the mineral isbi chapter 11


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Notes:First of all, this is my simself. You’ll be seeing more of her soon. Second off, I’m starting plot in this chapter. I still want this ISBI to be fairly lighthearted, so I’ll still make jokes and such. It’ll just have a bit more substance.Lastly, I promise the pictures will get better after this chapter. .Now on to the story!

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Hey Almie, whatcha typing? Too bad I can’t see.

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A good thing, too. I wish she would just get out. Hey, you know I can hear what you’re thinking.Out!Fine, fine.

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“Woah! I’m like Saturn.”

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With another baby on the way, the house was enlarged to add a separate nursery and spare bedrooms.

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Cassie had her hands full with this little one as it was. She couldn’t imagine how it would be when the next one came along.

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Hopefully Renaud would start helping out more.

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He truly was a great parent, even though he spoiled Anders.

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If only he could be better at cooking!

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He left the toilet training to Cassie, however. Typical.

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Really, Almie. Who’ve you been talking to all day? It’s kind of creepy for a teenage girl to be talking to a grown man on the internet, if that’s what’s going on…He’s not a criminal.Oh, so it is a guy!

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He’s not an elder either, if that’s what you’re getting at.Even if he’s an adult, that’s still creepy.

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Let’s just say he can’t be taken by social services.Hmm, so a teen or an adult. Which one is it, Almie?

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Oh shoot. Better hide this quick.“Renaud, get out!” Almie, Almie, Almie. What are we up to?

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However, Cassie was oblivious to her sister’s escapades, instead watching her husband play with her son.

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“Up you go, Anders! Up you go!”“Careful with him, Renaud. He’s still little.”“Oh, don’t worry Cassie. Nothing bad will ever happen to this family.”

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“See? Back safe in my arms.”

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Cassie continued trying to teach Anders to talk, which was an uphill battle. Anders was ready and willing to copy his parents- in fact, he even went out of his way to do so- but he was having problems forming the words.

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So it was a thrill for everyone when he finally formed his first word: “Mommy”-and even a bigger thrill when he finally learned to talk.

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“Ah!”What’s wrong, Cassie?

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*panting* “I had a nightmare.”“What was it about?”

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“Anders and I were both dead. And...”

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“Nevermind. It’s all over now.”

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And with that, she went back to bed.

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Here’s where I installed Freetime. It was incredibly easy to discover Cassie’s predestined hobby- Arts and Crafts- because her first want was to sew.

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“Hey, can you help me out here? I know you don’t like me, but this chick is bugging me.”No.

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“Why not, you jerk?”*Random Townie Chick* “Hey Almie, you okay?”Because if I make her go away, then you’ll just get right back on that computer.

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“But all she wants to do is play that stupid Rubix sphere.”Yeah, I know, and it’s so addictive!“That’s just because you’re new to freetime and everything’s interesting.”So what?

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Luckily soon it was time for Almie to grow up. “Finally, we can kick her out of the house!”Cassie, be nice.“Just kidding! Come on, we’re BFFs.”

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“Oh yeah! I grew up badly! But it’s okay, because now that I’m an adult, I can woohoo!” Did I mention she was a romance sim?

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So now her room has been transformed into a nightclub downstairs. I love it, because it’s got the classic nightclub scene, but it’s still classy.

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With that, Almie moved out.

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A few days later, I checked in on her. Her house was in disarray, and, as usual, she was hooked to the computer.

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I just wished I could know what she was saying…

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But I could never get close enough.“Night!”

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“You said you wouldn’t come back! I can call the police on you!”Actually you can’t. I’m a simself, I have more power than them. You of all people should know that.

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“That doesn’t matter. You have no business intruding on my life. Get out.”

No really, I insist I stay.

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“Oh no. You wouldn’t. I told you to get out, you get out.”

Hmm…I don’t think so. However, in exchange for some knowledge…

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“You get out.”

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“And you stay out.”

Alright, alright. Just remember, I can always see you.

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At a small abandoned office building on the far side of town…

“Ah ha! Another ghost scare at the Mineral household. The newspaper’ll be there in just a few hours…That ad was placed like I asked?” Barrett asked.“Yes, of course,” the invisible man replied.

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“They’ll fall for it. I know they will. They can’t stand this many ghost attacks in one night. How lucky were we? Great timing.”

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“Mr. Barrett, the lady’s asking if she can see you tonight.”

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“Tell her I’m busy with a…work endeavor. Which is true, in a twisted way.”Barrett gave out a throaty laugh. “Get me that newspaper. I want to see the ad.”

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“Haha, this bit is great. ‘Rod Hamiliton, Ghost Whisperer. Hire him and watch your ghost problems disappear!’ Vane, great work on this ad. Of course they’ll fall for it.”

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My simself stopped outside the shack. Something was fishy here, alright.

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She’d have to keep a watch on the place.


