the local news - march 01, 2010

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  • 8/14/2019 The Local News - March 01, 2010


    The Surf City USA Marathon.

    was on Super Bowl Sunday,

    February 7th, 2010. There

    was a record turnout of more than

    20,220 pre-registered runners and

    an estimated 40,000 spectators on

    race day! All 50 states were

    represented this year as well as

    eighth foreign countries.

    Our own George Border

    (Huntington Beach, Calif.) is 81

    years old and completed the full

    marathon in 5 hours and 22

    minutes. He could have had afaster time, but

    felt it was

    important to greet

    spectators with

    hugs only 20 feet

    from the finish

    line. Regardless,

    Border, who was

    the eldest

    competitor in the

    m a r a t h o n ,

    finished in first

    place in his age



    March 1-15, 2010 714.465.9960 [email protected] VOL. 19 NO. 396









    81-Year-Old Wins

    See story page 10

    See page 11

    Life in HB Can be a Marathon



  • 8/14/2019 The Local News - March 01, 2010


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    [email protected]


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    [email protected]


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  • 8/14/2019 The Local News - March 01, 2010


    Not valid with any other coupon,special or offer. Expires 3-31-2010.One coupon per person. Tax and

    delivery fee will be added.

    Iwas recentrly awakened at 3:00 am by a

    loud pounding on the door.. I sleep

    upstairs so it was pretty lound.I got up and

    went to the door where a drunken stranger,

    standing in the pouring rain, (remember last

    week) is asking me for a push.

    "Not a chance," I said..."it is 3:00 in the


    I slam the door and returned to bed. Guilt,

    Guilt, Guilt haunts me.

    The I remembered, just a month or two ago, I got

    a flat tire, did not have my cell phone or my AAACard

    with me and a stranger stopped and asked if he could

    ...Wow..more guilt

    Well, I have a short

    memory," was bouncing around in my brain

    Oh, that little know the one...I wonder if that

    voice is bilingual..another story...I decided I should

    help him!

    I Jump out of bed, put on my shoes and my bathrobe

    and go out into the pounding rain.

    I called out in the dark "Hello, are you still there?"

    "Yes," comes back the answer.

    "Do you still need a push?" I call out. "

    "Yes, please!" comes the reply from the dark.

    "Where are you?" I ask.

    "Over here on your front porch in your swing seat,"

    replied the drunk. Never again!


    Papa Joe's Pizza414 Pacific Coa st Highway

    Hunting ton Beach, Ca 92648(Just North of the HB Pier, Next to Strand)


    [email protected]


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    ChrisMacDonaldOn the road in Surf City

    The Local News

    The Weak That WasAmerica: Home of the Free because of the Brave

    Dave GarofaloPublisher

    More than

    4 8 0

    j oy f u l

    people came to the

    exciting Third

    Annual Shipley

    Nature Center

    M o n a r c h


    on Feb. 20th.

    It was created

    by Board

    Member Juana Mueller to educate Kids on

    Monarchs and their Western Migration to

    Huntington Beach. At the event there were

    hands on demonstrations for children, an

    interactive show teaching kids about

    butterflies (led by Helen Cohen and her

    family), as well as tours of the beautiful

    18-acre Nature Preserve. Thanks to

    Student Volunteers from Bolsa Grande

    High School for assisting with the

    festivities. Vice

    President of Shipley

    Nature Center

    Chuck Glenn as

    well as Board

    Members Kay

    Goddard, Juana

    Mueller, Dan

    Kanne, Denise

    Ruocco, Shari

    Engle and

    f o r m e r

    Huntington Beach Mayor Shirley Dettloff

    were present to help visitors enjoy the

    tremendous activities. Thanks to everyone

    involved for all you did to make it such a

    success. Mark your calendars for Saturday,

    May 1st, 2010 for The Shipley Nature

    Center Spring Festival. If you would like

    more information please contact Carol

    Williams at: (714) 842-4772. Their

    website is: http://www. shipley

    Asign in the new, stylish

    Gallery 212 says its

    mission is to support

    up and coming artists in

    Southern California.

    Appropriately, Gallery Owner

    Ruth Harrell on Saturday

    February 13th, 2010 paid

    special tribute to an amazing

    98-year-old painter-Kate

    Pedigo-who sculpts, uses oil,

    ink and acrylic magnificently.

    Reception attendees were

    wowed by Kates work.Ironically, the energetic

    Leisure World resident started

    first studying art when she was 60,

    drawing memories of her youth in

    Indiana. Almost 39 years later, she has

    painted or drawn people, houses,

    bridges, sunsets, countrysides,

    autosyou name it.

    One of the pieces drawing special

    attention from many of the guests was

    an acrylic called, Obsidian Abstract.

    Three viewers said it was a picture of

    Abe Lincoln; another said it was a sea

    lion, yet another proclaimed it was a

    shark. Kate said she created the art

    while looking at a piece of obsidian

    from different angles.

    She said ink is the most difficult

    artwork for her: If you make a mistake,

    you have to either change what youre

    drawing or throw it away. An ink

    drawing she did of her Indiana home

    was purchased at the showing by an

    admiring couple.

    The prolific artist has also

    managed to write and illustrate four

    books, including When Even the Cows

    Were Up, and Tex-Mr. Yellow Cab.

    She got to California in 1937, after

    bugging her mom about the Golden

    State. My mom got so tired of hearing

    me talk about California that she

    recommended I go there. So I got on atrain and arrived in Los Angeles. When

    I got off the train, I saw some men

    standing there and told myself that one

    of them would become my husband.

    Sure enough, she ended up marrying a

    man named Tex, who became vice

    president of a taxicab business. I also

    ended up riding with him 18 times over

    the Alaska Highway to go fishing and

    see nature, she said proudly.

    Today, Kates such an inspiration

    to all those who meet her. Her passion

    for art and life are contagious. Shes

    actively involved in the Leisure World

    Art Association, the Seal Beach

    Historical Society and even serves as a

    Video Producer for Seal Beach Channel

    3 TV. The vivacious woman said shes

    working on a show about the 1893

    Chicago Worlds Fair. My mom

    worked there and my dad helped build

    some of the buildings, she said.

    It was at the fair that they ran out

    of dishes to serve ice cream, so a man

    made pancakes, put ice cream in them,

    thus creating the first Ice Cream Cone.

    Kate said one of the biggest

    changes shes seen in her nearly century

    of life, is the evolution of the

    automobile. We used to always have to

    make hand signals and use a clutch, she

    said. And Model Ts had no trunks, so

    we put stuff on the sides.

    Be sure and stop by Gallery 212

    this week and see Kates creativity as

    well as paintings worth admiring by

    other artists. Its appropriately locatedat 212 Main St. Enjoy your visit by

    chatting with Ruth and her designer

    husband, Warren. The pleasant couple

    will make you feel at home and we wish

    them all the success in the World.

    Written and photographced By Chris MacDonald,

    Local News Columnist

    Kate PedigoA Seal Beach Treasure

    God Loves

    Drunks Too!

    Left to right: Seal Beach City Councilman

    Charles Antos, Kate Pedio and Ruth Harrell.

