the most recognized signature on the declaration of independence 1 st written government of the...

The most recognized signature on the Declaration of Independence 1 st written government of the United states. Replaced in 1787 by our Constitution Refers to a society of equals Participation of common man in political life Individuals are free to produce and sell whatever they wish Businessmen sometimes used ruthless tactics to destroy competition and to keep workers wages low Labor Union that represented skilled workers. Founded by Samuel Gompers Immigrants learn to speak, act, and behave like Americans Political leaders who helped immigrants but stole from city governments also called

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Page 1: The most recognized signature on the Declaration of Independence 1 st written government of the United states. Replaced in 1787 by our Constitution Refers

The most recognized signature on the

Declaration of Independence

1st written government of the United states. Replaced in 1787 by our Constitution

Refers to a society of equals

Participation of common man in political life

Individuals are free to produce and sell whatever they wish

Businessmen sometimes used ruthless tactics to destroy competition and to keep workers wages low

Labor Union that represented skilled workers. Founded by Samuel Gompers

Immigrants learn to speak, act, and behave like Americans

Political leaders who helped immigrants but stole from city governments also called

Page 2: The most recognized signature on the Declaration of Independence 1 st written government of the United states. Replaced in 1787 by our Constitution Refers

Egalitarianism Articles of Confederation

PopulismFree Enterprise SystemRobber Barons

Knights of LaborAmericanizationPolitical Machine

John Hancock

Page 3: The most recognized signature on the Declaration of Independence 1 st written government of the United states. Replaced in 1787 by our Constitution Refers

They came from Southern and Eastern Europe. Mostly Catholics and Jewish

Formed by farmers who wanted economic and political reforms.

At the was passed in order to regulate railroads

Political party. Supported unlimited coinage of silver, direct election of senators,

immigration restrictions and income tax. Williams Jennings

Bryan was their choice for president

Spearheaded by Protestant clergymen. Called for

Christians to help reform society and their fellow man

African American leader who helped form the NAACP. He wanted equality immediately. Not Booker T. Washington

Muckraker and African American leader who worked to end lynching

Created to regulate the amount of money in circulation

He wrote The Influence od Sea Power Upon History. Argued the US needed a large navy to become a world power

Page 4: The most recognized signature on the Declaration of Independence 1 st written government of the United states. Replaced in 1787 by our Constitution Refers

Interstate Commerce Commission Grange Movement

Populist PartySocial Gospel MovementW.E.B. DuBois

Ida B. WellsFederal Reserve Alfred Thayer Mahan

New immigrants

Page 5: The most recognized signature on the Declaration of Independence 1 st written government of the United states. Replaced in 1787 by our Constitution Refers

Reasons for?1. Need of raw materials and new

markets2. Place to have new bases for

military and refueling stations3. Spread Christianity to people

who are not Christian

He became the 1st president of Hawaii

Created by John Hay. Its purpose was to keep trade with China open to all nations

1900 They were a secrete society that wanted all white

people out of China. They rebelled and China charged

with the cost of crushing the rebellion

Commodore Perry opened trade with this Asian nation.

Gave letter from our president promising to return if trade

was not open.

Took 10 years to construct. Many people died from yellow fever. Ends need for 2 ocean navy for USA

Extension of the Monroe doctrine. The US would be the Police Power in Western hemisphere. AKA the Big Stick Policy. Roosevelt would use our military to intervene in Latin America to protect American Interests

Taft policy with Latin America. American investment in Latin America. Our military used to make sure they paid loans

Proposed by Wilson at end of WWI• New nation states• Break up Austria – Hungary• Freedom of the seas• League of Nations

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Open Door Policy Sandford Dole

Boxer RebellionJapanPanama canal

Roosevelt CorollaryDollar Diplomacy14 Points

Colonial or nation’s Expansion

Page 7: The most recognized signature on the Declaration of Independence 1 st written government of the United states. Replaced in 1787 by our Constitution Refers

Treaty that ended WWI. Punished Germany for the war. Germany lost colonies and had to pay war reparations.

