the local news —march 01, 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011


    At its February 22, 2011meeting, the Hunting-ton Beach City Council

    adopted a resolution modifyingthe citys fees for many fireinspection efforts. This changewill reduce Fire Departmentinspection fees for many citybusinesses and will also reducethe number of annual inspectionsfor many businesses. Theconsolidation of inspectionefforts will benefit approxi-mately 1,200 businesses peryear and has the potential to

    create an overall savings forthe affected businesses inexcess of $85,000.

    Over the past several months,Fire Department staff has beenreviewing its fire preventioninspection program in an effortto improve business practicesand efficiency. As a result ofthis review, staff identified theopportunity to combine somefire permit and life safetyinspection efforts. The programchanges will result in manyCity businesses having fewer

    inspections during the year,lower inspection and permitcosts in many areas, and im-proved efficiency for the FireDepartment staff.

    As stated by Fire ChiefPatrick McIntosh, With thecommitment the City Councilhas made to reinforcingHuntington Beach as beingis open for business, we feelthat this effort fits directlywith that goal and with theCitys ten point plan for thebusiness community.

    First there was the nationwide daily news blastsabout our movement towards charging out oftown drivers for accidents they had while driving

    in Huntington Beach. Then there was a movementabout Surf City wanting to use public embarrassmentas the new defense against drunk driving, i.e. we would

    post the arrest informationon Facebook. Most

    recently, wehave a com-munity-wided i s c u s s i o nabout alcohol

    violations inthe Downtown area

    and city-wide dui statis-tics published ad nauseum.

    The one thing we have accom-plished with a minuscule investment of

    money compared with the enormous amountof money spent by the local Visitor's Bureau ef-

    fort to get people to garner up tons of nationalpublicity, rant and otherwise humorous and negativeblogging about Surf City...aka...Alcohol City USA.

    I am sorry but, my opinion is, none of this hasanything to do with the real issue. The hammeris so big and the problem area so small that thecollateral damage for miles around the targetarea could take years to re-build.

    My guess is that a check of the Gas Lampdistrict of San Diego, Florida communities likeDaytona Beach, other California coastalcommunities would show no exaggeration ofdrinking establishments in our town. Listenclosely... we are not Santa Monica with 6- 7 cityblocks, multiple parking structures and severalmid-rise apartment buildings. We are onestreet, 2 mini-blocks, less than 200 linear feetof store frontage.

    If two or three businesses push the envelope,abuse their privileges and are simple too greedyto want to protect their business interests...thencite them for over pouring, overcrowding andover abusing their licenses. Where is the bigstick theory?

    What we cannot do too much more of is tocontinue to feed the information highway andthe media in general with more negative stuffabout Huntington Beach. We are a great placeto live and feeding this fire of discontent overDowntown serves no master.


    March 01, 2011 714.914.9797 [email protected] VOL. 20 NO. 419


















    Surf City gets a badrap if not a bad rep!

    Earth Day 2011: Festival

    Fee DescriptionOccupancy

    Size (Sq. Ft.)Previous FirePermit Fee

    Previous FirePermit Fee Plus

    CompanyInspection Fee



    Fire CodePermit-Renewal

    Issuance(Modified scope)

    1-750 $170 $200 $177 $23

    751-2,500 $170 $215 $188 $27

    2,501-5,000 $170 $265 $200 $65

    5,001-25,000 $170 $370 $278 $92

    25,001-50,000 $170 $640 $388 $252

    >50,000 $170 $895 $590 $305

    continued on page 6

    WHAT: Celebrate Earth Day 2011 at a family festi-

    val at the Bolsa Chica WetlandsWHEN: Saturday, April 9, 2 011, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    WHERE: Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve North LotWarner Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway

    PARKING: Parking will be available at the beachand at a lot just north east of theNorth Lot on Warner Avenue.


    Hands-on and interactiveactivities for all ages: Touch live animals like snakes,

    sea stars, urchins

    Learn about reptiles and see

    them up close and personal Count migrating birds

    Discover native plants and make mud balls

    Take a tour of the wetlands

    Have fun in the Jump Tent

    Enjoy hotdogs, snocones and more

    FOR MORE INFORMATION: 714.846.1114

    Fire Fees Burn Out


  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011



    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]

    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]


    Pictures for display only

    Diggs Restaurant & Bar

    Restaurant & Bar

    A new, exciting international fuion concept foran area rich with a variety of dining experience. Tocomplement Digg modern-indutrial deign, they havecrafted a ditinctive menu with contemporary Americantyle, focuing on eaonal and ingredient-drivendihe. Between all their individual tate, the reultingmenu i not limited to any one culinary tyle. Indulgeyourelf with prime tea,freh eafood, mouth-wa-tering ide and decadentdeert. Whether yourelooing for a great teaand gla of wine, or a

    gourmet burger and abeer Add Happy Hour,daily pecial, Lunch andDinner and you have aNew Experience for areareident and viitor.


    Mon Thurs 12 pm 10 pm

    Friday 12 pm 2 am

    Saturday 11 am 12 pm

    Sunday 11 am 9 pm

    8052 Adams Ave (Adams Ave / Beach Blvd)

    Huntington Beach, CA 92646

    (714) 960.3670

    HB GOLD CARD SPECIALS25% Off Lunch50% Off Corporate groups of 6 or

    more -Lunch with

    reservations20% Off Dinner, with Gold Card

    HAPPY HOUR 3 7 pm20% off Appetizers, $2 Drafts...

    And More...






    Pictures for display only

    Call us for reservations at 714-845-8444 or just stop by!

    21100 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach













    Turn south onto beach blvd.


























































  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011


    Actually, the only Italian Dog Story Iknow...handed down from generationto generation. The Spinone Italiano

    or (Italian Wire-haired Pointing Dog)(Italian Pointer).

    Background: The Spinone has greatstrength and stamina, suited for hunting in allclimates and on all terrains. Extremelyintelligent, happy, upbeat and enthusiastic, theSpinone Italiano is a pleasant, easy-going

    breed. He is easily satisfied when treatedas a lower ranking member of his

    human pack family.

    One day an old Italian dog startschasing rabbits and before long,discovers that he's lost. Wanderingabout, he notices a pantherheading rapidly in his directionwith the intention of having lunch.

    The old Italian dog thinks, 'Oh,oh! I'm in deep doo-doo now!'Noticing some bones on theground close by, he immediately

    settles down to chew on thebones with his back to theapproaching cat. Just as thepanther is about to leap, theold Italian dog exclaims

    loudly, 'Boy, that was onedelicious panther! I wonder,i f t he r e a r e any mor earound here?'

    Hearing this, the young

    panther halts his attack in mid-strike, a look ofterror comes over him and he slinks away intothe trees. 'Whew!' says the panther, 'That wasclose! That old Italian dog nearly had me!'

    Meanwhile, a squirrel who had beenwatching the whole scene from a nearby tree,figures he can put this knowledge to good useand trade it for protection from the panther. So,off he goes..

    The squirrel soon catches up with thepanther, spills the beans and strikes a deal forhimself with the panther.

    The young panther is furious at being made

    a fool of and says, 'Here, squirrel, hop on myback and see what's going to happen to thatconniving canine!

    Now, the old Italian dog sees the panthercoming with the squirrel on his back andthinks, 'What am I going to do now?', butinstead of running, the dog sits down with hisback to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seenthem yet, and just when they get close enoughto hear, the old Italian dog says...

    'Where's that squirrel? I sent him off an hourago to bring me another panther!

    Moral of this story ...

    Don't mess with the old Italian dogs... Ageand skill will always overcome youthand treachery!

    BS and brilliance only come with ageand experience.

    TORRANCE AIRPORT, TORRANCE, CA--On Nov. 2, 1947, Hy Joseph was sitting ona hillside and happened to witness Howard Hughes make the one and only flight of theHercules, the largest flying boat ever built. Its wingspan alone was 320 feet, 11 inchesthe biggest in aviation history. "It was really something to see--flying above the water nearLong Beach," Joseph still recalled with excitement. The 400,000-pound plane, dubbed "TheSpruce Goose" by the media, flew for one mile, remaining 70 feet above the water.

