the mt. sterling advocate. (mt. sterling, ky) 1901-06-04 [p...

vfc tt <y Iii ITI1I w 0- W i ih L tSfVajr WT MMW y r 0 ti i i t n IJ i J I1 11 MT STERLING ADVOCATE TUESDAY JUNE 4 1901 J Otl ADVOCATE PUBLISHING CO fiiTuesday June 41901 Entered in the Post Office at MU Sterling a8 I y second Class Mail Matter i TERNS OK SUBSCKirilOX I 00 UBScnlrTIoN 1 0 lUowcd to run elx months TERMS ANNOUNCEMENT S 5 Offices For County t DistrictIt to 1 1For Cash must accompany order Inserted until I No announcement paid for I ANNOUNCEMENT For Senator Ve are authorized to announce CAS WELL PREWITT of the county of candidate for State Sena tor Montgomery of this the aSth district composed of 1 the counties of Clark Bourbon and Mont gomery subject to the adtion of the Democratic party i We are authorized to announce A W Hamilton of the county of Montgomery candidate for State Senator of this tin 1a district composed ot CIIUK Hum subject to the ac Von and Montgomery 1 1lion of the Democratic party J JFor Representative- We t are authorized to announce I N GREENE of the county of Montgomery Q candidate for Representative m this the District composed of the countics I Both of Montgomery and Icnefee subject to the action of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce D S GODSEY of the county of Montgomery as a candidate for the Legislature in the Districtcomposed of the Both Legislative counties of Montgomery and Menefee i For Representative It is our pleasure to announce JOHN I McINTYRE of the county of Bath candidate for the Legislature of the district composed of the counties of Rowan and Bath subject to the action of the Democratic party I DeillUcraticNS J f FOR COUNTY JUDGE A A HAELU1UO f FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY V THOMAS 1CLARENCE For County Court Clerk HOW ItU AXDKUSOX 11 FOR SHERIFF d ALLEN McOOUMICK FOR JAILER WILLIAM SIKDD FOR ASS eecnn k JdllX F UICHAUDSOX For School Superintendent 1ails MAllY G ANDKltSOX For constable tE L IIUAMIILGTT 1 It CAUTBUllBrt 1reclnct r r ANDY W I LLS Jeinjwonv Illo 1rccinct For Coroner- lEOII I gTn FOR MAGISTRATE T N rEUKY Stli District 4tli DltllC T 1 UorGLAS SQUIRE WILL 1IENUY For Councilmen Fi Irt Ward I 1i111tIN MUIA1IH HAIM1NK- sciond Wnrd T II K ST1N Kills K KING 1 Fourth Ward i KliIUIIAJI JMuIl HKNKY Again the good people of 1 Rowan county have risen in their sovereign power and protested againstsaleof intoxicants within her borders Above bloodrevenue they have risen and put them ¬ selves on record for education and a high standard of morals The next step to be taken is to select men as officers who will enforce the law Morehead is a business town and as a place of high morals is coming to the front and will be one of these days as famous for an educational spirit as once a place where the blood of men stained the hills andvallcys The good people of Rovan county be prais- ed ¬ I W Jennings Bryan is not far wrongwhen he roasts the majori ¬ ty of the Supreme Court of the United States for their decision in the Philippine cases and says in their opinion they play to the hand of Hanna and McKinley and that the Porto Rican tariff bill must be settled by the people at the polls A L PRECINCT MEETINGS In pursuance to an order of the Democratic Committee of this Senatorial District composed of the counties of Bourbon Clark and Montgomery precinct meet- ings are hereby called to be held at the several voting places in this countyon Saturday June is 1901 at 2 oclock p m standard time to select delegates to a Dis- trict convention to be held at Paris Kyon Wednesday June 19th IgOI at 10 oclock a m to nominate a candidate for State SenatorSaid precinct meetings shall br called to order by the respective < precinct Committeeman or in the absence of the Committeeman any Democrat present may call the meeting to order after which a Chairman shali be elected The basis of representation for the precincts shall be one dele- gate ¬ for each one hundred votes and one for each fraction over fifty votes cast in the precinct at the November election IJoo for Hon N B Hays Democratic Elector for the Stateatlarge pro ¬ vided however that each precinct shall be entitled to at least one Delegate in the District Conven ¬ tionThe following is the basis of representation for each precinct in this county in accordance with said call First Ward i Second Ward i Third Ward i Fourth Ward i Jeffersonville 2 Camnrgo i Spencer I SniUhvllle I Howards Mill I Harts t Aarons Run J Sideview i Grassy Lick I Means I Levee i That all persons nho will in November 1901 be legalvoters in the precincts where they are living on the 15th day of June 1901 I who are devoted