Created after WWI. Nations come together to protect each other from attack. USA not a member

His death sparked WWI

Major battle of WWI. Germany defeated. Sgt. York was a hero

U.S. president during WWI. He favored US as part of League of


U.S. Senator who led the fight against the USA joining the League of Nations

President at start of the Great Depression. Dam built with is name

President who wanted to return to normalcy after WWI. Teapot Dome and other scandals in his term

18th Amendment to Constitution. AKA Volstead Act. Banned alcoholic beverages. Rise in crime (Al Capone) Amendment void with 21st Amendment. Era known as

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Archduke Franz Ferdinand League of Nations

Battle of Argonne ForestWoodrow Wilson

Henry Cabot Lodge

Herbert HooverWarren HardingProhibition

Treaty of Versailles

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1919 Attorney General who led raids to rid the country of anarchists. Red Scare I

This group returns in 1915. They disliked African Americans, Catholics and Jews.

Harding administration. Secretary of Interior leased oil rich lands to friends in exchange for bribes

He used the assembly line to make automobiles

He built and flew a hydroeroplane 1911. Marked the beginning of naval aviation

During the 1920’s these women wore short dresses, went dancing, smoked and drank alcohol

He said people had id, ego and superego. Linked sexuality to many problems

A section of New York City, song writers and musical ideas mixed together to form popular American Music

New group of writers after WWI. After the horrors of WWI they believed America had become materialistic and lacked spiritualism

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Ku Klux Klan

Henry FordGlenn CurtissFlappers

Sigmund FreudTin Pan AlleyLost Generation

Mitchell PalmerTeapot Dome Scandal

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1910 – 1930 about 2 million African Americans leave the South to Northeast or Midwest

1902-1967 Poet and writer. One of Americas’ best poets. Drew from his personal experiences as an African American

He was the 1st to fly his airplane (The Spirit of St. Louis) from New York to Paris

He started a back to Africa movement. He wanted to

liberate Africans around the world and band together and create a new nation in Liberia

He wrote the Great Gatsby

Period after FDR too office during Great Depression. Closed banks and opened only strong ones. Had congress pass New Deal legislation

Roosevelt used radio to speak directly to the American people

1930’s heavy winds carried top soil away, buried homes and destroyed farms

Political activist. Tried to promote African American equality. Influenced her husband FDR

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Charles Lindbergh Langston Hughes

Marcus GarveyF. Scott Fitzgerald100 Days

Fireside ChatsDust BowlEleanor Roosevelt

Great Migration

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African American who later received the Congressional Medal of Honor for braver in WWII

Signed by 62 nation renouncing war

1921 world powers agreed to limit the size of their navy

Hoover and FDR tried to improve relations with Latin

America by agreeing to interfere in internal problems

Leader of the Soviet Union in WWII

Policy of the France and England as they let Hitler take over Austria and later part of Czechoslovakia

Germany – Lightning fast warSell, lend, or lease war materials to our allies in WWII

African American fighter group in the Air Corps. They provided escorts for bombers. They performed so well they were often requested

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Washington Naval Conference

Kellogg Briand Peace Pact

Good Neighbor PolicyJoseph StalinAppeasement

BlitzkriegLend-Lease Act

Tuskegee Airmen

Vernon Baker

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Attempted genocide to the Jews and others. 10 million killed Jews, Slavs, gypsies, old, mentally ill and others

Hitler’s plan to rid Germany of Jews and other people he considered inferior

German counter attack on December 1944 as Allies crossed the Rhine River. Allie’s line bent but did not break. Germany failed attack allowed for the Allied invasion of Germany

Philippines WWII. American prisoners of war were forced to

walk 60 miles through the jungle. About ½ died from starvation,

exposure to the sun, no water or by being bayoneted by Japanese


Dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Led to the end of

WWII in Pacific

Order permitted to put Japanese Americans into internment camps

Supreme Court upheld the order placing Japanese Americans into internment camps

German leadership put o trial for war crimes

Commander of the U.S. Army in the Pacific. Later in charge of the occupation of Japan

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Battle of the Bulge Final Solution

Bataan Death MarchAtomic bombExecutive Order 9066

Korematsu v. U.S. Nuremberg Trials

General Douglas MacArthur


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Created after WWII and replaced the League of Nations

After WWII this was the conflict between the USA and Soviet Union. Led to massive arms and space race.

