the list

The Comprehensive List Harold Bloom Ponkkum 728.Selected Poems - Miguel Hernández 62.Satires - Lucian 916.Sons and Lovers - D. H. Lawrence 456.The Ring and the Book - Robert Browning 1284.John Crowe Ransom - Selected Poems 1070.Alexandrian Songs - Mikhail Kuzmin 1317.Zora Neale Hurston - Their Eyes Were Watching God 1416.James Dickey - The Early Motion 1300.Allen Tate - Collected Poems 531.Complete Poems - Ernest Dowson 936.How It Is - Samuel Beckett 1229.Northrop Frye - Fables of Identity 426.Persuasion - Jane Austen 698.The Wine-Dark Sea: Thirteen Stories - Leonardo Sciascia 796.Selected Poems - Max Jacob 1125.Mendele Mokher Seforim - The Travels and Adventures of Benjamin the Third 298.Zadig - Voltaire 928.Murphy - Samuel Beckett 515.Collected Poems - Gilbert Keith Chesterton 884.Five Novels - Ronald Firbank 629.The Marble Faun - Nathaniel Hawthorne 831.Project for a Revolution in New York - Alain Robbe-Grillet

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Bloom's seminal list.


The Comprehensive List

Harold Bloom


728.Selected Poems - Miguel Hernández

62.Satires - Lucian

916.Sons and Lovers - D. H. Lawrence

456.The Ring and the Book - Robert Browning

1284.John Crowe Ransom - Selected Poems

1070.Alexandrian Songs - Mikhail Kuzmin

1317.Zora Neale Hurston - Their Eyes Were Watching God

1416.James Dickey - The Early Motion

1300.Allen Tate - Collected Poems

531.Complete Poems - Ernest Dowson

936.How It Is - Samuel Beckett

1229.Northrop Frye - Fables of Identity

426.Persuasion - Jane Austen

698.The Wine-Dark Sea: Thirteen Stories - Leonardo Sciascia

796.Selected Poems - Max Jacob

1125.Mendele Mokher Seforim - The Travels and Adventures of Benjamin the Third

298.Zadig - Voltaire

928.Murphy - Samuel Beckett

515.Collected Poems - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

884.Five Novels - Ronald Firbank

629.The Marble Faun - Nathaniel Hawthorne

831.Project for a Revolution in New York - Alain Robbe-Grillet

100.The Book of the City of Ladies - Christine de Pisan

935.Krapp's Last Game - Samuel Beckett

530.Ballads and Songs - John Davidson

114.Sonnets and Madrigals - Gaspara Stampa

1356.Theodore Roethke - Collected Poems

667.The Wings of the Dove - Henry James

352.The Maias - José Maria de Eça de Queirós

274.Maxims - François de La Rochefoucauld

540.Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson

211.Love for Love - William Congreve

36.Medea - Euripides

1152.Dalia Ravikovitch - A Dress of Fire

890.A Glastonbury Romance - John Cowper Powys

1409.Don DeLillo - Libra

232.A Song to David - Christopher Smart

1245.David Malouf - An Imaginary Life

110.The Prince - Niccolò Machiavelli

294.Seven Comedies - Pierre Carlet de Marivaux

1458.Walter Abish - Eclipse Fever

756.Collected Stories - Colette

24.Antigone - Sophocles

1037.The Magic Mountain - Thomas Mann

1412.John Crowley - Little, Big

800.Selected Poems - Philippe Jacottet

1476.John Ashbery - Flow Chart

161.Poems - Sir Walter Ralegh

892.The Time Machine - H. G. Wells

1477.John Ashbery - Hotel Lautréamont

690.The Occasions: Poems - Eugenio Montale

441.North and South - Elizabeth Gaskell

994.Selected Poems - John Montague

1415.Guy Davenport - Tatlin!

42.The Clouds - Aristophanes

450.Poems - Thomas Lovell Beddoes

449.Death's Jest-Book - Thomas Lovell Beddoes

252.A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy - Laurence Sterne

1438.Thomas Pynchon - The Crying of Lot 49

806.Man's Hope - Andé Malraux

647.Selected Poems - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

436.Essays - Charles Lamb

741.Always Astonished: Selected Poems - Fernando Pessoa

1432.Toni Morrison - Song of Solomon

371.Sylvie - Gérard de Nerval

224.Reflections on the Revolution in FranceEdmund Burke

830.The Erasers - Alain Robbe-Grillet

1364.Richard Wilbur - New and Collected Poems

346.Mastro-Don Gesualdo - Giovanni Verga

82.The Art of Love - Ovid

613.The Major Plays - Anton Chekhov

174.The Anatomy of Melancholy - Robert Burton

1434.Joyce Carol Oates - Them

1239.Patrick White - Voss

1195.Mario Vargas Llosa - The War of the End of the World

108.Orlando Furioso - Ludovico Ariosto

794.Selected Poems - Pierre Reverdy

1128.Moshe-Leib Halpern - Selected Poems

154.Poems - Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey

133.Sonnets - Luis de Góngora

1291.Eugene O'Neill - Lazarus Laughed

140.The Knight of Olmedo - Lope de Vega

902.Collected Poems - Isaac Rosenberg

684.Stories and Recollections - Umberto Saba

482.Modern Painters - John Ruskin

1286.T. S. Eliot - Selected Essays

1523.Edward Hirsch - Earthly Measures

1304.William Faulkner - As I Lay Dying

1320.Nathanael West - The Day of the Locust

999.Travesties - Tom Stoppard

1441.Cynthia Ozick - The Messiah of Stockholm

270.Nicomède - Pierre Corneille

395.Complete Works - Arthur Rimbaud

1039.Joseph and His Brothers - Thomas Mann

640.Essays and Poems - Jones Very

1380.Flannery O'Connor - Complete Stories

1026.Poems, 1913-1956 - Bertolt Brecht

1020.The Complete Stories - Franz Kafka

1292.Eugene O'Neill - The Iceman Cometh

227.The Beaux' Strategem - George Farquhar

1341.Henry Roth - Call It Sleep

165.A Defence of Ryme - Samuel Drayton


564.Indian Summer - Adalbert Stifter

1461.Donald Barthelme - The Dead Father

1429.Cormac McCarthy - Child of God


307.In Praise of Folly - Erasmus

1068.The Bedbug and Selected Poetry - Vladimir Mayakovsky

643.Poems - Henry David Thoreau

552.Hymns to the Night - Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenburg)

1472.A. R. Ammons - Sphere: The Form of a Motion

1313.Ernest Hemingway - A Farewell to Arms

403.Peer Gynt - Henrik Ibsen

675.A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Mark Twain

1234.Miles (Stella) Franklin - My Brilliant Career

763.The Balcony - Jean Genet

376.Louis Lambert - Honoré de Balzac

1474.John Ashbery - Houseboat Days

1154.David Shahar - The Palace of Shattered Vessels

1390.Wright Morris - Ceremony in Lone Tree

1139.Isaac Bashevis Singer - Satan in Goray

1099.War with the Newts - Karel Capek

391.Flowers of Evil - Charles Baudelaire

990.Field Work - Seamus Heaney

479.Poems and Prose - Gerald Manley Hopkins

885.Parade's End - Ford Madox Ford

1305.William Faulkner - Sanctuary

375.The Girl with the Golden Eyes - Honoré de Balzac

159.The Faerie Queene - Edmund Spenser

664.The Awkward Age - Henry James

268.The Cid - Pierre Corneille

506.Poems - Emily Brontë

1025.Parables, Fragments, Aphorisms - Franz Kafka

1503.Gary Snyder - No Nature: New and Selected Poems

468.Little Dorrit - Charles Dickens

280.Don Juan - Molière

The Romans

245.Pamela - Samuel Richardson

69.The Mother-in-Law - Terence

491.On Liberty - John Stuart Mill

1350.Paul Bowles - The Sheltering Sky

1366.M. B. Tolson - Harlem Gallery

1408.Don DeLillo - White Noise

176.Hydriotaphia, or Urne-Buriall - Sir Thomas Browne

1294.e. e. cummings - Complete Poems

1201.C. L. R. James - The Future in the Present

9. For realz, Harold Bloom? "The Science Fiction Novels" for H.G. Wells? Dude has written over fifty novels! I just picked out the five most popular.

