the life of a legend


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Page 1: The Life of a Legend

The Life of a Legend

By: Hunter priebe

Page 2: The Life of a Legend

Table of Contents

.................................................................................................................Acrostic Poems! 1

...............................................................................................................My Circle Poems! 2

..........................................................................................A Negative Story From School! 3

...............................................................................................................Life In Wisconsin! 4

..........................................................................................................................My Name! 5

..................................................................................................................The Big Game! 6

.....................................................................................................................Haiku Poems! 7

...............................................................................................................Cinquain Poems! 8

.................................................................................................A Special Family Member! 9

................................................................................................................Going To Work! 10

Page 3: The Life of a Legend

Circle PoemsLacrosse

All the ladies love it

Crowd goes wild

Rough, rowdy

Over excited

Some people don’t like the sport

Somewhat average at the sport

Everybody wants to join


Overall best sport

Chirp hard

Kicks butt

Everyone loves it

You know you want to watch it

! ! School

! ! Crappy

! ! Hot, humid

take me Out of here

! ! Our lady of forever sorrow, sadness

! ! Life drainer

Page 4: The Life of a Legend

Circle Poem

















Page 5: The Life of a Legend

Negative Story From School! A negative story from school was when the dropping of other peoples drawers.

We were in the fifth grade, we all thought we were funny but in the end we were just

being immature. We were on the playground in the grassy area by the softball fence.

We thought we were having fun and we were warned several times for doing this, but

we thinking we were all hot stuff and could do whatever we wanted. This did not turn

out well cause after a stern talking by both the vice-principal and the principle we knew

what we did was wrong. Our punishment was to apologize to all the people that told us

to stop including the aids, teachers, and lunch ladies. Yes, we did it in the lunch room

also. That was not the it either we had to also serve detention for two whole weeks, it

was an in school and we did not like that what so ever. Four of us had to sit in the

normal detention room, one in the principles office (that was the worst one) and one in

the conference room. Now naturally we would all try and gun for the detention room so

we would get to at least sit by our friends and i got in there most days but i realized that

the room was always watched by the front desk. So one day i took my time and went to

the conference room and that was easily the best one. It was quiet and no one

distracted you one time I even got to take a nap cause no one ever watched me! That

was my negative story from school.

Page 6: The Life of a Legend

Life In Wisconsin !! Life in Wisconsin is a blizzard a box, an all whit box that you can not escape.

Perfect for all winter sports and activities like sledding to snowmobiling and being pulled

behind it.

! Spring is a wonderland filled with laughter and happiness and the smell of freshly

cut grass. The turf of the track and hearing the squeak of the basketball players training

for the upcoming season and the heavy breath of Lacrosse players after a hard

practice. The newly grown trees cover the sun like an umbrella covers your head from

the rain.

! Summer is the perfect time of year. The birds singing always perfect time for

swimming. You wake up and the sun is already a quarter in the sky and it 65 degrees

outside and your fully replenished from the night before to go do it all again. Easily the

best time of the year and you can’t disagree all the fun with the tubing and wake

boarding on the water and being tan all the time and not having a care in the world. It is

not comparable everyone else has there fascination for it, but its indescribable. We can

only envy the thought of it waiting for it to come and hoping that it will be there waiting

for you.

! Oh the joy of Fall, I don’t know if it is the friday night games or the fun weekend

to hang out with your friends around a fire and just chill. So many things happen in the

fall you can’t grasp the concept nor explain it to someone else. The only way to do that

is to experience it first hand. The joy of Fall is so exhilarating from getting pumped up

before the game and getting jacked to hang out with your friends afterwards.

Page 7: The Life of a Legend

My Name

! The first part of my name means, and this is pretty obvious, the one who hunts.