    Although "The Goose" is gone from LongBeach (to the Evergreen Aviation Museum inMcMinnville, Ore.), more than memoriesremain about it at the Western Museum ofFlight, which has some of its actual engines,according to Joseph. "You can see them, theWorld's largest radial engine, made by Pratt andWhitney," said the museum's Chief Docent, aNaval Air veteran, who served in Korea.

    There's so much more to see there,including fantastic exhibits on Space Exploration (from satellites to moon landings);Radio-Controlled Aircraft (which started as a hobby and ended up being used for militarysurveillance, target practice and even firing weapons &dropping bombs); Classic and Unique Aircraft (i.e., YF-23,F-86, F-5, F-14, YF-17, JB-1, Flying Wings, Target Drones,Test Aircraft, Gliders and more; you can even climb in oneof the cockpits); Uniforms and Equipment from airlines andmilitary (that were used in commercial aircraft, aerialreconnaissance and combat missions), and the Dr. Ira E.Chart Library (includes thousands of books and manuals).

    The wonderful facility, staffed with friendly andknowledgeable people, also hosts The Kids Love AviationScience (KLAS) program that inspires hundreds of studentsto stay in school and be serious about their studies so theycan achieve their dreams. There's also an incredibleCelebrity Lecture Series, where you'll hear from icons inaviation. The Southern California Historical AviationFoundation's Western Museum of Flight is raising funds fora major expansion at the east end of Torrance Airport. It willinclude a Restoration Facility, where the public can seeaircraft being restored.

    The fabulous Western Museum of Flight is open Wednesday through Sunday at 3315Airport Drive, Torrance. Check it out at or call 310-326-9544.

    WILMINGTON, CAAn actual Gatling Gun, rifles, swords, uniforms, barracks,handmade figures, antique dioramas, military illustrations, exhibits with "wow!" and somuch more can be seen here at the incredible Drum Barracks Civil War Museum, housedin the last remaining wood building that was part of a 22 structure, 60-acre US ArmyHeadquarters for Southern California and the Arizona Territory from 1862-1871.

    But seeing the impressive structure and museum is only half the amazement. Hearingwhat the talented docents explain is even more sensational. Visitors learn how the Civil Warproduced the first workable machine gun, steel ship, snorkel, aerial reconnaissance,anti-aircraft fire, electrically exploded bombs and torpedoes, ironclad navies, repeating riflesand so much more.

    You'll learn how troops stationed at what was first called Camp Drum (after RichardCoulter Drum, Assistant Adjutant General of the Department of the Pacific) helped keepCalifornia in the Union and secured the territory that is now Arizona and New Mexico forthe Union. You'll learn the fascinating story about the camels once stationed here (thatcarried supplies, soldiers and scouts); how a new k ind of bullet was developed that resulted

    in greater accuracy and longerdistance of fire; the creation ofrepeating rifles, which wouldfire seven shots withoutreloading; how the USBalloon Corps used aerialsurveillance to bring a wholenew viewpoint to the battle-field and may have landed onthe first aircraft carrier (whichhappened to be a barge); howwomen were used as militarynurses for the first time in USHistory; remarkable true stories about Abraham Lincoln, Union and the Confederatesoldiers, and you'll hear about (and see) the fabulous contents from one of the most unusualAutograph Books in existence. Capt. G. Edwin Dunbar got the signatures of 50 UnionGenerals, 1 Confederate General, 3 US Presidents and several celebrities like "Buffalo BillCody and Edwin Booth.

    Museum Director Susan Ogle and her docents explain and show (to school kids andpeople of all ages) wonderful exhibits on California's Political, Social and Economic rolein the Civil War and how many feel the entrance of the new state into the Union, led to thereal beginning of the the war. You'll learn fascinating facts about soldiers stationed onCatalina Island; the role of gold from California mines, and how somewhere between618,000-700,000 Americans died in the Civil War, exceeding the nation's loss in in all ofits other wars.

    Civil War researchers will find a superb library on the property, owned by the State ofCalifornia and leased to the City of Los Angeles. Located at 1052 N. Banning Blvd.,Wilmington, it has tours at 10 and 11:30, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and 11:30 and1 on Saturday and Sunday. Be sure and check their website for Special Events and furtherinformation, or call 310-548-7509.


    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]

    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]


    ChrisMacDonaldOn the road in Surf City

    By Chris MacDonald, Writer/Photographer,HB Ambassador/The Local News Columnist

    The Local News

    The Weak That WasAmerica: Home of the Free because of the Brave

    Drum Barracks Civil War Museum A Must See

    Western Museum of Flight, Torrance, CA


    03-30-11 03-30-11

    See Page 29

    Drum Barracks Museum Director Susan Ogle infront of this Landmark Building.

    Hy Joseph is The Chief Docent at TheWestern Museum Of Flight

    Chris MacDonald (TheLocal News Columnist),Cindy Macha (ExecutiveDirector Of The WesternMuseum Of Flight) and

    Tony Marshall (A FormerPrisoner Of War).

    Papa Joe's Pizza414 Pacific Coa st Highway

    Hunting ton Beach, Ca 92648(Just North of the HB Pie r, Next to Strand)

    Good Selection and Reasonable Prices:

    Beer & Wine


    Pizza - Subs - Burgers

    Lasagna - Pasta - Salads

    Call: 714-969-2553Fax: 714-969-7383

    FREE DELIVERY ZONE:Newland to Golden West, PCH to Garfield

    10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 7 days a week

    Specials Monday & Wednesday Specials:

    4 to 6:30 p.m. Generous portion of PastaMarinara, Dinner Salad (your choice of

    dressings), Garlic Bread, Fountain Beverage:

    $6.95. Refills FREE!

    All Day:Every Day... 2 Large Slices of Pizza,

    Fountain Beverage: $5.50

    Happy Hour:Monday Friday, 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

    2 half slices pepperoni/cheese pizzaw/pint of domestic beer: $6.50

    Plus: $2 domestic, $3 premium beers

    Delivery Specials Every Day:12", 14" and 16" Pizzas, buy two Pizza's and save;5, 10 & 25 piece Buffalo Wings (Mild, Hot & BBQ)Family Meal Packages priced right for the times!

    *Extra 10% off entire bill with use of cash to pay bill.

    Dough and Sauces Made on site.

    ALL Deli cut Meats.

    The Spinone Italiano, alsoknown as the Spinone,Italian Spinone, or Italian

    Griffon is a large, ruggedlooking dog with along head.The muzzle is square whenviewed from the side and isthe same length as the backsideof the skull. The stop is veryslight. The nose has large wideopen nostrils and is fleshcolored in white dogs, darkerin white and orange dogs,brown in brown or brown roandogs. The teeth meet in ascissors or level bite. The earsare triangular in shape withhanging ears. The chest isbroad and deep extending atleast to the elbow. The toplineslopes slighting from the frontof the back to the rump. Dew-claws are sometimes removed.The wiry coat is dense and thickand come in solid white; whiteand orange; orange roan with orwithout orange markings; white

    with brown markings andbrown roan with or withoutbrown markings.


    The Spinone has greatstrength and stamina, suitedfor hunting in all climates andon all terrains. Extremelyintelligent, happy, upbeat andenthusiastic, the SpinoneItaliano is a pleasant, easy-goingbreed. He is easily satisfiedwhen treated as a lower rankingmember of his human packfamily. Although serious whenat work in the field, hedefinitely has a clownish sidethat is often quite entertaining.Never bossy or whiny, unlesshe does not see humans aspack leader. this gentle soulloves children, those heknows, and those he does not.Children must be taught howto display leadership skills.His great patience shouldnever be taken for granted, forabuse is abuse, whetherintentional or not. This breedgets along well with other

    animals, particu-larly enjoying thecompany of anotherdog. He wants to bewith his people,whether that meansat home or traveling.He is a quiet breedin general, but mayoccasionally howlalong with a siren.Spinone is not ap r o t e c t i o nbreed. He iseither unlikelyto attack underany circumstance or wouldonly do so if he or his familyis directly threatened. Helearns fast. If the dog does notsee humans as ranking underhim in the pack order, he canbecome stubborn. An intelli-gent hunter, they are aware ofthe difference between a realhunt and an exercise. Forexample, one breeder men-

    tioned that his dog is perfectlywilling to pick up downedbirds, but he is reluctant toretrieve a training dummy.Nor does the breed perform inflashy style, instead being aslow, steady worker on thehunt or in the ring. Sadly,many judges penalize this,expecting all dogs to work likea pointer (field) or a BorderCollie (ring). The Spinonecan be timid if not properlysocialized. They respond wellto motivational training. Thecoat protects them from thewater and freezing tempera-tures of the swamp, casuallygoing into cold, deep water.They an excellent swimmerand a model retriever.