1105.The Street of Crocodiles - Bruno Schulz

223.A Philosophical Enquiry into...the Sublime and Beautiful - Edmund Burke

1235.Katherine Mansfield - The Short Stories

723.A Longing for the Light: Selected Poems - Vicente Aleixandre

349.Poems - Gustavo Adolpho Bécquer

102.The Divine Comedy - Dante


652.Mont Saint-Michel and Chartres - Henry Adams

279.The Learned Ladies - Molière

905.King Jesus - Robert Graves

1297.Louise Bogan - The Blue Estuaries: Selected Poems

120.The City of the Sun - Tommaso Campanella

1190.Julio Cortázar- Hopscotch

1382.Flannery O'Connor - Wise Blood

528.The Artist as Critic - Oscar Wilde

708.Family - Natalia Ginzburg

416.Complete Poetry and Prose - William Blake

702.If Not Now, When? - Primo Levi

976.Collected Poems - Stevie Smith

657.The Rise of Silas Lapham - William Dean Howells

776.Manhood - Michel Leiris

The Middle Ages: Latin, Arabic, and the Vernacular Before Dante

914.Studies in Classic American Literature - D. H. Lawrence

1112.Tremor - Adam Zagajewski

1510.Jay Wright - The Double Invention of Komo

927.Finnegans Wake - James Joyce

616.The Deerslayers - James Fenimore Cooper

981.The Death of Woman Wang - Jonathan Spence

199.Paradise Lost - John Milton

964.Collected Poems - W. H. Auden

633.Billy Budd - Herman Melville

160.The Minor Poems - Edmund Spenser

1210.Chinua Achebe - No Longer at Ease

1516.Howard Moss - New Selected Poems

324.Wallenstein - Friedrich Schiller

511.The Egoist - George Meredith

467.Christmas Stories - Charles Dickens

1400.Tennessee Williams - A Streetcar Named Desire

392.Paris Spleen - Charles Baudelaire

379.Cousin Bette - Honoré de Balzac

1444.Philip Roth - My Life as a Man

1236.A. D. Hope - Collected Poems

1347.Weldon Kees - Collected Poems

382.Ursule Mirouet - Honoré de Balzac

1146.Yehuda Amichai - Selected Poetry

228.The Recruiting Officer - George Farquhar

53.Poetics - Aristotle

1288.Jean Toomer - Cane

1449.James Salter - Solo Faces

1253.Ethan Frome - The House of Mirth

480.Selected Prose - Thomas Carlyle

1279.Ezra Pound - The Cantos

259.Gargantua and Pantagruel - François Rabelais

Great Britian

536.Daniel Deronda - George Eliot

1322.Richard Wright - Black Boy

370.The Chimeras - Gérard de Nerval

1420.Stanley Elkin - The Living End

738.The Keeper of Sheep - Fernando Pessoa

1484.August Wilson - Joe Turner's Come and Gone

944.Vile Bodies - Evelyn Waugh

358.Meditations - Alphonse de Lamartine

716.Kisses from Another Dream: Poems - Antonio Porta

1334.Abraham Cahan - The Rise of David Levinsky

Submitted by marslike on Mon, 07/27/2009 - 04:59

699.Poems - Pier Paolo Pasolini

906.Collected Poems - Edwin Muir

1074.Collected Stories - Isaac Babel

625.Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman

521.The Moonstone - Wilkie Collins

1282.Marianne Moore - Complete Poems

692.Otherwise: Last and First Poems - Eugenio Montale

309.Dichtung und Wahrheit - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

713.The Baron in the Trees - Italo Calvino

1306.William Faulkner - Light in August

405.Hedda Gabler - Henrik Ibsen

26.Ajax - Aeschylus

87.Satyricon - Petronius

815.The Bald Soprano - Eugène Ionesco

975.The Sense of an Ending - Frank Kermode

636.Poetry and Tales - Edgar Allan Poe

233.The Vicar of Wakefield - Oliver Goldsmith

1255.Willa Cather - My Ántonia

1134.Mani Leib - Selected Poems

1124.Sholem Aleichem - The Nightingale

99.The Poem of the Cid


18.Seven Against Thebes - Aeschylus

489.Marius the Epicurean - Walter Pater

545.Poems - William Morris

475.Poems - Arthur Hugh Clough

106.The Decameron - Giovanni Boccaccio

1386.Gore Vidal - Lincoln


145.The Doctor of His Own Honor - Pedro Calderón de la Barca

1009.Selected Plays and Libretti ino Elegies) - Hugo von Hofmannsthal

1257.Willa Cather - A Lost Lady

844.Friday - Michel Tournier

832.For a New Novel - Alain Robbe-Grillet

915.Complete Short Stories - D. H. Lawrence

1407.Robert Coover - Spanking the Maid

22.Oedipus the King - Sophocles

1117.George Seferis - Collected Poems

798.Things: Selected Writings - Francis Ponge

264.Memoirs - Philippe de Commynes


1423.Russell Hoban - Riddley Walker

303.The Princess of Cleves - Madame de La Fayette

910.Howards End - E. M. Forster

808.Therese - François Mauriac

880.The Secret Agent - Joseph Conrad

565.Tales - Adalbert Stifter

651.The Education of Henry Adams - Henry Adams

1468.James McCourt - Time Remaining

284.The Miser - Molière

696.Day of the Owl - Leonardo Sciascia

967.Selected Poems - Gavin Ewart

48.The Histories - Herodotus

1330.Edmund Wilson - Patriotic Gore

173.Essays - Francis Bacon

185.Poetry - Henry Vau

93.The Poetic Edda

291.Andromache - Jean Racine

37.Ion - Euripides

7. 90% sure I never want to read "Moby Dick".

1062.Shadow Lands - Johannes Bobrowski

1132.Chaim Grade - The Yeshiva

123.Saul - Vittorio Alfieri

1160.Adunis - Selected Poems

103.The New Life - Dante

761.Our Lady of the Flowers - Jean Genet

486.Studies in the History of the Renaissance - Walter Pater

679.The Country of the Pointed Firs and Other Stories - Sarah Orne Jewett

1326.Langston Hughes - Selected Poems

1120.Yannis Ritsos - Exile and Return

1029.Mother Courage and Her Children - Bertolt Brecht

1261.Gertrude Stein - Tender Buttons

23.Oedipus at Colonus - Sophocles

282.Ridiculous Precieuses - Molière

556.Mozart on His Way to Prague - Eduard Mörike

148.Troilus and Criseyde - Geoffrey Chaucer

The United States

385.The Charterhouse of Parma - Stendhal

712.Invisible Cities - Italo Calvino

919.Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf

356.René - François-Auguste-René de Chateaubriand

1302.F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby

271.Horace - Pierre Corneille

803.The Conquerors - Andé Malraux

366.The End of Satan - Victor Hugo

963.The Passion - Jeanette Winterson

1063.Poems - Anna Akhmatova

589.The Frigate Pallada - Ivan Goncharov

1393.Norman Mailer - Advertisements for Myself

1349.John Berryman - Collected Poems ((I wonder if J.B. had had his final conversation with the Mississippi before this list was written.))

1028.The Good Woman of Setzuan - Bertolt Brecht

992.Peppercanister Poems - Thomas Kinsella

113.The Book of the Courtier - Baldassare Castiglione

247.Joseph Andrews - Henry Fielding

1005.1984 - George Orwell

893.The Island of Dr. Moreau - H. G. Wells

193.The Duchess of Malfi - John Webster

1298.Léonie Adams - Poems: A Selection

191.The Malcontent - John Marston

445.A Defence of Poetry - Percy Bysshe Shelley

1281.Robinson Jeffers - Selected Poems

52.Dialogues - Plato

978.Collected Poems - Philip Larkin

466.Martin Chuzzlewit - Charles Dickens

1056.Slow Homecoming - Peter Handke

637.Essays and Reviews - Edgar Allan Poe

To be fair, my original life goal was to read all the books in the literature/language/sociology/cultural studies library on campus (minus the periodicals section), which consists of five floors, the each size of a city block, with stacks that accomidate one student at a time (or two dance majors.)

688.The Buried Harbour: Selected Poems - Giuseppe Ungaretti

1260.Gertrude Stein - The Making of Americans

797.Selected Poems - Pierre-Jean Jouve

408.When We Dead Awaken - Henrik Ibsen

220.Journals - James Boswell

1003.Saved - Edward Bond

AboutAbout Listology

61.Fables - Aesop

1115.Laszlo Németh - Guilt

5. Harold Bloom has a gigantic raging boner for Goethe. It's poking me through the internets.

94.The Prose Edda - Snorri Sturluson

642.Walden - Henry David Thoreau

269.Polyeucte - Pierre Corneille

1057.I'm Not Stiller - Max Frisch

44.Lysistrata - Aristophanes

1486.Edgar Bowers - Living Together: New and Selected Poems

415.Poems - Robert Burns

1250.Robert Frost - The Poetry

546.The Earthly Paradise - William Morris

957.Point Counter Point - Aldous Huxley

662.The Bostonians - Henry James

420.The Heart of Midlothian - Sir Walter Scott

1273.Sinclair Lewis - It Can't Happen Here

212.A Tale of a Tub - Jonathan Swift

638.The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym - Edgar Allan Poe

1413.John Crowley - Aegypt

101.Prison of Love - Diego de San Pedro

6. Dear List Writing Man,

1470.A. R. Ammons - Collected Poems

1487.Donald Justice - Selected Poems

1219.J. M. Coetzee - Foe

505.Villette - Charlotte Brontë

278.The School for Wives - Molière

255.Chronicles - Jean Froissart

1019.Amerika - Franz Kafka

781.The Words - Jean-Paul Sartre

673.Number Forty-Four: The Mysterious Stranger - Mark Twain

362.Les Misérables - Victor Hugo

822.The Laws of Hospitality - Pierre Klossowski

1351.Randall Jarrell - Complete Poems

865.The Woodlanders - Thomas Hardy

872.Kim - Rudyard Kipling

1203.V. S. Naipaul - A House for Mr. Biswas

448.Poems and Letters - John Keats

658.A Modern Instance - William Dean Howells

1194.Gabriel García Márquez - Love in the Time of Cholera

617.Collected Poems - John Greenleaf Whittier

424.Emma - Jane Austen

573.On the Genealogy of Morals - Friedrich Nietzsche

1163.Rubén Dário - Selected Poetry

419.Waverley - Sir Walter Scott

1339.John O'Hara - Collected Stories

644.Essays - Henry David Thoreau

300.Letters on England - Voltaire

973.The Burning Oracle - George Wilson Knight

947.The Book of Ebenezer Le Page - G. B. Edwards

368.Poems - Alfred de Musset

1184.Octavio Paz - The Labyrinth of Solitude

1439.Thomas Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow

104.Lyric Poems - Petrarch

334.Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis - Ugo Foscolo

718.Our Lord Don Quixote - Miguel de Unamuno

317.Verse Plays - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

1357.Theodore Roethke - Straw for the Fire

404.Emperor and Galilean - Henrik Ibsen

407.The Lady from the Sea - Henrik Ibsen

1404.Harold Brodkey - Stories in an Almost Classical Mode

359.Chatterton - Alfred de Vigny

1065.Petersburg - Andrey Bely

529.Letters - Oscar Wilde

1256.Willa Cather - The Professor's House

1222.R. K. Narayan - The Guide

683.Orphic Songs - Dino Campana

1033.Lulu Plays - Frank Wedekind

900.Memoirs of a Midget - Walter De la Mare

843.The Ogre - Michel Tournier

315.Wilhelm Meister's Years of Wandering - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