to the principles of the Democratic patty and desire to see those principles succeed and who by participating in said precinct meetings will feel in honor bound to support the nominee of the District Conven ¬ tion at the November election 1901 shall have the right and are hereby invited to participate in the meetings in their respective precincts R A CIIILKS Chm Dem Co Committee On the 1 nth of June will be held the district Democratic meet ¬ ings in the counties of Bourbon Clark xand Montgomery for the purpose of getting the sense of the voters as to their choice for a candidate for State Senator Every Democrat should be interested indicate his choice and after hav- ing ¬ done his individual duty be manly and abide the decision of the majority ready to contend against political opposition Again it is not right to violate any law pertaining to this suhjet Buying and selling of votes is contrary to law aud my man guilty of buying ar selling can not be trusted for the man that would buy would with the proper inducement sell Democrats if true to their princi ¬ pies must be just to all men This is Democracy and the peo ¬ pIe must rise in their sovereign power and see that their doctrines ire respected We are having good times now ay the Republicans True but why Has the Republican party nacted any measures for relief STo Money has been borrowed wars are in progress demands for our supplies are great by this rea- son ¬ and therefore much money in channels of trade This borrow- ed money must be paid backone lay Then what = Dont miss the Cantata Friday night r R M T REASONS FOR CLOSING The Graded School should i be closed because it is at that time of the year when according to the judgment of the best authorities it is best for the health of the pupilI Because during extreme hot weather approaching the mine cannot be concentrated on subject to be studied Because pupils need out door exerciseBecause the teacher of tile school 1 had no part in the recess their time belonged to the positions tc > which they were chosen and they were held at the command of the trusteesBecause the loss would be greater than the gain We understand that Mr Lee n I his commencement address at the Opera House last Friday morning went out of his way to encourage moderate drinking and uromisci ous dancing When the ministry makes such bids as this for pop ¬ uiar applause it is about time for some of us old sinners to take up the cause of morality Local Option Wins After a long and hard fight loco option won in Rowan county Sat ¬ urday The women of the little mountain town greatly interested in the morals of the county with time school children of the schools formed a procession visited the voting places and plead with men to do aYtty with the monster de- mon ¬ in their county Church bolls chimed for joyItnd at the churches God was praised The victory was distinct and it remains to bo tjceh how well oillcors will enforce the law The Womans Missionary Societyof the Chris ¬ tian church will now proceed un- der ¬ promise to odd valuable buildings to their sehool there and to increase their faculty making this one of the leading schools in this part of Eastern Kentucky OASTOnXA Hear the- Signature 7Ih Kind You Have Always acawi P of v 3Ir and Mrs Richard Chiles arc moving into their High street res idencewhich has been beautified by the decorators art supplied with water works and otherwise improved Sirs Chiles mother Mrs Fiinnie Goodpaster will live with them AVe are pleased to I welcome them as our nearest neighbors Strayed A small light bay horse mark ¬ ed from a flesh wound on front foot Any information regarding horse will be gladly received Tolls WOOLS Kwington Ivy May Disfranchise A resolution was offered to the Alabama Constitutional Conven ¬ tion directly proposing the dis fvanchisomont of tho negro voters in tho State Mr MiiUiigin < of this city while prizing tobacco onDonhldi son was struck by lover fractur ¬ nR his skull Their only child Klwood a tVOysarOldion was buried on the 25th ultimo See and hcuuitntnJolly- iac J P fortyat Opera House Friday nig- htTAILORING DEPARTMENT For all who want Tailormade Suits we open today for spring a full line of INPORTED SUITINGS TROUSERS ETC to select from Satisfac ¬ 1000rieces or YOU HAVE TILE GARMENT Our success in this line has been won ¬ derful Join the large list of customers The Guthrie Clothing Co HIGHCLASS TAILORS MT STERLING KY Religious Worship Disturbedi At Jeffersonville Good People Demand Protection in Their Religious Privileges OFFICERS TO YOUR DUTY t On last Saturday evening the congregation of the JcfTursonvill Christian Church was engaged i in t prayer