    My God, that is almost theperfect description of me...

    The Old ItalianDog Story I Know! Dave Garofalo


    The SpinoneItaliano


    Bye Lis after 47 years and Bye Roy & Carol

  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011


    Category Merchant HB Gold Exclusive Offer Address City Phone website


    H B C hr ys le r J ee p C he ck w it h M er ch an t 1 67 01 B ea ch B lv d H B 7 14 .8 41 .3 99 9 w w w. My HB Go ld .c om

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    Electronic/TV Time Warner Cable Save $500 on a Commercial ProductionBella TerraShopping Center

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    Gifts & RetailCalifornia Greetings 10% off all merchandise excluding sale items 301 Main St HB 714.960.1688

    Main St. Eyewear 15% off purchase (Full Service Optical Store) 200 Main St HB 714.536.6300

    Hair & Beauty City SalonBuy and two products and receive

    any third product Free301 Main St HB 714.969.1800

    Liquor & Beer My K eg $5 O ff a ny s iz e K eg 1 787 1 B ea ch B lv d H B 7 1 4. 847 .0 79 9 ww w. My HB Go ld .c om

    Medical & Fitness

    Beach Chiropractic Free Consulation Exam, 1/2 Massage on 1st visit 19900 Beach Blvd HB 714.965.9577

    Yates X-Ray Company FREE Digital Consultation Valued at over $250 9051 Mediterranean Dr. HB 714.599.0399

    Yoga Works20% off 1st retail purchase and 2 wks of un-limited Yoga new students $30

    301 Main St HB 714.960.9740

    Printing Jeff's Press10% off initial order, continuing discounts on

    additional printing5122 Bolsa Ave # 105 HB 714.891.5706

    Newspaper & Media The Local News 25% Off any s ize Ad 5901 Warner Ave #429 HB 714.914.9797

    Pet Care D ir ty D og Wa sh $5 O ff a ny s iz e s er vi ce 5 04 M ai n S t H B 7 14. 960 .7 00 ww w. My HB Go ld .c om


    B ac i R es ta ur an t 1 5% o ff e nt ir e B il l 1 87 48 B ea ch B lv d. H B 7 14 .9 65 .1 19 4 w ww .M yH BG ol d. co m

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    Capone's Cuc ina 15% off ent ire B il l 19688 Beach B lvd #10 HB 714.593.2888 www.MyHBGold .com

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    15% Off Dinner Food Service Excludes Mon nightdinner specials. $5 off Bottle of Wine MonNights. Huge Happy Hour 3 - 6:30 p.m. Daily.50% Off Appetizers. Special Bar Prices.

    200 Main Street HB 714.969-2233

    Crabbys Boat House1/2 off almost everything on theCrabby-Hour menu

    200 Main Street HB 714-969-3772

    Cucina Aless15% Off: Tue & Sun. Happy Hour: M-F, 3 - 6.Special Select, $3.50-$4 Wines & Cocktails

    520 Main Street HB 714.969.2148

    Deville 424 Olive Ave HB 714.374.4860

    Diggs Restaurant25% Off Lunch 50% off Corporate groups of6 or more Lunch w/reservation 20% offdinner, with Gold Card

    8052 Adam s HB 714-960-3670

    D on J os e 2 0% o ff y ou r e nt ir e f oo d b il l 9 09 3 A da ms H B 7 14 -9 62 -7 91 1 w ww .M yH BG ol d. co m

    Flight B istro 50% off Ent ire G lobal Tapas Menu 8082 Adam s Ave HB 714.374.8300

    Gallaghers Pub & Grill$3 Domestic pints & Well Drinks,$4 Import Pintas

    300 Pac Coast Hwy HB 714.536.2422

    Hurricanes Bar & Grill

    2 for 1 Appetizers of equal or Lesser value

    During your Happy Hour Visit 200 Main Street HB 714.374-0500

    Li's Restaurant15% off entire food bill, 50% offall appetizers sun-thurs

    8961 Adams Ave. HB 714 968-5050

    N on na L uc ci 's 1 0% o ff e nt ir e b il l 1 99 13 B ea ch B lv d H B 7 14 -5 36 -1 36 8 w ww .M yH BG ol d. co m

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    1 5% o ff e nt ir e B il l 6 04 1 B ol sa A ve H B 7 14 -9 01 -5 05 5 w ww .M yH BG ol d. co m

    Olive Pit Grill$5 Off any bill over $30,10% off anything else

    Corner of Bolsa Chicaand Heil

    HB 714-316-5000

    Paolo's R istoronte 4-course d inner $16 .95 17561 Center Ave #37 HB 714-373-5399 www.MyHBGold .com

    Shades Restaurant & BarHilton WaterfrontBeach Resort

    25% Off Lunch & Dinner (alcohol

    not included and not available onHolidays).cannot be combined withany other discount.

    21100 Pac. Coast Hwy HB 714.845.8444

    Sushi on Fire 20% off Food Bill M-F 2-5 p.m. 301 Main St HB 714.374.8885

    T om my P as tr am i F re e F ou nt ai n D ri nk T al be rt & B ea ch H B 7 14 .8 48 .4 56 7 ww w. My HB Go ld .c om

    Zimzala Happy hour Menu ($5) all day in Lounge 500 Pac. Coast Hwy HB 714.960.5050


    SeaShore Pest Control$100 Off any Local Treatment. $200Off any Tenting

    16562 Gothard St. Ste G HB 714.842.8003

    AIM Mail Center#64 15% off on All Services/Products 19051 Goldenwest St. HB 714-698-9900

    Beauty Supply Zone10% offf products and 25% off hair services

    Brian, Jillian or Kristen16277 Bolsa Chica St HB 714-840-0159

    C ro wn C le an er s 2 5% o ff D ry C le an in g 5 93 5 W ar ne r A ve H B 7 14 -8 46 -4 22 1 ww w. My HB Go ld .c om

    Surf City Debt Relief15% off total fees with enrollment into one ofour Debt Relief programs

    5267 Warner Ave.Suite 183

    HB 657-464-9683


    Bella Vista SalonBoutique Spa (Hyatt Hotel)

    $45 Hydrating AromatherapySteam Facial

    301 Main St Stu 108 HB 714-960-8100

    Pacific Waters Spa 21500 Pac Coast Hwy HB 714-845-4636

    Issue: Last week the U.S. Houseand Senate grilled the heads of U.S.oil companies over the high gasolineprices. One CEO in particular, JohnHofmeister of Shell Oil, was forcefulin challenging the Democratsin Congress to open domestic

    reserves and cited

    n u -

    merous facts about our enormousreserves of oil and gas. Here aresome of his statements:

    tU.S. production has fallensteadily for the last 35 years. Oilproduction in this countrypeaked in the 1970s. As U.S.consumption of oil has doubled,domestic oil production has fallenoff nearly 40 percent. Why? Inlarge part, this is the result of

    government policies thatplaced important oil and gasresources off limits.

    tThe U.S. Governmentestimates that there are about300 trillion cubic feet ofnatural gas and more than 50billion barrels of oil yet to bediscovered on the OuterContinental Shelf (OCS)

    surrounding the Lower 48.tWhen you then add in theAlaska OCS resource, youadd the potential for another

    122 trillion cubic feet of naturalgas and 25 billion barrels ofoil. Unfortunately, 85 percentof the Lower 48 resource baseis off-limits because ofCongressional moratoria.

    tThe U.S. has more oillocked in shale than any

    other country on Earth.