The dividing line in Europe between communist Europe and non -communist Europe

Leader of the Communist Part in China after WWII. Defeated the Chinese government and

was the first communist leader of China

1950 the North invaded the South. United Nation military led by

Douglas MacArthur pushed the communist north back. War end in

1952. Country still divided

Signed by Eisenhower. Created highways throughout America. Stimulated economic growth and created evacuation path in case of atomic war

High birthrate after WWII. It has become a burden today as this group is now the elderly

Developed the first vaccine for polio

First African American to play baseball in the major league.

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Iron Curtain Cold War

Mao Zedong Korea Interstate Highway Act 1956

Baby BoomJonas SilkJackie Robinson

United Nations

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1950 NAACP won a case involving Herman Sweatt, an African American who wanted to attend law school at the University of Texas

Little Rock Arkansas African American students. They were denied protection by governor Faubus. Eisenhower sent federal troops they to protect these students.

Prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, or ethnic origins in hotels, restaurants and all places of employment

1962 he became the first American to orbit the earth

1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed ?

1961 Nikita Khrushchev had this built in Germany

President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a war on ____. Creating the Office of Economic Opportunity. Established Job Corps and head Start

1965 Social Security was expanded to provide medical care, hospital insurance and nursing care for the elderly

Sex education courses began to be taught, birth control pills , and women objected to being treated as sex objects

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Civil Rights Act of 1964 Little Rock Nine

John GlennOn the moonBerlin Wall

War on PovertyMedicare ActSexual Revolution

Sweatt v. Painter

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Betty Friedan wrote The Feminine Mystique. Declared women as capable as men. Formed the national Organization of Women (NOW). This became the voice of ???

1972 Part of the Educational Amendment Act, banned sexual discrimination in educational institutions. Guaranteed girls the same opportunities and boys.

Black ___ believed Islam should be the religion of African Americans

A leading Black Muslim, he believed African Americans should meet violence with violence. He was killed by

fellow Black Muslims

Group of African Americans founded in California. Had

their own newspaper, carried guns and protected their


She helped Cesar Chavez form the national Farm Workers Association. In 2012 she was awarded the Medal of freedom

1960-s Mexican-American artists began copying artist like Diego Rivera and painting murals in ___ (ethnic Neighborhoods) throughout the Southwest

The ____ __ __ slogan was “Red Power”. They introduced the term Native American. They fought against racial injustices

1954 Hernandez was convicted of murder by all white jury. He appealed that his rights under the 14th Amendment were violated. Texas argued that Mexicans where white and not a protected class. Supreme Court ruled that they were a separate class that was entitled to protection.

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Muslims Title IX (9)

Malcom X (Little)Black PanthersDelores Huerta

BarriosAmerican Indian Movement

Hernandez v. Texas

Women’s Liberation Movement

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1968 Vietnam War, he carried wounded members of his platoon to safety. He was critically wounded but continued to carry solders to safety. Saved 8 men. 1981 President Reagan awarded him the Congressional Medal of Honor. He died in 1981 in San Antonio

Published in the New York Times in 1971. Showed that presidents before Nixon had lied to the American people about Vietnam

1950’s this group rebelled against conformity. Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac were leaders of this movement

John Tinker and his sister were suspended from school for

wearing “black” armbands. In protest of Vietnam War.

Supreme Court ruled this violated their free speech

1972 the Amendment was approved by Congress but

failed to be ratified by 3 states.

Conservative and former actor he became president 1981-1989

1983 US Marines attacked Cuban military in the small Caribbean Island

Strategic defense Initiative also known as __ ___. Use lasers to shoot down missiles.