when tlio clear ringof pistolshots threw the congregation I in wild confusion some of the women fainting under excitomen- Fortunately no one was hurt hut had not the worshipers been in tin attitude of prayer some one would have been killed for the guns were directed at the house and bullets were found lodged in the inside walls opposite where worshipers would have been if sit ting erect This is not the firs tiluu drunken wretches have ob- tained their vile stun where it i is illegally dispensed and the good people have grown tired of such unlawful conduct They now ap ¬ peal to the courts and if prompt j action is not taken there is danger of the people resorting to desper- ate ¬ means These people assemble once a month for worship they are good people and would delight to as ¬ semble themselves together for ser ¬ vice oftener but cannot because they have not the means to employ a preacher These violators of the Sabbath and disturbers of public worship deserve quick punishment Olllccrs hasten to do your duty Courts deal promptly and measure out punishment to that degree that this conduct will not be repeated The citizens know the parties and the ollicers will have no trouble in getting the case in hand Generally Observed Memorial Day was generally ob ¬ served throughout the United States Thursday In many cities olnlmriiU services were hold with parados composed of G A 11 vet ¬ orans and soldiers of tho Spanish Anierieun war The graves of the men who full on the battle fields of the civil Spanish and Philippine wars were strewn with flowers In our beautiful home of the dead overlooking our stirring city friends of the departed from near and far gathered with gar ¬ lands of flowers fresh from rose gardens and as a token of love and romombraiice loft them on the mound of a few days and of those which had been made for years This is a beautiful custom a time for silent reflection It is both pleasant to go over fluids of the i past and live with those who have i gone before then it is also times for judging of hearts Show me i the man who keeps away from time I grave of her whose life had been given for him and 1 will show you l the man who cures for none save j himself The graves were nearly all remembered Danger disease and death fol ¬ low neglect of the bowels Use DoWitts Little Early Risers to regulate them and you will add 1 years to your life and life to your years Easy to take never gripe F C Duerson I Musical Recital Miss Eliza Goodpnsters music class will give a recital in the fur ¬ niture rooms of Sutton k Harris on next Saturday evening at 8 oclock To be there will be a rare treat A cordial invitation extended to the public FOR SALE One Hubbard Portable Oven good as new and everything 1that goes with a firstclass bakery T II KEMPEK Assignee Womans Charges A woman physician has filed against the estate of Francis T Wheeler a claim for 100000 for medical services t 1 0 BAD- BREATH i hyt been ulntr CAIliCJAREla a mild and elTecUe laJlatlo tiler are slmplr < 011- 11derru bothered My dBllllhler nud I eero After lick stomach and our renth naaerybad doses of CUBcatllR we tare Iniptoscd tllklllil o 1eer the fumtly- tvttitELIIiNA Wonderfully They are I1l1rent help fn AAttEl- 113711itteuhousu tit ClucluUBtl Otil0 CANDY CATHARTIC TBADe warn mOMTtHID Plea ant Palatable Potent Taste Good no- t Good Never tMcken Weaken or Gripe lOcJjc Mo CURE CONSTIPATION Irlla Iteerdy IIhltlo nnlnd New Teri 711 lin TOIICSoldndFlIarantrrdhyslldrlll Its Constipation I Many people are doctoring for other ailments when Its constipation that causes the trouble Your Sleeplessness Indigestion Backache Loss of Appetite General Brokendownncss and Headache are generally due to constipation Try Lyons Laxative Syrup and be relieved and cured It creates and pcrfecthealth own special process pleasjant 1 i mild laxative to lie obtained especially acceptable to ladies I1L Zeeoufaekhut Tnt Mtr n nai la last and cbildren At all Druggists 25 and 50 cents LYON MEDICINE COMPANY Louisville Ky For sale by W S Lloyd druggist DR RICE 20 years In Loulsylllc Ky now at 1837 E SPRING ST NEW ALBANY IND I ttcurlyat04 sad ItcUYIJaU4ed pktddta std tds ul1ll lea raeu 111 roe N1ttCur OHRONIO EASES ana EIA tfiua JUt Spcraatorrli i auil Impotency lth result eheitnbura In youth moil eicwsei In m- ttureryureetetbert +ueea mod prolucltr KiMif IB foi lowll lflcta NerT ulneiJ Stmlnil Kmlulom ltehlml elembydreamnDlmoeuot eight Dttealee detwryPip- Nnltkety Pimples i on Arenieo fcJr Cothilon of licit la col raarrtifttanrojwf aeaud Power ormWpr art tberoeihl tad perms DtnOj ami SYPHlli IS P011 curM wdro GonorrheaGLEET PnettadotherprlrWShutea