ft New Year of

health, happineed and prosperity.


May a full measure of Holiday cheer be yours throughout this holiday eenson.. .good health, perpetual happiness and prosperityfur the New Year.

E. H. K A H LER T & SONS, INC.\ Highway 35 Hazlet>


To cuf m * n i *Vr '*ft tnd Piticni »V« liU nd S n u f*

Pelt Wii^n (ccid

ft i i « r j S„«o$».




Bitu’f vt-fit Wishes 1- or Your

(loud Henllh A nd


tatoW : - •' ’ [K#uportHflitlw.iio(o.j


J*b n PlttDfe - Aulh iKT O u M l l ] I “


South Main St. Keyport j \ \V. Front Sl. Keyport *

J l J ft < ^

\ . . . . ^

Ii Among our tissrts we'd likeJ to cuiiiit the only one that» money cannot buy - vour goodj Will. And .so nl this holidayJ reason we eyler.d to you . . .J not a.s a eiis'on'ei alone, hut hs“ a friend . . . the bt>t wihiii-s

for thi* 1 »«!Hav.


f ,1 M f t « t Rv/ptrl

-Happy Uofofoy(iurliii^ (o oil our i

iU»»| j otKinn 5

J K w (U »» liy I h i r r . J

M. II.M. J‘» * ^Isid. I !

lit - i * ■*! *'*' i.y

mi mt' * ilntiiUjr Ciirrlthh'1

fj-* |i ei ; «»*rr»-n }# nt Sim*.

)!<•* We > * J>«* if 11 1 ' r-

ft rf t$f%***


l.Si <H I Vf*4i M4*ft I t .

rNs« mtm

DiO h * ! •*>'! ’ -1'nett I* Innul'hiK amJ

tJB Rtrfl! |>*f It?f » h l " | t-lf t% ;»hr* %

jjf l!=nae fit' >-.« f

* Ij a11 ru n poi <'Hun %

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«.« 1 f Ui t if. „# I J »' * r M

« i » »* * l*i* A■i,

I g I''S aU I (&Al Ml. Ktjpfil ^

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Ji-I.n i ((•*•?t|« *•>< ■! I'lf'X

MKi, Huhti,Im Kfni I'nltnl'Att

Iff Ih,II- I'-'- tKtyporl

Atmf A Navy 5lor«V. fr*»« Hi. «•>*" 2AL A«tin«a and f

M M r

Pimeit*U n ll i la v ( t i f e t in i 'n

f>iiwrir< { ’(filletl

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Join . W . Mrhlrld>ei:WI I II i r l ft

rl:n Ji%II., HlR

a% 5i,* It if *» i * **S^ J’nHf#

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£»m StationH iIm H c i- P Ci.lii-w

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«>■( |(i/- r UhHiiliUt

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Hnti rf nbmff‘1


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■."Page ■!««■ THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, December 30, l96§

B us in e ss , F in a n c ia l F o re c a s t

tty Kuf>f»r'-1V» HaJm n ■ J-. false seiLse o! wejl*beui£. t-'tr bvtttiii ln/iv muoh&iuiahwt j

. • . a o . ; - - s ! t t > u * d - 1 ^ k o u i! irucU? should eniov - Th!.i z prfiiniv.’v, on we^-i

Wn-TM? tUV. divvi4unt tamnc tfvorfto.t v*ui. Much vi th” ’ ).>.'•* v d n th** jnioori-J»* t h ! ‘In \ m . President itftaaa will pus* j j,am m dollar volume, of coui-mj. ; . ......’ I*t»wad In attempts' to capitalize .<n j w iii come front price uu* . Novet- 5 ‘‘ *; l 1 *^ia J U - IJk K *'1' 1 *>• •the inroads «%' •ftlrendy has; theJesa, 3 a Irm.p, us personal I;t \vlih his G r t i l S o ck iy prosrurn. j comes, empkwnieni, and business Jfowevsr, sihco IHRfi wdi bo a O .u ij ;y>id |t;o cun Mimc-t* co'nndi'oc-i aus-.ionat a1e<Ui>r> S M . ' h? in^Y ; w ill oncoui-u^e- sp iudhr;.

^ r>oiruV i^s/ c^v tKai) .it :L Sl* 1Klj>u fot uhK\. awwrc, va* *hl# jvist v«?ui\ ihe Co<»»!v ': an;it„vn Sind hcnaiorr. v'A i a r :.1 ui.i .o r . . fjuv- uii'.v.ird, also (or icis.

i !nn; u.u* vacation lines Color tde*.ileli.ot'. o i , and

re-election likely. viit think iwic _. linior-.- jtp KoRermis ‘.\illi tlisj; y h>

tajipaves's iiionev. ............ ............ j ;,J r cenl'mieil Mfonn demand in thisi, et course, would like H'slNiii.; than to 1>l* cc'in;)!t!tL't> u,.ti -yi | mi- 11<<!n11vii11■ liu.inirss w p iis tir ia tins VorwaM . 'nil n'V • _j(). .* w , 0JI lhl. fnnr« har, bi| years o, e x p e i h - i i c c vc. „ („ ;| , ,.I. i,jy . ,rt„ | | . , .r pros.

■ » P«a«.-U»B-U<ti,U ha« im-SW in* ! p * , h u t !,.e« nu s i- thst iiuexpeeted s w n l i are « w « : •ms.ifsc K-vond (Iw liii-hdanEBroui w liu i rw K I.u w * . . *>:« LlcvtjU « the past i w vcar». brightest. ; 2:1 In vieH’ ut tin' ilm in m our

i. ilu' health of wonu, l uJei i , Hii*>’){Se:s, ihe p.overuukvl I'.rua


40 The st(rsdv Hdvaiu^ lO'.vnid j M le r aiitomaiiun shouki utakt* fu i- i f.hcr -projf/1!^ in helping in i

*.'i C{)}}* risuij; OiJOiat-l in** Hiil jiioi’iur '•>0 1K. j

■<i. Trues <{») not yrwve to tiisj skivls: rn'il.T'T drw-*-? ;nc stwk }kcl fist* u u 'i iJ j i 'j iv Wht!'! I

i«Kltv t C4il Uiiil litC ?!)il i 'vOl. vl.< |; measured by l:ie LX>w-vlom‘s ImJun-j

i lr in{>, c.jii ‘iti- j; rii jrVj■ itf 1 iiMlii.’ijKiti.’ a vob ii!" IWii;' market witi* a yi)0(l-sk«'il Ur»>pi»i5j , a roa! jmssihiiilv «.itsr;:i

; !h»* vear. ;

. ■(/.. I'mki t i n M i v ' ,,ukI. :ua:k'*< ;

■ may push to ae'.v ^-n’ 'in ,' Iht'i aJvanc-i «r.av no? hulk iar.iif*!• pecc/nt V !

i,,. i corpar:it'j proliU siio»v a tund^acy )to tJpiM' i*ft. <ii:* '

i erltieinjis, J ti»rcLii‘;i nn lij^r jn iou ^''T ,(|1' u ^nnh .v lu 'e wiii;.

in iorelan vucuWo i. I.i o;i»* jjfnsu1. t t * t t ;

. . . . ; coHrtidtH^biv- for»:i:.',M ira.•-•iifu', ami 1 faef thnt .hucK :u’tivitv lv advaiua^wus. l iHtb/rjuou. I Toni thM forvi|{:i tiiivc l o j;i l»t Aijserivans U> up to th-:* ail-vanta^'s herr hi homo and :naki*

l «>v ’.veil tks r>*’lm© istloi in 1 |-*tirIo tvorinc' lo protno*. ..• TheseJncUtde Pr^fwtu de Uai.ncjt t mestjc { m v l ^ vacations. Ntv- i

i••C'Uinji, Mill ; U'.' : e r t l u ? I fi>rcLU‘;t Ul! tli.'r in lou *.' ’

■ Johnson. in iowixn v*cm;iui-i. I.i a v

2. Pci'liat.o .the thrtfBt in . i mn hi!p|>y '*> ^r,,‘ this. ! hutlijWJ wiil vDnio [.(in. at>(oaJ. 'nuTv* . . . - . ■■

Is evidence that tJ>5 omlitioii lead*’frship. in Russia may ko cvntraii*SiiiiH into t'le hands of a nimiiftman.

fco.n'iPlhtiiK n»t ' s tw“' ths J^lini.-iiitlwv 'Histei. Murwivdr, Al­

i k a u^aiti cdulv'l hold tli? jjwtlljilit

■ li- (lift shilling p.a.Ucm o! the’ "col(l

V i r / '- - ■ - ' . .,1. I ilo nut look (or war witli

R ii»iia duriuj! 1980... KussU stilj li' greatly /eoncera.e'd' 'y:th’ ifying' (a ?rlriK prospeiity to twr own pen-p'_‘, :intl ln'cspeuUUy.trtmblSd-gbniil

IK? lac In form'productivity,'.1 , The elriwuiii lor. powtt. wilh- (n Kuisia inay come to a head inlllliC. it the »tron^man ij «nti*Wi«t, fit could try to pul on a good show bv hMUUw up the “cold w»r” ; but tin., Vnuuld ccr.:;titut2 no mnr* than

<|iremien>nil jRMlWre»;*n<(1 .M d j«Ut.■' -5. The lierU'V r*»'t

43. Siu'i..i'i:utvi‘ I'lithiijiaJni ;

lull JIT hi J firs can **.».i>-."- .t’ -Ui'- |j:i]nii».-i,;lv in (ii,’

inurkt't tluriiiE; tin: L'jinrsv.* ii! !WG ;

T!i'‘ Hi i.> h quick Iw'.'li 111

incr^.'isinr»K- fv'idem. ;

4-t I hui' ii'. I%|.' .’.ii! 'i" 1thtjm inore Ilm iiMal for liu* W.?»s- j ^ lh ,. * „ iliocua! sliecutsv InRs they enloy, j i ;(lu j „ ,t ;i ; n li; i:iu* in the stock m;ir- I

K Many readrrs, .especia lly i kL.( Above a ll. Irt i.!» remiJid fM d-J Ih fiM -re tM . ftod.l.ivmit oa pe-ntons i ers „ ( t!u u « f ,i^in.; hor j -»nd -sqdat. w cu rlty , .in* v w r r liv l . ,-10!lfV « , buv .u n is . Thos» •sliout the thnsst of inflation. 1 tore- 1 w)m, •*„„ „((• j , v i i ,.mf t. , M| • w s t no radical. • inflation durins j „ lliv r(. y j* ^ ( o . i very loin:. ‘ 19S0 (l(e Ad inoislrat.ou .« commit- 1 ,trd to *■ oon-inlMt.onarv proxre-s. , Ule* „ „ la .M u, fow«, w,|| ..owover, M-me^lte iac.esie» si- |„.U4.r ^ u u , 1 luve in mind

the expanill:ii( population, risingfteht u n « r id ab le

11. ( prodiri Uiet the createrdan* ,. - ... . , ,

K«r w ill lie in credit infl.tlan , rath- jer Ihtin ia price inflation.

26. Wi?h the rise in def« ■ spend

I er leijntre, atid nbove I pact of the Grent Society.

ine and tlu cost, ol legislation lar I « * investori *!»>uld be pleajed

•h* ^ ivdt'Soeiav- lhc federal bin! 'w ilh .cash- dividend pijyroemt' in

VI Ms s-major !« u e In Lhmijth i net w ill srnwr. a suable 1 1 1 i9“** 1 — ,-i : i ' - ,llror* 'c o u ld ' b« »omo ..nuiaa.ife tidditlon,- states and municipalities i» thn r hcreate. I im .n j t lw expect

ivents -to "try pur pttwnce.’ ' are unable and unwilUnic 10 live |» r»sli vt stuck divlrfeBJs and stockI. i (H on) (oreise all-out wv j witlUq Iheir. moans. IV n Jonw s t i- 1 splits, partiruhrlv in the .ttss b ’ H

With Hw l China in I90B, Mao is rad so w ill no further i;Uo debt. j of tl'« >ear

Vft> h * * k.nk. 0trt5(»„ m4 h.fl. wtA M Mt

mffrnleUra Iti *M fay Kora im a fn a, ^uiir( ‘ Nvt f v Ij»I

t « t . W» »Wl itm nvA Im^ U w h A ,

t» mm. lup. *<m w< o n M«f

te I, fl pfMptfWt

. ^ .d y tii risk maior c<mfionll

.. !TfH« iwwiax /•* » • »nd' indus tr ia l programs still loom t t maiui

37, I.wk ftM »yiv iiini- i'.ivs in the , f l . It Im<itnes4nien. t'onsiinn'is. ■cost-nfjlvlni indM. The .Rovtrii- land investors dn nnt acl volunl.irily

........... . . ment may try to liuad oil sulisun- |to keep iadctionarv p.e»s,irc» am!problejnf, antf the task of Ultnd- tlj) I'rlco hikes in kpy areu. but | spaciilation from Killing oul ol jnn Red Chlr.s’i nuclear p ro ijm i j «»|*ctiv« poe^ rim*"- will occur I Iwnd, liw monetarv a m l m r » iv (u a, heavy burden. | 28. Industrial untmudity pnccsllw forced to raise inari;in rci(un«-

7, Tiie foianioit task foe JMd. s|uiu!d remain firm ta higher, par-! menis «n sl'Kk (Hir*-liu-<**i nnd "xr- China atill Is lo get.a sea! In the ■ tlcularly In the lir.'t half ol M M .! h«ps tighten credit further.• Vailed Nation*. While Southeast Thi primary bulwaik »itaini>t a ) ,w j ^ « ,|,ai |„.,,rbond I /ism is an attractive tcjrrivor- prka runaway 1? <-<>mp.*iili»n. ()rirc;; ijait u . .nr not i -lat wipankipn may wall have to j vrlilclt <ht>tUd b« Iwiically nwr«i ef* I in immrdiat- danper"o( t-rcilit ex-1 V|'ji! in Red China's timetable, as i feclive thar wtverament Inlfiience. • huustion the lunkilin >\-stei.i i« .111- j• peaceful profile or. Iter py t j 19. 1 look for an increase In do-1 d(.r (l0n, „ m ni|)il| ,

wpiild make «aininn_ a seat at the I mestlc compelition In l!IM>. Ih n s r)a,]sj0„ „f m m vear*. i. VN easier. UN adnihsion, o f ! should herome more evident »• Ihe i udvu-e is to Imv Iminli which 1 tnurse, would filhanci ttreativ Red i liusincss upthrust tapi*r» olf. Also. ! j„ [j..v v.*sri or less 'liu *1China's prattiue in «fc*alln»!.i j we must not fiiritet foreiuii c',,i1' : (jme to Iw. li i^ i l.iui'er u*nn Ik.m.K j llie Afro-A.ilan nations. j petition. With nwnv natinai M in * ; ■ • ■ 1

8. Despite talks of a pwlonaed j th« pinr.h of a dollar shortage, tliey i •Irunttle in Vi^tu.uii, I forecast that i wdl work to icnu’d’t 1 ■’ • !»*.' in- 1 It wlli b» IncreasiaRlv clear that I creasing their tales hi*r>-. llie lialiiiite has swung our 'Aay, I M Rusinos!. in l.Wt) need feai no ;This should encouraue our leaders i major lalmr tie-ups. Strikes, Inw-;(o step up our commitment in Viel- ever, well may bt .uimeruus ainorijt I

Jam ir. ISfi? la ordei to forte t j th« cecnndarv laiMi .init .. i peare conference." ■ j 11. I liK,k (oi husuu-.'. failure* jS. 1 foresee no crisis over f’tibl I lo Increase, botti in niiinbeis find .

|n 1066. The aitreoMluit Castio haa i in dollar liabilities. This will Iv due. fiiado to allow more Cuban lofunccs j tu keen compelition, txcesm’* ol (o outer the U.S.A. undornwei the • j,,ht a,id inventory aceumulation*..Orobietn ha has in fecdinx his peo-; unwise credit exiensams. and vaie


l i W. I RONT ST., KUV l’O lt l

Alruott I 'U .a , P.t. !3, Hailet

T o th ft r e s id e n t a o f M a l a w a n

I 'o w m M p a n d n c i t r h l io r i i iR

( k im n iu n i t le a , wa e x te n d f l» p -

fiy Y u le t i i l n CJi'eetin/ra . P e r ­

p e tu a l G o o d L u c k fo r th a

N e w Y e i i r

y '5/


sv ti

yf *-d 5v v

5 #tfV

IyV ¥ y vs ¥VV »If 9V

I -M A T A W A N T O W N S H I P C O M M I T T E E M E N j ?

ft tf 8 y

Vo vnu *n:t ym iri v t

oxiean « s r m Holiday

urcctuv^i. 'Vit b*M

.vjylk-* far \ vt*»v |4-

vani».*ifi <i( |«y '



R A M B L E R , IN C .

X ,J; n

* i

pie.10 , th e v’ietnam aitualion nn.i the

Po m in ira :i Re{*Hibli<- inciilwU have convince'! th“ Atlm.n;Mt»\i;on tiiar the m ilitary mixht of our ualtcn ^ni«t !?*-• Jt a "rca ily "ba^iy Thii nn*a.*\< st^ppod-up do* (rn»o ipcndi.iK. ^hich ilM»uld fliUJ ftnothpr pi op thi* c^hhihiv

mjnaiie/u^nl 31. Of #re;itiir toiU'ern to n.t* ik

tho Heady climb in r.o.iUriu realf i‘V|V*l t H t'U

i’ic‘1' li.-tl III I')U6 _.'»*> I j i / . i W u t . • *1

not advance us M u ip iv \t\ tne

|M3t two

w ill come when tli*' y.*»l't-or. sh**rt

ttfrm boiuh exceed tu j

lei in j j . :

4U lltfl d.iliat vs ill not Iw .I ’ i ! *

a n ! in 1' ^ p<»ss'hiliiv ot dHvahi.?-

tion of th< Hnrsit andoiiht*

r tllv w/tl tr> thfl (<nttbut adilit.oiuil t’lfoM * » r « y ’.vill

Iw Jo thr poutid fiom

"lioir,;; under." 1 f«*:ir. 1 vever,

that «l! ihin i^ otilv ’‘buying lim e ."

(iuU dc.JJuajifrn of fit*? j»‘’u<ul n»>1v

l><* i:it* vilabU"1.

50. ]'H m» « art* Un tii*- out- j

flow of t;old #-om Amcric-i’s s h o re il

;u HoACVfM, jn s »>? the |m ipntiiii i'f* of the* L* S ‘*i iifcfiM*

ti,»,lo :ui,l \wmM tmi’ t.u v t'on -do’ i" i' in , i..» “ .;" i h oik-M M'l

. .. Ik* itUu'U».H Uj *\.I ‘v l i o ^ n< ::* {'O; 1

three v m n . The **n masse. Hi ar in mi id .«! o that in pio>*l inar«l.ns; there \s no ( v th«( *\ti.

11. While auch defense spending j hunce, I l*>ok lur u Js[ «MinK ufl m ; out :ruIiiMn.d .»’:0 'h.Im.hv fi'lij he«vjl/ upim i.o.;ventlon*; j};* m e «>? rorp.’.ra!!’ profits, «t und that, h jihh^ lh»* l» jdtn^ ;ia-

u . i I

ft! r .u lltn ry f,fin*p^f i>t

pro^iutM vviU hH ue^l'vU'-i

Havitvx rom *1 fi<»io ijeiund in the Uie AdtniiiiMritiun Is

itkfdv to hiw»t and alluA Hue*

f i? !o Ojvn ;«n‘»(}n‘t s\Hh* ,;;ip.