    [Note: In fact, we have in shale,more oil than the rest of theworld up to 2.7 trillion barrels mostly on BLM land inColorado, Utah and Wyoming. ARepublican Congress authorizedopening leases for this oil. Thecurrent Democratic Congressblocked them.]

    tToday, national oil companies[owned by or affiliated withgovernments] own as much as 90percent of the proven oil reserves

    in the world, while investor-owned oil companies hold just sixpercent of proven reserves.

    tThe United States is the onlycountry in the world that restrictsthe use of its own energyresources while transferringtrillions of dollars of wealthto other countries in order toimport energy.

    tIn 2007, the average daily costfor a deepwater explorationwell in the Gulf of Mexicowas $759,000.



    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]

    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]




    LOrraine Lara

    Marketing COOrdinatOr & City editOr:

    Award Winning Staff

    Rex Gerlach &

    Jim Horton (Emeritus)

    Internet Services - HB PI0

    Sales: Account Manager:

    Kevin garofalo

    Marketing Coordinator

    & City Editor:

    Nancy Gray

    Graphic Design:

    Michelle Schomburg

    Photography & Freelance:

    Chris MacDonald


    Cindy Cross, Moe Kanoudi,

    Jordan Korbritz

    Offc (714) 914-9797

    www.myhbgold.comCONTACT: [email protected] - 714.914.9797

    Join Us Today - A Promotion of The Local News! 500 Mer-

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    Present your HB Gold Card when paying your bill at participating merchants. Receive their best incentive offer, current specials or premium services

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    There is a Summer Downtown, Winter Downtown,Day-time Downtown and an night-time downtown.Downtown Huntington Beach is extremely well detailed,identified and well lit...Downtown is our failure not the failureof the businesses that occupy the buildings. We are acceptingtheir over pouring, overcrowding and over tolerance ofpractices that violate existing laws.

    I am so frustrated with the current Council Policy on newLiquor licenses. It is too broad of a swatch. WE basically haveposted a sign at the entrance to HB that says...No NewBusinesses serving Alcohol are welcome in the Downtownarea. That does nothing for our future as a total communityor for the further maturing and evolution of the culture thatmakes up Surf City USA.

    "All new businesses are not only welcomed to Huntington

    beach, but we encourage you to come down, take a look and

    talk with us. If you are a new business that is a restaurant

    serving alcohol, please be aware that we have some

    standards that have to be met. Restaurants that serve

    alcohol are encouraged to apply. Our current policy is

    to not allow alcohol service to new applicants passed

    midnight, unless certain criteria exist."

    Closing point...recently I attended a businessconference and at that meeting two prominentbusiness owners of two businesses that recentlyopened offices in the Downtown area(cumulatively employing about 225 people)

    stated emphatically that they relocated toDowntown HB because of the youthfulnessof the area, the energy, fun mood. The wheelis not broken -we should not be trying tofix it so much...

    I don't pretend to know how to write a policybut I do know the difference between a campaignbased on NO and a message of hope to newinvestors, entrepreneurs, etc.

    The following numbers came off theInternet...all based on zip codes in the various citiesthat represented their respective Downtown Areas:

    Restaurants and bars (establishments with LiquorLicenses) that serve alcohol...include:

    3rd Street Promenade 123, Belmont Shores 142,Calabasas 87, Encinitas 90, Huntington BeachDowntown 42, Hermosa Beach 142, La Jolla 125,Laguna Beach Downtown 185, Long Beach 89,Manhattan Beach 122, Venice 85, Newport BeachPromenade 97, Ocean Side 96, Pacific Beach 135,Redondo 142, San Diego Downtown 381, San Pedro145, Santa Barbara Downtown 235, Ventura 166.

    Now, does that surprise you? It does not me! I've lived65 years, have been to each of these places...thankGod for Surf City, Huntington beach Downtown,USA.This is a Chamber of commerce issue, a VisitorsBureau issue and above all a Community issue. This is my

    two-cents -what'syours?

    Oil and gas factseveryone should know

    Surf City gets a bad rapif not a bad rep!

  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011



    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]

    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]




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    Ann Brenoff says these are keysigns... what do you think...

    "Signs that will tell us when ournation's economy is improved. Forgetthe Consumer Index and thoseubiquitous spending reports. There aresome very simple homespun ways toknow when the economy is improving.And based on our methodology, whichis at least understandable to laymen, ifnot scientifically accurate, here are thesigns to look for:

    1. When the Gym is Empty in theMiddle of the Day Again...let's all gocheck 24 Hour Downtown...

    Long, long ago when people hadfull-time jobs, they went to the gymeither early in the morning before workor on their way home from the office.Somewhere around 2009-2010, itbecame near impossible to get a treadmill at 11 a.m.Gym use, for thosewho could afford it

    after their morninglatte stop, became alate-morning or earlyafternoon activity.

    Truth is, gymmemberships in thiscountry has heldsteady, which speaksvolumes about ourcommitment to burnoff the fat and stayhealthy, even when weare financially circlingthe drain.

    According to IBIS-World research, thenumber of gym member-ships has grown steadilyduring the past decade,from 29.5 million in 1998to more than 40 million in 2010. Inthe five years leading up to 2010, thenumber of gyms and fitness clubsincreased at an average of 0.5% peryear to 32,820. Remember, this was ina recession. "In 2009, gym membershipand attendance was actually at itshighest," says industry analystDmitry Kopylovsky.

    So how is this a barometer of theeconomy? Watch for time-of-day use,

    not gym membership totals. When allthe treadmills are empty in the middleof the day, you can figure enough jobshave been created for us to call it aneconomic recovery.

    2. When You Can Sell a House in 90Days...when can't you...isn't it aboutlocation, price, etc?

    Let's face it, "for sale" signs are theposter image of the Great Recession.

    About a million homes wereforeclosed on in 2010, and 2011 is prom-ising worse numbers, according to Re-alty Trac, the Bearer of Bad Numbers.

    In a healthy economy, houses sit onthe market for an average of about threeto four months. You can count on listingin March or April and have the kids ina new school come September. In 2010,the average number of days

    nationwidethat a house sat listed for sale was 164.16,

    says Every market isdifferent, of course, but you get the drift.

    Our barometer here is days on themarket. As long as they are in tripledigits, the economy has not recovered.When you can again sell your housewithin three months of listing it, thingsare looking up.

    3. When People Order Appetizers andDesserts Again...that's all I order now...

    Restaurant business overall has fallen

    over the past three years, according tothe National Restaurant Association.

    Eating out is something we do nowon special occasions and at that, we aresplitting more entrees and drinking thehouse wine. We know couples who dotheir appetizer and dessert nibbling athome and in some cases, drink a glassof wine at home too before they go outto the restaurant. The idea of coolingyour jets in the restaurant lounge witha pre-dinner cocktail is long deadamong the recession-weary.

    But here's the good news: Restaurantindustry sales in 2011 are expected toreach a record $604 billion and sales areprojected to improve 3.6% over 2010sales. Why should you care? Everydollar spent in restaurants generates $2.05

    in the overall economyand restaurant employ-ees comprise nearly10% of the entire U.S.workforce.

    In the meantime,happy hours havebecome the newversion of diningout. And there's acertain cache tocatching the early-bird specials. Sen-iors didn't get oldby being stupid,now did they?

    Our barometerof economic im-provement: Whenwe start feelingflush enough toorder the wine

    and the dessert again.

    4. When We Stop Deferring the De-ferred Maintenance -good one...I'lltake notice

    The HVAC/plumbing/electricianindustry reached a high in 2008 with$320 billion in revenue. The industryexperienced significant declines in both2009 and 2010. Employment droppedfrom 1.9 million in 2008 to 1.5 millionin 2010 (a 22% decline), according toDaniel Berch, director of AnythingResearch. The number of repaircompanies declined by more than

    10,000 and existing companies reported2010 revenue that was 17% lower thanrevenues in 2008.

    That means we've been living withour leaky faucets and have becomedo-it-yourself repairmen for our homes.It also means that new houseconstruction has slowed to a snail'scrawl and the guys who would nor-mally be installing air conditioning andheating units are now hoping Wal-Martis hiring greeters. Hopefully, someof them are also getting some computert raining, but that ' s a topic for another time.