IJIUIurtaI III to 1Ildtallbt a rbyII who rep lh1IIII11 to a certain Clue of dlstam and trtilln tbouiiDji num lily aequlrta ptataklU Phy ld ni nowlc i thli tart orttn rKotmnea rxrioni to my care Wttn II l> linmmlcM Tlill tee city for treatment nedldnei caa t Kut prltatelj and taTity by mall or cxprcta anywbtro Cures Guaranteed in all Case undertaken culta D nIlY or by letter frea sot vetted J Cbargtt nasonabU and corrcf poodenct itrUUy wafldiWlU A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Ot iSd pare emt m soy addreteeeurtl IddTo11 for thm t101 ciu Should bot md br ill a abeea- Oiht bouretromAAYto9P1L 6andtyefuPif rooooooooo i g I FIRQUHPHAS I I IItA description loo well LtAJlISUI I send for iliustriiled entnloguc of JINKS Mnis and TiUHsiiiMj JtIlTITIIIJoI MAUIINKHY Esi i I marled free A B FARQUHAR CO Ltd t YUltK Ii0- 44044OC060C840444C84S9d040000 1 L Gone Home The Confederate reunion in Memphis was brought to a close Friday by a parade in tho morning anda bail in the evening There were 1000 veterans in the parade which was led by Gen John B Gordon Serions Putting On last Saturday evening W11lI Workman and Pete Willougliby quarrelled and tlun fought Wil loughby was cut to the hollow in the left sido and t Id now in a serious condition Workman Is in jail Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents 11 yr Will Abide There seems to be a general dis position in Havana to abide by the action of the Constitutional Con- vention ¬ in the acceptance of the Platt amendment- s The pupils of litssPOnrl Brim tons Select School will do them ¬ greats Jolly Picnic Party Bo sure to attendyonli- be repaid Cantata A Jolly Picnic Pa- rtyitt Grand Opera Houses Fri ¬ tiny June 7 by the pupils of Miss Pearl Urutons Select School Cur- tain ¬ rises promptly at 8 oclock pe me Ii School ot bOnt1grappir ME MILLIKAN PRIN Most highly recommended by ourbusi ness men for thoroughness and success of its pupils Taught by experienced everyday rte porters Careful attention given to every pupil every day Pupils receive practi ¬ cal training in the Stenographers office connected with the schoolIk Come and see us at work and you toil find thisis a business school I TOUCH TYPEWRITING Our Typewriting Departmentf defies competition Our stenographers fitting the most res- ponsible positions in Kentucky Ohio In diana Virgin a West Virginia New York Cuba Manila If you want the best results from your time and money ATTEND THIS SCHOOL For further information address- M E MILLIKAN Principal Northern Bank Buildin- gLexington I KEEP A WELL SELECTED Wa11PaperSTOCK I PICTURE MOLDS WINDOW SHADES GLASS You Ciinsocct from Four Hundred Com ¬ binations uf iiijicr PRICES 3 Cents and m Will bring PAinpIca to your residence It desired Ontcia promptly llllcd Old Clothes Made Ne1 IWhen you have suits Hint nerd Ileanln mil go 10 K W Stockton t Co They HI fully prepared to do all kinds of Clonnlinj live Ill tuul 1icviiiip at tlie Iowcst Prices Clothes clcmiuil by us are not simply sponged lull mt tlioiiuipliy cleaned by our preparation leaving the Hiiro fresh nnil clean IDES ts WEAH CIKAXINO l nvsISuInraaisit altsi2 M Ollllt 111 Ittieet t 100 CIKAMMI AND rillSIMJ tiltsm twtojl Jo euat and Vest ii to 1tu ants 40 to Go sroxfiEii ASH r it KM EH- tiltn roiorc i- oatand Vest 8i tuWc- aiiu zic IutIIES WKAK CLEANED ASH lIII- II1DSllillLv I oo to 51 so skin ff so to IO Wnl IKno soto 1G CIKAMNG AMI PVCIKU SIIIt t WtO3 50 8 klrls lfoto 3W Vaiols J Glto 1 N- glONIiEl AND lI1UJ EI- ISulls tol1- cIII e aUta Se Special nttcntum to WoiiienV Wear lotlflCL CIIII do for clothes tliatnccil cleaning HJH icpalr IInywheleIn nonage Yours truly K W STOCKTON t CO Jtooin In basement Maeonlc Temple Phone 27 JIT STERLING K rt t EversleyS i GEO c A1IIHTT A5I Principal and professor of Latin 1 MISS ALICE X UTTLKTOX AM I i i- It CollegeLynclibmft 1 1rof jarar of English and Modern IanjfmijrC MISS 1CUlildlllllc I 1 liofe < or of Mathematics and Physics j ors MAUY n 11OAUI i Womans College Ilaltlmorc3ItLlis isPnnclpal Ii THE 5TH SESSION OPEN- SSEPTEMBER 9 1901 For further Information apply to 5KO C AllIUTr Principal N7 cpl jit j Sterling Ky J To Cure a Cold in One Day luke Laxative IhornoQuimno lets All druggists refund labf f if it fails to cure 25c K Groves signature on each box 11 yr GI I Wo are indebted to Mr J Trimble for Souvenir Program of Confederate reunion also for high- ly ¬ illustrated Mountain Avalane11e4 containing pictures of many prom ¬ inent Confederates J Found In this city last week a bunch of i five keys Apply at this cilice Miss Linda Crooks will give a JjII I Go to J W Jones the optician and have your eyes tested 40 ly y f f- R < k