U. Ttie in tip ;ne to do fu^e

o-ir «*o.»r*’ tiwHiolj I ft'M -i'/1 ntt J r :|-*!«; r'iiimp

\vh;U* m i'- .is ixiid. nc.ii jk

M Ir^iku*y jt lh«* fjrm »-'<tor,

1 ii«i rud><al Lli.Jn.'*' tri’*-’ ! ;it?l%5 yvar, llau ir.ii ,t a op,

failure or s»c\«*r" diou M (iut' at wuist, m si!»l • 1 d« ■r.,y

Ing Jiotwt(!o( iitd(n^, I p»uvw*»{ that j sl^htH r

jlw eronnmy !»• " *lo match the fanta^ti*’ m'hu’vu-

m etiii ol the p.»M f*>'t*•

T hre# tio ( mi|or Uhor stnkei h.i\<*

bern plJS^K' an im po ittm role n •t .it iu litn i?*’ !i>rv i imvi! om.i

|jmiu tim e to !i:n» to p liiin^c^ j-*,-!»«».; 1 <t'l |! *- ik i«*f li'du%-

}i i l t !«>n to * (}•’*• t<; • r,fw

IMO. i ji i/ .i > (. I f< ' r ■ ■,K CftlhO • IT?!*!•% **<*! 1'*d

itv iM lir r tVi thr Hiel » -!%•“-*« \n |w. nir.torot* *»• !«* of h^h-lev**! o r

t i l ‘ fitii* f (I-f t ’i1 **-»•*••

)\ 15..mii*V' r.have !>»•«•»» * k%'-. Uit«»t *f-

t h # W.imim* •*

35 I' i t Hi **'|U’p:i‘i‘:d MM.VI farturcis »i*»oid >-:«p»d i; i1*}IH ’ W in I'-rtiti I h is j " ( J-M> !• i ’■ | r r

tdt/iT iind pfiihidr jn*m] iv'■ f■■% I l ir tmfv/ftjitit d t<l

« m i‘ |fii l " i i ! ‘i! !’■ • -

0 *0 Ul I ’ ' i htii th -if IKK,*, \>i, uni** Iv dii-’ (,iit,4,i'i t<> nf mt and ««M I S*h

r*ffv r '/ i.'j/J f ’ (i * ph^ »,*.!.n 'ni »«iit.‘»t$iKl.»*n, »:;• i im'i i*>

*nd hi/iw. j 1. ••37 |»ns Jti* hoo»** . ;id «|-.h inn nl

H-UMi Juii> --Ui,!.- ji,* ■mro? th* f i* »f> r**i

4: i>' l.\ !!

€ lIS l l c u r , 1

i foi ttlH*

*,»»•»t i’-il

ni»is >•. M*- « H » f trf . I

|*u-. » =U ■'•»* \ ■ i ’<!•V-. j»‘> <'! ll I»v i o** i"*

i <t r> (H*: t>Afi ^ **>H l-’l> in'-

{ '.ft, r* «•’ A )> / f,|j« WO. *»■«* O’

r Uti. ■ l ’« !Jidf>9 ‘d •**-»*•! > i»*r « '• .f fnj-t' +\ • fj'n»uriir«» ;

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O n L w U P r i 9 «f f kS f‘:\ K ? ^

I I * tt,ei+

Thursday, December 30, 1965 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL', N. J f aOt. oavan

Forecast- P re c a r io u s .

P rm p e rU y N e x t Y e a r

Wshsr H. HovUe,*. vfcs .anal* dent and treasurer of Armstrong Cor'.1 Company, Lancaster, Pa., forecasted general business condi- (k.iji (Jjrliifc (to next I I months ra a period ot “precarious prosperity" as 'it addressed tk*. I.lth Annual Convention' ol At matrons Flooring Wholesalers recently. While >'«■ piiiw/.ing that conditions wouiu ton- limns m be pruspciotis, Mr. llnad- Icy defined his forcocs; o> “ pre­carious prosperity" by siating: “ It

iffn ts uit|ikvly lhat \i|v,ya«l pres- kv-jiucs can build. tun|iei Withe.!

lomc inflationary and financial troubles, a •><! any 'brake' on the economy's forward momentum am Mpsci ths delicate balance which Iras given us sodi .1 Iniif! period of prosperity."

Tlu* Armstrong executive ixp lain- e<! iha l ufi^i-strike Inventory adjust­ments fn .steel, 'tome tutting in automobile demand, tlte ddmpun-. ing effect o[ hitihor social cceurUy tsxo i nfter Ja n ., ! , tte very recent liisrouni rate Increase, a i ’csv squeeze in prufitv »nd 'w .w - quern impact on the stock market can i:e expected to lessen the de­mand pressures in the .tcunorny und i;ivti ibe ..upoly side a chance to catch tip. "{test year many new plants w ill be completed, and

'■ ’schools and colleeca w ill turn out many more graduates to tieip meet skilled and:.sfclni-4idited labor short­ages," he la ltl.

.Longest Period Of Prosperity

M i. Hm dley sU t 'd that we ure

4 spetuls fofwaid,

IHiwer river^l

a-STAae, setF-HHOPEu.Fo

S M O - t H r O

Ma I?; iho;} wdjI ol closing •ny I ind of >no»i CU«r» 24"

path . . . throws maw from 3‘ up to 35' 4*«y In any dfrocftoft.

D*p«r,d«bt» 4 h.p. *ngm«. fctty

to op#r«t* f it* fow »pt*di

forward plut powtr r«v*r*o.

C e r l i o n e ' s


HY. 35 - H O LM DEL|t#N#iM «nd


vi1 r ;v'*i 'y n ‘ iui- .'..oiil.i ut Ujii-sceyiive growth, the longest period

of uninterrupted prosperity In our nation's history; "N p single factor

can fcfi cited as m pnns ltile for this

achievement,” he ta in , 'but it cer­

tainly reflects the basic strength of

our profit system, the calibcr of

'eadtrshiji in economic affair*, the

energy and aspirations of Ameri­can 5>t«!p!; and frankly a little lock

; in iwxh d o n ifu ic affairs nnd Ir.Jer-

i national financlni deve lopm ent."

I Mr. Iluadiey t'auiioiied, how­

! "ver, t!;.\t we n m u fislly .ppn-uatc

I tte possibility thnt th e 1 Federal

I (iovernment in ISM! mny whipsaw

the economy by Imwlng tine foot on

the economic accelerator in spend­

ing support oi Vietnam and exten­sive itc.v social welfare proni'nm%

iinct (iie othet fiKit on tfn; brake t-

m inim i/e Ihe resultuni m fb ilona iy ' pressure:,. "A ll of this will bt; at

a tim e when mternetlonal develop­

ments, including ' of nny-

ment problems, will require contin-

Mi’ii; close B'teniiim,” he taid.

P.eturnnj! lo the outlook for ihe

building industry, Mr. lloadley

stressed that the eventual rebuild­

ing o f the (lec.ylng cores ot our

metropolitan areas represents the

lireatest scnttwr-ic pf'iential

for thc American economy over tiie

next generation. “ Build 'n j;," Mr.

lloadley said, ’‘stnnds out as the most promising growth Industry in

the years ahead, particularly in liie

IS70's. And we must keep in mind

that building ts tht: only maior sec-

lor of lhe American economy with

Mur.: sub iU ntia l slack at the pres­ent tim e.”

Hmtsing I mU Larger

"Total buildmr. will have another

hj/;h year, timllar to 1565, but with two important dilteiences, home- builtlmg und repair mui mwlntibut- tion should be stronger at the end of the year than at the beginning.” ne J<.‘iri. Mr. Jfoadley j.l;;lcd thiit npw housing units vrill average taiper With stiu m e c,?’phns>5 on iJuaUty ia the 12 months nfiead.

He directed the wholes-alers’ ili tention to the importance of theIM Ul W uti iliu si vull i'J . - I.. .t ,ito help promote additional sales of

_ resilient Ikors. “ How many fewer i jutuniobiles would have been snkl fn iccenl years if only cash Ifm ts were' allowed? And isn't it. fair to sisk finw irutny ic.siliciit iloor.s will hf sold when we expand cut policies of i:onsi.inet ISii'b':'" Mi Ifniidley r.aiii.

our pres-

crcdit in

S y m p h o n y Is

A r ls L e a d e rA survey o! music*.

;sian MOO ;»»n*r^stt?d p«*'t»cs

sliowed a strong preference ioiI ' yjnphoiiy i tlsf? Arts:U V n it i io i»“ insili <v,| the Grjrder:»

j S iatt' f a r I' a ;i v ill H ntnuiri.

j P arkw ay r\ scutivc D irrr .io r D.

I I.ou is Tur.ti M*pt>rict! m at m pbony

lorchpslr** nus Utv lira chmce(UU '»{ tne TO aiivc.y rws^r.tlcrs,

i* k'.jj ;hiv *'■ tinj.-'n£n*aU?r than oper^dS thc &ccon<l most favorad preference.

The survey wa.s coftdticietl anions

thoso persons receiving Garden Stale Arts Centcr pruj?ress rflpm li

tn wrve af; u guide tho tilniininft oi musicit! programs lor thc cui-

turrtS-ref-ieatioi^l oom.M^jr (n Parkway. The Arts Center is to be

openca early in iWV.

Ballet Abo Popular

in UHal vutv.s cast for types Of

p ro m rn # iexar41ess cf O-^er of preference, f.y>uphony orchcstva vc- cuveri 4102 to the nUh!c;Vi Pa­rade. Balief. which placed third be­hind opera in first-cnoice selections,

, sec<nd in the overall count o? i j.-rcferencey w«ih 3^1 v<u»\.

| ArnonR- other lepeatud Au&k’W* I tiuns Um niMiicni programs »( cJm- {Arts Center were popular singets,

folk singers, ja tz concerts Broad­

’ xvny TiV.Hirai?'. cJramber mujiio,

jc iioral rrnups, 0 (x»rettas, ban«i ton*

j certs, rmxluin tfanve. p i^ufar mu-

»sic and big bands, am i foieiun

jilance and sinjmij: groups,

j In scle».*fln*if*, Uie'count ran as follows after 2.101 (cm

|symphony orthestr?; b7(< 'or op-

j era; M3 for ballet; 514 tor popular

Mu;t*r5., for folk wnKers; M l (oi |<uy. conce>i>.. These '-vere the

si.< c a r r i e s nf music «pcc:l;caiily

listed on the survey r iu d with

space fm write-in1*tJotda J»eni WMh Report

The «uvev reply cavils vwre at-l;i' i>i*d to Ihe sno :id prvgress re.

iim’i ti'i iiu ciiii'.lei. Matt: Ait,-.

| ter ir.s'.iod iast September. The re- | pi;i i ss i'iii li',; ni Siimr IttM'CC

I persons resjucs;inM inf«>rma-

j tion on th<- proi-ct.Total '.OK'S for types of musical

j prC'iji Jiivs, in :uiiliiio.i to syiiii-iionv

M)u:tii:;:tra iind ii.iili !, Aere; Opera.

’ l.!0 i. jxip'.ii'.r singers, 2111; fnik

| silvers. 3.795; j a j i cnncerts, 1938;. [sroadway musicals, 31i; chaml.K‘r

irnisic, !W; choru! giWips, 175; ,op- plan for Ui* Arts Cecii’r u i desljss-, y . in e IV Jm iie Parieiva?, which] vnl is scheduled for 'iie as«vW-

eicttas, lls); ot!'.ej«, tsch under


li ie K‘-w Jersey Highway A'J-

tlwrity, which operates thc Park­

way. unveiled uii Otc. I ihe master

Serving Monmouth Ccuatf Im 18 Y ew *

ENROLL NOW! Happy Hours


NURSERY SCHOOLApproved Cy New Jtftty

Stnte Board cf ldu<ot:on

Rcnf6 34 — Matawan Phone 566-0536


1 4 4 B R O A D ST ., R E D B A N K

TEL. S H t- 5 0 8 0



T q p e u j r i t e r s

& Adding Mfiohisios




S E R P I C O S101 Monmouth St., Red Bank

Phone 747-0485

VILMA'SBtduly Salon




Com !.50 • 10.00 • I1 IO

i i . i 7.EB Op. a D.ily t A.M. to I r.M.


eu by femed (sichiiect, HJwsri? Du-1 tpann the length of ."lew Jersey, I theater eacii Ju ly and August,

rsK tUoiic. Tho Authority w ill buiM 1 leads directly lo the Telegraph l ! i ’ ! j Jtartir?, in witii other pro-

the Center, featuring a unique open-: siu- from either IU nc-rthbouuil o i j &»«’»« planned nn' ir.i.; fne y ta r. An

ti<kd amphitheater, at its le ie-i southbound roadr.ay. i i-abler Soirise Service is planned

graph iflll Fark in MnajJKsth Cotta- Ao a rw a ! v\--w*ek Music Fest5-la«f the opener in M arch 1967.


h o t oc r\nr-MI I w . %-. «


wH n

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C r o w d e d l i v i n g

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-tf fO»r growing btocd has created a cryinq

naeci ler * family room, another bedroom

cr bath, you can spread your wings with

on F & M Home Improvement Loan. G ot

an estimcife from your contractor or build­

ing supplies dealer, then visii your nearest'

F & M bank office.

Why dijfurtj your nest egg?


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Cliffwood Av^, and H ighway 35


" ;st v ’• \.,J, Vi.

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i-Z ■) :



w i be redueed

Vou gal ^all lhe

savingsTN telephone b;."4 you reccivo Jangar/f^

jS S f iw 'H ^ f l e c ! a c A horn th e p / e a c n t 10JE to 8 % In

C a v Is ^ T e * c~. y ; u ! i v i v ic c , b o t h lo c a l

in d lo n g ( J i a U n o .Y y u r k a v i i ig s i»» e j c a r ' i t im « W il l

m o u n t to oU no& t l i t * c o v t c l « n « m o n t h ' l p h o n e

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h o M * fpv !rg<» svitl l ie y o u * Y o u w i 'l b « g e l l in g

irtCie phon-c &cr, : c c ^ e f y o u r

<S>N«m Juhy Bellf» i »f NMSwd^i M S fM f

W i l l t h e n e x t

A l b e r t E i n s t e i n

p l e a s e s t a n d u p ?

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7 waive THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, December 30, 1963

R a r i t a n G r i d L o s s T o S q u a n T o p T a l k e d O f

S p o r ts . O c c u r r e n c e L o c a l l y D u r i n g 1 9 6 5

F r o m S k i S lo p e $ l o O ra n g e B o iv l

>;.& lOOibaU «t!ii'ity-that tws come I Rw.ional’s Fred Kamirf. Bu! it is tu out, inly llie clear new that tlw hifth j be doubted that Kampf was atone

. icsib.itt ""f-?" u over. was I responsible as Mstawan- had ■« reveate;! Sun^av tvhen the Raritan j team iuiiiuK- ivcrss? sl' 2‘«'.»?<* StniiS f 'iobil the . Hayshorst Retl j Keyport one of .214, oitouBh to RiveWinRi.'Tri‘o' camp 3218. The Rams were hslpe^ in tj!.e;r endeavors by t h tr addition o> Serncnza,

pUioRteR- Keyport Hlf.h fullback, tothoir.sMikf. -

The Red W itw sot oft to a fcood sla^t with Jim Griffin, Middletown IiitfB. passing to J im Scott,tad , fo r a I im perlori touchdown.KQSkS .Tc-nklns, Quarterback, mov-

- ed th* Ranis 88 yards iat» la-the . ..period,'clii!i!"Ei>iK the *Jrive with * j in thf la.-,', si/imastlc gatr.B ol tht pass to Jim Pyler, ond, for th a . «?a*>i\, May 30.

’ score.’ • • ■ I Keyport Track

...' Semeuia 'went on line - tearing ! Keyport di\l Ket some satisfac- ranipates brought two scores ! tton out of the sports year in Him

«nrt a i4-*j Raruaii i« .d . (',na<'h ;|I,V P P * * ? > track teamiCtnrifc&n put the‘Red Wings b a rk » ^ whtoh nowuns bad been expected.

, in (he van tp.ruimiti* 80 yards with I ’v<in, scyen n tertv »“? , mao? it tiirnble. recovery, Semenza geftot-* showings in the Newark ltd 30 yards and the P.ami. went schools ami Penn R tlr/s . Aiid in, ' I tUr. f._ll itib. Dil,l I-i l\#l . . 1VII\.

nldiime Matawaa and Keyport ball­players nifthtinnres. . .

The Keys did p.ct ttomeliinjt ("it of baseball in that Billy Gei|*et. (heir speodbal! i>itcher, racKt'd up a third straight no-hitter against Mutawan in his first appearance r.Kainst ihern In 10K5. But the effort cost Gclser dearly for he lost two decisions to Kamnf and the Maroon aad St'iel ■ ((‘.it rijveuxe on him

Point, and a sueoml, Joe McC.ui-1 duvolm s and the number oi it-.ii;v.t's ‘ at Ann2 ;X )ir;. which caa nlve | in action, such %s tlu- S tn 'h T o re

the school |>reai source of p iide in | loop, the B jyM i'-’ ** Fnvir- .u im.l the personal caliber ot th-.- bovs j Raritun To .vnsiiii). The i."!iff\v.a-.d ■ who play football tor it. , V['"' ™ fib a iie r:: ss? .1'.' v. 1' - 1 i i i -

An individual oerfarmer in scho- j art-a representation in tli. ;t.ite la s lic sports of note, was Raritan ’s semi-pro tourney.E in k ie M oriartv in baseball. He .“ ■< Sports to out p t o , ; , . , : „ .d y tt mark of cutting down 20 of 2*i during I h e yew w<*re boxing.*

baserunners who tiied to steal j wrestling and summertime b;isket- afiatnst hint and picked off 14 who , ball. Boxiim . a ''dead” snorr io r ' strayed too far from base. It ivill j m lll, v a |oll(, v e j l-, beejme sudden- .be A lor.ji. hum. time before a n . , a top attraction m ain wilh a ! catcher n developed in baseball in I H » v ise <1 weekly show ot anw .^ir ih is area to match any such m ark. j action. !-rank Uovie. th.*Smalt wonder that Providence Col-i C'liffv.*c»od boxip.j* ru 'n to i, was a kev ;

rjK? bid so we’d for his services. ; »jmn uv aiding l<'‘ u! un'!i\te,.u's !»>1

_ CoinK beyimd tuo >c.VMas»k* ; y,y jH ^ UJK. t0 a .V f»a, m {h*

in baseball, ts'.o p:U'!km.> of lo c a l1 vvifh :• d / m o r i s u a i n - ,;r <i?

orioin accomplished much in l»Cr» • caiKibilUv. The «r>*f for Ootden Ka( Deiu. Iho M:ttavvan urad : ■M'otHwU<uvvn\. , u

whu pitched for Holv Cross in a I ,-j and a fit*.: U»vin>j i.iw.v (oi this.

coHv'^iate world series and then i ;jr<*a in a lony perinM 4V .v reached triple A stains in the St. j worked up. ;l.ouis Cardinals chain, mode a j uir„. r,:..,, , ,,

piiy€<( safety, and John MoricMn <j,l>tl fiiitch -Bloom staried in line

play- -- ■ lost 144 Lend

. Football was m ain the activitv

'r.'-.(o'**uppSy' th * ' r e a r * most ;r i t m l occasion is snort in tho bay- i ishdire. area In 1965, The sensation

if the s.msrts year occurred Oct. & ivhen RaiiUn TowpsM'p played 5vcs5 to Manasnuan in their Rrid ftriiiib, rolled over Ihe Bit;

j well. Ed Flynn, a former Matawan ' Jtirih bastballei, ;>ii' ' i immJ ser

(’onferencc performers Cros* - country honors kept com-1 .