    Happy Crowd Migrates To Shipley NatureCenter Monarch Extravaganza

    Former Shipley Nature Center President

    Kay Goddard, Current Vice President of Shipley

    Nature Center Chuck Glenn and Former

    Huntington Beach Mayor Shirley Dettloff



    Iam starting to go around looking at possiblelong term care facilities so I can chose, if in

    fact, I am ever in need of such as place...During a visit to the retirement home, I asked the

    director, How do you determine whether or not

    a person should be institutionalized?"'Well,' said the Director,' we fill up a bathtub,

    and then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and abucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty

    the bathtub..''Oh, I understand,' I said.. 'Anormal person

    would use the bucket because its bigger than the

    spoon or the teacup.''No.' said the Director, 'A normal person

    would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near thewindow?'... I left and went home, poured myself a

    Scotch and turned on Fox News...

    I am Supporting a New AmendmentAmendment 28

    Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that

    does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives, and Congress shall

    make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply

    equally to the citizens of the United States.


    [email protected]


    Its a Boy! Jackson Alexander Dufour.

    February 23, 2010 at 1:28 a.m. At 7

    pounds 8 ounces and 19.5 inches

    long, Jax seems to be ready for a great

    ride in the local Dufour family HB

    legacy. Simon, son of Dr. & Mrs.

    Dufour practiced medicine in HB

    before recently retireing and going off

    to sail the world. Congratulation to

    Shae, Simon and Jax.

    (PS: I wonder what Jax is thinking)

    Shae & Simon Dufourof Huntington Beach proudly

    announce the birthof their first child.

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    Not valid with any other coupon,special or offer. Expires 3-31-

    2010. One coupon per person.Tax and delivery fee will be added.

    Not valid with any other coupon,special or offer. Expires 3-31-2010. One coupon per person.

    Tax and delivery fee will be added.


    See Page 19 See Page 18

  • 8/14/2019 The Local News - March 01, 2010







    [email protected]





















    Dam it!Or Else


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    [email protected]


    State of Pennsylvania 's letterto Mr. DeVries:


    File No.97-59-0023; T11N; R10W, Sec 20;

    Lycoming County

    Dear Mr. DeVries:

    It has come to the attention of the Department of

    Environmental Quality that there has been recent

    unauthorized activity on the above referenced parcel

    of property. You have been certified as the legal

    landowner and/or contractor who did the following

    unauthorized activity:


    and maintenance of

    two wood debris

    dams across the

    outlet stream of

    Spring Pond.

    A permit must

    be issued prior to

    the start of this type

    of activity. A

    review of the

    Department's files

    shows that no permits have been

    issued Therefore,

    the Department has

    determined that this activity is in violation

    of Part 301, Inland Lakes and Streams, of

    the Natural Resource and Environmental

    Protection Act, Act 451 of the Public Acts

    of 1994, being sections 324.30101 to

    324.30113 of the Pennsylvania Compiled

    Laws, annotated.

    The Department has been informed

    that one or both of the dams partially failed

    during a recent rain event, causing debris

    and flooding at

    d o w n s t r e a m

    locations. We

    find that dams of

    this nature are

    i n h e r e n t l y

    hazardous and

    cannot be

    permitted. The

    D e p a r t m e n t

    therefore orders

    you to cease and

    desist all

    activities at this

    location, and to

    restore the

    stream to a free-flow condition by removing all wood

    and brush forming the dams from the stream channel.

    All restoration work shall be completed no later than

    January 31, 2010.Please notify this office when the restoration

    has been completed so that a follow-up site inspection

    may be scheduled by our staff. Failure to comply with

    this request or any further unauthorized activity on

    the site may result in this case being referred for

    elevated enforcement action..

    We anticipate and would appreciate your full

    cooperation in this matter. Please feel free to contact

    me at this office if you have any questions.


    David L. Price

    District Representative & Water Management Division.

    Here is the actual response sent back by Mr. DeVries:

    Re: DEQ File No. 97-59-0023; T11N; R10W, Sec. 20;

    Lycoming County

    Dear Mr.Price,

    Your certified letter dated 12/17/09 has been handed to

    me to respond to. I am the legal landowner but not the

    Contractor at 2088 Dagget Lane, Trout Run, Pennsylvania.

    A couple of beavers are in the (State unauthorized)

    process of constructing and maintaining two wood 'debris'

    dams across the outlet stream of my Spring Pond. While I did

    not pay for, authorize, nor supervise their dam project, I think

    they would be highly offended that you call their skillful use

    of natures building materials 'debris.

    I would like to challenge your department to attempt to

    emulate their dam project any time and/or any place you

    choose. I believe I can safely state there is no way you could

    ever match their dam skills, their dam resourcefulness, their

    dam ingenuity, their dam persistence, their dam

    d e t e r m i n a t i o n

    and/or their dam

    work ethic.

    These are the


    you are seeking. As

    to your request, I do

    not think the beavers are aware that they must first fill out a

    dam permit prior to the start of this type of dam activity.

    My first dam question to you is:

    (1) Are you trying to discriminate against my Spring Pond

    Beavers, or

    (2) do you require all beavers throughout

    this State to conform to said dam request?

    If you are not discriminating against

    these particular beavers, through the

    Freedom of Information Act, I request

    completed copies of all those other

    applicable beaver dam permits that have

    been issued. (Perhaps we will see if there

    really is a dam violation of Part 301,

    Inland Lakes and Streams, of the Natural

    Resource and Environmental Protection

    Act, Act 451 of the Public Actsof 1994, being sections

    324.30101 to 324.30113 of

    the Pennsylvania Compiled

    Laws, annotated.)

    I have several dam

    concerns. My first dam

    concern is, aren't the

    beavers entitled to legal

    representation? The Spring

    Pond Beavers are financially

    destitute and are unable to

    pay for said representation

    -- so the State will have to

    provide them with a dam


    The Department's dam

    concern that either one or both of the dams

    failed during a recent rain event, causing

    flooding, is proof that this is a natural

    occurrence, which the Department is required

    to protect. In other words, we should leave

    the Spring Pond Beavers alone rather than

    harassing them and calling them dam names.

    If you want the damed stream 'restored'

    to a dam free-flow condition please contact

    the beavers -- but if you are going to arrest

    them, they obviously did

    not pay any attention to

    your dam letter, they being

    unable to read English.

    In my humble

    opinion, the Spring Pond

    Beavers have a right to build their unauthorized

    dams as long as the sky is

    blue, the grass is green and

    water flows downstream.

    They have more dam rights

    than I do to live and enjoy

    Spring Pond. If the

    Department of Natural

    Resources and

    Environmental Protection lives up to its name, it should

    protect the natural resources (Beavers) and the environment

    (Beavers' Dams).

    So, as far as the beavers and I are concerned, this

    dam case can be referred for more elevated enforcement

    action right now. Why wait until 1/31/2010? The Spring

    Pond Beavers may be under the dam ice by then and

    there will be no way for you or your dam staff to

    contact/harass them.

    In conclusion, I would like to bring to your attention

    to a real environmental quality, health, problem in the

    area It is the bears! Bears are actually defecating in our

    woods. I definitely believe you should be persecuting

    the defecating bears and leave the beavers alone. If you

    are going to investigate the beaver dam, watch your dam

    step! The bears are not careful where they dump!

    Being unable to comply with your dam request, and

    being unable to contact you on your dam answering

    machine, I am sending this response to your dam








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  • 8/14/2019 The Local News - March 01, 2010


    10 Exotic Drinks and My Fave'. Here are 10 of the

    country's most fantastic and unusual drinks - including

    their secret ingredients according to Fine Living.#10: "Ray's Mistake"

    A unique taste experience, the Mistake is made with

    lime juice, botanic liqueurs, passion fruit and "Super

    Secret Flavor," and floated with dark Coruba rum.