1182.Nicolás Guillén - Selected Poems

440.Mary Barton - Elizabeth Gaskell

286.Pensées - Blaise Pascal

1442.Ishmael Reed - Mumbo Jumbo

398.Selected Short Stories - Guy de Maupassant

1431.William Kennedy - The Albany Cycle

659.The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane

1244.Thomas Keneally - Schindler's List

1517.James Applewhite - River Writing: An Eno Journal

1278.Ezra Pound - Personae: Collected Poems

1513.Jay Wright - Boleros

1392.Bernard Malamud - The Fixer

302.Manon Lescaut - Abbé Prévost

1085.A Part of Speech: Poems - Joesph Brodsky

1241.Judith Wright - Selected Poems

189.Comedies, Tragedies, Poems - George Chapman


604.Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy

1170.Alejo Carpentier - The Lost Steps

1140.Hayyim Nahman Bialik - Shirot Bialik: The Epic Poems

78.Eclogues - Virgil

603.War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy

665.Short Novels and Tales - Henry James

534.The Mill on the Floss - George Eliot

1202.V. S. Naipaul - A Bend in the River

1264.Wallace Stevens - Opus Posthumous

126.Coplas - Jorge Manrique

292.Britannicus - Jean Racine

744.Baltasar and Blimunda - José Saramago

1488.James Merrill - From the First Nine

360.Poems - Alfred de Vigny

332.Stories - Heinrich von Kleist

804.The Royal Way - Andé Malraux

745.Ballad of Dogs' Beach - José Cardoso Pires

737.La Pell de Brau: Poems - Salvador Espríu



930.Molloy - Samuel Beckett

13.The Poetry of Archilochos

206.Hudibras - Samuel Butler

503.Poems and Letters - Algernon Charles Swinburne

1137.Isaac Bashevis Singer - In My Father's Court


760.Mount Analogue - René Daumal

949.Bruno's Dream - Iris Murdoch

758.Blue of Noon - Georges Bataille

848.Words in Stone - Yves Bonnefoy

1335.Kay Boyle - Three Short Novels

335.Odes and The Graces - Ugo Foscolo

1359.James Agee - Let Us Now Praise Famous Men

251.The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - Laurence Sterne


1446.Philip Roth - The Counterlife

226.Poems - William Collins

240.Poetical Works - George Crabbe

263.Odes, Elegies, Sonnets - Pierre Ronsard

703.Collected Poems - Primo Levi

656.The Awakening - Kate Chopin

54.Ethics - Arostotle

1481.David Rabe - Streamers

1263.Wallace Stevens - The Necessary Angel

769.Manifestoes of Surrealism - André Breton

717.Three Exemplary Novels - Miguel de Unamuno

435.Selected Prose - Thomas De Quincey

1230.Anne Hébert - Selected Poems

84.Satires - Juvenal

1186.César Vallejo - Spain, Take This Cup from Me

1225.Malcolm Lowry - Under the Volcano

322.The Robbers - Friedrich Schiller

1015.The Death of Virgil - Hermann Broch

1145.Yaakov Shabtai - Past Continuous

394.Selected Poems - Paul Verlaine

333.On Sepulchres - Ugo Foscolo

351.La Regenta - Leopoldo Alas (Clarín)

1243.Thomas Keneally - The Playmaker

510.Poems - George Meredith

864.The Well-Beloved - Thomas Hardy

813.Eurydice - Jean Anouilh

729.Selected Poems - Blas de Otero

1206.Michael Thelwell- The Harder They Come

1471.A. R. Ammons - Selected Longer Poems

428.The Grasmere Journal - Dorothy Wordsworth

785.The Plague - Albert Camus

242.Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe

267.The Jewesses - Robert Garnier

80.Pharsalia - Lucan

1059.The Tin Drum - Günter Grass

1445.Philip Roth - Zuckerman Bound: A Trilogy and Epilogue

1496.Donald Hall - Old and New Poems

197.The Pilgrim's Progress - John Bunyan

378.Old Goriot - Honoré de Balzac

783.The Second Sex - Simone de Beauvoir

646.Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave - Frederick Douglass

584.Narrative Poems - Mikhail Lermontov

8. On the one had, good on the list-man for not putting J.Con's gorram "Heart of Darkness" on this list. On the other hand, there are five works by J.Con on the list, and I am never reading anything that man wrote ever again.

34.Orestes - Euripides

1285.T. S. Eliot - The Complete Poems and Plays

653.Collected Writings - Ambrose Bierce

1490.W. S. Merwin - Selected Poems

549.Dracula - Bram Stoker

1228.Alice Munro - Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You

109.Sonnets and Madrigals - Michelangelo Buonarroti

476.Poems - Christina Rossetti

•Harold Bloom's Western Canon I: (Gilgamesh-Eugénio de Andrade)

71.On the Gods - Cicero

310.Egmont - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

587.My Past and Thoughts - Aleksandr Herzen

1448.Philip Roth - Operation Shylock

498.Orley Farm - Anthony Trollope

923.Between the Acts - Virginia Woolf

68.The Eunuch - Terence

1169.Alejo Carpentier - Explosion in a Cathedral

1053.Illuminations - Walter Benjamin

502.New Grub Street - George Gissing

1521.Rita Dove - Selected Poems

888.The Moon and Sixpence - W. Somerset Maugham

570.The Ring of the Nibelung - Richard Wagner

727.Selected Poems - Luis Cernuda

669.The Damnation of Theron Ware - Harold Frederic

1148.A. B. Yehoshua - A Late Divorce

308.Faust, Parts One and Two - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

1008.Selected Prose - Hugo von Hofmannsthal

630.Notebooks - Nathaniel Hawthorne

599.The Possessed (The Devils) - Fyodor Dostoevsky

1374.John Cheever - The Stories

119.Poems - Tommaso Campanella

837.The Flanders Road

387.Sentimental Education - Gustave Flaubert

74.Satires - Horace

694.Selected Writings: Poems and Discourse on Poetry - Salvatore Quasimodo

1283.Hilda Doolittle (H.D.) - Selected Poems

1269.Theodore Dreiser - An American Tragedy

316.Italian Journey - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

1410.Don DeLillo - Running Dog

327.Laocoön - Gotthold Lessing

1014.The Sleepwalkers - Hermann Broch

693.The Second Life of Art: Selected Essays - Eugenio Montale

262.Délie - Maurice Scève

792.Birds - Saint-John Perse

1315.Ernest Hemingway - The Garden of Eden

374.Enamels and Cameos - Théophile Gautier

611.The Twelve and Other Poems - Aleksandr B

524.Odes - Coventry Patmore

943.Scoop - Evelyn Waugh

705.The Confession of Zeno - Italo Svevo


1293.Eugene O'Neill - Long Day's Journey Into Night

249.The Expedition of Humphry Clinker - Tobias Smollett

1379.Carson McCullers - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

1310.William Faulkner - The Collected Stories

945.Put Out More Flags - Evelyn Waugh

Harold Bloom's Western Canon

215.Poems - Jonathan Swift

920.To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf

1376.Ralph Ellison - Invisible Man

678.The Octopus - Frank Norris

866.The Return of the Native - Thomas Hardy

562.Tales - E. T. A. Hoffmann

849.The Collected Poems - William Butler Yeats

460.A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens

1126.I. L. Peretz - Selected Stories

1162.Taha Husayn - An Egyptian Childhood

1295.John B. Wheelwright - Collected Poems

64.The Braggart Soldier - Plautus

983.Selected Poems - Elizabeth Jennings

My life goal is to one day read all of these. Because I am not sane.