Iiik the way of Coach Bill ! enskold! vict‘ Wl1" and his assistant, Thornton Smith, j Hictrowlci in Action

at Raritan Hi,th as they attain pru-[ Al pietrewim, tx-Kevport iti^h uin:=d a clnmpionship camblna-i liurlcr. made •» fine lecuvcry fiom lion. In track the prior soriuu’ . (tic j an early season blo». ii* « j> , .. ,Rockets displayed i Share Confer. | out of tiie Milwaukee liraves chain i 1 Vcnee 350 champion, John W eatt,! when that big league ctub cut Jown j ........ .. s»ho \W « enss? • rountry «tar p-rr iW ----- ....... . .............. i„. I leanne ba^ettx.11 ,o. .ouu io!-

sees m en better hopes (oi HIM.

SumniiM SiHi.-li ‘

Summer ni^!'.t basketb'iil au.-l- tourname.'U iennis have Mt;; up iiromincnce u'.ti, tin- i„ new mniities ‘.or such n-

. . . Blue in’the first hal! to lead by the seero- prohibitive margin of 25-fi at halltime. And then to lose th e ,, . . „KatRC 25 25 In ths second halt and p ? n!|on, ioo well . fiu'!K the effects u( the amaiiuc re- i ° ‘ i a i»>ptbail team,varsal intensified by the later de- a second iw.™J«K seas'5 , . .

velopment that on this one-powl! ! f * ,v ^ rlvu l*Wk',J ’ il b '' ! ^ ’hi>' •' ■' h

•Shown above making a ttirn iu a ^lanl :.U;K»u\ are con"Ulvr°d i«>r mentbership vn \Mrdk twins, il:nj‘, Mt at Aspen, i'olurado, as a member ei the Hluinlii ld Uut l.etwcn*k« will desert ski slupcs u mpo-ariiy ,>':t!hm\. | Ski Club’s racing te;xm Is Bub t.ei'v<*uske, t'niun to repair to .Wami to lultov.* Ms ulher lort** in ijwits 1

; Micluei Cteltt, a iLtf. ttiivfu- 1 s C iaCh. One o!' the enwrse fj; »rk»*rs' j»ro»nti viJjich activity, ihat ot a sneediM»al lacer, w^en he takos ;a fuie j a dov^^hiil skier l»trn «( Ax pen is tu |un iu (he aumuu Hu+l -;>ccdUM{

f" r or " be noted la thv* right hand side of th.* (Miure. IK* teporls one ge?s * bet!< * tan under the sun that jas a •.kit? j)!a*i do a h i,n the* c'uld, uuuty. rea<hes oi Ihv nki ;

he udtnit> there Is a slopes tlnn on*4 does, under that which pla>s on the ;t« £ft with those w ho , tropical balm o( the Honda bear lies and w .uvfH av-,.i

Jhsft Tony

HatdkWc ttftMt

“ T l t e G r e a t R a t f * "



i '

aca.nst tne feats I back into professional basubail with : an, soi.ij! thioi’.K ll.t h e Quebec rYovi.iua! Leaeue . season under thej wher« he pitched for a champiM-; ‘

wtvumKiu mat vu crits one-pui.u t _- . ill .d t o f k n ? b !' te,*1u»9 t Shore Conference '‘n " chain- Kevport a tcayue t,'a. ■ • - ~ ■ .■ . . ■ . . _ ' "h fl nftlAHt HUH A I 4 n.% 1 IM ■ Inlnn

' jrio.iilt'p in fMtk’.l1 eiuded the Roc-! J®-*. defeat was a large item in kats and .lotdeti in the palm of the t ' ‘lr'lan s gratification '•ver ths

b ig Bine. I work of its Rrid farces. But always

a,id !aiei a .i-, » N,';r, urnami’tu

Atito rgctnti find mt........... ................ ye-i/. it jt.irtvd : .s■ -n'-j

Union Ueach Holv Name baseball j ' ~M wiwie ■. ■ ■ !'■team surprised all comers in the ; car l,fn ol|t ahead ot thf pack to- Jersey Shore l.ea^ue bv o i^uovi.u ® v.hile under the skilled a.uu, at

thu rtlieel of Wailv Daluui'aarh Cl.l’'.',' •Ul*!!!-, V. liiiM a m ; to m nsi A n n ''i^ a n s nit- r . inw-.ud-' fi i t i ' i i i1! 11-i >

, iast one tiii.-u1,, a i.m ne ('-is: ’ ! . < • < )\ j - jp iercJ : SM -! i; meelmv, ot football po'M--v N't-- n til - »'-.eiu, :ui.v a ■ . m.

‘ tw a-iha .m j A l;iiiam a. fo, I'.Miii ik - \ 1 , t-.-t; i t r i i t ' . a i n - . ’ IV- i-n :n.-i t.- i i .

Saiunus, u.- .Ld-.- ! :■ < t ■•'■ lional roijL-i’.iiue n>.i..ip.-.,,u’..,.' t is tru iv more itiao an u n a . i .h ,

1 just confined to the ;;r.d,r,n'.

- question tiiat sounded for Unsekt afterwards as the progress Of the Conference race made Ittuibifcst I»'.v v!t?l • c o n W th<?Sarittui - Manaiquan game coaid Itsve b«en.

. ; A lesser 1'tm, but one also com- palling !n commentarj’, were two tnomenia ol tooibaii mat deprived Madison Township High ni an im- |»ea!eii seasc-n Tne Spartans wint undefeated into Waters Stidiam Oct. 16 to piay Perth Amboy, alio unbeaten. The Light Blua and

: White delighted their follower* with an early surge that made It look like a conies! in their favor as they (juickly poured through the aliig- al»h Amboyans for a touchdown, then recovered a fumble right af­ter the ensulaK kickoff to gel a shanc* to >ew up the game before th? first quarter *as oul. Their key play was • pass by Glenn Davis lo a iKciver in the cn j rom) all done by himself. But tho wind caught ths floating pass and car­ried It over the reach of the mit- Itretclied fiPKtri of the receiver. Tha score would hovs been a pro­hibitive 13 0 against tht Amboyans.

Amlyty Cmnea Back But tho reprieve they gained

gave Perth Amboy occasion to pro- flf from s lucky break a feu him- vtes lator and what coidd Itavc f>con a greatest season for th j

the recurrence of thnt query ‘‘whatever happened acainst Man­asquan?’'

m>ui»on 1 " .Madtwn Township also had one . .

mnfor individual star in ctoss-1 gained himself “ all" honors in country, Al Gramkow, bul he, too, [ southern collegt baseball and a had t) stnigKla for «t his I lookbvor by a big league ball cl

In PuiiUsTao t. i l-ii; :•>! i •:

a . he* ::ii; i f vtv!notit'.'al:'*'! *n>rn tht* A'litMiran. 1’uni‘t liiul Aivxiauou ne .suwids sc.:onJ wj 'Vi >!> j< -

i'W h'it h&nm>ned in th^ni’ *' v/as! *hese morne«f3 of plea.urablt* con ; second place for the greater p a r i, , . . . . , . - . . . . 4 . . .■ ■ • -*- - templation had to be marre<l by ol the leason Man:t^er frank Rv-! ^ as*’ Huimwick iht; ton dtivrr ut [of the six*rt> vvoild and ii c.j

‘ ' • ' an's youn* ball dub aiso K.ti ^ d i vear inth is aiva wa^ U<.r> Mar i aod tournaments t.ut

themselves a first time invite to I « h n . who vw*pt fn tiie cbanipioa-: leach «eh 1 */••'«• , . ... c .participate In the state semi-pro I ship of raem« at the n«*vv i-.ast > 0,ic w* n th- -owl ..v l ski Im, tl„ l/v!r«.rM?r<.ni One of their plavtfrs. W inder dirt ova! and juuvd the speedboat us-atta. I*ui a v n u»iveti tnrouKhuut the a-'.nu and • { ci.AOnsklfc u u for0(.(l lHJtBilly Collins, at Belmont A b W , »ikht to represent the trsirk *-i na-■ in a row. there will be a sikvJ- thet»* are ut» tn .M; ul them

* ’ tion&I horKirn events c^n-iMcted a t ! boat from this area running in th»* re«ist»*red But tha iro:n* o* thuTrenton fairground* a n d Lanx-1 event. Kus.-, Hamlin, Ha/'ei, s ail- honoi i'» tl.e I ’suou li«-j ; ■, Ahorao. Jim Hoffman. RobeHs.ilL*, * ed it two wars auo iu Uu Oh- boat d ii'e ; i> that lu* is no: p<iyi-

jchool against the preponderant en- * In Bahe Ruth baseball, Uurenc< j a,ao d ^ u‘ai Vv,a: h*r'-“-if { ft»rn!a sk* hn.n Hoh l.omvii’.ke. Je^ed m in.* v o n iiisthusiasm engendered by continued! Harbor P'nk^d up all the marble* al *!**' vv,{h ,3 car J I ’mnn Heach. follo.yed u p > tv\ m t lx>a! de.siunatHi.4 ne n J^ “d-fiifth success in football, enp^cialh' J locally. The Im^uu evpaaded lo -n-: of his own des*i’,ninK L);ek O w e i.; in am SK- h 1 and ho ..i I !>o lvu r; man N««.v .iers-»v. as tut* J r .% .*iknocking Union Hi«h out Of Uu No. 1 dude ebbs fiom IhiM.n Ueach and Keyport. imr«»dM-ed somf novelties > wttii tl ihh veir. vutn Kaw cm to lh-at bun out lor namMU, ho{.m>- - . . . j - . jn jjesjKn j ,,{0 a ni.vv car he c<w». i ) n l lla r .n ii, his n -mu',

i club.

1 ftpQt in state rankings. It appears I Strathmore thf) Spartan* mav place one of | Softball Calnvtheir star#. Glenn Davis, at West ; Softball continu'd to ^ in in

North Bergen, St, Rose,

Too Much For Keyport0 (I T'niirt -t 9

» 1 2S

Holiday BasketlKiwl activitv h u K't.ilJt come and gone for Keyport IliKh ’g j basketballer*. with ilefeotn of *7- |„ . gu, r i , r i :H at thu hands of Si Rose, Belmar, i I 9 i 5

Tliuisdav and »1-3J Irom North < njIiii tWra.«' r. w is ti High Monday nt Conven-! t»» _ k,m,ui; ( in

n yr.rciiiM .k i

J 9t 19 al i) \0 01 i 4 02 1 i i> I 4 t 0

tion Mali, further burdening the Red Raiders' winters record, tint ! si'.'n;«i'i) i,i Imth these/james. the tted and j casi-.w White was playin:; nut of i i i class | J!'1,1'1 snd thu result smlk ia,-vu,ii,!.> v-:,,!') K'five thu ball mis f/m e j up i Miiti'r

Snartani was gone And thr Am-1 lhe defeat at tbe hands nl tlifs- i Jl0,i~v'“!v lx>y defeat left tl^m “drnvn” s o , leains was made endurable bv i itid^'t that thev weie vuliieiaiib in the j "'hut they Intli ai-tunipli-.h'-d j K<r»Jn M ine following and thev did get againii mlfjhiy undeleated Nep-1 jJ,,,';J, ti.oset here on the itrenjtth ol a lot-1 tune, winner of 50 straight games j yard run for a touchdown by at\ > ;»»n un lu home coat*. St Rose!E a st H n insvji.k p layer, llusv insnv -‘ ea fried tbe S ca ilc i F lir r s mto a n i JtM-yard runs occnr in schooll>oy ; uvortime heton; yieldi.s*! G tT il And j Inotball, or ev*n colloiie or pro ; Nurtb Bergen ms no Neptune c in e tooibalfy i livm M iinn n i i l i a » :rlnK of 33;

l l t e ijiu iks of faie i.i IW i t-rlcnd- ‘ M .vre^ iv,; points to puli oiii a 71 tj7 « d to baseball v.h.-m a l la r l la i i , victoryleam was also * victim . The Karl* f Againat Notfh l l e i t h e R ,.j

U n IIm is nere plavmg l-rcehold; R a ideri *era l>.«hlnd 11 n hetnr.i (or lhe overall chump'-mshiii of ihe J tiii-y srori'd « point Anv rham-e •

Monm«tith County Kd Carleton j Ihry had of making a bail game uf 1* *«un Mil h jd tiie jjppoflfion lit V4ni«hed ulii-i, tiie\ m.>*ed (mn do'vn <1 ill the Ll-t i.inui^ With ■ osriv foul tries, tJiii,' Hell >"t!,i-r'

*wo outs and John IM'a J , Bear I KJ fi,r the Hc:l .m l W iite th.-n -'

Sallchur. having j l lo .w d unlv «m • North Uei/-‘u v l h i n w j n‘l u, lit. But D.v*.t smldenlv lire J hil a ’ . ,t lWf -.t<cak ili ii t tti Iii.- •• t,, -.

U lier, v.alk-vl I ttn-n an eritir ; f,>rb:di|ing I I I sg,i|.i»i K-.|ml Oil w !i/t ,|:<i„;i ' ii n I v m nn i ' l l , M<tre 11'Ii n«mn-J n- ii ii;- th ird nut pis.' Ji.t I i r t s T , Thr ' of the p - t iwl .

S an ie bad o lie calliM on aa'oiint ^ e., Sn.srin’liW darktie*s, lie d f a l l an I • repeal • M „ , ,- r-iiitlh s’.■■ i !-! r,.-.!

ea n n ,

13 OellZ 'vMIIP’t**

11 K«*en*>:t\S I'riffl i;e. i0 bl S H.-1 DUcil 0stl9J

structed Miich have wmked out j matewell to -late, but shtch rarf* their ? lhe Dianne Uov.l re^altd is run and test in the Davto.m Ifiioir.i on lajejac, I: u,\ttonal event-i nf thu etnvum the N’.‘u Veai’i Hav ssitli a ’.me-tuarv 1 Iwnir ernUuance i I * ' . ! n

Bowling not d ureat hft h» V*ti , fw ju i in ii-sia/ae 15r.with lhe op**omtf of Jl*-* ne.v *>u alh Op Ian T-H then* wi;i b« a m<»r«* Lanes, the nuiH.'*?, Traak mile diMame event hu -i' Devino, Matawan. b:uuiii»* in y»rne tvpt* mU;:»r) raro#,1 (ia i ih.-.' i.. of the top exhibilio/i It-rs of the ; Ja:u 15-10 there will Im tu.* t»;av;-*

country. Devino. *ut!. tlu* aid of ........ “ ........ ' ..................*Wirkv Ton.asetlo. a fonver bosinn

W kt tfiij champid.i from t)};s u.ta. also *»avt j rollerskatmn a shot in th*- arm with

a rebuilt rink i f tlu* n>'lt:-»divime

swimming Scikcs

SwuA t'-am oi>fi j'.!ii<h at Su . mote SAim t hih we.e L*s< -Jkpansive tfi.. veir than I'M , i>ti: in noviiu.ed «o: lie 'a ;v »intennvrt campit»ti w a s i ,im uiam ai a um*-: .n-.vt.r, ; v

t \\ “ V Mt A -» i jnv.i

is a!*;o 4 l^r^v.m , C u * iiio^N


ui;i hr!ii(»rs v j ‘», uttvllv eiuhc.ii. |

Iji ; J. nearest hu

f’n H‘::i ii.i.'in u*la**’ 1u!v, ;:i which (oossnun ac-j tjiisr/'l a fvi’n'.'s Ixih'e bv sueep-j

sa >«f»* I •*' st*r;s<a >’ ’ ■ ■ >* » '»r*:tk K iwm tut, i . j- ,jnived inm u ;>m ’ » It alv> pu; iuut ‘‘'.u of av'-'»;\ 10:14 V.’^M ' |!»j; fjiiike \ totalsol 2* red itu ju:is ,i\ liHia to liii 26, j tl.e * dv. •*• l^eiehv trrk-;in?; ii«* :•» iwo irt^attas '.vbllel

ac- ] tion

H(>KRs‘ Ciiation j

I ftv.en»k«r i-s dot the on!’, local1 rarinjt duver u|n»n whom hunarif ti- hem • !»»vo\\>*<t l^arr«>v»ii •

K"-.'v»rf who ra^H « tu in h-.dt ij/ane. is to the ; 10W Pins riMtion of die Am-i

As^'’-i^u,,1s aj t

I ’ u i v e i

_ tX TRA —r r s i t c a t « «*- * a .


- Plui —c o l o r c a r t o o n *

a r0 0 » i K 1t 01 '» 0 •» a « 0 0

Ski ClubPlttm Trips

J n .iij'.i1; l!'“J '>• Gl'V) lor l.vt'.vensks*. V*■ t

th'id olaii* i’ i!a;t to ao Oie,»:m f|r:»’*•! ».'itki .i.'UU |».»uit.i Thloisr? drjver A .tii ‘i.'nn p.»;ms I tie in;; tMia^ h'?t»* n that Val.foi;: aie oe,Hfc: 1 t.i a i'!a-.s of 'm ,n or- ivu1 \.;! »*as!ei a •: >

’lit'* S“!U,U». I'ijt l'0>; l-‘(sM»1S\»‘

tUe ne-v Tiplr-m* t<»a »..•»,.«}be rv«d» ►*m Hi* ai'-> noted p !in i N> el** ti'fv 'h*» pr*‘.v.i» sk1 tow aft* in u.e jKores< of lieuitj ifo- jiJ-ou-i't -1 '.‘.einU-v< a?r p!»;r

^,on It'* Nat'onul MoI-m Him L Show at Illie Coliseum .0 New York in imd January Hi** ^aard!in a ipe'd t*Mt on thu SfiusV Skill i ll»v,,;' it Nari i-,ti*w P i , tn Civ to- t he» j|-« ; t.i a i.iita ned n'lie i.'f t 10'i miles pei aovn iui»'.ieani aad t |o nii;i*x p.-i n<» 11 A- n-s1: e-f-'. j

Ho,uj ..t’i d!v» lik-i :»* v.-j .ace* nniise> tn*'-*?'* t:u* w.nioi is uer . He i-* -s’ai.vl lo :,:n i.i .’u1 b’e, rr.ij- \ |-e«>! i-U . ItV, »S t j. fi-ivl lit”.1, i-s' o.t llie l lonla wi*s> coast Jt S’ Pet ei siu;i

f D M M I J N i t y


i O i w i f■■ AS3UAY PARK

Al bt.Jf* i THtAiitfi



I ite ,\ Mi., :.e tdtin

N c ir c o t ic s C o u n i

, throiu'ii lh * «»uniir,!,r d" ,j | vounj; ^whtuuef. »WlJi

*7 xi * n i ?KeypH'

n a:1 * 1

I ■>tenst.*iu, a t'omeli loir*''! *ir. s .m te.u hi’i, prov.J ii.; a.i »Rtiiile to f|:«* ;»ffr:uni. ‘I 1 • 10 .1;; won st". eral i:v.-?u !mS»s

——— | t«)ihunis’d j i sank 1* ih,|7 j? ** forefront of local sporu m th-

-* ' .1 .»■!. . . . . . . I ! ' '

•s.*id '

'.4 -ii

CBC Boxer TV Victor

plavofr name vem to firrh-i'd Hut atoli' liom it*. sj>»’cS.iru!ai

Odd.tlr.s. (hi Year ;?r«*<Ju■».f <cwu’* >jlUb'finn ?r- on»pl'Minn‘ni-, I'nnv flirt Hn>tlf'fii' basks’Uf.iil t • j *1. %llh Marfv K^n,v«s», I' i <.n Jk-^ih,, »nd liili Mrf*rej, NUtiwua. i - M< J from ri/>?. aou a vJi.«^*('

M'l.t*; tiuM h }l , 4 u: . ,lU tjii, iirUii -,t: *j,r- ,,lion hr o.i'v vai.m-lfunjlin,: w ».=**•»* lo

■II." l> > . Ih1,;j , t . !.:u eerie- a l»fl

A ’f) . .•

f b‘;l. a*. I

III,p . M a.H Ilf^ tr t s , : . ■ .................. I,. -I".' f l -tf*»V thu O i i l t j ! * ,• ' *v, l l \ 1l-c 'M “ pp *^0,oi’ •. =.. .1 .i,ti , ,

fh a m p iO .n lt lp , w lU ih . m«. iJe iita iiv , 1 **‘i ♦tk.a. 1 t m * ’ 1" ‘ - '

W ill Ik Uie l.t lt fhihK in »>.0 f. H f,,? l« P ;*’-e.| j.p Im, th-wlibh Ihi* M-iro-fn iintt Sl«*»*l w l!l| tte d lU t d n * ia th is f u m * * i"t

Over (omjM'l**. rti, A llh Hi# » tm f o f *h ls til* » l u l <»f M n --.rj'o-ltt It;,If,

lh e IW3 55 H v <‘ » t l f .•* i l * . lh » /*or<» Jl - ,i»d or a J»;?*

•W > ro * # fin .- ip !U ; teitm- ♦ a>.r »; p,;-- i tl;.* v. ■ *.