    Featured at: Tiki-Ti. Los Angeles, California - 323-669-

    9381 - "Monkey Cocotini"

    1 oz. each Stoli Vanilla Vodka and Bacardi Coco, shaken

    and served up in a martini glass with a toasted coconut

    rim. Featured at: Bambuddha Lounge, San Francisco,

    California 415-885-5088

    #8: "The Naughty O'Pear"1 1/2 oz. Belle de Brillet, 3/4 oz. Stoli Vanilla, 1/2 oz.

    pear nectar, champagne. Featured at: Noir at the Charles

    Hotel -Cambridge, Massachusetts -617-661-8010 -

    #7: "Hibiscus Swizzle"

    1 1/2 oz. Tanqueray, 1/2 oz. hibiscus syrup, 1 1/2 oz.

    youngberry juice and 1/2 ounce lemon juice, shaken and

    strained over fresh ice in a Collins glass. To make

    hibiscus syrup, add one cup of sugar to one cup of

    brewed hibiscus tea, stir until sugar's dissolved and let

    cool. Featured at: Flatiron Lounge - New York, New

    York -12-727-7741 - "Mexican Martini"

    2 1/2 oz. Sauza Tres Generaciones Tequila, 1/4 oz.

    Cointreau, 1/4 oz. Rose's Lime Juice and splash of sweet

    and sour shaken on ice, strained into a salted, chilled

    martini glass and garnished with olives and a lime

    Featured at: The Driskill Bar -Austin, Texas -800-252-


    #5: "The Breakfast in Bed"

    Vintage 1987 or 1988 Krug champagne, Cointreau,

    hazelnut liqueur, white truffle and fruit. Featured at:

    B.E.D. Miami -Miami Beach, Florida -305-532-9070 -

    #4: Hot Chocolate

    Warm a mixture of cream and milk first then add some

    shaved Valrhona Manjari chocolate and a small amount

    of sugar and bring to boil. The chocolate is done when

    you get slight foaminess on top and

    all the chocolate is dissolved. Top

    with homemade toasted vanilla

    marshmallows. Featured at: Sugar

    Dessert Bar -Chicago, Illinois -

    Note: This restaurant has closed

    since this episode was taped.

    #3: "Depth Recharger"

    Mixture of natural blackberry and

    boysenberry, American ginseng,

    Asiatic Cornelian Cherry, lygusta,

    and gynostema, Haitia woo and

    eclipta added to water

    Featured at: Elixir Tonics and Teas -Santa Monica,

    California -877-4-ELIXIR

    #2: "The Banana Bar"1 shot Cruzan Banana Rum, splash each Crme de

    Cacao, Crme de Banana and a splash of cream.

    Combine ingredients in shaker with ice, shake and strain

    into chilled martini glass and garnish with banana slice

    Featured at: the bosco -Ferndale, Michigan -248-541-


    #1: "The Liquid Remedy"

    Yellow Liquid Remedy coconut rum, mango

    liqueur, pineapple juice

    Blue Liquid Remedy Smirnoff Citron, blue curacao

    and fresh lemonade

    Purple Liquid Remedy Stoli Razberi, plum wine,

    razmatazz and cranberry juice

    Red Liquid Remedy "Three Olives" cherry vodka,

    pineapple and cranberry juices

    Green Liquid Remedy Smirnoff Vanilla, triple sec,

    pineapple, orange, lemon and lime juices

    Orange Liquid Remedy orange liqueur, peach

    vodka, orange and cranberry juices

    Pink Liquid Remedy champagne, pineapple and

    cranberry juices. Featured at: Pod -Philadelphia,

    Pennsylvania -215-387-1803 -www.PodRestaurant.comScorpion Bowl

    A Scorpion Bowl is an alcoholic concoction

    mainly served in Chinese restaurants. It contains fruit

    juice (typically orange and lemon juice) and rum

    (usually a dark rum like Myers, or a Jamaican Gold

    rum), brandy. Most recipes also call for orgeat (almond)

    syrup. Amaretto liquor may be

    substituted for the orgeat & the

    brandy. Gin is frequently added to

    increase the strength of the drink.

    While the above ingredients can be

    pre-mixed together, a champagne

    "floater" is best added last.

    There are various ways to

    serve a Scorpion Bowl. Generally it

    is served in a large bowl with an

    umbrella, fruit and straws. The

    Scorpion Bowl may be considered

    the "mother of all drinks" due to its

    size and presentation in a large volcano bowl, a 48

    ounce vessel with a ceramic volcano in the center.

    Served with dry ice, an orchid, and some 151 proofalcohol aflame in the volcanic center, the drink gives the

    appearance of a mysterious tropical island.

    The etymology of the term "scorpion bowl" is said

    to derive from the practice of placing a dead scorpion

    within the bowl and requiring the drinker to find said

    creature by drinking until all liquid is consumed

    2 oz. Gin 1 oz. Rum, dark 2 oz. Rum,

    overproof/151 proof 2 oz. Rum, white 2 oz. Vodka 2 oz.

    Grenadine 4 oz. Orange Juice 4 oz. Pineapple Juice Fill

    pitcher with about 10 oz. of ice. Add liqueurs. Mix in

    juice, top with grenadine and then stir well. Makes

    enough for 2-5 people. ChaCha again!

    So, try one at Roy at Li's Restaurant corner of

    Adams and Magnolia. Bring a friend, though... much to

    large to consume alone plus you need to be talking and

    looking as you are sipping.




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    La Roccos

    P i z z e r i aA Slice of New Yorkin Surf City USA

    The Best thin pizza slice in H.B. Our Special Recipe comes straight

    from New York! We make our dough with bottled water. We sell Pizza-By-The-Slice. Delivery within 5 miles. Open Daily from 11 a.m. til we

    run out of dough.

    The CrustOur secret is in the dough. Our timehonored recipe for our famous thincrust Neopolitan has been perfected

    over the years.The Sauce

    Our sauce is light, yet spicy-sweetwith just the right herbs and spices.

    The ToppingsEvery day we start with the freshest &

    finest vegetables and meats. Nopreservatives. No additives.....just fresh,

    natural foods, bursting with flavor.~~~~

    We only have one size pie - 18 Donteven think about asking for pineapple

    or chicken, cause that aint pizza101 Main Street, Suite 112, Huntington Beach, CA 92648

    Across from HB Pier, Corner of Main & PCH, ~ 714.374.2555



    OS VeggieThe Artichoke $16.00

    Mozzarella, parmesan, plumpartichoke hearts, fresh garlic, lightlydressed w/ our perfectly seasonedtomato sauce (white pizza)Th e Ch ef s Spe ci al $1 6. 00

    Traditional cheese, w/ fresh slicedtomatoes, seasoned w/ oregano &parmesanWhitestone $16.00

    Delicious ricotta cheese,mozzarella, parmesan & fresh garlic

    (white pizza)The Brent Special $17.00

    Artichoke, mushrooms, basil withgarlic oil sauce (white pizza)

    House SpecialtiesThe Manhattan $16.00

    Sprinkled w/ savory pesto &topped w/ fresh marinated roastedred peppersPuttanesca $17.00Featuring plump artichoke hearts,sliced black olives dressedw/pecorino romano, mozzarella,fresh basil,& special garlic oil sauce.S pi nac h P om odo ra $1 7. 00

    A spectacular blend of freshspinach leaves,cherry tomatoes,pecorino romano, mozzarella, freshbasil w/our special garlic oil sauce.Pauls Special $16.00Special garlic oil sauce, freshchopped basil, parmesan,mozzarella, topped w/ fresh slicedtomatoes (white pizza)Cheese $14.25Our famous cheese pizza; AtrueNew Yorks SelectionPepperoni $15.75

    Our next favorite pizza!!!