459.The Adventures of Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens

305.Rameau's Nephew - Denis Diderot

784.The Stranger - Albert Camus

845.Coup de Grace - Marguerite Yourcenar

1462.Thomas M. Disch - On Wings of Song

660.Stories and Poems - Stephen Crane

809.The Desert of Love - François Mauriac

129.Visions - Francisco de Quevedo

1522.Thylias Moss - Small Congregations: New and Selected Poems

912.Collected Stories - Frank O'Connor

1052.Poems for People Who Don't Read Poems - Hans Magnus Enzensberger

1451.James Salter - Dog Soldiers

257.Poems - François Villon

725.Three Tragedies: Blood Wedding, Yerma, The House of Bernardo Alba - Federico Garcia Lorca

488.Imaginary Portraits - Walter Pater

1173.Guillermo Cabrera Infante - Three Trapped Tigers

969.Collected Poems - William Empson

770.The Art of Poetry - Paul Valéry

961.The Golden Notebook - Doris Lessing

497.The Palliser Novels - Anthony Trollope

299.Candide - Voltaire

1081.One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

328.Nathan the Wise - Gotthold Lessing

50.Fragments - Heraclitus

1213.Christopher Okigbo - Labyrinths, with Path of Thunder

857.Major Barbara - George Bernard Shaw

519.Complete Plays of Gilbert and Sullivan - W. S. Gilbert

1038.Stories of Three Decades - Thomas Mann

421.Redgauntlet - Sir Walter Scott


492.Autobiography - John Stuart Mill

431.Poems - Lord Byron

85.Epigrams - Martial

1274.Elinor Wylie - Last Poems

462.Hard Times - Charles Dickens

1143.Aharon Appelfeld - The Immortal Bartfuss

767.Selected Writings - Guillaume Apollinaire

478.Gryll Grange - Thomas Love Peacock

834.The Planetarium - Nathalie Sarraute

England and Scotland

520.Bab Ballads - W. S. Gilbert

465.Great Expectations - Charles Dickens

847.Transparence of the World: Poems - Jean Follain

1218.Nadine Gordimer - Collected Stories

341.Roman SonnetsGiuseppe Gioacchino Belli

95.The Nibelungen Lied

4. I'm an English major. If I haven't heard of the work or author in question, I'm gonna go with them being officially bumped off the canon. At least the British authors.

158.Poems - Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke

580.Boris Godunov - Aleksandr Pushkin

634.Collected Poems - Herman Melville

917.The Rainbow - D. H. Lawrence

1381.Flannery O'Connor - The Violent Bear It Away

1354.Robert Hayden - Collected Poems

496.The Barsetshire Novels - Anthony Trollope

461.Bleak House - Charles Dickens

365.The Toilers of the Sea - Victor Hugo

1323.Eudora Welty - Collected Stories

250.The Adventures of Roderick Random - Tobias Smollett

775.The Horseman on the Roof - Jean Giono


585.A Hero of Our Time - Mikhail Lermontov

1237.Patrick White - Riders in the Chariot

312.The Sorrows of Young Werther - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

671.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain

1332.Kenneth Burke - A Rhetoric of Motives

1089.Hunger - Knut Hamsun

1172.Alejo Carpentier - The Kingdom of This World

364.William Shakespeare - Victor Hugo

689.The Storm and Other Things: Poems - Eugenio Montale

231.Jubilate Agno - Christopher Smart

1447.Philip Roth - Patrimony

1142.S. Y. Agnon - Twenty-One Stories

807.The Voices of Silence - Andé Malraux

755.The Journals - Andre Gide

239.Poetical Works - William Cowper

1277.William Carlos Williams - Collected Poems

97.Yvain: The Knight of the Lion - Chrétien de Troyes

383.On Love - Stendhal

1465.Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. - Cat's Cradle

437.Castle Rackrent - Maria Edgeworth

485.The Queen of the Air - John Ruskin

598.The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoevsky

1227.Robertson Davies - The Rebel Angels

887.Collected Short Stories - W. Somerset Maugham

624.Complete Poems - Emily Dickinson

989.Selected Poems: 1969-1987 - Seamus Heaney

287.Funerary Orations - Jacques-Bénigne Bosuet

493.Apologia pro Vita Sua - John Henry Newman

788.Selected Writings - Henri Michaux

635.Clarel - Herman Melville

787.The Rebel - Albert Camus

1331.Kenneth Burke - Counter-statement

116.Autobiography - Benvenuto Cellini

336.The Betrothed - Alessandro Manzoni

567.Danton's Death - Georg Büchner

3.Holy Bible (King James Version)

1308.William Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury

1280.Ezra Pound - Literary Essays

156.Astrophel and Stella - Sir Philip Sidney

782.The Family Idiot: Gustave Flaubert - Jean-Paul Sartre

1011.The Sonnets to Orpheus - Rainer Maria Rilke

1133.S. Ansky - The Dybbuk

86.Tragedies - Seneca (particularly Medea and Hercules Furens)

886.The Good Soldier - Ford Madox Ford

1102.The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera Jaroslav Seifert

1450.James Salter - Light Years

473.Poems - Matthew Arnold

550.Lilith - George Macdonald

980.Collected Poems - Geoffrey Hill

79.Georgics - Virgil

1249.Edwin Arlington Robinson - Selected Poems


1425.Denis Johnson - Fiskadoro

1489.James Merrill - The Changing Light at Sandover

1240.Christina Stead - The Man Who Loved Children

254.The Spectator - Joseph Addison and Richard Steele

1259.Gertrude Stein - The Geographical History of America

824.Locus Solus - Raymond Roussel

10. I'm thinkin' this guy was not too good at guestimating the canon of the future/present. *lesigh*

991.Station Island - Seamus Heaney

883.Victory - Joseph Conrad

860.Juno and the Paycock - Sean O'Casey

898.The Old Wives' Tale - Arnold Bennett

430.Don Juan - Lord Byron

1469.James Wilcox - Modern Baptists

558.Poems - Theodor Storm

190.'Tis Pity She's a Whore - John Ford

1127.Jacob Glatstein - Selected Poems

1452.James Salter - A Flag for Sunrise

677.Pragmatism - William James

958.Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

591.A Sportsman's Notebook - Ivan Turgenev

1512.Jay Wright - Elaine's Book

666.The Ambassadors - Henry James

452.Poems - George Darley

1165.Jorge Luis Borges - Dreamtigers (The Maker)

539.Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson

495.The Idea of a University - John Henry Newman

851.A Vision - William Butler Yeats

655.The Short Fiction - Charles W. Chesnutt

1324.Delta Wedding - The Robber Bridegroom


538.Kidnapped - Robert Louis Stevenson

1101.Largo Desolato - Vaclav Havel

680.Poems - Trumbull Stickney

1107.Selected Poems - Czeslaw Milosz

952.The Power and the Glory - Graham Greene

1088.Pelle the Conqueror - Martin Andersen Nexø

1046.The Man Without Qualities - Robert Musil

218.The Beggar's Opera - John Gay

894.The Invisible Man - H. G. Wells

188.Plays - Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher

373.Mademoiselle de Maupin - Théophile Gautier

162.Poems and Plays - Christopher Marlowe

67.The Girl from Andros - Terence

1509.Jay Wright - Dimensions of History

31.Alcestis - Euripides

423.Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen

724.Selected Poems - Federico Garcia Lorca

687.Selected Poems - Giuseppe Ungaretti

65.The Rope - Plautus

The Chaotic Age

582.Dead Souls - Nikolay Gogol

1344.Robert Penn Warren - World Enough and Time

1004.Collected Essays - George Orwell

Tags: Books

1515.Allen Grossman - The Ether Dome and Other Poems: New and Selected

1121.Odysseas Elytis - What I Love: Selected Poems

202.Samson Agonistes - John Milton

639.Eureka - Edgar Allan Poe

443.Melmoth the Wanderer - Charles Maturin

402.Brand - Henrik Ibsen

"Leaves of Grass" was Walt Whitman's lifework, which he updated constantly. There's no real point to reading any specific edition. Just find a normal copy. For realz. I am so offended I

illiminated the "1st edition" and "3rd edition" nonsense from your list. If you are offended, deal.

1275.William Carlos Williams - Spring and All


1076.Selected Poems - Boris Pasternak

1151.Nathan Zach - Selected Poems

Hellenistic Greeks

288.The Art of Poetry - Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux

Latin America

876.Collected Poems - A. E. Housman

791.Anabasis - Saint-John Perse

Though I'm not sure I want to overcome my distaste for the Greeks. Aristotle, I'm looking at you. You and your sentence structure.

1337.Ellen Glasgow - Vein of Iron

1040.Doctor Faustus - Thomas Mann

904.Collected Poems - Robert Graves

29.Cyclops - Euripides

243.A Journal of the Plague Year - Daniel Defoe

418.The Prelude - William Wordsworth


903.Collected Poems - Edward Thomas

645.Two Years Before the Mast - Richard Henry Dana, Jr.

277.Tartuffe - Molière (can I get extra credit for having read it in French?)