I ’ll'-* M-l .* 1 j»l «i ! ' -i ‘ I * i> 1« to '" ! a '- ,f ’• |:Ois» llm t'i fit Ijoaf

Oom pli .h u u n t i d ’d ■!!•[» loafs’ ’ < i i ■■ J'.'-* it-'U> >n*i l i r H 'iiirV * +•, *«)*, :!•,.* ;l i j ilu s l I I.' t h f , ' i'!.'--

ia rthl-h Otev v . ' j e n n jjj / iH l t ? ' b.iU i h i - *h ifwui of ii luw:

and «■! (I rn: H;* I? «k*Ht ai . hi n ‘ ap,».n» sii J. - . ^ , 1 ttifHj f‘0 I" 1*1 ' 1 , Jl»: P rjrh fcpvt» |i»e »,!•!,• Sps| fit's j 1? ftIn daJl Hire* 1 Min[>»’»11»o 11 I b«' Hun va it point t-u . i =*=:-1k w i h»'t \ 'PV.Irreni s’ f | ti{ | fc I , , 41;;» far | , M*'11” tht-Atf i,> a tut*-1 Jbal tsinfA ; m /)?,•? ,)un fhry f .

l o Mi*-' i - . i ' u ! W iU a ? > * O J il f l M l I t |tt< H i t n f t r f

t< 5 i. <1 < d« TS i»v < f .- . l ! o f * t h * „ | h . n 5| : . | ‘ d - j * S > 4 -

a "» '-'-I. »’ Vr‘rUi*1* iU h’ -l f - -f H t's*}!! giMM*# M th 4i%fijis i » t.>0 rt!iv a' •*>;*:»/ Ap}(t|^ | i si! us 11|*> *p- idO iiM rf.('yik-H*'. -An* th.- ii ■< ‘-a a e ^7- d hit fufr i r m r f K M ' i 1? ly * v -> T :u s n »ty o i ^

Ha*kfiliall #M»*d ju ihn s ^uh-mJ !i ? |ln*r

Iti* Af«.» Ihe m U iMin ^ il» ^ ^ « 4 tht# U*»

l :'; si si) -.'\y oj C.ifrv.M.I Ih’itrh U ^ert on the ’I V < haitnel t7 ioti.*.! »m itif week MijtJt"a *':{< ••.» h\ tjje tjitr.elbv i .,1 lut* (ti 41.,I-*, t'i' . p! t-i;»11 perfo:».*', n >v lt.'< { j-.f, \e.*,1? . tr. I'.n* T-il t!l> , J)>,- t.i- , tv

»»:»t a< a let al i> ■ * f n < .1 ar. IekO •*. n !■•■! U,e *1. .| :!I ji • enf I/m? Ih»* N>’.» 11! f».-i ile, on|1fMio fonv Dili for ^ 1* v ‘< »*i=l r»i.t i jI".;| I,* S. •- *1-:1«I e piir ;* ..i!ilf,|i

t-fWi i \ , a^oti'^i t ;,jf Mo\ » I >s hr‘«’ d>*tl > i in l >•' 11’ iii ^la^i, waxv 1 lit tf «• I ♦ ln t saoi ist» i \»*t on M:<» i>r rhji ba^ be»*nI ! ■ I • H ' I t i ' . ,* .. t • • ‘■a.'hnsM.P'th-*-,* til I'll! rt t! ;{Otf ’! I *tf.-Mfd .I'PoMe-l *, ej }»V i.Uo/isK

the |h nt mi, ><| j»f A-.«t: I* :• p iih N dt*|s -hile Ith« !v’t , ’ »ii 1 aeid tl* * a ft for tnr . I!«e divt^iofi a l '•- o t t ' .u ’ tf r muni > (nit ranki Aodiew* was tot1 » v

I * , Oi'-r H .lfii.'h i r| di in d-' , n * >- fu lc tnn bi>Vflb1 were l»i? Jhf,V w^ni * io^tn^v liU s1-...: . a* »

, f »n,it* At* f , t;a iH ftrb K^v*

luinhi'i .11 iLtiv j

;»r:ha;>p'K th^ 1 ’■ fs * o» f »' a:- nual metrnjxiht l!) ll I ‘tv.*' ’ JI ,1 I • > dj>' )ov*d no !oi\t, >i-»l.?i'r ot ’o.t toornameoi tti.ule ts ^a;. s.k -i made au ■ ut».n '.»:■> »••• a' '/*• '- n

r i i.'M in of | t e Im H v n 'll.s.‘ t e r . ’. ‘H.M l;..! in a, • v.nmI\ . ' t . i i i :> « - i ! t ayauvii '•'■AdirpMO fti,( 5t* Ali, bl* ’)-o*i*

Speeds*it t i i mi! > aii.t* ».oi».>lron:;,\ >\.Vi ■> vna.’*•. 'ir,;atla ii.;i i , !'it *' K'‘\ ;v«»l P". !t‘ i •> an it;A fi'.■•* t « o '1.1 U».nd C .S t i . ', I i

Ihe 1'!. -a!fi-H * f»,‘ t ‘J

no!, it,i'i I »*» .S«M-'i.e.MT''! J M I?-.1' tl! . 11 ! ittM-- »■ / i • f 1 i'"f. s Kr, ;*>a Si)'* '• • '' r- -'iJ) «• i'i h\ it: p| Hie n'wi itvl , .i. t a " i h v, |! -H'--ild '-t :! .1 s*. l i }»./•*» -> >f;.ipoft. I'l'O sap O !huj! J S’ ’OH* S I t.i* M.$!.mio :♦*<!>. -a .is¥* faking }•. s ’if: fe i'. '-Mi foi f iomphihmiMt-» ol -m ai | ’

!...•> e-» it.Ni* k. ! j|> ;»r«'M,le 1'. her Jer*. l>'d t.i 11

ti({i. !!o>

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>?} )aw' and ’ In im tkrlba ji ai’.d lau-s, ? in i>

L«ftkfd#»M V liRft I'itrif ba'-il ; {y?f taj tt<o r=ai

(■'I '!,< .1? 1 I**1 H I t ftar*JOv* to it.s!i>e VVinfaiid.N r . m ^ Mf kv Mai': t

h^.J |W»! I } ’ < ii 'l ;e-,i * |i| ! 1 a. -

KHh ru n * I f a;ii'tr;o|^;wt*o ■i-itjrd 4 dri.i«.--to !ti i»»r: e thirty of a m iijj^ t

f-'iank t MMir*--!* i-.ib H U r jg r t C a-i»,> IH*: fhu H Ihe Im ar-fc f.n fvoinr a .d antat'-'if^ fo -it? for P » i t t the I **i» (*o> lr-a fi.oves b^Mhumpn! i|e -\;t. fiis* m* e.\

and h v « ff -» phynaa?

Iv M l l ’l I’e-J SviHav * 1 ih?\

1:1! th'-f-’ ir pf04M»H 1 9'U f-'i .dav nfphi*

larmatv i t l.i^s a*#-

p?dnt routing si thr m iakn 0i-* Miftf** * i*i|ff»trhrr Noitfl, Cf'irt ? I1 1,1 l .k

p iav ft,Varhf H m h .4 Of!

V i- ! . i t : 1 ’ ■ " ’ il:. i - l *,,» p ir ! '* |i .,. it o‘i l!-t* Jm I 1 i ll* i i Ibaoe n.>« a ia* n of •uffn ?ertt mpi.l ir f Ol «Mti? i | i»jh M unMlt '-0 .a;n

Use K«’ \{«ot| Y * ‘ M ‘ hii» t.i v‘‘ f- ^oiMtf a 3 il wa* jo llof iU*«* of t! » |*rn^Of;i fr--I f MOie! r t|*sria itmnfc I iv f <1 a i ii*«r- I}}.!? 4 iti** < ?;«-i:.viinlF't <»t ln l‘M5s it 0 0 »! 1 fjo r ‘

I <a*t »:.oi;; l r-.ia ba. : on.. 1

ton ra« ;fia fleef Mav;* ,t at n» j+?

*pa|j !»;|» i»:o» ii*! f'»‘-tt»vra?5 Ih i? a,*? 1 *\rfl»ltrd por-iti

_ f u . .4 l i e bat tp th.. it a v &r-1 b - i l l '!:■»? H ip

t hAWi RifsdajLi. e-:**": I * ? •*1 •= • *p«iMiv »»f id? p U . ’ n U ?.

| i*ff ?*^d'v sf I*' }< - J •?:

K\\k’ i 1 - j^ myi in iitiAtnf H'.ij

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FRANKENSTEINM i- '.n . ! 11.'

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- Vl p - -- iUiUiriam. A;«** .| r |jr\ ! I wtpiMwiM ; in |m py*j<»5fes| /fri f5 *#«♦ ibrijr j V‘: • |h*» #»?H ‘*t> llf ij l« a la*t • »•! h*/

(ins! 1h« M Ihr K-vf"' I ;*milwt. «l Hi»iM ..., ., , , , ,,<m ,,lit Uliwsimi, « ontitl I*” niiii ttfrt* »l >*!». 'said. N l * s • t.l?.# .«

m , iltrn III.- Itmlift .« itm »p>.H ' <<“« •'**» «Mh» <M.Ot»i'»t.lroi.i* . ( J M , u „ ),,, v,.iiuM ui l.« I..a iiial MthMi 'i" '* "•* ’ •"i* i«ann 'jt l<t# tnurittv.; Bit)I* irrlKalM I* «Hi *•.«•! : t(, i«, ........ .W I Bm«* Ma tVelsdHii'a fi¥«, \ *• t’»i •>* •**•-* **?a* H» i silsv a(»*wl f'lirJtithi W'all1. Vaaa. I 'jpirfii.vl sn il IM 'Htrl llsmltlni a-iil ,t‘l n f in ll<* i^oftn O ft t f f l f anja. ja f ( | :u r t i ( s 'I l# n ! fi :. p , , 7 , 4 1 . . , i.ii.-a m |!n

tifiiotsfii. at? n-iiv 0»«t'n(i »K* -•** ‘I* «- lt*«» rtW* 7^IKaiii»N»ii Mlllari. l«Hn HdIami ) m'»iIIm« irfav iwiu iUdi'■»-<« e.r > i im-.iiina iit» aMi»»t wih hiah ta l; . ti-mfit# Vu'im m (Ji'.lc. ti , t.*H f.f ni.i .s r-tI4-1 nn* i~ fliiiH nlithHuit . .

f.l'll'iH l)1»t;«*,-'« tI- H I *.! I .1-,* Is » ! ! ! *l --

f(|' »i ,1 14 |tw V«*f In It,I’ iha

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; ib M i n i>0im im ! )•»»

Hc»H< Vi-«.k at ih* Pt!i Nlil»t* ’ «>» «waai4«a »c.itH d»4 to Ifa Ivtli.ji' *49 r»J^nijia,d l<t tf ’ it?**#' pf*4^ S O I * Pe lts9 k ttm i

iitrf in Mp M-jgir

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f f(»ita nn., »• Vi'i* '»I.i f.Mrtn sr.! had Ron tr fia-n -a . - o.* v­

I oil.-w.s Ij l i ,v -t boh-4'' O »:»3 p. I

lU^od>k «e#f «?ii»i;n-*| ‘ - < 1 | t flt M/M ;r,. ft t,: j

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T o n y i .w r i t s ^ NninlhWood

EKorrtn AKnnrsst m VW I

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HEM corns THE

B IS C tE S IB O m O fM !

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S H O W - D A N C EJVY 1st M ; i r m i ' » o ,\l,


A o d % « » • ! ! M t , I o r l ln - l w r i i i n ^

# D A N N Y STILES' (■■’ iii / , (. i;:

Matawan-Keyport Holler Drome

)! IS,

/ I -.V , - M , ,

A l< H ! ',M i i l l J t .

HI* JK W M . ill

a m ( i . . .

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; I it

'l*i* .1 lu i . V 1 tiiifds

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!>* r !}•!)■ tf l( ,

ANfl l j Mil• o i h o u d a v s ,

’ftiursday. Dscember 30, 1965 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, M. P?,qe Thirteen

R a r i t a n B o w s To S t M a r y ’s

Si. Many's, StuUl A its fc o j, Str3<ij!'»> rrfn 3Ml st 'v»i jnade short wotK of th.’, Kiiriian Twnsliip H.S. Kockeis irt

looped up a iu u i tin me nui.«.««. Uut then the South Saints distanced

•cjjjii c ru u u u iucDUd.y ui uie muu* Bfi-'nor Sullivan basketball tourna- m w t at tiit Eii“les' »ym. Ths Am- fcoyanr scored a M-46 triumph that' sends tht;m asainst St. Jo- ai’P.Vs, Metuchei, tonight in the ti­tle' round xame. St. Joseph's trim7 wed Hoffman Higfi, Soul!! Amboy, W-57 Tuesday in a second openinR round fiame.

Pf?- T!m_‘ Rockets w ill reappear to­night J t int,’ f/yiii in South Anboy

K nrttan j H at rv*t .f/>f Iw k 'ynV.ow^M f '.i^ i I —cila*:

the op- j pe(| j j , * i t t K ay C u l a i i a i ! 'TC.r’W'L' •• iVTim- . . . . . r... r . . . * • 1 l iJ— dOo

tta\:b!«s m fcotbal) and amateur boding wss one of the wirunsra.

.Uie S jim to jayvft* also wan handily. The summary of the • it.y match?

lit—Ken Pnijniiii!, 1.1, p'nn.'<i Joe M srgan in 2:54

lot—P-o.i MicwbwlU, M, decisimwd feilyV ‘Mi

' Castro, M, plnnvil teali-i :o

B o a t R e g is t r a t io n L a w

"let! j j jICiiorjSEii fnsai Aviation! ’<!eth«itic

their rivcl-i a,s Ken Deviia dropped in a brace of fcuJs. Trenta sa:ik a quarter colU shot, art) Jankowski rammsd through three baskets and a foul in a row. This mads It 22-6, an impossible point - sprc-srf j in favor of the Amboyans. j

The South Sain;s drove their j margin up to 5S-24 at halftime a.ul i

. ... i ut three quarter*. St. Marv’a ,ji’M-tb- Hoffman in. a consolation | Coach Hank Conroy had his re­round same at P-m. I hen, next I cn-Yfn piay out *ho lost quarte.-. JutrsJav, tiie Rockers i>Uv host to 'The wm put tiir, South S ^nN i Keyport in a Shui« Conference. (at 4.1 „„ th? l w « n and dropped! North “ ft," nan.". the Pockets to a 1-4.

Lane. A2. tJtfe.'.tiontcl I- r* rv CaSABlUC, 5*1

130—John Borthsg, p, deoJblouftd RJch BcrnacM, IM

Hi ill , M , dceltionftd J imH ingirv, S-2

Bro’.vn. M , devtiiened ftu* fus 2*0

148—J !m r’ctU ij JP, plr.rtec? M ik* Meehan in 6^7

257—Jim Slaughter, 3P, <kci*iwrto<l C^*org« Cs m v . 9*0

loti—runi'y AUtu* P,H ank Bufcia, 3-0

IW—Ai Ke«j»y. Af, d*ei*ion«d -.raekI’olty 2-0

-John Hogan, i l , pin- t.**l Tom Moot'd 1n A:10

J965'But;! '-I


St. Mary’s hsd too much of ev- fTVthjrtr: for the Rockets, but the particular tiiflerencc was the marksmanship in shooting. Tiie Eaules hit ivlth deadly tccuracy unrt had c 63 per cent completion vn theii' shots troin the floor.

Paul Jankowski op^iitd the fiii.iK for tii« South Saints with a deep <ciiri set, Vin Battaglia sst-.l; a foul far the Rockets but that was the )ii«t Lime it was dose, lohn Qu!j>- Jev tin mix'd in three fou!3 for St.

he St. Mary’s icore, incid:ntilly'.VJi 1V- ,4pagainst a Haritan baskelbal! team. a&clUn T ny . ( « ) St. M aryS , »A IW»

StrangC->!o.v.«r.B’wic*"oalcJCariFonKoilerPagoBaltae iinK!UvKiteSpunetr

«*vJtlnpv's, then Jankowski drove for * i^D'xan threo*polnt plav. Jack SLraii>:!<


T. K tlly15 GeUhun4 Hrftib*0 S. Kcfly5 i l d , 1!.'!)0 Peviitl 0


•>n ti foul for >!u! Gieen and j Giov. SUvfTrenU ronnectcd on p {, deep coort set tar th« Eagles. ’Hie-" Rockets fmally hU frnw thc floo j!

i« 4*.^v tiLitJ :!et 6:

Hurit»n T'«.p. Hx tl, M ury^, «A «

C B A S tr e a k

E n d e d A t 2 3C h r iit ia n B ro thers A c a d e m y win

ik * id k f « h ie fo an e nd M onday

b I a i j jh t a t 23 sUdiK'nt Hdtiics whvn

n j ih e Colls dropped a 5?-5P decision

to W 'eequahie H igh i » thv?

4 j nal roonU of the Essex County D j Coaches' Tourney aL the Upsila 8 1 (tym, Weequahic was rank-g 1 ed No. 2 and CBA No. 4 in iht 3 stale in advance of iheir uan:e.

