where no sim has gone before an isbi challenge

Where No Sim Has Gone Before An ISBI Challenge

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Post on 02-Dec-2014



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Chapter 1 of my Sims 2 ISBI challenge


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Where No Sim Has Gone Before

An ISBI Challenge

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Hello everyone Mystery here. So you are all probably wondering what’s the deal? Well see my old lappy died. All my other stories went Kaplooee. Yeah. Bummer. From what I hear I’m not alone which is one small comfort, I guess.

So anyway I decided to try another challenge. This time I’m trying my hand at an ISBI. Yep I’m nuts. As of right now we’re going for 5 generations, but we’ll see if I feel up to going longer.

Alrighty then let’s meet our first torch holder! Mysha Bowman

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Stardate 2197: It’s official starfleet hates me. They tossed me through some temporal rift thing into another universe/dimension….whatever. So maybe I did “cheat” on all my exams at the academy. I mean how many women did Captain Kirk “date”. You didn’t see him get tossed through strange portals.

I personally believe this is in violation of protocol 2671, but I guess there’s not much I can do about it now. I’m stuck in this Belladona Cove gathering information for the rest of my life. Great.

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Captain’s personal log: I’ve been living on the streets of Belladona for nearly 3 weeks. Apparently it’s customary to live in an apartment on this planet. And there must be something in the water because I swear these natives are insane. I’m drinking my own water.

However, I’ve convinced a native Rosemary to rent me a small apartment on the east side of town.

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Like I said there must be something in the water around here. These people talk out of their heads 90 percent of the time. My universal translator can barely make sense of them. At least they seem friendly enough.

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I’m doing my best to fit in with the locals as much as possible. I attend the weekly social events. I’ve also been checking out books from the local library, translating them, and then reading up on local customs and history. This insanity must have been going on for a while because all of their newer books are total gibberish.

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All in all things are going relatively well. Other than I have no idea how long Starfleet intends to leave me here.

End Log

Mysha Bowman

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Stardate 2197.2 I suppose an update on my progress is in order. My translator is still having trouble making sense of things around here. This language here is complete gibberish! Still no idea how much longer I’m stuck here.

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Still despite the difficulties I’m managing to have a bit of fun every now and then.

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I’ve even started learning how to have fun the local way.

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This has led to some complications. I guess getting home will have to wait. I don’t want to put the baby in danger. Would Starfleet consider this breaking rules. Well to hell with them. I’ll be taking my child home whether they like it or not.

On another note, I took a job down at one of the local buildings known as a coffee shop. Apparently these sims still use currency for trade. Something called a simoleon. Well, I’ll need them to pay the bills and to feed and clothe my child.

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I also recently mastered the local dance known as break-dancing. A Breakdancer..yes that’s his name…or at least the translator kept telling me that was his name….whatever. Breakdancing is fun. I’m keeping it tame right now. Don’t want to risk hurting the baby.

End Log

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Stardate 2197.3 Makoto and I are still seeing each other. I don’t mind really. Sure he’s out of his mind, but he is the father of my little girl.

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I haven’t introduced him to Kes yet, but he seems to understand we have a child together. He keeps asking about her whenever we meet up in the lobby.

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It’s funny this motherhood thing hasn’t been so bad. It’s even been fun at times.

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I really dislike leaving Kes home with a nanny most of the time. But I’m never going to figure out how to get us out of here unless I head out into this strange land and explore. I need to get my com systems to work!

Rosemary suggested a possible nanny. So far according to the nanny cam I installed she’s doing okay. She spends A LOT of time in the pool, but she’s been feeding and changing Kes regularly so I guess she’s alright.

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Sanjay Ramaswami said he’d be willing to help me unwind after work. Gotta say that will be nice.

End Log

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Stardate 2197.4

My little girl is growing up so fast! She and her nanny get along great. I’m a little concerned about the constant radioactive glowing, but this special formula is part of the custom around here. I’m still bound to follow the prime directive while I’m here. One because I know Starfleet would lock me up once I got home…never mind this whole thing was THEIR fault. And 2 I’d rather the demented aliens stay friendly.

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The nanny even cooks dinner every night. Granted some of this local cuisine is just awful. (Especially the stuff she usually cooks) But some of it’s not half bad.

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Kes does seem to be learning incredibly fast though. I guess this radioactive formula is good for them? Or maybe it increases the likely hod of them all going nuts? I hope not.

There has been another complication to my plans. I guess I really should stop the late night outings after work, but a girl’s gotta unwind right?

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Kes really does look a lot like her father, and she loves music as much as I do. I also think Makoto likes music as well. I realized last weekend that he’s a lounge singer.

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And honestly I think I’m settling into life in Belladona Cove. I never thought I’d say this, but I think I’ll really miss this place if I ever leave. Even though she’s always got this creepy smile on her face, Karin and I get along really well.

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I finally introduced Makoto to Kes. The two got along just fine. I have to say the old guy has grown on me. I never thought I’d want to get married, but I’ve realized that I want to spend my life with Makoto. He said yes, and we moved into a larger apartment together.

End Log

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Stardate 2197.5

Makoto and I are officially married now, and I’m not really too keen on figuring out how to go home anymore. How could I leave my family?

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I’d have to leave friends like Karin too.

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And this is honestly the only world my little girl has ever known. I can’t just tear her and my unborn baby away from this place if they really don’twant to leave. And really what do I have to look forward to back there anyway?

So what if I lose my mind when I get older. Better to die happy right?

End Log

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So that’s where I’ll leave you folks. For now. Here’s a little info on our lovely founder Mysha Bowman.

Mysha Bowman:

Romance Sim (LTW 20 Lovers)


Turn-on’s Fitness and Full Face make-up. Turn off: Zombies

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Also if you haven’t guessed I’m using a Star Trek name scheme for this ISBI. The first member of our family is Kes named after the Ocampa from Star Trek Voyager. Her OTH is music and dance, but other than that I don’t know too much about this lovely lady. See ya soon.