390.The Haunted Pool - George Sand

695.Gogol's Wife and Other Stories - Tommaso Landolfi

175.Religio Medici - Sir Thomas Browne

1290.Conrad Aiken - Collected Poems

1104.The Fly - Miroslav Holub

1361.May Swenson - New & Selected Things Taking Place

1131.Israel Joshua Singer - Yoshe Kalb

722.Guillén on Guillén: The Poetry and the Poet - Jorge Guillén

746.Selected Poems - Sophia de Mello Breyner

172.Poems, Plays, and Masques -Ben Jonson

1224.Ruth Prawer Jhabvala - Heat and Dust

388.Salammbô - Gustave Flaubert

1024.The Castle - Franz Kafka

956.Antic Hay - Aldous Huxley

157.An Apology for Poetry - Sir Philip Sidney

899.Collected Poems - Walter De la Mare

330.Selected Poems - Freidrich Hölderlin

926.Ulysses - James Joyce

1150.T. Carmi - At the Stone of Losses

1178.Pablo Neruda - Residence on Earth

771.Selected Writings - Paul Valéry

523.No Name - Wilkie Collins

56.On the Sublime - Longinus

583.The Government Inspector - Nikolay Gogol

1414.John Crowley - Love and Sleep

70.The Way Things Are - Lucretius


41.The Birds - Aristophanes

151.Poems - John Skelton

400.L'Assommoir - Émile Zola

561.The Devil's Elixir - E. T. A. Hoffmann

311.Elective Affinities - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

149.Le Morte D'Arthur - Sir Thomas Malory

852.Mythologies - William Butler Yeats


433.Imaginary Conversations - William Savage Landor


1419.E. L. Doctorow - World's Fair


60.Moralia - Plutarch

1395.Norman Mailer - Ancient Evenings

925.Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce

654.Little Women - Louisa May Alcott

777.Count d'Orgel's Ball - Raymond Radiguet

1060.The Flounder - Günter Grass

1045.Young Törless - Robert Musil

75.Satires - Persius

213.Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift

593.Fathers and Sons - Ivan Turgenev

1303.F. Scott Fitzgerald - Tender is the Night

1083.The Gulag Archipelago -

1204.Derek Walcott - Collected Poems

1167.Jorge Luis Borges - Labyrinths

314.Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

1095.Selected Poems - Pär Lagerkvist

1368.Frank O' Hara - Selected Poems

1252.Edith Wharton - The Age of Innocence

55.The Girl from Samos - Menander

739.Poems - Fernando Pessoa

204.Brief Lives - John Aubrey

937.Collected Stories - Elizabeth Bowen

1340.John O'Hara - Appointment in Samarra

1013.New Poems: First Part and Other Part - Rainer Maria Rilke

1421.William H. Gass - In the Heart of the Heart of the Country

1405.Ursula K. LeGuin - The Left Hand of Darkness

563.The Black Spider - Jeremias Gotthelf

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410.Miss Julie - August Strindberg

812.Antigone - Jean Anouilh

1358.James Agee - Permit Me Voyage

933.Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett

1498.Richard Howard - Untitled Subjects

789.The Book of Questions - Edmond Jabès

1329.Edmund Wilson - The Shores of Light

107.Orlando Innamorato - Matteo Maria Boiardo

1396.John Hawkes - The Cannibal

574.The Will to Power - Friedrich Nietzsche

1401.Tennessee Williams - Summer and Smoke

1116.C. P. Cavafy - Collected Poems

820.Rhinoceros - Eugène Ionesco

58.Idylls - Theocritus

195.The Revenger's Tragedy - Cyril Tourneur

144.The Mighty Magician - Pedro Calderón de la Barca

The Ancient Near East

194.The Changeling - Thomas Middleton and William Rowley

931.Malone Dies - Samuel Beckett

833.The Use of Speech - Nathalie Sarraute

17.Oresteia - Aeschylus


16.Odes - Pindar

1232.Margaret Atwood - Surfacing

883. ((I am grandfathered out of ever reading anything by Joseph Conrad ever again.))

1321.Richard Wright - Native Son

1398.William Gaddis - The Recognitions

816.The Chairs - Eugène Ionesco

Aaaanyways, what I'm sayin' is, BOOKS. I'ma put them in me.

922.The Waves - Virginia Woolf

494.A Grammar of Assent - John Henry Newman

1276.William Carlos Williams - Paterson

984.The Complete Poems - Keith Douglas

275.Fables - Jean de La Fontaine

1174.Guillermo Cabrera Infante - View of Dawn in the Tropics

670.Complete Short Stories - Mark Twain

1369.James Schuyler - Collected Poems

33.Bacchae - Euripides

434.Confessions of an English Opium Eater - Thomas De Quincey

700.Hard Labor: Poems - Cesare Pavese

602.The Cossacks - Leo Tolstoy

389.A Simple Soul - Gustave Flaubert

855.Pygmalion - George Bernard Shaw

253.Evelina - Fanny Burney

321.West-Eastern Divan - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

User Directory

1467.Edmund White - Nocturnes for the King of Naples

484.Unto This Last - John Ruskin

414.A Dream Play - August Strindberg

266.Mark Antony - Robert Garnier

627.The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne

547.The Well at the World's End - William Morris

526.Plays - Oscar Wilde

92.The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night

1475.John Ashbery - Selected Poems

1072.Autobiography - Maksim Gorky

1363.Robert Duncan - Bending the Bow

1176.Reinaldo Arenas - The Ill-Fated Peregrinations of Fray Servando

1353.Charles Olson - Collected Poems

1080.The Foundation Pit - Andrei Platonov

586.A Family Chronicle - Segey Aksakov

1251.Edith Wharton - Collected Short Stories

1098.A Tomb for Boris Davidovich - Danilo Kis

1216.Wa Thiong'o Ngugi - A Grain of Wheat

1123.Sholem Aleichem - Tevye the Dairyman and The Railroad Stories

1122.Angelos Sikelianos - Selected Poems

323.Mary Stuart - Friedrich Schiller

974.Poems - R. S. Thomas

296.Émile - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

406.The Master Builder - Henrik Ibsen

386.Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert

751.Remembrance of Things Past (In Search of Lost Time) - Marcel Proust

907.In Parenthesis - David Jones

455.Poems - Robert Browning

39.Helen - Euripides

709.Women of Messina - Elio Vittorini

1343.Robert Penn Warren - All the King's Men

668.The Golden Bowl - Henry James

606.The Power of Darkness - Leo Tolstoy

134.Soledades - Luis de Góngora

381.Eugénie Grandet - Honoré de Balzac

357.The Genius of Christianity - François-Auguste-René de Chateaubriand

1436.Grace Paley - The Little Disturbances of Man

1221.Léopold S. Senghor - Selected Poems

874.Puck of Pook's Hill - Rudyard Kipling

The Democratic Age

141.The Trickster of Seville - Tirso de Molina

481.Sartor Resartus - Thomas Carlyle

1497.Alvin Feinman - Poems

908.The Anathemata - David Jones

959.Alexandria Quartet - Lawrence Durrell

411.The Father - August Strindberg

1473.John Ashbery - The Double Dream of Spring

1389.J. D. Salinger - Nine Stories

918.Women in Love - D. H. Lawrence

566.Criticism and Aphorisms - Friedrich Schlegel

117.Jerusalem Delivered - Torquato Tasso

736.Selected Poems - Pere Gimferrer

326.On the Naïve and Sentimental in Literature - Friedrich Schiller

592.A Month in the Country - Ivan Turgenev

985.Complete Poems - Hugh MacDiarmid

73.Epistles - Horace

752.The Immoralist - Andre Gide

875.Complete Verse - Rudyard Kipling

230.The Plain Dealer - William Wycherley

748.Penguin Island - Anatole France

721.My Voice Because of You: Poems - Pedro Salinas

265.Les Tragiques - Agrippa d'Aubigné

879.Lord Jim - Joseph Conrad

507.Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë

1136.Isaac Bashevis Singer - Collected Stories

768.Poems - André Breton

572.Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche

1342.Thornton Wilder - Three Plays

578.Complete Poetry - Aleksandr Pushkin

710.1934 - Alberto Moravia

447.Poems - John Clare

877.Zuleika Dobson - Max Beerbohm


1336.Ellen Glasgow - Barren Ground

35.Andromache - Euripides

•Harold Bloom's Western Canon I: (Gilgamesh-Eugénio de Andrade)

863.House with the Green Shutters - George Douglas Brown

59.Lives - Plutarch

260.The Heptameron - Marguerite de Navarre

1299.Hart Crane - Complete Poems and Selected Letters and Prose

200.Paradise Regained - John Milton

1048.Poems - Paul Celan

1021.The Blue Octavo Notebook - Franz Kafka

757.Retreat from Love - Colette

641.The Cricket and Other Poems - Frederick Goddard Tuckerman

676.The Varieties of Religious Experience - William James

1197.Carlos Fuentes - Terra Nostra

1411.Don DeLillo - Mao II

1440.Cynthia Ozick - Envy, or Yiddish in America

166.The Unfortunate Traveller - Thomas Nashe

836.The Wind - Claude Simon


1373.Saul Bellow - Herzog

527.The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

1069.The Master and the Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov

946.Nothing Like the Sun - Anthony Burgess

1208.Chinua Achebe - Things Fall Apart

1091.Kristin Lavransdatter - Sigrid Undset

934.Endgame - Samuel Beckett

968.Collected Poems - Basil Bunting

1338.John P. Marquand - H. M. Pulham, Esquire

236.The Deserted Village - Oliver Goldsmith

1200.C. L. R. James - The Black Jacobins

1479.David Mamet - American Buffalo

111.The Mandrake, a Comedy - Niccolò Machiavelli

285.The Imaginary Invalid - Molière

Cloned From:

962.The Gormenghast Trilogy - Mervyn Peake

1397.John Hawkes - Second Skin

1307.William Faulkner - Absalom, Absalom!