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Page 1: The Mt. Sterling advocate. (Mt. Sterling, KY) 1901-06-04 [p ] · uiar applause it is about time for some of us old sinners to take up the

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i ih L tSfVajrWT MMWy

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fiiTuesday June 41901

Entered in the Post Office at MU Sterling a8I


second Class Mail Matter


lUowcd to run elx months


t DistrictIt to11For Cash must accompany order

Inserted untilI No announcement

paid forI


For SenatorVe are authorized to announce CAS

WELL PREWITT of the county ofcandidate for State Sena


of this the aSth district composedof

1 the counties of Clark Bourbon and Mont

gomery subject to the adtion of theDemocratic party

i We are authorized to announce A W

Hamilton of the county of Montgomerycandidate for State Senator of this tin1a district composed ot CIIUK Hum

subject to the acVon and Montgomery11lion of the Democratic party

JJFor Representative-


are authorized to announce I N

GREENE of the county of MontgomeryQ candidate for Representative m this the

District composed of the counticsI Both

of Montgomery and Icnefee subject to

the action of the Democratic party

We are authorized to announce D S

GODSEY of the county of Montgomeryas a candidate for the Legislature in the

Districtcomposed of theBoth Legislativecounties of Montgomery and Menefee


For Representative

It is our pleasure to announce JOHNI McINTYRE of the county of Bath

candidate for the Legislature of thedistrict composed of the counties of

Rowan and Bath subject to the action

of the Democratic party










For School Superintendent1ails MAllY G ANDKltSOX

For constabletE L IIUAMIILGTT

1 It CAUTBUllBrt 1reclnctr r ANDY W I LLS Jeinjwonv Illo 1rccinct

For Coroner-lEOII I gTn


4tli DltllCT 1 UorGLAS


For CouncilmenFiIrt Ward


sciond WnrdT II K ST1N

Kills K KING1


Again the good people of1 Rowan county have risen in their

sovereign power and protestedagainstsaleof intoxicants within herborders Above bloodrevenuethey have risen and put them ¬

selves on record for education anda high standard of morals Thenext step to be taken is to selectmen as officers who will enforcethe law Morehead is a businesstown and as a place of high moralsis coming to the front and will beone of these days as famous for aneducational spirit as once a placewhere the blood of men stainedthe hills andvallcys The goodpeople of Rovan county be prais-




W Jennings Bryan is not farwrongwhen he roasts the majori ¬

ty of the Supreme Court of theUnited States for their decision in

the Philippine cases and says in

their opinion they play to thehand of Hanna and McKinley andthat the Porto Rican tariff bill

must be settled by the people at

the polls



In pursuance to an order of theDemocratic Committee of thisSenatorial District composed ofthe counties of Bourbon Clark

and Montgomery precinct meet-

ings are hereby called to be held

at the several voting places in thiscountyon Saturday June is1901 at 2 oclock p m standard

time to select delegates to a Dis-

trict convention to be held atParis Kyon Wednesday June19th IgOI at 10 oclock a m to

nominate a candidate for State

SenatorSaidprecinct meetings shall br

called to order by the respective <

precinct Committeeman or in the

absence of the Committeeman any

Democrat present may call the

meeting to order after which a

Chairman shali be electedThe basis of representation for

the precincts shall be one dele-



for each one hundred votesand one for each fraction overfifty votes cast in the precinct atthe November election IJoo for

Hon N B Hays DemocraticElector for the Stateatlarge pro ¬

vided however that each precinctshall be entitled to at least oneDelegate in the District Conven ¬

tionThefollowing is the basis of

representation for each precinctin this county in accordance withsaid call

First Ward i

Second Ward iThird Ward i

Fourth Ward i

Jeffersonville 2

Camnrgo iSpencer I

SniUhvllle I

Howards Mill I

Harts tAarons Run J

Sideview i

Grassy Lick I

Means I

Levee i

That all persons nho will in

November 1901 be legalvotersin the precincts where they areliving on the 15th day of June1901I who are devoted to theprinciples of the Democratic pattyand desire to see those principlessucceed and who by participatingin said precinct meetings will feel

in honor bound to support thenominee of the District Conven ¬

tion at the November election

1901 shall have the right and arehereby invited to participate inthe meetings in their respectiveprecincts R A CIIILKS