    Our barometer for economicrecovery? When it takes three days forthe plumber to show up and hiring theelectrician means getting on his waitinglist. The rockstar cabinet maker youneed for your kitchen remodel? Take anumber and wait. While homeownersaren't likely to be thrilled with thisreturn to the boom-ways, you can betthe tradesmen will be.

    5. When Mortgage Lenders ActuallyStart Competing for Your Business...Isaw that the other day.

    Why is that commercial even stillbeing aired? Nobody is competing togive you money these days. Lendersmake borrowers jump through so manyhoops that you'd think you were in theanimal ring at the circus. We've heardof lenders who ask to see three years'worth of income tax filings and thenessentially audit you. Thanks guys, butwe send enough money to the IRSfor that privilege.

    If people can't borrow money, theycan't buy houses, grow their businesses,expand their staffs, build buildings, etc.Until the money faucet gets turned backon, the economy will stagnate if notcome to a screeching halt altogether.

    And while perhaps not a full-fledgedbarometer of how the economy isdoing, we'd like to add a sixth sign:When Walletpop starts writing aboutgreat deals on luxury travel and yourush to book them. Until then, how areyou spending your staycation?"

    Several Walletpop writers contributedideas to this list.

    Simone Butler of Tarot.comsays..."three million Americans now practiceyoga at least twice a week. The ancient art that

    unites mind and body offers something for everyone.You can sweat out toxins at 105 degrees with Bikramyoga, get your cardio pumping with aerobic Ashtanga,raise your vital forces with Kundalini yoga and gainserenity through classic Hatha poses. So which styleis best for you?

    Astrology can reveal which style best suits youremotional and physical temperament and whichposes will strengthen your weakest areas. Just consultyour zodiac sign!

    Aries (March 21 - April 19)

    As a Fire sign, Aries, you're always in motion ...until you collapse! Power yoga (the Ashtanga style),with its constantly flowing vinyasa series of move-ments a great aerobic workout would suit youperfectly. Specifically, forward bends and headstandsact to reverse the flow of blood in your body, relievingyour tendency toward headaches.

    Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

    You're built for strength, Taurus, but not necessarilyflexibility. Classic Hatha yoga poses that lengthen andstretch your spine -- such as Downward-Facing Dogor Backward-Bending Camel, will help you becomemore limber. They'll also create more blood flow andopenness in your problem areas, the chest and throat.

    Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

    You Twins live a life of the mind, and need a steadyyoga practice to stay centered in your body. Try poseslike the Plow and Half Shoulder Stand to loosen yourshoulders (where you carry your tension) and helpyou sleep. You can also calm your distracted mindwith seated forward bends. Try practicing on the grassto ground yourself.

    Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

    Go with feminine Hatha-style moves like the HalfMoon and Cobra. Avoid stricter, more angular styleslike Iyengar. Balancing poses such as Dancer's Pose

    or the Tree help bring youemotional stability, and theBoat helps strengthen yourweakest area the belly.Yoga at home with a videomight appeal to youhomebody types.

    Leo (July 23 - Aug.22)

    Your task in life, Leo, is tolet your light shine. The Sun

    Salutation pose is perfect foryou. Your regal nature would

    also love the "queen of all poses,"the Shoulder Stand, and its counter

    pose, the Fish, which opens the heart-- your potential problem area. You'd find

    the Lion, which mimics your totem animal'sfierceness, both amusing and relaxing.

    Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

    An Earth sign ruled by mental Mercury, you're allabout harmonizing body and mind. Try the precisemovements of the Iyengar style; its use of props likebelts and harnesses will stretch you to the limit. And,with your overactive nervous system, take advantageof restorative poses like Legs-up-the-Wall andSupported Headstand.

    Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

    You're learning about balance during this lifetime,Libra. Therefore, concentrate on standing poses likethe classic Tree or the Eagle, an odd-looking pretzeltwist of arms and legs that brings strength andflexibility. The Monkey, which equalizes the right andleft sides of the body, would help you balance yourmasculine and feminine aspects.

    Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

    Your intense nature would be attracted to the deepbreathing and core activation of Kundalini yoga.Hatha strength poses like the Proud Warrior and theHero would appeal to the spiritual warrior in you, andhelp you channel your inner power. And, the HappyBaby (holding your feet while lying on your back)will relax your sacral area.

    Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

    Always up for an adventure, you would appreciatea lively brand of Power yoga -- these days, often setto a throbbing beat. And, you might enjoy sweatingthrough Bikram's 105-degree yoga, said to relax everymuscle in the body. Your thighs, in particular, are tight doing the seated Pigeon or Lotus regularly willloosen them up.

    Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

    You like form and structure, Capricorn, so you'dappreciate a stricter style of yoga, like Iyengar. Yourspine tends toward stiffness, so work on moves likethe Cat/Cow and the Backward-Bending Camel tokeep it limber. A bit of a workaholic, you need to letgo of stress through pure relaxation poses likeLegs-up-the-Wall and Corpse Pose.

    Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

    Your high-strung nervous system would really ben-efit from the restorative effects of Hatha yoga. And,Kundalini style would help your breathing. Abackward-bending pose like the Bridge paired with acounter pose like Seated Forward Bend will calmyour brain and rejuvenate your legs and ankles (yourweak point).

    Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

    Classic Hatha yoga will give you the peace of mindyou seek. A flow series like the Sun Salutations, in-corporating graceful moves like the Half Moon andDancer's Pose, would appeal to your fluid nature.And, you might enjoy sweating to Bikram's hot yoga.Your namesake the Fish, if practiced in water, enablesyou to float."

    Five Signs That the Economy Is Improving

    Yoga and Your

    Zodiac Sign

  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011


    Last week the Obama administrationannounced what is likely to be the mostdramatic change in the future of Amer-

    icas housing industry: The dismantling ofmortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    Ever since the housing market collapsesignaled the start of the Great Recession thelending and mortgage industries have beenunder constant overhaul and re-regulation.Washington has been unrelenting with itspolitical and media pressuring of the banks tolend. Washington has also spent hundreds ofbillions of dollars to artificially keep rates lowso that consumers remain able to borrowmoney at record low rates. At the same time,the overwhelming new legislation andregulation that has been imposed on thelending industry makes the processof borrowing and lendingmoney a bureaucratic and

    legislative nightmare.Although the politicians claim

    to have the best interest ofconsumers in mind, every newpiece of legislation also has aside-effect which consumerswont like. Whether intentional oraccidental, each new piece oflegislation has eliminated many of theoptions which used to be available toconsumers. The end result of havingfewer options is that the remainingproducts are more difficult to qualify for andare likely to cost consumers more money. Thetrends of increasing difficulty and escalating costsare almost guaranteed to continue if Fannie andFreddie are allowed to be dismantled.

    Banks rely on Fannie Mae and Freddie Macto securitize the banks investments intomortgage loans. Utilizing a securitizationfacility minimizes the risk and exposure thebanks would otherwise have if they were onthe hook all by themselves. Lower risk for thebanks translates directly into a lower rate for theconsumer. Eliminating this securitization toolfrom the banks business model will increasetheir risk. The banks will offset this increase inrisk by increasing the rates which consumersmust pay to obtain the same financing.

    One potential replacement to Fannie andFreddie would be increased utilization ofanother securitization tool already in place:Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). Should thishappen, consumers are likely to be even morelimited in their lending options. Mortgageinsurance underwriters are much stricter thanthose of the banks, Fannie Mae, or FreddieMac. One simple example is in the leniencytowards income calculations. Fannie Maecurrently allows a debt-to-income calculation(DTI) of 45%. For an average householdincome of $5,000 per month, the total cost ofmaintaining the mortgagepayment, property taxes,

    hazard insurance and

    any association dues would need to remainbelow $2250.00 in order to secure an approval.With additional compensating factors such ashealthy liquid reserves, Fannie and Freddiemay still issue approvals with a DTI up to 50%of gross income. This would allow for anadditional $250.00 per month.

