the legacy of horace mann


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Page 1: The Legacy of Horace Mann


Horace Mann & His Legacy

By Janice FolkMay 6, 2013

Page 2: The Legacy of Horace Mann

+Research Question

In order to understand the origin of normal schools, the development of higher education, and the progress of access, it is important to know about the man who played a role in all three. My paper investigates the life and work of Horace Mann. The paper answers the question “what influence did Horace Mann have in the history of higher education?” as well as “what is Horace Mann’s story?”

Page 3: The Legacy of Horace Mann

+Horace Mann 101

Grew up in poverty in Franklin, Massachusetts with very little education.

Attended Brown, paying his own way. Then studied law!

Sacrificed his law and political careers to pursue his work in supporting common schools and overall public education.

Married twice and had three children.

Page 4: The Legacy of Horace Mann

+Literature ReviewA review of the most prominent literature used within the research paper.

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Tharp, L. H. (1953). Until victory: Horace Mann and Mary Peabody

A very in-depth look at both personal and professional accomplishments and downfalls. This source was the most helpful look into the life story of Horace Mann.

This was the basis for the paper, with the use of his own documents and other supporting documents to enhance

the tale.

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+Seventh Annual Report (1843)

Spoke of his observations of schools in Europe, specifically Prussia.

Supported the harmonious relationships among students and their teachers.

Was anti-corporal punishment that was occurring in the Massachusetts schools.

Many teachers were outraged by this attack on their methods.

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+Compayre, G. (1907). Horace Mann and the public schools in the United States.

This very dated but helpful book gave me more insight into the life and education of Horace Mann. Offered

some “facts” that were different in other books I read, but still offered good information.

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+Findings & Conclusion

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+ Findings: Horace Mann…

Was a lawyer, politician, and passionate advocate.

Helped to found and serve on the Board of Education

in Massachusetts.

Served in Congress. Was an advocate for the

eradication of slavery. Was a very passionate and

driven man.

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+ Horace Mann also…

Considered the next generation his “client” and worked hard to support their education and well-being.

Created accessible libraries. Created the Normal School System.

Helped create the Common School System. Helped to create a publication about the Common

School System.

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+ Conclusion

Horace Mann was a passionate and hardworking supporter of public education and access to this


He did a lot of research throughout the United States and Europe to find “best practices” to bring to his


We can use his philosophies in these areas to further improve the United States’ system of higher education or even its secondary education.

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+“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”

Horace Mann, Commencement Address at Antioch College, 1859