Chm Dem Co Committee

On the 1 nth of June will beheld the district Democratic meet ¬

ings in the counties of BourbonClark xand Montgomery for thepurpose of getting the sense ofthe voters as to their choice for acandidate for State Senator EveryDemocrat should be interestedindicate his choice and after hav-


done his individual duty bemanly and abide the decision ofthe majority ready to contendagainst political opposition

Again it is not right to violateany law pertaining to this suhjetBuying and selling ofvotes is contrary to law audmy man guilty of buyingar selling can not be trusted forthe man that would buy wouldwith the proper inducement sellDemocrats if true to their princi ¬

pies must be just to all menThis is Democracy and the peo ¬

pIe must rise in their sovereignpower and see that their doctrines

ire respected

We are having good times noway the Republicans True but

why Has the Republican partynacted any measures for reliefSTo Money has been borrowedwars are in progress demands for

our supplies are great by this rea-


and therefore much money inchannels of trade This borrow-

ed money must be paid backonelay Then what

=Dont miss the Cantata Fridaynight

r R M


The Graded School should ibeclosed because it is at that time of

the year when according to thejudgment of the best authoritiesit is best for the health of thepupilIBecause during extreme hotweather approaching the mine

cannot be concentrated on subjectto be studied

Because pupils need out door

exerciseBecausethe teacher of tile school1

had no part in the recess theirtime belonged to the positions tc>

which they were chosen and theywere held at the command of the

trusteesBecausethe loss would be

greater than the gain

We understand that Mr Lee n I

his commencement address at the

Opera House last Friday morning

went out of his way to encouragemoderate drinking and uromiscious dancing When the ministrymakes such bids as this for pop ¬

uiar applause it is about time for

some of us old sinners to take upthe cause of morality

Local Option Wins

After a long and hard fight locooption won in Rowan county Sat¬

urday The women of the littlemountain town greatly interestedin the morals of the county withtime school children of the schoolsformed a procession visited thevoting places and plead with mento do aYtty with the monster de-



in their county Churchbolls chimed for joyItnd at thechurches God was praised Thevictory was distinct and it remainsto bo tjceh how well oillcors will

enforce the law The WomansMissionary Societyof the Chris ¬

tian church will now proceed un-


promise to odd valuablebuildings to their sehool there andto increase their faculty makingthis one of the leading schools in

this part of Eastern Kentucky

OASTOnXAHear the-

Signature7Ih Kind You Have Always acawiPof v

3Ir and Mrs Richard Chiles arcmoving into their High street residencewhich has been beautifiedby the decorators art suppliedwith water works and otherwiseimproved Sirs Chiles motherMrs Fiinnie Goodpaster will livewith them AVe are pleased toI

welcome them as our nearestneighbors

StrayedA small light bay horse mark ¬

ed from a flesh wound on frontfoot Any information regardinghorse will be gladly received


Kwington Ivy

May DisfranchiseA resolution was offered to the

Alabama Constitutional Conven ¬

tion directly proposing the disfvanchisomont of tho negro votersin tho State

Mr MiiUiigin<ofthis city

while prizing tobacco onDonhldison was struck by lover fractur ¬

nR his skull Their only childKlwood a tVOysarOldion wasburied on the 25th ultimo

See and hcuuitntnJolly-iac


P fortyat Opera HouseFriday nig-


DEPARTMENTFor all who want Tailormade Suits we

open today for spring a full line of


to select from Satisfac¬


Our success in this line has been won ¬

derfulJoin the large list of customers

The Guthrie Clothing Co



Religious Worship Disturbedi

At Jeffersonville

Good People Demand Protection

in Their Religious Privileges


On last Saturday evening the

congregation of the JcfTursonvillChristian Church was engaged iint

prayer when tlio clear ringofpistolshots threw the congregationI

in wild confusion some of thewomen fainting under excitomen-

Fortunately no one was hurt huthad not the worshipers been in tinattitude of prayer some one

would have been killed for the

guns were directed at the house

and bullets were found lodged in

the inside walls opposite where

worshipers would have been if sitting erect This is not the firs

tiluu drunken wretches have ob-

tained their vile stun where it iis

illegally dispensed and the good

people have grown tired of suchunlawful conduct They now ap ¬

peal to the courts and if promptj

action is not taken there is dangerof the people resorting to desper-


meansThese people assemble once a

month for worship they are good

people and would delight to as ¬

semble themselves together for ser ¬

vice oftener but cannot becausethey have not the means to employa preacher These violators of theSabbath and disturbers of publicworship deserve quick punishmentOlllccrs hasten to do your dutyCourts deal promptly and measureout punishment to that degree thatthis conduct will not be repeatedThe citizens know the parties andthe ollicers will have no trouble ingetting the case in hand