    The current PMI companies are far morerestrictive. They only allow for a maximumdebt ratio at 41% of gross monthly income.This limits the maximum approvable paymentto $2050.00 with zero exceptions. Should PMI

    be implemented at amore widespread level,consumers will certainly seethe availability ofcredit become evenmore restrictivethan it is curr ently.

    Those that arestill able to meetthe new stricterrequirements are likely to be hit with anothersurprise. Not only is PMI more difficult toobtain, but is also adds a supplementary

    expense to the overall financing cost. Thecurrent legislation that is being proposed

    is expected to add approximately $100per month for a $200,000 loan.

    Payments on a $400,000 loanwould be increased by $200

    per month.

    But none of this is official yet.The White House has now passedthe ball to Congress to make theofficial decision. Whether or notcongress makes the correctdecision depends heavily on howwell they understand the industry

    theyre regulating. Whatever thatfinal decision is, its estimated that

    consumers wont see the full phase-out ofFannie and Freddie for another five years. Inthe meantime, housing prices are down, ratesare down, and the lending environment ismore lenient now than its likely to be in thefuture. I wonder if in five years well be talkingabout today as the good old days of financingin America.


    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]

    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]


    Arnaud Dufour is a Sr. Mortgage Banker at

    Newport Beach based DLJ Financial.

    With more than eleven years in the industry,

    Arnaud is available to answer questions

    in Real Estate Finance.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Call: 714-677-4107. CFL # 603H312

    Arnaud Dufour

    The information contained in this column does notnecessarily reflect the opinion of The Local News.

    The Future of Fannie and Freddie

    Arnaud Dufour


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    The Huntington Beach CityCouncil selected residentand business owner Alisa

    Cutchen to be City Treasurer. Ms.Cutchen will finish out the termfor former treasurer Shari Freiden-rich. Shari was elected to OCTreasurer-Tax Collector in the lastelection. Ms. Cutchen will be paid$48,000 a year for the newre-defined part-time position.

    Alisa Cutchen, 44, of HuntingtonBeach is the city's new Treasurer.

    Cutchen, 44, hasbeen a resident for 10years. She is themother of two. MsCutchen is theco-owner and vicepresident of Irvine-based Gersten CapitalManagement. Shealso has served as thevice president of Pru-dential Real EstateFinancial Services.

    With a master'sof Business Ad-ministration fromDuke Universityand a bachelor'sdegree in politicalscience fromUCLA, she isalso involved inthe communityand volunteersfor other charityprojects including

    t he Hunt i ng t on Seac l i f f Elementary Parent TeacherAssociation, First ChristianChurch of Huntington Beach andthe Orange County Food Bank.

    There were 31 applicationssubmitted and Alisa topped thelist. Alisa is not going to beworking at Gersten CapitalManagement. She will be divid-ing her time between her familyand the City Treasurer job.

    We welcome Ms. Cutchen to thelocal city government.

    Kingston Technology Com-pany, Inc. is the worlds in-dependent memory leader.

    Founded in 1987 with a singleproduct offering, Kingston nowoffers more than 2,000 memoryproducts that support nearly everydevice that uses memory, fromcomputers, servers and printers toMP3 players, digital cameras andmobile phones. In 2009, the com-pany's sales reached $4.1 billion.

    With global headquarters inFountain Valley, California,Kingston employs more than 4,000people worldwide. Regarded as oneof the Best Companies to Work forin America by Fortune magazine,Kingstons tenets of respect, loyalty,

    flexibility and integrity create anexemplary corporate culture.Kingston believes that investing inits people is essential, and eachem pl oyee i s a v i t a l par t o f Kingstons success.

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    City has New Treasure About KingstonTechnology

  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011


    Linda Deutsch of the AP reported on AOL..."aCalifornia parole board denied Robert F.Kennedy's convicted assassin, Sirhan Sirhan hisattempt at leaving prison.

    A panel of two California parole boardcommissioners decided after a four hour hearingthat Sirhan hadn't shown adequate remorse orunderstanding of the crime that was mournedby a nation.

    Sirhan, now 66, spoke at length and expressedsorrow, but said he doesn't remember shootingKennedy or five other victims on June 4, 1968,

    in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel, whereKennedy stood moments after claiming victoryin the California presidential primary. He pleadedwith the panel to give him a date forrelease..wanting obscurity for the rest of his life.Sirhan said he understood that he might bedeported to his native Jordan if released.

    Sirhan was told by the commissioner, RandyKevorkian, that he has seek further self-helpcourses, come to terms with the crime andshow evidence of his improvement whenhe gets his next parole hearing, which will

    be in five years.

    Sirhan was originally sentenced to death overobjections by Kennedy family members who saidthey wanted no more killing. The sentence wascommuted to life in prison when the U.S.Supreme Court briefly outlawed the deathpenalty in 1972."


    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]

    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]



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    This year, July will have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happensonce every 823 years (we are told...but we think it happens a bit morefrequently than that) still though, and interesting anomaly. This is called

    money bags.Blogger Greg Hudson

    reports..."the U.S. PostalService is worried it won't beable to meet some of its finan-cial obligations to the federalgovernment by September.

    The Postal Service posteda loss of $329 million for the firstquarter, according to the Washing-ton Business Journal. That compares to aloss of $297 million a year earlier.

    Despite significant cost reductions and effortsto grow revenue, current financial projections indicate

    that the Postal Service will have a cash shortfall and willhave reached its statutory borrowing limit by the end of thefiscal year, it said in a statement.

    Can Postal Service lick thiswound, stamp outthis problem?

    Calendar this Fact:

    Sirhan Sirhan...1968 RFK Killing...No No

    The Department

    of Defense an-

    nouncedthe death

    of a soldier who

    was supporting O





    Calif., died Marc

    h 3 inKandaha
















    Brigade,Joint Bas

    e Lewis-McChord,









    JULY 2011


    1 2

    3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    17 18 19 20 21 22 23

    24 25 26 27 28 29 30


  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011












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  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011


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    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]


    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]

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  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011


  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011



    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]

    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]



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  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011


    Spring, you say? Okay,its still February in mostof the country, but damn

    it feels like spring in Northern California.The recent warm weather yes, they

    know it wont last is getting them firedup for some of the spring and summerwine tasting events that Waits-MastFamily Cellars is planning to pour at.Heres the short list for the first half of theyear, so get our your calendars/smartphones/iPads and mark em down.

    Tasting Events:

    March 13, 2011, 2:00 5:00pm. WhenIrish Wines Are Smiling. This Irish themedwine & food tasting returns for its secondyear, featuring wines from Irish owned, namedand ancestry wineries served alongside freshly

    prepared traditional Irish Dishes & IrishCheeses. Waits-Mast had a blast last year and ispleased that we now have a new St. PatricksDay tradition that involves wine (although Briandoes enjoy his pint of Guinness). Cost is $35 perperson in advance, $40 at the door.

    loion: The Rutherford Grange Hall,Rutherford, CA

    tiks on s now:

    May 20 22, 2011. 14th Annual AndersonValley Pinot Noir Festival. This will be our thirdtime pouring at the Anderso n Valley Pinot NoirFestival. Weve lost count of the number of times

    weve attended the event,too, but suffice it to saywere regulars at this point.

    Why? Its beautiful up inAnderson Valley and you get

    to taste Anderson Valley PinotNoir from more than 40 wineries.

    Geek out on Pinot Noir at thetechnical conference on Friday(includes lunch) and dine with thewinemakers at Saturday eveningdinners held in Anderson Valley

    and on the Mendocinocoast. But wait,theres more! On

    Sunday, visit the wineriesduring their open houses for special tastings,seminars, food pairings, and more. Check out ourrecap from last year here. Well worth the trip!

    loion:Anderson Valley (Boonville, Philo),

    Mendocino County, CA

    tiks go on s on Mh 15, 2011:

    June 18, 2011. Pinot Days San Francisco.If youre a pinot noir fan, youll be in hogheaven as over 200 producers are pouringhundreds of wines at this event in the FortMason center in San Francisco. There are anumber of pinot aficionado events starting upto almost a week in advance, and then theGrand Tasting is on June 18. So as it growscloser, check back on the Pinot Days website

    to see more details. This will be the third time wehave poured at Pinot Days SF (we also pour atPinot Days Chicago).

    loion: The Fort Mason Center, in the Cityof San Francisco, CA


    D ehtk:

    Isnt it a waste thatwe buy water in plastic

    bottles when it is basically free out of our taps? Evenhealth food stores, which should know better, sell itlike crazy. When did Earths most abundant and freenatural resource become a commercial beverage?

    a. Jobs, vi -mi

    Bottled water has been abig-selling commercialbeverage around theworld since the late1980s. According to theWorldwatch Institute,global bott led water consumption has morethan quadrupled since1990. Today Americansconsume over 30 billionliters of water out of some50 billion (mostly plastic)bottles every year. The Bev-erage Marketing Associationreports that in 2008 bottledwater comprised over 28percent of the U.S. liquidrefreshment beverage market.The only bottled drinks Americans consume more ofare carbonated sodas like Coke and Pepsi.