1990, War in Iraq to stop Saddam Hussein’s invasions of Kuwait

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Beat Generation

Pentagon Papers

Tinker v. Des Moines

Equal Rights AmendmentRonald Reagan

GrenadaStar WarsGulf War

Roy Benavidez

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1980 Manuel Noriega was the leader of this country. Dictator and drug dealer the United States captured him and put him in prison in USA ( A canal runs through this country)

During Bush presidency 1989-1991. Communism collapsed in Soviet Union. Berlin wall was taken down and democratic nations replaced some old communist ones. This is the end of the ___ War

President 1993-2001. Scandal involving female intern

Bush as governor of Texas promoted educational reform. As president he introduced __ __ __ __ requiring states to test

all students in English and math

Hurricane hit the Gulf Coast. The most costly hurricane in our history. 20,000 people

were trapped in New Orleans

He ran against John McCain and elected president in 2008

John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison write the ____ Papers. A series of essays supporting a strong central government

Helped write the Federalist Papers, was the 1st Supreme Court Justice and he negotiated a treaty with England over boundary dispute

He wrote Democracy in America. He said Americans had Liberty, Egalitarianism, Individualism, populism, and Laissez-faire. He was a Frenchman

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Bill Clinton Cold War ends

No Child Left Behind

Hurricane KatrinaBarack Obama


Federal PapersJohn JayAlex de Tocqueville

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Led to a large increase in population west after 1860 and gave free land to settlers

He wrote How the Other Half Lives

Something written by a witness of an event would be

The Progressive Reform Era is also known as the ____

1920 the mass production of ___ led to increased mobility and job creation. People could live away from place of employment

Master of the Steel Industry, author of the Gospel of Wealth, and philanthropist

Increased markets and facilitated growth of the west. Also fueled the Coal, Iron and Steel industries

This divided Indians lands and gave each Indian a part, Took Native children and forced them into schools where their dress and culture was forbidden

Created a 3 branch government in the United States, Executive, Judicial and Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives)

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Primary source Jacob Riis

Gilded AgeAutomobilesAndrew Carnegie

RailroadsDawes ActConstitution

Homestead Act

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Motto of the United States is the oldest and symbolized the unity of the 13 colonies

Susan B. Anthony and other fought for and gained suffrage with

Upton Sinclair wrote the Jungle. This led to

That all noncitizen Indians born within the United States be declared citizens provided that this does not impair their rights to tribal property

She is identified with urban social reform and established Hull House

Established direct election of U.S. Senators by popular vote

Progressive Era reforms that made government more responsive to voters

Journalist who exposed corruption during the Progressive Era

Alfred Thayer Mahan supported ___ as a means of moving the United States towards a position as a world power

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Pure Food and Drug Act 19th Amendment

American Indian Citizenship Act 1924Jane Addams17th Amendment

Initiatives, referendums and recalls

MuckrakersNaval dominance

E Pluribus Unum

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The United States gained Guam, Puerto Rico and Philippines after winning the ____

Telegram sent to Mexico trying to get them to attack the United States and in Return Germany would help them gain lands taken in Mexican American War

The reason the United States entered WWI

Weapon in WWI that caused Trench Warfare

This was the final offensive in WWI and forced the Germans to sign an Armistice

Graduated from West Point, fought in the Spanish American War, Pursued Poncho Villa in Mexico, and led the American Expeditionary Force in WWI

Most decorated soldier of WWI, Medal of Honor recipient, and fought in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive

In 1898 after the sinking of the Maine, The United States went to war in?

He was the prosecutor in the John Scopes trial and argued that evolution was against Christian teachings

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Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Zimmerman Note

Machine GunBattle of the Argonne Forest

John J. Pershing (Black Jack)

Alvin YorkSpanish American War

William Jennings Bryan

Spanish American War

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He was the defense attorney in the John Scopes trial and believed religious interpretation of science has no place in public schools

Anti-immigration sentiment in the United States following WWI I

African Americans celebrated their unique culture during the 1920’s in an artistic movement called?