246.Sir Charles Grandison - Samuel Richardson

Thoughts on reading this list:

1504.Charles Simic - Selected Poems

180.Poems - Thomas Car

1183.Octavio Paz - The Collected Poems

1463.Paul Theroux - The Mosquito Coast

543.Weir of Hermiston - Robert Louis Stevenson

1375.John Cheever - Bullet Park

The Ancient Greeks

568.Woyzeck - Georg Büchner

490.The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - Edward FitzGerald

293.Athaliah - Jean Racine

939.Nothing - Henry Green

921.Orlando: A Biography - Virginia Woolf

301.The Lisbon Earthquake - Voltaire

Related Posts

130.Satirical Letter of Censure - Francisco de Quevedo

1159.Najib Mahfuz - Miramar

504.Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë

47.The Assemblywomen - Aristophanes

1196.Carlos Fuentes - A Change of Skin

1403.Edwin Justus Mayer - Children of Darkness

121.Principles of a New Science - Giambattista Vico

951.The Heart of the Matter - Graham Greene

508.Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray

313.Poems - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

1179.Pablo Neruda - Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair

1097.Selected Poems - Vasko Popa

1087.Seven Gothic Tales - Isak Dinesen

487.Appreciations - Walter Pater

2.Egyptian Book of the Dead

1422.William H. Gass - Omensetter's Luck

146.Poems - Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

1192.Julio Cortázar- Blow-up and Other Stories

237.The School of Scandal - Richard Brinsley Sheridan

1316.John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath

1360.Jean Garrigue - Selected Poems

1418.E. L. Doctorow - The Book of Daniel

759.Journey to the End of Night - Louis-Ferdinand Céline

1084.August 1914 - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

422.Old Mortality - Sir Walter Scott

1129.H. Leivick (Leivick Halpern) - Selected Poems

150.Poems - William Dunbar

1171.Alejo Carpentier - Reasons of State

272.Cinna - Pierre Corneille

1367.Kenneth Koch - Seasons on Earth

127.La Celestina - Fernando de Rojas

1328.Langston Hughes - I Wonder as I Wander

1454.John Barth - The End of the Road

347.The House by the Medlar Tree - Giovanni Verga

1406.Raymond Carver - Where I'm Calling From

733.Selected Poems - J. V. Foix

972.The Wheel of Fire - George Wilson Knight

1044.Narcissus and Goldmund - Hermann Hesse

1082.The Cancer Ward - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

1215.Ayi K. Armah - The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born

1362.May Swenson - In Other Words

367.God - Victor Hugo

895.The War of the Worlds - H. G. Wells

Most DiscussedBooks

870.Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy

Most Favorited

281.School for Husbands - Molière

1495.Donald Hall - The One Day

77.Aeneid - Virgil

1287.Katherine Anne Porter - Collected Stories

1078.Selected Poems - Tsvetayeva

512.Poems - Francis Thompson

614.The Sketch Book - Washington Irving

412.The Dance of Death - August Strindberg

My Account

1141.S. Y. Agnon - In the Heart of the Seas

873.Collected Stories - Rudyard Kipling

1346.Delmore Schwartz - Selected Poems: Summer Knowledge

1093.Selected Poems - Tomas Tranströmer

1319.Nathanael West - A Cool Million

192.The White Devil - John Webster

451.Nepenthe - George Darley

1199.The West Indies

823.The Baphomet - Pierre Klossowski

221.Works - Samuel Johnson

1161.Mahmud Darwish - The Music of Human Flesh

620.Representative Men - Ralph Waldo Emerson


1385.Gore Vidal - Myra Breckenridge

742.The Book of Disquiet - Fernando Pessoa

501.Complete Nonsense - Edward Lear

1147.Yehuda Amichai - Travels

1267.Edgar Lee Masters - Spoon River Anthology

818.Amédée - Eugène Ionesco

283.The Would-Be Gentleman - Molière

1258.Gertrude Stein - Three Lives

361.The Distance, the Shadows: Selected Poems - Victor Hugo

579.Narrative Poems - Aleksandr Pushkin

924.Dubliners - James Joyce

819.Victims of Duty - Eugène Ionesco

1437.Thomas Pynchon - V.

704.The Periodic Table - Primo Levi

63.Pseudolus - Plautus

1226.Robertson Davies - The Deptford Trilogy

1189.José Donoso - The Obscene Bird of Night

609.The Storm - Aleksandr Ostrovsky

1016.Hugo von Hofmannsthal and His Time - Hermann Broch

979.Selected Poems - Donald Davie

66.Amphitryon - Plautus

970.Milton's God - William Empson

628.Tales and Sketches - Nathaniel Hawthorne

1265.Wallace Stevens - The Palm at the End of the Mind

238.The Rivals - Richard Brinsley Sheridan

749.Thaïs - Anatole France

137.La Dorotea - Lope de Vega

179.Poems - Robert Herrick

711.Selected Poetry - Andrea Zanzotto

429.Essays and Criticism - William Hazlitt

1466.Edmund White - Forgetting Elena

11.Works and Days - Hesiod

1427.Cormac McCarthy - Blood Meridian

20.Persians - Aeschylus

1096.The Bridge on the Drina - Ivo Andric


825.Selected Writings - Antonin Artaud

1388.J. D. Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye

183.The Temple - George Herbert


896.The Collected Short Stories - H. G. Wells

1424.Denis Johnson - Angels

672.The Devil's Racetrack - Mark Twain

Author Comments:

329.Hymns and Fragments - Freidrich Hölderlin

1247.Peter Carey - Oscar and Lucinda

500.Complete Works - Lewis Carroll

525.The City of the Dreadful Night - James Thomson (Bysshe Vanolis)

1519.Alfred Corn - A Call in the Midst of the Crowd

600.The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky

868.Far From the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy

1047.The Radetzky March - Joseph Roth

720.Invisible Reality: Poems - Juan Ramón Jiménez

49.The Peloponnesian Wars - Thucydides

518.The Way of All Flesh - Samuel Butler

1092.Guide to the Underworld - Gunnar Ekelöf

553.Aphorisms - Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenburg)

178.Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes

762.The Thief's Journal - Jean Genet

576.Selected Poems - Stefan George

318.Hermann and Dorothea - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

135.Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes

444.Poems - Percy Bysshe Shelley ((I am going to build a time machine to travel back in time and kill Percy Shelley. It is not enough that he is already dead. I must kill him with my own two hands.))