    And frankly, yes, it is a ridiculous waste that weobtain so much of our drinking water this way whenit is free flowing and just as good if not better for youright out of the tap. According to the Earth PolicyInstitute (EPI), some 2.7 million tons of petroleum-derived plastic are used to bottle water around theworld every year. Making bottles to meet Americansdemand for bottled water requires more than 1.5

    million barrels of oil annually, enough to fuel some100,000 U.S. cars for a year, says EPI researcherEmily Arnold. And just because we can recycle thesebottles does not mean that we do: The ContainerRecycling Institute reports that 86 percent of plasticwater bottles in the U.S. end up as garbage or litter.

    The financial costs to consumers are high, too:According to the Environmental Working Group

    (EWG), bottled water costs up to1,900 times more than tap water.And the Natural ResourcesDefense Council (NRDC)reports that 90 percent or moreof the money consumers shellout for it pays for everythingbut the water itself: bottling,packaging, shipping, market-ing, other expensesand, ofcourse, profits.

    EWG is par t icular lyappalled at the lack oftransparency by leadingbottled water sellers as tothe sources of their waterand whether it is purified orhas been tested for

    contaminants. According to arecent survey by the group, 18 percent of the 173

    bottled waters on the U.S. market today fail to listthe location of their source; a third disclose nothingabout the treatment or purity of the water insidetheir plastic bottles.

    Among the ten best-selling brands, ninePepsisAquafina, Coca-Colas Dasani, Crystal Geyser andsix of seven Nestl brandsdont answer at least oneof those questions, reports EWG. Only Nestls PureLife Purified Water discloses its specific geographicwater source and treatment methodand offers an

    800-number, website or mailing address whereconsumers can request a water quality test report.

    EWG recommends that consumer resist the urge tobuy bottled water and go instead for filtered tap water.You'll save money, drink water thats purer than tapwater and help solve the global glut of plastic bottles,the group advises, adding that it supports strongerfederal standards to enforce consumers right to knowabout whats in their bottled water besides water.Until that day comes, concerned consumes shouldcheck out EWGs Bottled Water Scorecard, a freewebsite that provides information on various bottledwater brands, where they originate and whether andhow they are treated to remove contaminants.


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    c/o E The Environmental Magazine,P.O. Box 5098, Westport, CT 06881;

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    The information contained in this column does notnecessarily reflect the opinion of The Local News.

    EarthTalk From the Editors of

    E/The Environmental


    On the Vine


    th Bvg Mking assoiionwww.beveragemarketing.comePI

    eWG www.ewg.orgNrDc

    St Patty & theVines ofWrath



    La RoccosP i z z e r i aA Slice of New York

    in Surf City USA

    The Best thin pizza slice inHuntington Beach.

    ~~~Our Special Recipe comesstraight from New York!

    ~~~We make our dough with

    bottled water.~~~

    We sell Pizza-By-The-Slice.~~~

    Delivery within 5 miles.~~~

    Open Daily from 11 a.m.til we run out of dough.

    327 11th Street, Suite 101, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 ~ 714.374.2555


    The Artichoke..........................15.00Mozzarella, parmesan,artichoke hearts, fresh garlic,dressed with our seasonedtomato sauce (white pizza)

    The Chefs Special..................15.00Traditional cheese, with freshtomatoes, seasoned withoregano & parmesan


    Delicious ricotta cheese,mozzarella, parmesan andfresh garlic (white pizza)

    House Specialties

    The Manhattan........................15.00Sprinkled with savory pestoand topped with freshmarinated roasted red peppers

    Puttanesca.................................15.00Featuring plump artichoke hearts,sliced black olives, dressed withpecorino romano, mozzarella,fresh basil, La Roccos special oil

    Spinaci e Pomodoro...............16.00A spectacular blend of freshspinach leaves, cherry tomatoes,pecorina romano, mozzarella,fresh basil, La Roccos specialgarlic and oil sauce

    Pauls Special...........................15.00La Roccos special garlic and oilsauce, fresh chopped basil, parme-san, mozzarella, topped with freshsliced tomatoes (white pizza)


    Cheese.......................................13.75Our famous cheese pizza:A true New York selection

    Brooklyn Special....................18.50A hefty offering of pepperoni,sausage, onion, black olive,fresh mushroom, sliced greenpepper and fresh garlic

    La Roccos Special..................17.00Covered with pepperoni,

    meatball, fresh mushroomand fresh garlic

    The Works................................18.50Mouth-watering portions ofpepperoni, sausage, meatball,mushroom, onion, sliced greenpepper and black olive

    Bronx Special.......................... 17.00A hardy offering of meatball,sausage and pepperoni forget about it

    House Salad

    Garden Fresh House Salad.....3.00Baby mixed greens, vine ripetomatoes, sweet red onions,Kalamato olives topped withmozzarella cheese and yourchoice of dressing


    Any 2 slices and a soda............5.50Any 1 slice, garden salad&16oz soda.................................5.50

    Calzone........................................7.95Addl Calzone Fillings.................5016oz soda.....................................1.5032oz soda.....................................2.50

    La Roccos Special

    6 Garlic knotts............................1.506 Hot Wings................................3.50

    or12 Hot Wings..............................6.00

    ~~~~2 liter Coke or Diet Coke..........2.50

    only with delivery orders

    ~~~~Additional toppings.................1.50Pepperoni, sausage, meatball,mushroom, green pepper,roasted red pepper, pesto,black olives, onion, garlic,jalapenos, spinach, tomatoes, an-chovies, broccoli, artichoke.

    The CrustOur secret is in the dough. Our

    time honored recipe for ourfamous thin crust Neopolitan has

    been perfected over the years.The Sauce

    Our sauce is light, yetspicy-sweet with just the right

    herbs and spices.The Toppings

    Every day we start with thefreshest & finest vegetables and

    meats. No preservatives.No additives.....just fresh, natural

    foods, bursting with flavor.~~~~

    We only have one size pie - 18Dont even think about asking

    for pineapple or chicken,cause that aint pizza






  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011



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    Questions & AnswersFrom the Mailbag 714.536.6300

    Moe News Than You Can Handle:Main Street Eyewear Looks at Life

    Through Designer GlassesMoe Kanoudi

    CEMETARY PLOTS:2 cemetery plots for sale at Westminster Memorial Park

    in Westminster, Ca. located in the Victory Garden section.They are worth $8750.00 each market rate.

    We can sell them both together or separately. Together we are asking$16,000.00 and if sold separately $8,500 per plot.

    Home Phone 949-589-9426or emails us at: [email protected]

    Open For Lunch from 11-3

    Steven J. Ewing says..."aside from theBeetle, Volkswagen's Microbus may be oneof the most iconic vehicles ever to come outof the German automaker's stable. VWbrought it back in concept form ten yearsago, but despite a warm reception, plans tocreate a modern-day Microbus werescrapped. Now, though, Volkswagen isoffering a second conceptual redux of itsoh-so-popular van at the Geneva MotorShow with this, the Bulli concept.

    Much like the 2001 Microbus, the Bulli issimply a modern throwback to thepeople-mover that took the world by stormmany decades ago. Of course, the full slateof new-age technology is on hand, includingan Apple iPad that controls all infotainmentfunctions, mated to a Fender USA-designedpremium audio system. The Bulli uses a

    lithium-ion battery pack to drive a113-horsepower electric motor andinterestingly enough, Volkswagensays that the van can be fullycharged in less than onehour. Good stuff.