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Barrett stood outside, suddenly with a bit of doubt. Of course the Minerals had fallen for his ad; it was ingenious. But what if they didn’t believe him, or asked to watch his procedures?

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Regardless, he was invited inside. “Sorry I’m still in my pajamas. It’s been a crazy few days. Go out there and do what you need to do.”

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As soon as he got to the mausoleum, he dropped the fake “ghost exterminating weapon” and grabbed for the urn.

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He shook it up. Nothing angered the ghosts more.

The Minerals were done for.

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That’s when my computer started being glitchy. Luckily I had saved, but it seemed that nothing was happening right. I would need to intervene. That’s when my simself arrived.

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“Wow, this place is a mess.”

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“No better place to pull out my laptop and sim, then.”

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“Oh no. What’s going on?”

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Visiting the Mineral house again was no easy task. Tonight was the night of the ghosts. First Renaud was hit.

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They didn’t even limit themselves to the members of the household.

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Even Cassie, happy to be best friend with her son, was scared immediately after.

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To make matters even worse, little Anders began making a bigger mess than before.

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Wow, Cassie. When Renaud told me your water broke...“SHUT UP!”Okay, okay.

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And with that, little Nepheline was born.

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“Come on, Renaud. You can do this.”Renaud, the baby was already born.“I know that. I was talking about changing its diaper.”

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“Alright. I’m ready for this.”

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And suddenly, Olivine showed up to see the birth of her youngest great-grandchild.

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However, she seemed to be in a little bit of a tricky mood.

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“It’s okay, Nephy. That’s just your great-grandma. She can’t hurt you. You’re a baby.”

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However, she could hurt someone else...

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Renaud.Olivine! That is not nice! He just had a baby.“He hasn’t had a baby until he has to experience pregnancy! Boo! Mwahahaha!”

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Then Christy joined in on the fun, scaring her daughter.

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However, Cassie wasn’t as prepared as Renaud had been.

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“I can’t feel my pulse. Renaud! I can’t feel my pulse! And where’d my plumbbobgo?”

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Her last words were “Nephy…”

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Anders, eager to copy his mother, collapsed on the floor at the same time she did.

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Grimmy then arrived.“Oh, how sad. A mother and toddler at the same time. Wait, toddlers can’t die.”

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“Too bad. Just the mother then, I suppose. Ah yes. Cassiterite Mineral? Here we are.”

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“Wait, Grim!”“What?”

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Renaud looked down at his dead wife and sleeping toddler.

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“You can’t take her! If you do, I’ll have to change BOTH Anders’ and Nephy’sdiapers! Please bring her back!”

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“Alright. I’ll make you a deal. You pick the right hand, you get her soul back. I’ve got to say, I’m actually rooting for you here. A toddler and a baby? Are you guys crazy, or romance sims?”

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“Neither. ISBI sims. Uh, that one.”“Ooh. I feel for you.”

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Grim opened his long skeletal hand, revealing only his finger bones.

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Then a glow suddenly appeared.“What can I say? I felt bad.”

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“I’ll get her in elderhood anyway. As long as you guys don’t have any elixir… Do you?”“Nope.”

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“Aging off cheat?”“Nope. ISBI, remember?”“Okay then. You’re all good.”

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“Here’s your wife back.”

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“Renaud! You saved my life!”“Yep, that’s great. Gotta go sleep now. You can change Nephy’s diaper.”“Anything for you, my hero!”“Score!”At the same time, Anders awoke. “Daddy! Youw sawed my wife!”

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Then Cassie zipped off to the mysterious machine she kept in an abandoned corner.

Why make that so dramatic? Because I don’t remember the name of the thing.

“Ah. Never getting off this thing again.”

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“Oh Renaud. Don’t tell me you’re imitating me too. I can’t get to Anders’ crib!”

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“Easy solution. Turn on the radio.”

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“Bye, hon. Go to bed.”“Andews wake up too!”Geez. Like father, like son.

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Oh, how I wish my husband could be replaced by a plumbbob.

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By the way, if anyone was wondering what the nightmare was about, it was the repairman.“Oh no, not the repairman!” I may have to do an interlude about this.

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So. Now the chapter’s over, and I want to hear your feedback! Did you like the plot? Should I still “break the fourth wall”? Thanks for reading!-NightRead on for some outtakes!

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Only one sim was harmed in the making of this chapter. Komei Tellerman, just because this scene was funny:

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See what I mean?

I had to do that because I had no urns…For some reason, I think after I installed Freetime, all the urns disappeared. So for the Ghost Whisperer scene I needed a spare urn XD

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I’ve also been having a lot of glitches, such as this one, where they got “popped” out of bed but the bedsheets still reflected them sleeping in it. I think I need a rebuild soon.

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See? Urns=gone. :(

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In the scene where Barrett is spying through the telescope, this was the result XD

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And just to show you he’s a true villain, Barrett got a kick out of the whole thing.

That’s it! Hope you liked it, and remember to comment :)-Night