    Brooklyn Special $18.50A hefty offering of pepperoni,sausage, onions, black olives, freshmushroom, sliced green peppers &fresh garlicL aRo cc o s Sp eci al $17 .50Covered w/ pepperoni, meatballs,fresh mushroom & fresh garlicThe Works $18.50

    Mouth-watering portions ofpepperoni, sausage, meatball,mushroom, onion, sliced greenpepper & black olives

    Bronx Special $17.50A hardy offering of meatball,sausage, & pepperoniPika Pie $17.00

    Covered w/ Canadian Bacon &Pineapples

    House SaladGarden fresh House Salad $3.00Baby mix greens, vine ripetomatoes, sweet red onions,kalamata olives toppedw/mozzarella cheese & your choiceof dressingCalzone $7.95Addl Calzone Fil ling $0.50

    Surf City SpecialsAny 2 slices & 16oz soda ORany 1 slice w/ Garden Salad &16oz soda $5.506 Garlic Knots $1.50

    Hot Wings / BBQ Wings6 Wings $3.7512 Wings $7.0018 Wings $11.00Additional Toppings $1.50Pepperoni, Sausage, Meatball,Canadian Bacon, Mushroom, GreenPepper, Roasted Red Pepper, Pesto,Black Olives, Onions, Jalapenos,

    Spinach, Tomatoes, Anchovies,Artichoke & Pineapples

    Party PackAny 2 Pies w/12 Hot Wings or 12BBQ Wings & 12 Garlic Knots & (2)2 Liter Soda $45.00

    Everyday SpecialsAny 1 Pie/Free Garlic KnotsAny 2nd Pies/Free (2) 16oz DrinksAny 3rd Pie/Free 2 Liter SodaMon - Cheese Pie $13.00Tue - Pepperoni Pie $14.75Wed - Bronx Pie $16.00

    Thurs - Calzone w/2 Top. $ 8.00Catering Menu (Please Call)

    Full Tray: Garlic Knots $20.00

    1/2 Tray: Garlic Knots $12.00

    Full Tray: Hot/BBQ Wings $55.00

    1/2 Tray: Hot/BBQ Wings $30.00

    Full Tray: Salad $30.00

    1/2 Tray: Salad $15.00

    12 Homemade Cookies $5.00

    12 Homemade Brownies $12.00

    Drinks16oz Soda $1.5032oz Soda $2.00

    Can Soda $0.752 Liter Coke & Pepsi/Diet $2.50

    Lg Water $2.25Sm Water $1.25

    Monster $2.00Red Bull $2.50

    Rock Star $2.00Green Tea $1.50Propel Water $1.50

    Gatorade $1.50Apple Juice $0.75

    DessertsIce Cream Price VariesHomemade Cookies $0.75

    Homemade Brownies $1.00



    Shipley Nature Center FestivalSaturday, May 1, 2010 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

    The Friends of Shipley Nature Center

    invites everyone to come celebratewith us at the Annual Spring Festival

    and Native Plant Sale. Join in the fun to learn

    how to bring nature into our urban


    The Nature Friendly Information Fair

    starts at 9:00 am featuring a wide variety of

    community groups and businesses sharing

    useful and informative materials.

    Dedication of Shipley's Angel Stream

    will be at 11:00 am. Learn all about the

    Rainwater Harvesting System and how it

    saves and recirculates rainwater from the

    4,250 gallon cistern. Visit with live animals

    from Inside the Outdoors.

    California Native Plants will be for sale

    all day. Talk with nursery volunteers to learnmore about how Natives can bring life to

    your garden. Learn how getting rid of your

    lawn and replacing it with California Native

    plants will attract good insects and feed the

    birds and butterflies to make your garden a

    wonder of nature.

    Food will be available throughout the

    day. Children are invited to participate in the

    Maypole Dance and parade at 11:30 am.

    Live Entertainment from noon to 2:00 pm

    will be provided by the Matt Kollar Band.

    Tours Shipley Docents will be stationed

    along trails to explain about the flora and

    fauna that make up Shipleys 18-acres.

    Visitors can wander the trails to discover

    Blackbird Pond, the Redwood Grove andother habitats.

    Visit the Monarch Waystation to see the

    Monarch caterpillars and butterflies at home

    in their own Shipley Habitat.

    See the Wildflower Meadow in bloom for

    some great photo opportunities.

    Parking is available at the Shipley lot at

    17851 Goldenwest St. and, alternatively, at

    the Sports Center on Goldenwest or off

    Edwards at Central Park Drive. Walk into the

    park to the Shipley green gates.

    For more information, call Shipley

    Nature Center at 714-842-4772 or see


  • 8/14/2019 The Local News - March 01, 2010





    [email protected]



    [email protected]


    Arnaud Dufour

    The information contained in this column does

    not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Local News.

    Do you ever feel powerless over financial

    markets? Last week the Fed directedmarkets by raising the Fed Funds Rate.

    Other factors that have impacted themarkets lately are credit concerns in

    Greece. Dubai made a similar impact on

    financial markets in November of 2009.Then there's CIT, AIG, GMAC, Fannie

    Mae, Freddie Mac and other companiesthat top the hundreds of corporations

    that have significantly impacted the

    American economy. Do you ever feellike we're all just along for the ride? Is

    there anything we can do to control ourown destiny?

    Well, this time the American

    consumer grabbed the spotlight as the primary driving force. February's

    Consumer Confidence Rating (releasedlast week) was the lowest since April of

    2009. It sent a clear message to Wall

    Street that American consumers are not

    confident that the economy isrecovering. Our #1 concern remains

    focused on jobs. Those who don't have jobs don't have money to spend. Those

    who have jobs aren't assured of keepingit. Without that assurance, it's more prudent to

    save than spend. Although this news was poorly

    received by the stock market, it gave a sharpboost to bonds and improved mortgage rates.

    Our economy thrives on consumerism.Consumer spending accounts for 70% of

    America's Gross Domestic Product. It is the

    economic engine that drives all remaining partsof our country. When consumer spending

    subsides, all other aspects of our economy are

    hurt. When businesses don't make sales, they hire

    less and lay off more. Lower sales receipts andhigher unemployment also mean lower tax

    revenues for local, state and federal governments.

    Former Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan

    recognized the importance of ConsumerConfidence. In his mind this was one of the

    most significant indexes to watch. He eventracked the sale of men's underwear, a statistic

    that became known as the Underwear Index.

    His theory was that very few people ever saw aman's underpants. Under tight economic

    conditions, this inexpensive necessity would be

    one of the first items men would

    cut back on purchasing. Whenconfidence returns, the build-up in

    demand would leadunderwear sales as

    one of the first areas

    to bounce back.The power of

    the dollar is not newto us. When we don't like the way a company

    treats us, the most effective statement of

    disapproval is to take our business dollarsaway from them. The Consumer Confidence

    data measures this same sentiment on alarger scale. This month's worse than

    expected rating sends a clear message to both

    Wall Street and Washington, D.C. that we'renot buying in to this recovery. The system

    is still broke and we're not ready to spend ourhard-earned dollars until we're convinced

    otherwise. Our almighty dollar has spoken!

    Of course, if consumer spending

    accounts for 70% of our nation's GDP, thenthe economy can't recover until we start

    spending again. Isn't that just an ironic kickto the underpants?