340.The Moral Essays - Giacomo Leopardi

325.Don Carlos - Friedrich Schiller

1417.James Dickey - The Central Motion

290.Phaedra - Jean Racine

861.The Plough and the Stars - Sean O'Casey

1158.Najib Mahfuz - Fountain and Tomb

1464.John Updike - The Witches of Eastwick

590.Oblomov - Ivan Goncharov

273.Rodogune - Pierre Corneille

1309.William Faulkner - The Wild Palms

105.Selections - Petrarch

569.Complete Poems - Heinrich Heine

331.Five Plays - Heinrich von Kleist

1058.Man in the Holocene - Max Frisch

1001.The Homecoming - Harold Pinter

115.Lives of the PaintersGiorgio Vasari

187.Poems - Richard Crashaw

1238.Patrick White - A Fringe of Leaves

555.Selected Poems - Eduard Mörike

1254.Ethan Frome - The Custom of the Country


626.Specimen Days - Walt Whitman

1262.Wallace Stevens - Collected Poems

734.Natural History - Joan Perucho


234.She Stoops to Conquer - Oliver Goldsmith

25.Electra - Sophocles

621.The Conduct of Life - Ralph Waldo Emerson

1233.Daryl Hine - Selected Poems

1327.Langston Hughes - The Big Sea

472.Poems and Translations - Dante Gabriel Rossetti

1506.Mark Strand - The Continuous Life

384.The Red and the Black - Stendhal

153.Poems - Sir Thomas Wyatt

950.Brighton Rock - Graham Greene

1428.Cormac McCarthy - Suttree


1051.In the Storm of Roses - Ingeborg Bachmann

846.Memoirs of Hadrian - Marguerite Yourcenar

1511.Jay Wright - Selected Poems

871.Collected Poems - Thomas Hardy

996.The Complete Plays - Joe Orton

1036.Moles - Günter Eich

955.Collected Essays - Aldous Huxley

125.Poetry - Antònio Ferreira

1365.Richard Eberhart - Collected Poems

612.The Tales - Anton Chekhov

829.In the Labyrinth - Alain Robbe-Grillet

1266.Vachel Lindsay - Collected Poems

1314.Ernest Hemingway - The Sun Also Rises

1041.Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man - Thomas Mann

1333.Joseph Mitchell - Up in the Old Hotel


559.Green Henry - Gottfried Keller

772.Poems - René Char

1144.Aharon Appelfeld - Badenheim 1939

811.Becket - Jean Anouilh

838.The Lover - Marguerite Duras

1090.Pan - Knut Hamsun

681.Naked Masks: Five Plays - Luigi Pirandello

1002.The Fool - Edward Bond

27.Women of Trachis - Sophocles

817.The Lesson - Eugène Ionesco

9.Iliad - Homer

719.Selected Poems - Antonio Machado

339.Poems - Giacomo Leopardi

1508.Charles Wright - The World of the Ten Thousand Things

10.Odyssey - Homer

948.The Good Apprentice - Iris Murdoch


Modern Greek

1066.Selected Poems - Osip Mandelshtam

932.The Unnameable - Samuel Beckett

142.Life is a Dream - Pedro Calderón de la Barca

83.Heroides - Ovid

377.The Wild Ass's Skin - Honoré de Balzac

1017.Selected Poems - Georg Trakl

207.Poetry and Plays - John Dryden

1268.Theodore Dreiser - Sister Carrie

1352.Charles Olson - The Maximus Poems

773.Selected Poems - Paul Éluard

581.The Complete Tales - Nikolay Gogol

850.Collected Plays - William Butler Yeats

343.Barbarian Odes - Giosué Carducci

1010.Selected Poetry - Rainer Maria Rilke

941.Party Going - Henry Green

184.Centuries, Poems, and Thanksgivings - Thomas Traherne

413.The Ghost Sonata - August Strindberg

622.Journals - Ralph Waldo Emerson

171.Sermons - John Donne

517.Erewhon - Samuel Butler

1042.Berlin Alexanderplatz - Alfred Döblin

1156.Yoram Kaniuk - His Daughter

1435.Walker Percy - The Moviegoer

551.At the Back of the North Wind - George Macdonald

805.Man's Fate - Andé Malraux

1067.The King of Time - Velimir Khlebnikov

FavoritesRecently Favorited

1355.Robert Lowell - Collected Poems

753.Corydon - Andre Gide

345.Little Novels of Sicily - Giovanni Verga

938.The Siege of Krishnapur - J. G. Farrell

Harold Bloom's Western Canon

828.Jealousy - Alain Robbe-Grillet

1205.Wilson Harris - The Guyana Quartet

1371.Saul Bellow - Seize the Day

750.Le Grand Meaulnes - Alain-Fournier

571.The Birth of Tragedy - Friedrich Nietzsche

Australia and New Zealand

169.Songs - Thomas Campion

548.News from Nowhere - William Morris

139.Lost in a Mirror - Lope de Vega

396.Les Armours Jaunes - Tristan Corbière

81.Metamorphoses - Ovid

1119.Nikos Kazantzakis - The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel

464.Dombey and Son - Charles Dickens

1223.Salman Rushdie - Midnight's Children


118.The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast - Giordano Bruno

867.The Mayor of Casterbridge - Thomas Hardy

701.Dialogues with Leucò - Cesare Pavese

128.Lazarillo de Tormes - Anonymous

901.Collected Poems - Wilfred Owen

((Style Switch))

427.Poems and Prose - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

1348.Elizabeth Bishop - The Complete Poems

380.A Harlot High and Low - Honoré de Balzac

28.Philoctetes - Sophocles

1383.Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita

1106.Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass - Bruno Schulz

799.Paroles - Jacques Prévert

1185.César Vallejo - Selected Poems

1478.John Ashbery - And the Stars Were Shining

19.Prometheus Bound - Aeschylus

3. I'm totally reading summaries of any philosophical work. Bastards couldn't grammar to save their lives.

1217.Gabriel Okara - The Fisherman's Invocation

1209.Chinua Achebe - Arrow of God

554.Fairy Tales - Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

516.The Man Who Was Thursday - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

607.Short Novels - Leo Tolstoy

1505.Mark Strand - Selected Poems

Contact Us

209.Venice Preserv'd - Thomas Otway

1111.Selected Poems - Zbigniew Herbert

1399.Tennessee Williams - The Glass Menagerie

205.Holy Dying - Jeremy Taylor

1049.Woodcutters - Thomas Bernhard

457.The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club - Charles Dickens

1109.The Investigation - Stanislaw Lem

51.Extant Fragments - Empedocles)

1071.Reminiscences of Tolstoy, Chekhov, and Andreev - Maksim Gorky

514.Poems - Robert Bridges

631.Moby-Dick - Herman Melville

463.Nicholas Nickleby - Charles Dickens

1485.Anthony Hecht - Collected Earlier Poems

1130.Israel Joshua Singer - The Brothers Ashkenazi

1108.Three Novels - Witold Gombrowicz

977.Collected Poem - F. T. Prince

988.Cards of Identity - Nigel Dennis

674.Pudd'nhead Wilson - Mark Twain

532.Adam Bede - George Eliot

470.The Mystery of Edwin Drood - Charles Dickens

740.Selected Poems - Fernando Pessoa

2. Can books entitle "Poems" or "Plays and Poems" be checked off if I read Poem or Play? 'Cos my expectations are realistic.

12.Theogony - Hesiod

409.To Damascus - August Strindberg

858.Back to Methuselah - George Bernard Shaw

780.Saint Genet - Jean-Paul Sartre

4.The Apocrypha

522.The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins

862.The Shadow of a Gunman - Sean O'Casey

541.The New Arabian Nights - Robert Louis Stevenson

778.No Exit - Jean-Paul Sartre

1207.Aimé Césaire - Collected Poetry

138.Fuente Ovejuna - Lope de Vega

731.Space in Motion - Juan Goytisolo

544.Early Romances - William Morris

1494.Irving Feldman - New and Selected Poems

1248.Peter Carey - Illywhacker

878.Seven Men and Two Others - Max Beerbohm

1054.Selected Stories -Robert Walser

786.The Fall - Albert Camus

1022.The Trial - Franz Kafka

397.Selected Writings - Jules Laforgue

229.The Country Wife -William Wycherley

147.The Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer

76.Attis and Other Poems - Catullus

1006.A Fanatic Heart - Edna O'Brien

1035.The Last Days of Mankind - Karl Krauss

1378.Carson McCullers - The Ballad of the Sad Cafe

1157.Najib Mahfuz - Midaq Alley

1175.Severo Sarduy - Maitreya

911.A Passage to India - E. M. Forster

987.The Poems - Dylan Thomas

248.The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling - Henry Fielding

869.Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy

632.The Piazza Tales - Herman Melville

306.Dangerous Liaisons - Choderlos de Laclos


1077.Envy Marina - Yury Olesha

779.Nausea - Jean-Paul Sartre

1211.Wole Soyinka - A Dance of the Forest

1181.Pablo Neruda - Selected Poems

393.Selected Poetry and Prose - Stéphane Mallarmé

623.Poems - Ralph Waldo Emerson

32.Hecuba - Euripides

953.The Berlin Stories - Christopher Isherwood

859.Collected Plays - John Millington Synge

355.Attala - François-Auguste-René de Chateaubriand

Ancient India

186.Poems - John Wilmot, Earl of Ro

1113.Attila József - Perched on Nothing's Branch

743.Selected Poems - Jorge de Sena

344.Rhymes and Rhythms - Giosué Carducci

1032.Plays and Stories - Arthur Schnitzler

348.The She-Wolf and Other Stories - Giovanni Verga

1079.Nervous People and Other Satires - Mikhail Zoshchenko

15.The Poetry of Alkman

43.The Frogs - Aristophanes

256.The Song of Roland

714.If on a Winter's Night a Traveler - Italo Calvino

477.Nightmare Abbey - Thomas Love Peacock

1034.Spring Awakening - Frank Wedekind

1110.Solaris - Stanislaw Lem

1149.Amos Oz - A Perfect Peace

597.Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky

177.The Garden of Cyrus - Sir Thomas Browne

560.Tales - Gottfried Keller

982.The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci - Jonathan Spence

1153.Dan Pagis - Selected Poems

1387.William Styron - The Long March

1271.Sherwood Anderson - Death in the Woods and Other Stories

38.Hippolytus - Euripides

BrowseRecently UpdatedBooks

513.Poems - Lionel Johnson

965.The Dyer's Hand - W. H. Auden

201.Lycidas, Comus, and the Minor Poems - John Milton

1018.Selected Poems - Gottfried Benn

1491.James Wright - Above the River: The Complete Poems

605.A Confession - Leo Tolstoy

438.The Entail - John Galt

764.Four Plays - Jean Giraudoux

889.Wolf Solent - John Cowper Powys

730.The Hive - Camilo José Cela

1000.The Caretaker - Harold Pinter

1301.F. Scott Fitzgerald - Babylon Revisited and Other Stories

164.Poems - Samuel Daniel

686.The Leopard - Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

21.Suppliant Women - Aeschylus

295.The Confessions - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

432.Poems - William Savage Landor

1138.Isaac Bashevis Singer - The Manor, the Estate, the Family Moskat

Spain and Portugal

1318.Nathanael West - Miss Lonelyhearts

1433.Gloria Naylor - The Women of Brewster Place

1391.Bernard Malamud - The Stories

853.Major Critical Essays - George Bernard Shaw

1443.Philip Roth - Portnoy's Complaint

1187.Miguel Angel Asturias - Men of Maize

222.The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Edward Gibbon

1493.Philip Levine - Selected Poems

499.The Way We Live Now - Anthony Trollope

369.Lorenzaccio - Alfred de Musset

697.Equal Danger - Leonardo Sciascia

649.France and England in North America - Francis Parkman

998.The Third Policeman - Flann O'Brien

1377.Truman Capote - In Cold Blood

1455.John Barth - The Sot-Weed Factor

1007.Poems and Verse Plays - Hugo von Hofmannsthal

181.Poems - Richard Lovelace

1198.Carlos Drummond de Andrade - Travelling in the Family

1384.Vladimir Nabokov - Pale Fire

112.Notebooks - Leonardo da Vinci

588.From the Other Shore - Aleksandr Herzen

425.Mansfield Park - Jane Austen

320.Venetian Epigrams - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

1043.The Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi) - Hermann Hesse

691.Cuttlefish Bones: Poems - Eugenio Montale

235.The Traveller - Oliver Goldsmith

1075.Doctor Zhivago - Boris Pasternak

765.Selected Works - Alfred Jarry

338.Essays and Dialogues - Giacomo Leopardi

827.The Voyeur - Alain Robbe-Grillet

594.On the Eve - Ivan Turgenev

1480.David Mamet - Speed-the-Plow

1246.Kevin Hart - Peniel and Other Poems

557.Immensee - Theodor Storm

152.Utopia - Sir Thomas More

839.Four Novels - Marguerite Duras

1311.William Faulkner - The Hamlet

182.Poems - Andrew Marvell

1214.John Pepper Clark (-Bekederemo) - Casualties: Poems

124.The Lusiads - Luis de Camoëns

399.Germinal - Émile Zola

1114.Ferenc Juhasz - Selected Poems

417.Poems - William Wordsworth

601.Short Novels - Fyodor Dostoevsky

40.Iphigenia at Aulis - Euripides

608.Tales - Nikolay Leskov

5.Sayings of the Fathers (Pirke Aboth)

136.Exemplary Stories - Miguel de Cervantes

1507.Mark Strand - Dark Harbor

682.Maia: In Praise of Life - Gabriele D'Annunzio

1426.Denis Johnson - Jesus' Son

14.The Poetry of Sappho

1483.August Wilson - Fences

1289.John Dos Passos - U.S.A.

