the matrix proyect #116a. the story of the human herd


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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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The human race is a herd.Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity.A herd.Once we concede to the herd mentality we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.


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Música: Aguirre

Autor: Popol Vuh

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“The truth is denied to people because it will set them free.”DAVID ICKE

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The present article represents an effort to achieve a faithful visualization of the first chapter of the book “ it is me who Is, I am free ” of David Icke (1996).

Soon we will dedicate a special article to the author. At the moment, we remain with his more than interesting reflections on our current condition of slavery, on how we have come to her, and on the keys for our liberation.

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The human race is a herd.

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Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential,

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and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity.

A herd.

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Once we concede to the herd mentality we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.

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I was standing in the sunshine one day surrounded by an enormous herd of sheep. The farmer arrived in his truck, climbed out, and stood motionless, leaning on his stick.

Immediately a few of the sheep began to walk towards him and within minutes it was like Exodus. Hundreds of sheep were following those few in front.

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Any stragglers who didn’t conform to this baa, baa mentality were given a dose of fear from the sheep dog and then they rushed into line also.

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In a ridiculously short time this combination of the baa, baa, and the fear had rounded up the whole vast herd.

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All it took was one man doing very little and a sheep dog dispensing fear.

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As I observed this, I thought: “I’m looking at the human race here. This is how we are controlled”. We have stopped thinking for ourselves and given our minds (power) away.

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Therefore we follow the one in front in the most extraordinarily robotic fashion.

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And we are consumed by fear in every fibre of our being.

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Once our fear responses are activated, we rush to conform even if we are aware enough to realise that what we are being asked to think, do, and say, is a nonsense.

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These weapons, the baa, baa, and the fear, allow an astonishingly few people to mould and direct the world in their own perverted image,

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a process that is leading, unless we wake up and grow up, towards a world government, army, central bank and currency, and a microchipped population: in short, the total global control of every man woman and child.

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While it may appear at first to be incredibly difficult for a relative handful of people to control the lives of nearly six billion, it is in factcomparatively easy,

once you have control of education and the media - the sources of the “information” and mantra messages which bombard the conscious and subconscious mind from cradle to grave.

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These messages are not designed to inform, but to direct and condition, todivide and rule.

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The religious, scientific, political and economic manipulators position themselves between the truth and the human conscious mind.

They are the middlemen and women who seek to keep out of the public arena the knowledge that would open our minds to our real and infinite potential.

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We are fed a mental diet of pap and crap designed to diminish our sense of self and close down our consciousness until it becomes a pale shadow of what it can be. It becomes a sheep and the sheep become a herd.

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As someone once said,there are three types of person in the world:

a tiny few who make thingshappen;

a slightly larger number who watch things happen;

and all the rest who go around saying: what’s happening, what’s happening?

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The truth is denied to people because it will set them free.

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Instead, those at the peak of the religious, scientific, political, and economic empires (the same state of mind in different clothes) hand down their version of “truth”, a version which means that people must believe whateverthey want them to believe.

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And, to be fair, humanity does not have a great record for demanding the truth or searching for it. We have developed lazy minds.

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It’s appropriate that the word ignorance is an extension of the word ignore. We ignore so much and so we become ignore-ant.*

* N. del T: ignore-ant,, un juego de palabras.

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Once you have conditioned one generation to think in the way you require, it becomes even easier to condition the next generation.

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You now have the programmed parents working unknowingly on your behal { conditioning their children to accept their own conditioned view of life.

Such parents don’t do this because they are bad people. They do it because they genuinely think their view is best for their children.

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But the effect is the same: one programmed generation helps to programme the next one because it does not respect anyone’s right to be themselves.

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Each generation has a right to see life in a way that makes sense to them, not their parents, their teachers, or the guy reading the news.

But sadly, people accept without thinking so much that is passed down to them. They don’t ask the most liberatingquestion it is possible to ask:

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Why do we do it this way?

Why do we believe this or that?

Who say?

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The question “why?” is the driving force behind evolution.

She said that when she was preparing dinner one day she cut the cornersoff the ham before putting it in the pan.

When I spoke in the United States, an American friend told me a story that brilliantly highlights what I mean.

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“Why do you do that?” her husband asked.“I don’t know - my mother always used to do it.”

“Why did your mother cut the corners off the ham?”“I don’t know, she just did - what’s it matter?”

“Ring your mother and ask her why she cut the corners off the ham.”She rang her mother.

“Mum, you know when I was a girl and you used to cut the cornersoff the ham? Why did you do that?”“Because my pan was never big enough!”

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If her husband had not asked the question “why?”, she would have continued to cut the corners off the ham and her children would quite possibly have done it, too.

This is how one generation allows its sense of self to be conditioned by older generations, parents, teachers and media people.

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They don’t question why. This sponge mentality and the desire to impose one’s thoughts and beliefs on others has created an amazingly effective vehicle for the Elite to control the direction of the world.

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It is what I have called the Hassle-Free Zone. Every dogma, belief-system, culture, and society has a Hassle-Free Zone.

It works like this: you set limits of acceptable thought, view and behaviour and anyone who steps outside of those very narrow limits is immediately either ridiculed as “mad” or condemned as “bad”. In my case both!

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Some people stay within the Hassle-Free Zone because they are persuaded that this desperately constricted view is indeed how life should be lived.

But there are very significant numbers of other people who realise how ridiculous the limits of the Zone are, but the fear of facing ridicule or condemnation ensures that they keep their mouths shut and their heads down.

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As they say in Japan, the nail that standsout from the rest is the first one to be hit.

Here again we have the Hassle-Free Zone policed by those twin weapons, the baa, baa (those who accept the limitation of conditioned thought and view as their reality) and the fear (those who think differently, but are frightened to say so).

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This means that great swathes of humanity are living a lie and denying what they really believe and what they really want to do with their lives.

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They don the mask. Stand in a crowded street and watch all those people walking by. You are not looking at the real, infinite them. You are looking at the mask they project to the world.

The mask they believe is acceptable enough to the rest of the prisoners to avoid being ridiculed or condemned for thinking and acting differently to the demands of the Hassle-Free Zone.

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It is the fantastic tensions within the psyche caused by this denial which lie at the heart of most mental, emotional, and therefore physical disease (dis-ease, disharmony) which manifests as illness, depression, suicide, a lack of fulfilment, and “what’s the point?”.

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“I am , I am free” David Icke

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 To David IckeAnako And Ruben


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“Es detestable esa avaricia espiritual que tienen los que, sabiendo algo, no procuran la transmisión de esos conocimientos”


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