    Arnaud Dufour is a Sr. Mortgage Banker

    at Newport Beach based DLJ Financial.

    With more than eleven years in the

    industry, Arnaud is available to answer

    questions in Real Estate Finance.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Call: 714-677-4107. CFL # 603H312

    Consumers in Control

    As reported in Beach Reporter.

    Surf City, Huntington Beach, California doesnt have a single paintball

    park. Yet once a year the city plays host to major paintball

    competitors on its beaches for three days of sold-out paintball play on

    the sand. In one of former mayor Pam Houchens most significant

    accomplishments during her term on HBs City Council, she pushed to get

    a paintball event accepted. That was circa 2002, and eight years

    later, the sporting event is returning for its seventh season inHuntington Beach.

    Some residents hate it. Some love it. And the

    merchants say their business shoots up over the top

    during this beach-side, arena event that brings

    thousands of family members of paintball

    players, and the paintballers, themselves,

    from around the country to Huntington

    Beach. Who wouldnt love competing

    on the glorious sand of Southern

    Californias sun-drenched beaches

    in arena filled with big blue or red

    bunkers. Only the audience in the

    high-rise stands can see the hiddenarmies, while on the battlefield, the

    soldiers armed with paintball weapons dont

    know where the enemy is approaching.

    One event thats all the rage this season isPump Paintball. Requiring more marksmanship

    and a different strategy, this form of paintball has

    recently taken the paintball world by storm.

    For those who dont know a thing a paintball, you can

    attend the free event, and then decide for yourself if you think

    paintball is all wet, too much mess, missing the mark, or right on

    target. Word to the wise! Paintball splatters throughout the stands

    and playing area. Wearing your nicest clothes is not recommended.

    And after you discover your clothing is covered in red, blue, pink,

    orange and yellow, you also will discover that the paint can beremoved from clothing without any permanent residue, but its best

    to wash your clothes as soon as possible.

    Thanks blogger... good stuff for die hard surfers looking to

    catch one in early April.

    Arnaud Dufour


    For the first time in its 14 year history,

    the Surf City USAMarathon took on a

    distinctly international flavor with three

    foreign runners capturing first place medals.

    Canadians Karen Warrendorf (age 36) and Steven

    Osaduik (age 30) won the womens marathon and

    mens half respectively, while 31 year-old Aussie

    Karen Barlow was the top womens half

    marathoner. The lone American champ was 33

    year-old Matt Wiltse of Las Vegas who won

    the mens marathon in a time of 2:37:19.

    Californias largest oceanfront marathon

    and half-marathon featured a record 20,200

    pre-registered runners from all 50 states and

    eight foreign countries. With the Pacific

    Ocean and Surf City iconic Pier as a backdrop,

    a crowd of more than 40,000 lined PCH in

    downtown Huntington Beach for near-

    perfect racing conditions. An additional

    35,000 spectators attended the Active

    Lifestyle Expo on Friday and Saturday. For

    full results, visit and

    click on Surf City USA Marathon. Additional

    marathon information can be found at

    For the fifth year in a row, racers used the

    Run for Mobility to raise funds for the Free

    Wheelchair Mission, an Irvine-based nonprofit

    group that provides wheelchairs to poor people in

    developing countries. More than 400 runners

    raised $200,000 to send some 3,000 wheelchairs to

    Haiti and other places around the world!

    Notable accomplishments:

    Carlsbads JP Theberge, a below-knee amputee,

    finished 35th overall in the mens marathon and

    qualified for the Boston Marathons able bodied

    division, besting the required time by nine minutes.

    Despite equipment issues, JP finished just four

    minutes short of the world record.

    The oldest marathon runner, 81-year-old

    George Border of Huntington Beach,

    finished in five hours and 22 minutes. His

    time would have been quicker had he not

    stopped short of the finish line to greet

    friends and family. George went home

    to complete the days chores.

    A pair of 13-year-olds were the

    youngest participants in this

    year's full marathon. Joseline

    Barralon of Laguna Niguel

    finished in just under five and a

    half hours, while Austin Geller

    of Los Alamitos finished in just

    under four and a half hours.

    Dorothy Joy, an 83-year-old

    Yucaipa resident finished the half-

    marathon in three hours and 23 minutes,

    her best finish ever. Joy finished ahead

    of 83-year-old Virginia Zarrow of

    Redlands and is the Octogenarian age

    group record holder.

    Los Angeles resident Adrian Broca,

    the nations fastest blind runner, finished

    the half marathon in 1:24:51; 64th overall.

    The Coca-Cola Scholars

    Foundation named its

    2010 Class of Scholars

    this week. The 253 outstanding

    high school seniors named as

    finalists hail from every state in

    the country and will earn a totalof $3 million in scholarships.

    Included in that list is: Kathryn

    Elizabeth Gasparro - Fountain

    Valley High School.

    On March 25, the students

    will join other finalists as they

    travel to Atlanta, the

    headquarters for The Coca-Cola

    Company, to compete for 53

    four-year college scholarships of

    $20,000 and 200 four-year

    scholarships of $10,000. Over

    the four-day period, the finalists

    will interview with a National

    Selection Committee, tour local

    landmarks, meet with former

    Coca-Cola Scholars and

    participate in a range of

    activities including a community

    service project. Additionally,

    the 2010 Class of Coca-Cola

    Scholars will attend a banquet in

    their honor attended by

    representatives from the Coca-

    Cola System, educators, local

    dignitaries and friends of the

    Scholars Foundation.


    Canadians, an Aussie and Las

    Vegan Take Medals Continued from page 1

    Paintball Craze Hits HuntingtonBeach April 9-11, 2010

    Specialty Italian Cuisine

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  • 8/14/2019 The Local News - March 01, 2010






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    Henry Owens,

    a 16-year-

    o l d

    sophomore pitcher

    for Edison High.

    Scores of p r o f e s s i o n a l

    baseball scouts

    who would like

    to draft Owens

    this June,

    except he's not

    eligible until 2011.

    Talk about a lucky coach. Steve

    Lambright, gets two more seasons to

    put Owens on the mound and

    throw 90+ mile an hour fast balls.

    Another HB superstar.. I wonder

    if it's the water?

    6' 7'',


    92- mph


    & Size 17"



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    Baci Ristorante is not affiliated with any other

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    Water continues to play

    a key role in the

    lifestyle issues of

    Huntington Beach, Ca. Local

    resident, RYAN Brown, a

    veteran Assistant Coach with the

    Men's Senior National Team,

    has been named Head Coach of

    the USA Men's Junior National

    Team. Brown will take over the

    Junior Team effective

    immediately while also

    maintaining his post as an

    assistant coach with the Senior

    National Team. Brown

    replaces longtime coach Doug

    Peabody in an effort to fully

    streamline the Men's National

    Team pipeline within thecoaching staffs.

    Brown takes over the Junior

    National Team as the National

    Team programs move towards

    one unified group of coaches

    spanning the Senior, Junior, and

    Youth programs.

    The changeover in coaches

    brings an end to the tenure of

    Doug Peabody who led the

    Junior National Team since 2004

    and guided the squad to three

    Junior World Championships.

    "Doug Peabody has been our

    Junior team coach for many

    years and during this time his

    commitment to the program has

    been unwavering. He has

    worked hard with this younger

    group to prepare those kids for

    the next level and many of those

    Juniors are now a part of our

    Senior National team program.

    He deserves a lot of credit for

    what he has done with the Junior

    program," said Schroeder.