5,-i V/eetjuahic cnrne into po^ses-

„5 sion after CBA hui! t ’td lhe wore ’ ; a t 50 a il •»', ilH 32 seconds !e^. ?*>

G ov . R ich a rd i H ughes i-igned | ’Hh:

a io*i feni.*5-: .iiIw*- b i‘i **«i?b !:sh*jtho V. in « *epara ts Jur- ^ybtem s for o w a * j ,fl

era cf plexsiart boats and conyniar-;. . ' ■ ••..... . . i i u > ■ . , _ _

mrtt vtr^scia. Jilt: aiftnuJU w ru iaM v iH vu i i -c < iuia« ia n vm

g Ioiik ItRislativt! cvntrowray m tt for the jmaHest boatj to ??5 for the( ia need of fees ond the amount int Rett, im t a b «om.Tierci.i! antiito be c,’ia.-f,ei!. Gov. HughM «*]- picf .jre btwu. •illtiw.aiiy vetoei a prevlotis Wai Makes No Comment

laat month on grounds that it wan <j*,v. n u;.he» had proposed thattoo ©aay on commercial boata ant-’ ■ r t L* .t of a new fee svstem fos- too hard on pteasute craft. '

Tit# new U i/ extinpt* commer

Siractura.'Sc’r-w>l <ii m l f;:Ji’

------------ I Tenn.H'? ■ o,'1 ' !:

i . j ' . enacted at j teni '.’[ i i iit iu ii, trotibieshooti.ifc and

.'rct'-n cf The .‘tlud’***1 ’'I-F!ie bill <:OV. | ciuiled i r:'.b;!.r-v >m c i«?{5ji«»i uf

sol Srfon-; n i ; . - a k l y pi \Cc- ;r-oris '.'.nf.', :rr

3pi;v.tA>M ui i«tnu>MB •Prior !») this school, h f araduat-

»d from ths two-week Av>*:«3

Femiiia: I/at tosi Scftt^j! niid tne

it-'iti- A'i.l/. M t t ’l ii’frr.l Funrtamen- tais School,

R ece iv e s C o m m e n d a t io n

d a l boaw from local property tax­es h exvhaitJte k/r &n umiuoj rf iatralion fea th*»t ranges from . for a boat under i6 feet long to $100 for one Iona** limn 35 It ulso require* a 13 three-year regiflta-

end 125 forlonger than iOO f«fl.

pleasure boals* the current fte of» tia-.iic ^W for Vh/Pft year* be maintained Hadarman In*rd for pl<?*Mir«? bo*if# of nil sizes. Me : * t-unutv. U S. ; ‘av>. B,-M* J* *“ r'

f;-Ui^ned U:£ new bi)< without co.*yt-j and Carif L'jr'tit-v, Ij>< .va- \ • b iw / f Kcur.vburu^ re-

Il auihorUv*p ipendins 90 per > tur.i*id W Sa\; Die)?of Calif., aboard of tlio reglitration fees or ad- * the arcphibk>!;*« f^ree f!a<?shin USa

m d i e act and on divd#* ■ tion fe<j for commercial boats. Tne: ins waterways ft>r kx>iitrnt*:j diid iG ; nieut :v- uu- \\v‘ er-a P;v:i.i: v*,t» measure sets a $2 minimuiii fCcjPC r cent for *r? J th«* Se’ven,-* He*?rcr pleasure buau under IB feet co«s(a! u n i t. Senate presidim!, E. t’es served He

cfcsurf ■ Charlos W. SsiiuDiun Ji. apenxoreu t, Ainph.o.ouj■ the mt-.i^ijre. 1 Seventh hteei o.urinR her asm

......—--------------- ------------- jonc-haif .'no.ub depiovinent. parti­, , . • c'V.ti>rif! in s]}, .access iinipiu^o.!,^

I Ulitm nf VM ml- I,'! ;tjt.y. e.' Ctt. : ^ un,| v iM S.,:n. line Army in ju iv IM , ^ u ^ t e d • :nc:u..^., n,.,.r ',iv.;v. -Su--

N E W S O F A R E A bi!Sk' " ain" IK at F,,,t r,ix* ami a-Kl "Das-er ‘ Thrust

^ j a a a a i .


Iiiiab-.g Exercise

■Vfla !j',i ss;^r:ed at fo r i Ky. He {ititndtd Madison Tf-v\o- sMp I S c h o o l .

On her i t*uf rj t

Ilonoinjj, Hawaii,

Ip, »- S’ »."• % ,'!jf *“«■!

mr l.vo days.

Spartans O u t O f T o u rn e y I*

U.S. Army Pfc. Terry L. Rebuck, son of rJr. and Mr*. Guy L. Rt-

play. The N*nvark team. hun« on | buck, 42 Van Ethel Dr., Mata’vgn, lor a i.TC' shot and Dennis !.avionj{^ undergoiiu fn «xtenstatf nine- triisi Ic deliver il for them with | day field training exercise '*ith nine seconds ieft. He tni»i*ed bat j ihe 24th Infant)y Division in Ger-

H. y ip . i;ana i.c».is delivered the * many.• Mfowup for the Indian? for au sisy 'Uip in !^r the %vutnin.** back»f?.

than 25.UOA j University!

Completes Radio Course Ai.nian Second Clas? Kenneth R.

Nickel, xm of Mr. and Mrs.

Leonard F. X . Pickel, 16 Chvlsfa

Rd., Old Bridge, has been graduat­ed at Keener AFB, Miss., fiom lhe training course for U.S Force radio operators. ;

Airm an p ick t) , a graduate o f ! the C h r is t in a ho'iuavs Archbi«lv^> MoHoy High School.; V<iv!t* depsoved. Cicu

«Jan u rca . N .V.

Kotwrns To Home PortS-^nalmar, Second C lrsf Kdward i

J. Kellner ir., i ‘S\\ v^n <>f Mr. ar-d i Mis. L.dv.atU J. Kettner. 32 | ona Blvd., Clit'favxid Hfath. l:a> i ‘.:-i turned to Ne»vpi*rt. R I. aboard tne j deslrosvr USS Gearing alter a four-,

.Air | month vrui.s** to the* Mfd>l<‘ran<Mn ; nd Middle Fav( Sh<? \i iii >pcr.*i

;n -ing visit**1 *

St.itiySe^. Sheldon I). Bray, fright), soil oi Mr. and Mrs, Sheldafu K. Rr.iy, n ricrsoll Prf., Old Bridg<3 eongraiulated upon reccamj; t’nc C. S. Air Furee Coinmeodiiiicn Mvuet al AZS, Aiajjtlci,Philippines, h#t. Kray awarded the medal for meillotious scrvkc

ai /aiiffiss AFiJ, N. VThe ‘»ergeant, a photographic technician, *wvv is assigned to

Air Force sepporf unit at (‘lark. Ut is a 19S-1 graduate of Pm;» AmVoy iligh School, ULs wife, Karen, is tbe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. RUiftger, Reme. N. Y . Col. Richard I>. bmall. his contmviider, oUvis

liiv congratuiationi.

1 ter I 70.1

of Mrs. Richard A. Shi-md, Stone ftd.« L’*»lon

way to victory with two mir.rttes

Jo r*t ar.«* th*

K e e n dLupp»*intment agaii

i:ck i'u* T.*'.-**1-Milp HM-

cage ranks rhursdsy whoa t!.t

Scanaiis were ups^t victims o f ; oth-*r, tittn Vic Masi ar.d Pete

Carteret in the opening round of thc j Sowirka hit for Carter*! and it was

Xi’ddlesex County Holiday festival

at the Metuchen High gym 82-56.

Whi-V it was conceded that Penh

Ainbov w&s an overruling favorite

in the lournev. Coach Reeve Tra­

cy's l.tgh* Blue hasketeers hsd

►>>j*n mx>i) rn offer the

(harper opposiiion to the Panthers.

).u>s ot Jo*» Masker, their scor*

.ing ai'e. midway of ihe Jast quar­

ter on tmus ended a Madison rush

lhat looked to rarry through to t r . uinpli. The Spartans had i'iun<: !o a

all over. ! pass-in went to Chris Hill who ^hot

Py iht'ir upset of ihe Si>a:U»n.r.T rom ^ tie miMtd. Marl,

the Ramblers advanced to semi

f____ _______ is re»nafni:'g at'mt‘ie i!an a do/.en Mvditcrrjneci.iThe exorcise, sche^Jiskd to end ’ ^ ^ i e r for advar;i ed trt*iniJi^. ;and Middle hast ports, paiJi'ij-af-

»Dec. IV, f:ovt*a IM stiu^re miles | xhe airiran auended Fordhan*. .ng •^'plP' ProgrHi*:- ih*;!r wvre mx *f~vmh Irft a;ic. ;:r.!.!d>.’' r,;u:e thun 25,1*0 j University. :I ‘c Hronx, P't-*' no* c'.'ndvcung txerci^f:* at

the Colts tried a pass-*n to K irk} men. pfc. Refcuck i j paitidpating j ^erj trnveriitv. >•'?. w l i -.iriswick. I *vu the S..xih ^l??* and M:d*ik* Robinauti, 'a!u» did dribble ihe ; .jj weapons firing and various tarti- i ; Ka^l I'oi'j*?

>f lhe court but missed c iu r t } ^nnp'jvera to deiemvr.e lhe | GradLiatt^ A* Honorniiin j A‘u r ih .* holuJavs, Cvnn'iji *\ili itu* ‘.ho» i »r '»a l was iui o j : v‘i ' “end’"iC** -r unft. t .m ih k • ^» v ». .. » .. ., , *.rti i.^a|>.u<- .. . ..i -foounds, but a Weequahi'" tnrow-u/, 2I-ye«i-o'd fX'fdier, a me-1 son :f M i. itnd M .i. T vut-v? .r ai., ,;lH»a.u“ .a '-fu o-j-'iiXvvas errant and CDA had posits ; t*hanic m Company A, Second J)al*‘ Route i. Old bridge, was grudoat- January ^ebi»»^rv,

with ihree second* lefi. *he

[ Airman In Vietnam

t Let* ’.V. Turn* i

i cr, y.n of Mr. and Mrs. Robeft U. j At Araarii|o AFB. i j!n*;t\ Ml John S l, isoutn An)-} \.rnian Anthony Vizzi. son of

:hi,y: ? r n l ; ? ln,arn ,!>” .t,n;'U iM r- Mry- Alfonso J. V iz iK 17 . or'irr‘,’jn :r,r ^g^rcss'.os. -crescent St., Knt-islmrg, ’sus U-c»

,! A T u r rv r i*. nn adm»n/S?r;i-j selected for *i3i*iin^ AmarOte ism* sp^cia'isi -ri ihv Pacific A ir j/ \p a , Te.v., as an A ir f occt »»•

; Forces, ihe nation's combat-ready j craft structural repairm an.;» ir arm ^uankiin it* !0,CW m > ! Th(> airman_ , m 4 Budualt rf

j Ban’.tux' Curtain, j Middletown Hiuh School, rectntly

'The aii man is a v'r*ttli;i!te “ f H. > contpk-ti-d ha^ic tr3 inmt? j t LpcIi-n Hr*™*.*',

^ -h.-

His wife,

i ‘

Patrkifi, i ?h< dsngh* Have you rtsd the cU s^’ied ads?sion

son in


<iu >i y,t'ailffft


narrow lead most of the fir'd half I M i” \ a n t h u l a 34-in advsintapf at th e ? *in'Htjii!:i‘ *on, ri.e best lead ‘or th/.- v.v*« w i ;

Lirriit i'if1 1 was* f!> M.

The Ramblers c^me on in the j tlw d uuai ifr to l;no! tlit* yarnc M-'• 11 goinu into the final guartei.) ,John Woodhuirs bucket out nf . i] Ci '•ia !! i> tin* RumMvr*, or. U*i‘: ! *i

Kennev, Union Beach, smallest man or the floor, recovered the re­

final round same w«ih SavrrviSle j bou;id. But Kennev hsd no ■ i nner whiie Perth Amboy, the solid fa*[as he sought to get off u shot vorite in the Festival, was lo la k e lth e final buzzer, a 6 ft. plus Wee-

Fdiso.i in anther i ?,“"«*• k ” - “ !For lhe Spauans. actkui resumes' hands.

next T u e ic 'jy whin thev »►}*»>' hdi* i Kt-r.nev l*.ad Med up 'he ,-,.mir

regularly scheduled *<u;ne ! a !oiI^; is had put lhe Indians back in tht van with a layup with one minute left, but Rohin«>n dropped m is\»> fouls in tfce r.‘-.\t seconds to make .t a sn all tie before lew;s

r 1 made his rebound sh<>t. • The Co'.ls led in ii.e e.oiv sU ^n

'5, .,f tiie game but the Indians 2 , nulled back lu be unead at the in­

. tcrm i:. ;i'n 2^24. It -va« a 1 ^-nll t,c 'A i j ! lhe end "f linee HiUHrfS. lhe

Cults sho.ved *-e elievt a ^ ’re

Ma<fl«nn Thi».


MotherS.niHv D.i-., :•*,• ii

ifAlin- MeC li*»n

U 4 22 i 1

15 18 1.1 1ft rfj


• Diabetics

• Weight


S r e a t N e w s !

M O W , y

.o u r

■j q n t y

t i( in r, 1 : v .

y cut s


i r ' :n u

'■k\ -i

N<: t

i \ 'f C*


i y c tir-

l ! t

,1 ti'



S lt fH 't

/ ’#•/«-I'd


r«i» »♦ i


I t


£4*”"'O ’ l /H il l r.f.l

Union Drugs||t I i t

in i tvt nt| n*

:%i >;t5

; T ak e s S v n m t l / ‘ h i r e

j I n ( . i t i n n u r e i i i l l.oi>/>

; KulfiM* Wine* cu’cui.ihrei nvirs\ fnun M.I.I*. Mason to tcke ove' | und sj>:it, tl i‘J snond1 plact i'i '.he A,rj*-:; Pla/a Com 'merruil !nt\!;',r ! e.»:-m C<»ltv iN (t)1 I to m;);:it,unt'd us r.r ,;rn- hi>.d on p’.».e *\i:h a f , oRam** v^ui ovrr (oil Travel Servue Cieori-e Paiuiit .with his i.uro-

;;md •>*>* w^r lhe |M*wtr un.n• fi.r the do;*.l uin Al FYldnatr* l»=e , Ii4l name hei;u'd ,l'« ,ittfI game h»r the trave!nirn

.i<»hn Minta of lion* 1) <i-r - K<*\Ur't tt.I.i null* is ,\!t'.

' g.-'m-s ••{ I’X’* !f<; iia.t !• M i M^hsi- r ier>, A,o> <«>'•■]».ni- t'M t ’Mi '; i '■*■% infl»k viv fk>b n i ! S.*r ,,r I I I . P3-■??: “ 1 o D tarn.-x m . ,

fi * H*‘'ir.trs ,.:Nern. JtH I1'1' . i h «'li I « i I !’ tf) ‘ .Ml H j < !1> , it • i'» •,Mih iu^n»,i ‘. up I r;ri!< > («• > !

i m t ; „m» i»a: n.t. .’’l ' C(<lt*i N>i k Inn hiss ,« u» l? t. i * ii ioi o i:| i>. K’J ■ f i ‘V ,tt % .1

IT, 1) I,, *•> t;*m. ^ R* v• I «1«,| t, :« ,» ! H

' .! .1 . I" ;i ’ * ^.- ,s.

‘ H .j»i v » I io ‘n' *. . -v.\p,), I Oh e V*» j-,1 i ‘*i i \ , -*r,*:V .’v ,’ *. ?t.* • V-

jnd M. J'.i f 'f .d .U/U ♦'i'hJ' . 1 1- I , ‘ ‘ l i . '• •«»' '

’ . ■ n s .1 1 J \ :l [N i! t t .in*'*.. : i < ■ m" I ' >.

' ’. -ni * . [ (Ov\ i«-id!no, S '•»

. «’ .s* 1. A J if ■ i (t.*»' 3:.:t < fit] Tf 1\ ri*- » - - "r. '• M l '»*< ’»«». 1 • ,

_ >\ : !v*« («f* ♦ ? » ? • < , ,^‘ iS

it„,;V-v. t i i f i^«1 W . '* ' i

*ij iu r t i i i i r ' l f i / i / i / ' T s

Iim.* r h i i n / i e h l

O’^h ic h'Mfli vilO*»l .IK O V hands of the limited their tues In foiit

* aiU.oildSie when e r Mie ups‘reti*hrd

(liII NVtt.tik m

baskets to 19 i;» 45

. sh^'tim; they alsowere off to 12 in IR tries, in ;- ; dc j frated Seion Hall in thc ope.ier of j\h\ uiinn, ,• by making M l{,t' j thri'ws. i

The Colts put on an “ iron man jJ t ' \Vl'tO'.ir:h|f' ’ ht''tuttet'’; heir>R th** fi\e'her^ i

V»t!.**‘.'l ten* f. ^ sl- '■ r’ *‘ . : !.lifficuft** ‘ >/nrT, «

iram s h»'igid.i »ia i i W if'iMahlc t >

r i»i 12o i

hoi•j. Ci

M Kdrv'•Ii


t\mr»i *ti -i» d a i« ‘V i

Mli lh ! if td ^v f;

. ,t *, <’’)! fi'liV d iMtrtUfd

v»pflH.' ,% «<«J» * »*i !

p r». I f'*

<• *>10 l\‘ O'nui, it t 4,f .5 1 :1 | H<*« m ! r-f ftt-V'- 1

tt* ' ' i n .<.,n« t‘

■ f ^ , * • *t tnr t'l <■ :■ \ -t • r) a fn tj f i’irt M>*iann h*

' i r - ’ « ’i? \»., r .‘ t*4 !*sf A J. r. '..2*11 i if it ti»- I i-M

. ird

A l- r.

It or :

MIA .2 i V. .v\e. '■ ti .< i.’iX ;•*.----I * » Mri //*. 1 /i’-k > j


l.t 'i if 'it t ‘ S t a if / i i i# *

. . . J*/, i ‘.C

\tl fl>l t i l l ’ ’ • 1 « Ji 1 utl't*!*;•' f| P ill; 1 -»*’M IU i IH

" • ii I.Mt.

- ■ • t ,l*:> t. . 1 • >M • i> •• t*'»n n- • .*> t'.1 •„ % 1 <*0 1 / * it-

. 0

r>- * * „■■■ ,**#•»». • *./*)'»* « .. n^ .Jt M f Ml : i , ■ :. , 'h . M, If 1

>,• rr V ,j , 1 , ■’* * • M; rb.vf * •**♦ « s'» ; . ;* i r,' .- I i* -i.'f* I*<»#jj L.»*>r* r ♦


V ' t 1* d,\ >'*♦«■ . s- '* . r , •••», .,1*. i.jirin " . ' *ae . ' »

* .-It U l*tl ,** " ff'r** l«»r >;. 1* n‘ *!,>'. a» i.'Al*#- :!m td* J< ** I

I# ti 1«; T f M ,K n

*.i *r" It*' ■ | ,1 s.*

t fit"*|,a

- . -• a»*« 1 ..i

J i ‘f ': 7T nfV '!*-j?! - t* > u• * I < | T* *».

!*?\m r A*'- ' . tl|f *i» *.!•* 1 ;» * »J'»(;» !« .rt t ty*in, nh« U' I l i ! « f ?» iit . * H n f ;■ r'

>1 j iA‘ -v ; .- " r t at ,'lI - ‘ * •» ff . 1r.» -. • . .It :* t

! « ' j


Strathmof Lanes Cocktail LoungeP it *.erth


For O u r G A L A

n m VEA8 S EVE


, " " S a .»4 .

i ' I

: r ;!)

« uov/' tnr. [ M W 'I'lO

j l f - t

! yh ip lr tl- / 1 I

!tl« I I it I *.

r. ' I nif t l / ’.IfiM U l lA k M ’. •

• tf-

ttUr* K ir f t ’ 1 M

*■>■ I * i i,

I t > t. I


|__ ?/0«t ]C u L K lA i l , l o u n o l

fi!. J l Ui f) M A I A W / N

M U SIC itid fvtty S*iiti*il<»/ Nlgln

n e w y e a r s

m o liit io h m V

n x S le J- 'W p ’w mailt n il <mr reso lutions.Ai«l t-\ry o m if. am u il &l mukinp A * ? a W l f t I'lavv to fhop in lOWv.

le n iak f every A * t ' n s io i r f f UMtleiblantl what we meun whf-a wc say:

"W K C A K E ... A H o ir r Y o r ."