Generally Observed

Memorial Day was generally ob¬

served throughout the UnitedStates Thursday In many citiesolnlmriiU services were hold withparados composed of G A 11 vet ¬

orans and soldiers of tho SpanishAnierieun war The graves of themen who full on the battle fields ofthe civil Spanish and Philippinewars were strewn with flowers

In our beautiful home of thedead overlooking our stirringcity friends of the departed fromnear and far gathered with gar¬

lands of flowers fresh from rosegardens and as a token of loveand romombraiice loft them on themound of a few days and of thosewhich had been made for yearsThis is a beautiful custom a timefor silent reflection It is bothpleasant to go over fluids of thei

past and live with those who havei

gone before then it is also timesfor judging of hearts Show mei

the man who keeps away from timeI

grave of her whose life had beengiven for him and 1 will show youl

the man who cures for none savej

himself The graves were nearlyall remembered

Danger disease and death fol ¬

low neglect of the bowels UseDoWitts Little Early Risers toregulate them and you will add1

years to your life and life to youryears Easy to take never gripeF C Duerson


Musical RecitalMiss Eliza Goodpnsters music

class will give a recital in the fur¬

niture rooms of Sutton k Harrison next Saturday evening at 8

oclock To be there will be arare treat A cordial invitationextended to the public

FOR SALEOne Hubbard Portable

Oven good as new and everything1that goes with a firstclass bakery

T II KEMPEK Assignee

Womans Charges

A woman physician has filedagainst the estate of Francis TWheeler a claim for 100000 formedical services t

1 0


i hyt been ulntr CAIliCJARElaa mild and elTecUe laJlatlo tiler are slmplr <011-

11derrubotheredMy dBllllhler nud I eero After

lick stomach and our renth naaerybaddoses of CUBcatllR we tare Iniptoscd

tllklllil o 1eer the fumtly-tvttitELIIiNA

Wonderfully They are I1l1rent help fnAAttEl-

113711itteuhousu tit ClucluUBtl Otil0



Plea ant Palatable Potent Taste Good no-

t Good Never tMcken Weaken or Gripe lOcJjc Mo

CURE CONSTIPATIONIrlla Iteerdy IIhltlo nnlnd New Teri 711

lin TOIICSoldndFlIarantrrdhyslldrlll

Its Constipation I

Many people are doctoring for otherailments when Its constipation thatcauses the trouble Your SleeplessnessIndigestion Backache Loss of AppetiteGeneral Brokendownncss and Headacheare generally due to constipation Try

Lyons Laxative Syrupand be relieved andcured It creates andpcrfecthealthown special process

pleasjant1i mild laxative to lie

obtained especiallyacceptable to ladies

I1LZeeoufaekhutTnt Mtr n nai

lalast and cbildren

At all Druggists 25 and 50 cents


For sale by W S Lloyd druggist

DR RICE20 years In Loulsylllc Ky now at


I ttcurlyat04 sad ItcUYIJaU4ed pktddta std tdsul1ll lea raeu 111 roeN1ttCurOHRONIO

EASESana EIA tfiua JUt

Spcraatorrli i auil Impotencylth result eheitnbura In youth moil eicwsei In m-

ttureryureetetbert +ueea mod prolucltr KiMif IB foilowll lflcta NerT ulneiJ Stmlnil Kmlulom ltehlmlelembydreamnDlmoeuot eight Dttealee detwryPip-Nnltkety Pimplesi on Arenieo fcJrCothilon of licit lacolraarrtifttanrojwf

aeaud PowerormWpr art tberoeihl tad perms

DtnOj ami SYPHlli IS P011 curM wdro

GonorrheaGLEETPnettadotherprlrWShutea IJIUIurtaIIIIto 1Ildtallbt arbyII who rep lh1IIII11to a certain Clue of dlstam and trtilln tbouiiDji numlily aequlrta ptataklU Phy ld ni nowlc i thli tart orttnrKotmnea rxrioni to my care Wttn II l> linmmlcMTlill tee city for treatment nedldnei caa t Kut prltateljand taTity by mall or cxprcta anywbtro

Cures Guaranteed in all Caseundertakenculta D nIlY or by letter frea sot vetted J