    Brown has been an Assistant

    Coach with the Men's Senior

    National Team since 2006. From

    2002-2005 he served as the

    Head Coach of the Women's

    Team at the University of the

    Pacific. Brown is 2000 alum ofthe University of the Pacific

    where he was an All-American

    as a goalkeeper.

    The USA Water Polo Men's

    Junior National Team is

    compromised of the top talent

    in the United States aged 20

    and under. The team trains and

    competes annually, both

    domestically and

    internationally including

    participation in the FINA Men's

    Junior World Championships

    held every two years.

    Local Tapped -Olympic Polo Coach

    The Kiwanis

    Foundation of

    H u n t i n g t o n

    Beach, a 501c3

    registered charity, is

    offering their

    Centennial publication

    Century of Service, A

    History of Huntington

    Beach by Mike

    Heywood at a special

    discounted rate as a last

    minute souvenir of the

    celebration of the City of Huntington

    Beach's first hundred years!

    Now available for only $10 plus

    shipping and handling!

    This well received book

    tells the story of the

    city's founding to the

    present day in an

    interesting and

    informative manner. Just

    send your check for

    $12.50 ($10 plus $2.50

    shipping) to HB History

    Book, Kiwanis

    Foundation, P. O. Box

    1983, Huntington Beach,

    CA 92647. The $10 is tax

    deductible! Contact: Laura Sher at


    ASP World No.

    15 is on for

    two more

    years Surfersvillage

    Global Surf News,Fred Patacchia

    (HAW), 28, ASP

    World No. 15, has re-

    signed with

    Quiksilver for a

    further two years.

    Entering his sixth

    season as a member

    of the elite ASP Top

    45, Patacchia has

    finished as high as 12th (2008), and secured an equal 3rd at the Rip Curl Pro

    Bells Beach for his best result last year.

    The explosive Hawaiian goofy-footer will his 2010 campaign at the

    upcoming Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast from February 27 through March 10.

    Congratulations to both Freddy and Quiksilver.

    Last ChanceCentennial Souvenir

    Quiksilver Team News

  • 8/14/2019 The Local News - March 01, 2010




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  • 8/14/2019 The Local News - March 01, 2010




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    LANCERDE2010 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$17,710

    Dealer Discount . . . . . . . . . .$2,211

    Factory Rebate . . . . . . . . . .$1,000

    Loyalty Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . .$500

    Military Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . .$500

    $13,499NET COST

    06 Nissan Altima S

    Stock #: H1955P

    Price: $13,988

    07 Audi A4 2.0T

    Stock #: H1988P

    Price: $20,900

    09 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS

    Stock #: H1901P

    Price: $14,800

    08 Nissan Sentra SE-R

    Stock #: H1983P

    Price: $15,988

    05 Mitsubishi Lancer

    Stock #: H10038A

    Price: $21,988

    09 Honda Fit Sport

    Stock #: H10053A

    Price: $14,999

    07 Chrysler PT Cruiser

    Stock #: H2018P

    Price: $8,999

    07 Mazda MAZDA3

    Stock #: H1919P

    Price: $18,988

    07 Jeep Compass Limited

    Stock #: H1957P

    Price: $19,500

    07 Toyota RAV4 Sport

    Stock #: H10007A

    Price: $18,988

    MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$20,910

    Dealer Discount . . . . . . . . . .$2,411

    Factory Rebate . . . . . . . . . . .$1,000

    Loyalty Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500

    Military Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . .$500

    $16,499NET COST

    OUTLANDER2010MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . .$22,530,015

    Dealer Discount . . . . . . . . . .$2,542

    Factory Rebate . . . . . . . . . .$1,000Loyalty Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . .$500

    Military Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . .$500

    $17,988NET COST


    GALANT2010MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$24,719

    Dealer Discount . . . . . . . . . .$3,220

    Factory Rebate . . . . . . . . . . .$2,500

    Loyalty Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500

    Military Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . .$500

    $17,999NET COST



    All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any deal er document preparation charge, and any emission testing charge. Financing in lieu of factory rebates for all adverti sed vehicles. *Must finance through Mit subishi Motors Credit of America to qualify. All dealer added accessories at retail price. Offer good through close of business Monday 3/15/10. Photos for illustrat ion purposes only.


    16751 Beach Blvd Huntington Beach CA 92647


    W it h N a v i

    EVOLUTION2010 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$34,355

    Dealer Discount . . . . . . . . . .$3,656

    Factory Rebate . . . . . . . . . . .$2,500

    Loyalty Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500

    Military Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . .$500

    $29,699NET COST


    ECLIPSE2009MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$24,113

    Dealer Discount . . . . . . . . . .$3,114

    Factory Rebate . . . . . . . . . .$3,000

    Loyalty Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . .$500

    Military Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . .$500

    $16,999NET COST


  • 8/14/2019 The Local News - March 01, 2010



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    Taste 2010 Committee:T if fa ny B ak er V ol un te er sBr ett B ar nes Res tau ra nt sMary Pat Gonzalez Sr Librarian Childrens Dept.

    Ta ra Ki rb y Fr ed's Mex ic an C afeMatt Liffreing Chair - Advertising & MarketingRon McLin Chair - RestaurantsDan Page Chair: SecurityGa il P age Tr eas ur er & Sil en t Auc tion

    J ul ia P ar en te au S po ns or sBil l Parker Chair - TicketsE la i ne Pa r ke r C h ai r : W in er i es & S il en t A uc t io nEr ik a R ea rdo n Ev en t C ha i r - Tas t e o f HBB re nd a S hi ne A dv is or - O CC Pr of es so rRyan Smith SponsorsEl lie Ward Tommy PastramiNanci Wi l li ams Ch i ldrens Se rv ice s Coord inator

    Everyone who buys a ticket to the Tastehas a chance to w i n a f a b u l o u sv a c a t i o n t o H a w a ii (including airfare andaccommodations) - watch for more details soon.

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  • 8/14/2019 The Local News - March 01, 2010


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    M a r c h L in e U p

    3/4 - 8pm . . . . . . . . . . . . Jam Night

    3/5 - 9pm . . . . . .Robby Armstrong

    3/6 - 9pm . . . . . . . . . . . . .Slingshot

    3/11 - 8pm . . . . . . . . . . .Jam Night

    3/12 - 9pm . . . . . . .Mumbo Jumbo

    3/13 - 9pm . . . . . . . . . . . .Exquisite

    3/18 - 8pm . . . . . . . . . . .Jam Night

    3/19 - 9pm . . . . . . . . .Soccer Mom

    3/20 - 9pm . . . . . . . . . .Kenny Hale

    3/25 - 8pm . . . . . . . . . . .Jam Night

    3/26 - 9pm . . . . . . . . .Warner Drive

    3/27 - 9pm . . . . . . . . . . . .Da Kooks

    Name: Don MacAllister

    Phone (714) 960-2892

    Address: 1121 Park St, Huntington Beach, CA 92648

    Email: [email protected]

    Company Name: Retired Position, President & Owner

    Education Level or Degree: AA plus 3 years

    Hometown (Where Born): Hollywood, CA

    Where do you currently live? How long have you been

    there? Huntington Beach 44 years

    Describe your family (Spouse/Children): Marilyn, my

    boss for 54 years, three daughters and three grand


    Describe one business goal (if applicable) for the year

    2010: Serve our senior community through the HBCOA

    (current President), County SCAC (County), & CSL

    (state) senior organizations.

    Summarize one personal goal for the year 2010: Continue to

    serve my community to the best of my ability.