835.The Grass - Claude Simon

342.Hymn to Satan - Giosué Carducci

793.Exile and Other Poems - Saint-John Perse

289.Lutrin - Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux

1166.Jorge Luis Borges - Ficciones

163.Poems - Michael Drayton

258.Essays - Michel de Montaigne

•Harold Bloom's Western Canon II: (Anatole France-Tony Krushner)

1168.Jorge Luis Borges - A Personal Anthology

1030.Galileo - Bertolt Brecht

1518.J. D. McClatchy - The Rest of the Way

196.A New Way to Pay Old Debts -

216.The Man of Mode - Sir George Etherege

319.Roman Elegies - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

1050.Billiards at Half-Past Nine - Heinrich Böll

122.The Servant of Two Masters - Carlo Goldoni

214.Shorter Prose Works - Jonathan Swift


439.Cranford - - Elizabeth Gaskell

1103.Selected Poetry - Jaroslav Seifert

774.Selected Poems - Louis Aragon

1453.John Barth - The Floating Opera

766.The Infernal Machine and Other Works - Jean Cocteau

337.On the Historical Novel - Alessandro Manzoni

1191.Julio Cortázar- All Fires the Fire

826.Tristes Tropiques - Claude Lévi-Strauss

650.The California and Oregon Trail - Francis Parkman

1325.Delta Wedding - The Ponder Heart

132.Poems - St. John of the Cross

509.The History of Henry Esmond - William Makepeace Thackeray

971.Some Versions of Pastoral - William Empson

1524.Tony Kushner - Angels in America

685.Poems - Umberto Saba

1459.Walter Abish - I Am the Dust Under Your Feet

993.Selected Poems - Paul Muldoon

483.The Stones of Venice - John Ruskin

706.As a Man Grows Older - Italo Svevo

810.The Woman of the Pharisees - François Mauriac

1177.Pablo Neruda - Canto General

401.Nana - Émile Zola

1456.Walter Abish - Alphabetical Africa

619.Essays, first and second series - Ralph Waldo Emerson

1155.David Grossman - See Under: Love

1118.Nikos Kazantzakis - The Greek Passion

537.Essays - Robert Louis Stevenson

1501.John Hollander - Selected Poetry


1061.The Visit - Friedrich Dürrenmatt

535.Middlemarch - George Eliot

891.The Short Stories - Saki

The United States

1270.Sherwood Anderson - Winesburg, Ohio

909.The Forsyte Saga - John Galsworthy

856.Saint Joan - George Bernard Shaw

661.The Portrait of a Lady - Henry James

72.Odes - Horace

57.Hymns and EpigramsCallimachus

1193.Gabriel García Márquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude

89.City of God - Saint Augustine

1086.Winter's Tales - Isak Dinesen

453.Poems - Thomas Hood

454.Poems - Thomas Wade

1499.Richard Howard - Findings

1164.Jorge Luis Borges - The Aleph and Other Stories

208.Critical Essays - John Dryden

469.Our Mutual Friend - Charles Dickens

354.The Red Notebook - Benjamin Constant

1073.Selected Stories - Ivan Bunin

96.Parzival - Wolfram von Eschenbach

615.Collected Poems - William Cullen Bryant

1242.Les A. Murray - The Rabbiter's Bounty: Collected Poems

1012.The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge - Rainer Maria Rilke

131.Poems - Fray Luis de León

1180.Pablo Neruda - Fully Empowered

735.The Time of the Doves - Merce Rodoreda

143.The Mayor of Zalamea - Pedro Calderón de la Barca

960.Pincher Martin - William Golding

747.Selected Poems - Eugénio de Andrade

1402.Arthur Miller - Death of a Salesman

1312.Ernest Hemingway - Complete Short Stories

596.Notes from the Underground - Fyodor Dostoevsky

203.Areopagitica - John Milton

1272.Sinclair Lewis - Babbitt

533.Silas Marner - George Eliot

1231.Jay Macpherson - Poems Twice Told

1135.Sholem Asch - East River

353.Adolphe - Benjamin Constant

372.Aurelia - Gérard de Nerval

363.Notre-Dame of Paris - Victor Hugo

442.The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner -James Hogg

595.First Love - Ivan Turgenev

1220.Athol Fugard - A Lesson from Aloes

1027.The Threepenny Opera - Bertolt Brecht

446.Frankenstein - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

155.The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia - Sir Philip Sidney

297.La Nouvelle Héloïse - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

854.Heartbreak House - George Bernard Shaw

198.The Compleat Angler - Izaak Walton

1094.Barabbas - Lars Gustafsson

46.The Wasps - Aristophanes

1500.John Hollander - Reflections on Espionage

795.Seven Dada Manifestoes - Tristan Tzara

45.The Knights - Aristophanes

91.The Koran (Al-Qur'an)

881.Nostromo - Joseph Conrad

350.Fortunata and Jacinta - Benito Pérez Galdós

225.An Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff - Maurice Morgann

995.Plays - John Arden

167.The Spanish Tragedy - Thomas Kyd

261.The Regrets - Joachim Du Bellay

1460.Donald Barthelme - Forty Stories

726.The Owl's Insomnia: Poems - Rafael Alberti

840.Fable - Robert Pinget

648.Poems - Sidney Lanier

882.Under Western Eyes - Joseph Conrad

575.Effi Briest - Theodor Fontane

217.Poems - Alexander Pope

471.Poems - Alfred, Lord Tennyson

802.Selected Poems - Bejamin Péret

1502.John Hollander - Tesserae

276.The Misanthrope-

90.Confessions - Saint Augustine

814.The Rehearsal - Jean Anouilh

1188.José Lezama Lima - Paradiso

1296.Robert Fitzgerald - Spring Shade: Poems

940.Loving - Henry Green

707.The Heron - Giorgio Bassani

942.A Handful of Dust - Evelyn Waugh

986.Collected Poems - Louis MacNeice

610.What is to Be Done? - Nikolay Chernyshevsky

241.Moll Flanders - Daniel Defoe

715.t zero - Italo Calvino

1064.Selected Tales - Leonid Andreyev

732.Selected Poems - Carles Ribá

841.The Libera Me Domine - Robert Pinget

1394.Norman Mailer - The Executioner's Song

790.Selected Poems - Edmond Jabès

170.Poems - John Donne

618.Nature - Ralph Waldo Emerson

1457.Walter Abish - How German Is It

1370.James Baldwin - The Price of a Ticket

1100.R.U.R. - Karel Capek Vaclav Havel

929.Watt - Samuel Beckett

966.Collected Poems - Roy Fuller

1514.Amy Clampitt - Westward

897.A Voyage to Arcturus - David Lindsay

168.Plays and Poems - William Shakespeare

304.Products of the Perfected Civilization - Sébastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort

244.Clarissa - Samuel Richardson

1430.William Kennedy - Ironweed

801.The Mystery of the Charity of Joan of Arc - Charles Péguy

821.Thomas the Obscure - Maurice Blanchot

997.The Dalkey Archive - Flann O'Brien

577.Complete Prose Tales - Aleksandr Pushkin

754.Lafcadio's Adventure (The Caves of the Vatican) - Andre Gide

1482.Sam Shepard - Seven Plays

1031.The Caucasian Chalk Circle - Bertolt Brecht

1212.Amos Tutuola - The Palm-Wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-Wine Tapster in the Dead's Town

458.David Copperfield - Charles Dickens

842.That Voice - Robert Pinget

542.The Master of Ballantrae - Robert Louis Stevenson

954.South Wind - Norman Douglas

474.Essays - Matthew Arnold

663.The Princess Casamassima - Henry James

1520.Douglas Crase - The Revisionist

1372.Saul Bellow - The Adventures of Augie March

1055.Cassandra - Christa Wolf

219.Life of Johnson - James Boswell

88.The Golden Ass - Apuleius

1492.Galway Kinnell - Selected Poems

913.Complete Poems - D. H. Lawrence

1345.Robert Penn Warren - Selected Poems

30.Heracles - Euripides

210.The Way of the World - William Congreve

1023.The Diaries - Franz Kafka

--ziggy stargust