Now . hivout tim l ref-oltitii n v.t 'tl lilrc you to nwV«^-«a a favor to ua

Mtiuiii you rvfiolv* to tet‘t-t'iit»p AA 1’ (^ct ft jtitf/|> on tho Nen /eair-

this w w k.)

You m a y l i is o n e r yn u 'vc 'June vo u t‘« ) f a tuvor.

Y o tt'rr sure to (ll J'OVtT we teklly tin eurv,..jil^)ut J’utl.

is this a k<h<I reawn Ivt olit'i i*»ifc' A iP? It 's mie o f n i.v iy .

» (•» *af t'l WKMMVK t|a Ml



o p s M u ie m iS KW s iS n id id a y & T h o n u b y

S b H I 6 f v a . r fW « i^ C fe » « 5 ie trrib it T '

-:,S S E I® i0 ® ■'----

T o m a t o e sl.« * *»• I

lM«t iu; (i« » m 8

Oranges 10-49*

tdft-m | U,t )%%u lift Ii

D u tch A p p le P ie 4 9 fkmffl I l t d Ct>i» ~

N I I w m S n »W ~ ;; l . I f

R r t B f«»d

(IwuinKK 8*ni 4 J5* T t« r i* i J . . ; ftn *.

IMI r w i llt t t l1

‘C0BSI1BBEE®1k im w I<h« m »m *

L a r g e E g y s : 5 9 c

Vkmip CHpd*!* ( * "]‘t • t rJwili V '..I ’ S5*

JV. * . ’ . j r

k,l t fi*>4|C»rr«l9«* Sh u *':G'..

V ill ip t

WlMkbvy \ewt Mu i lIV

(hbn Sii!j f*|(| Nlo ^ l i 'lljipt# f*»#< ,1 fVafititrith ^A4f P<"pnt 5

1 00 97'

«»*< n>e* •> #•«»

Tangerine! "•"’ 4 12'49*bit Ik '* * V ♦ It - Ixl*

Delicious Apples 3 39*ItM.i Mn-| • I fa i IfMt * MmIdaho Potatoes 5 49*

Yellow Onions 3 IV*4«*»« f *«» If _ fc <W n jh H SpiM th 25' 4S*

Mew G< r«-n fo b b a ije 9 ‘Tfittol Cf l««ry ‘ ,!.23‘

S h ? j ? > I ^ D ln S o f * 3 ‘ 2 9 '

Y e l l o w T u r n ip s . 1 '

( o l e i i o w 1 ' ‘ ‘ J O ’

S n l t H M i * • . • ■* ' . 1 9 *

•t6? icr«f» Noii

r i 49'I:

usim:v» fl

i B ' - J i

■ V'IM I HO 1

. *t| ,« ! f ’• I **»♦ M ff

m ia t \:

; tA H r rtA M

i *.*

“ I 1Sb’f M? • tt

P la id !!M f tO W YOtt» /‘ h tAtH

«*>•*« •»*

ita iKU h.^ ■ >(«>£»*-» .

Hli J 6 «ntl Hattie Ave,(A illw ijO O

H tq ltw s y 3*» a n d U H w o o d A v# .

For 6 6 ,C h o o se S u p e r R ig h l’ M eafS'

K i« U

B J . S m * 1.

Siull i larlnra j

4 5 * j

TURKEYS35*lf 39

SIm i

l t o s 4

i m n tv n u tu i i w t i wwn avaiuki m r u h w ia

“S.p.r-I^M- 9»sty-«« W«rtw U M -O itr 10 tka.— NUY CMWtt


55.1169;— 1 r n t t a I

59; I N f t i M


| M t t t M M t r t )

MOP >53*

Connd Hams ^ «4W is? 7754 9 i

491 4 5 !


6 9 i

Smoked Picnics Fresh Picnics Long Island Ducks Ribs of BeefB o n e le s s P o r k R o n s !

■ift W W hy

U t W i l l O n ly CV IM dliABY

UMICtT (M lt ia U .r ii iK a ilW t'

I01T0M stml u l l IHUIU

Brisk«in«-ef “M ti •' !«'.t

S o u i p g e P n H i e i*W*- UM

P o t a o m f ’ .i

7 » ;

I;s r


W V iit S k r iia ji ■ - * »♦*K ina CfeS U « t « C l»wa ‘ »♦*

flijlihi-'f * --- * 6 V*

Kliu) fr»b K cnl ; » V

Mwi.-np ,! ' ,, ‘ S. 19

U l«|

U R o x llcm tIKIMHM

Turkey Roflif?

| il k«l • II IM

3.19 5.29I l f U I *V Ml

2*’ — jw

Turkey B rto tti '* Boosting Chickeni Copont »*■* i Smoked Haras **

Woof . • '

Sliced Cooked Ham


. 5 9 '

6 9 *

GMcu)-8ti-5uctQ c i im ib« hM A

ll v U*n' U itUt n>i— (n »««i »



3 £9$*UKI I4KH M I

♦ M IIMtll M ill)

G i i t g c r A l c ■ ’ “ * • 9<T


*.< . . . *-A.i »i • «

R e d C i r c le ........ 6 9 '

II* M#

1 . 9 9

I’ r c l i c l i . ’ 5 ’ -l . 1 . 0 0» •-• t .<*•« a m 4

l i c j h f O 'C l o t i t i i j ’

l ll »>«

1 . 3 9

M o r t i r i ' o « ’ i * 9 3 'r, .... ... : -i IM

D a k a r C o f f c i '1 7 5 *

M» »M

2 . 1 9

A f t P ' . . ' C o f f e r 2 * 1 . 3 9' - „ . ,

- y

PUIT|’* («H lU«U j i Rip.- U li7 (ti ' . ; j j *

M< it i AHI. «r P.M , £>*UI : J '* ■. ~ *»*

V ila ' , , H f i i i r a• i r in M M ip f is e '

felmtiMMtv} , t J J 3 '■ ’ Tiii f v»* 11 Itf.v ii' ,

AAP fofno lo 3 e i M F Whip , *? 0 *Pure O^upf lem •- - 1 * HP Fr%M J / J i 'HutU f ' - * f y i t l U ^ ' c ( • « « M «h « t j : . i r *

H f d iH l lla v r 2 j * ' C^««4«f

><o 1 f i r 4 H ittfv i * - • j r

} (u t |o i« r lt i ■ ? ? • Alfen ,'*/**/ ” »♦«

W*' i lir--*1 ^e-* «*..►* *»*? ' hm^m li *»».

A f t P f L U O R f l M T C O T N S ’ A S T r

M M p ' . i .M t . l l i t l r # ^

- ' f rO llltM NM . « ! » « • ** f f

U l t a *»*•*« * l r

K k A N 'M R G

H t 36 «wJ M*tf» Sf.

O ll f * V,

M « « * l k * ( fH M ^

f t t f t t i i t W lM t ‘

P O R T W O N W O U t l f

H I. J o a n il SVtliw ii A * * ,

A u to F a t a l i t y M a te I n

N e w Je rse y S h o w s B e e lin eA comparison •ni-lw.roii }.'eiv .Icr. ( months of (hi-. ><w, .t-* n«so»s

•«cv ir.d tmlfcmel tltilltv iate* sh*tv I *Sih! for every' •- .... V,... ■»„„„. «»„.* I humltod million au _ mu*.*

, ■■■ ■" : ' " • -- i a :;v«n on iw.vJugfc . 1 .1 h w e a in pe r « n t better The national s-eraae !« 5-4 ptrsom .

f * * » t l h V N w ! A HtiSliwriV 0 * U M » L spok,-;.man said a,««her com-ur.™,,

*t»vemeu hiat diiiing thi? rir?t fe»

Foijffa&rt THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. TWstfov. C’ecfimbnf 50. J*?65

• ii mi 'iaw

uaces *i ;»ubstadtia! c e J inc cvt?

tho Iasi ‘M! years in iht* y iim nUe,

* ?iv»j per Cc«‘ in crcasa} 2 *C*V2 - ttiL*sflrns perioc m lift 4. A|

raa.ktj','; 'd -V ststi** show*.

Nc‘.v J e r ^ y •-'-'Ul: thu loe/e-n

r u li 0 ' N .‘it-nHv, reporting Rhode T;.!iwiiA 1U .1 r^r lo‘.vt>t ra*e, 'j i

deaths oet* 100 million car toiivs. iiijti \Jr.)nr)!?r , ’<*-J: »v»> -i.i.

Vj’hiU* s 'a iN 'ir* show thai

way i j » eomributinn factor

j>» n»»r.> « w»;*?5 O-.^trpl.iyi; o! tJ ijJ ;

ties, tho HigJ«‘vf»y 0::|'-;tv!nu.r.r, !

embarked ('■' ;i • . ’aV-Mii to d 't . ’i-

mine if hig/iwwy m iijlii po.,

sibly he a con^ibuiin. cau*-;.In mu* ]!#*!, D ‘.* } » i* r f .s a fe ty

/ri 11'.:

dwniw Ute greater numb* «f autV i M'Kinem >*Bf !i*• - - • - • 'o? everv taialitv on the btat" Htp.n-

f T H lS JiM Ed F .Y M R ,^ f w s v E P O T * s m a iJ 15 WKpjSj GOOD MEATjl \


mobile#-and mileages driven todtty. i

In WSI, he explained, the fatality i

rate was way up to 15 persons per j j HH) million car tnife.s. Hn.vr\.,r. d'*e ’

to JtiendDy i;Kr>M5;n.'j hicle.vay trut- > fie volumes, about I'ivt? per cent j

per year, and tJw fact that New j

Jffrst*y .State highways carry fn<; j

times f»v>r<» rritfic than »hc nattnn* i

a ‘ avura^c. thtx actual number of

teU l acc iden t to !<;•

Nvn- J wjwv Third Low ^t

Highway accidents in \9l»4 for c>*

am ple caused 1060 fatalities in New

way Sysltfii*. Every feature* of th

highway the* -.ccident ion is ra-/,*Ji>Uy >i'tdi<‘d. S;nc<.* ih k pio*

g ram lia.> h^.'n in opHK,!i-r\ ,ip

p ro x iina t^ ly 70U V .t"; j

hsve beou !'*» ihi.^hv.'av do.^yn has b'*oii found t'1 1

hti a von'.rih’ ilin^, in i***.s tlum I

jjic ih' i CK'ta. uf -t*. ci ■*I

l C h iM cra it h is 1 i < * IJ *. i 1 . otJ ch ildren . W iii >«»• iv j i i j>m vl..ul

i c ra ft io rnoi** I»‘Mih-s ‘ 0 he lp I'vcr,

j i n o r c cm liiu 'ii'.’ * ! >*.'r

.w o r k j> a i!‘c ipntiij^ ;j: p;o»vm ut*ov

j oo:>liaLuHii, Holp other;, ht* 1 |> to earninj/.s: cari;

| y m ir own «*!.•» w ilh {•<» mon**v on*

1 (if jjllCk'-M (fit M.'sI-’M'.' Ni* ■>:»!.

S ta tio n *.•■il! Kii:/, i1'-''

! ftK’fi .»!!'• -• \t m >*> ", f« ,^’ ' ' V,,.,:.


Ilk* of:;tc5 o f the iifo;vu Pub­

lishing djjil IVinlin^j Co.. 32 We?:;

Jersey as comparvd to 1>04 in 1'iW- j ^ l -- Komm:’ . wdl o n y -1

Thn first ten months in 19JJ5 show \ r<‘i d ty Friday, Oec. :tl.


JUNK ca r‘<, tv towm cruuit-. ii!2 Gi-fii''f; w ’ 111


t Mn

■ Qfi* af th* cojnforU of (Hg ;; . Kofv,<». Yas/ll 4p.PtfcUtft yolir homo this y<ur if ( t 'i he-alqd vith our

f«i«) oil, .loss W . Maghan Agency

. "S a v * With SafecoA u t o a n d H o m e o w n w P o l i c i e s " \ ~ S 2 L j

> W iw 3 y

Real Estate—InsuranceM AI A WAN 0 8 Mai» S t LOwel! 6-0003

« l.'NUSVAI. b , ; S|N}-:^. V .■ p<m 1 *;>.:• y

j fc.’r t V - n . ‘

j Ijcvj; tii yiiiii'VM ;-.:m > •i to helo other*. Hard iop;»

! Uoi«r:i ^ur.vioii J'na:)'" t! j No :>.« 4*^1 S :?>

| It) a.m. or 4 to t> p.m. NVjW

i UARTbNUi-K |),»n um r, liftn* nv

j pcrk*n*‘<*. ( ’a !1 LvMwc'n 1 :»n»J X

oiiiy 11^1161__________ _'VK*'_'

; K XP lflU ilN ri/.D 0 [>‘*r;itni-i (Of V:\W- ' inj; tf> hvtnjj CM**.*• sftfis mul .h'tn, ai ipnv it*! > m h-‘iiv.t!c. Sn..'th -Viu.

. !)oy I'a'.hiis'is, Ni *. t i« IVUu;

St .S\*t?th Aoib'.'V. ('al! ’

;.i!ns. ’! lio l.lD A Y M U .is 1 \vn‘.‘s ’ A)D^itjnuM O'* .‘. j r* ‘,i

' wofiu*o oius’ A t * ! ' q i ii'i;. a:iu

j avtoa^f mnn1 doliAis per hoai j than they i»avr i.-vrr !>r‘f>*» ^.! Give tr.tJ?]". ♦*\p»«fn*rK'»‘ in i«.*l

' U‘t‘ to »*>H Vt v’-‘ \ <V\ this n**-.Vr,

I paprl _ '-‘li

! CLKAN’tVO’ *V/0MAS/'.~ I ^ rf vt*t*ek. S i.ali>!nua*, M aliA .u i

Call ■)«•> ii?M. wiM

! \*]\' i a- Jend.'.r App.s '

I H IK K F L-XDcrii’ ncrrd pr<*s’j?‘ rj, t.‘n ; I .0 0 Shop. picc-fc wo^k Ap ;

! ins Cct * Jouoooti Av*.. M,(f.iw^a ■

; KV:ois\iWF-:i> ’ .v'iMsi-;"'iM ,i tiiTi.-!i aft^rtijiius Cu!! %v|[i| TJ!ls'Ni2wSPAVl?j< cio.*s rot kr.ovv i{ inrly ja.*s»t hvip vy,» 3-i-!

! t o w employers o>v ? t*u Dy Dk- ) : labo r ' ’''I-:.* A<;f wii'v-hi

, applies to employment in inter-1

: '■ofomrfr**, if tht.»v offer le'ivf than 'he i-.-L'a! nvminvon ■Aa>y1 o( I

iii ho!f i’jr f:ii’ t.o n;>y titne i

; ijnd ?»•■.* ?*.*'!» iiv<'r r ‘ j ;

: ‘"ouU '.i ti;e l-.S ’ -iba; t).*

i partmenl s ita . o in ie fui u k u c .

I 'iu* iiu J io s i ir. T d .1) li-'j.)’. -h W;!1

d»r /\NL> NLvV/ Weddi/i^ ,i;;U j VN’ION Hi:.ACH apartnk‘t»» 1

t'esiiMvr'i :a iij:ie.> ; ro '-'ur. Inquire Amoco,

j; i,.-j..-ii U.-*i'^av Ifi Union Beach or call*•> VV . Ai:.,,: C;- r m

A!s^ hrirhso>;iid‘i pariy : -7 *-------------------------- -sn'1 fo»'0 ,i|"» | * ij * * o! :;ai ; NION Bi-AC 11 *•- aparifUCof J

:.sfi;.'J }<'.'.!> < ri.KHo.i. Ki*i?;v.ay 'W. l-ouv.'r»i

-ill Frc'ch^i? i»j? 17 73 r-.r a out. I Umoo an Aves Cal!svin : Jr w;{?

D '.J r s !



6 r-OR S 7 7

( rip!-: trjr^.. ;u!!y Mv? r

i»enu;ne A/coa s io o n u m . F.-/* 1 s'-1

.’an be cleaned tn»fo »’«rno

PROWN SVi B m jd ,•»’ SH \ •*». KVU

j I’ oic;'. adult| 1 V.V\UJ«.*V

fiuUoav.'o. J j '*■

Wll'SY WitU-r. }'-r„ul'S<! ^**tl(iv. j»old, L'athr,r strap In

j strjpLiun Neal Im m A pt • I 1) Kith, IMtf, Call

| WRIST"'\VA’1 V !JB o /* ’ H i.x *\ M <n j 'ilc^' day «v<*uinx in ih*- v’n:;tnt. ui PA

| Maul Sl. or i.eoia Sl.. '-.t'anv>.rji.

j KcWvird. Cat! wj.'iO*

t rA«VAK*.!-!T, bln.* j., ihi* t

• vie* ity ul hoAVn Avt.-., v%'*‘.st j kr.mvuM^e ‘*i uliy airt

! Keansburu on Nuvember litKh. i s d:H's‘ « we.**k Ca.I

j Nantt? Pcetlv Dov Rn ikc . Reward 2U-im WWri'. and 4*M p.m.

i Call 7S7-V:i:r.! ' vsjK* !

why don‘\ yon \\y\k «.vindoA*» »»f vour

ft wiu th i i‘H:de

opportumt’, {ur « select limited tiumbi'r of seri(Ki>. cioihitMUs' boy*

lo ri’O'-t'sent Vhe Key >>>»!' Weokh ;uidAir *1 he M'lt.vvar' in*irn-*t m.

sample and ret’.uiar i.m;o> (thv way ' many of today'* hu leader., bej;an) Applv ;»t Keyoo't Weekiv

tir ‘’ah Mr I 'v in ^ i nn wf*f

LOSK WHilCiirl safely with D<*\ A ;p j((v} Js5 ne.Diet tabiei-t oniy 9Sc a? UofiuiAt- !

Drug.*. U. I'vv.V. S'. , Keynori

1'i.T'i *k>; jparti'.t^nlsf

< nil ‘i-ki-i^U until l l ivjif

W NI'^N r !K \ n i — a :>.«'■► netii 4 foo;»ir; f non ire JOs f io te n e e A v

Uiii'.fi wjtfA PA K i'S iLA 'I. m'kVi!-. 5 Vtwn.sT

tiie 'aai’i heat ;»r;<I h-.e. '.v^r>t

pi'rson Hcttfi •»iii s M a iun , lli/i' : IM. .‘•l.Uajva^i. »vjti

StCKUITARY must have exceiioiitREWARD

Ttus week, whv don't vou liK»k' This wt-ek thn»u>*h lhe wnuk>ws of vowri thiouuh lhe

church {rom the wsul«s. chittvii




O p e n E v e r y D a y E x c e p t S u n d a y - 9 A . M . l o 1 0 P . M .