    Describe your business, product, or service (if applicable):

    Mfgrs rep in CCTV & security products

    What is your favorite Local Restaurant? Sugar

    Shack, 6 days a week for breakfast last 35 + years

    What is your favorite all-time Movie? AVATAR 3D

    What charities do you support and why?

    Kiwanis, giving to youth, HBCOA, serving

    seniors, HBCOA

    How do you volunteer? Serve our senior

    community through the HBCOA (current president),

    County SCAC (County), & CSL (state) senior

    organizations. Surfing


    of Fame, Director, Duck-


    In About 35 words, tell us about your business,

    company and/or your personal life: Had my own company for25 years (Seevid) sold to the employees and retired in 2000,

    after 14 years on City Council felt that I should continue to

    serve through volunteer projects as listed above.

    What haven't we asked about and what else would you like

    to share?All members of a community should give time back

    to the community. In this way we would be a better community

    and the cost of government would go way down.

    Don McAllister is a class act. Coupled with Is wife

    Marilyn, they represent as much the concept of Mr. & Mrs.

    Huntington Beach as any couple we know. Whether it's the

    Kiwanis, Duck-a-Thon, Seniors or just plain jumping In and

    lending a had, the McAllister family name is a legacy in

    this community. Thanks, Don & Marilyn for being our

    friend as well.A tip of our hat to Suzanne from The Local News

    Local Profiles- Those who Make a Difference

    One YearDelivered by

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    714.465.9960E-mail: [email protected]

    It is ironic how Americans

    left England to get away

    from tyrannical law.

    Now, it seems they are

    practicing their own brand.

    There are so many weird

    laws on the books that I can

    hardly see how we are such afree nation.

    In Pennsylvania, there

    is a law that prohibits

    married men from

    purchasing beer without a

    note from his wife. Of

    course, that's probably an

    old law that has hardly ever

    been enforced and could be

    taken off the books ifsomeone cared enough

    about it. But, what in the

    world was it doing there in

    the first place.

    Some legislature in

    Pennsylvania was probably in

    the doghouse until he

    introduced this bill to

    Congress. Then, of course most of the other legislatures

    were being threatened with the doghouse if they didn't passit. Welcome to who actually wears the pants in those

    households. That's pretty par for course across the country.

    In Texas, it is against the law to take more than three

    sips of beer in one standing. This is a law that makes no

    sense at all. It is more common for a person to become

    more easily intoxicated when they sit at the bar. Standing

    causes a surge of blood to rush throughout the body and

    the content of that blood makes for an interesting reaction.

    But, standing gives your blood a consistent circulation

    that keeps a person from becoming intoxicated tooquickly. I can't imagine what would have caused this law

    to hit the books.

    But, the banning of the beer pong game in

    Huntington Beach is a law of a different kind. Most of the

    beer laws on the books were made years ago and could

    probably be erased if someone actually wanted to take on

    the cause. But, this one is new.

    New businesses in downtown Huntington Beach,

    California and those renewing their entertainment licenses

    will not be allowed to host

    beer pong games. The police

    chief of Huntington Beach

    wrote local businesses a few

    months ago to discourage

    them from allowing their

    patrons to play beer pong or

    they would have a difficulttime renewing their

    entertainment licenses.

    That's political arm twisting

    at its best.

    But, the city council

    just voted that decision into

    law. It's all because beer

    pong encourages drinking.

    Cups are placed in a triangle

    formation at one end of thetable and contestants take

    turns throwing ping pong

    balls down the table with the

    hopes of making a shot in a

    cup. The cups are filled half

    way with beer and when the

    opponent makes a shot, you

    have to drink.

    The arguments in city council included such

    language that beer pong promotes excessive drinking. Ofcourse, that totally negates the fact that people willingly

    play the game. They can also willingly walk away from

    the game when they decide they have had enough to

    drink. But, the laws been passed and that's that.

    With each state having at least one weird beer law,

    everyone's a victim to what I like to call the Squeaky

    Wheel Syndrome. That is where the squeaky wheel gets

    attention, then more come out of the woodwork

    squawking like a bunch of hens in the henhouse. The

    laws change drastically without regard for commonsense sometimes. But, it is a good thing to encourage

    people to do their drinking at home and to discourage

    lewd behavior.

    Stan Schubridge is a beer enthusiast who loves

    tasting new beers and attending beer events. Staying up to

    date on new innovations in beer and beer products keeps

    Stan on top of the beer world. You can read a great deal

    about beer and what Stan has found by visiting the

    Learning Center and other pages at

    Beer & Political Correctness(One Blogs View)

  • 8/14/2019 The Local News - March 01, 2010


    Dos Hombres withPistols in Seal Beach;

    isn't any place sacredanymore... what's happening

    over in sleepy-howl?

    At approximately 11:45 hourson Saturday night, February 20,

    2010, officers of the Seal Beach PoliceDepartment responded to a report of an

    armed robbery in the area of 4th Street and

    Central Avenue in the Old Town area ofSeal Beach.

    Two males (victims) were walking on CentralAvenue at 4th Street when they were accosted by two

    suspects armed with handguns. The victims wereforced to surrender their personal possessions during

    the robbery. The suspects fled from the scene on foot.

    The victims sustained no injuries. The twosuspects were described as African American males,

    approximately 20 years of age wearing dark pantsand dark hooded jackets or sweatshirts.

    Any persons with knowledge of this incident are

    encouraged to contact Seal Beach Police DetectiveGary Krogman at (562) 799-4100 x 1108.

    Dos Hombres w/Pistolosin Seal Beach

    Attention Fountain

    Valley residents!

    Registration for

    spring classes and summer camps will

    begin on March 6, 2010. Keep

    looking in your mail box for the

    spring Fountain Pen, as it should

    be in your mail any day now!

    In spring, the City will be

    offering some exciting new

    classes such as ceramics, art

    and literacy, ice skating,

    modeling, track, and much

    more! Along with these,

    the City will continue to

    offer plenty of dance,

    yoga, self-defense and

    exercise classes, in

    addition to the self-

    interest classes including art, jewelry making,

    acting, and more!

    There are plenty of new summer camps

    to choose from including flag football,

    mythbusters, photography, plus many

    continuing camps including science camps,

    dance camps, art camps, and more! Hurry

    and sign up on the day of registration to

    reserve your spot!

    If for some reason you do not obtain your

    copy of the Fountain Pen, please check out our

    website at under the

    Rec & Community Services, Fountain Pen,

    spring 2010 Fountain Pen. Brochures will be

    available for pick up at City Hall, the Library,

    the Recreation Center, or the Senior Center.

    For additional information on any programs,

    special events, or classes we may offer, please

    give us a call at 714-839-8611.

    De a r


    : What is

    the potential for carbon

    nanotubes in battery

    technology? I heard them referred to as the biggest battery breakthrough to come along in years. And

    what else can we expect to see in terms of new

    battery technology in coming years? - R.M.

    Koncan, via e-mail

    The rechargeable lithium-ion batteries now so

    common in everything from iPods to hybrid carscan store twice the energy

    of similarly sized nickel-

    metal hydride batteries

    and up to six times as

    much as their lead-acid

    progenitors. But these

    advances are only a smallevolutionary step from the worlds

    first battery designed by AlessandroVolta in 1800 using layers of metal and blotting paper

    soaked in salt water.

    With battery technology advances long overdue,

    researchers are racing to develop more efficient ways

    to store power. One hopeful option is in the use ofcarbon nanotubes, which can store much more

    electricity by weight than lithium-ion batteries while

    keeping their charge and remain durable for far longer.