    We're big fans of theidea of a Microbus redux,as our minds are immedi-ately filled with imagesof driving one across thecountry in true 1960s free-dom-across-America fashion.Prepare for some serious nostalgiaand see the Bulli for yourself in our high-resimage gallery below andthen let us know what youthink of VW's bouncingbaby Bus in comments."

    Do you like old cars? Do you enjoy delicious food? If so, then do not missthis wonderful opportunity to join the Fountain Valley Classic Car&Truck Show Committee as they will host the Old Car Breakfast and

    Tour. What better way to kickoff your day than with a hearty breakfast fromApplebees. Worried about the crowd? Dont be! The restaurant will be closedoff to the general public while the Old Car Enthusiasts attendees enjoy theirmeals. When breakfast is over, you will take a short drive to EuropeansCollectibles in Costa Mesa where everyone will enjoy a tour of the restorationshops. This day is packed with fun, friends and food, so please come and join us.

    Pre-sale tickets may be purchased for $10 at the Fountain Valley Senior& Community Center, 17967 Bushard Street. If tickets are still available,they will be sold at the door on the day of the event. Please drive yourOld Cars!

    Applebees Restaurant is located at 18279 Brookhurst Street, FountainValley with breakfast beginning at 8am on Tuesday, April 5, 2011.At 10am the group will depart to European Collectibles for a tour of therestoration shops (cost included with breakfast). M aps will be distributedat breakfast. For additional information, contact Pete Haak at714-943-4365 or visit their website at

    I remember a long time ago withour youngest child...I went to a classwith my wife. The room was full ofpregnant women with their partners.The class was in full swing. Theinstructor was teaching the womenhow to breathe and was telling themen how to give the necessaryassurance to their partners at thisstage of the pregnancy.

    She said, "Ladies, remember thatexercise is good for you. Walking isespecially beneficial. It strengthensthe pelvic muscles and will makedelivery that much easier. Just makeseveral stops and stay on a softsurface like grass or a path."

    She looked at the men in the room,"and Gentlemen, remember You'rein this together It wouldn't hurt youto go walking with her."

    The room suddenly got veryquiet as the men absorbed thisinformation.

    Then a man at the back of the roomslowly raised his hand.

    "Yes?" answered the Instructor.

    "I was just wondering if it would beall right if she carries a golf bag whilewe walk??"

    This kind of sensitivity just can'tbe taught..

    Cherishing those preciousmoments in our past

    Old Car EnthusiastsBreakfast & Tour

    April 5, 2011

    New Bulli in the Neighborhood

    Blast from the past re-hashed

    Stay AwayFrom DownedPower Lines

    Its not uncommon for trees and tree limbs to fall,

    especially during high winds, rain and other stormy

    conditions. This can cause power lines to fall as well. If

    you see a power line on the ground, stay far away and

    keep others away as well. Do not try to touch or

    remove it. That power line may still be energized and

    can be deadly to touch or go near.

    Call 9-1-1 and report the situation immediately.

    Also keep away from trees that have power lines going

    through them. When a power line touches a tree, the

    tree may also become energized.

    For more information on electrical safety, visit

    SCEs website at

    K L

  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011


    Volunteer ServiceDave Ferguson

    Clint KingSamuel Moses

    Meritorious ServiceTony DaltonGary Finney

    Paul FredericksGreg Funderburk

    Eric McCoyBerkley NorthropGeorg ShinrockAnthony Smith

    Brian SpringerJeffrey WhiteDarrin Witt

    Unit CommendationAndre Clarizio

    Rick FeeDaniel ForsterBen Francis

    David McBrideEric McCoyJeffry NelsonMichael Perry

    Jason RaymondRex RysewykLeon Sheen

    Christopher ThompsonRandy Webb

    Leadership & Innovation AwardRaymond Picard, Former Fire Chief

    Life Saving AwardDonald Boland

    Bob DuttonRob Glenn

    Terrance JackKane JohnsonDarin Maresh

    Kevin ShanahanRon Thompson

    Darrin WittZachery Wright

    Medal for BraveryRandy BabbittDonald BolandBrian DaileyGary Finney

    Winthrop LogemannDarren NewtonDon SpreemanChad StewartTom Wilson

    Distinguished Maltese CrossAndrew Crichton


    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]

    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]



    On February 28, 2011, Mayor Joe Carchio welcomed over 200 attendees to a ceremonyat the Central Library Theatre honoring Fire Department award recipients. CityCouncil members, city staff, and family members attended the event, which is part

    of a newly established program recognizing those members of the department who haveacted above and beyond the call of duty in the performance of their jobs. Much of thecost associated with this program was offset by time and funds donated by members ofthe Huntington Beach Firefighters Association and the Fire Management Association.

    The awards and recipients included:

    PC Buddy Club Learn more about

    computers at the PC Buddy Club,a free social club for new and

    experienced computer users. Experienced

    teachers will answer troubling computer

    questions and moderate the club. Guest

    speakers address a variety of topics current

    in the computer industry. The club meets

    the second and fourth Thursday each monthfrom 2:00 4:00 pm at the Michael E.

    Rodgers Seniors Center,

    1706 Orange Avenue.There is no pre-registra-

    tion or membership

    required. Refreshments.

    For more information

    call 714-536-9387 or go

    to www.pcbuddyclub.pb-

    Following forty years in the publicsafety arena, and nearly thirty-fiveyears as a peace officer in three

    different law enforcement organizations,Seal Beach Police Chief Jeff Kirkpatrickhas announced his retirement.

    Chief Kirkpatrick, 58, announcedlast Friday, February 24, 2011, hisplans to retire soon from the SealBeach Police Department. His last dayas the head of one of Orange Countyslongest term police departments will

    be June 11, 2011.

    Administering the policedepartments $9.3M

    budget, Kirk-patrick directed

    31 swornPolice Of-

    ficers, 25profes-

    sional full and part-time personnel, 10 ReservePolice Officers, and 350 Volunteers.

    I would not change a thing! sa id Kirkparick,reflecting on his career. Law enforcement isa noble profession, full of genuine professionalswhose greatest wish is to protect and serve.It has been my privilege to serve and leadalongside them!

    I will miss those community and professionalpeople Ive worked with through the years, andespecially the professional men and women ofthe Seal Beach PD. Many have become goodfriends. I am confident I have left the policeorganization better than I found it and lookforward to yet another chapter opening in mylife with my retirement.

    My future plans include spending a great dealmore time with my family, and most especially,my wife Carolyn. Together, we enjoy travel, golf,and boating.

    Huntington BeachSenior Services


    Seal Beach Police Chief Announces RetirementHuntington Beach Fire DepartmentImplements Awards Program

    Huntington Beach Police Department Chief ofPolice Kenneth W. Small is proud toannounce the departments Annual

    Employee Awards. Seven (7) employees, nominatedby their peers and/or supervisors, are recognized fortheir dedicated service to our community. TheSelection Committee, representing a cross sectionof police department employees, recommendedthese employees to the Chief. Chief Small madethe final selection.

    Presentation of the awards will be held in thePolice Departments Training Room on Wednesday,February 23, 2011, at 8:00 am.

    The following employees will be receiving awards:

    Officer of the Year Officer Ted Pappas

    Civilian Employee of the Year Auto/EquipMaintenance Crewleader Craig Miller

    Supervisor of the Year Lieutenant John Domingo

    Award of Merit Communications SupervisorJoann Arboreen

    Police Services Specialist Julie Christie

    Police Records Specialist Cheryl Nguyen

    Distinguished Service Award Retired SergeantChris Filicicchia

    Chief Small congratulates these employees, aswell as all the employees of the police department,who have worked tremendously hard to ensure that

    the community of Huntington Beach is a safe placeto live, work, and play.



  • 8/7/2019 The Local News March 01, 2011



    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]

    TheLocalNews,March01,[email protected]


    The movewas basedon a report

    submitted by thecommissioners

    hand-picked Blue Ribbon Commission thatconfirmed what