F R E E !A N T I- F R E E Z E




c o ll J o e y 2 6 4 - 8 5 6 8




>iu for -iit.-ui'* M'nlii..,- ii ili'ie re pair man qualified foi a position

at Family Circl-* Shoe Repa’r,

Route !N>, Keyport Call 2M-7‘ iM

or bnng in -Afive1 wjtf

NURSbIS aides 7 a.m ., lo 3 p.m . sh?!!. Call Jf>4 1!027 vvjtf

‘io iu .M iA to ttiaiie

nppMirmnenf•, im' ph*•U^r.ipw. V*'uik from your u’.vn home :ip

prnxiohiteSv .1 liour^ pei d ty . ;>W

exchanne (Matawan aieaJ Oii*>

need upply W iite Hu.\ C n care ><f

M MN" OR WOMKN* ''We” iu”ed J.'»p«*op!t* Ilt work Jn h<Hits Jh*t

intuit!- *o eatu V-’ pe* •'■eeK

^ f»» !H t to 1*1 - If . r; p.m

w itn

HANDY MAN to maKc*

A KANPSOMb* H I ^ va LU)l\

A l t iM !N U M


$ I 1.95 f k i : l u s riM A rrs

K AKl l-KAN'IZ\vt!l

ROOK SH INC UCS }l 70 per bundle

roll roofing JI 50 and up P>h

Jt 75 ASbe^t»5 and brick udtnj; IK

a square, also (Vxin JWTfi

Finer Ruofim* Supplies, O 'd UnOj't. R.'yad l£n<(iid»owft C ill Glbv»n

5 65?l wjtl

j y r R K M O lh " C O N iK o i " ' / ^ - i ;

Consok*. S'iii under tfu.trante<\

Wahmf fini\h Jl7a fjrin. Cut 2i9-4Wa fr»'»n M \ n* m P p.m. vs 11:

HAY. straw, muh’H h tv , m tn ine

dllll I . . • , ■ •* "t I\ ’ ■■ill. < ail ^ T y ^ ‘1. vvj>!

!.(),';! W L ’CiMl viff*!v W th"i».*\ A

l>;er tabl-e, omv SS. at S.i o’

Pharni.u'v M vm. Stieet M j e.\,r

But who knows what the N ew Y e a r w ill b ring? Stan ley G . Siebenborq can help you hoc»d o ff trouble? to com e with

H e 'll insula y o u r Anything you can


low co st insurance canoe, uko, girl .

S T A N L E Y G . S I E B E N B E R G

H ig h w ay 34 — M ataw an — 583-1300tvcttiEN Cc u;3 4 — M ataw an —

* V/b T r/ f ia rcie r"

‘Ml**!!* S t........

H. J . I.d rf ' I) ' f ’e, I ' i t k •.*. :*

ville Mnud.t

UAKI'KY SaY'"’ •'

<»r j I'.-f

I’r U

:M’: m H.* .Ui-i {• I Mr.,

'<1 C,



0 in . I’ r U I ;v*.'

WA’ IK I SS! S [Mi* tu ’i"

tun-v Anpiv M .vh\ Re

Sfiaflunoie I rf**< a.» aw., i ,utei »i im v t: 1

oi -tut,) .! tJit.

U M i;

’i-i a?()0 Aj.f <:(■».(


FABRICS. h »yi .v. •,<>'! • •’

1 •. Simpli- t*, *•' '

. m 0 ia fi »

11 i' R is V‘ eatif t .i..

C A IM ;!T \Wot’kh N {tlnii.J. » H

eKp.u’.dj','.' oi tii * ir.'.l {!*• ;>;romo*d t t im iii fos M ip-uiv ii',

• »r».ff !!'• « h.fij'-ueio:* p* '. / > \

liOme H a ^ ii -.ti’*-. i 1 O'*im; ts:

< t .iiiiii.*; i’> (. ■: • •. •• ! ; ‘ ' r v

neo*-' 11 v f.n { .-m' t f t\ l or

t <mf?»!••* ’ . int<-T\ *,s‘ c ,i!i '.?i> { \n S tn U) .i " i in 1 t.) t» p

W A 'IK ! ‘iSl S p u t t ' 1 r '■ l ,i‘ i Ik*

( v. .•«•!> ‘ hi ! *< ,• fM ,fi| ' hi I


IV|1‘ a-1 gallon bM>clo

i {•■! i.ip 5: e n“!' ( a%i- tnd

i;s -v s * >\ *>;*'» ; h »

U]I(Ii'*ld S.-V it. tl: fo

l d! ;'•><

‘H CHEVROU1 4 'Jr.. P.S.. '57 C » 6 V"’OLtr S C .I r.!.-. S' -i, Ci.,-. » mA,»,j. Tm ,-.i .......... . . $I4?5 ‘5* CriL .’^OLL:, ;■ s '• ................... . 1 '<

'42 ClltVROLEI in * ;- \ < / :>. a s . ■34 a i t v j ’ OLtr . 1 v.'l I 1 . . . . . . > 2 0 0A.-m I ....................

t l CHEVROlEr T .rv , 6 C,V, p.S.. IU7S

■j* c m v a o it rc. . . , ..

. \V, i C ,!.1

A u 'l. I”(3U . ............ .. . . 11000 " ' ' ' ■ ........ * 1 ‘ ' ■'» CHWOI.ET 8 .'*'- 6 Cyl, '51 PLYMOUTH ........ ................... .............. . $ 2 n

Aut... Tti’ 4 .1 ............................. . . 11000 Si CM£VRO'..ET SM. .■ V/» l i r 2 D'41 M£m:U*Y C"..'* ............................. . . 1 1W ,Ml. Ai- ■ ii.; .. I 7">

C O M E O N D O W I V . . . S I C K J O M .

i m n n f i i T T n n r ^ ^ ....................... ............................................................................


Au:«.uki!: • /u; /as evuM-j o»a\ .:u- H-.fvOri-e in p>»{aole tak- h.»;uM* Jw.’ i w»t>; ia''>ui-‘ y»r »*(». ( j!I cted;! d ’;! i:i:n ea ‘ ->*f» »■!»)]. ^_tii

i i l-.‘ I RIC .'•••ae>, bal>v

Mai;na\u\ rad"i phou »p t i>iti 11!1 *n. hm ,'inahte CaK St (S 11


M «in ttn «n ca IC o n tra c to n ‘ L o n tra c to rt

G e t a C o o il R a r g a in « u a ( i O O D [ I S l i U ( ’. A l l . . . O n l y la u u m il( ‘ s fi'o iu Iw 'a o ^ b m g , K e y p o r t a n d H a z le l .

S i ' O I * i ;\ . . . T A K M A L O O K !

SP E C IA LS | .i I.)

1956 FORD - $ 3 5

1957 DESOTO $ 7 5

SMALL JO» SPECIALISTS- Joory ilorj, c»i!:»»». |

fMMfllng. tic. l» lli'» |>il*tl»t- G I'.N F R A l SI RV ICKS ro j

SM .u»;

V A C ri'M ( I.I’ \S'i :H - l- M . i- f

C<’{) iu «•*j M''■* )’ ol-. H: ! * • ; » 'pi»«*>* i i . i> ■ 'fo >/. r * • iup and I>«,1‘ v et * ' i.\ Vir, t .v :' ‘

'Il'IL.n A NI-VV ROOl-'* Al-nmtuun

u n d '- 'v . ^:;l!»‘r>. .1 .Id!-

{M m n. lrm =idfi;"i*. »:> t t • p < ‘ ' A ’

j knn ’ nf i’ > U n -. I I. nu !;:d. I-‘H >*

f h fee (‘ -.ton itaru\

, \ j,!i d P-- t:a . 1 * r • t'- > : \ ■ ' 'i u

vi.m i : n j j i m ; f n n s r o

HLIKJ r o u iRACIOR n so im h hli-ips s r . am i

{'otnpltfff ■<*■< : « 'tt-tn!'v.:m ir'n.* 1



i i <‘l I J I l\sp> I !>»»?| and Ti i * '-!•>[ Cn »mp

! t«*.i>iii;.l*ii • ' '» . ! v’(i t <»i»

! (I ?• RI f 1' M il l* \ ;« j iu*A. a; l-;-sv.*> e VP- 'i I tl i

I DINT.*, RfioV * i t,- J ’

A t,. I


: \ioi sa! C, .Ul'*

1*1 1! • * l l a ,Jh\ ,*'JS

n»ooth. CaM 7\S7*4IW9.wjtf

(.xr.A\ M O O i .R ’ R O O M S , ttia iM‘. i : . v 7A* d i i iy r . p.»J p r f

scit }'!» {.»•■!• {.:r:nn; douuJj

occup n v y Hoils I till Mo!«.»!. R out«

Iwi, KeaasUirj;. w f*C L ir i- W O ttn He.teh. apartment* 5

riK>in*, ir.'a! <oid h(’f vu:ttr >up». j»h* d. om p ip p a '- 'Ia : also fun ii - h ^ ' s 4

♦sl rnorti C;sll S(»G wj;f 'K F A N S ftrR C ;. aoaau '.yn t !{ rw m s ,

f u ^ j i^ In d , iita ;. i»oeo> .mu

sils supp lied . J/^ali T iM SDL wjHO •

KKYJ'OICi rip .iitmeiu Ii rwms an3

fMtJ.', hoat and e le c tn n tv in-

r lud»*<i Call 264-tW?. ’ wjM .U N ID N B H A f’il upartn^eut 7 Vontivi, :

SMMu fa.-oiiy o:\ly o** Re;i: M ront

ncaj stores; m ake ov,o fcas heat

i6 ’> |K'r inon;h . Cali ^- a .V 1** un til

p .m wpO\V.\9. i t riHims and h u h . a ll

utiiitt'** vuppi/ed. Inqu ire 51

Secor.u Sj . K«»\i>ort or ta i l -it*4-IH74,

Kl'-Vi*Ut\ 1 jpaitioviv Ii i‘ . . ihAth. choice location clo r to ttit

trtn^Mrfaimr:. :tiea! for tie.viyw^dl or .sehoo! .eac '.N .-* Ileai and hot _ v.i»**r iti rca>»>:'a:)!a \ ,5m o.U i!., i..-a;.!: K-.-s -s r-'*pfir-

rd l ii* 'Jiln.'.’ lil!-.'i 1 ! i.»'.••• mu oi-d.t-d KMin,

k»!c- •m ‘tt". i.'fiities vnppi * v». oti«

sate e n tra in ’.' near tuti one, a u u it i

• ••i'v i* "riv ii* !s . Imjuirp \te''tlrt

A\e., : *,‘*y pt#; * C d .'*i‘-')lM

s>; };» r i r y \ w = K ^ ' o ^ h o r ' v 1 '

I i'i:- ' * ar. ;*<»?*. •.'*•*(} or

til*! ,': 0 ’\r , j . m •,% : < - . t v * • ••• IS,

Oo!r( S u m v e m em h lo-

i . tied H.K {.\-, ^.iiaoJe

/'•m \ ai* . *(?• tts'it wjIJQ .

KKVl'ORT I! ton'Oi and Dalit, tut.»

r- .ri: v p 1 -a**, h e it

< ii. yu ‘tdis

de.i \};a: i M-'.i, !'n-

m ou .. nmol'* park*:>!i*'d. ir.i*'tii ihlrt

lent *. o 'u . * !j(*ri ad hu t •• and

d np^;-|.» i’” i|ir; lu .Vi. Cldt-

u f it ni Ct-a.i.s js«i:u la iv*u Cad *»W \, wj{->K I.^ T 'O R J ap .’ ffoi-'fit ‘f pjorns. j

vch^e t *',i Id a- *‘p‘ aM * Rr-fi*! -

' are-. I'Sp .u ii’J t .**s :,i i i'ss wj.ui*

M ’A K iM l iyt n .rv - . .n.d ha th ,

adults o/dv A ’, n i.ih le l i h a i a i y ,

< t ( a n y>\ *Aj:(

\V\1 A^'AN-MOK*'\N:V 11 LL a. ea!Im m *< olit.- -I*, lu 'ir , .}>4. ;.n;* .

h'nit'ai-j'^ .» i 1) is.•,! p . .ir 'i O d

fitK.-v! ) i :' l.e.o ti'<-'.t‘dy

! n * in «’d '*i ’ i ’ . ihtn.v iiiitai* i i .-it*-.* hnm-'Ui o< «k . up.*.; \

HK,:!\y \Y '* isinovs;’, art*a.Hi af-.l ei-’h *11!( • .i; am .* !.o id«

I M'ellrMl! l‘K alum. A|>pt

idsh \i . aod fv>t '*• K- : R N t

! metli tif* t.

1 in#;. ot-,S:;i,'’

s e r v ic e s

Top Soil


D O M 'SI'or It-' j

v.ild-i :-'V *

IV K V IC Et*A ■» 4n 1v j, im .

• i iii ! • I'd , fill

• ! iu •dirt, U nd n

U h-.'. , 11 r*;u

WP.tI ■',» r l r.: • a :

■ e A, r .i l l

1 < j VW'lf

F o r Im m e d ia te C.redil C a ll 2t>t-U,“>61l

AUGIE S AUTO SALESB O X 2 2 2 - H W Y . 3 6 U N I O N B E A C H

1 V ' -1 '■

S ‘-;, ' S ' ■

TUN RY K F»n-., MM M W '

NII'A* VAV- ■ R rl SCi-

tS JNf

PWF.0NU. tv'i f* \*


ttvn t t t u l i 1

*. U* t o

ii . t» !•I ■: l i

. ■ i i ■' a ia fi».

v* li I I I * 'H A IR 4:. 1 1 y ‘i*«. c i m i |

tfe , f-ii ten! of •*'* ( h* ■ i* '

, i iv .?«d M i ’ i f - u ;

Hi M u 'S'r#'*44 J ) ’ f

CAfM 'lM i i> u l '*,o: U*f I l i ■ v»m f

1 K*vr*»ri \ v». o-iMu**

«:ler«<i *r»\ md r^pi, 4\\%

\ r r r ? \

W -’dd ** » . !>rp t n. *1f* n ci*iaio.<,

id fi h a ou i or fcdrh«*n i* d h».s

n n ' |'t*‘e es{ n« 'rs ' ’ iii

_ W | M

5 !:. KOMCMCP( II r.‘f H M C <»N T IM C /H R

k l M< H 'I I »N (; A l i l H A H t ‘\S.

tiA M A t.l S ii A O i) l I in N s

I !'l I I SS I MA Ci-S t ‘-i l h-|«

PAR K I R i tO A R h lN t i I! O M l. f n

! «K'‘d in«a am i StH#

! liccmej Call VJS 0*11 ti J w,UVOli 1 i si 11 :n. .ve :i l ......... C.I

m id « , , **en t . ' p r r . It m ‘

. Hard 1 >r*' Cu . Im i,;} S* »ppa,.?

I 1*0,1 O lfi. 0, K o v p 'tt C »• IH-.

1041I le u



‘ , U‘:

i\ * r i-.“t‘* •I I;

;edMtett ■ r y, ~ m'eu«

ilT .i n i itithlv.

'■T\M f' Af if : ,r v-.U Ia 'VaN


C A !cr


SV i 'i t'M»in I • ■*, ft.Ii i d U r .

V««r»n A i’) l nv . h O ’o h , nrw Ml

W-\ i. ! v; . ; . ’d iv ' « ’ • <o» W

(.(,*►1 has 1-; ipo A h v .y o , m n*nn^. ;

I C .i!! A ndy m )>hmiie

I W j^M .t.'t ui S: . K oV in is . V*l v.- - - • ■ -■ f- j .? ■

| . T«,i Ll '.ifi.M RA M II ; .

B a s e d o r i o u r p a s t e x p e r i e n c e

t h e a n t i c i p a t e d e a r n i n g s f o r

1 9 6 6 w i l l w a r r a n t

t h e a n n u a ! r a t e

a d i v i d e n d a t

o fv i * * 0 • » - */.


r i■///•* Jiuinm j /, l'J66

o I mn if s r n o IJ I I) I, I,

Kmmr mm mm v

iEKVICti fdM IM M H I IN I’. Ut Im 'U S

( JBI-.iHJ ll|»I WI-lHMNIiS - l it *1.SI-' I 'A B T in s i , . , .j , « • A i i »is»c i 3 h e hom tu , daoftu r *>m

1 1 . . .... | hitr-h^n, hot t%4(c*ri»4 Ph»»4lJ l*«iUIK t’dh s’ l 1C Jittl h*fe«f»?i hh vci»* t * . I 'in, d^r*1**3 M I Ul

per, ,m »p‘*:»’»y H IV dir-.r ! |»u* ti in torLit!on. WvUng w-m t ? l l ,« td * i ! e i >», I u»; t S? , o p j i o 4 - th'ip S*s> fof ' th»rii*U l l

r .x i ( ‘ foo*. Leyjvo l C*i; M w frt'un i, <t |l«,SW;

. wjtl

IM C i* 11’ mtnl f t c i * ’ ilflTit; it i n ! W A L K E R Jr W A L .K E AP> Ah’ -i I f* * Cult St ; t

M.if;nAitn V i*‘|*4}t aU ro.ilo v J?1 ■TA l I r. »V Iti.ike

REALtOff*!pW. i ( Iti i-\ jtf

No t irp ■ it iy j*e» t,i i i",Mr| C ill j

‘ 15 ( VH iv pH

M4()llf I Hi A!. !( U MfM I . %Mi \ lii-J! I ISi!• i,'« &

U>VM |\ - SCN Ii I O il I A i st • *a

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I I iM U t W A S l ’ ffl

W A N TtD t o b u y


I In t i ' * l>;- H*it .’ .I Ml

i P A,;l i V..UH DOw1 »> ■*. r* f'« I t c r - ‘*

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fK* l ‘'»i f- *in

v./ itf)I*' . it . .'•>» oitf v». ' if t m r ,Ui/>: j *i*f

JhdiVK.llUll Of

: p ts |-->p d-itUf,

fll-r-* ClH VA.

tl ?io a KKoiKiife 7*fl7 T w|tll l h ? - ifiM K*., p Ivht f l . ut )f*W|

Hrrii i- M // *4

f ‘*** likl.iij’ \ *• 1 , . a ' Mi #*:■; ,*f; ; v » • • ■ *i ( 1

. ‘Ul i‘ »■!**» tr 0’*'ir>, Vtrtit | nr>jiaO*rtJi,t | y '>11 1 *1HS* i'M M*i .d, nrw* .«»

j &t i l \ fli 1

■ Ml < VIW i*j.OM! AC ! ii t a-t . 1 I * 1 ^

,* ‘ it r- /> 11 .i 94J.y-1 * 1 1- i 1- 1 i r > t ?|rt-r,iii v* »* { - 1l*»l\ luv ,

W A N ID t o r e n t

^ i foMU./ • » »f ‘.* 5 * %* S'*• o. > .> 1 ; 1

Ifi' 1 *ft’Ti ■-> f t< dH" ktU i «*?* pji

flurm-* Kt J' .k.iH HI' V ii»Si! .’ »i » 1 '< •' J * (t tt,

V#--* An*. l>. a .s’ci a - . il

#i«y>»rA ‘ :

A uro :; t ok f.Att-O lti LA N ZA R O 5

A U IO SA LtS OiiAitrva.wn *A«ti l l MAIN Sl MAI a * AM

CH'MMN'* (O l»


M,S Ti n

O l'lw i v n i *|lt I l*M


13.5 I'

l» 1

111*1' ■c

*. I*.

A.k l i i *»•«#!»'' f<r H i t t i f f HM iW rtrt ir if I t fs iw *0* Hft>flSt V x l l l i t . i V 'W M ;H l h »< L .I rath | » . iw ii.vr. l.iMt'fiurt. I’f * • 't HI < ~ m> Iti) W jI I I i Ir t iii lirt f# Hmli.r 11*11(1. f ; ’i in *:!h t V * ( ^ l l l

Itr '* . 'i) P n i * i h -tif f* n it ter

*«!:: J . !>?(» («*l»s*4 ■

* &'

,-i day, Decomber 30, S*&5 THE MAFAWAN JOURNAL. N. J.

i tm m m s A r m y C o m m e n d a t io n M e d a l ! C lu b E xecs

L u n c h e o n* 2.