It is an American novel by John Steinbeck that describes the difficulties of the Great Depression

Created during the Great Depression it provides retirement income to the elderly

Created during the Great Depression this government agency protects people’s investments into banks

What event signaled the start of the Great Depression?

During the Great Depression and after the Dust Bowl people from these regions went to California and Arizona

Programs created by Congress and supported by Franklin D. Roosevelt, in response to the Great Depression. Feed the poor, assist farmers and put people to work

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Harlem Renaissance Red Scare

Grapes of WrathSocial SecurityFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC

The Stock Market Crash in 1929Arkansas and

OklahomaNew Deal Programs

Clarence Darrow

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To help finance WWII the people of the United states purchased

To conserve food in the United States during WWII, the people planted ____ Gardens

New process that took impurities out of steel. Carnegie used this.

When WWII broke out in Europe the United States played and Isolationist role but provided armaments to

Nazi Leader of Germany during WWII

Fascist dictator of Italy during WWII

Prime Minister in England during WWII

After the attack on Pearl Harbor who would have said “”I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

Who Said “Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 a date which will live in infamy –“

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Bessemer Process Victory

England / AlliesHitlerMussolini

Winston ChurchillJapanese AdmiralFranklin D. Roosevelt

War Bonds

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The reason the United States entered WWII

Hitler invades Poland on _____ and this starts WWII in Europe

What group of people was placed into internment camps in the United States during WWII?

How did the military in WWII encrypt their radio transitions to confuse the enemy?

They were former pilots of the U.S. who volunteered for the Chinese Air force

Brash American (tanks) general during WWII. Led the 3rd Army on the final assault against Germany

Army Chief of Staff who coordinated the WWII effort from Washington D.C. His plan gave millions to European nations to rebuild after the war

General who was commander of the Allied forces in WWII. Became president after Truman

Japanese navy lost four large aircraft carriers. Turning point in the Pacific during WWII

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Japanese Americans September 1, 1939

Native Americans (Indians) used the radio with their native language

Flying TigersGeneral George S. Patton

General George Marshall

General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Battle of Midway

Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941

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Manhattan ProjectSecrete project to develop D Day – Invasion of

Normandy France

How did WWII alter the position of the United States in the world?

In response to a communist threat to Egypt and Turkey, it was a promise to aide any country being threatened by Communism

This event started the Space Race

He led a Congressional committee investigation communist in America after WWII

Plan to help rebuild Europe after WWII. Invested millions to help stabilize the countries

North America and Western Europe pledge to aid each other

United States transports supplies to a blockaded West Berlin

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United States became a super power

June 6 1944

Truman DoctrineSoviet launch of Sputnik

Joseph McCarthy

Marshall PlanNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Berlin Airlift

Atomic Bomb

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U.S. government provides educational funding after WWII for returning soldiers.

McDonalds in China, American Rock and Roll popular in Germany, Redskins cheerleaders train India’s cheerleaders, hip hop popular in Egypt, and coco cola has sponsored football in England.

Movement of housing outside the cities after WWII

Found on U.S. coins since the 1860’s, found on paper currency since 1956 and the official motto of the United States

Eliminated pole tax in the United States

Delgado v. Bastrop ISD challenged

Supreme Court decision that went against separate but equal (Plessy v. Ferguson). Led to desegregation

Landmark case in Texas, Redistributed property taxes to poorer districts for schools. Led to “Robin Hood” legislation

Group that fought for expanded opportunities for Latinos

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Suburbs American culture Influences the World


In God We Trust24th AmendmentRacial segregation in schools

Brown v. Board of Education

Edgewood ISD v. Kirby

LULACLeague of United Latin American Citizens

G.I. Bill

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Group that fought for expanded opportunities for African Americans

He championed the economic rights of Migrant workers

Spoke at the 1963 March on Washington. He was a civil Rights leader who won the Nobel Peace Prize

Gave women the right to vote

Protected the rights of free expression for students in schools

It provided President Johnson congressional support for conducting acts of war if necessary against North Vietnam

Chicano mural movement included Jose Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera and David Alfaros. This increased awareness of?