Oblivious as it may be, it has meaning to it. My parents were trying to decide a name for

me and couldn’t come up with one before I was born so they kept thinking, and knowing

my dad, he chose the name Atrayou (A-Tray-You). That name sounds like a movie

name from Drive By. He did see it in a movie he watched when he was a kid. My mom

didn’t want any part of that, she wanted one that was unique, not so common, yet a

name that people didn’t look twice at. My parents went back and forth deciding a name

and the nurses on that floor new my mother so they joked around and on the name tag

on the baby carriage put Leonard Edward which was creative yet rather weird. They

bounced names back and forth and couldn’t decided so and my dad came up with

another name, Bartholomew. Even though it rolled off the the tongue like a sharp purr. I

know, crazy he liked that name but didn’t want me to be called Bart for short so he

scratched that idea. So my parents started looking through some book names and they

still couldn’t decide, but they did see some they liked, such as Hunter, John, like my

father, and some others. By the way they chose my middle name to be John. They then

decided on Hunter, they thought it suited me best and would be strong name for me,

and I don’t regret a single day of being called Hunter John Priebe.

Page 8: The Life of a Legend

The Big Game

It was the second grade, we were were the best team in the state we just didn’t know it

yet. We first had to go through play downs and that was a piece of cake. We played

Lacrosse and that was and is still easy then we play Black River Falls. They are also so

easy it is never a challenge, which I don’t like, I want a challenge and if not I don’t feel

obligated to even put up a fight cause there is no fight needed to be fought. Then it was

onto state, we got past the first round with ease and the second round was much harder

we lost to them earlier in the year in a tournament up north. We won i am pretty sure

two to one it was a very good game we now had to be prepared for the final game this

was...THE BIG GAME! Even though we were squirts I think even back then we knew

the severity of that game. We didn’t even get to swim the night before! That’s how

serious we were to win this game. Now it started out as a close game we were losing by

one goal at the end of the first, the thought that was going through my mind was that if

we really picked it up now we could pull it through and we did. By the end of the second

period it was two to one! Then on the third period we scored another one winning three

to one! I couldn’t have been ever more excited in this moment of my life, we were the

top team in the state, in our conference anyway. But still we were so ecstatic we

couldn’t contain our selves. We knew then and there that we were number one!

Page 9: The Life of a Legend

Haiku Poems

Watch the fallen snow

Turns color when I pee on it

Oh the fallen snow

The rain falls down slowly

It makes the flowers grow tall

And turns the grass green

The crackling sound

Lightning turns the sky bright white

Oh my what a sight

Page 10: The Life of a Legend

Cinquain Poem


Smart, Beautiful

Busy, Caring, Loving

Her love is unconditional



Intelligent, Boisterous

Gassy, Supportive, Helpful

Addicted to Candy Crush


Page 11: The Life of a Legend

A Special Family Member

My special family member is my dog Ayla. She is my favorite thing in this entire world

and even though she is getting old I know she is happy and will be happy after she

passes. She is a great dog, very obedient, she knows how to sit and how to lay down

and all that stuff. She loves to lick people my dad tried to make her stop, but she

wouldn’t. That’s not a bad thing and we lived with it. When she was a puppy she was a

ton of fun! She never went to sleep just played around with me and my older sister. My

younger sister wasn’t born yet so it was a pretty good time at the Priebe household. As

the years went by and she wasn’t as playful, but still loved to play catch and run with my

mom. Some more years went by and she can’t run with my mom any more and she

can’t play fetch for very long, but she is a good dog and she knows she has had a good

life. She loves me and I love her very much thats why she lays in my bed or on my floor

right next to me every night. I couldn’t ask for a better dog. I don’t think she could ask

for a better owner either. She is thirteen now and that yellow lab has gone through a lot

and will live through probably a lot more. The veterinarian says she will maybe make it

two more years and that is good enough for me.

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Going To Work

Going to work is probably the worst ting ever, well at least for me. I shingle houses, this

is a terrible job it is like ripping up concrete, but on a roof. First, you have take off all of

the old shingles then put on the new paper then line everything up with red dye. Then

you open all the shingle packages witch takes about thirty to forty-five minutes and

taking off the shingles takes like and hour and a half. Then comes the shingling and that

is the worst part. I usually just pass the shingles from the top of the roof to him, but

sometimes, if he isn’t totally mad, he will let me nail the shingles in with the nail gun and

I am pretty good at it too. It is a tricky set up, but I usually am usually able make it work.

We finish this in about one week on a regular house. I get paid on how well of a job I do

and how big the house is in general. It usually ranges from eighty to one-hundred

dollars. Unless the house is huge then it goes way up. The best part is after when me

and my dad go to Sloopy’s bar and grill. The Iowa Burger! Mmmm... So succulent and

juicy it will make your mouth water just by the sight.