the lean startup method and its value for testers

T1 Test Management 5/5/16 9:45 The Lean Startup Method and Its Value for Testers Presented by: Lee Copeland TechWell Corp. Brought to you by: 350 Corporate Way, Suite 400, Orange Park, FL 32073 8882688770 9042780524 [email protected]

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Page 1: The Lean Startup Method and Its Value for Testers


     T1  Test  Management  5/5/16  9:45              

The  Lean  Startup  Method  and  Its  Value  for  Testers  

 Presented  by:  


Lee  Copeland  

TechWell  Corp.    

Brought  to  you  by:        



350  Corporate  Way,  Suite  400,  Orange  Park,  FL  32073    888-­‐-­‐-­‐268-­‐-­‐-­‐8770  ·∙·∙  904-­‐-­‐-­‐278-­‐-­‐-­‐0524  -­‐  [email protected]  -­‐      


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Lee  Copeland  TechWell  Corp.  

With  more  than  forty  years  of  experience  as  an  information  systems  professional  at  commercial  and  nonprofit  organizations,  Lee  Copeland  has  held  technical  and  managerial  positions  in  applications  development,  software  testing,  and  software  process  improvement.  At  TechWell,  Lee  has  developed  and  taught  numerous  training  courses  on  software  development  and  testing  issues,  and  is  a  sought-­‐after  speaker  at  software  conferences  in  the  United  States  and  abroad.  He  is  the  author  of  the  popular  reference  book,  A  Practitioner's  Guide  to  Software  Test  Design.  

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Lee Copeland TechWell (formerly SQE)

[email protected] @grandpacopeland

Testing Lessons

from Lean Startups

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Lean Startup Is Everywhere

Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam

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• The Dismal Record of Startups

• Eric Ries

• Foundations of Lean Startup

• What Value for Testers?

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The Dismal Record of Startups

• A startup is an organization

created to deliver a new

product or service under

conditions of extreme


• Does this sound familiar?

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The Dismal Record of Startups

• Shikhar Ghosh of the Harvard Business School

reported these statistics:

– 95% of startups will fall short

of their financial projections

– 80% will fail to meet their

projected return on investment

– 40% will cease operations with

investors losing everything

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The Dismal Record of Startups

• The #1 cause of failure = No Market for their


• It’s a great product or service that no one

wants to buy

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Eric Ries

• An entrepreneur with an

impressive track record

– Product to connect students

with … employers

– Product to let people play in

a 3D virtual world

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Eric Ries

• Ries learned that under

conditions of extreme

uncertainty, classical

management methods do

not bring success

• He formulated the Lean

Startup methodology

based on his and others’


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Foundations of Lean Startup

1. Build-Measure-Learn (BML) Loop

2. Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

3. Validated Learning

4. Customer Development

5. One Metric That Matters (OMTM)

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1. Build-Measure-Learn Loop

In rapid iterations

Persevere or Pivot?

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• The MVP is that version of the product that

enables a full turn of the Build-Measure-Learn

loop with a minimum amount of effort and the

least amount of development time

• The minimum viable product lacks many

features that may prove essential later on

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2. Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

(Final product) (Minimum

viable product)

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3. Validated Learning

• Validated learning is “the process of

demonstrating empirically that the team has

discovered valuable truths about the present

and future business prospects”

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4. Customer Development

• Learning and discovering who a company’s

initial customers will be, and what markets they

are in, requires a separate and distinct process

from Product Development

― Steve Blank

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5. One Metric That Matters (OMTM)

• Most metrics gathered by organizations are

“vanity metrics.” They make us feel good (or

look good), but don’t really show progress

toward our goal

• The One Metric That Matters measures the one

most important thing at the present state of the


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The Lean Startup Methodology

What Value for Testers?

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What Value for Testers?

• As software testers, we are rarely part of an

entrepreneurial startup team

• Are there lessons for us from the Lean Startup


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1. Build-Measure-Learn Loop

• BML loop is equivalent to the Exploratory

Testing loop

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2. Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

• The idea of an MVP

suggests we should

start with a Minimal

Viable Set of Tests

• Don’t strive for

“completeness” from

the beginning

• Add additional tests

as the need becomes

apparent and


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3. Validated Learning

“It isn't what we don't

know that gives us

trouble, it's what we

know that ain't so”

Will Rogers

American Humorist

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3. Validated Learning

• The Lean Startup

methodology suggests

running frequent

experiments to determine

customer response

• As testers, we can run

frequent tests to determine

both customer and system


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4. Customer Development

• Asks:

– What are the

problems our

product solves?

– Do potential

customers perceive

these problems as


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4. Customer Development

• Customer Development suggests that we

should identify different “customers” of our

testing services:

– Developers

– Users

– Management

And SERVE them, not our testing process

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4. Customer Development

• Or this could be our future …

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5. One Metric That Matters

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5. One Metric That Matters

• Is your metrics program an example of

“success theatre”?

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5. One Metric That Matters

• Replace the dozens of vanity metrics …

– Test cases planned

– Test cases implemented

– Test cases executed

– Test cases passed

– Test cases failed

– …

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5. One Metric That Matters

• … with one that is truly indicative of something


• Bob Galen suggests we should consider

measures in the areas of:

– Predictability

– Value Delivered

– Quality

– Team Health

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• The Lean Startup methodology has many

insights to offer to software testers

• Become familiar with its precepts. Adopt its

ideas for your testing

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