Amendment facilitated by men fighting in the Vietnam War. 26th Amendment did what?

Caused a drastic increase in oil prices in late 1970’s

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Martin Luther king Jr. Cesar Chavez

19th AmendmentTinker v. Des MoinesGulf of Tonkin Resolution

Mexican heritageVoting age 18Oil embargo by OPEC


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US boats attacked by North Vietnam. Reason President Johnson used to bomb North Vietnam

Vietnam. Incident when North Vietnam attacked US held positions throughout the country. US held their ground but showed the American people we were not winning the war as told.

The Great Society Programs, Title IX and Affirmative Action led to greater opportunities for?

The cold war and Space War led to increased spending in what areas of education?

He was a soldier from Texas, He saved the lives of several fellow soldiers during Vietnam War, and he received the Congressional Medal of Honor.

What theory cited by President Johnson was why the United States was justified to intervene in Vietnam?

First women appointed to the Supreme Court

What widely respected Christian evangelical preacher has served as a religious counselor to American presidents Since the Truman administration?

1950- 1980’s Spending for this caused: Expanded businesses and employment, growth of high tech industries, and new research and development

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Women, minorities and the poor

Tet Offensive

Math and science

Roy BenavidezDomino Theory

Sandra Day O’ConnorBilly GrahamCold War Defense


Gulf of Tonkin Incident

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Disease that emerged in the 1980’s and led to a worldwide epidemic

Nancy Reagan’s nation campaign to stop drug use in America

Conservative political organization founded by Pastor Jerry Falwell

Iranian Hostage crisis 1979-1981 What president issued economic sanctions, a failed military rescue, and failed to gain the release of the hostages?

Reduce government spending, reduce income taxes and capital gains taxes, reduce government regulations, and reduce inflation by controlling the money supply. Economic policy 1980’s

1970’s he established diplomacy with China and negotiated arms race with Soviet Union – relaxed tension called detante

Political characteristic of the United States 1970’s – 1980’s

What even in the 21st century caused the shifting of U.S. foreign policy to combating Terrorism?.

Former 1st Lady of the United States, U.S. Senator for the State of New York, and U.S. Secretary of State

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Moral Majority Just Say No

Jimmy CarterReaganomicsRichard Nixon

Resurgence of conservatism

9-11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington D.C

Hillary Clinton

AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

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Soviet Union and Satellite Countries formed the __ __ in response to NATO

This committee questioned actors, director, writers and others about their connections to communism

Designed to help law enforcement intercept terrorists but some people feel it leads to violations of our Constitutional rights

New Deal Program. Created an army of young men that planted trees and cleaning up forests. They lived in camps and sent money home to families

New Deal Program. Created jobs for artists

New Deal Program. Paid farmers to plant less. Later the

government bought farm surplus

New Deal Program. Built 21 dams in the Tennessee River bringing electricity to rural south

Also called the Wagner Act. (1935) Gave workers the right

to form unions and bargain collectively

Nations controlled by the Soviet Union after WWII.

Poland, East Germany, Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. They

were called ?

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Patriot ActHouse Un-American Activities Committee


CCCCivilian Conservation


WPA Works Progress Administration


Adjustment Acts

Tennessee Valley Authority

National Labor Relations Act

Satellite Countries

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The United states, Canada and Mexico join in a trade treaty.

Critics say we have lost jobs to Mexico where wages are lower

With the invention of Air Conditioning large numbers of people move south after WWII.

They moved to the region known as?

One of the world’s wealthiest women. African American and strong supporter of Barack Obama

After 9-11 the United states sent our military to ___ to fight against terrorism. We are still in this country fighting.

President Bush created a new department in

response to 9-11

Housing market crashed in 2008 causing an economic


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Oprah Winfrey Sun Belt

Afghanistan Department of Homeland Security

Financial Crisis of 2008

NAFTA North Atlantic Treaty Organization