Cbargtt nasonabU and corrcf poodenct itrUUy wafldiWlUA

PRIVATE COUNSELOROt iSd pare emt m soy addreteeeurtl IddTo11 for thmt101 ciu Should bot md br ill a abeea-Oiht bouretromAAYto9P1L 6andtyefuPif

rooooooooo i



IIItA descriptionloo well LtAJlISUII

send for iliustriiled entnloguc ofJINKSMnis and


MAUIINKHY EsiiI marled free



1LGone Home

The Confederate reunion inMemphis was brought to a closeFriday by a parade in tho morninganda bail in the evening Therewere 1000 veterans in the paradewhich was led by Gen John BGordon

Serions PuttingOn last Saturday evening W11lI

Workman and Pete Willouglibyquarrelled and tlun fought Willoughby was cut to the hollow inthe left sido and tId now in a seriouscondition Workman Is in jail

Stops the Cough and Works Off

the Cold

Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabletscure a cold in one day No cureno pay Price 25 cents 11 yr

Will Abide

There seems to be a general disposition in Havana to abide by theaction of the Constitutional Con-


in the acceptance of thePlatt amendment-


The pupils oflitssPOnrl Brim

tons Select School will do them ¬greatsJolly PicnicParty Bo sure to attendyonli-be repaid

Cantata A Jolly Picnic Pa-rtyitt Grand Opera Houses Fri ¬

tiny June 7 by the pupils of MissPearl Urutons Select School Cur-tain


rises promptly at 8 oclockpe me


Schoolot bOnt1grappir


Most highly recommended by ourbusiness men for thoroughness and

success of its pupils

Taught by experienced everyday rteporters Careful attention given to everypupil every day Pupils receive practi ¬

cal training in the Stenographers officeconnected with the schoolIkCome and see us at work and you toilfind thisis a business school

ITOUCH TYPEWRITINGOur Typewriting Departmentfdefies competition

Our stenographers fitting the most res-

ponsible positions in Kentucky Ohio Indiana Virgin a West Virginia NewYork Cuba Manila If you want thebest results from your time and moneyATTEND THIS SCHOOL

For further information address-

M E MILLIKAN PrincipalNorthern Bank Buildin-





WINDOW SHADES GLASSYou Ciinsocct from Four Hundred Com ¬

binations uf iiijicr

PRICES 3 Cents and mWill bring PAinpIca to your residence Itdesired Ontcia promptly llllcd

Old Clothes Made Ne1IWhen you have suits Hint nerd Ileanln mil

go 10 K W Stockton t Co They HIfully prepared to do all kinds of Clonnlinj liveIll tuul 1icviiiip at tlie Iowcst Prices Clothesclcmiuil by us are not simply sponged lull mttlioiiuipliy cleaned by our preparation leavingthe Hiiro fresh nnil clean

IDES ts WEAHCIKAXINO l nvsISuInraaisitaltsi2 M

Ollllt 111Ittieett 100CIKAMMI AND rillSIMJtiltsm twtojl Jo

euat and Vest ii to 1tuants 40 to Go

sroxfiEii ASH r it KM EH-

tiltn roiorc i-

oatand Vest 8i tuWc-aiiu zic


skin ff so to IOWnl IKno soto 1G


SIIIt t WtO3 508klrls lfoto 3WVaiols J Glto 1 N-


ISulls tol1-

cIII eaUta Se

Special nttcntum to WoiiienV WearlotlflCLCIIII do for clothes tliatnccil cleaning HJH icpalrIInywheleInnonage Yours trulyK W STOCKTON t CO

Jtooin In basement Maeonlc TemplePhone 27 JIT STERLING K



GEO c A1IIHTT A5IPrincipal and professor of Latin 1

MISS ALICE X UTTLKTOX AMI ii-It CollegeLynclibmft

11rof jarar of English and Modern IanjfmijrC




liofe < or of Mathematics and Physics jors MAUY n 11OAUI i

Womans College Ilaltlmorc3ItLlisisPnnclpal Ii


SSEPTEMBER 9 1901For further Information apply to

5KO C AllIUTr PrincipalN7 cpl jitj Sterling Ky J

To Cure a Cold in One Day

luke Laxative IhornoQuimnolets All druggists refund labffif it fails to cure 25c KGroves signature on each box

11 yr

GIIWo are indebted to Mr J

Trimble for Souvenir Program ofConfederate reunion also for high-ly


illustrated Mountain Avalane11e4containing pictures of many prom ¬

inent ConfederatesJ


In this city last week a bunch of i

five keys Apply at this cilice

Miss Linda Crooks will give aJjIII

Go to J W Jones the opticianand have your eyes tested 40 ly


f f-


