the med company

The Medicines Company Some Questions to Consider 1. Who is(are) Angiomax’s customer(s)? What is the value of Angiomax for the customer(s)? 2. What price should the Medicines Company charge for a dose of Angiomax? Why? 3. What do you think the adoption profile will look like for Angiomax? Will this be a blockbuster drug since its launch? 4. What would be the value proposition for Angiomax? What is its competitive advantage? 5. If you were Stephanie Plent, what would be your strategy for creating value for Angiomax’s potential customers? 6. What do you think of the Medicines Company’s business model of “rescuing” abandoned drugs? Why? 7. If Angiomax is a success, how might this business model change?

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Post on 29-Nov-2015




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Page 1: The Med Company

The Medicines Company

Some Questions to Consider

1. Who is(are) Angiomax’s customer(s)? What is the value of Angiomax for the customer(s)?

2. What price should the Medicines Company charge for a dose of Angiomax? Why?

3. What do you think the adoption profile will look like for Angiomax? Will this be a block-buster drug since its launch?

4. What would be the value proposition for Angiomax? What is its competitive advantage?

5. If you were Stephanie Plent, what would be your strategy for creating value for An-giomax’s potential customers?

6. What do you think of the Medicines Company’s business model of “rescuing” abandoned drugs? Why?

7. If Angiomax is a success, how might this business model change?