the master closer


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Page 1: The Master Closer

THE MASTER CLOSER (The king of selling)

He’s the one that everyone else calls for help on a deal. Why is he the one called

and not you? Because e is the best and everyone knows it. Something sets him apart

from other salesmen. He not only acts like a master closer but thinks like one; he listens,

he learns, understands, and uses a lot of charm to solve a problem simply and directly.

He uses logic and it’s deadly.

Two things set a Master Closer apart from the other salesmen; self-confidence and

showmanship. A Master Closer knows he is good, and he shows it. He has manners,

poise, and a super-positive attitude about himself. People want to be associated with him.

He is good for everyone; he is a creative catalyst.

A master Closer is special in many other ways. For example, he knows how to act

when he enters a room, a football stadium, or just a phone booth. He is always in control,

and it shows. If the truth were known, anyone can be that good if he knows how to act

and direct himself- like a closer instead of a salesman. You can be a closer simply by

understanding and learning.

A closer (I am going to refer to Master Closers from now on) can chew up and spit

out a salesman anytime he wants. I’ve seen it happen over and over again. The reason is

Page 2: The Master Closer

that the salesman or a customer can’t out-guess or out-maneuver the closer. The closer

can out-mind-manipulate a customer every time. You will become aware of just how this

is actually done in future chapters.

A closer can think faster and better on his feet than the customer can change his

approach to suit any environment he is in, any time. He simply blends into the

surroundings as if he belonged there. He makes himself so comfortable that the customer

feels comfortable.

If we want to talk about showmanship, a closer uses all the tools around him to sell

his product the way an actor uses props. The closer doesn’t miss a trick. He is

entertaining to the customers and makes them feel appreciated. The customer feels

confident about the closer and thus feels confident about the product.

The closer is forever selling, convincing, driving, and always winning-because he is

sold not only on his product, but on himself. This doesn’t mean that a closer is egotistical

but he likes himself and what he accomplishes. He likes people, and he wants them to

like him. The closer is personal, personable, and in many ways, lovable. He is somewhat

of a desperado and he can channel that quality as quickly as is necessary (desperado in

the sense that he thinks fir himself and is self-reliant). He can coordinate his own

activities and is an independent self-motivator. He is hard to control to some degree, and

that’s good because what good sales manager would want the best to be totally

controllable and mediocre?

Page 3: The Master Closer

So you see, the Master Closer is many things, but all the elements in his character

are aggressive, charming, and positive. He is the one who can carry the ball anytime and

make the touchdown. He’ll always win. He knows it, the other salesmen know it, and

the customer son learns it. The Master Closer is the king of sales.