    But what are carbon nanotubes, and how can they

    be used to store energy? Technicians skilled in working

    with matter at the molecular (nano) level can arrangepure carbon molecules in cylindrical structures that are

    not both strong and flexible. They have significantly

    higher energy density and can store more electricity

    than any currently available technology. These tubes,

    each only billionths of a meter wide, essentially

    become highly efficient, electrically conductive pipes

    for storing and providing power.

    Electrical engineers at the Massachusetts Institute

    of Technology (MIT) have formed carbon

    molecules into tiny springs that store as

    much electricity as same sizedlithium-ion batteries

    but can

    maintain a

    charge while dormant

    for years and work well in

    temperature extremes. StanfordUniversity researchers have created ink made from

    carbon nanotubes that can be drawn onto paper where

    it serves as a high-capacity rechargeable energy

    storage medium. And University of Maryland

    scientists have created nanostructures able to store and

    transport power at 10 times the energy density oflithium-ion batteries.

    Other technologies in development include

    batteries using zinc-air, lithium-air and other

    combinations of elements to provide longer run-times

    between recharges. Others still are working on

    prototype nuclear batteries, the trick being to make

    them small enough to be practical, l et alone safe.

    Of course, the accelerating growth of

    nanotechnology itself, which has not yet been

    thoroughly tested to evaluate potential down sides,

    has some health advocates worried. Animal studieshave shown that some nanoparticles, if inhaled or

    ingested, can harm the lungs and also cross the

    blood-brain barrier, which protects the brain from

    toxins in the bloodstream.

    And then there are fuel cells,

    created in 1839 but only recentlycommercialized. Not batteries per se,

    fuel cells generate, store and dispense

    power by forcing a reaction between a

    fuel (hydrogen from water, methanol)

    and oxygen, creating usable non-

    polluting electricity. One major hurdle for

    fuel cell makers is making them smallenough to be able to work in laptops and

    other small personal electronics.CONTACTS: Researchers fired up

    over new battery, MIT News,

    0208.html; Carbon Nanotubes Turn Office

    Paper into Batteries, Scientific American, article.cfm?id=



    From the Editors

    of E/The




    EarthTalk, P.O. Box 5098, Westport, CT 06881.

    [email protected]. Read past columns at: /earthtalk/ archives.php.

    EarthTalk is now a book! Details and order

    information at: earthtalkbook.

    The information contained in this column does not

    necessarily reflect the opinion of The Local News.




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    One YearDelivered by

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    5901 Warner Ave., Ste. 429, Huntington Beach CA 92649

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    714.465.9960E-mail: [email protected]

    Open For Lunch from 11-3

    ( 7 1 4 ) 8 4 6 -12 3 75944 Warner Avenue at Springdale in Huntington Beach

    Open Monday - Friday 8:30am - 6:30pm & Saturdays 9am - 5pm

    Easter Egg Hunt

    Its time once again for The Easter Egg Hunt

    sponsored by the Fountain Valley Recreation and

    Community Services Division! This event will be

    held on Saturday, April 3, 2010 from 8:30am-11:30am for

    children 11 and under at the Fountain Valley Sports Park,

    16400 Brookhurst Street.

    There will be free Carnival Games, Crafts, Face Painters,

    Bounce House, Super Slide, and Obstacle Course. The event

    starts at 8:30am and begins with a Pancake Breakfast provided

    by the Fountain Valley Kiwanis Club. The breakfast includes

    pancakes, sausage and a beverage for only $5. Proceeds from the

    breakfast go to the Fountain Valley Kiwanis Scholarship

    Foundation. Take a ride on an elephants back for only $5 and get

    your picture taken with the Easter Bunny for only $2.00! Just as a


    The Egg Hunt times will be as follows: There will be

    two hunts at 9:00am. One for children 2 and under and in

    the main hunt area will be the hunt for children ages 9-11.

    For 7-8 year olds the hunt will be at 9:30am, 10:00am for

    ages 5-6, and 10:30am for chi ldren ages 3-4. DONT BE

    LATE or your child may miss the egg hunt! Parents are to

    remain out of the hunt areas so children can enjoy finding

    their own goodies. Preferred parking will be available for

    a $5 donation which will benefit the Fountain Valley

    Community Foundation.

    For more information on this event or any of our

    recreation activities please call the Fountain Valley

    Recreation & Community Services Division at 714-

    839-8611 or visit our website at www.fountain Hope to see you there!

    Fountain Valley Recreation and

    Community Services Provides

    Recreational Experiences

    For over 11 years, Colettes Childrens

    Home has provided 1,400 homeless

    women & children with emergency and

    transitional housing.

    Their mission: Colettes Childrens Home

    provides a safe and nurturing environment

    where at-risk women and children can

    obtain support & services needed to

    achieve self-sufficiency.


    NEWS DESK Register for FV Classes

    As usual "Making a Difference in the

    Environment" is just part of the story

    of the Soroptimist International

    Huntington Beach.

    11:30 a.m. Friday, April 9, 2010

    Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach

    Resort and Spa

    21500 Pacific Coast Highway

    Huntington Beach, CA 92648


    Dr. Ding-Jo Currie

    Coast Community College District

    Making a Difference in Education

    Ms. Lucy Dunn

    Orange County Business Council

    Making a Difference in Business

    Ms. Laurie Payne

    City of Huntington Beach

    Making a Difference in Social Development

    Ms. Sue Gordon

    Rainbow Disposal

    RSVPby April 2

    For further information, contact event chair

    Nouha Hreish (714) 840-5558

    The Envelope Please: 25th Annual Women of Distinction Ruby Awards Luncheon

  • 8/14/2019 The Local News - March 01, 2010



    Questions & AnswersFrom the Mailbag 714.536.6300

    Moe News Than You Can Handle:Main Street Eyewear Looks at Life

    Through Designer GlassesMoe Kanoudi


    [email protected]



    [email protected]


    10 Things About to Become Extinct in America

    Friday, May 14th - Saturday, May 15th - Sunday, May 16that the Huntington Beach Pier

    Buy online!! www.duckathon.org714-500-0DUCK (0382) emai l:info@duck athon .org

    This Space Provided by The Local News as a courtesy to AltaMed'sHuntington Beach Community Clinic & their Support Group

    Walk! Run! Fly or Waddle! But Dont MissThe 18th Annual

    In Support of AltaMed's Huntington Beach Community Clinic

    Saturday - 3:00 p.m.The Main EventOver 4,000 little rubber duckies will be

    launched from the Huntington Beach

    Pier and race on the tide to shore.

    Buy a Duck - Compete for Prizes

    Baby Duck - $10

    Space Baby Duck - $20

    (Wearing an astronaut helmet, Space

    Ducks can win Double Prizes!)

    Sunday - 1:00 p.m.The Corporate Challenge

    The coveted Golden Duck Trophy and

    year-long bragging rights are at stake in

    this race.

    Corporate Duck - $100

    Space Corporate Duck - $125

    Saturday & Sunday

    DUCKFESTIVALSat. 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.Sun. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

    Exciting and Original Arts & Crafts------------------Food-----------------

    Childrens Games & Activities


    Fine Wine and a Pacific Sunset

    6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.

    $40 / Presale - $50 / at the Gate

    Call for information about exciti ng and valuable sponsorship benefitsavailable! AltaMed's HBCC provides primary care, dental care, and

    pediatric ser vices - for uninsured families in our community

    2010: A Duck Odyssey

    3/1 Run on 3/1/3 in HB

    The Huntington Beach 3/1 Marines

    Foundation will host the 2nd A