I ;;u i^vf• (• s.»t • *..<„• Tj,N,ti'o ’Ph* Wo*

t ni.'’! •: v.'iu!j r;i « ar held a; Itffuhoon di'Hl Cii/is{rin«.s p^fiv ut - ivr::ii....;r-v "v!r< Vv»s1 • r**r;

; {<.*» <’iK.

] A ;.if[ ;*.<>}■>; ir* .'.rOv\>> \r. Mis i "j aniDH!: ! h:* :):L*nin .TV IlMOoi


r.toywoMTu co’ :. i v *•<■ ■ •a h n t <>(;*«•;•

y^W.V, T*.' to


; KUftUC* M i *

i in ibf sjid .V.)T-jvni!iLvr'*’ fi;jLa .".Ji

; V ',.; !.)V ' v.: -T.

’• I*.... . M

«U3U€ NOTICEibfrlr


Uf't o . i-'i:ck:ASi-;u,

I’ lJf.iKi'il •<) l!ic

t o ; ' j

firUe*1 (•! 1-)OIS.► I-L' ,

-Vlll 1.1',: •.

M;u'> 1 *.

».<o Mn l.vil-

; K j :! I \

> M e V'i’ne. I Mis. AS- ?


rz?my Cainmeatlatlon Mcdhl at Abtrdtei, Prcvtnj Ground, Md., from

Maj. <;«o. James W. .*ulk*i!»oi |r., commanding.

m aileArmy Commendation Medal i action I" create a V iuonuij io- .r u ' . ' ’1' o f 1 , r' m'll r-\alv:.iln)ii to inm aiul.

Vv' aw»rd«d 9t Aberdeen Provin .1 listment prottiam throughout t l i t ; piew-r.t.i!:un. _ _ , lalrr in- m e iw d ;i 'i-c i u n h»v*2S20«stm < l, Md., *« rapt, .lames H. j command and iu 17 MiUifdiiwte I Born in Newark. In 1926. law . sion M capt am in iiu- A>liutant

D/upfii. .VlaUtvan. Capt. Drew* elements Iw u«l»U«ui»* uiitom ' D na»* £ 'V “ n »{ Mr-*nJ s\t!! ; n ^ r av. m - « uhi!- s»iH>nnl at * •» « * » cited (or meritoriou* tervtce. aace of dutji as chief ol the Hers-iu- Henry Drutias, « ! • ” ,fc- _*•**!** k ,* ,!.!..,,I " with the Military Personnel Divi- nil Services Brunch. Ave.. Pompano Beach. Ha. Giad-. ■ • 1 '

. Tfljcwtrt UAnrfmi«rtAr« IfS Arnw I Th#» rl^'flrifinn was rtn li&tlntf fniiii fhc H'l-’h. I U^Ui^a mhj hi*, vvnt. K.Un-

C 1‘W - _________ __________________ . . . . . . .... . .


• 5s tS r son of M r. HnJ Mr*

"WM cUed for meritorroui wrvic«j ance of ilutv as chief of the Ferviu- Henry Oru«as, N h. u u! with the Military Personnel Divi- nil Services Branch. Avt . Pompano ikach. l-U. GraU-‘ fikm, Keadqutrtert, U.S. Armvl The decoration was prtseni^d on; uatin*< fnun fhc Mata;\.ni . . . , .

sntl Evaluation Corrmami, i o* h«s (K?par!ure j» new i School in JJM3, ho entvreU ihe Ar- ; ;»niia .n AU u.tvMi, Mu

*"lrom March 1&C4 lo November 1965. assignment in Viet Nam. Ma). Gen.1 my »» 1W‘» «tml ‘Aas ar*p*.!»’•?c-<i iie wai commended tor initialing».lumts \V. Sutherland jr., com ! mnt officer in )&$!. ihtee

•\,:th ihe ir

Mobert.children, Frances and

j ' i 'v t ii i i .u u iia f f f?r

j f f i ' i t iy i i i t i i h i

I I '- A ii'-!'..,; Mi'.ttr tKit'.v, M-“ si-i'.cr ;i'u! IVn'fi'.;

] w .'u.u’ h.ivt- oicii ' jry co-r. 1 >:ji.*nii'ii o) 1/jt i.-ti'nonii!’ slu iod Hu' »,<n i l , for

| lli-r>tv 5-i'i.tKv, ' - i! .;*iv ■ h.nntu'n | nf ilw '!*-■.< •: .ft ;.i J-5- . j t ' <tM

Ij ArHHii’HviU'til i»i Jh‘;| nu:;*; 'Vi.s *•> i!,n,*'.-r' >‘r;rr- I. n i.ia P. M jna- jj uvr llu* srss- iii wM kn* ik-UI •»? ; ‘ f oh\ *». ' n-' k(.i.ivs '* I 'M |‘ Mayor :m*ii »r • ;

' .«• l.Kt >1 -• <..*(.,» .... . .. '..: >:.V I'AU MM S I!’ h ' . ‘l M*. ;

| tn'id tlu* CointniiMt1 ’s.'hu’t luurj*' hip St*. !>i;ivhl ,ias the;

.l i iM r;;ni}jJUU:r »

• r*>iui itniH’r the new ?v»r*»i t-f 'the j mem . IV m o u s a , d i’.h u.Ik.i \>1 '=»e |

m> , Couiu:• i?;e is f !!t>?*i Vlavor * ‘ •*;>u \!r Mj.'iiir rso*

are former rvcreat.on eommissmn * * «•« i in- old lowushih tom- ,inult t fuiin ti( ^>vi i nint ht.

The Jo«nsh.v> f»ini,5vwtU t>av uihuu* lo Mr. HvarM for

h>2> per foi mance ’A f ‘.ub!»sn?;u*

ihe cm rent recpN»t:**«i |ir<iKf'*m

r MiH.W li;.I'I,- ijit< 1 . :••■ ' • ■ : "i : i>. ti'... '.. . •' 1 '. ,-i .i u.- 0r n

. 11 5• • . *■' _ .*. '. I •- n-rt!'! .v: ■ ■ .•• i ... ■ '

.«-n nvnw' ^»■!*■ : t «_•* i * * *>•< nt -.i,,t ’••• r

Cl.'.Ill's -;.:1 . V . ’ . •' ;...1 **v:

-j..i-rr ,'.w

K.-:» '\. K., rJ 'is. K-i|.

’it !•-. ••

1- / i .i 1'i.l.Ks'n' l; ; • *»* *' < U » i -'.VtL-fi

'If ; .1, . r vv...*' h:,c. .,;i:

ri . •»':• " ........—

i 11r,i ’ b.

.'i p i- HKV'v roi'vy *lr ! i .i. -t: V

v»':v; .'>?v'**-".‘Nm\k .uw m Ctii M iiU •v-ktii y

J ci Hv*,.,i,li l':U' il. . v*' »•»*!■«

i., : ...v, •( i!-,

’l>o • iVc >:.,'.ca ”i o* i..v ii ;-v..:;i, I .... i (;*-»>- ...l'.. al.,_. - , • .It ' !.f •»' - i I -t.

t*f r’ t-i• '...(!• >;••'• 1l‘f ; t >i ■*-i I--

; ; i* ' : ' ‘ . IV ,.? -*f.Ufiov*, 1M. I‘:t.. ’’L' * '''■

v - v

-..V'V <1, v j x: i.»1 v t.H’X itfM 1C:;i»:•M ':'t I ' ■ f OnSotl JU’.ii'1

>, r .:s

1.-'. Ve* ' - i[) " \, .n • •? •% • ' . . . . " i t J M

if.iv. ; r.. 'tv---',:‘t ■ I i'i*. u ►I .*;.M ml' -it:*? Ci-'ii,’ v, N'c •. J tf i st.-V *

Ml i>" t'niK k'.-i’ii'C.oi. lv.-tMM»« 1 ,.'i '-i N»- ••

.i ,!cit {7 J'.'SA. .> *1;U\i X' •-•ciO*»'r i<<, '“''i*! I'.'.V

i'.i.ln'V C:i‘ .'C.!'t« Nu- t, i :e N\; 1*

?fj'« J*tr..?jirTr-;, \ j

<|> <-r. it)

U ;t:wK:,u ,n \uu!)i::anc ?•: y v\! i! * n c -\

i . i-. -vT» I if* ! N i. > i' >T H i A J L a V KI.« »• •

t’f!, ‘ 'I V r-V S ]■;•!>.V11=. : .niyj.F.'rn .'nl> j>* uuT irs •mKHtot', ‘ *

vo f'f-;*'V‘I :* U ’ N o l li. r, IS Ml- l.n v , ,1V-

: 'ni'e-tlr-is >‘t { o M^yor and Council of 1 Knru*;*"* .-i :» < i ii*-t Coyjlr, !> vl V.ivvjmy^ hr'n ...•'. l>"t ( ’Vh. ' ’S-ft '< i ;,;y u*-a

? Ki*Tn toj tic (.{*,.n! r' i-{ f.'na’iv ;*.j.; i \;Hf i})\j «vr I'tiO.

I r**l P. Vif.u: v*rk .f Vorvoth L*:crk

| v o f if ici AU L O U-; •.* V I/iI’5I SNU 1.O1N t iviM.. .".'rf TH4v»-‘i r \SD V;lc: ) ‘.A<*K2\’0 Oi*t vk :u*.'; *=:.«: on vrwi-.. .n a--ivf HKittvVAV S Or i n ci Tv*V.i»jf .;! I* .: or :*:.-\T'.yvan .

: Vi 'ml rx'V i',;.,: ir.»*.' r-^'u:>cc ::>’'1vp *‘"ti«ii**' v-v,s .v^'red '

1- i t iiK'or^ag .■? \!%< • >" - "1" ,4>u- T-.v ,'l»

• |\ . :i* j .'uni state v f v«\s t I>nDATViO .'.'.It r 2?,

i. V-'t:.;.'v 1,•!L CiiMk




BONDS - A l'T O • !«>«!■: I>W\E1SS

J o h n L . T a s s i n i A g e n c y

H 7 M A I N ST. M A T A V ^ A N



K.-r -v.n «fv\» .*! J'v >I-'fd.I "I l* ««!<•• t*» »!0 fl’V

■ il’ .i!>:u kuuwn m ti>»iIVit-.'i 1'1‘ V ' U-M-.

i'riC* ;c«i '■* I• 'jHfu'v.i '•* <.i • '. , . ' >«', v»: <*)

thc tM'kli ll? HitsJM I’L. K iE ifV /.:.'. Sh«r:ff.

U r fJ t 'r i Si>,‘. 32. r»r» :> h 'ift JJ. *.t*v.

iVi 46

i'VtSUC N011CE

vm I

Revaluation Hikes olmdelLand Value

Generally hl*her value* Ktre

placed on property in lloliude!

Township under a revaluation pen-

(ram conducted by Municipal Re­

valuation* Inc., Avon, The reval-

uMtoi wai ordeted by the Kolm- 0»1 Township Committfe. Wil-

lianj A. Burkhardt, vice pren'dent

comiminitifs. Mayor Alfred C

IV i'e preilicted !h<it with nv.sem-

menu ituui* iti> th« tax rat« utI!

vo down.

Mr. Burkhsritt ronciirrfd Mini* ssit^smrnts will b* incrrns td dramatically, while others will yo up (inly sli;:hilv. H? «!v> |>re

i i f ^ c l irm ind ica ted tha t’ the com jd u- ttd tha t an a co im tvrha lance Ih t

of homes rollecu the J'- J l ta* ............. 'rate In that they are t;ener*llv priced higher than in neiKhtwring

rale at a stllinj! tool, kH a higher price for an avi'iujje house than tin1 v would in ails other surround-

inj; community. Also cuntiibulinj: to the cunt n I tit lad l.iat llolnv <ie} hm Ucuint' om' i'i the mure attractive 111111111111111111 ti> si-ltlc rn the area, due to Ms hiali intKi*- irial ratable* unit ti>« N iitulitv «f

tht li>v' lav 1 ait

Thui, with the l;mttnl supplv anJ i.ii'.h (iHiii.inJ, lit*- ci>M ol hnui. rs in llolmdel is hith. A^sessmt•nls

now are

Firemen Elect Higgins


Byi Siarktoa II, llfrpklnn

Although medical tiience huk Iosij devoted much time effort to dredging up a cure for tbf common cold, the magical CTtrc in a y ilill Ixt a ruthrr dlitar.t dream.

Recent research no'v layi the cause ot mo;l cultls at the door- *ttp of a v lnu cailtd COX SACK IK A-2I, a *lumdivi"llfr ol (Im liste'tluM Irnrt, '»hlfh l>. :i»*j of o v e r 3M «train» of

‘y i In its Hr(ll|l’

’> If I, ‘tlilnlt f lv , the nnpt'ded link hrtwiTB vir* v*-« imd rum- n^ln roldt lifti ht-vti \ fh fud .itfcl this thoiilil risitovs lhi> c.ap la^ttt'iii the , 'o l t l im t in

&CllUtti.l 1 U! f.

M 11V w^’ie all a 1«u i-il,*0f tUi* muguflf m ie. vm' Mill fftitmiir fill Any' and *'ii toriptUtim \uth rxtfuihK

n»<tt»ii'; hh* « l pe’ *.»Hs* «i

HAMU M|(trs plfAKMA* V, i.> Mall’l ’ rM* .

W>unr, M«i ijTfi , . . I M»*j Flit»iu'^ rniwiv . , . t'ui Mi . . ,

|V»>‘ «ipfi<*u5 , „ , In I It*s' i1'- ■ V’ .*ft . Pie#» UeliM-fV

l'f ’ i* HfMi* Irtffum* Iti*

. yi* c . . .J f l f i a i s W H 'K S H'lt .! lllll 11

)U!« i . J tMl tijr'hl * 1 , < H 4 1,1 t*'Mi 1 Bl| ohm Ih: .'(hft !> -- i f pr( >•* •• *«•



Plan Meeting

1 ;u »»itd ‘ ij.M'lv nlSt. Law r i- ja f ’fi • ' i n u n f u i i f n iu

n J i <«rr< I .sm "I

lt*-i>e»hcroi ih th** t lu i1 1 h wm *-l.u t

\\ \S p tn and the U iv ih ^ tm i ‘

n u 1 vmK foHr-A ir. f ' t h.'t!!.

! Uv el* t -i .i ti*! - ” - «•

KUine their duiiei

M« « v . « . . v ' - Mayor Pool? ‘'aid the i*idv lO^jor . tu^ iftte will be lowered propor« I expenditures co.iltrn;jhited h im j tionalely wilh the increase iti prou* (year will l»e. the iut*r-! #*rfv asswsnien}*. The mayor said j mediate *cb</td, if appro'eil. anil 1 thnt hi5 own assessment wdi in-> the S“’l .f>on iMd M«nor * Nrw- jCtease hy lou^Mv $16- H» l>ther i sliMti ^ \ur If 0.»*older and larger pn>D*rties vsiil tn ; is appio\rd, the t.n ia*e vu;l .n 3«ien‘ed similarly. u reast* hy abuul -0 cents Hit’ sew-

I Asirstmenls l.’p ;er ri’ 'l'“' " ' "<"'W false Hie lax

j „ « w id he «,r„,.,e«J that f.e,,, . h .■| ttliut tm ntrs 0 newer homes Iuim i 1 1 .'

i told him. their ..segm ent, -dl i 'j not much wore- than j imU<p a(U‘p',} “$l5tKI to $20l>0 " n»e firm c< mliu t- j ’! ed Interview* with inttTtiltd resi­dents last wrek for the purpose f'f explaining why aivv^^r.ji-uiR uii!

‘ lie increased a* rmuh numv | tliein vi ii! In-,

j Mr. Hurhhdidt xv-nUl .n.iUe

U b tiin .ilf f>f lhe total du 'ftirm e t f

! heren the f'u ilinK a^^esvmcnt »f | pr<ijm** r and tin new .i ms* m* i.t

l l ie added that mither undd lie

| nuti* it1 rounh {>r<*iet I'on of Die d e iru u r m the u\ «.»te An «*■'!•

malL* Aou’.il h;»VC tu n U n t I’AK linkintw n\, hr ‘ »l{ \\vu ii! haw ‘ fo r ’! budj’.et iihd vsill tn* t»«'lore a inn* f ism* uMI

h« as .uiiiMe hi* • .ml

I Ir i(iii(<-i| ih.<t * ■'<!<. f’ i

Kj)r>fv*i . #’d t \f( nthr.t i *•

(•■i,iii! .ii'i1 to- t ' ;*• ■ 'l.i *'«•'' ,l th*- \ l *’*■ *-ti fJ ' !"-'r' tif i? *<( 'i. Mnv«'f I ’f'fi:/- ili

i hord u* '(pt’ I' mark'd s'.,nd .fsi'ti-n ill thi* li»t« A thih»- it t fu; •» ny II’ nl.ifi- i n > .df h.ld hHIr/ ‘ iH»a a > ‘V.

i. ,1 :i Ni. tMi in I I! i-r- i M1

tt) l|!!(! !*'.v l,J> I 1

I ! t( d

law Ol .Supply And .......... ..

Mr h;irk'i»u»M. m I!hwt’u** i*,r ht.rnr‘-, piiiiilnl

m | ju i ‘ mhmh;*1 law of »-»p l-is ,t» niOld th ll law fcflVS

*i '1 1 1 Iiirtt :f j:f|*|»lv Cl/ a r«wM » I', «> t.'I’.t* d th, tr -i ’iu 1.

..> !.-» d * *,,v v. iii i i hi* jii * (t ih.« > ' , .i'-p « tl 'I >■• w-1 .

Robert H'ukwi v\as u t .n io i president of !hv l.avirenee llarhor Fire Co. Vo. 1 at the* tegular meet* im* h**UI m the fiieln'Hi**4.' Sei\i.^ with Mr. lo: l%6 \sil! •>**Joseph Sundfiiier, \m- pivvi.lint.

>t ..................... .. l.uwft'iuc 1». Holden, rer<rd-:it« «.;.*•

re n r rs l lv K tu a i^ o T ru t val- re larv ; I o m t .H Viva. cnrre .i« i,i.l:nK

ue in m ost cases s ,r r . . !a ,v : W d lia m R .il.e tlsun , I.-

iohh L<i:id>tr to iht RH tf

secn*taiv; William Robeiison. ^ luiit. ial •:ecre!«iI y: John f*n Jkics, t!eii>u?rrp ami M r. Mo!d<■;» »oul Mr

irustfi*>.Alvin \mb!er w.»s ehcUil Clue!

for th'.’ comm;', vfiu w;fh Ch.Mie* hpuiolH aw ^ssivt?n? chirf

\Imi fil\ tl d lo; Al’if 'i ‘‘ r,MUiCism i s 'AtOi.on

\|«xnc, asMstu;tl fo ic inn ii; *»«•»» i'i-

D iinv rv , th ie f d r n e r . M j ’ Idi He-

( f t i ci 1 Wi'l '.,ii li*; i 'i».n. lo a i . h K aiuh :tter and

f e ih a v ' . i ' ie p o iu i i l 'of*,sen, i hapl.jit?; Rohi-'l I i !’ *■ !», *m -

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Donation 4|>pm\ed A (V->r,o .it >|IH» ssas appio\tO

hv thf* I'lit* ( oiti|i..n^ iv* , .*• I «. s

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v .ic r Hai Un .A 5i*n»*t was *:ivr,i • *ii iht- f<*«*d

h ^ s l.iiv M lm l tlnd distrdniled to

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Wake up and be

ready lo go !

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MULLa ^Tt 'S ATLANTICCor. Main St. i Rl. 34 Malawan

Reasonable Raiei 9 5 6 6 - 9 B W



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S IM U I.I I. O i l . S l.ltM C I',. INC.

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